Fisk Borg Digital 3.3.22

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Mechanics: Wha
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Fisk Borg’s text, save for the parts that are already covered under
the MÖRK BORG Third Party License, is CC BY NC Richard Kelly. Fisk
Borg’s art, layout, and all other visual elements not covered under
the MÖRK BORG Third Party License belong to Adam Vass. If you
want to make something based on this, you’ll still need to comply
with the MÖRK BORG Third Party License, but you can reach out
@SprintingOwl and I’m happy to give advice or provide support.

MÖRK BORG Third Party License:

Fisk Borg is an independent production by Richard Kelly and
Adam Vass and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games
or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third
Party License. MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games
and Stockholm Kartell. For further details about the MÖRK BORG
Third Party License, see
Writing, Editing, And Design
Richard Kelly

Artwork And Layout

Adam Vass

Adam Vass and Richard Kelly

Testing And Additional Design

Joshua Berkowitz-Geller,
Ian Hamilton, Adam Kraus
A Be n t Bo w
Introduction - 3

Establishing A Tether Between Predator
And Prey - 4

And A Wretcheedd
Fisk Combat - 5
Bloody and Forbidden Fishing Practices - 6
Rods, Cursed And Tormented - 8
Miserable, Fetid, Wriggling Bait - 11
Benighted Mires To Plumb For Riches - 12
d66 Worthless Specimens - 14
d20 Wretches That Fly, Swim, Or Crawl - 28
d12 Damned Leviathans - 37
d10 Salt-Stained Scrolls - 42
Class: The Weary Angler - 44
o i l
Hirelings For Solo Fishers: The Drowned
Crew - 45
Fishing Excursion: Gifts For Grendel - 46
Alternate Fishing Rules - 58
An empty field. A crumbling well. A
cold wind across dead grasses.
Nothing living for miles.

Nothing living, except...

eterminate species.
A shape. Hunched. Cloaked. Ind th.
that has forgotten its own dea
Maybe little more than a corpse
Even so, it leans over the wretched mouth of the well,
feeding a single line down into the dark.

An eternity passes.
No sun rises.

Suddenly there is tension on the line, and a splash.

The figure smiles.

would anyone fish Besides
anything can be fished.
in this setting? long as you can dip a line into it.

You mean other than to Jet-black tarns. The cyclopean edges

fill that howling emptiness of cold oceans. Reeking charnel pits.
in your guts, Bent? Pustulent mushroom patches.
• Powerful objects lie forgotten at
the base of ancient pools. Perhaps even the human body-
--although proposing such an
• Terrible balms and endeavor would cause even the most
squirming poisons can be morbid chirurgeons to balk...and
drawn out of the depths of then rush to consult their notes.
mouldering waste heaps.
To begin fishing, all you need to do
• Also, it helps to pass the time. is approach a promising location,
draw forth your kit, and announce
your intent to fish it.

Gravity, patience, and malice will do

the rest. 3
Establishing a Tether Between

P redator and P rey

Once you’ve announced your intent to Next, the GM determines what kind
fish a fishing spot, the following things of fishing spot is before you (see
happen: Benighted Mires To Plumb For
Riches) and rolls the corresponding
You decide what to use as your rod fishing spot dice. This will
and bait. Only one rod and bait may determine the difficulty level of
be selected per fishing attempt. Rods the Fisk; whether it’s a Worthless
are optional, but bait is not. If you have Specimen, a Wretch, or a Damned
no bait, you may spend 1 Hit Point Leviathan.
or 5s in its place. If this would kill you
or cause you to break, your body is Finally, the GM should roll on the
immediately dragged down into the table appropriate to the Fisk’s
fishing spot. difficulty level. This will determine
which Fisk exactly has been enticed
into taking a bite.

The GM should not immediately

tell you what they have hooked.
You will find out soon enough. Fisk
4 Combat has begun.
In Fisk Combat, the party gathers round
with nets and knives and tries to obtain their prey.
gan the Fisk
The person who be If the Grimly Stand Firm test
e Fisher, and is
Combat is the Activ is failed, the Fisk is lost.
ing onto the rod
responsible for hang
sk close.
and keeping the Fi Should the Fisk have a unique
ability, battle strategy, or other
Everyone else is re power that requires a decision,
g out of it
for beating the stuffin the GM acts for it, just as they
wers until it is
with blades and Po would for a creature.

Fisk Combat, like regular combat, At the end of the first Round of
is divided into Rounds and Turns. Fisk Combat, the Fisk’s identity is
Unlike regular combat, unless a revealed.
Fisk has a special ability that says
so, it does not usually get a Turn. At the end of a number of Rounds
equal to the Fisk’s Fisk Timer, the
Instead, the Active Fisher acts Fisk automatically gets away. If a
before all other players, and Fisk is lost or gets away after
must test to Grimly Stand Firm. you have learned its identity,
This is a test against the Fisk’s you suffer its Consequence.
Stand Firm DR which will be
listed in its entry. The Fisk’s entry The Fisk also gets away if the
will also list the Ability that the Active Fisher is knocked out,
Active Fisher must test. killed, or otherwise rendered
unable to hold onto the rod,
or if they fail a Grimly Stand
Firm test.
If the Grimly Stand Firm test
succeeds, the rest of the party may
make attacks against the Fisk. The
u gain its
party may also use items or Powers If you land a Fisk, yo
should they choose. Attacks and Reward Reaped.
Powers used against the Fisk Typically, both the
reduce its Subdual HP. If the Fisk’s Consequence and
Subdual HP are reduced to 0 or Reward Reaped only
below, it is subdued and caught. apply to the Active Fisher.
Bloody And Forbidden Fishing Practices
Anglers from Sarkash to Lake Onda gather in tight
claves, hoarding the secrets of their trade.
But a few techniques are more widely known.

At the start of each At the start

Round of Fisk Combat, of each Round
Gambits before the Grimly
Stand Firm test, either the
of Fisk
Combat, before the Grimly
Active Fisher or the Fisk may Stand Firm test, the Active
call for a Gambit. Fisher may choose to Set The
Hook and take any number of
When a Gambit is called, both points of penalty to their
the Active Fisher and Fisk upcoming Grimly Stand Firm
throw rock, paper, scissors. test.

If the Active Fisher wins, If they do, for each point of

they gain +3 to their Grimly penalty, all other combatants
Stand Firm test. get +1 hit the Fisk for the
rest of the Round.
If the Fisk wins, the Active
Fisher gets -3 instead.

At the At the end of

start each Round of
Round of Fisk Combat, before
Fisk Combat,
the party may Rotate Fishers
the Grimly Stand Firm test, and declare a new Active
the Active Fisher and their Fisher. This new Active
party may freely spend Hit Fisher grabs the rod and line
Points or handfuls of 5s from the previous one and is
to Chum The Water, spilling responsible for any Grimly
pungent blood or tarnished Stand Firm tests on the next
silver to entice a more Round.
forceful bite.

For each Hit Point or handful

of silver spent this way, add
+1 to the Active Fisher’s
test to Grimly Stand Firm
that Round.

RODS: Cursed and Tormented

You may start with a rod instead of your

weapon or your piece of armor.

Rods are not usually available from vendors,

and cost d10x more than their list price.

roll d20

Ancient Femur With A Cord

Head-Sized Iron Hook On A Threaded Through It. 25s.
Loop Of Hempen Rope. 15s. Everyone assisting you against the
+5 on your Grimly Stand Firm Fisk gains +2 on Presence tests to
test during the first Round. activate Powers against that Fisk.

Supple Willow With Carving Of

Palm On Side. 20s. Stout Hawthorn Wrapped In Cruel
Gain +2 on your Grimly Stand Firm Wire. 13s. When you use this rod as an
test whenever you declare a Gam
bit, improvised weapon, increase its damage
choose paper, and win or tie. by a dice step (typically from d4 to d6.)

Profane Marble Stave With A

Loop Of Golden String. 20s.
Trained Rat Tied With A Loop
When you would suffer a Fisk’s
Of Sinew. 20s. When you fish
Consequence, roll a d4. On a 4,
a Heap Habitat, gain +2 to
the Consequence is negated. On
your Grimly Stand Firm tests.
a 1, this rod crumbles to dust.

Extremely Long Hook Of Thrice- Inflexible Oak With Carving

Blessed Obsidian. 23s. Gain +3 Of Fist On Side. 20s. Gain +2
to on your Grimly Stand Firm test
Grimly Stand Firm on all Rounds
after the whenever you declare a Gambit,
first. While you possess this rod,
you no choose rock, and win or tie.
longer dream, and rests restore 1
8 less HP.
Lead Bucket Of Reeking Chum Human Cadaver Still Tied
Tied To A Rope. 7s. More chum To Gallows Crossbeam. 17s.
constantly slops over the edges of Gain +3 to Grimly Stand Firm
the bucket, replenished from who against Damned Leviathans.
knows where. Every second time you
Chum The Water, your next Hit Point
or handful of silver spent is free.

Tiny Bone Hook On

b On A Long
A Small Loop Of Burrowing Gru
Thread. 10s. Does not n you fish an
Lead. 20s. Whe
t, gain +2 to
count towards your Organic Habita
nd Firm tests.
Carrying Capacity. your Grimly Sta

Body, M
Skeleton a boo
rrying B
Head, Ca thing.
. Says no nd
Pole. 15s S ta
M akes the ha
A Splintered Wheel Of r you, it
F irm test fo s relevant
Fortune Connected To A test’
+1 in the up
Rickety Pulley. 13s. When frees you
A bility. This acking the
you cast into a fishing spot, on att
to join in tand
you may choose to roll 1d6 and uld the S
Fisk, sho
treat the fishing spot as having a succ d.
e e
Firm test
Habitat Type matching your roll. 1-2
Aqueous, 3-4 Heap, 5-6 Organic.

Green Yew Weighted With A Bar

Burnished Mahogany With Carving bed
Eye-Seeker. 14s. You may use this
Of Splayed Fingers On Side. 20s. rod as an improvised weapon at
Gain +2 on your Grimly Stand Firm range, testing Presence instead
test whenever you declare a Gambit, of
Strength. If it damages a foe this
choose scissors, and win or tie. way,
1-in-4 chance it removes an eye.

Leaded Glass With A Line Of Bra

ided Hair. 15s. Add
+3 to the Fisk Timer at the start of
every Fisk Combat.
Rosewood With
A Single Moon-
White Bloom At
Bone Harpoon The End. 40s.
Carved With Once per Fisk
Distorted Combat, when
Faces. 20s. you would fail
When you fish a Grimly Stand
an Aqueous Firm test, you
Preserved S
Habitat, gain may spend 2 kull
In A Jar Ha
+2 to your HP to instead nging
From A Lan
Grimly Stand succeed. You tern
Pole. 30s. Is
Firm tests. may not do this
sarcastic an
if you have Set d
unhelpful, bu
The Hook for t will
reveal a Fisk’
more than 5 s
identity at th
points of penalty e
start of the fir
during the same st
Round if you
Round. wish
it to. Becom
reunited with
body, but will
your next Fis
for you befo
departing fo
warmer clim
You may start with d6 pieces of normal bait instead
of one of your d12 starting items.

You may also purchase bait at the following prices.

1s. -1 to all Grimly Stand
Firm rolls this Fisk Combat.

BAIT 5s. Pick Rock, Paper, or Scissors.
When you use that Gambit and win
during this Fisk Combat, you gain an
extra +1 to your Grimly Stand Firm roll.

T R AO Grimly Stand Firm
EX 15s. +1 to
is Fisk Com
d u r in g th

The following types
of fishing spots may
be found in this world.

Each fishing spot

comes with a fishing
spot die and a 1. Pond (d4, Habitat: Aqueous)
Habitat Type.
2. Trash Heap (d4, Habitat: Heap)
The fishing spot
die determines the
difficulty level of
3. Worm-Riddled Corpse (d4, Habitat:
the Fisk that can Organic)
be found there, and
is rolled each time 4. River (d6, Habitat: Aqueous)
someone attempts to
fish the spot.
5. Cemetery (d6, Habitat: Heap)
• 4 or less, go to
[d66 Worthless 6. Fly-Bloated Behemoth (d6, Habitat:
Specimens] and roll Organic)
for a specific Fisk.

• 5-8, go to [d20
7. Ocean (d8, Habitat: Aqueous)
Wretches That Fly,
Swim, Or Crawl] and 8. Crumbling Ruin (d8, Habitat: Heap)
roll for a specific Fisk.
9. Gangrenous Husk Of An
• 9+, go to [d12
Damned Leviathans]
Earthbound Colossus (d8, Habitat:
and roll for a specific Organic)
10. Fathomless Abyss (d10, Habitat:
If the specific Fisk Aqueous)
has a Habitat Type
that matches the
Habitat Type of the 11. Disaster-Stricken City (d10,
fishing spot, then Habitat: Heap)
that is what you have
hooked. 12. Rotting Body Of A God (d10,
If the Habitat Type
Habitat: Organic)
doesn’t match, the
GM chooses the next
closest Fisk that does
match the Habitat
Type, and you must
face that instead.
◊ 11. Rancid Clump Of
Seawrack (Aqueous)
◊ 13. Morbid Grave-Crawler
A worthless weed, scorned by anyone who plies A thick-shelled crustacean that feeds on
the waves. carrion and must be chased out of burial sites.

Subdual HP: 4 Subdual HP: 7

Stand Firm DR: 4 Agility Stand Firm DR: 9 Agility
Timer: N/A Timer: 4

Special: N/A Special: Sturdy carapace provides -d2 armor.

At the end of each Round, makes a pinch attack
Consequence: Indignity and -1 to Presence against a random PC for d4 damage.
tests for d4 hours.
Consequence: Follows the group at a
Reward: Throw with a DR 8 Presence test to distance and desecrates their packs the next time
blind a target for d2 Rounds. they rest. 1-in-4 chance something valuable is
◊ 12. Malnourished Blue
Octopus (Aqueous) Reward: Can be cooked over an open fire as a
Has left its den due to the thinning numbers of hearty meal for a group of people.
fish in the environment.

Subdual HP: 7
Stand Firm DR: 9 Agility
Timer: 3

Special: At the end of each Round, a random

PC tests Agility DR 9. On a failure, they test
Toughness DR 12. If they succeed the Toughness
test, they take 2d6 damage from poison. If they fail
the Toughness test, they die.

Consequence: The octopus holds a grudge

and joins the next Fisk Combat against you (HP 3,
Morale 7, 0 damage but if victim is hit they test
Toughness against poison as above.)

Reward: You may attempt to carefully harvest

the octopus’ poison. Test Presence DR 12. If you
succeed, you harvest one dose of Blue Octopus
Poison (Toughness DR 12, 2d6 damage on a success,
death on a failure.) On a failure, you ruin the poison.
On a critical failure, the poison squirts out of the
octopus’ toxin sacs. Roll randomly to determine
14which PC it strikes. WORTHLESS
just about the least

impressive thing you could
drag out of a fishing spot,
but they are not wholly
without use
◊ 14. Gargantuan Silverfish ◊ 16. Leaden Gray Ball Of
(Heap) The Soul (Organic)
An insect of the order Zygentoma, grown to The sum of a person’s earthly presence, dun-
troubling size. colored and extracted through the mouth.

Subdual HP: 9 Subdual HP: 12

Stand Firm DR: 11 Agility Stand Firm DR: 6 Agility
Timer: 3 Timer: 5

Special: At the end of each Round, bites Special: When struck, causes a sound like
randomly at three PCs, dealing d4 damage if it a hollow bell to ring and everyone in the vicinity
scores a hit. suffers 1 damage. Armor provides no protection
against this.
Consequence: Bites randomly again, for d4
damage, then scuttles away. Consequence: Ascends into the sky, dragging
the rod (and potentially the fisher) along with
Reward: Can be domesticated just like a hound- it. It does not stop ascending, and will reach the
--but is not loyal, and only craves red and bloody abandoned heavens in d6 days’ time.
meat. Fights at your side in combat with HP 6,
Morale 6, and a DR 10 d4 damage bite. Difficult to Reward: If swallowed, gives you a second soul.
hit (DR 14.)
◊ 21. Leporous Minnow
◊ 15. Malfeasant Flatworm (Aqueous)
(Organic) A common fish, the type a man might crunch
Worms that dwell in the guts of gossips between his teeth, but beset with a ghastly
sometimes pick up bad habits. creeping rot.

Subdual HP: 1 Subdual HP: 1

Stand Firm DR: 12 Agility Stand Firm DR: 6 Presence
Timer: 2 Timer: 1

Special: Difficult to hit (DR 15) and misses Special: Difficult to hit (DR 15.)
have a 2-in-6 chance of striking an ally.
Consequence: None. Perhaps it’s better not
Consequence: Shouts abuse at you, to have caught this.
damaging your self esteem and applying a -1 to
your Toughness tests for d6 hours. Reward: If eaten, inflicts you with its disease.
Your skin begins sloughing off d4 days later,
Reward: Tells you a helpful fact about your reducing your maximum HP by 1 point at the end of
environment! 2-in-6 chance this fact is not a trap. every following day. You also suffer -2 to Presence
tests while afflicted.

◊ 22. Darting Gar (Aqueous) ◊ 24. Buttoncap Burrower
Also known as a ‘needlefish’, this is an ancient (Heap)
bony predator. An industrious rodent parasitized by a
mushroom that is slowly leeching the life from
Subdual HP: 7 their body. Has beady black eyes and bright
Stand Firm DR: 11 Presence white teeth.
Timer: 3
Subdual HP: 2
Special: The active fisher must also test Stand Firm DR: 13 Presence
to Grimly Stand Firm at the end of each Round, Timer: 2
and every Stand Firm test after the first is at a
cumulative +1 DR. Special: Difficult to hit (DR 14.) Puffs out
spores at the end of the first Round to increase
Consequence: The Maiden Of Gars will visit this to DR 16.
you when next you dream. If you submit to her, she
will turn both your hands to gar mouths (deals Consequence: Burrows deep into the fishing
d6 damage in combat, powerful grip strength and spot, which will be rampant with giant mushrooms
swimming ability, and must be fed 1 food per day). and no longer fishable within d4 hours.
If you rebuke her, you take d6 damage and wake
screaming. Reward: Yields d4 mushrooms which, if treated
for a week with a mixture of urine and stone dust,
Reward: Provides food for two. stop being powerful emetics and instead heal d2
HP each. Alternately, the rodent can be kept as a
◊ 23. Rambling Lichen (Heap) short-lived pet.
A composite organism from northern Sarkash,
these algae and fungi have learned to migrate
during times of inhospitable cold.
◊ 25. Head-Sized Bacillus
Subdual HP: 5 (Organic)
Stand Firm DR: 9 Presence A large, mobile, single-celled organism.
Timer: 5 Snuffles hopefully at sources of sugar, but will
attempt to digest any unattended matter.
Special: Tough hide provides -d2 armor.
Reanimates and must be defeated a second time Subdual HP: 13
before it is caught. Stand Firm DR: 7 Presence
Timer: 4
Consequence: Overwhelming weariness
strikes you as you watch the lichen escape. -2 to Special: 1-in-8 chance of simply chewing
all tests for d6 hours. through the hook at the end of each Round.
Reward: Can be boiled into d6 doses of a tea Consequence: Explodes in a shower of lytic
that alleviates all fatigue, causing the drinker enzymes. All opponents test Agility DR 11 or take
to ignore all penalties to tests from tiredness or d2 damage and reduce the tier of their worn armor
mental effects for the next d4 hours. However, by -1.
while under the effects of the tea, tempers are
very short and violence always feels like a good Reward: Can be kept as a living trash disposal.
solution. Will gladly consume scraps from your campfire,
16 making it easier to hide your trail.
◊ 31. Forsaken Mudskipper
Neither born of land, nor of sea, it plies the
muck in between. Toxic spines discourage the
attention of would-be predators.

Subdual HP: 7
Stand Firm DR: 10 Strength
Timer: 3

Special: Anyone who fails to hit the

mudskipper with a melee attack must test Agility
DR 11 or get jabbed with a spine for 1 damage.
Victims of a spine jab must also test Toughness DR
13 or suffer d4 hours of blindness and vomiting due
to venom.

Consequence: Part of your courage leaves

with the fish and you suffer -1 on Toughness tests
for the next 24 hours.

◊ 26. Second Wraith Reward: You harvest a dorsal spine containing

(Organic) one dose of a blinding, nauseating toxin. Anyone
A surplus ghost, a common consequence of jabbed with it takes 1 damage and tests Toughness
dying with too many souls. DR 13 to avoid blindness and vomiting for d4 hours.
◊ 32. Dislodged Kelp
Subdual HP: 9 (Aqueous)
Stand Firm DR: 12 Presence A strand of deep-ocean plantlife, torn from its
Timer: 5 rocky bed on the sea floor.

Special: Difficult to hit (DR 14.) Attacks the Subdual HP: 7

Active Fisher with its chilling touch at the end of Stand Firm DR: 7 Strength
each Round, dealing d2 damage that ignores armor Timer: 5
and draining 1 Toughness until the victim next
rests. Special: N/A

Consequence: Fishers’ souls yearn to leave Consequence: Your rod snaps and is useless
with the wraith. A random PC tests Presence DR 7 until repaired. This costs the rod’s normal value in
or expires immediately. silver.

Reward: Can be made into a broth and consumed Reward: 2d6 thick pieces. Bitter and crusted
by d4 people. Drinkers of one dose of wraithbroth with shells, but nominally edible and can be used
permanently become partially ethereal, gaining +2 to replace food so long as you only do this once
to Defence tests. They also gain a 1-in-6 chance per week.
of dropping everything in their hands each Round.
Anyone who drinks a second dose is instantly freed
from their body like corn from a husk (and can be
made into more soup). 17
◊ 33. Arboreal Frogsnake ◊ 34. Ominous Moldbeing
(Heap) (Heap)
Combines the most powerful traits of both frog A visitor from the intelligence that lives at the
and snake. Flings itself at birds like a missile. heart of all molds, the air around it buzzes with
billion-voiced communications.
Subdual HP: 9
Stand Firm DR: 8 Strength Subdual HP: 18
Timer: 1 Stand Firm DR: 7 Strength
Timer: 7
Special: At the end of the first Round, launches
itself at the Active Fisher. They test Agility DR 15 or Special: Variable hide provides -d2 armor.
take d2 damage. If struck, they also test Toughness Suffers double damage from fire and chemical
DR 14 or suffer powerful hallucinations of bygone sources. A random fisher must test Toughness
days for d4 hours. Regardless of whether the DR 12 or suffer anaphylaxis at the end of each
frogsnake hits its target, after performing this Round. Anaphylaxis lasts for 2d4 Rounds, dealing
maneuver, it is caught. d2 damage that ignores armor at the beginning of
each, and the anaphylactic attack begins again
Consequence: The snake is disappointed. instead of ending if the Ominous Moldbeing is still
Reward: d4 doses of a powerful hallucinogenic
toxin (DR 14 or be lost in reverie for d4 hours.) It Consequence: A random PC carrying scrolls
is used recreationally by tragic nobles, and can be has a random one of their scrolls spontaneously
sold for 20s per dose. consumed by black rot.

Reward: The Moldbeing’s multi-voiced

whispering resolves into one coherent pattern of
sound, and it offers to teach occult secrets to one
PC. That PC tests Toughness against anaphylaxis,
as above, and gains a random unclean scroll if
they spend another 2d4 Rounds listening to the
Moldbeing speak.

◊ 35. Butcher’s Maggot ◊ 41. Vengeful Bream
(Organic) (Aqueous)
A thick larva with powerful jaws. Prized in its Seeks retribution for every member of its kind
current form, but will eventually grow up to that has been dragged to a choking terrestrial
become the fearsome Butcher Fly. death.

Subdual HP: 7 Subdual HP: 14

Stand Firm DR: 12 Strength Stand Firm DR: 12 Toughness
Timer: 3 Timer: 5

Special: After each time it is attacked, it Special: Makes a Gambit each Round and
snaps at its attacker, dealing d4 damage if it hits. applies a -2 to the Active Fisher’s Grimly Stand
Firm on a tie. At the end of each Round, snaps at an
Consequence: Your stomach grumbles at the opponent for d4 damage.
sight of so much rich maggot meat getting away.
Suffer -1 to tests until you next rest and eat. Consequence: Shatters your rod. If you
weren’t using one, shatters your hand.
Reward: d6 food.
Reward: Yields d6 chunks of meat, each rich
with the rage of the fish. After eating one, so long
◊ 36. Brain-Walker (Organic)
as your only action each Turn is to attack, you gain
A neural parasite that vaguely resembles a sea
a continuous +1 to Strength tests.
star. Used in welcoming ceremonies on certain
lonesome atolls in the Endless Sea.

Subdual HP: 9
Stand Firm DR: 9 Strength
Timer: 3

Special: -d2 armor. Declares a Gambit every

Round. If it throws Scissors and wins, the Active
Fisher suffers -4 more to their Grimly Stand Firm

Consequence: It remembers your scent.

A swarm of the creatures begins gathering any
time you spend more than d8 hours in a location.
The swarm has HP 23, Morale 10, -d2 armor, many
mouths d6+2. It is easy to hit (DR 6), but cannot
take more than 4 damage after armor from a given
weapon attack. Killing the swarm will cause it to
stop following you.

Reward: It’s grueling work, but a single silver

coin can be extracted from the center of the
creature. A team with a week to spend on the task
could extract 2d100 silver from a swarm.

◊ 42. The Crab That You Will ◊ 43. Feral Cherub (Heap)
Become (Aqueous) Scavengers from deep underground, Feral
At the end of every path in life, there waits a Cherubs will sometimes surface to gibber at
crab. It holds its claws apart, welcoming you in. surface-dwellers or to rip chunks from their
Subdual HP: 9
Stand Firm DR: 12 Toughness Subdual HP: 11
Timer: 4 Stand Firm DR: 9 Toughness
Timer: 3
Special: -d4 armor.
Special: Declares a Gambit every Round. If it
Consequence: Test Presence DR 12. On a throws Rock and wins, the Active Fisher suffers -4
failure, there’s a moment of curious dislocation more to their Grimly Stand Firm test. Difficult to
and then you feel the familiar water of the tidepool hit (DR 14.) Also makes a d4 bite attack against its
around you. A bit of organic ocean debris floats attacker after each time it is attacked.
past, and you reach out and take it with your claw,
transferring it to your grinding mouthparts. Life is Consequence: Chants curses in a language
good, has always been good. long forgotten, causing all opponents to fail their
next Toughness test.
Reward: You may consume the crab. If you do,
roll d4. On a 1, replace one of your hands with a d8 Reward: Reluctantly gives up d4 occult baubles.
claw, but suffer -1 to Strength tests to do anything Each can be clutched while invoking a Power to
other than grip things when using that hand (using gain +2 on that Presence roll.
the hand to grip things gives you +3.) On a 2, gain ◊ 44. Rock-Eater Lizard
-d4 shell plating over your skin and neither armor (Heap)
nor clothing fits your new form. On a 3, you can Considered (by heretics) a very distant cousin
breathe underwater, but anything that pierces your of the basilisk, these creatures brim with an
torso also hits a lung. On a 4, you gain the ability to inner heat, allowing them to survive in cold
spend an action, test Presence DR 11, and blow a places like the crypts of Graven-Tosk. There
jet of bubbles, blinding and annoying targets in a were also members of this species in Bergen
straight line for d2 Rounds. Chrypt, but the basilisks systematically
exterminated them.

Subdual HP: 12
Stand Firm DR: 11 Toughness
Timer: 4

Special: -d2 armor. At the end of each Round,

discharges heat breath. All combatants suffer d2
damage, -1 on their next test, and sweat copiously.

Consequence: Runs off with a random

weapon from a random PC.

Reward: If you carry the creature with you, it

will ensure you stay warm. However, basilisks will
also attack you on sight.
◊ 45. Accretion Of Phlegmatic ◊ 46. Proto Ghost (Organic)
Humours (Organic) A spirit still in the process of deciding whether
A wriggling mass of mucus the size of a small it has been wronged in life.
dog. Valuable in alchemical circles. Technically
tameable. Subdual HP: 8
Stand Firm DR: 9 Toughness
Subdual HP: 8 Timer: 3
Stand Firm DR: 12 Toughness
Timer: 4 Special: Difficult to hit (DR 14.) Declares a
Gambit every Round. If it wins the Gambit, it also
Special: -d2 armor. Active Fisher suffers -2 inflicts d4 damage bypassing armor on the Active
to their Grimly Stand Firm test if they declare a Fisher and reduces each of their Attributes by 1 for
Gambit. d6 hours.

Consequence: Spatters of its unappealing Consequence: Becomes a real ghost and

matter encrust the party’s weapons, giving them haunts the Active Fisher. If they have one ghost
-1 to hit targets and -1 damage until d6 hours of haunting them, they have a 1-in-8 chance of getting
exhausting scrubbing can remove the encrusted no benefits from each rest. For every additional
matter. ghost that haunts them, that chance increases.
Two ghosts is 1-in-6. Three is 1-in-4. Four is 1-in-2.
Reward: Can be sold for 40s to an alchemist. At five or more ghosts, resting provides no benefit
Can also be kept as a pet, although it is an extreme to you until you can get up to eight ghosts, at which
nuisance and insists on sleeping on top of (and point they start keeping each other busy enough
getting its mucus on) all of its owner’s belongings. for you to grab some sleep.

Reward: Can be jarred and sold for 45s to

anyone of a morbid persuasion, or unjarred to have
the ghost haunt a specific nearby target.

◊ 51. Abyssal Filth Wyrm ◊ 52. Isopod Sorcerer
(Aqueous) (Aqueous)
A dweller of lightless places, it emits clouds of A small, shelled magician. Up until now it has
noxious sulfuric compounds when startled. fed exclusively on the tongues of fish, but it
might be willing to try something more exotic.
Subdual HP: 13
Stand Firm DR: 11 Fisher’s Best Ability Subdual HP: 7
Timer: 7 Stand Firm DR: 8 Fisher's Best Ability
Timer: 4
Special: -d2 armor. Emits a reeking burst at
the end of each Round. All opponents must test Special: -d2 armor. Difficult to hit (DR 15.)
Toughness DR 13 or begin retching and be unable Uses a random Salt-Stained Scroll at the end of
to take action or Grimly Stand Firm during the next each Round, targeting as appropriate.
Consequence: A random PC is struck with
Consequence: The fishing spot is tainted. the effect of a random Unclean Scroll.
Anything else that would be pulled from it is now
too noxious to touch. Reward: Provides a PC with the nearby
location of a Salt-Stained Scroll in exchange for
Reward: Careful excision (Agility DR 14) its freedom. 2 in 4 chance of keeping its word.
removes the filth glands from the creature without Alternately, you may feed the isopod your tongue
rupturing them. The rest of the wyrm is delicious, and a small recurring portion of your blood, in
and may be eaten as a meal by up to three people which case it will climb into your mouth and speak
or pickled and sold for 50s. The filth glands sell for for you going forward. While the isopod inhabits
70s, or may be thrown at a target to force them to your mouth, you will also be treated as having 3
make a Toughness DR 9 every Round for the next random Salt-Stained Scrolls in your inventory (roll
d4 days. Each failure means an action wasted them now.)
vomiting. Anyone who passes within arms’ reach
of the ruptured glands must also make the same
test. After the duration, the smell still lingers on
the target (and will continue doing so for the rest
of their life), but it no longer bothers them.

◊ 53. Folded Tiger (Heap) ◊ 54. Sacred Borzoi, Fallen
An intruder from distant lands, it resembles a (Heap)
beautiful painting until it moves. Its preferred Once a guardian of the abandoned heavens, this
prey is paper rabbits, but none dwell here and dog was cast out for its great crimes. It has
it is starving. spent the time since digging in rubbish heaps
and begging for handouts.
Subdual HP: 13
Stand Firm DR: 11 Fisher's Best Ability Subdual HP: 17
Timer: 4 Stand Firm DR: 11 Fisher's Best Ability
Timer: 4
Special: Declares a Gambit every Round. If it
throws Paper and wins, the Active Fisher suffers Special: At the end of each Round, lets out a
-4 more to their Grimly Stand Firm test. At the end ringing Borzoi Bark, forcing all opponents to test
of each Round, attempts to rake a random PC with Toughness 11 or take 1 damage bypassing armor.
its claws for d6. Then follows up with a Borzoi Bite against the
Active Fisher, who tests Agility DR 13 or takes d8
Consequence: Withdraws into the shadows damage.
with a fluttering snarl. Any Hirelings with you test
Morale or leave, fearful of its retribution. Consequence: Gives you a piteous look, then
walks away.
Reward: You may attempt to tame the tiger, or
sell it as a painting. It sells for 150s to a curious Reward: Test Presence DR 14. On a success, it
noble. If tamed, it has 13 HP, Morale 7, papercut deems you worthy and will tell you where it has
claws d6 plus 1 damage bleed at the end of every buried its holy Blade Of The Borzoi (d8 damage, +d6
Round until bandaged, and the tiger tests DR 8 to to hit or and damage against demons, fills the air
hit foes. It will also starve in d8 days unless fed with melodic choral howling when unsheathed.)
proper prey. 1-in-6 chance the blade is somewhere nearby.

◊ 55. Accretion Of Bilious ◊ 56. Newborn Fleischgeist
Humours (Organic) (Organic)
A stuck wad of fluids and solids from the bile A wriggling sheet of a dead thing’s skin, these
duct and liver of a dead thing. Corrosive, but creatures sometimes hatch from rotting
capable of improving the health of a mortal corpses left exposed to the elements. They are
body if prepared with great care. not particularly dangerous, but can nip when
irritated or cornered.
Subdual HP: 11
Stand Firm DR: 7 Fisher's Best Ability Subdual HP: 11
Timer: 5 Stand Firm DR: 11 Fisher’s Best Ability
Timer: 3
Special: -d2 armor. Active Fisher suffers
-2 to their Grimly Stand Firm test if they tie on a Special: At the start of each Round, 1-in-4
Gambit. At the end of each Round, Active Fisher chance of bolting and adding +5 DR to that Round’s
tests Agility DR 11 to avoid acid spatter or takes Grimly Stand Firm test.
d4 damage and permanently reduces their current
worn armor's protection by a tier. Consequence: Sprints away into the upper
atmosphere and spreads horrible rumors about
Consequence: The task of attempting to hold you there. For the next week, 1-in-4 chance birds
and subdue this thing proves exhausting, as does will attack you on sight. Also a 1-in-20 chance you
the failure at the end. All PCs suffer -1 on all tests will be hit by a falling star at the end of the week
until they next rest. (3d8 damage.)

Reward: Gain d6 doses of corrosive bile, which Reward: Either gain a fine hide (worth 20s,) or a
deals d4 damage per Round to anything it is somewhat grisly flying carpet (HP 11, Morale 7, nip
smeared on until it's washed off or neutralized. d2, supports one person on its back for d6 minutes
Alternately, test Presence DR 15 and tinker with DR 9.) Each additional person who would ride the
a dose of the bile in an alchemical lab to gain a Fleischgeist adds +2 to the DR for the support-a-
potion that restores 2d4 Hit Points if the drinker person-on-its-back ability.
passes a Toughness DR 9 to keep it down. ◊ 61. Newt Man (Aqueous)
One of many watery cannibals. Lurks near
shorelines, tail straight, knives sharp, and
mouth open.

Subdual HP: 14
Stand Firm DR: 11 Fisher's Best Ability
Timer: 3

Special: Retaliates with a d4 damage stab

after being attacked.

Consequence: Cuts off a piece of the Active

Fisher and then leaves, dealing d6 damage.

Reward: d6 food. If the Newt Man's skin is cured

and made into a costume, its wearer can hold their
breath for 2d8 minutes at a time and also scare
24 children.
◊ 62. A Skeleton On The ◊ 64. Dust Goblin (Heap)
Other End, Pulling, A self-assembled heap of skin flakes, animal
Desperate To Drown You hair, dirt, and decomposition. Skulks in the
(Aqueous) shadows, avoiding contact with creatures that
Sometimes the depths fish back. had parents or families.

Subdual HP: 14 Subdual HP: 6

Stand Firm DR: 11 Fisher's Best Ability Stand Firm DR: 12 Fisher's Best Ability
Timer: 3 Timer: 2

Special: -d4 armor. Special: Difficult to hit (DR 14.) 1-in-4 chance
of unhooking itself each time it is struck.
Consequence: You are dragged into the
water where you must fight a skeleton (HP 7, Consequence: You contract Goblin Cough. In
Morale 11, -d2 armor, billhook d6.) If it kills you, you stressful situations, make a DR 5 Toughness Test
too become a second Skeleton On The Other End. not to cough. If you cough, you turn into a goblin.
The disease lasts for 2d4 days unless you turn into
Reward: A pouch of rings and trinkets taken off a goblin, which is permanent.
of adventurers, selling for d6x10s.
Reward: Shorn coat provides a year's worth
◊ 63. Stray Malk (Heap) of good firestarter. The actual goblin itself is not
A rangy, ragged-eared cat has taken an interest especially useful.
in the bait.

Subdual HP: 4
Stand Firm DR: 4 Fisher's Best Ability
Timer: 4

Special: If reduced to 0 Subdual HP or below,

it is killed and you suffer its Consequence (but
gain 1 food.) Optionally, instead of attacking it,
characters may test Agility DR 19 instead to catch
it. On a success, Fisk Combat ends and you reap its
reward. If the Stray Malk escapes normally, either
due to a failed Stand Firm or the timer running out,
the fishers do not suffer any Consequences.

Consequence: The Council Of Ulthar is

convened. The next time you dream, you must fight
d4+2 cats alone and unarmored (HP 2, scratch d2,
difficult to hit (DR 14,) wins Initiative on 1--4.)

Reward: The cat brushes against your leg.

Maybe things are looking up. Gain 1 Omen.

◊ 65. Accretion Of Sanguine ◊ 66. Gore Owl (Organic)
Humours (Organic) A burrowing species, notable for its choice of
Blood that has quit its job in a body and is finally burrowing substrate.
going on that vacation it had planned. Inches
along, burbling merrily, pseudopods held high. Subdual HP: 7
Stand Firm DR: 11 Fisher's Best Ability
Subdual HP: 9 Timer: 3
Stand Firm DR: 9 Fisher's Best Ability
Timer: 4 Special: After each Grimly Stand Firm roll
when the owl is not inside someone's body, it
Special: -d4 armor. Active Fisher suffers attempts to jump into a host. A random PC tests
-2 to their Grimly Stand Firm test if they declare Agility DR 13 or gains a new occupant in their
a Gambit and tie. 1-in-4 chance at the end of body, taking d4 damage at the end of every Round
each Round that a random combatant has to the owl is in there. Furthermore, while the owl is
test Toughness DR 11 or else their blood goes on in a body, any Subdual HP damage the owl takes is
vacation and joins the Accretion. also taken as regular damage by the body.

Consequence: Active Fisher's blood develops Consequence: If the owl was inside a body,
a bit of a crush on the Accretion, and pines over it it's still in there. Otherwise it escapes, to the
for d6 days. During this time, Active Fisher takes possible relief of the PCs.
an additional +1 damage each time they are cut or
pierced. Reward: If prepared by drowning it in strong
alcohol and keeping it submerged for 24 hours, it
Reward: Can be rendered into d4 bottles of provides d4 doses of gore owl wine, which impart
blood, each of which provides d8 healing if you can upon the drinker 24 hours of night vision and the
figure out how to get it directly into someone's ability to rotate their neck all the way around.
veins. Drinking a bottle counts as eating a meal,
but only if you can pass a Toughness DR 7 to keep
it down.

that may be

d20 Wretches
difficult to
extract from
their lairs,

but the catch
is more


A predator from far away. Shedding its Special: -d2 armor. At the end of each Round,
◊ 1. Bone Gharial (Aqueous)

skin, its blood, and its muscle has helped it a random opponent tests Strength DR 11 or the
become accustomed to the cold. gharial breaks one of their limbs at random. The DR
for this test increases by +2 if the gharial calls for
Subdual HP: 17 a Gambit and uses Rock during that Round.
Stand Firm DR: 11 Agility
Timer: 3 Consequence: The gharial claims a Fisk from
one PC’s inventory and swims away majestically.

Reward: The bones of the gharial can be sold

for 70s or used to make a unique shield at a cost
of 20s. The shield functions as normal, but when
it breaks a spectral gharial lunges out of its ruins
and bites the attacker for d8+2 damage.

Consequence: Even a short confrontation

◊ 2. Mason’s Centipede (Heap)

Much like a certain kind of bee, the Mason’s

Centipede builds itself a home out of fallen with one of these creatures is terrifying. All
rock and debris. Unlike those bees, it is an PCs test Presence DR 11 or develop a strong and
ambush predator, and it can comfortably persistent fear of bugs.
take prey the size of a donkey.
Reward: d8 food worth of roasted centipede
Subdual HP: 22 meat, d4 doses of centipede tomalley (test
Stand Firm DR: 11 Agility Toughness DR 11, gain +2 to Agility tests for 2d6
Timer: 5 minutes on a success or take d4 damage on a
failure,) as well as a full set of centipede shell
Special: -d2 armor. At the end of each plating. The plating may be sold for 45s or turned
Round, attacks a random opponent with into centipede plate armor (-d6 damage, tier 3, DR
rending jaws for d6 damage. Anyone hit +2 on non-defense Agility tests, may roll into a
by this attack tests Toughness DR 13 or is ball and cruise around at speed, 300s) by a capable
paralyzed due to their muscles seizing for smith.
a full and painful hour. If all of a Mason
Centipede’s opponents are paralyzed, it
doesn’t escape. It eats them.
The largest (and only known mammalian) Consequence: Wriggling Wolves often carry
◊ 3. Wriggling Wolf (Organic) obligate gut parasite. In very rare parasites of their own. At the start of an encounter
circumstances, a whole pack of them can be with them, all combatants test Toughness DR 11 or
found inside the stomach of a single person. contract heartworms, lowering their maximum HP
by d2 until an antidote is administered. Common
Subdual HP: 12 antidotes can be made from meadow flowers or
Stand Firm DR: 13 Agility alpine roots, but are harsh on the body, dealing d4
Timer: 3 damage.

Special: Difficult to hit (DR 15.) After Reward: Test Presence DR 14. On a success, the
each time it is attacked, it snaps at its Wriggling Wolf befriends you and will serve as a
attacker for d4 damage. hireling (HP 6, Morale 5, no armor, invasive bite d6,
difficult to hit (DR 15,) can be comfortably stored
inside your stomach.)

An invasive species that has crawled out Consequence: The pattern on the turtle’s
◊ 4. Morphean Snapping Turtle (Aqueous)

of dreaming, the shifting patterns on the shell haunts a random PC. They see it whenever
turtle’s shell can induce trances from which they close their eyes. If this is the second time a
some never wake. PC has been affected with this, the next time they
fall asleep, they never wake.
Subdual HP: 13
Stand Firm DR: 11 Agility Reward: For 20s, you may fashion the turtle
Timer: 4 shell into a shield. When you devote your efforts to
holding it at eye-level in front of human foes, they
Special: -d4 armor. Anyone who attacks test Presence DR 8 or fall asleep for d4 Rounds.
the turtle must first make a Presence DR 9. No creature may be forced to test Presence this
On a failure, they fall asleep on their feet way more than once per combat, and intelligent
for d6 Rounds. At the end of each Round, enemies quickly realize they should avert their
the turtle makes a d4 damage bite attack eyes.
against a random opponent.

◊ 5. Holy Diver (Heap) Descended from the abandoned heavens, off towards the sky for 3d6 Rounds.
this being of shifting violet light wears a
flexible lead suit to protect itself from the Consequence: The Holy Diver explosively
terrible pressures of the earthen realm. decompresses. All opponents test Agility DR 12 or
take d8 damage.
Subdual HP: 18
Stand Firm DR: 12 Agility Reward: The Holy Diver offers to inscribe a
Timer: 5 Sacred Scroll for them if the party will spare it.
Special: -d4 armor. Easy to hit (DR 8.) If they decline, they can instead take its Holy Dive
Each time the Holy Diver is struck, and again Suit (-d4 damage, tier 2, blocks radiation, 200s)
at the end of each Round, a random PC tests from the dissipating gasses of its corpse.
Agility DR 14 or is struck with a prismatic
beam from the suit’s glass faceplate.
Anyone who is hit by a beam rolls d4. On a
1--3, the beam is a laser and they take d8
damage. On a 4, the beam is mesmeric and
they test Presence DR 14 or stare blissfully

The mushroom-grubbing philosopher Special: Has armor equal to the most heavily
◊ 6. Opposite Self (Organic)

Kaarsark teaches that for every person, armored PC. Furthermore, each time the Opposite
there are several perfect antitheses of Self is hit, it attacks a random PC using another
that person crowding the air around them, PC’s weapon. At the end of each Round, it may use
pressing at the dimensional veil, trying to a Power that one of the PCs knows.
get through and kill their hated duplicate.
Kaarsark is not popular at parties. Consequence: Everyone’s opposite selves
are briefly frenzied by the prospect of breaking
Subdual HP: Equal to healthiest PC through the veil and killing their true selves.
Stand Firm DR: 14 Presence All PCs suffer -1 to all tests for d2 days as
Timer: 4 phantasmal fingers relentlessly grab and snatch
at them.

Reward: Skinning the Opposite Self provides

you with an opposite hide. If you wear it, your
strengths and weaknesses are reversed. Any
negative Abilities you have are now positive, and
any positive Abilities are now negative. Anything
you are resistant to, you are now vulnerable to,
and vice versa. The hide sells for 200s.

Two human legs, arms, and a human upper Consequence: Spreads slander about the
◊ 7. Walking Catfish (Aqueous) body trunk. Catfish head. Has a mercantile PCs to anyone who will listen, increasing the
license. prices of vendors by 50% for the next week.

Subdual HP: 14 Reward: Offers to sell you random equipment,

Stand Firm DR: 11 Presence which it has stashed in the fishing spot. Always
Timer: 4 has at least one interesting item, as well as two
mundane ones.
Special: Derides the party at the end of
each Round, applying -1 to Presence tests
for all PCs in earshot for the next d6 hours.

A wretched fishing-victim-enthusiast,
◊ 8. Bargault The Human Prey (Heap)

Special: If Bargault is already a member of

he poses as a prey animal and grabs the
your party, then that’s the same Bargault that is
hook between his teeth, shaking it wildly.
currently on your hook. He really doesn’t do much
Demanding to be caught. His day job is as a
to oppose you in Fisk Combat, although he will call
baker and his colleagues tolerate his long
for a Gambit every Round.
Consequence: Bargault disappointedly
Subdual HP: 13
slinks away into the fishing spot.
Stand Firm DR: 11 Presence
Timer: 4
Reward: Bargault enthusiastically joins you.
He has HP 8, Morale 7, no armor, nasty teeth d2,
and baking bread out of unmoving organic things
DR 6. He tests Morale every time you fish, staring
intently at the line and sweating.

Consequence: The swarm disperses and all

◊ 9. Blood Tick Swarm (Organic)

Fast. Hungry. Fearless.

PCs, hirelings, animals, and other organic life in
Subdual HP: 7 the area becomes infested. Removing the ticks
Stand Firm DR: 12 Presence requires d2 hours in a tick-free environment, and
Timer: 4 the ticks deal 1 damage ignoring armor at the end
of each hour while they’re attached.
Special: Takes only 1 damage from
attacks with weapons. At the end of each Reward: 2d4+1 exceptional bait.
Round, a random PC tests Toughness or
loses half their HP, round up.

◊ 10. Choir Of Dirge Eels (Aqueous) Somewhat valued by sailors, who use the Special: Difficult to hit (DR 14.) Bites at one
eels’ eerie, lilting melody as forewarning combatant for d6 damage after each Grimly Stand
of reefs or other underwater hazards on Firm test and again at the end of each Round.
the present course. These creatures are At the end of every Round, combatants must
nevertheless twice as long as a person and test Toughness DR 11 or be lulled by the eelsong,
perfectly capable of slithering over a bow suffering -1 to all tests for the next d4 Rounds.
and dragging a crew member away into the
drink. Consequence: The song lingers in your head.
It becomes impossible to concentrate. You suffer
Subdual HP: 16 -1 on Presence tests to use Powers for d4 weeks.
Stand Firm DR: 13 Presence
Timer: 4 Reward: d8 food and enough eelhide to make
one set of either boots or gloves. The boots absorb
sound, perfectly negating your footsteps. The
gloves expel it, and can be clapped once every 12
hours to force everyone present to test Toughness
DR 12 or be deafened for 2d8 minutes.

Consequence: The goat saunters off. You are

◊ 11. Pestilent Baelgoat (Heap)

A common black goat. Rot and misfortune

follow in its wake. overcome with a hostile feeling. All PCs lose their
current Omens. Until the next time they fumble a
Subdual HP: 14 test, each PC has a 1-in-4 chance of fumbling each
Stand Firm DR: 12 Strength test.
Timer: 4
Reward: Dispatching the goat briefly cancels
Special: -d2 armor. Difficult to hit (DR the negative influence it was exerting on the
14.) At the start of each Round, a random natural luckstate of local reality. All PCs ignore
PC tests Strength DR 12 or is ejected from their next fumble. Also, the party gains d2 goat
the combat with a headbutt. Any time a horns. Each horn may be held aloft for one Round
combatant misses the Baelgoat with an to guarantee a crit during the holder’s next attack
attack, they must test Agility DR 11 to that combat. After each horn is used this way, it
avoid striking themselves. Powers are -3 crumbles.
to activate against the Baelgoat. Both 2s
and 1s on all tests are fumbles against the

A bold, hexapodal fighter with grit, gumption, Consequence: Immediately spawns several
◊ 12. Cockroach Warrior (Organic) and the ability to hatch new young from its fully-armed young and they all enter combat
corpse. against you. The Cockroach Warrior is HP 12,
Morale 8, -d2 armor, roach axe d8. It also has d6
Subdual HP: 16 Baby Cockroach Warriors, which are HP 4, Morale
Stand Firm DR: 13 Strength 5, -d2 armor, roach dagger d4. If you defeat them,
Timer: 5 you gain the Reward, plus 1 food and 1 roach dagger
per Baby Cockroach Warrior you killed.
Special: -d2 armor. Easy to hit (DR
10.) Makes a d8 roach axe attack against Reward: Gain a roach axe (d8, 12s, very
an opponent at the end of each Round. lightweight, if broken turns into two d6 damage
When it would be caught, there is a 1-in-4 roach swords). Also gain d6 food if you lightly fry
chance that one of its young clambers out the corpse.
of its body and takes its place on the hook
(Subdual HP 6 but otherwise unchanged

Made of porcelain. Patrols the waters. Special: -d2 armor from porcelain hide. 1-in-
◊ 13. Dolls’-Eyed Shark (Aqueous)

Nothing inside its stomach digests. 4 chance of reducing the Timer by 2 at the end of
each Round.
Subdual HP: 21
Stand Firm DR: 12 Strength Consequence: The Active Fisher is dragged
Timer: 9 off into the water and devoured.

Reward: Gain an armor of the GM’s choice.

A sinuous, scaled creature with powerful Consequence: There were more of them.
◊ 14. Cenozoic Throwback (Heap)

rending talons and a maw like a cutlery d4+2 Cenozoic Throwbacks (HP 8, Morale 9, -d2
block. Fast. Agile. Behind you. armor, rending strike d6 and reduce armor by a tier,
difficult to hit (DR 13)) ambush the party.
Subdual HP: 14
Stand Firm DR: 11 Strength Reward: d6+2 food and a cenozoic hide.
Timer: 2 Curing the hide and turning it into leather armor
causes its wearer to always feel warm and
Special: Difficult to hit (DR 15.) Makes moist, and to breathe extremely oxygen-rich air-
a d4 claw attack at its attacker after each --even underwater. This takes some adjustment
time it is attacked. At the end of each (Toughness DR 13 after d8 minutes or pass out),
Round, a random combatant tests Agility but provides +1 to Strength and Agility tests for
DR 13. If they fail, the throwback leaps on everything other than attack or defense.
them and tears away a layer of their armor,
reducing it by a tier.

◊ 15. Slime Mold Diplomat (Organic) The fruiting body of an amoebic colony, Consequence: Decomposition accelerates
here to converse with higher order beings. rapidly in the surrounding area. All of the PCs’ food
Unfortunately, this diplomat can only supplies are ruined.
be understood by corpses. With living
creatures, it has to kill them to start a Reward: Any PC may ingest the slime mold to
conversation. gain a portion of its power. Characters who do so
immediately develop swarming motility and can
Subdual HP: 10 climb up any surface. However, on the afternoon
Stand Firm DR: 9 Strength of every day after they do this, they must test
Timer: 4 Toughness DR 6 or die. If they die this way, the fully
reassembled diplomat crawls from their corpse,
Special: Takes 1 damage from all its mission complete.
weapon attacks. When the slime mold is
struck, all combatants test Toughness DR 11
or take 1 damage ignoring armor and begin
coughing heavily.
Just an ornate iron lantern, dangling in
Attached Seemingly To Nothing (Aqueous)

Consequence: Nothing.
the dark.
Reward: You are now fighting an Industrial
◊ 16. Small Wrought-Iron Lantern,

Subdual HP: 6 Angler Fish. HP 30, Morale 13, -d4 armor, 2d6
Stand Firm DR: 9 Toughness ghastly jaws. May lantern breath at the end of a
Timer: 1 Round to force all opponents to test Agility DR
13 or take d4 damage. May glare at the start of a
Special: -d6 armor. Round to force a target to test Presence DR 13 or
become paralyzed until the end of the Round. Both
special abilities deplete after use but have a 2-in-
6 chance of recharging each new Round.

Still gawky and coltish, but more than Consequence: Will stampede over the PCs
◊ 17. Juvenile Chicken-Footed Cottage (Heap)

capable of stamping a bystander into a wet again later, within d6 days’ time or whenever is
paste. most inconvenient.
Subdual HP: 23 Reward: A fully stocked, folksy cottage.
Stand Firm DR: 14 Toughness Contains 2d8 food as well as an assortment
Timer: 6 of rustic tools, some lace pillows, and several
bundles of drying herbs (1-in-4 chance of d6
Special: -d2 armor. Each time it takes doses of antiparasitics, 1-in-4 chance of a dose of
4 or more damage, it stampedes and all black poison, and 1-in-4 chance of a dose of red
opponents test Agility DR 11 or take d6 poison.)

Strangles people from the inside. Consequence: Escapes after spattering a
◊ 18. Constrictor Tapeworm (Organic) black mess of eggs everywhere. The GM tests
Subdual HP: 16 Toughness DR 11 for every combatant, without
Stand Firm DR: 12 Toughness telling them the result. D4 days later, anyone who
Timer: 3 failed begins requiring 2 food per rest and starving
twice as fast if they don’t eat. D4 weeks after that,
Special: Immediately begins strangling if the condition isn’t treated, they begin testing
the Active Fisher. They can no longer Rotate Toughness DR 9 every hour and taking d2 damage
Fishers, and at the end of every Round ignoring armor each time they fail. At this point,
they must test Toughness DR 14 or take d4 the worm can be removed through surgery, but
damage ignoring armor. All attacks that fail surviving the process is difficult.
to hit the tapeworm hit the Active Fisher.
Reward: You have gained an ugly, disgusting pet.
HP 11, Morale 9, bite d2, slither into an open mouth
and begin strangling from within for d4 damage
per Round DR 7. Additionally, after each week of
traveling with this thing, every character must
test Toughness DR 11 or contract a constrictor
tapeworm as per the Consequence.

Consequence: The boots are lost. The ghost

◊ 19. A Set Of Boots Containing A Fisherman’s Ghost (Any)

No fisher should ever feel fully at ease

when they pull up an empty set of clothing. is not. It haunts a random fisher, reducing their
maximum Omens by 1 until banished into the
Subdual HP: 13 innumerate void on the other side of death.
Stand Firm DR: 7 Toughness
Timer: 4 Reward: Extremely haunted boots. While
wearing them, you may spend an Omen to walk
Special: Difficult to hit (DR 14.) -d2 on water for 2d6 minutes. During that time, you
armor. Wails uncannily at the start of may also test Presence DR 12 to point at a target
every Round, causing all opponents to test and force it to begin drowning for d4 damage at
Presence DR 13 or lose 1 Toughness for the the end of each Round, for as long as you remain
duration of the Fisk Combat. Reaches into a pointing.
random opponent’s chest at the end of each
Round, causing them to test Toughness
DR 9 or die. Causes blinding rain to wash
down over the area when hit with an attack,
inflicting -1 on attack rolls for the rest of
the Round.

Regarded as a pest in the House Of Special: Difficult to hit (DR 14.) The first time
All Knowledge from deep in dreaming, an attack would hit the spider during a Round, it
◊ 20. Akashic Burrowing Spider (Any)
sometimes these creatures wash up on is rerolled. At the end of each Round, a random PC
terrestrial shores where they become tests Toughness DR 11 or loses all knowledge and
terrible monsters. memory for d8 minutes.

Subdual HP: 18 Consequence: The spider steals an important

Stand Firm DR: 11 Toughness memory from each PC and escapes.
Timer: 4
Reward: The spider offers to adjust the
memories of one PC should they spare it. The spider
will make any alterations the PC requests, and will
abide by the intent of the bargain.

Special: Uses an Unclean Power of its choice

at the start of each Round and uses a Sacred
Power of its choice at the end of each Round.
Regenerates d4 Hit Points at the end of each
Round, and may force one opponent to reroll one
36 test once per Fisk Combat.
Although they share a na
with that horror alluded
to the
in d12
Psalms, these Damned
are simply abominable
ing spots.
that ply the deepest fish
ble to land.
They are all but impossi
so? Well,
But the rewards for doing
fat and
there may be more than
flesh to plunder from the
se beasts.
◊ 1. An Eel Extruded From The Dreams Of The World (Aqueous)
What are dreams but another ocean, with an
ecosystem as varied and carnivorous as our own?

Special: Difficult to hit (DR

14,) +1 DR for each time the
eel has been attacked this
Round. Once per Round,
the eel may fixate on a
target, causing them to test
Presence DR 15 or gain d4
Dream Predation Tokens. At Consequence: All combatants gain d2 Dream Predation tokens and
the end of each Round, every an absolute certainty that this isn’t the last they’ve seen of the eel.
PC also has a 1-in-4 chance
of gaining a Dream Predation Reward: 2d8 dreaming eel meat. Eating a piece counts as food but also
token. The next time a PC with ensures a deep rest full of vivid dreams. The next time you rest after
any Dream Predation tokens eating dreaming eel meat, you recover +2 HP per piece of dreaming
dreams, they are picked at eel meat you ate. Eating more than three pieces before resting allows
by dreaming predators and you to lucid dream your way into other people’s resting headspaces,
discard all of their tokens, temporarily influencing their thoughts or taking a look over the things
taking d2 damage per token that make them tick. If you do this, however, you must test Presence
discarded this way. DR 13 to return to your own mind or else be lost forever in dreaming.

◊ 2. Godling Of Moss (Heap)

more varied and adversar
The faiths of moss are far ir slo w
After every dozen of the
than the faiths of men. fer vor .
gods condenses from the
holy wars, one of these

Reward: The godling offers one PC a blessing

of moss should they free it. If they accept the
blessing, from now on they may test Presence DR
Consequence: You are marked. From now 8 to recede into any moss bed, becoming safe from
on, every moss in the land knows you as an harm or notice until they are dug up or choose
outsider and touching them with your bare to emerge. If they refuse the blessing, they may
skin causes you d2 damage. If you offend instead claim the godling’s dried body as a fetish.
multiple Moss Godlings, this stacks. It contains d8 Omens. 37
◊ 3. Veinlord (Organic)A brutal despot from a distant place known only as the ‘meat
dimension’, these armored terrors roam the collapsing internal
organs of large, decaying beasts, drinking in the obstruction and rot.

Special: -d2 armor. Immune to Unclean Powers. At the start

of each Round, a random PC tests Toughness DR 13 or suffers
3d6 damage as their blood rebels. At the end of each Round, a
random PC defends against a d8 damage bloodhammer attack.

Consequence: A random PC tests Toughness DR 17 or explodes in

a shower of gore.

Reward: The bloodhammer (d8 damage, struck organic victims

test Toughness 7 or explode in a shower of gore, 350s.)

◊ 4. A Boat Made Of Dead Men’s Nails. No, Not That One. The Other One (Aqueous)
Special: -d4 armor. d2 zombies, blood-drenched skeletons, or We’ll call it Raflgan.
berserkers disembark at the end of each Round, entering combat
with the PCs.

Consequence: A further d8+2 zombies, blood-drenched

skeletons, and berserkers disembark and the boat sails away
towards the nearest settlement---to burn it.

Reward: The PCs may take possession of the boat. It is unaffected

by weather and sails at a steady pace. Reefs or other treacherous
waters do not affect it. It does, however, require the sacrifice of
an owner’s finger at the end of every week or it becomes deeply
treacherous and disloyal.
Causes altered
◊ 5. Cosmic Ball Of Gaseous Color (Heap) A rare find, and perilous.
thinking, waking dreams,
and hallucinations.

Special: Difficult to hit (DR 16.) At the start and end of each Round, picks an
opponent. That opponent immediately attacks another opponent in a manner
of the Cosmic Ball’s choosing.

Consequence: For d4 hours, no character who witnessed the Ball can trust
their perceptions.

Reward: A lump of polychromatic meteor ore. Any blacksmith who works

with it will ultimately take their own life, but before then they can create a
visitor’s sword (d8 damage, victims test Presence DR 11 or hallucinate for d2
hours, 350s) or a visitor’s plate armor (-d6 damage, tier 3, DR +4 on all Agility
tests, anyone who strikes the wearer must test Presence DR 11 or hallucinate
for d2 Rounds, however the wearer must make the same test when they don
38 the armor and hallucinate for the rest of the day if they fail, 500s.)
Self-appointed. Not that it’ll tell anyone this.
◊ 6. Saint Of Parasites (Organic)
Special: Any opponent suffering from parasites at
the start of the Fisk Combat must test Toughness
DR 18 or be unable to act for the duration. At the
start of Round, sprays hookworms, flukes, ticks,
and candiru catfish all over the place. All PCs test
Agility DR 9 or begin losing d2 HP per Round until
they have been treated with antiparasitics. At the
end of each Round, uses a Sacred Power of its

Consequence: Any PC currently affected by

parasites tests Toughness DR 15 or is reduced to a
wandering parasitic husk (treat as a zombie.)

Reward: The saint brokers a small miracle for all

combatants. For d8 weeks, all parasites will avoid
you. If you are currently parasitized, the parasites
respectfully flee your body en masse, leaving
through the nearest possible exit. This causes d4
damage and leaves extremely ghastly wounds.

◊ 7. Knellsong Whale (Aqueous)

Keepers of a prophecy concerning the death
of the ocean, these leviathans sing its words
to ensure they won’t be forgotten.

Special: Easy to hit (DR 5.) -d2 armor. At the end of Reward: As much food as you need to completely
every Round, all combatants test Presence DR 5 or fill your packs and then more food on top of that.
die. This DR is increased by +1 per time the whale Enough to feed a village for a season, if properly
has been struck this Round. harvested and dried. Also d12 gallons of death oil,
which can be burned to illuminate ghosts or to
Consequence: Leaves you in peace. show the ways into the void on the other side of

◊ 8. Settlement-Bearing Crab (Heap) Not even scholars could guess how many
Tveland settlements are actually built upon
the shell of one of these sleeping creatures.

Special: -d4 armor. Easy to hit (DR 5.) Three times per Round, a random PC must
test Agility DR 11 or take 2d6+2 damage from a claw smash.

Consequence: The crab trundles away. The fishing spot relocates.

Reward: Absolutely extraordinary quantities of quickly-spoiling crab meat. Also

3d10 x 100s found in the rubble if the party spends a week scavenging.

◊ 9. Gallwyrm (Organic) A corrosive proto-dragon notable for its dull, stubb

pelvic spurs and smooth, recessed eye pits.

Special: -d6 armor. Expels digestive juices at the end of every Round and every
time it takes 5 damage or more, causing all opponents to test Agility DR 11 or
take d6 damage and suffer -1 tier to their armor.

Consequence: None, but the Gallwyrm cannot be found again in this fishing spot.

Reward: Scales can be used to make Gallwyrm Plate. Gallwyrm Plate is -d6, tier
3, DR +4 on Agility tests and DR +2 on defense tests, but it’s immune to effects
that would corrode or reduce its tier, 250s. D8 doses of strong acid (2d4 damage
and -1 tier to armor) can also be harvested from the Gallwyrm, provided you
have a container that they will not melt through.

◊ 10. Titanic Lionfish (Aqueous) Ponderous. Venomous. Elegant.

Special: At the start of each Round, all PCs test Presence DR 12 or become
entranced by its shimmering spines and frills until the end of the Round.
Attacks with a powerful bite at the end of each Round, targeting a random PC
for d8 damage. Always calls for a Gambit, and inflicts an additional +4 DR on the
Active Fisher’s Grimly Stand Firm if it wins or ties.

Consequence: Anyone currently entranced when the lionfish escapes swims

down into the fishing spot after it.

Reward: d20 food as delicate fish meat (the stripes run all the way through.)
Also d4 fragile lionfish lances, which deal d8 damage, contain d4 doses of
inotropic venom (Toughness DR 14 or +2 DR on all rolls for d2 days,) and cost 75s.
They’ve built the pinnacle of decency, with bone
tools and herbs and mutual care, and here you
◊ 11. Neolithic Civilization (Heap)
are hunting them for sport?

Special: Easy to hit (DR 10.) After each attack, pelts

attacker with stones (Agility DR 12, 2d4 damage.)
At the end of each Round, tends to its wounds and
heals 2d4 Subdual HP.

Consequence: 2d20s in valuables left behind as the

civilization packs up and leaves for somewhere

Reward: 3d20s in valuables and the disquieting

feeling that you’ve killed something better than

A practitioner of occult
methodologies involving ◊ 12. Bezoar Mage (Organic)
calcified digestive masses.

Special: -d6 armor (calcium barrier.) Difficult to

hit (DR 13.) Immune to all toxins. Casts Demon
Of Capillaries at the start of each Fisk Combat,
targeting a random opponent.

Consequence: All opponents test Toughness DR

13 or develop bezoars, which impede digestion
and may require herbs or surgery to treat. If a
character would develop bezoars while already
under the effect of bezoars, they may no longer
eat or rest until they receive medical treatment.

Reward: d6 smooth, not-currently-in-a-creature,

bezoars. May be ground into powder and ingested
to instantly nullify all toxins in a person’s system.

If you would
another 1. Bitter Regrets
type of
Every misdeed
you’ve ever co .
you cry copiou mmitted fills yo
scroll during sly. The tears st ur mind and
gather around ream to your ta
character their face and rget and
for d4 damage mouth, suffocat
creation, you at the end of ea ing them
reduce this dam ch Round. Arm
may take age, and the eff or cannot
dies, or when yo ect ends when
a random u do. Targets th the target
do not breathe at breathe wat
Salt-Stained are not affecte er or that
effect against th d, and you can
Scroll em after observ end the
the effect ends ing its uselessn
instead. , you suffer d2 ess. W hen
damage from de
2. Ship In A Bottle. owing
into a small bottle, all
You cram a large item o use
th ease. You may als
you to transport it wi intoa
you have crammed
this to extract an item g zoa.
n To Uluaches
ea kin
its normal size. Br
bottle, restoring it to ve up to 3. Inv i t a t i o
e effect. You may ha llyfish re
the bottle has the sam d no ne A celest
ial je il and
this way at a time, an ne tendr ey
four items in bottles city. t w it h o
s your Carrying Capa ou
e target.
of them count toward st r ok e s t h
5 or
ity DR 1
test Agil mage from
8 da
suffer 3d ic venom at
a hem ly he Round
d o ft
the en cids
u n d s later. A .
d4 Ro om
e the ven
You ink a tattoo Shifting Tattoos. neutraliz
deep into som
damage. The ta eone’s skin. The
ttoo feeds off of y take 1
they receive no their blood, an
w restores 1 po d all healing
this way touche int less. W hen
s a target, they someone tattoo
accumulated ta may send some ed
ttoos over, whe or all of their
piranhas, dealin re they will fren
g 1 da zy like inken
end of each Rou mage per tattoo, ignoring ar
nd. The tattoo mor, at the
tattoos with an ’s owner may re
other touch, bu claim their
before the grap t only if they ta
hical parasites ke them back
tattoo that retu have killed thei
rns this way de r new host. Eac
person may no als 1 damage to h
t carry more th the owner. A
an 8 of these ta
ttoos at a time.

5. Teeth As Reeds.
rwater for d4 hours,
You can breathe unde
are exposed.
so long as your teeth

6. Drowning In Wax.
Target tests Strength DR
10 or
takes d6 damage and for
their next action. You ma
y also
cast this on yourself (takin
g the
same damage) to weatherp
roof all
scrolls you carry for the
next week.

. Ti lt T he Horizoion.
7 al direct
Pick a ca t d6 minutes,
n ex
For the mile (1.6
in g in a one
eve r y t h d at a 30
) r a d iu s is tippe rds in
km nwa
ngle dow 8. Dead Man’s Reel.
degree a n. Everything in
ctio e A dead target of your
that dire also knows wher
e r a d iu s u ’r e choice gets up and fights
th yo
and that for you for d4 subsequent
you are, t h is .
causing Rounds, then collapses
into unresurrectable
sewage and ichor.

s Eye.
9. Black Bolts From Heaven’ a or
A storm brews, filling the
cur rently inh abit. For
building you
get who
d8 Rounds, a random tar
is not sheltered from the
bolt of
is struck by a d10 damage
h Round.
lightning at the end of eac

10. H ellbo
t tests und Anchor
is insta Streng
They ly dragged o DR 9 or
app ut
attemp ear the nex of view.
t to go t time
immun fishi you
e to th ng and are
is Pow


W eary
A sense of chronic tediu
your soul. There is no cu
ng l
m has seized
re for it
d6 Former
1. Dipping hooks in cold
ponds in remote Sarkash
that you know. All activ for no real reason.
ities are
equally unbearable, so yo
u have found 2. Robber-gondolier in
there is no difference betw
een the slow Grift, fleecing passengers
chore of monitoring a fis and then dumping their
hing rod and
anything else in your lif bodies for the sharks.
3. Royal fisher
employed by the court
Begin with at Alliáns, remarkable
† d4 x 10s for the things you could
† d2+1 Omens catch from air or sea.
† d8 Extraordinary
d6 + 3 Graven-
† HP: Toughness + 4. Cemetery-fisher in
s from
Tosk, exhuming bo die
† Canny - gain +1 on all Grimly cketing
earthen mounds and po
Stand Firm rolls. stone symbols or rings
† Cantankerous - when you
use a rod as an improvised 5. Hermetic 6. Fisher of
fish-cult on men, hanged
weapon, increase its damage
the shores of in Wästland
by a dice step (typically from Lake Onda. for your
d4 to d6.) crimes (it
† Prepared - Roll twice on the didn’t take.)
rod table. Do not roll on the
weapon or armor tables at all.
begin 1. Sea’s Claim.
with one You begin with a Salt- 2. Saltwater Heritage.
of the Stained Scroll. W hen need to make a
You never
following: you carry Salt-Stained test to swim. Folk in fishin
Scrolls, whenever villages view you with dis

you rest, each one
Cap t a in ’s C
3.You used to command
turns into a different
random Salt-Stained
Scroll. Your pack is a crew not through
always damp. loyalty but through fear.
When you use a rod as
4. Perch-Kraken. an improvised weapon,
You have a small, do
mesticated, increase its damage
land-dwelling octopu
s that sits by another dice step
on your shoulder and
thieves (typically from d6 to d8.)
morsels from your m
W hen it can be persu
aded to
5. Devil’s Drink.
help with a task that
involves You have a bottle of foul,
manual dexterity or
wriggling utterly unconsumable alc
12 to
limbs into narrow sp
aces, it You may test Agility DR
provides +3 to Agility
tests. swig and spit it in a foe’s
Ro un ds.
blinding them for d4

6. A Single Favor From Leviathan.

ught for
Yes, that one. It cares na 1. Bleak Haral d.
bu t it will
your puny existence, HP 10. Phantasmal armor -d2.
e contract.
abide by the terms of th Belaying pin d4. Targeted first
by Fisk abilities.
the o w n e d crew 3. Gerta Of Storm
dr 2. Cutter Jean.
If you are the type that prefers to HP 6. No armor. Bristling And Il l L uc k.
fish alone, there’s a chance that with knives d6. +4 on HP 8. Phantasmal armor
a ghost pirate crew has already
imprinted on you (this is more tests to hit targets. -d2. Ghost harpoon d8+2.
4. Hassim Th e Natural
likely than you would think!) ist.
HP 8. No armor. Machete
d6. +2 on tests to
Solo fishers should pick four resist Fisk abilities and ca
members of the drowned crew to n identify a Fisk
membe rs are
at th e sta rt of th e fir st Round if you wish.
join them. The crew
loyal, but will not help out in reg- 5. Illuluthilal ilel, 6. Bone Parrot
ular combat or adventuring. They Ascended Jellyfish.
only manifest when Fisk are nigh.
Sourbe ak.
HP 13. No armor. Sting d4 HP 4. No armor. Beak d2.
The crew recovers all HP at the + 1 poison damage each Provides +1 on all tests
end of each Fisk Combat, and new Round. +3 on tests by all other Drowned
may be replaced after a day
should any of them “perish.” to Grimly Stand Firm. Crew members.

Gifts Grendel FOR

Trellestad was a fishing village many years ago. How You Met
Now its ruins lie on the cold shore of the Endless Sea. Grendel (d4)
1. He sauntered out
You came here seeking shelter, forgotten valuables, and of the night, near the
perhaps even something to blunt the gnawing hunger in Neglected Fields.
your guts.
2. He clambered
down a wall and
Unfortunately, you miscalculated. hissed in your ear,
near the Outlying
Trellestad was not as empty as you had hoped, and the Huts.
cold, lanky thing that stepped out of the coastal night has
3. He emerged from
saddled you with an unfortunate task. the grasses, near
the Crumbling Stone
Present it with a great bounty of fish before you leave, or Well.
it will eat you from skull to boots.
4. He was waiting
for you, near
the Abandoned

What Happened Here

20 years ago, this was the village
Trellestad. Isolated and surroun
of The villagers tried to find ways
ded around this, conducting rituals, killin
by barren wilderness, it rarely saw g
travelers, even trying to find another
bandits or monsters. Instead, its
power to shelter them.
greatest threat was starvation.
In the end, Yllwraeth came out of
To prevent this, the people had an the
sea and took them all, leaving the
arrangement with Yllwraeth Who
village empty.
Lurks In The Kelp. So long as they
made the appropriate sacrifices,
even Grendel arrived several months ago
when their harvest was barren, the ,
and is the first new settler the villa
fishing would be plentiful. ge
has seen in a very long time.
Unfortunately, one day Yllwraeth
demanded every member of eve
household as its quota.
Resting In Trellestad
The party may rest for a full night’s sleep 3 times in Trellestad,
may take a short rest 6 times.

When all rests are exhausted, Grendel shows up and demands his
Facing Grende l.
If he does not receive them, violence ensues. See
Furthermore, each time the party rests, there is a 1-in-4 chance of
random encounter as they break camp.
3. Seaweedfolk. 6 kelplings,

d4 Trellestad prowling, looking for food. HP 6,

Morale 6, sharp teeth d4, difficult to
Random Encounters hit (DR 14.)

4. Horgathr, Hogfolk Vendor.

1. Massive Protozoa. HP 16, Morale Warm and even-tempered. Has
11, cytokinesis d6, easy to hit (DR an extensive collection of wares,
10,) takes half damage rounding including fishing rods and bait and
down from blunt or piercing weapons, a random Salt-Stained Scroll. Will
anyone struck by the cytokinesis tests stick around in the location where
Strength DR 13 or is sucked into the you encounter him. Buys corpses for
protozoa and begins digesting for d4 20s, and they’re gone by the next
damage at the end of each Round. time you see him. If challenged, HP
16, Morale 8, -d2 hide, big axe d10,
2. Zombie Processional. 7 zombies, resist mental influence DR 5, attacks
one of which is a priest, droning as three times per action. If killed,
they march. Will absolutely stop their drops d8 pieces of equipment of the
obscure pilgrimage to chow down on GM’s choosing. Can also be turned
the flesh of the living. into 8 food.

Replacing Dead PCs

Trellestad is a strange place
for anyone to wind up, let alone
1. Rumor in Schleswig of a
healthy, thriving township.
for multiple gangs of grim 2. Galgenbeck inquisition
wanderers to converge on. sending zealots to find
and kill a drowned god.
The first time you need to 3. Fliers all over Wastland
replace a dead PC with a fresh advertising fishing ‘gala.’
character while in town, roll d4 Conflicting descriptions of
to determine the reason more what that entails.
adventurers are coming here. 4. Grift, exploring other options
for cliffs to be marched
Also, Grendel will helpfully off of, has sent a number
threaten any new arrivals that try of freelance surveyors to
to leave without paying his tax. scout the area.
1. Neglected Fields
2. Outlying Huts
3. Crumbling Stone Well
4. House of Sinners
5. House of Gulls
6. A Blackened Church
7. Seabirds’ Roost
8. Abandoned Commons
9. The Stone Stairs
10. Seaweed Heaps
11. Ruined Dinghy
12. Shore-Washed Leviathan
13. Grendel’s Lair

Neglected Fields
Abandoned fields under a black sky. Nothing of value has grown here in ages.
• Bitter, tiny pumpkins. • The wormy corpse of a large bird.
Test Toughness DR 9 when eating or Left by Grendel, who grew bored with
suffer cucurbitacin toxicity, causing it as soon as he’d killed it. Serves as a
intermittent vomiting, hair loss, and -1 Worm-Ridden Corpse fishing spot.
Toughness for d4 days.
• Human bones, unearthed by time
• A rusted scythe. and weather.
Worthless. Breaks the moment it’s There are a lot, and it looks like
used. someone long ago meant to hide
them here.

Outlying Huts
Mouldering thatch. Weather-worn stone. Dark interiors.
• Nesting birds. • Wooden idol.
Bitter and wary of slings. A carved old man’s face, mouth
yawning wide, conveying a strong
• Scant possessions. sensation that it’s going to swallow
Lead spoons, moldy rushes, scraps of the holder. Test Presence DR 12 or
fabric chewed by moths and mice. suffer -3 on next test rolled.

• Dead family. • Ancient compost.

Sitting around a collapsed table in The worms are strangely scarce. A
one of the huts. They took poison Trash Heap fishing spot.
rather than be claimed by Yllwraeth.
5 of them rise as zombies while the
players poke around the hut.
Search The Huts
(d4) 1. d6 buried chicken bones.
2. A knife with a small chip in the blad
3. 5s in a pouch, along with an erotic
whalebone carving of a narwhal
(priceless to the right buyer, worthless
to everyone else)
4. A small gemstone, carried here by
birds. 20s.
Crumbling Stone Well
Alone and exposed in the middle of a wide meadow.
• Tall Grasses.
Conceal 3 blood-drenched skeletons.
• The well itself.
Grendel finds their patience and
A Pond fishing spot. d12 damage
dedication to hunting in this absolutely
to anyone who falls in, and you’d
worthless location somewhat
better hope someone brought a rope.
adorable, and leaves them alone.
Agility or Strength DR 16 to climb out
otherwise, with d4 damage on each
• Circling birds.
fall. However there is d10 x 4s in the
An omen? Anyone who thinks deeply
muck at the very bottom for anyone
about the reason for the birds may test
who wants to go diving.
Presence DR 10 to realize the blood-
drenched skeletons are closing in.

House of Sinners
A solid, two-story stone home. Its empty windows and missing
door gape like the sockets of torn-away teeth.
• Ground floor. • Graves out back.
Unlooted furniture, partially sheltered Old. Neglected. Names for a small
from the elements but still moldy. A family are clearly marked on the
small shrine marked with iconography monument stones, but no one was
of a somewhat terrifying old man ever buried here.

Toss The House

rather than the basilisks.

• Second story.
l bait in a rotting box.(d4)
A hole in the ceiling, letting in a torrent 1. d6 norma
of moonlight. A child’s bedroom. 2. One very annoyed bird, which
A master bedroom. Bird leavings seems to have found its way in here
everywhere. and doesn’t have a short enough
wingspan to comfortably navigate
• Basement. the inside of the house. 2 food if you
Door is blocked. Strength DR 13 to seize the opportunity.
unstick. Inside, rampant illustrations, 3. d4 crooked, dried mushrooms in
iconographies, painting on the walls a small box. If eaten, d4 hours of
calling out to the Basilisks imploring night vision and vomiting (-2 to
them for salvation. Also a handful of Agility tests) and all colors are either
holy trinkets, worth 50s. Taking the magenta, teal, or yellow for a week.
trinkets stirs up a wraith. 4. d4 anonymous doses of red poison
in a wooden box tucked under a
bed, marked ‘for emergencies.’
House of Gulls
Barely even visible as a building underneath the
• The birds. massive accumulation of seabirds that have infested it.
Swoop and harass those who get

Rummage Through (d4)

close. Agility DR 10 or take d2
damage. Can be driven off with a

The House
sufficient show of force.

• The house. 1. 3 ritual knives and heavy chain

Two floors and a root cellar. Nearly plus the prayer book from the stuck
everything that isn’t the root cellar is drawer above.
caked in bird waste. In a stuck drawer 2. A small lead box of powder (if
on the ground floor is a small, leather- mixed into a drink, drinker tests
bound prayer book of seemingly Toughness DR 14 or falls deeply
local manufacture. The prayers are asleep, d4 doses left) and the
not terribly well written and lack the prayer book from the stuck drawer
carefully workshopped passion of one above.
of the Inquisition’s pamphlets on the 3. A giant amoeba. Large as a small
Basilisks. Most of them orbit around dog. Friendly. Also the prayer book
themes of hunger, harvest, and killing from the stuck drawer above.
lone travellers and throwing their 4. A random Unclean Scroll, defaced
bodies into the sea. somewhat with graffiti demeaning
the Basilisks, 1-in-4 chance it’s
Other Occupants: useable. As well as the prayer book
4 Kelplings (HP 6, Morale 6, sharp from the stuck drawer above.
teeth d4, difficult to hit (DR 14)) lurk
behind the house. They look like
heaps of seaweed, slightly larger
than a human child. They have been
feeding on the birds, but will happily
take larger prey.

A Blackened Church
Fire-scarred and silent.
• Small graveyard.
Small stones, old and faded.
Mosswhyte grows between the graves
and d6 doses can be picked. If made
into a tea, restores +1 HP while

• Bleak nave.
Barely recognizable pews amid other
scorched debris.
Church Guardians:
• Scorched chancel. Two slender grotesques
(HP 12, Morale -, -d4
A ritual circle has been scraped into marble hide, claws d6,
easy to hit (DR 10,)
the floor. With a sacrifice of 50s or 10 random PC tests Presen
ce DR 13 at the start
Hit Points, a Presence DR 13, and of each Round and tries
to flee on a failure)
the prayer book from the House Of hang from the ceiling,
unmoving. They will
Gulls, the PCs can call Yllwraeth to strike when the party tri
es to leave.
the shore, exchanging their current

Pillage The Church(d4)

problems for different problems. See
What If The PCs Summon Yllwraeth
for more. 1. A pewter goblet. Turns alcohol to
seawater, dense with sand and
• Sealed crypt. pieces of bladderwrack. 7s.
Alduva, a lich, has been stuck in 2. Knives and a medical diagram of
here since before the villagers were the human body, kept in a sealed
consumed by Yllwraeth. She will first metal case. The diagram is worth
pretend to be a survivor and beg to 50s to a chirurgeon, alchemist, or a
be let out. Then she’ll offer the crypt’s noble with a troubling reputation.
riches (300s) or information (she 3. Small set of 4 carved ivory
knew about the villagers and their isopods.20s each. Will absolutely
sacrifices, but didn’t actually care animate and chew out your tongue
enough to remember it well.) If this while you sleep. Your maximum
fails, she will scream, alerting the HP is reduced by 1 if you let the
grotesques in the chancel. Unsealing isopod take your tongue’s place,
the crypt requires a Strength DR 14 but you gain a melodious voice and
by someone who is not undead. If the +1 on Presence tests to persuade
PCs let her out, well, she was sealed or charm others so long as they
in that crypt for a reason. don’t see it. If you kiss anyone while
hosting the isopod, it consumes
their tongue too.
4. A burlap bag of silver ritual
implements, left by an interrupted
robber. 70s.
Seabirds' Roost
A dense congregation of gulls on the cliffs overlooking the sea.
• Rocky outcropping. • Kelmcar the seagull man.
A convenient shelter, just out of range A strange hybrid, born in isolation.
of the circling birds. A random fishing Raised by seagulls. Has beefy arms,
rod rests in a crook between rocks. feathers, and a beak. Will violently
defend his host family unless
• Full nests. convinced he isn’t their child. HP 8,
3d4 food worth of eggs. 25s in Morale 7, beak and haymaker d4
scavenged trinkets. Looting stirs the damage and victim tests Strength DR
birds into an absolute frenzy and 11 or is stunned on their next action,
angers Kelmcar. Seagull Tornado climbs rapidly DR 6.
(16 HP, 10 Morale, million pecks d6,
difficult to hit (DR 14,) makes three
attacks per action) occurs if the birds
are mad enough.

Abandoned Commons Grass and moonlight. A low, cold wind.
• An empty expanse.
A few little brown mushrooms grow on
the cold ground. Why not experiment?

(d4) Experiment With The Mushrooms

1. nothing, it was edible.
4. absolutely
2. nothing, it was edibl---OH
NO. Test Toughness DR 13
rage. +6 damage
or die. On survival, you still
on your next
have a really bad time. -2 to
attack if it hits,
all tests for 2d6 hours.
but you must
3. nothing, it was edible. Side
test Presence
note: does anyone else
DR 11 to avoid
feel that? You are now a
reacting to every
transplanar being. Your touch
stimulus with
cures leprosy. Your hair is
intense violence
seaweed. 1-in-6 chance any
until you next kill
of these things are actually
true. Lasts for d2 hours.

The Stone Stairs
Damp and treacherous.
• Wet steps. • Heave crabs.
They shouldn’t be. The sea is far 5 of them. Blessed by nature with
below. Test Agility DR 7 when moving scoop-like claws, strong limbs, and a
quickly or fall for 3d6 damage. bastardous nature. HP 2, Morale 6,
-d4 chitin, 0 damage but victim tests
• Seaweed growths. Strength or Agility DR 8 or is heaved
Nourished by the walls somehow. The off the side of the stairs. More crabs
tide doesn’t reach here. Edible, but below feast on the remains.
causes shaking and snapshot visions
of a kelp forest far below the surface.

Seaweed Heaps
Filthy piles of reeking, decaying kelp.
• Flies. • Eerie shrine.
A glittering, noissome cloud of them. A fetish of driftwood, kelp, and fish
They fill your teeth when you try to guts vaguely resembling an old man
speak. Test Presence DR 9 every 10 with a beard. Looking at it for too long
minutes or leave the area and refuse causes your vision to blur and dim.
to return until after your next rest.
• The heaps.
• Occupants. Treated as a Fly-Bloated Behemoth
7 kelplings (HP 6, Morale 6, sharp fishing spot.
teeth d4, difficult to hit (DR 14))
puttering in the sand around the • Ocean.
heaps. They fly into a shrieking, rabid A fishing spot of the same name.
frenzy at the sight of fresh meat.

eed Heap
Scavenge A Reeking Seaw
1. Tiny shells and barnacles. (d4)
2. A chunk of silver worth 20s.
3. A very aggressive crab and 1 damage.
4. 3 food worth of sea urchins.

Ruined Dinghy Sailed its last some time ago.
Now sits high in the sands of the beach, enduring the passage of time.

• Dune plants. • The boat.

Bristly and sour but nourishing. D4 If repaired over the course of a rest,
food. can be taken out to a Fathomless
Abyss fishing spot.
• Starfish men.
4 of them. Grim and predatory. HP 11, • Ocean.
Morale 9, d6 beak, easy to hit (DR 9), A fishing spot of the same name.
regenerates d4 HP at the end of each
Round, new starfish men grow from
the pieces in d8 days if not burned.

Shore-Washed Leviathan
A knellsong whale, driven shoreward by some calamity out in the waves.
Never recovered.
Taking Parts
From The W
ha le
• Swarming parasites.
The whale’s body is thick with them. 1. Fell ambergris. 150s. You can
It can’t be fished or scavenged until see your death in the reflection.
they’re cleared away. HP 20, Morale If made into perfume, it can also
5, swarm d6, attacks all opponents restore a semblance of life to
with a single action, takes only one the undead for 2d6 minutes per
damage from single-target attacks. spritz.
2. Solace bristle. 20s. If stuck
• Gangrenous husk of an through an undead creature’s
earthbound colossus. heart, they turn to dirt.
The whale body. Serves as a fishing 3. Bottled song. Causes morbid
spot of the same name. thoughts and intense longing for
the grave in all within close range.
• Ocean. Brings some measure of peace to
A fishing spot of the same name. the whale if uncorked.
4. Knochenhander. Extremely long
whale bone. Two-handed, d10
damage, and a 1-in-2 chance
of ignoring Salt-Stained Powers
used on you while you wield it.
200s. 55
Grendel's Lair
A fetid hole in the cliffside, leading down into a chest-deep hypersaline pool.
• Deep places. • Low light.
The pool runs shockingly deep in a A few glow worms dangle from the
few places where there are channels ceiling, but otherwise there is nothing
out to the open ocean. 1-in-4 chance but blackness and the lap of water.
a PC steps into one if not moving
cautiously. If weighed down by armor, • Single inhabitant.
test Agility DR 12 to swim back out. Grendel uses the pool as a lair and
does not take kindly to intrusions from
• Slick walls and floor. guests who are not bringing gifts.
Moving at speed is difficult here and
gripping the walls is all but impossible. • Tar chest.
Strength DR 19 to climb the walls Water-proofed and stored at the back
without unusual aid, and test Agility of the cave. Contains 500s, 3 random
DR 11 if moving fast along the floor. Salt-Stained Scrolls, and a random
On a failure, slip and plummet into the fishing rod.

Feeding Grendel
Grendel scores Fisk based on their

Worthless Specimens:1 point.

Wretches That Fly, Swim, Or Crawl:
4 points.
Damned Leviathans: 10 points.

If the party can bring him 12 points

worth of Fisk, he will be satisfied.

Well, mostly satisfied.

He will still demand to scarf down

a PC (or a hireling.) If the party
complies, then---speaking around the
arm of the party member that’s now
sticking out of his gullet---he will thank
them for doing business and leave
them alone.

If the PCs object to this last

unexpected toll, things end in
Facing Grendel What If The PCs Summon
Grendel is almost as old as the sea
and although he is not as powerful as
many of the things that ply its depths, Yllwraeth is a terrible being, but
he has not lived for this long by being always hungry. He will come if
weak. summoned.

Grendel has HP 33, Morale 10, His form looks like the head of an
-d4 scaly hide, rending claws d6 old hermit rising up from the surf,
that reduce victim’s armor by a tier, except about as large as a boat. He
swims and climbs and tracks PCs is covered in kelp and will devour a
effortlessly, and can use the Salt- random PC or hireling before starting
Stained Powers Invitation To Uluzoa, the conversation.
Bitter Regrets, Drowning In Wax,
and Tilt The Horizon, as well as the Yllwraeth is willing to get Grendel off
Unclean Power Foul Psychopomp at their backs, but they will have to settle
DR 7. here and begin fishing.

Furthermore, at the end of each They will also have to observe the
Round in combat against Grendel, seasonal pattern of sacrifices that the
a random combatant tests Agility old villagers practiced.
DR 11 or is devoured. Grendel can
accidentally target himself with this And as with the old villagers, there
effect, in which case he takes 2d6 is nothing to prevent him from later
damage ignoring armor. amending the terms of the agreement.

Grendel will not fight until the end, Yllwraeth can be fought, but this is
and he will begin trying to escape at probably not wise.
12 Hit Points. If he gets away, he will
absolutely take this whole encounter He has HP 70, Morale -, -d2 kelp
personally, and he will plan to return matting, giant palm 2d6, devour DR
violence upon the PCs as soon as he 14, resist Powers DR 12, immunity to
is mended. all Salt-Stained Powers, knowledge
of all Salt-Stained Powers, and swims
at shocking speeds. He may use two
Powers as part of the same action,
and he activates Powers with DR 6.

If defeated, each of Yllwraeth’s teeth

sells for 100s, or may be used to call
a heavy storm that lasts for d4 years.
Yllwraeth has 3d20 teeth.

Alternate Fishing Rules
Every time you dip a fishing line, you pull up:

r r y
La rWksh o
HP: 15
Morale: 7Beneath
Thick Hide -d4,
Razored Claws And Red Grin d6.
A charred ghoul Special: Larry is cursed,
who dwells at the and may not die before
bottom of every the final obliteration of
abyss, seeking the world. Even if every
watery reprieve molecule of his body is
from the pyre he destroyed, and even if he
was burnt upon. is imprisoned in a cell
beyond time and space, he
will immediately reappear
on the hook the next time a
PC goes fishing.
◊ Fanged Trout Of The Future (Any Habitat Type)
I cannot tell you what perils and wonders this Fisk contains.
You will have to determine them for yourself.
Subdual HP: ______
Stand Firm DR: ______ _________________
Timer: __________

Special: _________________________________________________

Consequence: _____________________________________________

Reward: __________________________________________________
Richard Kelly and Adam
Vass present FISK
BORG: Brutal Fishing
in an Accursed World,
a supplement for the hit
RPG Mörk Borg.

This book includes:

· Rules for FISK
COMBAT to bring
fishing to your dark
· Dozens of piscine
beasts for you to
catch or be cursed
· Rods, bait, chum,
and fishing spots to
aid your expeditions.
· Expanded character
options including a
class, scrolls, and
· Gifts for Grendel - an
adventure module to
bring fishing to your
story’s forefront

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