Mishra 2021 Environ. Res. Lett. 16 054007
Mishra 2021 Environ. Res. Lett. 16 054007
Mishra 2021 Environ. Res. Lett. 16 054007
the mechanisms of why and how these monsoon sea- (GRACE) and GRACE follow on (GRACE-FO)
sons are shifting under a warming world is critical for missions. TWS is available for the period April
improving predictions of drought conditions in India. 2002 to June 2017 from the GRACE satellites. The
Whereas previous studies have shown strong link- GRACE-FO mission provides the data from June
ages between summer monsoon droughts in India 2018 to present. Therefore, the TWS data for July
and sea surface temperature (SST) variability in the 2017 to May 2018 is not available. We obtained
equatorial Indian and Pacific Oceans (Kripalani and TWS from GRACE and GRACE-FO from NASA’s
Kulkarni 1997, Barlow et al 2002, Niranjan Kumar Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL: https://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/
et al 2013, Roxy et al 2015), few studies have focused dataset/TELLUS_GRAC-GRFO_MASCON_CRI_
on the causes of rainfall deficits associated with the GRID_RL06_V2) for the 2002–2019 period. The
NEM (Dimri et al 2016). From 2016 to 2018, South GRACE mascon product (RL06 V2) contains grid-
India witnessed severe drought conditions, which sig- ded monthly global water storage anomalies relative
nificantly impacted agriculture and water availabil- to mean, which is available at 0.5◦ spatial resolution
ity in the region (‘Chennai water crisis: City’s reser- (Wiese et al 2016). To remove the seasonal cycle from
voirs run dry,’ BBC 2019). The densely populated TWS, monthly mean TWS was removed from each
states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu month, and scale factors were applied.
continuously declared drought in 2016, 2017, and To assess the influence of SSTs on the 2016–18
2018 related to the deficits in NEM precipitation. The drought, we used monthly data from the HadSST
drought caused water crises in both urban and rural dataset (Hadley Centre) for the period 1870–2018
areas (Aguilera 2019). Despite the profound impacts at 2.0◦ spatial resolution (Rayner et al 2003). We
of the 2016–18 drought in South India, its magnitude, obtained surface air temperatures (SATs) from
drivers, and mechanisms remain unexplored. In this Berkley Earth (Rohde et al 2013) to analyze anomal-
study, we focus on the 2016–2018 drought, quantify ous temperature conditions during NEM droughts.
its severity, and investigate its causes and relation- Since SST data has a strong warming trend, we used
ships with regional and global ocean–atmosphere Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD;
variability. We place this extreme event in the con- (Wu and Huang 2009)) to remove the secular trend
text of the previous droughts and conclude that its (Wu et al 2011) from SST time series as in Mishra
severity was unprecedented over the observational (2020). The EEMD method has an advantage over
record. conventional detrending as it removes both linear and
non-linear trends (Mishra 2020). We estimated SST
2. Data and methods and precipitation anomalies for the NEM (October–
December) to diagnose the linkage between precipit-
The NEM (October–December) is a dominant source ation and SST. To examine the coupled variability of
of rainfall in South India (Rajeevan et al 2012). South precipitation and SST, we use maximum covariance
India (Latitude: 8◦ N–15◦ N; Longitude: 74◦ E–81◦ E)) analysis (MCA; (Bretherton et al 1992)). In addi-
comprises of five Indian states and three union territ- tion, we used empirical orthogonal function (EOF)
ories. The region encompasses nearly 19% of India’s analysis to obtain the dominant modes of variabil-
area and harbors around 250 million people, which is ity in rainfall during the NEM when SST was not
one-fifth of the total population of India (Census of used. The MCA, performed on two fields (here pre-
India 2011). South India is an agriculturally rich part cipitation and SST) together, identifies the leading
of the country, with over 60% of its rural population modes of variability in which the variations of the
engaged in agriculture (Aulong et al 2012). The pop- two fields are strongly coupled (Mishra et al 2012).
ulation depends largely on the NEM for agricultural Sea level pressure (SLP) and wind fields (horizontal, u
production. We used gridded daily precipitation data and meridional, v) were obtained from the European
available at 0.5◦ spatial resolution for the period of Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Reana-
1870–2018 (Mishra et al 2019). Mishra et al (2019) lysis version 5 (ERA-5; (Hersbach and Dee 2016)) for
used station observations from India Meteorology the period 1979–2018 to understand the mechanism
Department (IMD) to develop the gridded precipita- of the northeast monsoon. Further, SLP and wind
tion for the pre-1900 (1870–1900) period, which was fields were regridded to 2◦ to make them consistent
merged with the gridded data available for the post- with SST.
1900 period (1901–2018; (Pai et al 2014)) from IMD. Towards predictability of NEM rainfall, we
More details on the gridded precipitation data and employed univariate and multivariate techniques. We
evaluation of its quality can be obtained from Mishra use the lagged relationship between SST anomalies
et al (2019). The gridded data capture orographic pre- and rainfall over South Asia during the NEM as a pre-
cipitation along the Western Ghats, Northeast, and dictor of OND rainfall. We used SST anomalies from
the foothills of Himalaya (Pai et al 2014, Mishra et al the Nino 3.4 region and over the northern Indian
2019). Ocean (NIO; 6◦ –24◦ N, 40◦ –100◦ E) as a predictor of
Total water storage (TWS) data were obtained monthly NEM precipitation using the following three
from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment equations:
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 054007 V Mishra et al
Figure 1. Three-year cumulative precipitation anomalies (mm) during the Northeast monsoon (NEM, October–December).
(a), (b) The spatial pattern of 3 year cumulative precipitation anomalies (mm) during 1874–1876 and 2016–2018 periods,
respectively, in southern India (denoted by the green box). (c) Area-averaged (over the green box) 3 year moving-mean
precipitation anomalies (%) for the period 1870–2016. Red dots in (c) demarcate the two periods of interest, and show that the
2016–18 was the 1st and 1874–76 was the 2nd worst drought in last 150 years. Long-term precipitation data is based on station
observations from the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD).
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 054007 V Mishra et al
Table 1. Top five driest years for one, two, and three-year cumulative northeast monsoon (OND).
a precipitation deficit of 45%, whereas the 1874–76 rains later that year. We also note that 12-month
drought was the second-worst, with a deficit of 37% precipitation anomalies and TWS anomalies are
(table 1). We note that the 1-year and 2-year dura- well-correlated (r = 0.63), where local observations
tion NEM deficits for 1876 (69%) and 1876–77 (54%) indicate that rainfall is the major contributor of TWS
were comparable to the deficits during 2016 (63%) (Asoka et al 2017). Thus, we attribute the loss in
and the 2016–17 (52%) durations (table 1, figures regional TWS to the long-term 3-year drought, which
S2–S4). However, the consecutive 3-year NEM defi- was precipitated by the lack of NEM rainfall.
cit for 2016–18 was more significant than the Great Total water loss in South India estimated from
Drought. We find that annual rainfall anomalies addi- the GRACE satellite was 79 km3 in December 2016
tionally indicate drought conditions in 2016, 2017, (figure 2(a)). Similarly, GRACE–FO data reveal that
and 2018 (figure S5). Moreover, 2 and 3-year annual total water loss in June 2017 and 2019 was 46.5 and
rainfall anomalies for 2016–17 and 2016–18 also show 41.7 km3 , respectively (figures 2(b) and (c)). Recov-
a major rainfall deficit in South India (figure S5). ery in TWS occurred in late 2019 due to improved
Thus, we conclude that the 2016–18 drought caused NEM rainfall over the region. The 2016–2018 drought
by the failure of the NEM also contained severe caused a significant loss in TWS, which also likely res-
annual rainfall deficits. ulted in a significant depletion in groundwater across
Over individual NEM seasons, the two most South India. We caveat that we did not estimate the
extreme dry events occurred in 1876 and 2016 with overall loss in groundwater due to uncertainty in soil
precipitation deficits of 69% and 63%, respectively moisture (Long et al 2013, Castle et al 2014)—an
(table 1). The rainfall deficit in 2016 was more severe estimate outside the scope of this work—however we
in comparison to the lack of precipitation in 2017 and suspect that the groundwater depletion was driven
2018 (figure S2). The failure of the NEM in 2016 as by the drought in addition to increased groundwater
well as relatively low rainfall totals over the consec- extraction (Thomas et al 2017) during the drought
utive years were the main causes behind the 2016–18 (Asoka et al 2017). Despite the uncertainty in the
drought in South India (table 1). Overall, the 3-year estimation of total water loss from GRACE satellites
NEM drought of 2016–2018 was more severe than the (Long et al 2013), the combined influence of deple-
Great Drought of 1874–1876. Infamously, the 1876 tion in surface-water and groundwater during this
drought resulted in famine and the deaths of mil- event led to unprecedented water scarcity in South
lions of people (Mishra et al 2019, Mishra 2020). India (Aguilera 2019, ‘Chennai water crisis: City’s
The more recent 2016–18 NEM drought consider- reservoirs run dry,’ BBC 2019).
ably influenced water availability in the region and
caused a water crisis across South India (‘Chennai 3.2. Mechanism of deficit during the Northeast
water crisis: City’s reservoirs run dry,’ BBC 2019). monsoon
Furthermore, the 2016–2018 NEM drought in We examined circulation patterns to understand
South India was unprecedented in the last 150 years mechanisms behind variability in NEM rainfall. To
and had severe implications for water availability. do so, we first examined climatological surface tem-
TWS from the GRACE and GRACE–FO satellites peratures (SAT and SST), sea-level pressure (SLP),
showed a considerable loss in South India due to and wind fields at 850 hPa during the OND season
the recent (2016–2018) drought (figure 2). Twelve (figure 3). SLP and wind fields were taken from the
months moving precipitation anomalies pinpoint ERA-5 reanalysis dataset (Hersbach and Dee 2016)
the onset of drought in South India during Octo- whereas SSTs and SATs were taken from HadSST
ber 2016 and show that it continued till October (Rayner et al 2003) and Berkley Earth (Rohde et al
2018 (figure 2). Although there was a weak recovery 2013), respectively. Climatologically during boreal
from drought conditions for two months in Novem- fall, cooling SATs over the northwestern Pacific and
ber and December 2018, these rainfall totals were northern latitudes alongside comparatively warmer
not enough to negate the influence of the overall mean-annual SSTs over the northern Indian Oceans
event (2016–2018), which continued till August 2019 set up easterly wind flow across the Bay of Bengal
(figure 2), and was only alleviated by stronger NEM (figures 3(a) and (b)). In particular, warm SSTs in the
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 054007 V Mishra et al
Figure 2. Total water storage (TWS) anomalies from the GRACE and GRACE–FO during 2002–2019. (a)–(c) TWS anomalies
(cm) during December 2016, June 2017, and June 2019. (d) 12-month moving-sum precipitation anomalies (cm, in blue) and
monthly TWS anomalies (cm, in red) aggregated over South India (south of 15◦ N). Note that the July 2017 to May 2018 period
contains missing data as the GRACE-FO dataset is only available from June 2018 onwards. The Pearson correlation coefficient
between TWS anomalies and precipitation anomalies is 0.63.
western Indian Ocean can elicit easterlies across the SAT patterns, gave rise to anomalous westerlies in the
Indian Ocean and favor moisture transport from the equatorial Indian Ocean, which weakened moisture
Bay of Bengal into peninsular India. These moisture- transport from the Bay of Bengal during the NEM sea-
bearing winds, which become northeasterly before son of both events (figures 3(c)–(f)). Moreover, both
landfall, bring NEM rainfall to South India (Rajeevan years were associated with anomalously low SLP and
et al 2012). Strong winds from across the South cooler surface temperatures across the Indian sub-
China Sea, driven by the underlying SAT and SLP continent and Bay of Bengal, sustaining an anom-
patterns ultimately facilitate NEM rainfall. Thus, alous anticyclonic pattern which inhibited moisture
El-Niño-like conditions in the Pacific with cooler transport into South India (figures 3(c)–(f)). In 2018,
SSTs in the northern portion of the western trop- the rainfall deficit conditions were slightly allevi-
ical Pacific Ocean, juxtaposed with cooler SSTs in ated due to favorable warm conditions in the west-
the eastern Indian Ocean and warmer SSTs in the ern tropical Indian Ocean and cooling in the East
west (i.e. resembling positive IOD-like conditions), (development of a positive IOD event) alongside the
all serve to enhance NEM rainfall over South India. development of El-Niño-conditions in the Pacific.
It is to be expected that circulation patterns which However, it should be noted that western Indian
weaken these processes ought to yield diminished Ocean warming was not particularly pronounced that
NEM rainfall. year and alongside cooler temperature anomalies in
To better understand the causes of rainfall defi- the northern Indian Ocean, resulted in an overall defi-
cits, we investigated anomalous patterns during the cit in NEM rainfall that year.
NEM season for 2016, 2017, and 2018 (figure 3). In Next, we analyzed surface temperature and pre-
2016 and 2017, as expected, cool SST anomalies pre- cipitation anomalies for the five most severe dry
vailed in the tropical Indo-Pacific and were associ- events in South India over the 1870–2018 period dur-
ated with La Niña conditions in the central Pacific ing the NEM season (figure 4). The major droughts
along with negative IOD-like conditions in the Indian in South India occurred in 1876, 2016, 1938, 1988,
Ocean (figures 3(c)–(f)). Both years witnessed anom- and 1974 (in order of severity). Out of these five
alously cooler SSTs in the eastern tropical Indian droughts, four occurred during La Niña conditions.
Ocean and western tropical Pacific, and warmer SSTs In contrast, the well-studied drought of 1876 dur-
in the western Indian Ocean and central Pacific. These ing the NEM was linked with El Niño (figure 4)—a
SST patterns, alongside SLP and adjacent continental finding reported previously (Cook et al 2010, Singh
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 054007 V Mishra et al
Figure 3. Atmospheric and oceanic patterns during the 2016–18 drought in South India. (a), (b) Climatological mean surface-air
temperature (SAT, ◦ C) and sea-surface temperature (SST, ◦ C), mean sea-level pressure (SLP, Pa) and wind at 850 hPa (in (b))
during the October–December (OND) season. (c), (d) SST, SLP, and wind anomalies associated with the NEM during the OND
season of 2016, (e), (f) 2017, and (g), (h) 2018. Mean SLP and wind fields were obtained from ERA-5 whereas SST was taken from
HadSST and SAT from BEST.
et al 2018, Mishra et al 2019). However, it should be patterns responsible for co-variability between South
noted that cool SST conditions prevailed in the Pacific Indian NEM rainfall and tropical SSTs. The first
Ocean over the 1870–1876 period and the transition leading mode exhibits typical ENSO-like patterns
from the cool to warm phase occurred during the of covariance and explains 77.2% of total variance
NEM season of 1876 (Singh et al 2018). Additionally, (figure 5(a)). As demonstrated above with patterns
the western Indian Ocean was not anomalously warm of the major droughts (figure 4), MCA also indic-
as it typically is during El Niño years (figure 4(a)). ates that negative SST anomalies over the central
Nevertheless, temperature and SLP anomaly com- Pacific (i.e. La Niña) and Indian Oceans (negative
posites for the most severe dry and wet NEM years IOD) result in below normal NEM precipitation
reveal a general propensity for cooler SSTs in the over South India (figure 5(b)). The second leading
Indo–Pacific (i.e. La Niña conditions) to be asso- mode of MCA exhibits a relatively weaker relation-
ciated with precipitation deficits over South India ship between precipitation and SST anomalies during
(figures S6 and S7). On the other hand, warming the NEM (figure 5). The second mode fingerprints
in the central Pacific and Indian Oceans is associ- the role of SST warming in the Indian Ocean as a
ated with a stronger NEM and surplus precipitation driver of increased NEM precipitation in South India
(figure S7). Overall, OND cooling in the Indian and (Roxy et al 2015). We also note that there appears to
central Pacific oceans results in lower SLP and weaker be a slight dichotomy between northern and southern
wind fields, which ultimately drive rainfall deficits in South India, where NEM precipitation in the latter
South India. region is more strongly linked with ENSO (figure 5).
On the other hand, precipitation over the north-
3.3. SST variability during Northeast Monsoon ern parts of South India is more strongly associ-
To clarify the relationship between SST and ated with the second leading mode (figure 5). This
precipitation anomalies associated with the NEM, we finding might help explain some of the ambiguity
performed MCA, which helps delineate the leading surrounding the mechanisms of the impact of the
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 054007 V Mishra et al
Figure 4. Sea surface temperature (SST)/surface air temperature (SAT) and precipitation (P) anomalies for the top five droughts
that occurred in South India during the northeast monsoon for 1870–2018 period. SST and SAT datasets were obtained from
Hadley Center and Berkley Earth, respectively. SAT data over few regions are not available for 1876.
1876–78 Great Drought on South Indian rainfall. variance (figure 6(a)). The second leading mode
Overall, the leading mode of SST and precipita- reveals a bipolar rainfall pattern across the north-
tion variability during the NEM shows that cold SST ern and southern parts of South India and explains
anomalies in the Indo-Pacific facilitate drought con- 11% of the total variance (figure 6). We note that the
ditions over South India. characteristics of rainfall variability derived from the
We performed EOF analysis to identify the dom- first and second modes of EOF analysis are consist-
inant patterns of NEM rainfall in South India ent with the leading modes obtained from the MCA
(figure 6). The first leading mode from the EOF (figure 5). Taken together, our findings inferred from
analysis picks out rainfall variability across the both EOFs and MCA show that the first leading mode
entirety of South India and explains 50% of total affects rainfall across South India, whereas the second
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 054007 V Mishra et al
Figure 5. Links between South Indian precipitation and sea surface temperature (SST) during the Northeastern Monsoon season.
(a), (b) Correlation patterns obtained from the first leading mode of maximum covariance analysis (MCA) performed between
precipitation across South India (8◦ N–15◦ N and 74◦ E–81◦ E; see Green Box in figure 1) and SST during the
October–November–December (OND) season over 1870–2018. (c), (d) Same as in the above panels but for the second leading
mode of MCA. Rainfall was obtained from the IMD dataset whereas SST was retrieved from HadSST.
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 054007 V Mishra et al
Figure 6. The leading modes obtained from the empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of rainfall during the NEM for the
1870–2018 period. (a) The first leading EOF mode of NEM, which explains 50.6% of the total variance in NEM rainfall in South
India. (b) Lagged correlation between the first leading principle component (PC 1) and 3-month mean SST anomalies over
different regions (Nino 3.4 (5◦ S–5◦ N, 120–170◦ W), North Indian Ocean (NIO; 6◦ –24◦ N, 40–100◦ E), North Pacific Ocean
(NPO; 30◦ N–50◦ N, 120◦ E–175◦ W), North Atlantic Ocean (NAO; 6◦ –24◦ N, 10–60◦ W), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), and
Southern Oscillation Index (SOI)). (c) and (d) same as (a) and (b) but for the second leading EOF mode and the corresponding
PC 2. Year − 1, Year + 0, and Year + 1 represent the previous, current, and next year of the NEM season, respectively.
potential changes in future patterns of SST variabil- Grant No. OCE-1903482 and acknowledges the Uni-
ity in the Indian Ocean and tropical Pacific will add versity of Arizona and the Department of Geosciences
substantial uncertainty to projections and prediction for support.
of NEM rainfall.
Data availability statement
Vimal Mishra https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3046-
The data that support the findings of this study are 6296
available upon reasonable request from the authors. Kaustubh Thirumalai https://orcid.org/0000-
Saran Aadhar https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1645-
Acknowledgments 4093
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