8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller: Segment 8B
8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller: Segment 8B
8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller: Segment 8B
Programmable Interrupt Controller
Necessity of 8259A
Function of 8259A
Connection of 8259A with 8086 microprocessor.
Internal architecture of 8259A.
Interrupt Operation of 8259A.
Programming Modes, ICWs, OCWs
Example of Interfacing 8259A with 8086 microprocessor.
Course Instructor
Mohammed Abdul kader
Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Necessity of 8259A
In a system, microprocessor may need to perform the following tasks in an efficient way using
Read ASCII characters from a keyboard on an interrupt basis.
Count interrupts from a timer to produce a real time clock of seconds, minutes and hours.
Communicate with an A/D converter.
Communicate with a display or printer.
Detect several emergency signal like power failure etc on an interrupt basis.
Each of these interrupt applications requires a separate interrupt pin. But, the 8086 has only
two interrupt inputs: NMI and INTR. If we use NMI for a power failure interrupt, this leaves
only one interrupt input for all other applications.
The solution is to use an external device called a priority interrupt controller (PIC) such as
Intel 8259A.
2 Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Function of 8259A
The Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) functions as an overall manager in an
interrupt-driven system environment.
It accepts requests from the peripheral equipment, determines which of the incoming
requests is of the highest importance (priority), ascertains whether the incoming request
has a higher priority value than the level currently being serviced and issues an interrupt to
the CPU based on this determination.
Each peripheral device or structure usually has a special program or, routine that is
associated with its specific functional or operational requirements; that is referred to as a
service routine or service procedure.
The 8259A PIC, after issuing an interrupt to the CPU, must somehow input information
(interrupt vector number) into the CPU that can point the program counter to the service
procedure associated with the requesting device .
3 Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Connection of 8259A with 8086 microprocessor (Single Mode)
4 Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Connection of 8259A with 8086 microprocessor (Cascade Mode)
The 8259A PIC adds eight vectored priority encoded interrupts to the microprocessor. This controller
can be expanded without additional hardware, to accept up to 64 interrupt requests. This require a
master 8259A and eight 8259A slaves.
5 Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Internal Block Diagram of 8259A
6 Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Internal Block Diagram of 8259A (Cont.)
8-bit data bus:
The 8-bit data bus (𝐷7 − 𝐷0 ) allows the 8086-
* to send control words to the 8259A and read a status word from the 8259A.
* to send interrupt types to the 8086.
The eight data lines are always connected to the lower half of the 8086 data bus because the 8086
expects to receive interrupt types on lower 8-bit data lines.
𝑹𝑫, 𝑾𝑹 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑪𝑺:
The 𝑹𝑫 and 𝑾𝑹 inputs control data transfer when the device is selected by asserting its chip select
(𝑪𝑺) input low. Usually 𝑹𝑫 and 𝑾𝑹 pins are connected to the system 𝑹𝑫 and 𝑾𝑹 lines. 𝑪𝑺 may be
connected to address decoder’s output.
Address pin 𝑨𝟎 :
𝐴0 input of 8259A is used to select one of the two internal addresses in the device. This pin may be
connected to any of the system address lines.
7 Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Internal Block Diagram of 8259A (Cont.)
Cascade lines (CAS2-CAS0):
The cascade lines (CAS2-CAS0) are used as outputs from the master to the slaves for cascading
multiple 8159As in a system. The master outputs a 3-bit slave identification number on these lines.
Each slave in a system is assigned a 3-bit ID as part of its initialization. Sending this 3-bit ID number
enables the slave.
Slave program/Enable buffer (𝐒𝐏/𝑬𝑵):
This pin is a dual function pin, when the 8259A is in buffered mode, this is an output that controls the
data bus transceivers in a large microprocessor based system. When the 8259A is not in the buffered
mode, this pin programs the device as a master (1) or a slave(0). When we use only one 8159A in our
system, the 𝐒𝐏/𝑬𝑵 pin is tied high (1).
INT Pin:
The interrupt output (INT) pin of 8259A is connected to the INTR pin on the microprocessor (8086)
when there is only one 8259A in the system. In a system with master and slaves, only master’s INT pin
is connected to 8086. The slave’s INT pins are connected to different IR pins of the master.
8 Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Internal Block Diagram of 8259A (Cont.)
Interrupt acknowledge (𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑨 ) pin:
This input pin of 8259A is connected to the 𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑨 output of the 8086.
Interrupt request inputs(𝐈𝐑𝟕 − 𝐈𝐑𝟎) :
The eight interrupt request inputs (IR7-IR0) are used to request an interrupt by the external devices in
case of single 8159A system. In case of multiple 8259A system these input pins (IR7-IR0) of the master
is connected to output INT pins of the slaves. Unused IR inputs should be tied to ground so that a noise
pulse can not accidentally cause an interrupt. An interrupt signal must remain high on an IR input until
after the falling edge of the first 𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑨 pulse.
The interrupt Mask Register (IMR):
This register is used to disable (mask) or enable (unmask) individual interrupt inputs. Each bit in this
register corresponds to the interrupt input with the same number. We can unmask an interrupt input
by sending a command word with a 0 in the bit position that corresponds to that input.
9 Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Internal Block Diagram of 8259A (Cont.)
The Interrupt Request Register (IRR):
The IRR keeps track of which interrupt inputs are asking for service. If an interrupt input has an
interrupt signal on it, then the corresponding bit in the IRR will be set.
The In Service Register (ISR):
The ISR keeps track of which interrupt inputs are currently being serviced. For each input that is
currently being serviced, the corresponding bit will be set in the ISR.
The Priority Resolver:
The Priority Resolver acts as a “judge” that determines if and when an interrupt request on one of the
IR inputs gets serviced.
10 Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
8259A Interrupt Operation
To implement interrupt, the interrupt enable flip-flop in the microprocessor should be
enabled by writing the EI instruction and the 8259A should be initialized by writing control
words in the control register. The 8259A requires two types of control words:
(a) Initialization Command Words (ICWS)
(b) Operational Command Words (OCWs)
ICWs are used to set up the proper conditions and specify RST vector address.
The OCWs are used to perform functions such as masking interrupts, setting up status-read operations
Step-1: The IRR of 8259A stores the request.
Step-2: The priority resolver checks 3 registers-
* The IRR for interrupt requests. * IMR for masking bits and *the ISR for interrupt request
being served.
It resolves the priority and sets the INT high when appropriate.
11 Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
8259A Interrupt Operation (Cont.)
Step-3: The MPU acknowledges the interrupt by sending signals in 𝐼𝑁𝑇𝐴.
Step-4: After the 𝐼𝑁𝑇𝐴 is received, the appropriate priority bit in the ISR is set to indicate which
interrupt level is being served and the corresponding bit in the IRR is reset to indicate that the request
for the CALL instruction is placed on the data bus.
Step-5: When MPU decodes the CALL instruction, it places two more 𝐼𝑁𝑇𝐴 signals on the data bus.
Step-6: When the 8259A receives the second 𝐼𝑁𝑇𝐴, it places the low-order byte of the CALL address
on the data bus. At the 3rd 𝐼𝑁𝑇𝐴, it places the high order byte on the data bus. The CALL address is the
vector memory location for the interrupt, this address is placed in the control register during the
Step-7: During the 3rd 𝐼𝑁𝑇𝐴 pulse, the ISR bit is reset either automatically (Automatic-End-of-
Interrupt-AEOI) or by a command word that must be issued at the end of the service routine (End of
Interrupt-EOI). This option is determined by the initialization command word (ICW).
Step-8: The program sequence is transferred to the memory location specified by the CALL
12 Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Programming the 8259A
The 8259A is programmed by initialization and operation command words.
Initialization command words (ICWs) are programmed before the 8259A is able to function
in the system and dictate the basic operation of 8259A.
Operation command word (OCWs) are programmed during the normal course of operation.
The OCWs control the operation of the 8259A.
Initialization Command Words (ICWs)
There are four initialization command words (ICWs) for the 8259A that are selected when A0 pin is
logic one. If a single 8259A is used in a system, ICW1, ICW2 and ICW4 must be programmed. If
cascade mode is used in a system then all four ICWs must be programmed.
ICW1: Programs the basic operation of 8259A. To program this ICW for 8086-Pentium 4 operation,
place a logic 1 in bit IC4. Bits ADI, A7, A6, A5 are don’t care for microprocessor operation and only
apply to the 8259A when used with an 8-bit 8085 microprocessor. This ICWs selects single or cascade
operation by programming the SNGL bit. The LTIM bit determines whether the interrupt request
inputs are positive edge-triggered or level-triggered.
13 Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Initialization Command Words (Cont.)
ICW2: Selects the vector number
used with the interrupt request
inputs. For example, if we decide
to program the 8259A so it
functions at vector locations 08H-
0FH, we place 08H in the
command word
14 Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Initialization Command Words (Cont.)
ICW3 (Slave Device): ICW3 (for slave device) indicates where the slave is connected to the master.
Suppose, we have two slaves connected to a master using IR0 and IR1.One slave is programmed with an
ICW3 of 01H and other with an ICW3 of 02H.
ICW4 : Programmed for use with the 8086 to Pentium 4 microprocessor, but is not programmed in a
system that functions with the 8085 microprocessor. The rightmost bit must be logic 1 to select
operation with the 8086-Pentium 4 microprocessor, and the remaining bits are programmed as follows:
SFNM (Special Fully-Nested Mode)- If SFNM=1, then it selects the special fully-nested mode
of operation for the 8259A. At that time, this allows the highest-priority interrupt request from a slave
to be recognized by the master while is processing another interrupt from a slave.
Normally (if SFNM=0), only one interrupt request is processed at a time and others are ignored
until the process is complete.
BUF and M/S- Buffered and master slave are used together to select buffered operation or
nonbuffered operation for the 8259A as master or a slave.
AEOI (Automatic end of interrupt)- Selects automation or normal end of interrupt. The EOI
commands of OCW2 are used only if the AEOI mode is selected by ICW4. If AEOI is selected, the
interrupt automatically resets the interrupt request bit and does not modify priority. This is the
preferred mode of operation for the 8259A and reduces the length of the interrupt service
15 Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Initialization Command Words (Cont.)
16 Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Problems related to ICWs
Problem-1: Determine the control word ICW2 required for the PIC so that inputs IRQ0 to IRQ7
correspond to type numbers 40H to 47H. From which memory locations will the processor fetch the
interrupt vectors?
Don’t cares
ICW2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Problems related to ICWs
Problem-2: Determine the value for ICW1 for 8086 mode, if it is triggered by rising edge trigger and
there is a single PIC. Also use interval 4 and note that ICW4 is needed .
Solution: Don’t cares
18 Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Operation Command Words (OCWs)
The operational command words (OCWs) are used to direct the operation of the 8259A once it is
programmed with ICW. The ICWs are selected when A0= 0 level, expect for OCW1, which is selected
for A0=1.
Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Operation Command Words (OCWs)
OCW1: Used to set and read the interrupt mask register. When a mask bit is set, it will turn off (mask)
the corresponding interrupt input. The mask register is read when OCW1 is read. Because the state of
mask bits is unknown when the 8259A is first initialize, OCW1 must be programmed after
programming the ICW upon initialization.
OCW2: Programmed only when the AEOI mode is not selected for the 8259A. In this case, this OCW
selects the way that the 8259A responds to an interrupt. The modes are listed as follow-
Nonspecific End-of-Interrupt (Nonspecific EOI Command)- A command sent by the
interrupt service procedure to signal the end of interrupt. When this command is sent to the 8259A, it
resets the highest priority ISR bit (lowest numbered IS bit, suppose IR4 and IR6 are now in service, IR4
has the highest priority than IR6). This allows the interrupt to take action again or a lower priority
interrupt to take effect.
Specific EOI Command: A command that allows a specific interrupt request to be reset. The
exact position is determined with bits L2-L0 of OCW2.
Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Operation Command Words (OCWs)
Rotate on Nonspecific EOI Command)- A command that functions exactly like the
Nonspecific End-of-Interrupt command, except that it rotates the interrupt priorities after resetting
the interrupt status register bit. The level reset by this command becomes the lowest-priority
interrupt. For example, if IR4 was just received by this command, it becomes the lowest-priority
interrupt input and IR5 becomes the highest priority.
Rotate on automatic EOI:
Rotate on automatic EOI mode(Set)- Once this command is sent to PIC, it will
automatically cause the PIC to perform a rotate on non-specific EOI command during INTA bus cycles.
This command must only be sent to the 8259A once if this mode is desired.
Rotate on automatic EOI mode(Clear)- To disable the rotate on automatic EOI mode
this clear command should sent to 8259A.
Rotate on specific EOI: Functions as the specific EOI, except that it selects rotating priority.
Set priority- Allows the programmer to set the lowest priority interrupt input using the L2-
L0 bits, thus fixing all other priority.
Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Operation Command Words (Cont.)
OCW3: Selects the register to be read, the operation of the special mask register and the poll
Reading register- Both the interrupt request register (IRR) and in-service register (ISR) are
read by programming OCW3. [Note- Interrupt mask register (IMR) is read through OCW1, to read
the IMR A0=1]. To read either IRR or ISR, A0=0. Bit position D0 and D1 of OCW3 select which
register (IRR or ISR) is read.
Poll Mode- In this mode, the INT output of PIC is inhibited and the device is used as a
prioritized poller. Performing an I/O read instruction from the PIC (either port address) returns the
status word shown in fig. The rightmost three bits of the poll word indicate the active interrupt
request with the highest priority. The leftmost bit indicates whether there is an interrupt and must be
checked to determine whether the right three bit contains valid information.
1 X X X X W2 W1 W0
1 signifies on active input Binary code of highest priority level requesting service.
22 Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Operation Command Words (Cont.)
Special Mask Mode- As we have seen, the PIC normally inhibits interrupt requests of
equal or lower priority than that of currently in service. In the special mask mode, this is altered to
allow interrupts on all inputs except the input currently in service.
23 Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Interfacing and Programming 8259A
Problem-3: Show 8259A interfacing connections with 8086 at the address 074x. Write an ALP (Assembly
language procedure) to initialize the 8259A in single level triggered mode with call address interval of 4,
non-buffered on special fully nested mode. Then set the 8259A to operate with IR6 masked, IR4 as bottom
priority level with rotate on specific EOI mode. Set special mask mode of 8259A. Also, read IRR and ISR
into registers BH and BL respectively. Base address=80H.
Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Solution of Problem 3(Cont.)
Step-1: Finding Address
A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 Address of Port
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICW2=80H
Fixed Non-buffered
A0=1, for ICW4 mode For 8086
For special fully microprocessor
nested mode
masking Normal
Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Solution of Problem 3(Cont.)
Step-5: Finding OCW1
A0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 OCW1= 40H
IR6 is masked
Step-6: Finding the OCW2
A0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
10 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 OCW2= E4H
Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Solution of Problem 3(Cont.)
Step-8: Finding OCW3
The OCW3 sets the special mask mode and reads ISR and IRR using the following control words-
For reading IRR:
A0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 OCW3= 6AH
A0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 OCW3= 6BH
Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Solution of Problem 3(Cont.)
Assembly Language Procedure
MOV AL, AFH ; Loading ICW1 to AL
MOV DX, 0740H ; Loading Address of ICW1 to DX (Variable port addressing)
OUT DX, AL ; Sending ICW1 to port (address: 0740H ) of 8259A
MOV DX, 0742H ; address of ICW2
MOV AL, 80H ; Loading ICW2 to AL which select the vector address
MOV DX, AL ; Sending ICW2 to port (address: 0742H ) of 8259A
MOV AL, 11H ; Loading ICW4 to AL
OUT DX, AL ; Sends ICW4 to 0742H
MOV AL, 40H ; Loading OCW1 to AL
OUT DX, AL ; Sends OCW1 to 0742H
MOV AL, E4H ; Loading OCW2 to AL
MOV DX, 0740H ; Address of OCW2
Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
Solution of Problem 3(Cont.)
Assembly Language Procedure (Cont.)
Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC
1. Microprocessor and Interfacing by Douglas V Hall
2. The Intel Microprocessors by Barry B. Brey
3. Microcomputers and Microprocessors By John Uffenbeck
4. 8259A Lecture Slides, Available on:
31 Lecture materials on "Interfacing 8086 with 8259A" By- Mohammed abdul kader, Assistant Professor, EEE, IIUC