Dynamic Braking of Induction Motor
Dynamic Braking of Induction Motor
Dynamic Braking of Induction Motor
(a) AC Dynamic Braking – AC Dynamic Braking of Induction Motor is
obtained when the motor is run on a single phase supply by
disconnecting one phase from the source and either leaving it open (Fig.
6.15(b)) or connecting it with another machine phase (Fig. 6.15(c)). The
two connections of Figs. 6.15(b) and (c) are, respectively, known as two
and three lead connections. When connected to a 1-phase supply, the
motor can be considered to be fed by positive and negative sequence
three-phase set of voltages. Net torque produced by the machine is sum
of torques due to positive and negative sequence voltages. When rotor
has a high resistance, the net torque is negative and braking operation is
obtained. The motor analysis for two and three lead connections is done
as follows:
As the field is stationary, relative speed between rotor conductors and the
field is now ωm. Frequency of induced voltage will be equal to the
frequency of ac source voltage (or rated motor frequency) when ωm =
ωms. Let voltage induced in the rotor when running at a synchronous
speed be Er. When running at a speed ωm the induced voltage and its
frequency will be SEr and Sf, respectively. Then
This yields per phase equivalent circuit of Fig. 6.21(a) for the rotor.
Dividing all quantities by S will yield an equivalent circuit at the rated
frequency. Referring various parameters of equivalent circuit so obtained
to stator turns gives per phase equivalent circuit of the rotor shown in Fig.
6.21(b). The equivalent circuit of stator under dc Dynamic Braking of
Induction Motor is shown in Fig. 6.21(c). In order to combine with rotor
equivalent circuit of Fig. 6.21(b) we should first obtain per phase
equivalent circuit of the stator at rated frequency. Equivalent circuit Fig.
6.21(c) suggests that the stator mmf is constant and independent of
speed. We, therefore, imagine stator to be fed by a three-phase balanced
current source of rated frequency giving a phase current Is. The ac current
Is will be equivalent to Id provided it produces stator mmf of same
amplitude as the dc current Id. Thus, we are replacing a stationary stator
mmf produced by dc current Id by a mmf (produced by Is) of identical
amplitude but revolving at synchronous speed. Difference of these two
mmfs will be air-gap mmf which will be responsible for producing air-gap
flux which in turn cause voltage E of rated frequency to be induced in the
stator. Per phase equivalent circuit of stator at rated frequency thus takes
the form shown in Fig. 6.21(d). Combining equivalent circuits of Figs.
6.21(6) and (d) and removing the transformer gives rated frequency per
phase equivalent circuit (Fig. 6.21(e)).
I′r is small for small S, and therefore, Im approaches Is. Because of large
value of Im, the magnetic circuit gets saturated. Thus, Xm is not constant
but varies with Im. For accurate analysis, variation of Xm with Im must be
taken into account. Relationship between Is and Id depends on the stator
connection. As an example let us derive it for the two lead connection of
Fig. 6.19(a). Here IA = Id and IB = – Id. If N is effective number of turns in
each winding then peak mmf produced by phase A will be IdN and the
peak mmf produced by phase B will be (-IdN). Assuming these mmfs to be
sinusoidally distributed in space, peak of the resultant mmf will be
Values of Is for other connections (Figs. 6.19 (b), (c) and (d), respectively)
From Eq.(6.39)
Figure 6.22 Shows the nature of speed torque curves for two values of
rotor resistance. In a squirrel-cage motor or a wound-rotor motor without
an external resistance in rotor, the maximum torque occurs at low speed.
While maximum torque is independent of rotor resistance, speed at which
the maximum torque occurs increases with rotor resistance. When Fig.
6.22 dc Dynamic Braking of Induction Motor speed torque curves fast
braking is required, a sensationalized resistance is connected in rotor
circuit and it is cut-out as speed falls. When used to hold an active load,
as in mine winders, a large resistance is connected to obtain speed-torque
curves with a negative slope, in order to ensure steady-state stability.
(d) Zero Sequence Braking : In this braking, three stator phases are
connected in series across either a single phase ac or a dc source as shown
in Fig. 6.23(a). Such a connection is known as a Zero Sequence
Connection, because currents in all the stator windings are co-phasal.
The mmf caused by co-phasal (or zero-sequence) currents produces a
magnetic field having three times the number of poles for which the
machine is actually wound. With an ac supply, resultant field is stationary
in space and pulsates at the frequency of supply. With dce supply,
resultant field is stationary in space and is of constant magnitude. An
important advantage of this connection is the uniform loading of all stator
phases. The nature of speed-torque curves for ac and dc supply is shown
in Fig. 6.23(b). With ac supply, braking could be used only up to one-third
of synchronous speed. However, braking torques produced by this
connection are considerably larger than motoring. Motor essentially
works in regenerative braking. For motors with low rotor resistance, a
significant part of generated energy is recovered. Unlike ac Dynamic
Braking of Induction Motor, it does not require large rotor resistance, and
therefore, can be used both—with squirrel-cage and would-rotor motors.