Science of The Total Environment: M. Pahlow, P.R. Van Oel, M.M. Mekonnen, A.Y. Hoekstra
Science of The Total Environment: M. Pahlow, P.R. Van Oel, M.M. Mekonnen, A.Y. Hoekstra
Science of The Total Environment: M. Pahlow, P.R. Van Oel, M.M. Mekonnen, A.Y. Hoekstra
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: As aquaculture becomes more important for feeding the growing world population, so too do the required natural
Received 8 June 2015 resources needed to produce aquaculture feed. While there is potential to replace fish meal and fish oil with terres-
Received in revised form 24 July 2015 trial feed ingredients, it is important to understand both the positive and negative implications of such a develop-
Accepted 24 July 2015
ment. The use of feed with a large proportion of terrestrial feed may reduce the pressure on fisheries to provide
Available online 7 August 2015
feed for fish, but at the same time it may significantly increase the pressure on freshwater resources, due to water
Editor: D. Barcelo consumption and pollution in crop production for aquafeed. Here the green, blue and gray water footprint of cul-
tured fish and crustaceans related to the production of commercial feed for the year 2008 has been determined
Keywords: for the major farmed species, representing 88% of total fed production. The green, blue and gray production-
Aquaculture weighted average feed water footprints of fish and crustaceans fed commercial aquafeed are estimated at
Commercial aquafeed 1629 m3/t, 179 m3/t and 166 m3/t, respectively. The estimated global total water footprint of commercial aquafeed
Feed composition was 31–35 km3 in 2008. The top five contributors to the total water footprint of commercial feed are Nile tilapia,
Water footprint Grass carp, Whiteleg shrimp, Common carp and Atlantic salmon, which together have a water footprint of
18.2 km3. An analysis of alternative diets revealed that the replacement of fish meal and fish oil with terrestrial
feed ingredients may further increase pressure on freshwater resources. At the same time economic consumptive
water productivity may be reduced, especially for carnivorous species. The results of the present study show that,
for the aquaculture sector to grow sustainably, freshwater consumption and pollution due to aquafeed need to be
taken into account.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Pahlow).
0048-9697/© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
848 M. Pahlow et al. / Science of the Total Environment 536 (2015) 847–857
1. Introduction While the overall ratio of wild fish input to farmed fish output has been
decreasing steadily from 1.04 (kg/kg) in 1995 to 0.63 (kg/kg) in 2007,
Fish and shellfish are an important resource for global human food many production systems still have a ratio that is well over 2 (kg/kg)
consumption. Fish consumption grew from 95.8 million tonnes globally (Naylor et al., 2009; Tacon and Metian, 2008). The decrease is in part
in 2000 (15.7 kg per capita) to 115.1 million tonnes (17.1 kg per capita) due to the increasing volume of omnivorous fish farmed, thus reflecting
in 2008 (FAO, 2010). Yet for marine capture fisheries the FAO (2010) a partial shift from the use of aquatic to terrestrial feed ingredients for
states that the increasing trend in the percentage of overexploited, aquaculture (Powell, 2003). This development raises questions about
depleted and recovering stocks and the decreasing trend in underex- the sustainability of the various alternatives for aquatic feed ingredients.
ploited and moderately exploited stocks give cause for concern. Fish meal and fish oil are limited and fish oil may in the future be a scarcer
Management actions such as the implementation of catch quotas (e.g. commodity than fish meal for use in aquafeeds (Boyd et al., 2007). Fur-
FAO, 2012a; EU, 2014), have achieved measurable reductions in exploi- thermore, Tacon et al. (2009, 2011) state that, due to the significant pro-
tation rates in some regions, but a significant fraction of stocks will re- portion of non-carnivorous species in aquaculture production, it can be
main collapsed unless there are further reductions in exploitation assumed that the sustainability of the aquaculture sector will be linked
rates (Worm et al., 2009). Furthermore, the use of wild fish in the to the sustained supply, market availability and cost of terrestrial animal
form of fish meal and fish oil as inputs for aquaculture feeds, relies on and plant proteins, oils and carbohydrate sources for aquafeeds.
marine species that are renewable, but often overexploited for human Naylor et al. (2009) summarize the following terrestrial alternatives
use (Klinger and Naylor, 2012). In this context Cao et al. (2015) state to forage fish: terrestrial plant-based proteins (e.g. barley, canola, corn,
that a key question for the future of the oceans is how China – being cottonseed, peas/lupins, soybeans, and wheat); terrestrial plant-based
the main global aquaculture producer – develops its aquaculture sector lipids (e.g. sunflower, linseed, canola, rapeseed, soybean, olive, flax
and whether such development can relieve pressure on wild fisheries. and palm oils); single-cell protein and oil (e.g. algae); and rendered
With the aquaculture sector growing steadily, the percentage of terrestrial animal products (e.g. meat and bone meal, feather meal,
non-fed species in world production has declined from about 50% in blood meal, and poultry by-product meal). The suitability of reducing
1980 to about 33% in 2010, strongly dominated by changing practices or excluding forage fish in feed for aquaculture production is still the
in Asia (FAO, 2012a). The external supply of nutrients and thus feed in- subject of intensive research. In particular for commercial compound
gredients will have to keep increasing to maintain the growth of pro- aquafeeds, the optimum dietary protein, lipid and carbohydrate levels
duction in the sector, which averaged 6% annually between 2000 and are investigated in scientific studies on aquaculture nutrition (e.g.
2008 (FAO, 2010, 2014a). In 2008 about 31.5 million tonnes of farmed Carter and Hauler, 2000; Kaushik et al., 2004; Mohanta et al., 2006;
fish and crustaceans were dependent on external nutrient inputs in Gatlin et al., 2007; Boissy et al., 2011). Even if these levels have been
the form of either fresh feeds, farm-made feeds or commercially identified, the inclusion level of feed ingredients can vary, as different
manufactured feeds (Tacon et al., 2011), that is 46% of total aquaculture feedstuffs can fulfill the intended dietary requirements. In a nutshell,
production of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic plants. the above mentioned research on aquaculture nutrition shows that
Similar to aquaculture production as a whole, the production of fed aquaculture systems that rely on fish meal, fish oil, or whole fish can
species is dominated by a few countries, with China having an excep- use (to varying degrees) terrestrial plant- and animal-based proteins
tional role. In 2008 the top fifteen countries account for 28.8 million and lipids as substitutes. However, other environmental issues arise.
tonnes, i.e. 91% of total production of fed species globally, with China The production of terrestrial feed ingredients can be associated with
having a share of 50% of the total (Fig. 1). high nutrient and chemical input use and loss, land use intensification,
There will be growing competition over feed ingredients, such as soy- high energy-dependency ratios, and greenhouse gas emissions (see
bean, corn or wheat, between aquaculture and livestock feed industries in for example Alexandratos and Bruinsma, 2012; Klinger and Naylor,
the future (Troell et al., 2014b). The same holds for the bioenergy indus- 2012; Krausmann et al., 2013). Sustainable growth of the aquaculture
try, which has a growing demand for feedstocks. Since both crop by- sector is clearly a multifaceted challenge.
products and food-quality products are used to produce aquaculture A topic that has to date received less attention is the impact of aqua-
feed, feeding a growing world population will also play an increasingly culture production on freshwater resources. Gephart et al. (2014) allude
important role in the decisions to be taken for aquaculture development. to freshwater savings through human consumption of marine fish
Fig. 1. Fed fish and crustacean aquaculture production in the year 2008. The top 15 countries are shown, the remaining production is summarized as ‘Other’ (own elaboration based on FAO,
M. Pahlow et al. / Science of the Total Environment 536 (2015) 847–857 849
protein instead of terrestrial protein. In that work it was assumed that composition of the commercial feed applied to species s. The amount
the water footprint of marine capture and marine aquaculture fisheries of feed ingredient was distributed over the different life stages until har-
is near-zero and it was estimated that the water footprint of global food vest according to the feeding strategy for the individual life stages of a
production would increase by 4.6% if current marine protein would be species. If this information was unknown, then it was assumed that
replaced by terrestrial protein – thereby neglecting the feed-related the same feed composition was used in all life stages.
water footprint of marine aquaculture. Troell et al. (2014a) complement We employ the water footprint concept by Hoekstra et al. (2011).
the work by Gephart et al. and determine the water footprint of marine The water footprint related to commercial feed WFfeed (m3/year) is de-
aquaculture feed (~8 km3/year). Naylor et al. (2000) state that “increas- termined for each species s as:
ing scarcity of freshwater resources could severely limit the farming of
herbivorous fish such as carps and tilapia. With a more binding con-
straint on freshwater systems, there is even more pressure to develop W F feed ½s ¼ Feedi½s; p W F i ½p ð3Þ
marine aquaculture systems that are ecologically and socially sound”. p¼1
Direct on site water use in aquaculture systems has been investigat-
ed in the studies by Boyd (2005) and Boyd et al. (2007) using a ‘water
use index’, defined as water use divided by production. Going one step where WFi[p] is the green, blue and gray water footprint of feed ingredi-
further, Verdegem et al. (2006) and Verdegem and Bosma (2009) con- ent p in m3/ton, and n the number of feed ingredients. Water use to pre-
sider both direct (system associated) and indirect (feed associated) pare the feed is considered negligible.
water use of pond aquaculture. Verdegem et al. (2006) identify the re- The water footprint of production per species is computed by divid-
duction of grain utilization in aquafeeds as a research priority. Further- ing the water footprint of the feed WFfeed[s] by the annual production of
more, Verdegem et al. (2006) state that feed ingredients requiring little that species P[s] based on commercial feed.
water in the production process should be chosen in order to reduce The economic consumptive (green + blue) water productivity
water use in present aquaculture. In a Life Cycle Assessment comparison [US$/m 3] is determined by dividing the unit value [US$/t] by the
of common aquaculture systems to beef, pork and broiler chicken pro- sum of the green and blue water footprint [m3/t].
duction, Stonerook (2010) finds that the environmental impact of the
systems studied could be attributed largely to agricultural production 2.2. Materials
of the feed.
In this paper we address the relationship between aquaculture pro- 2.2.1. Fed species production
duction and freshwater appropriation. We estimate the commercial The FAO estimates that worldwide about 600 aquatic food fish
feed-related water consumption and pollution of fish and crustacean and algae species are farmed in aquaculture, of which about 330
production in aquaculture, using the water footprint (WF) as an indica- are finfishes and 60 crustaceans (FAO, 2012a). In this study the 39
tor. Water footprint accounting quantifies and locates the water foot- major fish and crustacean species fed commercial aquafeed are stud-
print of a process, product, producer or consumer or quantifies in ied in detail. Production based on farm-made and semi-commercial
space and time the water footprint in a specified geographic area, there- aquafeeds is an important part of the aquaculture sector. However,
by uncovering the hidden link between consumption and water use. no statistical information on the size and extent of farm-made/semi
The water footprint is composed of three colors: green, blue and gray. commercial feed-based production is currently available (Tacon
The green water footprint refers to consumption of rainwater, the blue et al., 2011). Species such as oysters, mussels, clams, scallops and
water footprint refers to consumption of surface- and groundwater other bivalve species, which are grown with food materials that
and the gray water footprint is the volume of freshwater that is required occur naturally in their culture environment in the sea and lagoons
to assimilate the load of pollutants based on natural background con- are not considered in this study. Filter feeders, such as silver carp
centrations and existing ambient water quality standards (Hoekstra and bighead carp, feed on planktons proliferated through intentional
et al., 2011). Furthermore the economic green and blue water produc- fertilization and the wastes and leftover feed materials of fed species
tivity of the species studied is evaluated. Lastly we assess feed composi- grown in the same multispecies polyculture systems. The farming of
tions that aim at reducing the use of fish meal and fish oil and discuss such fish species does not require artificial feeding either and is ex-
potential impacts on freshwater resources. cluded from the analysis. The same holds for aquatic plants. Produc-
tion of fed freshwater fishes that are classified as “not elsewhere
2. Materials and methods included”, i.e. their species is not given in official statistics, was
1.24 × 106 tonnes in 2008 (Tacon et al., 2011). These are not consid-
2.1. Methods ered here in detail as the feed formulation is unknown.
According to Tacon et al. (2011) of the 31.5 million tonnes of farmed
The amount of commercial aquafeed used per species is determined fish and crustaceans, about 17.5 million tonnes were produced using
as commercially manufactured feeds and the remaining 14 million tonnes
were fed with fresh feed items and farm-made feeds. Tacon et al. (2011)
Feed½s ¼ FCR½s P ½s Percfeed ½s ð1Þ exclude Indian major carps (Catla, Rohu and Mrigal). However, Veerina
et al. (1993) report that 8% of Indian major carp aquaculture production
where Feed[s] is the total amount of commercial feed consumed by spe- was based on commercial aquafeeds. Over the years this practice did not
cies s in ton/year, FCR[s] is the feed conversion ratio (kg of feed/kg of change significantly, as a recent study by Ramakrishna et al. (2013)
product) of this species, P[s] is the production (ton/year) of species s showed. It was found that in Andrah Pradesh in India 1.3% of the farmers
and Percfeed[s] is the fraction of commercial feed of total feed, where relied solely on commercial aquafeed, 33.3% used commercial com-
total feed includes fresh, farm-made and commercial feed types. pound aquafeed to supplement farm made feed and the majority
The amount of specific feed ingredient used per species is deter- (65.4%) used farm made feed only. Here we make the conservative esti-
mined as: mate that 10% of Indian major carp production was based on commer-
cial aquafeed in 2008. The feed conversion ratio was obtained from
Feedi½s; p ¼ f ½s; p Feed½s ð2Þ Ramakrishna et al. (2013). Adding Indian major carp to the data given
by Tacon et al. (2011) results in a total of 17.9 million tonnes of aquacul-
where Feedi[s,p] is the annual amount of feed ingredient p in ton/year ture production based on commercially manufactured feeds. The 39 fish
fed to species s, and f[s,p] is the fraction of feed ingredient p in the and crustacean types considered here thus add up to a production of
850 M. Pahlow et al. / Science of the Total Environment 536 (2015) 847–857
15.7 million tonnes, i.e. 88% of the total production based on commercial (FAO, 2014c). If no detailed information was available, the same diet
feed is included in the analysis. had to be assumed for the entire lifespan until harvest. Production
data were taken from the FAO FishStatJ (FAO, 2012b). The economic
value per fish species as given by Tacon et al. (2011) was utilized.
2.2.2. Commercial aquafeed production and feed composition The different feed compositions of the species studied here are
Data on aquafeed production, the feed conversion ratios for the shown in Fig. 3. Whenever detailed information regarding inclusion
major cultivated species groups and the percentage of those groups levels for the different life stages was available, it was taken into account
that is cultured using commercial feed given by Tacon and Metian in the analysis. However, to simplify the graphical presentation the in-
(2008) and updated by Tacon et al. (2011) for the year 2008 are used clusion levels were averaged over the different life stages for Fig. 3
here. Total commercial aquafeed production in 2008 was 29.7 million and, in cases where multiple diets were studied, those were averaged
tonnes (Tacon et al., 2011; Ramakrishna et al., 2013). The share of global as well to ease the graphical presentation. Details regarding the individ-
production of commercial aquaculture feeds by major species grouping ual feed compositions are given in SI 2. All feed ingredients and the re-
for the year 2008 is shown in Fig. 2. lated green, blue and gray water footprints are listed in Table S3.
Aquaculture production of the 39 species studied here in the year The feed ingredients are of animal origin (fishery products, terrestri-
2008, the percentage of fish and crustaceans cultured using commercial al livestock products, terrestrial invertebrate products), of plant origin
compound aquafeed, the feed conversion ratios (FCR) and the species- (cereal protein products, oilseed protein products, pulse and grain le-
specific amount of commercial feed are summarized in Table S1. gume seed products, miscellaneous plant protein products), single cell
In order to determine the water footprint of feed, the feed composi- protein, lipids (oils and fats), premixes, additives, fertilizers and ma-
tion for 39 major species or species groups, covering all species groups nures. Feed ingredients that are used in aquafeeds investigated here
shown in Fig. 2, have been compiled from the literature. As mentioned are explained in detail in Tacon et al. (2009). A special case is Red
before, some species are, alas, not specified and hence no appropriate swamp crawfish, as an established or encouraged forage crop serves
feed formulation can be selected. Feed composition is taken from vari- to provide the basis of a food web from which crawfish derive most of
ous sources: the Aquaculture Feed and Fertilizer Resources Information their nutritional needs and is therefore not included in Fig. 3. In Fig. 3
System (AFFRIS) of the FAO (FAO, 2014b), Hasan et al. (2007), and nu- the dietary habit of each species investigated in this study is indicated.
merous other literature sources (see SI 2 for details) were employed if The freshwater fishes include herbivores, planktivores, carnivores and
data were missing in the former two sources. Commercial feed formula- omnivores. With the exception of rainbow trout (piscivore) and mullet
tions for every producing country are not easily accessible. If a country (carnivore in the fry life stage and omnivore in the juvenile and growout
specific formulation was available, a production-weighted value of the stage) the diadromous and marine fish species included are carnivores.
water footprint was determined. In general we have taken the approach All crustaceans in this study are omnivores, with Giant tiger prawns
of selecting a feed formulation for the analysis if it was classified as being planktivores in early life stages, changing their feeding behavior
being a reference, or standard, feed formulation, i.e. it is known to satisfy later on to carnivorous. The differences in feed composition have a sig-
dietary needs and is commonly used in commercial production. If more nificant effect on the water footprint, which we will allude to in detail.
than one feed formulation was classified as being common for a certain While aquaculture producing countries depend, to a varying degree,
species, the water footprint was determined individually for each for- on imports for sourcing the feed ingredients used in aquaculture feed,
mulation – thereby, data allowing, accounting for differing feeding the origin of the feed ingredients of commercial aquafeed is not docu-
habits in the individual life states – and the average water footprint mented in official statistics (Tacon et al., 2011). Global average data of
was used for further analysis in order to account for the uncertainty in the green, blue and gray water footprint of feed ingredients were select-
the water footprint values due to the feed composition chosen. Esti- ed for the current study due to this lack of detailed knowledge regarding
mates of the fraction of commercial aquafeed production for the study the origin of feed ingredients. Data for the individual crops, crop by-
year 2008 were taken from Tacon et al. (2011) and Ramakrishna et al. products and animal products used as feed ingredients were obtained
(2013). The duration of different life stages of the various species was from Mekonnen and Hoekstra (2010a,b), Mekonnen and Hoekstra
obtained from the cultured aquatic species fact sheets of the FAO (2012) and van Oel and Hoekstra (2012).
Fig. 2. Share of global production of commercial aquaculture feeds of 29.7 million tonnes by major species grouping for the year 2008 (own elaboration based on Tacon et al., 2011 and
Ramakrishna et al., 2013).
M. Pahlow et al. / Science of the Total Environment 536 (2015) 847–857 851
Fig. 3. Composition of the feed of the species studied. To simplify the graphical presentation, feed composition was averaged over the different life stages and, in case where multiple diets
were studied, those were averaged as well. The dietary category for each species is also indicated: (c) carnivorous, (h) herbivorous, (pl) planktivorous, (m) molluscivorous, (pi) piscivorous
and (o) omnivorous. If more than one category is shown then the species falls under different categories in different life stages.
3. Results silver barb has the largest total water footprint of 2861 m3/t (87.3%
green, 7.4% blue, 5.3% gray).
3.1. The commercial feed-related water footprint Next, feed ingredients that have a large influence on the individual
water footprint values are identified and discussed in terms of compar-
The commercial feed-related green, blue and gray water footprint ison of the species water footprints and close inspection of the feed for-
values per ton of the farmed fish and crustacean species analyzed here mulation. In the group of freshwater fishes the water footprint values
are shown in Fig. 4. for Indian major carp were found to be significantly lower than for
All fish species studied here, with the exception of the red swamp Chinese carps (Grass carp, Common carp, Crucian carp, Wuchang
crawfish, have a feed related water footprint, i.e. not as a result of direct bream and Black carp) (Fig. 4), since rice bran – a feed ingredient with
water use in operations, but through indirect water use in the supply a low water footprint – plays an important role in the diet of Indian
chain. The values of the water footprints of carnivores generally tend major carp, with an inclusion level of 39% in the commercial diet by
to be lower than those of omnivores, planktivores and herbivores. Biswas et al. (2006) used here. For black carp the resulting water foot-
There are, however, exceptions, which can be attributed to specific print values for the two diets given by Hu et al. (2014) (WFgreen =
feed ingredients. Overall the carnivore mandarin fish has the lowest 2181 m3/t, WFblue = 222 m3/t, WFgray = 131 m3/t) and Sun et al.
water footprint of 88 m3/t (77.3% green, 6.8% blue and 15.9% gray) (2011) (WFgreen = 2172 m3/t, WFblue = 192 m3/t, WFgray = 212 m3/t)
due to the large share of fish meal and fresh fish meat in the commerical studied here were comparable, with the gray water footprint values dif-
diet given by FAO AFFRIS. The second lowest water footprint is that of fering most. The average water footprint values are shown in Fig. 4 and
the carnivorous Gilthead seabream with 500 m3/t (69.8% green, 18.8% were used for further calculations. The higher WF values for black carp
blue and 11.4% gray). On the other end of the spectrum the herbivore compared to other Chinese carps is in part due to the higher levels of
Fig. 4. Feed-related green, blue and gray feed water footprint per tonne of fish and crustacean for the species investigated. Mean values are shown where applicable.
852 M. Pahlow et al. / Science of the Total Environment 536 (2015) 847–857
soybean meal included in the diets given by Hu et al. (2014) and Sun Based on the water footprint values per species the green, blue and
et al. (2011). The comparably high total WF values of silver barb, gray feed-related water footprint for the species-specific production in
which exceed the values found for the other cyprinids studied here, 2008 has been computed (Fig. 5).
are due to the high levels of soybean meal (26%) and groundnut oilcake The total water footprint of the feed results from the percentage of the
(24%) described in the reference diet by Mohanta et al. (2006) that was total production that is produced based on commercial feed, the feed con-
used here. For Nile tilapia two diets were studied. These are considered version ratio and the composition of the feed. The water footprint per ton
typical and include significant levels of soybean meal for all life stages of fish is comparable for Nile tilapia (WFtotal = 2263 m3/t), grass carp
(see Table S4), but otherwise differ significantly in the feed composition. (WFtotal = 2229 m3/t) and common carp (WFtotal = 2364 m3/t). The
For the feed formulation according to Weimin and Mengqing (2007) total production volume of Nile tilapia (2.3 million tonnes in 2008)
WFgreen = 1998 m3/t, WFblue = 94 m3/t and WFgray = 121 m3/t and does not exceed production volumes of these carp species (grass carp:
for the feed formulation of FAO AFFRIS (FAO, 2014b) WFgreen = 3.8 million tonnes; common carp: 3 million tonnes) and whiteleg shrimp
2049 m3/t, WFblue = 155 m3/t and WFgray = 107 m3/t. These green, (2.3 million tonnes). Yet with 83% of production on commercial feed and
blue and gray water footprint values resulting from the two diets were a FCR of 1.7, Nile tilapia has a larger total water footprint than those spe-
averaged (shown in Fig. 4) and used for further analysis. The omnivo- cies and has the largest overall water footprint of the fed fish and crusta-
rous Pangasiid, Channel, Hybrid and North African catfishes have similar cean types studied here. The top five species Nile tilapia (4.38 km3), Grass
total water footprint values. For Pangasiid catfishes, an alternative diet carp (4.04 km3), whiteleg shrimp (3.53 km3), common carp (3.39 km3)
to the one given in FAO AFFRIS (FAO, 2014b) is described by and Atlantic salmon (2.81 km3) have a combined water footprint of
Paripatananont (2002). The Paripatananont (2002) diet relies largely 18.15 km3.
on fish meal and rice bran, which resulted in lower values of the green In order to provide an estimate of the water footprint of total pro-
water footprint when compared to the FAO AFFRIS diet (FAO AFFRIS duction based on commercial feed, i.e. 29.7 million tonnes of commer-
diet: WFgreen = 1888 m3/t, WFblue = 126 m3/t, WFgray = 94 m3/t; cial feed in 2008, we determined a lower bound and a realistic, yet not
Paripatananont (2002) diet: WFgreen = 1421 m3/t, WFblue = 183 m3/t, upper bound value of the total water footprint. The lower bound is
WFgray = 107 m3/t). Mean values were also utilized here. Among the based on the assumption that the remaining 12% of production not in-
omnivorous Amur and Yellow catfishes the higher water footprint cluded here do not have a water footprint. In this case the total water
values for Amur catfish are mainly due to the inclusion level of soybean footprint is 31 km3. For the second bound we assume that the remaining
meal (25%) and the use of soybean oil instead of fish oil. The Yellow cat- 12% have a water footprint equal to the production-weighted average
fish diet includes high levels of fish meal (48%) and fish oil (5.6%), which (WFgreen = 1629 m3/t, WFblue = 179 m3/t, WFgray = 166 m3/t), in
results in comparably low values of the water footprint. The reference which case the total water footprint is 35 km3 for the year 2008.
diet for Asian swamp eel given by Yuan et al. (2011), includes a high For several fish and crustacean types China was the sole producer in
level of alpha starch (26%), which results in relatively high water foot- the year 2008 (Asian swamp eel, Chinese longsnout catfish, Chinese
print values. The feed formulations for Characidae provided in the mitten crab, Large yellow croaker, Largemouth black bass, Mandarin
work by Fernandes et al. (2004) and Lochmann et al. (2009) used fish, Oriental river prawn, Wuchang bream and Yellow catfish) and for
here reflect natural feeding behavior, which is omnivorous and rich in some of the most important fish types it is by far the leading producer,
plants and fruits. The resulting comparably high water footprint values such as for crucian carp (99.9% of global production), grass carp
were averaged. (98.2%) and common carp (78.7%). A detailed assessment for China is
The two feed formulations of FAO AFFRIS (FAO, 2014b) for diad- provided in SI 5 due to its leading role in the aquaculture sector.
romous milkfish investigated here yielded high water footprint
values due to soybean and other plant ingredients inclusion levels, 3.2. Water footprint variation for alternative feed formulations
such as copra meal in one of the diets (diet 1: WFgreen = 2061 m3/t,
WFblue = 206 m3/t, WFgray = 113 m3/t; diet 2: WFgreen = 2288 m3/t, The influence of variations in feed formulations of selected fishes
WFblue = 176 m3/t, WFgray = 99 m3/t). Again the mean values were and crustaceans is investigated in detail. Next to the general increase
used. of plant feed ingredient usage due to increased production, replacement
A general diet formulation for each flounder and turbot of the of fish meal and fish oil with plant-based ingredients is a highly relevant
ISSCAAP marine fishes group of flounders, halibuts and soles, given in development and it is important to study this potential shift in aquacul-
Weimin and Mengqing (2007), was adopted. The diets do not differ sig- ture nutrition provision from a water resources point of view.
nificantly, which resulted in little variation of the water footprint values The water footprint analysis was carried out with alternative research
(Flounder: WFgreen = 1192 m3/t, WFblue = 130 m3/t, WFgray = 94 m3/t; diets taken from the literature for piscivorous rainbow trout, carnivorous
Turbot: WFgreen = 1253 m3/t, WFblue = 147 m3/t, WFgray = 104 m3/t). Atlantic salmon, carnivorous Atlantic cod, carnivorous European seabass,
The mean water footprint values are used for further analysis. The carnivorous gilthead seabream and giant tiger prawn, which is
resulting feed water footprint values for red drum (WFgreen = planktivorous in early life stages and is omnivorous later on. The resulting
1930 m3/t, WFblue = 152 m3/t, WFgray = 120 m3/t) must be considered green, blue and gray water footprint values are shown in Fig. 6.
high, given that it is a carnivorous fish. The two reference feed formula- The diet for rainbow trout adopted here was compared with two
tions used here (McGoogan and Reigh, 1996; Gatlin, 2002) are dominat- diets studied by Boissy et al. (2011) as part of the EU FP6 research
ed by soybean meal (McGoogan and Reigh: 36% and Gatlin: 26%) and project “Aquamax”. The major objective of Aquamax was to achieve
grain (23% and 26%) content, whereas the percentage of fish meal is maximum replacement of both fish meal and fish oil in fish diets.
28% and 32% and of fish oil 4% and 5%, respectively. Boissy et al. (2011) used a standard (STD) diet and a low fishery product
The formulated diet for the crustacean redclaw crayfish by Saoud diet (LFD) (see Table S6a for details). An interesting aspect of the STD
et al. (2008) used in this study has high proportions soy (19%), wheat feed composition is the usage of vegetable oils, particularly rapeseed
(12.5%) and wheat starch (37.5%) content and hence results in compa- oil and palm oil. These resulted in a high water footprint when com-
rably high water footprint values. Fleshy prawn feed water footprint pared to the diet given in FAO AFFRIS. The higher LFD diet water foot-
values are also high due to the levels of soybean (40%) and wheat gluten print values, exceeding the total water footprint of the FAO AFFRIS
meal (10%) included in all life stages of the diet given by Weimin and diet by 257%, are mainly due to the high inclusion levels of corn gluten
Mengqing (2007). meal, soybean cake and rapeseed oil in the feed formulation.
The diadromous fishes Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout, the ma- In the study by Boissy et al. (2011), diets low in fish meal and fish oil
rine fishes European seabass, Gilthead seabream and Atlantic cod, and for Atlantic salmon have also been investigated. We adopted these here
the crustacean Giant Tiger prawn are discussed in detail later on. and compared the results obtained with the diet given by FAO AFFRIS
M. Pahlow et al. / Science of the Total Environment 536 (2015) 847–857 853
Fig. 5. Total feed-related green, blue and gray feed water footprint in the year 2008 of the species investigated in this study.
(full diet composition given in Table S6b). While the STD research diet feed ingredients (full feed composition in Table S6d). The green, blue
of Boissy et al. (2011) does result in a 14% increase in total water foot- and gray water footprint values increase for increasing terrestrial feed
print, the LFD diet with its total replacement of fish oil by vegetable ingredient inclusion levels. The value of the total water footprint of
oils, leads to a total water footprint that is 83% higher than the one ob- diet 5 exceeds the value of diet 1 by 577%.
tained with the diet provided by FAO AFFRIS. Using the diets given in FAO AFFRIS (FAO, 2014b), we can investigate
One reference fish meal-based diet and four research diets, which the potential of a plant protein based diet to decrease the fish meal de-
were formulated to investigate the replacement of fish meal with pendence in gilthead seabream feed formulations. Among other ingre-
plant proteins (25%, 50%, 75% and 100% plant protein) in diets for the At- dients, corn and wheat gluten meal are used to decrease the fish meal
lantic cod, with special attention to growth, protein retention (Hansen use from 70.4% to 17.6%, the fish oil inclusion level remaining similar
et al., 2007) and health aspects (Olsen et al., 2007), were investigated (from 12.4% to 15.0%) (diets given in Table S6e). The resulting water
(full feed composition given in Table S6c). The plant ingredients chosen footprint values for this plant based feed formulation are comparably
by Hansen et al. and Olsen et al. were soybean meal (14% protein), soy high with a total WF of 6587 m3/t, compared to 500 m3/t for the fish
protein concentrate (36% protein) and wheat gluten (50% protein). meal based diet.
These plant sources were chosen due to the high protein content re- FAO AFFRIS (FAO, 2014b) provides five diets with different inclusion
quired to reach a target protein level of 52% of the total diet formulation. levels of the various feed ingredients for giant tiger prawn (Table S6f).
Hansen et al. (2007) find that high growth and feed utilization were The diets must contain adequate levels of protein, fiber, carbohydrate,
reached for up to 50% of plant protein inclusion. Growth and feed utili- etc., which can be accomplished through different ingredients. The per-
zation were reduced beyond this inclusion level. Water footprint values centage of fish meal varies between 33.7% for diet 1 and 6% for diet 5. As
increased as fish meal replacement with plant ingredients increased the range of green, blue and gray water footprint values here – in accor-
(see Fig. 6). dance with the other examples shown above – also varies considerably
FAO AFFRIS (FAO, 2014b) provides a reference diet and four alterna- for the five diets, it becomes evident that research on feed formulations
tive feed formulations for the European seabass, where the level of fish needs to consider water consumption and pollution due to feed ingredi-
meal included is reduced from 52% to 5% by replacing it with terrestrial ents in order to provide sustainable diets for aquaculture production.
Fig. 6. Resulting water footprint values due to alternative diets. The diets are given in SI 6. The star * indicates the diet used in this study (Fig. 4). The mean based on the 5 FAO AFFRIS Giant
Tiger Prawn diet was used here.
854 M. Pahlow et al. / Science of the Total Environment 536 (2015) 847–857
However, this particular example also points to the complexity in- red swamp crawfish has a water footprint of zero and a unit value of
volved, as the replacements for fish meal and fish oil can be selected 4460 US$/t (for 2008) it is a special case. Similarly Mandarin fish, with
from a number of options. an exceptional low water footprint, due to the fish meal skewed diet
Lastly, we contrast the water footprint of commercial feed with the and a unit value in 2008 of 9310 US$/t, has an economic water produc-
water footprint of farm made feed for the one case where sufficient in- tivity of 125.8 US$/m3, exceeding all other fish and crustacean types.
formation was available. The dominant feeding method for Indian major However, it must be noted that a special situation is observed in
carp is farm made feed and farmers will generally use a simple ‘mash’ China in the culture of high-value Mandarin fish (Siniperca chuatsi;
feed, with the main ingredients being rice bran and oil cake. However, 230,000 tonnes in 2008–100% production in China), which is estimated
Mazid et al. (1997) found that this feeding practice resulted in lower to have consumed about 1 million tonnes of low-price carps (culter
fish growth, less net production, a lower apparent feed conversion alburnus), purposely cultured in small sizes as live “feed fish” in 2008
ratio and less protein utilization than for commercial feed. To evaluate (FAO, 2010). It is assumed here that these carps feed on zooplankton
the water footprint of farm made feed we made a rough estimate and hence do not have a feed-associated water footprint.
using an average FCR from Ramakrishna et al. (2013) of 3.1. The esti-
mate was based on a diet given by Nair and Salin (2007) and
Ramakrishna et al. (2013) for Indian major carp polyculture with 70% 4. Discussion
deoiled rice bran, 10% groundnut cake, 10% cottonseed cake and 10%
raw rice bran, and the resulting WFgreen = 1839 m3/t, WFblue = In this study feed formulations that are considered standard for a
493 m3/t , and WFgray = 264 m3/t. The total water footprint of farm certain species have been selected. However, the dietary requirements
made feed (2596 m3/t) exceeds the total water footprint of the com- of fish and crustaceans are still being studied extensively. It must also
mercial feed formulation (1739 m3/t) shown in Fig. 4. The reasons for be considered that feed formulations are often termed “standard” in
the different water footprint values are the differences in the ingredi- the literature, but aquafeed for a certain fish type may differ significant-
ents and their inclusion levels in the respective aquafeed, as well as ly from country to country or within countries, depending on the
the differing feed conversion ratios. Using a very simple traditional producer's practice, feed ingredient availability, financial means of the
mash feed with 75% rice bran and 25% mustard oil cake given by farmers and the farming system. The overall uncertainty related to
Mazid et al. (1997) results in even higher water footprint values, with feed formulations cannot easily be quantified. Tacon et al. (2009) state
WFgreen 4063 m3/t, WFblue = 360 m3/t and WFgray = 597 m3/t. that listing an ingredient within an aquafeed formulation just as “fish
meal” or “soybean meal” is meaningless, as there are literally scores of
different types and grades of fish meal, and to a lesser extent of soybean
3.3. Economic water productivity meal, depending on the species and origin of the raw fish or bean and
processing method employed. Clearly, full ingredient descriptions and
The key trigger for change in aquaculture practices are market op- nutrient composition data must be given if precise conclusions are to
portunities, combined with the need for increased production and pro- be drawn. This level of detail would be in sharp contrast to the accuracy
ductivity to reduce costs. Two fundamental changes in farming practices that can be achieved with currently available data.
that contributed to this increase are evident: the increase in the use of Due to a lack of data on feed ingredient trade we turned to global av-
formulated farm-made and commercial aquafeeds and the concomitant erage values for the water footprint of feed ingredients. Country values
aeration of ponds/tanks (Rana and Hasan, 2013). In terms of monetary may deviate from those values and in-depth follow-up studies should
value, production of whiteleg shrimp generated the highest revenue take this into account.
(9.2 billion US$), followed by grass carp (5.3 billion US$), silver carp Only commercial feed, not fresh and farm-made feed were consid-
(5.3 billion US$) and common carp (4.2 billion US$) in the year 2008 ered, since information regarding FCR and/or amount of feed used was
(FAO, 2010). unavailable for the latter two. Also, the feed composition of fresh and
We determined the monetary value of each fish species in relation to farm-made feed can at best be guessed. Furthermore, some species are
the green and blue water consumption due to feed. The economic green documented in FAO statistics employed here under the category “not
and blue water productivity (unit value [US$/t] divided by green + blue elsewhere included”. This only allows for an incomplete treatment of
water footprint [m3/t]) is shown in Fig. 7 for the species studied here. fed aquaculture production.
Overall, freshwater fishes have lower economic green and blue water Full water footprint accounting would require the inclusion of all di-
productivity than most diadromous fishes, marine fishes and crusta- rect and indirect water consumption and pollution, both in operations
ceans. Milkfish, mullet and red drum are exceptions, due to their rather and in the supply chain. While this study provides a comprehensive
low monetary value and comparably high water footprint values. Since analysis of the commercial feed-related water footprint of aquaculture,
Fig. 7. Economic green and blue water productivity of the fish and crustacean types studied here. Mandarin fish is not shown, as the economic water productivity (US$/m3) exceeds the
other values significantly.
M. Pahlow et al. / Science of the Total Environment 536 (2015) 847–857 855
it falls short of shedding light on the overall water footprint of aquacul- to health and growth. In early work Kaushik et al. (1995), for example,
ture production. Verdegem and Bosma (2009) investigated the water find that the replacement of fish meal with soy protein concentrate
use in pond aquaculture. They estimate system-associated water use (33% to 100% replacement) had no negative effects on growth and nutri-
of global pond aquaculture due to evaporation to be, on average, ent utilization of rainbow trout, whereas the replacement of fish meal
5200 m3/t of production and average feed-associated consumptive with soy flour of up to 50% reduced the growth rate.
water use as 1700 m3/t of production of farmed fish, demonstrating Soybean is the source of plant protein most often used in compound
the importance of direct water use in operations of pond culture for aquafeeds and the most prominent protein ingredient substitute for fish
full accounting. Also, pollution of inland and marine waters due to fish meal in aquaculture feeds (Tacon et al., 2011). For 2008 it was estimated
and crustacean waste, uneaten feed, drugs, and chemicals from aquacul- that the aquaculture sector used 6.8 million tonnes of soybean meal,
ture systems is of great importance to fully assess the sustainability of which was 25.1% of total compound aquafeed (Tacon et al., 2011).
aquaculture production. One example is clustered, small scale inland Using global average water footprint values for soybean meal (see
cage farming operations in Asia. These are commonly found in reser- Table S4), this translates into green, blue and gray water footprints of
voirs in Indonesia and in the Mekong Delta. Collectively, such activities 16,300 × 106 m3, 564 × 106 m3 and 299 × 106 m3, respectively. Of
can be environmentally damaging (De Silva and Phillips, 2007). that, China is using about 6.0 million tonnes of soybean meal within
Estimates for feed-related water footprint values range from compound aquafeed (Tacon et al., 2011). Hu et al. (2014) investigated
500 m3/t for gilthead seabream feed (heavily relying on fish meal and the potential of replacing soybean meal with cottonseed meal in black
fish oil) to 2862 m3/t for the feed formulation of silver barb with high in- carp diets. The results showed that up to 75% of soybean meal could
clusion levels of soybean meal and groundnut oilcake. Note that Manda- be replaced by cottonseed meal without a significant reduction in
rin fish feed has the lowest total water footprint (88 m3/t), but in this growth. The resulting water footprint changed significantly from the
case one should rather acknowledge that the feed of this carnivore has zero percent replacement with 2534 m3/t (86% green, 9% blue, and 5%
a water footprint at all. An exception is the red swamp crawfish, gray) to 1756 m3/t (72% green, 19% blue, and 9% gray) for 75% replace-
whose feed does not have a water footprint, because of the established ment. However, negative influence on immune system function was
forage crop that provides the basis of a food web from which the fish de- found even for 25% replacement and liver function was affected if 75%
rives most of its nutritional needs. The resulting production-weighted or more was replaced Hu et al. (2014). If no detrimental health effects
average green, blue and gray water footprints of farmed fish and crusta- are found, then soybean meal replacement of less than 25% could in
ceans fed commercial aquafeed investigated here are 1629 m3/t, this case be a valid soybean use and, at the same time, a water footprint
179 m3/t and 166 m3/t, respectively, and in total 1974 m3/t. reduction option.
A detailed comparison of the results obtained here for commercial
aquafeed to industrial meat production from livestock is not feasible, 5. Conclusions
since the results shown focus on feed and do not include all direct and
indirect water consumption and pollution of aquaculture production Each fish and crustacean has certain needs in terms of protein, fat,
and does not provide data for the final edible fish or crustacean market carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, among others. The question is how
product. However, considering that livestock meat production has little those needs can be met in a sustainable way, thereby also considering
direct water use for drinking water, servicing the animals and mixing of the pressure on freshwater resources. Fish meal and fish oil use are on
the feed, but that the feed has by far the largest share of the total water the decline, yet a shift towards higher plant protein inclusion levels
footprint of livestock, we put the values side by side. The global average should also consider freshwater consumption and pollution, as can be
water footprint of goat meat in industrial farming system is 2862 m3/t, deduced from the results shown here, in order to determine sustainable
for chicken meat 2872 m3/t, for pig meat 5224 m3/t, for sheep meat future feed formulations. However, the replacement of fish meal and/or
5623 m3/t and for beef meat 10,244 m3/t (Mekonnen and Hoekstra, fish oil with terrestrial feed ingredients can substantially increase the
2010b). The values of the water footprint of fish and crustaceans must water footprint of aquafeed and hence of aquaculture production as a
include the water evaporated from the system (most important for whole. While the selection of species is not exhaustive in the present
pond aquaculture) and the pollution of freshwater resources due efflu- study, the result is universal. Replacing aquafeed ingredients that stem
ents from aquaculture systems. A species-specific comparison is not fea- from e.g. pelagic marine fishes, that do not depend on external feed,
sible here, but evaporation from the ponds (Verdegem and Bosma with terrestrial feed ingredients, that have a related water consumption
(2009) give a global average value of pond evaporation of 5200 m3/t and pollution in the production process, must lead to an increasing water
of farmed fish) would increase the production-weighted feed-related footprint of the feed. There will of course be differences among the ter-
water footprint of fish to potentially exceed individual livestock water restrial plant-based proteins and lipids with respect to their green, blue
footprint values. This must also be viewed in light of the fact that the and gray water footprint, which must have implications when different
commercial aquaculture production sector has achieved high efficiency goals are to be reached, e.g. reduction of the blue water footprint, reduc-
regarding feed conversion, with FCR ratios ranging from 1.3 to 2.0 tion of pollution or reduction of the overall water footprint. The choice
(see Table S1), which are lower than industrial livestock farming FCR depends on the goal and we therefore do not strive to provide explicit
values (Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010b). recommendations regarding the choice of terrestrial feed ingredients.
Tacon et al. (2009) note that, whereas humans and livestock do have Yet it is important to realize that all fish types need to be considered in
specific dietary requirements for particular food or feed, farmed fish and this discussion. The aquaculture sector is steadily growing and so is the
shrimp do not have a specific dietary requirement for a particular feed demand for aquafeed. Hence, while the water footprint per ton of pro-
ingredient such as fish meal or fish oil, but rather have a specific require- duction for herbivores or planktivores may remain the same, the pres-
ment for 40 or so essential dietary nutrients. Tacon et al. (2009) therefore sure on freshwater resources will also increase in that case, not only
stipulate that in the short term, efforts should focus on further improve- for a reduction or replacement of fish meal and fish oil with terrestrial
ments in feed formulation techniques and on formulating rations on the plant-based feed ingredients for carnivores and omnivores. Therefore it
basis of individual digestible nutrient levels rather than on crude gross is crucial to select feed ingredients that can be sustainably produced
nutrient levels, and at the same time aim to minimize the environmental and grow with the sector (Tacon et al., 2011).
and ecosystem impact of feeds and feeding regimes (Tacon et al., 2011). Fish meal and fish oil are at present important feed ingredients for
While this study can support decisions on feed ingredients with respect freshwater carnivorous fishes, diadromous fishes, marine fishes and
to their water footprint, it is essential that growth and health of the spe- also for crustaceans. The economic green and blue water productivity
cies are investigated before new diets are used in practice. For example of these species tends to be higher than that of herbivorous and omniv-
the replacement of fish meal and fish oil chosen must not be detrimental orous freshwater fishes (exceptions being carnivorous freshwater
856 M. Pahlow et al. / Science of the Total Environment 536 (2015) 847–857
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