ENG Synthese Ra Crypto Monnaies 180705
ENG Synthese Ra Crypto Monnaies 180705
ENG Synthese Ra Crypto Monnaies 180705
June 2019
This report has been prepared at the request of the Minister of Economy. It
comprises two parts. The first part on “Crypto currencies” is a translation and
adaptation of our report published in French in July 2018. The second part on “Public
and private money in the digital world” is a development and extension of some
preliminary conclusions and perspectives outlined in the July 2018 report.
Many people have contributed, through conversations and comments, to the content
of this report. Our special gratitude goes to Philip Turner and Steven Saeger for their
decisive contributions.
Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 11
PART I: CRYPTO CURRENCIES ............................................................................. 13
I. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 13
II. The Crypto Currency Ecosystem ..................................................................... 14
III. The Fundamental Novelty of Crypto Currencies ............................................ 15
IV. The Problematic Economics of Crypto Currencies ........................................ 28
V. Governance and Trust .................................................................................... 41
VI. The Regulation of Crypto Currencies ............................................................ 42
I. Digital Money and Payments .......................................................................... 51
II. Policy Implications of Digitalization ................................................................. 62
III. New Private Currencies................................................................................. 75
CONCLUSION........................................................................................................... 83
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 84
This report is about technology and the future of money. Digitalization has changed
everything in our lives: how we communicate, organize, interact, move, and trade.
Increasingly, it is also changing how we pay, and potentially how we count, transfer
and store value. In short, digitalization is changing money—certainly in its role as a
medium of exchange and maybe as a store of value and unit of account as well.
Until recently, this transformation has been surprisingly slow. The internet has been
around for more than thirty years, the smartphone is twelve years old, and electronic
money (e-money) first appeared more than twenty years ago. Yet, digital money still
represents only a small fraction of total money outstanding. That is now changing
fast. Mobile technology and the internet are combining to produce a silent revolution
in payments which together with the emergence of new forms of money has the
potential to transform and disrupt financial intermediation more broadly.
This report examines those evolutions. It is composed of two parts that may be read
separately. The first focuses on crypto currencies. The second looks more broadly at
the digitalization of payments and money and the respective roles of public and
private money in a digital environment.
This report takes crypto currencies seriously. They are highly innovative and highly
ambitious. They aim to transform money. At this point, however, they are far from
fulfilling the ambitions of their creators. They may never do so in their current form. It
looks impossible to run a fully decentralized monetary system efficiently and safely.
However, other forms of digital currencies, combining innovations in different ways
and based on different, more centralized, architectures, could prosper in the future.
Crypto currencies make extensive use of ancient technologies that have been
improved over time. They use encryption tools to securely transfer of messages and,
most importantly, value in an open network. They are supported by Distributed
Ledger Technology (DLT) in which secure registers are permanently synchronized
between a large number of participants. Most function on a blockchain, a particular
form of DLT where new entries are first bundled into “blocks” and then sequentially
linked to each other, forming a chain. Because, each block incorporates a coded
summary of the entire preceding chain, the blockchain cannot be tampered with. It is
Crypto currencies are new monetary objects. They look similar to existing electronic
money (or “e-money”). But they are different. They are private monies with no
backing. They are not related to a bank account. They are not a claim on any natural
or legal entity. They are denominated in specific units of account, unrelated to
existing currencies. There is no historical precedent for this type of private money.
Most crypto currencies follow very strict rules of issuance with ceilings imposed on
the total number of units (e.g., Bitcoin) or its growth rate (e.g., Ether). Others, such as
Ripple are issued in a one-time allocation for a fixed number of units. There are
differences in the allocation of newly created money units and the distribution of
seignorage. For Bitcoin and Ether, seignorage is used to finance the functioning of
the payment system. In other cases, seignorage is—partially or totally—appropriated
by the creators or developers. This is less satisfactory as it opens the way to
potential abuse and manipulation.
Most crypto currencies are decentralized. They are designed to function efficiently on
an open network with no trust between participants. They dispense with any financial
intermediary. Decentralization is attractive in theory but very challenging to
implement in practice. A consensus must be found to validate payments between
multiple actors with no time coordination and no mutual trust. It has been proved that
such consensus is theoretically impossible (the so-called “Byzantine Generals
theorem”). Bitcoin and similar protocols circumvent this problem by introducing
economic incentives that push participants to converge spontaneously on an honest
solution. This invention has proven robust and worked well over time. It may turn out
to be the most important innovation associated with Bitcoin.
In contrast with existing payment systems, Bitcoin and Ether are not “scalable.”
Because of the security constraints imposed on the system, they cannot easily
absorb a growth in activity. This scalability problem is a major obstacle to the broad
acceptance and use of crypto currencies. In fact, they are almost nonexistent as
payment instruments. This handicap is structural. It does not result from technical
limitations of the network. It comes from the impossibility to conciliate the three
objectives of (1) security, (2) efficiency and (3) decentralization. Bitcoin and Ether
sacrifice efficiency for the sake of security and decentralization. Other crypto
currencies are based on different choices, often with more centralization to achieve
speed. But the tradeoff seems unavoidable.
Today, crypto currencies are essentially promoted as stores of value. Because the
supply is scarce, they are presented as the ultimate reserve asset, a sort of “digital
gold”. However, even if abundance can erode value, scarcity is not sufficient to
create it. There a must be some demand. With no present or expected usage value
as means of payment, the demand for crypto currencies is fueled exclusively by its
speculative component. The value can collapse at any time. Combined with a rigid
supply, there is an intrinsic volatility in prices that also prevents crypto currencies’
use as a unit of account.
Despite all these handicaps, crypto currencies yield some significant benefits. They
have made it much easier and cheaper to transfer small amounts of money between
countries. They stimulate competition in cross-border retail payments, where
inefficiencies are higher. It may not be a coincidence that a growing number of global
initiatives to improve cross border payments have emerged in the last few years.
Stable Coins
Stable coins are a new category of virtual currencies that have recently gained
attention. They are not strictly crypto currencies, despite using a digital token, and
they have very different monetary underpinnings and issuance regimes. They come
in three varieties:
• Other are backed not by fiat currencies proper but by financial assets (e.g.,
securities) denominated in those currencies. The income from those securities
is collected by the issuer as seignorage. This scheme involves some maturity
and liquidity transformation and is similar in nature to a money market mutual
fund. It also carries similar risks, including exposure to runs.
Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) have appeared over the last three years as a byproduct
of crypto currencies. Through ICOs, companies (most often startups) aim to raise
funds by issuing digital tokens that are purchased with crypto currencies. The
procedure is generally informal, with a simple document (a “White Paper”) describing
the nature of the tokens being issued. ICO tokens are usually quoted on crypto
currency exchanges shortly after they have been issued.
The tokens themselves come in different forms. It is customary to distinguish
between (1) security tokens, that mimic equity shares, and (2) “utility tokens” that in
principle confer a right of usage for future services. Utility tokens are often structured
as special purpose payment instruments—or currencies—that can be used in the
future to purchase services produced by the issuer.
After significant growth in 2017 and the first half of 2018, ICO issuance has fallen
substantially since. This development closely follows the decline in the price of crypto
However, the report strongly recommends that crypto currencies be kept separate
from the “official” financial sector to avoid any contagion and any risk taking by retail
or relatively uninformed investors. Regulators should prohibit or discourage banks
from taking or financing exposures in crypto currencies. Asset management
companies should not be authorized to create vehicles (such as exchange-traded
funds (ETFs)) that would enable retail customers to invest in crypto currencies.
Finally, regulators should prioritize reaching an international agreement on a
minimum set of principles and rules applicable to crypto currency exchanges.
Exchanges are the interface between crypto currency and the official financial
system. They are also the “weak link” in the current crypto architecture, the places
where criminal activities develop and where all “hacking” of crypto currencies takes
place. In many cases, investors do not enjoy a basic degree of protection regarding
the transparency of exchanges’ operations, the order book, or even the basic security
of their holdings.
The second part of this report focuses on one key issue: the respective role of public
and private money in a digitalized economy.
Technology could change that equilibrium in many ways. Mobile technology and the
internet are combining to produce a new architecture of payments and the
emergence of new forms of money. Together, they have the potential to disrupt
financial intermediation and change the role of public money in our economies. The
report looks at those evolutions, the policy questions they raise, and, finally the
possible development of fully private “network” currencies.
Token money has always existed, albeit in physical form such as coins and
banknotes. Today, it is possible to attach an identity to a digital representation of
value that can be securely transferred. A new form of money is emerging. Digital
tokens may turn out to be the true monetary innovation brought by technology.
The token form of money is specially adapted to transactions in a digital world. For
the general public, a digital token stored on a mobile phone closely mimics the
characteristics of cash. It can be securely exchanged on a peer-to-peer basis, with or
without a financial intermediary. For corporates and financial institutions, “there is
(now) a computer in the middle of each transaction.” Interactions between machines
and algorithms will increasingly dominate business relations. Tokens offer the
possibility to transfer value between computers in extremely short periods of time.
Digitalization is also changing the shape of payment and money systems. It naturally
favors the expansion of large networks and the structuring of economic activities
around “platforms.”
Networks and money are closely linked. Network effects and externalities play an
essential role in establishing and maintaining a currency. A currency supported by a
digital network may be able to quickly achieve broad domestic and international
acceptance. Digital networks (whether social or e-commerce) are large and not
technically bounded by national borders.
Money can also play an important role in the business model of platforms. Platforms
are multi-sided markets or, in common parlance “ecosystems,” that aggregate a
multiplicity of activities within which consumers, merchants, and service providers
interact. The economic logic of platforms is to create and develop complementarities
and links between those different activities. A shared (form of) currency strengthens
those links; it keeps the platform growing and profitable.
First, the financial system may become “payment centric.” In a platform / network
architecture, the payment activity sits at the center of all interactions between users,
merchants, and financial services providers. Customers enter the system through the
payment platform. The payment functionality is what keeps the network valuable and
growing. It dominates other activities. Payment providers enjoy an unparalleled
access to data which they can use to develop other functions (e.g., credit scoring,
lending, and asset management). Digitalization may therefore lead to an inversion in
the current industrial organization of financial activities. At the moment, banks are the
only point of contact with their borrowers and users. The preeminence of payments
may challenge banks’ existing business models and reverse that implicit hierarchy.
Other financial services, such as credit and asset management, could become de
facto accessories to payments.
Second, on a different level, technology will push for a fragmentation of the monetary
Third, such digital currency areas may not be circumscribed by territorial borders.
Technology could serve as a powerful vehicle to internationalize some currencies as
mediums of exchange. And symmetrically, some jurisdictions would be faced with
more intense currency competition from foreign currencies through cross border
payment networks. At the moment, most payment systems using digital money
operate in national currencies even when the technology and the infrastructure are
located abroad. However, in the future, the possibility of such “digital dollarization”
should not be discarded.
Uniform currency and CBDC
Based on history, the report makes the case that full and unconditional convertibility
at par between different forms of money is essential to a uniform currency. Effective
convertibility cannot be taken for granted when technology changes and the forms of
money diversify. There are two key requirements. First there must be convertibility
between different private forms of money. Technically, the interoperability of systems
and tokens may become a key issue. Second, and most important, there must be
convertibility of all private monies into public money, issued by the Central Bank.
Today, cash is the only public money accessible to the general public. However,
cash is vanishing in many countries and places, at least as a payment instrument
and medium of exchange. The tendency toward cashless payments could accelerate
as merchants and users interact to promote and use mobile payments in a mutually
reinforcing feedback loop.
In a cashless society, bank deposits and e- money would not be convertible into
cash, as there would nothing to convert them into. The general public would not have
access to public money anymore. Without effective convertibility to public money,
different forms of money would become imperfect substitutes, despite being
denominated in the same unit of account. In effect, the monetary system would be
transformed and behave more like the broader financial system where the
creditworthiness of every single instrument is constantly re-assessed and priced. The
likely result would be greater financial fragility, with the possibility of periodic runs on
some forms of currencies if doubts emerge about their issuers' solvency.
What would then happen to the unit of account is a matter of conjecture. There is no
precedent in modern times for a situation where private money is the only one
available to the public. It is generally assumed that social conventions and habits
ensure the permanence of the unit of account. It is also assumed, however, that
economic agents use the medium of exchange as the reference to set prices and
denominate their contracts. It is therefore possible, though by no means certain, that
new and diversified means of payments could progressively push economic agents
to count, set prices, and contract in many different units.
In such scenarios, there is no doubt that sovereign authorities can assert their power
and protect a currency’s role as the unit of account. They can decide which currency
serves as legal tender and in which currency taxes have to be paid. They can impose
the technical interoperability of systems. They can regulate e-money issuers to
ensure full backing by Central Bank money if necessary. They can legally impose the
acceptance of cash.
The key question is whether they can do those things without repressing technology
and without limiting the free choice, by economic agents, of their instruments of
payment. They may want to find ways to relax this tradeoff. In addition to regulation,
they can offer public money in a new form; adapted to technology and in line with the
people's preferences.
This is the main rationale for a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC): to maintain the
availability of public money in a digital world.
There is currently an intense debate on the merits and dangers of CBDCs. It runs
across two main dimensions. First, whether they would strengthen the transmission
mechanism of monetary policy by allowing interest (including at negative rates), to be
paid on the currency. Second, whether they would imperil financial stability by
offering an attractive (riskless) substitute to bank deposits.
This report takes on a different line of argument. A CBDC would ensure that the
general public keeps access to public money even when technology changes. It
would maintain effective convertibility of private into public money. It would help to
preserve the uniformity of the currency and its role as unit of account in a digitalized
To meet those objectives and minimize its impact on financial stability, a CBDC
should be designed as a complement, not a substitute, to bank deposits. It should be
as close as possible to cash. It should be available in token form and not carry
interest. Whether it should be anonymous is a fundamental societal choice on the
nature of money. It goes beyond the scope of this report and would have to be
properly debated.
Finally, the report explores the possibility that private currencies could emerge,
supported by a large network. Many projects are rumored to be under consideration.
Some are “stable coins” denominated in existing currencies. For the purpose of this
analysis, the report considers the most extreme hypothesis: a currency denominated
in its own unit of account, therefore in direct competition to existing national monies.
Private “network currencies” could emerge more easily today than in the past for
three reasons.
First, they could rapidly gain broad acceptance if supported by large cross-border
(social and commercial) networks that already connects tens or hundreds of millions
of people.
Second, technology now makes it easier and less costly to switch from one currency
to another. Switching costs are traditionally seen as a major obstacle to currency
competition. But technology has helped lower these costs in a digital economy. There
are programs available on mobile devices that can be used to manage currency
transformations. Existing and future applications should allow for easy and instant
computation of relative prices and conversion of monetary balances from one
currency to another as well as automatic arbitrage.
Third, technology may help to solve the problem of trust. All monies, public and
private, face the same difficulty. People know that a currency issuer has an incentive
over time to maximize its revenue by creating more money than is compatible with
price stability. That perspective undermines trust in the currency and may mead to
immediate loss of value. Modern governments have found ways to deal with this "
dynamic consistency " problem through institutional arrangements (e.g., independent
Central Banks). Private issuers do not have the same option. For that reason, private
currencies are inherently fragile. However, if a private issuer could credibly submit
itself to a rule, trust could be reestablished. The rule would be transparent,
implemented by a protocol, with a very strict governance framework that would
strictly limit or prohibit changes and human intervention. Subordinating monetary
policy to a rule is an old remedy to the problem of dynamic inconsistency.
Technology can give it a new relevance. With the development of artificial
intelligence, it is conceivable that in the future, algorithms will be devised that
reproduce, for a private currency, the complex process leading to monetary policy
In that situation, the issuer will have to decide whether to take responsibility for
maintaining financial stability inside the system and for stabilizing the currency
value—its exchange rate—vis à vis official currencies. The conventional wisdom
would advocate ambiguity The issuer should not take any commitment as to whether
it will support the currency. But it could not either formally exclude any intervention
forever. Uncertainty and ambiguity may be destabilizing, which could have a broader
impact on the network’s value to its customers.
This raises the question of the currency’s backing. What resources would be
available to a private issuer to support its currency ? It could be argued that the
largest corporate entities have balance sheets that are sufficiently strong to provide
the necessary backing. However, the issuer would have to determine whether it is
beneficial to commit, explicitly or implicitly, part of its balance sheet for the purpose of
backing the currency. To do so would have implications for the financial strength of
the company and perceptions of the firm’s creditworthiness among outside investors.
Overall, the business case might be very complex. Running a monetary balance
sheet is very different from running an “ordinary” corporate balance sheet. The issuer
of a private currency would expose itself to a very different set of risks and volatility
factors than those faced by private corporations. Runs do not occur on industrial or
service companies; they do, however, affect entities that issue liabilities that have a
monetary character.
These constraints do not necessarily make the issuance of a private currency
impossible, but they make it very demanding.
• Between private and public units of accounts. This evolution is more uncertain
and speculative but cannot be ruled out.
…the internet is going to be one of the major forces for reducing the role of
government. The one thing that's missing but that will soon be developed is a
reliable e-cash, a method whereby on the Internet you can transfer funds from
A to B without A knowing B or B knowing A, the way in which I can take a $20
bill and hand it over to you and there's no record of where it came from and
you may get that without knowing who I am. That kind of thing will develop on
the Internet and that will make it even easier for people to use the internet. Of
course, it has a negative side. It means that the gangsters, the people who are
engaged in illegal transactions will also have an easier way to carry on their
How will value be stored and transferred over the internet? With great prescience,
Friedman foresaw that technology would create new needs and fuel new aspirations.
He guessed that as people routinely exchange messages and information instantly
and bilaterally, they would aspire to instant, peer-to-peer, and potentially anonymous
ways of transferring value on the internet, including across borders. The smartphone
has reinforced the ability and aspirations of individuals to manage their payments and
their wealth directly and autonomously.
In response, existing payment systems are evolving and adapting. For the end-users,
electronic money is becoming more like physical cash, with progress being made in
contactless payments and the increasing use of smartphones as payment devices.
Fast payments and instant payment schemes are being developed in many
countries. They will be available at any time in the day and transfer funds to
beneficiaries in a few seconds for a very low cost. It can be argued that these
developing aspirations for high speed, peer-to-peer payments will be met fully with
existing forms of money.
At the same time, however, it is also plausible that technology will provoke and
necessitate more radical changes in payments and money. Digitalization has
changed everything in our lives, including how we communicate, organize, interact,
move, and trade. Increasingly, it is also changing how we pay and, potentially, how
we count, transfer, and store value. In short, digitalization may be changing money—
certainly in its role as a medium of exchange and maybe as a store of value and unit
of account as well.
Until recently, this transformation has been surprisingly slow. The internet has been
around for more thirty years, the smartphone is twelve years old, and electronic
money (e-money) first appeared more than twenty years ago. Digital money still
represents only a small fraction of total money outstanding. But that is now changing
fast. Many innovations that appeared over the last several decades are suddenly
being combined to produce a silent revolution in payments and money.
This report examines those evolutions. It is composed of two parts that can be read
separately. The first focuses on crypto currencies. The second looks more broadly at
the digitalization of payments and money and the respective roles of public and
private money in a digital environment.
As of May 2019, there are more than 2500 crypto currencies in circulation.1 During
the first five months of 2019, their total market value has oscillated between 126 USD
billion and 264 USD billion after reaching a peak of 830 USD billion in January 2018.2
By comparison, the global market capitalization of equities stands at 65 USD trillion,3
the global value of gold in private hands is around 8 trillion USD,4 and monetary
aggregates for G20 countries amounts to 26.5 trillion USD.5
As those numbers make clear, crypto currencies, in aggregate, do not currently play
a significant role in the world economy and financial markets. Only three of them
have a total value above 1 billion USD. At this stage, they do not pose any significant
risk to the financial system. They currently attract attention primarily because of their
design and ambition, as well as the bubble that formed in crypto currency prices
during the course of 2017 and early 2018.
Investing.com (2019). “All Cryptocurrencies.” https://www.investing.com/crypto/currencies, accessed
on June 7, 2019.
CoinMarketCap.com (2019). “Global Charts.” https://coinmarketcap.com/charts/, accessed on June
7, 2019.
The World Bank (2018). “Market Capitalization of Listed Domestic Companies (Current US$).”
https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/cm.mkt.lcap.cd, accessed on June 7, 2019.
Gold.org (2019). “Above-Ground Stocks”. https://www.gold.org/goldhub/data/above-ground-stocks,
accessed on June 7, 2019.
Central Intelligence Agency (2017). “Country Comparison: Stock of Narrow Money.”
https://www.cia.gov/LIBRARY/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/234rank.html, accessed on June
10, 2019.
For a more precise and detailed taxonomy, see the “money flower” developed in M. Bech, and R.
Garratt (2017).
Figure 1
Currency Classification
Notes/ Coins
Crypto currencies show a great diversity in design and functioning. Some are truly
decentralized in their architecture and functioning, while others are not. Some are a
simple mirror of existing bank accounts – the equivalent of e–money in cryptographic
form. Others are essentially accessories to a messaging and payment system (e.g.,
Ripple, Stellar).
This report will primarily concentrate on issues related to the two most important
crypto currencies, Bitcoin and Ether, which share many design and technical
characteristics. As necessary, however, I will also discuss and analyze other crypto
currencies such as so-called stable coins.
Crypto currencies do not exist in a vacuum. They prosper inside an open network of
participants on the internet. Some participants are more active than others and take
special responsibilities (and receive special rewards) to make the system work. In the
case of Bitcoin, so-called “miners” solve the cryptographic puzzles necessary to add
new transactions to the blockchain and receive new bitcoins as compensation.
Auxiliary activities such as wallet providers and exchanges are also part of the
broader crypto currency ecosystem.
A crypto currency wallet is a software program used to store, send, and receive
cryptocurrencies safely. Wallets also typically have an interface enabling users to
track their balance in crypto currencies and automate some functions. A majority of
wallet providers offer additional features, such as an integrated currency exchange
service that lets users conveniently exchange crypto currencies from the same wallet
Crypto currencies interact with the “official” financial system through so-called
exchanges. These exchanges may have a physical presence or exist purely online.
They have at least three functions (and may aggregate other activities). First, they
are payment systems that can execute transfers of crypto currencies between
addresses on the blockchain. Second, they are trading platforms for transactions
between official and crypto currencies or between crypto currencies themselves.
Finally, they serve as custodians by keeping crypto currencies in accounts for their
customers and keeping and storing private cryptographic keys.
Other actors also play a significant role in the crypto currency ecosystem: merchants,
payment facilitators (who allow merchants, mainly in e-commerce, to accept virtual
currencies as a payment method), software developers (who develop user interfaces
for trading and storing crypto currencies), and computer hardware manufacturers
(who build equipment specifically for mining). From a financial investment
perspective, there are also providers of investment vehicles and brokers that facilitate
investment in start-up companies and design specific financial products. Another type
of actor that has appeared are called “tumblers,” who provide services to increase
the anonymity of the payer by making it more difficult to find out where the virtual
currency transaction came from.
Crypto currencies and the blockchain are commonly labelled as “revolutionary” and
are sometimes described as a fundamental breakthrough or a one-time disruptive
jump in technology.7 The reality is different, however. It would be more accurate to
see crypto currencies as a bundle of multiple existing technologies, some of which
are actually quite ancient. These technologies have been artfully combined into what
is a truly audacious, and potentially problematic, monetary experiment.
The comedian John Oliver has described crypto currencies as "everything you don't
understand about money combined with everything you don't understand about
computers.”8 Indeed, what makes crypto currencies interesting and intriguing is the
aggregation of three different types of innovations: (1) technological innovation based
on novel uses of previously existing cryptographic tools and ledgers; (2) monetary
innovation involving the creation of fully private digital currencies; and (3) design
innovation enabling the operation of fully decentralized payment and monetary
systems. The novelty of crypto currencies arises from this grouping of different ideas
and advances, in proportions that may vary for different crypto currencies.
Technological innovation9
J. Gans and H. Halaburda (2013).
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2018). “Cryptocurrency,”
A. Narayanan, J. Bonneau, E. Felten, A. Miller, and S. Goldfeder (2017).
• First, they make extensive use of encryption tools, such as public-private keys,
electronic signatures, and hash functions.10 These are technologies that date
back two or three decades but have been constantly improved since then.
They now allow someone to securely transfer messages and, most
importantly, value, in an open network.
• Finally, the blockchain is a particular form of DLT where new entries are first
aggregated into “blocks” (several entries at a time). These blocks are then
sequentially linked to each other, forming a chain. Each new block of
information is attached to a pre-existing blockchain through a validation
process. An example of how this process works is illustrated in the figure
Figure 2
Source: S., J. (2018). “How Does Blockchain Work in 7 Steps-- A clear and simple
explanation.” Medium. Available at: https:/ / blog.goodaudience.com/ blockchain-for-beginners-what-is-
Public-private key pairs work as a way to encrypt and decrypt data for a specific entity or individual.
Simply put, data encrypted with one’s public key can only be decrypted by that person’s private key.
Electronic signatures and hash functions are two types of cryptographic algorithms also used to
encrypt data. A hash function takes in a string input, and outputs a unique fixed-size output that can
be used for data authentication. An electronic signature acts as a digital proxy for a handwritten
signature, in that it is uniquely identifiable, unreplicable and non-transferrable. A. Nananyan, J.
Bonneau, E. Felten, A. Miller, and S. Goldfeder (2016).
The link between the blocks is cryptographic. Each block incorporates a coded
summary of the entire preceding chain. As a consequence, the chain cannot be
retroactively altered without such changes being immediately visible to all
participants. The existing blockchain is thus “immutable.” This immutability is a great
advantage when there is a need for full integrity and transparency in record keeping.
It can, however, also be a source of difficulties. When the blockchain is used to
support a payment system, immutability means that errors cannot be corrected and
fraudulent transactions cannot be rectified without tampering with the protocol.11
Finally, for more recently launched crypto currencies, including most prominently
Ether, the same protocol that governs the payment system can also be used to offer
other functionalities. Amongst these are so- called “smart contracts.” These are
computer programs that automatically implement the terms of an agreement between
parties when certain conditions are met. One example is that of a car lease: upon a
missed payment, the car would automatically lock and control would return to the
lender. In finance, smart contracts could be used to implement repo agreements by
moving collateral and operating margin calls. Since execution of a smart contract
does not involve a decision or an action by a human, it may be faster and safer and
should minimize the number of mistakes. Although frequently associated with the
blockchain in public debate and articles, smart contracts can be implemented in
different infrastructures, including centralized ledgers.13
Monetary innovation
With the exception of cash, which represents only about 10% of the total money
supply,14 all money today is “digital.” It has no intrinsic value and exists only in
electronic form. Payments are made by electronic transfers using different
In contrast with other means of payment, such as credit cards, where fraudulent uses can be
nullified ex post.
Bank for International Settlements (“BIS”) (2018A).
J. Gans and H. Halaburda (2013).
Representing less than 10% of total monetary mass (10% in the Euro zone).
instruments: credit transfers, debit and credit cards, and, increasingly, applications on
mobile phones.
Bank money
In modern economies, money held by the general public takes the form of bank
deposits. Bank deposits are money, which banks create by making new loans. This
“bank money” has several notable characteristics:
• Bank customers have the right to convert their deposit into banknotes, which
are legal tender. The Central Bank issues the currency serving as a "base" for
the system, giving it its legal status.
• Bank money nonetheless benefits in many ways from public backing through
deposit insurance and/or access to Central Bank refinancing.
With the exception of deposit insurance.
still recover the balance in their accounts.16 E-money, in its current forms, is simply a
technology to access and move around money deposited in bank accounts. As such,
e-money is not a new form of money, but is instead one of the modern forms that
bank money takes.
In some e-money systems, holders are not (and cannot be) required to have their
own personal bank account. Their banking identity boils down to their phone number.
The e-money issuers, through their own bank accounts, interpose themselves
between the banks and the consumers.17 This is a powerful instrument of financial
inclusion, as consumers that previously could not access the formal financial system
are able to do so. It is not surprising that these innovations are developing
particularly in emerging countries with low banking intensity. But, whatever the
technical architecture, a mobile phone with e-money always reflects a bank account.
Crypto currencies
Crypto currencies are fundamentally different than bank money or e-money. Like
bank money, they have no intrinsic value, are privately created, and are totally
dematerialized and digital. But each of their other characteristics are the opposite of
those of existing currencies:
• They are purely private currencies, are not legal tender, and are not
convertible at par18 in any legal currency.
• They are created and circulate independently of any bank; they are not
connected to any bank account.
• They do not represent a claim on any person or legal entity. They are “outside
money,” because they are created outside the banking system.19
Beyond the apparent similarities with electronic currencies, there is no precedent for
the type of money that cryptocurrencies represent. The forms and attributes of
Electronic money can be defined as “value stored electronically in a device such as a chip card…or
a hard drive in a personal computer.” Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (“CPSS”)
(2002), p. 44. According to the GSM Association, the trade body that represents mobile money
operators globally, “the total value of e-money is mirrored in (a) bank account(s), such that even if the
provider…were to fail, users could recover 100% of the value stored in their accounts.” GSMA (2010),
p. 2.
Some implications related to the role of e-money issuers are discussed in Part II of this paper.
Crypto currencies are convertible to legal currencies, but not at par.
It is common in economic analysis to distinguish between inside and outside money. Inside money
is created inside the financial system by banks extending credit and is thus a claim on a financial
intermediary. By contrast, “outside” money is not a claim on any private financial institution, and
includes fiat money that the Central Bank issues.
money have constantly evolved throughout history, with changes in technology,
institutions, and social conventions. However, a private money with no backing has
never existed. All currencies that have been developed and used in market
economies for the last three hundred years possessed one or more of the following
• They had an intrinsic value (e.g., coins and precious metal coins);
• They had public support, based either on their status as legal tender or on
refinancing by the Central Bank.
Crypto currencies have none of those attributes, but instead constitute a pure
monetary experiment.
Issuance regimes
These are clearly very rigorous issuance regimes. The limits embedded in the
governing algorithms protect the users against any future temptation to over issue
the currency—a problem that has plagued many private monies in the past. Crypto
currency promoters generally argue that such limits guarantee the future value of the
currencies and ensure their stability. Whether a rationed supply is sufficient to
preserve or increase the value of a currency is debatable, however, and will be
discussed later on in this report.
A completely rigid supply of a crypto currency entails both benefits and costs. Should
some crypto currencies gain broad acceptance and be used as a unit of account,
This period lasted between 1837 and 1864. D. Sanches (2016).
their issuance regime would impart a deflationary bias to the economy. A continuous
decrease in the overall price level would be needed to accommodate growing
transaction demand with a fully fixed supply. In turn, the expectation of future
decreases in the overall price level (an increase in the value of the crypto currency)
may encourage hoarding and prevent the currency from establishing itself as a
medium of exchange in the first place.21 Finally, a completely rigid money supply
creates volatility in the relative price (the “exchange rate”) with other currencies,
crypto or otherwise.
Crypto currencies can also differ from one another on another key feature: the
allocation of newly created money units and the related distribution of seignorage.
Seignorage is the income derived from money issuance because the economic cost
of producing a dollar bill or other monetary representation is much lower than its
nominal value. Issuing money therefore is generally very profitable. Seignorage on
public currencies is a significant source of revenue for Central Banks and, by
extension, governments. The same is true for private currencies. The ability to earn
seignorage sometimes appears to be an essential incentive for creating private
crypto currencies. However, there are variety of modalities for how crypto currencies
earn seignorage.
• By contrast, there are also cases where seignorage is de facto either partially
or totally appropriated by the creators or developers of the crypto currency.
For instance, for some of those crypto currencies that are issued in a single
operation, part of the proceeds often are allocated to a “reserve” that is
managed by the founders at their discretion. It is natural to expect that in this
situation, the issuer will try and maximize its profits by releasing the reserve
when the currency appreciates, thus “diluting” the other holders. The business
model may consist in letting the crypto currency gain acceptance and value
(through usage) and then “monetize” the reserve by conversion into other
(official) currencies at the optimal moment. If the issuers retain discretionary
power over those operations, they de facto control the value and price of the
currency at any moment in time. There is no guarantee for other holders that
stability objectives will prevail and that their interests will be taken into
account. This uncertainty affects many crypto-currencies, and has the effect of
undermining their viability and potentially compromising their integrity.22
J-P. Landau (2014).
The crypto currency Ripple was issued in one allocation of 100 billion units when it was first
introduced. The founders kept around 20 billion and a further 60 billion were placed into a reserve.
After users expressed concerns were, Ripple agreed to put most of the reserve (55 billion units) into a
Stable coins
Stable coins are a new category of virtual currencies that have recently gained
attention. Their issuance regimes are different. The main purpose is to ensure the
stability of their value (or price) against official currencies. Stable coins currently
come with three possible different designs, with different levels of intrinsic risk and
likely long-term viability.
• Some coins are fully backed—one for one—by an equivalent amount of official
fiat currencies. In effect, they are different (digital) representations of fiat
currencies. Provided that the backing mechanism is robust (with official
currencies effectively held and accessible to back the full amount of the stable
coin outstanding) and the governance is transparent and accepted as
appropriate by users,23 the value of those coins should be fully guaranteed.
These coins can be considered to be a new (crypto) version of e-money. They
may fulfil important functions by allowing official currencies to be used—and
traded—in a digital form without need of a bank account.24 In some cases, the
crypto currency can be designed as a “basket” of existing fiat currencies (duly
backed by a mirror basket),25 thus allowing some existing (or new) unit of
accounts to be effectively used as digital means of payments or stores of
• As a variant of the previous scheme, stable coins can be backed not by fiat
currencies proper but by financial assets such as securities denominated in
those currencies. The income from those securities is collected by the issuer
as seignorage. This type of scheme involves some maturity and liquidity
transformation. As such, it is similar to a money market (or mutual) fund and
carries similar risks, including potential exposure to runs.
“cryptographically secure” escrow account with a maximum of one billion units to be released each
month. M. Del Castillo, and B. Reutzel (2018).
This may not be always the case. Some “stable” crypto currencies such as Tether are issued and
managed by a platform that also trades other currencies. Due to opacity regarding the dollars and
accounts backing Tether, many rumors have undermined its standing and value. P. Tan (2018).
JP Morgan recently announced the launching of a prototype of JPM Coin, a token managed on a
blockchain to help customers expedite money transfers between accounts (Reuters (2019)). In several
countries, banks have considered using similar coins to support real time settlement in Central Bank
money. J. Barrdear and M. Kumhof (2016).
See, for example, Saga, which was created in March 2018 and mirrors IMF Special Drawing Rights
(SDRs). Saga Foundation (2018).
when demand is higher. However, the reverse is more difficult, as there is no
easy way for a private issuer to engineer a contraction in the quantity of
money when demand falls. Promoters of Basecoin have argued that they can
mimic Central Banks and have the algorithms perform “open market”
operations by purchasing coins in exchange for bonds. However, when
Central Banks sell Government bonds, those bonds have an intrinsic value
and are backed by future tax revenues. In this case, the “bonds” would simply
be claims on the same stable coins whose demand is supposed to be falling at
the same time. It is therefore questionable whether there would be demand for
the bonds themselves and thus it is likely the mechanism would not work.26
Ultimately, there would appear to be no alternative to selling real resources or
financial assets denominated in official currencies held as backing reserves.27
In all contemporary economies, monetary systems are centralized, with banks and
Central Banks sitting at the center. These institutions are entrusted with the
responsibility to “keep the records” and execute money transfers. The integrity of
these payments depends on the trust placed in those agents, reinforced by legal
guarantees and public supervision. Only banknotes do not depend on a trusted
intermediary to be exchanged.
Crypto currencies are different. Their ambition is to function efficiently in the absence
of any trust between participants and to dispense with any intermediary. In other
words, they want to be a decentralized monetary system. A strong libertarian streak
and distrust for existing institutions underpin this desire for decentralization. A
decentralized system is also less vulnerable and more robust than a centralized one,
as it cannot be paralyzed by an attack on one single unit.
J. Cochrane (2018).
See J. Cochrane (2018) and B. Dyson (2019).
decentralized system, there must be a process to validate transactions and
prevent double spending.
• Finally, there must be a process for reaching consensus if conflicts arise due
to asynchronous timing issues. The delays for message transmission are
small, but not zero. That gives rise to a latency problem: not all participants
have the same information at the same time. As a result, different parts of the
network can honestly have different representations of its state and honestly
come to different decisions when validating transactions. Specifically, different
blockchains with different last blocks can exist simultaneously because each
was validated in parallel in different parts of the network. There must be a
processes for determining which blockchain should be the “official” version
going forward, with the others becoming “orphans.”30
Overall, finding a consensus would be easy if all participants could come together to
evaluate transactions simultaneously. It would also be easy if only one actor was
delegated with this responsibility. But the combination of a network with variable
configuration and an asynchronous process makes reaching consensus extremely
Voting is nonetheless possible in certain circumstances, such as when the system is “permissioned”
inside a private blockchain.
J.R. Douceur (2002).
The temporary coexistence of several blockchains is most likely to occur when the delay between
two blocks is short and notice of the validation of the last transaction has not had time to spread
through the network. This is evident with ether, which has much shorter delays in validating
transactions compared to bitcoin (a few seconds against 10 minutes on average), which results in
more orphan blocks, called “uncles” in the language of ether users.
F. Velde (2013).
upon a common plan of action. However, some of the generals
may be traitors, trying to prevent the loyal generals from
reaching agreement. The generals must have an algorithm to
guarantee that A. All loyal generals decide upon the same plan
of action …. [and] B. A small number of traitors cannot cause the
loyal generals to adopt a bad plan.”32
So, without any other precautions, if one third of the “generals” in the network are
failing to provide valid information, whether for technical or deliberate reasons, the
system’s ability to reach consensus can be prevented or subverted. Honest
consensus is impossible under these circumstances.
Reflecting this problem, developers often characterize network failures that may
result from a diversity of causes, such as technical dysfunction, latency, or
malfeasance, as “byzantine faults.”34 In these systems, there will always be
uncertainty as to the possible existence or origin of failures. There are no restrictions
on how faulty actors might act; they may be actively malicious, trying to subvert
agreement for the other participants in the system. Systems with the strongest safety
properties assume that the actors in the system might be “Byzantine.” Totally
decentralized monetary systems must adopt such a stance to ensure safety within a
payment system.
With varying technical assumptions, it has been shown that, even if all participants
are honest, if latency on the network is indeterminate, even the slightest isolated
technical failure is enough to prevent consensus from being reached.35 Given these
constraints, the general problem of consensus in a distributed system is impossible
to solve. Another solution is required.
L. Lamport, R. Shostak, and M. Pease (1982), p. 383.
L. Lamport, R. Shostak, and M. Pease (1982), p. 384.
A. Tran (2017).
M. Fischer, N. Lynch, and M. Paterson (1985) (“In this paper, we show the surprising result that no
completely asynchronous consensus protocol can tolerate even a single unannounced process death.
We do not consider Byzantine failures, and we assume that the message system is reliable—it
delivers all messages correctly and exactly once. Nevertheless, even with these assumptions, the
stopping of a single process at an inopportune time can cause any distributed commit protocol to fail
to reach agreement.”).
The Bitcoin solution
Bitcoin and similar protocols circumvent the Byzantine General theorem through an
ingenious solution to the problem of reaching consensus on a decentralized network.
The idea is to introduce economic incentives which push participants to converge
spontaneously on an honest solution. This protocol has proven robust over time and
worked well and may turn out to be the most important innovation associated with
Bitcoin. 36
The method Bitcoin created to reach consensus can be best described as a “rallying
round.” Since no consensus decision will be reached given the characteristics of the
decentralized system, the protocol must push participants to voluntarily agree on a
solution—a list of transactions imbedded into a blockchain—that all accept. Because
it is voluntary, there must be incentives to encourage agreement. In effect, the
process is a “game” where participants—the miners—compete on an ongoing basis
to build the longest possible blockchain accepted by others, and, if successful,
receive a reward.
Each round of the “game” takes on average 10 minutes on Bitcoin (15 seconds on
Ether) and can be described in several steps. All are automatically driven by
algorithms inserted in the protocol or in participants’ wallets:
• First, those participants who want to make payments publicize the terms of
their transaction on the network.
• Second, miners aggregate those transactions into blocks and propose those
blocks for validation to other participants. Once a block is validated, it is added
to the blockchain.
Mining is voluntary. In theory at least, the population of miners competing to add the
transaction to the blockchain constantly varies with entries and exits.
For payments to be effective and safe, it is essential that this rallying round
converges on a unique solution. It may not be easy. On a large network, there is
some “latency”: messages take time to be transmitted. It will therefore happen
regularly that several groups of miners, working independently, end up developing
Figure 3
Blockchain Fork
The protocol creates incentives to
rally to the longer chain
Block ! Ɂ" Block ! Ɂ#
If this happens, the shorter chain
is “orphaned”
Forks may happen and last for some time. They should not be allowed to persist for
too long, however, because they create uncertainty. During a fork, nobody knows
exactly which transactions are valid. The protocol must ensure that any fork
disappears quickly and only one chain subsists. This is where economic incentives
Proof of work
The Bitcoin protocol functions on the following rules that define “proof of work”:
• At any moment of time the longest chain is the valid one. Suppose a long
chain emerges in the network by random. Suppose further that some miners
are working on a shorter chain. If they want this chain to survive, they must
catch up and overtake the longest one, which means they quickly must
validate several blocks in a row.
• But the protocol makes this endeavour extremely costly. To validate a block,
miners must first spend significant resources. Those resources are lost if they
do not succeed.
• However, if they do succeed, they get a reward. That reward must be given
anonymously, which makes it impossible to use a bank. When a miner gets a
block validated by the network, he/she is rewarded by the attribution of newly
issued bitcoins.37 A clever idea in the Bitcoin protocol thus is to use
seignorage to finance the functioning of the system. Because it depends on
currency creation inside the system, the Bitcoin method of consensus cannot
easily be transposed to other decentralized systems with no money creation.
• It is extremely risky for miners on the shorter chain to try and catch up with a
longer chain, especially if they are behind by several blocks. The costs are
significant and the reward uncertain. If a miner wants to make money and reap
rewards, it is more rational to abandon the shorter chain, accept the longest,
and then try to get transactions validated in subsequent blocks on that chain. If
all miners behave rationally and follow their economic incentives, the process
progressively converges on a single blockchain after a fork. But it may take
some time.
How does “proof of work” manage to force miners to spend resources? In order to
validate each block, miners must compete to be the first to solve a difficult
cryptographic puzzle. The puzzle has several characteristics:
• The solution is very easy and costless to verify; once a miner has circulated its
results on the network, all participants can instantly check that it is correct.
Each block proposed for validation includes the creation of bitcoin that are sent to the miner’s
address. Once the block is validated, the reward is effective.
• The problem is very difficult and can only be solved through brute force, i.e.,
by trying successively a very large number of possibilities38. The key
determinant of success in this competition is the amount of computing power
that is used. To win, miners must be prepared to spend significant resources
in computing time and electricity.
• The game is probabilistic. Over several rounds (several blocks), the probability
of a miner succeeding (being the first to find the solution, validate a block, and
pocket the reward) is roughly proportional to its share in the total computing
power available on the network (the hash power in Bitcoin’s parlance).
Proof of work has been very successful in securing transactions but also very
problematic from an economic perspective. There are five major challenges:
1. Payments are settled with delays. Merchants who are paid in bitcoins, for
instance, will wait to deliver their goods until they are certain that the block that
includes their payments will not become “orphaned.” An orphan block is one
that ultimately is discarded because it was in a chain that has been
abandoned. In practice, goods paid in bitcoin are delivered online about one
hour after having being paid. Merchants wait for approximately six blocks to be
validated behind the one that contained their payment to be sure it will not
become an orphan.
4. With such inefficiency built into the system, it is no surprise that many
indicators point to a very poor economic performance of crypto currencies.
The most spectacular, and frequently mentioned, is the energy consumption. It
is estimated that Bitcoin miners uses 40.64 TWh of energy to operate
annually, slightly more than Hungary, the world’s 57th largest consumer of
energy. This is also 75 times higher than the annual energy consumption of
Miners must find a number (the “nounce”) that, when combined in a hash function with the content
of the block, will produce another number starting with a specified numbers of zeros—a result that can
be instantly verified.
the centralized Visa network, which processed an average of 150 million
transactions per day in 2016, compared to the 44 million transactions
processed on the Bitcoin network for the whole of 2017.39
L. Schilling, and H. Uhling (2018).
V. Buterin (2014).
For crypto currencies which seek to compete with “official” money and centralized
payments systems, this cost structure is obviously a significant handicap. The
problem of “scalability” has been recognized by developers and promoters as one
major obstacle to the acceptance and further development of crypto currencies.
Proof of stake
In the proof of stake consensus method, potential miners or validators in effect post
collateral by sequestering an amount of crypto currency in designated addresses.
Those stakes are lost if the participants are proven to have behaved dishonestly.
Participants also vote to validate transactions weighted by how much of a stake they
hold. It is assumed that those holding the most currency have the greatest incentive
to make the system work securely and efficiently.
Unlike proof of work, proof of stake does not require spending real computing
resources to validate transactions. At least in principle, it therefore should not face
the same scalability challenges. Ether is projected to switch from proof of work to
proof of stake in the middle of 2019.42
A hard fork is the deliberate and permanent scission of the blockchain (and the crypto currency) in
two successor blockchains and currencies that share the same history but evolve separately in the
C. Kim (2019).
While proof of work has been tested over a longer time period, this is not the case for
proof of stake. Thus far, it has only been tried over a short period for some smaller
crypto currencies. It therefore is not clear yet that the method can overcome three
different types of challenges that remain:
Lightning refers to one alternative solution that would work in conjunction with the
Bitcoin blockchain by introducing a two-tier payment system in which small
transactions would be concluded and paid “off-chain.”43 This should reduce
congestion and allow for a scaling of activities. Participants operate specific
“channels” that are in effect bilateral or multilateral exchange arrangements with
means of payments earmarked and segregated in dedicated addresses. Only large
or netting transactions would be directly settled on the blockchain using proof of work
Cointelegraph.com, “What is Lightning Network and How It Works,”
use-the-lightning-network, accessed on July 10, 2019.
Other architectures and designs
Other crypto currencies have opted to take different approaches to consensus from
the start. They operate systems where the decisions are delegated to a subset of
participants (“validators” or “collectors”). This allows the crypto currency both to
dispense with proof of work and adopt simplified voting procedures. In Ripple, for
instance, the consensus is assessed to be robust with only 60% majority of the
selected validators.
This evolution is not primarily the result of the technical limitations of the network.
They instead derive from the constraints imposed on the systems to meet conflicting
objectives. There is a natural tension between decentralization and security. Bitcoin
does attempt to achieve both objectives, but at the price of very low efficiency. It
appears difficult for a decentralized system, where each transaction must be
validated simultaneously by a large number of participants, to be faster and cheaper
than payment systems which rely upon a central intermediary. In turn, solutions to
increase efficiency sacrifice either decentralization or, in some cases, security.
There are currently no examples of existing crypto currencies or projects that
effectively achieve scalability while fulfilling the initial ambitions of crypto currencies
Figure 7
The Triangle of Incompatibility
Decentralization Security
Proof of Work
(Bitcoin, Ether)
This “trilemma” will not be solved by future technical advances related to the speed of
data transmission or efficiency in processing information. Should such advances
occur—the possibilities of quantum computing are often mentioned by developers—
they would benefit both centralized and decentralized systems and would not erase
the competitive advantage of the former. Only a real revolution in consensus
techniques or cryptography would give decentralized currencies the ability to
effectively compete with official currencies and contemporary payment systems.
Performance and value
If crypto currencies have no use as medium of exchange, people must hold them for
other purposes.
J.P. Morgan Perspectives (2018). “Decrypting Crypto-currencies: Technology, Applications and
Challenges,” https://forum.gipsyteam.ru/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=566108, accessed on
June 10, 2019, p. 36.
O. Kharif (2017), “The Bitcoin Whales: 1,000 People Who Own 40 Percent of the Market,”
Bloomberg Businessweek, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-12-08/the-bitcoin-whales-
1-000-people-who-own-40-percent-of-the-market, accessed on June 11, 2019. Some transactions,
however, are done “offline” between accounts held by platforms under the same address. These
transactions never show up on the blockchain. See, M. Dalton (2018). “IOTA Proposes Reusable
Crypto Addresses,” Unhashed, https://unhashed.com/cryptocurrency-news/iota-proposes-reusable-
crypto-addresses/, accessed on June 11, 2019.
As of the end of 2017, around 120,000 websites and 289 physical stores accepted bitcoin.
A. Kumar, and C. Smith (2017).
A. Alexandre (2019).
Indeed, the main “selling point” for crypto currencies is their function as a store of
value49. Their promoters commonly emphasize two major characteristics: they are
scarce due to their very strict issuance rules and they are supported by a large
network of participants. In sum, it is argued that the value of an immaterial currency
can be fully dissociated from its effective usage in payments.
On the face of it, the scarcity argument looks very powerful. Crypto currencies are
presented as a sort of “digital gold”—even better than gold. Gold is expensive to
store, heavy to transport, and can only be handed over through an in-person
interaction. The value proposition of cryptocurrencies is that they are a form of
“teleportable” gold.
Crypto currencies are immaterial and lack backing. For such currencies, the demand,
and, therefore, the value, has two components. First, people might expect them to
appreciate in the future, either in purchasing power (against goods) or in price
(against other currencies). This is the “speculative” component in the demand for
money. Today, this component is dominant for crypto currencies. Second, money
can be used to make payments. It does a better job of fulfilling that function than any
other economic object. It can be said that money brings transactional benefits to its
holder and that these benefits give value to money.51
According to a survey conducted in November 2017 among crypto currency holders, investment
purposes were the main reason for holding: out of 564 US citizens surveyed, only 8% acquired
Bitcoins for transaction purposes. Between 2013 and 2016, more than half of the users of the
Coinbase trading platform used Bitcoin for investments and not for transactions. J. Gitlen (2017).
Money is usually valued either (1) in terms of the basket of goods that it can be used to purchase
(the value of a money unit is the inverse of the price level); (2) through the opportunity cost of holding
money rather than a bond (the nominal interest rate); or (3) by its “exchange rate” with other
currencies. This last concept predominates the discussion on cryptocurrencies. It has a close
relationship to the first definition in the long run under normal economic assumptions.
B. Biais, F. Heider, and M. Hoerova (2015).
C.A. Sims (2013) (“It is easy to construct models of economies in which unbacked paper money can
have value, but in such models it is generally also possible for money to be valueless, or to dwindle
rapidly in value so that the economy approaches a barter equilibrium. In such models, introducing
taxation either to pay interest on government liabilities or to contract the supply of non- interest-
Demand for money to make payments also depends on expectations, but of a
different nature. There must be coordination of beliefs, “trust” in common parlance.
People hold money because they expect other people to accept it as payment in the
future. In turn, those people also expect that other persons will accept it as payment.
Each holder of money gives value to it, because she thinks others will do the same.
This second source of demand is more robust. Once a large number of people
accept a currency as payment, it is unlikely that their collective expectations will
suddenly shift (as long as they trust the issuance regime). When money is
established as a medium of exchange, it has a usage value (even if its intrinsic value
is zero). That usage value puts a “floor” (a lower bound) on its future price. It is
unlikely that it will ever collapse to zero.
For “official” fiat currencies the value is further supported by legal tender and the
obligation to use them to pay taxes. Those institutional constraints guarantee that
they will be accepted as payment far in the future.53 That also gives them value
today. Gold, for its part, has historical usage value as medium of exchange, but also
for jewelry and industrial applications. Its value cannot fall to zero.
However, things might change. Some special purpose currencies may gain utility and
value in more limited circumstances. Crypto currencies may develop as cross border
payment instruments and acquire utility and be used as well as stores of value on
this basis. In countries where monetary institutions are fragile, economic agents will
turn to safe havens that even though imperfect are far superior to those offered by
bearing liabilities (and thus, via deflation, create a real return) tends to resolve the indeterminacy and
provide a uniquely determined price level.”).
Of course expectations on the precise value of the currency will be influenced, if not driven, by the
issuance regime.
Since digital currencies lack any intrinsic demand (for use in production or for consumption) and no
central authority stands behind them, an opinion about their future demand should largely rest on (i) a
belief about their future use as media of exchange and (ii) a belief that they will continue to remain in
demand even further into the future. J. Barrdear, and M. Kumhof (2016).
official institutions. The dollar fulfills this role in many countries. Crypto currencies
may in some cases be more accessible and could play a similar role. Finally,
currencies based on more centralized schemes and large cross-border networks
could also gain broader acceptance in the future. This perspective is examined in
Part II.55
There is an ongoing debate on the role that crypto currencies (or assets derived from
them) should play in the financial systems of many countries. In many cases, they
have come to be viewed as an asset class for financial investment, driven by the
interaction between their fixed supplies and increasing publicity.56
To assess the potential roles and risks of crypto currencies as financial assets, one
can consider two different angles:
• First, one may look at the asset’s fundamental value, defined by its expected
discounted cash flows. Those cash flows can be certain or probabilistic,
conditional or not. The relationship between the asset value and the expected
stream of cash flows can be complex, particularly in the case of derivatives,
options, and structured products. But the underlying value conceptually always
exists, based on a flow of future incomes. Fundamental value can be
estimated, although different investors will reach different conclusions based
on their assumptions about the economic environment and their risk appetite.
• Alternatively, the asset can be assessed through its observed and predicted
behaviour in relation to other financial instruments. The asset is then
characterized by identified patterns, correlations, or behavioral regularities that
define its contribution to the risk and return profile of a portfolio.
In the present environment, only the second approach can apply to crypto currencies.
As discussed above, they currently have no transactional usage value, nor do they
generate and are not expected to generate any income.57 Some investors feel,
A. Stevens (2017), p. 82 (“However, recent theoretical model simulations by Bolt and van Oordt
(2016) show that, in the long run, exchange rate risks are not likely to get in the way of widespread
use of private digital currencies, because such risks would be mitigated as such currencies become
more established. One interpretation is that the assessment of value is to a large extent based on
subjective beliefs, which can evolve over time. For instance, if private digital currencies were to
achieve increasing success as a medium of exchange, they would gain value in terms of practical
utility. This source of value could render exchange rates less sensitive to the impact of shocks to
speculators' beliefs. Financial stability risks would in any case be limited in this scenario, as
widespread adoption of privately issued digital currencies would actually contain exchange rate
J. Barrdear and M. Kumhof (2016).
This is not true for ICOs.
however, that their pattern of behavior is such that they may help hedge some risks
and, more broadly, improve the risk-return profile of specific investment portfolios.
• A modest Bitcoin allocation in recent years would have improved the average
efficiency of the securities portfolios;
• Crypto currencies are not, however, “safe haven assets.” They do not make it
possible to offset portfolio losses during periods of acute stress on the equity
or bond markets, such as during the “flash crashes” of August 2015 or during
periods of turmoil in the capital markets of developing countries;
• Crypto-currencies have a limited level of liquidity, which can prevent their use
in large portfolios.
Overall, there were over 700 specialized crypto currency funds as of the end of 2018,
with more than 10 billion USD under management.59 These funds do not necessarily
take long positions in crypto currencies, but are more likely to exploit price
differences and arbitrage opportunities.60 In total, regulated financial institutions
invest, trade and operate in cryptocurrencies or derivatives in at least eight
jurisdictions. In 2017, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
authorized the trading of future contracts based on notional crypto currencies61.
Derivatives instruments offering exposure to crypto currencies were introduced on
the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange
(CME) in December 2017, although the CBOE subsequently stopped trading new
bitcoin futures contracts in March 2019 due to low volumes.62
While several Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)63 investing in crypto currencies have
applied for approval from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the
United States, none has been approved. ETFs would be more accessible to
individual investors than most specialized funds currently available and are thus
drawing a great deal of scrutiny from regulators.
J.P. Morgan Perspectives (2018). “Decrypting Crypto-currencies: Technology, Applications and
Challenges,” https://forum.gipsyteam.ru/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=566108, pp. 28-30.
Crypto Fund Research (2019), “Despite Record Year, Crypto Funds Finally Fall Back to Earth,”
J.P. Morgan Perspectives (2018). “Decrypting Crypto-currencies: Technology, Applications and
Challenges,” https://forum.gipsyteam.ru/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=566108, p. 38.
U.S Commodity Futures Trading Commission (2017). “CFTC Statement on Self-Certification of
Bitcoin Products by CME, CFE and Cantor Exchange,”
https://www.cftc.gov/PressRoom/PressReleases/pr7654-17, accessed on June 11, 2019.
“Cboe Discontinues Bitcoin Futures for Now,” https://news.bitcoin.com/cboe-discontinues-bitcoin-
futures-for-now/, accessed on June 11, 2019.
ETF are index UCITS listed on regulated markets.
Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) have appeared over the last three years as a byproduct
of crypto currencies. Through ICOs, companies (most often startups) aim to raise
funds over the internet by issuing digital tokens that can be purchased with crypto
currencies. ICOs aim to mimic the issuance of shares, without any of the formalities
that are attached to IPOs. There is no prospectus for stock exchange authorities, but
simply a document (a “white paper”) posted on the Internet. It does not legally bind
the issuer. ICOs tokens are usually quoted on crypto currency exchanges shortly
after they have been issued.
The tokens themselves come in different forms with a great variety of rights attached
to them. It is customary to distinguish between (1) “security tokens” that mimic the
economic and legal characteristics of equity shares; and (2) so called “utility tokens”
that confer in principle a right of usage on future services to be provided by the
issuers. The nature of rights an ICO confers is often very vague or unspecified. A few
have legal rights of access attached to them. Most are actually special purpose
payment instruments—or currencies— that can be used in the future to purchase
services produced by the issuer.
After significant growth in 2017-2018, ICO issuance has fallen dramatically in the
second half of 2018 and first half of 2019 (see graph). This evolution closely follows
the price of crypto currencies.
• First, the protocols and algorithms that govern the issuance and circulation of
crypto currencies. Provided that they are appropriate and cannot be tampered
with, these protocols protect users against malfeasance such as double
spending and any temptation to inflate the currency through over-issuance.
For most crypto currencies there are no rules or established processes to modify the
algorithms and protocols. Those decisions are taken informally by the community of
developers, according to the traditional mode of open source protocol management.
There are various modalities for these situations, including regular online forums,
exceptional conferences, and more or less organized consultation procedures. In a
number of exceptional cases, some currencies are “supported” by formal institutions.
For Ether, a Swiss foundation that de facto assumes a coordination function by
encouraging the necessary organizational decisions. Even then, however, its role is
limited to organizing discussion and decision rules are not specified let alone
Informality naturally opens up the possibility of pressure and manipulation given the
competing economic interests in the crypto currency ecosystem. The concentration
of mining power makes conflicts between those interests more acute and visible. In a
2018 survey, more than 60% of minors acknowledged that they have an influence on
the definition and characteristics of protocols.
Another potential source of fragility is that the incentive structure may not prove
resilient over the long run. Rewards to miners are denominated in crypto currencies
(as for Bitcoin) while the costs are in official currency. The profitability of mining
therefore depends on the price (exchange rate) of the crypto currency. Should a
collapse in prices occur, mining would become a loss making activity, possibly
leading to a “death spiral,” with the exit of miners, a paralysis of the network, and
further falls in confidence and prices. In such a circumstance it would be hazardous
to postulate that individual miners would coordinate and take a long-run perspective
and keep operating the network at a loss, in anticipation of a return to normalcy.
In addition, for Bitcoin and Ether, the incentive structure is bound to change over
time. As issuance of new units of crypto currency will stop (for Bitcoin) or stay at a
constant growth rate (for Ether), the systems will increasingly rely upon transaction
fees to reward mining and ensure the continuing operation of payments. It is not
certain that users will accept the level of fees that would make mining profitable and
significant uncertainty hangs over the long run viability of such an approach.64
Overall it may be Illusory to think that one can dispense with institutions in managing
a currency. History, experience, and theory have provided many lessons on the
effective governance of monetary systems. The functions of the currency, especially
as a store of value, impose specific requirements: a very long-term horizon, a
consideration of the public good (which may not always coincide with the interests of
current holders), and an ability to react to changing circumstances and provide an
“elastic supply” of money. Those lessons have led to the creation of Central Banks
and, in the last thirty years, granting them operational independence. This
institutional arrangement provides both stability in the long run and short-term
flexibility in reacting to shocks. Strikingly, crypto currencies operate on diametrically
opposed principles: great rigidity in short-term management (by algorithms and
protocol) and significant uncertainty on the long run.
J. Bonneau, A. Miller, J. Clark, A. Naranayan, J.A. Kroll and A.W. Felten (2015).
A comprehensive description and analysis of existing regulations is beyond the scope of this report.
This section aims to provide some general perspectives on regulatory issues and outlines a possible
approach for the future. For a fuller discussion, see Global Legal Research Directorate Staff (2018).
“Regulation of Cryptocurrency in Selected Jurisdictions,” The Law Library of Congress,
https://www.loc.gov/law/help/cryptocurrency/index.php, accessed on June 10, 2019.
These divergences in attitude have not prevented governments, Central Banks, and
financial regulators from warning about the pitfalls of investing in crypto currency
markets.66 Such warnings generally aim to educate the users about the difference
between actual currencies, which are issued and guaranteed by the state, and
cryptocurrencies, which are not. Most warnings note the added risk resulting from the
high volatility associated with crypto currencies and the fact that many of the
organizations that facilitate such transactions are unregulated.67 Most also note that
citizens who invest in crypto currencies do so at their own personal risk and have no
legal recourse available to them in the event of loss.
• Taxation. When transactions occur and generate income for participants, tax
authorities in that person’s home country must decide on the applicable tax
regime. These differ widely across jurisdictions, with the United States treating
crypto currencies as property similar to gold, while the European Union treats
them as currencies.69 Courts are sometimes required to make a determination.
E. Kwok (2018).
Global Legal Research Directorate Staff (2018). “Regulation of Cryptocurrency in Selected
Jurisdictions,” The Law Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/law/help/cryptocurrency/index.php,
accessed on June 10, 2019.
Global Legal Research Directorate Staff (2018). “Regulation of Cryptocurrency in Selected
Jurisdictions,” The Law Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/law/help/cryptocurrency/index.php,
accessed on June 10, 2019.
Global Legal Research Directorate Staff (2018). “Regulation of Cryptocurrency in Selected
Jurisdictions,” The Law Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/law/help/cryptocurrency/index.php,
accessed on June 10, 2019.
• Public offering of crypto assets. When a crypto asset is potentially made
available to the general public, rules of protection have to be defined and
applied. In the United States, the SEC has made clear that it determines
whether an offering is a securities offering subject to its jurisdiction based on
the “Howey test,” regardless of the technical labelling or form of the crypto
asset.70 The SEC has been aggressive in its enforcement actions related to
ICOs that it considers to be securities offerings in recent years.71
Securities and Exchange Commission (2018). “Framework for ‘Investment Contract’ Analysis of
Digital Assets,” https://www.sec.gov/corpfin/framework-investment-contract-analysis-digital-assets,
accessed on June 10, 2019.
P. Marcogliese, M. Solomon, A. Janghorbani, and C.G. Steen (2019).
M. Carney (2018).
makers is that bitcoin may be problematic, but the underlying blockchain
technology is promising and should be supported. This sounds sensible, but
there are complex interactions between the monetary and technological
components of many blockchain applications. As discussed earlier, the
existence of a native currency is often necessary for some specific
decentralized, anonymous applications to work. As the saying goes “if there
was no bitcoin, there would be no blockchain.” In effect, dissociating the
blockchain from the monetary experiment means that only “permissioned”
blockchains would be allowed to prosper.
• Second, according to the FSB, crypto currencies currently “do not pose a
material risk to global financial stability” that could motivate regulation.
Outstanding amounts of crypto currencies are minimal compared to the size of
capital markets and financial systems as discussed earlier. Financial
institutions do not have significant exposures, let alone the leveraged positions
that might pose risks to financial stability. Total notional derivatives exposures
are also very small. While confidence in the financial system could be
adversely impacted if serious incidents were to occur and supervisors should
stay vigilant, this does not appear to be a pressing concern at the moment.
The main financial risks associated with crypto currencies today relate to market
integrity. These risks materialize primarily on the exchanges, at the interface between
the crypto world and the official financial system. At the same time, regulators are
currently faced with many requests to authorize the launch of new investment
vehicles specifically dedicated to allowing the general public to take on exposure to
crypto-assets. Should regulators give those authorizations, a new channel of
transmission from crypto currencies to the financial system would open. Risks
associated with crypto currencies would increase, and direct regulation of crypto
currencies would become unavoidable. For those reasons, isolating the crypto
system appears to be the preferable approach at this stage.
Due to the global nature of crypto currency ecosystems, interactions with the formal
financial system necessarily are legally and physically located in numerous
jurisdictions. An efficient “isolate” approach to regulation would therefore require at
least some minimal degree of cooperation to define and implement appropriate rules
and procedures. This coordination should be targeted at three different types of
financial institutions: the banking system, the asset management industry, and the
Banks currently avoid taking proprietary exposures on crypto currencies and most of
them would not grant credit to their clients in order to take such exposures. It would
make sense for banking supervisors to agree to formalize this prohibition on a global
basis, at least for a period of time.
Asset management and investment funds
The situation in asset management is more complex and urgent. There is currently a
great deal of pressure on regulators to agree to the creation of investment vehicles
aimed at the general public and dedicated to crypto assets.73 An “isolate” approach to
regulation would directly conflict with these calls and militate against granting such
authorizations. In my view, public policy should aim to prevent the general public
from getting direct or indirect exposure to crypto currency risk at this juncture. There
are three reasons it makes sense to wait and see before liberalizing access to crypto-
From an investor protection perspective, crypto assets are extremely risky. The
currencies themselves have limited usage value and their price is only supported by
self-fulfilling expectations of appreciation. While crypto assets ultimately may find a
role as hedging instruments given their lack of correlation with traditional financial
assets, they generally should be reserved for well-informed, sophisticated investors
with the appetite and ability to invest in high risk assets.
Authorizing retail investment in crypto assets would result in a transfer of risk from
current holders to future investors. As mentioned, holdings of crypto currencies are
extremely concentrated and it is likely that the weak liquidity on crypto exchanges
constrains many current holders from offloading their exposures. The creation of new
investment vehicles would certainly bring additional liquidity to crypto currency
markets; the benefits would be distributed in a highly asymmetric fashion, however.
Current holders would be able to offload their exposures, particularly if market
enthusiasm about the potential impact of these new investment vehicles help spur
crypto currency prices higher. At the same time, new participants, many likely with
limited experience investing in similarly volatile markets, would potentially be left
bearing the risks of a market correction. Allowing retail investors to invest easily in
crypto assets should only be contemplated when the technical and economic future
of those assets is more assured.
Crypto currency exchanges certainly constitute the “weak link” in the current crypto
ecosystem architecture and represent the point where regulation is most urgently
Around 20 ETFs are pending on the SEC.
Some exchanges hold accounts for their customers in both official and crypto
currencies. These accounts are used for effecting transactions by transfers from one
account to the other in a bank-like form of activity. However, there are currently no
guarantees that the accounts held by exchanges are effectively backed by holdings
of official currencies (if accounts are denominated as such) or addresses in the
blockchain (for crypto currencies).
For these reasons, authorities in all countries should consider agreeing on at least
This figure is only 15% for exchanges based in the Asia-Pacific. G. Hileman and M. Rauchs (2017).
Global Legal Research Directorate Staff (2018). “Regulation of Cryptocurrency in Selected
Jurisdictions,” The Law Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/law/help/cryptocurrency/index.php,
accessed on June 10, 2019.
J. Wilmoth (2018).
T. Massad (2019).
R. Rathi and Shivangi (2019).
Electronic signatures can change slightly while still being valid before being added to the
blockchain, which makes it vulnerable to hacks attempting to modify it (to be compared with the
falsification of a check signature for instance). Medium (2018). “How Does Blockchain Work in 7
Steps--A Clear and Simple Explanation,” https://blog.goodaudience.com/blockchain-for-beginners-
what-is-blockchain-519db8c6677a, accessed on June 11, 2019.
some basic principles to guide the regulation of exchanges. Massad (2019)80
provides a useful framework for defining those principles. They should encompass:
• Governance standards
• Record keeping
• AML compliance
ICOs tokens can cumulate several layers of risks. The informal issuing process offers
no guarantee as to the final allocation of funds. In addition, holders of utility tokens
are exposed to the ordinary business risk of the project itself and to a “monetary” risk.
The issuer controls both the number of similar tokens that may be issued in the future
and the price at which they will be accepted for payment. Strict regulation would be
justified, especially for utility tokens.
On the other hand, ICOs and the successor technologies may be precursors of a
profound transformation in the cross border issuance and trading of digitalized
securities. It thus may appear appropriate to allow these innovative approaches to
Regulators are facing this tradeoff with a diversity of approaches. The overriding
objective of proper regulation is to make tokens safer for investors. Two mutually
compatible approaches are being pursued. The first one aims at restricting the
sphere of “utility” tokens by defining and enforcing strict tests that legally reclassify
most tokens as “securities.” This is the approach taken most strongly by the SEC in
the United States, where ICO tokens are treated as securities from a legal and
regulatory perspective if and when (1) there is an investment contract (the so called
“Howey test”81) or (2) tokens are quoted on an exchange.
T. Massad (2019).
An investment contract is defined as (1) an investment of money (2) in a common enterprise and (3)
with an expectation of profits predominantly from the efforts of others. SEC (2019). “Framework for
‘Investment Contract’ Analysis of Digital Assets,” https://www.sec.gov/corpfin/framework-investment-
contract-analysis-digital-assets, accessed on June 10, 2019.
See Article 26 of the PACTE bill.
France, funds collected during the ICO are monitored and safeguarded, and
AML/CFT obligations are fulfilled during the ICO. The visa will offer investors
substantial guarantees of integrity while preserving the flexibility inherent to the ICO
For all their imperfections and limited achievements, crypto currencies have brought
a new perspective on the future of money. They force us to consider the impact of
technological change on our payment and monetary systems.
This report focuses on one key issue: the respective role of public and private money
in this new technological environment. In contemporary economies, private money
dominates as a medium of exchange. Most of the money that circulates in the
economy is privately issued and takes the form of bank deposits. Public money,
composed of cash and bank reserves at the Central Bank, provides the unit of
account and is the basis for legal tender. And, crucially, the coincidence between the
two functions—exchange and account—is guaranteed by the unconditional
convertibility between the two forms of money—private and public.
It will certainly transform the forms of money in its role as a medium of exchange,
with significant consequences for financial intermediation, the role of banks, and the
uniformity of the currency.83,84 Part II of this report discusses the changes to the
monetary system that can be expected as a result of mobile technology, the
emergence of large payment networks, and the further development of e-money, as
well as the possible consequences of the disappearance of cash and a technical
fragmentation of the monetary system.
Although less certain and more speculative, technology may also enable new private
currencies to compete with existing official ones as a unit of account. The report
presents a preliminary analysis of possible scenarios.
These changes present many challenges for governments and monetary authorities.
There is relatively little doubt that sovereign governments and Central Banks would
ultimately prevail if they assert their power and authority in regulating and, if
necessary, prohibiting those monetary innovations that they dislike.85 However,
evolutions in technology present authorities with new trade-offs. On the one hand,
Central Banks and regulatory bodies seek to promote efficiency and competition
between payment systems and encourage the introduction of new technologies. On
the other hand, they may be legitimately concerned about the risks and monetary
implications of those same technologies. It will be easier to manage those trade-offs
if Central Banks were to issue their own digital currency (a Central Bank Digital
Currency or CBDC) in the future. A CBDC would guarantee that the general public
More precisely, the public currently holds two categories of money: the first, cash, has physical
form, is transacted on a peer-to-peer basis, can be transacted anonymously, and is public (i.e., issued
by the Central Bank); the second, bank deposits, is electronic in form, has account-based holdings
and transactions, is not anonymous, and is private (i.e., is created by banks).
S.L. Schreft (1997), p. 60 (“…the concern for policymakers is not that electronic cash is electronic,
but rather that private firms are issuing it.”).
Indeed, a number of countries, particularly emerging market economies, have started to do so.
could keep access to public money even as the underlying technology of money
changes. It would also preserve the uniformity of the currency and its role as unit of
account in a digitized economy.
A silent revolution is currently taking place in retail payments. For more than 20
years, e-money instruments have been available in most parts of the world. But they
were hardly used. Still today, outstanding e-money in the euro (EU) area amounts to
less than 1% of the total monetary aggregate.86
That is about to change. The driver, of course, is mobile payments. Smartphones are
making payments by e-money significantly more user friendly than previously
available modes such as laptops and pre-paid cards. Technology has revealed a
demand for instant, peer-to-peer, point of sale (POS) payments that mimic the use of
cash in transactions as closely as possible. People have become more willing, and
indeed may prefer, to make payments via the internet or mobile phones. Mobile
payments are now reaching mass market penetration. The number of transactions by
mobile payments worldwide were projected to more than double between 2015 and
2019 from 50 to 109 billion.87 Transaction volumes are projected to increase tenfold
between 2016 and 2021.88
This shift toward electronic retail payments is especially rapid and widespread
amongst younger generations, as well as in countries where banks for various
reasons have been unable to provide payment services to certain segments of the
population.89 The rise is most spectacular in China, where 47% of the population
used mobile wallets in 2018, compared to only 20% in Japan and 17% in US.90 This
trend is intensifying in all advanced economies as well, however. This year, 20% of
the US population are estimated to be using mobile payments.91 Penetration is
greatest in the youngest part of the population (with 48% of people aged 18 to 34
having a mobile wallet compared to only 29% for those aged 55 to 64).
Payments are affecting money. The most visible sign in some countries is the
displacement and increasing marginalization of cash, the only public money that is
universally available.92 More broadly, mobile technology and the advent of “next
Percentage of aggregate is calculated as of May 2018. European Central Bank (“ECB”) (2018A). “E-
Money Report,” http://sdw.ecb.europa.eu/reports.do?node=1000003509, accessed on June 12, 2019;
ECB (2018B). “Monetary Developments in the Euro Area: May 2018,”
accessed on June 12, 2019.
Capgemini and BNP Paribas (2017).
Statista (2019). “Number of Proximity Mobile Payment Transaction Users Worldwide from 2016 to
2021 (In Millions),” https://www.statista.com/statistics/557959/global-mobile-proximity-payment-users/,
accessed on June 10, 2019.
CPSS (2012).
M. Grothaus (2018).
R. Kats (2018).
This issue will be explored at greater length below.
generation” payments has the potential to reshape the architecture and organization
of monetary systems in a profound way. The emergence of large payment operators
and networks may challenge banks’ existing business models. Payments may
become the core function in financial intermediation, emerging as the main or even
exclusive contact point with customers, positioned at the center of a whole
ecosystem of commercial and social interactions and aggregating valuable data
about customer behavior. From a public policy perspective, this could lead to the
technical, operational, and monetary segmentation of monetary systems. Managing
such developments may require Central Banks to develop their own digital
“Token” money has always existed in physical form. Coins and banknotes are
physical tokens. Today, the possibility to securely attach an identity to a digital
representation of value allows for the use of digital tokens. As a result, a new form of
money is emerging. This may turn out to be the true monetary innovation brought by
A. Stevens (2017).
C.M. Kahn, F. Rivadeneyra, and T. Wong (2018).
D. He, K. Habermeir, R. Leckow, V. Haksar, Y. Almedia, M. Kashima, N. Kyriakos-Saad, H. Oura, T.
Saadi Sedik, N. Stetsenko, and C. Verdugo-Yepes (2016).
The terminology around these issues is not yet fully accepted or consistent. Parts of the economic
literature use the terms “value-based money” to designate the digital representation of value. For
security experts, a token is a device that securely mirrors an identity to allow transactions on an open
network. CryptoCurrency Facts. “What is a cryptocurrency token?,”
https://cryptocurrencyfacts.com/what-is-a-cryptocurrency-token/, accessed on June 10, 2019.
attached to the file, the representation of value can be transferred and a payment is
made. A digital token can be exchanged on a peer-to-peer basis without any financial
intermediary and, if necessary, without any need for a bank account.
Technically, there are two differences between token- and account-based money:97
A system where tokens are directly exchanged between mobile devices either
anonymously or without verifying the participants’ identification is potentially very
different from one where payments are made by debiting and crediting identified
bank accounts. Tokens allow users to dispense with having a bank account if a
consumer either does not have access to one or does not want to have one.
Tokenization is, however, merely a form of money. It does not prejudge the
underlying monetary architecture and is compatible with a diversity of monetary
arrangements. Tokens can be used as a purely technical device that “mirrors” bank
deposits and helps move the tokens around, as is the case with wallets and other
applications available on mobile devices. Alternatively, tokens can also develop into
a form of money fully detached from any bank account from a user perspective: in
this case, an e-money98 provider issues tokens that can be exchanged without bank
A central question for the future is whether tokens will serve as a complement or
substitute to bank deposits as money. Schematically three different models may
C.M. Kahn, F. Rivadeneyra, and T. Wong (2018).
E-money is generally described as “pre-paid.” This means that the token has been created through
the deposit of cash by the holder or, more frequently, by transfer from its bank account to the issuer’s
bank account.
• “Wallets” serve as complement to banking system. This first model is less
disruptive for the customers and the banking system. Each individual
retains their bank accounts, as is currently the case. They may choose to
give “Payment Service Providers”99 (PSPs) technical access to their bank
accounts and install Apps (“wallets”) on their mobile device to initiate their
payments. This model has been actively promoted in some jurisdictions in
order to increase competition in payment services, as is the case with the
European Union’s recent PSD2 Directive.100 In this model, tokens play
almost no monetary role
This is EU terminology.
EUR-Lex (2015). “Summary of: Directive (EU) 2015/2366 on EU-Wide Payment Services,”
https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex:32015L2366, accessed on June 10, 2019.
So-called “stable coins” (see Part I of this report) in effect belong to this category.
o There are four major differences compared to the first model: (1)
the user holds tokens that are a new form of money that can be
transferred via peer-to-peer exchanges; (2) the third party is no
longer a simple service provider, but is instead an e-money
issuer. It holds and manages a monetary balance sheet with
monetary liabilities (the tokens) and assets in its own bank
accounts; (3) the business model of banks has been altered as,
instead of a multiplicity of small depositors, they may do
business primarily with a small group of very large
counterparties; and (4) new challenges arise for regulators on
the supervision and regime of the new forms of money.102
Ultimately, the system remains “bank based” as settlements are
made by transfers between bank (and Central Bank) accounts.
But the underlying customer relationships and business models
of banks are disrupted as the e-money issuer now plays the
primary financial intermediation role with retail customers.
One frequently mentioned issue is the absence of deposit insurance on e- money.
• A third model is a mix of the two previous ones. Customers can transfer
money from their bank accounts to a third party (i.e., an e-money issuer)
and receive tokens to be stored and used on their mobile phones. But they
still hold a bank account of their own. They are basically using two forms of
money that are convertible into each other. In China, Tencent and
AntFinancial manage huge payment systems on the basis of this model.
At the moment, for all their technical innovations and potentially disruptive effects,
payment systems remain very traditional in their underlying monetary mechanisms.
Most wallets103 are “pure” payment service providers. They do not (or only
marginally104) collect deposits or open accounts for their customers. They do not
have a “monetary” balance sheet and are not regulated as banks. They use
prepayments or get access to their clients’ existing bank accounts and move the
money in and out according to instructions. They provide transaction services and act
as “trusted intermediaries” for payments, ensuring speed and security.105 Customers
still rely on banks to open accounts, to hold deposits, and ultimately to effect
payments on their behalf. Payments are still made by reducing the balance in a
customer’s account and increasing the balance in the recipient’s account by an
equivalent amount—a process that has not changed since the 16th century.106 Bank
deposits thus generally remain the means by which the general public makes most
electronic payments.
Will that change as existing or new forms of e-money appear and develop? In the
future, users likely will have a choice. They may still have accounts with both their
bank and an e-money provider107 and can move money between them. But they
could also dispense with having a bank account altogether and hold all their money
in the form of tokens stored on their computers or mobile phones. Could the M-Pesa
model be expanded or generalized to other emerging or advanced economies? If
yes, it would mark a major shift in how money moves around the economy. The role
of banks in payments would be limited to clearing and settlement purposes between
e-money issuers.
As of today, there is little sign of such a revolution occurring. In part, this may reflect
that there are not sufficient incentives for consumers to shift away from customer-
based bank accounts. Banks are vigorously competing to improve their payment
services and reduce their costs. At the same time, e-money issuers themselves may
be reluctant to hold and manage a “monetary” balance sheet, with the attached
responsibilities and increased supervision that would likely entail.
Examples include ApplePay, Tencent, and Alipay.
PayPal offers customers the option of opening an account in which value can be stored or instead
just having the customer’s other (non-Paypal) accounts directly credited or debited to facilitate
This process is encouraged in Europe by the new payment service directive referred to as PSD2.
See Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (“CPMI”) (2014).
B. Dyson (2019).
Generally, e-money accounts do not benefit from deposit insurance.
In the medium run, several forces nonetheless could drive a shift from account-based
to token-based money:
See, e.g., J. Cochrane (2014). (“With today’s technology, you could buy a cup of coffee by swiping
a card or tapping a cell phone, selling two dollars and fifty cents of an S&P 500 fund, and crediting the
coffee seller’s two dollars and fifty cents mortgage-backed security fund. If money (reserves) are
involved at all—if the transaction is not simply netted among intermediaries—reserves are held for
milliseconds… [These] electronic transactions can easily be made with Treasury-backed or floating-
value money-market fund shares, in which the vast majority of transactions are simply netted by the
intermediary.”) This transformation was aptly and precisely envisioned by C.A.E. Goodhart (2001),
who noted that “the assumption that the means of payment will be an electronic transfer, a unit of ‘e',
Individuals, and companies, will hold personal accounts consisting (mostly, possibly entirely) of capital
market assets…. A payment from X to Y would involve a pre-programmed, computerised sale of some
set, or sub-set of financial assets, or increase in liabilities by X and an equivalent pre-programmed
investment by Y, once the `e' transfer had been received on her ‘e' purse.”
mobile allows the user to dispense with a bank account. By contrast, a
card needs a bank account (unless pre-paid). The competition between the
two modes of payments will therefore have some impact on the forms of
money that will be used in the future.
Network money 109
Networks and money are closely linked. Money derives its value and fulfils its role by
allowing a very large number of economic agents to engage in transactions together.
Network effects and externalities play an essential role in establishing and
maintaining a currency: broad acceptance of a currency increases its utility and
naturally attracts new users.
Terminology coined by C. Freedman (2000).
S. Silverthorne (2006).
J. Gans and H. Halaburda (2013).
For example: Apple Pay, Google Wallet, and payments made through Facebook Messenger.
For example, Worldpay, a global payments technology provider, recently partnered with Sage
Partners, a cloud business management company, to expand the range of card payment solutions
Indeed, some payment platforms have started to establish themselves as a main
contact point between large populations of consumers and merchants. In this model,
the payment platform serves as an aggregator of other financial services (for
example, credit scoring and asset management) and eventually other types of
economic activity such as trade in goods. This dynamic is leading to the emergence
of what could be called large payment conglomerates.
Given the great diversity of services offered to users, the payment networks
increasingly see themselves as complete and inclusive ecosystems and consumers
appear to share this view. A recent article in The Guardian gives a sense of the
strategy of these networks, as well as the depth of their reach into diverse consumer
available to businesses in the UK and Ireland. See, PR Newswire (2019). “Worldpay and Sage Partner
to Provide Fast and Efficient Payments to Businesses Across the UK and Ireland,”
payments-to-businesses-across-the-uk-and-ireland-852692152.html, accessed on June 11, 2019.
Also, Zelle, a U.S.-based digital payments system, is seeking to broaden its services in order to allow
customers to pay small businesses. See, PYMNTS (2018). “Zelle Eyeing Expansion Into Small
Business Payments,” https://www.pymnts.com/news/payment-methods/2018/zelle-small-business-
p2p-payments-app-risk-assessment/, accessed on June 11, 2019.
Ant Financial is considered the largest fintech firm in the world. The company owns Alipay, a major
online payments business with 870 million active users, as well as Yu’e Bao, a 1.5 trillion RMB
(approximately 216.4 billion USD) money market fund. Ant Financial reportedly is planning to add two
additional money market funds. Ant Financial also offers insurance and currently has 322 billion RMB
(approximately 46.5 billion USD) outstanding in consumer loans. In addition, Ant issued 258.8 billion
RMB (approximately 37.3 billion USD) in consumer loan asset-backed securities in 2017. S. Hsu
H. Roberts (2016).
M. Lee (2012).
people are living their lives through this platform,’ an Ant
Financial spokesperson said.117
These developments are still in their infancy and geographically limited in scope thus
far. But the underlying technology supports the potential for geographic expansion,
and large payment networks are already expanding into neighboring countries.
One defining characteristic of these payments networks is that payments are the core
activity for these conglomerates. The payment functionality is what keeps the
network valuable and growing:
L. Kuo (2018).
In a platform- and payment-dominated financial system, that implicit hierarchy may
be reversed as payment services become the main point of entry for customers.
Other types of financial services, such as credit and asset management, could then
become de facto accessories to payments. In this new form of industrial organization
that is emerging in some countries, banks, mutual funds, and asset management
In some respects, such a system then becomes a currency area of a new kind, one
based on digital interconnectedness.119 Obviously, a digital currency area is very
different from the traditional concept of optimum currency areas (OCA).120 However,
J. Gans and H. Halaburda (2013).
In a recent presentation at the Bank for International Settlements, Holmstrom discussed this
concept in the context of forms of “legal tender” inside the payments network. Holmstrom (2018).
Defined as a domain within which exchange rates are not needed for macroeconomic adjustment
can be dispensed of. The OCA relates to macroeconomic stabilization and money’s function as a unit
at a fundamental level, a currency area is defined by the proximity and “ease of trade
and payments” between its participants. In the OCA literature, proximity is mainly
defined according to the commonality of macroeconomic shocks and factor
mobility.121 In a digital world, a different kind of proximity emerges. The links between
economic agents derive from connections within the payment network, not primarily
from their geographic closeness or economic structures. Payments inside the
network are easier and trading frictions are lower between members of the network
compared to trade with parties outside the network. The emergence of payment links
of this type could result in monetary effects. Specifically:
Concerns about the impact of technology on monetary policy are nothing new.
Twenty years ago, when e-money was first developed, economists and policymakers
worried that advances in information technology would render Central Banks
obsolete and wondered whether they could “survive the IT revolution.”122 Central
Banks primarily draw their powers from their monopoly in issuing “base” money. At
that time, it was feared that the demand for such money would diminish or disappear,
making this monopoly increasingly irrelevant. It would become difficult or impossible
for a Central Bank to implement monetary policy effectively if this occurred, as it
of account. The question addressed by the theory is how far can a currency extend geographically
without compromising macroeconomic stability
R. Mundell (1961).
See C.A.E Goodhart (2002).
would lose an effective transmission mechanism.123 Would Central Banks become
“an army with only a signal corps” as Benjamin Friedman posited, with monetary
policy implemented only through press conferences and public statements?124
In theory, there are four reasons why technology could reduce or eliminate the
demand for Central Bank money:
• Digital money could partially or totally substitute for cash, whose usage
would shrink or disappear. In that case, Central Bank money would be
needed less in the economy.
• If large payment networks aggregating many activities dominate the
economic landscape, most transactions would be settled within those
networks, rather than between them, thus bypassing Central Banks. The
need for clearing balances in Central Bank money would be minimal,
limited to transactions between networks.
• From a more forward-looking perspective, progresses in IT could make
financial intermediaries so well informed about each other that they would
be more prepared to provide credit to each other and settle net claims,
reducing or eliminating the comparative advantage of Central Bank money
in providing payment finality.125,126
• Finally, any settlement that remains necessary after multilateral clearing of
balances between banks and financial intermediaries could be made by
direct transfers of financial assets either held in accounts by a central
depository or digitally created for that purpose.127 The possibility to
Concerns were sufficiently important to motivate the ECB to recommend that e-money issuers be
subject to reserve requirements.
B. Friedman (2002).
C.A.E. Goodhart (1989), p. 32 (“If market information improves still further, so there is complete, or
near complete, information of the standing and behavior of all participants, then there is no need even
for bilateral clearing of debits and credits… transactions will give rise to credit and debit balances
which can be settled multilaterally without the need for monetary assets as a means of payment.”).
Similarly, M. Woodford (2001) notes “Improvements in information technology may well reduce the
demand for central-bank balances for clearing purposes as well. … the demand for non-zero overnight
clearing balances results from uncertainty about banks’ end-of-day positions in their clearing accounts
that has not yet been resolved at the time of trading in the interbank market. But such uncertainty is
entirely a function of imperfect communication; were banks to have better information sooner about
their payment flows, and were the interbank market more efficient at allowing trading after the
information about these flows has been fully revealed, aggregate demand for overnight clearing
balances would be smaller.” See, also, Woodford, “Money Information,” (XXXX) (“… since the
question of finality of settlement is ultimately a question of the quality of one’s information about the
accounts of the parties with whom one transacts.”).
See C.A.E. Goodhart (2002) (”…. Perhaps the simplest way to envisage this happening is that all
agents (e.g. individuals and companies) hold their financial assets, i.e. claims on other agents, with a
custodian, perhaps a computer company, not necessarily a bank. The custodian simply guarantees
that the asset value is there. When a transfer is made, the custodian arranges the pre-programmed
set of investment sales and purchases. The custodian would run the computerized settlement system
but need neither issue liabilities nor make loans, i.e. it would neither be a bank nor a Central Bank, nor
a financial intermediary.”).
digitalize or “tokenize” financial assets would make them divisible and
fungible and facilitate their use as instruments for settlement.128
Thus far, none of these concerns have come to fruition. Far from vanishing, there has
been increasing demand for Central Bank money for payment and liquidity needs:
The financial crisis has shown that Central Bank money is much more than just a
settlement instrument. It is also a store of value and the ultimate safe asset. Banks
were happy, indeed anxious, to accumulate reserves at the Central Bank to cover
any potential shortage in funding. In some countries, access to the Central Bank’s
balance sheet had to be broadened to accommodate increasing demand for base
O. Issing (1999) (“However, an important feature of the new electronic payment and settlement
infrastructure is its potential ability to compress the time delay for transactions to settle to effectively
zero in economic time. This creates an essentially new circumstances which has the potential to
obviate many, if not all, of the types of risk normally encountered in executing payments and their
settlement. In principle, this would allow a much wider array of assets, especially marketable assets,
to be mobilized as transaction media.”).
CPSS (2003).
C. Phelan (2015).
C. Phelan (2015).
M. King (1999) (“Because base money is the ultimate medium of exchange and of final settlement,
central banks have enormous leverage over the value of transactions in the economy.”).
M. King (1999) (“If financial intermediaries could settle with each other in real time, then the role of
central banks in providing finality of settlement would disappear.”).
The store of value function provides a very strong basis to assert the power of
Central Banks. By virtue of their ability to provide (and control the supply of) that
specific safe asset, Central Banks control the risk-free interest rate, and, in effect,
place a floor on the whole constellation of interest rates and financial conditions in
the economy. They can do this even when there is little (or no) demand for Central
Bank money for transaction purposes.
On the other hand, authorities want to operate a “uniform” currency, as they want the
different forms of money to be absolutely equivalent representations of the same unit
of account. The perception of the public must be such that it uses the various forms
of money interchangeably so long as they are denominated in the same currency.
That property has also been called the “singleness” of money.135
The conditions for full and unconditional convertibility between the different forms of
money can be quite demanding. This means that there should never be any friction in
shifting from one form of money to another. Different forms of money should always
exchange at par in unlimited quantities and there should be no gains to arbitrage
from one to the other. One important implication is that there must be an infinitely
elastic supply of each form of currency to accommodate any shift in relative
Short-term government bonds in some countries are considered as safe as Central Bank money;
however, their supply may not be as perfectly elastic.
Also referred to as a “uniform currency.” CPSS (2003)
Singleness, therefore, theoretically implies three different conditions:
• First, that each and every type of private money is convertible into the
• second, that all of them are convertible into the public money; and
• third, by extension, that all economic agents have access to public money,
in one form or another.
In practice, it may not be realistic to expect that all forms of digital money will be
mutually convertible into each other in unlimited quantities. All, however, should be
exchangeable into public money.136 Ultimately, convertibility into public money is
what keeps the monetary system uniform in contemporary economies.
Technology presents two main challenges to a uniform currency. First, if cash were
to disappear or be marginalized, it would eliminate universal access to public money
and effectively suppress the convertibility of bank deposits. Second, technological
innovation has enabled the creation of a multiplicity of special purpose tokens and
the creation of large payment networks that, together, could lead to a fragmentation
of the monetary system.
Cash demand varies considerably across countries according, to traditions and social
habits.138 In some European countries such as Sweden and Denmark, electronic
payments have started crowding out the use of cash. By contrast, the growth in
demand for banknotes in the euro area has by far exceeded that of economic output
in recent years.139
This will require at least a minimal level of regulation. Today, in most (but not all) jurisdictions, it is a
legal requirement for e-money issuers to redeem instantly and unconditionally in cash; in order to do
so, they must hold sufficient public money to provide backing.
Some academics have been advocating for the elimination of cash as well; the most prominent of
these is Ken Rogoff. See, e.g., K. Rogoff and D. Reisinger (2016), R. Guy (2017), and K. Rogoff
Data and developments taken from BIS (2018B).
Y. Mersch (2017).
Yet, despite continuing digitalization, cash still plays a significant, in fact increasing,
role in most countries. Even as its use as a means of payment is declining, cash is
increasingly becoming a store of value.140 The total amount of cash in circulation
continues to rise in proportion of national GDPs. Over the last decade, the demand
for large-denomination notes has outpaced that for smaller denominations (although
this varies greatly across countries). Looking at data, therefore, “reports of the death
of cash seem greatly exaggerated.”141
On the other hand, the penetration of mobile money is only starting. In many
countries, a dynamic is developing where consumers’ tastes interact with merchants’
incentives to reduce or eliminate cash payments. Such developments tend to be
mutually reinforcing and accelerate over time, with possible snowball effects or
sudden shifts and discontinuities. Existing data and trends thus may not be good
predictors of the future.
The perspective of a cashless society is not a fiction anymore. In parts of the world,
both emerging and advanced, it has become increasingly difficult for the public to pay
in cash or even obtain cash from banks. China has moved increasingly toward being
a cashless society.142 Many bank branches in Sweden have become cashless.143
This evolution has prompted reactions from authorities in different parts of the world.
In July 2018, the People’s Bank of China warned against the dangers of a cashless
society.144 More recently, the City of Philadelphia has announced a policy sanctioning
merchants for refusing to accept payments in cash145
First, the general public would be completely dependent on a third party to effect any
payment. This would have important consequences for the structure of the payment
system and issues such as the fight again cyber-crime. The need for emergency
backups (with associated costs) also would have to be thoroughly explored,
especially in the case of natural catastrophes. In some countries exposed to
recurrent natural disasters, citizens are advised by authorities to always keep a
certain amount of cash on hand in case payment services are disrupted for a long
time. In the absence of appropriate emergency backups, a cashless society would be
It is likely that low interest rates are a temporary factor that reduce the opportunity cost of holding
BIS (2018B), citing J. Williams and C. Wang (2017).
A. Lee (2018).
M. Savage (2019).
A. Lee (2018).
K. Zraick (2019).
M. Savage (2018).
exposed to significant operational risks, with potential economic and social costs if a
disaster were to occur.
Finally, and most relevant to the focus of this report, citizens would no longer have
access to public money directly backed by the authorities. They will not be able to
hold Central Bank money, which is the only form of public money they currently can
use. Access to Central Bank money would exist only in the form of banks’ reserves,
crucial but invisible and inaccessible to individuals. There would in effect no longer
be a functional legal tender, with the operation of the monetary system turned over to
private entities.149 It is worth exploring the implications of this change in more depth.
J. Nicolaisen (2017B).
See, for example, J. Nicolaisen (2017B) (“We may not be entirely comfortable with the thought that
every purchase we make is recorded. It may be too reminiscent of the society described in George
Orwell's 70-year-old novel 1984.”); and C.A.E Goodhart (2002), p. 15 (“The one circumstance where
one might, indeed, expect information technology to bring an end to the use of national currency would
be when an (authoritarian) government might prescribe that all transactions must go through an
electronic device. It is not hard to imagine the advantages that a government might envisage from
being able to record (electronically) every payment that every agent in that country made. This is a
perfectly feasible Orwellian nightmare.”).
J. Nicolaisen (2017B).
this convertibility is frequently supported by deposit insurance. It is impossible to
predict how the monetary system would behave over the long run if private money
were no longer convertible into public money given that it can no longer be converted
into cash.
Technology has the potential to segment domestic monetary systems across both
technical and economic dimensions.
Technology could lead to fragmentation in many other ways. There is great interest
on the part of financial institutions and other corporates in dedicated payment
systems working with special purpose tokens. For instance, participants in the
interbank market in some countries are exploring transactions involving tokens that
represent reserves at the Central Bank. This may be the beginning of a trend. In a
digitalized economy, “there is now a computer in the middle of each transaction.”150
Many computer-mediated transactions involve the transfer of value. The token form
of money allows for instant settlement, with no counterparty risk. It is especially well-
suited when exchange and payments take place between machines and are
regulated by algorithms, when “real time” may be measured in milliseconds.
Depending on their business needs, participants may wish to use special forms of
tokens, possibly denominated in specific unit of accounts.
H. Varian (2013).
S. Ingves (2018).
value ultimately depends on the issuer’s creditworthiness. The monetary system in
effect becomes fragmented between different categories of issuers.
[i]n the absence of legal obstacles, can, should, and would the
unit of account be separated in practice from the medium of
exchange function in the belief that financial innovation will
render outside money unnecessary and obsolete.
The underlying fear was that form would drive the substance, as a new means of
payments would progressively push economic agents to count and price in different
units. Whether this would happen is largely a matter of conjecture. As noted by Buiter
(2014), there is no accepted theory on what determines the unit of account in a
market economy. Economic theory generally assumes that social behaviours are
such that the unit of account emerges naturally from the medium of exchange.
Historical examples of divergence between the medium of exchange and unit of
account have been very localized or temporary.
Authorities have many ways to impose or consolidate the unit of account by deciding
which currency serves as legal tender and in which currency taxes have to be paid
and public contracts will be denominated. Ultimately, however, the authorities cannot
prevent economic agents from contracting in the unit of account of their choice, at
“Singleness” seems to be a necessary (but not by itself sufficient) condition for a currency to
effectively become “the” measure of economic value, or the unit of account, shared by members of a
modern economy, with the associated advantages of efficiency and safety in trade. See CPSS (2003).
their own risk.153 How those agents would behave in a technologically different
environment without singleness of money is a matter of some uncertainty.154
Cross border effects also may be significant. Within large networks, the same digital
instruments of payments may easily be used in several jurisdictions. If so, they may
have the effect of promoting the use of a specific unit of account outside of the
country where it has legal tender.
Given the fragmentation risks that would result from the multiplication in the digital
forms of money, the rise of payment networks, and the disappearance of cash, it
makes sense for Central Banks and governments to think about possible alternatives
in the digital era. Could a CBDC be issued and serve as a public money generally
available in the long run if and when the risks of monetary fragmentation
The case for a CBDC can be stated in very simple terms: in a highly digitalized
economy, a CBDC is necessary to preserve and guarantee universal access to
public money, which in turn may be essential to protect the uniformity of the currency
and its role as a unit of account.
According to W. Buiter (2014), “[t]he unit of account that matters for private decision makers and is
used to record transactions among private parties is decided by them alone. Nothing in the primitive
assumptions of conventional (unboundedly rational) optimising economic theory (preferences,
information, technology, endowments) implies that the private unit of account—the unit of account
used for private calculation and computation and for recording contracts between private parties—be
defined in terms of the liabilities of the central bank or in terms of the media of exchange or means of
payment widely used in the economy.”
L.H. White (1984), p. 703, notes that “[i]t remains to be considered whether economic agents in an
unregulated world without a central auctioneer would be likely to converge on use of a unit of account
that is not a unit of outside currency.”
K. Rogoff (2014), p. 8, argues that “it is important to acknowledge that there is a least an outside
risk that if the government is too abrupt is abandoning a century-old social convention, it will
destabilize inflation expectations, introduce a risk premium into bond pricing, and generally induce
unexpected macroeconomic instabilities.”
An interesting albeit more theoretical question relates to the pricing of government bonds in a
cashless world. They cannot be, as today, redeemable into public money, because there is no such
money available to the general public in a cashless society. They can only be redeemed against other
public or private bonds, or in private money, creating some circularity and risk in the pricing. “This
clearly would make bond pricing much more difficult than it is in our world.” L. H. White (1984), p. 710.
countries, it constitutes a defense against digital monetary competition from abroad.
Overall, it provides the public with a form of money in line with their preferences,157
which is generally considered as part of Central Banks’ missions.
While the case seems simple, the debate surrounding CBDC has been complicated
by the introduction of a set of three interrelated arguments.
“Economists for centuries have dreamed of interest paying money.”158 The electronic
form of CBDC makes it technically feasible to pay interest on the currency, including
a negative interest rate. This could enhance the transmission mechanism of
monetary policy and increase its efficiency. The benefits would be especially
important if and when monetary policy was to hit the zero lower bound, a scenario
that is more likely if equilibrium interest rates are projected to stay low for a long
period of time. The gains, in terms of absorbing shocks and stabilizing the economic
cycle could be substantial.159
Financial Stability
A CBDC would provide the public with an attractive alternative to bank deposits,
especially if it carried interest. In ordinary times, the possibility of instant arbitrage
towards the CBDC may force banks to pay more interest on their deposits. This could
destabilize their funding structure which, in turn, could impede credit in the long run.
In times of banking system stress, a CBDC would make it much easier to run from
deposits into Central Bank money. Overall, a CBDC could thus contribute to the
disintermediation of banks, which would have a major, potentially negative, impact on
the functioning of the financial system.
It is true that a CBDC technically would make runs easier and this argument
deserves careful consideration. However, it should not prevent the creation of
CBDCs. While runs might occur more easily, that does not necessarily mean that
they would be more frequent. Some runs are specific to a bank, as depositors shift
their money from one account to another at a different bank, which is increasingly
done online. That type of run would not be affected by a CBDC. Another type of run
affects all banks, when there is a general loss of confidence in the banking system. In
that case, CBDC would offer the natural exit. But what is the alternative in a digitized
monetary system? Without CBDC and without cash, people would have nowhere to
J. Cunliffe (2018).
J. Cochrane (2014).
B. Coeuré (2019).
run. In effect, the convertibility of deposits would have been suspended. If the Central
Bank wants to maintain convertibility, runs must be allowed to occur. While the
system must be constructed in such a way that runs are unlikely, it should not make
them technically impossible.160
Narrow Banking
Finally, a third and related strand of argument supports the creation of a CBDC
precisely because it would disintermediate banks. Proponents of “narrow banking”
and the “Chicago Plan” from the 1930s view the power of private banks to create
deposit money as a major source of financial instability and the cause of many
crises.161 In addition, the dominant role of banks in payments creates an obligation
for Central Banks or other supervisory authorities to rescue them when they are in
trouble. From this perspective, a CBDC that would force banks to look for alternative
sources of funding, get them out of payments, and submit them to market discipline
would result in a very positive transformation.162 While motivated by different
reasons, proponents of “Sovereign money” also advocate a monetary system where
private bank deposits would disappear as a form of money and payment instruments
would be issued by the State or fully backed by government bonds.163
Once all these arguments and considerations are factored in, the debate regarding
the introduction of a CBDC becomes extremely complicated. However, these
complexities are primarily driven by issues that only appear when a CBDC is
conceived and constructed as a perfect substitute for bank deposits that (1) pays
interest and (2) is account based.164
But this need not be the case. CBDC can be designed differently, as “digital cash”
with the objective of mimicking almost all the characteristics of cash and serving not
as a substitute but as a complement to bank deposits. Such a CDBC would have two
main attributes: first, it would not pay interest under any circumstances; and second,
it would not be account based but would come in tokenized form (or according to
It should be also noted that the impact on banks of any shift from deposits to CBDC can be
compensated by additional refinancing from the Central Bank. A permanent increase in reliance on
Central Bank funding would not, however, be a positive development.
J. Benes and M. Kumhof (2012).
For a recent exposition of this view, see R. Moghadam (2018) (“a system where a central bank
provides payment services while banks focus on credit is more stable. It removes banks’ capacity to
fund loans simply by issuing deposits and relying on borrowing to cover unexpected outflows. This
should reduce the incidence of bank crises and taxpayer-funded bailouts in the name of rescuing the
payments system.”).
B. Dyson, G. Hodgson, and F. van Lerven (2016).
Opening and holding accounts for the general public would generally not be considered a core
competency for most Central Banks, as retail banking is not their normal habitat. They have no
comparative advantage in managing account relationships with individuals. As a result, this could
expose them to some compliance and reputational risk should they open accounts to individual
citizens. See CPMI (2018).
terminology that is occasionally used, be “value based”).165 It would also be provided
elastically so as to be permanently convertible into deposits and vice versa at a rate
of 1 to 1. While the technology for issuing such a currency is not fully available today
and the general public would need to have electronic wallets, the hurdles to such an
approach seem relatively low compared to other possible models for CBDC.
Should access to public money in the digital age be conditional on losing anonymity?
These are major policy choices and are deeply political in nature:167 How should a
society balance privacy rights with the extent to which the information in a CBDC
could be used to fight terrorism and economic crime?168
Such choices, of course, are not specific to money. The use of data and the
protection of privacy raise difficult trade-offs in a great number of activities. However,
they have a specific resonance for money. On the one hand, contrary to many other
activities, the use of money cannot be avoided. On the other hand, the negative
externalities of anonymity in money— money laundering, tax evasion, and financing
of terrorism—are large and well-defined.
See Y. Mersch (2017).
C.M. Kahn (2018) indicates that a specific token could be created for each transaction, with the
identity of the owner attached to it and destroyed when a payment is made, with a new token then
being created with a new identity.
See, e.g., F. Panetta (2018), p. 9 (“Just who should decide on the degree of anonymity associated
with the use of a CBDC? Clearly, this is more than just a technical issue, and as such, the choice does
not belong to central banks alone but also to the political sphere. We need to think carefully, right now,
about how to make the introduction of a CBDC fully compatible with the rights of individuals and about
how to square the increasing availability of information on the private lives of each one of us in relation
to our political views, state of health, or sexual orientation, with the protection of our personal freedom
and with the rules that govern the functioning of a modern liberal democracy.”).
M. Carney (2018).
As early as 2012, analysts and commentators raised the possibility that an existing
global network could decide to create its own money, denominated in its own unit of
account, and thus effectively compete with existing official currencies. In 2010, after
Facebook introduced the Facebook Credit, one analyst asked “[c]ould a gigantic non
sovereign like Facebook someday launch a real currency to compete with the dollar,
euro, yen and the like?”169 Another analyst noted that “[i]n some countries (especially
those with national debts that are greater than their GDPs) Facebook Credits could
become a safer currency than the national currency.”170 As discussed in Part I of this
report, it is also possible that some crypto currencies could adopt more functional
architectures and improved governance, and thus emerge as more viable
competitors to official currencies.
This section of the report discusses the possibility of such scenarios, the reasons
why currency competition could happen, and the challenges this could pose for the
Currency competition
Economists have long been divided on the benefits and costs of currency
competition. Some of them, in the tradition of Hayek, want to “denationalize” money
and establish a monetary system based on the permanent competition of several
private currencies that would discipline governments in the issuance of money. Many
current advocates of crypto currencies belong to this school of thought.
On the macro level, it is often argued that money is a public good, where the unit of
account is the common language of economic agents.173 Given that the provision of
money is fraught with peculiar market failures, this has led to the argument that the
government should have a monopoly in the supply and control of the stock of
circulating currency.174 Whether this balance between the costs and benefits of
M. Yglesias (2012).
H. Halaburda and M. Sarvary (2016), p. 6.
O. Issing (1999).
S. Schmitz (2001).
O. Issing (1999).
M. Friedman and A. Schwartz (1986).
currency competition would shift with technological change is certainly a matter for
further research. For example, it is possible that price discovery will continue to
become easier with Apps, making currency competition easier as well.
Platform currencies?
Regardless of the theoretical debate, the emergence of some form of new private
digital currency has become a real possibility.175 One can think of several possible
scenarios. Crypto currencies could evolve into different, more centralized,
architectures. Or existing payments instruments or special purpose currencies could
transition towards new, fully fledged currencies. Special purpose payment
instruments have existed for many years (for instance, the Oyster card for London
public transit). They have made episodic or lasting appearances in some parts of the
digital economy, starting with video games but also for dedicated applications.
If existing limitations on the platform currencies’ use were removed, some could
develop into fully-fledged private digital currencies. The real shift would come when
they are not only used to make purchases on the platform but also to effect transfers
and payments between members, including for settling transactions that took place
outside the network. That movement outside the platform may, or may not, result
from issuers’ decisions. While that could occur if an issuer removes existing
limitations on the use of its platform currency, one cannot exclude the possibility that
a special purpose currency involuntarily could gain status as a fully-fledged store of
value and unit of account, at least in some jurisdictions.
For the sake of reasoning, it is assumed that no regulatory action is taken to prevent or help the
development. It is obvious that most, if not all, Sovereigns could impose and enforce a regulation and
prohibition of private currencies in their jurisdictions (at the cost, maybe, of intrusive measures, such
as capital controls).
Examples of such platform currencies are Amazon Coins or Facebook Credits. This term was
coined by J. Gans and H. Halaburda (2013).
The exception to this is the Linden Dollar.
Social networks and online gaming have created various new
payment needs, often for use within a limited ecosystem.
Traditional payment products may not efficiently meet these
payment needs, leading to the development of new products
such as Amazon Coin, Facebook Credit (now discontinued) and
the Linden Dollar. While the use of such products is currently still
restricted to their respective ecosystems, it is conceivable that
some of them may develop into more widely used payment
services, as PayPal did. Moreover, non-proprietary forms of such
alternative payment products have appeared, notably Bitcoin.178
Private currencies could emerge on networks today more easily than in the past for
two main reasons.
First, they could rapidly gain broad acceptance if supported by large cross-border
(social and commercial) networks, which connect hundreds of millions of people.
Historically, gaining acceptance has been a major challenge for new currencies. Prior
to electronic communication and the Internet, geographical distances were powerful
obstacles to the diffusion of any new currency. This not the case anymore. Network
effects and externalities will take effect in full force with no delay. Inside an existing
social or commercial network, any user of a new monetary unit would have instant
access to tens of millions of potential counterparties, a population the size of many
Second, technology makes it easier and less costly to switch from one currency to
another. Switching costs were traditionally seen as a major obstacle to currency
competition.180 For that reason, new private currencies in the past could only emerge
if existing public money were very poorly managed. Switching would only occur “in
cases of profound distrust of authorities and deeply compromised sovereign
CPMI (2014), p. 16.
ECB (2015), p. 44.
Also, the economic logic and natural inertia in behavior favors existing “incumbent” currencies
because the use of an object as means of payments depends on information and familiarity with its
characteristics. See Goodhart (1989), p. 37.
currencies… When currency substitution has occurred naturally it's almost always
done so only after the incumbent currency has been debauched by hyperinflation.”181
Even in that case, rather than flee to entirely new currencies, most people would try
and switch to other existing and trusted forms of money, such as foreign sovereign
currencies. This behaviour underpins the “dollarization” phenomenon that has
occurred frequently in countries where the currency suffers from insufficient
Switching costs are lower in a digital economy. Programs will help manage the
currency transformation and risks from a mobile device. Existing and future
applications will allow for easy and instant computation of relative prices and
conversion of monetary balances from one currency to another as well as automatic
arbitrage. This will eliminate some of the frictions that arise from having different units
of account. As a result, the coordination effects of a single unit of account may be
less important.
The incentives to switch may also be stronger given technological change. In the
future, competition between currencies may not be solely driven by their performance
as a store of value. Other elements might be dominant, such as the convenience
gained by participation in a comprehensive ecosystem of trade and exchange with
easy access to what seems to be an infinite number and variety of goods, services
and people.
The remainder of this section will discuss two major challenges facing private issuers
of new monies: first, over issuance, which may prove easier to solve than in the past
due to technological progress; and second, the question of backing, which may prove
more difficult.
Governments have ways to deal with the problem. They can induce or force the
general public to use the currency if it is legal tender or through various instruments
of financial repression. Alternatively, they can ensure the credibility of the issuance
regime by establishing institutions or rules that constrain issuance.
Private issuers in particular face specific challenges in this regard. They have an
incentive to issue currency in greater quantities than appropriate and, because
people are aware of this, it is very difficult for a private currency to establish credible
issuance regimes. For that reason, private currencies are inherently fragile and
In the future, technology may help to alleviate this dilemma and solve the over
issuance problem for private currencies. Stability can be established if the private
issuer can credibly submit itself to a transparent rule, implemented by an algorithm.
Submitting monetary policy to a rule has for long been considered an effective way to
establish credibility. It is still frequently advocated as the best solution to the problem
of dynamic inconsistency in the context of monetary policy. The strongest objection
to a rule-based monetary policy is that it is too rigid, as it seems impossible to fit the
complexity of decision making in the real world. Indeed, most of the rules that have
been proposed or considered are very simple in nature. For example, the Friedman
rule prescribes a constant growth rate of the money supply, while the Taylor rule
determines the policy interest rate as a simple function of the output and inflation
It should be easier for some private issuers to constrain their behavior, at least
initially, because maximizing profit from money issuance may not be their primary
Indeed, the essential argument of Hayek in promoting currency competition is that it would penalize
over issuance (by private or public entities).
Simplicity is considered to be an advantage by promoters of these rules as it helps to anchor
business objective. The function of a native currency in the business model of a large
network is mainly to enhance the attractiveness of other activities, reinforce their
complementarities, and cement the cohesiveness and inclusiveness of the
ecosystem that develops around the platform.
Based on a large network and limited to its payment function, a private currency
could conceivably establish itself as a reliable alternative to official monies.186
However, the evolution might and will not stop there. A fully developed currency is
not restricted to payments. If successful, it will also become a store of value—
especially if it is accessible to citizens of countries where the monetary regime is
fragile. It may be equally difficult to prevent the deployment of credit and maturity
transformation inside its own monetary system. Credit already exists, in many forms,
for some crypto currencies.
Once those evolutions take place, the issuing entity would be confronted with a host
of new challenges and difficulties.187 If a dematerialized currency is used for
purposes other than transactions, demand for the currency will be driven by very
different motives and dynamics. Depending on their expectations and risk appetite,
people may want to hold more or less money as a store of value. They may also
want to exchange it for other currencies (or the reverse). This “speculative” motive
becomes important in driving the value of the currency. This creates the possibility of
many different equilibria emerging: some where there is confidence in the currency
and some where there is not. How those changes in demand are accommodated will
determine the behavior of the currency. It may not be sufficient to have a stable and
predictable issuance regime. The issuer instead will be facing two very difficult and
interrelated choices: will it take (explicit or implicit) responsibility for maintaining some
level of financial stability inside the system? And will it take (explicit or implicit)
responsibility for stabilizing the value of the currency—its exchange rate—vis à vis
official currencies?
However, self-fulfilling expectations about the future value of money can create
instability. Too much volatility may compromise the use and role of the currency as
medium of exchange, especially, if participants in the network have their income,
assets, and debts denominated in other (official) currencies.
For those reasons, issuers cannot exclude intervention under any circumstances, as
this could lead to a higher and permanent level of volatility. Even, if an issuer makes
In the following paragraphs, it is assumed that “private network“ money is token based, with no
accounts in the name of holders, and no claim on the issuing entity; it is therefore considered “outside
Assuming that, by then, the authorities have not stepped in to impose regulatory oversight.
no firm and specific commitment to stabilize the market, it will want to keep the option
to provide and withdraw liquidity and/or support the exchange rate.188 For this to be
an option, there has to be an elastic supply of the currency—with the consequence
that the issuer has to be able to exchange money for other real or financial
resources. This raises the question of backing.
“Backing” means that the currency must be redeemable, at least in some proportion,
into real or financial assets. In the case of a private currency, those assets must
obviously be denominated in another money. Backing is necessary to withdraw
money (by selling other assets through so called open market operations). It is also is
necessary to stabilize the exchange rate (by selling official currencies if necessary).
Because it is vulnerable to episodes of depreciation and crises of confidence, the
stabilization of any immaterial currency may require some commitment of real
For sovereign currencies, fiscal backing is generally assumed to exist in some way.
The government has the power to tax and therefore to mobilize real resources in the
future, should redemption become necessary.189 Economists have long been
interested in how much fiscal backing was necessary to stabilize a currency and
prevent a collapse in confidence. In two important articles, Obstfeld and Rogoff
present a model where an (infinitely) small backing is sufficient to ensure that
demand for a currency will be maintained and a run that would lead to a collapse of
the currency’s value to zero is excluded.190 As long as a currency unit can be
redeemed for an (arbitrarily) small amount of real resources, households will keep
using and holding it for its transaction utility. The argument assumes that households
are rational enough to see that the currency can never collapse in the future; as a
result, they have no motive to stop using it today, taking into account its benefits for
trade. 191 Importantly, the model also assumes the currency is legal tender. Recent
research refines this analysis by showing that the government does not have to
commit to any specific course of action: backing is credible as long as fiscal policy
keeps sufficient flexibility for the future.192
Overall, the perspective and efficacy of fiscal backing remains uncertain. But that
ambiguity plays into the hands of the Sovereign: together with legal tender, fiscal
backing helps to anchor expectations, eliminate multiple equilibria, and stabilize the
For a private issuer, the reverse may be true, as uncertainty and ambiguity may be
destabilizing. A private issuer has no power to tax or designate currency as legal
tender beyond its use in its network. The amount of backing that it could potentially
In those situations, management by algorithm may not be possible anymore.
The concept refers either to the necessity for fiscal policy to be broadly consistent with monetary
policy or, more narrowly, for the fiscal authority to stand ready to redeem the fiat currency. We refer
here to this second interpretation.
M. Obstfeld and K. Rogoff (1984); M. Obstfeld and K. Rogoff (2017).
M. Obstfeld and K. Rogoff (2017) note “the implausibility of a sudden rejection of a widely used –
and backed – currency for no reason whatsoever.”
G. Gaballo and E. Mengus (2018).
mobilize would be assessed in relation to its own resources. It could be argued that
large corporations have balance sheets that are sufficiently strong to provide
backing. Indeed, some potential issuers have net assets that are higher—by an order
of magnitude—than the resources available to many small- and medium-size
countries (as measured, for instance, by the discounted value of their expected tax
revenues). One might therefore think that these companies could easily provide
However, the issuer would have to determine whether it is beneficial to commit part
of its balance sheet, explicitly or implicitly, for the purpose of backing the currency. If
the issuer does so, backing would affect their own solvency or, at least, the
perception of this solvency by outside investors.
Overall, the business case for or against backing a currency might be very complex:
An analogy can be made with defined benefits pension funds, as underfunding, if any, is generally
considered as a potential liability of the company.
Over the last eighteen months, numerous policy makers, including major Central
Bankers, have given speeches on “the future of money.” This contrasts with the
previous three decades, when “as economics has become more and more
sophisticated, it has had less and less to say about money.”194
Technology is responsible for this shift in interest and emphasis. It is hard to say, at
this stage of the transition towards digital money, whether it will lead to a
reassessment of some tenets of monetary theory and policy. It certainly confronts
Central Banks and, more generally, public authorities, with new challenges. They will
have to decide on the extent to which they want to adapt to or regulate new forms of
From a payment perspective, the process is fast and most likely will be disruptive for
the business models of banks and the structure of financial intermediation and
• Between private and public units of accounts. This evolution is more uncertain
and speculative but cannot be ruled out.
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