Catch Up Friday The Last Leaf

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Subject Area: ENGLISH 10 CLASS SCHEDULE: DATES: March 8, 2024

10 – Jamaica M, T, W, F
10 – Mexico T, W, Th, F
10 – Nicaragua T, W, Th, F
10 – Panama M, T, Th, F
10 - Paraguay M, T, W, Th

Content Standard: Performance Standard:

The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature The learner skillfully delivers a speech for a special occasion through
and other text types serve as sources of wisdom in expressing and utilizing effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources.
resolving conflicts among individuals, groups and nature; also how
to use evaluative reading, listening and viewing strategies, special
speeches for occasion, pronouns and structures of modification.

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

Explain how a selection may be influenced by a culture, history, environment, or other factors. EN10LT- IIh- 3

I. Learning Objectives:
a. Read the literary piece The Last Leaf by O. Henry;
b. Express their ideas about the material read;
c. Relate presented literatures to real life experiences;
d. Compose a letter of encouragement and list the positive changes to accomplish.

II. Subject Matter Reference/s: Celebrating Diversity through World Literature English 10
Catch Up Friday Textbook pp. 376 – 382,
Literature: Video:
The Last Leaf by O. Henry Materials: Reading Text Material, PowerPoint Presentation, and

III. Procedure

A. Preliminaries Greetings, Prayer, Attendance Checking

B. Motivation/Drill/Review Understanding the Self and Nature

Show two pictures of trees, one with many leaves and one with one leaf. Let the students analyze and
interpret its message through answering the following questions:
1. What can you say about the trees? Compare them using a diagram.
2. What do you think will happen to that last leaf?
3. What do you think will happen to the tree when the last leaf falls on the ground?
4. Do you think we are part of or somehow connected with nature? Why or why not?
5. How are you going to connect that tree to a person’s life?
6. Have you ever experienced losing faith and hope?
7. Who or what helps you every time you feel that?
C. Vocabulary Vocabulary
Development/Unlocking of Pneumonia - an infection that affects one or both lungs. It causes the air sacs, or alveoli, of the lungs to
Difficulties fill up with fluid or pus.
Narrow – having a small distance from one side to the other, especially in comparison with the length.
Troubling - causing feelings of worry or anxiety.
Masterpiece - a work done with great skill.
Silly - having or showing a lack of common sense or judgment.
Complete the crossword below using the provided clues on the box.
1 5

1 – Person’s greatest piece of work
2 – an infection in one or both lungs
3 – foolish and absurd
3 4 – slender, slim, tight, and thin

5 – distressful, worrisome

D. Lesson Proper/Presentation of Meet the Author!

the Lesson “William Sydney Porter is his original name”.
“Moved to Austin Texas where he worked as a bank teller, moved back to Houston
in1895 and became a newspaper columnist”. “In 1896, he was charged of fraud,
but he fled to Honduras and stayed there for 6months”. “Upon his return, he had a
trial and was sentenced to 3 years at Ohio prison. That
is when he started to write short stories under the pen name O. Henry”. “He was
released in 1901, moved to New York where he wrote many stories including The Last
Leaf, The Green Door, and his most famous story The Gift of Magi.”

Read and Learn

Literature: The Last Leaf by O. Henry

D. Discussion (Indicate questions Comprehension Check

that will elicit answers from the 1. Who are the characters in the story? Describe each of them.
students. Use HOTS as basis for 2. What is Johnsy’s illness?
formulating questions) 3. What is the cause of her illness?
4. What do you think made Johnsy consider that her possible death would be simultaneous with the last
leaf to fall?
5. What helps Johnsy recover from her illness?
6. Describe Mr. Behrman’s personality based on the story.
7. How does Behrman’s painting become a masterpiece and save a life in the story?
8. What have you learned from the story?
9. How would you analyze the friendship between Sue and Johnsy?
10. Why is the last leaf “a story of hope, friendship, and sacrifice?”
E. Generalization Complete the Statement
The story The Last Leaf teaches us that we should never lose _________ in life quickly. It also teaches
us the meaning of true __________. Hope is one thing that can help us achieve our ________ in life.
F. Application Give Love and Hope
On a piece of paper, the students must write a message of encouragement to other people who are
losing hope.
The teacher will then ask at least seven students to pick and read the short messages.
G. Evaluation 1. A Message from the Heart
Write a letter and make a promise to yourself and to your parents regarding positive changes in
your life. Write the specific traits which you want to change. Tell how the story helped you realize the
complexity of life. Use the format below as a guide to the letter that you will be writing.

2. In a paper, draw something you could consider a masterpiece and explain/discuss why.

Suggested Activity/ Intervention Activity

Identify the elements of a short story present on the reading material. E.g. Settings, Characters, Plot, Theme

V. Assignment

Watch the animated story of The Last Leaf.

Prepared by: Checked by:


English Teacher Head Teacher, English Department



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