Arts and Health Reviewer 3RD Quarter 10
Arts and Health Reviewer 3RD Quarter 10
Arts and Health Reviewer 3RD Quarter 10
Photo Contest
PHOTOGRAPHY - Works: Into The Green Zone (1st place
- photos means light
winning in the 2011 National Geographic
- graphos means writing
- science, art and practice of creating durable
- Advertising and commercial photographer
- by recording light or other electromagnetic
- Adphoto is one of his 1st studios in the
country that use digital photography
- electronically by means of an image sensor
- Founded the foundation called Photography
- chemically by means of a light sensitive
with a difference (PWD) that gives free
material such as photographic film
workshops to children with special needs.
- purely technical process that records visible
- Famous photograph: Gulp of Davao, Snake
light by action on light-sensitive materials
- started late 19th century
- photographer has captured the elements of - Full time teacher at an international school
composition to create a true work of art - His photograph is about glamour, fashion,
PHOTOGRAPHY AS PROCESS and travel portraiture
- focusing a camera at a subject and clicking - His photograph was regularly top online in
the shutter (ex. updates, documentations competitions
and etc) - He graced numerous UNICEF calendars,
PHOTOGRAPHY AS ART commercial works.\, international
- the artist discerns an important moment,
magazines, and the covers of some of the
and focuses his camera on it, and click the
world’s leading photography publications
shutter (ex. capturing foods, sunsets and
(Asian Geographic and the Digital
Photographer Magazine)
- photography is considered as one of the - Photographs: Tristeria-Liburnae, Dark
Collaborative Art of Filmmaking Keaton and later Laurel and Hardy; With
sound still unavailable, these films relied on
FILM DIRECTING purely visual comedy that audiences found
- It is the director, like the painter and sculptor hilarious.
in tradition art, who envision the final effect Gangster movie genre
of the film on its viewers, visually, mentally, Horror
and emotionally. Fantasy films
ACTING Sound plus color then allowed for further
- First and foremost, there was the art of development of animated feature films, as
acting for film. With live theater as the only well as what became a major American
form of acting at that time, film actors had to genre of the 1930s, the movie screen,
learn to express themselves without the incorporating singing, dancing, and
exaggerated facial expression and gestures elaborate production numbers enhanced by
used on stage. emerging film techniques.
Further development is cinematic and Health
sound technology led to even more GLOBAL HEALTH
genres: war and disaster films, western - pertains to various health issues, concerns,
or “cowboy movies”, thrillers or and trends which go beyond
suspense films, historical or biological national boundaries and call for global
films, epic and film adaptations of literary initiatives for the protection and promotion
classics. of peoples’ health across the world.
Similarly, the tremendous advances in - an area for study, research and
the computer technology in recent practice that prioritizes health
decades have fueled the rise of futuristic improvement and achieving impartiality in
or science fiction, as well as special healthcare and wellness worldwide.
effects movies featuring live actors, - Diverse health issues, concerns and trends
animated characters together. which call for all nations to address and act
Documentary films, a nonfiction genre, on to promote and protect health of
were made using real-life footage as individuals and groups across boundaries.
well as file materials, in many to present WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO)
an issue. - The primary international body responsible
Finally, a special genre as art films for developing leadership in health, setting
(“indie” or independent films) caters to a norms and standards and providing health
small group of viewers and critics, support among nations around the world.
consciously concerned with the artistic Global Health Initiatives
merits of a motion picture. - These are programs and projects which
help address global health issues,
concerns and trends.
- is someone who is in charge of making,
Stop TB
leading, and developing movie productions.
Roll Back Malaria
- a career that allows an individual to use
Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS Malaria and other
their leadership as well as creative thinking
skills to lead and direct major motion
Framework Convention on Tobacco
pictures or made-for-television films.
Control Comprehensive
- In the Philippine film scene, the American Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of
influence was evident in the pre- World War Alcohol
II and Liberation years with song-and-dance Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of
musicals, romantic dramas, and comedy Non- Communicable Diseases.
- Beginning with the turbulent 1970s, QUICK WINS
however, progressive Filipino, directors - UNDP(UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT
emerged to make movies dealing with PROGRAM) intervention program which
current social issues and examining the refers to actions that can be immediately
Filipino character. used within the community or locale to
produce effective results.
8 Millenium Development Goals PROMOTE GENDER EQUALITY &
- These are goals set by the United Nations EMPOWER WOMEN
for its member- nations to be fulfilled on an - Gender equality means equal
agreed span of time (2015) to be evaluated representation of men and women. It
and counter-checked under implies that all gender should have equal
world standards. value and treatment. Equal gender
- UN created MDG in 2000 in effort to treatment empowers women and other
improve life in developing regions by 2015 groups creating opportunities in education,
ERADICATE EXTREME POVERTY AND HUNGER work, finances, and other aspects which
- Developing countries particularly in Africa improves the economy and lessen effects of
and Asia suffer from extreme poverty and financial crisis.
hunger. Poverty and hunger leads to Gender equality can be achieved through:
severe malnutrition which leads to Early childhood development intervention
lifelong physical and cognitive (learning and Promotion of women’s political rights and
reasoning affects health, well-being and the
Improved reproductive health programs and
Some key suggestions to eradicate poverty and
hunger are :
Education Education and integrating gender equality in
themselves or others.
- The excessive consumption of alcohol and
tobacco. Causes communicable and non
- It is transmitted primarily via unprotected
communicable diseases.
sexual intercourse, contaminated blood
tranfusions, hypodermic needles, and from
mother to child during pregnancy, delivery
- MALARIA causes symptoms that typically
or breastfeeding.
include fever, fatigue, vomiting and
STROKE, CANCER, ASTHMA, KIDNEY FAILURE, headaches. In severe cases, it can cause
- It is a level of psychological well-being and
the absence of a mental disorder.