Faculty Profile Rajan

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1. Name : Dr.Rajan.C

2. Designation : Professor

3. Email : rajan@ksrct.ac.in

4. Specialization Information and

Communication Engineering

5. College Address K S Rangasamy College of

Technology, Tiruchengode,

Mobile No:9865090665

6. Residential Address 5/53, Gandhi Nagar,



7. Anna University Recognized Supervisor

Reco. No : 2940115
8. Author IDs:
Orcid ID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7834-8563

ResearchGate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rajan_Chinnasamy

Web of Science C-4625-2016


Google Scholar 8PMZZcsAAAAJ

Scopus https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55619939300

Microsoft 22360001393
academic ID

Publons https://publons.com/researcher/2304647/rajan-chinnasamy/

Skype ID rajancsg@gmail.com

Linked IN https://www.linkedin.com/in/rajan/
9. Details of Citation, H-index, I10 index
Google scholar H index I10 Scopus H index Web of H index
citation index citation science
241 10 10 165 7 93 6

10. Academic Record:

S.N Course Institution Board/ Percentage/ Class obtained

o. University CGPA &
Year of
1. Ph.D K.S.Rangasamy Anna July 2016 Completed
(Information College of University,
and Technology, Chennai.
communicatio Tiruchengode.
n Engineering)
2. M.E. Vinaya Mission Vinaya 80% First class with
(Computer University Mission June 2007 Distinction
Engineering) University.
3. B.E. SSN College of University 70% First class
(Computer Engineering, Chennai of Madras, May 2004
Science & Chennai.

11. Employment details with Experience:


1 K.S.RangasamyCollege Professor 3
01.06.2019 Till date
of Technology
K.S.RangasamyCollege Associate 2
01.06.2017 30.05.2019
of Technology Professor
2 K.S.RangasamyCollege Assistant 9.11
01.07.2007 31.05.2017
of Technology Professor
3 S.S.M.College of 1
Lecturer 13.06.2004 20.07.2005

12. List of Research Scholar Details

No of Scholars Full Time Part Time
08 01 07
Recognized Supervisor for Ph.d / M.S. Programme :
Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering in
Anna University, Chennai (Ref. No. : 2940115).
Name of The
S. Supervisor Name of The Date of Faculty in with
Name of the
N with Scholar with Registratio Ph.D./M.S.is Status
o Recognized College Address n Completed)
SE Anna University,
1 13.12.2017 &Communicati Completed
VIT Bhopal Chennai
on Engineering
Bannari Anna University,
13.12.2017 &Communicati pursuing
Anmman Chennai
on Engineering
Institute of
Bannari Information
Anna University,
3 Anmman 13.12.2017 &Communicati Completed
Institute of on Engineering
Dr.C.Rajan T.Senthil,AP/EC
2940115 E
Bannari Anna University,
4 13.12.2017 &Communicati pursuing
Anmman Chennai
on Engineering
Institute of
K.S.Rangasamy Anna University,
5 07.06.2018 &Communicati pursuing
College of Chennai
on Engineering
Paavai Anna University,
6 07.06.2018 &Communicati pursuing
Engineering Chennai
on Engineering
Latha B
K.S.R Institute Information
Anna University,
7 of Engineering 10.01.2020 &Communicati pursuing
and Technology, on Engineering
Brinda B M
Paavai Information
Anna University,
8 Engineering 10.01.2020 &Communicati pursuing
College, on Engineering

13. List of Publications

National / International Journals Published : (Scopus and SCI Index Journals)

 SCI Index Journals- 14

 Scopus Index Journals-18

 International Journals-20

 International Conference-12

1. Saranya, N., Geetha, K. and Rajan, C., 2021, December. An Optimized Data Replication
Algorithm in Mobile Edge Computing Systems to Reduce Latency in Internet of Things. In
International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (pp. 76-87). Springer, Cham.
2. Deepika, J., Rajan, C. and Senthil, T., 2022. Improved CAPSNET model with modified loss
function for medical image classification. Signal, Image and Video Processing, pp.1-9.(SCI)
3. Senthil, T., Rajan, C. and Deepika, J., 2022. An Efficient Handwritten Digit Recognition Based
on Convolutional Neural Networks with Orthogonal Learning Strategies. International Journal of
Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 36(01), p.2253001.(SCI)
4. Senthil T, Rajan. C, Deepika J, 2021,An efficient CNN model with squirrel optimizer for
handwritten digit recognition, International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering
Exploration, 8(78), p.545.
5. Suganya E, Rajan C, 2021, An adaboost-modified classifier using particle swarm optimization
and stochastic diffusion search in wireless IoT networks, Wireless Networks, 1-13.(SCI)
6. Surendar A, Geetha K, & Rajan. C, 2021 Role of Ag Microalloying on Glass Forming Ability and
Crystallization Kinetics of ZrCoAgAlNi Amorphous Alloy. Chinese Physical Society and IOP
Publishing Ltd. .(SCI)
7. Senthil T, Rajan. C, Deepika J, 2021, An improved optimization technique using Deep Neural
Networks for digit recognition, Soft Computing,21, 1647–1658 (SCI)
8. Suganya, E, Rajan, C. An AdaBoost-modified classifier using stochastic diffusion search model
for data optimization in Internet of Things. Soft Comput. 2019, 1–11. (SCI)

9. Saranya N, Geetha K, & Rajan. C, 2020, Data Replication in Mobile Edge Computing Systems to
Reduce Latency in Internet of Things, Wireless Personal Communications, 1-20.(SCI)
10. Karpagam M, Dr.K.Geetha & Rajan. C, 2020, A reactive search optimization algorithm for
scientific workflow scheduling using clustering techniques, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and
Humanized Computing, 1-9.(SCI)

11. M Karpagam, K Geetha, C Rajan, 2020, A modified shuffled frog leaping algorithm for scientific
workflow scheduling using clustering techniques, Soft Computing, 1-10.(SCI)
12. CK Sarumathiy, K Geetha, C Rajan, 2020, Improvement in Hadoop performance using integrated
feature extraction and machine learning algorithms, Soft Computing 24 (1), 627-636.(SCI)
13. Geetha K, & Rajan. C 2017, “Heuristic Classifier for Observe Accuracy of Cancer Polyp Using
Video Capsule Endoscopy”, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 18 (6), 1681 – 1688.
14. S Sountharrajan, M Karthiga, E Suganya, C Rajan, 2017, Automatic Classification on Bio
Medical Prognosis of Invasive Breast Cancer, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 18 (9),
2541-2544. (SCIE)
15. Rajan. C & Geetha K, 2016, “Automatic Colorectal Polyp Detection in Colonoscopy Video
Frames”, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 17 (11), 4869-4873. .(SCIE)

16. Rajan. C, N. Shanthi , 2015, Genetic based Optimization for multicast Routing algorithm for
Manet’ Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Science, Volume 40 Issue 7, 2341-
17. C.K.Sarumathiy,Dr.K.Geetha, Dr.C.Rajan, 2021, Efficient Genetic Algorithm based Image
Segmentation using Discrete Wavelet Transformation, Journal of Information and Computational
Science 14 (1), 59-63.(UGC)
18. Rajan. C & Suganya E, Aravindhraj N, Sountharrajan S 2020, Automatic Classification for
Preventing Duplication of Online Multimedia Data in Secure Cloud Infrastructure, International
Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms,16(4), 404-413. (Scopus)
19. Rajan. C & Sountharrajan S, Suganya E, Aravindhraj N,2020, “HDFS Based Parallel and
Scalable Pattern Mining Using Clouds for Incremental Data”, International Journal of Computer
Aided Engineering and Technology, 13(1) 28-45 . (Scopus)
20. C.K.Sarumathiy,Dr.K.Geetha, Dr.C.Rajan, 2020, A Survey On Static And Online Feature
Selection Algorithms In Big Data For Classification Accuracy, International Journal of Advanced
Science andTechnology 29 (7), 2463-2477. (Scopus)
21. Dr.K.Geetha C. Rajan, 2020, Literature Survey Of Data Latency Reduction Techniques In Mobile
Edge Computing-Iot, Journal of Critical Reviews, 7 (6), 673-677. (Scopus)
22. Dr.K.Geetha C. Rajan, 2020, Lasso And Ridge Regression For Optimized Resource Allocation In
Cloud Computing, Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems 12 (2), 1740-1747.
23. Dr.K.Geetha C. Rajan, 2020, Enhancing Pathologic Staging Diagnosis Of Lung Cancer Using
Datamining Techniques, International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research, 12 (3), 1598-1606.
24. Rajan. C 2019, An Automated Billing System in Shopping Malls Using Bascart, Bulletin of
Scientific Research 1 (1), 62-68.
25. K.Venkatraman, Dr.K.Geetha, C Rajan, 2019, A Secured software Architecture for providing
Data Security in Cloud, Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems 11 (8), 1677-
1685. (Scopus)
26. Rajan. C, 2019, IOT based platform as a service for air pollutionmonitoring system, International
Journal of Intellectual Advancements and Research in Engineering Computations, 7(2), 2506-
27. Rajan. C & Sountharrajan S, Suganya E,2018,“Automatic glioblastoma multiforme detection
using hybrid-SVM with improved particle swarm optimization”, International Journal of
Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Vol.26 No.3/4 pp.353 – 364.(ESCI)
28. Rajan. C,2018, “Biclustering of Gene Expression data using Biclustering Iterative Signature
Algorithm and Biclustering Coherent Column”, International Journal of Biomedical Engineering
and Technology, Vol.26 No.3/4 pp.341 – 352. (ESCI)
29. Deepika, J.; Senthil, T.; Rajan, C.; Surendar, 2018, Machine learning algorithms: A background
artifact. IJET , 7 (1), 143-149 (Scopus)
30. Rajan C, Suganya E, Aravindhraj N, Sountharrajan S 2018, Automatic Classification for
Preventing Duplication of Online Multimedia Data in Secure Cloud Infrastructure, International
Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms. (Scopus)
31. Rajan C, Suganya, E, Archana, Sountharrajan S, 2017, Metaheuristic Optimization Technique for
feature selection to detect the Alzheimer disease from MRI, Journal of Advanced Research in
Dynamical and Control Systems, 9(6), 1368-138. (Scopus)
32. Geetha K, & Rajan. C 2018, “A Survey of Workflow Scheduling Algorithms and its
Enhancement”, Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 09-Special
Issue, pp.2776 – 2786. (Scopus)
33. Rajan. C & Geetha K, 2016, “Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization based
Multicast Routing Algorithm for MANET”, International Journal of Printing,Packaging & Allied
Sciences 4 (2),pp. 1392-1399. (Scopus)

34. Rajan. C, Geetha K & Geetha S, 2016, “An Analysis of Compression Methods and
Implementation of Medical Images in Wireless Network”,World Academy of Science,
Engineering and Technology, 9(9), pp. 2127-2133 ISSN: 2010 376X.
35. Rajan. C, Geetha K & Geetha S, 2016, “A Study Of Medical Image Transmission Techniques In
Wireless Networks”, South Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology 2 (10), pp. 43-50. ISSN
Number (online): 2454-9614

36. Jaya R & Rajan. C, 2016, “A Study On Data Mining Techniques, Methods, Tools And
Applications In Various Industries, International Journal on Concurrent Applied Research in
Engineering and Management,vol.1, No.4, pp. 14-24 ISSN(P):2395-2474
37. Rajan. C & Geetha K, 2016, “An Enhanced Associativity Based Routing with Trust to Midicate
Network Attacks”, 3rd international Conference on Frontiers of Communicational Intelligence.
38. Rajan. C & Geetha K, 2016, “An investigation of effective medical image compression and
transmission in wireless ad hoc networks”, icare journal, 1 (4), pp.173-179. ISSN(P):2395-2474

39. Rajan. C, Geetha K, Rasi Priya C & Geetha S, 2015, ”Investigation on Novel Based Naturally-
Inspired Swarm Intelligence Algorithms for Optimization Problems in Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks”,World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of
Mathematical, Computational, Natural and Physical Engineering Vol:9, No:3. ISSN: 2010 376X.
40. Geetha. K, Thangaraj P, Rajan. C, S Geetha, 2015, “IBFO_PSO: Evaluating the Performance of
Bio-Inspired Integrated Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm and Particle Swarm
Optimization Algorithm in MANET Routing”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and
Technology, 9(3), pp. 194-200 ISSN: 2010 376X.
41. Rajan. C, Geetha. K, Rasi Priya. C & Sasikala. R , 2015, “Investigation on Bio-Inspired
Population Based Metaheuristic Algorithms for Optimization Problems in Ad Hoc Networks”,
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol: 9, no: 3, pp. 102-109. ISSN: 2010
42. Rajan. C, Geetha K & Rasi Priya C, 2015, A Simple Analysis on Novel Based Open Source
Network Simulation Tools for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, International Journal of Advanced
Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume5, Issue3, Pages 716-721.
43. Rajan. C, B Megala, A Nandhini, C Rasi Priya , 2015, “A Review: Comparative Analysis of
Arduino Micro Controllers in Robotic Car”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and
Technology, International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and
Manufacturing Engineering, Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 365-374. ISSN: 2010 376X.
44. Rajan. C, Shanthi. N, Rasi Priya.C & Geetha. K 2014, “Investigation on Novel based
Metaheuristic Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Ad Hoc Networks”,
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol: 8; no: 6, pp. 967-972. ISSN: 2010
45. Rajan. C 2014 , Enhancing The Routing Overhead In Heterogeneous Network Using Bio-Inspired
Tiny-Termite Routing Algorithm For Securing Manet ” in the Excel International Journal of
Technology,Engineering and Management, Vol. 1 No.1, ISSN: 2348-0378.
46. Dharanya C, Rajan, C, 2014, ” A Probabilistic Rebroadcast for Reducing Routing Overhead in a
Real Time MANET Environment” Journal of Global Research in Computer Science 5 (1), 3-7.
ISSN: 2229 371X.
47. Rajan, C & Shanthi, N 2013, “Misbehaving attack mitigation technique for multicast security in
mobile ad hoc networks (MANET)”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology,
vol. 48, no. 3, pp.1349–1357. ISSN: 1992-8645. (Scopus)
48. Rajan, C & Shanthi, N, 2013, “Swarm optimized multicasting for wireless network”, Life Sci. J,
Vol.4, No. 10. ISSN: 1097-8135. (Scopus)
49. Geetha. K, P Thangaraj, Rajan, C, Shanthi, N, 2013, Performance Evaluation of ABR Routing in
Malicious Network, International Journal of Computer Science Engineering (IJCSE), Volume 1,
Issue 1, pp. 279-285. ISSN: 2319 7323.
50. Rajan, C & Shanthi, N, 2012, “A Stable Mobility Model Evaluation Strategy for MANET
Routing Protocols.” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and
Software Engineering. vol. 2, pp.58-65. ISSN: 2277 128X.
51. Rajan, C & Shanthi, N 2012, Simulation-based Performance evaluation of stability in different
mobility model using routing protocols in MANET, International journal of Computer
Information Systems (IJCIS), Volume 5, Issue 5, pp.22-48. ISSN: 2229-5208.
52. Rajan, C & Shanthi, N, Kathir Avan P G, 2012 “Enhancement of Hierarchical Key Management
Scheme of Secure Multicast Transmission for Overlay Networks”, International Journal of
Computer Network and Security(IJCNS) Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 74. ISSN: 0975-8283
53. Rajan. C , 2018, “Enhanced Cloud based Context aware using Fuzzy Authentication Technique”,
8th National Conference on Advancements in Electrical Sciences in SNS College of Technology,
Coimbatore, 11th April 2018.
54. Rajan. C , 2018, “Machine Learning Algorithms: A Background artifact”, 2018 International
Conference on Inventive Computing Systems and Applications in Inventive Research
Organization, Hotel Ibis, Pattaya,Thailand, 29th Jan 2018.
55. Rajan. C , 2018, “Proactive model based testing and evaluation for component Based systems for
biomedical Applications”, 2018 International Conference on Inventive Computing Systems and
Applications in Inventive Research Organization, Hotel Ibis, Pattaya,Thailand, 29th Jan 2018.
56. Rajan. C , 2017, “A Video Survelliance System Implemented on Momaro for Rescue”,
Conference on Networking and Communication System at Excel Engineering College.
57. Rajan. C & Geetha. K, 2009, “Routing in Mobile Ad hoc Network” in National Conference on
6th October 2009 at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
58. Rajan. C“IoT Based Platform as a service for Air Pollution Monitoring System” 7th International
Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering Technology and Management, 22nd March
59. Rajan. C & Geetha. K , “Survey of Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad hoc Network” in
International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies MKCEICICT2010 on 12th and
13th Feb, 2010.
60. Rajan. C & Geetha. K, 2007, “GA Based Intrusion Detection System” in National Conference on
2th and 4th Nov 2007 at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai.
61. Rajan. C & Geetha. K, 2010, “Implementation Of Bidirectional Routing Abstraction In
Asymmetric Mobile Ad hoc Networks”, in National Conference on on Information And
Communication Technology (NCICT’10).
62. Rajan. C, “Open Source Cloud Computing With Service Integration And Virtualization” in
National Conference on 1st and 2nd April (2010) at Vivekananda College of Engineering for
Women, Tiruchengode.
63. Rajan. C & Geetha. K, 2010, “Open Source Cloud Computing with Service Integration and
Virtualization” in Fourth National Conference on Emerging trends in Computer Science And
Engineering 17th February(2010).

14. Details of Membership In Professional Societies:

Name of
S. No. Grade of Membership Membership No.
Professional Body
1. ISTE Life Member Life Member: LM 54067

2. IACSIT Life Member Life Member: 80338527

3. IAENG Life Member Life Member: 233573

4. WASET Life Member -

15. Patents:

Patent Filed / Document
Title of
S.No. Innovators Ref. No. and Granted/Published in uploaded
Date the Patent (yes / No)
1. Dr.C.Rajan A Smart 201741013344 Published in the yes
Color A Patent
Writing Tool &
for 21.04.2017

16. Book Publications:

Name of the Name of the Year of

S.No Title of the Book
Faculty(s) Publisher Publication
(who authored
the book)
Dr.C.Rajan Software Testing Bonfring Intellctual
1. 2018
Dr.K.Geetha ISBN: 978-93-86638-91-5 Integrity
Computer Networks I Bonfring
2. Dr.C.Rajan ISBN.No.978-93-86176- Publication 2017
Dr.K.Geetha 58-5
An Enhanced ABR Lambert Academic
3. Dr.C.Rajan Routing with trust to Publishing , ISSN: 2017
Dr.K.Geetha mitigate Network Attacks 978-3-330-07105-6
Investigation on Novel Lambert Academic
Based Bio-Inspired Publishing, 2015
4. Dr.C. Rajan Algorithms in MANET
Dr.K.Geetha ISBN .No.978-3-659-


 Int. J. of Medical Engineering and Informatics (IJMEI)

 Int. J. of Nano and Biomaterials (IJNBM)

 Int. J. of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation (IJTTC)


 Reviewer Board Member of International Journal of Environment and Sustainable
 Development (IJESD).
 Reviewer Board Member of International Journal of Medical Engineering and
 Informatics(IJMEI).

 International Journal of Autonomic Computing

 International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organizations [IJNVO]

 Inderscience International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications

 International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (IJITST)

 Int. J. of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications(IJITST)

 International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security


 Sustainable computing

 Computers and Electrical Engineering (CAEE).

 Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing

 Cluster Computing

 Springer - Design Automation for Embedded Systems

 Journal of Universal Computer Scienc

 International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing

 International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics

 International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology

 International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (Inderscience)

 Research Journal of Biotechnology

 Biomedical Research

 Springer Mobile networks

 Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics

 Current Medical Imaging Reviews

I hereby declare all the above details are true and correct to the best of my knowledge


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