14 February 2024 08:46: Data Bus Buffer
14 February 2024 08:46: Data Bus Buffer
14 February 2024 08:46: Data Bus Buffer
The data bus buffer allows the 8085 to send control words to the 8259A and read a status word
from the 8259 Block Diagram. The 8-bit data bus buffer also allows the 8259A to send interrupt
opcode and address of the interrupt service subroutine to the 8085.
Read/Write Logic:
The RD and WR inputs control the data flow on the data bus when the device is selected by
asserting its chip select (CS) input low.
Control Logic:
This block has an input and an output line. If the 8259A is properly enabled, the interrupt request
will cause the 8259A to assert its INT output pin high. If this pin is connected to the INTR pin of an
8085 and if the 8085 Interrupt Enable (IE) flag is set, then this high signal will cause the 8085 to
respond INTR as explained earlier.
Interrupt Request Register (IRR):
The IRR is used to store all the interrupt levels which are requesting the service. The eight
interrupt inputs set corresponding bits of the Interrupt Request Register upon service request.
Interrupt Service Register (ISR):
The Interrupt Service Register (ISR) stores all the levels that are currently being serviced.
Interrupt Mask Register (IMR):
Interrupt Mask Register (IMR) stores the masking bits of the interrupt lines to be masked. This
register can be programmed by an Operation Command Word (OCW). An interrupt which is
masked by software will not be recognised and serviced even if it sets the corresponding bits in
the IRR.
Priority Resolver:
The priority resolver determines the priorities of the bits set in the IRR. The bit corresponding to
the highest priority interrupt input is set in the ISR during the INTA input.
Cascade Buffer Comparator:
This section generates control signals necessary for cascade operations. It also generates Buffer-
Enable signals. As stated earlier, the 8259 Block Diagram can be cascaded with other 8259s in
order to expand the interrupt handling capacity to sixty-four levels. In such a case, the former is
called a master, and the latter are called slaves. The 8259 can be set up as a master or a slave by
the SP/EN pin.
For a master 8259, the CAS0-CAS2 pins are output pins, and for slave 8259, these are input pins.
When the 8259 is a master (that is, when it accepts interrupt requests from other 8259s), the
CALL opcode is generated by the Master in response to the first INTA. The vector address must be
released by the slave 8259. The master sends an identification code of three-bits to select one out
of the eight possible slave 8259s on the CAS0-CAS2 lines. The slave 8259s accept these three
signals as inputs (on their CAS0 – CAS2 pins) and compare the code sent by the master with the
codes assigned to them during initialization. The slave thus selected (which had originally placed
an interrupt request to the master 8259) then puts the address of the interrupt service routine
during the second and third INTA pulses from the CPU.
SP / EN (Slave Program /Enable Buffer):
The SP/EN signal is tied high for the master. However it is grounded for the slave.
In large systems where buffers are used to drive the data bus, the data sent by the 8259 in
response to INTA cannot be accessed by the CPU (due to the data bus buffer being disabled). If an
8259 is used in the buffered mode (buffered or non-buffered modes of operation can be specified
at the time of initializing the 8259), the SP/EN pin is used as an output which can be used to
enable the system data bus buffer whenever the data bus outputs of 8259 are enabled (i.e. when
it is ready to send data).
Thus, in non-buffered mode, the SP/EN pin of an 8259 is used to specify whether the 8259 is to
operate as a master or as a slave, and in the buffered mode, the SP/EN pin is used as an output to
enable the data bus buffer of the system.
Interrupt Sequence:
After initialization, the 8259A operates in fully nested mode so it is called default mode. The 8259
continues to operate in the Fully Nested Mode until the mode is changed through Operation
Command Words. In this mode, IR0 has highest priority and IR7 has lowest priority. When the
interrupt is acknowledged, it sets the corresponding bit in ISR. This bit will inhibit all interrupts of
the same or lower level, however it will accept higher priority interrupt requests. The vector
address corresponding to this interrupt is then sent. The bit in the ISR will remain set until an EOI
command is issued by the microprocessor at the end of interrupt service routine. But if AEOI
(Automatic End Of Interrupt) bit is set, the bit in the ISR resets at the trailing edge of the last
End of Interrupt (EOI):
• The ISR bit can be reset by an End of Interrupt command issued by the CPU, usually just before
exiting from the interrupt routine.
• In the Fully Nested Mode, the highest level in the ISR would necessarily correspond to the last
interrupt acknowledged and serviced. In such a case, a non-specific EOI command may be issued
by the CPU.
• However, if the FNM is not used, the 8259 may not be able to determine the last interrupt
acknowledged. In such a case, a specific EOI command will have to be issued by the CPU.
• It should be noted that in the cascade mode, the EOI command must be issued twice, once for
the master and once for the slave.
Automatic End of Interrupt (AEOI):
If the AEOI mode is set, the 8259 Block Diagram will perform a non-specific EOI on its own on the
trailing edge of The third INTA pulse. The AEOI mode can only be used for a master 8259 and not
for a slave.
2. Special Fully Nested Mode in 8259 (SFNM):
In the FNM, on the acknowledgement of an interrupt, further interrupts from the same level are
disabled. Consider a large system which uses cascaded 8259s and where the interrupt levels
within each slave have to be considered. An interrupt request input to a slave, in turn causes the
slave to place an interrupt request to the master on one of the master’s inputs. Further interrupts
to the slave will cause the slave to place requests to the master on the same input to the master,
but these will not be recognised because further interrupts on the same input level are disabled
by the master.
The Special Fully Nested Mode (SFNM) is used to avoid this problem. The SFNM is set up by ICW4
during initialisation. It is similar to the FNM except for the following differences:
• When an interrupt request from a slave is being serviced, the slave is allowed to place further
requests if these requests are of a higher priority than the request currently being serviced.
These interrupts are recognised by the master and it initiates interrupt requests to the CPU.
• Before exiting from the interrupt service routine, a non-specific EOI must be sent to the slave
and its ISR must be read to determine if it was the only interrupt to the slave. If the ISR is
empty, a non-specific EOI command can be sent to the master. If it is not empty, it implies that
the same IR level input to the master is to be serviced again due to snore than one interrupts
being presented to the slave, and an EOI must not be sent to the master.
3. Rotating Priority Mode of 8259:
The Rotating Priority mode can be set in (i) Automatic Rotation, and (ii) Specific Rotation.
i) Automatic Rotation:
In this mode, a device, after being serviced, receives the lowest priority. The device just been
serviced, will receive the seventh priority. Here IR3 has just been serviced.
ii)Specific Rotation:
In the Automatic Rotation mode, the interrupt request last serviced is assigned the lowest
priority, whereas in the Specific Rotation mode, the lowest priority can be assigned to any
interrupt input (IR0 to IR7) thus fixes all other priorities.
For example if the lowest priority is assigned to IR2, other priorities are as shown below.
4. Special Mask Mode in 8259:
If any interrupt is in service, then the corresponding bit is set in ISR and the lower priority
interrupts are inhibited. Some applications may require an interrupt service routine to
dynamically alter the system priority structure during its execution under software control. For
example, the routine may wish to inhibit lower priority requests for a portion of its execution but
enable some of them for another portion. In these cases, we have to go for special mask mode. In
the special mask mode it inhibits further interrupts at that level and enables interrupts from all
other levels (lower as well as higher) that are not masked. Thus any interrupt may be selectively
enabled by loading the mask register.
4. Polled Mode in 8259:
In this mode the INT output is not used. The microprocessor checks the status of interrupt
requests by issuing poll command. The microprocessor reads contents of 8259A after issuing poll
command. During this read operation the 8259A provides polled word and sets ISR bit of highest
priority active interrupt request FORMAT.