Share Basic Q Bank
Share Basic Q Bank
Share Basic Q Bank
Standard and
Standards and Acts and Rules
9 Annex 17 deals with ___________ Recommended 3
on AVSEC recommended on AVSEC
A defined area, on a land
aerodrome, intended to
accommodate aircraft for
10 Airside Apron Landside Cargo building 2
purposes of loading or unloading
passengers, mail or cargo,
fuelling, parking or maintenance.
A communicated threat,
anonymous or otherwise, which
suggests, or infers, whether true
or false that the safety of an
16 aircraft in flight or on the ground, Bomb Alert Threat Call Red Alert 2
or any airport or civil aviation
facility or any person may be in
danger from an explosive or other
item or device.
A communicated threat,
___________ or otherwise, which
suggests, or infers, whether true
or false that the safety of an
17 aircraft in flight or on the ground, Enormous Synonymous Anonymous Hoax 3
or any airport or civil aviation
facility or any person may be in
danger from an explosive or other
item or device.
Any property carried on an
aircraft other then mail, stores Dangerous Company Catering
18 Cargo 1
and accompanied or mishandled Goods stores supplies
A device, or combination of
devices and / or procedures, Explosive
which are intended to detect Device
25 Detection DFMD HHMD 2
amounts and types of explosives Detection
in passengers checked and hand System
carried baggage.
Dispatches of correspondence
and other items tendered by and
intended for delivery to postal Diplomatic Company
38 Courier Mail 2
services in accordance with the mail stores
rules of the Universal Postal
Baggage involuntarily, or
Interline Transfer Transit Mishandled
39 inadvertently, separated from 4
baggage baggage baggage Baggage
passengers or crew.
That part of an aerodrome to be
used for the take‑off, landing Movement
40 and taxing of aircraft, consisting Runway Apron Airside 1
of the manoeuvring area and the Area
A person, organization or
41 enterprise engaged in or offering BCAS Operator Airport ICAO 2
to engage in an aircraft operation.
Systematic observation of
persons and baggage and
questioning if necessary to Pre-
Baggage Access
44 categories them two group Profiling embarkation 2
search Control
threatening and non threatening checks
so that more attention can be
paid to the threatening category.
An agent, freight forwarder or
any other entity who conducts
business with an operator and
provides security controls that Regulated Customer
45 Cargo Agent Courier Agent 1
are accepted or required by the Agent Service Agent
appropriate authority in respect
of cargo, courier and express
parcels or mail.
A combination of measures,
human and material resources,
Aviation Security
50 intended to safeguard civil Screening Security Audit 1
Security Control
aviation against acts of unlawful
PIDS installed at airports is a during Intrusion from Internal defence
63 during 3
measure for detecting: passengers perimeter system
64 ICAO has its headquarters in Chicago Geneva Paris Montreal 4
Power of central government to Aircraft Rule Aircraft Rule
65 Section 5A Section 5 2
make rules 8A 81B
Aircraft Rule Aircraft Rule
66 Power to issue direction Section 5 Section 5A 4
8A 8
Security checks of person Aircraft Aircraft Rule Aircraft Rule Aircraft Rule
71 1
boarding aircraft at aerodrome Rule 8A 13 19 24
Prohibition of intoxicated person Aircraft Aircraft Rule Aircraft Rule Aircraft Rule
72 2
boarding the aircraft. Rule 8A 24 13 19
Carriage of person suffering from
Aircraft Aircraft Rule Aircraft Rule Aircraft Rule
73 mental disorder or epilepsy in an 4
Rule 24 24B 24C 24A
Carriage of prisoners in an Aircraft Aircraft Rule Aircraft Rule Aircraft Rule
74 2
aircraft Rule 2003 24B 161 24
Carriage of animals, birds and Aircraft Aircraft Rule Aircraft Rule Aircraft Rule
75 3
reptiles in the aircraft Rule 24B 81B 24C 91
Aircraft Aircraft Rule Aircraft Rule Aircraft Rule
76 Carriage of cabin crew 2
Rule 24B 38B 161 156
Aircraft Aircraft Rule Aircraft Rule Aircraft Rule
77 Smoking in aircraft 3
Rule 78 81 25 38B
Aircraft Aircraft Rule Aircraft Rule
78 Licensing of aerodromes Section 8C 2
Rule 81A 78 91
Aircraft Aircraft Rule Aircraft Rule
79 Entry into public aerodrome Section 8C 3
Rule 8A 90 91
Which one of the following is the 3 cms X 2 cms X 2.5cms X 3.5 3.5 cms X 4.5
85 3
correct size of APSU stamp 2cms 2cms cms cms
Security Security
training tamper Security tamper
98 What is STEB tempered excess 3
experience emergency evident bag
baggage baggae
Liquid and Liquid and Liquids Aerosols
99 What is LAG Liquids air gels 4
Guns Grease Gels
Module 02
Anti Security 3
125 Provision of sky marshals in resp Anti sabota Measures aga Anti hijacking
First hijacking in the world took
1930 1931 1935 1945 2
126 place in the year
First hijacking in India took
1976 1945 1971 1931 3
127 place in the year
IC – 814 was hijacked in the
1999 1971 1976 2001 1
128 year
Chennai airport bomb blast
1985 1986 2000 1984 4
129 took place in the year
Kanishka Aircraft was bombed
1985 1971 1986 2001 1
130 in the year
Colombo airport attack by LTTE
2000 1999 2001 2005 3
131 in the year
Quick Reaction Team is a unit of Airline ASG/APSU BCAS 2
132 Operator
Module 03
To mark the
To keep
between To prevent To prevent
The main purpose of boundary cattle and
fencing is landside and people looking capture of 2
livestock off
airside at aircraft airport land
the runway
165 areas
Within a
building such
Only at the Only at the
Access control points are as terminal Only at the
vulnerable catering 1
located and within cargo complex
points premises
manned Manned only
Only manned Manned at all
Access control points are during during high 3
at night times
daylight threat
167 hours
Only when Only if they Whenever they
Airport workers are required to Only if they
they are off do not have enter restricted 4
use access control points have permit
168 duty permit area
Whenever Whenever
Airline employees are authorized Whenever
they are in they are off Not ever 4
to by-pass access control points they are on duty
uniforms duty
Which one of the following is notPhotograph Employee Period of Permit serial 2
170 shown on the AEP of holder code number validity number
all persons
only those
Which of the following unescorted all persons
persons who only contract
employees must undergo a access to who work on the 1
work full time personnel
background check? restricted airport territory
at an airport
areas of the
Access control points are located: within a bui only at the ca Only at ATC Only at fuel stor 1
Which of the following would
Sterile Baggage Ticket
not be considered "restricted" Ramp areas 3
areas make-up area counters
194 areas?
You can
Red revolving light on top and Engines are You can open You can drive
align front 2
below the aircraft if lit indicates running aircraft hold close to aircraft
195 step ladder
cards stating personal
access to the personal
Permits or "Authorized ID" are: that this identification 1
restricted name tags.
person works documents
areas of the
at the airport
At all times
At all times At all times
Airport movement rules apply to except when
except in an At all times except bad 3
security staff they are on
emergency weather
Color Designated
Which of the following details will Registered
indicating Safety status access gate to be 1
be checked in AEP number
198 area used
Which one of the following is Normal ID
SLPC Frisking Finger prints 4
199 considered as biometrics? Cards
Which one of the following is Iris
PEC Manual Gates Barriers 1
200 considered as biometrics? Recognition
Which one of the following is Voice Manual
Boarding CCTV 2
considered as biometrics? Recognition Access Control
201 cards
all time
AEPs for Airport employees are for official personal name
accessibility for facilitation 2
issued for the purposes of duty tags.
to the airport
Which one of the following is the Communicatio Bars &
Access gates Power houses 2
vulnerable point of the airport ns facilities. restaurants
Module 04
Which are the category of Hotel
people who need authorized representativ Local Public Visitor 2
216 access to airside e
To control
movement of To allow To allow non
To allow visitor
Purpose of access control people from everyone to traveling people 1
in airside are
landside to enter enter airside
Only Automatic and
Access control system can be Only manual CCTV 4
223 automatic manual
Details of
What details to be maintained Passport
vehicle Ticket details Visitors details 1
in access control point log details
224 admitted
Which of the following is not a Person
part of Physical access control manning entry Automatic 3
225 system Bollards Turnstile gate gates
Which of the following is not a Person
Drop arm Tyre
part of Physical access control Gates manning entry 4
barrier breakers
226 system? gate
Have to
Need not Need not pass Can be
Airport staff members who need submit to a submit to the
through the permitted
to pass the screening point for same 2
performance of their duties physical walkthrough without search
procedure as
search. metal detector. by the CASO
227 passengers.
Whenever Whenever
Airline employees are authorized Whenever
they are in they are off Not ever 4
to by-pass access control points they are on duty
uniforms duty
Set of rules which control the acce AEP & Vehic Vehicle Permi AEP Company Ident 1
Bonafide Any one
Airside area of airport is Authorized Only to Airport
passengers holding visitor 3
accessible to person employees
232 only ticket
Those staff
All Those having
Local rules & regulation of the employees permanent Those having
Airside 2
Airport should be known to working at Airport Entry Bonafide ticket
Airport Pass
233 Permit
All staff working at Airport must Once in two Once in 5 When pass is
have under gone AVSEC Once in a year 4
years year re-issued
234 awareness training
Which of the following is not a
Angular Simulation Close circuit
equipment used at access control Flash lights 2
Mirrors Chambers televisions
235 point
Module 05
Authority to drive a
Airport Vehicle Airfield Airside
vehicle in the operational 4
entry permit permit Driving Permit Driving Permit
236 area (Airside) is
Need to
Every vehicle, which is have anti- needs Need not have
Occupants 1
running in operational area collision only flag ADP
light or flag
Equipments for operating Only
Manual Both a & b 3
barrier and turnstiles can be Automatic manual
At an airport, Airside
Airport Airlines
vehicle access control point ASG/APSU Immigration/ 2
operator Security
266 are manned by Custom
Name the areas of Interior & Engine
Both A &
vehicles to be checked for chassis of compartmen Holds 3
267 prohibited items vehicle t
Which of the given type of IED with IED with IED with IED with
IED is most dangerous to Ambient Delayed Anti handling Remote control 3
handle mechanism mechanism mechanism mechanism
Which of the given falls Concealing Concealing
Concealing explosive in
under concealment of explosive in explosive in 3
explosive in false bottom
explosives on person a box carried the sole of
handbag of bag
296 in handbag shoe
It is It does not
Which of the given is NOT It can take It can be of
easy to require 2
true for IED? any shape any size
297 conceal detonator
__________ is an explosive
device designed, fabricated, Incendiary Inert Impact Improvised
placed and activated to Explosive Explosive Exploding Explosive 4
create panic and chaos Device Devi Device Device
298 among public
IED can be IED is IED device
IED has always uses
Which of the given is true of any always of
fixed incendiary 1
for IED shape, size specific
mechanism material for
299 or colour shape
An IED which may explode if Anti Remote
Ambient Delayed
you tilt the package, has handling control 1
mechanism mechanism
____________ mechanism mechanism mechanism
Transmissi Transmission
Remote control bombs Transmissio
on of Transmission of 4
can be activated by n of sound
electric of light electromagneti
301 current c waves
FM Transmission and
Remote Anti- Ambient
Radio Control mechanism are Delayed 1
Control handling Condition
________ type of Switch.
Explosives are of _______
One Two Three Four 2
305 types?
Detonator is also known
Switch Initiator Explosive 2
306 as Mechanism
Nitroglycerine is Not an
Liquid Plastic Solid 1
………………………. Explosive. explosive
How many types of
One Two Three Four 2
308 detonators are available?
- PTD switch comes in which Remote Ambient
Time delay Anti-handling 2
309 category control condition
To avoid
Dismantling is one of the To avoid For easy
effect before For safety 1
method to carry I.E.D detection carriage
310 decided time
Pyro technique is a Delay
handling Command Ambient 2
________ switch mechanism Mechanism
311 switch
Pressure release mechanism Delayed
Handling Time control Remote 1
is based on mechanism
312 mechanism
Which one of the given is Easy to
incendiary Explodes Burns 2
true for an IED ? identify
Small pieces (approx 50 g)
of blasting gelatine (nitro-
glycerine based) explosives
embedded with pistachio and
other nuts covered with icing disguising
disguising hidden 1
sugar and wrapped in and concealing
cellophane to give the concealing
appearance of Arab
sweetmeat is the method
used for
Any Any
Kirpan of 6 inches blade is Fully
flight registered
permitted with a Sikh domestic International 3
operated aircraft in
passenger to be carried in flight in India flight
331 from India India
Airlines Airlines
security staff security staff
to obtain should hand
staff should
If passenger fails to declare necessary the passenger
ammunition carried in his declaration with a
y summon
registered baggage or hand and register complaint to Passenger will
the Local 2
baggage before it is detected a complaint the local be released.
Police for
by screener but is having a with the local police along
valid license with him: police. There with the
legal action
is no need to ammunition
in this
detain the for necessary
passenger. legal action.
Not permitted Not permitted
permitted to Allowed in
to be carried to be used
Prohibited items are be carried on cockpit but not in 3
while enteringwhile aircraft in
board an cabin
an airport flight
Module 07
Module 08
8 ft wall 8 ft wall
Height of Perimeter wall at with 1.5 ft with 1 ft “Y”
9 ft 8 ft 1
airport is “Y” Barbed Barbed wire
wire fencing fencing
Which electronic gadget is Radio Biometric Passive
CCTV Infrared 2
373 used for surveillance? Set Devices
Terminal building comes S
Airside Operational Both ( & (b) 4
374 under Landside
In night, aircraft should be Dark well-lit Without Under
375 parked in __________ area area guard camouflage
Guarding and Patrolling Airline Airport
personal of Immigration 1
inside the airport is done by security operator
ASG staff
In an airport, Apron area is Fuel
Airside ATS 2
377 within Landside Storage
Patrolling can be by Watch Control
Foot From ATC 2
378 __________ tower room
What is the prescribed Focused
position of the lights used at Focusing out at duty Very dim 1
379 perimeter points
Not to To not to
restricted Marking
Physical barriers are used to allow any allow any 1
and non- of building
person vehicle
380 areas
Only Only
How many types of Both a
Foot Vehicle Profiling 3
patrolling are there and b
381 patrolling patrolling
Module 09
The abbreviation HHMD stands Hand Held Hand Held Hand Held Hand Held Man
for? 2
Man Detector Metal Detector Metal Detection Detection
Back Electro-magnetic
HHMD works on the principle of Scattering Infra red Pulse field 4
389 Principle technology
Every day
when using it Every week on Only when
How often should HHMD be Before Frisking
checked or verified? in the a random problems are 3
screening basis identified
390 point
Check that the battery is fully None of the
391 charged is applicable to above
Do not hold
Do not place Do not hold or
Do not use it as HHMD away
Select the wrong answer HHMD on wet swing it by the 4
a hammer from body, it
surface head
392 should touch the
Hold HHMD at the distance of
2.5 cms 3 cm 5 cm 1 inch 1
393 ____ from passenger
While checking passenger, Long &
Passenger is He is carrying Faulty
Continuous beep in HHMD No Metal is there 2
clear metal equipment
394 indicates
He has to
remove all He has to
He can carry all
Before checking passenger with metallic remove all He can carry
his personnel 2
HHMD objects metallic coins
items with him
except cell objects
395 phone
If the metal
If it comes in Detector placed
HHMD can detect metal items items is in a
direct contact 2.5 cm from pax Both 2 & 3 4
only specific range
with metal body
396 only
Safety Health Gives fair Gives pin point
Select the wrong one in case of Gives Audio
standards location of location of metal 3
HHMD & Video alarm
397 satisfied metal on person on person
Door Frame
The abbreviation DFMD stands Dual Fast Door Frame Door Frame
Multi 4
for? Metal Detector Metal Detection Metal Detector
398 Detector
Pacemakers , Pacemakers,
DFMD is safe for ……….. And ………..? non-metallic Pregnant Weapons , Drugs 3
399 material Women’s
DFMD is used to detect metallic
30gms and 30gms and
items on person’s body which is 0.30gms 0.5gms 3
below above
400 of
magnetic Electric Pulse Radio
DFMD works on the principle of Infra red 1
Pulse field technology transmission
401 technology
Ferrous and
Non metallic Metals of all
DFMD can detect Explosives Non ferrous 2
item range
402 items
The DFMD resets after a
30 Minutes 3 Minutes 3 Sec 30 Sec 3
403 maximum time of
DFMD has ______ overlapping
06 08 10 05 2
404 zones
Calibration of DFMD is done by
405 _______
406 The size of OTP is 10X10 cm 20X20 cm 05X05 cm 10 X 10 mm 1
Every day
Every week on Only when
How often should equipment when staffing
a random Every month problems are 1
calibration be checked or verified? the screening
basis identified
In the
terminal On the top of
In case of inclement weather,
building just the step ladder
when the aircraft is parked at At entry of Inside the
before the step ladder just before 1
remote stand SLPC should be passenger coach
passenger passenger gets
carried out
get into the into the aircraft
It is a group
check-in so it Check-in of
There is group check-in out of In group check-in
No extra can checked in weapon bag
which one passenger is carrying passenger will
precaution on any one should be on the 3
weapon in registered bag. What not carry
required passenger’s license holder’s
extra precaution you will take. weapon bag
name who is in name only
419 the group
At SLPC passenger denies to documentati
You will not You can inform
open bag and says it contains on proves
physically him it is a You will tell him
gold and currency. By him to be
check the bag procedure or to carry as 3
documentation it he proves to be goldsmith,
but only screen else he cannot registered bag
goldsmith. What action you will not required
it travel
take. to check the
He is within his
Only allow limits , but he Allow him to
If the passenger is not ready to him to pass Do not check
through can’t be allowed board the 3
get frisked then him
DFMD to board the aircraft
421 aircraft
Maximum protection required Outer line of Inner line of Middle line of Key line of
under which line of defence defence defence defence defence
Who is responsible for protecting
Handling Pilot in
an diverted aircraft where the ASG/APSU Police 4
Agency command
airlines doesn’t has its set up
necessary, as
members are
The aircraft operator should have True, as it Searches
obliged to As and when
a search checklist placed on facilitates depend on 2
memorize the required
board an aircraft. searches threat
areas to be
Aircraft security release Engineering, BCAS,
DGCA, Engineering,
certificate’ is signed by which five Commercial, Commercial,
Catering, Commercial,
departments related to Aviation DGCA, Ground Catering, 4
Ground Catering, Ground
before it is handed over to the Support, Ground Support,
Support, Support, Security
commander? Security Security
476 Security
Interiors of
an aircraft to
Aircraft security check may be Hold of an (1) is true but (2)
which pax both (1) & (2) 4
defined as an inspection of aircraft is false
may have
had access
Module 12
One of the security measures Don’t hand Affix security Don’t leave Deploy a staff
ensured for registered bag after over the bag sticker / the bag to secure the bag 2
screening is to pax strapping unattended always
Action on detecting prohibited Escort the
Alarm the Restrain the supervisor by
item during physical inspection of pax upto 4
pax pax pre-arranged
a baggage aircraft
484 signal
Tell the pax
Action on detecting dangerous Don’t allow the
Notify Clear the he can’t carry it
article during physical inspection pax to board the 3
Police bag with him as per
of a baggage aircraft
485 DGR
Tallying no.
of baggage
checked in
and accepted Counting of
Counting of Counting of
for loading in Hand Baggage
Baggage Reconciliation is Registered Pax at boarding 1
the Aircraft loaded in the
baggage gate
with the Pax Cabin of Aircraft
reported for
boarding the
The bag containing any
component of I.E.D is categorized Threat bag Clear bag Doubtful Mishandled bag 1
495 into
Essential equipment for
conducting physical searches of Torch Mirror 15 cm rule. Search table 4
496 baggage is
disembark all
disembark all
passengers Immediately
Which of the following action is passengers
who have disembark all
implemented immediately after a who have Do not take
boarded along passengers who
bomb threat call is received for an boarded any action till
with their hand have boarded 2
aircraft where boarding has along with BTAC decision is
baggage and but leave hand
completed but BTAC decision is their hand communicated
keep aircraft bags in the
awaited baggage and
ready to be aircraft itself
shift aircraft
shifted to
to isolated
isolated bay
Help to get
The recipient of bomb threat Be useful in Help in
an idea of Help in tracing
call should try to prolong the call recognising the Locating the 3
age of the the call
because it will caller Bomb
512 caller
Most bomb Most of the Most of the Bomb threats
Which of the following is true in threats are bomb threats bomb threats should not be
case of a bomb threat preceded by are declared as are hoax in taken too
warnings specific threats nature seriously
This passengers
A passenger who reports for
passenger travelling on
check in after bomb threat call He could have This passenger
could have that flight have
has been received for the flight on checked in the could be a VIP as
been to be handed 1
which he is travelling, is bag containing he has reported
responsible over to APSU/
immediately referred to the the bomb at the last minute
for making ASG, hence he
APSU/ASG because
the threat call should also be
Which one of the following is
representativ Commandant DGCA APD 1
NOT the member of BTAC
e of ASG
Which one of the following Aircraft to Passengers to
passenger to Do not offload
action will be taken in case of be taken to deplane without 1
remain seated catering
specific bomb threat call isolated bay hand baggage
524 in the aircraft
All registered
All Registered
baggage will
registered bags will be
Which one of the following be offloaded Registered
baggage will offloaded and
action will be taken in case of and taken to bags will not be 4
be offloaded kept 100mtr
specific bomb threat terminal offloaded
and taken to away from
building for
BMA aircraft
525 rescreening
Which one of the following you Submerge Close all Place sand
will follow on the identification of package in windows and bags around the Open package 3
suspicious object the water doors package
Passengers Coordinator Coordinator
In case of specific threat to to make
will remain in will ensure to will ensure to
terminal building which one of the announceme 2
terminal switch off air open emergency
following is not correct nt on PA
building conditioner door
system to
530 evacuate
Evacuation of
All passengers
In case of non specific threat to Evacuation Evacuation only passenger is
except ones in
terminal building which of the of building is of building is required, staff 1
SHA should be
following is true not required required will not leave
531 office
Which of the following is a Perimeter
embarkation Installation of
counter measure to reduce bomb wall around QRT’s 3
security caller ID
threats at airport the airport
532 check
and their
Which of the following is true hand No additional Only hand Only registered
for a Non specific threat call baggage checks will be bags of bags of
where all passengers have have to carried out on passengers will passengers will
boarded the aircraft. undergo passengers be re-checked be re-checked
checks again
at SHA
Which of the following is a Introduction Up gradation Patrolling
watch towers
counter measures to tackle bomb of Sky of EDS and around the 2
around the
threat incidents at airport marshals on EDDS perimeter
534 the aircraft
In case of a specific bomb call
which agencies one of the Bomb Security
Representative Supervisory 4
following will not be involved in squad Officer of airline
from CISF Officer
535 search of aircraft
in getting an
The recipient of bomb threat in
To get an In idea of the
call should try and hear understanding
idea of age of recognising the location from 3
background sounds because it the motive of the
the caller caller where call was
will help caller
536 made
Floor to Ceiling to
Search area should be divided Waist to floor, Floor to waist,
head, head to waist, waist to
into which three levels while floor to head, waist to head, 4
waist, waist head, head to
searching for a suspect device head to ceiling head to ceiling
to ceiling floor
A safe It should be
Which of the following is NOT It is treated
It will not be distance should opened to check
the correct way to handle an as a potential 4
touched be maintained if owner can be
unclaimed article bomb
538 from it traced
Recipient of
Appendix “A” of BWAF is filled By ASG By airline
the bomb Bomb squad 1
by personnel Personnel
threat call
Give wide
Which of the following is a Perimeter publicity in local
counter measure to reduce bomb wall around newspaper if QRT’s 3
threat at the airport the airport caller is
540 identified
Which is not a medical Collapsed Injured in Delivery of Sabotage to
541 emergency in aviation? person Tsunami new born terminal building
Sabotage to Fire in
The emergency, which is not
New born terminal Terminal Sudden death 3
related to aircraft?
542 building Building
To assess
To maintain
specific and To assess
Why is the BWAF required? perfect data Formality 1
non specific the Caller
about the caller
543 calls
Which is not a medical Sudden Collapsed
New Born Illness 4
544 emergency ? death person
While receiving a bomb threat intimating to Intimating to intimating to
informative 1
call what will be the first action? supervisor APD CASO
545 questions
To Check
To show
more people in To keep force
Mock exercises are done? preparedness It's a duty 1
uniform at personnel busy
546 contingency
Which committee is coordinated
547 by the APD
Which one is not an immediate Filling
Notify Intimating to
action when you receive a Bomb Questioning appendix “A” of 3
supervisor APD
548 Threat Call BWAF
Who circulates the draft Bomb
Threat Contingency Plan on the
basis of which each airport AAI ASG BCAS BDDS 3
prepares its own Contingency
549 Plan
Passenger’s with a valid weapon Hand Not at all
checked On person 2
license can carry weapon in their baggage allowed to carry
are persons
They are
who have They are The one who
Who is the deportee unruly 1
been ordered terrorist carry drugs.
to leave the
For carriage of weapon sky Movement Letter from
authorization License 1
marshal are issued with order DGCA
579 card
Permission Prisoner Give plastic
Which of the following is incorrect should not be
to be should not be cutlery to
measure applied for carriage of under 4
obtained handcuffed prisoner and
prisoner? surveillance
from BCAS while in aircraft escort
580 when using
Primary responsibility for Airline
Agency of the ASG DGCA 1
escorting a deportee is with the Security
Is deemed to
Is not a threat Should be seated
Which one is true for, persons be threat to Should not be
to the safety of on emergency 1
suffering from mental illness the safety of accompanied
a flight exit
a flight
A passenger who creates or has
the potential to creates or has the
potential to create disturbance
either on board the aircraft or on
ground and in the process could Unruly
Sky marshals AME SPG 3
endanger the safety of the passenger
aircraft ,fellow passengers, crew
members, airline staff or property
thereby hampering the operation
is known as a
The number of passenger
2 4 6 8 2
587 disturbance threat level are
Who is not exempted from pre- Prime Dy. Prime Judges of High
President 3
embarkation check? minister minister Court
Who is not exempted from pre- Prime Dy. Prime Judges of High
President 3
embarkation check? minister minister Court
Which is not one of the Feeling of Posing as a observation of Following
suspicious signs in a person? fear VIP security procedures
610 personnel
Who among the following has All union
Vice president All members
access up to aircraft in their own COS(CA) Minister of 2
of India of Parliament
611 vehicle Cabinet rank.
Grenade is categorized as_______
a) Explosive c) Dangerous Art d) Dangerous Goods
11 What you should not do, when you find a suspicious person?
a) Keep under observation b) Inform the supervisor
c) Alarming the passenger d) Documents profiling
13 Airport staff members who need to pass the screening point for performance of
Their duties:
a) Need not submit to a physical search.
b) Need not pass through the walkthrough metal detector.
c) Have to submit to the same procedure as passengers.
d) Can be permitted without search by the CASO.
14 Which is not one of the suspicious signs in a person?
a) Feeling of fear
b) Posing as a VIP
c) Minute observation of security personnel
d) Following procedures
27 Screener should not monitor the screen at a stretch for more than
a) 18min b) 30 min. c) 20 min. d) 40 min.
48Explain BIPPS
a) Barometric integrated passenger permit system
b) Biometric integrated passenger profiling system
c) Bomb intelligence pick & parcel squad
d) Biometric integrated passenger pass system
49 What is Ambulift?
a) A vehicle/machine to lift Pax with reduced mobility into aircraft
b) Machine used to wrap machine
c) Lift for 100 people
d) None of these
58 What will be the course of action when X-BIS does not pass one of CTP tests?
a) Stop the machine b) Avoid it &work
c) Stop the machine & notify sud) none of these
78 What will be the course of action when you notice an unattended baggage?
a) Deposit it to APM b) don't touch
c) Lift and Screen it d) Open and look inside for dangerous articles
What is your action if you find Explosive inside the bag while screening?
a) Ask the passenger, why is he carrying it
b) Allow passenger to board
c) Stop the conveyor & inform supervisor
d) Remove the article and leave the passenger
91 The baggage not carried on the same aircraft on which the Pax travels is called
a) Unclaimed baggage b) Unidentified baggage
c) Transfer baggage d) Unaccompanied baggage
1 A 2 C 3 B 4 C
11 C 12 C 13 C 14 D
21 D 22 A 23 B 24 D
31 A 32 A 33 C 34 C
41 A 42 D 43 B 44 C
51 C 52 A 53 A 54 A
61 C 62 A 63 A 64 D
71 A 72 A 73 C 74 D
81 B 82 C 83 C 84 A
91 D 92 B 93 C 94 C
d) Seven
c) Alertness d) tests calibration of X-BUS
5 B 6 B 7 D 8 D 9 C
15 B 16 B 17 D 18 B 19 A
25 B 26 D 27 C 28 D 29 A
35 A 36 D 37 B 38 A 39 A
45 B 46 D 47 A 48 B 49 A
55 D 56 C 57 A 58 C 59 B
65 D 66 D 67 D 68 A 69 A
75 D 76 A 77 B 78 B 79 A
85 C 86 C 87 A 88 B 89 B
95 A 96 A 97 A 98 A 99 C
10 B
20 A
30 B
40 A
50 A
60 C
70 B
80 C
90 A
100 B