Screener Bilingual Book 1
Screener Bilingual Book 1
Screener Bilingual Book 1
i. Definitions
ii. Emerging threats to civil aviation
iii. Anti- hijacking measures
iv. Anti- Sabotage measures
v. Measures against terrorist attack
vi. Difference between Standard and Recommeneded practices.
5. Chapter -5 PROFILING 39-41
i. Definition
ii. Suspicious signs
iii. Action on finding suspicious Pax
iv. Advantages of Profiling
v. Difference between Screening & profiling
i. Definition and categories
ii. Action on finding prohibited items during screening
iii. Definition of IED and components
iv. Definition of IID and components
v. Mechanism for activating an IED
vi. Use of detonator in an IED
vii. Various effects of Explosion
viii. Places and Methods of concealment of IED
ix. Difference between IED & IID
x. Difference between IED & BOMB
xi. Difference between Low Explosive & High Explosive
xii. Difference between Low Explosive & Detonator
xiii. Difference between Electric & Non-electric Detonator
xiv. Physical form and natural colour of Explosive
xv. Action on finding an IED during screening
7. Chapter -7 EDS 49-50
i. Principles on which EDS function
ii. Difference between ETD & EVD
iii. Advantages and Disadvantages of ETD
iv. Advantages and Disadvantages of EDS
8. Chapter -8 HHMD/DFMD 51-58
i. Principle/Components of HHMD
ii. Specifications for HHMD
iii. Pre-operation check
iv. Points to be kept in mind while using HHMD
v. Behaviour of the security personnel during screening
vi. Do’s and Dont’s while using HHMD
vii. Advantages & Disadvantages of HHMD
viii. PAT-DOWN search –types
ix. When do we conduct PAT-DOWN?
x. Principle/Components of DFMD
xi. Specifications for DFMD
xii. Pre-operation check
xiii. OTP – how to use
xiv. Points to be kept in while installing DFMD
xv. Points to be kept in mind when a pax passes through DFMD
xvi. Advantages & Disadvantages of DFMD
9. Chapter -9 CARGO 59-65
i. Definitions – Cargo, Known consignmemnts, Regulated agent
ii. Why cargo is considered vulnerable
iii. How cargo moves
iv. Difference between Cargo agent and Regulated agent
v. Difference between Known Consignor and Regulated agent
vi. Different types of cargo.
vii. Different methods of screening of cargo.
viii. Different aspects of cargo security/Security measures for Cargo
xi. Security measures for AVI, PER, DIPL, VAL, HUM, CO-Mail & CO-Mat and
Unaccompanied courier consignment
x. Documents required for the transporting a HUM
xi. What is the role of APSU/ASG when cargo moves as A.O 1/2006?
10. Chapter -10 CATERING 66-68
i. Stages of catering security/ How catering moves?
ii. Aspects of Catering security
iii. Role of Airlines in catering security
iv. Role of Caterer in catering security
v. Security control for newspaper, magazines, cleaning stores before loading
vi. Action on noticing tampered seal on a HLV
11. Chapter -11 MISCELLANEOUS 69-82
i. Security Plans/concepts
ii. Advantages & Disadvantages of different plans
iii. Define sterile area. Measures to maintain sterility.
iv. Difference between Deportee and Inadmissible
v. Difference between SRA and airside
vi. Procedure to carry a prisoner in an aircraft
vii. Difference between Schedule and Non-Schedule aircraft.
viii. Category who needs to be escorted upto the Aircraft
ix. Exempted category
x. Refusal room
xi. Procedure for carriage of kripan
xii. Strength of security staff for the security of Wide body aircraft
xiii. Measures before allowing a vehicle inside Airport
xiv. Difference between CASO & CSA
xv. Some more important questions
12 Aircraft (Security) Rule-11 83-96
13 Various Differences 97-105
14 True & False 106-108
15 Fill in the blanks 109-112
16 Definitians related to Civil Aviation 113-128
CC – CRYSTAL CLEAR Image interpretation Keys of X-
Q1. Write the properties of X-rays.
1. Invisible
2. Travels in a straight line with the speed of light.
3. Can penetrate through any matter.
4. Can damage living cells.
5. Cannot be deflected by means of lens or prism.
6. Wavelength is extremely short, thus high penetration.
,- Hksnu {kerk & 30 ,e,e LVhy dh eksVh IysV dks Hksnus gksuh pkfg,A
ch+- fjtksY;w’ku & 40 ,lMCY;wth dkij ok;j fn[kkus dh {kerk gksuh pkfg,A
lh best fjtksY;w’ku& 1280 xquk 1024 fiDly gksuk pkfg,A
Mh- lkQ~Vos;j & Activated vkSj ikloMZ izksVsDVsM gksuk pkfg,A
b- ,Dljs Mkst& 0.1mR/hr at a distance of 5 lsehA
,Q- dUos;j csYV dh LihM 0-18 ls 0-30 ehVj izfr lsds.M gksuk pkfg,A
th- izpkyu ds fy, rkieku 0 ls 40 fMxzh lsYlh;l gksuk pkfg,A
,p- dUos;j csYV dh yksM {kerk 100 fdxzk gksuk pkfg,A
Q5. What are the latest technologies available for X-BIS? Single Energy
1. Multi Energy
2. Computed Tomography X ray
3. Back Scatter
4. Pulsed Fast Neutron Analysis (PFNA)
5. Thermal Neutron Activation (TNA)
6. Nuclear Quadruple Response (NQR)
iz’u%,Dl&chvkbZ,l e’khu esa bLrseky gksus okyh ysVsLV VsDuksykWth dk uke fy[ks\
1- flaxy ,uthZA
2- eYVh ,uthZA
3- dEI;wVsM VkseksxzkQh ,DljsA
4- cSd LdsVjA
5- iYlM QkLV U;wVªku ,ukfyfllA
6- FkeZy U;wVªku ,fDVos’kuA
7- U;wfDy;j DokMjiy fjLikUlA
Q6. Write the difference between the following:
Single Energy and Multi Energy
1. Has single level of energy Has two level of energy
2. Gives black & white image Gives colour image
3. Cannot discriminate material on the It discriminates materials as per their atomic
basis of atomic number number.
4. Image interpretation is not easy Image interpretation is easy as compared to
single energy.
iz’u%flaxy ,uthZ ,oa eYVh ,uthZ esa varj fy[ksa \
,dy ¼ flaxy ½ ,uthZ cgq ¼ eYVh ½ ,uthZ
1- mtkZ dk ,d lzksr gksrk gSA 1- mtkZ ds nks ysoy gksrs gSA
2 CySd ,oa g~okbV Nk;kfp= nsrk gSA 2- jaxhu Nk;kfp= nsrk gSA
3- oLrq dks ,Vkfed la[;k ls vyx ugh 3- oLrq dks ,Vkfed la[;k ds vk/kkj ij
dj ikrk gS vyx dj ysrk gSA
4- best b.VjizVs s’ku vklku ugh gksrk gSA 4- flaxy ,uthZ ds eqdkcys best b.VjizVs s’ku
vklku gksrk gSA
Q7. Write the salient features of CTX?
1. Gives 3 D image
2. Slices the image in 500 different angles
3. Has more than one generator
4. Generator and detector revolves around the object
5. Through put rate 1200 bags per hour
6. Very costly
7. Can reconstruct the image
8. Works on the principle of medical aided computed tomography
iz’u%lhVh,Dl dk egRoiw.kZ xq.k fy[ksa\
1- FkzhMh best izLrqr djrk gSA
2- best dks 500 ,axy ¼dks.kks½ ls ns[kk tk ldrk gSA
3- ,d ls vf/kd tujsVj gksrk gSA
4- tujsVj oLrq ds pkjks rjQ ?kwerk gSA
5- cgqr eagxk gksrk gSA
6- Fkzw&iwV jsV 1200 cSx gksrk gS
7. esfMdy dEI;wVsM VkseksxzkQh ds fl)kUr ij dk;Z djrk gSA
Q8. What are the in-built safety measures of X-BIS? Explain in brief.
1. Low X-ray Dose -: The radiation should not exceed 0.1mR/h.
2. Lead Curtains -: Located at the entry and exit of the inspection tunnel to prevent scattered
X- rays from escaping.
3. Lead Shielding -: Prevents the emission of the scattering of X-rays independent of coving panel.
4. Interlocks -: When an attempt is made to generate X-rays with a critical panel missing,
Interlocks will sense and prevent the generation of X-rays.
iz’u%,Dl&fcl e’khu ds bufcYV ls¶Vh fQplZ la{ksi esa fy[ksa\
1- yks ,Dljs MkstA % jsfM,’ku ysosy 0.1mR/h. ls vf/kd ugh gksuk pkfg,A
2- ysM ds insZ % X-ray dks Vuy ls ckgj vkus ls jksdrk gSA
3- ysM dh flfYaMx % fod`r gq, ,Dljs dks lks[kus es enn djrk gSA
4- b.Vjykd flLVe% dksbZ Hkh egRoiw.kZ iSuy feflax gksus ij ,Dljs dk tujs”ku jksdrk gSA
Q9. Write down the pre-operation check & five steps during switching on the XBIS machine?
iz’u%,Dl&fcl e’khu dk izh vkWijs”ku psd rFkk vkWu djus dh fof/k crk,a \
vkWu djus dh fof/k
1- lqfuf”pr djs fd e’khu dk Iyx yxk gqvk gksA
2- d.Vªksy iSuy es pkHkh dks Mkys vkSj e’khu dks pkyw djsA
3- ekuhVj dh czkbVusl rFkk d.VªsLV dks lek;ksftr djsA
4- dUos;j csYV dks vkxs rFkk ihNs dh rjQ rFkk jksddj tkWp djs A
5- lh-Vh-ih ds enn ls tkWp djsA
Q10. Define Image Interpretation? What are the three categories of bag we encounter during of the hold
baggage? What do they signify?
Image interpretation is a process in which the image of a bag is identified, evaluated and categorize
them into three categories: Safe, Doubtful and Threat bag.
1. Safe bag signifies that the bag does not contain any Prohibited item.
2. Doubtful/ Suspicious bag signifies that the image of the bag is not clear.
3. Threat/Unsafe bag means that the bag contains Prohibited/threat item.
iz’u%best b.VjizhVs”ku ls vki D;k le>rs gSa \ gksYM cSxt s dh Ldzhfuax ds nkSjku cSxt
s dks fdu rhu
Jsf.k;ksa esa foHkkftr fd;k tkrk gS rFkk os D;k n”kkZrh gS \
best b.VjizhVs’ku ,d izfdz;k gS ftlesa ,d cSsxst ds Nk;kfp= dks igpku dj rFkk voyksdu dj mls
rhu Jsf.k;ks esa foHkkftr fd;k tkrk gS A
1- lsQ cSx & cSx esa dksbZ izfrcfU/kr oLrq ugh gSA
2- lUnsgkLin cSx & cSx dh best ¼Nk;kfp=½ स्पष्ट ugh gSA
3- FkzsV cSx & cSx esa izfrcfU/kr lkeku ekStwn gSA
Q11. Write all the Documents maintained at screening point?
Q12.What entries are made in the Dangerous Goods register when dangerous goods are detected or not
permitted to be carried or permitted to be carried in safe condition during the screening of Register
a jZl xqM~l jftLVj esa D;k&D;k C;ksjk ntZ fd;k tkrk gS ;fn dksbZ Hkh MstjZl xqM~l idM+k
tkrk gS rFkk mls uk ys tkus gsrq ;k ys tkus gsrq vuqefr nh tkrh gS jftLVj cSxt s dh
Ldzhfuax ds nkSjku \
1- fnukad o le;A
2- ;k=h dk uke@foeku la[;k
3- gfFk;kj ds ykblsUl dk fooj.kA
4- idMs+ x;s [krjukd lkeku dk fooj.kA
5- [krjukd lkeku dh iSfdax dk fooj.k vxj ijfeV fd;k x;k gksA
Q13. Why modern XBIS is considered film safe?
Q15. What are the factors that affect the performance of a screener?
1. Lack of Knowledge
2. Lack of confidence
3. Lack of training
4. Pressure from the passenger
5. Pressure from the staff
6. Pressure from the supervisor
7. Pressure of long duty hours
8. Protocol requirements
9. Communication problems.
iz’u%Ldzhuj dh {kerk ij izHkko Mkyus okys D;k&D;k dkj.k gS \
1- Kku dh deh A
2- vkRe fo”okl dh dehA
3- Vªsfuax dh dehA
4- ;k=h dk ncko A
5- deZpkfj;ks dk nckoA
6- lqijokbtj dk nckoA
7- yEch M~;wVh dk nckoA
8- izksVksdky dh fnDdrsA
9- dE;wfuds”ku dh fnDdrsA
Q16. What is TIP? Write the significance of TIP?
TIP(threat Image projection) is a software programme installed in modern XBIS machine and
approved by appropriate authority. The programme projects fictional images of threat articles (Gun,
Knife and IED) in a real bag under examination during screening.
Advantages/Significance of TIP:
1. Source of motivation for screener
2. Gives immediate feedback
3. Records individual performance
4. Gives exposure to the threat articles
5. Increases the Alertness of the screener
6. Provides Tailored Training Programme .
fVi ds Qk;ns %&
1- Ldzhuj ds eukscy dks c<+krk gSA
2- LdzhulZ dks ,yVZ j[krk gSA
3- rqjUr QhMcSd nsrk gSA
4- Ldzhuj ds ijQkjesUl dks fjdkMZ j[krk gSA
5- izfrcfU/kr oLrqvks ds ckjs esa tkudkjh nsrk gSA
6- Vsyj Vsªfuax izksxzke Hkh miyC/k djkrk gSA
Q17. Write the advantages and Disadvantages of the X-BIS
1. Time saving 1. Only trained staff can operate
2. Less manpower required 2. Performance depends on the screener’s ability
3. Convenience to pax 3. Not 100% reliable
4. Safe for film, food and drugs 4. Costly and regular maintenance is required.
Q18. What is CTP? Why is it used? Write down the tests of CTP?
CTP stands for combined test piece. It is a combination of six test pieces which are incorporated in a
briefcase. It is provided by the manufacturer of the X-BIS. It is used to check the performance of X-BIS as
per the specifications laid down by BCAS.
iz’u%lhVhih D;k gksrk gS \ bldk bLrseky D;qa djrs gS rFkk lhVhih ds VsLVksa ds uke fy[ksa \
CTP का मतलब है कंबाइं ड टे स्ट पीसA येह छह टे स्टटो का समू ह है जिसे एक ब्रीफ़केस में रखा गया है A इसे जिमाा ता
द्वारा प्रदाि जकया िाता है A इसका इस्ते माल X -BIS की कयाा श्रमता को िां चिे के जलए जकया िाता है A
1. Single wire resolution test: A set of un-insulated copper wires of different thickness (26 SWG, 30
SWG, 35 SWG, 38 SWG, 40 SWG and 42 SWG) are placed on the Perspex sheet in ‘S’ shaped curves.
The requirement of the test: Un-insulated copper wire of thickness 40 SWG should be seen on
Perspex sheet.
Objectivity is to detect connectivity.
2. Useful Penetration test : Three step wedges of Aluminium are placed over Perspex sheet. The
thickness of the Aluminium step wedges are 3/16”, 5/16” and 7/16”. This test defines what level of
details can be seen behind a thickness of known material (Aluminium).
The requirement of the test: 26 SWG should be seen under the second step wedge of Aluminium.
Objective is to detect hidden connectivity
3. Material Discrimination test Sugar and Salt are separately kept in a transparent container. The
X-ray should be able to distinguish between materials of different atomic number.
The requirement of the test: The sugar should be seen in orange colour and salt should be seen in
Objective is to ensure that the XBIS distinguishes between organic and in-organic materials even if the
object / items are similar in colour and the atomic numbers are close. OR To ensure X-BIS is able to
discriminate materials as per their atomic numbers.
4. Simple penetration test : - CTP has Steel step wedges of thickness varying from 16mm to 30 mm.
The thickness of step wedges varies with 2mm. Over the steel plate, a lead strip is placed. This test
defines what thickness of steel the machine should be able to penetrate.
The requirement of the test: Lead strip should be visible beneath 26 mm steel plate.
The objective is to check the penetration level of X-BIS on Steel Step wedge.
5. Spatial resolution test:- The CTP has 08 horizontal and 08 vertical gratings at right angles to each
The test defines the ability of the system to distinguish and display objects, which are close together.
The requirement of the test: - The vertical and horizontal gratings should be seen.
The objective is to identify two objects kept close together. OR To ensure that X-BIS is able to
distinguish objects that are kept close together.
6. Thin Metal Imaging 21 Steel step wedges are provided in the CTP, the size of each should be
(Grey scale test) 3 cm (Length) X 1 cm (Width). The thickness of the second plate is 0.1 mm and the
last plate is 9 mm.
The requirement of the test is to display steel plate of thickness 0.1 mm.
The objective is to check the penetration level of X-ray on a thinnest part of object or material.
VsLVksa ds uke
1. Single Wire Resolution Test: bl VsLV esa islZ~isDl 'khV ij vyx vyx eksVkbZ ds d‚ij ds
vubulwysVsM rkj S vkdj esa j[ks x, gS A bl VsLV dh t#jr gS dh gesa 40 SWG dk vubulwyVs sM
d‚ij ok;j islZ~iDs l 'khV ij Li"V fn[kuk pkfg, A MsVsfDVfoVh dks ns[kus ds fy, ;g VsLV fd;k
tkrk gS A
2. Useful penetration test : bl VsLV esa islZ~isDl 'khV ij ,Y;qehfu;e ds rhu vyx vyx eksVkbZ ds
IysV~l dks j[kk x;k gS A ,Y;qehfu;e ds rhu LVsi oSt dh eksVkbZ gS 3 /16 bap] 5 /16 bap ]vkSj 7
/16 gSa A bl VsLV dh t#jr gS dh gesa 26 SWG dk vubulwysVsM d‚ij ok;j ,Y;qehfu;e ds
nwljs LVsi oSt esa Li"V fn[kuk pkfg, A ;g VsLV Nqih gqbZ dusfDVfoVh dks ns[kus ds fy, fd;k tkrk
3. Material Discrimination test: bl VsLV dk nwljk uke gS eYVh ,uthZ VsLV A bl VsLV esa ,d
ikjn'khZ daVsuj esa phuh vkSj ued vyx vyx j[kk x;k gS A bl VsLV dh t#jr gS dh gesa phuh
a dyj esa ,oa ued xzhu dyj esa fn[kuk pkfg, A ;g VsLV bl ckr fd i`f"V djrk gS dh e'khu
fofHkUu oLrqvksa dks muds ijek.kq la[;k ds vuqlkj vyx vyx dyj esa fn[krk gS A
4. Simple Penetration Test: bl VsLV esa LVhy dh vyx vyx eksVkbZ ds IysV~l ¼LVsi oSt½ j[ks x,
gS A budh eksVkbZ 16mm ls 30 mm dh gksrh gS A LVhy ds LVsi oSt dh eksVkbZ gj ckj 2mm
c<+rh gS A LVhy ds IysV~l ij ysM dh NM+ j[kh gqbZ gS A bl VsLV dh t#jr gS dh ysM dh NM+ 26
mm LVhy ds IysV ds fups Li"V fn[kkbZ nsuk pkfg, A
dkij dh IysV ds mij vkB [kMs+ ]oa vkB iM+s dVko fn[kkbZ nsuh pkfg, A bl
5. Spatial Resolution Test:
VsLV dk mns”; ;g gS fd tks lkeku utnhd j[kk gqvk gS mlds chp ds nwjh dks lkQ fn[kkbZ nsuh
1. Before commencing duty, he will carry the pre operation check of the XBIS.
2. He will always be in a position to study the Image and easy operation of the controls.
3. The X-ray officer will examine the contents of each bag and its image on the monitor.
4. He will not operate the machine for more than 20 minutes.
5. In case of any doubtful bag, he will refer the bag for physical check.
6. On random basis he will refer 1 out of 10 bags (10%) for physical search.
7. In case the bag is considered as Safe, he will allow taking it away after affixing stamp.
8. He will not leave the duty post without reliever or until the screening point is closed.
iz’u%ldqZyj 23@2005 ds rgr ,Dl&js vkWfQlj dh M;wVh fy[ksa \
1- M~;wVh “kq: djus ls igys e’khu dk izh&vkijs’ku pSd djsxkA
2 og ,slh iksft”ku esa cSBsxk tgkW ls best dks lkQ ns[k lds rFkk e’khu dks vklkuh ls
d.Vªksy dj ldsA
3- dksbZ Hkh lUnsgkLin cSx vkus ij mls HkkSfrd tkWp ds fy, Hkstk tk;sxkA
4- Ldzhuj 20 feuV ls T;knk e’khu dks ugh pyk,xkA
5- js.Me ds vk/kkj ij 10 es ls 01 ¼10 izfr”kr½ cSx dks HkkSfrd tkWp ds fy, HkstsxsA
6- fjfyoj vk;s fcuk drZZO; LFky ugh NksM+sxAs
Q20. Write down the various advantages and disadvantages of different beamers?
Low conveyor belt height, Easy access to Pets & Children
Easy handling of bulky baggage Poor stability of baggage
High performance (better magnification) Occupies more space (Not a space saving
iz’u%fuEufyf[kr chejksa ds Qk;ns vkSj uqdlku fy[ksa \
lkbM chej ds Qk;ns lkbM chej ds uqdlku
1- dUos;j csYV uhps gksrh gSA 1. cPpks o ikyrw tkuoj ds dUos;j csYV ij
igWqpus dh lEHkkouk cuh jgrh gSA
2- Hkkjh lkeku dh Ldzhfuax ds fy, mi;ksxhA 2- cSx dk lUrqyu vPNk ugh gksrk gSA
3- vPNh dk;Z {kerk gksrh gS o best vPNk 3- T;knk txg ?ksjrk gSA
nsrk gSA
Higher magnification High conveyor belt height
High performance Difficult in handling of bulky baggage
Low conveyor belt height Performance limitation
Space saving Design Easy access for pets & children
Qk;ns uqdlku
1- dUos;j csYV dh de mpkbZ 1- ijQkjesUl de gksrk gSA
2- de txg ?ksjrh Gsa 2- cPpks o ikyrw tkuojks dh vklku igqWpA
3- Hkkjh cSx dh gS.Mfyax vklku gksrh gSA
Direct interpretation of the object Requires more manpower
Satisfaction to the screener Time consuming
s dh HkkSfrd tkap ds Qk;ns vkSj uqdlku fy[ksa \
HkkSfrd tkWp lss Qk;ns HkkSfrd tkWp ls uqdlku
1- oLrqvks ds lh/ks lEidZ esa vkrs gSA 1- T;knk ek=k esa yksxks dh ykxr pkfg,A
2- Ldzhuj dks lUrqf"V izkIr gksrh gSA 2- le; T;knk yxrk gSA
3- tkWp ds nkSjku Ldzhuj ds KkusfUnz;ks dk vf/kd 3- vLoPN gksrk gSA
iz;ksx gksrk gSA
4- fo”ks"k midj.k dh vko’;drk ugh gksrh gSA 4- ;k=h ds fy, lqfo/kktud ugh jgrk gSA
s dh HkkSfrd tkap djus dh rduhd fy[ksa \
If possible, search the clothing without removing the items from the bag.
vxj lEHko gks rks fcuk vU; oLrqvks dks fudkys cSxst es j[ks diMks dh ryk”kh yas
Start at the top and work towards the bottom
“kq#vkr Åij ls uhps dh vksj djas
Completely search the left side, then the centre and then the right side.
Iwk.kZ :Ik ls ck;h rjQ] fQj e/; vkSj fQj nkfguh rjQ ryk’kh ysa A
Feel between the layers exerting pressure from above and below.
rgkas ds e/; Åij rFkk uhps ncko nsdj eglwl djsa
If baggage has more than one compartment, search each compartment completely before moving
on to the next one.
vxj cSxst es ,d ls vf/kd Hkkx gS rks ,d Hkkx dh tkaWp iw.kZ gksus ij gh vU; Hkkx dh tkWap djsa
Search each bag systematically.
,d dzzec)] O;ofLFkr tkWp izfdz;k dks fodflr djs vkSj izR;sd cSxt ds fy, ogh izfdz;k viuk,W
Look for the false bottom using Scaling and weighing method.
QkYl cVe ds fy, otu ;k Ldsy ds ek/;e ls cSxst dh tkWp dh tk;sxhA
a. The bag should be kept on a table between the Pax and the Physical check officer.
b. Wish the pax and take his consent.
c. Ask the pax to open the bag.
d. Once the bag is opened, it shall be taken into cusdoty to avoid interference of pax during search.
e. Search systematically.
f. After search, the physical search officer shall repack the baggage.
g. Thanks the pax for his co-operation.
s dh HkkSfrd tkap djus dk rjhdk fy[ksa \
,- cSx dks iSDl vkSj fQftdy psd v‚fQlj ds chp ,d Vscy ij j[kk tkuk pkfg,A
ch- ;k=h ls lgefr ysa
lh- cSx [kksyus ds fy, ;k=h ls iwNsa
Mh- ,d ckj tc cSx [kksyk tkrk gS] rks tkap ds nkSjku ;k=h ds gLr{ksi ls cpus ds fy, bls dLVMh esa
ys fy;k tk,
bZ- dzec) rjhds ls tkaps
,Q- tkap ds ckn] tkap vf/kdkjh lkeku dks okil j[ksxk
th- ;k=h ds lg;ksx ds fy, /kU;okn nsa
Q26. What are the five methods for screening hold baggage?
1. 100% physical / manual hand search and screening by XBIS/EDS which cannot be cleared by physical
2. 100% screening by XBIS and 10% physical check on a random basis.
3. 100% screening by XBIS and 10% EDS on a random basis.
4. Inline Baggage Screening system
5. 100% screening by EDS and physical check which cannot be cleared by EDS.
iz’u%gksYM cSxst dks Ldzhfuax djus ds ikap fHkUu rjhds fy[ksa \
1- 100 izfr”kr HkkSfrd tkWp vkSj ,Dl ch vkbZ ,l@b Mh ,l ls mu phtks dh tkWp tks
HkkSfrd tkWp ls Li"V tkWp u gks A
2- 100 izfr”kr ,Dl ch vkbZ ,l e’khu }kjk Ldzhfuax ,oa ¼10 izfr’kr ½ HkkSfrd tkWp A
3- 100 izfr”kr ,Dl ch vkbZ ,l e’khu }kjk Ldzhfuax ,oa ¼10 izfr’kr ½ bMh,l ls tkWpA
4- buykbu cSxst LdzhfuaxA
5- 100 izfr”kr b Mh ,l e’khu }kjk Ldzhfuax ,oa mi phtks dk HkkSfrd tkWp tks bZ Mh ,l
e’khu ls fjtsDV gks tk;sA
Q27. What additional security measures are adopted after screening of checked-in baggage?
iz’u% gksYM cSxst dh Ldzhfuax gksus ds i'pkr lqjf{kr j[kus ds fy, D;k&D;k vfrfjDr mik; yxk;s tkrs
Sealing/ Strapping lhfyax@LVªsfiaxA
Surveillance/ Safeguarding fuxjkuhA
Escorting upto aircraft ,;jdzkQ~V rd LdkVZ djukA
Q28. What are the questions to be asked at the Check-in – counter?
1. Is it your baggage?
2. Did you pack it yourself?
3. Do you know the contents?
4. Was the baggage in your custody throughout?
5. Are you carrying some electronic/electrical goods?
6. Did you accept any gift/packet etc. from some other person?
Baggage reconciliation is the process of tallying the number of baggage checked-in by the passengers
and the number of baggage accepted for loading in the hold of the aircraft with the number of
passengers reported for boarding and their respective baggage.
It is done to avoid the bad intention of gate no show passenger.The baggage of such Pax are off-loaded
from the aircraft. It can be done either manually or automatically.
s fj&dUlhys’ku ls vki D;k le>rs gS\ rFkk ;g D;qa fd;k tkrk gS \
;k=h ds }kjk psd&bu fd;s x;s cSxt s ] gokbZ tgkt esa yksfMax ds fy, izkIr cSxt
s ] cksfMZax ds fy, fjiksVZ
fd;s gq, ;k=h o muls lEcfaU/kr cSxts ds feyku dh izfdz;k dks cSxts fj&dUlhys”ku dgrs gSA
;g xsV uks “kks ;k=h ds cqjs bjknks ls cpus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA lqfuf”pr fd;k tkrk gS fd xsV uks
“kks ;k=h ds cSxts dks ,;jdzkQ~V esa yksM u fd;k tk;sA ;g vkVkseSfVd ;k HkkSfrd rjhdks ls fd;k
tkrk gSA
iz’u%,olsd vkns’k la[;k 5@2009 ds rgr ,;j ykbu flD;wfjVh ds drZO; fy[ksa \
1- gksYM cSxst dh Ldzhfuax djukA
2- ch ,e , dh lqj{kk vkSj fuxjkuhA
3- chch, dh lqj{kk vkSj fuxjkuhA
4- d.Vªksy :e ¼tgkW ij cksfMZax ikl ,o VSx j[ks tkrs gSA ½dh lqj{kkA
5- foeku dh lqj{kkA
6- ikdZ fd;s gq, foeku dh lqj{kkA
7- lsds.Mjh ySMj Iokb.V psdA
8- foeku dh mM+ku Hkjus ls igys vkSj ckn dh lqj{kkA
9- dSVfjax dh lqj{kkA
10- dkxksZ dh Ldzhfuax A
Q31. Explain the inline baggage screening system? Write two advantages and two disadvantages?
Inline baggage screening system is available at some of the airports for the screening of Registered
baggage operated by the airport operator.
Less manpower is required Consumes a lot of space
More use of technology Very costly
Much reliable screening Trained operator is required
It removes the congestion in the departure area Sabotage can be easily done through hold
Convienient to pax Pax is not readily available for any queries.
iz’u%bu ykbu cSxst Ldzhfuax flLVe dks le>ka, rFkk blds 2 Qk;ns ,oa 2 uqdlku fy[ksa \
1- bu ykbu cSxst flLVe gksYM cSxt s dks tkWp djus dk ,d rjhdk gS tks ,;jiksVZ vkijsVj }kjk
fd;k tkrk gSA
2- bl flLVe ds rgr cSx dks Ldzhu djus ds pkj ysosy gksrs gSA
3- igys ysosy ij ,d vkVkseSfVd lhVh,Dl@bZMhVh,l LFkkfir fd;k gqvk gksrk gS tks [kqn cSxt s dh
Ldzhfuax djrk gSA
4- ysoy nks ds odZ LVs”ku esa ysoy ,d ds cSxts dh best igqWprh gSA
5- ysoy rhu ijk ,Dl- ch-vkbZ- ,l e’khu ,oa bZVhMh e’khu miyC/k gksrh gSA
6- izR;sd ysoy ij Dyh;j cSx ch,e, es igWqprs gS vkSj vuDyh;j cSx vxys ysosy ij Ldzhfuax ds fy,
jsQj fd;s tkrs gSA
7- lkjs vuDyh;j cSxst ysosy pkj ij HkkSfrd tkWp ds fy, igqWprs gSA cSxts dk HkkSfrd tkWp ;k=h]
,;jykbUl] , ,l th vkSj ,;jiksVZ vkijsVj dh mifLFkfr esa gksrk gSA
Qk;ns uqdlku
1- de LVkQ dh vko’;drk gksrh gS 1- cgqr vf/kd txg ?ksjrk gSA
2- rduhd dk T;knk iz;ksx gksrk gSA 2- cgqr eWgxk gSA
3- Ldzhfuax djus dk ,d HkjkslseUn rjhdk gSA 3- dsoy izf’kf{kr LVkQ gh pyk ldrk gSA
4- fMikpZj ,fj;k dh HkhM+HkkM+ dks de djrk gSA 4- gksYM cSxt
s dh enn ls vklkuh ls rksM+QksM+
gks ldrh gSA
5- ;k=h ds fy, lqfo/kktud gSA 5- ;k=h fdlh Hkh loky tokc gsrw rqjUr
ekStwn ugh gksrk gSA
Hold Baggage of regular size are screened with Hold Baggage which out of size, frazile and the
the help of Standalone XBIS one which can’t be subjected to In line baggage
screening system are screened through OOG
This may or may not be a part of Inline baggage This is a part of Inline baggage system.
Q34.What are the salient features of BTCP?
1. Airport Director functions as coordinator of BTAC
2. Activation of Control Room
3. Evaluation of call by BTAC with the help of BWAF
4. Questioning technique
5. Duties and responsibilities of various agencies
6. Procedure to deal with suspected baggage
7. Evacuate the area under threat
iz’u%chVhlhih dh fo’ks"krk,a fy[ksa \
1- ,;jiksVZ Mk;jsDVj leUo;d ds :Ik esa dk;Z djsxkA
2- fu;U=.k d{k dk fdz;kUo;u gksxkA
3- BWAF ds vuqlkj chVh,lh }kjk /kedh dk ewY;kadu gksxkA
4- iz’uksRrjh djus dh fof/kA
5- fofo/k ,tfUl;ks ds dk;Z ,os ftEesnkfj;k A
6- lUnsgkLin cSx ls fuiVus dk rjhdkA
7- gokbZ tgkt ;k Hkoua dks [kkyh djok;s tkus dk rjhdkA
Q35.What are stipulated questions that are asked to the caller by the receipient of the bomb threat call?
a) Where is the Bomb?
b) What time the bomb is set to explode?
c) What kind of mechanism it is?
d) How does it look like?
e) What is your name/ Why are you doing this?
iz’u%ce FksV dh lwpuk nsus okys O;fDr ls D;k&D;k loky iwNs tkus pkfg, \
v& ce dc QVsxkA
c& ce dgkW j[kk gSA
l& mles fdl izdkj dk midj.k yxk gSA
n& ;g ns[kus es dSlk gSA
;& vkidk D;k uke gSA vki dkSu gSA
Q36.What action is taken on receiving a Bomb Threat call?
Remain Calm
Ensure caller ID has registered calling number and note it down.
Switch on voice recording facility (if it is not automatic)
Allow the caller to complete his conversation without interruption
Note exact time of the call
Try to prolong call with leading questions to assess the geniality of call
Alert colleagues and supervisor who can also listen to conversation and alert security.
Observe callers sex, voice, language, approx. age, background noise etc.
Note actual words and record other details
Do not restore the handset on the cradle switch until calling number is properly noted.
Inform all details to the supervisor.
iz’u%ce FkzsV dkWy vkus ij D;k dkjZokbZ djuh pkfg, \
'kkar jgsa
lqfuf'pr djsa fd d‚yj vkbZMh us d‚fyax uacj iath—r fd;k gS vkSj bls uksV djsaA
o‚;l fjd‚fMaZx lqfo/kk dks vkWu djsa ¼;fn ;g Lopkfyr ugha gS½
d‚yj dks fcuk fdlh #dkoV ds mldh ckrphr iwjh djus dh vuqefr nsa
d‚y dk lgh le; uksV djsa
d‚y dh okLrfodrk dk vkdyu djus ds fy, çeq[k ç'uksa ds lkFk d‚y dks yEck [khapus dk ç;kl djsa
lgdfeZ;ksa vkSj i;Zos{kd dks vyVZ djsa
d‚yj ds lsDl] vkokt] Hkk"kk] mez] i`"BHkwfe dk fujh{k.k djsa
okLrfod 'kCnksa dks uksV djsa vkSj vU; fooj.k ntZ djsa
czSM fLop ij gSaMlsV dks iqulZ~Fkkfir u djs]a tc rd fd Qksu uacj Bhd rjg ls uksV ugha fd;k tkrk gSA
lHkh fooj.k ls i;Zos{kd dks lwfpr djsa
Q38. What action is taken in case of Specific Bomb threat call for an aircraft?
Q39. What action is taken in case of Non-Specific bomb threat call for an aircraft?
a. The aircraft is not shifted to the isolation bay. The aircraft shall remain at apron.
b. Stop boarding/check in process .
c. Increase physical inspection of the baggage after screening.
d. The aircraft shall be searched by Airlines Security and Airlines Enggineer.
e. Proper passenger baggage reconciliation and Gate- No- show will be done.
f. Suspend airlift of unaccompanied baggage and rush tag baggage.
g. Ensure cordoning off the affected aircraft up to 50 mts. to prevent interference by outside agencies.
Q40. When do the members of the BTAC classify a call to be Non-specific?
A threat of general nature may be classified as a non-specific threat if it consists of any or a combination of
(a) The airline is not identified.
(b) The flight is not specified.
(c) Date and time is not mentioned.
(d) Point of origin or destination is not given.
(e) Location of the bomb is not indicated.
iz’u%chVh,lh ds lnL; dSls fdlh dkWy dks ukWu LisfLQd esa oxhZd`r djrs gSa \
,d lkekuU; izd`fr dh FkzsV dks uku LisfLQd esa oxhZd`r fd;k tk;sxk ;fn %&
1- ,;j ykbUl dh igpku u gks ik;sA
2- gokbZ tgkt dh igpku u gks ik;sA
3- le; ,oa fnukad dh igpku u gks ik;sA
4- lzksr ,oa xUrC; ds ckjs esa dksbZ tkudkjh u gksA
5- ce dh fLFkfr dh dksbZ tkudkjh u gksA
Q41. When do the members of the BTAC classify a call to be Specific?
A threat should be considered specific when detailed information is available of the following:-
(a) The originator of the threat identifies himself.
(b) The airline is identified.
(c) A specific flight is mentioned and exact date / time are stated.
(d) The origin and or destination of the flight are given.
(e) Names of airlines staff on duty or passengers on board the aircraft are singled out.
(f) Intimate knowledge of phone numbers or description of unpublished airport facilities is made known
(g) Location of the bomb is indicated.
iz’u%chVh,lh ds lnL; dSls fdlh dkWy dks LisfLQd esa oxhZd`r djrs gSa \
,d lkekuU; izd`fr dh FkzsV dks LisfLQd esa oxhZd`r fd;k tk;sxk ;fn %&
1- /kedh nsus okys O;fDr dh igpku gks tkrh gSA
2- ,;j ykbUl dh igpku gks tkrh gSA
3- gokbZ tgkt dh igpku gks tkrh gSA
4- rkjh[k ,oa le; dh igpku gks tkrh gSA
5- lzksr ,oa x.rC; dh igpku gks tkrh gSA
6- drZO; ij rSukr ,;j ykbUl LVkQ rFkk ;kf=;ks dh igpku gks tkrh gSA
7- ce dh okLrfod voLFkk dk igpku gks tkrh gSA
Q42. What is role of BDDS and Airline Engineer in a specific bomb threat call?
In case of specific bomb threat call, BDDS and Airline Engineer has following roles
a. In specific bomb threat call Airline Engineer and BDDS team will do the thorough anti sabotage check
of aircraft
b. Airline engineering staff will help BDDS team to search entire aircraft interior location.
c. If doctor is not available first aid kit will be checked and sealed by BDDS.
d. After the check both will sign on the needs to be sent to ATC.
In case of Non-specific bomb threat call,BDDS will be requested to stand by near aircraft / building under
threat until search is over and clearance certificate is signed by all agencies.
1. Installation of CLIP.
2. Periodic mock exercise.
3. Training to the employees.
4. Surveillance with the help of CCTV.
5. Use of modern equipments such as DFMD, HHMD.
6. Rigorous punishment to the hoax caller.
7. Publicity of punishment in local newspaper, magazines.
iz’u%ce FkzsV dkWy ls fuiVus ds fy, D;k&D;k mik, fd;s tkrs gSa ;k vQokg QSykus okyh ce FkzsV
dkWy ls dSls cpk tk ldrk gS \
1- fDyi (CLIP) dk yxk;k tkukA
2- ekWd~ Mªhy le; le; ij djk;k tkukA
3- deZpkfj;ks dks izf’k{k.k nsukA
4- lhlhVhoh ds ek/;e ls fuxjkuh djukA
5- vk/kqfud bysDVªkfud midj.kks dk iz;ksx djukA
6- gkDl dky djus okys dks n.M dk izko/kkuA
44. definitions
a. Screening: Application of technical and other means to identify and detect prohibited items which may be
used to commit an act of unlawful interference is called screening.
Ldzhfuax %& rduhdh ;k vU; ek/;e ds iz;ksx ls gfFk;kj ]foLQksVd o vU; [krjukd midj.kks dks
igpkuuk ;k [kkstuk ftudk iz;ksx xSj dkuwuh gLr{ksi ds d`R; esa fd;k tk ldrk gSA
b. Regulated agent: An agent, freight forwarder or any other entity who conducts business with the airline
operator and provides all the security control required and accepted by appropriate authority in respect
of Cargo, Mail and courier.
c. jsxwyVs sM ,ts.V %& ,ts.V lkeku ysdj tkus okyk ;k vU; dksbZ laLFkk tks fdlh izpkyd ds lkFk
O;olk; djrk gks vkSj dkxksZ dqfj;j vkSj ,Dlizsl iklyZ ;k Mkd gsrw mfpr izkf/kdj.k dks
vko’;d vkSj Lohd`r lqj{kk fu;U=.k iznku djrk gksA
d. Profiling : Systematic observation of pax, baggage and their documents to categorize them into
threatening and non- threatening category so that more attention can be given to the threatening
izksQkbfyax %& fdlh O;fDr] lkeku ,oa muds nLrkostks dk dzeo) voyksdu djuk rkfd bUgs
[krjukd ,oa lkekU; oxksZ esa ckWVk tk lds vkSj [krjukd oxZ ij T;knk ?;ku fn;k tk lds A
e. Prohibited Items: Items which are not allowed to be carried on board an aircraft and which may be used
to cause significant damage to the health, property and safety of aircraft and its occupants.
izfrcfU/kr oLrq, ^%& izfrcfU/kr oLrq, os gS ftUg foeku esa vku cksMZ ,;j dzkQ~V esa ys tkus dh
vuqefr ugh gS rFkk ftuds iz;ksx ls foeku vkSj mlds ;kf=;ks dh lqj{kk ] lEifRr ,oa LokLF; dks
[krjk igqpk;k tk ldsA
f. Account Customer: A customer who is in possession of an established billing or credit account with a
Regulated agent or an aircraft operator and which has previously booked at least four consignments in
the last twelve months with them. The cargo originated from the customer shall be considered as known
cargo as the credit worthiness of the account customer is approved by the regulated agent or operator.
,dkm.V dLVej%&,slk dLVej ftldk [kkrk ,;jdzkQ~V vkijsV;j ;k jsX;wysVsM ,ts.V ds ikl
[kqyk gks rFkk mlus fiNys 12 eghuks esa de ls de pkj ckj viuk dkxksZ dk ysu nsu muds lkFk
fd;k gksA tks dkxkZs ,dk.V dLVej ls izkIr gksrk gS mls uksu dkxksZ (known cargo )dgrs gS D;ksfd
mldh fo”oluh;rk vkijsVj rFkk jsX;wysVsM ,ts.V }kjk ekU; gksrk gSA
g. Act of Unlawful Interference: An act or attempted acts such as to jeopardize the safety of civil aviation
and air transport which includes but not limited to
Unlawful seizure of aircraft in flight
Unlawful seizure of aircraft on the ground
Hostage taking on board aircraft or an aerodrome
Forcible intrusion on board an aircraft, at an airport or on the premises of an aeronautical facility
Introduction of a weapon on borad an aircraft or at an airport or hazardous device or material
intended for criminal purposes.
information such as to jeopardize the safety of an aircraft in flight or on the ground, of passengers,
crew, ground personnel or the general public, at an airport or on the premises of a civil aviation
,d vf/kfu;e ;k ç;kl ,sls ukxfjd mì;u vkSj gokbZ ifjogu dh lqj{kk dks [krjs djuk tSls fd blesa
'kkfey gS ysfdu blesa lhfer ugha gS
mM+ku esa foeku ds xSjdkuwuh tCrh
tehu ij foekuksa dh xSjdkuwuh tCrh
cksMZ ,;jØk¶V ;k ,d gokbZ vìk ij ys tk;k tk jgk gS
foeku ij ,d gokbZ tgkt ij] ;k oSekfud lqfo/kk ds ifjlj esa cksMZ ij tcju ?kqliSB
cksjM ds foeku ij ;k gokbZ vìs ;k [krjukd fMokbl ij gfFk;kj dk ifjp; ;k vkijkf/kd mís';ksa
ds fy, rS;kj lkexzhA
gokbZvìs ij ;k ukxfjd mì;u lqfo/kk ds ifjlj esa mM+kuksa ;k tehu] ;kf=;ks]a pkyd ny] tehuh
dfeZ;ksa ;k vke turk dh mM+ku ij foeku dh lqj{kk dks [krjs esa Mkyus dh tkudkjhA
h. Apron : A defined area on a land aerodrome, intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes of loading
or unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, parking on maintenance.
,d Hkwfe gokbZ vìk ij ,d ifjHkkf"kr {ks=] ;kf=;ks]a esy ;k dkxksZ yksM djus] bZa/ku Hkjus] j[kj[kko ij
ikfdaZx] yksM djus ;k mrkjus ds mís';ksa ds fy, foeku dks lek;ksftr djuk gSA
i. Movement Area: That part of an aerodrome to be used for the take-off, landing and taxiing of aircraft,
consisting of the manoeuvring area and the apron.
,;jMª‚e dk ;g fgLlk foeku dk mrjuk] ySafMax vkSj VSDlhax ds fy, bLrseky fd;k tk ldrk gS] ftlesa
pkyu {ks= vkSj ,çu 'kkfey gSaA
j. Aircraft In Flight: When all the external doors of an aircraft are closed after embarkation until the
moment when such doors are not opened for disembarkation aircraft is said to be In Flight.
tc foeku ds lHkh ckgjh njokts can gksus ds ckn can fd, tkrs gSa] tc ,slk njoktk mrkj p<+ko foeku
ds fy, ugha [kksyk tkrk gS] rks mM+ku esa dgk tkrk gSA
l. Aircraft in Service: An aircraft shall be considered to be in service from the beginning of the pre flight
preparation of the aircraft by ground personnel or by the crew for a specific flight until 24 hours after any
landing and in case of a forced landing the flight shall be deemed to continue until the competent
authorities to take over the responsibility for the aircraft and for persons and property onboard.
,d foeku dks foeku ds iwoZ mM+ku rS;kjh dh 'kq:vkr ls lsok esa ekuk tk,xk ;k fdlh fo'ks"k ySafMax ds
24 ?kaVksa rd fdlh fo'ks"k mM+ku ds fy, pkyd ny }kjk vkSj mM+ku ds fy, etcwj ySafMax ds ekeys esa
le>k tk,xk tc rd l{ke vf/kdkfj;ksa dks foeku ds fy, ftEesnkfj;ksa vkSj O;fä;ksa vkSj laifÙk ds
tgkt ij ys tkus ds fy, tkjh ugha jgsa
m. Known Consignor: A Consignor who originates cargo or mail for its own account and whose procedures
meet common security rules and standards sufficient to allow the carriage of cargo or mail on any
,d vuqK; s tks vius [kkrs ds fy, dkxksZ ;k esy dk mRiknu djrk gS vkSj ftudh çfØ;k lkekU; lqj{kk
fu;eksa vkSj ekudksa dks iwjk djrh gS tks fdlh Hkh foeku ij dkxksZ dh xkM+h ;k esy dh vuqefr nsus ds
fy, i;kZIr gSA
n. Catering stores: All items, other than catering supplies, associated with passenger in-flight services, for
example newspapers, magazines, headphones, audio and video tapes, pillows and blankets, and amenity
dSVfjax LVksj% [kkuiku dh vkiwfrZ ds vykok vU; lHkh lkeku] ;k=h bu&¶ykbV lsokvksa ls tqM]+s
mnkgj.k ds fy, lekpkj i=] if=dk,¡] gsMQksu] v‚fM;ks vkSj ohfM;ks Vsi] rfd, vkSj dacy] vkSj
,esfuVh fdVA
o. Catering supplies: Food, beverages, other dry stores and associated equipment used on board an aircraft.
[kkuiku dh vkiwfr%Z Hkkstu] is; inkFkZ] vU; MªkbZ LVksj vkSj lacaf/kr midj.k tks ,d foeku esa mi;ksx
fd, tkrs gSaA
General aviation operation: An aircraft operation other than a commercial air transport operation or an
aerial work operation.
lkekU; foekuu v‚ijs'ku% ,d okf.kfT;d gokbZ ifjogu lapkyu ;k ,d gokbZ dke lapkyu ds vykok ,d
foeku lapkyuA
Corporate aviation: The non-commercial operation or use of aircraft by a company for the carriage of passengers or
goods as an aid to the conduct of company business, flown by a professional pilot employed to fly the aircraft.
(Note that corporate aviation is a subset of general aviation)
d‚iksZjsV mì;u% daiuh ds O;olk; ds lapkyu esa lgk;rk ds :i esa ;kf=;ksa ;k eky dh <qykbZ ds fy, ,d
daiuh }kjk foeku dk xSj&okf.kfT;d lapkyu ;k mi;ksx] foeku dks mM+kus ds fy, fu;ksftr ,d is'ksoj
ik;yV }kjk mM+k;k tkrk gSA
¼/;ku nsa fd d‚iksZjsV foekuu lkekU; foekuu dk ,d lclsV gS
Diplomatic pouch (bag): A shipping container having diplomatic immunity from search or seizure.
fMIykseSfVd ikmp ¼cSx½% [kkst ;k tCrh ls dwVuhfrd çfrj{kk j[kus okyk ,d f'kfiax daVsujA
Disruptive passenger: A passenger who fails to respect the rules of conduct at an airport or on board an aircraft or to
follow the instructions of the airport staff or crew members and thereby disturbs the good order and discipline at an
airport or on board the aircraft.
fo?kVudkjh ;k=h% ,d ;k=h tks fdlh gokbZ vìs ij ;k fdlh foeku esa ;k gokbZ vìs ds deZpkfj;ksa ;k pkyd
ny ds lnL;ksa ds funsZ'kksa dk ikyu djus esa foQy jgrk gS vkSj ftlls gokbZvìs ij ;k foeku esa vPNs Øe
vkSj vuq'kklu esa [kyy iM+rk gSA
Cabin baggage: Baggage intended for carriage in the cabin of an aircraft.
dsfcu lkeku% ,d foeku ds dsfcu esa lkeku j[kus dk bjknkA
Q45.Write new and emerging threats to civil aviation?
a. Aircraft as weapon of mass distruction
b. Suicide attack
c. Ground to air attack
d. Air to air attack
e. CBRN threat
f. Cyber terrorism
iz’u%ukxj foekuu dks u;s ,oa mHkjrs gq, [krjs D;k&D;k gS fy[ksa \
1- gokbZ tgkt dks felkby dh rjg iz;ksx djukA
2- vkRe?kkrh geysA
3- tehu ls gok esa geykA
4- gok ls gok esa geykA
5- lhohvkj,e [krjs A
6- lkboj vkradoknA
Q46.What are the different anti-hijacking measures adopted at an airport?
1. Frisking of pax and screening of hand baggage.
2. Armed support to the screening staff.
3. Deployment of IFSO.
5. Catering security
6. Apron and Perimeter Security
7. Escorting of pax upto aircraft.
8. Use of electronic aids such as DFMD, HHMD, XBIS, CCTV
iz’u%,;jiksVZ ij gkbtsfdax ls cpus ds fy, dkSu&dkSu ls mik; fd, tkrs gSa \
1- ;kf=;ks ,oa mlds gS.M cSx dh LdzhfuaxA
2- Ldzhfuax LVkQ dks vkEMZ liksVZA
3- vkbZ ,Q ,l vks dh foeku esa rSukrA
4- lsds.Mjh ySMj Iokb.V pSfdaxA
5- dSVfjax dh lqj{kkA
6- ,izksu vkSj pkjnhokjh dh lqj{kkA
7- foeku rd ;kf=;ks dks LdkVZ djukA
8- vk/kqfud bysDVªkfud midj.kks dk iz;ksx djukA
Q47.What measures are adopted to avert terrorist attack at an airport?
1. Guarding of aircraft and airport facilities.
2. Access control.
3. Deployment of QRT.
4. Perimeter wall of standard height.
5. Perimeter road for patrolling
6. Perimeter lighting
7. Efficient communication system.
8. Police station in close proximity of airport.
iz’u%vkradoknh ?kVukvksa dks jksdus ds fy, D;k&D;k mik, fd;s tkrs gSa \
1- foeku vkSj ,;j iksVZ lqfo/kkvks dh lqj{kk djukA
2- vukf/kd`r izos’k fu;U=.kA
3- D;w vkj Vh dh rSukrhA
4- ifjf/k nhokjks dh fuf’pr mpkbZA
5- isVªksfyax ds fy, lM+dsA
6- ifjf/k nhokj ij izdk’k dh mfpr O;oLFkkA
7- leqfpr lapkj O;oLFkk A
8- iqfyl LVs’ku dk ,;jiksVZ ds utnhd gksukA
Q48.What are the different anti-sabotage measures followed at an airport?
a. Screening and protection of registered baggage until loaded into aircraft hold
b. Identification / Reconciliation of registered baggage
c. Anti sabotage check of aircraft at originating station
d. Guarding of aircraft
e. Access control of aircraft
f. Security of catering items
g. Security of cargo, courier, human remains, postal mail, company stores
h. Non acceptance of last minute items by passengers
iz’u%lscksVst dh ?kVukvksa dks jksdus ds fy, D;k&D;k mik, fd;s tkrs gSa \
,- gksYM cSxt s dh Ldzhfuax rFkk lqj{kkA
ch- gksYM cSxts dk fjdkUlhys”kuA
lh- gokbZ tgkt dk ,.VhlscksVst psdA
Mh- gokbZ tgkt dh lqj{kkA
bZ- gokbZ tgkt dk izos”k fu;U=.kA
,Q- dSVfjax rFkk dkxksZ dh lqj{kkA
th- ;k=h ls vfUre le; esa dksbZ Hkh lkeku izkIr u djukA
Specification necessary for the safety and regularity of international air navigation.
These are strictly followed by the ICAO contracting states in accordance with the Chicago Convention. In
case of Non-compliance, the State has to inform ICAO.
Pre-embarkation security checks of passengers, crew, ground personnel S
creening of hold baggage’s
Background checks of personnel
Specification desirable for the safety and regularity of international air navigation.
The contracting states of ICAO will make efforts to follow these practices in accordance with the Chicago
Deployment of IFSO (Sky Marshals) .
a MZ rFkk fjDeaMM
s izSfDVl esa D;k&D;k varj gS \
ICAO }kjk tkjh og fn”kk funsZ”k ftUgs vUrjk’Vªh; foekuiRruu ds lqj{kk ,oa fu;ferrk ds fy, lnL;
ns”kks }kjk ykxw fd;k tkuk vfuok;Z gksrk gSA LVS.MMZ izsfDVl dgrs gSA vxj fdlh dkj.ko”k lnL;
ns”k }kjk fu;e dks ykxw ugh fd;k tk ldrk rks mldh lwpuk vkbZ lh , vks dks nsuk vfuok;Z gksrk gSA
mnkgj.k% izh bEckjds”ku flD;wfjVh psd] gksYM cSxt
s dh Ldzhfuax] deZpkfj;ks dk pfj= lR;kiuA
ICAO }kjk tkjh og fn”kk funsZ”k ftUgs lnL; ns”kks }kjk vUrjk’Vªh; foekuiRruu ds lqj{kk ,oa
fu;ferrk ds fy, ykxw fd;k tkuk okaNuh; gksrk gSA fjdkse.s MsM izsfDVl dgykrh gSA mnkgj.k% ,l-,y-ih-
lh- ] LdkbZ ek”kZy dh rSukrhA
Profiling : Systematic observation of pax, baggage and their documents to categorize them into
threatening and non- threatening category so that more attention can be given to the threatening
Behaviour Detection: Within an aviation security environment, the application of techniques involving
the recognition of behavioural characteristics , including but not limited to physiological or gestural signs
indicative of anamolous behavior to identify persons who may pose a threat to civil avaiation.
iz’u%izksQkbfyax vkSj fogSfo;j fMVsDlu dks ifjHkkf’kr djsa \
izksQkbfyax %& fdlh O;fDr] lkeku ,oa muds nLrkostks dk dzeo) voyksdu djuk rkfd bUgs
[krjukd ,oa lkekU; oxksZ esa ckWVk tk lds vkSj [krjukd oxZ ij T;knk ?;ku fn;k tk lds A
fogSfo;j fMVsDlu&foekuu lqj{kk ifjos'k ds Hkhrj] O;ogkj laca/kh fo'ks"krkvksa dh ekU;rk ls lacaf/kr
rduhdksa dk mi;ksx] ftlesa 'kkjhfjd ;k thpj laca/kh ladsrksa rd lhfer ugha gS] ysfdu mu yksxksa dh
igpku djus ds fy, fopfyr O;ogkj dk ladsr feyrk gS tks ukxfjd vodk'k ds fy, [krjk iSnk dj
ldrs gSaA
Q51. Write the suspicious signs while profiling a pax.
a. Profuse sweating
b. Sitting in isolation
c. Abnormal gait
d. Contradictory replies
e. Pretending sick passenger to gain sympathy
f. Secret eye contact with others
g. Repeated contact over phone
h. Insufficient knowledge origin / destination
i. Nervous behavior
j. Impatient
k. Over observing security procedures.
- Inform Supervisor
- Increase Survillance
- Identify his contacts and keep surveillance of him also
- Ensure he is cleared at all the check points.
- Thorough check of the passenger his documents and baggage.
1. Can be done over a large crowd An individual is screened at a time.
2. Systematic observation to categorize into Procedure to identify and detect prohibited
threatening and non- threatening. items.
3. Can be done on PAX, Baggage and PAX and baggage are screened using technical
Documents or other means.
4. Profiling does not need any special Screening can be with or without using technical
equipment means.
5. Profiling is a proactive measure Screening is a preventive measure.
iz’u% Ldzhfuax vkSj izksQkbfyax esa D;k varj gS \
izksQkbfyax Ldzhfuax
1- cM+s lewg ds mij dh tkrh gSA 1- ,d O;fDr fo”ks’k ds mij dh tkrh gSA
2- [krjukd ,oa xSj [krjukd oxZ esa 2- izfrcfU/kr oLrqvks dks igpkuk ,oa [kkstk
foHkkftr fd;k tkrk gSA tkrk gSA
3- fdlh Hkh rduhdh midj.k dh 3- rduhdh ,oa ekuoh; lalk/kuks ls dh tkrh
vko”;drk ugh gSA gSA
4- ;g ,d izks ,fDVo estj gSA 4- ;g ,d izhosUVho estj gSA
5- ;k=h]lkeku nLrkost ds mij izksQkbfyax 5- ;k=h o lkeku ds mij fd;k tkrk gSA
dh tkrh gSA
Q55. What do you mean by prohibited items? What are the categories and give four examples of each?
Items that are not allowed to be carried on board an aircraft by pax and which may be used to
commit an act of unlawful interference.
The four Categories are:
Weapons Examples : Pistol, revolver, sword, mace, tear gas, kubatons,nun-chucks
Dangerous articles Examples : Cricket bat, hammer, chisel, screw driver, blade etc
Explosives Examples : PEK,RDX,PETN, Gun powder, semtex etc
Dangerous substances Examples : Acid, Corrosives, Ketone etc.
iz’u%izfrcaf/kr oLrqvksa ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ budh fdruh Jsf.k;ka gksrh gSa rFkk gj ,d ds
2 mnkgj.k fy[ksa \
izfrcfU/kr oLrq,%& izfrcfU/kr oLrq, os gS ftUgs ;k=h ds }kjk foeku esa ys tkus dh vuqefr ugh
gS vkSj tks ftuls xSj dkuwuh gLrk{ksi ds d`r dks fd;k tk ldrk gSA
bUgs pkj Hkkxks esa foHkkftr fd;k x;k gSA
1- gfFk;kj 2- [krjukd oLrq, 3- foLQksVd 4- [krjukd rRoA
1- gfFk;kj % gS.M xu] jkbQy] xnk] vJq] 10 lseh ls yEch /kkj okyh pkdw] ryokj]
2- [krjukd lkeku % LVkVZj fiLVy] V~k; xu] Nsuh] dSph] lwbZ] Ldzw Mªkboj] 10 lseh ls NksVk
3- foLQksVd % MkbukekbV] Vh,uVh] IykfLVd foLQksVd] iVk[ks] Q~ys;j ] Leksd ce] xksyk
ck:n] gS.M xzsusM] ikbi cEc] MsVksusVj Q;wt bR;kfnA
4- [krjukd inkFkZ % vEy] rhozuk’kd vkSj jsfM;ks ,fDVoA
Q56. What action is taken on finding Prohibited items during screening of Hand baggage?
1. Stop the conveyor belt to retain the bag in the tunnel.
2. Identify the pax.
3. Inform supervisor by covert alarm
4. Remain calm, do not panic
5. Inform BDDS
iz’u%gSaM cSxt
s dh Ldzhfuax ds nkSjku izfrcaf/kr oLrq feyus ij D;k dkjZokbZ dh tkrh gsS \
Q57.Define IED and write the components?
IED is an explosive device which is designed, fabricated, placed and activated with an intention to cause
huge damage to life, property and to create chaos among the public.
1. Explosive 2. Detonator 3. Power source 4. Switch Mechanism
vkbZ bZ Mh %& vkbZ bZ Mh ,d foLQksVd midj.k gS ftldh jpuk] cukuk] j[kuk vkSj fdz;k”khy bl
mns”; ls fd;k tkrk gS fd turk dks ?kk;y djus@ekjus ;k muds vUnj Hk; mRiUu djus ;k foIyo
iSnk djus ;k lEifRr dks cqjh rjg uqdlku igqpk;k tk ldsA ;g ,slh lkekU; phtks ls cuk;k tkrk gS
tSls fd czhQdsl] lwVdsl] ySiVki] dSejk migkj dh oLrq,A
vkbZ bZ Mh ds pkj ewyHkwr rRo gksrs gSA
1- foLQksVd 2- MsVksusVj 3- mtkZ ds lzksr ¼cSVªh ½ 4- LohpA
Q58. Define IID and write its components?
IID is an incendiary device which is designed to initiate a fire and cause damage to the property.
iz’u%vkbZ vkbZ Mh dks ifjHkkf’kr djsa rFkk mlds rRokssa dks fy[ksa \
vkbZ vkbZ Mh ¼Toyu”khy midj.k ½ %& Toyu”khy midj.k os midj.k gS ftlds ek/;e ls vkx
yxkbZ tkrh gS vkSj tks lEifRr dks u"V dj nsrh gS vkSj gkfu igqWpkrs gSA
buds rhu ewyHkwr rRo gksrs gSA
1-Toyu”khy inkFkZ 2-ykbVj@izToyd 3-vkx yxkus dh izfdz;kA
Q59.What are the different mechanisms of an IED and give two examples of each?
iz’u%vkbZMh dks fdz;kfUor djus ds fy, bLrseky gksus okys fofHkUu esdfuteksa ds uke mnkgj.k ds lkFk
fy[ksa \
A detonator is a device used to trigger an explosive device.Detonator produces detonating waves which
are used to initiate the high explosive. The detonator will have some primary explosive and some
secondary explosive in it. When the shell is supposed to explode, the primary explosive is detonated by a
flame or spark, electrical current, or mechanical shock. This causes the secondary explosive in the initiator to
detonate. The detonation of the initiator detonates the main explosive of the IED.
iz’u%vkbZ bZ Mh dks Nqikus ds fy, fofHkUu rjhds D;k gSa rFkk dgka&dgka Nqik;k tk ldrk gS\
vkbZ bZ Mh ce
1- dksbZ Hkh fuf’pr vkdkj ugh gksrk gSA 1- ce dk vkdkj fuf’pr gksrk gSA
2- eSDfuTe fuf’pr ugh gksrk gSA 2- eSDfuTe fuf’pr gksrk gSA
3- x`g fufeZr gksrk gSA 3- ce QSDVªh esa cuk;k tkrk gSA
4- vlkekftd rRoks }kjk bLrseky fd;k tkrk gSA 4- QkslZ }kjk iz;ksx esa yk;k tkrk gSA
Q64.Write the physical form and natural color of the following explosives:
Q65. What action will you take on noticing an IED during the screening of a bag?
Action on noticing an IED :-
1. Stop the conveyor belt.
2. Identify the pax.
3. Inform supervisor by secret alarm
4. Remain calm, do not panic
5. Inform BDDS
CHAPTER-7 Explosive Detection System (EDS)
bZ oh Mh bZ Vh Mh
1- ;g xSl dzkseSVksxzkQh ds fl)kUr ij dk;Z
1- ;g vk;u eksfcfyVh LisDVªkseSVªh ds fl)kUr
djrk gSA ij dk;Z djrk gSA
2- foLQksVd dks okLi ds ek/;e ls idM+rk gSA
2-foLQksVd dks Vsªl ds ek/;e ls idM+rk gSA
3- 05 xzke foLQksVd dks idM+ ldrk gSA 3-100 uSuksxzke dks foLQksVd dks idM+ ldrk
4- vklkuh ls ,d txg ls nwljh txg ys tk;k 4-vklkuh ls ,d txg ls nwljh txg ugh
tk ldrk gSA ys tk;k tk ldrk gSA
5-xyr vykeZ nj 3 izfr’kr ls de gSA 5-xyr vykeZ 2 izfr’kr ls de gSA
6-bldk otu 05 fdyksxzke ls de gksrk gSA 6-bldk otu 40 fdyksxzke ls de gksrk gSSA
Q68. Write the advantages and disadvantages of EDS.
Detects small amounts of explosive Do not detect all explosives
Portable Expensive
No size restriction for consignment being Not readily available Regular maintenance is
searched required
Less interpretation of results required Training required
bZ Mh ,l ds Qk;ns bZ Mh ,l ds uqdlku
1- de ls de ek=k ds foLQksVd dks idM+us dh 1- lHkh izdkj ds foLQksVd dks idM+us esa
{kerk j[krk gSA lQy ugh gSA
2- ,d LFkku ls nwljs LFkku ij vklkuh ls ys tk;k 2- eWgxk gskrk gSA
tk ldrk gSA
3- foLQksVd idM+us esa f”kies.V dh ek=k dk 3- vklkuh ls miyC/k ugh jgrsA yxkrkj
izHkko ugh iM+rk gSA j[k j[kko dh Tk:jr jgrh gSA
4- urhts dk T;knk voyksdu djus dh t:jr 4- izf’k{k.k dh t:jr gksrh gSA
ugh iM+rh gSA
bZ Vh Mh ds Qk;ns bZ Vh Mh ds uqdlku
1- bldh laosnu”khyrk cgqr vPNh gSA ;g 100 1- ;g eWgxk gkasrk gSA
uSuksxzke rd ds foLQksVd dks idM+ ldrk gSA
2- lHkh izdkj ds foLQksVd dks idM+us es l{ke gSA 2- bldk okeZvi le; T;knk gksrk gSA
3- rqjUr ifj.kke nsrk gSA 3- bls vklkuh ls ,d txg ls nwljs txg
ij ugh ys tk;k tk ldrk Gsa
4- ifj.kke dks de O;k[;k dh vko”;drk gksrh 4- izf”kf{kr O;fDr gh pyk ldrk gSA
Q70.Write the principle and composition of HHMD.
iz’u% ,p,p,eMh ls ;k=h dh fQzLdhax djrs le; fdu ckrksa dk /;ku j[kuk pkfg, \
Q74.What should be the behavior of security personnel when deployed at domestic airport for screening
of pax as per the Basic search Rule?
1. Wish the passenger
2. Consent of the passenger
3. Use gloves for searching the bag
4. Be courteous and tactful, but also cautious
5. Thank the passenger for their cooperation
6. Be cautious of sharp objects
7. Check systematically
iz’u%csfld lpZ :y ds rgr lqj{kk dfeZ;ksa dk tks fd ?kjsyw ,;jiksVZ ij Ldzhfuax M;wVh ij rSukr
fd;s x;s gSa mudk O;ogkj dSlk gksuk pkfg, \
1. ;k=h dk vfHkoknu djsxsA
2. ;k=h dh lgefr ysxsA
3. nLrkuks dk iz;ksx djsxsA
4. “kkyhurk ds lkFk lko/kkuh cjrsxsA
5. ;k=h dks lg;ksx ds fy, /kU;okn nsxsA
6. uqdhyh pht ls lko/kku jgsxsA
7. lpZ dks dzeokj djsxsA
Q75.Write the advantages and disadvantages of HHMD.
Can detect both ferrous and non-ferrous metals Can-not detect explosive
Gives exact location of metal on the body of pax Can-not detect replicas made of non-metallic
Convenience for the pax May give false alarm
Safe for pacemaker Only trained staff can operate
Low unit cost Time consuming
Light weight and portable
,p ,p ,e Mh ds xq.k ,p ,p ,e Mh ds nks’k
1- gj rjg dh /kkrq ¼ ykSg ,oa vykSg ½ dks 1- foLQksVd dks ugh idM+ ldrk gSA
idM+rk gSA
2- ;k=h ds “kjhj ij /kkrq dh okLrfod txg 2- v/kkrq ls cuh jsifydk dks ugh idM+rk gSA
dks crkrk gSA
3-- ;k=h ds fy, lqfo/kktud gksrh gSA 3-- xyr vykeZ nsrk gSA
4- islesdj ;k=h ds fy, lqjf{kr gSA 4- dsoy izf”kf{kr O;fDr gh pyk ldrs gSA
5- vklkuh ls ,d txg ls nwljh txg ys tk;k
tk ldrk gSA
iz’u% iSV Mkmu lpZ fdu ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa fd;k tkrk gS \
iSV Mkmu lpZ fuEu ifjfLFkfr;ks esa fd;k tkrk gSA
1- tc ,p-,p- ,e-Mh- ekStwn u gksA
2- tc ,p ,p ,e Mh lgh lyker dk;Z djus dh voLFkk es u gksA
3- ;k=h ds vuqjks/k ijA
4- jS.Me csfll ijA
5- lrdZrk ds le;A
6- Ldzhuj ds foosd ds vk/kkj ijA
iz’u% iSV Mkmu lpZ djrs le; fdu ckrksa dk /;ku j[kuk pkfg, \
iSV Mkmu lpZ djrs le; fuEufyf[kr ckrks dks /;ku j[kk tk;sxkA
1- tkWp ls igys ;k=h dh vuqefr yh tk;sxhA
2- lpZ djus okyk fouez ] O;ogkfjd ,oa ltx jgsxk A
3- tkWp rjrhcokj dh tk;sxhA
4- tkWp ds Ik”pkr ;k=h dks lg;ksx ds fy, /kU;okn nsxsA
5- tkWp djrs le; ;k=h ds uhtrk dk /;ku j[kk tk;sxkA
6- efgyk dh tkWp efgyk lnL; }kjk ,oa iq:’k dh tkWp iq:’k }kjk fd;k tk;sxk rFkk tkWp ,d lk{;
ds mifLFkfr esa gksuh pkfg,A
7- tkWp ds nkSjku ;k=h ds LokLF;] lqj{kk vkSj mlds e;kZnk dks /;ku esa j[kk tk;sxkA
Direct interpretation of the object Requires more manpower
Satisfaction to the screener Time consuming
Most of the senses are used Unhygienic
No equipment is required Inconvenience for the pax
iz’u% iSV Mkmu lpZ ds Qk;ns vkSj uqdlku fy[ksa \
iz’u% Mh,Q,eMh ds ekinaMksa dks fy[ksa \
Mh ,Q ,e Mh ds fy, ,LisflfQds”ku %&
1- DFMD dh laons u”khyrk iwjs ,iszpsj esa ,d leku gksuk pkfg,A
2- DFMD esa eYVhtksuy dSifs oyVh vkSj mlds lHkh tksu es ;wfuQkeZ lsUlhVhfoVh gksuk pkfg,A
3- rkieku 0&45 fMxzh lsYlh;l ds chp rFkk 95 izfr’kr vknZzrk ds chp Hkh dk;Z djrk gSA
4- vkijsfVax oksYVst 160&260 oksYV ,lh A
5- isl esdj vkSj xHkZorh efgykvks ds fy, lqjf{krA
6- vkfM;ks ,oa fotq;y ,ykeZ A
7- ,ykeZ ds ckn 3 lsd.s M ds ckn jhlsVA
8- eYVhtksu esa foHkkftr A
9- mpkbZ 2 ehVj x .75 - .85mtr.
10- vkbZ,lvks 9000 gksuk pkfg,A
OTP is an aluminum block of dimension 10 cm x 10 cm and weighing 30 gms.It is used to check the
efficiency of DFMD as per the BCAS specifications.
iz’u% vksVhih D;k gksrk gS vkSj bldk iz;ksx dSls fd;k tkrk gS \
vksVhih ,d ,Y;wfefu;e dk 10X 10 lseh dk ,d Cykd gksrk gSA ftldk otu 30 xzke gksrk gSA
bldk iz;ksx chlh,,l }kjk fu/kkZfjr ekin.Mks ds vuqlkj Mh ,Q ,e Mh dh dk;Z{kerk dks tkWpus ds fy,
fd;k tkrk gSA
vksVhih dk iz;ksx
1- tkWp ls igys ;g lqfuf”pr djs fd “kjhj ij dksbZ /kkfRod lkeku u gksA
2- vksVhih dks “kjhj ds vyx vyx fgLlks es bl izdkj j[ks fd Mh ,Q ,Ek Mh ds izR;sd tksu dh
tkWp dj ldsA
3- vksVhih }kjk Mh,Q,eMh ds vkBks tksuks dks psd djus ds ckn mls “kjhj ds vkxs rFkk “kjhj ds ihNs
j[kdj Mh,Q,eMh ls xqtjs A
4- vksVhih ls dqy 10 tkWp ds nkSjku de ls de vkB ckj lgh vykeZ nsuk pkfg,A
Q84.What points are kept in mind while installing DFMD?
iz’u% Mh,Q,eMh dks yxkrs le; fdu ckrksa dk /;ku j[kuk pkfg, \
1- fLFkj /kkrq lss DFMD dh nwjh 10 lseh gksuh pkfg,A
2- xfr”khy /kkrq ls nwjh 01 ehVj gksuh pkfg,A
3- bysDVªhd b.VjQsl ls nwjh -5 ehVj ls 4 ehVj ds chp gksuk pkfg,A
4- nks Mh,Q,eMh dh nwjh de ls de 35 lseh gksuk pkfg,A
5- tehu Bksl ,oa lery gksuh pkfg,A
Q85.What points must be kept in mind when a pax passes through DFMD?
1. Ensure that the pax is not carrying any personal belongings, such as bag etc.
2. Ensure that the pax is not carrying any metallic items, such as coins, mobile etc.
3. Ensure pax is standing at a distance of 3ft./90 cm from the DFMD.
4. Observe the LED’s of the transmitting panel and the display unit.
5. Profiling of the pax.
iz’u%;k=h tc Mh,Q,eMh ls xqtjrk gS rks fdu ckrksa dk /;ku j[kuk pkfg, \
1. Lkqfuf”pr djs ;k=h ds ikl dksbZ O;fDrxr lkeku u gksA
2. Lkqfuf”pr djs ;k=h ds ikl dksbZ /kkrq dk lkeku u gksA
3. lqfuf”pr djs fd ;k=h rFkk Mh,Q,eMh dh nwjh 90 lseh gksuk pkfg,A
4. ;k=h ds xqtjrs oDr ,ybZMh rFkk ohMh;w dh rjQ /;ku nsA
5. ;k=h dh izksQkbfyax djsxsA
Q86.Write the advantages and disadvantages of DFMD
Can detect both ferrous and non ferrous Can not detect explosive
Gives a rough idea about the location of Can not detect replicas made of non metallic items
Convenience for the pax May give false alarm
Safe for pacemaker Only trained staff can operate
Mh ,Q ,e Mh ds xq.k Mh ,Q ,e Mh ds nks"k
1- gj rjg dh /kkrq ¼ ykSg ,oa vykSg ½ dks 1- foLQksVd dks ugh idM+ ldrk gSA
idM+rk gSA
2- /kkrw dh voLFkk ds ckjs esa ,d jQ 2- v/kkrq ls cuh jsifydk dks ugh idM+rk gSA
vkbfM;k nsrk gSA
3- ;k=h ds fy, lqfo/kktud gSA 3- xyr vykeZ ns ldrk gSA
4- isl esdj ds fy, lqfo/kktud gSA 4- dsoy izf”kf{kr O;fDr gh pyk ldrs gSA
Q87. When DFMD is already installed at the airports, how introduction of body scanners for passenger
screening will help security personnel at PESC points at airports?
Ans- Yes, Installing body scanner will help in improving security at PESC points as DFMD can detect only
metallic items. Body scanners have got the additional capability of detecting:
iz’u%Mh,Q,eMh tc ,;jiksVZ ij yxk gqvk gS rks ckWMh LdSuj dks yxkus ls ihb,llh esa dSls enn
feysxh \
बॉडी स्कै नर स्थावपत करने से पीईएससी पॉइं ट्स पर सुरक्षा को बेहतर बनाने में मदद वमलेगी क्योंदक डीएफएमडी के िल मेटवलक
आइटम्स का पता लगा सकता है। Body स्कै नर को पता लगाने की अवतररक्त क्षमता वमल गई है:
1) गैर धातु िस्तु / Replica पता लगा सकते हैं
2) प्लावस्टक या रासायवनक विस्फोटक का पता लगा सकते हैं
3) इनिेवसि पॅट डाउन से बचें
4) आतंकिादी प्रयासों का वनिारक है
CHAPTER-9 cargo
Cargo agent may or may not provide the Regulated agent provides all the security
security control desired by the appropriate controls desired and required by the
authority appropriate authority
lh½oSY;q,oy dkxksZ
1- vU; dkxksZ dh rjg lqj{kk tkWp dh tk;sxhA
2- LVªkax :e esa j[kk tk;sxkA
3- mldk LdkVZ fd;k tk;sxkA
4- ykx cqd esa b.Vªh fd;k tk;sxkA
Mh½ykbo ,fuey
1- thfor tkuoj dks ,Dl ch vkbZ ,l e’khu ls tkWp ugh djsxsA
2- mldh LokLF; dh tkWp djsxsA
3- Ik”kq ds MkDVj ls izek.k i= ysxAs
4- ikyrw tkuoj ds fy, cuk;s x;s fitM+s dh ,Dl ch vkbZ ,l e’khu ;k HkkSfrd tkWp }kjk mldh
lqj{kk lqfuf”pr djsxsA
5- thfor tkuoj ds “kjhj ij vxj dksbZ lkeku gS rks mldh Hkh tkWp gksxhA
Q95. What security controls are followed before accepting a DIPLOMATIC POUCH?
Or What are the points that must be verified as per A.O 5/2002 while accepting DIP?
Or What security measures are adopted while transporting a DIPL by air as per A.O 5/2002?
1. DIPL must bear visible external marks of their character.
2. It shall contain only diplomatic documents or articles intended for official use.
3. It shall bear Name and address of the consignee and that of the Foreign DIP embassy.
4. When the DIPL is transported as Cargo/Registered Bag:-
- It shall be screened by X-BIS only.
- In case of doubt protocol division shall be approached.
- No physical search in any case.
- It shall not be transported until doubt is cleared.
5. When transported as hand bag:-
- DIPL shall be exempted from screening.
- But the person carrying the DIPL shall be subjected to PESC unless exemted.
iz’u%volsd vkWMZj 05@2002 ds rgr fMIykseSfVd esy ds fy, D;k&D;k lqj{kk mik; yxk;s tkrs gS \
1. cSx ds ckgjh fgLls ij Li"V :i ls ckgjh fn[kus okyh fpUg gksuk pkfg,A
2. Hkstus okys o ikus okys dk uke o irk Hkh gksuk pkfg,A
3. dsoy dk;kZy; iz;ksx gsrw nLrkost gksuk pkfg,A
4. ;fn fMIykseSfVd esy gS.M cSx esa gS rks mldk Ldzhfuax ugh fd;k tk;sxk ysfdu ys tk jgs O;fDr
dk ihbZ,llh fd;k tk;sxkA
5. ;fn fMIykseSfVd esy jftLVMZ cSx esa gS rks%&
& dsoy ,Dljs e’khu ls Ldzhfuax fd;k tk;sxkA
& lUnsg gksus ij izksVksdky foHkkx ls lEidZ djsxsA
& fdlh Hkh gkyr esa HkkSfrd tkWp ugh gksxkA
& tc rd lUnsg [kRe u gks tk;s fMIykseSfVd cSx dks tkus ugh nsxsA
Q96. Security control measures for unaccompanied courier consignments?
Requirements: (Domestic)
• Death Certificate
• Police clearance certificate
• Embalming certificate
• Identity proof of deceased
Requirements: (International)
• Death Certificate
• Police clearance certificate
• Embalming certificate
• Clearances from Embassy concerned
• Copies of cancelled passport
iz’u% HUM ds VªkaliksVsZ’ku esa dkSu&dkSu ls nLrkost vfuok;Z gS \
?kjsyw ¶ykbV gsrq
e`R;q izek.k i=
iqfyl Dyh;jsal lfVZfQdsV
bEckyfeax lfVZfQdsV
e`rd O;fDr dk QksVks igpku i=
varjkZ’Vªh; ¶ykbV gsrq
e`R;q izek.k i=
iqfyl Dyh;jsal lfVZfQdsV
bEckyfeax lfVZfQdsV
lacfa /kr ,Ecslh ls Dyh;jsal QkeZ
ikliksVZ dh jn~n dkWih
Q98.What is the role of ASG/APSU as per A.O 1/2006 when cargo moves from landside to airside?
iz’u% volsd vkWMZj 01@2006 ds rgr dkxksZ dks ySaM lkbM ls ,;jlkbM NksM+us ls igys
,,lth@,ih,l;q fdu ckrksa dk /;ku j[krh gS \
iz'u % dkxksZ vkSj dqfj;j esa D;k varj gS \
dkxksZ dqfj;j
esy] LVksj] ,dEiuhM cSxt s rFkk fel gSaMYM ,d ;k ,d ls vf/kd f”kij }kjk fd, x,
s dks NksM+dj gokbZ tgkt ls tkus okys f”kiesVa dks ,d fu/kkZfjr foeku ij dwfj;j ;k=h
lHkh lkeku dks dkxksZ dgrs gSa A ds lkeku ds :Ik esa ys tk;k tkrk gS
ges”kk vu,dEiuhM gksrk gS ,dEiuhM rFkk vu,dEiuhM nksuk gks ldrk gS
;g dkxksZ ds nLrkostksa ls tkrk gS ;g gksYM cSxts ds nLrkostksa ls tkrk gS
dkxksZ dh dksbZ le; lhek ugha gksrh gS dqfj;j dh le; lhek r; gS ¼?kjsyw ¶ykbZV ds
fy, 2 ?kaV igys vkSj varjkZ’Vªh; ¶ykbZV ds fy,
3 ?kaVk igys ½
CHAPTER-10 catering Security
Q100. What are the stages of catering Secuity / How Catering moves?
1. Preparation
2. Pre-Setting
3. Hi-lift/ Transportation
iz'u % dSVfjax lqj{kk@dSVfjax lqj{kk ds fdrus pj.k gksrs gSa \
dSVfjax lqj{kk ds pj.k
1- izhijs'ku
2- izh&lsfVax
3- gkbZ fy¶V@VªkaLiksVZs’ku
Q101. What are the different aspects of Catering security?
1- dSVfjax Hkou ds lHkh lqj{kk izko/kkuks dks ns[kus ds fy, lqijokbtj gksuk pkfg,A
2- lqjf{kr ,oa izos’k fu;af=r dSVfjax Hkou A
3- lHkh deZpkjh fu;fer gksus pkfg, rFkk muds pfj= dks lR;kfir fd;k tkuk pkfg,A
4- lHkh deZpkjh;ksa dks lqj{kk tkx:drk lEcaf/kr प्रविक्षण fn;k tkuk pkfg,A
5- ifjogu LdkVZ ds rgr gksxk
6- ,;jykbZu ds }kjk frekgh fujh{k.k fd;k tk,xk A
7- Chlh,,l ds }kjk Hkh fujh{k.k fd;k tk,xkA
Q102. Write the duties of airlines in catering security?
1. Supervision during preparation.
2. Supervision in the Pre-setting area.
3. Locking and sealing of the Meal carts .
4. Anti Sabotage check of the HLV before loading of Catering items
5. Sealing and Locking of HLV
6. Escorting of HLV upto Aircraft.
iz’u%dSVfjax lqj{kk esa ,;jykbu dh D;k Hkwfedk gksrh gS \
1- [kkuk cukrs le; fuxjkuhA
2- izh lsfVax ds le; fuxjkuhA
3- ehy dkVZ dks lhy djukA
4- dSVfjax ds lkeku dks yksM djrs le; ,.Vh lScksVst psd djukA
5- dSVfjax ds xkM+h dks lhy djukA
6- ,p ,y oh dks foeku rd LdkVZ djuk A
No airline operator shall accept newspapers, magazines, cleaning stores and supplies or any other item for
loading in the aircraft unless these items have been subjected to the following security controls-
(a) The stores & supplies have been obtained from an establishment with whom the air operator has a
written and signed contract for the purpose;
(b) The stores and supplies have been searched by hand or x-ray screened to prevent the introduction
of any prohibited article
(c ) Before allowing access to the aircraft the cleaning staff shall be frisked and all the articles carried by
them checked properly by the airlines operator..
iz’u% U;wt isij] eSxthu] Dyhfuax LVksj ,oa lIykbZ dks gokbZ tgkt esa yksM djus ls igys ,;jykbZu
vkWijsVj }kjk D;k&D;k lqj{kk mik; yxk;s tkrs gS \
dksbZ Hkh foeku lapkyd lekpkj i=&if=dk,a bR;kfn dks foeku esa p<kus ds fy, Lohdkj ugh
djsxk tc rd fd fuEu lqj{kk mik; u viuk fy;s x;s gksa &
1. ,;j ykbu vkijsVj rFkk ,ts.V ds chp fyf[kr vuqcU/k gksuk pkfg, A
2. lHkh lkeku dh ,Dljs e’khu }kjk Ldzhfuax vFkok HkkSfrd tkWp dh tk,xhA
3. lkeku ys tk jgs lHkh deZpkfj;ks dh psfdax o fQzfLdax gksxhA
Q105. What action will you take on noticing a tampered seal of HLV?
CHAPTER-11 miscellaneous
Q106.What are the three security plans/concepts available in civil aviation?
Less manpower required. Mixing of passengers of various flights.
Less equipments required. Pax have to report well in advance for the checks
Lot of time available for staff to carry out Large area needs to be secured
Pax have no direct access to aircraft or More chances of transfer of Arms & Ammunition
iz’u% dkWudkslZ Iyku ds Qk;ns vkSj uqdlku D;k&D;k gSa \
Reduces chances of transfer of Arms & Large number of screening staff.
Segregation of the pax More number of equipments required.
Pax do not have to report early Pressure on screeners as Less time available for
To be staffed only during screening. Pax may have direct access to aircraft or apron.
Q108.Define sterile area? What are the measures are taken to maintain the sterility of sterile area?
The area between passenger screening point and aircraft to which access is strictly controlled.
Measures taken to maintain the sterility of a Sterile area:-
1. Strict access control
2. Anti sabotage checks
3. Screening of pax and Staff entering into the Hold area.
4. Screening of Baggage and belongings of the staff entering into the area.
5. Locking of exit doors and windows.
iz’u% LVsjkby ,fj;k dks ifjHkkf’kr djsa \ LVsjkby ,fj;k dh lqj{kk dks cjdjkj j[kus ds fy,
D;k&D;k mik; djrs gSa \s
LVsjkby ,fj;k%& ;k=h Ldzhfuax Iokb.V ls ,;j dzkQ~V rd dk {ks= tgkW ij l[r izo”
s k fu;U=.k
fd;k tkrk gSA LVsjkby ,fj;k dks lqjf{kr j[kus ds fy, %&
LVªkby ,fj;k dh lqj{kk dks cuk;s j[kus ds fy, mik; A
1- l[r izos”k fu;U=.k A
2- le; le; ij ,.Vh lScksVst psd djukA
3- ;k=h vkSj deZpkjh dh LdzhfuaxA
4- ml {ks= es tkus okys lkeku dh LdzhfuaxA
5- lh lh Vh oh ls fuxjkuhA
6- ckgjh njokts ,oa f[kM+fd;ka cUn j[ks tk;sxsA
Q109.Difference between Deportee and Inadmissible Pax ?
Persons who have entered into the country Persons who are not allowed to enter into the
legally or illegally. country.
They are ordered to leave the country by the Law enforcement authority of the Immigration
Govt. of the country. ensures to send them back.
They are sent back to their own country. They are sent back to their own country or any
other country to which they are admissible.
The Govt. of the country who ordered The In-bound carrier (Aircraft Operator) is
removal bears the expenditure. responsible to send them back.
Q111. What is the procedure to carry a prisoner on board an aircraft? Quote the circular?
As per Circular 42/2005, the procedure to carry a prisoner on board includes
1. Permission from BCAS 07 days prior has to be taken.
2. The policing authority in his application shall classify the prisoner as dangerous or otherwise.
3. Only 01 dangerous category of prisoner will be transported at a time by a civil aircraft.
4. Minimum 02 escorts will accompany the Dangerous prisoner.
5. The prisoner will not be given any intoxicating substance during the course of journey.
6. The prisoner will be boarded at first and disembarked at last.
7. He will not be seated near any exit door or window.
iz’u% gokbZ tgkt ls dSnh dks ys tkus dk D;k rjhdk gS \ ldqZyj fy[ksa \
ldqZyj 42@2005 ds rgr dSnh dks ys tkus dk fuEu izko/kku gS %&
1- chlh,,l ls iwoZ ¼ 7 fnu½ esa btktr yh tkrh gSA
2- iqfyl vFkkfjVh viuh vkosnu esa dSnh dk oxhZdj.k [krjukd ;k lk/kkj.k esa djsxk
3-+ ,d le; esa dsoy ,d gh [krjukd ds dSnh dks ys tk;k tk;sxkA
4- [krukd dSnh ds lkFk de ls de nks LdkVZ tk;sxsA
5- dSnh ds cSBus dh txg ds ckjs es ikbyV dks crk;k tkuk pkfg,A
6- lcls igys tgkt es cksMZ gksxk vkSj lcls ckn esa tgkt ls mrkjk tk;sxkA
7- dSnh dks ;k=k ds nkSjku dksbZ Hkh eknd inkFkZ ugh fn;k tkuk pkfg,A
Non Scheduled Flight % og foeku ftldk izpkyu fu;fer ugh gS rFkk ftldk dksbZ fuf”pr
le; ,oa LFkku ugh gksrk gSA ,sls foeku fdlh O;fDr ;k O;fDr;ks ds lewg }kjk ,d LFkku ls fdlh
eupkgs LFkku rd izpkyu fd;k tkrk gSA tSls pkVZj foeku] ,;j ,EcwysUlA
Q113. Write the categories who are escorted at an airport.
1. VVIPs
2. Unaccompanied Minors (UM)
3. Prisoners
4. Deportee Passengers
5. Inadmissible Pax (Refusals)
6. PRMs (Pax with Reduced Mobility)
Refusal Room is a designated place where Refusals (Inadmissible Pax ) are detained before sending
them back to their country or any other country where they are admissible. It must be located at an
international airport in the arrivals beside Immigration clearance counters. The immigration authority
uses it to detain the inadmissible Pax.
iz’u% fj¶;qty :e D;k gS \ ;g dgka gksrk gS rFkk bldk bLrseky dkSu djrk gS \
fjQ~;wty :e vUrjkZ’Vªh; ,;jiksVZ ij ,d ,slk fu/kkZfjr LFkku gksrk gS tgkW ij bu,Mfef”kcy vFkok
fjQ~;wty ;k=h dks muds ns”k okil Hksts tkus rd j[kk tkrk gSA ;g fdlh vUrjkZ’Vªh; ,;jiksVZ ds
vkxeu ,fj;k esa gksrk gS rFkk bldk iz;ksx bfexzs”ku }kjk fd;k tkrk gSA bldh lqj{kk dh ftEesnkjh
,,lth dh gksrh gSA
Q115. During SLPC you find a sikh passenger carrying a Kripan. What action you will take ?
Quote the relevant circular?
iz’u% ,l,yihlh ds nkSjku vkidks ,d fl[k ;k=h d`iku ys tkrk gqvk idM+k tkrk gS A vki D;k
dkjZokbZ djsx
a s ldqZyj uEcj fy[ksa \
d`ik.k ys tkus ds lEcU/k esa ch lh , ,l ljdqyj la[;k 14@2005 gS] ftlds vuqlkj dsoy fl[k
;k=h “kjhj ij /kkj.k dj ,d d`ik.k dsoy iw.kZr% ?kjsyw foeku esa ys tk;k tk ldrk gSA d`ik.k dh
yEckbZ 9 bUp ls vf/kd ugh gksuh pkfg, rFkk d`ik.k ds CysM dh yEckbZ 6 bUp ls vf/kd ugh gksuh
Q116. What is the strength of security staff deployed for the security of wide aircraft at a station of three
shifts as per A.O 5/2009?
01 supervisor and 03 other staff
iz’u% okbM cksMh ,;jdzk¶V dh lqj{kk ds fy, rhu f”k¶Vksa esa volsd vkMZj 05@2009 ds rgr fdrus
O;fDr dh lqj{kk rSukrh dh tkrh gS \
,d lqijokbtj vkSj 3 vU; LVkQ
Q117. What measures are taken before allowing access to a vehicle inside an airport?
The following measures are taken at the access gate before allowing a vehicle inside an airport:
1. Checking of AEP of the driver
2. Checking of ADP of the Driver
3. Checking of vehicle permit of the vehicle
4. Screening of the driver
5. Screening of the Materials carrying in the vehicle
6. Search of the Vehicle
7. Entry into the log book.
iz’u% okgu dks ,;jlkbM esa NksM+us ls igys fdu&fdu phtksa dks psd djuk pkfg, \
1- Mªkboj dk , b ihA
2- Mªkboj dk , Mh ihA
3- Okgu dk ,;j lkbM esa pykus dk ijfeV
4- Mªkboj dh lqj{kk tkWp
5- Okkgu esa j[ks lkeku dh lqj{kk tkWpA
6- xkM+h dh ryk”khA
7 ykx cqd es bUnzkt fd;k tkuk
Q118.What is the difference between CASO and CSO?
CASO stands for Chief Aerodrome Security Officer and he is the unit head of the ASG unit deployed
at an Airport for security. He is responsible to monitor all the aspects of airport secuirty at an airport.
CSO stands for Chief Security Officer and he is the security head of Airport Operator. He is posted
at airport and responsible for co ordinating the implementation of security measures followed at an
airport in accordance with legal provisions and instructions issued by BCAS.
iz’u% dklks vkSj lh,lvks esa D;k varj gS \
dklks lh,lvks
1- dklks phQ ,jksMªe flD;wfjVh vkfQlj 1- lh,lvks dk vFkZ phQ flD;wfjVh vkfQlj gksrk
gksrk gS gSA
2- dklks ,;jiksVZ ij rSukr , ,l th dk 2- lh ,l vks ,;j iksVZ vkijsVj dh lqj{kk dk
lcls ofj’B vf/kdkjh gksrk gS ofj’B vf/kdkjh gksrk gSA
3- dklks iwjs ,;jiksVZ dh lqj{kk ds fy, 3- lh ,l vks lqj{kk ls lEcfU/kr ,;jiksVZ ij rSukr
ftEesnkj gksrk gSA lHkh ,tsfUl;ks ds chp esa lkeUtL; dk dk;Z
djrk gS rFkk chlh,,l }kjk fn;s x;s lHkh
lqj{kk mik;ks dks ykxw djus esa enn djrk gS
Q119.Write the new designation equivalent to the old one:
a. COS(CA) Director General, BCAS. (DG)BCAS
b. ACOS(CA) Deputy Director General (DDG)
c. RDCOS(CA) Regional Deputy Director (DD)
d. DCOS(CA) Deputy Director (DD)
e. ACS Assistant Director (AD)
1. Prime Minister
2. President
3. Vice president
4. Visiting Head of the Govt
5. Visiting Head of the State
1. Wife of the President
2. Wife of Vice President
3. Chief Justice of India
4. Speaker of Lok Sabha
5. Former Prime Minister
6. Former President
1. The pax must maintain the control of the animal at all the times.
2. The pax should not be separated from the animal.
3. The screening officer should take permission of the pax before touching the animal.
4. The service animal will be screened using DFMD followed by Pat Down search.
5. The pax and animal shall pass through DFMD. After which the service animal and all his belongings
will be screened by Pat Down search. The belongings will not be removed from the service animal.
6. Medication of the serving animal will be subjected to x –ray and other screening, if required.
iz’u%lsok tkuoj ds lkFk vk, O;fDr dh Ldzhfuax izfdz;k fy[ksa \
1. The pax and all occupants of the vehicle should be subjected to PESC at the security gate by the
ASG under the supervision of an officer not below the rank of Inspector.
2. In case the ambulance is privately owned or hospital provided it must be led by a follow me
vehicle of the airport operator. The ambulance shall also be checked.
3. All occupants of the ambulance must be screened at the gate before entry to the airport.
4. The movement of the ambulance should be coordinated well in advance by the airline with CASO
and airport operator.
5. Supplemental oxygen and other respiratory related equipment through the checkpoint once they
have been screened.
6. If the oxygen cylinder can’t be disconnected from the pax, it shall be subjected to physical
inspection and ETD. And otherwise it shall be screened by by X-BIS.
1. All medication and supplies are allowed only after they have been screened.
2. Medication and supplies are normally X- rayed.
3. Pax have the option of requesting a visual inspection of the supplies with due reason.
4. Any medication that can’t be visually checked must be X-ray screened.
iz’u%bykt vkSj lkal ysus okys midj.kksa dh Ldzhfuax dh izfdz;k fy[ksa \
1- bykt vkSj lkWl ysus okys midj.kks dks Ldzhfuax djus ds ckn gh vuqefr nsxkA
2- bykt vkSj vkiwfrZ ds lHkh lkeku dks lkekU;r% ,Dljs ls tkWp fd;k tk;sxkA
3- ;k=h ls vuqjks/k djrs gq, lHkh vkiwfrZ ds lkeku dh tkWp dh tk,xhA
4- vxj dksbZ bykt ds lkeku dh lk/kkj.k tkWp ugh gks ikrh gS rks mldh ,Dljs e’khu ls
tkWp dh tk,xhA
Q128.What are the guidelines given for the issue of Temporary AEP as per A.O 7/2015?
1. One time AEP up to 03 days will be issued for operational purpose only as one time measure.
2. Such AEPs will not be repeated under any circumstances.
3. Temporary AEP holder shall be escorted at all times by a regular AEP holder in restricted areas.
4. If temporary AEP holder is found unescorted his/ her AEP shall be confiscated by ASG and a report
shall be forwarded to RDCOS BCAS along the AEP.
5. A register as well as electronic data shall be maintained for issue of such temporary AEPs.
iz’u%volsd vkMZj 07@2015 ds rgr vLFkkbZ ,;jiksVZ baVªh ikl dks tkjh djrs oDr fdu ckrksa dk
/;ku j[kuk pkfg, \
1- vLFkkbZ ,;jiksVZ b.Vªh ikl ,d ckj esa dsoy rhu fnu ds fy, gh tkjh fd;k tk,xkA
2- ml tkjh fd, gq, ikl dks fdlh Hkh gkyr esa nksckjk tkjh ugh fd;k tk,xkA
3- vLFkkbZ ikl /kkjd dks fu;fer ikl /kkjd izfrcfU/kr ,fj;k esa ges’kk LdkVZ djds ys tk,xkA
4- vxj dksbZ vLFkkbZ ikl /kkjd fcuk LdkVZ fd, gq, ik;k tkrk gS rks mlds ikl dks , ,l th }kjk
tCr fd;k tk,xk vkSj mldh ,d fyf[kr fjiksVZ ikl ds lkFk ch lh , ,l dks Hkst nh tk,xhA
5- vLFkkbZ ikl /kkjd ds fjdkMZ dks ,d jftLVj esa j[k j[kko fd;k tk,xkA
a) May give false alarm
b) Costly
Q130. Write down the difference between NCASTP and NCASQCP? (2M)
National Civil Aviation Security Training National Civil Aviation Security Quality
Programme (NCASTP) is developed and Control Programme (NCASQCP) is designed
implemented by the state to ensure that security to arrive at a consistent and effective end
awareness and function-specific training is result. All States should monitor the
provided to all persons involved in or responsible various entities to ensure that their security
for the implementation of the NCASP. policies and standards are being adequately
Q131. Write down the difference between ICAO and IATA? (2M)
ICAO stands for International Civil Aviation IATA stands for International Air Transport
Organisation Association
The ICAO is a specialised agency of the United The world trade organization of scheduled
Nations and is responsible to promote safe and airlines,
orderly development of International Civil
Aviation throughout the world. It sets standards Promote safe regular and economical air
and regulations necessary for Aviation safety, transport
security, efficiency and regularity, as well as for
Aviation environmental protection. Cooperate with the International Civil
Aviation Organization
ICAO was established in the year 1947 as per the IATA was established in the year 1945.
recommendation of Chicago Convention
Ans Annexure 17: Security specifications of the International Civil Aviation Organization,
applicable to all member states. The specifications are divided into Standards and Recommended
Practices (SARP’s).
vkbZlh,vks ds }kjk fn, x, lqj{kk fofunsZ’k lHkh lnL; jkT;ksa ij ykxw fd;k x;k gS vkSj fofunsZ’kksa
ds LVSUMj vkSj vuq’kkaflr O;ogkj ¼ ,l,vkih½ esa foHkkftr fd;k x;k gSA
jk"Vªh; ukxj foekuu lqj{kk dk;ZØe esa ,d jkT; dh foekuu lqj{kk uhfr vkSj lac) fu;eks]a ekudks]a
mik;ks]a çFkkvksa vkSj çfØ;kvksa dks n'kkZ;k x;k
Q133. Difference between Appropriate Authority and Regulatory Authority in Civil Aviation?
iz’u%,izksfiz,V vFkkWfjVh vkSj jsxqysVjh vFkkWfjVh esa D;k varj gS \
,izksfiz,V vFkkWfjVh jsxqyVs jh vFkkWfjVh
Mhth chlh,,l varjkZ"Vªh; ukxfjd mì;u chlh,,l Hkkjr esa ukxfjd mì;u lqj{kk ds fy,
laxBu ds f'kdkxks lEesyu ds fy, vuqyXud fu;ked çkf/kdj.k gSA ;g iqfyl egkfuns'kd ds
&17 ds dk;kZUo;u ds fy, mi;qä çkf/kdj.k jSad ds ,d vf/kdkjh dh v/;{krk esa gS vkSj
gSA Mhth] chlh,,l ds :i esa ukfer fd;k x;k gS
ukxfjd mì;u lqj{kk ds ekeyksa esa ;kstuk cuk]
fuxjkuh] leUo;] çf'k{k.k] Meh psd] lykg nsus
• Mhth] chlh,, us vuqyXud 17 ds vuqlkj vkSj rduhdh ewY;kadu djus ds fy, chlh,
Hkkjr esa ,ulh,,lih] ,ulh,,lVhih vkSj ftEesnkj gS
,ulh,,lD;w,ih dh LFkkiuk] fodkl]
dk;kZUo;u] j[kj[kko vkSj leh{kk djus ds fy,
mÙkjnk;h gSA
(Document 8973 The ICAO Security Manual) The ICAO Security Manual for Safeguarding
Civil Aviation against Acts of Unlawful Interference, (Doc 8973) Restricted, is the
principal guidance document developed by ICAO to assist States in the implementation
of the technical specifications contained in Annex 17.
vuqPNsn 17 esa fufgr rduhdh fofunsZ'kksa ds dk;kZUo;u esa jkT;ksa dh lgk;rk ds fy, vkbZlh,vks }kjk
fodflr fd, x, xSj&dkuwuh gLr{ksi] ¼nLrkost 8973½ çfrcaf/kr vf/kfu;eksa ds f[kykQ ukxfjd mì;u
dh lqj{kk ds fy, vkbZlh,vks lqj{kk eSuqvy]
Q138. The height of perimeter wall is 8 feet and overhung fence is 1 and half feet, is given in which Rule?
iz’u% ifjf?k nhokj dh mapkbZ 8 fQV rFkk vksoj gSax Qsal dh mapkbZ Ms<+ fQV dkSu ls :y ds rgr gksrh
:y & 6
Q139. What are the provisions given in Rule-7 of Aircraft (Security) Rule-2011?
Ans: Rule-10
iz’u%vu vVs.MsM cSxt
s ds gSaMfyax dkSu ls :y esa nh x;h gS \
:y & 10
Q141. Provisions regarding Aerodrome security programme is given in which rule Aircraft (Security)
iz’u%:y 13 ds rgr ,,lth ds rSukrh ds laca/k esa D;k&D;k igyw fn;s x;s gSa \
,- fdlh Hkh ,;jiksVZ ij ,,lth dh rSukrh ,;jiksVZ vkWijsVj }kjk dh tk,xh
ch- ,,lth ds eqf[k;k dks dklks dgk tk,xk
lh- ,,lth ,;jiksVZ Mk;jsDVj ds tujy lqijfotu esa dke djsxh
Mh- dksbZ Hkh vkikr fLFkfr gksus ij Mhth chlh,,l ,,lth ds rSukrh esa cnyko dj ldrk gS
Q143. What are the duties of chief aerodrome security officer according to Rule-14?
a h Iyku ls lacaf/kr :y dkSu lk gS \
:y & 16
Q145. Dis-embarkation of unruly passenger is given in which Rule of Aircraft security rule 2011?
Rule- 18(6)
iz’u%2011 ds foeku lqj{kk fu;e ds fdl fu;e esa dgk x;k gS fd M;wVh ds nkSjku ge le; del
ds Lrj ds mij Li’V :Ik ls /kkjd }kjk iznf”kZr fd;k tk,xk \
:y & 18¼6½
Q147.What are the provisions for aerodrome access control according to Rule-18?
a. Entry into aerodrome is permissible only to the persons having AEP and Admission Ticket.
b. Entry ticket to the aerodrome shall be issued by aerodrome operator.
c. AEP shall be issued by Commissioner after due verification
d. Central govt. may direct commissioner and aerodrome operator to issue such AEP and admission
e. Upon expiry or cancellation AEP should be surrendered.
Q148. Entry into Security restricted area is given in which rule
iz’u%flD;qfjVh izfrcaf/kr {ks= esa izos”k fdl fu;e ds rgr fn;k x;k gS \
:y & 19
Q149. What are the provisions of Rule-19 of Aircraft (Security) RULE-2011
a. Aircraft operator shall make arrangement for movement of persons and vehicles in security
restricted area.
b. ASG shall screen every person, vehicles and their belongings before granting access to security
restricted area
c. Vehicles shall be permitted after obtaining entry permit or special permission from commissioner.
iz’u%fdlh :y ds rgr Meh gfFk;kj] foLQksVd ;k vU; izfrcaf/kr oLrqvksa dks mM~M;u lqj{kk dh
izHkkodkfjrk ds ijh{k.k ds fy, vk;qDr }kjk izkf/kdj.k ds ckn ys tk;k tk ldrk gS \
:y & 20
Q151. Which rule prescribes pre-embarkation security check of passenger and their hand baggage?
iz’u%dkSu ls fu;e ds rgr ;k=h vkSj muds gSaM cSxst dh ih,lh dh tkudkjh nh x;h gS \
:y & 21
Q152. Screening duties shall be performed by such officer who has been certified by the commissioner,
is given in which Rule of Aircraft security rule 2011?
iz’u%dkSu ls fu;e ds rgr Ldzhfuax M;wVh mlh O;fDRk }kjk dh tkuh pkfg, tks dfe”uj }kjk
lfVZQkbZM gS A
:y & 22
Q153.What is the procedures adopted by airline operator for controlling security of non-operational
Aircraft according to Rule 28(sec-2) of Aircraft security rule 2011?
iz’u%foeku lqj{kk fu;e 2011 ds rgr vf/kd Bgjko ds fy, D;k “krsZa nh x;h gS \
,- vkWu cksMZ foeku esa gfFk;kj] foLQksVd ;k vU; izfrcaf/kr midj.kksa dk gksuk
ch- vkWu cksMZ foeku esa ,sls O;fDr dk gksuk tks fd xSj dkuwuh :i ls izos”k dj pqdk gS rFkk xSj
dkuwuh gLr{ksi d`R; djus dh laHkkouk gS
lh- foeku lqj{kk fu;e&2011 ds vuqikyuk ds rgr vf/kd Bgjko t:jh gS
Q156.What is the relevance of Rule-45 of Aircraft security rule 2011 with aviation security and ASG?
Every aircraft operator, ASG, Aerodrome operator, Regulated Agent, Catering establishments shall
report the security accidents or incidents to commissioner immediately on the occurrence.
iz’u%foekuu lqj{kk vkSj ,,lth ds lkFk foeku lqj{kk fu;e 2011 ds fu;e 45 dh D;k izklafxdrk gS \
lHkh ,;jdzk¶V vkWijsVj] ,,lth] ,;jiksVZ vkWijsVj] jsxqysVj ,tsVa ] dSVfjax] dksbZ Hkh nq?kZVuk ;k ?kVuk
gksus ij rRdky dfe”u dks bldh lwpuk nsaxs A
Q157.What is the minimum rank of inquiring officer for investigating any security incident/security
Asst. Director.
iz’u%fdlh Hkh lqj{kk ?kVuk ;k nq?kZVuk dh tkap djus ds fy, tkap vf/kdkjh dh U;qure jSad D;k gS\
vflLVsVa Mk;jsDVj
Q158. What is the power of inquiry officer under Rule-47 of Aircraft security rule 2011?
Q159. Inspection of Aircraft or any equipment, facilities, services and records by a person authorised by
commissioner is enumerated in which Rule of Aircraft security rule 2011?
iz’u%gokbZ tgkt rFkk vU; midj.kks]a lsok;ksa bR;kfn dk fujh{k.k dkSu ls :y esa fn;k x;k gS\
Q160. What are the provisions for PESC given in Rule-21 of Aircraft (Security) RULE-2011
a. ASG shall screen all originating pax, transfer pax and their hand baggage boarding an aircraft.
b. Applicable to transit pax if they disembark from aircraft.
c. ASG and Aircraft operator shall protect the pax and cabin baggage from unauthorized
Q161. Provisions for Security Control for cargo and courier bag according to Rule-37
a. Cargo, express cargo , courier bag shall be received , processed and handled by regular employees
trained in accordance with NCASP
b. No cargo shall be loaded on an aircraft without making security controls including Xray screening
and physical search
c. Commissioner may by order exempt any cargo, express cargo or courier bag from screening.
iz’u%:y& 37 ds rgr dkxksZ ;k dwfj;j cSx ds fy, lqj{kk fu;e ds D;k izko/kku gS \
,- dkxksZ] ,Dlizsl dkxksZ] dwfj;j cSx ds vuqlkj ,ulh,,lih ds rgr izf”kf{kr fu;fer deZpkfj;ksa
}kjk izkIr lalkf/kr vkSj fu;af=r fd;k tk,xk A
[k- fdlh Hkh dkxksZ dks foeku esa rc rd ugha p<+k;k tk,xk tc rd mldh lqj{kk tkap ,Dljs ;k
HkkSfrd lalk/kuks ls u dh x;h gks
x- dfe”uj vkns”k nsdj fdlh Hkh dkxksZ] ,Dliz” s k dkxksZ ;k dwfj;j dks lqj{kk tkap ls NwV fnyok
ldrk gS
Q162. What are the provisions of RULE-29 (Closing of cockpit door) of Aircraft (Security)Rule-2011
Q163.When DFMD is already installed at the airports, how introduction of body scanners for passenger
screening will help security personnel at PESC points at airports?
Ans Yes, Installing body scanner will help in improving security at PESC points as DFMD can detect
only metallic items. Body scanners have got the additional capability of detecting:
1) Can detect non- metallic object /replicas.
2) Can detect plastic or chemical explosives
3) Avoid invasive pat downs
4) Is a deterrent to terrorist attempts
iz’u% tc Mh,Q,eMh igys ls gh gokbZ vMMs ij LFkkfir gks rks ;k=h Ldzhfuax ds fy, ckWMh LdSuj
dh “kq:vkr dSls ihb,llh esa lqj{kk dfeZ;ksa dks enn djrk gS \
c‚Mh LdSuj LFkkfir djus ls ihbZ,llh i‚baV~l ij lqj{kk dks csgrj cukus esa enn feysxh D;ksfa d
Mh,Q,eMh dsoy esVfyd vkbVEl dk irk yxk ldrk gSA cksMh LdSuj dks irk yxkus dh vfrfjä
{kerk fey xbZ gS%
1½ xSj /kkrq oLrq @Replica irk yxk ldrs gSa
2½ IykfLVd ;k jklk;fud foLQksVd dk irk yxk ldrs gSa
3½ buosflo iSV Mkmu ls cpsa
4½ vkradoknh ç;klksa dk fuokjd gS
Q164. A passenger travelling through web check in. Is he not required to prove his identity? If yes when
and where?
AnsYes a pax travelling with Web Check In will prove his identity
When Where
While entering Airport Departure Gate
Pax is not having hold baggage SHA and Boarding gates
Pax is having hold baggage Airlines Check In counter, SHA, Boarding gates
Pax is an international pax Airlines Check In counter, Immigration, SHA and
boarding gates
iz’u%osc psd ds ek/;e ls ;k=k djus okyk ;k=h dks D;k mls viuh igpku lkfcr djus dh
vko”;drk gS \ ;fn gka rks dc vkSj dgka \
osc psdbu ds lkFk ;k=k djus okyk ,d iSDl mldh igpku lkfcr gksxk
dc dgka
gokbZ vìs esa ços'k djrs le; Departure xsV
iSDl esa Hold Baggage ugha gS SHA vkSj cksfMaZx gate
iSDl ,d varjjk"Vªh; iSDl ,;jykbal dk psd bu dkmaVj] bfexzs'ku] ,l,,
vkSj cksfMaZx gate
Q165. In a hyper sensitive airport, sensitive airport and normal airport audits and inspection are
conducted by BCAS respectively in a calendar year.
Q166. What security measures exist at PESC points in Indian Airports to detect non-metallic IEDs?
Explosive Trace Detector
Explosive Vapour Detector
Physical/ Pat down search
iz’u%Hkkjrh; ,;jiksVZ esa bLrseky gksus okys midj.kksa ds uke tks v/kkrq ls cuh vkbZbZMh dks idM+
lds \
,DlIyksflo Vªsl fMVsDVj
,DlIyksflo osij fMVsDVj
HkkSfrd tkap@iSV Mkmu lpZ
Q167. What are the basic reasons for conduct of a Pre- operational check of equipment before use?
Pre operation check of equipment is conducted to ensure that there is no damage in the equipment
and it is working as per the specifications provided by BCAS.
Q168. What do you understand by a Known Consignor? How it is different from a regulated agent
A Consignor who originates cargo or mail for its own account and whose procedures meet common
security rules and standards sufficient to allow the carriage of cargo or mail on any aircraft.
Known consignor is different from regulated agent as Known consignor is the originator of property
wheras regulated agent is not the originator of the property.
iz’u%uksu&dUlkbuj ls vki D;k le>rs gSa rFkk ;g jsxqysVsM ,tsVa ls dSls vyx gksrk gS \
,d laifr dk Lokeh tks vius ds Lo;a ds [kkrs ds fy, dkxksZ ;k esy dks Hkstrk gS rFkk ftldh izfdz;k
lkekU; lqj{kk fu;eksa vkSj ekudks dks iwjk djrh gS rkfd fdlh Hkh foeku ij dkxksZ ;k esy dh <qykbZ
dh vuqefr fey lds uksu&dUlkbuj dgykrk gS A
uksu&dUlkbuj jsxqysVsM ,tsaV ls fHkUu gS D;ksfa d uksu&dUlkbuj laifr dk Lokeh gksrk gS tcfd
jsxqysVsV ,tsVa laifr dk Lokeh ugha gksrk gS A
Q169.What do you understand by SOPs
SOP stands for standard operating procedure. SOP is a set of step-by-step instructions compiled by
an organization to help workers carry out complex routine operations. SOPs aim to achieve efficiency,
quality output and uniformity of performance.
,lvksih dk vFkZ gS & LVsM a MZ vkWijsfVax izksfltj A ,lvksih ,d laxBu }kjk ladfyr mu fn”kk
funsZ”kksa dk ,d lewg gS tks ,d dk;Z LFky ij fd;s tkus okys dk;ksZa dh tkudkjh iznku djrk gS A
,lvksih dk mn~ns”; gS fd dk;ksZa esa n{krk] xq.koRRkk rFkk ,dlekurk vk lds A
Q170.What possible actions will you take on finding a bag with confirmed threat ( IED) while X-raying
registered baggage’s?
iz’u%jftLVMZ cSxt
s dh Ldhzfuax ds nkSjku vkbZbZMh feyus ij D;k dkjZokbZ djsx
a s \
iz’u%varjjkZ’Vªh; ,;jiksVZ ij ,ih,llh dfefV dh dEiksfa t’ku fy[ksa \
,ih,llh dfefV dk dEiksft”ku ldqZyj 20@2006 esa fn;k x;k gS tks fuEu izdkj gS &
1- ,;jiksVZ izca/kd & ps;jeSu
2- dklks@dsvkSlqc &dUosuj
fuEufyf[kr laLFkkvksa ds ofj’B vf/kdkjh lnL; gksx
a s %&
d½ flfoy ,fo,”ku fMikVZeVsa & lnL;
[k½ lacaf/kr ,;jiksVZ ds ,Vhlh izHkkjh & lnL;
x½ Hkkjrh; foeku iru izkf/kdj.k & lnL;
?k½ gokbZ vM~Ms ls pyus okys lHkh Hkkjrh; foeku lapkyd & lnL;
M+½ iqfyl & lnL;
p½ rsy dEiuh & lnL;
N½ Mkd foHkkx & VsfydkWe foHkko & lnL;
t½ bfexzs”ku & lnL;
>½ baVsfyts”a k C;wjks & lnL;
V½ v/;{k] ,;jykbZu vkWijsVj desfV & lnL;
Q173. Write responsibilities of APSU/ASG?
iz’u%varjkZ’Vªh; ,;jiksVZ ij psfdaxs dkmaVj esa vki dSls fdlh ;k=h dh igpku djsx
a s\
psfdax dkmaVj ij vkus ds ckn ;k=h viuk fVdV fn[kk,xk rFkk ;g lqfuf”pr djus ds fy, og
,d varjkZ’Vªh; ;k=h gS ,;jykbZu LVkWQ mlds ikliksVZ dh tkap djsx
a s rFkk tkap izfdz;k iwjh gksus ds
mijkar mls cksfMZax ikl tkjh fd;k tk,xk A
Q175.Why we don’t have to detect a wire thinner than 40 SWG in the CTP test
IED requires a cuurent of 1.5 volt to blast. 40 SWG is the thinnest wire which can carry the current of
1.5 volt. Wire thinner than 40 SWG would not be able to carry the current of 1.5 volt. So we detect a
wire of 40 SWG in the CTP test.
iz’u%lhVhih VsLV esa 40 ,lMCywth ls irys rkj dks idM+us dh vko”;drk D;ksa ugha gksrh \
vkbZbZMh dks foLQksV djus ds fy, 1-5v dh vko”;drk gksrh gS A 40 ,lMCywth lcls iryk rkj gS
tks 1-5v djsVa dks izokg dj ldrk gS A 40 ,lMCywth ls iryk rkj 1-5v ds djsVa dks ogu djus esa
l{ke ugha gksaxs A blfy, lhVhih esa ge 40 ,lMCywth ds rkj dk irk yxkrs gSa A
iz’u%vkbZlh&814 ds gkbZtsSfdax ds ckn Hkkjrh; ukxj foekuu lqj{kk esa D;k&D;k dne mBk, x, \
dsvkSlqc dh ,,lth ds :i esa rSukrh¼Qjojh 2000 t;iqj ,;jiksVZ½
LdkbZek”kZy dh rSukrh
,l,yihlh dh “kq:vkr
midj.kksa dk uohuhdj.k@vixzsM” s ku
sa h Iyku dk iwuZfoyksdu fd;k x;k
Q178.What do you understand by Pre setting stage in catering security?
Catering security is divided in three stages and Pre setting is the second stage of catering security. In
this stage following things are kept in mind
A) Anti sabotage check of the catering trolley
B) Systematic serach of the meal cart
C) Security of chilling room
D) Sealing and locking of the meal cart.
iz’u%dSVfjax lqj{kk esa izh&lsfVax LVst ls vki D;k le>rs gSa \
dSVfjax lqj{kk rhu pj.kksa esa iwjh dh tkrh gS rFkk izh lsfaVax dSVfjax lqj{kk ds nwljs pj.k esa vkrh gS
bl voLFkk esa uEu ckrksa dk /;ku j[kk tkrk gS &
1- dSVfjax VªkWyh dk ,aVh lscksVst psd
2- ehy dkVZ dh dzec) rjhds ls tkap
3- phfyax :e dh lqj{kk
4- ehy dkVZ dks lhy rFkk ykWd djuk
Q179.What are the eight role of the organization involved in implementation of quality control
programme ? of document 8973 the role of quality control entity should be to :
a) Develop and update an annual schedule of monitoring activities
b) Maintain rosters of qualified persons for conducting monitoring activities
c) Ensure that monitoring staff are appropriately trained.
d) Determine the reporting schedule
e) Assign staff for each monitoring activity
f) Provide person in charge of a monitoring activity with all necessary documentation
g) Retain all documentation related to monitoring activities including reports and annexes etc.
h) Ensure the relevancey and standardization of reporting format
i) Ensure the receipt of all corrective action plan
j) Introduce as necessary modification to the standardized methodology
iz’u%nLrkost Vfjax lqj{kk esa izh&lsfVax LVst ls vki D;k le>rs gSa \
nLrkost 8973 ds 7-3-2-2 ds vuqlkj xq.koRrk fu;a=.k bdkbZ dh Hkwfedk fuEukuqlkj gksuh pkfg, %&
,½ fuxjkuh xfrfof/k;ksa dh okf’kZd vuqlwph fodflr vkSj v|ru djuk
ch½ fuxjkuh xfrfof/k;ksa ds lapkyu ds fy, ;ksX; O;fDr;ksa ds jksLVj dks cuk, j[kuk
lh½ ;g lqfuf”pr djuk fd fuxjkuh deZpkjh mfpr :i ls izf”kf{kr gSa
Mh½ fjiksfVZax vuqlwph dk fu/kkZj.k
bZ½ izR;sd fuxjkuh xfrfof/k ds fy, deZpkfj;ksa dks fufnZ’V djsa
,Q½ fuxjkuh xfrfof/k;ksa ds izHkkjh dks lHkh vko”;d nLrkost iznku djsa
th½ fuxjkuh xfrfof/k;ksa ls lacaf/kr lHkh nLrkostksa dks lqjf{kr j[ksa
,p½ fjiksfVZax izk:i dh izklafxdrk vkSj ekudhdj.k lqfuf”pr djsa
vkbZ½ lHkh lq/kkjkRdk dk;Z ;kstukvksa dh izkfIr lqfuf”pr djsa
ts½ vko”;d i)fr ds :i esa ekudhd`r dk;Ziz.kkyh esa la”kks/ku
Q180. Write down the range of atomic number that would be represented in x bis screening with colour.
Give example also.
1-10 Orange - Liquid, Plastic, Wood, Explosive,Paper, leather
11-19 Green - Salt, Aluminium, glass
20-75 Blue - Steel, Iron, Copper, Silver
75 & above Opaque - Lead, Gold, Platinum, bismuth
iz'u% jax ds lkFk ,Dl&fcl LØhfuax esa çfrfuf/kRo fd, tkus okys ijek.kq la[;k dh lhek fy[ksAa
lkFk gh mnkgj.k Hkh nhft,\
1&10 ukjaxh & rjy] IykfLVd] ydM+h] foLQksVd] dkxt] peM+k
11&19 xzhu & ued] ,Y;wehfu;e] dkap
20&75 Cyw & LVhy] vk;ju] d‚ij] flYoj
75 vkSj Åij vikjn'khZ & lhlk] lksuk] IysfVue] fcLeFk
iz'u% ukxj foekuu esa vk;ksftr fofHkUu lEesyuksa dks muds ifj.kkeksa ds lkFk fyf[k,\
f'kdkxks dUos'a ku 1944 vkbZlh,vks dh LFkkiuk ¼ICAO½
VksD;ks dUos'a ku 1963 PIC dh ftEesnkjh ifjHkkf"kr dh xbZ
gsx dUos'a ku 1970 Hyjaking us varjkZ"Vªh; vijk/k ?kksf"kr fd;k
e‚fUVª;y dUos'a ku 1971 foeku dh lqj{kk ds f[kykQ xSjdkuwuh dk;Z
e‚fUVª;y dUos'a ku 1991 IykfLVd foLQksVd ¼MEX½ dk vadu
Q184. Write down the names of three Airport in India that are operated on PPP model ?
1. Indira Gandhi International Airport New Delhi
2. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport Mumbai
3. Rajiv Gandhi Internation Airport Hyderabad
iz’u% Hkkjr esa rhu ,;jiksVZ ds uke fyf[k, tks ihihih e‚My ij lapkfyr gSa\
1- bafnjk xka/kh varjkZ"Vªh; gokbZ vìk ubZ fnYyh
2- N=ifr f'kokth egkjkt varjkZ"Vªh; gokbZ vìk eqacbZ
3- jktho xka/kh baVjus'kuy ,;jiksVZ gSnjkckn
Q185. Mention different areas from where trace particle/vapour sample should be collected during
screening by ETD/EVD ?
iz”u% bZVhMh@bZohMh }kjk LØhfuax ds nkSjku Vªsl d.k@ok"i dk uewuk ,d= djus ds fy,
vyx&vyx {ks=ksa dk mYys[k djsa \
• cSx ds ckgj ls
• cSx ds vanj ls
• fti {ks= esa
• dksbZ VsEiMZ ,fj;k vxj gks
• gkFkksa esa
iii. Safety and Security
Aviation safety relates to protection against all Safeguarding civil aviation against acts of unlawful
accidents, errors or unintentional defects in the interference. This objective is achieved by a
design, construction, maintenance and operation of combination of measures and human and material
aircraft. resources.
DG(CA) is responsible for aviation safety in India DG(BCAS) is responsible for aviation security
in India
lHkh nq?kZVukvks]a vkSj foeku ds fMtkbu] fuekZ.k] uxj foekuu dks xSj dkuwuh gLr{ksi ls
j[kj[kko vkSj lapkyu esa =qfV;ksa ;k nks"kksa ds lqjf{kr j[kuk-
f[kykQ lqj{kk çnku djuk ,fo,'ku ls¶Vh ,fo,'ku flD;wfjVh dks mik;ksa vkSj ekuo vkSj
dgykrh gSa- HkkSfrd lalk/kuksa dk la;kstu ls çkIr fd;k
tkrk gSa
ICAO के Annexure 19 में एविएशन सेफ्टी का उल्लेख हैं ICAO के Annexure 17 में एविएशन वसक्यूररटी का उल्लेख
हमारे दे श में DG(CA) से फ्टी के विए विम्मेदार हैं हमारे दे श में DG(BCAS) एविएशन वसक्यू ररटी के विए
विम्मेदार हैं
Manual baggage screening Automated screening
Inbuilt explosive detector is not available Inbuilt explosive detector is available.
Gives 2-D image of the objects. Gives 3-D image of the objects.
Generator will not move around the object. Generator will move around the object.
Works on Multi Energy Radiation technology. Works on CT Scan image principle.
Through put rate 400 bags per hour. Through put rate 250 to 1200 bags per hour.
;g lacaf/kr ,tsalh }kjk fd;k - यह BCAS के द्वारा वकया िाता हैं.
;g ,tsl a h ds gh vgZrk çkIr AVSEC v‚fMVj lacaf/kr NCASP ds dk;kZUo;u ds xgu
}kjk ,tsl a h ds xq.koÙkk fu;a=.k dk;ZØe vuqikyu dks lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, gokbZvìs
¼Quality Control Programme½ ds vuqlkj NCASP ij dke dj jgs ,;jykbal] ,vjiksVZ v‚ijsVj
dk vuqikyu Lrj dks lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, vkSj lacaf/kr ,tsafl;ksa ds fy, BCAS }kjk
vk;ksftr fd;k tkrk gS vk;ksftr fd;k tkrk gSA
,slh v‚fMV fjiksVZ dh ,d çfr ¼d‚ih½ chlh,,l bldk vk/kkj NCASQCP gksrk gSa
dks tek dh tkrh gS
It is done by the concerned airlines. It is done by the ASG.
This involves screening of passenger and their This involves screening of passenger and their
hand bag using physical search and HHMD only. hand bag using X-BIS, HHMD, DFMD and ETD.
This is a recommended practice. This is a standard practice.
The NCASTP is to ensure that the persons NCASQCP determines the effectiveness of the
implementing security controls are subjected to aviation security programme
background checks and selection procedures
It also ensure that personnel possess all competency It provides a basis for security inspections, audits,
required to perform their duties surveys which
It is to ensure that personnel are appropriately Monitor the level of compliance with the NCASP
trained accordingly to the requirement of NCASTP
It also ensures that the performance standards are Review and re-evaluate the security measures
consistently and reliably achieved. directly following an act of unlawful interference
;g lqfuf'pr djrk gS fd lqj{kk fu;a=.k ykxw ;g foekuu lqj{kk dk;ZØe dh çHkko'khyrk
djus okys O;fä;ksa dh i`"BHkwfe tkap gqbZ gSa rFkk fu/kkZfjr djrk gS
p;u çfØ;kvksa ds ek|e ls pqus x, gSa
;g Hkh lqfuf'pr djrk gS fd dfeZ;ksa ds ikl ;g lqj{kk fujh{k.k] v‚fMV] losZ{k.k ds fy,
vius drZO;ksa dks iwjk djus ds fy, vko';d vk/kkj çnku djrk gS tks foekuu lqj{kk ds
lHkh ;ksX;rk,a gksa fujarj lq/kkj esa ;ksxnku nsrk gSA
;g lqfuf'pr djuk gS fd dfeZ;ksa dks NCASTP ;g vlQyrkvksa ;k [kjkc çn'kZu ds ekeys esa
dh vko';drk ds vuqlkj mfpr :i ls mipkjkRed mik; çnku djrk gSA
çf'kf{kr fd;k tkrk gS
,dy ¼ flaxy ½ ,uthZ cgq ¼ eYVh ½ ,uthZ
1- mtkZ dk ,d lzksr gksrk gSA 1- mtkZ ds nks ysoy gksrs gSA
2 CySd ,oa g~okbV Nk;kfp= nsrk gSA 2- jaxhu Nk;kfp= nsrk gSA
3- oLrq dks ,Vkfed la[;k ls vyx ugh dj 3- oLrq dks ,Vkfed la[;k ds vk/kkj ij
ikrk gS vyx adj ysrk gSA
4- best b.VjizsVs’ku vklku ugh gksrk gSA 4- flaxy ,uthZ ds eqdkcys best
b.VjizVs s’ku vklku gksrk gSA
xi. X-BIS and Inline baggage screening
iwoZ vuqeksfnr mM+ku vuqlwph mM+ku vuqlwph dh rRdky Lohd`fr
,pjykbu flD;qfjVh }kjk iksLV ¶ykbV vkSj iksLV ¶ykbV vkSj izh&¶ykbV lqj{kk tkap
izh&¶ykbV lqj{kk tkap vk;ksftr dh tkrh gS ik;yV ds }kjk dh tkrh gS
dkj.k uksfVl ds fcuk ijfeV jn~n@fuyafcr ugha dkj.k uksfVl ds fcuk ijfeV
fd;k tkrk gS jn~n@fuyafcr dj fn;k tk,xk A
Head of security of airlines Head of security of airport security (ASG)
Safeguarding of Pax, crew, ground personnel and Safeguarding of Pax, crew,public, airport
aircraft related facilities users, aircrafts, aerodrome and vital
installations of aerodrome.
Enforcement of security measures related to Enforcement of security measures related
airline security and safety. to airport protection and its facilities.
Screening of hold baggage Screening of Pax and their hand baggage.
Maintenance of liaison with internal and Maintenance of liaison with local police and
regulatory authority intelligence agencies.
,;jykbuksa dh lqj{kk ds izeq[k ,;jiksVZ lqj{kk ¼,,lth½ ds izeq[k
;k=h] pkyd ny] xzkmaM ilZuy vkSj foeku ls ;k=h] pkyd ny] ifCyd] gokbZ vM~Mk
lacaf/kr lqfo/kkvksa dh lqj{kk ds fy, ftEesnkj mi;ksxdrkZ] ,;jdzk¶V] ,;jksMªke vkSj
,;jksMªke ds egRoiw.kZ izfr’Bkkuksa dh lqj{kk
ds fy, ftEesnkj
gksYM cSxt
s dh Ldzhfuax ds fy, ftEesnkj ;k=h ,oa gS.M cSx ds tkap ds fy,
baVjuy ,tsl
a ht ,oa jsxqysVjh vFkkWfjVh ds lkFk [kqfQ;k foHkkx ,oa yksdy iqfyl ds lkFk
lkeatL; cukus ds fy, ftEesnkj gksrk gS lkeatL; cukus ds fy, ftEesnkj gksrk gS
It stands for aviation security group It stands for national security guard
It is responsible for Anti-hijacking and Anti-Sabotage It is responsible for only Anti-hijacking duties
functions at an airport. when deployed as IFSO in an aircraft.
This is responsible to prevent any act of unlawful This acts as Armed Intervention team after the
interference against civil aviation. incident of Hijacking.
,,lth ,u,lth
;g ,fo,”ku flD;qfjVh xzqi gS ;g us”kuy flD;qfjVh xzqi gS
;g ,d gokbZ vM~Ms ij ,aVh&gkbtSfdax vkSj ;g ,d foeku esa vkbZ,Q,lvks ds :Ik esa
,aVh&lcksVst dk;ksZa ds fy, ftEesnkj gS rSukr fd;k tkus ij dsoy ,aVh&gkbtSfdax
dk;ksZa ds fy, ftEesnkj gS
Ukxfjd mM~M;u ds f[kykQ xSjdkuwuh gLr{ksi ds ;g vigj.k dh ?kVuk ds ckn l”kL=
fdlh Hkh vf/kfu;e dks jksdus ds fy, ;g ftEesnkj gLr{ksi Vhe (AIT) ds :i esa dk;Z djrk gS
xvii.Aerodrome committee and APSC
This committee is formed when the incident of This committee is formed at every airport
hijacking occurs.
Formed at the affected airport where the aircraft This assembles atleast once in a month or
has taken off/landed. whenever required at the airport.
AC is known as implementary committee. It This assembles to discuss and solve the
follows instructions from Central committee and security issues of the airport.
keeps them updated about the progress on the
aircraft hijacked.
The members of this committee changes as per the The APD is chairman and CASO is the
location of the airport. convener of this committee. Others
members are representatives of the
organizations working at the airport.
;g lfefr gkbtSfdax dh ?kVuk gksus ij xfBr ;g lfefr gj ,;jiksVZ gksus ij xfBr gksrh
gksrh gS gS
;g lfefr ml lfefr ,;jiksVZ ij xfBr gksrh gS ;g lfefr gj ,;jiksVZ ij de ls de eghus
tgka ij ,;jdzk¶V ysSaM djrk gS ;k tgka ls mM+ku esa ,d ckj ;k tc Hkh t:jr ds le; xfBr
Hkjk x;k gS gksrh gS
bl lfefr dks dk;Zdkjh lfefr Hkh dgrs gSa ;g lfefr lqj{kk laca/kh ekeyksa dks lqy>kus
;g Central committee ds vkns”kksa dk ikyu djrh ds fy, xfBr gksrh gS
gS rFkk mUgsa gkbtSd ,;jdzk¶V ds ckjs esa crkrk gS
bl lfefr ds lnL; ,;jiksVZ ds yksds”ku ds bl lfefr dk ps;jeSu APD gksrk gS rFkk
vuqlkj cnyrs jgrs gSa leUo;d CASO gksrk gS
xviii.Cabin crew and cockpit crew
It includes hostess and stewards It includes pilot and co-pilot.
Responsible for the facilitation of passengers on Responsible for the command and control of
board. the aircraft in flight.
Receives instructions & directions from the pilot Communicates with ATC for instructions &
directions as PIC .
blesa ,;jgksLVsl ,oa LVsokMZl “kkfey gksrs gSa blesa ik;yV ,oa lg ik;yV “kkfey gS
;g vkWu cksMZ ,;jdzk¶V esa dsfcu esa mifLFkr ;g ,;jdzk¶V bu ¶ykbV ds vfHk;ku vkSj
;kf=;ksa dks lqfo/kk iznku djrs gSa fu;a=.k ds fy, ftEesnkj gksrk gS
;g Ikk;yV ls fn’kk funsZ’k izkIr djrk gS ;g ATC ls laidZ djrk gS vkSj foeku ds
lapkyu gsrq funsZ’k izkIr djrk gS
xvi.NCASP and Annexure-17
NCASP Annexure-17
It is an Indian document which stands for National Civil It is an international document and designated
Aviation Security Program as Annexure-17 to the Chicago Convention.
The objective of the NCASP is to safeguard civil It has measures to prevent and suppress all
aviation operations against acts of unlawful acts of unlawful interference against civil
interference in India. aviation throughout the world.
NCASP Annexure-17
;g gekjs ns”k dk MkWD;qeVsa gS tks us”kuy flfoy ;g varjkZ’Vªh; MkWD;qeVsa gSa ftls
,fo,”ku flD;qfjVh izksxzke dgykrk gS ANNEXURE-17 TO THE f”kdkxks dUos” a ku
dgrs gSa
Hkkjr ds ukxj foekuu dks xSj dkuwuh gLr{ksi ls varjkZ’Vªh; ukxj foekuu dks xSj dkuwuh
cpkus ds fy, bl nLrkost dks cuk;k tkrk gS gLr{ksi ls cpkus ds fy, bl nLrkost dks
cuk;k tkrk gS
A.O 3/2009 A.O 5/2009
It includes the functions of aircraft operators It includes the deployment of airlines
security staff.
It includes thirteen aviation security functions of It describes eleven security functions of
aircraft operator. airlines security staff.
These Avsec functions shall not be allowed by the It is based on the recommendations of Shri
aircraft operator to be undertaken by any ground Arun Mishra committee.
handling agency.
1. Section 5 of Aircraft Act 1934 deals with penalty for the failure to comply with directions issued under
section 11A. (FALSE)
2. A pax is permitted to carry more than prescribed number of ammunition in the hold baggage with the
expressed permission of BCAS. (FALSE)
3. High Explosive is more dangerous to handle than low explosive. (FALSE)
4. Ambient switches are used in IEDs which are victim operated. (FALSE)
5. Deputy Chief Minister of the State are Exempted from pre-embarkation check. (TRUE)
6. Detonator is required only in IEDs made up of low explosive. (FALSE)
7. Emergency switch is related to X-BIS. (TRUE)
8. Baggage after physical inspection at level-4 should be handed over to airline security. (TRUE)
9. Section 5 of aircraft act 1934 deals with penalty for failure to comply with directions issued under section
10. IED is difficult to diffuse because its mechanism is not known. (TRUE)
11. Cross piece is one of the part of HHMD. (FALSE)
12. Sky marshals are drawn from Indian army. (FALSE)
13. Maximum weight of the postal mail should be not more than 200gms. (FALSE)
14. ETD must not pose a health hazard, it is a specification of ETD. (TRUE)
15. If cargo consignment from inland airport are transported to any other airport by road for onward
upliftment, security check to be conducted again as prescribed procedure. (TRUE)
16. Performance evaluation of DFMD is done through OTP. (TRUE)
17. During the time of screening of hold baggage, if you discover a person carrying a knife of 5”, Is this pax is
allowed? (ALLOWED) (TRUE)
18. NSG provides sky marshal for civil aviation security. (TRUE)
19. As per BCAS circular no. 26/2006, it is mandatory to check all the catering trolley during anti-sabotage
check? (TRUE)
20. Laptop computer is allowed to be carry as an additional item with one hand baggage by a pax on board a
civil flight. (TRUE)
21. IATA screening codes are mainly related to catering security. (FALSE)
22. During blast of an explosion speed of fragment may be upto 6000KMPS. (FALSE)
23. Escorts of prisoner shall adequately identify themselves to security personnel, security search point, flight
attendant, PIC. (TRUE)
24. If Pilot In Command permits intoxicating beverages may be served to escort of prisoner while on board an
aircraft. (FALSE)
25. Cargo for cooling off must be placed in Cooling pit. (FALSE)
26. The person with the disability knows best the methods and degree of assistants needed. Ask then follow
their direction. (FALSE)
27. Size of DFMD 2M height X 0.70-0.85m width. (FALSE)
28. Speed of conveyor belt 0.18 to 0.30m/min. (FALSE)
29. Throughput of XBIS for registered baggage 300 bags/hr. (FALSE)
30. Stammering is the sign of suspicious pax. (TRUE)
31. IATA is a world body of Airlines all over the world. (TRUE)
32. In general non electric detonators are not used in IEDs fabricated by anti-social elements to be used against
civil aviation operations. (TRUE)
33. ‘Gate no Show’ pax baggage treated as unaccompanied baggage and the same is handed over to Airport
Operator for destination. (FALSE)
34. Non-Electrical detonator requires battery for ignition. (TRUE)
35. The high explosive will explode when exposed to high temperature and heat. (FALSE)
36. During specific call of Bomb threat, Aircraft removes from Taxi way and the pax back to SHA through
boarding gate. (FALSE)
37. The throughput rate of X-CIS is 300 bags/hrs. (FALSE)
38. High explosive are used to manufacture all type of ammunition for small arms. (FALSE)
39. SLPC at Agartala Airport is conducted only when a high alert is issued by BCAS HQrs. (FALSE)
40. A copy of Court order is required for granting permission for carriage of prisoner by air. (FALSE)
41. Police background checks are not required for issue of an AEP for govt personnel. (TRUE)
42. Non scheduled airlines of foreign countries are not required to have an approved security programme to
operate in India. (FALSE)
43. High explosive are used to manufacture all type of ammunition for small arms. (FALSE)
44. CISF is deployed in all the hyper sensitive airports in India. (FALSE)
45. High explosive when gets excessive heat, explodes causing huge damage. (FALSE)
46. Bomb is easy to defuse because its mechanism is known. (TRUE)
47. Detonator is required only in IEDs made up of low explosives. (FALSE)
48. A criminal released by the court on bail should be escorted as and when he travels by air. (FALSE)
49. High Explosive are also used as flame carrier in the safety fuses. (FALSE)
50. Latest aircraft security rules are called The Aircraft Rule 2011. (FALSE)
51. Duties of CASO are given in Rule-14 of Aircraft (Security) Rules 2011. (TRUE)
52. Annex -17 (16th Amendments) contains 90 standards. (TRUE)
53. Latest version of doc-8973 is 16th amendment to the documents. (TRUE)
54. CISF is deployed in all hypersensitive airports in India. (FALSE)
55. Detonator is required only in IED made up of low explosive. (FALSE)
56. A criminal released by the court on bail should be escorted as and when he travels by air. (FALSE)
57. High explosive are also used as flame carrier in the safety fuses. (FALSE)
58. Non display of PIC on the outer part of dress is the violation of rule 18(4) of A/C (Sec.) Rule -2011. (FALSE)
59. Immigration has nothing to do with BTAC. (FALSE)
60. OOG stands for “On Operational Guard” for sentry guarding weapons in the Kote of CISF. (FALSE)
61. A pax permmited to carry weapon in the hold baggage because Hold Baggage is not accessible to him while
on board the aircraft. (TRUE)
62. At present 16th amendment of ANNEX-17 is applicable to all the contracting states. (TRUE)
63. The Aircraft (Security) Rule-2011 is notified on 19th Jan. 2012. (TRUE)
64. Latest version of Doc-8973 is 15th amendment to the documents. (FALSE)
65. Non display of PIC on the outer part of dress is the violation of rule-18(4). (FALSE)
66. Disembarkation of Unruly pax by ASG is given in Rule 17 of Aircraft (Security) Rule-2011. (TRUE)
67. Deployment of Aviation Security Group for performing security duties at aerodrome are given in Rule-13 of
the Aircraft Rule-2011. (TRUE)
68. Hon’ble minister of Home of GOI is authorised to take his vehicle up to tarmac area while arriving or
departing at an Indian Airport. (TRUE)
69. CASO is the chairman of the APSC. (FALSE)
70. Passengers with special needs are exempted from pre-embarkation security check at domestic airline.
71. Finance Minister of India is authorised to take is vehicle up to Apron as and when he travels with PSO.
72. Refusal room are being used by those have been refused by Airline operator for boarding to its aircraft on
security basis. (FALSE)
73. In the catering security it is must that every HLV is escorted by the airline staff till the aircraft. (TRUE)
74. Presently CISF is deployed in all the hyper sensitivity airports in India. (FALSE)
75. At present there are Twenty (20) regions of BCAS covering all airports in India. (TRUE)
76. Chairman Niti Ayog is exempted for PESC in Indian Airports. (TRUE)
77. Security controls may not be applied on courier bags by aircraft operator if it is received from Regulated
agents. (TRUE)
78. Aircraft Act 1934 is applicable to a Canadian when in India aboard an Indian carrier. (FALSE)
79. Known personality or personality with political influence is generally considered to
add pressure to screening process or screener at PESC point. (TRUE)
80. For diplomatic bags, concerned diplomats reports in the ASG control room. (TRUE)
81. Consigments which originate or transfer in/from locations identified as high risk area are said to be High
Risk Cargo & Mail (HRCM). (TRUE)
82. Various Contingency Plans at airport are as proactive measures. (TRUE)
83. Aircraft (Security) Rule 2011 extends to Asia-Pacific region. (FALSE)
84. Semtex is black/orange in colour and crystalline in physical form. (TRUE)
85. Marking of Plastic explosive means external marking of packet of explosive. (FALSE)
86. Blinding light is effect of Nuclear weapon. (TRUE)
87. Iris and Face geometry are part of automated access control system. (TRUE)
88. X-BIS maintenance register shall contain date of installation. (TRUE)
89. Interlocking panel are inbuilt safety measure in DFMD. (FALSE)
90. Dynamite is a plastic explosive. (FALSE)
91. As a general convention in Behaviour Detection, husband, wife one or more children traveling as family is
non-alarming positive sign. (TRUE)
92. For operational reasons airlines staff can move from landside to airside without a security check. (FALSE)
93. The whole of each building in an airport must be designated either landside or airside. (FALSE)
94. A control point log entry should only be made for emergency incidents. (FALSE)
95. Entries in a control point log must be made at the time of the incident. (TRUE)
96. There are 48 Rules in Aircraft Security Rule (ASR) 2011. (TRUE)
97. The inner ring of airport of airport protection is the airside/landside boundary. (FALSE)
98. An access control system has o contain both a barrier and gate or doorway. (TRUE)
99. The main aim of an airport protection system is to protect the airport and aircraft from attack. (TRUE)
100. An open area such as the apron can only be given an extra ring of protection by means of guarding,
patrolling or surveillance. (TRUE)
101. You would not expect to find an alarm system as part of the outer ring of protection. (FALSE)
102. Air carriaiers registered in India shall carry sky marshal on payment of taxes and fuel surcharge only.
103. Catering consignment have to be certified by cateres for acceptance by airline.(TRUE)
104. Aircraft guarding is the primary responsibility of Apron Control. (FALSE)
105. The threat are categorized as specific and non specific. (TRUE)
106. Justice Kripal Commission was set up on 23 June 1985. (TRUE)
107. Under Aircrart Rule 1973 rule no. 156 states that government officials can enter the aircraft for the
purpose of inspection but they are not exempted from frisking and search. (TRUE)
108. Improvised detonators can be manufactured in plastic or non metallic tubes to avoid detection. (TRUE)
109. Army and CISF only can provide Sky Marshal for civil aviation. (FALSE)
110. Local police can take the weapon inside the airport during the VVIP visit after the express permission of
111. The person with the disability knows the best method & degree of assistance needed. Ask them & follow
their direction.
112. The three day AEP can be issued by the airport operator consecutively, only thrice.
113. The aerodrome committee meeting is held once every year in each airport.
114. IATA regulation on DGR is mandatory for all countries to follow
115. Non electric detonators are not used in the IEDs as they do not require a switch mechanism for initiation
116. It is mandatory for airport operator to convey an APSC whenever a high alert is issued by BCAS.
117. IFSO is a term related to BTCP
118. Anti hijacking mock exercise is conducted twice a year in each airport
119. A criminal released by court on bail should be escorted as and when he travels by air
1. Screening of a passenger using ETD. Write down the relevant circular no. 16/2010
2. …AERODROME………………Committee meets at airport in case of Unlawful seizure of aircraft.
3. DFMD should have ……UNIFORM SENSITIVITY…across the aperture metal object exceeding threshold mass
should produce identical alarm when passed through any portion within frame.
4. AVSEC circular no…04/14….deals with SOP for screening of passenger with special need and medical
5. Technical specification of ………X-BIS……and ……INLINE CT-EDS…… has been issued by BCAS vide AVSEC Cir
no. 11/2017.
6. Moving metal beyond …01 MTR…….from DFMD should not affect performance of the DFMD?
7. DFMD shall work satisfactorily without any deterioration in performance within the temperature range
of……0-45 DEGREE……with RH up to…95%….non condensing.
8. The DFMD should have ………MULTIZONAL…..capability with uniform sensitivity in all zones.
9. As per circular no……16/2006…………..every certified screeners needs to re-validate his screener certification
after 02 years from qualifying initial certification test.
10. Tunnel size of machine should …CONFORM TO THE PURPOSE………….for which the machine is used.
11. As per Avsec Circular No. …38/2005………….the member of Indian armed forces/paramilitary forces while
travelling on duty by a commercial flight in domestic sectors within India be allowed by the concerned
aircraft operator to carry service fire-arms and ammunitions in hold baggage.
12. ……AERODROME COMMITTEE……………meets at the airport in case of unlawful seizure of aircraft.
13. The X-ray BIS should be able to produce clear images on monochrome or color monitor with minimum of
14. To collect security items belonging to passenger from the security check point in the SHA and hand these
over to the passenger at the destination is explained in Avsec Circular …13/2006…
15. In single wire resolution test a set of un insulated copper wire of size 26, 30, 35, 38, 40 and 42 SWG are
placed on a Perspex sheet. The wires are laid out in …S SHAPE…… Curves.
16. Simple penetration test defines what thickness of steel the machine should be able to penetrate. The steel
wedge on the CTP has steps of 02mm from ……16-30 ……….mm with a lead strip to check that the machine
is above or below the requirement.
17. Procedure to carriage of prisoners in aircraft is mentioned in AVSEC …42/2005……..
18. Laptop computer is allowed to carry as an additional item with one hand baggage by a pax on board a flight
as regulatory authority allowed vide circular…11/2000…….
19. Prompt communication to MCA/COSCA/Addl COSCA in the event of any incident/ unlawful interference at
the civil airports in India by the concerned APD/ Incharge Airport Mgt issued in ……21/2010…….
20. As per AVSEC Circular No. …38/2005 the member of Indian Armed forces/ paramilitary forces while
travelling on duty by a civil commercial flight in domestic sectors within Indian may be allowed by the
concerned aircraft operator to carry their service fire arms and ammunition in hold baggage.
21. AERODROME… Committee meets at airport in case of unlawful seizure of aircraft.
22. DFMD should have …UNIFORM SENSITIVITY……… across the aperture metal object exceeding threshold
mass should produce identical alarm when passed through any portion within frame.
23. Reconciliation of Hold Baggage shall be done in accordance with the procedure given in BCAS
24. From explosive bodies are lifted up to …30……. To …60………. Feet and thrown hundreds of mtr. away.
25. IATA code reflected on the screening of cargo as LFSM define goods as …LIFE SAVING MATERIAL….
26. On the X-BIS monitor copper shall appear in …BLUE……..colour.
27. A thin sheet of silver would be seen in …GREEN……colour and a thick silver bar would be seen in
…BLUE……..colour though the atomic number remains same.
28. Aviation security order ……05/05…… Contains the list of permissible and prohibited items to be carried by
the Passenger.
29. FM transmission is …REMOTE/ COMMAND…….. type of switch in IED.
30. There are ……03……….components in IID.
31. The …RESTRICTED ARTICLES……are not allowed to be carried in the cabin of aircraft, or taken in to the
security Restricted area or an Airport, except by authorized persons who require them to undertake
essential tasks.
32. Aircraft Rule ………8A…………… with pre-embarkation check of passengers.
33. The cargo manifest shall be countersigned by the responsible officer of the APSU on duty before
transportation to airside for loading is mentioned in which of the following BCAS instructions…A.O 01/2006
34. Articles or substances that is capable of posing significant risk to health, safety, property or environment
when transported by air is defined as……DANGEROUS GOODS……..
35. Any property carried in an aircraft other than mail, stores, accompanied and mishandled bag is known as
__CARGO______ .
36. Radiation emitted from the x-ray machine should not exceed _0.1mR/hr at a distance of 05 cm______ .
37. Smith detection systems X-BIS has __08___ parts of key board.
38. Lead curtains are used because lead ___ABSORBS______ radiation.
39. Blue color denotes atomic no from __19-75________________ .
40. OS (organic stripping) in smith xbis is equivalent reflected as __IM________ in ECIL Rapiscan.
41. Useful penetration test objectivity is to detect__HIDDEN CONNECTIVITY____ .
42. Cordtex is a type of _EXPLOSIVE_______ .
43. India is located in __ASIA PACIFIC______ region of ICAO
44. On the x-ray monitor copper shall be appear in ……BLUE………… Color.
45. A thin sheet of silver would be seen in …GREEN…………… color and a thick silver bar would be seen In
……BLUE…………. Color though the atomic number remains the same .
46. AVSEC Circular ……04/2014…………… define about security procedure for Screening of Passengers with
Special Needs and Medical Condition.
47. Screening of passenger through ETD is mentioned in AVSEC …16/2010…………….. .
48. F. M. Transmission is……REMOTE/ COMMAND……………….. type of switch
49. Composition of an Airport Security Committee has been given in AVSEC Circular No. ……20/2006……… .
50. Refusal room is used to keep …INADMISSIBLE……… till the time be is deported back.
51. Technical Specification of …X-BIS…. and …INLINE CT-EDS… have been issued by BCAS vide AVSEC CIR 11/17
52. Internal audit of Airlines is carried out ---ONCE---------in a year.
53. Catering security, leaving premises is responsible of ----CONCERNED AIRLINE SECURITY-----------------.
54. Composition of airport security committee has been given in circular/order …20/2006…………………. .
55. Prompt communication to MCA/DG(BCAS)/DDG in case of unlawful interference is given in cir/order no.
56. Security procedure for general aviation operation and chartered aircraft operations is contained in cir/order
no. ………26/2005……………………………. .
57. Reluctant of screening by pax at screening point, ----NOT----------------------------allowed to entry to Aircraft.
58. Pre-embarkation security check is a anti-----HIJACKING-------------------- security measures
59. There are categories of Airport in India , They are ---NORMAL---,--SENSITIVE-- and --HYPER SENSITIVE--
60. Low explosive is ……HYGROSCOPIC…………. In nature hence needs proper packing.
61. Rules relating to carriage of dangerous goods is given in which circular /order…06/2004………….
62. Technical specification of XBIS are issued by BCAS vide Cir No. ……11/2017………….. On 04th Aug 2017.
63. IFSO carry a card called as Weapon Authorization Card issued by ……BCAS……… as an authority for carrying
a weapon on person on board.
64. All future procurement of XBIS should have …DUAL………………… view.
65. Bangkok is the headquarter of…ASIA PACIFIC………… region of ICAO.
66. ICAO has selected …CHENNAI………………………… airport for conduct of USAP/ CMA audit in INDIA in the
month of Mar 2018.
67. AVSEC security manual is also known as…DOC 8973…………………………….
68. Officers of BCAS not below the rank of ……ASSISTANT DIRECTOR…….. are authorized to conduct security
test (dummy test) to check the efficacy of the procedure.
69. Appropriate authority in India for safety of civil aviation operation is known as ……DGCA…….
70. Annex-17(16th Amendments) contains ……90……….standard and ……29…… recommended practices.
71. Non display of PIC in the outer part of dress is the violation of rule …18(6)………………of Aircraft (Security)
Rule 2011
72. Appendices …E…………… and ……F…..of Avsec Circular have been super seceded by Avsec .Circular 11/2017
73. The …POSTAL AUTHORITY……. Affix security seal or security band on each speed post article after it has
been security screened or physically checked in the post office.
74. As per Rule …22……… of Aircraft (Security) Rule-2011, the screening duty shall be performed by such officer
who has been certified by the commissioner.
75. Duties of CASO are defined under Rule …14……. Of Aircraft (Security) Rule2011.
76. The Aircraft (Security) Rule-2011 is notified on …19 JAN 2012…………………
77. Handling of unattended and suspect baggage ……10………….
78. Contingency plan to be made by aerodrome operator……….
79. Entry into aerodrome……18………..
80. Entry into security restricted area…19………
81. Prohibition to carry weapon or explosive etc.…20………….
82. Deployment of inflight security officer……30…….
83. Carriage of prisoner in aircraft……34…….
84. Investigation of security incidents/ accidents…46……
85. Power of Inquiry officer……47…..
86. Reporting of security incident or accidents………
87. Acceptance of Catering supplies is mentioned in ………………………………. .
88. List of items are mentioned in …………05/05………………… are banned for carriage on person or in cabin
baggage by a passenger on board.
89. Validity of Screener Certification is decided based on ……………………. .
90. Secondary Security Checks at Ladder Points of Aircraft are mentioned in A.O…04/09……… .
91. Responsibility of BDDS and Dog Squads are mentioned in ……………………… .
92. Security of Cargo Complexes at the Airport shall be done as per …………………… .
93. ………21/2010……. instruct for prompt communication to DG BCAS and other entities in case of incident /
accident related to civil aviation.
94. Procedure for Aircraft Security check and Search has been prescribed in ………… .
95. Objects inside abag in X-BIS are displayed in ……03………………………. Colours.
96. When screening baggage smell of nail polish, almonds, glue indicates possibility of
……EXPLOSIVE…………………… .
97. RDX is ………………..…… in colour and ……………………. in physical form.
98. Acoustic sensor is a example if switch which is categorised as ……AMBIENT SWITCH……… .
99. ……ETD………………………… is designed to detect microscopic particles of explosive.
100. Screening of passenger is done just before boarding in ……BOARDING GATE…… plan.
101. Spill-able wet batteries are classified as …………………………………… .
102. Access control to screened cargo or SRA in regulated Agent’s premise is done by
…………………………………………. .
103. Permissible and prohibited items to be carried by passenger in air are addressed in AVSEC Order
…05/05…………………………….. .
104. Armed support in SHA for frisking staff is a ………ANTI HIJACKING……………………… Measure.
105. Terrorist attack at Colombo Airport took place in …………2001……………………….. .
106. Regulation of Air Traffic at airport is the responsibility of ………ATC……………………….
107. Catering security is the responsibility of ……CONCERNED AIRLINE SECURITY………………………………….. .
108. The purpose of screening of PAX and their hand baggage is to prevent Carriage of and
………PROHIBITED ARTICLE……… in the cabin of the aircraft.
109. Performance of X-Ray BIS machine is tested with the help of ……CTP………………… .
110. In colour X-BIS machine, items which cannot be penetrated by the X-Ray will be displayed in
……………OPAQUE………………………. Colour.
111. AVSEC order 05/2005 - ……………………………………………………………… .
112. AVSEC Circular 05/2019 - …………………………………………………………….. .
113. AVSEC Circular 19/2006 - ………………………………………………………………
114. Procedure for cealing with cases wherein arms and/or ammunition are detected
during……SCREENING………..of a pax or his baggage is mentioned in………8/2017……………………………..
115. Procedure for screening of hold baggage is given in………34/2005……………………………..
116. Avsec Order 05/2009 gives in detail of security functions to be performed by ……AIRLINE SECURITY
117. Circular no. 11/2017 (Appendix A) has been issued in connection with technical specifications of…X-BIS
118. …………25-30%…………………. Of the bag should be physically checked in alert condition.
119. Radiation level around the X-BIS should not exceed ………….0.1mRr/hr …………….. at a distance
of…………05 cm…………. From the ……EXTERNAL HOUSING………………………
3 Aerial work. An aircraft operation in which an aircraft is used for specialized services such as
agriculture, construction, photography, surveying, observation and patrol, search and rescue, and
aerial advertisement.
,fj;y dk;Z & ,;jdzkQV ifjpkyu esa ,;jdzkQV dk mi;ksx fof’k”V lsokvksa tSls d`f”k] fuekZ.k
dk;Z] QksVksxzkQh] fujh{k.k voyksdu] x’r] tkWp
a ] cpko vkSj ,fj;y foKkiu ds fy;s fd;k tkrk gS
4 Aircraft- Any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air
other than the reactions of the air against the earth’s surface.
,;jdzkQV- dksbZ Hkh e’khu tks Hkwfe dh lrg ij ok;q ds fo:) izfrfdz;kvks dk lgkjk u ysdj
okrkoj.k esa ok;q dh izfrfdz;kvksa dk lgkjk ysrh gksa
5 Aircraft in flight. An aircraft from the moment when all its external doors are closed following
embarkation until the moment when such doors are opened for disembarkation.
,;jdzkQV bu QykbZV- foeku esa lokj gksus ds i'pkr~ foeku ds ckgjh njokts cUn gksus ds {k.k
ls ysdj ml {k.k rd tc tgkt ls mrjus ds fy;s njokts [kksys tkrs gS A
6 Aircraft in service. An aircraft shall be considered to be in service from the beginning of the pre
flight preparation of the aircraft by ground personnel or by the crew for a specific flight until 24
hours after any landing and in case of a forced landing the flight shall be deemed to continue until
the competent authorities to take over the responsibility for the aircraft and for persons and
property onboard.
,;jdzkQV bu lfoZl- gokbZ tgkt ds fiz&¶ykbZV fiz&ijs’ku psd ls ysdj gokbZ tgkt ds
ySaM gksus ds 24 ?k.Vs rd ds le; dks ,;jØk¶V bu lfoZl dgk tkrk gSA
7 Aircraft maintenance area. All the ground space and facilities provided for aircraft maintenance.
This includes aprons, hangars, buildings and workshops, vehicle parks and roads associated
therewith. Such an area is normally designated as a security restricted area.
foeku vuqj{k.k {ks=- foeku esa j[k&j[kko ds fy;s miyC/k lHkh LFkku vkSj lqfo/kk,Wa ftlesa
lfEefyr gS ,izWu] gsx
a j] Hkou vkSj dk;Z’kkyk] okgu ikfdZx vkSj lEcfU/kr lM+dsa A ,sls {ks=ks dks
lkekU;r% lqj{kk izfrcfU/kr {ks= ds :i esa fu/kkZfjr fd;k tkrk gS A
8 Aircraft not in service. An aircraft that either is parked for a period of more than 12 hours or is not
under surveillance sufficient to detect unauthorized access.
,;jdzkQV ukWaV bu lfoZl- ,;jdzkQV dks ;fn 12 ?k.Vs ls vf/kd ikdZ fd;k x;k gS ;k og i;kZIr
fuxjkuh ds rgr ugh gS ftlls vukf/kd`r izo’s k dks [kkstk tk ldsa A
9 Aircraft operators’ documents. Air waybills/consignment notes, passenger tickets and boarding
passes, bank and agent settlement plan documents, excess baggage tickets, miscellaneous
charges orders (M.C.O), damage and irregularity reports, baggage and cargo labels, timetables,
and weight and balance documents, for use by aircraft operators.
,;jdzkQV vkWijsVj nLrkost- ,;jdzkQV vkWijsVj }kjk mi;ksx fd;s tkus okys nLrkost ,;j
osfcYl@dUlkbuesUV uksV~l] ;k=h fVDVsa vkSj cksfMZx ikl] cSd ,.M ,tsUV lsVyesUV nLrkost]
vfrfjDr cSxt s fVDV] fofo/k ‘kqYd vkns’k ¼,e-lh-vks½] {kfr vkSj vfu;feRrk lwpuk] cSxt
s vkSj
dkWxksZ yscy] le; vkSj osV ,.M cSyUl A
10 Aircraft security check. An inspection of the interior of an aircraft to which passengers may have
had access and an inspection of the hold for the purposes of discovering suspicious objects,
weapons, explosives or other dangerous devices, articles and substances.
,;jdzkQV flD;wfjfV pSd- ,;jdzkQV dk vUn:uh Hkkx tgkWa ;k=h izos’k djrs gS vkSj ,;j dk
gksYM ,fj;k dk fujh{k.k bl mn~s’; ls fd;k tkrk gS fd lUnsgkLin oLrq,W]a gfFk;kj] foLQksVd ;k
vU; [krjukd midj.k] oLrq,Wa ;k nzO; dks [kkstk tk ldsa
11 Aircraft security search. A thorough inspection of the interior and exterior of the aircraft for the
purpose of discovering suspicious objects, weapons, explosives or other dangerous devices,
articles or substances.
,;jdzkQV flD;wfjfV lpZ- ,;jdzkQV dk lEiw.kZ ckgjh vkSj vkUrfjd fujh{k.k bl mn~s’; ls fd;k
tkuk dh lUnsgkLin oLrq,W] gfFk;kj] foLQksVd ;k vU; [krjukd midj.k] oLrq,W ;k nzO; dks
[kkstk tk lds A
12 Aircraft stand. A designated area on an apron intended to be used for parking an aircraft.
,;jdzkQV LVs.M- ,izWu dk og fu/kkZfjr LFkku tgkWa ,;jdzkQV dks ikdZ djus ds mn~s’; ls mi;ksx
fd;k tkrk gS A
13 Airport. Any area in a Contracting State which is open for commercial aircraft operations.
,;jiksVZ- fdlh ns’k dk og {ks= tks dh okf.kT;d foeku ifjpkyu ds fy;s [kqyk gS A
14 Airside. The movement area of an airport, adjacent terrain and buildings or portions thereof,
access to which is controlled.
,;LlkbZM- ,jksMªe dk ifjpkyu {ks=] yxrk gqvk HkwHkkx] Hkou vkSj mldk Hkkx tgkWa izos’k fu;fU=r
gksrk gS A
15 Appropriate authority for aviation security. The authority designated by a State within its
administration to be responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of the
national civil aviation security programme.
,izksizh,V vFkksZfV Qksj ,fo;s’ku flD;wfjfV- ns’k }kjk izkf/kd`r vf/kdkjh tks fd iz’kklfud {kerk ds
rgr ns’k ds ukxj foeku~u dk;Zdze dks cukus] fdz;kUo;u djus] cjdjkj j[kus ds fy;s ftEesnkj gS
16 Apron. A defined area, on a land aerodrome, intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes of
loading or unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, parking or maintenance.
,Wizu- foekuiRru dk og fu/kkZfjr LFkku tgka foeku dks bl mnzns’; ls [kM-k fd;k tkrk gS rkfd
;k=h] esy vkSj dkxksZ dks mrkjk&p<k;k tk lds ,oa] rsy Hkjuk] ikfdZx] vkSj j[kj[kko fd;k tk
lds A
17 Apron passenger vehicle. Any vehicle used to convey passengers between aircraft and passenger
,Wizu iSlt
sa j ozhbd~y~- ,;jdzkQV vkSj ;k=h Hkou ds e/; ;kf=;ksa dks ys tkus ds fy;s mi;ksx gksus
okyk okgu A
18 Background check. A check of a person’s identity and previous experience, including, where legally
permissible, any criminal history, as part of the assessment of an individual’s suitability to
implement a security control and/or for unescorted access to a security restricted area.
cSdxzkm.M pSd- fdlh O;fDr dh igpku vkSj mlds }kjk iwoZ esa fd;s x;s dk;Z ftlesa dkuwu :i
ls Lohd`r] dksbZ vijkf/kd bfrgkl dh tkWap ‘kkfey gS] ftlds vk/kkj ij mlds lqj{kk izfrcfU/kr
{ks= esa fcuk ,LdkVZ izo’s k dh mi;qDRrk dk vkadyu fd;k tkrk gS A
19 Baggage. Personal property of passengers or crew carried on an aircraft by agreement with the
s - ;k+=h o dzw dk O;fDrxr lkeku tks ,;jykbZu vkijsVj }kjk le>kSrs ds rgr ,;jdzkQV ij
ys tk;k tkrk gS A
20 Baggage container. A receptacle in which baggage is loaded for conveyance in aircraft.
s dUVsuj- dUVsuj@VªkWyh ftlesa cSxt
s dks ,;jdzkQV esa ys tkus ds fy;s Mkyk tkrk gS A
21 Baggage sorting area. Space in which departure baggage is sorted into flight loads.
cSxst lksVhZx ,fj;k- og LFkku tgkW ij QykabZV esa Hksts tkus okys lkeku dks QykbZV ds vuqlkj
vyx&vyx fd;k tkrk gSa A
22 Baggage storage area. Space in which checked/hold baggage is stored pending transport to
aircraft and space in which mishandled baggage may be held until forwarded, claimed or
otherwise disposed of.
s LVksjst ,fj;k- og LFkku tgWk psdM-@gksYM cSxts dks foeku esa Hkstus ds fy, j[kk tkrk gS
vkSj tgkW felgsUMsy cSx Hkh j[ks tkrs gS tc rd fd mls vkxs Hsktk uk tk,] dksbZ nkok u djsa ;k
vU; fdlh rjhds ls mldk fuiVkjk u fd;k tk, A
23 Bomb alert. A status of alert put in place by competent authorities to activate an intervention plan
intended to counter the possible consequences arising from a communicated threat, anonymous
or otherwise, or arising from the discovery of a suspect device or other suspect item on an
aircraft, at an airport or in any civil aviation facilities.
ce ,yVZ- xqeuke ;k vU;Fkk vkifr dh lwpuk feyus ij leqfpr izkf/kdkjh }kjk lrZdrk dh og
voLFkk gS] tks fdlh lUnsgkLin] midj.k ;k vU; lansgkLin oLrq ds fdlh foeku es] ,;jiksVZ ij
;k ukxj foeku~u dh fdlh vU; lqfo/kk ess]a feyus ij mRiUu gksus okys lEHkkfor ifj.kkeksa ls
fuiVus ds fy, cukbZ xbZ ;kstuk gSS A
24 Bomb threat. A communicated threat, anonymous or otherwise, which suggests, or infers,
whether true or false that the safety of an aircraft in flight or on the ground, or any airport or civil
aviation facility or any person may be in danger from an explosive or other item or device.
ce FkzV- xqeuke ;k vU;Fkk vkifRr dh og lwpuk tks ;g lq>ko nsrh gS ;k ftlls ;g vuqeku
yxk;k tkrk gS fd ,;jdzkQV bu QykbV ;k vkWu xzkmUM ] ,;jiksVZ ;k ukxj foekuu dh
lqfo/kk,W ;k fdlh O;fDr dh lqj{kk] foLQksVd ;k vU; OkLrq ;k midj.k ds feyus ls [krjs esa iM
tk, A
25 Cabin baggage. Baggage intended for carriage in the cabin of an aircraft.
dsfcu cSxt
s - ,;jdzkQV ds dsfcu esa ys tk;s tkus okys cSxt
s A
26 Cargo. Any property carried on an aircraft other than mail, stores and accompanied or mishandled
dkWxksZ- esy] LVksj] lkFk es tkus okys lkeku o xyrh ls NqVus okys lkeku ds vfrfjDr ,;jdzkQV
es tkus leku dks dkWxksZ dgrs gS A
27 Cargo area. All the ground space and facilities provided for cargo handlings. It includes aprons,
cargo buildings and warehouses, vehicle parks and roads associated therewith.
dkWxksZ ,fj;k- dkWxksZ izcU/ku ds fy;s miyC/k lHkh LFkku vkSj lqfo/kk,W ftlesa lfEefyr gS ,Wizu]
dkWxksZ Hkou vkSj eky xksnke] okgu ikdhZx vkSj lEcfU/kr lMdsa A
28 Cargo building. A building through which cargo passes between air and ground transport and in
which processing facilities are located, or in which cargo is stored pending transfer to air or
ground transport.
dkWxksZ fcfYM+x- og Hkou tgkWa ls lM+d vkSj gokbZ ;krk;kr ds fy;s dkWxksZ xqtjrk gS vkSj bl
izfdz;k ds fy;s leLr lqfo/kk,Wa gksrh gS ;k tgkWa ij lM+d ;k ok;q ekxZ ls Hkstus ds dkWxksZ dks j[kk
tkrk gS A
29 Catering stores. All items, other than catering supplies, associated with passenger in-flight
services, for example newspapers, magazines, headphones, audio and video tapes, pillows and
blankets, and amenity kits.
dsVfjax LVksjl- dsVfjax lIykbZt ds vykok] os LkHkh lkeku tks buQykbZV ;k=h lsokvksa ls
lEc) gS &tSls] lekpkj i=] esaXthu] gsM-Qksu] vkWfM;ksa vkSj fofM;ksa VsIl] rfd;s vkSj dEcy vkSj
jE;rk@lqfo/kk dk lkeku vkfn A
30 Catering supplies. Food, beverages, other dry stores and associated equipment used on board and
dsVfjax LkIykbZt- [kk/k~ ]is; inkFkzZ ] vU; lw[kh lkezfxz;kW vkSj laca f/kr midj.k tks ,;jdzkQV esa
vkWu cksMZ mi;ksx gksrs gSa A
31 Certification. A formal evaluation and confirmation by or on behalf of the appropriate authority
for aviation security that a person possesses the necessary competencies to perform assigned
functions to an acceptable level as defined by the appropriate authority.
LVhZfQds’ku- foeku~u lqj{kk ds vf/kd`r izkf/kdkjh dh rjQ ls ewY;kadu vkSj lR;kiu djuk fd
vf/kd`r izkf/kdkjh }kjk O;k[;k fd;s x;s dk;Z ds Lohd`r Lrj rd djus ds fy;s og O;fDr
vfuok;Z ;ksX;rk j[krk gS
32 Check-in. The process of reporting to an aircraft operator for acceptance on a particular flight.
pSd&bu- ;k=h dks ,;jykbZu vkijsVj }kjk fof’k"V QykbZV es ;k=k ds fy, Lohdkj djuk gh
psd&bu dgykrk gS
33 Check-in position. The location of facilities at which check-in is carried out.
pSd bu iksft’ku- mu lqfo/kk,W ls lacf/kr LFkku tgkW psd bu djus dh izfdz;k dh tkrh gSa A
34 Co-mail. Abbreviation of aircraft operator company mail, shipped within the company’s network
of stations.
dks&esy- ;g foeku ifjpkyd ds dEiuh Mkd dk lkj gS tks dEiuh ds LVs’kuksa ds e/; Hksts tkus
okyk Mkd dgykrk gS A
35 Co-mat. Abbreviation of aircraft operator company materials, shipped within the company’s
network of stations.
dks&esV- ;g foeku ifjpkyd ds dEiuh lkeku dk lkj gS tks dEiuh ds LVs’kuksa ds e/; Hksts
tkus okyk lkeku dgykrk gS A
36 Commercial air transport operation. An aircraft operation involving the transport of passengers,
cargo or mail for remuneration or hire.
Note. – For the purpose of this manual, the term “aircraft operator” will be used instead of a
“commercial air transport operator”.
dkse'khZ;y ,;j VªkWaliksVZ vkWijs’ku- foeku dk ifjpkyu ftlesa ;kf=;ks]a dkWxksZ ;k Mkd dk fdjk;s
;k esgurkuk ds cnys ys tkuk lfEefyr gS A
37 Contingency plan. A “proactive” plan to include measures and procedures addressing various
threat levels, risk assessments and the associated security measures to be implemented, designed
to anticipate and mitigate events as well as prepare all concerned parties having roles and
responsibilities in the event of an actual act of unlawful interference. A contingency plan sets
forth incremental security measures that may be elevated as the threat increases. It may be a
stand-alone plan or included as part of the Crisis Management Plan.
dUVhtsUlh Iyku- ,d vxzlfdz; ;kstuk ftlesa xSj dkuwuh vojks/kksa ds d`R; ds okLro esa ?kfVr
gksus dh fLFkfr esa mik;ksa vkSj izfdz;ksa dh J`a[kyk tks fofo/k [krjksa ds Lrj] [krjksa ds vuqeku vkSj
ykxw fd;s tkus okys lEcfU/kr lqj{kk mik; ftUgsa iwoZKku ds vk/kkj ij ;kstuk cukus vkSj ?kVukvksa
ds izHkko dks de djus vkSj lkFk&lkFk lEcfU/kr i{kksa dk muds drZO; vkSj ftEesnkjh;ksa ds fy;s
rS;kj djuk A dUVhtsUlh Iyku ds rgr [krjksa ds c<+us ij mPp Lrj ij lqj{kk mik;ksa dks ykxw
fd;s tkrs gS A ;g ,d ek= ;kstuk gS ;k bls dzkblhl esUutesUV Iyku ds Hkkx esa Lohdkj fd;k
x;k gS A
38 Corporate aviation. The non-commercial operation or use of aircraft by a company for the carriage
of passengers or goods as an aid to the conduct of company business, flown by a professional pilot
employed to fly the aircraft. (Note that corporate aviation is a subset of general aviation.)
dkWjiksjsV ,fo;s’ku- fdlh dEiuh }kjk] dEiuh ds fctusl dk;ksZ esa lgk;rk gsrq fdlh O;olkf;d
ikbyV dh rSukrh djds xSj O;olkf;d ifjpkyu ;k ;k=h ,oa lkeku ds vkokxeu ds fy;s foeku
ifjpkyu dgykrk gS A
39 Courier service. An operation whereby shipments tendered by one or more shippers are
transported as the baggage of a courier passenger on board a scheduled aircraft operator service
under normal passenger hold baggage documentation.
dwfj;j lfoZl- fu;fer ,;jdzkQV vkWijsVj lfoZl ds rgr tgkt esa cksMZ dwfj;j ;k=h ds ys tk;s
tkus okys cSxts tks lkekU; ;k=h ds gksYM cSxst ds nLrkostks ij ,d ;k ,d ls vf/kd lkeku
Hkstus okyks ds lkeku dk ifjpkyu gS A
40 Crew member.A person assigned by an operator to duty on an aircraft during a flight duty period.
dzwW esEcj- QWykbZV M~;wfV fifj;M ds nkSjku ,;jdzkQV esa dRrZO; ds fy;sa vkWijsVj }kjk vf/kd~r fd;k
x;k O;fDr dzWw dgykrk gSa A
41 Crisis management. Contingency measures implemented in response to increased threat levels as
well as implementation of measures and procedures in response to the emergencies to include
acts of unlawful interference.
dzkblsl esUtesUV- c<+rs gq, [krjks ls fuiVus dh izfrfdz;k ds lkFk vkikrkdkyhu fLFkfr;ks]a ftuesa
xSj dkuwuh vojks/k mRiUu djus ds d`R; Hkh ‘kkfey gS] dh izfrfdz;k Lo:i ykxw fd;s tkus okys
mik; vkSj izfdz;k dks dgrs gS A
42 Dangerous goods. Articles or substances which are capable of posing a risk to health, safety,
property or the environment and which are shown in the list of dangerous goods in the Technical
Instructions or which are classified according to those Instructions.
MsUtlZ xqM- ,slh dksbZ oLrq@inkFkZ tks LokLF;] lqj{kk ] izkis VhZ vkSj okrkoj.k dks [krjk igqWpkus es
l{ke gks rFkk ftUgs [krjukd lkeku dh lwph es n’kkZ;k x;k gkss ;k oxhZd`r fd;k x;k gkss ] mls
a jl xqM~l dgrs gS A
43 Deportee. A person who had legally been admitted to a State by its authorities or who had
entered a State illegally, and who at some later time is formally ordered by the competent
authorities to leave that State.
Note.- The competent authorities may provide an escort for such persons.
fMiksVhZ- O;fDr ftls dkuwuh :i ls ml ns’k esa mlds izkf/kdkjh }kjk vkus dh Lohd`fr ns nh xbZ
gks ;k ftlus fu;eksa ds vk/kkj ij ml ns’k esa izos’k fd;k gks vkSj mls dqN le; i'pkr~ l{ke
vf/kdkjh }kjk ns’k NksMu+ s dk Li”V vkns’k ns fn;k tkrk gS A
44 Diplomatic pouch (bag). A shipping container having diplomatic immunity from search or seizure.
fM~IyksesfVd ikmp¼cSx½- ,d f’kaihx daVsuj ftls tkWp
a ,oa tCrh ls fMIyksesfVd NwV gks A
45 Direct transit area. A special area established in an international airport, approved by the public
authorities concerned and under their direct supervision or control, where passengers can stay
during transit or transfer without applying for entry to the State.
MkW;jsDV VªkaftV ,fj;k- vUrjk”Vªh; ,;jiksVZ ij Lfkkfir fo’ks”k {ks= gS ftls lEcfU/kr ifCyd
,WFkksfjfV }kjk vuqeksfnr fd;k x;k gS vkSj tks mlh dh ns[kjs[k vkSj fu;U=.k esa jgrk gS tgkWa ij
;k=h ml ns’k dks fcuk crk;s viuh VªkaftV ;k VªaklQj ;k=k ds nkSjku Bgj ldrs gS A
46 Disruptive passenger. A passengers who fails to respect the rules of conduct at an airport or on
board an aircraft or to follows the instructions of the airport staff or crew members and thereby
disturbs the good order and discipline at an airport or on board the aircraft.
fMLjifVo iSlsUtj- ,slk ;k=h tks ,;jiksVZ ij] ;k vkWu cksMZ ,;jdzkQV ij fu;eksa dh ikyuk
ugh djrk gS ;k ,;jiksVZ LVWkQ ;k dzwW esEcj ds funsZ’kksa dk ikyu ugh djrk gSa vkSj ,;jiksVZ ;k
vkWu cksMZ ,;jdzkQV ij lqO;oLFkk vkSj vuq’kklu esa O;o/kku mRriUu djrk gSa A
47 Emergency plan. The plan setting forth the procedures for coordinating the response of different
aerodrome agencies (or services) and of those agencies in the surrounding community that could
be of assistance in responding to the emergency.
vkikrdkyhu ;kstuk- ,WjksMªe ij fLFkr fofo/k laLFkk,W vkSj vklikl ds {ks= esa leku laLFkk,W tks
vkikrdkyhu fLFkfr dh izfrfdz;k esa lgk;d gks lds] ,slh laLFkkvksa dks fdlh vkikrdkyhu fLFkfr
ls fuiVus ds fy;s vkilh leUo; dh izfdz;k gsrq tks ;kstuk cukbZ tkrh gS A
48 Explosive Detection System (EDS). A system or combination of different technologies which has
the ability to detect, and so to indicate by means of an alarm, explosive material contained in
baggage, irrespective of the material from which the bag is made.
,DlIyksfto fMVsD’ku flLVe- ,d izfdz;k ;k fofHkUu rduhdks dk la;ksx tks fdlh Hkh cSx] tks
fdlh Hkh oLrq ls cuk gks] ds vUnj foLQksVd inkFkksZ dks <wWa<us vkSj psrkouh nsus esa l{ke gks A
49 Explosive Device Detection System (EDDS). A system or combination of different technologies
which has the ability to detect, and so to indicate by means of an alarm, an explosive device by
detecting one or more components of such a device contained in baggage, irrespective of the
material from which the bag is made.
,WDlIyksfto fMokbZt fMVsDlu flLVe- ,d izfdz;k ;k fofHkUu rduhdks dk la;ksx dks fdlh cSx]
tks fdlh Hkh oLrq ls cuk gks] ds vUnj fdlh foLQksVd midj.k ds ,d ;k vf/kd Hkkx dks <w<Waus
vkSj psrkouh nsus esa l{ke gks A
50 Explosive substance. Solid or liquid substance (or mixture of substances) which is in itself capable
by chemical reaction of emitting gases at such a temperature, pressure and speed as to cause
damage in the surrounding area. This definition includes pyrotechnic substances, even if they do
not emit gases. Those substances that are in themselves not explosive but may produce an
explosive atmosphere of gas, vapour or dust are not included.
,WDlIyksfto lCLVsUl- Bksl ;k rjy nzO; ;k feJ.k tks vius vki esa jklk;fud izfdz;k ls xSl
mRiUu djus esa l{ke gS ftlls rki] nko vkSj xfr ls vklikl ds {ks= esa uqdlku gksrk gS A bl
ifjHkk”kk esa ikjksVsDuhd inkFkksZ dks lfEefyr fd;k x;k gS ;|fi os xSl mRiUu ugh djrs gks os
inkFkZ tks vius vki esa foLQksVd ugh gS ijUrq foLQksVd dk okrkoj.k xSl] ok”i] /kwy ds :i esa
mRiUu djrs gks dks Hkh lEefyr ugh fd;k x;k gS A
51 Facilitation. The efficient management of a necessary control process, with the objective to
expedite clearance of persons or goods and prevent unnecessary operational delays.
QslhyhVs’ku- ,d vko';d fu;a=.k çfØ;k ds dq'ky çca/ku tks O;fä;ksa ;k eky dh 'kh?kz vuqefr
esa rsth ykus vkSj vuko';d nsjh dks jksdus ds mís'; ls dj jgh gS ]
52 Freight. Any property carried on an aircraft other than mail, stores and accompanied or
mishandled baggage.
QjsbV- esy] LVksj] lkFk es tkus okys lkeku o xyrh ls NqVus okys lkeku ds vfrfjDr ,;jdzkQV
es tkus leku dks dkWxksZ dgrs gS A
53 General aviation operation. An aircraft other than a commercial air transport operation or an
aerial work operation.
tujy ,fo;s’ku vkWijs’ku- def’kZ;y ,;j VªkWl
a iksVZ ifjpkyu ;k ,Wfj;y odZ ifjpkyu ds vykok
foeku dk ifjpkyu A
54 Human Factors principles. Principles which apply to aeronautical design, certification, training,
operations and maintenance and which seek safe interface between the human and other system
components by proper consideration to human performance.
g;weu QsDVj fizfa liYl- os fl}kUr tks ,WjksuksfVdy [kkdk] izek.k i=] izf’k{k.k] ifjpkyu vkSj
j[kj[kko esa ykxw fd;s tkrs gS vkSj tks ekuo {kerkvksa dk i;kZIr /;ku j[krs gq, ekuo ,oa vU;
izfdz;kWa midj.kksa ds e/; rkyesy iSnk djrs gS A
55 Human performance. Human capabilities and limitations which have an impact on the safety,
security and efficiency of aeronautical operations.
g~;weu ijQksjesUl- ekuoh; l{kerkvksa vkSj lhekvksa ftudk dh ,WjksuksfVdy ifjpkyu dh
dk;Z{kerk] lqj{kk vkSj lsQVh ij izHkko iM+rk gS A
56 Identification cards. A permit system consists of cards or other documentation issued to
individual persons employed on airports or who otherwise have need for authorized access to the
airport, airside or security restricted area. Its purpose is to identify the individual and facilitate
access. Vehicle permits are issued and used for similar purposes to allow vehicular access. Permits
are sometimes referred to as airport identity cards or passes.
ijfeV- ijfeV O;oLFkk esa dkMZ ;k vU; nLrkost ‘kkfey gksrs gSa ftls ,;jiksVZ ij dk;Z djus
okys deZpkjh ;k ftUgsa ,;jiksVZ] ,;jlkbZM ;k lqj{kk izfrcfU/kr {ks= esa vf/kd`r izos’k dh
vko’;Drk gSa] mUgsa tkjh fd;k tkrk gSa A bldk edln mu O;fDr;ksa dh igpku djuk rFkk mUgs
izos’k dh lqfo/kk fnyokuk gSa A okgu ijfeV blh mn~ns’; ls okgu ds izos’k gsrq tkjh fd;k tkrk
gSa A bu ifjfeVkssa dks ,;jiksVZ igpku dkMZ ;k ikl ds #i esa Hkh lUnHkhZr fd;k tkrk gSa A
57 Inadmissible person. A person who is or will be refused admission to a State by its authorities.
Such persons normally have to be transported back to their State of departure, or to any other
State where the persons are admissible, by the aircraft operator on which they arrived. (See
appropriate Standards in Annex 9 – Facilitation, Chapter 5.)
baMfeflCy ilZu- og O;fDr gS ftl ns’k ds izkf/kdkjh }kjk izos’k ugh fn;k tkrk gS ;k fn;k
tk;sxk] ,sls O;fDr dks lkekU;r% mlh ns’k esa Hkst fn;k tkrk gS tgkWa ls og vk;k gS ;k fdlh
vU; esa tgkWa og Lohdk;Z gS] mls mlh ,;jdzkQV ls okil Hkst fn;k tkrk gS ftlls og vk;k gS
58 In-flight security officer. A person who is employed and trained by the government of the State of
the Operator or by the government of the State of registration to be deployed on an aircraft with
the purpose of protecting that aircraft and its occupants against acts of unlawful interference. This
excludes person employed to provide exclusive personal protection for one or more specific
people traveling on the aircraft, such as personal bodyguards.
bu&QykbZV flDlwfjfV vkWfQlj- ,;jdzkQV vkSj mlesa cSBs O;fDr;ksa dh xSj dkuwuh vojks/kks ds
d`R; ls laj{kk ds mn~s’; ls ,;jdzkQV ij iath;u okys ns’k dh ljdkj ;k vkWijsVj ds ns’k dh
ljdkj }kjk fu;qDr vkSj izf’kf{kr O;fDr A ;g ,;jdzkQV esa ,d ;k vf/kd fof’k”V O;fDr;ksa dh
gh O;fDrxr lqj{kk gsrq fu;qDr O;fDr ds vykok gksxk A
59 Integrated/consolidated cargo. A consignment of multi-packages which has been originated by
more than one person, each of whom has made an agreement for carriage by air with another
person other than a scheduled aircraft operator.
dUlksfyMsfVM dkWxksZ- ,d ls vf/kd O;fDr;ksa ds Hksts tkus okys lkeku ds isdsVks dks dUlksfyMsfVM
dkWxksZ dgrs gaS A
60 Interline baggage. Baggage of passengers subject to transfer from the aircraft of one operator to
the aircraft of another operator in the course of the passenger’s journey.
baVjykbZu cSxst- ;k=h dk lkeku ;k=k ds nkSjku] fdlh ,d ,;jykbZu vkijsVj ds foeku ls
fdlh vU; ,;jykbu vkijsVj ds foeku ij LFkkukUrfjr fd;k tkrk gS A
61 International airport. Any airport designated by the Contracting State in whose territory it is
situated as an airport of entry and departure for international air traffic, where the formalities
incident to customs, immigration, public health, animal and plant quarantine and similar
procedures are carried out.
vUrWjk”Vz~h; ,;jiksVZ- fdlh ns’k }kjk viuh lhekvksa ds vUrZxr fLFkr oSls ukfer ,;jiksVZ tgkW
ij vUrWjk”Vz~h; ok;q ;krk;kr gsrq tgktksa dk vkxeu vkSj izLFkku gksrk gSa vkSj dLVe] abehxszlu]
ifCyd gsYFk] Ik’kqvksa vkSj ikS/kksa ds DojkaVkbe vkSj tgkW ij blds lkeku izfdz;ksa dks iwjh djus dh
lqfo/kk gks A
62 Known consignor.
For cargo : The originator of properly for transportation by air and who has established
business with a regulated agent or aircraft operator.
Formail:The originator of mail for transportation by air and who has
established business with a regulated postal authority/administration.
ukWu dWulkbuj-
dkWxksZ ds fy;s % lEifr dk Lokeh tks ,;jdzkQV vkWijsVj ;k jsX;qyVs M ,tsUV ds lkFk lkeku
foeku ls Hkstus ds fy;s lEcU/k LFkkfir djrk gS AMkd ds fy;s % Mkd dk Lokeh tks Mkd dks
foeku ls Hkstus ds fy;s fu;fer iksLVyizkf/kdkjh@iz’kklu ls vius O;olkf;d lEcU/k LFkkfir
djrk gS
63 Known supplier of LAGs and/or Known supplier of STEBs. Entity that ensures implementation of
the security controls on and protection from unauthorized interference with supplies of liquids,
gels and aerosols (LAGs) or supplies of secure tamper-evident bags (STEBs), respectively, from
their first point of entry on airside until their delivery to passengers. The known supplier of LAGs
and/or the known supplier or STEBs fully accepts responsibility, by written declaration, for the
introduction and quality control of LAGs and STEBs within the supply chain on the airside.
ukWu lIyk;j vkWQ ysx vkSj ukWu lIyk;j vkWQ ,l-Vh-bZ-ch- laLFkk tks fyDfoM+] tSy] ,Wjkslksyl dh
lwinZxh vkSj flD;wfjfV VsEij ,ohMsUV cSx dh lwinZxh dks ,;jlkbZM ds izFke izos’k fcUnqls ;k=h
dks lqiqnZ fd;s tkus rd lqj{kk fu;a=.k vkSj vukf/kd`r NsM&
+ NkM+ ls lqj{kk laca/kh mik;ksa dks ykxw
djus okyh laLFkk gS A
64 LAGs. Liquids, aerosols and gels, in any volume, for sale at airport outlets (excluding food and
beverages for consumption in the airport premises and not intended for carriage into the aircraft
passenger cabin) or on board aircraft during the day(s) of the journey, either in the airside area or
in a security-restricted area.
ysx- ,;jiksVZ ds ,;jlkbZM okys {ks= ;k lqj{kk izfrcfU/kr {ks= esa fLFkr nqdkuksa ij ;k tgkt esa
;k=k okys fnu fdlh Hkh ek=k es csps tkus okys fyfDoM+] ,Wjkslsy vkSj tSy¼,;jiksVZ ifjlj esa
mi;ksx djus okys [kk|; vkSj is; inkFkZ ftUgs foeku ds ;k=h dsfcu es ugh ys tk ldrk gS os
lfEefyr ugh gS½
65 Land side. That area of an airport and buildings to which both traveling passengers and the non-
traveling public have unrestricted access. (See also Non-restricted area.)
ysUM lkbZM- foekuiRru ;k bekjr dk og Hkkx ;k {ks+= tgkW ;k=h vkSj xSj ;kf=;ks ds izos’k ;k
vkokxeu ij izfrca/k u gkss og yS.MlkbM dgykrk gS A
66 Mail. Dispatches of correspondence and other items tendered by and intended for delivery to
postal services in accordance with the rules of the Universal Postal Union (UPU).
Mail means dispatches of correspondence and other objects tendered by and intended for
delivery to postal administrations.
Eksy- ;qfuolZy iksLVy ;wfu;u (UPU) ds fu;eksa ds rgr Mkd lsokvksa }kjk fn, x, vkSj mUgs lqiqnZ
djus ds mnzn’s ; ls Hksts tkus okys i= o vU; lkeku A
67 Mishandled baggage. Baggage involuntarily, or inadvertently, separated from passengers or crew.
felgS.My cSxt
s - vfuPNk ls ;k Hkwy ls ;k=h ;k dzw ls vyx gks x;k cSxstA
68 Movement area. That part of an aerodrome to be used for the take-off, landing and taxiing of
aircraft, consisting of the manoeuvring area and the apron(s).
ewoesUV ,fj;k- ,;jiksVZ dk og Hkkx tks foeku ds mMku Hkjus] mrjus] pyus rFkk ?kweus ds fy,
iz;ksx gksrk gS] bles ,izu {ks+= Hkh ’kkfey gS A
69 Narcotics control. Measures to control the illicit movement of narcotics and psychotropic
substances by air.
ukjdksfVDl fu;U=.k- foeku ls xSj dkuwuh rjhds ls ys tkbZ tkus okyh ukjdksfVDl vkSj
lkbdksVªksfid nzO;ks ij fu;U=.k dh izfdz;k A
70 Non-restricted area. Areas of an airport to which the public have access or to which access is
otherwise unrestricted.
ukWu&jsLVªhdsV ,fj;k- ,;jiksVZ dk og {ks= tgkWa turk izos’k dj ldrh gS ;k tgkWa ij izos’k
fu”ks/k ugh gS A
71 Off-airport processing facilities. A passenger or cargo transport link terminal at an urban
population centre at which processing facilities are provided.
vkWQ&,;jiksVZ izkslsflax QslhYVh¼,;jiksVZ ds ckgj izfdz;k dh lqfo/kk½- ‘kgjh tula[;k okys {ks= esa
;kf=;ksa vkSj dkWxksZ dks ys tkus ls lEcfU/kr VehZuy tgkWa bl izfdz;k dh lqfo/kk miyC/k gks
72 Passenger area. All the ground space and facilities provided for passenger processing. This
includes aprons, passenger buildings, vehicle parks and roads.
sa j ,fj;kW- ;kf=;ksa dh izfdz;k ds fy;s miyC/k lEiw.kZ LFkku vkSj lqfo/kk,Wa ftlesa ,izWu] ;k=h
Hkou] okgu ikfdZx vkSj lM+ds lfEefyr gS A
73 Permits. A permit system consists of cards or other documentation issued to individual persons
employed on airports or who otherwise have need for authorized access to the airport, airside or
security restricted area. Its purpose is to identify the individual and facilitate access. Vehicle
permits are issued and used for similar purposes to allow vehicular access. Permits are sometimes
referred to as airport identity cards or passes.
ijfeV%& ijfeV O;oLFkk esa dkMZ ;k vU; nLrkost ‘kkfey gksrs gSa ftls ,;jiksVZ ij dk;Z djus
okys deZpkjh ;k ftUgsa ,;jiksVZ] ,;jlkbZM ;k lqj{kk izfrcfU/kr {ks= esa vf/kd`r izos’k dh
vko’;Drk gSa] mUgsa tkjh fd;k tkrk gSa A bldk edln mu O;fDr;ksa dh igpku djuk rFkk mUgs
izos’k dh lqfo/kk fnyokuk gSa A okgu ijfeV blh mn~ns’; ls okgu ds izos’k gsrq tkjh fd;k tkrk
gSa A bu ifjfeVkssa dks ,;jiksVZ igpku dkMZ ;k ikl ds #i esa Hkh lUnHkhZr fd;k tkrk gSa A
74 Person with disabilities (with reduced mobility). Any person whose mobility is reduced due to a
physical incapacity (sensory or locomotors), an intellectual deficiency, age, illness or any other
cause of disability when using transport and whose situation needs special attention and the
adaptation to the person’s needs of the services made available to all passengers.
ilZu fon fMl,chYVh- ,slk O;fDr ftldh ‘kkjhfjd v{kerk] ekufld gkl] mez fcekjh ;k vU;
fdlh v{kerk ds dkj.k mlds }kjk mi;ksx fd;s tkus okys ;krk;kr ds lk/ku dh xfr dks de
dj fn;k tkrk gS vkSj ftldh rjQ fo’ks”k /;ku dh vko’;drk gS vkSj O;fDr dh vko’;d
w lsok,Wa ftUgs lHkh ;k=h;ksa dks miyC/k djk;k tkuk pkfg, A
75 Pilot-in-command. The pilot responsible for the operation and safety of the aircraft during flight
ikbyV bu dek.M- ikbyV tks ,;jdzkQV dh mM+ku ds nkSjku ifjpkyu vkSj lqj{kk ds ft;s
ftEesnkj gS A
76 Regulated agent. An agent, freight forwarder or any other entity who conducts business with an
operator and provides security controls that are accepted or required by the appropriate
authority in respect of cargo or mail.
jsX;wyfs VM ,tsUV- ,tsUV] lkeku Hkstus okyk ;k vU; dksbZ laLFkk tks vkWijsVj ds lkFk O;olk;
djrh gS vkSj dkWxksZ ;k esy ds lUnHkZ esa fd;s x;s lqj{kk fu;U=.k tks vf/kd`r izkf/kdkjh }kjk
Lohdk;Z gS A
77 Restricted articles. Articles which are, in the specific context of aviation security, defined as those
articles, devices or substances which may be used to commit an act of unlawful interference
against civil aviation or which may endanger the safety of the aircraft and its occupants, or
installations and the public.
jsLVªhdVM vkfVZdy- fof’k”V :i ls foeku~u lqj{kk ds rgr izfrcaf/kr oLrqvksa dh] midj.kksa ;k
inkFkksZ ds :i es ifjHkkf”kr fd;k x;k gS ftudk mi;ksx ukx~j foeku~u ds fo:} xSj dkuwuh
vojks/k ds d`R; esa ;k ,;jdzkQV vkSj mlesa cSBs O;fDr;ks]a la;=ksa vkSj yksxksa dh lqj{kk dks [krjk
mRiUu djus esa A
78 Sabotage. An act or omission, intended to cause malicious or wanton destruction of property,
endangering or resulting in unlawful interference with international civil aviation and its facilities.
LcksVst- dksbZ dk;Z ;k yksi tks lEifRr dks fo}s’k mRiUu djus ds bjkns ls ;k u"V djus dh pkgr
ls] [krjs es Mkys ;k ftlds ifj.kkeLo#i vUrjkZ"Vz~h; ukxj foeku~u vkSj mlls tqMh gqbZ lqfo/akkvks
ess vos/kkfud #dkoV gks A
79 Screening. The application of technical or other means which are intended to identify and/or
detect weapons, explosives or other dangerous devices, articles or substances which may be used
to commit an act of unlawful interference.
Note.— Certain dangerous articles or substances are classified as dangerous goods by Annex 18
and the associated Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Doc
9284) and must be transported in accordance with those instructions.
Ldzhfuax- rduhdh ;k vU; ek/;e ds iz;ksx ls gfFk;kj] foLQksVd] o vU; [krjukd midj.k dks
igpkuuk ;k [kkstuk fd ftudk iz;ksx xSj dkuwuh gLr{ksi ds d`R; esa fd;k tk ldrk gks A
80 Security. Safeguarding civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference. This objective is
achieved by a combination of measures and human and material resources.
flD;wfjfV- ekuoh; vksj HkkSfrd lalk/kuks ds l;qaDr mi;ksx ds ek/;e lss ukxj foeku~u dks xSj
dkuwuh gLr{ksi ls cpko djus dh izfdz;k dks] flD;ksfjVh dgrs gS A
81 Security audit. An in-depth compliance examination of all aspects of the implementation of the
national civil aviation security programme.
flD;wfjfV vkWfMV- jk”Vªh; ukx~j foeku~u lqj{kk dk;Zdze ds lHkh igyqvksa ds ykxw gksus ds lEcU/k
esa fdz;kUo;u dh xgjkbZ ls tkWap djuk A
82 Security checks for LAGs and STEBs. Visual checks or security controls, performed by security staff,
for signs of interference, in particular tampering with seals, theft and the introduction of
potentially dangerous devices, articles or substances. The checks should be made at the first point
of entry on the airside. The checks should be made on all supplies of LAGs and STEBs to establish
that they have been protected, that there is no evidence or suspicion of tampering, and that the
necessary documentation is in order.
flD;wfjfV psd QkWj ysx ,.M ,l-Vh-bZ-ch- lqj{kk dehZ;ksa }kjk izR;{k tkWp
a ;k lqj{kk fu;U=.k fd;k
tkrk gS fd dgh NsM&NkM ds ladsr fo’ks”k :i ls lhy dks rksMus ejksMus vkSj pksjh vkSj ftlls
[krjukd midj.kks]a oLrqvksa ;k nzO; dks Mkyk tk lds A ysx vkSj ,l-Vh-bZ-ch ds lHkh inkFkksZ dh
tkWp dh tk;s vkSj ;g LFkkfir fd;k tk;s dh os lajf{kr gS vkSj NsM&NkM dk dksbZ lcwr ;k
lUnsg ugh gS vkSj lHkh nLrkost vius dze esa gS
83 Security control. A means by which the introduction of weapons, explosives or other dangerous
devices, articles or substances which may be used to commit an act of unlawful interference can
be prevented.
flD;wfjfV dUVz~ksy %& xSj dkuwuh vojks/kksa ds d`R; dks djus esa iz;qDr fd;s tkus okys os ek/;e
ftuls gfFk;kjksa] foLQksVdksa ;k vU; [krjukd midj.kksa] ds izos’k dks jksdk tk lds A
84 Security equipment. Devices of a specialized nature for use, individually or as part of a system, in
the prevention or detection of acts of unlawful interference with civil aviation and its facilities.
flD;wfjfV bD;wiesUV- ukx~j foeku~u vkSj mldh lqfo/kkvksa ij xSj dkuwuh vojks/kks ds d`R; dks
jksdkus ;k [kkstus ds fy;s mi;ksx gksus okys fo’ks”k izd`fr ds midj.kks] vius vki ;k izfdz;k ds
Hkkx ds :i dk;Z djuk
85 Security exercise. A full-scale security exercise is a simulated act of unlawful interference with the
objective of ensuring the adequacy of the contingency plan to cope with different types of
emergencies. A partial security exercise is a simulated act of unlawful interference with the
objective of ensuring the adequacy of the response to individual participating agencies and
components of the contingency plan, such as the communications system.
flD;wfjfV ,DllkbZt- fofo/k izdkj dh vkikrdkyhu fLFkfr;ksa ds vuq:i dUVhtsUlh Iyku dh
;FkkZRrk ds mn~s’; dks lqfuf’pr djus ds fy;s dkYifud xSj dkuwuh vojks/kks dk okrkoj.k rS;kj
djds iw.kZ lqj{kk vH;kl djuk A dUVhtsUlh Iyku ds Hkkx tSls dh lapkj O;oLFkk vkSj Hkkx ysus
laLFkk ds O;fDrxr rkSj ij vkikrdkyhu fLFkfr esa ;FkkZRrk ds :i esa izfrfdz;k dks tkWpus ds
mn~s’; ls xSj dkuwuh vojks/kks ds d`R; dk okrkoj.k rS;kj djds vkaf’kd lqj{kk vH;kl djuk A
86 Security inspection. An examination of the implementation of relevant national civil aviation
security programme requirement by an airline, airport or other entity involved in security.
flD;wfjfV baLisD’ku- ,;jykbZu] ,;jiksVZ ;k vU; laLFkk tks lqj{kk esa layXu gS ds }kjk jk”Vªh;
ukx~j foeku~u lqj{kk dk;Zdze dh lanfHkZr vko’;drkvksa dks ykxw fd;s tkus dh tkWap djuk
dgykrk gS A
87 Security investigation. An inquiry into any act or attempted act of unlawful interference against
civil aviation and/or any alleged on suspected instance of non-compliance with the State’s
National Civil Aviation Security Programme or other legal and/or regulatory requirements
pertaining to civil aviation security.
lqj{kk tkap &ukxfjd mì;u ;k jkT; ds jk"Vªh; ukxfjd mì;u lqj{kk dk;ZØe ds lkFk
xSj&vuqikyu ds lafnX/k mnkgj.k ij ;k ukxfjd mì;u lqj{kk ls lacaf/kr vU; dkuwuh vkSj
fofu;ked vko';drkvksa ds f[kykQ fdlh Hkh vf/kfu;e ;k fdlh xSjdkuwuh gLr{ksi ds ç;kl dh
88 Security programme. Written measures adopted to safeguard international civil aviation against
acts of unlawful interference.
flD;wfjfV izksxzke- vUrjk”Vªh; ukx~j foeku~u dks xSj dkuwuh vojks/kks ds d`R;ksa ls lqjf{kr j[kus ds
fy;s viuk;s tkus okys fyf[kr mik; A
89 Security restricted area. Those areas of the airside of an airport which are identified as priority risk
areas where in addition to access control, other security controls are applied. Such areas shall
normally include, inter alia, all commercial aviation passenger departure areas between the
screening checkpoint and the aircraft, the ramp, baggage make-up areas, including those where
aircraft are being brought into service and screened baggage and cargo are present, cargo sheds,
mail centres, airside catering and aircraft cleaning premises.
flD;wfjfV jsLVªhdsVsM ,fj;kWa- ,;jiksVZ ds ,;jlkbZM ds os {ks= ftudh vf/kd [krjks okys LFkku ds
:i esa igpku dh xbZ gS vkSj tgkWa ij izos’k fu;U=.k ds lkFk vU; lqj{kk fu;U=.k mik; Hkh fd;s
tkrs gS A ,sls {ks= esa lkekU;r% lfEefyr fd;k tkrk gS] e/; dk {ks=] lEiw.kZ okf.kT;d foeku~u
;k=h fuxZeu {ks= ds Ldzhfuax psd ikabV vkSj foeku ds e/; dk {ks= jsEi] cSxt s esd vi ,fj;k]
blesa og {ks= Hkh lfEefyr gS tgkWa foeku dks j[k&j[kko ds fy;s ys tk;k tkrk gS] Ldzhu~M cSxt s
vkSj dkWxksZ dks j[ks tkus okyk {ks=] dkWxksZ dk j[kus okyk {ks= ¼’ksM½] Mkd dsUnz ,;jlkbZM] dsVfjax
vkSj Hkou tgkWa foeku dh lQkbZ dh tkrh gS A
90 Security survey. An evaluation of security needs including the identification of vulnerabilities
which could be exploited to carry out an act of unlawful interference, and the recommendation of
corrective actions.
flD;wfjfV losZ- flD;wfjfV dh vko’;drkvksa dk ewY;kadu djuk ftlds rgr laosnu’khy LFkkuksa dks
[kkstuk ftudk ykHk mBkdj xSj dkuwuh vojks/kksa dks vatke fn;k tk ldrk gS vkSj flD;wfjfV
O;oLFkk esa lq/kkj gsrq d`R;ksa dh vuq’kalk djuk A
91 Security test. A covert or overt trial of an aviation security measure which simulates an attempt to
commit an unlawful act.
flD;wfjfV VsLV- xSj dkuwuh d`R;ksa dks djus dk iz;kl djus dk okrkoj.k rS;kj djds xqIr :i ls
;k [kqys rkSj ij foeku~u lqj{kk mik;ksa dh tkWap djuk A
92 Service panel. Aircraft external access point used for providing aircraft services; such include
water, lavatory, ground electrical outlets and other service compartments that have external clip-
down panels.
lfoZl isuy- foeku esa miyC/k ckgjh izos’k LFky ftudk mi;ksx foeku esa lsokvksa ds fy;s fd;k
tkrk gS] tSls ikuh] ew=ky;] fo/kqrh; xzg.k djus okyk vkmVysV vkSj vU; lsok ds Hkkx ftUgs
ckgj ls [kksyk tk ldrk gS A
93 Small arms. A general description applied to all hand-held firearms.
LekWy vkWeZl- lkekU;r% gkFk ls idM-dj mi;ksx gksu okys lHkh vXU;sL=kas ds fy;s iz;qDr gksrk gSa
94 State of Registry. The State on whose register the aircraft is entered.
LVsV vkWQ jftLVªh- og ns’k ftlesa ,;jdzkQV dk iathdu fd;k x;k gS A
95 STEBs. Security tamper-evident bags that should only be used for the sale of LAGs by airport
outlets or on board aircraft.
,l-Vh-bZ-ch- flD;wfjfV VsEij ,foMsUV cSx dk mi;ksx ,;jiksVZ ij nqdkuksa ;k ,;jdzkQV esa dsoy
ysx dks cspus ds fy;s mi;ksx fd;k tk ldrk gS A
96 Sterile area. That area between any passenger inspection or screening control point and aircraft
into which access is strictly controlled. (Also known as Security restricted area.)
LVªkbZy ,fj;k- ,;jdzkQV vkSj ;kf=;ksa ds fujh{k.k ;k Ldzhfuax fu;U=.k LFky ds e/; dk {ks= tgkWa
izos’k iw.kZr%
fu;fU=r fd;k tkrk gS
97 Stores (Supplies).
Stores (Supplies) for consumption. Goods, whether or not sold, intended for
consumption by the passengers and the crew on board aircraft, and goods necessary
for the operation and maintenance of aircraft, including fuel and lubricants.
Stores (Supplies) to be taken away. Goods for sale to the passengers and the crew of
aircraft with a view to being landed.
LVksjlZ Qksj dUT;we’ku- lkeku tks cspus ds fy;s gS Hkh ;k ugh Hkh ftls mM+ku ds
nkSjku ;kf=;ksa ,oa dzw ds mi;ksx ds mn~s’; ls j[kk tkrk gS vkSj ,;jdzkQV ds
ifjpkyu vkSj j[k&j[kko ds fy;s vko’;d lkeku ftlesa rsy vkSj xzhl lfEefyr gS A
LVkslZ VwWa ch Vsdu ,os- foeku ls mrjus okys ;kf=;ksa vkSj dzw ds csps tkus okyk lkeku
98 Terminal. The main building or group of buildings where the processing of commercial passengers
and freight and the boarding of aircraft occurs.
VehZuy- VehZuy ls rkRi;Z eq[; Hkou ;k Hkouksa ds leqg ls gS tgkWa ls okf.kT;d ;kf=;ksa vkSj eky
dks ys tkus lEcfU/kr izfdz;k vkSj ,;jdzkQV esa cksMhZx dh izfdz;k gksrh gS A
99 Threat Image Projection (TIP). A software programme approved by the appropriate authority
which can be installed on certain X-ray machines. The programme projects virtual images of
threat articles (e.g. guns, knives, improvised explosive devices) within the X-ray image of a real
bag under examination or complete virtual images of bags containing threat articles, and provides
immediate feedback to the X-ray machine operators of their ability to detect such images.
FkzsV best izkstsDlu ¼fVi½- vf/kd`r izkf/kdkjh }kjk vuqeksfnr ,d lkQVos;j izksxzke ftls dqN
fu’fpr ,WDljs e’khuksa ij LFkkfir fd;k x;k gS A ;g izksxzke fujh{k.k fd;s tkus okys okLrfod
cSx dh ,Dljs Nfo esa [krjukd oLrqvks dh Nfo¼tSls xu] pkdw] vkbZ -bZ-Mh½ dks izLrqr djrk gS ;k
[krjukd lkeku ls ;qDr cSx dh lEiw.kZ okLrfod Nfo izLrqr djrk gS vkSj ,WDljs e’khu ds
vkWijsVj dks rqjUr ,slh Nfo;kWa idMus ds lEcU/k esa tokc feyrk gS
100 Trace detection equipment. Technology system or combination of different technologies which
has the ability to detect very small amounts of explosive materials, and so to indicate, by means of
an alarm, those materials contained in baggage or other articles subjected for analysis.
Vªsl fMVsD’ku bD;wiesUV- cSxt
s esa j[ks inkFkksZ ;k fo’ys”k.k ds fy;s vU; inkFkZ dh rduhdks dh
izfdz;k ;k fofHkUu rduhdks dk feJ.k ftlls FkksMh ek=k esa Hkh foLQksVd inkFkksZ dks [kkstus esa
l{ke gS vkSj bls psrkouh ds ladsr ds :i esa iznf’kZr fd;k tkrk gS A
101 Transfer passengers/baggage. Passengers/baggage making direct connections between two
different flights.
VªkWalQj iSlt
sa j@cSxt
s - VªkWalQj iSlsUtj@cSxt
s og gS ftldk nks fofHkUu QykbZV ds chp lh/kk
lEidZ gksrk gS
102 Transit passengers. Passengers departing from an airport on the same flight as that on which
they arrived.
Vz~kaftV iSlstj- fdlh ,;jiksVZ ij oks ;k=h tks ftl QykbZV ls vk;k gSa mlh QykbZV ls izLFkku
djrk gSa] og ml ,;jiksVZ ij Vz~kaftV iSlt
sa j dgykrk gSa A
103 Travel document. A passport or other official document of identity issued by a State or
organization which may be used by the rightful holder for international travel.
Vªsoy MksD;weUs V- ns’k ;k laxBu }kjk igpku ds fy;s fuxZfer ljdkjh nLrkost ;k ikliksVZ
ftldk vUrjk”Vªh; ;k=k ds fy;s lgh /kkjd }kjk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS A
104 Unaccompanied baggage. Baggage that is transported as cargo and may or may not be carried on
the same aircraft with the person to whom it belongs.
vu,dEiuhM cSxt
s - ftl foeku ls ;k=h ;k=k dj jgk gS ml foeku esa mldk lkeku ugh tkuk
105 Unclaimed baggage. Baggage that arrives at an airport and is not picked up or claimed by a
vudyseM cSxst- ,;jiksVZ ij vk;k gqvk og cSxst ftls fdlh ;k=h }kjk xzg.k ugh fd;k x;k gks
;k mldk nkok ugh fd;k x;k gks A
106 Unidentified baggage. Baggage at an airport, with or without a baggage tag, which is not picked
up by or identified with a passenger.
vuvkbWMsUVhQkbZM cSxst- ,;jiksVZ ij VSx yxs gq,W ;k fcuk VSx ds cSxst ftUgsa fdlh ;k=h }kjk
ugh fy;k tkrk gS ;k mudh igpku ugh dh tkrh gSa A
107 Unruly passengers. Persons who commit on board a civil aircraft, from the moment when the
aircraft door is closed prior to take-off to the moment when it is reopened after landing, an act of:
assault, intimidation, menace or willful recklessness which endangers good order or
the safety of property or persons;
assault, intimidation, menace or interference with a crew member in the performance
of duties or which lessens the ability to perform duties;
wilful recklessness or damage to an aircraft, its equipment, or attendant structures and
equipment such as to endanger good order and safety of the aircraft or its occupants;
communication of information which is known to be false, thereby endangering the
safety of an aircraft in flight;
Disobedience of lawful commands or instructions for safe, orderly or efficient
vu:yh iSlUs tj¼ftls dkcw es ugh fd;k tk lds½- foeku ds mM+ku Hkjus ls iwoZ foeku ds njokts
cUn gksus ds {k.k ls foeku ls mrjus ds ckn njokts [kqyus ds {k.k rd ;fn dksbZ O;fDr flfoy
,;jdzkQV esa lokj gksdj ;g d`R; djrk gS %
vkdze.k] /kedh] Mjkus] tkucw>dj vlko/kkuh ftlls vPNh O;oLFkk ;k lEifr vkSj
O;fDr;ksa dh lsQVh dks [krjk mRiUu gksrk gS A
vkdze.k] /kedh] Mjkus ;k dzw esEcj dks vius drZO; fuHkkus ds nkSjku O;o/kku
mRiUu djuk ;k drZO; dks fuHkkus dh {kerk de djuk A
tkucw>dj vlko/kkuh ;k foeku dks mlds midj.kks dks {kfrxzLr djuk vuqpjksa ds
<+kWaps vkSj midj.k ftlls vPNh O;oLFkk vkSj foeku es cSBs O;fDr;ksa dh lqj{kk dks
[krjk mRiUu gks A
,slh lwpuk nsuk tks dh xyr gks ftlls ,;jdzkQV bu QykbZV dks [krjk mRiUu
gks tk;s A
dkuwuh vkns’k ;k lqjf{kr] fu;fer ;k izHkkoh ifjpkyu ds funs’kksZ dh vogsyuk
108 Vulnerable point. Any facility on or connected with an airport, which, if damaged or destroyed,
would seriously impair the functioning of the airport.
oYujscy ikabVl- ,;jiksVZ ij ;k mlls tqMh gqbZ dksbZ lqfo/kk] ftldks ;fn {kfr igqWapkbZ tk;s ;k
u”V djus ij ,;jiksVZ dh dk;Z iz.kkyh xEHkhj :i ls izHkkfor gksrh gS mls oYujscy ikabVl
dgrs gSa A
109 Vital Installation means any facility on or connected with an aerodrome, which, ifdamaged or
destroyed, would seriously impair the functioning of the aerodrome.
Vital Installation,;jiksVZ ij ;k mlls tqMh gqbZ dksbZ lqfo/kk] ftldks ;fn {kfr igqWapkbZ tk;s
;k u"V djus ij ,;jiksVZ dh dk;Z iz.kkyh xEHkhj :i ls izHkkfor gksrh gS mls oYujscy ikabVl
dgrs gSa A
110 Unattended Baggage: means baggage at an aerodrome with or without a baggage tagwhich is not
picked up by or indentified by a passenger or any other person;
Ykokfjl leku: fdlh foeku {ks= ij lkeku VSx yxk gqvk ;k mlds fcuk lekuk vfHkiazsr gSa ftls
fdlh ;k=h ;k fdlh vU; O;fDr }jk mBk;k ;k igpkuk ugha x;k gSaA
111 Public Aerodrome:means an aerodrome which has been licensed for use by public atlarge;
lkoZtfud foeku {ks= ls ,slk foeku {ks= vfHkçsr gs ftls O;kid :i ls turk }kj mi;ksx ds
fy, vkuq¥~tfIr nh x;h gksA
112 Express Cargo: means goods other then mail and accompanied or baggage voluntarilyor
inadvertently separated from passengers or crew which is required to be carried on priority basis
by an aircraft operator;
,DLçsLl dkxksZ dk vFkZ gs Mkd ls brj rFkk ;kf=;ks ;k dehZny ls LokbfNd :i ls ;k vutkus
es vyx gks xbZ ;k lkFk dh oLrq,a ftugs fdlh ok;q;ku çpkyd }kjk çkFkfedrk ds vk/kkj ij
yk;k ys t;k tkus visf{kr gksrk gsSs
113 Security Accident means an occurrence which results in death or grievous hurt to a
person or major damage to the property.
lqj{kk nqj?kVuk ls dksbZ ,slh ?kVuk ftldk ifj.kkeLo:i fdlh O;fä dh e`R;q ;k xaHkhj migrh ;k
lEifÙk dh çeq[k {kfr vfHkçsr gSA
114 Security Clearance means compliance with the security controls specified in the national civil
aviation security programme with regard to any aircraft, person or object.
lqj{kk fDy;jsal ls fdlh ok;q;ku ] O;fä ; oLrq ds laca/k es j"Vªh; uxj foekuu lqj{kk dk;ZØe es
fofufnZ"V lqj{kk fu;a=.kksa dk vuqikyu vfHkçsr gSA
115 Security Incident in relation to civil aviation security means an occurrence, which takes place
either on the ground or in flight, which results –
(i) in injury to a person, damage to property, fire and breakage;
(ii) ontravention or breach of security laws, regulations, national civil aviation security
programme and orders issued by the Central Govt. under the provision of the Act;
lqj{kk ?kVuk ls ukxj Oeuu lqj{kk ds laca/k es dksbZ ?kVuk vfHkçsr gS tks Hkwfe ; mMku ds nkSjku
gqbZ ftlds ifj.kkeLo:i
fdlh O;fä dks pksV yxs] lEifÙk dks {kfr gks ] vkx ls ;k fdlh çdkj dh {kfr gks;
lqj{kk fu;eks] fofu;eksa ] jk"Vªh; uxj foekuu lqj{kk dk;ZØe vkSj vf/kfu;e ds mica/kksa ds
v/khu dsUæh; ljdkj }kjk tkjh vkns'kksa ds mYya?ku rFkk Hkax gqbZ gks;
116 Aerodrome Operator means a person, organisation or enterprise responsible foroperation and
management of an aerodrome;
,;jksMªkse çpkyd dk vFkZ gs fdlh ,;jksMªkse ds çpkyu vkSj çca/ku ds fy, mÙkjnk;h dksbZ O;fä
] laxBu ;k míe;
117 Commissioner means the Commissioner of Security (Civil Aviation), Bureau of Civil Aviation
Security, Ministry of Civil Aviation who shall be appropriate authority for the requirements of
Annex 17;
vk;qä dk vFkZ gS lqj{kk vk;qä ¼ukxj foekuu ½] ukxj foekuu lqj{kk C;wjks] ukxj foekuu ea=ky; ; tks vuqca/k – 17 dh vis{kkvksa
ds fy, mi;qä çkf/kdkjh gksxkA
118 Aviation Security Group means an unit of specialized Government agency authorized by the
Commissioner to safeguard civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference and protection of
property at the aerodrome handling civil aviation;
foekuu lqj{kk lewg dk vFkZ gS fdlh fo'ks"kUtrk çkIr ljdkjh ,tsla h dh ,d bdkbZ ftls vk;qä
}kjk xSj dkuwuh gLr{ksi ds —R;ksa ds fo#) ukxj foekuu dh lqj{kk rFkk ukxj foekuu dks
laHkkyus okys ,;jksMªkse ij laifÙk dh lqj{kk ds fy, çkf/k—r fd;k x;k gks;