Rubric For Creative Writing

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The following rubric will be the basis in rating your compositions of the two (2) short stories.

CRITERIA % 5 (90 above) 4 (85-89) 3 (80-84) 2 (75-79) 1 (74 below) Rating

Creativity 40 Shows creativity and Shows limited Shows less creativity Least creativity and There is no creativity
flexibility when using creativity and and flexibility when flexibility is shown and flexibility to
conventions to enhance flexibility when using using conventions to when using enhance the story
the story that contains conventions to enhance for the conventions to and originality,
many creative details to enhance for the reader’s enjoyment. enhance the story independence of
the reader’s enjoyment. reader’s enjoyment. Shows little and originality, creative thought, and
Shows originality, Shows little independence of independence of interpretation to the
independence of creative independence of creative thought and creative thought, and existing literary
thought, and creative thought, and interpretation to the interpretation to the formula.
interpretation to the interpretation to the existing literary existing literary
existing literary formula existing literary formula. formula.
well. formula.
Coherent 40 Creates an effective Creates adequate Creates less structure Creates inconsistent Incoherent structure
Structure coherent structure in coherent structure in in writing using structure in writing and sequencing of
writing using transitions. writing using transitions. Ambiguous using transitions. ideas in the flow of
Shows effective transitions. Shows ideas in the flow of Ambiguous ideas in transitions within and
sequencing of ideas clear sequencing of transitions within and the flow of transitions across the paragraph.
based on purpose and ideas based on across paragraphs. within and across
skillfully linked in smooth purpose and skillfully paragraphs.
flow of transitions within linked in smooth flow
and across paragraph. of transitions within
and across
Adherence to 20 Shows a depth Shows understanding Shows less Shows least Understanding is not
Topic understanding of concept of concept in understanding of understanding of evident.
with ample support in controlling the style concept in the style concept in the style
controlling the style and and expressions and expressions. and expressions.
expressions intelligibly intelligibly and Engages less authentic Least engagement
and adequately. Engages adequately. Engages and less entertaining authentic and in
clever, authentic, and authentic and voice. entertaining voice.
entertaining voice. entertaining voice.

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