The speech recognizer should recognize the user's voice properly at least 90 oI the time.
It should recognize commands Irom users that have strong accents.
It should recognize the commands despite relatively low level oI noise coming Irom the
background and the TV itselI. Note: In order to lower the relative level oI noise, the user can
speak louder or closer to the microphone.
99 oI the time when the signal is transmitted Irom the Bluetooth base, receiver should receive
the proper signal to send to the TV. That is, once the DSP/PDA has the voice interpreted
properly, the TV or device being controlled should receive the proper signal 99 oI the time.
The D/A converter must properly interpret the signal Irom Bluetooth 100 oI the time
The time between the issuance oI a command to the execution oI the command should appear
instantaneous to the user. In the worst case, the user should not have to wait more than 1
second Ior the command to be executed.
3. Design approaches
During Design VI last semester, our group did a good job oI getting ahead by choosing and Iinalizing
on a design project. It helps us a lot by giving us plenty oI time to think oI diIIerent design
approaches; we also had a lot oI time to do research on the resources that`s available to do our job.
Our project is called the Voice Activated Remote Control; a more detail description oI our project is
a touch-less remote control that will employ Bluetooth technology Ior transmission in place oI
inIrared signals. As our advisor predicted, there are a plethora oI ways to accomplish our design
goals; at this early stage
oI the senior design we already changed some oI the items that we agreed on during Design VI. We
are quite conIident that some oI these things we agreed on will eventually get changed due to the
unexpected limitations that arise.
When we Iirst Iinalize our project in Design VI, we agreed to use a commercially available DSP chip
as the baseline. We would then assemble this chip with a Bluetooth transmitting chip onto a circuit
board. The second step would be to program the DSP chip to recognize voice commands. The third
step would be to build another circuit board that will consist oI a microcontroller, Bluetooth receiver
and an inIrared transmitter. The idea is that the microcontroller will take the signal Irom the
Bluetooth receiver and convert it to InIrared.
1he beneflLs of Lhls approach are LhaL we would be learnlng a loL more abouL clrculL deslgn and
ulglLal slgnal processlng 1he rlsks however would be LhaL a sulLable u be selecLed and work
accordlng Lo speclflcaLlons lnce a u chlp doesn'L necessary provlde enough lncenLlve for a
company Lo provlde a full scale of supporL lL mlghL be dlfflculL Lo geL a problem flxed when one ls
encounLered Also someLlmes Lhe company LhaL manufacLurers of Lhese u chlp mlghL noL have
Lhe producL be readlly avallable whaL Lhls LranslaLes Lo ls LhaL we mlghL have Lo walL a couple of
monLhs beLween placlng Lhe order and acLually recelvlng Lhe u chlp AnoLher rlsk would be Lhe
programmlng of Lhe u chlp Lo recognlze volce commands 1he programmlng porLlon of Lhe
pro[ecL would be very lnLenslve and demandlng Lven wlLh an ellLe seL of professlonal
programmers Lhe volce recognlLlon porLlon would be a pro[ecL ln lLself lL mlghL noL be feaslble for
us Lo program Lhe u chlp from scraLch AnoLher area of uncerLalnLy ls LhaL nelLher one of our
group members has prlor experlence ln 8lueLooLh technology; it might take us some time to
experiment with this technology and be able to utilize it to achieve our goal. inally the inIrared
portion might present some problems, we are not sure whether we can program the DSP chip on the
receiving end to convert Bluetooth signal into inIrared signal.
Another approach would be to use laptops as sending and receiving processors; replacing the DSP
chip. With this approach, we`ll be able to save ourselves a lot oI waiting time and money. The reason
being we already has laptops available to work with; we wouldn`t need to waste any time waiting Ior
the delivery oI the DSP chip, along with not having to purchase an extra piece oI hardware. Another
beneIit oI this approach is that there are plenty oI speech recognition development kit that is
available Irom vendors such as MicrosoIt and IBM. It would just be a matter oI downloading and
installing the development kit. In this approach, we would Iocus our eIIort in programming our
application in the Windows environment to recognize commands and then sending the command via
the Bluetooth transmitter. Our laptops are equipped with a USB port and an inIrared port; this will
help us immensely on the receiving end because the Bluetooth receiver would have a USB interIace.
It would be connected to the laptop and will be responsible Ior receiving Bluetooth signals sent by
the transmitter. On the receiving end, we would write a program to take the Bluetooth signal and
convert it to inIrared signal, sent it via the inIrared port and Iinally controlling the television set. Just
like the Iirst approach, there will be uncertainties that we will be Iaced with. However, we think that
the uncertainty in this approach is signiIicantly less than the DSP approach.
1he uncerLalnLles LhaL mlghL arlse lnclude wheLher we would be able Lo flnd a speech recognlLlon
englne LhaL ls speaker lndependenL peakerln recognition is very critical to the success oI our
project; the Iinal product has to be able to be used by a stranger. Another challenge once we Iind a
speaker independent speech engine would be how perIect the program could recognize the speech. A
successIul project would be one that takes less than three tries to recognize and execute a command.
Another thing that is noteworthy is the Iact we were told by our proIessor that Bluetooth might be
replaced by Ultra Wide Band technology. II this is the case, by the time we completed our project, it
might not have any market value. However, we cannot migrate to Ultra Wide Band technology at
this point in time since the technology is not being standardized and the only vendor that has a
purchasable product is not Iollowing industry standards. The same risk that we have in the Iirst
approach in the conversion Irom Bluetooth to inIrared signals holds Ior this approach, we cannot be
sure that we will be able to successIully convert the signals.
The third approach that we have in mind is to use PDA`s running Windows CE (PocketPC) in place
oI the laptops or DSP. We would have two PDA`s in which one would be a transmitter and the other
the receiver. The sender would be responsible Ior dependent voice recognizing voice commands and
send the command inIormation via Bluetooth; just like the previous two approaches, the receiver
would be responsible Ior receiving the Bluetooth signal and converting it to inIrared signal. We think
that the PDA approach might have a higher level or risk and would cost more money to implement
(since we do not have PDA`s and the SDK would be costly). Nevertheless, this would be the
approach oI choice; the size oI the PDA`s would be the closest to a regular remote control. It would
be more challenging since programming in the PDA environment would be new to some oI us. It
would also be more interesting to work with a platIorm that is not commonplace
The biggest concern we have was to Iind a SDK Ior Windows CE. AIter more research, however, we
Iound that these SDK`s are available Irom a third party vendor such as IBM at a relatively high cost.
The problem then is whether we can aIIord the price oI the SDK which is needed to develop the
application on the Windows CE platIorm. The other concern that we have with this approach is the
quality oI the microphone that comes with the PDA; voice recognition oIten do not work well with
poor quality microphones and we might have a problem.