CG Quarterly Report Edition1

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Produced by the Control Group

Data Analy cs | Dez Fielder

Write-up | Diny van Kleeff

© Control Group Coopera ve Ltd.


Welcome to the Control Group’s inaugural Quarterly Report.

This first report will focus on our COVID-related data; including severity of disease, dura on
of illness, and reports of any injury related to COVID vaccina ons; or any other kind of
vaccina on and medical interven ons.
This overview produced from the ini al insights from the data you volunteer includes
informa on on; par cipa on numbers and par cipant demographics, COVID repor ng,
COVID vaccina on sta s cs, menstrua on changes, the top 20 medica ons and
supplements used between vaccinated and unvaccinated par cipants, and treatments used
in resolving health condi ons.
In the CG2.0 system, par cipants have been able to report on the treatments they use to
keep themselves healthy, as well as to treat symptoms of illness and heal disease.
The Quarterly Report will be used to highlight some of the interes ng data points that we
find within our database, and provides an opportunity to feedback on some of your most
frequently asked ques ons.

Report contents
Welcome ................................................................................................................................ 2
Purpose of the Control Group ................................................................................................ 3
Control Group Par cipa on ................................................................................................... 4
Par cipa on Demographics ................................................................................................... 6
COVID-19 .............................................................................................................................. 10
COVID Vaccina ons .............................................................................................................. 15
COVID Vaccina on Injuries................................................................................................... 19
Changes in Menstrua on A ributed to Shedding ............................................................... 22
Medica on and Supplement Regimens ............................................................................... 23
Data Limita ons ................................................................................................................... 26
The Importance of Your Con nued Contribu on ................................................................ 27

©Control Group Coopera ve Ltd 2

Purpose of the Control Group

Our data insights provide a window into – what appears to be – the rise in serious health
condi ons around the world. They are a star ng point to iden fy the causes that may lie
behind them.
Our ambi on is that these data insights will spark interest, and raise red flags in the public
domain, encouraging the general public to demand further research and transparency from
their governments and scien fic communi es. We want our datapoints to serve as a
provoca on for further study within the established medical and academic ins tu ons, with
any promising discoveries from the Control Group database to be the ini a ng cause of in-
depth research papers, tests, and studies refu ng or corrobora ng our preliminary findings.

©Control Group Coopera ve Ltd 3

Control Group Participation

Worldwide Participation

In figure 1.1 the bubble size is used as a visual representa on of the number of ac ve
par cipants* within each country, showing where we have the largest par cipa on. At
present, we have a total of over 35,000 ac ve par cipants in 121 countries within the new
Control Group system (CG2.0).
*Par cipants who have signed into and updated their records in CG2.0.

Country participant distribution

Figures 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 show the broad distribu on of Control Group par cipa on in our
most highly par cipa ng countries – the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States, and
Canada. As in 1.1, the larger rela ve bubble size, the more par cipants there are in that
Our geographical distribu on capability can provide analysis to show regionally specific
health condi ons and highlight possible environmental issues, and the spread and migra on
of disease, and future pandemics.

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Participation Demographics

We can view and analyse the data via many different demographics. Figure 1.5 show the
broad overview of the make-up of our par cipant base. In this example, we have broken
par cipants down by diet, age, blood type, and body type.

Participant diet mix

Figure 1.5, top le quadrant - this chart shows that vast majority of our par cipants are
omnivores, with a small percentage of pescatarians (ea ng fish), vegetarians and vegans. In
future analysis and repor ng this could allow us to see correla ons between diet and health.

Participation by age banding mix

Figure 1.5, top right quadrant - here you can see that our par cipant base is primarily
mature adults with less than 10% being children (under 16 years of age).
As we progress with this project, it will be important to compare the health outcomes of
children who are vaccinated and unvaccinated against COVID-19, and those children who
have been born to vaccinated and unvaccinated parents.

©Control Group Coopera ve Ltd 6

Blood type mix

Figure 1.5, bo om le quadrant – blood type distribu on is shown in this chart. This can be
used to show insights into possible correla ons between blood type and health outcomes.
In the future, it could also be useful in the sourcing of blood products from trusted sources.

Body type mix

Figure 1.5, bo om right quadrant – self-described body-type distribu on is shown in this

chart, which is recorded in addi on to the height and weight measurements . This enables
us to look at health outcomes according to body type.
The chart shows that the majority of our par cipants - 67%, report themselves as slim to
average body type.

Participants by sex

Figure 1.5, far right bar – par cipants are asked to record biological sex. The chart shows
that slightly higher percentage of our par cipants are women – about 58%.

©Control Group Coopera ve Ltd 7

Vaccination status

In figure 1.7 you can see mul ple charts looking at the vaccina on status of our par cipants.

Mix of participants with no vaccinations logged

Figure 1.7, top le quadrant – shows the percentage of par cipants who have not logged
any vaccina ons of any type.
At 75%, this number is significantly higher than 5% fully unvaccinated we saw in CG1.0 and
we believe this is due to par cipants not comple ng the ‘Vaccina on’ sec on in the new
Note: Users can simply log ‘Childhood vaccines’ to show that they have had vaccines in the
past – without this crucial informa on we cannot differen ate between those who have
never received any kind of vaccine, those who had vaccines before but have rejected the
COVID vaccines, and those who have received most vaccines including the COVID vaccines.

©Control Group Coopera ve Ltd 8

Mix of participants who are COVID vaccinated

Figure 1.7, bo om le quadrant – shows the percentage of par cipants who have logged
having a COVID vaccine of any type.

This shows that the majority of our par cipants have not received any COVID vaccina on.
This is in line with our current expecta ons as we have only recently begun to invite those
who have received one or more COVID vaccines to join the database as a comparison group.

Percentage of participants by vaccination status with allergies

Figure 1.7, right – shows the percentage of people who report having one or more allergies
according to vaccina on status.
The top bar chart depicts the allergy status of those who have never received any kind of
vaccine. Ninety per cent of this cons tuency (light blue) report being unvaccinated and
having no allergy. Ten per cent (dark blue) report being unvaccinated but having at least one
The bo om bar chart shows depicts the allergy status of those who have received any kind
of vaccina on, including childhood vaccines, travels vaccines, COVID vaccines. Of this
cons tuency, around sixty-four per cent of vaccinated people report having no allergies
(light blue). Around thirty-six percent (dark blue) report being vaccinated and also report
having one or more allergies.
This could suggest – at a preliminary glance – a poten al correla on between vaccine status
and likelihood of experiencing or developing allergies.
However, the low numbers of people repor ng on their vaccina on status makes it difficult
to s pulate in either direc on at this stage.

©Control Group Coopera ve Ltd 9


Logged instances of COVID in the last quarter of (Q4) 2023

Figure 2.1, lower sec on, bar chart - shows the quan ty of instances of COVID, COVID
pneumonia and long COVID, reported by month during the last quarter of 2023 (months 10,
11 and 12). The chart reflects this by variant, if known, or just ‘COVID-19’ if not specified.

COVID severity Q4 2023

Figure 2.1, top sec on, pie chart - shows reported severity of COVID, with over 75% of cases
being reported as mild-to-moderate.

©Control Group Coopera ve Ltd 10

COVID severity Q4 2023

Figure 2.2, top le and top right, pie charts – compare the severity of COVID instances
reported in the last quarter (Q4) of 2023, compared with the severity of all cases reported
by ac ve par cipants.
Figure 2.2, bo om le and bo om right, donut charts – show the instances of hospitalisa on
for reported instances of COVID; comparing Q4, 2023 on the le , with all cases reported by
ac ve par cipants on the right.

©Control Group Coopera ve Ltd 11

COVID repeated instances analysis

Figure 2.3 shows frequency of par cipants ge ng COVID.

The majority of par cipants – 86.5% – reported a single
instance of COVID (light blue segment).
Approximately 11% of par cipants reported 2 instances of
COVID (dark blue segment), and fewer than 2% reported
having COVID more than twice.

COVID duration (resolved conditions)

Figure 2.6 shows the length of me

par cipants reported COVID las ng.
The chart shows that par cipants reported
57% of COVID illness resolved in under 1
week, and 75% resolved in 2 weeks or less.
Data is inclusive of all COVID variants and
regardless of vaccina on status. The vast
majority of our par cipants are not COVID

COVID test results

Figure 2.7 gauge chart shows the total number COVID tests taken by type of test. Posi ve
test results are shown in blue.

©Control Group Coopera ve Ltd 12

COVID treatment for all variants

Figure 2.5 tree-map shows which medica ons and supplements par cipants used to treat
their COVID infec ons. The size of the coloured sec on represents the rela ve quan ty of
par cipants taking that treatment.
This chart represents all recorded COVID variants.
All treatments were recorded as linked to a resolved COVID infec on.

Ivermec n and Ivermec n based protocols were reported most of all, followed by vitamin C,
zinc, and then an bio cs, and cough and flu medica ons.

©Control Group Coopera ve Ltd 13

COVID treatment by variant

Figure 2.4 tree-map shows which medica ons and supplements par cipants used to treat
their COVID infec ons. The size of the coloured sec on represents the rela ve quan ty of
par cipants taking that treatment.
This chart splits COVID by its reported variants.
All treatments were recorded as linked to a resolved COVID infec on.

The chart shows that the original variant of COVID – Delta, had a lower reported instance of
use of Ivermec n than the later variant Omicron. However, Ivermec n is the most popular
treatment recorded in instances of COVID where the variant is not known or recorded, so it
is hard to tell if this is actually the case.

©Control Group Coopera ve Ltd 14

COVID Vaccinations

Vaccinations by vaccine variant

Figure 3.1 pie chart shows which COVID vaccine variants are the most commonly received by
par cipants. Our data suggests that in over 60% of the cases (light blue segment) the
recipient was unaware which version of the vaccine they received.
At this point in me, our numbers of vaccinated par cipants are low and may not be
representa ve of COVID vaccinated people in general.

©Control Group Coopera ve Ltd 15

COVID vaccine geographical location administered

Figure 3.2 tree-map shows where COVID vaccine recipients reported ge ng vaccinated.
This could be an important measure for evalua ng adverse reac ons as we get more
vaccinated people onboard; i.e. ques ons have been raised about the level of exper se of
vaccinators outside of a healthcare se ngs.

©Control Group Coopera ve Ltd 16

COVID vaccination informed consent and reasons for taking the vaccine

Figure 3.3, le side - shows the par cipants response to whether the best vaccina on
administra on prac ces were followed, in terms of; informed consent, whether the vaccine
was mandated, and whether they were asked about exis ng allergies, current health
condi ons and current medica on. We also look at the whether they were rewarded for
taking the vaccina on.
The large number under each arc shows the total number of par cipants who answered
‘yes’ to the ques on above the arc, with the total number of respondents at the end of each
arc (306).

Figure 3.3, right side – tree-map shows par cipants’ main reasons for taking a COVID
vaccina on. The size of the coloured areas reflects the rela ve quan ty of responses.

©Control Group Coopera ve Ltd 17

Covid vaccination mandates

Figure 3.4, le side – shows the numbers of COVID vaccine that were taken under mandates
and who the vaccine was mandated by.
Figure 3.4, right side – gauge chart shows that of the 306 COVID vaccina ons reported, 82
were mandated.

©Control Group Coopera ve Ltd 18

COVID Vaccination Injuries

COVID vaccine injury types

Figure 4.1 shows reported vaccine injuries, categorised by types of condi on reported.

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COVID vaccine injuries grouped by condition type

Figure 4.2 depicts reported vaccine injuries grouped by condi on type, with the size of each
sec on represen ng the rela ve quan ty reported.

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COVID vaccine injuries by vaccine variant and condition type

Figure 4.3 shows which health condi on categories were a ributed by par cipant to their
COVID vaccine as an injury. The health condi ons are split by COVID vaccine variant
received to see whether each brand of vaccine produced the same or differing injuries.
The key on the right-hand side determines the type of health condi on, and the rela ve size
of the corresponding colour block in each bar represents the quan ty of each condi on

©Control Group Coopera ve Ltd 21

Changes in Menstruation Attributed to Shedding

Figure 4.4 shows instances menstrual changes and the reported reasons for the change.
At present, we do not ask any ques ons about shedding, because it is difficult to quan fy.
However, where women have reported changes to their menstrua on, shedding has been
added to the open text field ‘other’, and a significant number of mes this op on has been
selected by women report change.

©Control Group Coopera ve Ltd 22

Medication and Supplement Regimens

Top 20 supplements

Figure 5.1 tree-map chart shows the top twenty most popular supplements that are
currently being taken across our en re par cipant base and the frequency that it is taken.
Each coloured sec on’s size reflects the supplement’s compara ve popularity and the inner
windows show the frequencies at which the supplements are taken.

This can be contrasted with the same report, figure 5.2, below, which has been filtered to
show only those par cipants who have been COVID vaccinated.
Please bear in mind that the number COVID vaccinated par cipants is a very small
percentage of our en re par cipant base at this me.

©Control Group Coopera ve Ltd 23

Top 20 supplements for COVID vaccinated participants

Figure 5.2 shows a broadly similar supplement spread, between the COVID vaccinated and
the en re par cipant base, with Magnesium, Vitamin C and Zinc all featuring highly. Some
excep ons would appear to be Vitamin B Complex and Iodine, which do not feature in the
COVID vaccinated top twenty.

©Control Group Coopera ve Ltd 24

Top 20 resolved conditions with known treatments

Figure 5.3 shows reported health condi ons that have been recorded as resolved (i.e. with
an end date) and the medica ons and supplements that par cipants have recorded taking
for them.
Each coloured block represents a reported health condi on and is split by the various
medica ons and supplements taken.

As well as pharmaceu cals, the Control Group data includes supplements, naturopathic,
alterna ve and ‘ultra-alterna ve’ treatments reported by our par cipants, which could help
capture pa erns of success through unbiased repor ng of non-pharmaceu cal products.

©Control Group Coopera ve Ltd 25

Data Limitations

All data reported has been collated from anonymised health records recorded using the
Control Group data management portal at
We only include data from ‘ac ve users’; meaning those who have logged in and updated
their record in our new CG2.0 database, which was introduced in September 2023.
Each Quarterly Report will report on informa on collected in the 3 months that precede it.
Legacy data from CG1.0 – our original system – will be reported on separately.
Currently, the majority of our par cipants are unvaccinated against COVID. However, as
more vaccinated people join the Control Group, we will be able to provide more in-depth
health outcome comparisons between vaccinated and unvaccinated people.
All data is voluntarily self-reported and is therefore subjec ve and open to interpreta on.

©Control Group Coopera ve Ltd 26

The Importance of Your Continued Contribution

In a recent podcast with the World Council for Health our initiative was described as ‘Maybe
one of the most important projects of our time’.

But we cannot succeed without your input.

This project will only work if we have huge quantities of people filling in their health data. To
best demonstrate what is (or is not) happening to those who refused the COVID vaccine, the
data source has to be multi-national and substantial.

Most of us want to forget about COVID and get back on with living our lives, but the threat
of returning vaccine mandates remains, as does discrimination based on vaccine status. This
is why all of us desperately need to complete and maintain our records.

The most important information that we need to gather are: your COVID vaccination status,
any health conditions that you suffer from, and any medications and supplements that you

If those of us who refused the COVID vaccination are proven to have far better outcomes
across a wide range of health conditions, then we can add this to the body of evidence being
gathered by doctors and scientists from around the world. It is important; and is surely
worth our time and diligence to try to secure a future in which there is health-freedom and
bodily autonomy is safeguarded.


Login: h ps://
Par cipant Support: h ps://

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