LEAF1 National Finals Enterprise Portfolio
LEAF1 National Finals Enterprise Portfolio
LEAF1 National Finals Enterprise Portfolio
Team Identity Task Project Manager Enterprise
Design &
Aerodynamicist R&D Manager Graphic
Task Ellis Spedding Elliot Blaize Zac Smith Honor
Seth Lewis Sean
Logo Concepts Accountable Consulted Informed Informed Informed Responsible Logo Concepts Accountable Consulted Informed Informed Informed Responsible
Openly Sustainable, Sustainably Open
Logo Colours Accountable Consulted Informed Informed Informed Responsible
Here at LEAF1 we are focused on bringing sustainability to the competition, both Logo Colours Accountable Consulted Informed Informed Informed Responsible
through protecting the planet, and through sustaining the ongoing innovations Logo Shortlist Accountable Consulted Informed Informed Informed Responsible Logo Shortlist Accountable Consulted Informed Informed Informed Responsible
and ideas within the competition. We do this by being open source, sharing all
Finalising Logo Accountable Consulted Informed Informed Informed Responsible Finalising Logo Accountable Consulted Informed Informed Informed Responsible
files, information and copies of our submitted elements to our website at the end
of the season. This means that future teams can learn from and iterate upon our Portfolio Template Accountable Consulted Informed Informed Informed Responsible Portfolio Template Accountable Consulted Informed Informed Informed Responsible
successes, and we can lower the barrier of entry for teams hoping to get Portfolio Formating Accountable Consulted Informed Informed Informed Responsible Portfolio Formating Accountable Consulted Informed Informed Informed Responsible
involved with the competition, which is amazing as we also hope to spread the
competition with our local communities. Pit Display Designs Accountable Consulted Informed Informed Informed Responsible Pit Display Designs Accountable Consulted Informed Informed Informed Responsible
Finalising Pit Display Accountable Consulted Informed Informed Informed Responsible Finalising Pit Display Accountable Consulted Informed Informed Informed Responsible
Project Charter T-Shirt Design Accountable Consulted Informed Informed Informed Responsible T-Shirt Design Accountable Consulted Informed Informed Informed Responsible
WHY is the project being initiated? Aerodynamics Accountable Informed Informed Responsible Informed Informed Aerodynamics Accountable Informed Consulted Responsible Consulted Informed
Our members in LEAF1 are aiming to combine sustainability, engineering and
Bearings Accountable Informed Responsible Informed Responsible Informed Bearings Accountable Informed Responsible Informed Consulted Informed
an open source ethos. We’re design students and therefore saw an opportunity
CFD Improvements Accountable Informed Consulted Responsible Consulted Informed
to incorporate other ethos and ideas into our team identity. It is important to CFD Improvements Accountable Informed Consulted Responsible Consulted Informed
use such opportunities to represent what we mean as individuals on a CAD Modelling Accountable Informed Responsible Consulted Consulted Informed CAD Modelling Accountable Informed Responsible Consulted Consulted Informed
worldwide forum, and to learn how to integrate such ideals into a project Final Design Accountable Informed Responsible Consulted Consulted Informed Final Design Accountable Informed Responsible Consulted Consulted Informed
centred around STEM.
Manufacturing Body Accountable Informed Responsible Consulted Consulted Informed Manufacturing Body Accountable Informed Responsible Informed Informed Informed
WHO is this work being done for? Manufacturing Front Accountable Informed Responsible Consulted Consulted Informed Manufacturing Front Accountable Informed Responsible Informed Informed Informed
Our ideal outcome is to help our school and surrounding community take a step Wing Wing
towards becoming carbon neutral, and get involved with F1 in Schools. We aim Manufacturing Rear Wing Accountable Informed Responsible Consulted Consulted Informed Manufacturing Rear Wing Accountable Informed Responsible Informed Informed Informed
to benefit future competitors in F1 in Schools by making all our car’s design
Applying Livery Accountable Informed Responsible Consulted Consulted Informed
Applying Livery Accountable Informed Responsible Informed Consulted Informed
and files available on our website after this year’s season.
Contacting Sponsors Accountable Responsible Informed Informed Informed Consulted
WHEN will we produce these deliverables? Contacting Sponsors Accountable Responsible Informed Informed Informed Consulted
We plan to upload all files and information after this season of competition, as Having discussed our aims in the competition and deciding what our ethos
this provides the fairest ground for competition this year. If we published our IP would be, we shifted our focus to discussing the roles and their responsibilities
before the season ended, we would be providing our competition an advantage in the team. The first role we set out was Project Manager and it was decided After the first, as a team we felt that we could increase our efficiency if we
over us in later stages. that the Project Manager would be accountable for ensuring that our allowed the responsibilities of each role to adapt to the individual - which is
deliverables were produced to a quality that satisfied our stakeholders and why we have put our names into the final Raci Matrix rather than our roles. The
WHERE will the deliverables be used? ourselves. Next we decided that an Enterprise Manager would be a suitable enterprise roles had stayed the same as we were satisfied with what
role, as our team is fairly design-heavy with four members wanting to be responsibilities and deliverables we were required to deliver as part of our
These deliverables will be available on our website whilst also being used and
involved with the design process; the Enterprise Manager, Project Manager and roles, whereas in the design roles they wanted to adapt the roles to match
represented in our portfolio, pit display and verbal presentations. We will also Graphic Designer would focus on the enterprise and team identity with all three more accurately with the individual rather than the archetypal definitions of
share them with sponsors that collaborate with our team over the course of the being consulted for each task regarding enterprise or graphic design. each role.
project; it is vital that they can have input on how we use them and how we can
improve them. The other three roles were set out to the R&D and design half of the project. The Design Engineer (Zac Smith) now was responsible for the manufacturing of
The responsibilities that we had agreed on for the Design & Manufacturing Front and Rear wing as we had decided that we wanted to 3D-print the car’s
Engineer were regarding the design, testing, manufacturing and surface wings; Zac had prior knowledge of 3D-printing when joining the team which is
HOW are we going to achieve the project’s goal and objectives?
finishing of the car. We agreed that the role of the R&D Manager was to be why we saw fit that he was responsible for that part of the manufacturing
The project will be achieved through the discipline and trust that we have for researching the principles behind our car’s Physics and what effects we’d aim (additive). The Design Engineer (Zac) became responsible for bearing
our roles and deadlines; we all collaborate well and know precisely what our for the design of the car whilst minimising any negative or harmful effects that manufacturing and research as he was, the previous year, responsible for
deliverables are and at which deadlines. Our success will be measured through might be created when designing the car. Finally, the last role we decided upon bearing research; having also had the wings removed from his responsibilities,
how well we meet our deadlines and the quality of our deliverables according was an aerodynamicist, this role primarily focused on the improvement and he could now focus more on the quality of his deliverable regarding bearings.
to our stakeholders: ourselves and our sponsors. adjustment of our car’s aerodynamic performance.
This final Raci Matrix has been used for the remainder of the project as we
The first Raci Matrix was created after these discussions as a tool illustrate our found, as a team, that it was efficient and eliminated any chance of disputes
We have slightly adapted how we approached our work and deadlines as we
role and responsibilities within the team, however after our first deadline a few arising having given responsibilities to those who asked for them with the
gained sponsors to include them in our process. The charter also allowed our months later we decided that it would be best to reconsider some others involved being happy to comply.
team members to identify what interested them from the start which then responsibilities for a couple of the design roles: this lead to a final Raci Matrix
allowed us to discuss our roles and create a Raci Matrix to portray this. being created as we aimed to increase our efficiency as a team.
Quality Acceptance Criteria Gantt Chart
Progress Tracking
Quality Acceptance Testing and Review, Acceptance
Criteria Assessment and Sign Off
Timing Responsibilities The Gantt chart had allowed us to have a more visual schedule giving us
a day-by-day representation of how much we have completed - on
Measuring and
Once the car has been
specific tasks - and how much should have been completed; the Gantt
No wrong-fitting attempting to fit the
ordered parts for the part to our car; a Team Manager
milled and finished:
initial and final
chart would be updated at the end of each session to ensure that we
car visual inspection
would also take place.
had stayed up to date with our work. When we fell behind where we
should be in our project schedule, we would work outside of meetings
Measuring and
attempting to fit the
Once the car has been to keep our flow of work and to ensure that at each sub-deadline that
No wrong-fitting milled and finished: Manufacturing
printed parts
part to our car; a
visual inspection
Team Manager
initial and final Engineer we had the necessary deliverables ready for our stakeholders and
would also take place.
A quick visual
No graining on the
inspection as well as a
feel over the body to
Team Manager
Once the car has been Manufacturing
CNC-milled main body ensure that there
aren’t any unseen
CNC-milled Engineer
Production Of Gantt Chart
In LEAF1, we determined that research and development and graphic Purpose
No wrong-angled or
A visual inspection of design would be the most logical first steps into this year’s competition. The figure to the right represents part
the T-shirts both on Once the T-shirts have
poorly printed logos on
the T-shirts
someone and laid flat
Team Manager
been printed
Graphic Designer We established our ethos within the first few sessions which meant that of our Work Breakdown as we aimed
on a table.
graphic design, to begin with, would be centred around capturing our to simplify our tasks into more
A visual inspection of team identity and ethos. Once that had begun, we looked at what steps manageable ones. A Word
No missing content on both portfolios; Two weeks before the
the portfolios writing and diagrams
Team Manager
competition deadline
would follow once completed and, using critical path analysis, we Breakdown Structure also shows a
that are necessary.
looked at the most necessary tasks that would need to be finished path of working, similar to Critical
No missed lines or
Re-watching our
Once the Verbal
before we could move on. These steps consisted of finalising a logo, Path Analysis; this meant that we
recorded takes and
stuttering in our
Verbal Presentation
listening for
Team Manager Presentation has been
portfolio template and email template; these ensured that we could knew what tasks we had coming up
begin contacting shortlisted sponsors and looking at raising funds for and what smaller tasks would have to
Purpose testing materials and ordering team uniform.
be completed before moving on. Using
This quality acceptance criteria above is only part of the one that we
a work Breakdown Structure allows us to estimate our scope - for the
used. Using the Quality Acceptance criteria, we could determine how Internal Competition project - more easily; this prevents us from dwelling and spending too
long to spend on tasks to achieve the quality that we desired. This Having estimated these early stages to take about three months, we much time on smaller tasks that are more insignificant than a larger and
criteria was created at the start of the project; this criteria was checked could work towards our first deadline. At around the end of the first more time-constraining task.
when we reached a stated task. As a team we agreed that the criteria three months, we were informed by our teacher, who was leading the
wouldn’t be changed until the first of our three major milestones: after project, that we would be put through and internal school competition Time Constraints
the internal competition. before moving forward any further with the project. This meant that the Some constraints of the Work Breakdown structure involve a lack of
Gantt chart had to change slightly to incorporate these new time hierarchy; whilst it represents an order it doesn’t show a key task; this is
Modifications constraints; the next stage of our project (enterprise and testing) -
why we used several charts for our scope and scheduling, to ensure that
When we changed the criteria after the first milestone, we aimed to before being informed - was to be about four to five months long,
we had a clear view of the key tasks and the time-constraints that are
keep similar quality standards, if not higher, after we realised that we however it was now to be only three months long. Whilst this meant we
associated with them.
had the ability to do so. As a team we agreed that we should produce had new risks, ensuring deliverables for the internal competition, it also
the highest effort work that we could with the time that we had left; this allowed us to spend more time on the subsequent and potentially more
Gantt Chart Development
was achieved through working outside of the sessions that we had in vital stages after we had progressed through the internal competition.
Before creating a Gantt Chart, we created a work breakdown structure
school. The Quality Acceptance Criteria allowed all members of our
once we had decided the tasks involved; we all agreed the order of each
team to have a benchmark that was available at all times. Team Management task and kept breaking them down into smaller tasks. Now they were
Using the Gantt chart, Ellis could delegate everyone’s roles and ordered, we could create the Gantt Chart and decide the schedule of the
The Airbrushing / Spray Painting of the represent who was responsible for each task and ensure that there project’s tasks, and due to how detailed some of the tasks were on the
car is a good example of applying our were no disputes or crossovers in team roles; this meant that work was Work Breakdown structure we had to simplify some of the sub-tasks
Quality acceptance criteria more efficient and it allowed us to stick to the Gantt chart’s time into more general ones to put on the Gantt Chart. When we wanted the
constraints that we had estimated at the beginning of the project. We details of a task we were working on, we could refer back to the Work
found that using this system, we beat our deadlines by a couple weeks Breakdown structure; this allowed us to keep a steady work flow
and we could ensure that the quality of our deliverables were to the throughout the year whilst keeping to our original scope and schedule.
standard that we had hoped for.
Budget and Resource Planning Risk Matrix and Assessment Constraints
Throughout the year we have a set project schedule that is unlikely
to change, we have very strict time constraints that limits the
Area of Impact
Budget Risk Level
L= Low
R = Resource magnitude of deliverables that we can produce for the project and
What might go wrong? T = Timing Preventative planning
Our main financial overview for the project is in our budget. We M = Medium
H = High
S = Scope
Q = Quality
our sponsors. Adding to this, we are constrained by the frequency of
calculated this in the first few weeks of the project, and between our meetings and for how long we meet; we aim to get in additional
Elliot, Ellis and Zac, we produced a large Google Sheet document R - new parts will be
Only testing parts 2 weeks
before submission deadline, in
sessions whenever possible, and we work at home to guarantee
Car parts break in testing M
containing all our planned and expected investments and the cost T - they might not be ready
before the finals
order to leave sufficient time
for manufacturing
that the constraints of time and the frequency of our meetings don’t
of these, as well as including extra funding to support anything affect our team. Financial constraint is - potentially - the largest
unexpected that came up during the project. S - we wouldn’t have
completed a deliverable we
constraint that affects our progress as money provides a massive
Start writing portfolios 4
Portfolios are incomplete H promised
T - not complete before the
months in advance advantage in securing resources for the development of our team,
Early calculations
ethos and car.
Our earliest drafts of the budget were relatively basic, factoring in R - more parts will be ordered We have backup ordering
Order Forms
Materials don’t arrive for our
H T - may run out of time before options from sites with 1 day
merchandise, resources and general admin costs (entry fee, travel etc.). car on time
the finals shipping
Ethos department first, but it made our team more financially sustainable
To support our sustainable ethos, we are investing in the least as we could not make any impulsive purchases. When filling out
order forms we had to give the specific item number, quantity and
environmentally damaging option wherever we can, particularly around
the cost. The had to be without VAT as that was added on at the
our merchandise and clothing. Some components are unrealistic to buy
Risk end. Then, by using a google sheets formula, the total price was
sustainably friendly, but this is almost exclusively for competition
Due to the nature of term times and school time, we have quite calculated at the bottom. This form is sent to the department and
regulated items, such as the milling block for the cars, the CO2 canisters
strict time constraints that, if not followed, could lead to a decline in then we remained in communication until the order was put
and in the past, wheels and axles. Other than these, we have done
quality of deliverables; it could have a detrimental affect as to what through.
extensive research into the best suited materials for 3D printing, which
bearings we should use for the wheel attachment, and several other key content makes it into the portfolio and other areas of the project
Ordering steps
components to the competition. such as the quality of our manufacturing and hand finishing. This is
To make it obvious to the finance
why we have meetings after school twice a week and work at home
department as to what exactly we
frequently to ensure that no issues arise. We also need to ensure
Current Sponsors wanted to purchase, Elliot made
the long-term commitment of our sponsors to guarantee stable
As a starting point, we already had around £400, left over to Ellis from multiple steps on a word document.
finances and the benefits that come with financial stability.
EMERUS (the team we were in, in previous years). We have 5 sponsors He pasted an image of one of the steps
who have mostly supplied us with tools, assistance and materials, and then labelled it with an
however we have also raised an additional £1000 from our regionals instruction, making it far easier for
budget. finance to order the right thing.
Status Reports Teacher Involvement Resolving issues
When the Project Manager didn’t have time to resolve
Constraints and Drawbacks of Status Reports smaller issues, they would be delegated to one of the
Whilst the reports were a good visual aid, they lacked depth responsible teachers; this meant that more time was
when it came to describing issues and future progression. devoted to increasing the quality of our deliverables.
Our discussions proved more time worthy than creating more
in depth reports as issues that weren’t spotted by Ellis Our teachers were also involved in controlling our
(Project Manager) could be brought up and noted; without schedule and scope; keeping us on track during the
the meetings we wouldn’t have developed at as fast a rate as holidays was a major issue and the teachers were
we have throughout the project. able to aid us in keeping in line with our deadline.
The reports did take up a lot of time to complete and this However, we couldn’t rely on teachers too heavily
time could’ve been spent elsewhere developing our otherwise we would end up becoming complacent
relationships with our sponsors for example; this meant that and delegating too much work for them to deal with;
as we got closer to the end of the competition, time became as important as they were for resolving small issues,
a higher priority constraint. resolving them ourselves would also be vital to
producing high quality deliverables.
Whilst the reports would allow us to solve issues and plan, by
the end of the project there were few issues and we had a Requirements Traceability Matrix
clear idea of what we had to complete therefore making the A Requirements Traceability Matrix is a document
status reports redundant.
Monitoring - Teachers which demonstrates the relationship between
As a student led project and team, there is inherently requirements and deliverables. It is particularly
a risk of there being a lack of respect of the Project efficient for displaying any issues in the deliverables
Manager’s decisions was shown when he had to and how they affect the requirements.
make harsh decisions; due to the relationship with
our teachers (who are stakeholders in our team) we
were able to rely on them to aid the Project Manager Meeting the requirements of the competition proved
Using Status Reports difficult and complicated to portray in comparison to
and back him up when it was needed.
Status reports were filled in every two months, our current progress; we looked through several
we found that a two month interval meant that it
Teachers were also encouraged, by our Project monitoring and control techniques and decided that a
left enough time for significant changes and
Manager, to make status reports of their own which Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) was perfect.
deadlines to happen within the scope of the
would then be passed to the Project Manager for our Once we started using the RTM we found that we
team to discuss; we found that having external input
understood, more clearly, the quality of our
from our stakeholders helped us find issues or
The status reports would be filled in by Ellis (the deliverables and how much more was needed to be
Changes to our Status Reports solutions that we hadn’t previously noticed. We tried
Project Manager) and shared with the team completed to meet our requirements.
The status reports ended up taking too long to complete to do the same with our sponsors, however we found
when we had a meeting; we found that the
when we reached busier points in our scope. We decided that that in person meetings were far more suitable and
status reports were a good method of reflection
they would adapted to be more discussion based and effective when it came to discussing solutions as our We did, however, find that the RTM could become
and improvement moving forward. The reports
collaborative to save time; statistics, like the ones above, sponsors couldn’t monitor our team’s school overly complicated and slow to read which is why we
were a good visual aid for development, and by
began to be included in the reports to make the creation of meetings in the same way our teachers could.
keeping consistent intervals we were able to incorporated several other techniques which were
work effectively whilst picking up on key issues the reports more efficient and more visually helpful. more readable.
As the teachers became more involved in the
than arose: external and internal issues.
We also decided that getting teachers involved would help us monitoring our our project, we found that the Project
resolve any issues that the Project Manager couldn’t solve; Manager became more efficient in dealing with
Status reports were the main form of monitoring
this also meant that we could save even more time; our deadlines and scope having observed and learnt from
for our team whilst most of the control was
deliverables would be better quality. the teachers; our only regret is not having more
self-enforced by the individual members.
teacher involvement from the start as that would
have guaranteed high quality deliverables, consistent
through our team.
Here at LEAF1, we aim to secure sponsorship for three main reasons: To fit within our pool for sponsorship selection, companies had to meet Contacted - Tesla, Rimac, Coral Eyewear, Framework, Polymaker, Ikea,
● Capacity at least one of the following criteria: Octopus Energy
● Capability ● Publish files allowing clients or companies to repair, upgrade or Successful - Octopus - said they would have but another team had
● Impact build parts for their products contacted first, Polymaker - supplied filament, coral eyewear - set up
Creating capacity means acquiring knowledge and experience beyond ● Publish information regarding their products that promotes contacts within formula E industry for us.
which we have in the team; we need capability as it allows us to be able overall growth within the industry they are involved in
to do something beyond that we could do ourselves; impact is ● Not file for patents that strictly limit innovation (however E3D
extending the reach of the project through an expanded network of prevention of clone products was permissible) Another we contacted was E3D, an FDM printer component
partners. manufacturer based in the UK. We contacted them due to them being
After researching potential partners, and putting them through our open source, and their CEO at the time we wrote to them was a big
Sponsor Selection selection process,5 were identified as ideal candidates. These were: inspiration behind us making the team open-sourced. However there
When selecting sponsors we created a shortlist of companies based on ● E3D, 3d printer component manufacturer based in the UK was unfortunate timing around us contacting, as Sanjay Mortimer, the
their ethos, capacity and capability. First and foremost, the sponsor had ● Prusa Research, 3d printer manufacturer based in Czech CEO died only a few days later of unknown causes. This meant the
to focus on being sustainable and, if possible, be open source. This was Republic company was unable to sponsor us at this moment in time, however
key as it meant we could work with our sponsors to try to build a more ● Framework, upgradeable laptop manufacturer based in the US have expressed interest in building collaborations in the near future.
sustainable future for our team. We looked for technical support, in ● Imabi, UK tech firm which provides an anonymous reporting
hope of being supplied with manufacturing technology and IT hardware system Prusa
to improve the design, testing and production of our car. We searched ● Pavegen, produce tiles that store energy from when they are hit Prusa Research was another ideal choice as they produce the machines
for companies that could provide development capability, providing by people walking, jogging, running, etc. that both Zac and school use on a daily basis, thanks to being
access to engineering labs and research and development facilitated by We subsequently set out goals for partnerships with the respective open-source, competitively priced and offering unrivalled print quality in
university technicians. companies, sending custom written emails to them. their class. Unfortunately our email did not get through to the company,
however we have plans to build a collaboration through the school with
Sponsorship System Imabi them in the coming months.
Our sponsors benefit from us through the advertising of their logo on We contacted Imabi after the Regional Finals as we sought for more
our car; we have a tiered advertisement system ranging from platinum financial support. Imabi appeared to be an ideal sponsor for us as they Polymaker
to bronze, platinum being the highest tier and being the largest and not only pledged £500, they also provided us with mentorship and We contacted Polymaker through Langton F1, as we realised the
most visible. Therefore, depending to what extent they sponsor us, they networking opportunities. We took advantage of these opportunities as potential for a material supplier benefiting all teams, and allowing them
will get more obvious or less obvious advertisements; this benefits the we found several people who helped our team create and form our to take advantage of our knowledge and their resources to better print
sponsors as it attracts more potential customers to them and increases deliverables: with Imabi’s help and the further support we gained their components. Polymaker sent us over £1,000 in equipment,
the awareness of their brand or product. In addition to this, each through their networks, we became a more efficient and functional filament and storage solutions, and provided technical help for younger
sponsor benefits by promoting a school project which improves their team. teams where we could not provide it.
brand image in the public eye: they’re engaging with the community. Sponsorship - Sustainability
Our team benefits as some organisations may choose to sponsor us Sponsorship - Email
financially, with equipment or by tutoring and mentoring our team Environmental sustainability is a theme that runs deep within our team,
members. In the emails to potential sponsors we made sure to include 6 major
with members who have previous experience working on a successful
ideas. The first was our heavy focus on sustainability, we convey our
development class team who’s ethos was built around it. Wishing to
Sponsorship - Open Source ideas for the future to make us more sustainable and how they could
continue this focus on environmentalism, we aimed to contact sponsors
help with this goal. We included an overview of the competition and all
To fit with our ethos of sustainability, we aimed to not only sustain the who shared this mindset with us. We set some criteria that companies
the general information a sponsor would need about the competition.
environment, but also of intellectual ideas within F1 in schools. We must fit within in order to set up a partnership with them:
We include how the relationship would be mutually beneficial and
aimed to do this through publishing our files, portfolio and ideas to our ● Pledge to reduce or entirely offset their carbon emissions
displayed the tiers of sponsorship and how they would be advertised.
website, and aimed to find sponsors that reflected this philosophy ● Use recyclable packaging for shipping purposes (if applicable)
We also included what the return on their investment would be and how
within their own industries. This is an increasingly popular act for ● Use partially recycled, or recyclable materials in their products
their sponsorship would benefit us.
companies to endorse, as the right to repairability movement has grown (if applicable)
in popularity over the last few years. ● Willing to work with and develop the team’s approach to
Social Media School Promotional Video
Initial Steps When our school decided to produce a promotional video which served the
Our first steps into Digital Media were with the purpose of gathering sponsors for teams at Simon Langton Grammar (our
opening of our Instagram account and school) and spreading word about the competition to the local community.
Facebook page. So far with these, we have The video entailed short clips nof many members across a range of groups so
generated some interest from other teams, as that the whole f1 community in our school could be represented in one video.
well as students around the country and others Ellis was the most occurring member of our team in this video as he talked
who are interested in the project in general. We about F1 in schools and his experience in the project. This video can be found
are currently working on our campaign, and we at Simon Langton’s Youtube channel.
expect that shortly we will have allocated the
time in our meetings for one of the team
members to update these accounts with new Our Involvement
posts, stories and hints of what is going on Taking part in this video was something we felt that it was key component in
behind the scenes with our development as a fulfilling or ethos. Our team manager played a key role in the technical
team. production of this video- from light control to camera control. Our R&D
manager also played a key role in the development of the script for this video-
Outreach having written much of it- and operated the teleprompter during filming.
We make good use of social media platforms £10,000 for f1 in schools at the Langton was raised after we shared it to a
such as instagram to spread our ethos and range of companies: with all of it being shared with other teams- which is
our work to our followers. We post another example of how we have support local F1 In Schools communities.
developments of our car, our upcoming Sponsors Furthermore, we have shared the video with local primary and secondary
events and other team announcements. We schools to involve them in the project: as a larger competition, causes more
enjoy the plentiful support of our fellow Collaboration innovation.
students each day towards our efforts. We Using our sponsors and their social media teams, we collaborated to produce
intend to use our growing platform to connect informative posts about our team and any developments that we made
with sponsors and inspire our students. Our through the project; we invited any interest in our team - that came through
next post will further reveal our car and this method - to contact us so we could discuss how they could get involved
sponsors, and will include insight as to why with our team and the F1 in Schools project. Using digital media in this was
we are so fast on track. was key as it meant that we could effectively market ourselves using already
established networks that our sponsors provided us with.
Future Developments
We hope to engage with our instagram
followers more frequently than we have Establishing a brand
been, due to our concentration on the The initial posts would be vital to our fans’ perceptions; we ensured that we
project. We are now posting a minimum of 1 were clear with our colour scheme and our ethos early on in order to portray a
post per week in order to keep our followers clear and consistent message. We found that this also helped when
updated on our progress- however, we also contacting sponsors as they could see our ethos and our vision through our
plan to spread environmentalism and digital media.
sustainability through supporting and
collaborating with charities (many of which
we are currently in touch with). We also hope
Cementing our online presence
to pursue our open source ethos through
We tried to keep consistent uploads to our social media to ensure that we
instagram; we’s like to achieve this through
generated interest from fans and any potential networks; consistent social
sharing information such as CAD files,
media updates provided a steady flow of interest in our team and also
corporate ID information
provided us with opportunities that could not happen without social media.
Peer Assessment Drawbacks of the Self & Peer Assessment Future Plans Assessment
Unfortunately, the use of numerical ratings means that
an accurate representation of the performance of us
What we did well this year?
and our peers could not be given. In restricting
This year, despite external pressure from exams, we
ourselves to this we severely limited the improvements
managed to produce high-quality deliverables that met
we could all make to our work in future years.
our quality criteria; we set the criteria to a high standard
Furthermore, many of the scores were conflicting,
as we aimed to engage with the project as much as
meaning an averaged result had to be used for the final
possible to gain an in depth knowledge of what it is like
chart, which further increases the
to plan, organise and execute a student-led STEM
inaccuracies. In future we will look
project. We all hope that the work we have produced is
to use a more in depth and
to a high enough standard that we will advance through
discussional form of feedback and
to the national finals; we have already begun planning
assessment to truly understand
and designing for the National finals as we want to
the nature of what can be
improve, even further, upon the deliverables that we
improved or adapted.
have produced.