STEYR Fuel - System

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STEYR M14 - 144 / 164 & STEYR M16 - 166 / 236 / 246


Table of Contents

03.00 Fuel system / Functional description ........................................................ 2

03.02 Fuel pump, unit injector, lines .................................................................. 4

03.02.01 Replace fuel pump ................................................................................... 4
03.02.02 Disassembly and assembly of unit injector .............................................. 7
03.02.03 Fix control rack ....................................................................................... 14
03.02.04 Adjust control link (injection quantity) ..................................................... 15
03.02.05 Loosen fixing of control rod .................................................................... 16
03.02.06 Adjust start of injection ........................................................................... 17
03.02.07 Exchange check valve for fuel pre-pressure to unit injector ................... 20

03.04 Air filter ................................................................................................... 21

03.04.01 Change air filter ...................................................................................... 21

03.05 Turbocharger.......................................................................................... 22
03.05.01 Replace turbocharger............................................................................. 22
03.05.02 Check bearing clearance ....................................................................... 25

03.08 Control solenoid ..................................................................................... 26

03.08.01 Remove control solenoid ....................................................................... 26
03.08.02 Install control solenoid ............................................................................ 28
03.08.03 Replace potentiometer, indication of control rack position ..................... 29

03.09 Change fuel filter .................................................................................... 30

03.11 Replace glow plug .................................................................................. 31

03.12 Measurement of Compression Pressure ................................................. 32

03.14 Fuel system check .................................................................................. 34

03.14.01 Manual injection test methode ................................................................ 34
03.14.02 Disengagement methode of injection ...................................................... 36
03.14.03 Air bubble formation in fuel system ......................................................... 37

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STEYR M14 - 144 / 164 & STEYR M16 - 166 / 236 / 246


3-2 2002-06
STEYR M14 - 144 / 164 & STEYR M16 - 166 / 236 / 246
Functional Description

When the ignition switch is turned, an electric fuel pump 1 is put into operation and sucks fuel from the
fuel tank 2. This fuel is led via fuel filter 3 to the fuel pump. From the fuel pump, fuel is pumped to the
engine block 4 and the unit injectors 5. Excess fuel not injected by the unit injectors is led via fuel cooler
6 back to the fuel tank.
The operating pressure is controlled by pressure valve 7 (1,3 - 1,8 bar).
8 anti-siphon valve; 9 baffles (depending on tank size)

For fuel requirements, refer to chapter GENERAL

Specification for fuel pipes

Minimum inside diameter: 8 mm

Recommended material: stainless steel or copper
NOTE: Min. inside diameter for hosepipes or PA-pipes is 10 mm.

Rate of flow: > 140l/h +/-7 (in case of continuously operating pump)
If additional filters are installed, the requirements of
higher flow rates must to be considered. (filter dimension)
NOTE: In case of pipe connections, pay special attention to the
tightness of the suction pipe (all fittings and line before fuel pump)!

Types of pipe connections

03.00 ill. 2

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STEYR M14 - 144 / 164 & STEYR M16 - 166 / 236 / 246


03.02.01 Replace fuel pump

Fuel pump operation is controlled by EMS.


1 Ventilate drain fuel system.For this purpose, open

fuel line between fuel filter and fuel pump for M14-
144/164 (ill.4/pos.1) and for M16-166/236/246 (ill.5/
pos.1) and let pump run for approx. 6 x 10 sec. Make
sure that air is sucked into the line.

ATTENTION: Close fuel cock on tank, if tank is


2 ATTENTION: Prior to disassembly, disconnect

battery cables from battery, to avoid
damages to the electronic system.

3 Disconnect positive cable and negative cable (ill.6)

by unscrewing hexagon nuts (SW7/8) with washer
from terminals of fuel pump.

4 Unscrew hollow screw (ill.6/pos.1) of fuel feed line.

Dispose Cu-sealing rings.

5 Unscrew hollow screw (ill.6/pos.2) of fuel line. Dis-

pose Cu-sealing rings.

ATTENTION: Hold up with second wrench on

hexagon of pump housing, to avoid a
a damage to the E-pump.

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6 For M14-144/164 only

Unscrew two hexagon screws of filter plate.

Remove filter plate and holding strap.
Remove fuel pump.

For M16-166/236/246 only (item 7-8)

7 Remove two hexagon screws (SW10) for fixing fuel

pump on filter plate (ill.8/pos.1), as well as ground

ATTENTION: Mark position of fuel pump on pump


8 Remove pump bracket.

ATTENTION: Measure height for assembly of pump

because of fitting position of fuel lines.

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For M14-144/164 only (item 1-3)

1 Place new fuel pump.

2 Mount filter bracket with holding strap by means of 2

hexagon screws.

3 Attach fuel line between filter and pump (ill.9/pos.1)

as well as pump and block (ill.9/pos.2). Tighten
hollow screws with a torque of 30 Nm +/-3.

For M16-166/236/246 only (item 4-7)

4 Mount bracket in correct position onto new fuel

Tighten screws of bracket.

5 Mount pump and ground wire on filter plate and fix

with two hexagon screws (ill.10/pos.1). Tighten
screws with a standard torque of 10 Nm +/-1 .
Torque wrench No. 2300704/0.
Fix ground cable together with bracket.

6 Mount adaptor with Cu-sealing rings at top face of

fuel pump.

7 Attach fuel lines between filter and pump, as well as

pump and block. Tighten hollow screws with a torque
of 30 Nm +/-3.

ATTENTION: Hold up with second wrench on

hexagon of pump housing, to avoid a
damage to the E-pump.
Always use new Cu-sealing rings.

8 Connect two cables to negative terminal (-) and to

positive terminal (+). Cover the two terminals with
neoprene lacquer sealing No. P/N 0909570/0.

9 Connect battery cables.

10 Connect fuel lines and operate electric fuel pump

3 times for 10 sec., to bleed fuel system.

11 Check fuel system for leakage.ò

(No. 2300719/1, mount fuel return line)

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03.02.02 Disassembly and assembly of
unit injector

Preparation: Remove camshaft housing cover.

Clean sealing surface of rubber seal
and check for hardening and damage.
Replace seal, if required.

1 Turn crankshaft until injector cam is at base circle as

well intake and exhaust valve are open, in order to
permit a lateral shifting of rocker arm.

2 Before loosening flange nuts of unit injectors, ventilate

fuel system. For this purpose, open screw of banjo
fitting just enaugh to let air through seal rings between
fuel filter and fuel pump (ill.4/pos.1), and let pump run
approx. 6 times for 10 sec.
Make sure that air is sucked.

ATTENTION: Close fuel cock on tank, if tank is

higher than fuel supply on filter head.

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3 Remove nuts on unit injector flange (2 hexagon nuts

SW 13).

4 Loosen left-handed hexagon socket securing the

control link on the control rack by using a 4 mm
hexagon socket wrench. Turn control link against
bulk head. (1 hexagon socket SW 4 - ”LEFT-HAND
THREAD” per unit injector).

5 Loosen adjusting nut with 17 mm socket wrench

(hexagon nut SW 17 and screwdriver). Turn adjusting
screw to such an extent that the slide cup is loosely
attached to the spring plate. Do not remove.

6 Insert screwdriver with small blade into recess of

retainer ring (half-moon ring) for rocker arm lock,
push retainer ring upwards and remove.

For disassembly of unit injector, always remove

rocker arm retaining ring at timing belt side.

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7 Move the rocker arm towards timing belt side of

engine and remove the tappet.

NOTE: Adjusting screw and slide cup match

exactly and thus have to be removed
kept matched.

8 Check position of control link(s) against bulkhead as


9 Insert the unit injector lever SMT No. VR 00126/0

below the camshaft and push upwards against the
body of unit injector. The unit injector is thus lifted out
from the engine block and may be removed manually.

NOTE: For disassembly of the unit injector

from cylinder No. 1, the control rack is
to be moved forward.

10 Remove unit injector with mounting flange.

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11 Remove copper seal washer from bottom side of

copper insert by means of hook- and lifting tool (No.
VR 00116/0).

NOTE: Avoid scratches on the sealing surface

of the copper insert.


1 In order to secure an appropriate tight fit, recheck

tighten stud bolt with a torque of

21 Nm +/- 2

2 Drain possible fuel residues by means of suction

device No. VR 00121/0 from the combustion chamber.
Suction device must be equipped with a suction hose
of at least 250 mm of length in order that possible fuel
residues can be sucked from piston recess.

NOTE: Fuel residues in the combustion

chamber may cause severe damage
to the engine.

3 Check copper insert for possibly remaining seal

washers; remove and dispose, if necessary.

NOTE: Always use new copper seal washers!

(ill.16/pos.1 )

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4 Clean conical part of copper insert with cleaning

mandrel No. 2300565/0. For this purpose,, turn
cleaning mandrel several times in both directions and
then clean copper insert with cleaning tissue.

5 ATTENTION: Insert new special copper seal was-

her (ill.19/pos.2), from seal kit
Z002031/0, with a screwdriver into
copper insert.
Make sure the copper seal washer is

6 Install new O-rings (ill. 19/pos.1), from seal kit

Z002031/0, and cover O-rings with a thin coat of
clean motor oil.

7 Insert unit injector into bore and align unit injector

recess to dowel pin (ill. 20/pos.1) for positioning.
Avoid any contact with control link.

ATTENTION: Risk of damage to control rack.

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8 Push unit injector firmly downwards in order to position

it correctly with the O-rings.

9 Lubricate slide cup with motor oil, put it onto adjustment

screw, as shown, and shift it together with rocker arm
onto unit injector.

10 Install retainer ring to secure the rocker arm.

11 Screw on flange nuts (hexagon nuts SW 13) and

tighten evenly. Absolutely tighten nuts with a torque
of 18 /-2 Nm.

ATTENTION: Pay attention to horizontal installation

of mounting flange.

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12 Fix control rack.

13 Attach control link to control rack and adjust.

Refer to 03.02.04, Adjusting Control Link.

14 Adjust injection start. Refer to 03.02.06, Injection

Start unit injector.

15 Connect fuel pipes and operate electric fuel pump 3

times for 10 seconds to vent fuel system.

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03.02.03 Fix control rack

Preparation: Remove camshaft housing cover,

refer to 01.00.02

1 Unscrew setpin of control rack (ill.1/pos.1) at the

back of camshaft housing, as shown.

2 Position bore (diameter 4 mm) in control rack(ill.2/

pos.1) over reference bore (ill.2/pos.2) in the bulkhead

3 Pull control rack manually to the front, against spring

resistance, and hold. Insert setpin, as shown, and
fasten sturdily.

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03.02.04 Adjust Control Link

(injection quantity)

Prior to adjustment, unit injector must be

tightened properly, and control rack must be
fixed in position with set pin.

NOTE: Readjust all control links even if only

one link has been opened.


Loosen left-handed setscrew of control link. Turn

control link against bulkhead on camshaft housing.

1 Carefully position end of control link on front side of

unit injector control rack (possibly use screwdriver).

2 Turn control link against unit injector control gear until

control gear completely pushes against upper gauged
stop and hold position with screwdriver. Hold in this
position and tighten left-handed setscrew of control
link with a torque of 7 Nm +/-0,5. Repeat steps 1 and
2 for the rest of unit injector control racks.

3 Calibrate rack position, refer to 06.10.02

4 Loosen fixing of control rack, refer to 03.02.05

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03.02.05 Loosen fixing of control rod

1 Unscrew setpin (ill.3/pos.2) from bulkhead wall with

removing setpin and hold control rack. Reinstall
setpin in rear camshaft housing bore.(ill.3/pos.1).

2 Tighten setpin with a torque of 7 Nm.

3 Check axial flexibility of control rack. Control rack is

to be moved easily and should automatically return to
reverse position due to spring load.

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03.02.06 Adjust start of injection

Preparation: Remove camshaft housing cover

NOTE: The adjustment of start of injection is

- if unit injector was removed
- periodically according to
maintenance (chart)
- if set value has changed (see chart
Set Values Unit Injector Stroke).

Adjustment of injection start is to be

done prior to adjustment of engine

1 Unit injector must be installed properly and fastened.

Control rack and unit injector control gear must
be free to move.

2 Put dial gauge rail with bracket, No. 2306031/4, onto

stud bolt at intercooler side of camshaft housing and
fasten with nuts.

3 Turn camshaft until bearing rollers of rocker arm for

unit injector being adjusted is on the base circle of the
cam. Unit injector spring should be in most relaxed

4 Mount dial gauge No. P/N2300731/0 with pointer

No. P/N2300641/1 into dial gauge rail.

5 Put pointer onto unit injector plunger guide.

6 Align dial gauge to approx. 24.0 mm and fix dial


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7 Insert unit injector extracting lever No. VR 00126/0

(ill.5/pos.1) in recess of rocker arm between rocker
arm body and roller, as shown, and fully press down
spring of unit injector. Set exterior display to zero and
note indicated value of interior display.

NOTE: Preferably set dial gauge to a value of

whole numbers, e.g. 15 mm. Slowly

release unit injector spring. Read total
indicating travel (ill.5/pos.2) on dial

8 Turn adjusting screw (ill.6/pos.1) with screwdriver

and set to the value as listed in below table. Hold
adjusting screw in this position and tighten hexagon
nut (ill.6/pos.2) by means of torque wrench No.
2300743/0 and tee-handled socket wrench (SW17)
with a torque of 30 Nm +/-3.

Set values unit injector - stroke


M14 TCAM 144 vti 2176555/5 8,32 - 0,05

M14 TCAM 164 2176557/0 8,32 - 0,05

M16 TCAM 166 2176555/4 8,32 - 0,05

M16 TCAM 236 2176555/5 8,32 - 0,05

M16 TCAM 236 2176555/5 8,42 - 0,05

M16 TCAM 246 2176557/0 8,32 - 0,05

NOTE: To preclude setting propertires

for new assembly of unit injector
(copper ring), we recommend a
standard of pre-stroke:

value of stroke adjustment acc. to chart minus 0,05 +/- 0,01 mm.

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2002-06 3-19
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03.02.07 Exchange check valve for fuel pre- pressure to unit injector

1. Unscrew valve SW 19 mm (ill.1/pos.1), remove 2

Cu-sealing rings.

NOTE: Use new Cu-sealing rings for

assembly. Tighten with a torque of
40 Nm +/-4.

ATTENTION: On account of importance of this

valve (proper function of fuel
system), only use genuine
STEYR spare part for possible

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03.04.01 Change air filter

Till engine serial no. 48219069 ( 4-cyl.)

and 68219174 ( 6-cyl.)

1 Open retaining clip.

2 Remove air filter and cover.

3 Put new air filter together with cover onto filter head
and fix with retaining clip.

From engine serial no. 48219070 ( 4-cyl.)

and 68219175 ( 6-cyl.)

1 Remove hose clamp and air filter.

2 Mount new air filter together with hose clamp and

tighten clamp solid.

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03.05.01 Replace turbocharger

1 Remove air filter, refer to 03.04.01

2 Remove high-riser, refer to 04.01

3 For M16-166/236/246 only

Drain coolant from closed cooling circuit,
refer to 05.00.02

For M14-144/164 only (item 4-7)

4 Loosen fastenings of heat protection. Remove heat

protection (ill.2/pos.1).

5 Loosen hose clamp (ill.2/pos.2) and remove hose for

air charge pressure box.

6 Loosen screw (ill.2/pos.3) for raw-water pipe support


7 Loosen hollow screw (SW14) (ill.3/pos.1) of oil feed

line on turbocharger.

8 Remove plug of oil pressure switch (ill.3/pos.2).

9 Loosen hollow screw for M14-144/164 = SW 17 and

for M16-166/236/246 = SW 19 (ill.3/pos.3) of oil feed
line on motorblock. Dispose Cu-sealing rings.

10 Loosen two hexagon screws (SW10) (ill.4) of oil

return line. Dispose seal.

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11 For M16-166/236/246 only

Loosen 2 hexagon screws on flange of oil feed line.

12 For M14-144/164 only

Loosen hose clamps of hose connection

turbocharger-intercooler (ill.6/pos.1) and remove

For M16-166/236/246 only (item 13-17)

13 Loosen support screw (ill.7/pos.1) for raw-water pipe.

14 Remove covering (ill.7/pos.3) to intercooler by

loosening 5 hexagon screws (SW10) (ill.7/pos.2).

15 Loosen hose clamp (ill.8/pos.1) connection

compression housing.

16 Loosen 2 hexagon screws (ill.8/pos.2) and remove

connecting bend.

17 Loosen hollow screw (ill.8/pos.3) of cooling system -

vent pipe (SW14) . Remove pipe.

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Check hose connection and hose

between turbocharger return pipe
and engine housing intake for
crack and damage. Replace, if

Tigthen the two spring-clamps of hose turbocharger - intercooler with a torque of

3,5 Nm. Don´t strip!

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For M14-144/164 only (item 1-2)

1 Tighten 4 hexagon nuts of turbocharger flange by means of torque wrench SMT 23 with a torque of
25 Nm +/-2.

2 Tighten 2 screws (SW12) for fixing the flange of oil return pipe with a torque of 10 Nm +/-1.
Tighten hollow screw with 25 Nm +/-3.

For M16-166/236/246 only (item 3-6)

3 Tighten 4 hexagon nuts of turbocharger flange by means of torque wrench No. 2300743/0 and tree-
handled socket wrench No. 2300744/0 with a torque of 40 Nm +/-4.

4 Tighten 2 screws for fixing the oil return pipe flange with a torque of 23 Nm +/-2.
Tighten hollow screw with 40 Nm +/-4.

5 Tighten hollow screw of vent pipe (cooling circuit) with a torque of 20 Nm +/-2 . Maitain horizontal
position of banjo fitting while tightning hollow screw.

6 Fill closed cooling circuit, refer to 05.00.02

03.05.02 Check bearing clearance

measuring point
Measure end clearance:

1 Put test prod of dial gauge onto face of turbine wheel


2 Push cursor downwards and set dial gauge to "0".

3 Push cursor against dial gauge and note deflection of


permissible end clearance: max. 0.16 mm +/-0,01

Measure radial clearance:

location point
NOTE: Determination of radial clearance is
of dial gauge
only required turbine-sided.
1 Put test prod of dial gauge onto center of retainer
cone of turbine wheel.

2 Pull turbine wheel hub upwards by means of spring

balance. Measuring strength 50 N.

3 Note deflection of pointer. measuring

4 Repeat measurement, by turning cursor by 90°.

Permissible radial clearance: max. 0.42 mm +/-0,04

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03.08.01 Remove control solenoid

Prepartion: for M14-144/164 only

remove intercooler,
refer to 01.08.01.

1 Disconnect battery.

For M14-144/164 only (item 2-3)

2 Loosen plug connection (ill.2/pos.1) for control rack


3 Remove plug from control solenoid (ill.2/pos.2).

For M16-166/236/246 only (item 4-11)

4 Unscrew 3 hexagon screws (SW10) (ill.3/pos.1) of

upper timing belt covering.

5 Unscrew 2 hexagon screws (SW10) (ill.4/pos.1) of

front control solenoid covering.

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6 Loosen 2 hexagon nuts (SW10) (ill.5/pos.1). Remove

boost pressure sensor.

7 Loosen plug (ill.5/pos.2) for potentiometer


8 Loosen 3 hexagon nuts (SW10) (ill.5/pos.3). Remove

bracket with potentiometer accelerator.

9 Remove plug (ill.5/pos.4) for sensor of control rod.

10 Remove plug (ill.6/pos.1) from control solenoid.

11 Loosen 4 hexagon screws (SW13) (ill.6/pos.2) on

control solenoid housing; Remove control solenoid
assembly. Remove seal and dispose.

For M14-144/164 only

12 Loosen 4 hexagon screws (SW13) (ill.7) on control

solenoid housing, remove control solenoid assembly.
Remove seal and dispose.

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03.08.02 Install control solenoid

To install control solenoid assembly onto camshaft

housing, proceed as follows:

NOTE: Use new seals for control solenoid.

1 Remove camshaft housing cover.

2 Put new seal onto control solenoid housing.

3 Shift control rack by hand (ill.1) to front position and


4 Insert control rack lever to that lever (ill.2/pos.1) is

positioned behind did of solenoid rod (ill.2/2).

5 Bring up control solenoid assembly parallel to sealing

surface of camshaft housing, put it onto the two
dowel pins (ill.3/pos.1) and hold.

6 Slowly release control rack and fasten control so-

lenoid housing by means of 4 Allen head screws.

7 For M14-144/164 only

Secure the 4 Allen head screws with LOCTITE 243
and tighten with a torque of 23 Nm +/-2.

For M16-166/236/246 only (item 8-9)

8 Cover the two lower Allen head screws with LOCTITE
243 and slightly tighen.

9 Cover the two upper Allen head screws with LOCTITE

243. Bring into position bracket with potentiometer
accelerator and fix with upper Allen head screws.
Tighten the 4 Allen head screws with a torque of
23 Nm+/-2.

10 Check wether control rack can be moved over a

distance of approx. 18 mm.

ATTENTION: Pin of control rack potentiometer is

spring-loaded and might easily slip off
from the face of control rack lever,
during assembly. In such a case, the
control rack is blocked and thus
prevents resetting to zero delivery

11 Remaining assembly is done in reverse order.

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03.08.03 Replace potentiometer, indication of control rack position

For M14-144/164 only
remove shift plate,
refer to 01.08.01, ill.3.
For M16-166/236/246 only
remove bracket of potentiometer
accelerator, refer to 03.08.01, ill. 5-6

1 Loosen 2 Allen head screws (ill.1/pos.1) (SW3).

Remove potentiometer.


1 Insert potentiometer in such a way that rod of

potentiometer (ill.2/pos.1) is positioned in front of
solenoid rod (ill.2/pos.2).

2 Secure 2 Allen head screws 3 mm with Loctite 243

and tighten with a torque of 5 Nm +/-0,5.

3 Check wether control rack can be moved over a

distance of approx. 18 mm.

ATTENTION: Rod of rack potentiometer is spring-

loaded and might easily slip off from
the face of solenoid rod (ill.2/pos.2),
during assembly. In such a case the
control rack is blocked, and thus
prevents resetting to zero delivery

4 Remaining assembly is done in reverse oder.

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03.09 Change fuel filter

Water or other fuel contaminations may form

deposits which clog the fuel filter and may lead to
a disturbance. Therefore, change the fuel filter
every 300 operating hours and/or every 2 years at

1 Ventilate fuel system. For this purpose, open fuel

pipe between fuel filter and fuel supply (from fuel tank
or water separator) on filter head (ill.1/pos.1), and
operate the pump approx 6 times each 10 sec. = 6
times 10 sec. ignition ON. Make sure that air is

ATTENION: Close fuel cock on tank, if tank is

higher than fuel filer.

2 Unscrew filter (ill.2) by means of filter wrench No.

2300713/0. Remove filter and dispose. Take care
that original seal does not adhere to filter housing. If
so, remove seal and dispose.

3 Clean sealing surface on filter head (ill.3).

4 Slightly oil seal of new fuel filter with clean motor oil

5 Screw on new fuel filter until seal slightly rests on

sealing surface of filter head. Then tighten filter by
hand with 3/4 turn.

6 Connect fuel pipe between fuel filter and fuel supply

or water separator on filter head (ill.1/pos.1) again.

7 Ventilate fuel system.

NOTE: Fuel system is ventilated via E-fuel

Turn ignition ON 6 times each 10 sec.

8 Remove possibly spilled fuel residues. Start engine

and check fuel system for leakage.

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Preparation: For M14-144/164 only

for glow plug of second to fourth cylinder, remove air intercooler housing -
refer to 01.08.01
for glow plug of first cylinder, additionaly remove control solenoid - refer to 03.08.01

For M16-166/236/246 only

for glow plug of first cylinder, remove control solenoid - refer to 03.08.01
for glow plug of second to sixth cylinder, remove air intercooler housing -
refer to 01.08.01

1 Remove glow plug.


2 Unscrew glow plug(s) with special tool


3 Screw in new glow plug(s) by means of special tool

No. VR00146/0 and tighten by means of special tool
No. 2300703/0 with a torque of 15 Nm +/-1.

NOTE: Exactly keep torque of 15 Nm +/-1

when fixing glow plugs!

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Preparation: remove glow plug, refer to 03.11

1 Screw special tool glow plug adaptor 230 0638/2

(ill.1) into cylinder to be checked (ill.2).

2 Connect pressure hose of compression pressure

meter No. 2300750/0 to glow plug adaptor (ill.2).

3 Connect pressure hose to compression pressure

meter No. 2300750/0 (ill.3).

4 Remove plug J1.

Connect special tool No. VR00145/0 instead of plug

5 Put into operation compression pressure meter

according to operating instructions.

6 Start engine by pressing the button for 5 to 10 sec. of

special tool No. VR00145/0 until compression
pressure rises no more.

ATTENTION: Start with special tool VR00145/0

only. Engine may just turn, but not
feed and inject fuel.

Compression pressure chart

nominal value/lower boundary value

STEYR M14 TCAM 144vti/164 21,0 +/- 1,0 bar 18,0 +/- 1,0 bar

STEYR M16 TCAM 166 21,0 +/- 1,0 bar 18,0 +/- 1,0 bar

STEYR M16 TCAM 236/246 21,0 +/- 1,0 bar 18,0 +/- 1,0 bar

7 Assembly is done in reverse order.

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STEYR M14 - 144 / 164 & STEYR M16 - 166 / 236 / 246

2002-06 3-33
STEYR M14 - 144 / 164 & STEYR M16 - 166 / 236 / 246


03.14.01 Manual injection test methode

Preparation: Remove camshaft housing cover,

refer to 01.00.02

1 Remove plug screw (ill.1/pos.1) with sealing ring.

2 Mount special tool No. VR00148/0 (ill.2/pos.1)

together with sealing ring (ill.2/pos.2).

3 Move control rack by means of special tool No.

VR00148/0 into idle injection position
(approx.5-6 mm) (ill.3) and remain in this position.

3-34 2002-06
STEYR M14 - 144 / 164 & STEYR M16 - 166 / 236 / 246
4 Put unit injector withdrawing lever No. VR00126/0
onto rocker arm of individual unit injectors (ill. 4) and
move upper end of lever in direction of air intake
manifold. As a result, unit injector is pressed down
and injection process is simulated.

NOTE: When moving the unit injectors, a

creaky noise is to be heard during
the injection process and/or a soli-
de resistance is to be felt due to
produced injection pressure
(pressure point) .

If no difference is detectable in the individual unit

injectors, continue with item 5.

5 Adjust control rack by means of special tool No.

VR00148/0 to partial load (approx. 10-12 mm in
direction full delivery) (ill.3) and remain in this position.

6 Repeat item 4.

NOTE: Defective unit injectors which fail to produce a creaky noise in one or none of the two checks
and/or where no resistance (pressure point) can be felt are to be exchanged.
(Exchange unit injector, refer to 03.02.02).

7 Assembly is done in reverse order.

ATTENTION: Absolutely remove special tool

No. VR 00148/0.
Use new sealing ring.

Manual check of unit injector without tool No. VR 00148/0

Fuel System Check:

1. Investigate condition of return fuel. There should be neither air bubbles nor discoloration (gray) in the fuel.
2. Check proper flow quantity (i.e. engine at idle - flow rate after engine block 140 to 180 l/min; 36 to 37 gal.)

Injector Check:
To feel the injection activities, move the control rack (quantity delivery) in between its acceptable travel (5 to
14mm) while depressing the „plunger“ with the rocker arm. For safe and easier handling, use our special tool
While moving the rocker arm (and/or the plunger up and down), try to get the control rack into idle delivery
position (approx. 4-5 mm). In this spot you will feel only a very slight/short pressure build up as the duration of
injection is very short (~ 5mm³/stroke).
Keep this position on the control rack (freeze there) and then move over with tool VR 00126/0 to the next unit
injector/rocker arm to repeat the plunge movement and feel the resistance during injection.
The test should give an equal pressure load/peak on each injector, while maintaining the same position on the
control rack.
If one injector fails to show any pressure or this pressure peak is found in a much higher position of the control
rack, this is an indication for a possible deficiency on this injector.

Before removing this unit injector from the engine, check for proper adjustment of the linking lever
and for correct fit/tightness and/or torque of the unit injector mounting nuts.

2002-06 3-35
STEYR M14 - 144 / 164 & STEYR M16 - 166 / 236 / 246


03.14.02 Disengagement methode of injection

NOTE: Disengagement methode of injection is a

simple and effective method to detect defective unit
injectors with regard to formation of bubbles in both
the fuel system and the engine cooling system or lack
of power it related to deficiencies in injection

Preparation: Disconnect crankshaft, refer to

01.00.01 (item 2 - 3 remove valve

1 For M14 - 144/164, mount special tool No. VR00133/

1 and for M16 - 166/236/246 special tool No.
VR00133/0 to disconnect injection.

2 Start the engine, let it run in idle and check if bubbles


NOTE: If there are no bubbles at idle speed of

engine, continue with item 3.

3 Bring engine to operating temperature and then test

the boat under operating conditions and watch for
bubbles to form.
Keeping this operating condition, continue with item

4 Loosen nut on cover (ill .1/pos.1), screw in, with fast

turns, screw (ill.1/pos.2) until knocking noise
disappears. Tighten nut (ill.1/pos.1) again. As a result,
unit injector is pressed down to such an extent that
injector cam can no more touch the rocker arm, thus
preventing the injection of fuel. (respectively
eliminating combustion)

5 Test the boat with disengaged unit injector under

operating conditions and observe the returning fuel if
bubbles still appear.

6 Continue to check all other injectors (cylinders) in

order to detect the defective(s) unit injector(s).

NOTE: Bubble formation will change and/or

stop as soon as injection of defective
unit injector(s) is disengaged.

7 Replace defective unit injector(s).

(Replace unit injector, refer to 03.02.02)

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STEYR M14 - 144 / 164 & STEYR M16 - 166 / 236 / 246


03.14.03 Air bubble formation in fuel system

Preparation: Change fuel filter, if necessary

refer to 03.09
(item 1, ventilate fuel system)

Testing device for fuel return 2300719/2

1 Disconnect hose from fuel return line on fuel cooler

outlet to fuel tank. (ill.2/pos.1).

2 Connect hose (ill.1/pos.1) of testing device 2300719/

2 to tandem cooler outlet. (ill.2/pos.1).

3 Connect hose (ill.2/pos.2) of testing device 2300719/

2 with return hose to fuel tank. (ill.2/pos.2).

4 Hold testing device, glass bulb upwards (ill.2/pos.3),

or fix it on the boat.


Check 1: Ventilate fuel system by 6 times ignition ON. Observe the sight glass as to complete
ventilation of system (bubblefree fuel flow).

Result: If a bubblefree fuel flow cannot be achieved, search for the problem at the suction side
(from fuel tank to fuel pump).

Check: 1. Fuel in tank.

2. Tank suction pipe and fitting
3. ANTI-SIPHON VALVE (if installed) leckage.
4. Water separator leaky or contaminated.
5. Check all fuel lines connections and fittings in the feed line (suction
side) up to fuel pump intake.

After a bubblefree fuel flow can be achieved, continue with check 2.

Check2: Start the engine and let it run at idle speed. Observe the glass bulb.

Result: If bubble formation starts, search for the problem in the unit injectors. Probable
contamination , on one or several nozzle elements cause a problem.
Due to compression/combustion pressure, gases into the are forced fuel system
throug the unit nozzle(s).

2002-06 3-37
STEYR M14 - 144 / 164 & STEYR M16 - 166 / 236 / 246

Check: Defective unit injector(s) is/are to be detected definitely by means of "manual

injection test methode"
(manual injection test methode, refer to 03.14.01)

Manual: If during disengagement methode of injection of unit injectors a creaky noise is to be

heard and a solide resistance (pressure point) can be felt, check the tightening torque
of the unit injectors ( item 11).
Then repeat check 3.

If a bubble formation appears during load operation, continue with check 3.

Check 3: Start the engine, bring it to operating temperature, test the boat under operating
conditions and observe the glass bulb.

Result: If it comes to bubble formation, search for the problem in the area of unit injectors.

Control: Defective unit injector(s) is/are to be detected definitely by means of "Disengagement

methode of injection"
(manual injection test methode, refer to 03.14.01)

If there is still bubble formation, continue with check 4.

Check 4: Test the engine in the operating state where bubble formation occurs, by
disengagement of injection per cylinder one after the other.
(Disengagement methode of injection, refer to 03.14.02).

Assembly is done in reverse order.

3-38 2002-06

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