Section 3 (Particular Conditions Part A.) Pasig WTP TP - Final
Section 3 (Particular Conditions Part A.) Pasig WTP TP - Final
Section 3 (Particular Conditions Part A.) Pasig WTP TP - Final
FIDIC is the only copyright owner of the General Conditions of Contract (GCC). No part of the GCC may
be reproduced, translated, adapted, stored in a retrieval system or communicated in any f orm or by any
means without the express written consent of FIDIC. The English text of the GCC is the of f icial and
authentic text.
GCC 1.1.30 Employer’s name and address: Manila Water Co., Inc.
MWSS Administration Bldg.,
489 Katipunan Road, Balara,
Quezon City, 1105
GCC 1.1.35 Engineer’s name and address: During project execution up to Taking-
over: To be advised
GCC 1.4 Contract shall be governed by the law of : Republic of the Philippines
GCC 6.5 Normal working hours on the Site Monday to Saturday; 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
(8 hours)
GCC 8.8 Delay Damages payable f or each day of 1/10 of 1% of the Accepted Contract
delay Amount
GCC 8.8 Maximum amount of Delay Damages 15% of the Accepted Contract Amount
GCC Plant and Materials f or payment when Per Section 2 Bidding Forms,
14.5(b)(i) shipped
Price Schedule, Preamble
GCC 14.5(c)(i) Plant and Materials f or payment when Per Section 2 Bidding Forms,
delivered to the Site
……………………………………………… Price Schedule, Preamble
GCC 14.15 Currencies f or payment of Contract For Local component – Philippine Peso
Price: (PHP)
For Foreign component – US Dollars
GCC 19.1 Permitted deductible limits: Ref er to the attached CARI Prof orma
insurance required f or the Works
insurance required f or Goods
insurance required f or liability f or
breach of prof essional duty
insurance required against liability
f or f itness f or purpose (if any is
insurance required f or injury to
persons and damage to property
Insurance required f or injury to
Other insurances required by Laws and
by local practice:
Reference to
the General
Conditions of Description/Subject Data
GCC Additional amount to be insured (as a
19.2(1)(b) percentage of the replacement value, if
less or more than 15%) 20%
GCC List of Exceptional Risks which shall not Ref er to the attached CARI Prof orma
19.2(1)(iv) be excluded f rom the insurance cover f or
the Works.
GCC 19.2.2 Extent of insurance required f or Goods All equipment that will be part of the
permanent works
GCC 19.2.3 Period of insurance required f or liability From Commencement Date and
f or breach of prof essional duty extending to additional 6 years coverage
af ter the issuance of Perf ormance
Certif icate
GCC 19.2.6 Other insurances required by Laws and Contractors’ Vehicles Comprehensive
by local practice (give details) Insurance
GCC 21.1 Time f or appointment of DAAB As may be mutually agreed between the
Employer and the Contractor, which in no
case shall exceed eighty- f our (84) days
otherwise the provisions of Sub - clause
21.2 shall apply.
1. ___________
- Proposed by Contractor
2. ___________
3. ___________
Reference to
the General
Conditions of Description/Subject Data
GCC 21.2 Appointing entity (of f icial) f or DAAB Construction Industry Authority of the
members Philippines