Barter or Exchange

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POINTERS: Conditional sale Dacion en pago (dation in payment) Statute of fraud

Absolute sale Extinguishment of sale

Sales Sale must be in writing
contract of sale Barter vs sale Redhibitory defect
stages of contract of sale Contract for a piece of work Determinate and indeterminate objects Sale of property at price not less
essential elements of contract of sale Price, certainty Price and certainty of the price than 500 pesos
characteristics of a contract of sale Rules when price is not determined by the parties Inadequacy of the price Sale not to be performed within
option money Stages of sale contract life General rule: price; agreement; does not affect the one year
contract for a piece of work vs. contract of sale
Negotiation validity of the sale Sale of real property
dacion en pago vs. contract of sale
Perfection Exception: vice of consent; shocking to conscience;
emptio rei speratae vs. emptio rei
Consummation “simulated sale” ; simulated price Effect if not in writing > unenforceable
contract to sell Indications of perfection of contract of sale Involuntary sale; Sale by auction
Simulation of price; relative simulation; absolute Rights of an unpaid seller
capacity of parties to a sale Emptio rei speratae simulation
capacity to buy Emptio spei Offer and acceptance Right of lien of goods until paid
capacity to sell
Future goods Option contract – accepted unilateral promise to buy Rights to retain them until paid
minors in relation to contract to sell; necessaries
Loss of goods or sell supported by a consideration (option money) Right of stoppage in transit
perfection of the contract of sale
Res perit domino (rule) that does not become part of the price Right of resale
obligations of vendor Consent Perfection of the contract of sale (see the intention of
obligations of vendee Object and price Right to rescind the sale
the parties) (offeror and offeree; obligations)
extinguishment of contract of sale Obligations of seller Warranties
Obligations of buyer Face to face; acceptance without condition Breach of contract of sale
Rights of seller When the thru correspondence – when the Rights of vendees in double sale
Sale, definition
Rights of buyer offeror has knowledge of the acceptance Extinguishment of Sale
Requisites of sale (elements)
Delivery When subject to a suspensive condition –
Essential requisites of sale as contract
Actual delivery upon the happening of the condition
Constructive delivery Sale by auction – upon the fall of the
Object of sale
Symbolic delivery hammer
Rules on Licit and illicit objects
Traditio brevi manu
Price (consideration; price certain in money) Effect of perfection > compliance to the obligations
Traditio longa manu
Determinate things of parties
Constitutum possessorium
Contract to sell vs contract of sale Sale of goods by description – relies on the
Traditio simbolica
Capacity to buy and sell description by the seller; obligation of seller;
Delivery to a co-owner
Absolute incapacity warranty
Equitable mortgage
Relative incapacity Sale of goods by sample – relies on sample;
Characteristics of sale obligation of seller; warranty; similar to sample
Express warranties
Reciprocal obligations
Implied warranties Failure on warranty> rescission
Kinds and nature of sales
In relation to easement
Sale of real properties Sale on approval or trial
Caveat emptor
Sale future goods Sale or return
Caveat venditor
Sale or return
Sale of real property
“as is where is” rule
Sale on trial
Sale second hand articles

BARTER OR EXCHANGE EMPTIO SPEI Traditio Longa Manu - delivery of a movable by WHAT MAY BE SOLD?
Sale of hope itself - The efficacy of the sale of a mere consent or agreement. (Pointing at the thing) 1. Existing
Article 1638. By the contract of barter or exchange mere hope or expectancy is deemed subject to the (example: X buys an umbrella from Y. Y is yet to 2. goods to be manufactured, raised or acquired by
one of the parties binds himself to give one thing in condition that the thing will come into existence. deliver the umbrella to X. ) the seller
consideration of the other's promise to give another 3. things having potential existence
thing. (1538a) Sale of a hope in vain - The efficacy of the sale of Traditio Brevi Manu - buyer simply continues in 4. sale of specific things
a mere hope or expectancy is deemed subject to the possession of the thing but under ownership. 5. fungible goods (those which are usually dealt
Article 1639. If one of the contracting parties, condition that the thing will come into existence. Applies to movables only. Happens when buyer with by number, weight, or measure;
having received the thing promised him in barter, The sale of a vain hope or expectancy is void. already has possession of the thing sold before the interchangeable )
should prove that it did not belong to the person sale. (example: A car is currently on loan to X. X 6. undivided interest
who gave it, he cannot be compelled to deliver that DELIVERY: KINDS OF DELIVERY has possession of the car before the sale. X buys the
which he offered in exchange, but he shall be 1. Actual or real - placing the thing under the car from owner Y. In effect, the physical possession ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF SALE
entitled to damages. (1539a) control and possession of the buyer of the car need not be transferred to X because X 1. General Rule: If any of the essential elements is
2. Legal or constructive - delivery is represented by already has possession of it.) missing, there is NO contract of sale.
Article 1640. One who loses by eviction the thing other signs or acts indicative thereof 2. Essential elements are: Consent Determinate
received in barter may recover that which he gave 3. Quasi-tradition - delivery of rights, credits or Traditio Constitutum Posessorium - seller continues Object Price Certain in Money
in exchange with a right to damages, or he may incorporeal property, made by (i) placing titles of to be in possession of the property sold but not as 3. Who may be PARTIES to a contract of sale? All
only demand an indemnity for damages. However, ownership in the hands of the buyer or (ii) allowing an owner but in some other capacity (example: X is persons who have the CAPACITY TO BUY AND
he can only make use of the right to recover the the buyer to make use of rights the owner of a property. X sells the property to W. SELL can be parties to a contract of sale.
thing which he has delivered while the same 4. Tradition by operations of law W leases the property to X. X becomes a lessee of
remains in the possession of the other party, and the property he previously owned.) 4. What are the kinds of incapacity?
without prejudice to the rights acquired in good PLACE OF DELIVERY Absolute Incapacity – persons who cannot bind
faith in the meantime by a third person. (1540a) a. If there is an agreement: PLACE DETERMINATE OR DETERMINABLE themselves at all
SPECIFIED Determinate is specific. Relative Incapacity – only with regard to certain
Article 1641. As to all matters not specifically b. If there is no agreement: PLACE Article 1460. A thing is determinate when it is persons and certain class of property
provided for in this Title, barter shall be governed DELIVERY DETERMINED BY USAGE particularly designated or physically segregated
by the provisions of the preceding Title relating to OF TRADE from all others of the same class. 5. ABSOLUTE INCAPACITY: Who are not allowed
sales. (1541a) c. If there is no agreement and no prevalent to buy and sell properties, or bind themselves?
usage: SELLER’S PLACE OF BUSINESS Determinable is one that is capable of being Minors Insane or Demented Deaf-mutes WHO DO
SALE OF HOPE AND FUTURE GOODS d. In any other case: SELLERS PLACE OF determined, either at present time or in the future. NOT KNOW how to write. Those who are under
Article 1462. The goods which form the subject of RESIDENCE A thing is determinable when it is capable of being CIVIL INTERDICTION. These persons have
a contract of sale may be either existing goods, made determinate at the time the contract was absolute incapacity, meaning, they cannot bind
owned or possessed by the seller, or goods to be REQUISITES OF DELIVERY entered without the necessity of a new or further themselves in a contract of sale. They cannot buy
manufactured, raised, or acquired by the seller after A. Identity agreement between the parties. or sell. However, they may buy necessaries (basic
the perfection of the contract of sale, in this Title B. Integrity needs, like food etc. )
called "future goods." There may be a contract of C. Intentional Under contract law in some legal systems, a 6. Who are considered to have RELATIVE
sale of goods, whose acquisition by the seller KINDS OF CONSTRUCTIVE OR LEGAL redhibitory defect is a hidden defect that prevents INCAPACITY?
depends upon a contingency which may or may not DELIVERY a product from performing the task for which it was Husband and wife Agents in relation to the
happen. (n) By Legal Formalities - sale is made through public purchased. A buyer of a product with a redhibitory property entrusted to them. Executors and
instrument; gives rise only to a prima facie defect can be entitled to redhibition (also called administrators in relation to the property of estate
presumption of delivery. redhibitiory action). The redhibitory action requires under his/her administration. Public officers with
EMPTIO REI SPERATAE proving fraud, that the seller acted in bad faith. This respect to the properties of the government,
Future goods; goods to be manufactured, raised, or Symbolic Delivery (tradition simbolica) - delivery means that the seller knew the defects of the thing political subdivisions, or GOCCs, entrusted to
acquired by the seller after the perfection of the of keys or depository where the movable is kept or and that he decided not to manifest them before the them. Judges, justice, prosecuting attorney, clerks
contract of sale stored. sale took place of court, etc. with respect to the property in
custodia legis. Other persons disqualified by law
7. How do we treat Husband and Wife in relation to 12. What are the rules on PRICE? RELATIVE SIMULATION/FALSE Art. 1584. Where goods are delivered to the buyer,
transfer of property through sale to each other? It is the sum stipulated as equivalent of the thing which he has not previously examined, he is not
General Rule: Husband and wife cannot sell to each sold and also every incident taken into PRICE – this is not the true price deemed to have accepted them unless and until he
other. Exception: When separation of property was consideration for the fixing of the price put to the ABSOLUT SIMULATION – price is not intended has had a reasonable opportunity of examining
agreed. There was a judicial separation of property. debit of the buyer and agreed to by him (kabayaran, to be paid them for the purpose of ascertaining whether they
8. When does consent in sale happen? bayad, presyo; ang halaga ng bagay na ipinagbibili are in conformity with the contract if there is no
Upon meeting of the minds of the parties as to the na pinagkasunduan ng bumibili at nagbibili. Hindi 13. Does inadequacy of price invalidate the sale? stipulation to the contrary. Unless otherwise agreed,
object to be sold and the price, there is consent. To mahalaga kung magkano, ang kailangan lamang ay Gross inadequacy of price does not affect the when the seller tenders delivery of goods to the
elaborate, we need to look at OFFER and napagkasunduan ng dalawa.) contract of sale except if the inadequacy shows that buyer, he is bound, on request, to afford the buyer a
ACCEPTANCE. The buyer may offer to buy or the REQUISITES: Certain or ascertained at the time there is a defect in consent. reasonable opportunity of examining the goods for
seller my offer to sell. The buyer may accept the of perfection In money or its equivalent Real, not 14. If delivery of item has been made without the purpose of ascertaining whether they are in
offer of the buyer, or the seller may accept the offer fictitious Why is it important that the price must be determining price, what must be done? Where conformity with the contract. Where goods are
of the buyer. certain? Aside from the fact that it is part of the delivery has been made, the buyer must pay a delivered to a carrier by the seller, in accordance
9. What are the rules on OFFER? offer to be accepted, the certainty of the price reasonable price. with an order from or agreement with the buyer,
GENERAL RULE: Offer may be withdrawn at any makes the contract and the obligations enforceable 15. If there is no delivery yet, and the contract is upon the terms that the goods shall not be delivered
time without even communicating such withdrawal as there is a reference as to how much must be executory, what is the effect of failure to determine by the carrier to the buyer until he has paid the
to the interested buyer. paid. Hence, when the buyer pays less, the seller price? Where the contract is executory, the contract price, whether such terms are indicated by marking
EXCEPTION: When the offeror has allowed the can demand for the balance. The seller cannot is without effect. There is no obligation created. An the goods with the words "collect on delivery," or
offeree a certain period to accept, OFFER may be demand payment more than the agreed price. Why executory contract is one which has unperformed otherwise, the buyer is not entitled to examine the
withdrawn at any time before acceptance by must it be in money or its equivalent? The price obligations. The performance of the obligations goods before the payment of the price, in the
communicating such withdrawal. EXCEPTION must have a UNIT of measure. It determines the remains on both sides. Hence, in this case, there is absence of agreement or usage of trade permitting
TO THE EXCEPTION: Offer cannot be withdrawn value. Example: “babayaran ko ng SAMPU.” Sa no delivery yet, or no money has been paid yet. such examination. (n)
within a certain period if found under ganitong pagkakataon hindi malalaman kung Neither the buyer nor the seller can demand
consideration. (see OPTION CONTRACT) “sampu” ng anong bagay. Ngunit kung “sampung performance of obligation from each other. When is there acceptance of good?
10. What is an OPTION CONTRACT? piso” ang ibinigay o sinabi, malalaman na ang (Compare with a situation in which there was 1. Express acceptance
An option contract is an accepted unilateral value. Generally, the measure of price or unit in already delivery. In such case, the buyer needs to 2. Buyer does an act which only an owner can do
promise to buy or sell supported by a consideration money is in legal tender (Peso, for the Philippines). pay.) (OBJECT or SUBJECT MATTER of sale will 3. Failure to return after reasonable lapse of time
distinct from the price. It secures the privilege to However since peso may have its equivalent in be discussed in another lecture)
buy. TAKE NOTE of the consideration. This means foreign currency, it may be denominated by the Effect of acceptance on vendor’s liability for
that the opportunity to sell to other buyers is same. Why is it important that the price must be Art. 1583. Unless otherwise agreed, the buyer of breach of warranty
forgone during the period given to the person who REAL, not fictitious? A fictitious price, or goods is not bound to accept delivery thereof by General Rule: Seller is not discharged from liability
promises to buy. Only after the period when the simulated (hindi makatotohan, “bala-bala”, installments. Where there is a contract of sale of for breach of warranty by the acceptance of the
prospect buyer has not bought the object of sale can “kunwari”, “kunyari”) makes the sale void, or goods to be delivered by stated installments, which goods Exception:
the seller sell to another. An option WITHOUT inexistent. It is the same as an inexistent contract are to be separately paid for, and the seller makes (1) If there is an agreement, express or implied;
CONSIDERATION is VOID. where one of the essential elements is missing (lack defective deliveries in respect of one or more (2) if buyer fails to give notice to seller of breach of
of consideration). Example: Ibebenta ko sa iyo ang instalments, or the buyer neglects or refuses warranty within a reasonable time after buyer
ACCEPTANCE. aking kotse. Bayaran moa ko ng ZERO pesos (Php without just cause to take delivery of or pay for one knows of such breach. (Art. 1586)
Acceptance refers to that which determines 0.00). Pumayag ka. Hindi ba sa ganitong more instalments, it depends in each case on the
consent. It is the acceptance of the offer, and not situwasyon ibinigay ko na lamang ang kotse sa iyo terms of the contract and the circumstances of the Effects if buyer refuses to accept delivery
the acceptance of the good delivered. However, the ng libre. At kung libre lamang ang kotse, ito ay case, whether the breach of contract is so material 1. Buyer justifiably refuses to accept
goods to be delivered is also part of the offer. What tinatawag sa batas na DONATION. Maaari din as to justify the injured party in refusing to proceed a) Buyer has no duty to return the goods
are the requisites of acceptance? It must be namang kunwari lamang na babayaran ng Php further and suing for damages for breach of the b) Title does not pass
absolute. It must be plain and unconditional. To 100,000 pero hindi naman talaga babayaran. entire contract, or whether the breach is severable, c) Not be obliged to pay the price
bind the offeror, the offeree must comply with the giving rise to a claim for compensation but not to a d) If he constitute himself as a depositary, he shall
conditions of the offer. right to treat the whole contract as broken. (n) be liable as such

e) Obligation to notify the seller of such CIF - buyer assumes full responsibility for the
refusal(Art. 1587) goods as soon as they reach the destination
2. Buyer unjustifiably refuses FOB - the goods are considered into the control of
a) Title passes to the buyer, unless there is the buyer as soon as they’re loaded onto the ship.
stipulation and seller reserved the ownership Related principle:
b) Obliged to pay the price (art. 1588) CAVEAT EMPTOR (Latin phrase)
“Let the buyer beware”
When Vendee is liable for interest - the principle that the buyer alone is
Buyer shall pay interest for the period between responsible for checking the quality and
delivery and payment of price in the following suitability of goods before a purchase is
cases: made.
1. If there is stipulation ● Applicable to goods “SOLD AS IS”
2. Thing sold produces fruits or income ● Second hand things are “sold as is”
3. If he is in default, from the time judicicial ● Diligence of buyer: to inspect the goods
demand for payment of price. (art. 1589) before purchase.


The thing is lost to the owner. This phrase is used
to express that when a thing is lost or destroyed, it
is lost to the person who was the owner of it at the


Cost, insurance, and freight (CFI) and free on

board (FOB) are international shipping agreements
used in the transportation of goods between buyers
and sellers.

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