Succ - Taleon Notes Mateo 1
Succ - Taleon Notes Mateo 1
Succ - Taleon Notes Mateo 1
Succession = (in its objective sense) referring to the Art. 775. In this Title, “decedent” is the general term
totality or entirety of the property, rights and obligations applied to the person whose property is transmitted
of a person transmitted to another or others through through succession, whether or not he left a will. If he
any of the modes of acquisition and transmission left a will, he is also called the testator.
recognized by law.
Subjective Elements of Succession
succession The subjective elements of succession consist of the
(as a mode of
decedent and those who are called to succeed such
decedent either by will or by operation of law, such as
the heirs, devisees or legatees.
broadest juridical strict juridical
sense sense
‘Decedent’ Defined
= the person whose estate is to be distributed.
= it signifies the = it signifies the
substitution or substitution or = (transferor/causante) refers to a deceased person
subrogation of a person subrogation of a person in who is the source of the hereditary property or
in the transmissible the transmissible rights
rights and obligations and obligations of a estate which is to be distributed
of another deceased person
He is also called:
succession mortis succession inter succession mortis
• testator — if he left a will
causa vivos causa • intestate — if he left no will
Extent of Inheritance
According to Art. 781 in conjunction with Art. 776, the
inheritance of a person includes:
(1) the property, transmissible rights, and obligations
(to the extent of the value of the inheritance
existing at the time of his death)
(2) as well as those which have accrued thereto since
the opening of the succession (such as alluvium)
→ NOTE: The accretions or accessions are not
strictly inherited for they form part of the
estate only after the heirs become the owners
thereof; hence, properly speaking, they are
acquired by accretion (as an incident of
ownership under the LAW), not by
As to inclusion
either by the provision of a will or by operation of law.
in the
As to transmissibility/
intransmissibility Exceptions Devisees and legatees are persons to whom gifts of real
and personal property are respectively given by virtue
of a will.
Monetary Obligations
Under the New Rules of Court, only monetary
obligations or claims for money must be filed within the
time limited by the rules against the estate of the
decedent; otherwise, they are barred forever.
Hence, under our system of procedure for the DISPOSABLE FREE LEGAL
settlement of the estates of deceased persons,
monetary obligations of the decedent can only be
charged against his estate and not against his heirs.
= over which the testator has = over which the testator has no
absolute testamentary control and testamentary control because the law has
It must be noted that the claims or obligations which which, consequently, may be already reserved it for certain heirs who
disposed of by will in favor of any are, therefore, called compulsory heirs,
can be charged against the estate of the decedent after person not disqualified by law to and which, consequently, cannot be
disposed of by will in favor of any other
his death are those monetary obligations contracted succeed
by the decedent himself during his lifetime and not
those contracted by his heirs.
After-Acquired Properties
Note that property acquired by the testator between the
time the will is made and the time he dies, is NOT given
to the designated heir unless the contrary has been
expressly provided. (Art. 793). Such property is
acquired PRIOR to the death, not afterwards.
INTESTATE always called to always called to
succeed to individual succeed to an
items of property indeterminate or aliquot
those who inherit BY
portion of the
those who inherit BY
RIGHT OF decedent’s hereditary
succeed by particular succeed by universal
title (titulo particular) title (titulo universal)
= as in the order of always called to called to succeed either
intestate succession = as those provided in
provided in Arts 978 to Arts 981 succeed by means of a by means of a will,
will (voluntary) or by
operation of law
(compulsory and legal).
Possibility of Dual Status they are similar in the sense that both are called to
If in a will, a compulsory heir is given more than his succeed by means of a will and also in the sense
legitime, he assumes a dual status: that the shares of both are chargeable against the
→ Insofar as his legitime is concerned, he is a disposable free portion of the testator’s estate
compulsory heir.
→ Insofar as the excess is concerned, he is a Importance of distinction
voluntary heir. EFFECT:
This distinction is important because if a compulsory In case of preterition or to annul entirely the
heir dies ahead of the testator, his legitime is inherited pretermission in the institution of heirs, but
by his own child. On the other hand, the child of a testator’s will of one, legacies and devises
voluntary heir who predeceases or dies ahead of the some, or all of the shall be valid insofar as
testator gets nothing from said testator. (Art. 856). compulsory heirs in the they are not inofficious
direct line: (Art. 854)
Concept of devisees and legatees In case of imperfect or to annul the institution of
→ Devises and legacies are possible only in defective heirs to the extent that
testamentary succession. This is evident from the disinheritance the legitime of the
provision of the second paragraph of Art. 782. disinherited heir is
→ A devisee or legatee always succeeds to individual prejudiced, but legacies
items of property by means of a particular or and devises shall be
special title. valid insofar as they are
not inofficious
The devise or legacy which is given to a devisee or (Art. 918)
legatee by means of a will is, as a general rule, a In case properties are such properties are not,
charge against the free portion of the testator’s acquired by the as a rule, included
property. testator after the among the properties
→ It must be noted, however, that this rule is of execution of the will: disposed of unless it
practical importance only in case the testator should expressly appear
is survived by compulsory heirs who, under in the will itself that such
our system of compulsory succession, are was the testator’s
entitled to a legitime. In such case, the intention. It is evident
testator’s hereditary estate is divided, as a that this rule is
general rule, into the legitime or legal portion applicable only to
and the disposable free portion. Since it is a legacies and devises
rule that the testator has no testamentary and not to institution of
control over the legitime, it follows that heirs
devises and legacies can only be charged (Art. 793)
against the disposable free portion. If the
testator is not survived by compulsory heirs,
his entire property is considered as free
property, in which case, the devises and
legacies can be charged against the entire
property. Hence, we can define devisees and
legatees more accurately as persons to whom
gifts of individual items of real and personal
property, chargeable, as a general rule,
against the disposable portion of the testator’s
hereditary estate, are respectively given by
virtue of a will.
Art. 795. The validity of a will as to its form depends upon Thus, a proviso in the will of an alien
the observance of the law in force at the time it is made. to the effect that his properties should
be distributed in accordance with
internal Philippine law, and not in
Kinds of Validity With Respect to Wills
accordance with his own national law,
Extrinsic validity = refers to the forms and solemnities
is void because said proviso
needed. From the
contravenes Art. 16, par. 2 of the Civil
→ Extrinsic validity may be seen also from two viewpoint
Code. (Bellis v. Bellis, L-23678, June
viewpoints, the viewpoint of TIME and the of PLACE
8, 1967). However, if the conflict rules
viewpoint of PLACE (or country) or
under the national law of the
→ Examples: the number of witnesses to a will; COUNTR
deceased refer the matter to the law of
the kind of instrument — whether public or Y
the domicile and the foreigner was
private — that is needed domiciled in the Philippines at the
moment of death, our courts will have
Intrinsic validity = refers to the legality of the to apply the Philippine internal law on
provisions in an instrument, contract or will. succession. (See Testate Estate of
→ Examples: whether or not the omission of a Christensen, L- 16759, Jan. 31, 1963).
child in the will renders the whole will void; (This is an instance where we
whether or not a [disposition in favor of a ACCEPT THE RENVOI which is the
friend impairs the legitime; whether or not a referring back to the forum of the
compulsory heir has been given his rightful problem.)
share]. Intrinsic validity may also be viewed
The law says that the wife can dispose of her share of
the conjugal property. Suppose she disposes of, say,
the conjugal house, how will this affect the inheritance?
ANS: It depends. Ordinarily, the heir gets only half of
the house, but if in the liquidation proceedings the
house is awarded entirely to the wife’s estate (the
husband receiving some other property, like cash), the
heir gets the whole house. It is understood that the
married woman must respect the legitime of her
compulsory heirs.
As applied to the testator, the purpose of the statutory The position of the signature at the end of the will
requirement of a signature is two-fold: furnishes in itself internal evidence of finality or
(1) it is to identify the testator; and completion of intent
(2) authenticate the documents
“END” of the will — means the LOGICAL, not the
physical end of the will. Thus, if a will starts on the 1st
Presence of witnesses [NOTE: As will be seen later on, while the attesting
must be done in the presence of all, the act of
(2) Attestation and Subscription by Witnesses acknowledging before the notary public does not have
An instrumental witness may be defined as one who to be contemporaneous. It does not even have to be
takes part in the execution of an instrument or writing. done in the presence of all of them, since the law does
not mention this as a requirement; neither does the law
Attestation of the will consists in the act of the require that execution and acknowledgment of a will be
witnesses of witnessing the execution of the will in made on the same day (Testate Estate of A. Ledesma,
order to see and take note mentally that such will has L-7179, June 30, 1955).
been executed in accordance with the requirements
prescribed by law. Meaning of presence
→ Its purpose is to render available proof during “in the presence of the testator and of one
the probate proceedings that the will has been another”
executed in accordance with the
requirements prescribed by law and that the The purpose of such a requirement is evidently to
instrument offered for probate is authentic. prevent the substitution of a surreptitious will; and to
make more difficult the invention of false testimony by
Subscription, on the other hand, as it is used in this the witnesses, since they may be the witnesses of one
part of the Code, consists in the manual act of the another.
instrumental witnesses in affixing their signatures to the
instrument. Its only purpose is identification. The true test of presence of the testator and the
witnesses in the execution of a will is not whether they
ATTESTATION SUBSCRIPTION actually saw each other sign, but whether they might
an act of the senses an act of the hand have seen each other sign, had they chosen to do so,
mental act mechanical act considering their mental and physical condition and
purpose is to render the only purpose is position with relation to each other at the moment of
available proof during identification inscription of each signature (Jaboneta v. Gustilo).
the probate of the will,
not only of the “In the presence” does not necessarily require actually
authenticity of the will, seeing, but possibility of seeing without any physical
but also of its due obstruction.
consists in witnessing the signing of the (3) Marginal Signatures
the testator’s execution witnesses’ names upon General Rule: Under this requirement, it is essential
of the will in order to see the same paper for the that all of the pages of the will, except the last, should
and take note mentally purpose of identifying be signed not only by the testator but also by all of the
that those things are such paper as the will instrumental witnesses.
done which the statute which was executed by
requires for the the testator. Consequently, if even one of the pages of the will does
execution of a will and not contain the required marginal signature or the
that the signature of the pages are not signed by the witnesses although they
testator exists as a fact are signed by the testator or such pages are not signed
Attestation clause may Subscription must by the testator although they are signed by the
be placed at the always be at the logical witnesses, the will which is offered for probate shall be
beginning of the will. end of the will. disallowed.
Placing it at the end is
only for convenience. Mandatory part of the requirement: the signing on
every page in the witnesses’ presence.
Directory part of the requirement: the place of
Order of Signing
signing , i.e. the left margin; the signature can be
Where the execution of the will by the testator and the affixed anywhere on the page death.
signing of the same by the subscribing witnesses
constitute one continuous transaction, the signing by Exceptions: (When the rule that pages of the will shall
each, taking place in the presence of the others, is be signed on the left margin by the testator and the
sufficient as is to all intents and purposes an attestation witnesses is dispensed with)
by the subscribing witnesses to a fact which has (1) in the last page, when the will consists of two
already taken place (Gordon vs. Parker). or more pages;
(2) when the will consists of only one page; and
As long as the signing is done within the presence of (3) when the will consists of two pages, the first
one another, it really does not matter much whether the of which contains all the testamentary
witnesses signed ahead of or after the testator — as dispositions and is signed at the bottom by the
testator — as long as the signing is sufficiently testator and the witnesses and the second
Essential requirements for notarial will other than those Art. 807. If the testator be deaf, or a deaf-mute, he must
mentioned in Arts. 804 and 805: personally read the will, if able to do so; otherwise, he
(1) Art. 806 (acknowledgment before notary shall designate two persons to read it and communicate
public) to him, In some practicable manner, the contents
(2) Arts. 807 and 808 (special cases — when the
testator is deaf, mute, or blind).
Rules When Testator is Deaf, or a Deaf-Mute
Art. 806. Every will must be acknowledged before a • The Article speaks of a testator who is deaf or a
notary public by the testator and the witnesses. The deaf-mute.
notary public shall not be required to retain a copy of the • If he cannot read the will (illiterate), two persons
will, or file another with the office of the Clerk of Court. must communicate its contents to him.
• The two persons designated need not be the
Notarial Acknowledgment attesting witnesses.
Although the law speaks of “every will,” it is apparent • That this Article has been complied with must be
that the provision prescribing this requirement is proved in the probate proceedings. And this is why
applicable only to ordinary wills. it would seem wise to state either in the notarial
acknowledgment or in the attestation clause itself
The acknowledgment coerces the testator and the that the Article has been complied with
instrumental witnesses to declare before an officer of
The law exacts literal compliance with these If the insertion was made after the execution of the
requirements. Hence, the doctrines of liberal will, and such insertion is validated by the testator
interpretation and substantial compliance as by his signature thereon, it becomes part of the
applied to ordinary or notarial wills cannot be will, and therefore, the entire will becomes void,
applied to holographic wills because of failure to comply with the requirement
that it must be entirely written by the hand of the
REASON: no attestation clause testator.
PURPOSE: of the law is obvious. In addition to insuring If the insertion was made contemporaneous to the
and safeguarding the authenticity of the holographic execution of the will, then the will is void because
will, it will also serve to deter or prevent any possible it is not entirely written by the hand of the testator.
insertion or interpolation by others or any possible
forgery • It must also be observed that Art. 810 does not
require that the testator must sign the will with his
WRITTEN full signature, although this is required when it
if the holographic will is partly printed or comes to the authentication of an insertion,
typewritten and partly written in the handwriting of cancellation, erasure or alteration.
the testator, it is clearly void.
The same is also true in case there are insertions Requirement of Testamentary Character
or interpolations made by a third person at the time There must be intent to make a will – to dispose mortis
of the execution of the will. The will in such case is cause appears expressly or at least can be inferred
void. from the terms of the will.
Dispositions Written Below the Signature Law Which Governs Formal Validity of Wills
A testator may draft one part of a holographic will at As a general rule, the formal validity of a will shall be
one time, and another part at another time. It may even governed by the law of the country in which it is
happen that the latter dispositions are made even after executed.
the signature had been written. Hence, the necessity
for a provision like Art. 812. This rule is expressed in the first paragraph of Art. 17
of the Code, which provides that “the forms and
Dispositions after the signature must be both DATED solemnities of contracts, wills and other public
and SIGNED by the testator to be valid. If SIGNED — instruments shall be governed by the laws of the
but NOT dated, or if DATED but NOT signed, the country in which they are executed.”
additional dispositions are void, for lack of an essential
requisite. Note that said dispositions are really Law Which Governs Intrinsic Validity of Wills
considered independent of the will itself. The intrinsic validity of wills is governed by the national
law of the person whose succession is under
Art. 813. When a number of dispositions appearing in a
holographic will are signed without being dated, and the This is the precept or principle which is enshrined in the
last disposition has a signature and date, such date second paragraph of Art. 16 of the Civil Code.
validates the dispositions preceding it, whatever be the According to this provision, “intestate and testamentary
time of prior dispositions. succession, both with respect to the order of
succession and to the amount of successional rights
Rules for Curing Defects and to the intrinsic validity of testamentary provisions
LAST PRECEDING EFFECT shall be regulated by the national law of the person
DISPOSITION DISPOSITIONS whose succession is under consideration, whatever
MADE BY TESTATOR HIMSELF may be the nature of the property and regardless of the
SIGNED but country wherein said property may be found.”
VOID Art. 815. When a Filipino is in a foreign country, he is
(This can be authorized to make a will in any of the forms established
NOT SIGNED inferred from by the law of the country in which he may be. Such will
but DATED the wording of may be probated in the Philippines.
the law.)
Where testator is a Filipino
VALID in the Philippines law of the Philippines
but written on the SAME DATE
outside of the law of the country in
Philippines which it is executed
remain VOID if in themselves
W/O testator’s
VOID; and remain VALID if in
consent Q: May a will executed in a foreign country in
themselves VALID.
remain VOID if in themselves accordance with the formalities prescribed by the law
VOID; and remain VALID if in of the Philippines, by a Filipino citizen, who is either a
themselves VALID. resident or a transient in that country, be probated in
W/ testator’s the Philippines?
consent A: NO. [It is rather unfortunate that such a situation is
because the latter disposition is
not really HOLOGRAPHIC (not not covered by the provision of Art. 815 nor by any
done by the testator himself) other provision of the Civil Code.] It is submitted,
however, that a Filipino, who is either a resident or a
transient in a foreign country, may execute a will in that
Art. 814. In case of any insertion, cancellation, erasure country in accordance with any of the forms
or alteration in a holographic will, the testator must established by the law of the Philippines.
authenticate the same by his full signature.
Q: If a will is probated abroad, does it have to be
Authentication of Correction by Full Signature probated again in the Philippines?
Full signature here means the full or usual or A: In one sense, there is no need of an ordinary or
customary SIGNATURE usual probate here. What is required however is that
there must be a proceeding here to prove that indeed
Q: Suppose there is an alteration without the full the will had already been probated abroad. In other
signature, is the whole will void? words, the rule is the same as in proving the existence
“Codicil” is derived from the Latin “codex” and literally A notarial will may be revoked by either a notarial or
means a little code or a little will (although, of course, holographic codicil; similarly, a holographic will may be
physically it may be larger or longer than a will). revoked by a holographic or notarial codicil.
Time When Codicil is Made If a codicil is not executed with the formalities of a will
A codicil, since it refers to a will, cannot be made before (Art 805 and 806), said codicil is void
a will; it is ALWAYS MADE AFTER
A valid will can never be revoked, expressly or
Rule in Case of Conflict Between Will and Codicil impliedly, by an invalid codicil.
In case of conflict between a will and a CODICIL, it is
understood that the latter should prevail, it being the Art. 827. If a will, executed as required by this Code,
later expression of the testator’s wishes. incorporates into itself by reference any document or
paper, such document or paper shall not be considered
At first codicils were writings actually attached to the a part of the will unless the following requisites are
will, but this is no longer necessary; when they are present:
separate documents, the codicil referring to and (1) The document or paper referred to in the will must be
ratifying the will may be said to incorporate the will by in existence at the time of the execution of the will;
reference, or to republish the will. (2) The will must clearly describe and identify the same,
stating among other things the number of pages
In order to operate as a republication of the will, it is thereof;
sufficient if the codicil refers to the will in such a way as (3) It must be identified by clear and satisfactory proof
to leave no doubt as to the identity of that instrument. as the document or paper referred to therein; and
(4) It must be signed by the testator and the witnesses
A reference to the will in the codicil constitutes a
on each and every page, except in case of voluminous
sufficient identification of the will.
books of account or inventories.
both are made after and presuppose a prior will Incorporation by Reference
being the latest expressions of the testator’s = It is the incorporation of an extrinsic document or
desires, they take precedence over the prior will, paper into a will by reference therein so as to
where their provisions are inconsistent with those become a part thereof and probated as such
in the latter.
DOCTRINE: a will, duly executed and witnessed
forms part of the original
a new or separate will according to statutory requirements, may incorporate
into itself by an appropriate reference a written paper
supplements the makes dispositions or document which is in existence at the time of the
original will, explaining, without reference to and execution of the will, irrespective of whether such
adding to, or altering independent of the document is one executed by the testator or a third
any of its dispositions original will person, whether it is in and of itself a valid instrument,
if it provides for a full provided the document referred to is identified by clear
disposition of the and satisfactory proof. So incorporated, the extrinsic
testator’s estate paper takes effect as part of the will and is admitted
(although inconsistent to probate as such.
does not, as a rule,
merely in part with the
revoke entirely the prior
prior will) may revoke The purpose of the Article is to provide for those cases
the whole prior will by when a testator wishes to incorporate to his will only by
substituting a new and reference (i.e., without copying the whole thing) certain
last disposition for the documents or papers, especially inventories and books
same of accounts.
a will and a codicil
thereto, being regarded a prior will and a Said documents or inventories, when referred to in a
as a single instrument subsequent will, being 2 notarial will, do not need any attestation clause,
(except where a separate wills, may be because the attestation clause of the will itself is
manifest intention construed sufficient.
requires otherwise), are independently of each
to be construed other General Rule: An instrument w/c is not executed in
together accordance w/ the formalities of a will shall not be
admitted to probate.
The overt act of BURNING • Either of the two revokes a will, totally or partially.
• It is sufficient even if a small part of the instrument o This is what differentiates
itself be burned even though the entire writing itself cancellation/obliteration from revocation
be left untouched. effected by burning or tearing. In the
• To constitute revocation by burning, it would seem latter, the revocation is always total, while
that there must be at least a burning of a part of in the former, the revocation is total if it is
the paper on which the will is written, although a directed against an essential part of the
very slight burn will suffice. Otherwise, there is no will and partial if it is directed against a
revocation. nonessential part of the will.
• If thrown into the fire with intent to revoke, and it • If all parts are cancelled or obliterated, or if the
was burned in three places without scorching the signature is cancelled or obliterated, the whole will
writing, there is already a revocation even if, is revoked, the reason in the case of the signature
unknown to the testator, somebody was able to being that the act strikes at the existence of the
snatch it from the fire and thus saved it whole instrument
• If a will is burned accidentally, there is no • Cancellation of the signature of witnesses to a
revocation in view of the lack of intention. holographic will leaves the will valid, since no
• If the envelope containing a will is burned, but the witnesses are after all required.
will itself is untouched, there is NO revocation • Cancellation or obliteration of non-vital part leaves
even if there be intent to revoke the other parts in force.
• It is clear that the physical act of destruction of a
will, like burning in this case, does not per se Q: T made a will which was later discovered same to
constitute an effective revocation, unless the be missing. He then informed his relatives he would
destruction is coupled with animus revocandi on make another will. But he never did so. On his death,
the part of the testator. It is not imperative that the the missing will was found. Can it be considered
physical destruction be done by the testator revoked?
himself. It may be performed by another person
but under the express direction and in the A: No, because actually there has not been any of the
presence of the testator. Of course, it goes without overt acts mentioned under the law. And even if the will
saying that the document destroyed must be the was never found, still parol evidence may be
will itself [Maloto, et al. v. CA, et al.; L-76464, Feb. introduced to prove its contents, for we may presume
29, 1988] here that the destruction, if indeed there was any, was
not authorized
The overt act of TEARING
• Even a slight tear is sufficient.
• Of course, the greater the degree of tearing the
greater is the evidence of animo revocandi.
• “Tearing” includes “cutting.’’ A clause may be
revoked by “cutting” same from the will
• A will may be revoked by a subsequent will or Q: Can we consider will No. (1) as having been
codicil, either notarial or holographic. revoked, or should it still be given effect?
• It is essential however, that the revoking will be
itself a valid will (validly executed as to form), A.: In one case, if was held that while it is true that
otherwise there is no revocation. revocation was not produced by the execution of an
• The revocation made in the subsequent will must invalid will, revocation was made thru an overt act —
indeed be a definite one. A mere declaration that the act of tearing or destruction — with animo
SUBSECTION 7. — REPUBLICATION AND Q: Can a will, invalid because of fraud or force or undue
REVIVAL OF WILLS influence or because the testator was under 18 or was
Art. 835. The testator cannot republish, without insane, be republished by mere reference in a codicil?
reproducing in a subsequent will, the dispositions
contained in a previous one which is void as to its form. A: It is submitted that the answer is yes, because this
is not a case when the will is void as to its FORM. (Form
‘Republication’ Defined — in this Article, it is believed, refers to such things as
= It is the process of re-establishing a will, which has those covered by Art. 805, et seq., like defect in the
become useless because it was void, or had been number of witnesses, lack of or fatal defect in the
revoked. attestation, lack of acknowledgment, etc.). But not to
= an act of the testator whereby he reproduces in a vitiated consent or to lack of testamentary capacity,
subsequent will the dispositions contained in a although of course these are included in the phrase
previous will which is void as to its form or “extrinsic validity,” as distinguished from “intrinsic
executes a codicil to his will validity.’’
EXPRESS REPUBLICATION/ REPUBLICATION BY Art. 837. If after making a will, the testator makes a
RE-EXECUTION: it is express if the testator second will expressly revoking the first, the revocation
reproduces in a subsequent will the dispositions of the second will does not revive the first will, which
contained in a previous one which is void as to its form. can be revived only by another will or codicil.
→ This is the republication which is referred to in
Art. 835 of the Code. Its purpose is to cure the Revival of revoked will by Republication
will of its formal defects. Revival is the restoration to validity of a previously
revoked will by operation of law
if the testator for some reason or another executes a
codicil to his will.
he makes
→ This is the republication which is referred to in anothe will
he makes a
testator makes third will w/c
Art. 836 of the Code. a will
revokes the
revoking the
How Made
Republication may be made by:
(1) re-execution of the original will (the original The rule laid down by the provision is that: THE
(2) execution of a codicil (also known as implied REVIVE THE FIRST. The revival must be made by
republication). the execution of another will or a codicil. In other
words, BY REPUBLICATION, either expressly or
Art. 836. The execution of a codicil referring to a impliedly.
previous will has the effect of republishing the will as
modified by the codicil. he makes anothe
he makes a
testator third will w/c
(by inconsitent
Requisites and Limitations of Republication makes a will revokes the
To republish a will void as to its FORM, all the revoking the first
dispositions must be reproduced or copied in the new
or subsequent will.
If the revocation of the first will by the second will was
To republish a will valid as to its form but already only implied, that is, by reason of inconsistent
revoked, the execution of a codicil which makes
OPERATION OF LAW by the revocation of the second
reference to the revoked will is sufficient.
will by the third will. This is implied from the doctrine of
→ Here, mere reference is enough: there is no
dependent relative revocation that it will be presumed
necessity of reproducing all the previous
→ Of course, in this case there would be nothing
wrong with a RE-EXECUTION
It seems that under our law, the only way by which a
Effects of Republication by Virtue of a Codicil previously revoked will may be revived is through
another will or codicil.
• The codicil revives the previous will.
Aside from republication and revival, there is no other The proceeding by which this is accomplished is
way of restoring effectiveness. Thus, it has been held considered to be in the nature of a proceeding in rem,
that piecing together a torn and revoked will cannot and upon this idea the decree of probate is held binding
restore its effectiveness on all persons in interest, whether they appear to
contest the probate or not.
DISALLOWANCE OF WILLS (PROBATE) Notice of the time and place of hearing is required to
be published (Sec. 3, Rule 76 in relation to Sec. 3, Rule
Art. 838. No will shall pass either real or personal 79, Rules of Court). The publication of the notice of the
property unless it is proved and allowed in accordance proceedings is constructive notice to the whole world.
with the Rules of Court. The testator himself may, during
his lifetime, petition the court having jurisdiction for the The proceeding is not a contentious litigations, and,
allowance of his will. In such case, the pertinent although the persons in interest are given an
provisions of the Rules of Court for the allowance of opportunity to appear and reasonable precautions are
wills after the testator’s death shall govern. taken for publicity, they are not impleaded or required
to answer.
The Supreme Court shall formulate such additional
A final judgment on probated will, albeit erroneous, is
Rules of Court as may be necessary for the allowance of
binding on the whole world.
wills on petition of the testator.
Two Kinds of Probate
Subject to the right of appeal, the allowance of the will, (a) Probate during the TESTATOR’S LIFETIME
either during the lifetime of the testator or after his → this does not prevent the testator from
death, shall be conclusive as to its due execution. revoking his probated will or from making
another one
(b) Probate after the TESTATOR’S DEATH.
Salient Points in Procedures of the Post-Mortem The necessary witnesses must be produced if
Probate available, and their absence must be satisfactorily
I. The probate proper (this deals with explained.
II. The inquiry into INTRINSIC VALIDITY and Even if an attesting witness does not remember
the DISTRIBUTION itself of the property. attesting (Rule 76, Sec. 11) or even if he testifies or all
the witnesses testify against the validity and due
At any time after the testator dies, the will may be execution of the will, there is still a chance for the court
presented for probate by any executor, devisee, to allow the will, if it believes that all the legal
legatee, or interested person. (Rule 76, Sec. 1, Rules requirements have been complied with.
of Court). The court can motu proprio set the time and
place for proving the will delivered to it. A lost or destroyed notarial will, destroyed without
→ This is true whether or not the petitioner animo revocandi, may still be probated as long as it is
(proponent) has the will in his possession, or clearly proved that once upon a time, a will had been
it is in somebody else’s possession, or has validly executed, that the will had been lost or
been lost or destroyed, as long as there was destroyed without animo revocandi. Two credible
no animo revocandi. witnesses must then testify as to its contents.
→ These things must still be proved by the
An expressly revoked will is of course not admissible to proponent even if there is NO opposition to
probate. (Trillana v. Crisostomo, L-3378, Aug. 22, the probate of the lost or destroyed will.
1951). However, a revoked will may of course be
admitted to probate, if the subsequent will that had It is well-settled that for a person to be able to intervene
allegedly revoked it is proved to be void and is in an administration proceeding, it is necessary for him
therefore disallowed. to BE INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE TO BE
Even if a will has already been probated, if later on a ADMINISTERED.
subsequent will is discovered, the latter may still be → An interested party has been defined as one
presented for a probate. (Arancillo v. Peñaflorida, who would be benefited by the estate, such as
C.A.,54 O.G. 2914). an heir, or one who has a certain claim
against the estate, such as a creditor. Thus,
Even if the discovered will had been made earlier than the one who has or can have no interest in
probated will, it can still be probated as long as the two succeeding a decedent cannot oppose the
wills can be reconciled, or if there are portions in the probate of his alleged will.
first which have not been revoked in the
second. Effect of Probate Proper (EXTRINSIC VALIDITY)/
Effect of Allowance of Will
The PETITION FOR PROBATE must among other A judgment or decree of a court with jurisdiction of a
things state: proceeding to probate a will, which admits the will to
(1) The fact that the testator is dead, and the place probate, is conclusive of the validity of the will; it is not
and time of said death; subject to collateral attack, but stands as final, if not
(2) The fact that the deceased left a will, copy of which modified, set aside, or revoked by a direct proceeding,
has to be attached to the petition; or reversed on appeal to a higher court.
(3) The fact that the will was executed in accordance
with legal requirements; This is clear from the provision of the fourth paragraph
(4) Names, ages, addresses of the executor and all of Art. 838 of the New Civil Code, a provision which is
interested parties or heirs; also found in Sec. 1 of Rule 75 of the New Rules of
(5) The probable value and character of the property Court. Since a proceeding for the probate of a will is
of the estate; essentially one in rem which determines the status of
(6) The name of the individual whose appointment as the decedent’s estate as testate or intestate, the
executor is being asked for; judgment rendered by a court having jurisdiction is
(7) If the will has not been delivered to the court, the conclusive on the whole world, irrespective of who
name of the person who is supposed to have the appeared as parties of record in the proceeding.
will in his custody
As long as there has been FINAL JUDGMENT by a
The issue in the probate of a will is restricted to that court of COMPETENT JURISDICTION, and the period
kind of validity of the will which for example determines: for filing a petition for relief (Rule 38, Secs. 2 and 3,
(1) whether or not the testator was possessed of Rules of Court) has expired without such petition
a sound mind, having been submitted, the PROBATE PROPER (or
(2) whether or not he freely executed the will, and allowance) of the will is binding upon the WHOLE
(3) whether or not the will had been executed in WORLD (being a proceeding in rem) insofar as
accordance with legal formalities. TESTAMENTARY CAPACITY (at least 18; sound
(Pastor v. Court of Appeals, GR 56340, June 24, 1983) mind) and DUE EXECUTION (including all formalities
In no case is the judgment conclusive on matters such To determine appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme
as ownership of property Court or of the Intermediate Appellate Court, as the
→ The proceeding for distribution of the case may be, the amount or value involved or in
properties is NOT in rem, and cannot affect controversy is that of the entire estate
those who were not PERSONALLY served
with summons The final judgment on a probate may be set aside by a
petition for relief brought within the legal period. Under
When allowance may be set aside Rule 38, Sec. 1 of the Rules of Court, when a judgment
Since a proceeding for the probate of a will is or order is entered against a party in the Court of First
essentially one in rem, a judgment allowing a will shall Instance (now Regional Trial Court) thru FAME (fraud,
be conclusive as to its due execution. Consequently, accident, mistake, or excusable negligence), he may
no question of the validity or invalidity of the will could file a petition in the same court and in the same cause,
be thereafter raised, except asking that the judgment, order, or proceeds be set
(1) by means of an appeal, or aside.
(2) by means of a petition for relief from the judgment
by reason of fraud, accident, mistake, or PERIODS — the petition has to be filed:
excusable negligence, or (1) within sixty (60) days after the petitioner learns of
(3) by means of a petition to set aside the judgment the judgment or order to be set aside;
by reason of lack of jurisdiction or lack of (2) and within six (6) months after such order or
procedural due process, or judgment was entered. Should the period lapse,
(4) by means of an action to annul and judgment by the judgment now really becomes FINALLY
reason of extrinsic or collateral fraud. FINAL.
Distribution is defined as the division, by order of the Q: In the settlement of estates, what are usually done?
court having authority, among those entitled thereto, of A:
the estate of a person, after the payment of debts and (1) First, proof of testamentary capacity and due
charges. execution are presented, and the court then issues
an order allowing or disallowing the will.
Q: To be conclusive, the probate must have been (2) After this is done, the distribution of the estate may
conducted by a competent court with full jurisdiction. be done, after all questions on intrinsic validity are
What is that court? disposed of.
A: The Regional Trial Court of the province —
1) where he has real estate (in case of NON The first part is really different from the second part.
RESIDENT testator). The first is concerned only with testamentary capacity
2) where he resided at the time of his death (in case of and due execution. Other matters are generally
a RESIDENT testator). irrelevant. After the probate order is made, same may
[NOTE, however, that all Courts of First Instance (now be appealed within the proper period.
RTC) have jurisdiction.
General Rule: A probate court has no jurisdiction to
The residence or domicile of the testator affects only decide questions of ownership.
the VENUE, but NOT the JURISDICTION of the Court.
The rule grants jurisdiction to the Court where Exceptions:
jurisdiction is first INVOKED, without taking VENUE (1) as when the parties voluntarily submit this matter
into account. to the court; or
(2) as when provisionally, the ownership is passed
Moreover, it is essential that: upon to determine whether or not the property
(1) it be proved before the court that he died after involved is part of the estate.
having executed a will (in case of post mortem
probate) Requirements Before Distribution of Properties
(2) and that the will has already been delivered to the (1) First, there must be a decree of partition allocating
Court property to each heir.
Any other court’s decree cannot have the res judicata (2) Then, payment of the estate tax is required.
effect of a probate, except of course that of the (3) Finally, the distributive shares may be delivered.
Appellate Court affirming the judgment of the proper
court. Termination of Probate Proceedings
Probate proceedings are considered terminated upon
the approval by the probate court of the project of
There is violence when in order to compel the testator The Ground of Mistake or Lack of Testamentary
to execute the will, serious or irresistible force is Intent Insofar as the Document Is Concerned
employed If the testator acted by mistake or did not intend that
the instrument he signed should be his will at the time
There is intimidation when the testator is compelled of affixing his signature thereto.
by a reasonable and well-grounded fear of an imminent
and grave evil upon his person or property, or upon the Example: A man signed a document not believing it to
person or property of his spouse, descendants or be a will. This mistake is a ground for disallowance.
ascendants, to execute the will
In American jurisdiction, it is well-settled that mistake
The Ground of Undue and Improper Pressure and which will invalidate a will is a mistake as to the identity
Influence or character of the instrument which he signed, as well
There is undue influence when a person takes as a mistake as to the contents of the will itself. These
improper advantage of his power over the will of mistakes are generally known as mistakes in the
another, depriving the latter of a reasonable freedom of execution. Hence, a will should not be denied probate
choice. merely because the testator was mistaken in his
appreciation of the effect of the language thereof.
It connotes the idea of coercion by virtue of which the
judgment of the testator is displaced, and he is induced
to do that which he otherwise would not have done.
Art. 840. Institution of heir is an act by virtue of which a Effect of Lack of Institution
testator designates in his will the person or persons Under Art. 764 of the Spanish Civil Code, from which
who are to succeed him in his property and Art. 841 of our Code is derived, the rule is that a will
transmissible rights and obligations. shall be valid although it may not contain an institution
of heir.
Institution of Heir
• Institution being a voluntary act, cannot be allowed The same is true in case of a partial institution or in
to affect the legitime. case of a vacancy in the inheritance due to repudiation
• In general, the provisions on “institution” are or incapacity.
applicable to devises and legacies.
• There can be an instituted heir only in The effect in all of these cases is that the testamentary
testamentary succession (for the heir in intestate dispositions which are made in accordance with law
succession is called legal or intestate heir). shall be complied, while the remainder shall pass to the
• A conceived child may be instituted, if the legal heirs in accordance with the law of intestate
conditions in Arts. 40 and 41 are present succession. In other words, there is what is known as
mixed succession.
Characteristics of an Instituted of Heir
Non-Necessity of Institution of Heir
• she is a testamentary heir;
A will, unless otherwise defective, is valid, even if:
• she continues the judicial personality of the
(1) there is no institution of heir
testator by only in relation to the inheritance w/o
(2) the instituted heir is given only a portion of the
being personally liable for the testator’s debts;
estate (Reason: Mixed succession is allowed
• she is a natural person (however, testamentary (3) the heir instituted should repudiate or be
dispositions may be made in favor of juridical incapacitated to inherit (because the law has
persons) provided particular provisions for said cases).
• she acquires rights w/c are limited to the
DISPOSABLE FREE PORTION of the inheritance
Art. 842. One who has no compulsory heirs may dispose
and cannot impair the portion known as legitime;
by will of all his estate or any part of it in favor of any
• she is presumed to have been instituted..
o where there are several heirs – equally; person having capacity to succeed.
o individually;
o simultaneously w/ others One who has compulsory heirs may dispose of his
→ unless the contrary appears estate provided he does not contravene the provisions
of this Code with regard to the legitime of said heirs.
Requisites for a VALID Institution
(1) The will must be EXTRINSICALLY VALID. Rules for Freedom of Disposition of Estate
→ Hence, the testator must be capacitated, the If one has no compulsory heirs:
formalities must be observed, there must be • He can give his estate or any portion thereof to
no vitiated consent, the will must have been anybody qualified to inherit from him
duly probated, the will must have been the • BUT he must respect the restrictions imposed by
personal act of the testator. special laws.
(2) The institution must be valid INTRINSICALLY. (Example: If an applicant or grantee of a
→ The legitime must not be impaired, the heir homestead dies before the issuance of the patent,
must be certain or ascertainable; there should his rights thereto can be given only to his surviving
be no preterition spouse).
(3) The institution must be EFFECTIVE • It is evident from the first paragraph of the article
→ no predecease, no repudiation by the heir, no that if the testator has no compulsory heirs, his
incapacity of the heir freedom of disposition is absolute in
Q: When is adjudication by an heir of the decedent’s • The whole estate is disposable. He can,
entire estate to himself by means of an affidavit therefore, dispose of the whole of his estate or any
allowed? part of it in favor of any person, provided that such
A: Only if he is the sole heir of the estate person has the capacity to succeed.
Art. 841. A will shall be valid even though it should not If one has compulsory heirs:
contain an institution of an heir, or such institution • compulsory heirs are those who cannot be
should not comprise the entire estate, and even though deprived of their legitimes, like a legitimate child,
the person so instituted should not accept the or an acknowledged natural child)
inheritance or should be incapacitated to succeed. • he must respect the legitimes (unless there be a
valid cause for an express disinheritance);
• the free portion can, however, be given to anybody
(including of course the compulsory heirs),
If among persons having the same names and Examples of Dispositions in Favor of an Unknown
surnames, there is a similarity of circumstances in such Person
a way that, even with the use of other proof, the person A instituted “my friend.” If A has many friends, the
instituted cannot be identified, none of them shall be an disposition is void, for lack of certainty.
heir. ✓ A instituted “my student in IV-A who will get the
highest grade in Civil Law among his classmates
Validity of Institution. in the bar of 2004.” This is valid because of the
The provisions of Arts. 843 and 844 should be applied determining circumstance.
in relation to the provision of Art. 789 of the Code.
“Unknown person”
According to Art. 789, when there is an imperfect = one who cannot be identified from the will; not
description, or when no person or property exactly one who is a stranger to the testator.
answers the description, mistakes and omissions must = (persona incierta) is one who is not
be corrected, if the error appears from the context of determined or individualized and, therefore,
the will or from extrinsic evidence, excluding the oral cannot be identified.
The issue is: who will get Filomena’s legacy — her 2 Combination of Individual and Collective
children only OR the 2 children together with the 7 Institution
grandchildren since the latter are also “descendants’’? (De Leon)
Example: “I institute as my heirs A, B, and the three
HELD: The 2 children together with the 7 grandchildren children of C to my estate of P100,000.’’ How much will
will get the legacy, each one inheriting per capita since each of the three children get?
they are the substitutes in a simple or vulgar A: P20,000 each. Reason: Although collectively
substitution. Hence, the legacy will be divided into 9 designated, they shall be considered individually
equal parts, applying Art. 846. We cannot apply Art. instituted (estate to be divided into 5), unless it clearly
959 which limits the distribution to those nearest in appears that the testator’s intention was otherwise.
degree (the 2 children only) because Art. 959 speaks
of the relatives of the testator, not those of the legatee. NOTE: If the testator had stated “I institute A, B, and
my three children, to an estate of P300,000,” how much
✓ Institution of a compulsory heir to the legitime is would each child get?
VALID but SUPERFLUOUS (unnecessary since A: We apply here the rule of first giving the children
by law, he is entitled to it). their legitimes and dividing the balance into 5. Hence,
P150,000 as legitime goes to the children (each getting
Institution of a voluntary heir (not compulsory heir) P50,000), while the remaining P150,000 will be divided
to the legitime is of course VOID.]. among the 5 heirs instituted.
Special Cases In the case of Nable Jose v. Uson, 27 Phil. 73, it was
All are voluntary heirs, but the shares of some are held that when the sisters and the nieces of the testator
designated, while the shares of the others are not. were instituted, each niece should get as much as each
Example: A, B, C, and D are instituted, but A is given sister.
specifically a share of 1/10 only. What should be done
with the remaining 9/10? (Jurado)
A: The remainder will be divided equally among the Problem — A died in 1980. He left a will which contains
remaining three (B, C, and D). the following institution of heirs: “I designate as my
heirs my son B, my daughter C, the children of my
All are voluntary heirs but specific properties of the deceased son D, and my friend X.” D, who died in 1969,
estate have been given to them as part of their share. is survived by his three legitimate children E, F and G.
Example: A, B, and C were instituted heirs to an estate The net residue of A’s estate is P180,000. How shall
totally valued at P300,000 but it was specifically the distribution be made?
provided that the piano (in the estate) worth P10,000
should go to A, and a diamond ring (also in the estate) A: The provisions of Arts. 846 and 847 of the New Civil
Code are applicable to the instant case. Manresa,
Art. 848. If the testator should institute his brothers and Example: T instituted A and A’s two children to an
sisters, and he has some of full blood and others of half estate of P30,000. Each of the three heirs gets P10,000
blood, the inheritance shall be distributed equally, all at the same time.
unless a different intention appears.
NOTE: Had the institution been successive, A would
Institution of Brothers and Sisters get all in the meantime, the children getting nothing
Compared with the old Civil Code during A’s lifetime.
Old Code — In TESTAMENTARY succession, the
brother of the full blood gets DOUBLE the share of “Deemed” here means presumed, hence, if a contrary
brother of the half blood. (Reason: The affection for him intention is present (that is, to institute them
is presumed to be double the affection for the latter.) successively), said intention must prevail, for the
testator’s will, if not illegal, must be followed.
New Civil Code — In TESTAMENTARY succession,
the shares are the SAME, unless a different intention Art. 850. The statement of a false cause for the
appears. (Reason: If indeed the affection is double, the
institution of an heir shall be considered as not written,
testator should have given expressly a double share to
unless it appears from the will that the testator would
the full-blood brother.)
not have made such institution if he had known the
falsity of such cause.
Example: “I institute my full-brother and my half-brother
to my estate of P100,000.” Each gets P50,000.
Institution Based on a False Cause
Before the institution of heirs may be annulled under
Compared with intestate succession Art. 850 of the Civil Code, the following requisites must
In intestate succession (OLD and NEW Civil Codes), concur:
the brother of the full-blood gets DOUBLE the share of (1) First, the cause for the institution of heirs must be
the brother of the half-blood. (Art. 1006, new Civil stated in the will;
Code; Art. 949, old Civil Code). (2) second, the cause must be shown to be false; and
(3) third, it must appear from the face of the will that
Problem the testator would not have made such institution
I instituted the following as my heirs: if he had known of the falsity of the cause.
A — my full-brother
B — my half-brother Consequently, where the testator’s will does not state
C — my step-brother in a specific or unequivocal manner the cause for such
D — my brother-in-law institution, the annulment of such institution cannot be
E — my illegitimate brother (illegitimate child of my availed of.
How much will each get if the estate is P100,000?
ANS.: Each gets P20,000 (same share). While the law
mentions only the full and the half-brother, it is evident
Example: “I hereby institute my student X as my heir MERE ESTRANGEMENT is not a legal ground for
for having topped the bar examinations of 2003.” If X the disqualification of a surviving spouse as an heir
was not the topnotcher, would he still inherit? of the deceased spouse.
A: Yes, because the false cause or reason is
considered as not written. Art. 851. If the testator has instituted only one heir, and
the institution is limited to an aliquot part of the
What is disregarded is the FALSE CAUSE, not the inheritance, legal succession takes place with respect
institution. to the remainder of the estate.
→ Reason for the law: The real cause is the
testator’s liberality, the mention of the bar The same rule applies, if the testator has instituted
topping being merely incidental, for even had several heirs each being limited to an aliquot part, and
X topped the bar, the testator would not have all the parts do not cover the whole inheritance.
been bound to reward him, were it not for the
provision in the will. Rule if entire inheritance not covered
According to the first paragraph of Art. 851, if the
If the institution had read this way: “I was about to testator has instituted only one heir, and the institution
institute A, my friend, as my heir, but because I adore is limited to an aliquot part, legal succession takes
bar topnotchers, I hereby institute X, a stranger, as my place with respect to the remainder of the estate.
heir because he topped the bar of 2003,” the answer → There will, therefore, be what is known as a
would be different, in case X really failed to top the bar. mixed succession.
Here it is evident, from the will itself, that the testator o Thus, if the testator institutes A to 1/2 of
would not have made such institution of X if he had the inheritance and there are no other
known of the falsity of the cause. It is obvious, too, that heirs instituted, A shall receive 1/2 of the
the cause was not mere generosity. estate upon the death of the testator,
→ In the problem presented, would A then while the other half shall pass to the legal
inherit? A: No, for he was NEVER instituted; heirs.
or was he ever made a substitute. ✓ The same rule also applies if the testator has
instituted several heirs each being limited to an
If children who are invalidly adopted are instituted as aliquot part.
heirs, the institution should remain valid. As much as o Thus, if the testator institutes A to 2/5 of
possible, intestacy ought to be avoided, and the the inheritance, B to 1/5, and C to 1/5,
testator’s wishes should be given effect. The allegation there will still be a remainder of 1/5 which
that the institution should be void because it was based shall pass to the legal heirs
on a false cause, the testator thinking that they had to
be instituted because of the adoption, is of no merit Effect of Institution to a Part of the Estate
because there is nothing in the will to indicate that had ✓ Art. 851 applies when there is a remainder or
the testator known of the invalidity of the adoption, the balance and there is NO INTENT to give all to the
institution of the children would not have been made. instituted heir or heirs.
➢ If there is such INTENT, the remainder should be
Evidence of Intent Must Appear in the Will divided proportionately, applying Art. 852.
The fact that the testator would not have made the
institution if he had known of the falsity of the cause, Examples
must appear in the will itself. • One heir instituted If the heir is given 3/4, the
hence, proof outside the will is not admissible in remaining 1/4 should go to the legal heirs.
proving such intent. • Several heirs instituted T instituted A to 1/3, and B
to 1/4 of the inheritance 1/3 plus 1/4 = 7/12). The
Effect of Institution Because of an Illegal Cause remaining 5/12 will go to the legal heirs by way of
Under the present law, it is believed that a distinction intestate succession.
must be made.
NOTE: Intestate succession will not apply to the
If the real motive was ILLEGAL, the institution remainder if the same has been disposed of by way of
should be void. legacies or devises
The rule, however, is different if it was the intention of Example: If a testator has three legitimate children, and
the testator that the instituted heirs should become he institutes only two of them, there is preterition.
sole heirs of the entire estate, or the whole free
portion, as the case may be. PRETERITION DISINHERITANCE
refers to the deprivation
In such case, according to Art. 852, each part shall be of a compulsory heir of
increased proportionally, following the presumed his legitime for causes
intention of the testator (who thought that the total of EXPRESSLY STATED
the aliquot parts covered the entire estate), such BY LAW
increase to be taken from the portion not covered by the deprivation of a the deprivation is
their aliquot parts. compulsory heir of his EXPRESS.
legitime is TACIT OR
It is, therefore, evident that the rule stated in Art. 852 IMPLIED
constitutes an exception to the rule stated in the May be intentional but it ALWAYS VOLUNTARY
second paragraph of Art. 851. is PRESUMED TO BE
It enunciates the principle that when there is a conflict The law presumes that There is some LEGAL
between the intention of the testator and his there has been merely CAUSE OR REASON
mathematical computation, the former shall prevail. some MISTAKE OR
Example The nullity of the The nullity is PARTIAl,
“I hereby institute as my only heirs A, B, and C, each institution is TOTAL only insofar as it may
one to get 1/4 of my estate.” The 1/4 still undistributed resulting in TOTAL prejudice the heir
should clearly be divided proportionately in this INTESTACY, saving disinherited
particular case, equally among A, B, and C, since this devises and legacies
is the evident intention of the testator. The omitted compulsory If valid, the compulsory
heir gets his share from heir is EXCLUDED
Art. 853. If each of the instituted heirs has been given an the ENTIRE ESTATE; FROM THE
aliquot part of the inheritance, and the parts together not only from his share INHERITANCE; if
exceed the whole inheritance, or the whole free portion, of the legitime but also of defective, the
as the case may be, each part shall be reduced the free portion not compulsory heir is
disposed of by way of merely restored to his
devises and legacies legitime, and
Art. 854. The preterition or omission of one, some, or all dispositions which are
of the compulsory heirs in the direct line, whether living inofficious are reduced.
at the time of the execution of the will or born after the Compulsory heir in the Compulsory heir
death of the testator, shall annul the institution of heir; DIRECT LINE is omitted disinherited THOUGH
but the devises and legacies shall be valid insofar as NOT IN THE DIRECT
they are not inofficious. LINE
If the omitted compulsory heirs should die before the Requisites for Preterition
testator, the institution shall be effectual, without (1) The omission must be complete and total in
prejudice to the right of representation. character in such a way that the omitted heir does
not and has not received anything at all from the
‘Preterition’ Defined testator by any title whatsoever; and
Preterition or pretermission (2) The heir omitted must be a compulsory heir in
= is the omission, whether intentional or not, of a the direct line;
compulsory heir in the inheritance of a person. (3) The compulsory heir omitted should survive the
Reciprocal substitution [also called sustitucion If there are three or more instituted heirs and they
reciproca] are designated mutually as substitutes for each other,
= When two or more persons are not only instituted the substitutes shall have the same share in the
as heirs, but are also designated mutually as substitution as in the institution.
substitutes for each other, the substitution is called
reciprocal Effect of Substitution
General Rule: Once the substitution has taken place,
Fideicommissary substitution [also known as the substitute shall not only take over the share that
sustitucion fideicomisoria] would have passed to the instituted heir, but he
= Is that which takes place when the fiduciary or first shall be subject to the same charges and conditions
heir instituted is entrusted with the obligation to imposed upon such instituted heir.
preserve and to transmit to a second heir the
whole or part of the inheritance, provided such Exception:
substitution does not go beyond one degree from (1) When the testator has expressly provided the
the heir originally instituted, and provided further, contrary;
that the fiduciary or first heir and the second heir (2) When the charges or conditions are personally
are living at the time of the death of the testator applicable only to the heir instituted.
Substitution, therefore, can only refer to the free As Scaevola says, “the fiduciary heir has all the
portion. Any burden on a legitime is simply qualities of a usufructuary, but he also has those of an
disregarded. absolute owner, without the power of alienation?
NOTE: If the property is destroyed by a fortuitous The Article applies only when all the essential
event, the obligation to deliver is generally requisites for a fideicommissary substitution are
extinguished. present, particularly the requirement that both heirs
must be alive when the testator dies. In other words,
The amount of the deductions to which the fiduciary is while it is permissible for the second heir to predecease
entitled, however, is not the actual amount of the the first heir, neither must predecease the testator.
expenses, but the INCREASE IN VALUE OF THE
PROPERTY OR INHERITANCE. Consequently, the Q: T instituted A as 1st heir, and B as 2nd heir. T died
property is really preserved. in 2003. B died in 2004, leaving a son C. On A’s death,
will C get the property?
Art. 866. The second heir shall acquire a right to the A: Yes, on T’s death in 2003, A got the property and on
succession from the time of the testator’s death, even A’s death, same should go to the heirs of B. B really
though he should die before the fiduciary. The right of had already inherited from T since he acquired the right
the second heir shall pass to his heirs. from T’s death; and his right goes to C, his heir, even if
B predeceased the fiduciary A. Had B predeceased T,
Rights of Fideicommissary. B would never have acquired any right to the property
Under this article, the second heir or fdeicommissary and would not be able to transmit same to his own heir
inherits, not from the first heir or fiduciary, but from the C. (Art. 866; Art. 863).
testator or fideicomitente.
Art. 867. The following shall not take effect:
In Perez vs. Garchitorena, however, rightly observed (1) Fideicommissary substitutions which are not made
that the fact that the fideicommissary is entitled to the in an express manner, either by giving them this name,
estate from the time the testator dies, since he is to or imposing upon the fiduciary the absolute obligation
inherit from the latter and not from the fiduciary, is a to deliver the property to a second heir;
natural consequence of a fideicommissary substitution (2) Provisions which contain a perpetual prohibition to
rather than a requisite alienate, and even a temporary one, beyond the limit
fixed in Article 863;
Q: What is the nature of the right of the fideicommissary (3) Those which impose upon the heir the charge of
heir pending the delivery or transmission of the paying to various persons successively, beyond the
property or inheritance? limit prescribed in Article 863, a certain income or
A: It is evident from the provision of Art. 866 that he pension;
acquires a right to the inheritance from the moment of (4) Those which leave to a person the whole or part of
the death of the testator. the hereditary property in order that he may apply or
→ It must be noted, however, that this right is subject invest the same according to secret instructions
or without prejudice to the corresponding right of communicated to him by the testator.
the fiduciary heir.
→ Stated in another way, if the fiduciary is entitled to Void Substitutions
all of the rights of a usufructuary, the The four rules which are contained in Art. 867 are
fideicommissary is also entitled to all of the rights intended to implement the limitations upon
of a naked owner. fideicommissary substitutions which are prescribed in
→ Thus, if the testator designates A and B as the Art. 863 as well as the requirement which is stated in
fiduciary and fideicommissary heirs, respectively, the first paragraph of Art. 865.
of his entire state, imposing the obligation upon A
to preserve and to transmit the entire estate to B
Effect of Void Fideicommissary Substitutions. Art. 870. The dispositions of the testator declaring all or
According to Art. 868, the nullity of the fideicommissary part of the estate inalienable for more than twenty
substitution does not prejudice the validity of the years are void.
institution of the heirs first designated; the
fideicomissary clause shall simply be considered Disposition Declaring Estate Inalienable
as not written. If the testator states in his will that the property
bequeathed or devised shall not be alienated for a
This rule is of course logical considering that the period of fifty years, under this provision, the prohibition
fideicomissary substitution is the subsidiary institution, shall be valid only for twenty years, but with respect to
while the first institution of heirs is the principal the excess it is null and void.
If the prohibition to alienate is perpetual, there is no
Art. 869. A provision whereby the testator leaves to a reason why the entire prohibition should be nullified.
person the whole or part of the inheritance, and to
another the usufruct, shall be valid. If he gives the In order to effectuate the testatorial intent, it shall be
usufruct to various persons, not simultaneously, but valid but only for twenty years.
successively, the provisions of Article 863 shall apply.
Q: A was given his legitime in the form of a house. In
Disposition of Usufruct to Various Persons the will, A was prohibited to sell the house within a
The rule stated in the first sentence of Art. 869 is a period of 10 years. Can A sell the house even before
the expiration of said period?
logical consequence of the principle that the owner of
A: Yes. This prohibition, even if less than 20 years,
a thing has the power to dispose of not only the
whole but also any part of his right of ownership cannot be applied to the legitime.
over the thing.
If a devise or legacy is given and the recipient is
With regard to the rule stated in the second sentence, prohibited to alienate, but no period is fixed regarding
although the rules regarding fideicomissary the length of the prohibition, it is understood that the
substitution are applicable, in reality, there is no prohibition is good for twenty years. The same is true if
fideicommissary substitution, but merely a simple the prohibition is for “forever.”
institution of heir combined with a legacy
If the devisee or legatee is prohibited to alienate “as
long as he lives,” then the prohibition is good for twenty
Example1: A, in his will, gave to B the naked ownership
years if he lives for said period or longer; if he dies
of his (A’s) house and C the usufruct over the same.
This is allowed because the naked ownership of the sooner, it is clear that the prohibition is ended, and
property is really distinct and severable from the use of therefore his own heirs will not be burdened by the
fruits (the beneficial ownership) thereof.
In example (a), may the usufruct be given C and D, a Art. 870 does not apply if there is a fideicommissary
stranger, simultaneously? substitution, for this must be governed by Art. 867(2).
A: Yes, and in such a case, C and D would be
In default of the heirs of the decedent, the state will
coowners of the usufruct and of the usufructuary rights.
The law distinctly provides that “usufruct may be inherit the share. Additionally, the State will be co-
constituted on the whole or part of the fruits of the thing, petitioner entitled to possession and enjoyment of the
property (Adlawan v. Adlawan 479 SCRA 275; 2006)
in favor of one or more persons, simultaneously or
successively, and in every case, from or to a certain
day, purely or conditionally.” (Art. 564, Civil Code).
the effect of a condition captatoria is according to Art. Art. 877. If the condition is casual or mixed, it shall be
875, to nullify the disposition itself. sufficient if it happened or be fulfilled at any time before
or after the death of the testator, unless he has provided
The reason for the precept is that testamentary
succession is an act of liberality, not a contractual
agreement. Besides, to permit it would impair the heir’s
freedom of testamentary disposition with respect to his Should it have existed or should it have been fulfilled at
own property as well as allow the testator to dispose of the time the will was executed and the testator was
the property of another after the latter’s death. unaware thereof, it shall be deemed as complied with.
This is prohibited because it tends to make the making If he had knowledge thereof, the condition shall be
of the will a contractual act. Note that the disposition considered fulfilled only when it is of such a nature that
itself (and not merely the condition) is void. it can no longer exist or be complied with again.
Another example: A gave in his will a legacy of a Example: A gives B a legacy on condition that C wins
diamond ring to B on the condition that B in turn, in his the lotto. The fulfillment may be either before or after
own will, would finance the education of C. This A’s death.
disposition or legacy is also void. • If C had already won the lotto, and A did not
know this, the condition is deemed already
A has a brother B (A’s only relative) but institutes C as
heir beginning 5 years from A’s death. During the five
year interval B is considered called to the succession
until the period expires. But B cannot enter into
possession of the property until after he has given
sufficient security. The security must be approved and
considered suitable by C, the instituted heir.
(a) In the example given, B is to be considered merely
as the usufructuary, with the right to enjoy but not
alienate, unless the alienation be subject to the right of
C to eventually get the property. (6 Manresa 225).
Reservable property
By donation or succession, testate or intestate
Source of origin; half b/s
4 By intestate succession or by way of legitime in testamentary succession
The fourth person or persons involved in the reserva
are the reservatarios or relatives of the descendant
Explanation: propositus for whose benefit the reservation is
M and F are the parents of C. M died leaving a will, one established.
provision of which gave a parcel of land to C. One week
later, C died without any descendant, and without any However, in order that such relatives may be benefited
will. The father F then inherited the land. This land is by the reservation, it is indispensable that the following
however subject to what is known as the reserve conditions must concur:
truncal (or the reserva lineal). This means that F owns (1) Such relatives must be legitimate relatives of
it only till he dies, and at his death, it should NOT go to the descendant-propositus within the third
anybody whom he desires, but is reserved by the law degree
in favor of the relatives of M; in other words, in favor of • the degree of relationship must be counted
the line from which the property came. These relatives from the descendant-propositus, because it is
must be within the 3rd degree, to be counted from C. only upon his death that the property
becomes reservable.
Q: If in the problem given, the property is claimed by a • 1ST DEGREE: legitimate father/mother of the
brother of F and by a brother of M, who should get the descendant-propositus
property? • 2nd DEGREE: grandparents / brothers &
ANS.: The brother of M gets the property as a result of • 3RD DEGREE: greatgrandparents, uncles or
reserva troncal. aunts (brothers and sisters of the full or half
blood of the propositus’ father or mother), and
Personal Element nephews or nieces (children of the propositus’
brothers or sisters of the full or half blood)
belonging to the line from which the
reservable property came
ORIGIN (2) they must belong to the line from which the
the ascendant or
PROPOSITUS reservable property came; and
brother/sister or half
the descendant or
brother/sister from
brother/sister or half = refers to the paternal line as opposed to the
whom the property
was received by the
brother/sister who maternal line, or vice versa and not to that
acquired said
descendant by
property which is constituted by a series of degrees
gratuitous title
which may be either direct or collateral
Art. 906. Any compulsory heir to whom the testator has Reduction of Inofficious Testamentary
left by any title less than the legitime belonging to him Dispositions
may demand that the same be fully satisfied. Reason for the law: The legitimes of the forced heirs
should not be impaired.
Satisfaction of Completion of Legitime
A compulsory heir cannot be deprived of his FULL Note that this Article:
LEGITIME reserved for him by law. • applies only to testamentary dispositions (and
therefore not to donations). (Arts. 771 and 772
If the compulsory heir receives in the WILL less than deal with the reduction of inofficious donations).
his legitime, he is entitled to the BALANCE to complete • These dispositions may be devises or legacies w/c
such legitime. cannot be covered by the free portion
• can be availed of only by the compulsory heirs or
Preterition v. Completion of Legitime their successors in interests
COMPLETION OF donees, devisees, legatees and creditors cannot
PRETERITION ask for the reduction of inofficious donations
there is a TOTAL the testator has not
OMISSION of the entirely forgotten the NOTE: The excess must of course be given to the
compulsory heir in the heir, but making a compulsory heirs.
institution, and WRONG ESTIMATE of
consequently, a total the portion which he The reduction can only take place AFTER THE DEATH
deprivation of his could freely dispose of, OF THE TESTATOR for it is only upon that moment
legitime he has left to such heir that the right of the compulsory heirs becomes certain
something less than the and definite.
portion to which he is
For example:
A, having an estate worth P1 million, instituted B, his
legitimate child as his heir, but ordered him to give
Q: A died leaving an estate worth P1 million and debts
P900,000 to C, a friend. If the P900,000 is deducted,
amounting to P300,000. During his lifetime, A had
the net estate would be P10,000 and B’s legitime would
given donation of P500,000 to B, his legitimate son.
only be P50,000. But such is not the intention of the
When A died, two legitimate sons, B and C, survived
law. Here, the net estate would still be P1 million; the
him. How much is the legitime of each legitimate child?
legitime would be P500,000 and, therefore, the legacy,
charge, or disposition in C’s favor should be reduced
A: P1 million – P300,000 + P500,000 = P1.2 million (net
so as not to impair the legitime. In other words, B would
hereditary estate). The legitime is therefore P600,000.
The value to be collated or added is the VALUE OF DONATIONS GIVEN TO COMPULSORY HEIRS will
THE THING DONATED AT THE TIME WHEN THE then be imputed against their legitime
while THOSE GIVEN TO STRANGERS will be imputed
Consequently, any loss, deterioration, or improvement against the disposable portion.
of the thing donated from the time when the donation
was made up to the time of the settlement of the If such donations are inofficious in the sense that they
donor’s estate shall be for the account or for the benefit cannot be contained in the disposable portion, they
of the donee must be reduced in accordance with the rules
prescribed in Arts. 911 and 912 of the Civil Code.
Meaning of Collation
Collation, as it is used in the Civil Code, has three It must be noted that the act of imputation is merely a
different but interrelated acceptations. mathematical process of determining whether the
= it is understood as a fictitious mathematical value of the donation can be contained in the
process of adding the value of the thing donated legitime or disposable portion, as the case may be,
to the net value of the hereditary estate. or not.
→ This is the sense in which it is used in Art. 908
of the Code. In other words, the purpose is to determine whether it
→ The immediate purpose is to compute the is inofficious or not.
legitime of compulsory heirs. ✓ If it is not inofficious, it will be respected; the donee
shall not be required to make any restoration to the
= it includes not only the process of adding the value hereditary estate.
of the thing donated to the net value of the If it is inofficious, it will be reduced with respect to
hereditary estate but also the subsequent act of the excess; the donee shall be required to make
ART. 888 LEGITIMATE CHILDREN AND ✓ RULE OF PROXIMITY: in every inheritance, the relative Art. 888. The legitime of legitimate children
DESCENDANTS nearest in degree excludes the more distant ones, saving and descendants consists of one-half of the
(anak/apo ni testator) the right of representation when it properly takes place. hereditary estate of the father and of the
Share of the LC/D = ½ of the legitime ✓ Right of representation mother.
ART.889 LEGITIMATE PARENTS OR ASCENDANTS • They inherit only in absence (default) of legitimate children Art. 889. The legitime of legitimate parents or
(magulang/lolo-a ni testator) and descendants descendants consists of one-half of the
→ This is, however, not true if they concur with an hereditary estate of their children and
½ LP/LA ½ FP adopted child of the testator because of the rule stated descendants.
or in Art. 343 of the Code to the effect that if the adopter
¼F ¼M ½ FP is survived by legitimate parents or ascendants and by The children or descendants may freely
an adopted child, the latter shall not have more dispose of the other half, subject to the rights
successional rights than an acknowledged natural of illegitimate children and of the surviving
child. This constitutes an exception to the general rule spouse as hereinafter provided.
that an adopted child shall have the same successional
rights as a legitimate child.
There is no right of representation in the ascending line
• Division is made by line. If the ascendants are in the same
degree, some in the paternal line and others in the maternal
line, they divide the legitime EQUALLY per line and not per
ART. 892 Presence of Grandchildren Art. 892. If only one legitimate child or
ONE LEGITIMATE CHILD/DESCENDANT If there be no children, but there are, say, 6 grandchildren, the descendant of the deceased survives, the
CONCURRING W/ THE SURVIVING SPOUSE share of the surviving spouse should not be the same as the widow or widower shall be entitled to one-
(anak | asawa) share of each of said six descendants, but should be computed fourth of the hereditary estate. In case of a
on the number of children which said grandchildren are legal separation, the surviving spouse may
½ LC/LD ¼ SS ¼ FP supposed to represent, for after all, grandchildren inherit by right inherit if it was the deceased who had given
of representation. This is also TRUE even if all the children cause for the same.
repudiate, and the grandchildren inherit in their own right, and
not by representation. If there are two or more legitimate children or
SURVIVING SPOUSE descendants, the surviving spouse shall be
Legacy or Devise to Surviving Spouse
(mga anak | asawa) entitled to a portion equal to the legitime of
Any devise or legacy given to the surviving spouse should be
LC = ½ of Legitime each of the legitimate children or
considered as being in addition to his or her legitime, and must
Share of each LC = ½ divided by the number of Children descendants.
therefore be charged to the free portion
The share of the Surviving Spouse is equal to the share of 1
Child. In both cases, the legitime of the surviving
spouse shall be taken from the portion that
can be freely disposed of by the testator.
ART.893 LEGITIMATE PARENTS OR ASCENDANTS Art. 893. If the testator leaves no legitimate
with SURVIVING SPOUSE descendants, but leaves legitimate
(magulang | asawa) ascendants, the surviving spouse shall have a
right to one-fourth of the hereditary estate.
½ LP/LA ¼ SS ¼ FP This fourth shall be taken from the free portion
of the estate.
ART.894 ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN with SURVIVING Art. 894. If the testator leaves illegitimate
SPOUSE children, the surviving spouse shall be entitled
(mga anak sa labas | asawa) to one-third of the hereditary estate of the
deceased and the illegitimate children to
1/3 IC 1/3 SS 1/3 FP another third. The remaining third shall be at
the free disposal of the testator.
ART.896 LEGITIMATE PARENTS OR ASCENDANTS Art. 896. Illegitimate children who may survive
and ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN with legitimate parents or ascendants of the
(magulang | anak sa labas) deceased shall be entitled to one-fourth of the
hereditary estate to be taken from the portion
½ LP/LA ¼ IC ¼ FP at the free disposal of the testator.
ART.897 and 898 SURVIVING SPOUSE with Reduction of the Legitime Art. 897. When the widow or widower survives
LEGITIMATE CHILDREN OR DESCENDANTS and The legitime of the legitimate children and that of the surviving with legitimate children or descendants, and
ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN spouse may not be reduced. They shall be preferred over that acknowledged natural children, or natural
(anak | anak sa labas | asawa) of the illegitimate children. If estate is NOT SUFFICIENT, just children by legal fiction, such surviving
If more than 1 LC: give whatever remains of the estate to the illegitimate children. spouse shall be entitled to a portion equal to
(1) LC = ½ of Legitime [Share of each LC = ½ divided by the legitime of each of the legitimate children
the number of Children]
which must be taken from that part of the
(2) The share of the Surviving Spouse is equal to the share
of 1 LC
estate which the testator can freely dispose of.
(3) Share of each IC = ½ of share of each LC
Art. 898. If the widow or widower survives with
If only 1 LC: legitimate children or descendants, and with
(1) LC = ½ of Legitime [Share of each LC = ½ divided by illegitimate children other than acknowledged
the number of Children] natural, or natural children by legal fiction, the
(2) The share of the Surviving Spouse is ¼ (ART 292) share of the surviving spouse shall be the
(3) Share of each IC = ½ of share of each LC same as that provided in the preceding article.
ART.899 SURVIVING SPOUSE with LEGITIMATE Art. 899. When the widow or widower survives
PARENTS OR ASCENDANTS and ILLEGITIMATE with legitimate parents or ascendants and
CHILDREN with illegitimate children, such surviving
(magulang | anak sa labas | asawa) spouse shall be entitled to one-eighth of the
hereditary estate of the deceased which must
1/8 1/8
¼ IC be taken from the free portion, and the
SS FP illegitimate children shall be entitled to one-
fourth of the estate which shall be taken also
from the disposable portion. The testator may
freely dispose of the remaining one-eighth of
the estate.
ART.900 SURVIVING SPOUSE ALONE Articulo Mortis Art. 900. If the only survivor is the widow or
(asawa) Applies only if it was the deceased who was the party in danger widower, she or he shall be entitled to one-
of death at the time of the marriage; AND if the cause of death half of the hereditary estate of the deceased
GENERAL RULE is the SAME as the sickness, illness or injury existing at the time spouse, and the testator may freely dispose of
½ SS ½ FP of the marriage — the purpose of the law being to avoid a the other half.
marriage purely for FINANCIAL GAIN.
EXCEPTION: Articulo Mortis + Decedent dies w/in 3 If the marriage between the surviving spouse
months and the testator was solemnized in articulo
1/3 SS 2/3 FP
mortis, and the testator died within three
months from the time of the marriage, the
EXCEPTION TO THE EXCEPTION: Articulo Mortis + legitime of the surviving spouse as the sole
Decedent dies w/in 3 months BUT living together for 5 heir shall be onethird of the hereditary estate,
years except when they have been living as husband
and wife for more than five years. In the latter
½ SS ½ FP
case, the legitime of the surviving spouse shall
be that specified in the preceding paragraph.
ART.901 and 902 ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN w/ no Representation of Illegitimate Child: the right of Art. 901. When the testator dies leaving
other compulsory heirs representation is granted to both legitimate and illegitimate illegitimate children and no other compulsory
(anak sa labas) descendants of illegitimate children when the latter predecease heirs, such illegitimate children shall have a
their own parents. right to one-half of the hereditary estate of the
½ IC ½ FP deceased.
Representation of Legitimate Child: [not the same rights
granted with IC] there is no provision w/c expressly gives the The other half shall be at the free disposal of
same right to the illegitimate descendants of a legitimate child. the testator.
Shares of Representatives: When representatives are of
Art. 902. The rights of illegitimate children set
different classes (that is, legitimate, acknowledged, or spurious),
forth in the preceding articles are transmitted
they inherit naturally in the SAME PROPORTIONS as in Art.
upon their death to their descendants,
895, since this is also the rule in legal succession, and
succession by representation is nothing but succession by whether legitimate or illegitimate.
ART.903 ESTATE LEFT BY AN ILLEGITIMATE If the testator, however, is an illegitimate person and he is Art. 903. The legitime of the parents who have
CHILD survived by his illegitimate parents and illegitimate children, the an illegitimate child, when such child leaves
(anak sa labas si testator) former are not entitled to any legitime, because they are neither legitimate descendants, nor a
excluded by the presence of the latter. In such case, the legitime surviving spouse, nor illegitimate children, is
Parents of Illegitimate Child + Descendants (legitimate of the illegitimate children shall consist of onehalf (1/2) of the one-half of the hereditary estate of such
or illegitimate) of Illegitimate Child hereditary estate. illegitimate child. If only legitimate or
½ C/D ½ FP illegitimate children are left, the parents are
Rule of exclusion applies: Illegitimate Parents will not Grandparents have no right to succeed in representation of the not entitled to any legitime whatsoever.
inherit illegitimate parents of the decedent. In the ascending line, the
grandparents of the illegitimate child are not entitled to If only the widow or widower survives with
Parents of Illegitimate Child who leaves neither parents of the illegitimate child, the legitime of
legitimate/illegitimate descendants, nor a surviving the parents is one-fourth of the hereditary
spouse, nor legitimate/illegitimate children estate of the child, and that of the surviving
½ IP ½ FP spouse also one-fourth of the estate.
Another view holds that the restoration of parental (2) When the spouse has accused the testator of a
authority would have the effect of depriving the crime for which the law prescribes imprisonment for
child or descendant of his right to disinherit the six years or more, and the accusation has been found
parent or ascendant or of rendering the to be groundless.
disinheritance ineffectual if it has already been
made, because the legal basis for disinheritance it is not enough that there must be an acquittal
would no longer exist, since, it is admitted, that the based on reasonable doubt.
disinheritance can take effect only upon the death
of the testator.
Thus, it has been held that CRIMINAL CONVICTION During that period between the execution of the will and
is not a condition sine qua non in order that the the death of the testator, it is always possible that the
wife can disinherit an unfaithful husband. The same testator may pardon the offender.
principle can also be applied to an attempt made by
one spouse against the life of the other. Such pardon, however, cannot have any possible
effect either upon the testator’s right to disinherit or
(5) When the spouse has given grounds for the loss of upon the disinheritance if it has already been made.
parental authority.
Under the law, before it can have any effect, it is
It must be observed that under this ground, the mere essential that it must have been accepted by the
fact that there is a ground for the loss of parental offender thus resulting in a reconciliation between the
authority is a sufficient cause for disinheritance, two. It is, therefore, clear that what the law requires is
a bilateral act and not a mere unilateral act.
whereas under No. 6 of Art. 920, in order that a child or
descendant can disinherit a parent or ascendant, it is Once there is a reconciliation between the offender and
essential that there must be an actual loss of parental the offended person, such reconciliation shall have the
authority. effect of depriving the latter of the right to disinherit the
former or of rendering ineffectual any disinheritance
(6) When the spouse refuses without justifiable cause that may have been made.
to support the children or the other spouse.
Rules In Case the Cause of the Disinheritance is
Art. 922. A subsequent reconciliation between the ALSO a Cause of Unworthiness:
offender and the offended person deprives the latter of • BASIS — There are grounds for disinheritance
the right to disinherit, and renders ineffectual any which are also causes of incapacity to succeed by
reason of unworthiness. Among them are the
disinheritance that may have been made.
abandonment of children, and the attempt to take
the life of the testator, etc.
• If the cause of unworthiness was made a ground
= the mutual restoration of feelings to the status quo. for disinheritance and there is a reconciliation, Art.
= the resumption of friendly relations between the 922 will govern, and NOT Art. 1033. In other
offender (disinherited heir) and the offended words, the mere fact of reconciliation extinguishes
(testator). the unworthiness and NO written document is
needed for a condonation.
Characteristics of Reconciliation → Reason: A person is rendered unworthy to
Reconciliation needs no special form; therefore it may succeed only because the law presumes this
be express or implied. (Ultimately, this is a judicial to be the will of the testator. This presumed
question of fact). intent certainly cannot prevail over the
express will of a person shown by his act of
There is implied or presumed reconciliation if the reconciliation.
parties live again in the same house.
There is no reconciliation in the following instances: Q: T disinherited his child X for trying to kill him. X had
1. A general pardon usually given at the hour of been duly convicted. Later, T and X reconciled. T never
changed his will (where the disinheritance was made).
death to all who may have, in some way or
Neither did T make any written document condoning
another, offended the testator, unless there really
X’s offense. T then died. Will X inherit?
be a removal of hurt feelings.
Effects of Disinheritance
The most important effect of disinheritance is of course
the deprivation of the compulsory heir who is
disinherited of any participation in the inheritance
including this legitime.
The rule with regard to such legacy or devise is that it Art. 933. If the thing bequeathed belonged to the legatee
shall be INEFFECTIVE/VOID whether or not the or devisee at the time of the execution of the will. The
testator had knowledge of the fact. legacy or devise shall be without effect, even though it
✓ The rule applies even though another person may have been subsequently alienated by him.
may have some interest therein.
If the thing is alienated in favor of the legatee or devisee Art. 934. If the testator should bequeath or devise
himself, there is no revocation. something pledged or mortgaged to secure a
recoverable debt before the execution of the will, the
If the acquisition by the legatee or devisee is by estate is obliged to pay the debt, unless the contrary
gratuitous title, the legacy or devise is also considered intention appears.
complied with.
The same rule applies when the thing is pledged or
If the acquisition is by onerous title, he is entitled to mortgaged after the execution of the will.
Any other charge, perpetual or temporary, with which
T in his will gave L the car of B. Later, B sold the car to the thing bequeathed is burdened, passes with it to the
L who remained owner thereof till T’s death. Can L get legatee or devisee.
anything by virtue of the will?
NOTE: Such encumbrance must be respected by the (3) He can RELY on the mortgage ALONE and
legatee or the devisee. foreclose at any time within the statute of
limitations (10 years from date of maturity). In the
Problem: T in his will gave A a Cartier watch which he meantime, he will NOT receive any share in the
T had pledged in a pawnshop; B, a parcel of land that distribution of the other assets of the estate.
was mortgaged to X for P500,000; and C, another
parcel of land, the usufruct of which was being enjoyed NOTE: At any time however, the executor or
by Y. On T’s death, will A, B, and C get their gifts free administrator may redeem the property secured,
from the abovementioned encumbrances? under the direction of the court, if the court deems
A: The estate should pay for the pawnshop and this best for the interest of the estate.
mortgage debts, hence, A and B should get their gifts
unencumbered; but C must bear the burden of the Art. 935. The legacy of a credit against a third person or
usufruct until the usufruct is legally extinguished. (Art. of the remission or release of a debt of the legatee shall
934). be effective only as regards that part of the credit or
debt existing at the time of the death of the testator.
As a security for a debt
Where the purpose of the encumbrance incurred or In the first case, the estate shall comply with the legacy
imposed before or after the execution of the will is TO by assigning to the legatee all rights of action it may
SECURE THE PAYMENT OF A DEMANDABLE have against the debtor. In the second case, by giving
DEBT, the estate is obliged to pay the debt. the legatee an acquittance, should he request one.
The law presumes that the testator’s intention is for the In both cases, the legacy shall comprise all interests on
legatee or devisee to receive the property free from the the credit or debt which may be due the testator at the
encumbrance w/c exposes him to the danger of losing
time of his death.
the same.
If the legatee or devisee should pay the debt, he is Legacy of Credit or Remission
entitled to reimbursement from the heir or estate. Legacy of a Credit
EXAMPLE: T is D’s creditor to the amount of P1 million.
Not as security for a debt In his will, T gave this credit to L.
Where the purpose of the encumbrance is not to
secure payment of a demandable debt, then THE The legacy of a credit taken up in Art. 935, takes place
when the testator bequeaths to the legatee a credit
LEGATEE/DEVISEE W/ SUCH CHARGE/BURDED which he has against a third person.
However, the burden must not be on the legitime and There are, therefore, three parties involved — the
testator-creditor, the legatee, and the debtor.
must not exceed the value of the property.
The Civil Code distinguishes three different kinds of The legacy to the debtor of the thing pledged by him is
legacies of remission or release of debts. understood to discharge only the right of pledge.
(1) specific legacy for the remission of a definite
debt; Revocation of Legacy
(2) generic legacy for the remission of all debts of
the legatee existing at the time of the By Judicial Action
execution of the will; and Whether the legacy is of a credit against a third person
(3) legacy to the debtor of the thing pledged by or of a release or remission of a debt of the legatee,
him. such legacy shall be considered revoked (Art. 936 says
it shall lapse) if the testator, after having made it, shall
The legacy of remission or release of a definite debt of bring an action against the debtor for the payment of
the legatee, which is taken up in Art. 935, involves only his debt, even if such payment should not have been
two parties – the testator-creditor and the legatee- effected at the time of his death.
The law expressly states “if the testator should bring an
This really amounts to a sort of donation mortis causa action against the debtor.” This must be construed to
and is therefore subject to the rule of inofficious mean a judicial action; hence, an extrajudicial demand
testamentary dispositions; that is, this may be reduced shall not be sufficient to revoke the legacy
if the legitime is impaired
It is the bringing of the action that revokes the legacy
The amount remitted should be added in the and not the payment of the debt.
computation of the testator’s net hereditary estate — → The testator, however, may provide that the legacy
for it is indeed part of his estate. shall not be considered as revoked. In such case,
the legacy shall be valid to the extent of the
The legacy of remission requires the estate to give the amount still unpaid at the time of his death.
legatee favored an acquittance (receipt or
acknowledgment of payment) should he request one. Effect of Action Against Debtor-Legatee
(2nd par., Art. 935). The first paragraph exemplifies a revocation by
implication of law.
SPECIFIC = debt which is specifically mentioned in the Example of 2nd paragraph — A owes B P1,000,000.
will of the testator But C owes A P1,200,000. If A gives his credit of
P200,000 as a legacy to B, and expressly declares that
→ such release comprises only that part of the debt
the legacy should be applied to B’s credit, there will be
existing at the time of death of the testator is
payment of P1,000,000 and a true legacy of P200,000
for the balance.
GENERIC = when no particular debt is specified
→ such release comprises all debts existing at the Art. 939. If the testator orders the payment of what he
time of the execution of the will, but not believes he owes but does not in fact owe, the
subsequent ones. disposition shall be considered as not written. If as
→ If there are several debts condoned and the free regards a specified debt more than the amount thereof
part is not sufficient to cover them all, the rules on is ordered paid, the excess is not due unless a contrary
application of payment are applicable. intention appears.
Whether the legacy is specific or generic, the rule that The foregoing provisions are without prejudice to the
the legacy shall comprise only what is due the testator fulfillment of natural obligations.
at the time of his death shall apply.
Example: A thinks he owes B P100,000. He really does Once the choice is made, it becomes irrevocable. The
not owe B anything, however. If A orders the payment legacy or devise will no longer be alternative, but
of the P100,000, the disposition is considered not simple.
Another Example: A thinks he owes B P100,000, but • When out of two or more things to be given, only
the debt is really P80,000 only. The P100,000 is one is possible, the legacy is converted into a
ordered paid in the will. B will not get the extra P20,000 simple one.
unless a contrary intention appears, because in the • The choice must be communicated to the
latter case, the intent is really to grant a legacy. recipient, after which communication the
alternative legacy becomes a simple one.
• Inasmuch as a choice is involved (although the
T owed L P100,000 but the debt has already
things to be given may have been specified), the
prescribed. Nevertheless, T, recognizing his moral
rules relating to generic legacies may be applied,
duties, ordered the payment of the P100,000, knowing
such as Arts. 941, 942, and 943.
that the debt had already prescribed. Will L get the
P100,000, even if the debt no longer exists?
A: Yes, for this is an instance of a natural obligation.
(1) The choice is limited to the things alternatively the
(Natural obligations are governed by Arts. 1423 to 1430
objects of the legacy or devise
of the Civil Code.)
(2) The party who has the right cannot choose those
legacies or devises which are impossible,
Art. 940. In alternative legacies or devises, the choice is unlawful, or which could not have been intended
presumed to be left to the heir upon whom the obligation by the testator
to give the legacy or devise may be imposed, or the (3) There is no more right of choice when among the
executor or administrator of the estate if no particular legacies or devises, only one is practicable
heir is so obliged. (4) If not one of them is feasible because of loss or
alienation, or for any lawful reason, the legacy or
If the heir, legatee or devisee, who may have been given devise becomes ineffective.
the choice, dies before making it, this right shall pass to
the respective heirs. Example: A orders B, a devisee, to give C a ring or a
car. B is given the right to choose. If B dies (before
Once made, the choice is irrevocable. making the choice, but after A’s death) the right to
make the choice is not considered personal and said
In alternative legacies or devises, except as herein right is, therefore, transmitted to B’s own heirs. Once
provided, the provisions of this Code regulating the choice has been made, it is irrevocable (because in
obligations of the same kind shall be observed, save such a case, the obligation has ceased to be
such modifications as may appear from the intention alternative, and has become a simple one) unless of
course there has been fraud, intimidation, or any of the
expressed by the testator.
other causes vitiating consent.
Alternative Legacies and Devises
Alternative legacies or devises refer to those where Art. 941. A legacy of generic personal property shall be
the testator bequeaths or devises two or more things valid even if there be no things of the same kind in the
but which can be complied with by the delivery of only estate.
one of them to the beneficiary.
A devise of indeterminate real property shall be valid
The most peculiar feature of this type of legacy or only if there be immovable property of its kind in the
devise is that a choice will have to be made upon the estate.
death of the testator before it can be complied with.
The right of choice shall belong to the executor or
The testator may designate any one of the heirs, administrator who shall comply with the legacy by the
legatees or devisees, or even the beneficiary delivery of a thing which is neither of inferior nor of
himself, to make the choice. superior quality.
In such case, the same rules specified in the preceding “I hereby give to L an animal.’’ (Reason: While “animal’’
comments are applicable. is indeed a genus, still the sub-genus like “dog’’ or “cat’’
has not been specified, thus, the true intent of the
The law, however, declares that a devise of testator is still unknown.)
indeterminate real property shall be valid only if there
be immovable property of its kind in the estate of the What period of time must be considered in determining
testator. whether or not the property exists in the estate? (This
→ The reason for this is that, unlike personal is important in generic real properties.)
property, there is no such thing as a ANS.: The time of the testator’s death, for it is “his
predetermined species with respect to real or estate” to which the law refers. The time of the
immovable property, since its execution of the will is therefore not. Evidently, this is
individualization, depends exclusively upon not the same category as after-acquired properties.
the will of man.
→ Consequently, if the testator devises five
Right of Choice
hectares of rice lands to A, but after his death
The right of choice is given to the estate or to the
it is found out that his estate consists entirely
person BURDENED, unless such right is expressly
of fish ponds, it is clear that, under the law, the
given to the person favored. This is the same as the
devise is void.
rule in alternative obligations.
GENERIC PERSONAL GENERIC REAL When the right to choose is given to the estate
PROPERTY PROPERTY (executor or administrator) such right is NOT
valid even if there be not valid if there be none ABSOLUTE, for certain restrictions must be observed:
none in the estate. of its kind in the estate. (1) the choice must be “neither of inferior nor superior
(Here, it is evident that quality.” (Hence, the medium quality must be
the estate is being selected.).
required to get one.) [NOTE: It seems that this restriction is not imposed
when it is the heir (or the legatee or devisee
Reason for the difference: charged) who is supposed to make the selection.
The genus in personal property is determined by Note the wording of Art. 942.].
nature; in the case of real property, there is
practically no genus because each property has (2) in the case of generic personal legacies, if there
been practically individualized by the efforts of man. be some in the estate, the person charged must
select from them, and not from those outside the
Art. 946. If the thing bequeathed should be subject to a Rules in Case of Gifts With a Term
usufruct, the legatee or devisee shall respect such right If the gift is with a SUSPENSIVE TERM, the right also
until it is legally extinguished. vests from the moment of the testator’s death, although
of course, it does not become effective until after the
Gift Involving a Usufruct arrival of the suspensive term.
• The gift is burdened by the presence of an existing
and lawful usufruct (as well as easement, etc.). If the gift is with a RESOLUTORY TERM, the right also
• This Article is connected with Art. 934, last vests from the moment of the testator’s death, but will
paragraph [Any other charge, perpetual or END when the resolutory term arrives.
temporary, with which the thing bequeathed is
burdened, passes with it to the legatee or devisee.] When No Transmission Occurs: Please remember
that a VOLUNTARY heir, legatee, or devisee who
How Usufruct is Extinguished predeceases the testator, or who is incapacitated, or
(1) By the death of usufructuary, unless a contrary who repudiates, transmits no right to his own heirs.
intention clearly appears; (See Art. 866).
(2) By the expiration of the period for which it was
constituted or by the fulfillment of any resolutory LEGACIES/DEVISES with SUSPENSIVE TERM and
condition provided in the title creating the usufruct; CONDITION
(3) By merger of the usufruct and ownership in the In such legacies or devises, what is suspended by the
same person; term or period is not the acquisition of the right but
(4) By renunciation of the usufructuary; merely the demandability of the right.
(5) By the total loss of the things in usufruct;
(6) By the termination of the right of the person Consequently, even if the legatee or devisee, after the
constituting the usufruct; death of the testator, dies before the expiration of the
(7) By prescription. (Art. 603, Civil Code). term or period, he can transmit his rights to his own
Art. 947. The legatee or devisee acquires a right to the
In the case of conditional legacies or devises, however,
pure and simple legacies or devises from the death of
if the condition is suspensive, what is acquired upon
the testator and transmits it to his heirs. the death of the testator by the legatee or devisee is
only a mere hope or expectancy. Such hope or
When Right is Transmitted expectancy is converted into a perfected right only from
The rule stated in the above article is merely a the moment of the fulfillment of the condition.
restatement of the general principle declared in Art. Consequently, if the legatee or devisee, after the death
777 of the Code to the effect that the rights to the of the testator, dies before the fulfillment of the
succession are transmitted at the moment of the death condition, he cannot transmit his expectancy to his own
of the decedent. heirs.
This Article speaks of the right to the legacy or devise,
Art. 948. If the legacy or devise is of a specific and
as becoming vested as of the moment of the testator’s
determinate thing pertaining to the testator, the legatee
or devisee acquires the ownership thereof upon the
However, the right to the property itself is vested as death of the testator, as well as any growing fruits, or
follows: unborn offspring of animals, or uncollected income; but
if specific from the testator’s death not the income which was due and unpaid before the
if generic from the time a selection has latter’s death.
been made, so as to make the
property specific From the moment of the testator’s death the thing
if alternative from the time the choice has bequeathed shall be at the risk of the legatee or devisee,
been made who shall, therefore, bear its loss or deterioration, and
shall be benefited by its increase or improvement,
By way of EXCEPTION, the testator may expressly Rule Under the Code of Civil Procedure
order that the fruits and interests of the generic thing Under Sec. 729 of the Code of Civil Procedure (which
shall be payable from the time of his death. section has not been repealed by the new Civil Code),
→ NOTE: Here, there is a sort of retroactive effect, “the estate, real or personal, given by will to the
for it is evident that a choice can be made only devisees or legatees shall be liable for the payment of
after the testator’s death. the debts, expenses of administrations, and family
expenses, in proportion to the amount of the several
Liability of Fruits for Debts devises or legacies, except that specific devises and
One fact, however, must be borne in mind, namely, that legacies may be exempted, if it appears to the court
even if the fruits have accrued only since the choice necessary to carry into effect, the intention of the
was made, still said fruits before being turned over to testator and if there be sufficient other estate.” Now
the devisee, must first be responsible for the payment then, how does this provision affect Art. 950 insofar as
of whatever debts and expenses there are, that are the reduction of legacies and devises are concerned?
chargeable to the estate. This is because the net A: There is no inconsistency between the two cited
hereditary estate must first be computed provisions of law.
(1) First apply the Code of Civil Procedure to find out
Rule in Case of Money how much the gifts must be reduced in order to
Money is generic, and it has been held that interest settle the debts, etc.
thereon at six per cent per annum may be recovered (2) Then apply Art. 950 of the new Civil Code to find
from the time there is default in the delivery of the out which gifts must be reduced, in order to
money legacy. And there is default, once demand is accommodate all of them in the free disposal
It is evident that the Code of Civil Procedure does not
Art. 950. If the estate should not be sufficient to cover all apply if:
the legacies or devises, their payment shall be made in (1) there are NO debts, administration and family
the following order: expenses
(1) Remuneratory legacies or devises; (2) OR if the testator himself has indicated which of
(2) Legacies or devises declared by the testator to be his different properties will answer for said debts
preferential; and expenses.
(3) Legacies for support;
(4) Legacies for education; [NOTE: It is evident too that if the legitime is to be
preserved, then in the proper cases, Art. 911 and not
(5) Legacies or devises of a specific, determinate thing
Art. 950 should be applied.].
which forms a part of the estate;
(6) All others pro rata.
Remuneratory Legacies or Devises
= Those which the testator gives because he feels
Order of Payment of Legacies and Devises
morally obliged to compensate certain persons, for
The order of payment of legacies and devises which is
services which do not however constitute
specified in the above article should be distinguished
recoverable debts.
from the rule stated in Art. 911 of the Code regarding
the pro rata reduction of legacies and devises.
Q: Why are remuneratory gifts first in the order of
Art. 911 applies in the following cases: preference?
(1) When the reduction is necessary to preserve the A: Because they are considered moral (not natural)
legitime of compulsory heirs from impairment, obligations by the testator.
whether there are donations inter vivos or not; and
(2) when, although the legitime has been preserved Q: To make the bequest “remuneratory,” does said fact
by the testator himself by leaving the compulsory have to be stated in the will?
heirs sufficient property to cover their legitime, A: Not necessarily. It is of course better to so state them
there are donations inter vivos concurring with the in the will, but evidence on this point may be given
legacies and devises within the free portion. extrinsically
In all other cases not included within the scope of Art. Legacies for Support and Education
911, Art. 950 applies. More specifically, Art. 950 Observe that while under Art. 950, legacies for support
applies in all cases where the conflict is exclusively are considered distinct from legacies for education,
among the legatees or devisees themselves. education is included by Art. 290 within the concept of
This is possible in either of two cases: support. Insofar as Art. 950 is concerned however, the
distinction between the two must be observed.
Note that the thing must form part of the estate; MONEY: if the legacy is money, he must pay it in cash.
otherwise, the legacy will fall under Art 950(6). If there be no cash, he must sell personal property. If
there is no personal property or is insufficient, he must
Specific legacies which do not form part of the estate sell real property to pay the legacy.
are taken out of the scope of preference given to Art.
950(5) over Art. 950(6). Expenses for delivery/payment of thing
Example of such specific legacy not forming part of If delivery is VOLUNTARY, expenses necessary for
estate — when the testator orders that a specific thing the delivery shall be borne by the heir or estate, being
belonging to a stranger be acquired in order that he the debtor, but such expenses must not impair the
may give it as a legacy to another. legitime.
Reason for the non-preference: In the example given, If delivery is by JUDICIAL PROCEEDS, the court will
for instance, what is really being bequeathed is not so determine who should pay the necessary expenses for
much the specific property itself as its monetary value, such delivery, for the provision contemplates merely a
for as has been previously stated, the real owner may case of voluntary delivery. This is evident because if
refuse to part with the property, or demand an the courts are invoked, somebody else may be at fault.
unreasonable price therefor.
Art. 953. The legatee or devisee cannot take possession
Art. 951. The thing bequeathed shall be delivered with all of the thing bequeathed upon his own authority, but
its accessions and accessories and in the condition in shall request its delivery and possession of the heir
which it may be upon the death of the testator. charged with the legacy or devise, or of the executor or
administrator of the estate should he be authorized by
“Accessions” the court to deliver it.
= are fruits (natural, industrial, civil) of, or additions
to, or improvements upon, a principal thing Necessity of Making Request for Delivery
= ex. House, trees on land, rents of a building, While ownership and possession are transmitted
airconditioner in a car indeed from the testator’s death, still actual delivery
and possession will have to wait till the formalities
“Accessories” required under this Article are complied with.
= are things joined to, or included with, the principal
thing for the latter’s embellishment, better use, or The legatee/devisee cannot, upon his own authority,
completion take possession of the property bequeathed or devised
= ex. key of a house, frame of a picture, machineries in his favor. He must request its delivery and
of a factory possession from the heir who is charged with the
legacy or devise.
While ACCESSIONS are not necessary to the principal
thing, the ACCESSORIES and the principal thing must When Order for Distribution of Residue is Made;
go together. Testimony Taken on Controversy Preserved
When the debts, funeral charges, and expenses of
However, BOTH presupposes the existence of the administration, the allowances to the widow, and
principal thing. w/o the principal thing, there are no inheritance tax, if any, chargeable to the estate in
more accessions and accessories that can be accordance with law, have been paid
the court, on the application of the executor or
Art. 952. The heir, charged with a legacy or devise, or the administrator, or of a person interested in the estate,
executor or administrator of the estate, must deliver and after hearing upon notice, shall assign the residue
the very thing bequeathed if he is able to do so and of the estate to the persons entitled to the same,
naming them and the proportions, or parts, to which
cannot discharge this obligation by paying its value.
each is entitled,
Legacies of money must be paid in cash, even though
and such person may demand and recover their
the heir or the estate may not have any. respective shares from the executor or administrator,
or any other person having the same in his possession.
The expenses necessary for the delivery of the thing
bequeathed shall be for the account of the heir or the If there is a controversy before the court as to who are
estate, but without prejudice to the legitime. the lawful heirs of the deceased person or as to the
[NOTE: The quoted provision must be complied with Any compulsory heir who is at the same time a legatee
should there be administration proceedings.]. or devisee may waive the inheritance and accept the
legacy or devise, or renounce the latter and accept the
former, or waive or accept both.
Art. 954. The legatee or devisee cannot accept a part of
the legacy or devise and repudiate the other, if the latter
Acceptance and Repudiation of Not All the
be onerous.
Legacies or Devises
ART 954 ART 955
Should he die before having accepted the legacy or
There is only 1 There are 2 or more
devise, leaving several heirs, some of the latter may
legacy/devise which is legacies or devises, one
accept and the others may repudiate the share
partly burdened with a of which is gratuitous
respectively belonging to them in the legacy or devise.
charge or condition and the other is more
onerous, or both are
Partial Acceptance and Repudiation of a Legacy gratuitous or onerous
or Devise The legatee or devisee is one and the same
The legatee or devisee cannot partially accept the person
gratuitous part and repudiate the other.
→ Reason: the presumed intent of the testator is for
Example of the 1st paragraph: A in his will gave to B a
him either to accept or repudiate the entire
car and a house, the house being given with a
bequest – that he will not give the former, w/o the
condition. In the same will, C was given a diamond ring
and a piece of land, to each of which was attached a
condition. B is not allowed to renounce the house and
If the legatee or devisee should die after the testator
at the same time accept the car. C is allowed to accept
but before accepting, his right is transmitted to his
both the ring and the land; or to renounce the land and
heirs. His heirs then may individually accept or
accept the ring; or to renounce the ring and accept the
repudiate the shares respectively belonging to them in
land. But of course if A intended that the ring and the
the legacy or devise but they shall share pro rata in the
land be inseparable from each other, C must either
burdens and benefits.
accept both or renounce both. This intent of the
testator, to be given effect must appear in the will,
Example of 1st par. — X was given a devise of a house either expressly or impliedly, from the context.
with the stipulation that the lower story was being given [NOTE: A compulsory heir was given both his legitime
gratuitously, but the upper story would be given on and a legacy. May he accept the legacy and refuse the
condition that X would not marry Y. X is not allowed to legitime?
accept the lower story, and renounce the upper one ANS.: Yes, by express provision of the law.].
since the latter is onerous. The reason for the law is the
presumption that the testator would not have given the
devise of the gratuitous lower story without the onerous Art. 956. If the legatee or devisee cannot or is unwilling
upper story. to accept the legacy or devise, or if the legacy or devise
for any reason should become ineffective, it shall be
merged into the mass of the estate, except in cases of
Example of the 2nd par. — In the preceding example,
if X dies before being able to accept, and he leaves two substitution and of the right of accretion.
heirs, A and B, each may accept or repudiate his share.
Effect of Ineffective Legacies or Devises
The death referred to in the 2nd paragraph must come There are three cases or situations contemplated by
after the death of the testator and not before, because the above article:
a voluntary heir or legatee or devisee who dies before (1) In the first place, the legatee or devisee may be
the testator transmits nothing to his heirs incapacitated to succeed the testator in
accordance with the rules laid down in Arts. 1024
Indivisible Gifts to 1040 of the Code;
Should the burden on the onerous legacy or devise be (2) In the second place, he may repudiate the legacy
INDIVISIBLE, same must be totally, complied with by or devise which is his perfect right in accordance
those heirs of the legatee (who died after the testator with the rules stated in Arts. 1041 to 1057;
but before making an acceptance), who want to accept. (3) In the third place, the legacy or devise may
This is not a case when there can be only proportionate become ineffective for some reason such as
compliance in view of the indivisible character of the transformation, alienation or destruction of the
However, if there is no change or departure from the If the legacy or devise is generic, the heir charged is
original intent of the testator, as when for instance there liable for eviction. (See Art. 928).
was no consideration for the transfer, or there was
undue influence, it could be that the testator merely “Lost” in this paragraph refers to both physical loss
intended to comply in advance (ademption) with what and legal or juridical loss, as in expropriation
he had ordered in the testament. (Dionisio Fernandez, proceedings.
et al. v. Ismaela Dimagiba, L-23638, Oct. 12, 1967). → Of course, if later on the testator reacquires
the property, the disposition in the will remains
Exception: If the testator reacquires a thing alienated, valid because the alienation had not been
and the reacquisition is by virtue of the exercise of the voluntary. In such a case however, the
right of repurchase, it is evident that: 1) the alienation property must have been existing at the time
had not been absolute 2) and he really intended to the testator dies.
revive the legacy.
A gave B the devise of a particular house. A month
Nullity of Contract later, the house was totally burned. A week after, the
Obviously, “nullity of the contract” does not refer to testator died. B cannot get anything because the
want or absence of consent, such as: devise shall be without effect. Even if the house had
when violence, or been burned after A’s death, B will still not get anything
intimidation, or if the loss occurred without any fault on the part of A’s
fraud has been used upon the testator. heirs (like A’s children, for instance).
In these cases, there can never be any intention of
the testator to alienate. Hence, there can be no Art. 958. A mistake as to the name of the thing
implied revocation of the legacy. bequeathed or devised, is of no consequence, if it is
✓ If, therefore, the thing is returned to the testator, possible to identify the thing which the testator intended
the legacy is still valid. to bequeath or devise.
Therefore, when the law speaks of the “nullity of the
Effect of Mistake in Name of Thing
contract,” if refers to causes of nullity predicated upon
the fact that the alienation is voluntary and absolute, Example: “My only car, a Ford Expedition Limited
such as a sale made by a minor who has already made 2003” can mean “my only car, a Ford Expedition
a will, or a donation made by the testator subsequent Limited 2002,” provided that identification of testator’s
to the execution of the will but which is void as to form. intention is possible. The typographical error in this
→ What matters is that the presumed intention of the case would not matter
testator to revoke has already been expressed or
manifested by a positive act.
→ The mere reacquisition of the thing does not mean
that this intention has changed.
In a sense therefore, arranged in the order of “Without a “Void will” “Subsequently lost its
decreasing superiority, we have three kinds of will” validity”
succession: no will made lacks essential revoked or ineffective
(1) forced succession requisites;
denied probate
(2) testamentary succession
(3) intestate succession – takes place generally if
there is no applicable valid will, or there is no (4) there is no institution of heir or the institution is void
qualified heir.
(5) if the testator executes a will but disposes of only
Basic Principles of Intestate Succession a part of his properties
(1) An intestate heir must be a BLOOD RELATIVE of → In such case, mixed succession shall take place,
the decedent except the adopted child, spouse, because evidently, the rules of legal intestate
succession shall be applied with respect to those
(2) second, when the inheritance is divided among Art. 963. Proximity of relationship is determined by the
brothers and sisters, some of whom are of the full number of generations. Each generation forms a
blood and others of the half blood; and degree.
those of the full blood shall be entitled to double the Art. 964. A series of degrees forms a line, which may be
share of those of the half blood either direct or collateral.
(3) third, in certain cases when the right of
A direct line is that constituted by the series of degrees
representation takes place.
among ascendants and descendants.
whenever there is succession by representation, the
division of the estate shall be made per stirpes, in such A collateral line is that constituted by the series of
manner that the representatives, although of the same degrees among persons who are not ascendants and
degree, shall not inherit more than what the person descendants, but who come from a common ancestor.
they represent would inherit, if he were living or could
inherit Art. 965. The direct line is either descending or
(4) fourth, in case of legitimate and illegitimate The former unites the head of the family with those who
children descend from him.
the legitime of the illegitimate child shall consist of ½ of The latter binds a person with those from whom he
the legitime of the legitimate child descends.
Computation of Degrees
The rules for computation of degrees may be illustrated
by the following example:
Some Important Rules Let us assume that E is the propositus or person with
• The right of representation takes place in the direct whom the computation is made. In terms of degrees,
descending line, but never in the ascending. (Art. how is E related to his grandson, M? In this case,
972). descent is made from E to M, counting the number of
• In the collateral line, the right of representation persons from E to M — minus one. Therefore, E is two
takes place only in favor of the children of brothers degrees removed from his grandson, M.
or sisters, whether they be of the full or half-blood.
(Art. 972). How is E related to his grandfather, A? The same
• Should brothers and sisters of the full blood procedure is followed. Ascent is made from E to A,
survive together with brothers and sisters of the counting the number of persons from E to A — minus
half-blood, the former shall be entitled to a share one. Therefore, E is two degrees removed from his
double that of the latter. (Art. 1006). grandfather, A.
• Should there be more than one ascendant of equal
degree belonging to the same line, they shall How is E related to his brother, F? In this case, ascent
divide the inheritance per capita; should they be of is made from E to their common ancestor, B, and then
different lines but of equal degree, one-half shall descent is made to F counting the number of persons
How is E related to his first cousin, H? The same Under Art. 969, all of the relatives of the decedent of
procedure is again followed. Ascent is made from E to the same class and degree called by the law to
their common ancestor, A, and then descent is made succeed have repudiated their inheritance.
to H, counting the number of persons from E up to B to What is the effect of this total vacancy?
A down to D to H — minus one. Therefore, E is four • According to the law, those of the following
degrees removed from his first cousin H. degree shall inherit in their own right.
• They cannot inherit by right of representation
Art. 967. Full blood relationship is that existing between because of the principle that an heir who
persons who have the same father and the same repudiates his inheritance may not be
mother. represented.
• Consequently, if the decedent is survived by, let us
Half blood relationship is that existing between persons say, four legitimate children, and all of them
who have the same father, but not the same mother, or repudiate their inheritance, the effect of such
the same mother, but not the same father. repudiation is that those of the following degree
shall be called to the succession.
Art. 968. If there are several relatives of the same • But such relatives shall inherit in their own right
and not by right of representation, even if they are
degree, and one or some of them are unwilling or
the grandchildren of the decedent.
incapacitated to succeed, his portion shall accrue to the
• Hence, the inheritance shall be distributed
others of the same degree, save the right of
among them per capita.
representation when it should take place.
• It would be different if instead of repudiation by all
of the heirs, all of them died before the decedent
Art. 969. If the inheritance should be repudiated by the
or all of them are incapacitated to inherit. In
nearest relative, should there be one only, or by all the such case, the grandchildren shall inherit by right
nearest relatives called by law to succeed, should there of representation and not in their own right.
be several, those of the following degree shall inherit in Hence, the inheritance shall be distributed among
their own right and cannot represent the person or them per stirpes and not per capita
persons repudiating the inheritance
[Art 968] Accretion in Intestate Succession
Art 968 Art 969 Example: A decedent leaves 3 first-cousins and an
refers to a case where refers to a case where estate of P300,000. If one of the cousins is
one or some of the all of such relatives have incapacitated or repudiates, the P100,000 which
surviving relatives of the repudiated their should have gone to him will accrue to the other two,
decedent of the same inheritance. who will each get P150,000. Each therefore gets
class and degree are P100,000 in his own right, and P50,000 by virtue of
incapacitated to inherit accretion.
from him or have
repudiated their Example:
A compulsory heir in the direct descending line on the Art. 972. The right of representation takes place in the
other hand, can transmit his rights, but only with direct descending line, but never in the ascending.
respect to the legitime.
→ In other words, if a compulsory heir in the direct
In the collateral line, it takes place only in favor of the
line dies before the testator, or incapable of
children of brothers or sisters, whether they be of the
succeeding the testator or is disinherited, his own
full or half blood.
children or descendants shall still participate in the
succession, not in their own right, but by right of
representation. Representation in Direct Descending Line
General Rule: the right of representation takes place
in the direct descending line, but never in the
Intestate Succession
ascending line.
In legal or intestate succession, the right of
representation can take place only in the following never in the ascending line = hence, the ascendants
cases: nearest in degree regardless of line, get all the
(1) first, when the person represented dies inheritance.
before the decedent; and
(2) second, when the person represented is The right of representation in the direct line takes place
incapable of succeeding the decedent. in the following cases:
(1) first, when children concur with grandchildren,
In both of these cases, since there is a vacancy in the the latter being the children of other children
inheritance, the law calls the children or descendants who died before the decedent or who are
of the person represented to succeed by right of incapable of succeeding the decedent;
representation to the entire portion which is (2) second, when all the children are dead or are
rendered vacant. incapable of succeeding the decedent and
grandchildren concur with great
Rules in Adoption grandchildren, the latter being the children of
Principle: Reason: other grandchildren who died before the
An adopted child cannot there is no filiation decedent or are incapable of succeeding the
represent. (whether by blood or by decedent; and
law) between the (3) third, when all children are dead or are
adopted child and the incapable of succeeding the decedent leaving
parent of the adopter. children or descendants of the same degree
The legal filiation is only Representation in Collateral Line.
between the adopted Exception: where the right does not take place in the
child and the adopter. direct descending line but in the collateral line in favor
Neither may an adopted There is no blood or of children of brothers and sisters of the decedent,
child be represented. legal relationship whether they be of the full blood or half blood.
between the adopter
and the children of the The right, however, is subject to the following
adopted limitations:
(1) The right can be exercised only by nephews
Representation by Illegitimates and nieces of the decedent.
Representation of Illegitimate Child: the right of • This is clear from the provisions of Arts. 972
representation is granted to both legitimate and and 975 of the Code. Consequently, it cannot
Articles 960-977 WILLS & SUCCESSION (2019)
Legal or Intestate Succession – General Provisions | Relationship |Right of Representation Vice Dean Castillo-Taleon
be exercised by grandnephews and Art. 973. In order that representation may take place, it
grandnieces. is necessary that the representative himself be capable
of succeeding the decedent.
(2) The right can be exercised by the nephews or Capacity of Representative
nieces of the decedent if they will concur with The above rule is a logical consequence of the principle
at least one brother or sister of the decedent. enunciated in Art. 971 of the Code to the effect that the
• This limitation is expressly provided for in Art. representative succeeds the decedent and not the
975. person represented.
• Otherwise, if they are the only survivors,
they shall inherit in their own right and not Consequently, even if the representative is incapable
by right of representation of succeeding the person represented, he can still
inherit by right of representation, provided that he is
Q: A and B are C’s brothers. D is the child of A, and E capable of succeeding the decedent.
of B, while F is the child of D. C died without leaving a
will. A, B and D are likewise dead. May F inherit from Art. 974. Whenever there is succession by
C? representation, the division of the estate shall be made
A: F cannot inherit from C. True, he is a fourth degree
per stirpes, in such manner that the representatives
relative by blood of the decedent, but he is excluded by
shall not inherit more than what the person they
E, a nephew, and therefore, a third degree relative by
represent would inherit, if he were living or could
blood of said decedent.
Actually, the right of representation does not take place
in the instant case. In the collateral line, representation Inheritance “Per Stirpes”
takes place only in favor of the children of brothers and “Per stirpes” means inheritance by group, all those
sisters, whether they be of the full or half blood (Art. within the group inheriting in equal shares.
972), and only if they survive with at least one uncle or
aunt who is a brother or sister of the decedent (Art. Two Ways of Inheriting
975). Both conditions are not present here. (1) per stirpes or per capita – HOW MUCH?
per capita = when succession is by head or one’s
F is a grandnephew of the decedent C, not a nephew. own right
He concurs with a nephew of the decedent, not with a (2) by representation or by one’s own right – HOW?
brother or sister. Therefore, the only way by which he
can inherit would be in his own right. Unfortunately for Effect Upon Division of Estate
him, under the principle of proximity recognized in Art. The most fundamental effect of succession by
962 of the Civil Code, he is excluded by E. representation is that the representative is, by legal
fiction, raised to the place and degree of the person
(3) The right of representation in the collateral line represented.
is possible only in intestate succession;
• in other words, it cannot possibly take place in TESTAMENTARY INTESTATE
testamentary succession. SUCCESSION SUCCESSION
→ According to Art 856, a voluntary heir cannot the representative he acquires all of the
transmit any right to his own heirs in case he dies acquires all of the rights rights which the person
before the testator; in other words, (and this can which the person represented had with
also be applied to incapacity), if a voluntary heir represented had with respect to his entire
dies before the testator, survived by children or respect to his legitime legal portion
descendants of his own, he cannot be represented In both cases, according to Art. 974, the division of
in the succession by such children or the estate shall be made per stirpes, in such
descendants. The portion of the inheritance which manner that the representative or representatives
is rendered vacant shall, therefore, pass to his co- shall not inherit more than what the person they
heirs by right of accretion represent would inherit
→ From these principles which are enunciated in Art. the right which is the right which is
856 of the Code, two conclusions can be inferred. acquired by the acquired is the right to
In the first place, the right of representation in representatives is the the legal portion which
testamentary succession is possible only right to the legitime of is rendered vacant by
when the person represented is a compulsory the compulsory heir who reason of the fact that
heir in the direct descending line; in the second dies before the testator, the legal heir dies before
place, the right of representation in or who is unworthy to the decedent or is
testamentary succession pertains only to the succeed, or who is unworthy to succeed
legitime, which is rendered vacant by either disinherited
predecease, incapacity or disinheritance, and right of representation the right refers to the
never to the free portion. refers to the legitime whole share with would
have been acquired by
the person represente
Some Cardinal Principles of Intestate Succession Art. 978. Succession pertains, in the first place, to the
• Even if there is an order of intestate succession, descending direct line.
the compulsory heirs are never excluded.
Moreover, the Civil Code follows the theory of Art. 979. Legitimate children and their descendants
“concurrence,” not the theory of “exclusion.” succeed the parents and other ascendants, without
• The nearer excludes the farther, without prejudice distinction as to sex or age, and even if they should come
to the right of representation (because by virtue of from different marriages.
representation, the farther becomes just as “near”
as the “nearer”). An adopted child succeeds to the property of the
• There is NO right of representation in the adopting parents in the same manner as a legitimate
ascending line.
• There is right of representation in the descending
Reason for Preference of the Descending Direct
• In the collateral line, the right of representation is
given only to children of brothers and sisters.
(1) descends (descendants)
(2) ascends (ascendants)
o Hence, grandchildren of brothers and sisters
(3) then spreads (collaterals)
cannot represent in the succession of the
Thus, the descendants are preferred.
decedent; neither can children of first cousins.
o This right of representation in the collateral
Although descendants are mentioned as No. 1, two
line is true only in legal succession, never in
rules must be borne in mind:
testamentary succession, because a
• the nearer excludes the farther
voluntary heir CANNOT be represented.].
• Art. 978 does not mean that other compulsory
• The intestate shares are either equal to or greater
heirs (like the surviving spouse, and the
than the legitime (otherwise a good way to
illegitimate children) are excluded. In fact, they
decrease the legitime would be by dying intestate).
are, together with the legitimate descendants,
• In case of partial intestacy, the legacies and
devises or institutions to the free portion must be
charged PROPORTIONATELY against the
Order of Intestate Succession to the Estate of a
intestate heirs who are given intestate shares
Legitimate Child
greater than their legitimes, insofar as said excess
(Here the decedent is a legitimate child):
is concerned, but in no case should the legitime be
Legitimate/Legitimated/Legally Adopted children and their
impaired. legitimate descendants.
• Grandchildren ALWAYS inherit by right of
representation, provided representation is proper. Legitimate parents and other legitimate ascendants
(This is true whether they concur with children of
the deceased or not.) Illegitimate children and their descendants, whether legitimate
• Therefore, whenever all the children repudiate, the or illegitimate
grandchildren inherit in their own right, for here,
representation is NOT PROPER. Surviving Spouse
• Nephews and nieces inherit either by right of
representation or in their own right. Brothers and Sisters; Nephews and Nieces
o By right of representation, when they concur
with aunts and uncles (provided that Collateral Relatives up to the 5th degree
representation is proper, that their own
parents should not have repudiated).
o In their own right, whenever they do not State
concur with aunts and uncles.
• Illegitimates of legitimates cannot represent NOTE: The order just given is successive and
because of the BARRIER, but illegitimates (and exclusive, but the PRIMARY COMPULSORY HEIRS
legitimates) of illegitimates can represent. ARE NEVER EXCLUDED.
• There is barrier between the LEGITIMATE and the → These are the legitimate children and
ILLEGITIMATE family. descendants, the illegitimate children and
• There can be reserva troncal in legal succession. descendants and the surviving spouse. They
• A renouncer can represent, but cannot be are called CONCURRING INTESTATE
represented. HEIRS.
• A person who cannot represent a near relative Hence:
(such as a father who has renounced) cannot also • The presence of legitimate children and
represent a relative farther in degree. After all, the descendants will not exclude the illegitimate
right to represent is by itself also a successional children and descendants.
right, which is of course governed by legal • The presence of legitimate children and
provisions. descendants will not exclude the surviving spouse.
• If both ascendants are of equal degree in the
same line, they inherit per capita;
Q: A has 3 illegitimate children, B, C, and D. E and F
• Should there be more than one equal degree
are the illegitimate children of D. Estate is P900,000. D
belonging to the same line they shall divide the
predeceases A. Divide the estate.
inheritance per capita;
A: B and C each gets P300,000. E and F each gets
• should they be of different lines but of equal
degree, one-half shall pass to the paternal and
the other half to the maternal lines. In each line
Q: Suppose E and F were the legitimate children of D,
the division had be per capita.
would the answer be the same?
▪ In short, division is first by line, and then per capita
A: YES. “Descendants” in this Article refer to legitimate
w/in such line.
and illegitimate descendants, since the law does not
distinguish. (See Arts. 993 and 995).
Thus, if the decedent is survived only by A, paternal
grandfather, and B and C, maternal grandparents, 1/2
of the entire inheritance shall be given to A, while the Art. 990. The hereditary rights granted by the two
other half shall be given to B and C, which they shall preceding articles to illegitimate children shall be
divide per capita. transmitted upon their death to their descendants, who
shall inherit by right of representation from their
Reason for Art 987 2nd par. — There is no right of deceased grandparent.
representation in the ascending line. (Art. 972).
Right of Representation in the Illegitimate Line
A died intestate leaving P1 million. Surviving him are • The word “descendant” as used in these articles
his father, B; his grandfather, C (the father of B); and can refer to any kind .of descendant, whether
his grandfather, D (the father of A’s mother). Divide the legitimate or illegitimate
estate. B gets the whole P1 million. (Art. 986, 2nd par. • In other words, it is immaterial whether the
representative is legitimate or illegitimate; what is
SUBSECTION 3 material is that the person to be represented
ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN (the decedent) is illegitimate.
• There must, therefore, be a distinction between
the right of representation when the person to be
Art. 988. In the absence of legitimate descendants or
represented is a legitimate person and the right of
ascendants, the illegitimate children shall succeed to
representation when the person to be represented
the entire estate of the deceased.
is an illegitimate person.
→ If the person to be represented is legitimate,
Illegitimate Children then it is indispensable that the representative
• The third in the order of intestate succession are must also be legitimate. Otherwise, there
illegitimate children. would be a violation of the prohibition stated
• It must be noted that even in the presence of in Art. 992.
legitimate children or descendants or legitimate → However, if the person to be represented is
parents or ascendants or the surviving spouse, illegitimate, then it is immaterial whether the
such children, under the principle of concurrence, representative is legitimate or illegitimate.
always participate in the division of the inheritance.
• Like legitimate children or descendants and Art 990 applies to:
legitimate parents or ascendants, they exclude ✓ Predecease
collaterals. ✓ Incapacity
✓ Disinheritance
Art. 989. If together with illegitimate children, there Repudiation
should survive descendants of another illegitimate
child who is dead, the former shall succeed in their own
right and the latter by right of representation.
Art. 1007. In case brothers and sisters of the half blood, Thus, if the decedent is survived by A and B, brothers
some on the father’s and some on the mother’s side, are of the full blood, and by C and D, brothers of the half
blood, and the estate is P30,000, the distribution shall
Art. 1012. In order that the State may take possession of If the deceased never resided in the Philippines, the
the property mentioned in the preceding article, the whole estate shall be assigned to the respective
pertinent provisions of the Rules of Court must be municipalities or cities where the same is located.
Such estate shall be for the benefit of public schools,
Procedure for Escheat. and public charitable institutions and centers, in such
Requisites for Escheat. — It is clear from the municipalities or cities. The court shall distribute the
provisions of Sec. 1 of Rule 91 of the Rules of Court estate as the respective needs of each beneficiary may
that the following requisites must concur in order that warrant.
the escheat proceedings may be commenced:
(1) first, that the decedent dies intestate; The court, at the instance of an interested party, or on its
(2) second, that he dies seized of real and/or own motion, may order the establishment of a
personal property located in the Philippines; permanent trust, so that only the income from the
and property shall be used.
(3) third that he leaves no heir or person entitled
to such real and personal property
Art. 1014. If a person legally entitled to the estate of the
deceased appears and fi les a claim thereto with the
“SECTION 1. When and by whom petition filed. —
When a person dies intestate, seized of real or court within five years from the date the property was
personal property in the Philippines, leaving no heir or delivered to the State, such person shall be entitled to
person by law entitled to the same, the Solicitor the possession of the same, or if sold, the municipality
General or his representative in behalf of the Republic or city shall be accountable to him for such part of the
of the Philippines, may file a petition in the Court of First proceeds as may not have been lawfully spent.
Instance of the province where the deceased last
resided or in which he had estate, if he resided out of Rule If Legal Heir Files a Claim
the Philippines, setting forth the facts, and praying that Reason for the law: It may be that a relative, like a
the estate of the deceased be declared escheated. brother, who has priority over the estate, appears only
after the proper escheat proceedings have been made.
[NOTE: “Escheat” is of French-Norman derivation,
meaning accident or chance; the word as used today Period within which to file a claim — within 5 years from
refers to succession by the State to property the date the property was delivered to the State.
considered “ownerless” (bona vacantia) for lack of
competent legal heirs. Escheat, being an attribute of The Article is practically reproduced in Sec. 4, Rule 91
sovereignty, rests on the principle that ultimately it is of the Rules of Court. Thus, under said Sec. 4, if a claim
the State that owns all property within its territorial is not made within a period of 5 years from the date the
jurisdiction. judgment in the escheat proceedings is made, the
claim shall be barred forever
“SEC. 2. Order for hearing. — If the petition is sufficient
in form and substance, the court, by an order reciting
the purpose of the petition, shall fi x a date and place
for the hearing thereof, which date shall be not more
than six (6) months after the entry of the order, and
shall direct that a copy of the order be published before
the hearing at least once a week for six (6) successive
weeks in some newspaper of general circulation
published in the province, as the court shall deem
½ LP/LA ½ FP ½F ½M
or or
¼F ¼M ½ FP
F/ M will get entire inheritance
½ LC/LD ¼ SS ¼ FP ½ LC/LD ½ SS
½ LP/LA ¼ SS ¼ FP ½ LP/LA ½ SS
½ LP/LA ¼ IC ¼ FP ½ LP/LA ½ IC
½ SS ½ FP SS will get entire inheritance
BS → per capita
NeNi → per stirpes
½ BS/NeNi ½ SS
B/S of the full blood = 2 (double the share of HB)
B/S of half blood = 1 (half the share of FB)
Illegitimate brothers or sisters = no share
Illegitimate nephews or nieces = no share;
NOTE: Other collateral relatives upto 5th degree shall
inherit only in the absence of BS/NN
T makes a will giving a particular car to A and B. If A “Plurality of subjects” merely means that two or more
repudiates his share, the whole car goes to B. persons must be instituted as heirs, legatees or
T, in his will, gives the first floor of his house to A, and
“Unity of object” means that such person must be
the second floor to B. If A repudiates, B ordinarily does
called to the same inheritance, legacy or devise, or to
not get the first floor, because here, there has been an
earmarking or specification of determinate property. the same portion thereof, pro indiviso.
However, if T in his will provided that in case of In other words, such persons must be instituted jointly
in the testator’s will in such a manner that a state of
repudiation of either A or B, the other gets the property,
indivision or co-ownership is created among them with
this “accretion” is perfectly alright although this is really
a case of reciprocal substitution.]. respect to the same inheritance, legacy or devise, or
with respect to the same portion thereof.
Art. 1016. In order that the right of accretion may take It is immaterial whether the testator designates the
place in a testamentary succession, it shall be aliquot or fractional parts or portions which will be given
necessary: to each of them or not so long as a state of indivision
(1) That two or more persons be called to the same or co-ownership exists among them with respect to the
inheritance, or to the same portion thereof, pro indiviso; same inheritance, legacy or devise or with respect to
and the same portion thereof.
(2) That one of the persons thus called die before the Using the language of the Code, so long as the
testator, or renounce the inheritance, or be designation made by the testator “does not identify the
incapacitated to receive it. shares of each by such description as shall make each
heir the exclusive owner of determinate property,” the
Accretion in Testamentary Succession right of accretion shall still take place.
In order that the right of accretion will take place in
testamentary succession, the following requisites or Consequently, the words “one-half for each” or “in
conditions must concur: equal shares” or any others shall not exclude the right
(1) first, that two or more persons must have of accretion.
been called in the testator’s will to the same → As a matter of fact, even where the heirs, legatees
inheritance, legacy or devise, or to the same or devisees are instituted to unequal aliquot or
portion thereof, pro indiviso; and fractional parts or portions of the same inheritance,
(2) second, that there must be a vacancy in the legacy or devise or of the same portion thereof,
inheritance, legacy or devise as a result of since such inequality of distribution does not make
predeceased, incapacity or repudiation. each heir, legatee or devisee “the exclusive owner
of determine property,” the right of accretion shall
Requisites (De Leon) still take place.
plurality of Several persons are called
subjects collectively to the succession Thus, if the testator states in his will that he is leaving
equality of They are of the same degree his entire estate to A, B, and C, in such a way that “they
degree shall inherit in equal shares,” or “that A shall inherit ½,
unity of They are called to the same B, ¼, and C, the remainder,” it is clear that if the testator
object inheritance or to the same portion dies, a state of indivision or co-ownership shall exist
thereof among the instituted heirs with respect to the same
pro indiviso There is no special designation of inheritance.
right specific shares → In other words, the designation of the shares of
existence The share of one of or more is left each heir will not result in making each of them the
of vacant vacant by reason of predecease, exclusive owner of determinate property.
portion repudiation, or incapacity → Consequently, if a vacancy is created in the
acceptance The share left vacant is accepted by inheritance by reason of predecease, or
of vacant the person or persons entitled thereto incapacity, or repudiation, the portion or share
share which is rendered vacant shall accrue to the co-
T instituted A and B as his own heirs. If A predeceases → However, if the property bequeathed consists of
T, the share of A accrues to B. Thus, B inherits half by money or fungible goods, according to the second
institution, and half by accretion. paragraph of Art. 1017, there shall be a right of
accretion only if the share of each heir or legatee
Pro indiviso — means undivided (into determinate or is not “earmarked.” This provision resolves some
specific properties). of the doubts which existed under the old Code.
o “Earmarked” simply means that there
Plurality of Subjects; Unity of Object must be a particular designation or a
Consequently, if the shares of the legatees in the Q: T gave A 1/3 of a car, and B the other 2/3. Can there
money or fungible goods are not particularly be accretion here even if the parts be unequal?
designated or physically segregated from each other, A: Under the old Civil Code, no, because the fact that
the right of accretion shall take place; the portion are unequal shows more or less “a special
→ conversely, if the shares of the legatees are designation of parts” implying the intent of the testator
particularly designated or physically segregated to exclude accretion. (CASTAN).
from each other the right of accretion shall not take
place. Under the new Civil Code however, it is believed that
there can be accretion, since the mere fixing of aliquot
Thus, if the testator bequeaths the balance of his parts does not necessarily make the property
current account at a certain bank to A, B, and C, in such “determinate” or specific, for we still cannot ascertain
a way that A shall be entitled to 1/2, B, 1/4, and C, 1/4, which particular section or portion of the car, A and B
it is clear that if a vacancy is created by reason of were being made the exclusive owners thereof.
predecease, incapacity or repudiation in any of the
designated shares, such vacant share shall accrue to Examples of Par. 2. (money or fungible goods):
the co-legatees. Rules:
→ The reason is that the shares given to each of the • if EARMARKED — no accretion
legatees are not earmarked. • if not earmarked — there can be accretion
It would be different, however, if the testator states in
his will that he is giving to A the P20,000 which he had
deposited at a certain bank, to B, the P10,000 which is T gave A his money in the left hand drawer of his desk,
kept in his safe at his office, and to C, the P10,000 and B, his money in the right hand drawer. There is
which he had buried under his house. earmarking, therefore no accretion.
→ Since the shares given to each of the legatees are
earmarked, accretion shall not take place in case T gave P200,000 as legacy to A and B such that A is
any of them is rendered vacant by predecease, going to get 3/4 and B 1/4. There can be accretion for
incapacity or repudiation. there is no earmarking.
The preceding paragraph shall apply when the testator Art. 1032. The following are incapable of succeeding by
has disposed of his property in favor of the poor of a reason of unworthiness:
definite locality. (1) Parents who have abandoned their children or
induced their daughters to lead a corrupt or immoral
Dispositions in Favor of the Poor life, or attempted against their virtue.
The Article applies if the disposition is in favor of: (2) Any person who has been convicted of an attempt
(a) the poor in general (par. 1). against the life of the testator, his or her spouse,
(b) the poor of a definite locality (par. 3). descendants, or ascendants;
(3) Any person who has accused the testator of a crime
Unless clearly appearing otherwise, only the poor in the for which the law prescribes imprisonment for six
testator’s domicile at death should be considered. years or more, if the accusation has been found
Who Designates the Poor? (4) Any heir of full age who, having knowledge of the
(1) First, the person appointed for the purpose violent death of the testator, should fail to report it to an
(2) If none — the executor officer of the law within a month, unless the authorities
(3) If no executor — then three people (by majority have already taken action; this prohibition shall not
vote): apply to cases wherein, according to law, there is no
a. justice of the peace (now a municipal or obligation to make an accusation;
metropolitan trial court judge) (5) Any person convicted of adultery or concubinage
b. mayor
with the spouse of the testator;
c. municipal treasurer
(6) Any person who by fraud, violence, intimidation, or
undue influence should cause the testator to make a
Q: Under the Rules of Court, should not the court will or to change one already made;
appoint an administrator with a will annexed in the
(7) Any person who by the same means prevents
absence of an executor, for the purpose stated in this
another from making a will, or from revoking one
already made, or who supplants conceals, or alters the
Q: All questions, even if already decided by the people
concerned, are subject ultimately to final determination latter’s will;
by the Court. The law uses the word “approval.” (8) Any person who falsifies or forges a supposed will of
the decedent.
Art. 1034. In order to judge the capacity of the heir, Incapacitated Compulsory Heir Can Be
devisee or legatee, his qualification at the time of the Represented
death of the decedent shall be the criterion.
Time to Determine Capacity A: B’s legitime is only P100,000 (1/3 of half of the
In general, capacity is determined at the moment of estate). Hence, E and F will each get P50,000. There
the death of the decedent. is no right of representation with reference to the free
→ The reason for the rule is that it is only then that portion. (Art. 970; Art. 856, par. 2). B cannot enjoy the
the property and transmissible rights and usufruct and administration of the P100,000 given to
obligations of the decedent are actually his children. (Art. 1035, par. 2). [Observe that a living
transmitted to those who are called to succeed person may be represented. This is so in case of:
either by will or by operation of law. (a) incapacity (Art. 1035)
(b) disinheritance (Art. 923).].
→ It is, therefore, logical that such persons must have
the necessary capacity to succeed at such time.
Note that Art. 1035 says that the representatives get
the unworthy heir’s legitime. This is because there is
Useful and Luxurious Expenses Art. 1039. Capacity to succeed is governed by the law of
Useful and luxurious expenses are deemed governed the nation of the decedent.
by the rules on possession, and, therefore, in this case,
the good or bad faith is important. Governing Law If Decedent is a Foreigner
Under the Civil Code, in case of conflict of laws,
Q: A was incapacitated to inherit from his father’s generally, we adhere to the nationality principle.
estate. But the father owed him P100,000 before he
(the father) died. May A still enforce this credit of his? Thus, according to Art. 15 of the Code, “family rights
A: Yes, he is allowed to do so, although he is and duties or the status, condition and legal capacity of
incapacitated to inherit. A credit is not an inheritance. Filipino citizens who are living abroad are governed by
He can get the credit therefore not as an heir, but as a Philippine law.”
creditor. This general provision has always been understood,
even before the effectivity of the New Civil Code, as
Art. 1038. Any person incapable of succession, who, implying that in the case of foreigners, it is their
disregarding the prohibition stated in the preceding national law that shall govern their family rights and
duties or their status, condition and legal capacity if
articles, entered into the possession of the hereditary
they are living in the Philippines, and not Philippine law.
property, shall be obliged to return it together with its
Be that as it may, the law of succession is much more
explicit. There are four aspects of succession which are
He shall be liable for all the fruits and rents he may have governed by the national law of the decedent if he is a
received, or could have received through the exercise foreigner. They are:
of due diligence. (1) first, the order of succession;
(2) second; the amount of successional rights;
(3) third, the intrinsic validity of testamentary
provisions; and
Rule if there are Several Heirs Q: The law says “he is understood to have repudiated
Q: T died instituting 5 friends. Is it alright for the two of it in both capacities.” Does this mean that he is
them to accept and for the other three to repudiate the automatically disqualified from receiving the intestate
inheritance? share, or does this mean that he is merely presumed
A: Yes, with respect to their individual shares. to have repudiated also the intestate share, without
prejudice to his expressly reserving his right to the
Q: T died instituting F, a friend, as his only heir. The A: It is submitted that the answer is that he is
day after T died, F also died, leaving five children. F automatically disqualified to get his intestate share; that
had not been able to signify either his acceptance or is, he is NOT ALLOWED to repudiate the testamentary
repudiation of T’s inheritance. Is it permissible for two
share and at the same time accept the intestate share.
of the children to accept in his name, and for the other
(This is then one form of IMPLIED repudiation
three to repudiate? {intestate} based however on an EXPRESS
A: Yes, with respect to their respective shares. repudiation {testate}.)]
NOTE: If several heirs instituted to the same Repudiation as Intestate Heir
inheritance accept the inheritance, they become heirs
in co-ownership. A died, leaving an estate worth P1 million. In his will, A
gave B, his legitimate son, P700,000. No disposition
was made of the balance. If B repudiates the P300,000
Art. 1055. If a person, who is called to the same which should accrue to him as the nearest intestate
inheritance as an heir by will and ab intestato, heir, without knowing that he had been also made
repudiates the inheritance in his capacity as a testamentary heir in the amount of P700,000, he may
testamentary heir, he is understood to have repudiated still accept this portion in the character of testamentary
it in both capacities. heir.
Should he repudiate it as an intestate heir, without If he repudiates as an intestate heir, he may still accept
knowledge of his being a testamentary heir, he may still as a testamentary heir, provided that he did not know
accept it in the latter capacity. of his being an heir by will.
Repudiation as Testamentary Heir Reason for the 2nd par.: It is always possible that the
The first paragraph of the above article states the rule heir may respect the express will of the testator and
that if the person called to succeed is a testamentary would not desire to see the wishes of the testator
heir and a legal heir at the same time and he repudiates unfulfilled.
his inheritance in his capacity as a testamentary heir,
he is considered to have repudiated the inheritance in Q: If he repudiates it as an intestate heir, KNOWING
both capacities. that he is also a testamentary heir, may the heir still
accept in his capacity as testamentary heir?
There is, therefore, a presumption that his act of A: Despite the literal wording of the law, it is believed
repudiation when called by the testator himself is that the answer is YES, in view of the reason given in
tantamount to an act of repudiation when called by the No. 2(b).
law in accordance with the presumed will of the
decedent. Remember that a “will” is the express will of the testator
while “succession by intestacy” is only the presumed
Once such heir has repudiated his share in the will of the decedent. Now then, the disregarding of the
inheritance in his capacity as testamentary heir, the act express will should carry with it the disregarding of the
Irrevocability of Acceptance or Repudiation
General Rule: Once an acceptance or repudiation is
made, it is irrevocable and cannot be impugned.
→ Reason: To prevent confusion and instability Art. 1058. All matters relating to the appointment,
of rights. powers and duties of executors and administrators and
concerning the administration of estates of deceased
Exceptions: persons shall be governed by the Rules of Court.
(1) When the acceptance or repudiation was made
thru any of the causes that vitiate consent: Executors and Administrators
a. mistake (of substance or on the principal An executor of a will cannot officially act as such before
conditions) his appointment is confirmed by the court. If he acts as
b. violence one before said time, he is called an executor de son
c. intimidation tort (“in his own wrong”).
d. undue influence
e. fraud. (Art. 1330). No executor or administrator must be appointed till
(2) When an unknown will appears which there is proof of the decedent’s death.
substantially alters the rights or obligations of the
person who has accepted or repudiated. (Art. Administrator Pendente Lite
1056). An administrator pendente lite or special
administrator is one who is appointed in the meantime
Manresa makes a distinction here: to take charge of the estate, where there is a delay in
• If the new will makes only insignificant changes in the appointment of the regular executor or
the old one, the appearance of the unknown will administrator — a delay occasioned by certain causes
should not allow the impugning of the previous such as an appeal from the allowance or disallowance
acceptance or repudiation made concerning the of a will.
old one. This is so because the cause for
impugning can not really be said to be present. Q: Two girls claimed to be the widow of the decedent
• If the new will makes substantial changes, the old and as such desired to be appointed administrator. In
acceptance or repudiation may be impugned. the meantime, while this issue is being decided, what
should be done?
A threat to enforce one’s claim through competent A: A special administrator must be appointed
authority, if the claim is just or legal, does not vitiate
consent. (Art. 1335, last par.) A special administrator is allowed to sell part of the
property, upon approval by the court, but is NOT
If an heir instituted under a suspensive condition required or allowed to pay the debts of the deceased.
accepts, but the condition is not fulfilled, the
acceptance is naturally VOID. If however no objection had been raised in the trial
court, an action to recover the debt can be had against
Art. 1057. Within thirty days after the court has issued an the special administrator, provided the estate has not
order for the distribution of the estate in accordance been prejudiced. The objection cannot indeed be
with the Rules of Court, the heirs, devisees and legatees raised for the first time on appeal. However, it is not the
shall signify to the court having jurisdiction whether special administrator who is required to satisfy the
they accept or repudiate the inheritance. judgment out of the estate but the regular administrator
or executor.
If they do not do so within that time, they are deemed to
have accepted the inheritance. Other Kinds of Special Administrators
(1) One appointed even after there is already a
regular executor or administrator, when the latter
When Acceptance or Repudiation Must Be
seeks to recover his own credit or claim against
Signified to the Court
the estate. (Rule 86, Sec 8, Rules of Court).
• If there are no settlement or administration
proceedings, it is obvious that this Article cannot NOTE: In such a case, the special administrator
apply. may be given necessary funds for purposes of
• Even if there are settlement or administration defense. For this object, the court may order the
proceedings, still this Article is not exclusive, that
is there can be allowed the other forms of
Thus, also, a net equality is obtained. Moreover, not A: No, not necessarily. For collation is of two kinds:
only is there equality in quantity but also in quality. (a) collation in VALUE, and (b) collation in KIND. (The
Thus, if the P100,000 originally donated to X was in the latter usually occurs when the donee has for example
form of a CAR, a car worth P100,000 must, if possible, no money with which to reimburse in case the donation
also be given to Y. X and Y may receive the remaining turns out to be totally inofficious.).
P400,000 each in the form of cash should there be
cash in the estate. (See also Art. 1073, which provides Collation in KIND is not, properly speaking, a
that “the donee’s share of the estate shall be reduced “Collation” (numerical computation). It is really a
by an amount equal to that already received by him, RETURNING in KIND in case the donation has to be
and his co-heirs shall receive an equivalent, as much totally reduced or revoked because it is COMPLETELY
as possible, in property of the same nature, class and INOFFICIOUS and the donee either has no money or
quality’’). does not desire to reimburse in money.
The fact that a donation is irrevocable does not The same thing donated are not to be brought to
necessarily exempt the donated properties from collation and partition, but only their value at the
collation as required under Art. 1061 of the Civil Code. time of the donation, even though their just value may
not then have been assessed. Their subsequent
An inofficious donation is collationable, i.e., its value is increase or deterioration and even their total loss or
imputable into the hereditary estate of the donor at the destruction, be it accidental or culpable, shall be for the
time of his death for the purpose of determining the benefit or account and risk of the donee. (Art. 1071,
legitime of the forced or compulsory heirs and the freely Civil Code).].
disposable portion of the estate. This is true as well, as
of donations to strangers as of gifts to compulsory Two Kinds of Donations
heirs, although the language of Art. 1061 of the Civil The law says that what must be collated are those
Code would seem to limit collation to the latter class of received “by way of DONATION, or any other
We can, therefore, distinguish two kinds of donations:
Since the purpose of collation is to preserve the (1) the direct or ordinary donation
legitime, and to maintain equality among the (2) the indirect donation
A: B should not complain. Since the P100,000 is Q: D has two sons, A and B. He gave A a donation of
collationable, the net hereditary estate is P1 million P100,000 and expressly stated in the deed of donation
(P900,000 plus P100,000). B’s legitime is therefore that the same was NOT collationable. If D dies intestate
P250,000. Inasmuch as he had previously been given leaving P900,000 how should the same be divided?
P100,000 he should be satisfied with the P150,000 he
would inherit by virtue of the will, since all in all, he A: Equally, that is, A and B will each get P450,000.
would be getting P250,000. Thus, A receives a total of P550,000 (because of the
donation), or a preference of P100,000.
Where Disputes Concerning Collation Are
Settled: NOTE: If the donor had not said “no collation,” equality
The provisions of the Civil Code with reference to was clearly being desired, so A would have received
collation clearly contemplate that disputes between only P400,000 (which added to the P100,000 would
heirs with respect to the obligation to collate may be give him a share of P500,000 — equal to that of B).
determined in the course of the administration
proceedings. NOTE: A “preference” is allowed unless the legitime of
the others would be impaired.
Art. 1062. Collation shall not take place among
compulsory heirs if the donor should have so expressly
provided, or if the donee should repudiate the
inheritance, unless the donation should be reduced as
D has three legitimate children A, B, and C. D donated
When Compulsory Heirs Will Not Collate to A P600,000. When D died intestate, the remaining
According to the above article, collation shall not take estate was P300,000.
(1) first, when the donor should have so expressly Q: If all the children including A will accept, should the
provided; and donation to A be reduced? Why?
(2) second, when the done should have repudiated A: Since all accepted, including A, the donation to him
his inheritance. will not be reduced. Reason: The total estate would be
P900,000, and there being THREE children, the
There is no doubt, however, that WHEN THE DONOR legitime of each is P150,000. Since this is what B and
EXPRESSLY PROVIDES THAT THE DONEE WHO IS C can each get from the remaining P300,000, their
A COMPULSORY HEIR SHALL NOT COLLATE THE legitimes have not been impaired
DONATION, the latter in relation to the donation
ceases to be a compulsory heir. In other words, the Q: If B and C accept, but A repudiates, should the
donation is no longer considered an advance from his donation to A be reduced? Why? If so, by how much?
legitime. Hence, the value thereof shall not be A: If B and C accept but A repudiates, there will be only
imputable against such legitime. Since he is TWO compulsory heirs. The total estate would still be
General Rule: devises or legacies are imputable They shall also bring to collation all that they may have
against the disposable portion and not against the received from the decedent during his lifetime, unless
legitime of compulsory heirs. the testator has provided otherwise, in which case his
wishes must be respected, if the legitime of the co-heirs
Exception: if the devise or legacy is in favor of a is not prejudiced.
compulsory heir, and the testator has provided that the
devise or legacy shall be imputed against the legitime
Collation by Grandchildren/ Collation of
of such heir.
When a grandchild, who survives with uncles, aunts, or
[Nevertheless, whether it is the general rule or the
first cousins, inherits by right of representation, he is
exception that is followed, the legitime of compulsory
obliged to bring to collation:
heirs must never be impaired.]
(1) what may have been directly donated to him by the
decedent; and
Q: T has two legitimate children, A and B. T made a (2) what may have been donated to his father or
will, giving A a legacy of P100,000. There was no other mother
provision to the will. The estate was P1 million. [the value of the donation shall be imputed
Inasmuch as P100,000 has been disposed of as a against his lifetime as a representative and
legacy, how will the remaining P900,000 be divided? not against the disposable portion]
A: The P900,000 will be divided equally between A and
Paragraph 1
B, and each will therefore get P450,000. The P100,000
given as legacy to A is NOT considered an advance of • gives an exception to the rule that only donees
his legitime, but as an advance of the free portion. It is should collate.
clear that by giving A the legacy, the testator intended • applies only when the grandchild inherits by right
to give him a preference. of representation, not when he inherits in his own
right, for here the reason for the law would cease.
[NOTE: Had it been a donation, no preference would • although applying apparently only in the case of
have been intended and the remainder would have predecease, applies ALSO and for the same
been divided as follows: P400,000 for A, and P500,000 reason in both incapacity and disinheritance
for B, since in the case of donations, the law presumes
EQUALITY to be the desire of the testator.].
It is true that —
• Regarding dispositions inter vivos (donations), the
general rule is EQUALITY and the exception is During A’s lifetime, A gave B a house. That house was
PREFERENCE. (Art. 1062). later on donated by B to L, a friend. If B predeceases
• Regarding dispositions mortis causa (legacies, A, then E will represent B, and together with C and D
etc.), the GENERAL rule is PREFERENCE and will inherit from A. E will be obliged to collate the value
the exception is EQUALITY. of the house, even if E himself has not inherited said
College education, it would seem, is included within the Hence, expenses for a law library, medical instruments,
scope of the next article. (Art. 1068). a drug store, a vessel for a mariner, or a commercial
establishment for a businessman are not within the
Support After Death purview of the article. Such expenses shall be collated
Support after death, namely, allowances during the and, therefore, are imputable against the legitime of the
liquidation of the estate, are not embraced under Art. recipient or beneficiary.
1067. Said allowances are advances of the inheritance
Expenses For a Career
Art. 1068. Expenses incurred by the parents in giving • As already stated in the comments under the
their children a professional, vocational or other career preceding Article, this present one deals with
shall not be brought to collation unless the parents so education after high school, and may even include
provide, or unless they impair the legitime; but when graduate courses in the Philippines and abroad,
their collation is required, the sum which the child but not after the course is finished (as when a
would have spent if he had lived in the house and father buys an hacienda for his son who has
company of his parents shall be deducted therefrom. graduated with a degree in agriculture). The
hacienda is a real donation, chargeable to the
Expenses for a Career
• The expenses in Art. 1068 will not be considered
General Rule: According to the above article,
as an advance of the legitime but as an advance
expenses incurred by parents in giving their children a
of the free portion.
professional, vocational or other career are, in general,
not to be collated. • However, if the parents so provide, said expenses
will be considered as an advance of the legitime.
Exception: • In no case should the legitime be impaired.
(1) first, if the parents so provided; and
(2) second, if the expenses impair the legitime of Expenses At Home
compulsory heirs. • Expenses which would have been incurred had
▪ In both cases the sum which the child would have the child stayed home with the parents should be
spent if he had lived in the house and company of deducted.
his parents shall be deducted from that which shall • Reason: His parents would have spent anyway
be collated. said amount for his support. Thus, in one case, it
. was held that from the expenses incurred for a
As in the case of the other properties not subject to course in surveying, should be deducted the half
collation, expenses for the professional or vocational which anyway would have been used to support
studies of a compulsory heir are not to be collated in the student concerned at home.
the sense that:
they cannot be imputed against the legitime of Art. 1069. Any sums paid by a parent in satisfaction of the
such heir. debts of his children, election expenses, fines, and
✓ They can be imputed only against the similar expenses shall be brought to collation.
disposable portion.
Payments for Debts of Children
If the child is sick and the parents are obliged to call a Actually, such expenses are not different from other
physician, the expenses in such case shall not be kinds of donations inter vivos. As a matter of fact, such
placed in the same category as donations inter vivos expenses may even be more detrimental to the
either to a compulsory heir or to a stranger. It would successional rights of the children not benefited
indeed be absurd to charge such expenses either because they sometimes involve large amounts.
against the legitime or against the disposable portion.
Or, take the case of a birthday present or any A certain qualification, however, must be made with
customary gift. It would also be absurd to impute such respect to such expenses. The act of the parents in:
gifts later on, even if such imputation is directed against a. paying a debt of a child, or
the disposable portion. b. in spending for the election of a favorite child to a
public office, or
In the case of expenses for a professional or vocational c. in saving a child from disgrace by paying a fine
career, the rule is different and rightly so. The amount imposed by a court of law, or
involved is not so insignificant or trivial. Hence, d. any similar act involving similar expenses
Q: A was legally married to B. They had a legitimate Rights (if PERSONAL property)
child C. Both parents agreed to give C a house during • get property of same kind
their lifetime. Later A died. When C participates in the • if none, get equivalent (in value) personal property
inheritance of A, how much should be collated by him? (no right to demand CASH or to demand a SALE
A: Only half the value of the house. (Art. 1072). to get cash)
Rules for Equalization of Shares of Heirs Example Art 1073: A has 2 children B and C. B had
Art. 1073. The donee’s share of the estate shall be been given a donation of an old car worth P100,000
reduced by an amount equal to that already received by during A’s lifetime. When A died, he left an estate worth
him; and his co-heirs shall receive an equivalent, as P900,000. Since B is supposed to receive a total of
much as possible, in property of the same nature, class P500,000 he will be given only P400,000. (He has
already received P100,000 by way of donation). C in
and quality.
turn should be given, if possible, a car in the estate
worth P100,000 and cash worth P400,000. If the car
Art. 1074. Should the provisions of the preceding article
cannot be given, as when the estate had only one car,
be impracticable, if the property donated was
Art. 1074 should be applied.
immovable, the co-heirs shall be entitled to receive its
equivalent in cash or securities, at the rate of quotation;
[NOTE: Notice that the law ordains not only equality in
and should there be neither cash nor marketable
value but also in kind, nature, class, and quality, if this
securities in the estate, so much of the other property as can be done.].
may be necessary shall be sold at public auction.
Art. 1075. The fruits and interest of the property subject
If the property donated was movable, the co-heirs shall
to collation shall not pertain to the estate except from
only have a right to select an equivalent of other
the day on which the succession is opened.
personal property of the inheritance at its just price.
For the purpose of ascertaining their amount, the fruits
Hence, after the determination of the legitime and the
and interest of the property of the estate of the same
free portion, or, in case of intestate succession after
determining the shares of each of the legal heirs, the kind and quality as that subject to collation shall be
donee’s legitime or legal share as the case maybe, made the standard of assessment.
shall be reduced by an amount equal to that
already received by him. Rules Regarding Fruits and Interest
→ His co-heirs shall, in turn, receive an When the property donated to one of the compulsory
equivalent, as much as possible, in property heirs, title is vested in such donee once the donation is
of the same nature, class and quality. This perfected. It is but natural that the fruits and interest of
equivalent is, of course, taken from the estate. the property donated shall also vest in the DONEE from
that time.
The situation contemplated in the first paragraph of Art.
1074, on the other hand, refers to a case in which the However, once the rights to the succession are opened
property donated is an immovable and it is by the death of the decedent-donor, the obligation to
impracticable to give the co-heirs an equivalent in collate the value of the thing or property donated also
property of the same nature, class and quality. arises. All of the heirs called to the succession acquire
→ In such case, the rule is to give the co-heirs some right with respect to what is collated. In other
its equivalent in cash or securities at the rate words, what is supposed to be collated, by legal fiction,
of quotation. becomes a part of the mass of the hereditary estate.
If this is also impracticable or impossible by reason of The heirs all become co-owners of such estate from the
lack of cash or marketable securities in the estate the very moment of the death of the decedent. Hence, it
only recourse would be to sell at public auction as follows that the fruits and interest from that moment
much of the other property as may be necessary. shall pertain to the HEREDITARY ESTATE.
Partial Distribution Art. 1082. Every act which is intended to put an end to
A partial distribution of the decedent’s estate pending indivision among co-heirs and legatees or devisees is
the final determination of the estate or intestate deemed to be a partition, although it should purport to
proceedings should as much as possible be be a sale, an exchange, a compromise, or any other
discouraged by the courts, and unless in extreme transaction.
cases, such form of advances of inheritance should not
be countenanced. Creditors and the rightful heirs must
Art. 1083. Every co-heir has a right to demand the
be assured of their shares. (Gatmaitan v. Medina, L-
division of the estate unless the testator should have
14400, Aug. 5, 1960).
expressly forbidden its partition, in which case the
Preservation of Enterprise period of indivision shall not exceed twenty years as
The second paragraph of the Article indicates one way provided in Article 494. This power of the testator to
of preserving intact an enterprise prohibit division applies to the legitime.
Art. 1081. A person may, by an act inter vivos or mortis Even though forbidden by the testator, the co ownership
causa, intrust the mere power to make the partition terminates when any of the causes for which
after his death to any person who is not one of the co- partnership is dissolved takes place, or when the court
heirs. finds for compelling reasons that division should be
ordered, upon petition of one of
The provisions of this and of the preceding article shall the co-heirs.
be observed even should there be among the co-heirs a
Art. 1084. Voluntary heirs upon whom some condition
minor or a person subject to guardianship; but the
has been imposed cannot demand a partition until the
mandatory, in such case, shall make an inventory of the
condition has been fulfilled; but the other co-heirs may
property of the estate, after notifying the co-heirs, the
demand it by giving sufficient security for the rights
creditors, and the legatees or devisees.
which the former may have in case the condition should
be complied with; and until it is known that the condition
Partition by Third Person
has not been fulfilled or can never be complied with, the
What is intrusted or delegated in the above article is the
mere power of partition not the power to distribute the partition shall be understood to be provisional
hereditary estate.
When Partition is Effected
Hence, the act of the person delegated with such As long as the co-ownership ceases to exist, there is a
power is that of a mere agent or mandatory. The partition. If after partition, certain properties are still
mere physical act of partition, which must not be supposed to be owned in common, there can be a later
confused with the act of distribution, must be done partition of this.
pursuant to the latter.
Q: A, B, and C, were co-heirs. It was agreed to sell the
Meaning of ‘Mere Power to Make the Partition’ property, and give the proceeds to A. The agreement
= This is just the power to make a physical division is oral. Can this be a valid partition?
of the hereditary property. A: Yes, because the indivision has ceased.
The third person is not allowed to make the disposition If in the example given, A demands the sale, but dies
or distribution of property — as for example — the before the sale is actually effected, is his right to the
power of giving one heir 2/3 and another heir 1/3 is not proceeds transmitted to his own heir?
allowed under the law. The disposition must have been A: Yes.
made by the decedent or testator himself.
The sale by the heirs of the property which they
‘Mandatary’ Defined inherited from their father puts an end to their co-
The mandatary is the person entrusted to make the ownership over it. (Art. 1082, Civil Code). Hence, there
partition. is no further need for them to partition it, the purpose of
• The mandatary should not be a co-heir. partition being to separate, divide, and assign a thing
• The partition by the mandatary may be either held in common among those to whom it may belong
approved or rejected by the heirs. If rejected, the (Gabila v. Perez, GR 29541, Jan. 27, 1989).
Prohibition to Partition
• The prohibition to partition for a period not
exceeding twenty years can be imposed on the
Requisites of Right of Redemption: (Jurado) SSBOR “Strangers” refers to ALL who are:
(1) that there must be Several co-heirs; (1) not heirs
(2) that one of them Sells his rights to a stranger; (2) heirs who do not succeed (like an
(3) that the sale is made Before the partition is incapacitated child)
(4) that the right of redemption must be exercised by Legatees, devisees, creditors — are “strangers.”
one or more of the co-heirs within a period of One
month to be counted from the time that they were Fourth Requisite — Sale Before Partition
notified in writing by the coheir vendor; and • If the sale is made after partition, Art. 1088 is not
(5) that the vendee is Reimbursed for the price of the applicable. If after said partition some properties
sale. are still held in common, and a sale is made of an
aliquot share therein, Art. 1620 is the article to
Requisites of Right of Redemption: (Paras) apply.
(1) there must be two or more heirs; • Art. 1088 does not apply if the sale is after the
(2) one must sell his hereditary rights; project of partition is made, even if the sale be
(3) the buyer must be a stranger; before the approval by the court of the partition,
(4) the sale must be before partition; provided that the would-be redemptioner was also
(5) at least one co-heir must demand the redemption; a party to the project of partition. This is because
Art. 1089. The titles of acquisition of ownership of each Art. 1093. The reciprocal obligation of warranty referred
property shall be delivered to the co-heir to whom said to in the preceding article shall be proportionate to the
property has been adjudicated. respective hereditary shares of the co-heirs; but if any
one of them should be insolvent, the other co-heirs
Art. 1090. When the title comprises two or more pieces shall be liable for his part in the same proportion,
of land which have been assigned to two or more co- deducting the part corresponding to the one who should
heirs, or when it covers one piece of land which has be indemnified.
Art. 1094. An action to enforce the warranty among Annulment presupposes a contract with an intrinsic
coheirs must be brought within ten years from the date defect, like the vices of consent (fear, force, etc.)
the right of action accrues. The presence of fraud, excusable mistake, or
inadvertence makes a partition annullable.
Prescription of the Warranty: Ten years from the
date the right of action accrues. But mere disregard of the provisions of the will, will not
annul a partition, if everybody concerned had freely
given his consent, for all would be in estoppel.
Art. 1095. If a credit should be assigned as collectible,
the co-heirs shall not be liable for the subsequent When Action for Partition Prescribes
insolvency of the debtor of the estate, but only for his Although as a general rule, an action for partition
insolvency at the time the partition is made. among coheirs does NOT prescribe, this is true only
as long as one or some of them do not hold the property
The warranty of the solvency of the debtor can only be in question under an adverse title. The statute of
enforced during the five years following the partition. limitations operates, as in other cases, from the
Co-heirs do not warrant bad debts, if so known to, and moment such adverse title is asserted by the
accepted by, the distributee. But if such debts are not possessor of the property.
assigned to a co-heir, and should be collected, in whole
or in part, the amount collected shall be distributed Thus, if an extrajudicial settlement is executed by
proportionately among the heirs. SOME heirs, stating that they are the SOLE heirs, and
who as a consequence obtained transfer certificates of
Warranty of Debts titles in their names (to the exclusion of the others), the
There may be: excluded ones cannot successfully ask for the
• good debts (collectible debts) annulment of the partition if the period for such
• bad debts annulment has already prescribed (4 years from the
discovery of the fraud, i.e., from the time the instrument
Warranty for good debts of partition is registered — since registration is
• warrants that the debtor is solvent at the time constructive notice to the entire world).
of partition (not later)
• good for 5 years — following the date of the Prescription, as a rule, does not run in favor of a co-
partition heir or co-owner as long as he expressly or impliedly
recognizes the co-ownership. Mere refusal to accede
There is no warranty for bad debts, so an heir accepts to a partition, without specifying the grounds for such
them at his own risk. refusal, cannot be considered as notice to the other co-
owners of the occupant’s claim of title in himself in
repudiation of the co-ownership (Heirs of Maningding
Art. 1096. The obligation of warranty among co-heirs v. CA 85 SCAD 357 1997).
shall cease in the following cases:
(1) When the testator himself has made the partition,
Q: Can you give an instance when partition is said to
unless it appears, or it may be reasonably presumed,
be “premature”?
that his intention was otherwise, but the legitime shall A: This happens when ownership of the lot is still in
always remain unimpaired; dispute. In a situation where there remains an issue as
(2) When it has been so expressly stipulated in the to the expenses chargeably to the estate, partition is
agreement of partition, unless there has been bad faith; inappropriate. In estate settlement proceedings, there
(3) When the eviction is due to a cause subsequent to the is a proper procedure for the accounting of all
partition, or has been caused by the fault of the expenses for which the estate must answer.
distribute of the property.
Art. 1098. A partition, judicial or extra-judicial, may also
When Warranty Ceases: Example of par. 3 — Failure be rescinded on account of lesion, when any one of the
of heir to interrupt adverse possession by another is
co-heirs received things whose value is less, by at least
clearly his own fault and he may lose the property by
onefourth, than the share to which he is entitled,
considering the value of the things at the time they were
It has been held that in case of a judicial partition, the Preterition of Compulsory Heirs in the Partition
four-year period begins to run not from the time of the This involves a preterition of compulsory heirs, not in
project of partition but from the time there is court the institution, but in the partition.
approval, for had it been disapproved by the court, it
would have been void. (Samson v. Araneta, 60 Phil. Such preterition in the partition will NOT cause
27) rescission except if there was:
. (1) fraud
(2) bad faith