Mapeh Exam With Tos

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Learning Area : MAPEH Examination Title : THIRD QUARTER EXAMINATION School Year: 2023-2024 Date : MARCH 21-22, 2024

Level of Question
Competency/Objective No. of No. of Easy (60%) Average (30%) Difficult (10%) TOTAL
Days Items (100%)
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

1. To identify the Tempo, 5 8 1, 2, 3 4, 5 6,7 8 8

Texture and Harmony of

2. To Create an 7 11 9,10,11, 12 13, 14 15, 16, 17 18 10

or Announcement Posters.

3. Invading the game for 4 7 19, 20, 21, 22 23, 24, 25 26 8

physical fitness: Tumbang

9 14 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 32, 33, 34, 35 36, 37, 38, 39 40 14
4. Advocating environmental
protection through proper
waste management

25 40 12 12 5 7 2 2 40


Directions: Read the questions and analyze them. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the root note of the chord?

a. Tonic chord (I) b. Sub-dominant (IV) c. Dominant (V)
2. What the fourth note from the tonic and has the Roman Numeral IV?
a. Tonic chord (I) b. Sub-dominant (IV) c. Dominant (V)
3. What the fifth note from the tonic and has the Roman Numeral V?
a. Tonic chord (I) b. Sub-dominant (IV) c. Dominant (V)
4. What is a chord with only three pitches?
a. Triad b. Chord c. Primary Chord
5. What is one of the triad?
a. Triad b. Chord c. Primary Chord
6. How to play piano in the key of C Major, F Major, and G Major as accompaniment to simple
a. Simply use and press the keyboard below.
b. Applying primary chords in a song using the scale of C Major, F Major, and G Major.
c. Use your left finger for accompaniment.
7. How to identify the primary chords in every key?
a. the chords (or triads) built on notes 1 (I), 4 (IV) and 5 (V) of the scale.
b. just press the given letter names in the keyboard as your guide.
c. Sing the song in the key of C Major accompanying with primary chords (I, IV, V) on the
piano keyboard by pressing some of the keys.
8. What is the most important thing you should consider upon using piano?
a. You must know the song you play.
b. It is important to plug in your piano.
c. You must have enough knowledge to play piano and chord to use as part of the song you play.
9. It combines skills in technology, business and art, using computer-generated images and words
to create unique concepts and messages for publishing and advertising.
a. Poster b. Computer Graphics Design c. Graphics
10. It is a common print promotional technique used by small businesses.
a. Advertisement/Commercial Poster b. Poster c. Gimp
11. This includes a visual design, images, colors and copy. It provides a message intended to
promote brand awareness or call attention to a company event.
a. Announcement Poster b. Gimp c. Poster

12. It is a software used in graphic designing.

a. Poster b. Gimp c. Computer Graphics Design
13. It refers to a professional within the graphic design and graphic arts industry.
a. Announcement Poster b. Graphic Designer c. Gimp
14. It is an icon referring to GIMP.

a. b. c. .

15. It is a tool used in adding text.

a. Text Tool b. Move Tool c. Crop Tool
16. It refers to the tool used in moving layers, selections and other objects.
a. Eraser Tool b. Paintbrush Tool c. Move Tool
17. It is a tool used in adjusting zoom level.
a. Eraser Tool b. Zoom Tool c. Crop Tool
18. It is a tool used in erasing background or transparency.
a. Move Tool b. Paintbrush Tool c. Eraser Tool
19. What is a unique traditional game in the Philippines.
a. Tumbang Preso b. Tamaan Bola c. Tumbang Lata
20. What is the meaning of the filipino word “TUMBA” in Tumbang Preso?
a. Throw b. Fall c. Hit
21. What is the meaning of the filipino word “PRESO” in Tumbang Preso?
a. Prisoner b. Member c. Leader
22. What is the most important tool used in playing Tumbang Preso?
a. Cup b. Bottle c. Can
23. What is the English term of ‘tumbangpreso’ ?
a. Fallen Prisoner b. Prisoners Game C. Prisoner has Fallen
24. What do you call the ones who will chase the hitter?
a. Member b. Hitter C. TAYA (It)
25. What are the things to prepare for the game?
a. Bottle and flat stone b. Can and Slipper c. Spoon and Cup
26. It is the objective of the game?
a. The objective is for the players to hit and knock down the can with the Pamato.
b. The player is tagged while recovering their pamato, they become the ‘It’.
c. the ‘It’ must put back the can inside a small circle a few meters away from the toe-lined.
27. What are those that could be broken down or decomposed to smaller products over time.
a. Non-biodegradable (Di-Nabubulok) c. Biodegradable (Nabubulok)
b. Recyclable (magagamit pa)
28. What are those that won’t decompose even for years.
a. Non-biodegradable (Di-Nabubulok) c. Biodegradable (Nabubulok)
b. Recyclable (magagamit pa)
29. What are those biodegradable wastes and non-biodegradable wastes that could be recycled or
could be turned into a new product.
a. Non-biodegradable (Di-Nabubulok) c. Biodegradable (Nabubulok)
b. Recyclable (magagamit pa)
30. Plastic bottles, tires, bottles, plastic straws, plastic bag, cardboards, newspapers, and papers
are examples of what MRF?
a. Non-biodegradable (Di-Nabubulok) c. Biodegradable (Nabubulok)
b. Recyclable (magagamit pa)
31. Syringes, used diapers and napkins, surgical facemasks, batteries, spray cans, damaged
appliances/gadget and etc are examples of what MRF?
a. Non-biodegradable (Di-Nabubulok) c. Biodegradable (Nabubulok)
b. Recyclable (magagamit pa)
32. fruit peelings, dried leaves, grass clippings and food leftovers are examples of what MRF?
a. Non-biodegradable (Di-Nabubulok) c. Biodegradable (Nabubulok)
b. Recyclable (magagamit pa)
33. It is a place where waste/garbage is taken to be sorted before they are sent off to be recycled.
a. Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) c. Materials for Restoring Facility

b. Materials Recovery Force

34. It is any substance discarded after primary use, or is worthless, defective and of no use.
a. Waste b. Trash c. unused things
35. Who are capable of protecting our environment and keeping it clean.
a. plants b. human c. animals
36. Since the non-biodegradable cannot be broken down or decomposed, they are often called?
a. pollutions b. pollutants c. biodegradable
37. How does segregation of waste can help our surrounding?
a. It gives us a clean surrounding
b. It will make our surroundings dirty.
c. It cannot help the air to be clean to breath.
38. What can you do to help protect your environment?
a. Throw your candy wrapper anywhere after eating.
b. Throwing non-biodegradable waste to biodegradable trash can.
c. Practice waste management at home.
39. What happen when you don’t segregate waste?
a. it will be dangerous to our surroundings because of the pollution.
b. Your surroundings will be clean and organize
c. Pollution is far from you.
40. What would you do to promote proper waste management that can help your own community?
a. Do a community outreach for a day only and do not continue your goal on waste
b. Educate yourself about the effects of segregating waste and doing some community works
that can be recognize by the community to follow.
c. Informing your community about the effects of waste management but not doing thins for
your community to follow.

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