Cebuano Morphology (Wolff)

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Copyright 1962
John U. Wolff
Contents of Part III

Chapter Eights Inflectional Affixes

Summary Outline - - - - - - - - - - * - - - 248
Outline - ' - > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 249
Body - •> * 263

Chapter Nine: Affixes Porming Transient Bases

Summary Outline - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 337

Outline ~ - 339
Body ~ 351
Chapter Ten: Affixes Porming Ifouns

Summary Outline ~ - . ~ - . ~ - . - - * . - - - - - 403

Outline - « - - - 404
Body 4I8

Chapter Eleven: Affixes Porming Adjectives

Summary Outline - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 467

Outline - - - - - 468
Body - - - 474

Chapter Twelve: Paradigms - - - - - - - - - - - 494


Summary Outline of Chapter Eight : Inflectional Affixes

8.0 Introduction - definitions and listing of

inflectional forms

8.11 mi~/mu- (mi- * ni-« ming«-f ning- f qina-)

8 • 12 nag-/mag-

8*13 naka-/maka« "potential"

8.14 Bases with the active having a causative meaning

8 # 15 nagka-/magka- (-^~-) "covered with V "

8.16 Zero for inflectional affixes

8.2 Passives

8.21 gi«»/-un/-a d i r e c t passive

8.211 gi»/»unAa d i r e c t meaning
8.212 ffina~/paga- -un/-a "faction continuing! "
(iterative J
8.213 £i-/-222/- a "affected/with 1 "

8.214 na-/ma^ direct passive

8.22 Local passives

8.221 £ i - «-an/-anA»i

8.222 £iSSk- ~an/paga- -an/-jL ^iterative 1 action"

- 1
ima** ifea- \
8.223 Potential local passives na» -an4r- v -anyfc~ L

8.23 Instrumental-ablative passives

8.231 Shapes jg£-/ai-

8.232 gina-/qiga- "actionjcontinuing ^ instrumental"

j iterative j

8.233 Instrumental potential na-/ma- or gika-/qika»«

8.3 Abstracts

8.4 Imperatives

Chapter Eight : Inflectional Affixes

8.0 Introduction

8.01 Definitions

8,011 Adjective bases forming transients

8#012 Transient bases forming transients

8.013 Nominal bases forming transients

8*014 Transient bases forming adjectives

8,015 Transients formed to other bases

8.02 Inflectional affixes

8.03 Real* unreal, subjunctive

8.04 Other definitions

8.041 Same" mmw&ngs

8.042 Specialization of meanings

8.043 Productivity of affixes

8.044 Bases and affixes

8.045 Zero
8.046 (—2*-) and (-^r-) as part of the affix
8.05 Inflectional affixes listed

8.051 Active
8.052 Passive

8.1 Actives

8.11 mi- / mu- (mi- • ni-t ming-, ning-, qina-)

8.111 Future/past with volition

8.112 mi- / mu- "begin action"

8.1121 To noun bases

8.113 mi- / mu- neutral as to volition

8.1131 To transients with meaning of "an action that
happens to something"

8.11311 mi«v/mu~ neutral as to volition with bases with

which it undergoes morphophonemic alternation

8.1132 mi*»/mu«» to adjectives, numbers and words meaning

time "become V
8.11321 Nbnspecialized meaning
8.11322 Specialized meaning with mi-/mu- "approximately

8.1133 To noun bases *

8.114 Meanings of mi-/mu- as opposed to nag«/gia^

8.1141 Bases which occur with mi~/mu- but not nag~/

8.115 mi-/mu- to other noun bases

8.1151 To noun bases which occur with a large number of

inflectional affixes
8.1152 To nouns that occur with paN- transient deriva-
tive prefixes with approximately the same meaning

8.1153 mi-/mu~ Mgo to V tf

8.116 Meanings peculiar to mu-

8.1161 Iterative action
8.1162 Iterative action to **ontxa»sient bases

8.1163 mu- meaning "capable of"

8.117 Meanings peculiar to mi-

8.118 mi-/mu- with derived bases

8.1181 Those that do not undergo morphophonemic alternations

8.11811 mi-/mu<»» to bases with paki-

8.11812 mi-/mu~ to ka-

8.1182 Those t h a t undergo morphophonemic a l t e r n a t i o n s
8.11821 mi~/mu- + p a k i g - « nafcig-Zmakig-
8.11822 mi-/mu- + paN- « naJff-/maN-

8.11823 ml-/mu- •*• k a - « na-/ma-

8.11824 mi~/mu~ to other bases


8.119 mi»/mu-"action devolving on agent"

8.12 nag-/mag-

8.1211 Continuing action

8.12111 To underived bases

8.121111 No shift

8.121112 (-*-)
8.12112 To derived bases
8.12U3 To nominal bases (—^-)
8.1212 nas*»/mag- action not necessarily volitional

8.1213 nag-/mag- to derived bases which do not occur with

mi~/mu«» y naka-/maka
8.122 nag-/mag- meaning f,be V "

8.1221 To adjective bases

8.12211 No shift

8.12213 To derived adjective bases

8.1222 To adjective bases with specialized meaning

8.12221 Underived
8.12222 To derived bases

8.1223 To noun bases "be like "V "

8.12231 Underived bases

8.122511 No shift

8.122312 With shift (—>-)

8.12232 To derived bases

8.1224 nag-/mag- to transient bases, with the transient

meaning "state or condition"

8.12241 nag- "become V "

8.123 nag-/mag- "actor does to himself"

8.1231 To transient bases


8.12 311 nag-/mag- (—>~)

8.12312 To noun bases
8.1232 To bases with pa- "cause Y~ to devolve ,on oneself"

8.12321 na£^/ms£^ "action devolving on agent" to bases

with pa- plus statives
8.1233 nag-/mag- "action devolving on agent" with bases
having other derivatives

8.1234 nag-/mag- "action of two or more agents V

each other"
8.124 nag~/mag- to noun bases other than those described
8.124I To noun bases which occur with a number of xnflec*
tional affixes
8*1242 nag~/mag« "to do something every V "

8.12421 ; To underived bases

8.12422 To derived bases

8.1243 nag~/mag- "work as a 1 "

8.1244 nas-/ja§£- other meanings with noun bases

8.12441 (-3*-)

8.125 nag-/mag- to other types of bases

8.1251 "Be nearly V "

8.1252 "At around V "

8.1253 To other qualifiers

8.126 Meanings peculiar to mag-

8.1261 mag- injunctive "J let us \ "

[should j

8#1262 To derived bases

8.127 mag- " i t e r a t i v e a c t i o n "

naga- 1 /
—— ?- /maga-

8.129 Meanings p e c u l i a r to n a g -

8.13 naka^juaka* " p o t e n t i a l "

8.131 naka**/maka- "Jean

jan i
ible t o j
To transient bases
Underived bases
No shift
Shift (-^a-)
Derived bases
To bases with ka-
nakar*/aalca'- to adjective bases
naka-/maka- completed action
To transient bases
To noun bases
To adjective bases
naka-/maka- "accidental action"
To transient bases
Underived bases
Derived bases
naka~/maka- "action devolving on agent0
8.1341 naka-/maka- "action devolving on agent" to bases
which occur with nag-/mag« "action devolving on
8.1342 naka~/mctka- "action that happened to something"
8;i35 naka~/maka- with nonpotential meanings
8#136 ka- for naka-/maka
8,137 Potentials to nominal bases

8.1371 To nouns which occur with a number of infleotional


8.1372 H T O be able to obtain) ,,— ft

|_ Have obtainedj

8.13721 This meaning to bases with ( *»»)


8.138 Potentials to bases with pag-

8.1381 In meaning "can V "

8•1382 In meaning "perfected action"

8.1383 In meaning "accidental V

8• 1384 Potential ftstm with noJRpotential meanings

8.139 nakag«*/makaff- "have moral power to V"-* ,f

8.1391 To transient bases

8»13913 To bases with a dead jgag- prefix

8.14 Bases with the active having a causative meaning

8.141 Adjective bases

8.1411 Adjectives*with (*^r-) when used as bases to

transients meaning "cause V
8.142 Actives of passives of the type described in

8.143 BM$S with the active having & meaning "do

V""~ to oneself"
8.15 nagka-/magka- ( «C < ) "covered with V

8.151 To noun bases

8.1511 To bases which do not occur by themselves

8.152 To adjective bases "be V ' all over"

8.16 Zero for inflectional affixes

8.161 Zero m mi-/mu-

8.1611 With underived bases

8.1612 With derived bases

8.16121 Special comment on bases with -pa- causative

8.162 Zero « nag-/mag-

8.1621 With underived bases

8.1622 With derived bases

8.16221 Zero » nag-/mag- to bases with pag-**! eaoh other"

8.16222 Zero * nag-/mag- to bases with paka-

8.16225 Zero - nag-/mag- tfc bases with other derivatives

where zero is not used after walaq. di1lifl

8.1623 To bases where zero « nag»/mag- which occur also

after diiliq. walaq. gustg

8.16231 pa- in meaning "action devolving on agent"

8.16232 pa- in meaning go to v "

8.16233 To bases with paki-

8.163 Zero • na-/ma- (etative)

8.1631 To statives from transient bases

8.16311 To bases with hi-/ha-

8.1632 To statives from adjective bases

8.I64 Zero for passive affixes

8.I64I To bases not with pa- "causative"

8.I64H Zero for direct passive

8.16412 Zero for local passive

8.I6413 Zero for instrumental passive

8.I642 To bases with pa- causative
8.2 Passives
8.21 gi-/-un/-a direct passive
8.211 a±-/-HB/-a direct meaning
8.2111 To transient base meaning "thing V**,i>ed,f
8.21111 To derived transient base

8.2112 "place to which


8.21121 To bases where local means "place on which" and

direct means "place to which"

8,21122 To bases where direct means "person -*d to"

whereas local has other meanings

8.21123 Bases with same meaning for local and direct

8.21124 To bases which have no local

8.21125' To noun bases "person is aimed at11 f^i~/«un/«€fr

8.2113 Direct passive meaning "purpose for which11

8.2114 Direct passive to bases with causative meaning

without pa-

8.21141 Adjective bases

8.211411 To adjective bases with (**£—)

8.211412 To adjective bases with paN- "plural"

8.21142 Direct passive with qualifiers

Direct passive to qualifiers meaning •caused

8.21143 to be done 1/ "

To qualifiers consisting of ka- plus unreal "thing

8.21144 to be done V times"

Direct passive with numeral bases meaning

8.21145 "cause to be V*"""*"* "

Direct passive to bases with pag-

8.21151 Meaning "person with whom V -ed"
8.21152 Meaning "thing people V -ed with one another"

8.21153 Meaning "people caused to V with one another"

8.2116 Direct passive to noun bases
8.21161 To nouns which occur with other transient affixes
8.21162 "Make into "V "

8.21163 "Person to whom V is said"

8.21164 "Person who was called V "

8.21165 Specialized meanings


8.211651 £i-/-un/-a (^g—) with noun bases in specialized


8.2117 gi-/»un/-a with additional intentional meaning

8.212 gina»A?aga- - u n / - a "faction continuing') "

"" -s iterative r
8.2121 Underived bases
8.21211 pag- «un/-a
8.2122 «ina»/paga- -un/-a to derived bases
8.2123 paga« »un (—^) "iterative action"

8.213 gi-/-un/-a "affected Jwithl"

> y /
8.2131 To noun bases
8.21311 Underived bases
8.213111 No shift
8.213112 With shift C-^)
8.21312 Derived bases

8.21315 Specialized meaning

8.2132 To adjective bases
8.21321 Underived bases
8.213211 No shift
8.213212 With (~^)

8.2133 To transient bases

8.2! 14 na~/ma-» direct passive
8.2141 Potentials in meaning "able to V,~~>,f "can
8.21411 To transient bases
8,21412 To adjective bases "can be made V~"~~ "
8.2142 Potential in meaning "completed action"
8.21421 To transient bases
8.21422 To adjective bases

8.2143 Potentials in meaning "accidental action"

8.21431 To transient bases

8*21432 To adjective bases "has been made V

8,21433 To noun bases

8#2144 na~/ma~ to bases that do not have gi-/~un/-a

8.2145 na-/ma~ to derived bases

8.21451 na-/ma~ to bases with paN~ plural

8.22 Local'passives

8.221 gi~^n/~^/-i

8*2211 Local passive "thing that was V*"—" -ed"

8.22111 To transients that have a direct passive

8.221111 With the same meaning

8.221112 With a different meaning

8.221113 Local passives with direct meaning to causative


8.22112 To transients that have no direct passive

8.22113 To stative bases

8.22114 Direct meaning with (^-^)

8.22115 Local passives with hi- « zero having a direct

8.22116 Local passives with a direct meaning to noun bases

8.221162 Noun bases direct in specialized meaning

8.22117 To qusa/duha "do with hands"

8.2212 Local passive "place from, to, at which"

8.22121 To transient bases

8.22122 To transient bases n translated by a

direct in English

8.22123 To noun bases in meaning "place"


8.22124 The meaningNplacejfronil '' which is extended to

mean "thing part of which"

8.22125 Local passive with transients meaning"motion"

8.22J26 Local passive meaning'Mplaoe?,f with specialized meaning

8.2213 Local passive "person for whom"

8.22131 Local passive with bases meaning "speak11* etc'#

8.22132 Local passive meaning "person to whom" with ( -**)

8.2214 Local passive "reason for or on account of which"

8.22141 ( —&~)

8.22142 To adjective bases

8.2215 fperson

} affected by"

To adjective bases
To transient bases
8.221521 Local meaning "Jpersonl affected" causative to
{thing J
transient bases compared with direot and ±nstru~
mental passive

8.2216 gi- -anAan/-i '"one who considers fsomethingt m'V *"

\a. person j

8.2217 Local passives to noun bases which occur with

other inflectional affixes

8.222 gina- -an/paga- -an/-jL ^iterative 1 action"


8.2221 £aga- •an ( - ) "habitual place"

8.223 Potential local passives na- -an|ma«

an^ma-1 -anvftoa*/} .

8.2231 Potential local "able tof can V"~ "

8.2232 Potential local "completed action"

8.2233 Potential local "accidental action"

8.2234 nahi~/ha- -an/mahi-/ha- >an/-i « na- -an/ma*» »an/-l

-26 0-

8.2235 Potential locals to derived bases

8*22351 To bases with pag-

8.22352 To bases with paN- plurallf

8.2236 gika- -an

8.23 Instrumental-ablative passive

8.231 Shapes £i-/gjL-
8*2311 gi-Zgi- ablative (direct) meaning

8.23111 Bases with no direct passive

8.23112 Bases having ablative meaning in the instrumental

and direct meaning in the direct passive

8.231121 Instrumental and direct passive with nearly the

same meaning
8.231122 Instrumental which has an ablative meaning di£~
ferent from the direct passive

8.2311221 With bases having pa- "causative" prefix

8.231123 Instrumental with causative and direct with non-

causative meanings

8.231124 Instrumental passive with ablative meaning to

bases meaning "naming, calling, etc.11

8.23113 ffi-/qi- with additional causative meaning

8.2312 jji-Zmeaning "thing used as"

8.23121 To transient bases

8.23122 Instrumental passive to stative bases meaning

"thing which causes subject to be V**"* " thing used
by agent to V~~ '"
8*23123 To noun bases
8.231231 To nouns which occur with a number of inflectional
8#231232 gi-Zfli- to other nouns
8#23124 Instrumental meaning "wenr as"

8.2313 gi-Zq^- "person for whom"

8.23131 To adjective bases


8.2314 gi» "time to (time onelshouldl )

j may J
8.23141 ais- (• a i - )
8.23142 Extension of this usage

8.23143 Instrumental - ablative meaning "action done

while agent is in a certain emotional state11

8.2315 gifl-Zql- in meaning "thing V " -ed with"

8.232 gina~/q iga- "actionJcontinuingT instrumental11

[iterative J

8.2321 qjga-

8.233 Instrumental potential na-/ma- or gika-/qika~

8.2331 na-/ma- or gika-/qika- "able to"

8.23311 To transient bases

8.23312 To adjective bases

8.23313 To noun bases

8.2332 na-/ma- or gika-/qika- "completed action"

8.2333 na-/ma- or gika-/qika- "accidental"

8.2334 Instrumental potentials to. derivatives

8.23341 Instrumental potential to bases with paN- "plural"

8.234 Potentials to instrumentals in meanings of the
type in Sec, 8.2315

8.235 qikag- (« qika-)

8.3 Abstracts

8#301 qlnlfr»/qig- for pag-

8.31 To underived bases

8.311 Meanings of abstracts corresponding to the
various meanings of '' mi»/mu-f nag-/mag-

8.312 £ag- meaning "V * each other"

8.32 Abstracts to derived bases

8.321 Derived transient bases other than with ka-


8.33 Abstracts to bases with ka-

8.331 Abstracts to bases with panga- (paH- -Hka-»)

8.332 To bases which have hi- instead of ka-

8.333 Abstractsi® statives with noun bases

8.34 pagkq,- to nonstatives (potential abstracts)

8.341 pag- for pagka-

8.342 pagpaka- for pagka-

8.343 Other meanings of pagka- to transient bases

8.35 pagka- to bases with paN-

8.36 Voice of abstracts

8.4 Imperatives

8.41 Active imperative

8.4H Imperative with pag-

8.412 Imperative without pag-

8.413 Imperative with derived bases

8.42 Passive imperative

8.421 Without £ag-

8.4211 Direct passive

8*4212 Local

8.4213 Instrumental

8.422 With paff-

8.4221 Direot

8.4222 Local

8.4223 Instrumental

8.423 Imperative passives to derived bases


Chapter Eight: Inflectional Affixes

8.0 Introduction

The morphology is treated in Chapters 8 - 1 2 ;

Chapter 8 Inflectional affixes

Chapter 9 Derivational affixes forming transient bases

Chapter 10 Derivational affixes forming nominal bases

Chapter 11 Derivational affixes forming adjective bases

and qualifiers

Chapter 12 Paradigms

8.01 Definitions

Any form occurring with the infSeotioAtfL affixes (listed ££&£•

8V051 ff.) is a transient* ' The base of a transient is the form
less the inflectional affixes. However, the base is considered
adjective, transient or nominal depending upon the following cri-
teria* (The vocabulary indicates iteat type of base theteactolitam is#)
8,011 Adjective bases forming transients

A~base is considered ad.jective if it fulfills two conditions ;

l) it occurs by itself as a predicate; 2) it also occurs preceded

by ka- in exclamatory sentences meaning "how V l" (Sec. 3«6l)#

E.g. qitum is considered an adjective base because it occurs by

itself as a predicate*

qitum j siya "He is black,"

It also occurs preceded by ka- in exclamatory sentences.

kaqitum niqa:naq "How black that isl"

On the other hand, balatka "concern" is not an adjective base

because it does not occur by itself as a predicate (although it

does occur with a ka- prefix in an exclamatory sentence). For

examples of forms meeting these two criteria which are not adjec-

tive bases, cf* Sec* 8*014.

8.012 Transient bases forming transients

Other bases occurring with inflectional affixes are transient

or nominal* A base is considered transient if it is not a common

noun when used by itself• For example, tuslug "put to sleep", is

not used as a CN* Therefore, transients formed to the base tutluff

are to transient bases. However, a base used by itself as a common

noun is still a transient base if it has one of the following

three meanings:

1) thing V -ed

2) action of T~ -ing or state of being V

3) instrument by which one V~ s

For example dala "thing carried" is a common noun* However,

the base dala with transient affixes is considered a transient base

because the meaning of the common noun is l) "thing V~" *ed"* Sim-

ilarly. kata:wa "laugh" is considered a transient base beoause when

used by itself as a common noun, the meaning is 2) "action of

laughing". Similarly, qutaw "iron" is a transient base because

when used as a CN by itself, the meaning is 3) "instrument with

which one irons"* Further examples of these are given in Seos"»

10*51 - 10*52 and their subsections and in Sec. 10*92 and its


8.01^ Nominal bases forming transients

On the other handy buntag used as a transient means "do until

morning", and used as a CN, it means "morning"* In this case we

say the transient is formed to a nominal base.

8.014 Transient bases forming adjectives

In a few cases a given base is not considered adjectival
even though it fulfills the conditions of Sec* 8*011 above* If

it occurs as a base to a transient and does not mean "cause V ",

"become V~~*, or nbe affected by T ", it is not an adjective base,

but a transient base. For example tuluff "sleepy" is an adjective

for it occurs as a predicate by itself,

tulug I siya "He is sleepy."

It also occurs with ka- in exclamatory predicates,

katulug ni:ya "How sleepy he is I"

However, when used as the base of a transient it means "put to

sleep", (it does not mean "become V " or "cause to be V *~u

or "be affected by V—",) Therefore, tug lug is considered a tran-

sient base (from which the adjective is formed with (—>j># Cf%

Sec. 11.151 and its subjections, )

On the other hand qitum is an adjective base because it

fulfills the conditions of Sec, 8,011, and the meaning of the base

used as a transient is "cause to be black",

giqitum ni:ya qang qarku ng sapastus "He made my shoes blao£c"#n
8,015 Transients formed to other bases
There are some forms used as bases to transients Y/hioh occur
by themselves as qualifiers, pronouns or other forms. Transients
formed to these types are considered to be formed to qualifier
bases, etc,
8.02 Inflectional affixes

The inflectional affixes are those listed in the chart.

Sec. 8.05« These are considered to be the inflectional affixes

on the basis of their distribution: their distribution is limited

by certain qualifiers. (Cf. Sec. 6.72.) Also these occur fteely

with the greatest number of bases (derived or roots)f Thosein-

flectional elements which are of limited occurrence (e*g» gina-


/qiga - instrumental) are still considered inflectional beoause

of their distribution with bases and the limitations of distribu-

tion with certain qualifiers (Sec, 6.72)* For the criteria "by
which bases are determined cf* Sec* 9«0*1«
8*03 Real* unreal, subjunctive

The unreal is used for action which is going to or may take

place or takes place habitually* The real is used for action

which has taken place or is taking place* (There are some excep-

tions described in the individual sections following in this chap-

ter.) Also*there is no distinction between real - unreal under

the conditions described in Sec* 6.7• The unreal is used in three

other ways. In a sequence consisting of three or more transients

meaning !,action v/hich was done in the past" the second to last may

be unreal.

a* giduqu:lan man qaku sa buqa:ya sa qa:ku ng pagkalisguq

maqu nga qa:kuq pa ng sakwastun qug gila:bug narkuq sa
mamala "A crocodile came near me as I was swimming* so I
picked it up and threw it on dry land*11 (32.l)
The unreal is also used for a transient in t a second pred-

icate (Sec. 6.13)%

b* qunsaiqun nisla pagpatay qang qi:la ng qanak nga qimbis
patyun sa buqasya maqu man himuqun qang mipatay sa buqa:ya
"How could they kill their son, who instead of being killed
by the crocodile, was the one who killed the crocodile?11
The unreal is also optionally used in the apo&osia of conditions
contrary to fact. The rareat is obligatory in the protasis*
c. kun waq ku pa siya maki:taq malumus quntaq siya <!If I
had not seen him, he would have drowned." (nalumus also
occurs in this environment.)

The subjunctive is used under the conditions described in Sec*


Except where specifically stated otherwise every inflectional

base occurs with every derivative base described in Chapter 9#

8,04 Other definitions

8.041 "Same11 meanings-

The meaningsrof two forms are called Mthe same" if the only

difference in meaning between the two is one of style. "The same"

is symbolized by "«".

8.042 Specialization of meanings

If a form has a different meaning from the combination of the

meanings of its affix and its* base^it is considered to have a

specialized meaning". Most affixes occur with numbers of bases

in specialized meanings, but no attempt is made to giv< an exhaus*

tive list of specialized meanings but rather one or two examples

to show what direction the specialization takes.

8.043 Productivity of affixes

An affix is considered "productive11 if it occurs with a large

proportion of " forms having a certain meaning* Bases fi*#ly

borrowed into Cebuano from other languages may occur with these #

An affix is considered to be "restricted" if it occurs with a

smaller number of bases than the "productive". It is considered

to be "dead" if it occurs with a limited number of bases. For

inflectional affixes only "restricted" and "dead" types are in-

dicated. If there is no indication, the affix is "productive".

For derivational affixes degrees of productivity are in«*

dicated for all types.

8.044 Bases and affixes

Affixes are grouped on the basis of meaning and


form . Two affixes are the same if they have the same meaning
and the same form * Otherwise they are different. Bases are
the words less the affix . If two affixes have the same meaning aa$
distribution or differ in distribution only with respect to forms
with which they occur in award, they are called MalternantsH of each
other• Thus pag-
/ aa&tet- in gipagqawasyan "reason on account of winch two people
quarreled" and gikasabustan "thing on which two people agreed11
are considered to be alternants of each other because their W&9&*
inxg is the same*, and the only difference in their distribution is
the forms with which they occur in a word. (Some words have paff-
in this meaning} some have ka-j and some have both}
8*045 Zero
A form ab is considered to have an affix zero, alternant of
affix £• when /abc/ occurs with the same meanings as /ab/ (o£ the
"* Sec» 8*042) t
difference in meaning is one of specialization mf The affix zero,
however^ is not analyzed unless it is an alternant of another affix*
(Cf* Sec* 8*044.) E*g*, giqawa:yan "thing fought together about11
(with a zero alternant of pag«») and gipagqawa:yan "thing fought
together about" (with a pag- affix, the alternant of zero)#
8*046 (~>) and (<—) as part of the affix
As is explained in Sec* 2*23 the symbol (->-* ) means that the

Included in the form, is l) the phonemio shape and 2) the

alternant 6f the base which occurs with the form* Thus the makfo*
prefix which is always followed by an alternant with a short po«
nult is not the same as the maka- which is followed by an alter-*
nant with a long penult; (E*g*, the maka* (—> ) of ma^flka^in
17 ka:qun is not the same as the maka- of makalustuo*)
**These are not necessarily the same morphemes* for forms
with different shapes in complementary distribution belong to the
same morpheme but are called "different" affixes* Also many a£~
fixes are composed of several morphemes.
For the criteria by which the base is determined of". S^ol'
9V0.1. ~~

base has an alternant with a short penult and (4***-) means the "base

has an alternant with a long penult* If a given affix occurs only

in words with a long or closed penultf (f*«—~) is considered part

of the affix* Thus for -a (#*-) exclamatory (Sep* 3#64) the (^*~)

is considered part of the affix because it occurs only in words

with a long or closed penult* Thus the form lipa:ya is analyzed

as li:pay + -a (f—-)• even though the base already has a long pe-

nult* Similarly (—>) is considered part of an affix if it oc-

curs only in words with a short or closed penult. Thus for -an

(~^) "place of V~~ " (Sec. 10*2621), the (r**) is considered part

of the affix because it occurs only in words with short or closed

penult* Thus the form sinihan "theater" is analyzed as sini + -an

(-—*)• even though the base already has a short penult.

8.Oft Inflectional affixes listed

The following tables present the inflectional affixes.' The

morphophonemics of these affixes with the bases is discussed in

Sec* 2*225 and Sec* 8*1182 and its subsections* These affixes

are used both with the bases consisting of one morpheme (roots)

and those consisting of more than one morpheme (derived bases)"*

There is also an infix -um-* which is used in TP*s (transient

phrases - Sec* 4#22) which are in the predicate in a declara-

tive sentence with a subject ka or kamu (mu) - i*e*f second per-

son singular and plural* The usage of the -urn- infix in this

meaning is common only with a few bases of high frequency*

qumari j ka "Come herej" V qari "here"
Otherwise this usage of -u£r fancy style,

^Infixes in Cebuano occur immediately following the first

phoneme of the word except the infix -!•*• (Cf* Sec* 2*227'*)

8.051 Active

Heal Unreal : Abstract t

i Subjunctive : :

Volitional - i mi- 1 # i mu- * : :

Punctual : m i n g - i q i n a - «j -urn- : ;
ni- r
ning-J \ : :
: : :
• • « •
Nonvulitiotial - : nag- : mag- : (base alonejx
Durative * : : 1 pag~j *

; : : :
S p e c i f i c a l l y du- : Jnaga-^ : maga- : :
rative : 1 ga-F t * :
, ; i : m am m ii .i in
mi mm • ••• III— i • • •• < ii m m urn m

Potential ; fnaka-1 s: jmaka-1 : Jka- I :
t t ka-r" : jpagka~| :
; 1 ka-J , _ . . . . • . • •

Legend: *Used only regionally (except -urn- with kg,* kamu»

r > Either of the f ornte is used with same meaning and

0 in the same environment (with exceptions discussed

under specific treatment)*
Bases occurring/affixes above the line occur also
or with affixes below the line and vice versa*

x- Form is prefixed.

-x- Form is infixed (follows first consonant).

-x^ Form is suffixed.

Forms for which bases occurring v/ith one above may

or may not occur with one below.

Bases occurring with affixes to the right occur

also with affixes to the left and vice versa*

******* Except for a few exceptions bases occurring with

affixes above occur also with affixes be-
low and viee^ versa*

8,052 Passive
Some bases occur only with active affixes, others only with
passive affixes# Most bases occur with both.

: Heal Unreal : Subjunctive Imp e r a -

* _________ tive
: Nonpf* r *i- -u*i : -a jW- -a|
: tential

* *•« **
[Direct t Progres- pag- -uni pag- -a paga~ -a
sive >.
i t e r a t i v e ! : gina- paga—uns paga- -a
1 mmMmmmmmmm
w w w mmm km m'4n> • • • ' • • ! » nmmmmmmmmm » w mmmm w i w

P o t e n t i a l : na- ma- s ma- none

Nonp&t4&* :gi- -an -an s -A Jpag- -il

tial ;
t •%
Progres- 1 : pag- -ant pag- -i
sive Vt
i iterative! tgina—•an paga—an : paga- -1 paga- -i
wmmm wu mm Mmmtrnw * . j u ~ t i 4 4 M'JU JITUI I I U •» u ta _ mmm mm u j i ^ w a j j i i a j urwywui a i W M

Potential : na- -an I ma- -an{tJ ma- -i L none

:gika—an jka- -anjtlka- -i J

: Nonpoten^ : gi- qi- ; qi- jpagqi-1

: tial : qig-** : qig-** 1 4i-f
Instru- : : :
mental - — — «*—
Ablative Progresive: gina- qiga-***s qiga-*** qiga-***

Mm* u wiiir m i m w u w u JII IBi»IJ. A.1 JIIin,-anwwmm n'aw w i m i » m »m w i a i ' i w w ui » » i w f r w w w r w

: Potential.: gika- qika- t qika- none

Potentials na- ma- : ma- none

(Same legend as for Sec, 8«051«)

**Dead affixes^ confined to a limited number of bases,

*** rarely used

8,1 Active

Not every base occurs with the prefixes described below#

Almost all underived transient bases occur with mi- / mu-f

nag-/ mag- and naka-/ maka- (except those of ^ecs. 8,135 a*i<l

8,112)fbut derived transient bases and adjective, nominal, and

other bases are restricted as tp type of affix*(These

are discussed in the sections on individual affixes, Chapter

Nine.) Cf# the discussion in Chapter 12 •

8.11 mi- / mu- (mi- « ni-* ming-. ning-. qina-)

mi- and ni- are used with every base in the following

sections, ming- and ning- are not used with every base, qina-

is dialectic. The suffixes with mi- / mu- described in the

following sections are different. Bases with one type of

mi~/mu- may or may not occur with another type. A chart in

Seo» 8.114 summarizes the various principal meanings of mi-/

mu- as opposed to nag-/mag-»

8»111 Future/past with volition

Bases which occur with mi-/mu- in this meaning also

occur with nag-/mag- / naga-/maga- M The nag-/

mag- / naga-/maga- is neutral * w i t h respect to the meaning
of volition, nag-/mag- often has a meaning of continuing action,
a meaning of continuing action*)
(The naga-/maga- always hasjT mi-/mu- with meaning volitional
is neutral with respect to the meaning continuing action*

muginum ka ba Do you want to drink?" V qinum "drink"

*Neutral means that the form is noncommittal on the meaning

in question,whereas some other form indicates it. Usually$ in
high style, the form which indicates the meaning in question is the
one which is used in the context calling for that meaningj but in
colloquial style the neutral form is often preferred, (These
oases will be specified*)

qug qa:ku ng giprangkahan qang hi:pi nga disliq q<*ku mupahaswaq

bissan qunsa y mahitabuq "And I told the chief frankly that
I would not clear out}no matter whri Happened." V pahaswaq
"clear out" (65.12)

kita kunu saqup risya qug walaq muha:tag sa ba:hin "He says
we are his tenants and would not give him his share." "V
ha:tag "give" (5O.6)
8.112 mi-/mu«» "begin action"

The forms with mi-/mu- mean "start action" whereas the

forms with nag-/mag~ mean "be doing V . (Cf. Chart

Sec. 8.114*)

iqitasguq qang kawatan didtu sa kakugnan "The thief hid him-

self in the cogon grass."

(Cf • nagta:guq siya sa kakugnan "He was hiding in the cogon

grass.") T? ta:guq "cause to be hidden"

qunyaqkay mibahakhak lang quruy qang tikasan "^hen, Kay, the

cheater just up and laughed out loud." T~~ bahakhak "laugh
boisterously" (65.8)

8.1121 To noun bases (restricted)

pagkidlap sa kislat mikalasyu qang kakugnan "When the

lightning struck, the grasslands burst into flames." V
kala:yu "fire"

8.113ffi,~/j*S&~neutral as to volition

8.1131 Tp transients with meaning of "an action that

happens to something"

Cf• Sec. 8. 1224 for these bases with nag-/mag-.

qapan sa qusa niqasnaq ka -nanahun diha y pahibalu nga may qusa
ka dakuq kaqasyu ng qisdaq nga midagsaq ngadtu sa qusa ka lung-
sud "But one time there was an announcement that there was a
very big fish which was washed a,ground in a certain town."
V ~ dagsaq "wash aground" (32.12)

qapan sa paglasbug pa ni*ya sa pita ska may mitagingting nga

manga salapiq "But when he threw the purse away, there was
money which jingled." "V tagingting "jingle (6.8)

kun mulibkas qang baswug qisguq gyu ng disliq mutugkad qang

manga tiqil sa basbuy "If the spring pole snaps back into
place, it will be just the right length so that the pig's

feet do not touch the ground." V libkas "snap into place"

V tugkad "touch the ground" (61.12)
8.11311 mi-/mu- neutral as to volition with bases with

which it undergoes morphophonemic alternation

Note that mi-Am- of Sec. 8,111 above does not have voli-

tional meaning when it occurs with the prefixes with which it

undergoes morphophonemic alternations (Sec* 8.1182). (in

those cases mi-/mu- is neutral with respect to volition and

continuing action.)* Cf. examples Sec. 8#1182.

8.1132 mi-/mu- to adjectives, numbers and words meaning

time "become V •

8.11521 _ ifonspeoialized meaning

The meaning of this mi-/mu- is "become T~ "

a. kun disliq ka mukasqun mugamay qang qismu ng la:was "If
you do not eat. you will become thin." (Lit.; f*four body will
become small*") V gamay "small"

"hi" mipula qang na swung ni dyu human siya makaqinum qug tulu
ka butilya ng bir "Joe's face became red after he drank three
bottles of beer." V pula "red"

cV qug muqalas qutsu na qug waq pa siya maqanhi qihatud ni

ng sulasta dasyun sa ka marisya "If it gets to be eight and
he still has not come, take this letter to Mary's at once."
V qalas qutsu "eight o'clock

8.11322 Specialized meaning with mi-/mu- "approximately

\T it

This meaning of mi~/mu- occurs with bases meaning length

of time or space. In this case mu- is used to mean past tense

as well as present and future tenses.

muduha na siya ka buslan dinhi sugbu "He has been here in Cebu
for almost two months." V duha "two"

*Most of these bases do not occur with nag-/mag-.


mutushud na qang tusbig sa paglabay ni piping "The water was

nearly knee-deep just as Pepin^ came through." "V tushud "knee"

8,1153 To noun bases (restricted)

labi na gayud kay qang gubirnadur sa lalawi:gan maqu qang

nrqkurusna sa rayna "Especially since the governor of the prov-
ince would be the one to crown the queen.11 V kuru:na "crown11
8.114 Meanings of mi-/mu- as opposed to nag-/ma^

The following chart shows the differences* among the meyp^^

ingsof mi-/mu- and nag-/mag-tf

1 Bases with volitional-action j Start V ~ become V

I mi-/mu-
1 meaning (S&g. 8.111) 1 (Sec. 8.112) 1 (Sec. 8.113)

J These bases 1) neutral as to action continu- either no

j occur with volition (Sec. ing mag-/nag-
maSr/sS£r 8.1212) and (Sec. 8.1211) or naff-/mag-
1 meaning action con-
2) action continu- tinuing
ing (Sec, 8.1211)
(Sec. 8.1211)

8.1141 Bases which occur with mi-/mu--but not with nag-/

Bases with derivative affixes with which mi-/mu-» undergo

morphophonemic alterations ( Sec. 8.1182) do not occur with

naff-/mag- except some of those with ka- and those with £aN- in

nonplural meaning, Gf, Section 12,01 for further discussion.

8.115 mi-/mu- to other noun bases

8.1151 To noun bases which occur with a lar^e number

of inflectional affixes

The different types of noun bases are described in Sec*

9.10 ff. If mi-/mu- is used at all, it is confined to bases

in a limited number of contexts where the meaning of "volitional


action11 is brought out* (Otherwise nag-Aiag- is used with

these for active ztonpotential meanings, Cf. examples Sec#

9#io ff.)
8#1152 To nouns that occur with paW- transient deriva~

tive prefixes with approximately the same meaning

This type of base is described in Sec* 9«224# (Cf. examples


8*1153 Blr/m- "g0 t0

^ "
The meaning f,go to V " occurs with noun bases but
rarely with affixes other than mi-/mu-.

mulatwud qang mananagat bi:sa g tingbagyu "The fishermen go

to sea even during the typhoon season.'1 V~" la:wud "sea"

bana:waq bay di:liq ra ba mugra:hi man ku "Banawa, driver*"

"Sorry, no. I am headed for the garage". V gra:hi "garage"

8.116 Meanings peculiar to mu-

8*1161 Iterative action (neutral as to volition and time)

Cf. the discussion Sec. 8.03 • For transients which oocur

trith mi-/mu- it is mu~ which expresses the meaning of iterative

action. ('For bases for which mag- has this meaning cf* SetQ» 8*127/

maqaryu kunu qaku muqimbintu qug kataru:ngan "He said I was

good at making up explanations." V qimbintu "make up" (65#8)

8*1162 Iterative action to maitransient bases

Note that with nontransient bases mag- is also used in

this meaning (Sec. 8*127).

na qunyaq ni ng ta:wu ng qamirika:nu ku:mu walaq kaqi:la bi:san

siya maqa:lam mubinisayaq nagalingkud la:mang gyud "Then this
American man, since he did not have any friends, even though
he knew how to speak Visayan well, justsatV1 V binisayaq
"Visayan" (38.10)

(In this example we have mu- with a past time meaning.)


8*1165 wa~ meaning "capable of"

This is an extension of the habitual meaning.

kini ng barku mukarga g lima ka tunila?da "This boat carries

five tons.1? V karga "load"

8*117 Meanings peculiar to mi-

The real is used in giving stage directions* (I.e., it

is considered that the actions of stage directions have already


qunyaq miluksu qang ba:taq qug mihi:lak "Then the child jumps
up and down and bursts out crying.!t V luksu "jump"
V— hi: lak f,cryfl

8.118 mi~/mu- with derived bases

8.1181 Those that do not •undergo morphophonemic


8.11811 mi-/mu- to bases with paki-

di:liq siya gustu ng mutugqan qapan mupakigutsi lang

ku giha:pun "She does not v/ant to tell, but I will ask her
anyway." V~"~ pakisu:si "investigate, ask questions"

didtu sa pulis mipakiluzguy qang qusnguq "The witch asked

the policeman to take pity." V pakilurquy "ask for pity"
8.11812 mi-/mu- to ka-

The optional use of mi-/mu- to bases with ka- without

morphophonemic alternations is confined to those bases with

which ka- has the meaning "action performed by the agent"

(Sec. 9»32l)# mika-/muka- has the meaning of "volitional

action" whereas na-/ma«» is neutral with respect to the mean-

ing of volition. muka~ is also used in the meaning of habitual


qayaw mu pagbanhaq dihaq kay mukatu:lug: na ku. "Don't you

make any noise over there because I want to go to sleep now*1?
*V katuslug "sleep"

qunyaq ningkana:qug si karangk^l gi:kan sa tru:nu sa ha*riq

"Then Karangkal went down from the king*s throne*" V~*"
kanasqug "go down" (35»7)

The use of mika-/muka- is fancy style*

8#1182 Those that undergo morphophonemio alternations

The gfi~/mu- is neutral with respect to volitional mean-

ing when it undergoes morphophonemic alternation together with a

derivative affix* (mi~/mu- is also neutral with respect to

duration of action*) Thus na-/ma- (» mi- + ka-/mu«» + ka-) Is

neutral with the meaning of volition and durative action*

Note that for some of those with ka-* there are forms which

explicitly express volition and durative action* (Cf# Sec*

8*11812 immediately preceding*) However* in colloquial style

with most bases the mi«»/mu«» which is neutral in volitional and

durative meanings is preferred to those forms which express them

explicitly* Thus matxulug is preferred to mukatmg; natuslug*

*° ftikatuilug (Sec* 8*11712 and Sec* 8•12122);

qinigqabut ni:mu matu:^ na ku "When you arrive* I will be sleeping'*"

(magkatu:^ has the specific meaning of durative action but is

fancy style*)

qayaw g banhaq dihaq kay matusg na ku "Do not make any noise
there because I want to sleep now*"

(mukatusg specifically has the meaning of volition* but is confined

to fancy style.)

8*11821 mjU/mu- + pakig- • aakig^mafci^«» (Sec* 9»7)

makigqaxway qang liyun kun kuha:qan sa qisya ng qituy "A

lion will fight if its cub is taken*" 7~~ pakigqajway "to
fight with another"
qang qa:tu ng katigulasngan nakigbugnuq qarun sa pagkabqut sa
qa*tu ng kagawassan "Our forefathers fought in order to
gain our freedom*" V*"~ pakigbugnuq "to struggle with another
in a fight"

8.11822 mi-/raa- + paN- « naK-/maN> (Sec. 9.2)

samtang sa qusa ka dyu:tay ng basy sa midyu hilit nga

&a*pit qang qasa:wa la:mang qang nahibilin nga nanghispus sa
kusi:na "While in a small house located at a somewhat deserted
place, the wife was the only one left behind cleaning
the kitchen.11 V panghi:pus !,put things in their proper
place ' (19.2)
muqadtu qaku sa qibabaw kay mangisdaq qaku didtu q#ku
mamingwit n I am going upstream because I will fish. There
I will fish with a pole*" V pangisdaq "go fishing"
V pamingwit "fish with a pole" (30.14)
8.11823 ml^/aa^ + fca-
mi-/mu- + ka- » na~/nia- (Sec. 9«3)«
qug sa walaq madu:gay qang hasriq namatay !,And not long after,
the king died." T/ matay "die" (17.7)
8.11824 m i - A m - to other bases

mi-/mu- + jhi-L -InahiL Jmahi3> (Sec. 9-4)

{ha- j 1naha j ' [maha
n^i-Aiu- + pani- m nani^/mani- (bec. 9.973)
ai-/mu- + paniN- » naniN-AaaniN- (Sec. 9*974)
mi-/mu- 4- panig*. • nanig-/manig- (Sec. 9•977)
mi-/mu- + panggi- » nanffgi-Zmanggi- (Sec. 9»78)
M-/E2- JaSfi- • nag-/mag- (^££. 9*92)
For examples cf. sections referred to.
8.119 mi-/mu- "action devolving on agent" (restricted)

This occurs with a few bases which occur also with nag-*/
mag- "action devolving on agent" (Sec. 8«123 and its sub-
sections) and naka-/maka- (Sec. 8.1541)• However, nag-/maff-
occurs with more bases in this meaning than mi-/mu-.
The difference in meaning is parallel to the other differences
between mi-/mu- and nag-/maff.*

*The meaning "do to oneself" is assigned to the base as

well as to the affixes*

(intentional meaning)

qug qismu ku ng duqu:lun mupatighulug ku s qubus "If you come

near me, I will hurl myself down." 'V patighulug "go down-
(Cf. the second example of Sec. 8.1232.)

mi-/mu- meaning "begin action"

mita:guq qang kawatan didtu sa kakugnan "The thief hid him-
self in the cogon grass•" T tasguq "cause to be hidden"

(Cf. the second example of Sec. 8.112.)

8.12 nag-/mag-

The following suffixes with nag-/mag«» are different

except for the meaning of Sees. 8.1211 and 8• 1212 (continuing"!


action of V" ) . Bases with one type of nag-/mag- may or

may not occur with another type.

8.1211 Continuing action

The nag-/mag-» naga-/saga- in this section occur with

bases that also occur with mi-/mu- "volitional" (Sec. 8.111)•

The meaning of this nag-/mag-> naffa-/maga- is neutral with

respect to the meaning "volition". With some bases nag-/

mag- specifically means "action continuing"• With others it

may not have this meaning* (Cf. the cha,rt £&£. 8.114 for

meanings of nag-/mag- vs. mi-/mu-.) naga-/maga- always means

"continuing action".

8.12111 To underived bases

8.121111 Ho shift
samtang qang qinahan naghitpus sa manga pinggan qug
nanghinluq sa kusisna qang bastaq la:mang qang qusa ra didtu
sa su:d sa kwartu "While the mother was putting away the
plates and was cleaning up the kitchen, just the child was
alone in the room." "V hi:pus "put things in their pro$*»
er place"- (19.5)

qunyaq qang bab&iyi nga qatbang naglingkud sya;git "Thenj the

woman that was aiding opposite shouted." V** lingkud "sit1* (42.7)
dihaq mafflingkud qang ba:taq sa batu nagkalingaw qug dwaqduiwaq
"The child was sitting on a rock amusing itself by playing.11
T ~ lingkud "sit" (55#l)
galingkud dihaq qang pa:riq qug giparris qusa ka dalasga diri "The
priest was sitting over there and was paired off with a girl here."
Y~ lingkud "sit" (39.ll)
8.121112 (-*»)
qang manga karabaw « nagaguyud sa kurma:ta ng gisudlan sa
salapiq "The carabaos were pulling the oarts containing the
money." V~~ gusyud "pull" (16.10)
qug qang qinahan nga hagkurug qug qunyaq naghilak qusab miqingun
"Then the mother, who was trembling and then crying as wellf said*.J?
T ~ hi:lak "cry" V ~ ku;rug "tremble (11.11)
With bases with paN^nag-/mag- / naga-/maffa- always have («£»)•
(Of* example Sec. 8^12311•)
8.12112 To derived bases
(to base with pa-)
qapan si karangkal bi:san sa battaq pa nagpakistag qug talagsaqun
nga qabilidad kay daghan siya g nahijmu nga daw katingalajhan "But
Karangkal even when he was still a child, showed unusual abilitiesf
because there was much he did that seemed amazing." V"~ kijtaq
"see" (25.8)
(to base with ka-)
dihaq maglingkud qang bastaq sa batu nagkalingaw qug dwaqduswaq
"The child was sitting on a rock amusing itself by playing." V""
kalingaw "amuse oneself" (55«l)
(to base with paN-)
nag-/mag- meaning "action going on" does not occur with paN- plural
(Sec. 9»21 and subsections). (Instead naN-/maH- is used for the
meaning of durativa action with bases having paN- plural.) For
basesttithother paN-*s nag-/mag- / na^a-/maga- is used but with
them the meaning is "plural (action of agents or goals)" as well
as ^action continuing * #
qa kinsa pa y la:qin kun diq si mistir qalug tubag ni qinting nga
nagpangusmu qug mikasgut qang qisya ng bagqang L ,l|Ah> who else but
Mr. Alog?1 answered Inting, snorting; and he gnashed his teethi"
V~pangusmu "snort" (56.4)
8.12113 To nominal bases (,-frQ
nagkalayu qang lasang "The forest was on fire." V~
kala:yu "fire"

8.1212 nag-/riaff~ action not necessarily volitional

qunyaq nagsu:gud qang gustum "Then the famine started"*"

1 su:gud "start"
8.1213 na^/ma^i to derived bases which do not occur

with mi-/mu-f naka-/maka-

mi-/mu- do not occur with bases having the prefix -paka-

(Sec. 9.74)9-IS- (seo» 9*96), and the dead prefixes of Sec*

9,97, for which it is not specifically stated that they occur

with mi-/mu-. For these bases nag-/maff- is used in contexts

which call for meaning "volitional* (Cf# examples in the

sections referred.) These also do not occur with naka-/maka~

(Sec. 8.15 and subsections)* Cf. Sec. 12 # 01 for a further

discussion of this topic.

m an Ln tf
8.122 *L&j%~/,Sffig~ Q ^ g "^ ^

8+1221 To adjective bases

8.12211 No shift

nagpula qang qi:ya ng na:wung kay nabulad siyasa qi:nit

"His face is red because he stayed in the sun." V pula ,fred,r

maghi:lum ta kay natu:lug si paspa "Let us be quiet because

Dad is asleep." V hi Jlum "quiet"

8.12212 (~*—)

nagku: sug qang pamalit sa linata run kay musa:ka kunu

qang prisyu "Tinned goods are selling fast now because they
say the'price is going up." U kusug "fast"

8.12215 To derived adjective bases

qug raaghanginha s ng in qugrnaq di:liq ku mudayun sa mani:laq

"If it is windy tomorrow I will not proceed to Manila."

1 hanginhasngin "somewhat windy"


bula:han qang maqadtu s la:ngit kay inagmalipa s yun si la didtu

"Blessed are those that go to heaven because they will be
happy there.11 V malipa:yun "happy"

dagha ng ta:wu sa sini qang quban magsinardinas qug tindug

"There were many people in the movie house; some were standing^
packed in like sardines." V sinardinas "like sardines"

8.1222 To adjective bases with specialized meaning

8.12221 Underived

qinday maqa:yu tingarli niqi:ni qa:kuq na lasmang patyun

ktni si karangkal kay maglisud kita niqi:ni "Dear, probably what
tfoul& be good in this situation is for me to kill Karangkal,
for we will be hard up now." V lisud "difficult" (26f13)
8.12222 To derived bases

diq ka ga:niq magbinuqutan magmaga:hiq si pa:pa ni:mu g

tu:gut sa qi:mu ng gihangyuq "If you do not behave, your
father will be reluctant to grant you your request." V
magashiq "hard"
nagmasakit qaku kay hingasri ku g qinum qug qa:lak "I am
sickly because I always drink liquor." V ~ masakit "sick"

8.1223 To noun bases "be like "V— "

8.12231 Underived bases

8.122511 Wo shift
qug dihaq qang kahumayan ni qiyuq qisyut nga sa qi:ya ng
pananqaw naglatwud sa kaha:yag sa kabunta:gun "And there lyo
Esyut beheld his rice field, a sea in the morning light."
V~ la:wud "sea"

8.122512 With shift (-~^»)

human sa pu:luq ka gutling qang puthaw ng gisugba magbag;a

na hustu na ng piqpi:qun "After ten seconds the iron that was
put in the fire will be glowing. It will be just right for
hammering into shape." V ba:ga "embers"

8.12252 To derived bases

qang qabaka giqalkuhi:ris sa diha ng nagdumalaga na "The

abaca was affected with disease just as it was maturing."
V dumala:ga "pullet" (54.6;

8.1224 nag-/ma£> to transient bases (transient meaning

state or condition)
those that
These are the same bases as/occur with the mi-/rau-

(neutral as to volition) of Sec, 8.1131 and naka-/maka- of

Sec. 8.1342.
nagqabri qang pultahan kay nalimta g sira ni lu:ling "The
door is open because Loling forgot to close it." V qabri
8.12241 nag- "become V " (dead)

gihinumduman qikaw kanu:nsy sa qa:ku ng nagmahilak nga

kasingka:sing "You are always remembered by my heart that
has become eternally crying." V~~ mahilak "always crying,r

8.123 nag-/mag- "actor does V ~ ~ to himself"

This affix is restricted except with bases having prefix

^a- (Sec. 8.1232)#

8.1231 To transient bases

quy nga:nu gu ng mutugpa ka s pir gustu ka ng maglumus

Heyf why are you jumping off the pier? Do you want to drown
yourself?" V"~ lumus "cause to drown"
qayaw g su:d nagqi:lia pa ku "Do not come in. I am still
changing." V~ qi:lis "change"

• 8.12311 n a ^ / m a ^ («*»Q

nagtuyuk giha:pun qang manga ligid sa bisikli:ta bisan

sa naghayang na kini "The wheels of the bicycle were still
turning even when it was already upside down." V tu:yuk
"oause to turn1*

;qaffpanila-p qang liyun nga humahambat sa karni "The lion

licked his chops about to take a bite from the meat."
"V pani:lap "lick (several actions)"

8.12312 To noun bases

gustu siya ng magpa:riq kay ni:ya pa tu di:liq lisud

qang pagpalangit "He wants to become a priest because he
says it will be easy to go to heaven." vii±.; "make himself
a priest") V pa:riq "priest"

8.1232 To bases with pa- "cause V to devolve on one~


(Cf. Sec. 9.13.)


gustu ku ng maCTahaya:hay kadyut "I want to refresh myself a

bitt" "V pahaya:hay "to refresh"

kay giqa:pas man siya sa ta:qas sa lubi nagpatighulug qang

halu sa yu:taq "Because someone was climbing up the coconut
tree after him, the lizard went to the ground•" IT tighulug
magpatudluq ku g qininglis ni qartur "I will have Arthur teach
me English." 7 tudluq "teach" V patudluq "cause to

8.12321 nag-/mag- "action devolving on agent" to bases

with £a- plus statives (dead)

These are described in Sqp» 9»134 &n& subsections.

nagpakamatay siya sa kagawa:san sa yu:ta ng natawhan "He died
for the freedom of his native land." V ~ kamatay "die"
7 pakamatay "cause oneself to die"

8.1233 naff~/maff-» "action devolving on agent" with bases

having other derivatives

si pa:riq pidru naghinamhinam qug nagpanilap sa:ma sa
liyun nga nagpadulung paghambat sa qusfe, ka matambuk nga tuk-
bunun "Father Pedro was eagerly awaiting (the moment) and
was licking his chops like a lion approaching a fat prey ready
to take a bite from it#" V-*"" pani:lap "lick" (several

Cf» nani:lap qang manga qituy sa la:ta "The puppies licked

the cans." • paN- -t- ti:lap "lick"

8.1234 nag-/mag- "action of two or more agents V

t*ach other"

This nag-/mag- prefix is considered to consist of mi-/

mu*» plus pag- described in Sec, 9*921.

8.124 nag-/mag- Tc noun bases other than those de<»

Waited a^ove
8.1241 To noun basesffiig-hoccur with a number of in«»
flectional affixes

This type of noun base is described in Sec. 9*10.1 ff#

(Of. examples there.)

8.1242 nag-Zma^- to do something on Y~~ f s M

The transients in this group require infinitive complements

(Sec, 4*68).
8.12421 To underived bases
magduminggu siya g qanhi sa syudad kay maqu ra ma y qadlaw
ng waq siya y traba:hu nHe comes here on Sundays because that
is the only day he does not have work," F^duminggu "Sunday"

8.12422 To derived bases

kung qanhi siya s syudad magqadlawqadlaw la g tanqaw g

sini "If he comes to the city, he will just go to the show every
day." Y~~ qadlawqadlaw "every day"

nagbinulan mi g su:hul qug maghalakut qug tusbig kay lisud

kaqa:yu g walaq ta y grispu "We are paying a water carrier by
the month because it is very difficult if you do not have a
faucet." V— binulan "monthly" V— bu:laft "month"

8.1243 nag-/maff- "work as a T*~ "

didtu siya magqartista sa mani:laq "He was an actor in

Manila." Y~~ qartista "actor"
8.1244 nag-/Eiafi- in other meanings with noun bases

sanglit dinhi man. magkanrpu qang manga trabahadur sa

gubyirnu sa pagtrabashu sa da:baw kutabastu rud "For the govern-
ment workers had camped here in th^ building of the Davao-Cota-
bato Road." V~~ kampu "camp" (51*8)
8.12441 (-*»*•)

dagha ng tagasibu gustu ng magyuta s nindanaw "Many

Cebuanos would like to farm in Mindanao." Y°~~ yu:taq "soil"

nanglaba si qangkay sa subaq quban sa qi;ya ng ba:ta ng baba:yi

nga nagpanuqi&un qug pitu ka tusqig "Angkay was washing at the
river with her seven-year-old daughter." V panuqisgun "age"

8.125 nag-/mag~ to other types of bases

8.1251 "be nearly

With these mag- is used for past time.(i.e.?both nag- and

mag- are used for past time.)

magqikapitu na sa g a b i s q i s i y a mahiqabut sa bugu "Itlwas

[will bo
almost seven when heJarrived
5 la: \ a t Bogo."
{arrives f
8.1252 " a t around V~
magqalas syisti na gasniq qihatud ni ng sulasta dasyun
sa ka marisya "At about seven take this letter to Maryf4 &t
once." V~~* qalas syisti "seven o'clock"

(Cf. example c. Sec. 8#11321 for the difference between this and


8.1253 To other qualifiers

waq ku maffkinahangla g la:qi ng tumatatbang dinhi s

tindashan "I do not need any more helpers here in the store*11
"V kinahanglan "need"

8.126 Meanings peculiar to maff-

•flet usl "

8.1261 jpagr injunctive Lshouldjr
magbaxyad ka niqi:ni ng qismu ng gibu*hat "You must pay
for this thing that you have done." F"~ ba:yad "pay for" (23#5)
8.1262 To derived bases

Note that to derived bases of the type described in Sep.

8«Bfi2 (in which mi-/mu- with the derivative affix undergoes

morphophonemic alternations) mag- is not used in this meaning".

Instead nu- is used;

manglingkud ta "Let us sit down."

quy pirla mamasna ka qarun disliq ka hibyaqan sa trin "Perlaf

you had better get married so you won't miss the boat." (Lit»;
"be left behind by the train") V~. basna "husband"

8.127 mag- "iterative action"

The meaning of this affix is the same as the meaning of

mu- Sec. 8.1161. It is confined to nontransient bases and to

transient bases which do not occur with mi~/mu-.

si pidru maqasyu ng magbinisayaq sa waq pa maputul qang qisya ng


dislaq "Pedro spoke Yisayan well before his tongue was cut out # "
T/ binisayaq "Visayan language11

maf^pu;nay la;mang siya g lingkud qug bagduybagduy "All he used

to do was sit around or roam about." V~~ pus nay "always** (does
not occur with mi*»/mu-)

aasa4 ,
j£a-j /maga*

£ £g- /* /maga- is used with the same bases as nag--/mag«-

except in the meanings of Sec, 8 # 126.f—»-~L /maga- has a

meaning of "continuing^ . , .
^ ***
In the meanings of See* 3*1212

and Sec« 8.125 the meaning is different for nag-/mag-. Otherwise

the meaning is the same#

8*129 Meanings peculiar to nag-

The real is used in giving stage directions,

na^hilak qang tigu:lang qi:ni ng dapi:ta "The old woman cries

at this point." IT" hislak "cry" (Cf. Sec. 8.117.)

8.13 naka-/maka- "potential"

naka-/maka- has four meanings, ka- is used in the same

place as naka-/maka- but is of more colloquial style. (Cft Seoi


However, the potential forms are not always used in collo-

quial speech in contexts which call for them, especially when

there is something in the context to indicate the potential*

accidental or perfective meaning. The mi-/mu- forms (nonpoten-

tial forms for the passives) are used as well.

/ *!foaa ]*
8.131 naka^/naka*» lable foj

8.1311 To transient bases

8.13111 Underived bases

8.131111 No shift

kung kinsa kadtu ng makagusyud niqi:ni ng qisdaq qug

makabalibag ngadtu sa malayu ng darpit hatasgan sa ha:riq qug
dakuq kaqasyu ng bahandiq "Whoever can drag this fish and throw
it to a distant place will be given a huge treasure by the king*11
V gu:yud "drag" IT* balibag !tthrow" (33»4)

The unreal maka- is also used in past time meanings in the meaning

of "was able to Y~~ "a (naka- has the nuance of "succeeded in V"*"~ "J

makaqagaw bi:taw sadna g bunal si ba:kir "Wouldn't you know

it. Baker was able to get hold of the club»" V ~ qatgaw
"snatch away" (42.13)

8.131112 Shift (~>~)

ha:qin ka man makakuhaq qug kwarta "Where did you get

money from?" Y~~' ku:haq "get" (8*4)

8.15112 Derived bases

Note that naka-/maka- does not occur with statives (i#ef

with bases with ka-) except those of Sec» 9*321 ("action performed

by agent").
waq man siya y mahismu qarun siya makapangi; tag qug makatasbang
sa qa:tu ng kahimtang "He cannot do anything in order to earn
something to help our situation." V*~ pangi:taq "earn" V*"""
ki:taq "earn" (30.4)

makapakataswa ka nisya nga raurha:nun man naq siya "Can you make
him laugh? For he is a sourpuss." Y~~ pakata:wa "cause to

qapan qusa niqa;naq maqu y nakapasubuq sa qisya ng manga

ginika:nan kay dakuq siya g kasqun "But one of these was what
made his parents sad, for he had a huge appetite." V*~ subuq
"sad" (25.11)
8.131121 To bases with kg-

WithyTstative bases (3ec.9»32l) the base has an alternant

without/ke / with naka-/maka- •
walaq ku mak^tulug gabi:qi kay banhaq kaqasyu qang qiring sa
qa;mu ng sili:ngan "I was not able to sleep last night beoause
our neighbor's cat was very noisy." "V katu:lug "sleep"
8.1312 naka-/maka- to adjective bases

With adjective bases the potential usually has an additional

meaning "cause to be "V " (but not"allow to be T ")• (


qayaw g panabakuq kay makada&ut man naq sa qi:mu ng pangla:was

"Do not smoke, for it can ruin your health*11 V*~" daxiut "bad"

8.132 naka-/raaka- completed action

8.1521 To transient bases

kun waq pa lang qang hispi nakapatay na qaku qug taswu "If
the chief had not been there,I would already be a murderer*"
(Lit*; "I would have already killed someone*") T""" patay "kill"
8*1322 To noun bases

nakahigayun siya, g lakaw kay tusqa ma s lungsud si ma*ma

nisya "He had a chance to go out because his mother was in town*"
V"~ higayun "occasion"

nakaqitlug na ng manuk maqu ng nagputak siya "The hen has laid

an egg; that is why it is cackling*" ir*~ qitlug l1eggu

8«1323 To adjective bases

nakadaqutan kanisya qang qi:ya ng pagsi:gi g qinum qug
qalak "His constant drinking of liquor was what made him bad*"
"V daqutan "bad"

8.133 naka-/maka- "accidental action"

"Accidental action" covers three meanings:

1) Action not intentional on the part of the agent;

kinsa y nakamansa qasni "Who happened to stain this?"

2) Action coincidental with another event;

qang litqag nakasinggit si qinting diha ng nati:nuq ni:ya nga

didtu gi:kan qang kabanhaq "The trap I* shouted Inting when he
was sure that the noise came from there." F ~ singgit "shout"

3) Action which occurred due to outside influence}

pagkadungug ni:ya s prisyu nakatihul siya kay mahal man kaqa:yu

qang sapa:tus "When he heard the price he whistled, for the
shoes were very expensive," V""""" tihul "whistle"
8,1331 To transient bases

8*13311 Underived bases

nakapusta ka ba sa kang saryu ng manuk "Did you happen

to bet on Sariofs cock?" T~~ pusta "bet"

qayaw g dtulaq qa:na ng tonus na kay qang taguk niqa:naq makamans a

tinga:li "Do not play with that plant "because the sap might
stain," V""^ mansa "stain"

8, 13512 Derived bases

qug magba:sa ku s laswum nga gabi:qi makatulug ku da:yun

"If I read late at nighty I fall asleep right away." V katuilug
qang binuhiq sa mayur maqu nnakaqasawa" »
}. Sa m a n h u d n i
turyu "The mayor's adopted son was the one who happen:; to
marry Torio's younger sister," V~" qasa:wa "wife"
(Note that the base occurs with and without paN-. Cf» Sec, 9#244)

8,134 naka-/maka- "action devolving on agent" (dead)

nakabalitaq si pidru nga namatay qang qamaha ng tasyu

"Pedro heard the news that Tasio's father had died." V"~ balitaq

daw qusa ka panun nga ka:baw nga nakabuhiq, sa turil nagsusngay

"Like a herd of carabao that had escaped from the corral,
butting each other," TT* buhiq "free" (66#8)

(Note that these also have the other meanings of the naka-/maka«Q

may nakabalitaq kana:kuq nga qikaw gipasanginla ng nanga:wat

"Somebody told me that you were accused of stealing," V""~
balitaq "news"

8,1341 naka-/maka~ "action devolving on agent" to bases

which occur with nag~/mag- "action devolving on agent"

These bases also occur with nag-/mag- of Sec, 8,123 and its

subsections, but not all bases in 8,123 occur with naka-»/maka-#

The difference in meaning is parallel to the difference between

other types of nag-/mag- and naka-/maka- except naka-/maka-


(action completed)

najkataiguc na mu larga na "Are you hidden? Here I cornel"

(Lit»;"get going",) T~~ tasguq "hide"

(Cf, the second example of Sec. 8,112,)


(potential meaning)

disliq ka kapabuy kay wa y mudaswat nismu "You cannot hire

yourself out as a servant because no one will accept you."
V pafeuy "hire oneself out as a houseboy"
(Cf# the example of ,Se_o» 9»133»)
8.1342 naka-/maka- "action that happened to something11

These are the bases which occur with mi-/mu- of Sec. 8#1131

and na£-/mag- of Seq« 8.1224*

nakabagting na qang kampa:na sa simbahan "The church bell has
rung now,"

8.135 naka-/maka- with uogapotential meanings

This usage occurs with bases which for the most part have

no mi-/mu- or nag-/mag- or have a meaning with the potentials

radically different trom the bases with other affixes. E.g#f

nakafcjtaq "saw" ( nfrfrki:,foya "met"), nakabatiq "heard"

(miba:tiq "felt"), etc•

nakakitaq siya g qusa ka kashuy nga may daku ng buhuq "He saw
a tree with a big hole*" T~~ ki:taq "see" (4*4)

8.136 ka- for naka-/maka-

In colloquial style ka- is used in the meaning of naka-

and maka- (though in some contexts ka- tends not to be used#")

waq man ku kasabut kanismu "l( ^ ^in o t understand you."

1 sabut "understand" (8.3)
8.157 Potentials to nominal bases

(Cf. also the examples of Sec. 8.1322.)

8.1571 To nouns which occur with a number of inflectional


This type of noun base is described in Sec. 9•10.1 ff«

(Cf. the examples there.)


+Jf To be able to obtain \ — „

8.1372 \"Hav8 obtained £,

maqasyu na lang ni ng mamasul kay inakaqisdaq ku "Line

fishing is good enough because I can get fish that way." "V
qisdaq "fish"
nagdusda qang manga ta:wu nga si kadyu nakasangud maqu nga
siya kusgan "The people suspected Cadio of possessing charms*
That is why he is strong." V ~ sa:ngud "charm"

8.13721 This meaning to bases with (•—->) '

wala y kala:ki ni ng trabahu:qa kay di:liq ku makasininaq

ga:niq "This job is no good because I cannot even clothe
myself with what I earn*" (Lit.;"obtain clothing") Y~~ sinisnaq

8.138 Potentials to bases with pag- (Sec. 9«92l)

The potential active of the base with a pag- prefix has

the shape nagka-/magka-*

8.1381 In meaning "can I T "

si :1a
disliq na lisud kay managkasa:but/*""It is not difficult any
more because they can agree." V*" pagsa:but "agree"
di:liq magkasinabtasnay qang duha kay nagakalashiq qang qi:la ng
hunaqhu:naq qug manga pu:lung "The two cannot agree with each
other because their thoughts and their words are growing apart'*"
Y~~ pagsinabtasnay "understand one another" "V pagla:hiq "be
different from one another"

8.1382 In meaning "perfected action"

walaq pa kami managkasa:but "We have not come to an

agreement yet." 'V pagsasbut "agree"

8*1383 In meaning "accidental V ~ "

nagkakittaq ba mu gaharpun si husi "Did you and Jose happen

to meet yesterday?" V""" pagki:taq "meet"

8.1384 Potential forms with nonpotential meanings

nagkasikbit mi s pidru g yu:taq "Pedro*s and my land are

contiguous." 1/ pagkasi&hit "be contiguous"

8.139 nakag~/makag~ "have moral power to V~~" "


This is used in fancy style* In colloquial speech naka^/maka-


is used instead,

8t1591 To transient bases

kana ng qitmu ng pagqubanquiban nilla maqu y makagduthig

sa manga daquta ng batassan "Your going around with them can
influence you with bad manners," Y"~ du:hig "smear"

si duray sa pagpakabatiq niqama ng manga pulu;nga walaq m^k^gpugung

sa manga luihaq nga nanaligdig sa qitya ng kaqapi:ngan ?'Dora%
on hearing those words, could not hold back the tears which trickled
down her cheeks*" V ~ pugung "hold back"

qang tagduma:la maqu ra y makagdiliq sa matag qusa kanaituq
"The manager is the only one who can forbid all of us," V**""
diliq "forbid"

8,1391V To bases with a dead pag- -prefix (Sep, 9*922)

di:liq ku makagbuqut niqatnaq kay qusa ra qaku ka suluguiqun

"I cannot decide on that because I am only a servant," V ~ ~
pagbuqut "decide"

8,14 Bases with the active having a causative meaning

These occur with the mi-/mu-« nag-/mag- and naka~/maka«»

prefixes described in Sees, 8,11 - 8.13 above. For these bases

the passives also have a causative meaning,

8,141 Adjective bases

This usage occurs with adjective bases and with potentials.

It occurs with few bases with n&g-/wdBr and BAr/ffilir* (Usually a

pa- causative prefix occurs with the adjective bases in transients

with g4-/mu-or qsyg«Aag-« Cf, Sees, 9*122 and 12,124*)

si dyu maqu y mulimpyu sa blakburd "Joe is the one who cleans

the blackboard," Vmtmm limpyu "clean"

8,1411 Adjectives with (JpT^ when used as bases to

transients meaning "cause J|T "

siya na pu y nageaikj^j sa qitya ng qinahan kay wanqa ma ng

qitya ng magulang "Kbw fee is the one making his mother suffer
again because his elder brother is not there any more," T~~
sakit "be sick"

8.I42 Actives of passives of the type described jSea^.


mubinugtunff siya g bungkag sa qi:ya ng quma "He will start

his farm alone," 7 — binugtung "do alone"
mibinulan siya g qanhi na:kuq "He came to me once a month*"
Y~~ binulan "by the month "
8,145 Bases with the active having a meaning "do V*"" to


With a few bases* the active also means "do V~ to oneself"

as well as "causative" (e.g., ta:guq "hidden"). Howeverf the

meaning "do V~ to oneself" has been assigned to the affix as

well* (Cf. Sees. 8,119, 8.123 [and its subsections] and 8#134l#)

8.15 naffka~/magka~ (•*—) "covered with T*~ "

""' * '"""f '• ' " l " ^ 1 1
" ""•• ' • ! » • • « "II I I H I I I M W • Pill • I I I H I I I m • •!'»' '• I" l i n y I M» Mil

8.151 To noun bases

nagkabarlas qang qi:la ng manga pagkasqun qug mipalit sila g
litsu g lu.tuq pagqusab "Their food got sand all over it, and they
bought roast pork, and cooked rice again." T"~" balas "sand"

8.1511 To bases which do not occur by themselves

miqundang siya g labyug sa wa:say nangaghu g lalum qug

namajhid sa nagkadusi:ngut ni:ya ng laswas "He stopped swinging
his axe, heaved a deep sigh and wiped his body covered with sweat."
1/ *dusingut

8.152 To adjective bases"be V~~ all over"

maqu gyud na ng magkaqun ka g lumaya:gan magfeaq i; turn

na ng qi:mu ng ngasbil "That is what happens when you eat squid*
Your lips get black all over." V qitum "black"

8.16 Zero for inflectional affixes

For a definition of zero cf. Sec. 8.045*

8.161 Zero ta mi«»/nu-

The base is used alone in colloquial style for forms with


mi-/mu- with underivcd bases in any context except after qual-

ifiers* The meaning of the forms with mi-/mu- and of the base

alone is the same.

8.1611 With underived bases

qa: su:kul ka s pa:riq "Sol you defy priests!" (« musutkul)

(Of. 41#ll3
na qunyaq qang ba,ba:yi nga qatbang naglingkud sya;git "Then the
woman sitting opposite shouted." (* misya:git) (42.7)

(meaning "action that happened to something"(Sec. 8.1131))

qanusqa bagting qang kampa:na "When does the bell ring?"

(=» mubagting)

libkas na ba qang balagqung "Did the trap spring?" (** milibkas)

(meaning "become/became")

^amay ka nyaq basta ka muka:qun "You will become small

if you do not eat." (« mugamay)
(in habitual meaning Sec. 8.1161)

qug disliq tugnaw qunya ng gabi:qi qayaw la g habu;li qang manga

ba:taq "If it does not get cold tonight, do not put a blai}Jce.t
on the children." (~ mutugnaw)
karga ni ng putluq ka taswu ni ng qi:mu ng sakayan yJ™--!•]>• your
boat hold ten persons?" (« mukarga)

8.1612 With derived bases

If the base occurs with mi-/mu- without morphophonemic alter-

nations, the base alone occurs in contexts wharg mi-/mu- + base

pada* ku g gassa sa qa:ku ng manghud "I will send a gift to
my younger brother." (» mupada:)

pada? siya nasku g krismaskard qi:turg disimbri "He sent me a

Christmas card last December." (« mipadat)

*In dialectical usage zero is used for mi-/mu- with bases

with paN-t even when qualified by walaq. di:liq.
walaq si:la panghibalu "They did not know#" However^this is not
the usage of Cebu City#

pakiluquy lagi siya na:kuq sa diha ng giki:ha ku siya He asked
me for sympathy when I filed a complaint against him,"
( m mipakiluquy)
With jja- meaning "go in the direction of V (Sec, 9*15)
zero for mu- occurs after walaq, di:liq and gustu,

walaq siya padaplin bijsa g dagha ng tra:k gustu ng muqa:gi "Hd

did not move to the side even though many buses wanted to go byJ*
( m mupadaplin)
8,16121 Special comment on bases with ^p.- causative

Most bases with pa** "causative" (Sec, 9«3JL) are not used in

contexts in place of mupa-/mipa- if there is homonymy with the

base alone for passive (Sec, 8,1642),

mupatanqaw ku niya g sini "I will allow her to go to the show*"

In this case, patanqaw ku niya g sini^means "She allowed me to

go to the show," [with patanqaw « gipatanqaw Sec, 8tl642)

8,162 Zero « S&&m/s&&mm

The base is used alone in colloquial style for forms with

naqw/mag- plus base (derived or underived - except bases with

paN- or ka- \

8#l621 With underived bases

The base alone for the base with mag- is not used after di;liq«

walaq and gustu except for the types described in Sec, 8,1623 and

its subsections,
dala nyaq ku g sa:ging qugmaq kay qastu ng qisugba "I will bring
bananas tomorrow because we will roast them over the fire,*
( m magdala " durative meaning" Sec, 8,l22&)

h±:lum na ba si:1a si dyunyur qug si tu:ni s tasqas "Are Junior

and Tony quiet upstairs?" ( « naghi:lum nag- in the sense of
"be 1/ " Sec. 8,122)

sungkaq gani:ha kami si tibuy "I played t sungka' with Tibuy*1'

( is nagsungkaq with nag- to nominal base Seo» 9,10.1)
bantay ta dinhi sa qastu ng manga butang kay la:qin ra ba ni ng
manga taswu dinhi "We should keep an eye on our things because the

people here are not of a nice type," (= magbantay mag- in the

meaning of "should Y~ " £ec. 8.126)

8.1622 With derived bases

8.16221 Zero « na^/maff- to bases with pafi-> !! V~

qach other"

kistaq lang qunyaq ta sa prugram "We will see each other

at the program later#fl (« magki:taq) F~ pagkistaq "meet"
(Sec, 9*921)

pu:yuq lang mi kay nagpada:yun qang qa:mu ng paghigugma "We

were living together,' because we continued being in love."
(« nagpuryuq) Y~~ pagpusyuq "live together"

8.16222 Zero « nag-/mag- to bases with paka-

pakada:tuqr diqay siya nan dagha ng manga dala:ga ng

mabi:hag "Suppose he pretends to be rich* Then he can attract
many girls," (*= magpakada:tuq)

8.16^25 Zero « nag-/mag- to basaswith other derivatives

where zero is not used after walaq, di:liq,

pasigarbu ka gihaspun nga waq na man ga:niq ka y gikaqun

You are still proud when you do not even have anything to
eat any longer," (« nagpasigarbu)

8.1623 To bases where zero « nag-/mag- which occur also

after di:liq, walaq, gustu

8,16231 pa- in meaning "action devolving on agent11

(Sec, 9*13)

walaq qusab patimqaw hangtud nga gipulqan na qang manga

sulugusqun sa balasqud "He did not show himself
until the servants of the law got tired (of watching for
him)," (= magpatimqaw) (57.4)

walaq siya pabuy sa ka dun simyun kay nahadluk siya ng

palabilabijhan siya "He did not hire himself out to Don Simeon
because he was afraid that he would be treated with contempt*"
(» magpabuy)

walaq pa ku padiqansi kay lusya pa ku "I have not had my womb

scraped because I am still weak." (« magpadiqansi)

8.162 52 pa- in meaning " go to 1— " (Sec* 9»15)

di:liq pa ku palungsud run "I will not go to town yet"#H

(« magpalungsud)

8.16255 To bases with jjaki-

waq siya pakiluquy kay taqas man siya garbu "He did not
ask for pity, for he was very proud," (« magpakiluquy)

8.163 Zero = na«»/ma- (stative)

These do not occur qualified by disliqt walaq« or gustu»

8.1631 To statives from transient bases (Sec. 9*52)

tu:lug; na ta kay tungaq na ng gabi:qi "Let us sleep now

because it is already midnight." (« maturlug)

didtu gayud tumba rumbu kani:ya "There it fell right smack at

him." (= natunba) (29.5)

8.16311 To bases with hi-/ha-

hibalu ka ng muqanhi si hwan "Do you know that John is

coming here?" (= nahibalu)

hibu:lung tinga:li si qi:da qinigkakitaq ni:ya ng piping

*nakigku:yug ni birta "Ida will probably be puzzled to see Pepe
going with Berta." (« mahibu:lung)

8.1652 To statives from adjective bases

lis pay si ma:ma pagkahibalu ni:ya ng gipatubtcjan qang

qa:ku ng swildu "Mama will be happy when she knows that I got
a raise.11 (= mali:pay)

dakuq na si hwan qapan maqu giha:pun tapulan "John was grown

up now, but as always, he was lazy." (» nadakuq) (3.12)

8.164 Zero for passive affixes

8»I64I To bases not with pa- "causative"

With these bases zero for passive affixes is confined to

certain bases. Zero is usually used with a real meaning* With

bases hupan. ta:pusf dala, nunut and some others, this usage is

literary style* Zero for passive affixes is not used after


6.16411 Zero for direct passive

walu ka pulisisya qasku ng dala I took along eight polioe~
men," (= gidala)

qunyaq taqnaw lang ni ba:kir "Then Baker just watched them*"

(= gitaqnaw fgitanqaw]) (39«14)
8.16412 Zero for local passive
With the local passive gi- « zero, but -an is used,
qug tusqud man sugdan da:yun ni hwan qug taktak qang qi:ya ng
pita:ka "And so John began to shake his purse right awayt"
(« gisugdan) (15.2)

8.16413 Zero fTor instrumental passive

kusyug ku qang prisidinti "I had the president come along'*11
(« gikusyug)

waq na ku ba:la ha stag ku s pulisi:ya "I did not have any

bullets any;.more• I had given them to the police," (= gihastag)

(To base with paN-)

panambug qang manga sisya "Anyway, they threw the chairs
o u t ~ ( = gipanambug) (46,8)
8,1642 To bases with pa- causative

With many bases having pa- causative the base alone is used

for (gi-/-un direct passive orffi-/qi-instrumental)


patanqaw nisya qang mutsatsa g sini "He allowed his maid to go

to the show," (= gipatanqaw)


gubirnadur susguq kanaskuq nga padakup si baskir "The governor

ordered me to have Baker captured," (= qipadakup)

8,2 Passive

A given base may occur with one, twof or all three of the

passives, Cf, Chapter 12 for paradigms*

^Dialectic for "waq na ku y has la"


8.21ffi-/-un/«»adirect passive

The various meanings for the direct passive are the same

from the Cebuano point of view with the exception of the meanings

"purpose for which" (Sec, 8.2113) and "affected by V~ " (Sec*

8**213). For the others the difference in meaning is merely a

difference from the point of view of the translation, and these

are all considered to be the same affix*

8.211 gi-/-un/«»a direct meaning

8.2111 Transient bases meaning "thing T~~~^e<L"

hala dakpun patyun si baikir "Come onj Let us catch and

kill Baker l" T~ dakup "capture" V~ patay "kill" (46*~3)

8.211J.1 To derived transient base

The direct passive occurs less with derived bases than the

other passives, There are no direct passives to bases with deriv-

ative ka- (Sec. 9»3)t pakig- (See. 9*6)9 paki- (Sec. 9*91) and

hj^- (Sec. 9.4) (except hiqu:sa).

qang qi:ya ng qasapra pud gipalakaw "He had even had his wife go
away*" V~ palakaw "cause to go out" (46*5)
papahawa;qun kunu kita kay "He says we will be kicked off* Kay*"
V ~ papaha;wa$ "cause to clear out" (5Q#6)
pangasawqun ku qang qijya ng qanak "I will marry his daughter*"
W^"''gangas«wa "take a wife'1 (10*4) (For bases with paff- of*
Sec. 8.2115)

8.2112 "place to which T ~ "

This meaning occurs with transients having a meaning of

motion in a direction*

8.21121 To bases where local (Sec. 8«22) means "place

on which" and direct means "place to which"

lakwun ta qang bana:waq "Let us walk to Banawa."

[Cf. lakwan ta qang "bagqu ng da:Ian "Let us walk on the new

road." (local passive)]

8.21122 To bases where direct means "person V^-ed to"

whereas local has other meanings

laba:yun ta ka ru g batu "I will throw a rock ajb you*"

TT" la:bay "to throw"

aba:y i ra ku g buqu:ngun ning "Toss me a pomelo, Ning."

8.21125 Bases with same meaning for local and direct

<, a , k ].Tan>- ta kani ng taqas nga ka:huy "Let us climb this

tall xree." TT" katkat "to climb" (katkattun also has the
meaning of Sec. 8.2115) Cf. Sec. 8.221111 for other examples«

8.21124 To bases which have no local

gili:ngiq ku qang babasyi sa qa:ku ng luyu "I turned to

the woman in back of me." "V li:ngiq "turn"
8.21125 To noun bases "person V""~ is aimed at"

[£i-/-unAa (—^) ]
qayaw ku g darlingdarli:nga dihaq bakyaqun t ikaw run
"Don't you darling mel I will hit you wj^th this wooden slipper
Jreason on account of L _ _, , M
8.2115 Direct passive meaning turpose
jpurpose for J***

This meaning occurs with transients having a meaning of

motion in a direction* In this meaning the transient is not used

in a transient phrase (Sec. 4•23).

qunsa ma y qi:mu ng qubanun "What are you going along for?"

qunsa y qi:mu ng qadtusqun sir "What is the reason you are

going, sir?"

8,2114 Direct passives to bases with causative meaning

without pa-

8+21141 Adjective bases

With adjective bases the transient has a causative meaning

"make something be V f (This differs from the meaning of £&-$

eft Sec* 9.H.)

(^ituma qang qi:mu ng sapastus Make your shoes black/1 V~"
qitum "black"

qug giqaiyu gyud ni:ya qarun di:liq mali:wag "And he saw to it

that it could not be pushed aside." T~ qa:yu "good" (60*3)

(With derived adjective)

binugtusngun ni:ya pagbungkag qang qi:ya ng quma "He will open
up his farm alone." "V bugtung "lone"

8.211411 To adjective bases with (•«£—)

nga:nu ma ng qismu ng saki:tun si tasya nga waq man siya y
salaq ni:mu "Why do you make Tasya suffer when she has not done
anything to you?" T~~ sakit "painful"

8.211412 To adjective bases with paN~ "plural"

gipangasgad nisla qang manga sudqa g timpla "They made the

side dishes salty in seasoning them." V*~~qasgad "salty"

8.21142 Direct passives with qualifiers

Words meaning time/used as bases of transients with infini-
tive complements parallel to the usage with adjectives (Sec»
8*21141 immediately preceding). (These words occur as qualifiers
Sec. 6.2125 or 6*221121.)
niqadtu sulus iniana s hun ku g bisixta sa qasku ng qanak piru karun
talagsa na lang "Formerly my son used to visit me every weekt
but now^ just once in a while." Y**0 sulusimatna "every week11

tinagsaqun ni na:ku g dala "I will take them one by one«" V

tinagsa "one by one"

8.21143 Direct passives to Qualifiers meaning

"caused to be done V "


diq na lagi mahi.iauq na ng qugma;qun "That just cannot he

put off until tomorrow," V*-* qugmaq "tomorrow"

8,21144 To qualifiers consisting of ka- plus unreal

(Sep, 6*221122) "thing to be done V times"

katuluq a g hu:gas naq qu:saq qibuwad sa qadlaw "That is to

be washed three times before it is to be dried in the sun,"
katulu "three"

8*21145 Direct passives with numeral bases meaning

"cause to be 7 "

qupata na ng turta "Divide that omelette into four parts."

qupat "four"

8,2115 Direct passive to bases with pag- (9«92jt)(dead)

This direct passive occurs only with a feiv of the bases with

pBag-. The pag- has a zero alternant* (Cf# Sec* 9•921.)

8*21151 Meaning "person with whom V ^ e d "

kitasqun nastuq si pidru "Let us meet with Pedro*" V""~
pagki:taq "meet"-

giqaiway ku qang ba:taq "I quarrelled with the child*" V~~

pagqa:way "quarrel"

8*21152 Meaning "thing people IT" -ed with one another"

qiliisun na:tuq qang pawntinpin "Let us exchange fountain

pens*" V""~ pagqislis "exchange"

8*21153 Meaning "people caused to T*~* with each other"

kuyusffiin na:tuq qang qa:tu ng manga ba:taq ngadtu simbahan

"Let us have our children go to church together*" V ku:yug
"go together with"

8*2116 Direct passive to noun bases

8*21161 To ncuass which occur with other transient affixes

This type of noun base is described in Sec, 9*10*1 tt'i

(Of, examples there,)
8*21162 "make into IT "

kini ng panaptusna maqa:yu ng karsunifeun "This cloth is


good to make into pants*" Y~*~ karsu:nis "pants"

mutsatsu;ha lang ku basta diq lang ku kastigu:hun "Make me into
a servant, just so long as I am not punished," V mutsatsu

8,21165 "person to whom Y*"~ is said"

swayan lang mari taspus qaku ni:ya litsilitsitha nga wala y
sala ng nabu:hat kani:ya "We will just see, comadre, after I
was scolded when I did not even do anything wrong to her."
(Lit,: "I was said Ueche 1 to") V litsi "a curse"
8.21164 "person who was called ?
qayaw na lang ku g mulumisti:ra dihaq ka:puy na naq kaqa:yu
tawga lang ku g piping "Do not call me f Mr. f . It will be muoh
easier just to call me Peping,"

8.21165 Specialized meanings

qug maklgda:ma ka na:kuq qa:ku ng babusyun qang qi:mu ng
das ma "If you play checkers with me, I will corner your king'*'11
V ~ ba:buy "pig"

qayaw g galinga qang pinusuq kay qa:kuq na ng binhi:qun "Do

not grind the big ears of corn because I will use that for seed*"
Y*~~ binhiq "seed "

8,211651 gi-/~un/-a («**•—) with noun bases in specialized


giqi:ruq lang ku nisya g hataghaxtag libru "He acted as if

he were going to give me the book," V" qiruq "dog"
8,2117 ^i-/-u&/~a with additional intentional meaning

With some bases the direct passive has an intentional

meaning as opposed to the potential,

tusqud man gidaswat sa qinahan qang salapiq "And so the mother

accepted the money." V"**" da:wat "(receive! " (8.11)
jaccept r
(Cf, nada:wat ba nismu qang qasku ng swat "Did you ^et my
letter?" )

taction continuing! "

8.212 gina-/paga- -un/-a ^iterative J

These forms are used only in fancy style except with a few

set expressions. They go with the same bases as the affixes


described in Sec. 8*211 above and its subsections above. These

forms are also used without an iterative or durative (meaning of

action continuing).

8.2121 IJnderived bases

human kasulti:hi kun qunsa y qi:la ng pagabuha:tun "After
telling them what they were to do ...•" T~ bu:hat !tdot! (60#6)
8.21211 pag- ~un/-a (used with some bases)

This affix has the same meaning as pafga- -un/-a.

maqu na y pagqingnun nga wala y subu "That is what is usually
called •untried1.11 T~ qingun "tell, say to be"

8.2122 To derived b a s e s

gina~/paga- -un/-a occurs with few derived bases. To ex-

press the meaning plural actors (usually expressed by the deriva-

tive prefix paN- Sep. 9«2l) continuing action the derivative

prefix panag- is used for the direct passive with most bases

(Seel 9*933)• However, gina-/paga- -un occurs with some derived


ginapamu:lut qang manga pulak nga lubi sa manga ba:taq "The

fallen coconuts are being gathered by the children." "V
pu:lut "gather"

8.2125 JjffigQ;" -Ufi (^^) "iterative action" (dead)

This affix is confined to higjh style speech and occurs

only with a few bases.

qayaw la g kabala:ka qug tu:qa ka s huspital kay pa/apaqadtuqun
ka naskuq "Do not worry when you are in the hospital because
I will always visit you." (Lit.? "always go to you") V"~~
qadtu "go to"

8.215 gi~/-un/-a "affected [ by j*

8.2151 To noun bases(productive)

8.21511 Underived

8.215111 No shift

qang qabaka nga qi:la ng kanu:nay gitisuk ku:tub sa qi*la ng

maqabut paghinluq giqalkuhi:ris sa diha ng nagdumalaga na "The
abaca which they always planted as far as they had been able to
clear was affected with abaca disease•" IT"" qalkuhi:ris "a
disease which strikes abaca" (54«6)

8,213112 With shift (***)

si li:tu ginuka kay si:gi ng su:ruy sa kalibunan "Lito

got infected with soares because he always goes around in the •
woods." V~~ nu:ka "eore "
8.21312 D e r i v e ^ ftases

fti-/-un/-a occurs with a noun base which has a jjaN- prefix

"plural" which occurs only with these prefixes. (Cf# Sec. 9*2171*)

gipaningut si qinting qug qingu g bawgbug human sa makaliliisang

nga bugnuq sa kamatasyun fl In ting sweated marbles after the
dreadful struggle with death." V*~ singut "sweat" (68#ll)

8.21313 Specialized meaning

giduguq s i y a r u n g bagqu "She has r e c e n t l y menstruate&*"

V*"~ duguq "blood"

8.2132 To ad.jeotive bases

8.21521 tinder ived

8.213211 No shift

qang manga nanghibilin sa manga kabalayan nga maqu y

nanghi:pus bu:sacr gikatpuy qug tinu:qud nakamata "Those left
in the houses, who were the ones who had been clearing the things
away and therefore very tired, woke up." V"* ka:puy "tired"
8.213212 With (***)

maqu ra g gidimalas si tibuy sa qi:ya ng paipu:lang "It looks

as though Tiboy is having bad luck in his betting." Y~~ dimailas
"bad luck"

8.2155 To transient bases(dead)

This type of passive requires a goal complement with qu^

or sa (Sec. 4*63).

wala y kukahadluk nga manungkab sa manga hayutpan sa manga taswu


kanang batisqun na 3a kagu:tum maqadlaw kun magabi:qi "He had

no fear at all to steal people13 animals whenever he felt hungry
day or night/' V bastiq "feel" (56*16)

8r214 na-/ma- direct passive

The potential meanings are "ability", ''completion of action",

and "accidental" (described in Sec, 8*13 )• The potentials ooour

with the direct passives in the meanings described in SecV 8«211

and its subsections* However, for bases with the prefix pa-» the

direct passive has no potential.

ffipaqadtu na ba ni:mu si lusling sa ka luslu waq ra ba ,!|Have you

sent Loling to grandpa1 s yet?1 fNo, I have not.1" V paqadtu
"cause to go"
In this case napaqadtu could not be used* However^ napaqa;dtiyfor

the instrumental passive (Sec. 8#23 ££•)*

fnapadala L na ba ni:mu qang sulat waq ra ba waq pa naiku^

fgikapadala J
jqikapadalal "Have you sent the letter?" "No, I have not sent
Smapadala j[
it yet."

However, the potential forms are not always used in colloquial

speech in contexiswhich call for them, especially when there is

something in the context to indicate the potential, accidental

or perfective meaning. The ordinary ( nonpotential) forms are

used as well.

8.2141 Potentials in meaning "able to V~~ "

8.21411 To transient bases

disliq na kini maku:haq sa lu:haq "This cannot be gotten

by tears." 1— ku:haq "get" (50.13)

8.21412 To adjective bases"can be made Y~~ "

malimpyu ba nismu ni ng qasku ng tra;hi qarun maga:wiq

ku sa bayli qunyaq sa duminggu "Can you clean my suit so that I
can use it for the dance on Sunday?" V"~ limpyu "clean"

8+2142 Potential in meaning "completed action"

8.21421 To transient bases

naki:taq ni:ya qang qisya ng hininusgu ng kamunggay nga

naputul "She saw her cherished kalamunggay tree cut down*"
V~~ putul "cut" (49^7)

8.21422 To adjective bases

nahubug na nisya si husi sa pagpinaqinum qug bir "He has al-

ready gotten Joe drunk drinking beer." V~" hubug "drunk"

8.2145 Potentials in meaning "accidental action"

8.21451 To transient bases

maqa:yu g a : n i q kay qang ka:huy nga handa:may maqu y naqiffuq

kay dihaq man maduqul s i q i n t i n g "Luckily, however f i t was the
handalamay bush t h a t was h i t , for I n t i n g happened to be near i t # "
"V qiguq " h i t a mark" ( 5 6 . 8 )

qang manga 3inya:,gii nga mahu:g ku sa kagwang maqu kanunay qang msatwUd
sa q i : l a ng dalunggan "The shouts of fmaho~og ko f of the
f l y i n g lemurs i s what f i l l e d t h e i r e a r s # " Tmmm saswud " c a t c h "

(to derived bases)

didtu mapa*naq naskuq ni ng qisda:qa du:qul sa daku ng batu

"I happened to spear this fish near the big rock." (Ibhe paN-
of the derived base is 'dropped1, [Cf. Sec. 9.244,]) V pamasnaq
"spear fishing"

8.21452 To adjective baa#$ "has been made V " "

natamqis nasku g t imp la qang qi:mu ng kapi punqi lang na g

dyu:tay ng tusbig qug kapi "I happened to'make your coffee
sweet; just add a little water and coffee." 1T~ tamqis "sweet"

nadugqul ba ni:mu pagtanum qang manga sasging "Did you happen

to plant the bananas near each other?" V*~" dugqul "near (each

8.21455 To noun bases

nata:tay lagi nisya si husi sa gibugtaw na siya sa qiruq

"He called Joe daddy (when he should not have) when he was
chased by a dog." V ta:tay "dad"

8.2144 na-/ma«p to bases that do not have gi-/-uji/-a

(These are the same bases that do not occur with mif»/mu»»

or nag-/mag- but occur with naka-/maka- Sec. 8.135«)


nakl:taq ba ni:iau qang ta*wu ng nagdala g bukag "Did you see the
man bringing a basket?" V kistaq "see"

8,2145 na-/ma~ to derived bases

na-/ma- occurs freely to derived bases.

(To paN* [not in plural meaning] )

napani:qid ba ni:mu qang kahimu:qan sa qusa ng balay "Were you

able to observe the goings-on in that house?" M panijqid

8.21451 na-/ma-»* to bases with paN- plural (dead)

The potential passives occur with paN- in meaning "plural"

with only a small number of bases. They have shape nanga-/manga-f

("i.e., na- + paN--~*»nanga / ma* + paH*—4manga* • )

qang manga pati ng disliq qayurhu g tagad mangabishag sa quba ng

pati "Pigeons not well kept can be attracted by other pigeons*11
V~" pamishag "attract (win over between domestic animals and

8.22 Local passives

The various local passives are the same affix with the excep-

tions of the meaning direct (Sec. 52213) and meaning "reason on

account of which" (Sec, 8*2214), and a given local passive form

may be translated in any of the various meanings depending upon

the context.

gipalitan ku si marisya g kasmay "I bought sugar for Maria*11

^TSec. 8.22SJ)

qang tindashan ni marisya maqu y qa:ku ng gipalitan sa ka:may

"I bought the sugar in Maria's store." (Sec. 8»2212)
gipalitan ku qang ka:may ni marixya I bought some of lferiafs
sugar*" (Sec. 8,22124)

8,221 gi- -an/~an/-i.

8,2211 Local passive "thing that was V ^ed'•


8,22111 To transients that have a direct passive

8.221111 With the same meaning

These are bases meaning "open11 and "close"•

g;ibuksan ni:ya qang tambuqasnan qarun ni:ya maki:taq qang

nanghara:na sa si:lung "She opened the window so that she could
see the serenaders downstairs." V~ bukas "open"

There are also other bases of this type* (Cf, Sec, 8,21123't)

8.221112 With a different meaning

Thatse are bases meaning "wipe, sweep" and the likef The

direct passive means "the thing wiped off11 whereas the local

means "the thing wiped". This type is treated undor Sec# 8***22122


8.221113 Local passives with direct meaning to causative


These also have a direct passive with a direct meaning^ For

such bases the local passiveshave three meanings:

Inaction caused to become V"*11

2)!ything\ caused to be V -ed (by someone)*


3) "thing caused to become F ~ »*

» pahinasyi qang daigan sa kabaxyuq "Cause the gait of the
horse to become slow," Tmmm hi:nay "slow"

k• pahinasyi ni pidru qang makina "Have Pedro ©low the maQhine


Om pahinasyi qang qismu ng kabaiyuq "Make your horse go slow*11

For most of these bases the direct passive has the meaning

number 1 and 3*

<*• pahinasya qang dasgan sa kaba;yuq (same meaning as a)

» pahinasya qang qismu ng kabasyuq (same meaning as o)

The instrumental has the meaning 2.


f# qipahi:nay ni pidru qang makina (same meaning as Jb)

8.22112 To transients that have no direct passive

The local passive occurs in a direct meaning to most bases

which have the meaning "do things to the body (kiss, wash,

shave and the like)" and also to bases meaning "wash",

gihagkan ku qang ba:taq "I kissed the child." V ~ haluk "kiss"

mubqi piru qayaw g balba:si "Make it short, but do not shave
it," IT"" mubuq "make short"
ginusnu;san ku na naq piru di:liq mada: qang buling "I rubbed
it, but the dirt would not come out*" T"~ nusnus "rub hard"

Also many bases meaning "touch, lake hold of, let go of"i* and

the like have a local passive in the direct meaning.

kini ng buhu:ka gihawi:ran sa qamirika:nu "This hair was held

by the American," V ~ ha:wid "hold" (42*1)
gihapsan da:yun nijya qang bukubuku "He immediately hit him on
his back." V ~ hapus "strike" (56,2)

Also, bases with other meanings have local passives in a

direct meaning*

8.22115 To stative bases

Many statives (described Sec. 9,3) occur with local passives

meaning "thing on account of which one becomes V*"*""'",

mikalit qug buthuq qang gikalisasnga ng buqa:ya sa subaq sa
marbil "The dreaded crocodile suddenly appeaaaad in the river at
Marbel." T ~ kalissang "fear" (54,15)

walaq na y gitashud nga ta:wu nga sarang nisya ng kahadlu:kan

"There was no man he respected who was capable of inspiring him
with fear." V — kahadluk "fear" (56,15)
.» «*•

With statives na- -an/ma- -an/-i may optionally replace

jgika- -an and ka« -qnAi,
na&ulq an (« gikagulqan)
nahadluskan (= gikahadlu:kan)
qapan qang qasku ng fgikagulqan 1 "But what g e t s me down,., 1 1
|naCTiIqan f
T/—kaguqul "be s a d" (66*3) '

8.22114 Direct meaning with (~>~-)

qunyaq qa:ku ng gitubag nga giqaplayan man naskuq f,Then I

replied that I really had applied.11 "V qaplay "apply" (65*4)
8.22115 Local passives with hi- « zero having direct


(These do not occur with direct passives.) Local passives

with hi- often have direct meaning even for bases for which the

direct meaning is expressed by the direct passive. When hi- *

zero (Sec. 9»40l)f then it looks as though the local passive has

an accidental meaning. However, the accidental meaning is because

of the bdU » zero* ]^U is described in Seo. 9.421 ff.

Ihikitqan I ni:ya qang qusa ka ka:huy ng may buhuq "He happened
feci tq an J
to see a tree with a hole."

naki:tag ni:ya qang qusa ka daku ng kaJhuy nga may buhuq "He
saw a large tree with a hole." V"~ ki:taq "see" (4»4)
8.22116 Local passive direct meaning to noun bases

(various meanings)

giyawi:han nisya qang kwartu gahatpun s ha:pun "He looked

the room yesterday afternoon." V ~ ya*wi "key"

qang qa:ku ng pagtu:qu gikaluha:qa g pagduhadu:ha "My "belief

was linked with doubt•" T~~ kalusha "twin"

8.221162 Noun baaee direct in specialized meaning

kasabqan qang mirikasnu si ba;kir "The American Baker was

cussed out.*' Y™ kasasbaq "scold" (40.ll)

8.22117 To qusa/duha "do with one (two) hands"

qi:mu ng duhaqan ka kamut pagqaswat kanaq "You should

lift that up with both hands." V— duha "two"

8.2212 Local passive "place fromt to, at which"

8.22121 To transient bases


taquxran nastu g bumbilya qang qismu ng kwartu "Let us in*

stall a bulb in your room." V~ ta^qud "install, attach"
qug qi:la pa gayu ng gidugasngan qang qiila ng paningkasmut
kada:sig qug kaku:gi qinay mabugnaw "And they added to their
strivings, enthusiasm and industry instead of losing interestt"
Y~ durgang "add" (54-1)
qang qi:ya ng na:wung namugtuk kasabqusngan qug bukag "His face
was sullen. A basket could be hung from it." V~~ sabqung "hang"
bu:saq gipamutlan ni minggu sa manga sanga "Therefore, .lingo cut
the branches off of it." Y~~ pamutul "cut (several things)"
walaq siya kataktatki qug balhi:bu "Not a feather fell off him."
kataktak"fall off" (58.8)
8,22122 To transient bases *» translated by a

direct in English

These are bases meaning "wipe, sweep and the like . The

local passive means "thing wiped" (i.e., place where the wiping

is done) whereas the direct means "thing which is wiped off"V

gisunud nitya pagsablig qang qi:ya ng linantip da:yun gitrapu:han
sa qisya ng wala ng kamut "Next he splashed water on his bolo,
then wiped it with his left hand." V~"~ tra:pu "wipe" (Lit"«?
'The bolo was the place he wiped.11) (48.10)

ffitratpu ni:ya qang tu:big sa saswug "She wiped up the water

on the floor." (direct passive)
Similar/bases meaning "to ride" and the like are translated

by a direct in English, but have a local in Cebuano.

gikabayqan ni:ya qang qa:ku ng katbaw "He rode my carabao*"

V kabayuq "ride on the back"
8»22125 To noun bases in meaning "place"

gibanigan nisya g ti:ki}g qang katri "He spread a straw mat

on the bed," 1/ banig "mat"
lat L
8.22124 The meaning%lace Ito T" which is extended to
mean "thing part of which"

gikanqa g gamay qang qa:ku rig turta "Someone has taken

a bite out of my cake." (Lit*;"eaten a small part from") T"~
ka:qun "eat"
gikitkitanftau&ki;su sa qilagaq gabi:qi kay walaq qibutangsa
qaparadur "The cheese was nibbled at by the mouse last night
because it was not put in the cupboard*" 1 kitkit "gna,w"

8.22125 Local passive with transients meaning "motion"

With transients meaning motion for which the direct passive
means "place T^" (Sec, 8,21121) the local passive meajas "place

V~ <*ed on".

g;ilakwan ni piping qang bagqu ng simintu "Pepe walked on the

new cement." T~ lakaw "walk"

qadtu has a special meaning where the direct passive means "pur-

pose for which, person to whom^ and the local passive^"place to

tali:say qang qila ng qadtu:qan "Talisay was where they went
Cf. qunsa y qinyu ng qadtu:qun s tali:say "What will you go to
Talisay for?" V~~ qadtu "go to"

8.22126 Local passive meaning "place" with specialized

qang pagpugung s qa:tu ng sa:piq maqu y gibarugan ni qanhi ng
magsaysay "The late Magsaysay stood for currency control*"
y barug "stand"

8.2213 Local passive "person for whom"

kay gihata:gan qaku qug qusa ka pitajka nga qingkanta:du

"For I was given an enchanted purse," V ~ ha:tag "give" (9*6)

qang qi:la ng manga qanak naglu:kuq lang qinta:wun sa saswug

nga walaq ga:niq kabanigi "Their children were just curled on
the floor, poor things, without even having had a mat spread for
them." T~* banig "mat" (62,12)

di:liq kay makaqusa ra nga qi:la kini ngffipanqanqug qusa ka

baktin "More than once, they baited him with a small pig#,f
V - paqun "bait" (57.7)

8,22131 Loe&l passive^ with bases meaning "speak'L etc*


With most bases meaning "speak" and the like and bases

meaning "teach" the local means "person spoken to, taught"•

(The instrumental moans "thing said, taught"#)

qug gisaysa:yan ku qang hispi kay sa nahitabuq qug sa gibu:hat
ni mistir qalug "And I told the chief, Kay, about what had
happened and what Mr« Alog had done*" V~~saysay "relate" ($4*Xl)

tudlu:qi siya g dajma "Teach him now how to play checkers**11 T7~
tudluq "teach"
8.22132 Local passive meaning "person to whom" with (,-»•».).

qug qasku ng giprangkahan qang hi:pi nga di:liq qaku

mupahaswaq bi:san qunsa y mahitabuq "And I told the chief frankly
that I would not clear out, no matter what happens," V
prangka "frank" (65.12)

8.2214 Local passive "reason for or on account of which"

8.22141 (->)

qunsa ma y gihilakan sa bastaq "What is the child crying

for?" V~~ hislak "cry"

8.22142 To adjective bases

waq man kahaq ka y &idaliqan manginum saq ta g bir "If you

are not in a hurry, let us drink beer." V daliq ^hurry"
(Lit.i*If you have nothing on account of which to hurry?)

^Jpersonl "
8.2215 Ithing J affected by
8.22151 To adjective bases
banhasqan ka ba s manga ba:ta ng nagdu:laq "Will you be
disturbed by the children playing?" V~" banhaq "noisy"

walaq qusab patimqaw hangtud nga gipulqan na qang manga sulugurqun

sa bala:qud "He also did not show up until the servants of the
law were fed up." V puqul "boring" (57.4)
8.22152 To transient bases

qang qisya ng basna daw nalisu:qan sa buqut "Her husband

seemed to have lost his senses," (Lit.?"affected by a turning of
his will^) T"~ lissuq "turn" (49.TT

disliq ku gustu siya ng pakalitan "I do not wish to take her

unawares." "•? pakalit "take unawares"

8.221521 Local meaning* jthing J affected11 causative

to transient bases oompared with direct and instrumental passives

With this type the local meaning is person who was affected

by the action of causing someone to V~ ". The direct passive

means "person who was caused to IT* ". The instrumental passive

means "person who was caused to be V *edfl (i.e., nearly the same

as the local passive ) #

gipasugu:qan ku si mari:ya ng paqanhi:qun siya "I had word sent
to Maria that she should come here." (Lit«»^caused Maria to
be affected by my command!*) • Y~~ su:guq "command"

di:liq gyud na:kuq siya pasuguxqun sa mutsatsa "I will not let
him command the servant."

V/ith the causative prefix this meaning is expressed by the

instrumental passive with a large number of bases. (Cf. Sec*

diq ku qipasu:guq si marixya sa mutsatsa "I will not let Maria
be commanded by the servant."
8.2216 gi- ~an/~an/~i "one who considers \ a person j

as TT" "

(to adjective base),

gigwapu:han siya ng pulding "He considers Polding handsome*"
Y ~ gwajpu "handsome"
(to noun base)
mikagiqkiq si tistiq qusting gibatatqan ka quruy sa qanak mu
purusa "Uncle Osting snickered. 'You consider your boy a
thild, Porosa*" T?—ba:taq "child"

8.2217 Local passives to noun bases which occur with other

inflectional affixes

This type of noun base is described in Sec. 9.10 f£#' 35i0

meanings vary according to types: "place of V** " and "person


for whom" depending on the type, (Cf. discussion and examples

in Sec. 9.10 ff.)

(iterative 1
8,222 gina- -an/paga- -an/-j. ^continuing; action"

maqa:yu ngasniq kay sa ka:da ti:baw ni:ya pagadadqan nitya

qug pinusu ng maqis qang ba:buy "Luckily, however, every time lie
went there he brought large ears of corn to the pig." T~ dala
"bring" (62.2)

qang nahitabuq nagpabirlin nga ginasulti;han sa manga t£uwu

"The incident has remained a topic of conversation for the people."
V~- sulti "speak" (23.11)

8.2221 paga- ~an (-»»») "habitual place"

qang dasqa ng pugaran maqu y pagaqitlugan sa himungaiqa ng

qugis "The old nest is where the white hen usually lays her
eggs." Y~~ qitlug "lay eggs"

/fma-> //ma^|
8.223 Potential local passives na

Note that the potentials are not always used in colloquial

speech in context which would call for them. (Cf. Sec. 8*13~#)

Potentials occur with all the meanings of the local passives'*

8.2231 Potential local "able to, can V" "

qang qi:ya ng naswung namugtuk kasabqusngan qug bukag "His

face was sullen. A basket could be hung from it." V*~ sabqung
"hang" (48.2)
kalimpyushan ba nismu ni ng qa:ku ng karsusnis "Can you clean
my pants?" V" limpyu "clean"
qarun qisla ng kasuhiulan sa pagta:bang "So that they could hire
(them) to help." V suThul "hire" (59-16)

8.2232 Potential local "completed action"

qang qi:la ng manga qanak naglu:kuq lang qinta:wun sa sa:wug

nga walaq gasniq kabanigi "Their children were just curled on
the floor, poor things, without even having had a mat spread for
them." V~ banig "mat" (62.12)
nalimpyushanna natkuq qang salug sa may qal&s qunsi "I had al-
ready cleaned the floor by about eleven ofclock." V~ limpyu

human kasultishi loin qunsa y qi:la ng pagabuhattun "After they

had been told what they were to do ..." V"~ sulti "say" (60»6)

8.223^ Potential local "accidental action"

naqatul nga qang bus nga qi:ya ng gisakyan maqu sa y qa*ku ng
nasakyan "It happened that the bus he was riding in was the one
I happened to be riding." V*~ sakay "ride"
8#2234 nahi^/ha^ -an/ mahi-/ha- -&**/ ~^ P-fr* "P*1/™^ ^anAi

In the meaning "accidental action" the potential local with

a base has a zero alternant of hi- (Sec» 9»40l)« This is the

interpretation if there is no ka- -an/«»i for the unreal» For

most of these bases there is (-**-) as well*

manga sagbut nangahaspiq kanang maligiran sa qi:ya ng
naglimbaglimbag nga la:was "Grass was flattened when it was
rolled upon by his body tossing about in pain." V*~ lisgid
"roll over" (67.4)

8.2235 Potential locals to derived bases

The potential local occurs freely with derived bases as does

the local passive.

8.22551 To bases with pag-

To bases with a prefix pag- (Sec. 9*92) the potential local

has the form gika- -an« ka~ -an (with a zero alternant of pag-)»

gikasabu;tan "thing happened to be agreed to"(with zero alternant

of £ag- and ka- potential).

kay nagdaliq sila dyis qi:la ng gikasabu?tanM "Because they were

in a hurry, they happened to agree to ten." V*"""" sa:but "agree11

The potential local is homonymous with 3bhe local having ka-

alternant of the prefix pag-«

gjkasabustan "thing agreed to" (with ka- alternant of pag«Q

diq ba dyis qang qastu ng gikasabu:tan gani:ha "Did we not agree

to ten cents at first?"

8.22352 To bases with paN- "plural" (dead)


Passive potentials occur with very few bases with paN«»

meaning "plural"• (Cf* gee. 8.21451.) na- + paN- * nanga-*/

ma- + paN~ «• manga^,

qang qismu ng dyip nangawadqa g twirka "Your jeep has lost some

8,2236 gika- -an

This affix is used with some bases in colloquial style by

the older generation*

^ikahata:/?an ku na siya g tulu ka pi:sus qunyaq manga:yuq pa

gihaspun "I have given him three pesos already* Still he has to
ask for more,"

ffikaluturqan ku siya g bastir kik kay walaq man ku y sankis "I

cooked butter cake for him because I did not have aziy oranges*"

Cf# na- -an for gika- "-an with stative bases Sec* 8.22113*

8.23 Instrumental-ablative passive

The various meanings of the instrumental-ablative passive

are different affixes, and bases Occurring with the instrumental

in one of the meanings may or may not occur in the other meanings•

8#231 Shapes ffi«»/qi-

8+2311 ffi-/qi~ ablative (direct) meaning

The instrumental forms with an ablative meaning mean "thing

Y~~ ~ed in a direction away from agent". With bases meaning

give, reply, return, throw, put" and the like, the instrumental

means "thing given, replied, returned, thrown, pu1^, etc.

8.23111 Bases with no direct passive

buynu kay gisasqad ku man maturman qang qi:mu ng gipanga:yuq
"All right, since I promised, what you are asking for will be
granted." V ea*qad "promise" (17#4)

We refer to this as the "instrumental passive" but

the meaning "ablative" is as important.

walaq na ma y lunaq nga yu;taq nga qipan^ha:tag sa kagamhaman

"There was no more land to be given away by the government•,f V~"~
pangha:tag "give (several things)" (52#2)

8,23112 Bases having ablative meaning in the instrumental

and direct meaning in the direct passive

8i.231121 Instrumental and direct passive with nearly frhfr

same meaning

fqiqandam 1 ku ni ng sulat pa$r& ng piping "I will prepare

this letter for Peping,11 V**"^ and&m "prepare"

8,231122 Instrumental which-has an ablative meaning

different from the direct passive

In such cases the meaning of the instrumental is similar

to one of the meanings listed in Sec, 8#2J11#

qisu:guq "thing to be commanded"

sugusqun "person !feo \>& oom»atoded"

direct passive
di:liq masurguq kun sugusqun ni:mu di:liq ni:ya buha:tun
ins# passive
qang gisusguq "He could not be commanded. If you told hiffi
to do something he would not do what he wa$ told to#lf TT~
su:guq "command" (l.ll)

qisa:fful "thing to be mixed in with something else"

qayaw g qisa:gul qang bulingun sa manga qinutaw "Do not mix

the dirty things in with the ironed things*"
saguslun "things to be mixed together"

qang pasa:yan qug karni sagu:lun paglu:tuq "The shrimp and the
meat are to be cooked together,"
8•2311221 With bases having pa- "causative" prefix

With bases with a causative prefix the instrumental means

the Pfperson) affected by the action" and the direct means

(thing J

the '^person! caused to do the action".

Ithing J

qipakatqun "thing caused to be eaten"

ti:qaw mu ba y mangistaq qug dagha ng qipakasqun qa:lang sa
qi:la ng qanak nga dakuq qug katqun "Imagine looking for so much
to feed their child who had a huge appetite#" Y~ pakarqun
"cause to eat" (26#9)
pakanqun "person caused to eat"

pakanqun ku si karangkal "I will feed Karangkal."

qipapangasa:wa "person caused to be taken as wife"

lajbut pa niqasnaq q ipapangasa:wa qang qi:ya ng qanak nga

prinsi:sa "Aside from that, his daughter, the princess will be
given away in marriage." TT~ pangasa:wa "take a wife" (53#7)

papangasawqun "person caused to take a wife"

diq ku siya papangasawqun ni tasya miqingun qang qamahan

"*I will not let him marry Tasia,1 said ihfe father#*

.8,23.1123 Instrumental with causative and direct with

noncausative meaning

(Cf. Sec. 8.231130

qapan kadtu ng kanyun qari pud qisulud sa baqbaq qang pulbura
"But those cannons, they were loaded here at the mouth." (Lit«t
"The powder was put in here at the mouth•fl) V~ sulud "enter"

sudlun ku qang laingub "I will enter the cave." (direct passive)

8.231124 Instrumental passive with ablative meaning to bases

meaning "naming, calling, etc."

To bases meaning "naming^ calling," etc., the instrumental

has the meaning "thing someone is called11 •

qambir kun qunsa y qi:la ng qitawag kana:kuq tutal waq man sab
ku makagustu kani:la "Let us see what they call me. Anyway^I
do not like them either."

(For these bases the direct passives have the meaning "fpersonl
[thing J
V~-ed M .
gitawaff kini qug kampu "It was called •Campo1." V~ tawag
"call" (51.8)

8.23113 gi-/qi- with additional causative meaning

With some bases the instrumental passives also have a oausa-

tive meaning as well as the ablative meaning ffthing 1 oaused


to IT* ". This causative meaning is parallel to the causative

meaning of the adjective bases used as transients and different

from the causative meanings of pa- (Seo» 9 « H ) i& that it does

not have the meaning "allow", (Cf, Sec# 8,231123 for further

ti:qaw mu ba y walaq man siya sukad qiku:yug sa qi:ya ng qamahan
sa lasang qarun mami:lay qug kashuy "Imagine-he had never be-
fore been taken along by his father to the forest to fell trees#"
TT~ ku:yug "go together with someone" (27#13)
si marisya maqu y qipu:yuq ni tasyu "Tasio will have Maria
live with him," V*" pagpu:yuq "live together as man and wife"
(qipu?yuq has a zero alternant of p a ^ , Cf, Sec, 9«921«) -

qayaw g qisitffi g warawa:ra ng bandilaq "Do not keep waving

the flag," (Lit,l "cause the flag to be waved")

(to bases with derivative affixes)

qikana:qug qang qiruq kay malibang nyaq sa tasqas "Put the dog
out because it might make a mess inside," V"~ kana:qug "go out"
8.2312 ffi-/meaning "thing used as"

8.23121 To transient bases

kini ng qa:ku ng katapu?sa ng dus pi:sus qa:ku ng qipalit

qug basahun "I will use my last two pesos to buy something to
read." Y~ palit "buy"

kini ng qa:ku ng kabta^ngan qa:ku ng qihina:bang ni husi qailang

sa qisya ng pagqiskuyla "My property will be used to help
Jos^ with his schooling," IT"" hina:bang "aid"

8.23122 Instrumental passive to stative bases meaning

"thing which causes subject to be V (thing used by a^ent /to

qikalispay ku qang qi:ya ng pagkamanggihunaqhuna:qun "Her

thoughtfulness makes me happy." V~" kali:pay "be happy"

8#23123 To noun bases

8.231231 To nouns which occur with a number of infleg-

tional affixes

This type of noun base is described in Sec. 9.10 ff* Th*

meanings vary according to the type. (Cf# the examples in Sec'«

9#10 ff.)

8.231232 gi-y/qi~ to other nouns (miscellaneous meanings)

gipaypay ni:ya qang qi:ya ng gisiqu ng kaslu ng buli "He

fanned himself with his torn hat made of buri palm." T"*~
paypay "fan" (68.12)
8.23124 Instrumental meaning "wear as"

karun qi:ya na ng gitakin qang qi:ya ng linantip "Now he

wore his bolo in his belt." Y~~ takin "wear on the waist"

This meaning is common with nouns used as transients#" (Cf*

Sec. 9*10 ff.)

8.2313 gi-/qi~ "person for whom"

This meaning of the instrumental passive with many bases

is confined to the imperative, and as imperative it is used with

a large number of bases.

qipunit ku qasna ng papil nga nahu:lug "Pick up that pieoe
of paper that fell for me."

For transients used this way the instrument can also be used

with a pronoun agent qualified by walaq«

waq nisya qipunit si pidru sa papil "He did not pick the paper
up for Pedro."

The meaning "person for whom" is used with a few bases with the

instrumental passive in other than the above two usages (i.e#f

with other than imperative and not qualified by walaq ) #

human na ni:ya qikapanumpaq sa ha:yaq sa qi:ya ng pinangga ng

qanak nga qipanimalus nisya kini "He had already sworn over the

dead body of his beloved child that he would avenge it*" T"~
panimalus "avenge11 (53*14)
8*23131 To adjective bases

qihasyag ku sa sugaq kay disliq ku kabasa diri "Make the

lamp bright for me because I cannot read here*" V hasyag

8*2314 g^.- "time to (time onelmay j ) Y~- "

The meaning "time to" with qi- occurs with most transient


haspun qasku ng qigiskan kay disliq qisnit "I will start in the
afternoon because it will not be hot," T~ gi:kan "leave for"

This use is confined to the unreal* This usage of the instru-

mental passive is particularly common in maqu type sentences

f ir
(Sec* 3#54) meaning "the time one V~ s #

qinigqabut naskuq maqu pa y qismu ng qilustuq sa qitlug kay diq

man ku layhan mukasqu g bugnaw "You should not cook the eggs
before I come home, for I do not feel like eating them cold."
TT* lustuq "cook"

(to derived bases)

maqu pa y qipangitlug sa himungecqa g matingqinit "The hen will

not lay eggs until summer." » V~~ pangitlug "lay eggs"

maqu pa y qasku ng qikatuslug sa qalas dussi "I will not go

to sleep before twelve*" Y~ katuslug "sleep"

maqu pa y qismu ng qikaminyuq qug maminyuq na qang qismu ng

magulang "You cannot get married before your older sister has*"
V ~ kaminyuq "get married"

8,23141 gig- (• fli-)

With a few bases in this type of instrumental passive, gig-

is used with the same meaning as qi-»* (qi- may also be used with

these bases*) The bases which occur with qig- are those of Sec*

8*2315 and some others as well*

qinighimungtud nisya sa tagaytay maqu pa y qisya ng qigqabut

sa ka luslu nisya "He would not reach his grandfather's place

until he had olimbtd the ridge." Y~~ qabut "reach"

8.2^142 Extension of this usage

This usage is extended to contexts where the meaning "time

to" is not present and is translated into English by the infini-

tive •
la:qay qunta ng qiqadtu sa ka lu:lu ni:ya sanglit musaka pa man
siya niqadtu ng bakilid qug qinighimungtud ni:ya sa tagaytay
maqu pa y qisya ng qigqabut sa ka lu:lu ni:ya "It was tiresome
to go to his grandfathers because he still had to go up the
slopef and he would not reach his grandfather^ place until he had
reached the crest of the ridge*"

8.23143 Instrumental meaning "action done while agent is

in a certain emotional state"

qiluqum ku na lang qang qa:ku ng manga kaguqul "I will just

choke back my sorrows*" V* luqum "choke on air (as when

gihi:lak na lang na:kuq qang qa:ku ng kahiqubus "I wept out my

hurt feelings."

8.2315 ^ig^qi- in meaning "thing V ~ •ed with" (dead)

With these qig- or qi- is used with ' the same meaning* *
qi:mu ng qigkistaq ba ru ng ha:pun si guryu sa parki "Will you
and Gorio meet in the park this afternoon?" V~ ki:taq "see"

walaq na qigdusngug qang ba:na ng karya sukad niqadtu ng daku

ng bagyu "Karya*s husband was not heard from since that big
typhoon." V~~ dungug "hear"

^iterative L
8.232 ^ina-/qiga-taction continuing; instrumental

These are forms confined to set expressions.

maqu na y qi:la ng qigabaslus sa qa:tu ng kaqasyu kani:la "That

is how they repay our kindness to them." (Lit.things whioh they
return*1) V baslus "return"

*The meaning is the same as the passive c^L- and pag«* "V**
each other" (Sec. 9.921) and occurs to basfcs which also oolite
With pag~ •

In very high style they are used with a large number of bases*

hinu:qun nahibalu qaku nga birsar: karun qang tanan nga qijmu ng
pangayusqun sa dyLis kini qtgaha s tag kani:mu sa dyus "But I know
that even now, whatever you ask of God, God will give you**1'
V~ ha stag "give11
8.2321 qigg,- (dead)

qiga- is also used with bases of the type Sec. 8.2315.

sa pagpakabasa nisya niqadtu ng sula:ta nanganduy da:yun nga
muqabut qang kagabhi:qun qarun qigaki:taq ni:ya qang kapiskas sa
qisya ng kalag "After reading that letter she longed for the
evening to arrive,so that she might meet with the other half of
her soul.11 V~ ki:taq "meet11

8.233 Instrumental potential na-/ma- or gika-/qika~

The two instrumental potential affixes are used with most

bases. ?/ith bases having a causative meaning the na-/ma~ affix

is rarely used in the instrumental meaning. gika-/q ika~ is pre-

walaq ku siya q ikaq uban sa qa:muq kay walaq man musugut qang qisya
ng ginikasnan "I was not able to take him along to our place
because his parents did not agree to it." "V quban "go along"
(mftquban would not be used in this context*)

^Uca-/iika- is usually used for a potential instrumental paasriY*

following y; na-/ma-» is not used after y.

qunsa ma y qismu ng qikasulti niqa;naq "What can you say to that."

"V sulti "speak" (masultT~wouldnot be used here.) (63«14)
The potential occurs with the instrumental passive in the'

ablative meaning (Sec» 8.231l)9instrumental meaning (Secy 8*2312)

and temporal meanings (Sec. 8.2314). The potential does not occurJn
the meaning "person for whom" {Sep* 8*2313)«'-'fthat the potential
is not always used in contexts which would call for it in col-

loquial speech. (Cf# Sec» 8.13.)

8.2331 na-/ma- or gika-/qika- "able to"


8«23311 To transient bases

.:liq ni:ya/maha: tag 1\ kana ng napu:luq ka kurma:ta
kun di:liq
m sulud sa baynti kwatri
nga bula:wan kwatru ka qu:ras punggu:tan ku siya
sa li:qug ffIf he cannot give those ten cartloads of gold within
twenty-four hours, I will cut off his head*" V ha:tag "give11
8.23312 To a d j e c t i v e bases

di:liq kanaq qikalimpyu s salug kay mabaq naq "That cannot

be used in cleaning the floor because it is too short." T~
limpyu "clean"

8.23313 To noun bases

Pmasapa:tus 1 na ba ni ng qa:ku ng bagqu run "Can I wear
Iqikasapaztus j
my new pair of shoes now?" T"~~ sapastus "shoes"

8.2332 na-/ma- or gika-/qika- "completed action"

didtu jmabi :tay \ \ sa qi:la ng qamahan qang qi:la ng pu:sud

sa sagunting sa qi:la ng payag "Their father had hung their
umbilical eord&from the rafters of their huts." V~ bi:tay
"hang" (51-2)
human na n i: ya
y a /map anump aq "1
"1 sa hasyaq sa qi:ya ng pinangga
]q ikapanumpaq j
ng qanak "He had already sworn over the body of his beloved
child*" V~ panumpaq "vow" (58.14)

8#2333 na-»/ma- or gika-/qika- accidental meaning

maqu na ng librusha nga qa:ku ngjnaha:tag 1 ni:ya "That is

the book I happened to give him." T~ ha:tag "give"
qang qi:mu ng plu:wid sa laytir fna.limpyu
ir jfna limpyu 11 na:kuq
na;l sa
makinilya "I happened to use your lighter fluid in cleaning the
typewriter•" T~ limpyu "clean"
8#2334 Instrumental potentials to derivatives

na~/ma- or ^ika-/q ika- occurs with bases having derivative

prefixes except statives (Sec* 9«3)t thos<^ia-/hi-/hing«» (Seo#

9 # 4), those with pakig- (Sec* 9»7) and paka«» (Sec. 9»74 )•

gikasult iq a:nay naskuq si husi didtu sa qiskuylahan "Jose and I

happened to speak to each other at school*" V sulti "talk to"

(to base with pa*-)

sigi qikapaka:qun na naq sa qiruq bathaw na bi:taw naq "Go ahead.
That can be fed to the dogs; it is not fresh anyway*" V~"
(to base with hiN~)

dyurtay ra ku g gikinahanglan duha ka butilya ng kukaku:la

qi:guq na qikahingu:haw "I just need a little* Two bottles of
ooke &m enough as a thirst quencher." V ~ quhaw "thirst for"

(to base with pag-)

In the case of derivative bases with pag- (Sec* 9«92l)« the

£ag- usually has an alternant ka- so that the instrumental po-

tential is the same in form as the ijoapotential instrumental .*

ffikahinagbuq ku siya sa qiski:na "I met him at the corner*" TT"~

paghinagbuq "Meet with some" (Thishas *ha.samemeanlaag as g^hinagbuq*)

8*23341 Instrumental potential to bases with paN- "plural"

With/instrumental potential the paN-J'plural" affix is

: more productive than with the local and direct passive* (Cf* Sees

8.2145:t and 8.22352*)

diq pa qikapangha: tag ni ng qa:ku ng manga libru kay qa:kuq pa ng

magarwiq sa qa:ku ng pagqiskuyla "I cannot give these books
of mine away yet because I can still use them in my studies*"
Y~ ha:tag "give"
8*234 Potentials to instrumental of/type Sec* 8*2315

maqu ra y qigkaki:taq sa qasa:wa g ba:na sa panahun nga

muqabut qang daku ng pangi:lin sa tibuquk lungsud "The only time
the husband and the wife can see each other is at the time the
fiesta of the whole town arrives*" T"~ ki:taq "see"

8.235 Qikag- («* qika-) (dead)

This usage is very high style. The meanings are the same as

for qika-*

qang qirya ng kagwa:pa qikagtandiq sa kagwatpa sa manga haira


"Her beauty can be compared to the beauty of the queens**"

tandiq "compare"

di:liq qikagqa:guy qang qi:ya ng kaqasgi "His experiences

cannot be told." "V qa:suy "tell"

8.3 Abstracts

Abstracts are composed of pag- plus base or of the base

alone. The two have the same meaning. The abstract is used in

the constructions described in Sees. 3»541* 4*68, 6.2122.

The base alonef however, is used only in the infinitive

construction (Sec. 4#68) and as a qualifier under the conditions

described in Sec. 6.2122. Otherwise the pag- abstract is used,

8.301 flinig-/qig- for pa^-

When used as a qualifier (Sec. 6.2122) the abstract also may

be prefixed by qinig-/qlg- instead of joag- meaning "at the moment

of"« qinig-/qig- occurs with the same bases^ as pag- except hi-*

qinig-/qi^- does not occur with hi- (Sec. 9«415l).

8.31 To underived bases

qinigqabut ni:la sa bu:kid qang qamahan misusgud dasyun

efflg pt:la:fl qug manga ka:huy "V/hen they arrived &t the mountains,
he father began cutting trees down right away." V ~ pi:lay
"fell" (2.11)

8.311 Meanings of abstracts corresponding to the various

meanings of mi-/mu-f nag-/mag-

The abstract • is neutral with respect to the various meanings

which contrast mi-/mu- and nag-/mag- with each other: inten-

tional, durative, action coming into being, habitual action*.

For the various other meanings of mi-/mu-, nag-/mag~ the

abstracts have corresponding meanings.

misu:gud siya pagdakuq qug qang qi:ya ng pagka:qun midakuq qusab

"He began to grow big, and the amount he ate increased as well."
midakuq "became big" (Cf. Sec. 8.1132^

su:gud siya g qiylis da:yun miqadtu sini f!He began to get dressed
and then at once went to the show.11 nagqi:lis "dressed11 (Cf#
Sec» 8#123„)

maqu ra y pagbinuqutan ni li:tu kun hataega g dulsi "Lito is only

good if he is given candy," magbinuqutan "is good" (Cf# Seo#

maqu pa y qi:ya ng pagsapa:tus pagsu:gud qug qiskuyla "The first

time he wore shoes was when he started going to school• "
nagsapattus "is wearing shoes" nagqiskuyla "went to school"
(Cf. Seo«"9«10ai«)
8. 312 pag- meaning " V ~ each other"
»»• iiiff7T*'8yw,|lil •• • 1 •. in • •• '—• »II 1 • m m * • »

This paff- is considered a derivational affix (Sec. <jT#'92l)»

8.32 Abstracts to derived bases

Abstracts occur freely with all bases formed from transients

derived or not.

8.321 Derived transient bases other than with ka-

If the base has a derivative pag- (Sec. 9»92)jthe derivative

pag- prefix has a zero alternant after qu^ or pag-.

misu:gud silaiqug qatway 1 "They began to fight with one

, 1 paffqatway/
another." (There is no*[pagpagqa:wayj or*[qug pagqa:wayj)

However, if there is an -an- infix (Sec, 9*93), the pag- deriva-

tive does not have a zero alternant.

misu:gud qang duha pagpanagqatway human hikitqi qang qusa ng

nangaswat qug manuk "The two started to fight after one was
caught stealing a chicken." V~ qa:way "fight"

(with other derivatives)

waq pa gyud matagbawfaug p a n i : k a s 1 k a n a : t u q "Has he not cheated

|pagpani:kas y
us enough y e t ? " V"~ p a n i : k a s "cheat ( s e v e r a l a c t i o n s ) "

pagkaqalas qutsu misusgud siyalqug pakasqun \ sa ba:taq

1 pagpakasqun J
At eight ofclock she started feeding the child*fl V*~ pak&ftjun
pagkahibalu ni:ya g kinsa y qi:ya ng giqatu'sbang mihu:nung dasyun
siya/qug pakigsulti 1 "The moment she knew whom she was
\ pagpakigsulti j
facing, she at once stopped her talking*11 V ~ paftigsulti flUalfo
sa pagqanhi sibu ni masma niqadtu ng bakasyun maqu pa y
paghibalagay nisla ni qinsi turya "Mother and Aunt Torya met
for the first time when mother went to Cebu last vacation*""
V ~ hibalag^y "meet"
misusgud siyafsa pagpakiluquy., ? diha ng miqabut qang qi:ya ng
(qug pakilusquy J
qamahan sa qisia ng balay "He started to ask for pity when his
father arrived at their house• " V ~ pakiluquy "ask for pity"
8*33 Abstracts to bases with ka-
misamut si qanduyjkasukuq T human mawarlaq qang qisya ng
TpaffkasukuqJ ^u
kasbaw "Andoy got more and more angry after his carabao disap*
peared." V""~ sukuq "be angry"
8*331 Abstracts to bases with pangra- (paN- + ka-)

pagpan^ahus lug sa manga lubi qisgu ng natungud si tasyu

"Tasyo was under the tree just as the coconuts fell." V"' kahuslug

8*332 To bases which have hi- instead of ka-

With some stative bases the abstract has paghi- V ~ in*
stead of pagka- V ~ # These are most of the bases which have
ha-/hi- (Sec* 9•412). (The ha-/hi- meaning agent doing involun-
tary actioi/9*41111 or with passive na-/ma- does not have paghi—)
paghi- form in some contexts has an explicit accidental meaning*
qusa na ka buslan sukad saJpaghilakaw 1 ni tankrisdu "It
Tpaglakaw J
has been a month since Tancredo left*" V lakaw "go aflfay,!
Note* however* that pagka- is used with these bases in construe-
tions described in Sec* 3«7.

8.355 Abstracts to statives with noun bases

The stative with noun bases means "become Y*~ "#(Cf# SeoV

9#33 !•) However, the pagka- abstract is also extended to mean

"being V"* " and is more widely used than the other forms of the

qang sugila:nun sa qa:ku ng pagkahi:pi qang mahitungud niqadtu
ng qamirika:nu ng si ba;kir sa bulhuqun "The story about the
time I was chief is the one about that American Baker from
Boljo-on." V ~ hi:pi "chief" (37*1) (Cf# other examples Sec.

8#34 £fi(jffij|» "k° nonstatives (potential abstracts)

Bases which occur with potential affixes (active or passive)

take a prefix pa#ka-»

pagkakitac? ni:ya ng dihaq na y dagha ng hapun mipaqusliq siya

"Upon seeing that there were many Japanese already there^he went
home." V*"~ kistaq "see"

8.341 pag- foy pagka-

With some bases in some constructionspag- Y*~ is used in the

same meanings as pagka- T~~ .

paghibalu I ni:ya ng qipapatay gayud siya paqu:liq s& <j&4la

pagkahibalu J
^'Upon learning that he was to be killed, he went home."
hibalu "know" (45*7)

8.342 pagpaka** for pagka-

An abstract pa^paka- formed to the potential paka- (.Sec*

9*742/^has the same meaning as pagka-.

si simun sa pagpakabatiq sa tana ng gisulti ni silsu nangaghu

qug hala:wum nga pangaghu qug miqingun "Simonf having heard all
that was said by Celso, sighed a deep sigh and said."
(pagkabatiq could also be used here.) T*~~ ba:tiq "hear"

8.345 Other meanings of pagka- to transient base

pagka- is used freely with all basaBy They occur in

the construction described in Sec. 3.7*


maqa:yu ng pagkamusmus "He got a good dunking." V""~ musmus

"push face into" (42.6)

8.35 pagka- to bases with paN-

pa&ka- is used to bases «Ath paN~ in the construction of Sec*

maqa:yu ng pagkapamutu:la ninyu g ka:huy daq kay walaq dinhaq

qan'g magbalantay "Good job, cutting the wood! For the watch-
man was not around*" V puBru.tul"cut"

(Otherwise pagpanga- is used« i.e. £ag- to stative bases with

paN-. Cf. Se£. 8#331#)

8.36 Voice of abstracts
Abstracts are not active or passive, and the element following

the abstract may be the agent or the goal#

maqa:yu ng pagkalu:tuq ni mari:ya "Maria1 s cooking is good-*11

maqasyu ng pagkalu:tuq sa sajging "The banana was well cooked*"

V* lu:tuq "cook"

I The goal of the action of the construction de*

scribed in 3*7 may be preceded by gang or sa whereas the agent

is only preceded by sa* (Cf. Sec. 3#7») ' t

maqa:yu ng pagkaluituq qang sasging "The banana was well oooked*"

8.4 Imperatives

8.41 Active imperatives

The active imperatives have the same form as the abstracts

(Sec. 8.3)• There are no potential imperatives.

8.411 Imperative with pag-

Por some bases occurring with nag-/mag- (—*•) pag«* also has

(->0 when with imperatives.

pagkaqun na pilang *iarun mangutaw huma g panghu:gas manga plaitu

Come on and eatf Pilang, so that you can iron after washing the
dishes." V ~ kasqun "eat"

pagpalit ngadtu g maka:qun "Buy something to eat over thereV"

V~ p a l i t "buy" (7.14)
hwan hala p a g q i : l i s sa qi:mu ng purul "John, go on, change into
your short p a n t s . " Y~~ q i : l i s ^change" (2 # 5)
8.412 Imperative without pa^-

The imperative without pag- has the sane meaning ae the

imperative with paff-« However, the form without pag- is used

when the command is forceful.

SHiZSiP n a nS s a *> a w flGo o n
» Drink that tfoup." V~"~ su:yup
"suck in" (42.5)
8.413 Imperative with derived bases
Active imperatives occur freely with derivative bases ex-

cept those with hi- #r hlrff~»

•or,:ua:tiq kamu "Hear yei" F~"pamastiq "hear" (4$t3)

katu:lug dihaq "Go to sleep." V"** katu:lug "sleep'1

qayaw g pakigqa:way sa qi:mu ng manga kaqu:ban "Do not fight
with your companions." V pakigqasway "fight with"

qayaw g pakilimus "Do not beg." T* pakilimus "ask fo«f alms"

qayaw g qa:way mu dihaq "Do not quarrel•" V*^pagqa:yay ''quawwdt'1

8.42 Passive imperative

8.421 Without pag-

The passive imperative without pagf- has the same form, as

the subjunctive.

8.4211 Direct passive

hwan qayaw qintaswun qaku g putla "John, please do not

cut me." V"~ putul "cut" (5.5)

8.4212 Local

<1US suginli ng ha:riq nga pangasawqun ku qang qi:ya ng

qanak "And tell the king that I will marry his daughter*•"
M— sugi:lun "tell" (10.3)

8.4215 Instrumental
qiku:gut kana ng qi:mu ng kamut kay qadmna ku y qiha:tag
kani:mu "Reach your hand in because I have something to give
you." V * kusqut "reach hand into" (5«ll)

8,422 With pag-

V/ith passives pag- with imperative occurs only with qayaw

"do not". This usage is fancy style, but otherwise the meaning is

the same as without pag-. (pag- does not occur before pa^a-0

8.4221 Direct

qayaw lasmang qaku pagputla "Just do not cut me." ! T ~

putul "cut" (5.12)
8.4222 Local

qayaw pagsultishi si numir nga dinhi s luqis gaha:pun "Do

not tell Nomer that Loxrtswas here yesterday." Y*** sulti
"tell" -x

8.4223 Instrumental

bi:sa g qunsa y mahitabuq qayaw pagqiha:tag kang bissan

kinsa kini ng libru:ha "Whatever happens do not give this book
to anybody." "V ha stag "give"

8.425 Imperative passives to derived frageg

pasakqa na na ng manga bisista luling "Let the guests oome
up, Loling." IT"" saka "come up"

qayaw g pakuha:q i ni ng qa:ku ng sa:ging kay dadqun na:ku s

talamban "Do not let anybody take any of these bananas of mine
because I am taking them to Talamban." (Lit.,* "Do not let a part
of these bananas be taken.") Y~ kuhaq "get"

qipahixpus na ri ng manga pla:tu sa manga mutsatsa "Have the

maids clear the table#" V~ hi:pus "clear up"

qayaw pagpakuhasqi ni ng qa:ku ng sa:ging "Do not let anybody

take any of these bananas of mine." IT" kusljaq "get"

Chapter ffine: Affixes Forming grans lent Bases (Smamary putlrinre)

9#0 Introduction

9 # 11 pa- causative
$•12 Causative to stative bases with lea-
9 #13 £a- "agent cause V ^ to himself11
9»14 pa- f,cause oneself to be at f " "
9»*5 J2.§~ "going in the direction of11

9.21 pafl- "plural"

?..: jgaN- "occupation"

9#23 paH*» "perform action on part of the body"

9.24 paH- other transients from nouns
9.25 joaN- transient former with other parts of speech as bases
9*26 p a N ^ become? V*~ "
9»27 jgaN~ empty

9.3 ka-
9.4 ha7hi Jhing- (—>)
9.41 ha-/M-
9*42 Local passives with hi-/hing- (r~-^)
9.5 MI-
9#6 Derivatives with -as:, -in ayg-anayt -,111- -anay
9.7 pakig- "V with someone else (action initiated by
9.74 paka-
9.741 paka- "take form/act like/ pretend to be T**—*H
(passive "considered V M )
9«742 paka- potential meanings

9#743 paka- "to be overtaken by V~^fl

9«8 Doubling and Culu-

9#9 Miscellaneous restricted types

9#91 paki-

9.92 £ag-
9#93 -an- "plural agents"

9*10 Nominal bases used as bases of transients


Chapter Nine: Affixes Forming Transient Bases

"9»° * Introduction
9»0#1 Determination of the base
9.1 £§~
9»H pa- causative
9.111 pa- ^causative'' to transient bases

9#1111 pa- to underived bases

9»1112 With derived transient bases

9•11121 jm- to potential formations

9*112 pa- ^causative* to noun bases

/make into T

9.1121 Meaning " \allow to becomef "V "

991122 pa- to nouns that occur as bases to transients

9•1123 To nouns that do not occur as bases to transients

9#113 pa- "causative*1 to bases with causative meaning

9.1131 pa- with passive affixes

9.1132 pa- to bases with no inflectional affixes.

9»1133 With active affixes

9•1134 Extension to transients

9• 1135 £gr (***9?) *° adjective bases

9#12 ^Causative to stative bases with a prefix ka-

9.121 Stative bases with paka- in causative meaning

9.122*. Stative bases with pa- in the causative

9«13 pa- "agent cause V to himself"

9*131 Transient bases

9*132 Adjective bases

9#1321 With doubled bases

9*13211 jm- with doubled bases other than statives or

9*133 To noun bases

9*134 pa- agent *'cause V to himself with stative bases

Jdo \
9,1341 Meaning "(becomeJ V~~"~on purpose" whereas the s t a t i v e

/do 1
1 jbecomei
9*1342 Meaning the same as the s t a t i v e

9.-1343 (->)
9*14 pa- "oausfe oneself to be at Y~~~" (noun bases)

9*141 Specialized meaning

9*15 pa- "go in the direction of" (to noun and adjective

9*151 pa- "go in direction of" (specialized meaning)

9#2 paN-

9*21 paN- "plural"

^ Jactors\ ;/

9*211 Several jgoals j

9.2111 Without shift

9.2112 (*—)
9*212 Several actors only

9*2121 To underived bases

9#21211 Several actors only

9*21212 With shift (^~ )

9,2122 paN- to nalafcs not forming a transient

9*213 Several goals only

9,214 qaN- several acts only

9*215 paN«» to derived bases

9*2151 Bases with ka-

9.2152 To bases with doubling


9•2155 To bases with empty jpa-

9#2154 To bases with hi"/ha-
9.216 paN-^occupation"
9.217 SsMr occtirring with passive transients
9#2171 With direct passives, meaning "affected by"
9*2172 With local passives meaning "affected with V~~~ to a
great extent"
9.2173 JES'Ez i n other cases with the passive
9#22 paN~ "occupation"
9#23 paff- "perform action on part of the body"
9#231 To noun bases
9.2311 Underived "to use V "
9*23111 Without shift
9.23H2 (<-)
9*23H3 "Get the V—out"
9,23,12 To bases with hiN- "to clean the V "
9.23121 Without shift
9*23122 With («~~)
9t24 paN- other transients ^o nouns
9.241 Underived
9.242 To derived bases
9»243 With specialized meaning
9.244 "Dropping" of paN-
9»25 E£l~ transient former with other parts of speech as
9.251 With adjective bases
9#252 With interrogative bases
9*253 With qualifier bases
9.254 With pronoun bases

9,26 paN- "jjecomej

9*261 N* plural meaning

9.2611 paN- (<—)
9,262 Specific plural meaning
9#2621 Plural meaning
9#27 paN- empty
9.271 To bases which occur without paN- but with different
9.2711 To adjective bases
9#2712 To transient base©
9#272 paN- to bases which do not occur without paN~ or when
with paN~. having the same meaning as without ^SsSl*
9#2721 To bases that do not occur without paN-
9#2722 To bases that occur without T>aN- with no difference
in meaning
9#27221 To bases which alone have a restricted usage
9#27222 To bases which alone occur freely
9*2723 To derived bases
9.3 ka- (stative)

9.31 To adjective bases {becomeJ V-*""""
9.32 To transient bases
9*321 ka-"action performed by agent11
9*322 ka- "action which happened to agent"
9.33 ka- "become V

9•331 To noun bases

9.3311 To derived noun bases
9.3312 Specialized meaning

9•3313 Other meanings to noun bases

9.332 To pronominal bases
9#333 To nouna meaning^time*1
9#334 ka- to qualifier "become

9#54 Potential meanings with the statives

9*55 ka~/paka- "accidental", "potential" and "completed
9?351 ka-»potential*to bases with derivative j>ag-
9 #56 Empty ka~
9 #561 Bases t h a t occur w i t h o t h e r affixes

9*362 Bases t h a t always occtjrwith &&-

9.363 na-/ma- (nahi-/ha-/mahi-/ha-)

9.4 ha/hi/hing- (—>)

9,401 Dropping of h a - h i - ; hinff-

9.41 ha~/hi-

9#411 ha-/hi- "accidental"

9.4IH Action happened to take place
9*41111 Agent doing action involuntarily
9#41112 Accidental meaning weakened
9*41115 To derived bases
9^4112 State happened to come about
9*4115 Action accidentally done to subject
9 f 4114 Accidental meaning weakened
9*412 nahj^/ha^/mahi^/ha^ "action completed11
9*413 hi-/ha- with specialized meaning

9.4151 No shift

9.4152 («S-)

9*414 hi-/ha~ empty (with bases that always have hi-/tia»

or zero for hi-/ha-)
9 # 415 pagka-/ka- to bases with hi-
9#4151 £ag- to bases with hi-
9*416 pa- to bases with ha-/hi-

9.4161 pa-ffaction devolving on agent" to other bases with

9*4162 - £ M ~ *<* bases with hi-
9.417 mahi-/ha~/nahi-/ha» ma-/na-
9#418 hi- to bases with naf-/mag-
9*42 Local passives with hi-/hinff» (—>)
9.4201 Potentials to local passive with hi-/ha-
fhappened to I
9*421 hi-/hing«» "action plight pake place"
9#4211 M*/MSS- t0
derived bases
9 # 422 Weakened meaning of hi-/hing~
,§•423 Derived bases
9*424 To noun bases
9«425 paga- «»an to bases with hi-/hing- (<*--••) "continuing
9»426 hi-/hinff- empty
9#43 Dead prefixes witii similar,,meaning
9.431 hag-/hig~ "happened to"
9.432 "Able to"
9«433 hag-/hig- to derived bases
9.5 hiH-
* 1 about to
9#51 "hlKU (—*>) ] about to become
9 #511 To transient bases "about to V~~~
9#512 To noun bases
9.5121 "Becoming V "
9.5122 About t o become
J intense }
9«52 hiN-?1continuous f
9.521 *V intently1*

9*522 •fcontinuoua V "

9*5221 hiN- no shift
9#5222 hiN- (—>)

9*5223 hiN- (*—)

9 #523 hiH- («*—) "very V ••
9 # 524 hiN- forming stative bases
9•5241 No shift *
9.5242 hiN- (—*)
9 #5243 M S - (<*—)
9#525 hiN- to noun bases
9#5251 Those usually preceded by £aN-
9.52511 Of the types of Sec. 9*2312
9#52512 Other panghiN-
9.526 hiN- empty
9#5261 To bases which occur without hiN- in the same
9*5262 To bases which do not occur without hiN-
9#5263 Specialized meaning
9#6 Derivatives with -ay* -in- -afo-anay« -in- -anLay
9»6l Action by several agents, the action of each one
affecting the others
9»6ll To bases with -ay
$.6111 -ag (-*•)
9»6112 Specialized meaning
9#612 To bases with -in- -ay
9*615 -anay

9*6131 No shift
9#6l32 -anay (—*)
9*614 -in- -anay

9«6l5 Baao with-^^-in the same meaning as base without ~ay

9*62 "Intense/several actions^ of T**" "
9,621 -ajr
9#622 -in- -ajr
9.623 -anay
9*63 Empty -ay e t c , in words that have no intensive
9#631 -a£
9#6J2 -anay
9*7 pakig- "to V"~*"with someone else (action initiated by
9*71 To transient bases
9.7H Underived transient bases
9«712 To derived transient bases
9*713 pakig- (*—)
9#714 pakig"* to derived bases with -ay
9«7 2 pakig- to noun bases
9«721 To underived bases
9.73 kig- or tig- for nakigymakig-
9#74 paka-
9*741 paka- "take form/act like Y^Xpassive "considered

9*7411 With luminal bases

9.7412 With ucanominal bases
9#7413 With a phrase
9#742 paka- potential meanings
9#7421 Without shift
9.7422 With shift (—>)
9#7423 With potential meaning "able"

9 #7424 k a - p o t e n t i a l a l t e r n a n t of paka-

9.7425 m}5SrjhSr "stative"

9*743 paka- *o be o v e r t a k e n by V *"lf

9*7431 Without shift

9.7432 With (^3*)

9.7433 £aka- to bases that do not occur without

9•74331 pagka- for pagpaka-

9*8 Doubling and Culu-

9.81 To 1/ "around" (i.e., without an end to the action)

9.811 No shift

9.812 With shift (<~)

9.82 "To V playfully"

9.33 "Doing false 1 "

9.833 Culu- plus walaq j "do TT"~ at all"

9#84 Repetitive action

9.841 No shift

9^842 Repetitive action

9.843 "Do V in succession"

9.8431 («-)
9.8452 With Culu-
9.85 Doubling "continuous action"

9#86 "Pass time by doing V h"11

9.861 Culu-

9.87 Doubling empty

9.871 Doubling to F~~ f s which do not occur without

9.872 Doubling with specialized meaning

9.88 Doubling plus Culu«*


9.9 Miscellaneous restricted types

9.91 £fiki-
9.911 paki- "ask for"

9*912 £aki- specialized meaning

9.9121 paki- (~~j>>) specialized meaning

9.92 pag-

9.921 £ag- "do with each other"

9.9211 No shift'

9.9212 pag- («-*)

9#9213 To nominal bases

9#9214 pag- with derived bases

9.9215 Specialized meaning

9.922 £2£- (confined to pagbuqut)

9.93 -an-!1 plural agents"

9.931 -an- to bases with nag-/ma^- in meaning "continual"

or "nomrolitional"

9.9311 -aiwto nag*/mag- to bases with paka-tpaki-eto»

9.932 -an-to naff-/mag- "action devolving on agent"

9.933 -an- to nag-/mag- with noun

9»934 -an- to reciprocals

9*935 panag- in passives

9#936 nanag-/manag- vs. nagpaN-/magp>aN-

9.9361 nanag-/manag- to bases with paN-

9#94 -an/-anan (—^ "to habitually V "

9#941 To nontransient bases

9.95 nagsig-/magsig- "each do separately"

9.96 -AS- "continuous TT*~~fl

9.961 Meaning "continuous a c t i o n of Y~"~~ "


9.962 Meaning "continuous sound of V "

9.963 Meaning "continuous having the quality of

(to noun bases)

9.97 Dead transient formers

9.971 pasi-

9.972 sing-/sijT-

9.9721 jiing-

9.9722 .siN-

9.973 pani-

9.974 ti|-

9.9741 paniN» (» paN- + t i g - )

9.97411 To transient bases

9.97412 To adjective bases

9.97413 To noun bases

9.9742 paniN» to bases with no tiN-

9.975 ti£- (—>)

9.976 panig»
9.9761 To noun bases (with (—^) )

9.977 .panggi-

9.9771 manggi-

9.978 paha-

9.979 -um- (^—)

9.10 Nominal bases used as bases of transients

9.10.11 Meaning "wear, use as

9.10.12 "Season with V "

9.10.13 "Ride a V "

9.10.14 "Play V "

9.10.15 "Do something until


9.10.16 "Hold V ••»

9.10.17 "Close with a V "

9.10.18 Miscellaneous types

9.10.2 Derivatives to nominal bases

9.10.21 pafl- "plural"

9.10.22 jrn-

9.10.23 Other derivatives


Chapter Nine : Affixes Forming transient Bases

9.Q Introduction

The following paragraphs list the derivative affixes

which occur with transient bases. These do not include the

common nouns used as transient bases which are described in

Chapter Ten. (Cf# the discussion Sees, 8.012, 8.013.)

transient base is one which occurs with the inflectional af«*

fixes described in Chapter Eight. Not all transient bases

occur with all inflectional affixes. Paradigms are described

in Chapter Twelve, and a summary table of which inflectional

affixes occur with bases having certain derivative affixes is

given in Sec. 12 # 01 # A summary of which derivative affixes

occur with bases having derivative affixes is given in Seo #


9*0.1 Determination of the base

The base is determined by immediate constituent analysis"* Giv-

*n a form xya* where £,y* and z are morphemes. there are three pos**

a. x j yz
b.' xy t z
oV x | y | z
The choice of which cut to make depends on the occurrence and

meaning* If gz occurs by itself in the same meaning as it does in

xyz then a is the correct cut. (in such oases xyz will usually

If jz are the same morphemes as the jr& of jyg then the mean-
ing £5 is the same (for morphemes are classes of forms With $be
same meaning in complementary distribution).

be in a paradigm with x y 1 z 1 where ZnZ-t also occurs by itself in

the same meaning as in xj- z- ), If xy occurs by itself in the same

meaning as it does in xyz f then b is the right cut* If neijfefaar

& no* ]g, then £ is the right exit* (There are no cases in Cebuano

where both & and b could be considered the right cut.)

a b o d e
E. g. pagka manggi hunaq hunafo_un "thoughtfulness"

Since manggihunaohuna;qun "thoughtful" occurs by itself in the

same meaning as in pagkamanggihunaqhunasflun the first cut is

afbede. This form is in paradigm with other forms pagka-x (Sec»

10.922) which have the same immadiatS constituent structure*

b c d e - i •
Similarly for manggi hunaq hunaifl un we have a cutfcla£i«§ks~
by itself ij^does
cause cde* does not occur/in the same meaning as/in bode: nor do
i?.rl;i .li2> j|£f M > or CJD* However, jed does ocour in the same moan-
ing as in bode. This form is in paradigm with other forms manggi-.
~un with parallel immediate constituent structure (Sec. 11.357)•
For forms with the inflectional affixes the first cut is
made between the inflectional affixes and the base on the basis
of the above criterion
9-1 jaa-
9*11 £a- *causative*( productive)
The causative has either the meaning "allow" or "make (have)
soneone V " depending on the context. (Cf . examples of See*
9.1111.) Bases with pa»"causative" and active affixes (Sec» 8.1 and
subsections) may occur with "second goals" (Sec. 4»63l)»
9*111 pja- "causative" to transient** bases
With some transient bases in conjunction with instrumental
p&s&ivss there is a causative meaning without £g-. Also the bases
have a causative meaning without pa-. These are the

hunaqhunasqim "thing to be thought of" occurs by itself, but

the meaning is different than in manggihunaq huna:qua "thoughtful"
and the -un of the former is not in the same morpheme as the -un
of the latter.
**Cf • Sec. 8*012 &r the criteria ly which to determine the -type of base*

bases which also occur with the affix ka- (Sec. 9^3) •

9.1111 pa* to underived bases

palutusqun ku si marirya g paniqudtu I will have Mary oook
dinner.11 T~ lu:tuq "cook"

nagpasalsal si qinting sa ka saryu qug qingun kadakuq sa kumagkuq

sa kamut nga qasi:ru "Inting had a piece of steel as big around
as a thumbf forged at Saryofs.,f V*""* aalsal "forge" (59*9)

sinyur ha:riq qaku y mupasa:lig sa pagbira niqi:ni ng qisdaq

"Your Majesty, I will guarantee to pull this fish out." Y~~ sa*lig
"to have trust in"

9.1112 With derived transient bases

(With paff-)

papangahu:ya na si lu:ling kay ha:pun na "Have Loling gather

firewood now because it is late." V**^panga:huy "gather firewood"

(With ka-)

maqu ni ng tamba:la makapakatu:lug na:kuq "This is the medicine

which can make me sleep." V* katu:lug "sleep"

9.11121 pa- to potential formations (dead)

The potential formations (,fe^s.8.13> 8.214, 8.223, 8^233,

8*33) are considered inflectional affixes and not derivational

affixes. tmti&$g A&T%im& bases* (Cf. discussion Sec. 9.32.) Yet with

bases of the type which occur only with potential prefixes (Sec*

8.135) pa- "causative" occurs as a derivative prefix.

mita:maq sa qi:ya ng qapapa;*ngig qang qusa ka suntuk nga

nakapakakitaq ni:ya g qanini:put "He was hit squarely on the jaw
by 4 triow with the fist that made him see stars."( literally
"fireflies") T*~ nakakitaq "saw"

nakapakakitaq " caused someone to see"

Similar usage is with the bases which occur only with the

potentials. (Cf. Sec. 8.135#)

nakapakasalaq "caused someone to sin"

nakapakabatiq "caused someone to hear"


9.112 pa- "causative" to noun bases

11 ,f
fmake into \
9.1121 Meaning j allow to become; V ~
diq siya paparisqun ni pa:pa ni:ya kay siya ra ma y lalatki
sa manga magsu:qun "His father will not allow him to become a
priest because he is the only son among the brothers and sisters."
V pa:riq "priest"

9.1122 ^.a- to nouns that occur as bases to transients

These noun bases are discussed in various sections of Chapter

Eight and also in Sec. 9«10 and its subsections*

kay sayu pa man gud siya ng mipagra:hi sa traktu:ra kay gilabdan
siya sa qi:ya ng qu:lu "For he put his tractor in the garage
earlier than usual because he had a headache," V* grathi "gaxage"
migrashi "went to the garage" (Sec. 8#1153) pagra:hi "cause to
go to the garage"
disliq ka pabakya;qun sa sulud kay banhaq kaqasyu "You are not
allowed to wear wooden slippers inside becausethey are very noisy."
V~~ bakyaq "wooden slipper" Y~ pagbakyaq "wear wooden slipper-
(Sec. 9.10.11)

9.112? To nouns that do not occur as bases to transients

qug nasa:yud na karun nga qang manduq sa ha:riq sa pagpabuhis

di:liq qikatakliq "And you know now that the king's command to
impose taxes cannot be set aside." V**" buhis "taxes" V
pabuhis "make people pay taxes"

9.113 pa- "causative" to bases with causative meaning

These bases are adjective bases and transient bases which also

occur with stative (ka-) derivatives (Sec. 9*3) •

Note that with most adjective bases the passive and the

mi-/mu- and naka-/maka~ have causative meaning without the prefix


•^However, the causative meaning does not include the meaning

"allow". E.g.
qunsa y nakadaqutan ni:ya "What went wrong with him?" (Lit«
Mcaueed him to "be bad")
qilayuq qang tana ng makada:qut kanitya "Keep all things which
can harm him far away." IT" layuq " far"

9.1131 pa- with passive affixes

i n W **
With bases having a causative meaning '^have If soma one \
jallowi jsomething]

make something Y~~ "

nipaqitum qang qa:ku ng sapa:tus ni di:yu "Have Deo make my
shoes black." V"~ qitum "blacken" V*" paqitum "have someone

qipahurlug ni ng sula:ta ni pidru s pusqu:pis "Have Pedro mail

this letter at the post office." V** hu:lug "drop" pahu;lug
"have someone drop"

9.1132 To bases with no inflectional affixes

When the base has no inflectional affix the pa- means "cause

V""'..." • (This is the reflexive meaning of the pa- described in

joeo* 9#13 and its subsections^
bi:san qang manga wati qug mangliw nahikalimut qusab sa qi:la ng
naqanda ng patili:qis sa ti:ngug "Even the earthworms and the
katydids also forgot to sing their usual shrill songs," (Lit»:
make shrilf*) IT* tili:qis "shrill" (62,14)

9.1135 With active affixes

With some stative bases the pa- in the active has the same
meaning as the passive ( havejsomethingj^ make ^someone ^ ^— )
{someone | |Somethingj

nakapahutlug ku ng pidru s qi:mu ng paki*ti didtu s pusqu:pis

"I had Pedro mail your package at the post office." V~~ hu:lug
"drop" V ~ pahu:lug "have someone drop"

With other stative bases and adjective bases the active pa-

plus base means "cause something to be V ~ " (I.e., the meaning is

the same as without pa-)

qapan qusa niqa:naq maqu y Jnakasubuq I sa qi:ya ng manga

'Inakapasubuq f
ginika:nan "But one of those caused his parents to be sadVu
V ~ subuq " sad" (25.ll)
fnakapahi;muql . , ,
maqu y ^ n a k a h i ; m u q fr. m:ya ng qaduna:han qang qx:ya ng
^anin^ka:mut ff It was his effort that made him rich." V hi.muq
9.11^4 Extension to transients (restricted)

With some active transients with the meaning "cause" or a

similar meaning the base is used with pa- in the same meaning

as the base without :

kini m a q u y{nakaha^tagafi ^ k a ^ ^ l sa qi:ya ng qinahan "This

is what caused grief for his mother/1 V~~ ha:tag "give1
9.1135 3>a- (~&~) adjective bases (restricted)

bu:saq nagpalaqin sila kay w&Iaq man sila y swirti sa

pananum nidangup sila sa pamuhiaqun "So they tried something else.
Because they had no luck in raising crops, they turned to raising
animals/1 V~~ palaqin "change" IT"" la:qin "different" (54#ll)

9»12 Causative* to stative bases (with a prefix ka- Sec".' 9»3)

Some stative bases do not occur without ka- when with causa-

tives. (i.e., they occur only with paka- if there is a pa- oaiifr**

aiive.) Some do not occur with ka- at all (i.e., occur with pa-

&lon$)if there is a pa- causative. (Some statives have a double

causative meaning with pa-. Causatives to these bases are do**

aafribed ±n Sec. 9»H3 and its subsections.)

9.121 St.ative bases with paka- in causative meaning

walaq ku pakatulga s manga ba:taq banhaq sila kaqa:yu "I

could not sleep on account of the children'. They were very noisy."
(Lit.t "I was not allowed to sleep by the children.")
pakatujlug "fcould Ti to sleep" V"~ katu:lug "sleep" V ~ tu:lug
{allow tor
"cause to sleep"
9#122 Stative bases Y/ith pa- in the causative

V/ith these bases the meaning of the base alone or with pa-

is the same (although the pa- does not tend to occur with certain

prefixes ). (Cf. further examples in Sec. 9*1133#)

si:gi siya ng qinum qaxun< p a ^ a ^ a a

L sa tu:big s subaq "He
kept on drinking in order to dry up the water of the river."
V" kamala "be dry" V~~ pamala "make dry" V"~ mala "make dry"

9*13 pa- "agent cause V ~ to himself" (productive)


The meaning of these differs from those of Sec, 9*11 i** that

in this usage the agent causes Y*~ to be done to himself (whereas

for the pa- of Seo» 9*11 the action need not be done to the causer ).
di:liq siya magpakistaq ffHe will not show himself*" V*"* ki:taq
"see" (Here the base has the pa«» of this section,)

di:liq siya magpakittaq niqasna ng qi:ya ng nakitqan "He is not

going to show //hat he has found," (Here the base has the pa- in
the usage of j3ecu 9#H»)
All bases with the pa- of/9.11 also occur with this pa-t
but not ^11 bases with the pa- of this section occur with the pa-

of Sec, 9.H.

Bases with this pa- do not occur with passive affixes".'

(However, when used as bases to other derived forms, they occur

with passive affixes*)

9»151 Transient bases

sa walaq pa mugi:kan si tunyu nagpakasal na lang sila si

durya "Tonyo and Doria got married before he went away*11 Y~~
nagpakasal "cause to be married" F~" kasal "wedding"

9*152 Adjective bases

didtu ka nagpahaya:hay sa gawas karu ng mudtu "Did you

refresh yourself outside this noon?" V*~ pahayashay "cause to
refresh" V hayashay "refreshing"

di:liq siya qa:ngay ng magpasa:kit niqasnaq kay tutal walaq pud

siya y lasbut "He should not torture himself with that, because
after all*it is no concern of his," V~ pasa:kit "to cause pain"
V • sakit "pain"

9>1321 With doubled bases (productive)

With doubled bases nagpa~/mairpa- has a specialized meaning:

"• fpretend to be V~~{ " /m, ^ -, ^ /
< ^ c t l i k e ye- > (These ocdur only with nag-/mag- or zero

for nag-/mag-,) (The meaning "act like V~ " for noun bases is

papahayahasya qang manga bisi:ta didtu s balkun "Let the

visitors refresh themselves on the balcony*" V"* papahayashay
"cause someone to refresh himself" V ~ pahayarhay "refresh oneself"

expressed by paka- Sec« 9»74l and its subsections,)

kun siya sampiitun qarun papanguluhun sa mi:ting muqikyas qug

magpasakitsa;kit da:yun "If he is called to preside at the
meeting he gets out of it and pretends right away to be sick."
V pasakitaaikit "pretend
to be sick" v sakit "sick"
kinsa ma y pabu9anffhu:qanff qug hikut sa li:qug sa buqa:ya "Who
would be so crazy as to tie something around the crocodile's
neck?" V bu:qang "foolish" (58*3)
9.13211 pa- with doubled bases other than statives or

nagpadiliqdi:liq quruy siya ng gitaga:qan sa mansasnas piru
gustu bayaq "He said he did not want any when he was given the
apples, but really he wanted them." V~ di:liq "no"

9*133 To noun bases

diq siya gustu ng ma^pabuy kay muqiskuyla pa kunu siya "He

does not want to hire himself out as a servant because he still
wants to go to school." V ~ pabuy "to cause oneself to be a
servant" V buy " servant"

9,134 pa- agent cause V*~ to himself with stative bases

"(do I
[become J Y~
9*1341 Meaning [become/ on purpose whereas the stative

-/do I
means j become j V**" "
ffipakamatyan ni risal qang qi:ya ng paghigugma sa qi:ya ng
yu:ta ng natawhan "Hi&al gave his life on account of his love for
his fatherland." (Lit.s"The love of his fatherland was the thing
on account of which (local passive Sec. 8#2214) Rizal made himself
die.1*) F"~ pakamatay "die for a cause" F~" kamatay "die"
(pakamatay is also used in the same meaning as kamatay.)

nagnsakaha:naw si qupilya sa diha ng walaq mugu:waq sa bar qang

qi:ya ng ngaslan "Ophelia did not show herself after her name
failed to appear on the list of those who passed the bar exams#"
T~~ pakaha:naw "cause oneself to drop out of sight" V"-""
kaharnaw "disappear"

Cf. naha:naw siya sa kangitngit sa kahapusnun "He disappeared

into the evening darkness." V"*~ ha:naw "disappear "

9*1342 Meaning the same as the stative

qunsa y qi:ya xig pakabuhi:qan "What does he do for a

living?" IT"*" pakabu:hiq "live" V"* kabu:hiq "live"

maqa:yu ng magpakahilum na lang ta kay di:liq gustu s

ta*fcay g manga ba:ta ng banhaqan "Let us be quiet because Dad
does not like noisy children." V~* pakahilum "be quiet" V
hi slum "quiet"

9*14 jsa- "cause oneself to be at V*~ " (noun bases)

nasukuq qang draybir sa dyip kay waq mupadaplin qang

tartanilya "The driver of the jeep got mad because the rig would
not move to the side of the road*" TT~ daplin "edge"

ninggu:waq da:yun ku dihaqdihaq qug nagpaqulan ku nga wa y

ningsampit kana:kuq "I went out then and there and walked in the
rain without anyone calling after me." V"~ qulan "rain"

9.141 Specialized meaning

qikaw ma y nagqantug sa hantak/paha:r iq ka kami pakuru:na
"You are the one tossing (the coins) now* You take heads; we
will take tails." T~" ha:riq "heads" Y~ kuru:na "tails"

9#15 pa* "go in the direction of" (to noun and adjective

bases )

human ta g panaygun s ka siluy magpalungsud ta kay dagha ng

ta:wu didtu "After carolling at Siluy1s place^let us go towards
the town because there are many people there." V lungsud

nagpaduqul siya qapan gabi:qi "He went near, but it was nighti"
V ~ duqul "near" (45.10)

9«151 pa- "go in direction of" (specialized meaning) [(«^—)j

Many roots which take this pa- also occur without pa- in the
same meaning.

sa daplin sa subaq nga maqu y qagiqaxnan sa qi:la ng tu:yuq sila

padu;lung "They went towards the edge of the river where their
quarry usually passed*" F~ du:lung "go toward" (60.10)

9.2 jmN-
• M i l l ipijl >l I I I !

9.21 paN- "plural"


^ Jactorsi '
9.211 Several {goals f
9.2111 Without shift \

qang manga maqistra manglu:tuq qug manga pagka:qun "The

teachers will cook things to eat." V~* lu:tuq "cook"

pinadukuq qang quslu masulubqu ng namalhin qang magtiqa:yun ngadtu

sa yu:taq nga gitudluq kani:la ni mistir qalug "With bowed
heads the couple sadly moved to the land which Mr. Alog
had pointed out to them." V**** balhin "to move (to another plaoe)"

9.2112 With shift (•«*-)

qang manga ba:buy nanglutsut sa kural "The pigs slipped

through the fence•" T"~ lusut "slip through"

9*212 Several actors only

9.2121 To underived bases

9.21211 Several actors only

du:gay na ng katuqi:gan nga nangasgi may qusa ka magtiqasyun
"Many years ago there was a couple," V qa:gi "pass by" (l«l)

9.21212 With shift («*-)

mangla:kaw lang mi kay walaq mi qikapli:ti "We will just

walk because we do not have fare money." V~~ lakaw "to walk"

9«.2122 paN- (plural) to nounsjaoi forming a transient

pangatul/run ta ru ng gabisqi kay du:ru ta g traba:hu ru ng

qadla:wa "We will feel sleepy tonight because we worked hard
today." (paN- to katulgun "about to sleep" Sec. 10.1572)
9.215 Several goals .only

nanglaba si qangkay sa subaq quban sa qisya ng ba:ta ng

baba:yi "Angkay was washing clothes in the river together with
her little girl." V ~ laba "to wash clothes" (54#l6)

9*214 paN- several acts only

qang buwa:han nga qingun kadakuq sa bati:qis qang tungaq

maqu y qi:la ng napisliq nga himusqu ng ba;wug bussaq
ffipamutlan ni minggu sa manga sanga "A lanzones tree as big
around as the lower leg was what they had chosen to make a spring
pole; so Minggo cut off the branches." V ~ putul "cut off"

9*215 paN- to derived b a s e s

i <i ii > •mm •inn. «m.» m , , » I u n w • m

jgag- occurs with some bases with ka- and to bases with

doubling. It also occurs with a few bases with hiN- (described

in Sec. 9*2312) and to bases with empty pa», Otherwise paff«»

dees not occur with derived bases*

9#2151 Bases with ka-

daghan na qang paqa:gi nga gihi:muq qapan qang tanan
nangapakyas "Many ways have been tried*, but all failed*11 Tr~~
kapakyas ,fto fail" (57• 5)
9+2152 To bases with doubling

didtu sila manuruysu:ruy qimbis mutunghaq "There they walked

around instead of going to school*" V*~ suruysu:ruy "go around"

9*2153 To bases with empty pft-

mamaqu:liq na ta "Let us go home now#" T~ paqu:liq "go


9*2154 To bases with hi-/ha-

paN- occurs to bases with hi-/fafo» vfaieh aa*e of high frequency*

In a very fancy style paN- is used with bases with hi-/h&* whi$fe are

of less frequent occurrence,

qang manga nanghibilin sa manga kabalayan nakamata tungud sa
kakusug sa danguynguy qug sya:git sa qinahan "Those who were
left behind in the houses woke up because of the loud wailing and
shrieking of the mother." V"*~ hibilin "remain " (20*l)
9*216 paN- occupation (cf* paN- 9*22)

9+217 paN- occurring with passive transients

Bases with paN- plural affixes in some cases appear only

with passive affixes. These are to adjective or noun bases which

in themselves are bases of transients occurring only with passive


9*2171 With direct passives* meaning "affected by"

(Sec* 8.213) (dead)


The meaning in this case is usually "affected by TP~ to a

great extent",
human siya muqinum sa qi:nit k-apiffipaningutsiya pagqa:yu
"After he drank the hot coffee, he sweated profusely." T"~
singut "sweat" V~" gisingut "person who sweated"

9.2172 With local passives meaning "affected with T*~ to a

great extent" (dead)

gipanguyawan si li:tu sa diha ng naki:taq ni:ya qang baki ng
nagluksuluksu ngadtu kani:ya "Lito was terrified upon seeing the
frog jumping at him#" V*" kuyaw "fear" 1/ gikuyawan "person
affected by fear"

9*2173 fl&N- in other cases with the passive

In other cases with the passive the paN- has the meaning

plural agents, plural goals or plural actions.

sa timpu sa gi:ra basta tingtugnaw na ga:niq qang qa:mu ng

qipanghaibul sa:ku sa kala:may kay nihit man kaqa:yu qang
panaptun " During the war when cold weather set in, sugar sacks
were what we used as blankets,for cloth was very scarce." T ~
ha:bul "blanket" V ~ qihatbul "thing used as blanket"
9.22 paN- "occupation"

This paN- has two meanings: l) "the agent does F~ " and

2) "the agent does V for a living". These are with nominal bases,

labi na qang qamahan nali:pay gayud pagqa:yu tungud kay du:na na

man siya y qikata^bang sa pagpanga:huy "Especially the father
was happy because now he would have someone to help him in gathering
firewood." V*~~ ka:huy "wood" (1.6)

9*23 £.§11- "perform action on part of the body" (restricted)

9*231 To noun bases

9.2511 Underived "to use V~~ "

9*23111 Without shift

manipilyu ku kasda huma g ka:qun "I brush my teeth after

each meal." V~~* sipilyu "toothbrush"

Note that paN- in other than plural uses, has a plural mean-
ing if with na^/ma^ t naga-/maga-. (Cf# Sec. 8.12112.)

9,25112 (««-)
miqingun qang bartaq nga di:liq siya kahiba:wu ng mangi;lu
"The child said he did not know how to wipe himself."
qilu ftoilet paper -i
[something used for toilet paper)
9.23115 "Get the T~ out"
dijliq maqasyu ng mangiqkiq kung na:qa pa sa lamitsa "It is
not good to pick your teeth while still at the table." Y~ kiqkiq
"particles of food stuck in teeth after eating"

9.2312 To bases with hUU "to clean the Tr~ "

9.23121 Without shift

si hil qug si ni:na kanu:nay man&himati:qis kung ha:pit na ng

matu:lug "Gil and Nena always wash their feet just before going
to sleep." V~~ bitirqis "legs" V himati:qis "to wash the

9.23122 With fa&~)

manghingu:ku tingaili ku karu ng gabi:qi "I think I will cut
my nails tonight." Y~~ kuku "nails" Y~" hinguicu "care for

9.24 paN- other transients to nouns (various meanings)


9*241 Underived

qunsa:qun gud ni;mu pa/?pangasa:wa niqarna ng qanak sa ha:riq

nga qikaw qanak man lasmang sa pubri ng magtiqa:yun "How could
you ever marry the king's daughter when you are nothing but the
son of a poor couple?" V~~ qasaswa "wife" (10.7)

9.242 fl?c der.iv&d basea' (with other affixes dropped) (dead)

si guryu qang mangu:lu sa gru:pu nga mangi:taq sa nalu:nud

nga sakayan "Gorio will head the group which will search for the
boat that sank." V"*" pangu:lu "chief"

9.243 With specialized meaning

manaswu nyaq mi sa qinyu qugmaq "We will visit your place

tomorrow." V""" ta:wu "man"

9.244 "Dropping" of paN-

Some of the nominal bases occurring with paN~. paN- "ocoupa-


tion" Sec. 9.22 and Sees. 9.24 ff. also occur without paN- in the

same meaning or nearly the same meaning, (in some cases the form

with paN- is used in different contexts than the form without

£aN-#E.g. panganak "give birth11 (TT^ qanak "child") nanganak (»

miqanak) nakapanganak (* nakaqanak) gipanganak (* giqanak)

gtipanganakan (* giqanakan)

qang ba:buy sa kalibunan "The pig gave birth in

walaq pa makapanganak si gunsa:lis naqa:na ng huspita:la "Mrs*

Gonzales has never had a baby in that hospital."

swirti ng waq siya makaqanak qug ba:ta ng lintiq "It is lucky

she did not happen to have an incorrigible child for a son*11

(These makapaN- F~ and maka- V~ have slightly different meanings,

maqu na ng kwartu:ha ng<fi^PanSfn^rl a n 1 s a qasa:wa ng di:yu "Deo^s
wife delivered in that room." *

kami ng tana ng magsu:qun didtu 1^.^—»,' - L sa ba:y "All of

us children were born at home." ^ J

With some affixes paN- does not occur. These are affixes of

the nouns meaning person.

qumaqa:nak na si mari:ya q$.pan waq pa didtu qang mananaban^

"Maria was about to deliver but the midwife was not yet there***"
V ~ panganak "deliver" 'IT" pana:bang "assist in delivering"

9.25 j>&N- transient former with other parts of speech

as bases

9.251 With adjective bases

sigurru siya ng mangha:wud kay naqasnad na man siya g kanta
"He will surely come out the winner because he is already used
to singing." F~ haswud "superior"

9.252 With interrogative bases

qipangumusta ku ng listu qug magki:taq mu ha "Give my

regards to Lito if you see each other." Y~~ kumusta "how are

9#255 With qualifier base^

mama:sin lang ta niqi:ni ng higayu:na kay di:liq ku

makapanigu:ru "Let us just hope in this case because I cannot
be sure." V ba:sin "hoping for something to occur"

9*254 With pronoun bases

di:liq ku manga:ku kay walaq ku y naqantiguhan niqatnaq "I
will not take that on because I do not know anything about that#"
TT~ qaku "I"

9.26 £aN- \become J V~ (bases from adjectives)

9>26l No plural meaning

qang qi:ya ng manga mata naglirawliraw qug namula daw mata

sa airing kumagat "His eyes stared wildly and were red like the
eyes of a vicious oat#" V~ pula "red" (48*2)

9•2611 Ho plural meaning (-«*•->)

hubag pa kaqa:yu qang qi:ya ng dagway qug nangla:gum qang

qisya ng manga mata "His face was still very swollen, and his
eyes were discolored," Y*~~ lagum "discolored from injury" (23#7)

9#262 Specific plural meaning

tinu:qud gyu ng sadqan qang qi:ya ng manga nga:bil

nangluspad "He is really guilty* His lips became pale." V*"*~
luspad "pale"

9*2621 Plural meaning (with adjective having -£- infix)

nanagkuq ni ng qasku ng manga buktu g binugha g ka:huy

"My arms have grown large splitting wood." V~~ dagkuq "big"

9*27 paN- empty

9,271 To bases which occur without paN- but with different


9*2711 To adjective bases

mahadluk ku kung mangi:sug qang qasku ng qinahan "I am
frightened when my mother is angry." V*""" pangissug "be angry"
V qi:sug "brave"

9*2712 To transient basep

qikapanimbang na siya karun sa basy kay masu:guq na man


"He now can be used as help in the house because he can already be
made to run errands#" V~ panimbang "help" V~ timbang "weigh"

9*272 £aN- to bases which do not occur without paN~ or when

with paN- with the same meaning as without paflU

9.2721 To bases that do not occur without paN-

may nanga panahun nga manganduy qaku qug duguq "There are
times when I long for blood," Y~~ panganduy "to long for" (22#ll)

9.2722 To bases that occur without paN- with no difference

in meaning

9.27221 To bases which alone have a restricted usage

buynu kay gisa:qad ku man matusman qang qi:mu ng gipan^a:yuq

"Well, since I promised it, your wish will be granted," V
ka:yuq "ask for something" (17.4)

The base kasyuq also occurs in a fey/ forms,

di:liq siya gustu qasna ng qamigu:ha kay kayuqan kaqa:yu "He does
not like that friend because he always asks for things,"

9.27222 To bases which alone occur freely

na,mu;law siya g tahiq sa qi:ya ng sini:naq "He sewed his

shirt late into the night," V"*~ pamu:law "do something until
late at night" V"~ purlaw "do something until late at night"

nagpuslaw ku g tuqun gabirqi hangtud sa qalas dus "I studied

until two last night,"

Transients formed to noun bases with a paN- derivative which

occur also without paN- are of this type (Sec. 9*244),

9«2725 To derived bases

qi:la pa gayu ng gidugasngan qang qisla ng paningka:mut

"And they added to their striving as well," V~ singka:mut "strive1
Cf. also jSeo, 9.9741* (54*1)

9.3 ka- (stative )

The forms na-/ma- are considered to be mi-/mu- to bases with

ka- (Sec. 8.11823) if they are not passives (direct potentials

See* 8.214 or instrumental potentials Sec» 8.233)•


A form is considered passive if it occurs with a genitive

such that the genitive means "agent". Otherwise it is a stative#

Also if a form has a meaning described for the passive, it is a


nahubug si pidru gani:na ng buntag "Pedro got drunk this morning*"

This is a stative because the meaning "become drunk" is one

of those described for the statives (Sec* 9#31) and does not occur

r/ith a genitive (in that meaning). This nahubug is considered to

be mi- plus a base kahubug. On the other hand, the following is a


nahubuff nisya si pidru "He got Pedro drunk."

Here we have a genitive meaning agent (njLtya)j and the meaning for

flahubug is one described for the direct passive "person caused to

be V— " (Sec. 8.21432).

The bases without ka- usually have a meaning "cause IT*" "•

u J be
9.31 To ad.jeotive bases IIbecome
become J F~

iifrparat qang sabaw human qasini ni maritya "The soup became

salty after Maria seasoned it." T~~ parat "salty"

(Cf« Sec. 8.011 for criteria as to when a form is considered an

adj ec tive base.)

9*32 To transient bases

9.321 ka-Maction performed by agent^(intentionally or not)


qang qi:ya ng gamay ng qanak nga waswu pa ka bu:wan natusluff

sa du:yan "Her small eight-month-old child was sleeping in the
hammock." V~ turlug "sleep" (19.4)

9*322 ka- "action which happened to agent (i.e., without

agent * s intention )!*

qang tibuquk nga ginharisqan natingasla "The whole kingdom

was surprised." "V tinga:la "surprise" (36*l)

sa nagatubuq si hwan nalispay qusab qang qi:ya ng manga

ginikasnan "As John grew up, his parents were happy." Y~~
li:pay rJaa;vi happy" (l«3)

9*33 ka- "become V*~ "

9*331 To noun base®

napasriq si husi sa tusqig sa qa:ku ng pagkata:wu "Jose

became a priest the year I was born," V"" pa:riq "priest"

(With (-<*-))

•L' ••i-'.liSfiiSL s * "tisy^- <iiha ng nabanggaq qang dyip nga qi:ya ng

, ilrik^an "Tecio became a harelip when the jeep he was riding
crashed." V ~ bungiq "harelip"

9.3311 To derived noun baseg

qug mamagbalantay ka s qasmu ng klassi .qayaw g qinistriktu

"If you become our class watcher, do not be strict." V-
magbalantay "watcher"

9*3312 Specialized meaning

natajFu ku sa tyimpu sa gi:ra "I was born during the war,"

V~ ta:wu "man"

9*3313 Other meanings to noun bases(dead)

nahuspital si piping human siya tabangi sa manga buguy

"Peping was put in the hospital after being attacked by a bunch
of hoodlums," V " huspital "hospital"

9.332 To pronominal bases(restricted)

qug mataspus na nismu g basyad qang katapussa ng qinstulmin

maqastuq na ni "After you have finished paying the final
installment, this will be ours."V"'* qastuq "ours"

9*333 To nouns meaning time (dead)

nagabisqi na lang qang manininda g qutanun waq pa gihaspun

maquliq "It was already night,and the vegetable seller still
had not gone home # " "V gabisqi "night"

The unreal forms of these are used as qualifiers (Seq#

wala y kukahadluk nga manungkab sa manga hayu:pan sa manga ta:wu
kanang bati:qun na sa kagu:tum maqadlaw kun magabi:qi "He had
no fear at all to steal the people1s livestock whenever he felt
hungry, day or night• " V"~ qadlaw "day11 V gabi:qi "night"

9.334 ka~ to qualifier "become V~~ " (dead)

pata:bug lang siya g tubag sa sukut qapan namaqu bayaq

"She took a guess at the answer to the question, but it turned
out right." V ~ maqu "correct"
9.34 Potential meanings with the statives

The statives except those described in Sec. 9*321 are neutral

with respect to the potential meanings.

diq siya manirwang kay dakuq siya g kasqun "He could not become
thin because he had a big appetite." "V ni:wang "thin"

(Translated as "perfected action")

pagqabut ni:ya s pilipi:nas naduktur na siya g tutu: ka tu:qig

sa qamirika "When he arrived in the Philippines, he had already
been a doctor in America for three years#"

(Translated as "accidental")

namaqistru ni:ya si husi g qusa ka tu:qig sa didtu pa ku s sibu

"Joe happened to be his teacher for a year while I was still xn Ce->
btu" T ^ magistru "teacher"

9*35 ka-/paka- "accidental", "potential" and "completed


The potentials (Sees. 8.13, 8.214, 8#223, 8.233, 8#33) are

treated as single affixes (except for the nagpaka-/magpaka~ type

Sec. 9*742) although they might be treated as two affixes «•»» as

derivative affix ka- or paka- plus the inflectional affixes.

However, the analysis of the potentials as a single prefix is

preferable because their distribution is parallel to the other

inflectional affixes (except for the nagpaka-Zmagpaka- of Seo"»


9*742 and the nakapaka-/makapaka- causatives Sec* 9• 11121 which

are dead formations).
9 #351 ka~ potential' to bases with derivative £ag»

(Sec, 8.138)

These have the shape nagka-/magka«» but are not the same as

the stativesu
nagkaki:taq mu s binansyu gahaspun s ha:pun didtu s tindaihan
"Did you happen to meet Venancio yesterday afternoon at the
store?" V ki.taq "see"
9#36 Empty ka-

These are bases which do not occur by themselves for which

ka- has no meaning,
9.561 Bases that occur with other affixes (restricted)

qadu:na giha:pu y manga ta:wu nga bula:wanu g kasingka:sing

nga maqantisgu rig malu:quy kani;ya "There are still people with
golden hearts who know how to sympathize with him," V"-
kaluxquy "pity" (69.13)

9.362 Bases that ahvsqp occur with ka- i

pulus kagidlay lang qang saput sa tigu:lang kay walaq na
siya y manga paryinti ng makata:bang kani:ya "The old manfs
clothes are in tatters because he has no relatives any longer
\who can help him," T~ kagidlay "ragged"
9.363 na-/ma- (= nahi-/ha-/mahi-/ha-) (productive)
With bases having nahi-/ha-/mahi-/ha-. na-/ma- is used in
the same meaning, (^f. Sec. 9•417.)
midasdas qang manga masali:gun qug manga la:was qug gitabangan
ni:la qug puspus qang ta:wu hangtud nga f nahibuhiqan 1 niiya
^ nabuhiqan J
qang ba:taq qug natumba siya sa la:puk sa sapaq "The able-bodied
attacked the man and teamed up to beat him until he let go of the
child and fell into the mud of the creek," V ~ bu:hiq "to let
go" (21.8)
9.4 ha/hj["/ hing- (~»Q

The affixes ha- / hi- /hing- have accidental meanings (action

In most cases forms with the prefix have a short penult (if
it is open). Exceptions will be marked separately.

coincidental to something else or action unintentional on part of

agent) ha-, iii~* hing-« hig-, hag-, are all of similar meanings

with a distribution such as described in the following paragraphs0

9,401 Dropping of ha-? hi- % hing- (restricted)

In most cases words with ha-# hi->»hing~# have the same meanings

as the same words without ha-» hi- * hing»»« (Cf* Sees* 9«417 &&<*

9*42). However, hi-/ha- with some bases of Sees* 9*41111 and

9#4112 are not dropped*

9.4I ha-/hi- (productive)

Forms oceuawpiiagwith hi- occur with ha* and vice versa

except if there is a prefix ka-, pag-« nag- or mag- (Sec s » 9»415t

9«4151 and 9»418) with no difference in meaning*

9*411 ha-/hJU» "accidental"

9#4111 Action happened to take place (productive)

qang litqag nahasinggit si qinting diha ng nati:nuq ni:ya

nga didtu gi:kan qang kabanhaq "'The trap*1 shouted Inting when
he had ascertained that that was where the noise had come from."
1— singgit "shout" (66*9)

9*41111 Agent doing action involuntarily

A specialized meaning of ha-/hi- is accidental action in**

voluntary on the part of the agent,

kalit ka man la g tunghaq dinhaq mahikurugp man lang ta g diq

tyimpu "BoyJ You gave me a scare* I could not help trembling**"
(Lit*:" You just appeared suddenly there* We just trembled
involuntarily when it was not the time to**1) V~ ku:rug "tremble"

9*41112 Accidental meaning weakened (restricted)

With many bases hi^/ha- occurs in contexts with no accidental


qayaw kana g buhasta kay nahasu:pak kana s bala:qud "Do not do

that because that is against the law*" V su:pak "contrary to"

9#41115 To derived bases (dead)

bi:san gasniq qang manga wati qug mangliw nahikalimut qusab

sa qisla ng naqanda ng patili:qis sa ti:ngug "Even the earth-
worms and the katydids also forgot to sing their usual shrill
songs/1 V ~ kaliimut "forget" (62*14)

9*4112 State happened to come about (productive)

qang qi:la ng ka lu:lu nahiqibabaw g dyu:tay s qixla ng ka

saryu "Grandfather's place is a bit farther up than Sario'aV"
V " qibabaw "above"

9*4115 Action accidentally done to subject (passive)


qang qa:ku ng sapa:tus nahapasuk qila:lum sa katri "My shoes

got put underneath the bed." V ~ pasuk "put in a place hard to
get out of"

9*4114 Accidental meaning weakened

gitawag da:yun ni qinting qang qi:ya ng manga nahibili ng

sili:ngan "Inting immediately called his remaining neighbors*"
r~ bi:lin "leave behind" (6?*ll)

9*412 na^i-/3aa-/mahi-/^a- "action completed"

With forms having nahi-/ha-/iaahi^/ha^ a meaning^perfeeted

action11 occurs with no accidental meaning* These are bases which

occur both with active potentials naka-/maka- and with hi*»/ha*»*

pagqabut na:kuq waq pa mahilakaw si prid "When I arrived Ered

had not left yet«" V " lakaw "leave"

With these bases ha-/hi- also occur with an accidental meaning.

mahilakaw ku g naiqa y qayrupla:nu ng mubya:hi "1 might leave if

there is an airplane going*"

9*415 hi-/ha*» with specialized meaning (dead)

9*4131 No shift

nahiqubus qang ba:taq sa qi:mu ng bali:bad "The child was

hurt by your refusal*" T~ qubus "below"

For these bases the potential also has the meaning "action
pagqabut na:kuq waq pa makalakaw si prid (same meaning)

Jiuman sa piliqay nahiquxsa qang qisla ng nagkalaqinla:qi ng

paqajgi sa pagtuskud sa tayta:yan "After the election they rec-
onciled- their different ways of constructing the bridge*11
(Lit.;vVwas united*) V qusa "one"

9.414 hi-/ha> empty (with bases that always have hi~/ha,-

or zero for hi-/ha«») (restricted)

qunsa man gyu y nahitabuq ninyu sa qupisi:na sa hi:pi ting

What actually happened to you at the chief1 s office, Ting?11
IT" hitabuq "to happen" (63.4)

9»415 pagka~/ka- to bases with hi- (restricted)

The abstract to bases with hi- is restricted. Most bases

with hi- have pagka- without hi- for the accidental meaning, but

a few have pagkahi-.

pagkahiduqul ni:ya mipaghut qang qiruq qug gipa:qak siya "When

he came near, the dog barkedj and he was bitten,M V*~* duqul

9»4151 BS£r *° ^>ases with hi- (restricted)

For some bases with hi- the abstract is formed with

alone. This type is more common than pagkahi-.

qusa na ka tu:qig sukad sa qi:ya ng paghilakaw "It has been a

year now since he left,"

paghisaka ni:ya sa ta:qas*maqu pu y pagkanarqug sa kawatan sa

binta:naq "At the same time as he went upstairs, the thief went
out of the window." V"" saka "go up"

Many of them also have the pagka- of Sec. 9.415*

I pagkahibalu f n i : y a n S a qipapatay gayud siya paqu:liq sa qi:la

"Upon learning that he was really going to be killed, he went
home." V — hibalu "to know" (45.7)

9.416 pa- to bases with ha-/hi- (dead)

pa- ("causative or action devolving on agent" fSec, 9#13])

* /
I.e. forms without ha-/hi-have the same meaning as forms
with ha-/hi- (See, 9.417).

occurs with bases having ha-/hi»? in the meaning of "involuntary

action on the part of the agent11 (Sec* 9 # 4 H H ) and "state hap-

pened to come about" (Sec* 9*4112)*

qunsa kaha y nakapahiluksu ni:ya "What could it be that made him

jump?" (startled)Y* paluksu "cause to jump" TT~ hiluksu
"jump involuntarily"

sa tantu ng layugla:yug ni:la nakapahiq ibabaw gyud si ruini

"After wrestling for a time Rony was able to get on top*" V**"
paqibabaw "cause to get on top" TT"" hiqibabaw "be on top
9#4161 pa- "action devolving on agent" (Sec* 9»13) to other

bases with ha-/hi~ (dead)

With bases other than those of Sees« 9 * 4 H H ^d 9#4H2 #

paha-/pa,hi~ is used to mean the same as pa- or has a specialized


maqu nga siya nagpahinunut na lasmang sa qi:ya ng pas lad sajma

sa gapnud nga gibanlas sa manga balud "Therefore he submitted
himself to his fate like seaweed washed ashore by the waves'*"
Y~~ nagpanunut "had someone follow"

karun kay human na qang piliqay qipahiqu:liq qang qastu ng

maqasyu ng pagbinatiqay "Now that the election is over, let us
return to our good feelings," Y*~ pahiqu:liq "reconcile oneself"
1 paqu:liq "return home"
9*4162 paN- to bases with hi-*

These are described in Sec* 9•2154*

9*417 mahi-/ha~ / nahi-/ha- * ma-/na- (productive)

Most base forms with ma-/na~ plus ha-/hi- have the same

meaning as forms with ma«-/na-, except that the former (the forms

with ha-/hi-) are fancier* An exception is adjective bases where

the form with na-»/ma- means "become/became V*** (coincidentally

or not) whereas mahi-/nahi- means "become/became Y*~ coinoi«»

dentally with something else** (Sec* 9»4H2 ) E*g* nataqas "be-


oame tall" nahitaqas "accidentally became tall11* Also with most

transient bases where ba-/hi- has an involuntary meaning (Sep*

9•41111) na-/ma- is not the same in meaning as nahi-/mahi««*

, . . . , Jnahasunudl
maqa:yu ng pagkatanqaw nx:ya nastuq kay< ; • V man siya
"He got a good view of us because he happened to be following us."
IT* sunud "follow"

9*418 hi- to bases with nag-/mag- (dead)

naghiduqul na qang pista ng qi:ya ng gipaqarbut "The fiesta

he was looking forward to was approaching," V~ duqul "near"

9*42 Local passives with hi-/hing~ (—>») (restricted)

hi-/hing- occurs in forms having local passive affixes*

potential or otherwise* Forms with hi- occur with hing~ and vice

versa with no difference in meaning, gi- (prefix of real passive

forms) does not occur with hi-/hing-, Ratherf local passives with

hi-/hing- are neutral with respect to the meaning real vs* unreal*

(The examples of this section are translated by future, whereas

the second example for Sec.. 9#4211 is translated by the past*)

Forms with hi-/hing- also occur without these in the same

meaning.(Cf. Sec. 9*401 for "dropping" of hi-/ha«Q

qayaw g dusqul kay<\ hingbanhaqan L qunyaq qang pasyinti ng
hibanhaqan *
natu:lug "Do not gb near them because the sleeping patient might
get disturbed." V~ banhaq "noise" TT banha:qan "be disturbed*11
fhibanhaqan ^
V"^hingbanhaqan I "get disturbed"
Ibanhaqan j

The forms with hi-/hing- are used in colloquial and in fancy

style, whereas forms without hi«/hing- are used only in colloquial*

Note that local passives are for-,

mally different from the local passives with hi-/hing- (-^0 that

has been "dropped?1 if the local passive to the underived base has

a long penult, E.g# banha:qan vs. banhaqan (Also the form with

a "dropped11 2ii-/hing- ( -H>0 is neutral with respect to real vs #

unreal meaning.)

9^4201 Potentials to local passive with hi-/ha- (productive)

In addition to the forms described in/9«42 above, there is

also a local accidental potential used with bases having hi»/ha»

(-*->*) (not hing*) (i«e. naha-/hi- / maha«»/ha-) . The meaning is

the same as hi-/hing«» except that the meaning of real or unreal

is expressed. In ordinary style hi-/ha- is "dropped", whereas

nah_l-/ha-- -an/ mahi-/ha- -an is confined to a very fancy style•

(.a any case nahi- -an/mahi- -an is more frequent than naha* wan/
maha- -an.)

gitabangan ni:la qug puspus qang ta:wu hangtud nga nabuhiqan

ni:ya qang ba:taq "They teamed up in beating the man until he let
go of the child." V— bu:hiq "release" (21.9)

nahibuhiqan [or nahabuhiqan] is possible in this context but is

used only in fancy style. [ nahabuhiqan is rare.]

J happen to L
9.421 hif/hing~ "action \ might J take place"


qayaw g kusga qang qi:mu ng tirngug kay hidunggan nyaq ta

"Do not speak loudly because we might be heard." V dungug
"to hear"

misamut qang kahadluk sa manga ta:wu diha ng nasakit si sinuy

human ni:ya hipusili qang buqa:ya "The fear of the people be*»
came more intense when Sinuy became sick after he had shot at
the crocodile." V pusil "gun" (58.5)

9.4211 hi-/hing- to derived bases (dead)

pagnga na lang qang radyu kay hingkatulgan lang ni:mu nyaq

naq "Just shut off that radio because you might doze off on it#"
1T~ katu:lug "sleep"

sa dalandaslan nga giqagiqan ni sinsyu nakapanghapit siya g


pamusil sa manga langgam nga qisya ng hipangq&giqan "While

walking over the small trails Cencio happened to pass by some
birds which he had a chance to shoot/1 F*~ panga:gi "go by
several things11

9+422 Weakened meaning of hi-/hing~

di:liq ka magsuruysusruy g magabisqi kay hidakpan ka gasniq

sa. pulis qikaw ra "Do not go out for strolls at night because
if you are arrested by the police, you will be on your own"*"
T~ dakup "catch"

maqu ba na y qi:mu ng nahikatqunan sa qismu ng pagqiskuyla

"Is that what you learn in school?" V"~ katqun "learn"

9*423 Derived bases(dead)

di:liq ku gyud qikaw hikalimtan "I will never forget you*"
V~ kali:mut "forget"

9,424 To noun bases

qayaw g qibutang na ng libru dihaq kay hitubigan nyaq naq

"Do not lay your book there because water might get on iti"
V*~ tu:big "water"

9«4 2 5 paga- -an to bases with hi-/hinff- (^5») "continuing

accidental" (dead)
This form is parallel to the gina- **an and paga- -an of the

local passive (Seo» 8#222)#

qingu g pagahitanqawan ni:ya nga si salud nagba:sa sa sulat nga

kinudlit sa qisya ng kamut "It was as if he could see Salud
reading the letter that was written by his hand." T~ tanqaw

9*426 hi-/hing~ empty (same bases as Sec* 9#4l4) (dead)

kini ng manga pulu;nga ni duray lansis la:mang qusab nga

gitudluq ni silsu sumaslaq sa qastuq na ng hingbawqan sa quba ng
bashin ni ng sugilasnun "These words of Doray's were also
nothing more than $h§ lies whieh Celso had taught her# as we ha.Vfr
already learned in another portion of this story." TT~
hibalu "know (facts)"

9*43 Dead prefixes with similar meaning

9*431 hag-/hig- "happened to"

This affix is confined to a small number of bases*


qayaw g banhaq kay mahigmata qang bastaq "Do not make noise
because the child might wake up*" "V mata "wake up"

9.432 "Able to"

walaq siya mahagtingug human siya kasabqi sa qi:ya ng

magulang "He was not able to say anything after being scolded
by his elder brother•" Y"~ timgug "utter sound"

9*433 hag-/hiff- to derived bases

q ipahagnunut lang ni ng qa:ku ng tuiyuq sa qi:mu ng manga

gustu "I will make my purpose conform to your wishes," F~
nunut "go together with"

9*3 hiN-

u J about to I „
9*51 hiS- (-3**) (about to become jf V ~ (restricted)
•••<•II.II »II i • 'i " i m i i in ii fi i • • in mi n OH

9*511 To transient bases "about to V ~ "

(Cf# S>e£. 9.512 for this hiN~ to noun bases.}

maqu qang pagqabut ni qinggu qi:gu ng naghinapus qang pangadyiq

sa qi:ya ng giqingu ng pagkamatay "Ingo walked in just as the
prayer for his supposed death was about to end." V~ ta:pus

9*512 To noun bases(dead)

9*5121 "Becoming r~ "

sa naghinigulang na si ta:tay badung waq gihaspun siya

hiwadqi sa qi:ya ng pananqaw qug makatuhug pa ga:niq siya g
dasgum "When Daddy Badung was already growing old,he still had
not lost his eyesight} and he could even thread a needle*""
T~ tiguslang "old man"

nahinungaq na qang sulud sa la:ta qu:saq pa qiha:tag ni:ya qang

manbiskaq "The can was already half full when he gave the lard
away." *V— tungaq "half"

9*5122 "About to become IT—"(dead)

This type occurs with nouns meaning "time",

ziaghingudtu g kaswus qug tusbig qang basna dungan sa pagpalusnang

sa kasbaw qinay maghigda s pantaw "The husband fetched water at
about noon while he put his carabao out to wallow instead of
lying down on the stoop." T^ hingudtu "do at noon" V
qudtu "noon"

v /intense I ,
9.52 hiN- [continuous/ Y* (to transient bases) (restrioted)
9.521 "TT intently"

qang battaq nga dinha s gawas naghinanqaw lang sa manga

dularqan didtu sulud naghinumdum nga qug walaq pa quntaq mamatay
si pa:pa ni:ya hipalitan quntaq siya g munyirka "The girl outside
was intently looking at the toys inside>remembering that had her
father not died, she might have had a doll bought for her*t" "V
tanqaw "look"
j Frequent \
9.522 1 Continuous J V~" (restricted)
9,^221 hiN- no shift

tungaq na kadtu ng gabisqi qug qa:kuq sila ng naqabta ng

Bftghinugi•lun sa manga kaqa:gi s tyimpu s gutbat "It was already
midnight, and I came upon them continuously telling stories of their
experiences during the war." V"~ sugi:lun "tell"

9»52?2 M g - (-*~) (restricted)

naghingasuy siya ba:hin sa panginabushiq sa qi:la hangtud

pagqabut sa trask "He told about what they did for a living in
his home town until the bus arrived• "

9.5223 hiN- (r*~)

qikalispay ku qang pagsulti kanirmu nga qang qinyu ng

balasahu ng sis law gihimalistan diri sa qarmuq "I am happy to
tell you that your magazine Silaw' is widely bought here in
our place." V ~ palit "buy"

9.525 hlff- (-^~) Uvery T>— (dead)*

naghingaspin ni ng qi:ya ng giha:tag na:kuq dadqi g dyustay

"He has given me much too much; take some*" V""" kapin "extra"

9#524 hiN- forming stative bases (to transient bases)


The meaning of the base differs in varied ways from the

meaning of the root without hiN-.

9.5241 No shift
sa diha ng nahibawqan s tiguslang nga si girli ng nagpadala
nisya g gassa nahimuqut siya kaqasyu "When the old man knew
that it was Girlie who sent him the present*he was very pleased,"
"V™ buqut "mood, will"

walaq mahimuyug si siryu sa pagkahibalu ni:ya nga nakadaqug siya s

swipstik "Sergio was not at ease when he knew he had won the
sweepstakes." V~ puyuq "settle down"

9.5242 hlN- (-»> )

sa tyimpu s gisra si ti:ta nahimulag-:sa qi:ya ng ba:nay

"During the war Tita was separated from her family." V"
uslag "separate"

9.5243 hiff- (««-)

nahimu:tang sila sa qi:la ng balay "They we£e settled

in their house*" V**" butang "put down, set"
With this base haN- also occurs, hamu:tang (same meaning)

9.525 hlN* *oflounbases (restricted)

qug daghan qang manga ginika:nan nga nagpahimulus niqi:ni ng

kahadluk "And many parents make use of this fear." V*""
pulus "use" (24.5)
hingukqan gyud ni:mu qang ba:taq run kay tagqas na kaqa:yu qang
qisya ng manga kuku "You must clip the boyfs nails now because
they are very long." "V hingurku "cut nails" IT* kuku "nail"

9.5251 Those usually preceded by paN-

11 i i . 1 • • n m i l in) iniw F I I I . 1 inn 11 iW i mil 1' '• \L ~

9.52511 Of the t y p e s of S e c . 9*2312

s i g i na panffiiimatisqis na mu manga bastaq kay mangatu*lug

na t a miqagda s i tunya sa q i : y a ng manga manghud lf, All r i g h t f
c h i l d r e n , wash your f e e t now because we a r e going to s l e e p /
Tonia t o l d her younger b r o t h e r s and s i s t e r s . " "V himati:qis
"wash l e g s " V~~ b a t i s q i s "lower l e g s "

9.52512 Other panghiN-

For these bases, forms with panghiN- and paN- have meanings

specialized in different directions.

nanghimakak si pidru nga siya y nangaswat sa kwarta "Pedro

denies that he is the one who stole- themoney*M V~bakak "lie"

Cf• namakak si pidru kay siya man gyud "Pedro was lying because
he was the one."

9.526 hiN- empty (dead)

9.5261 To bases which occur without hiN- in the samo


nawadqan na ku sa pagla:qum diha ng gikahinagbuq ku qang

qusa ni:ya ka sili:ngan "I already lost hope when I happened
to meet one of her neighbors*'1 V~ tagbuq "meet with"
(gikatagbuq is also used in this same meaning}

9*5262 To bases which do not occur without hiN-

qang sulugu:qun walaq maglimpyu s salug hinga:ri lang siya g

tambuq sa bintatnaq "The servant did not clean the floori
All he did was look out of the window*"

9»5265 Specialized meaning (dead)

qang manga battaq walaq magtuqun naghinu:gay la g dutlaq
"The children are not studying} all they do is play." Y~~
du:gay "long (time)"
9*6 Derivatives with -ay, -in-* -ayt-anay* -in- -anay

These bases do not occur with any passive inflectional

affixes except those meaning reciprocal action Sec, 9*921 whioh

have an instrumental passive.

9>6l Action by several agents* the action of each one

affecting the others (productive)

Transients with this class have a prefix pag- (Sec* 9i92l)

or pakig- (Sec* 9«7)c (For examples with pakig- i cf • Sec*SS?l4t)

The forms without pakig- are considered to have a pag- prefix

because of the shape of the potential magka-/nagka- (the shape of

the potential for forms with a prefix pag~ # [Cf* Sec. 8»138j)"**

9»6ll To bases with -ay (productive)

magsulatay lang qunyaq ta "Let us just write to each other*"

V""* sulat "write"

9.6111 -ag (-»»)

nagdutdutay qang qi:sig kapi:kas diha ng nagku:sug na ng

qisla ng panagqa:way "Each side pushed at the other when the
fighting grew strong*" V dutdut "move pushing with the body"

walaq sila si pidru magkaeinabtasnay tungud sa qi:la ng

pagkagahiqan "Pedro and his companions were not able to under-
stand each other because of their stubbornness*" V ~ sinabtasna.y
"understand each other"

9*6112 Specialized meaning

tu:qa sila magtigbakay sa qi:la ng gabi:nu "They are having

an illegal cockfight at Gabinofs place• " V""" tigbak "illegal

9*612 To bases with -in- -ay (productive)

qang qasku ng qiruq qug qang qiruq ni guryu nagpinaqakay

kay nagqi:lug sa bukug "My dog and Goriofs dog are biting eaoh
other because they are fighting over a bone," F~ pa:qak "bite"

9*615 -anay (restricted)

9.6151 No shift
si:gi lang mu ng nagsultiqa:nay qug walaq mu y nabu:hat
"Yea are always talking with each other, and you have not done
on,"'thing." T~ sulti " /speak! "
(/talk J

9*6132 -anag (^)

walaq na sila magkatawqanay human ni:la hibawqi nga magqaigaw

diqay sila "They have stopped laughing at each other since they
found out that they are really cousins." V"~ kataswa "laugh"

9*614 -in- -anay (restricted)

lujhaq sa kasukuq kayugut qug kaguqul naginukda:nay

pagpangambak sa qisya ng manga mata "Tears of anger, ranoor and
sorrow leaped from her eyes one after another." V*" gu:kud
"chase" (50.11)

9*615 Base with -a^ in the same meaning as base without

-ay (dead)

tinagsaqay ta g guswaq qarun disliq ta himatngunan sa

qa:tu ng maqistru "Let us go out one by one so that our teacher
will not notice us # " "V tinagsa "one by one"

lagmit magtabanay sila s marisya g qisya ng tra:tu kay si

qingku qisyung qistriktu kaqa:yu "Maria and her sweetheart will
probably elope because Uncle Isiong is very strict." V"~
t.'.-,:ban "elope"

9*62 ^Intense/several action of V~n (productive)

9*621 -a£

sisgi ng hikayay run s ka pidru kay bunyag man s qi:ya ng-


ba:taq "There are a lot/fixings at Pedro's place now beoause it
is the baptism of his child/1 V*~ hi:kay "give a banquet"

sisgi g piliqay sila sa manga lansu:nis lataq kay qibaligyaq

qugmaq qang manga maqa:yu "They keep on taking out the rotten
lanzones because the good ones will be sold tomorrow," V*~
pisliq ,f choose"

9,622 -in- -ay

gigunittan ni:ya qang la:was sa ba:taq qug nagbinira:hay

sila qug qang buqasya "She held the child's body, and she and the
crocodile tugged against each other," F"~ bira "pull" (55i6)

9 #62 5 ~Q^ay
qug du:na y patyanay dinhi qaku y mupatay "If there is
going to be any killing around here, I will be the one who is
going to do it," T ^ patay "kill"

9*65 Empty -a^r etc, in words that have no reciprocal

or intensive meaning (dead)

9.631 -ag

di:liq ku muquban ni:mu maqunsa:qay pa la:mang qaku "I will

not go along with you because something might happen to mei"
V~ qunsa f,what"

9.632 -anay

magtinudqanay ta g traba:hu ru ng qadla;wa qarun madakuqdakuq

qastu ng qasgi "Let us work seriously today so that we will
accomplish more," Y~ tinu:qud "serious"

9»7 pakiff- "to V*^*with someone else (action initiated

b.v agent)" (productive)

Bases with pakig- and active affixes (Sec* 8,1 and suba^ir*

tions) may occur with "second goals" (Sec« 4,631)•

9>71 To transient bases (productive)

9*711 Underived transient bases

gustu ku ng makigdu:laq ni:mu run kay walaq si ma:ma sa
qasmuq "I would like to play with you now because my mother is
not at home." V~ duslaq Mplay"

9#712 To derived transient bases


makigpamasi:yu si ti:ta sa parki karu ng ha:pun "Tita would

like to go strolling with someone in the park this afternoon."
V ^ pamasi:yu "to stroll"
makigpangisdaq si sibyu ku:yug ni:mu qugmaq "Sebio would like to
go along fishing with you tomorrow," V"~ pangisdaq "to fish"

qayaw qug pakighuguyhu:guy sa tagabungtud kay daqutan naq sila

"Do not go around with those hill people because they are bad*"
"\T" huguyhu:guy "to go around"

9.713 pakig- (^~)

disliq siya gustu ng makigpu:yuq sa qi:ya ng ba:na "She

does not want to live together with her husband," V puyuq
"live (in a place)"

9.714 pakig- to derived bases with -ay (restricted)

•! 11 mi •• 'ii 1 mi 111 • ! 1 •II.II 11 i t — t w m m 1 1 11 tmmmmmmHmmmmmmmmmmm^mtmmmHmmmmmmmmmmm* «i mi 11 1 — * — » — — — — — — — — — —

(Cf. Sec. 9#6l#)

qunyaq nakigsinumbagay diqay ka ni:ya bi*sa g gamay siya ng
bastaq "So you picked a fight with him even though he was a
small child." V~ sinumbagay "fight with each other (fist tXghif

9.72 pakig- to noun basse (restricted)

9.121 To underived bases.

di:liq ku makigpa:ris ni husi kay hinayan siya "I do not

want to pair up with Jos^ because he is slow#" V* pa:ris

pakigqa:bin kang tiryu kay maqaryu siya ng mukanta "Team up with

Terio because he sings well. V~ qa:bin "team"

Some of the noun bases of Sec» 9«10**11 occur with pakig-

gustu ku ng tigtitnis ni li:na "I would like to play tennis with

Lena." V ti:nis "tennis"

9*73 kig- or tig- for nakig-/makig- (productive)

kig- or tig*- is used in the meaning of nakig- or makig*

in informal speech* (Cf. ka- for naka-/maka- Sec. 8.136#) There

is no restriction of occurrence except that with some bases kig-

is preferred and with others tig- is preferred.

gustu siya ng Jtigdu;lag ^ na:ku s pwinti duluduminggu

He likes to play with me at the fountain on Sundays." V~
du:laq "play"

f kigla:kaw 1
J tiglatkaw s lang siya sa qa:mu ng pagpamaqu:liq gahajpun
"He just wanted to walk along on our way home yesterday• " T~~
lakaw "walk"
9,74 paka«»

Transients with paka- do not occur with potentials or with


9*74.1 ffaka- "take form :/act like Y~~ " (passive "oonsidU

ered V~ ") (productive)

9#7411 With nominal bases (productive)

sayup qang qi:ya ng gibu:hat kay nagpakaba:taq siya nga may
qapu na man taq siya "What he did was wrong because he acted like
a child when he already has grandchildren*" V"**~ pakaba:taq
"pretend to be a child" V"** ba:taq "child11

kun magpakatigu:lan^ ka matigu:lang ka da*yun "If you act like

an old man, you will grow old quickly," V ~ pakatigu:lang
"act like an old man" V tigu:lang "old man"

makatarunga:nun gyud nga qang qusa ka qanak pakamutyasqun sa

qusa ka qinahan "It is but right that a child be considered a
jewel by its mother*" V mutyaq "jewel"

9.7412 With nonnominal bases (restricted)

gipakasalaq ni pilimun qang qi:ya ng qasa:wa sa mapaqit
ni:la ng kahimtang "Pilemon blamed his wife for the difficulty
of their situation." "V salaq "be at fault"

This meaning is usually expressed by pa- plus doubling

(Sees, 9*1321 and 9•13211) for bases other than nominalsi"

9*7415 With a phrase (restricted)

nakapangasaswa siya g qanak qug sapisqan kay sa qi:ya ng

pagpamaw sa mindanaw nagpaka daku ng magyuyutaq "He happened
to marry the daughter of a rich man because in his travels in
Mindanao, he pretended to be a great landowner," V
daku ng magyuyutaq "great landowner"

9»742 Jggk&- potential meanings (productive)

These are only used with the actives pag-»/nag-/mag-« The

meaning is similar to the active potentials naka-/maka- (Seo+

8 # 13).
This usage is dead in the speech of the younger generation

though it is used with a large number of bases in the speech of

older people. It is confined to fancy style.

9.7421 Without shift

dagha ng manga taswu ng nagpakapusta sa manuk ni si:suy
"Many people happened to bet on Sisuy's cock," V*" pusta "to

nagpaka-/magpaka- is used in fancy speech to express accidental

continuing action*

mapasalama:tun sila nga qang nanagpakasaksi kani:la disliq

maqanti:gu ng musulti "They were thankful that those who were
witnesses to what they were doing did not know how to speak*"
V* saksi "witness" Tt fnaka- 1 . . ... , , ..
V i , > saksi "happened
rif to wit-
Jjnagpaka- j
ness" Y~ nagpakasaksi "happened to be witnessing"

9.7422 With shift (~-»)

(These are bases that take (—&>*) with naka-Zmaka-Q

kun si masma qug si pa:pa magpakabatiq sa qi:mu ng balitaq
sigusru ng mangissug sila "If mother and father happen to hear
what you have to tell| they will surely get angry," V~~ bastiq
mamaqaryu siya sa qisya ng sakit qinigpakakitaq sa nahidla:wan
nisya ng qanak "She will get cured of her sickness the minute
she sees her son, for whom she longs." V ~ ki:taq "see"

9.7425 With meaning "able"

qang nanagyasyung sanglit gipanggustum qug sanglit walaq

qintaswun managpakatimuq niqadtu ng bunta:ga nangawadqan sa
kusug qug ha:lus managpakala:kang "The pole bearers because they

were hungry and because they had not had a bite to eat that
morning lost their strength and could hardly take a step«tf V"-**
la:kang "take a step" "V timuq "eat a bite"

9.7424 ka- potential alternant of ,paka-

The ka- potential might be considered an alternant of flaka-,

(Cf. discussion Seo» 9.35.)

9.7425 paka«/ka- "stative" (dead)

Some bases with ka- stative prefix (Sec. 9.3) also oocur with

paka- with approximately the same meaning* This type is considered

to consist of pa- "action devolving on agent" to a base with ka-

"stative" (treated in Sec. 9*134 and its .subsections.)

9.743 paka- "to be overtaken by V~~ " (dead)

9»7451 Without shift

qanhi siya magpakaha:pun sa baybay kay sayu pa ng qibajlik
sa syudad "He will stay here on the beach until afternoon
because it is too early to go back to the city." V~" ha:pun

9.7432 With (-»)

di:liq ka qa:ngay ng maffpakagabiqi kay babasyi ka "You ought
not to be overtaken by night because you are a girl." V**""
gabisqi "night"

9.7453 paka- to bases that do not ooour without (dead)

qayaw lang pakabanaq sa qi:ya ng gisulti "Pay no heed to

what he said." V banaq "take heed"

9*74551 pagka- for pagpaka- (dead)

With this type ka- is used as well as paka- with the prefix

naff-/mag-/pag-. This usage is only with "empty" paka- (Seo»

sa qitya ng pagpangaiyam makadaghan na siya makadungug qug
tuktugasquk sa manuk qihaslas qapan waq lang siya f magpakabanaql
5 magkabanaq j
"While hunting he had heard the crowing of wild cocks many
times, but he paid no attention." V~ *banaq

9,8 Doubling and Culu-

Whether the base takes Culu- or doubling depends on the

base* Bases of more than two syllables take Culu-, Bases with

less than two syllables take doubling. Some occur with Culu*. as

well in the same meaning,

9.81 "To V~ around (i,e M do V without an end t^ the

action)* (productive)

9.811 No shift
du:gay na siya ng tindugtindug sa qiski:na g hinulat ni
tista "He has been standing around on the corner waiting for
Tita for a long time#ff V*~ tindug "stand"
9.812 With shift (^-)
di:l^q maqasyu ng maglakawla:kaw g magabi:qi kay dagha ng
manga daquta ng taswu ng magsuruysu:ruy "It is no good to go
around at night because there are many bad people going around*"
V~ lakaw "walk"

9.82 "To V playfully"!productive)

(With shift (-*-))

si:gi ni:ya ng kusiqkusi:qun si ti:ta kun mamisi:ta qang ba:taq

nisya "He always pinches Tita playfully whenever the child
visits him," V*" kusiq "pinch"

9,85 "Doing fal^ft Y~ " (productive)

hitlum dihaq hilakhi:lak mu ra g di:liq siya maqu y nakasalaq

"Quiet there! Crying crocodile tears, as though he were not at
fault," T~~ hi:lak "cry"

9,833 Culu- plus walaq jr "do IT at all"

This usage is with transient bases with doubling used as a

noun (described in Sec, 10.822)•

sa wala y pupasumbi sngay qug kataru:ngan gisulti:han qang

magtiqa:yun nga disliq maqu kadtu ng yutasqa qang qi:la ng
napalit "Without hinting any reason at allf the couple was told

/Cu/ is far more frequent than/CxxlvJ even for speakers who

do not "drop" /l/fs in other words.

that that was not the land they had bought." V pasumbisngay
"hint" (52.15)
9.84 Repetitive action (productive)

9*841 Repetitive action

gisulti:han ku qusab siya nga kadaghan ga:niq kami
pabalikbali:ka sa qispiktur "I also told him that the inspector
had even made us come back many times." V~~ ba:lik "return"

9-842 Repetitive action

qusa na ka simasna nga tibawtitbaw ni qinting sa qirya ng
para:gat "Inting had been visiting his fish trap for a week
now." "V ti:baw "make inspection visit" (62.1)

9.845 "Do V" in succession"

nagkalaqinlasqi ng katalagman qang mipulipu:li pagba:bag
sa qisla ng kalampu:san "Various calamities took turns in
hindering their success." V ~ pu:li "take a turn" (54*4)'

nindut kaqasyu tu ng dula:qa labi na kadtu ng nagtuba^tmbag

qug panganta qang duha ka hinigugma "That play was very good,
especially when the two lovers sang to each other." V ~ tubag

9.8452 With Culu-

si li:nu si guyut qug si luqis nanagpabi:lin qug

nagsulusaxbut sa qisla ng pagahimu:qun "Lino, Goyut and Louis
remained, discussing back and forth what they would do." V"~
pagsa:but "discuss"

9.85 Doubling "continuous action"

qapan bissan qug qunsasqun niya g lugnutlugnut

lumpayatlumpa%yat walaq gayud mabugtuq qang kasya:hu ng pi:siq
"No matter how it strained and jumped about, the rope would not
snap." V ~ lugnut "pull" Y~ lumpayat "jump" (67*6)

9.86 "Pass time by doing V~"(productive)

walaq sila y nabu:hat kay hingasri sila g sultisulti flThey

bed not accomplished anything^ they were always chatting*11 V**~
sulti "talk"

dung pagliguqlisguq qusaq dihaq sa daplin "Son, swim around

awhile there at the edge." V~~ di:guq "bathe something"

9#861 Culu~

magsulusulti saq ta dinhi samtang walaq pa magsusgud qang

kla:si "Let us talk awhile here until classes begin*" V~*~
sulti "talk"

9»87 Doubling empty

9•871 Doubling to V ^ s which do not occur without

qunyaq qang ha:riq naghunag hu: nag nga kini qusa ka daku ng
ti:qaw "And the king thought that this was a great joke*" V
hunaqhu:naq "think" (12.14 )

9*872 Doubling with specialized meaning

didtu giqa:yu g kusiqkusiq sa buqa:ya "There he was*,

completely torn to pieces by the crocodile*" V~*""kusiq "pinch"
qayaw g qapiiqapil ni ng qa;mu ng qa:way "Do not butt into this
quarrel of ours." Y*~ qapil "be included"

9»88 Doubling plus Culu- (restricted)

Bases with doubling in the above meanings occur with a

prefix Culu- with a meaning of belittling the action*

kumusta si tyaq lusing ni:mu qa maqu giha:pun tu:qa

ffagugansilyugansilyu man tu "How is your Aunt Lucy? Just the
same as always. She is still spending her days crocheting odds
and ends*" TT~ gansilyugansilyu "spend time crocheting"

($his type of doubling is described in Sec* 9«86*)

%f9 Miscellaneous restricted types

9*91 paki- (dead)

iiiiin,' • • •! »»» • • •»' m

Transients with paki- occur only with nag-/mag- forms in


9*911 paki- "ask for"

maqasyu ga:niq kay miqabut qang manga sili:ngan ni:la ni

qinting nga nakabatiq sa singgit pakita&bang ni qangkay
"Fortunately Inting's neighbors came, having heard Ankay!s cry for
help." V*~ ta:bang "help" (56,12)
9*912 paki- specialized meaning:

gustu taq ku ng magpakisatyud ba:hin sa balayranan sa

qiskuylahan "I would like to ask for information regarding
the costs of schooling." V*" pakisa:yud "ask for information1'
V*" sasyud "know"
9.9121 pakii* («*•») specialized meaning

qarun pasaylusqun ka s qi:mu ng qamahan magpakiluquy; ka

kaniiya hangtud mawaslaq qang qi:ya ng pangirsug "So that you
might be forgiven by your father,you must ask him for sympathy
until his anger is gone." V~~ pakiluquy "ask for forgiveness"
Y~~ lusquy "sympathy"

9*92 joag-

9.921 pag- "do with each other" (restricted)

mi-/mu- combines with pag- to form nag-/ma£- (Sec. 8#11824 ) #

* \

In passives £ag- has a restricted occurrence. It occurs only

with the local passive * With some bases it has an alternant

zero • (it always has a zero alternant if there is a potential

Sec. 8.2236.)

gipagqawasyan "thing over which two persons quarrelled"

giqabu:tan "place two people met" (with zero alternant of pag-)»

qunsa y qinyu ng gipagqawasyan "What are you fighting with each
other over?" V pagqasway "fight with each other"
gigabut tan nisla qang qusa ka qawasqaw ng daspit "They met in
a deserted place." 7 pe,gqa:but "meet"
With the local passive and the instrumental passive the

pag- may have an alternate ka-# (This is not considered to be

"potential" ka- because the potential meaning is not present^.

gikaqawa:yan "reason on account of which two people fought"

With the instrumental passive, pag- has an alternant ka~

An exception is gipanagtagbuq "persons with whom one meets11

gipanagtagbuq nisla qang manga qupisyaiis sa gubyirnu cfidtu sa
pir "They met the government officials at the pier." (There
is no unreal of this; nor does this form occur without the -an*-infix.

Cf. Sec. 8.045 for definition of zero alternant.


with all except a few bases.

gikaqasway ku si pidru "I fought with Pedro.11 V"~ pagqaiway
"fight v/ith one another"

pag- also has an alternate zero when used as an infinitive

after quff«(Cf. Seo« 4»68}

nagsutgud kami Jg pu:yuq 1 sa waq pa y gisra "We began to

live together (as man and wife) before the war." V**~ pagputyuq
"live together as man and wife"
Also the alternant zero occurs in constructions of the type

described in See* 3.7 •

si:gi kami ng ki:taq didtu s magalya:nis "We always meet on

9.211 No shift
di:liq mu magki s tag si baldu s qiskuylahan karun kay wala y
kla:si siya "Ycu will not meet Baldo in school now because he has
no classes." V-"* ki:taq "see"

9,9212 &ag- (^)

nagkasaskay kami si tunyu s dyip paqingun sa lahug "Tony

and I happened to ride together in a jeep going to Lahug#fl
V"^ sakay "ride"

9#9213 To nominal bases (dead)

magkumpasri kamu s qisku kay qikaw ma y pakugu:sun sa bunyag
sa qisya ng bastaq "You will be -e&fathers with Esco because
you will be made sponsor,at the baptism of his child." T*-"*
kumpasri "person who is godfather of another's child or one
whose child was sponsored by another"

9.9214 £ag- with derived bases

qug mugi:kan ka run qadtu mu s manda:wi maghinagbuq "If

you leave now, you will meet in Mandawe." Y~~hinagbuq
"meet" "

9.9215 Specialized meaning

kun magkfeda;yun s tasya qug si husi qang qi:la ng kinabuthiq
wala y kahu:say "If Tasya and Jose get married, their lives will
have no peace." V~ da*yun. "Ufoxsaver"

9.922 v&g- (oonfined to pagbugut)

wa y la:qi ng ta;wu ng magbuqut kun di:liq qaku "No other

person will decide but me*." TT~ buqut "will11

gipagbutqan siya sa qi:ya ng qamahan nga disliq siya pagwaqun

sa lawak MHe was ordered by his father not to go out of the
room." (Lit.;"He was affected by his fatherfs will that he was
not to be allowed out of the room.")

9*93 -an- "plural agents" (productive)

This infix ooours with some forms having affixes of the shape

nag-/mag-/pag-. The nag-/mag- affixes which occur with ~an~

are those described in the following sections and their sub-

sections: 8.1211, 8*1212, 8.1213, 8.123, 8.1241, 8.1243, 8*;i244t


8.1253, 8.126 and 9.92. The -an- with the abstract and infini-
tive occurs with the pag-f s corresponding to the nag-/mag«» of
the above section (Sec. 8»31l). The -an- is a hallmark of fanoy
style except in certain set expressions (the form without ~an-
being the one usually used).

9.931 -an- to bases with na^-/mag- in meaningHcontinual"

or Sonvolltional' (Sees. 8.1211 and 8+1212)

si pidiritku qanarqa sa kamut sa manga qagtaq niqasna ng
manga diswaq nga karun nanagtanqaw qug nagpamatiq kana;tuq qapan
walaq makistaq sa qa:tu ng manga mata "Federico is in the hands
of the fagtaf, those spirits which are looking at us and lis-
tening to us now, but which are not seen by our eyes." V
tanqaw "look"

(Note that nanagpamatiq can also be used in this context v/ith

the same meaning but7artificial in style*)
(-an- with pa^-)

There are some bases, however, occurring with the nag~/mag-

of these sections which do not occur with nanag-/manage e#g#
magkahulug Sec. 8*12112. nanag-/manaff«> is most usual with the
nag-/mag- of <Sec# 8#1213 and the nag-/mag- of Sec. 9»92f and
occurs with all bases of these groups*

qang nahibilin sa kumbintu maqu na la:mang qang manga sugarul nga

sa daku ng kada:sig nagpadasyun sa pana^su:gal "The only people
left in the convent were the gamblers who with great enthusiasm
continued their gambling." *V su:gal "gamble"

9#9311 ",ftn- to nag-/mag- to bases with paka-ipjaki-T eto"»

(Sec. 8.1213)

kana ng manga tawha:na nanagpakaqarun qingnu ng sapi:qan

"Those people are pretending to be -wealthy." 1 ' qarun qingnun
"pretending to be"

kana ng manga tu:qa sa qatuba:ngan sa simbahan nanagpakilimus

kay byirnis man "Those people in front of the church are
begging because it is Friday." F"~ pakilimus "to beg"

9.932 -an- to nag~/ma^- "action devolving on agent"

(Sec. 8.123)

nanagpanilap qang manga buqa:ya sa pagpakakitaq ni:la kang

karangklil nga nagkaduqul "The crocodiles licked their chops upon
seeing Earangkal getting closer." V"*""" pani:lap "to lick"
9.933 -§£- fia,ff""/jP,Sfi<"wj-^h noun Sees. 8.1241, 8#1243i

and 8.1244

nanagqunipurmi sila g ka:ki "They were wearing khaki uni-

forms ." "V qunipurmi "uniform"

9*934 -an- to reciprocals (Sec. 9«92l)

nagpaqasbut si pa:riq pidru sa si:lung sa kumbintu qarun

managkusyug ngadtu sa gingharijqan sa manga qagtaq "Father Pedro
waited on the ground floor of the convent so that they could go
together to the kingdom of the fagtasf#" V ku:yug "to go

9»935 panaff- in passives

• •*• • " M « • • » — 11 1111 — — « — — » —

A derivative prefix panag- occurs with direct passive non-

potentials (Sec. 8*21). For those bases which occur with

nanag-/manag- the meaning is^plural agent, action continuing .

(I.e., gipanaff- is the passive corresponding in meaning to nanag-

[nag- plus -an- Sec« 9»93l] and panag- -un is the passive cor-

responding in meaning to manag- [mag- plus -an- Sec. 9#93l])«


This usage is confined to high style.

tibuquk qadlaw gipanagkushaq ni:la qang manga batu dinhaq sa

quma"lhey spent the* whole day removing the stones from the field*11
V kushaq "take* remove"
This panag- is also used with the local passives (Seo'» 8*22)

with some bases.

gipanagsugdan ni:la g putul qang manga kashuy sa liibun gamqu ng
baskitbulan "They were beginning to cut down the trees in the
thicket to make a basketball court." V su:gud "begin"

gipanagkuha;qa g manga batu qang quma "The field was being

cleared of stones*" M kushaq "get, remove"

9*936 na^ag^/mana^ v s . na^aN-/maCTaff-

If paN- has a meaning of plural ageni* it has the same meaning

as -an->, If the base is of the type listed in Sec. 9*93$ -an-

is usually preferred. Otherwise nag-/mag- plus paN- is used*

naff-/mag- to paN- plural is rare. [Cf. Sec*» 8#l2TT2 J
mihairung siya sa daku ng salamin qug naki:taq ni:ya qang
nagpangaputiq nisya ng buhuk "He faced the huge mirror and looked
at his hair which was becoming white." (kaputiq does not occur
with nanag-»)

nahimuqut siya ng nagtanqaw sa qi:ya ng nanagkadaku ng manga

qanak "He took pleasure in watching' his children grow up*"
"V dakuq "big"

9.9361 nanaff-Zmanaff- to bases with palT-

nanag-/manage is used to bases with paN- meaning plural*

(This is not usual' but confined to a fancy or turgid style* Of

course, with other meanings of paN-, nanag-/manage is free to oc-

cur.) (Cf. Sec. 8.12112*)

gawas sa manga bungtud nga latasun qadusna y manga lugutlugut

nga laswum nga qang qagiqasnan maqu qang manga tigkashuy nga
nanagpangatumba qug gihismu ng latayasnan sa manga nanagpuyuq
sa maqu ng daspit "Aside from tho hills to be traversed* there
are deep crevices, the passage over which is fallen logs made into
catwalks by the residents of that place*" V pangatumba "fall
down (plural)"

-H -AB /-fnfty1 ^—») " t o ^ habitually 1 ! (productive)
This i s only used i n / a c t i v e and with prefixes flag**/iaag-/paff»
and with tog- (Sep; 10.131)*
samtang ni:qa pa qikaw dinhi sa huspital magqanhiQah ku dinhi
matag buntag "While you are still here in the ho6f*it;aif I will
come here every morning." V qanhi "come"

The alternant with -anan occurs with bases hairing a closed


qug muqadtu siya sa qu:pun maghagkanan siya sa bi£hin "When he

goes to 0ponfhe kisses the Virgin*" V haluk "kiss"

9 941 To . nontzransient bases

dinhi na lang pagqatang sa karti:ru kay magkanunayan man
siya dinhi g mabuntag "Just wait for the postman here because he
comes here every morning." V ~ kanu:nay "always"

9.95 nagsig~/magsig- "each do separately" (restricted)

qug nagsigpadurng sila ngadtu sa balay nga gigika:nan sa

manga singgit "And each of them went to the* house from which the
cries originated." V *padu:ng "go toward" (20.4)

However, with these bases nagqisig«*/magqigig-* or qis^i plus

£ plus base also ocoors with the same meaning and is less fancy


qang manga tatwu qi:sig panaigan nanampung sa qi:la ng qilung

"The people were all running about covering their noses"*" (34«l)
9.96 *in- "continuous Y* " (productive)

This type of base is most frequently used by itself either

as a noun meaning "continuous action" or in the constructions

of the type described in Sec. 3#7*

The meaning of this type of transient is habitually do an

action which has a person or place goal. This meaning would point
to an interpretation that these types are nag~/mag-/pag~ to nom-
inal bases of the type described in Sec. 10.24 (similar to the
unreal local passives in meaning). However, since most forms
following nagVmag~/pag- do not occur by themselves as nounsf
this interpretation is rejected.

9#96l Meaning "continuous action of V " (productive)

taqudtaqud na ng sinamqid ni qinting sa qi:ya ng linantip

"Inting had been sharpening his bolo for a long time now»"
V~~ samqid "sharpen" (48.1)

tayaqunkay hagba;ya pa ng gikina:c?un sa panahun nga walaq na

magaxmit "It was rusty because it had for a long time been eaten
continuously by time after it was no longer used." V-^kaiqun

9*962 Meaning "continuous sound of V~~ "

qunyaq gipuli:han sa hinagtub qug linagubu daw qusa ka panun
nga kasbaw nga nakabuhiq sa turil "Then it was replaced by the
continuous booming and thudding sounds like a herd of carabao
that had escaped from the enclosure." V lagubu "boom*1 T ^
hagtub "thud" (66.7)

9.965 Meaning "continuous having the quality of V~~ "

(to noun bases) (dead)

walaq siya makatulug tungud sa dinaga:qang sa qisya ng la;was

"He could not sleep because of the fever in his body." V
daga:qang "warmth"

9.97 Dead transient formers

9.971 pasi-

kini ng piging qusa ka pasidungug qa:lang sa qi:mu ng

paglampus sa pasuslit "This party is in honor of your sucoess *
in the examination*" V dungug "honor"

9.972 sinp-ZsiN-

9*9721 sing-
" ' ' " ' IIWLIIII ^

dinhi ni ng yuta:qa gisugdan na qusab ni:la qug qugba qug

qi:la pa gayu ng giduga:ngan qang qi:la ng paningkaxmut "In this
land they started farming all over from scratch, and they added to
their strivings." T~~singka:mut "to strive" "V kamut "hand11

9.9722 siN-

singulan siya g baligyaq sa qi:ya ng pu:tu pisru wa y

namalit "He was selling poto out in the rain but there were no
buyers." V qulan' "rain"

9.973 pemi-

pani- does not occur with nag-/mag-# mi-/mu- + pani-


becomes nani-/mani- T
kaqusa walaq makatiwaa si qinting sa qisya ng paniqudtu "Qua time
Inting could not finish eating his lunch*" "V qudtu "noon11
9.974 tiff-

pagsu:d na:kuq nakatimahuq ku g patay ng qilaqaq "Upon en*

tering, I smelled a dead rat," V"-baihuq "smell"

9*9741 jganiN- (gpaN- + tig- )

Cf. Sec. 9.2723•

9#97411 To transient bases
maqu ng gipugaq ni:ya qang qi:y& ng qu:tuk pagpangi:taq qug
paqa:gi qarun inatu:man qang qi:ya ng panimalus "Therefore^ he
racked his brains looking for a way to take his revenge." V
panimalus "take revenge" (59*5)
9.97412 To adjective bases
kung walaq dihaq qang qinahan si husi maningalit qug duiqaw
sa dala:ga "When the mother was not there jos^ would surrepti-
tiously visit the girl." V paningalit "to do someting fast
with the aim of not being caught or seen" "V kalit "sudden"

9*97413 To noun bases

bitsa g qunsatqun qug ta:guq sa duryan manimathuq gyud "No

matter what you do to hide it, durian will smell." V ba;huq

9.9742 paniN- to bases with no tiff-

naningasqun qang qi:mu ng kanding sa manga tanum ni qiyaq

tirya "Your goat is feeding on Aunt Teriafs plants." 1
ka:qun "eat" 1 paninga:qun "feed ( eat - said of animals)"

9*975 tig- (-»)

kaqanti:gu ka ba ng mulanguy qug tiffhayaq "2>o you know how

to swim on your baok?" V ha:yaq "to be caused to lie on onefs
back as when one is made to lie in state"

9*976 panig-

pan iff- does not occur with nag^/pag.. mi^/mu- + panig- becomes


qayaw g panigq ingun sa ta:wu ng wala y bata:san "Do not be l i k e

a p e r s o n w i t h no manners. n VT"~qingun "like 1 1

9«976l To noun bases (with («+&*) )

nanighawak si qi:da g bantay sa qi:ya ng mutsatsa ng
nagtra:pu sa salug sa makapila ng diq na maqihap "Ida stood with
her hands on her hipsfwatching her maid cleaning the floor for the
nth. time," V ha:wak "waist"

9*977 2***f&r (dead)

sa barbiri:ya ng qikuq dagha ng ta:wu ng nanggida:ma "In
Eco*s barbershop there were i&any persona playing checkers•" V^^&aaima

niqadtu sa qasku ng pagtu:qu qaku ra y qaingay ng masa:yud

nga:nu ng qi:ya pa ng panggilabuttan "Formerlyf I believed I was
the only one who should know* Why did he have to butt in?"
"V la: but "concern"

9.9771 manggi-

nga:nu ng nagmanggila:q in man ka tutal kitakitta ra bi:taw

"Why do you feel yourself a stranger? After all it is only us*"
1 manggila:qin "to feel oneself fa, stranger 1 "
"i unrelatedf

9.973 £aha-

buqut ku ng magpahali :pay kang du:dun^ sa qadlaw sa qitya ng

kasal "I would like to congratulate Dodong on his wedding day*"
V pahalirpay "congratulate"

9.979 -um- (<—) (dead)

The -urn- infix is used with the active• This infix occurs

only with pag-/nag~/mag-/naka-/maka- in the active,

nagdumisliq si ma:ma sa pagtanqaw na:ku g sint "Mama would not

allow me to go see the movie." V dumi:liq "refuse" 1 "
di:liq "no"

kinsa y na^duma:la sa mantala:qa ng bisayaq "Who manages the

journal Bisaya?" V duma:la "manage" V dala "carry"

9.10« Nominal bases used as bases of transients

Bases of transients are considered to be nouns if they occur

as nouns and if the meaning is not "thing that has been V -ed"f

action of V ~ing" or^means of V '|(Cf• the discussion Secs»

8#011 and 8.013.) In this section we will consider nominal bases

which have a number .of inflectional affixes with the. meaning of the

base remaining the same. Those which occur with passive affixes

may also occur as bases to which the nouns similar to the passives
(Sec. 10.2) are formed. (Cf. the example"7l0.24323.) Those types

which occur with only one affix are not considered here but are

listed under the affix with which they occur.

9.10*11 Meaning "wear, use as M " (productive)

These nouns occur with mi-/mu~. nag*»/mag-1 naka-/maka»»#local

passive and instrumental passive.

mikarsusnis siya sa qisya ng bagqu qug nanarqug f,He put on his

new pants and went out*" V karsu:nis "trousers" When used
as base of transient^ "wear trousers"

nagkarsusnis qaku "I am wearing pants#"

gang babaryi di:liq makakarsu:nis niqixni ng syuda:ra kay su;pak

man sa bala:qud "Women cannot wear trousers in this city because
it is against the lav/."

karsuni;san si du:dung kay mangadtu na ta s' sini "Dodong should

have pants put on him because we are going to the show."

qiVa-rFtnsTHfl ku qang qa:ku ng bagqu "I will put on my new pants,"

qikarfiiiinia saq ku qi:ni gustu ku ng mutanqaw s hitsusra 11"First

put these trousers on for me. I want to see how they look.

manday manggi:kan na ta maqu pa y qirya ng qikarsu:nis "He does

not put on his trousers until just before we are about to leave."

9.10.12 "Season with 1 " (TOToductive)

These nouns occur with mi-/mu~. nag-/mag-« naka-/maka»» local

passive, and instrumental meaningvxper son for whoml

misili si ma:ma sa 0##nqu:na ng bansi:kul "Mama put chili in

the mackerel stewed in vinegar." V sijli "chili pepper"

(Note tha,t sisli has a (—^) when used as a base of a transient*)


kinsa y nagsili qi:ni ng bingka "Who put peppers in these rice

waq ra ba ku makasili sa tinu;wa kay waq ma y baligyaq "I was
not able to put chili in the stew because there was none for sale."
waq ku tuyu:qa nasilihan na:kuq qang turta "I unintentionally
put pepper into the omelettes"
qa:ku ng qisili kini ng qi:mu ng kulikut kay walaq ku kapalit
gi:kan sa tyanggi "I will use your chili pepper because I was
not abl£ to buy any from the market."
qisili ku qa:ri ng su:kaq "Put chili in this vinegar for me*11

9.10.15 "Ride a V — " (productive)

These bases occur with nag-/mag- and gi-/un/-a.

qfegqayrupla;nu lang ta kay qarun makaqabut ta s pista "Let us
J%st take an airplane so as to make the fiesta." V qayrupla:nu
kana ng gilayqu:na qi:guq gyu ng qayruplanu:hun "That distance
is so far one should take a plane."

9.10.14 "Play V " (productive)

This affix occurs with mi-/mu-, nag-/mag-, naka-/maka~,

£i-/~an, £i-/ai-
gustu ka ng muti;nis ru ng ha:pun "Do you want to play tennis
this afternoon?" V ti:nis "tennis"

qunya g muqabut si maryu gi:kan s mani:laq magti:nis ta

qadlawqadlaw "When Mario arrives from Manila, we will play tennis
every day."

nasukuq si qiyuq supru kay gipingpu:ngan sa manga ba:taq qang

bagqu ni:ya ng lami:sa "Uncle Sofro got mad because the children
played pingpong on his new table." "V pingpung "pingpong"

kini ng sapatussa qa:ku ng qititnis kay da:qan "I will play ten-
nis in these shoes because they are old."

hustu na ru ng qititnis "Now is the time to play tennis*"

9.10.15 "Do something until T " (restricted)

These bases occur with n&g-/jaaK-> with' the direct, local and

instrumental passives,

sunud bagqu ng tuxqig ma^buntag ta g bayli "Next New Year we


will dance till morning,M 1? buntag ,f


buntasgun na:tuq qang bayli tutal waq man ta y klassi qugmaq

"Let us make this dance last till morning because we do not faaiee
classes tomorrow &nyway#" [±4i .'."cause *° t e d o n e t o morning^
buntasgun nastuq qug harasna si qu:ping "We will serenade Oping
till morning."

qi:ya ng gibuntasgan qang sugaq "He burned the light until

kini ng sugaq maqu y qibuntag "This light is to be used until

9.10.16 "Hold V—" (restricted)

Nouns of this type occur with nag-/mag-t naka-maka- (but not

all) and local passives*

sa qasmuq sa qamirika qug du:na y magkumbira di:liq gasniq
qimbitahun sa tagqi:ya sa kumbira di:liq gyud mi muqadtu "At home
in America, whenever anyone holds a banquet, we never go unless we
are invited by the host of the banquet•" T kumbira "banquet"

walaq sila makakumbira kay sila naglu:tu "They were not able to
hold the banquet because they were in mourning."

^ikumbirahan qang paglampus ni syaning sa pasu:lit "They held a

banquet to celebrate Syaning1 s success in the examination*"

9*10.17 "Close with a V — " (restricted)

Nouns of this type occur with nag-/mag-, naka-/maka~ and

instrumental passives.

si hwan maqu y magtrangka sa gawang ka:da gabisqi "John is the

one who bolts the door at night." V trangka "crossbar11

nakatrangka ka na ba sa gawang "Have you bolted the door?"

trangka:han qang matag pulta g magabi:qi "Each door is to be

bolted at night."

qitrangka ni:ya qang daku ng baratisha sa binta:naq "He will bolt

the window with a large board." (Lit.: "used a board to bolt")

maqu pa y qitrangka nisya s gawang nga nakabuhiq na ng kabasyuq

"Now he locks the door after the horse has gotten away."
<|itrangka ku qasni ng pultahan ha "Bolt this door for mei"
ft»10.18 Miscellaneous types

magbalay ku s lahug "I will build a house in Lahug"»" V

balay "house11 (When used as a transient "build a house".)

makabalay ba ku dinhi mananghid ku ni:mu kay "May I build a

house here? I am asking permission because..."

maqu ni ng yutarqa qi:mu ng balayan "Is this the land you will
build on?"

qikabalay ba ni ng ka:huy nga maqu ra g gabuk "Can this woo<? be

used to build a house, for it seems rotten?"

9.10*2 Derivatives to nominal bases . -'

Derivatives occur with nominal bases used as transients'^ but

these are restricted*

9.10.21 paN- "plural"

sa tyimpu sa gi:ra basta tingtugnaw na ga:niq qang qa:mu ng

qipangha:bul sasku sa kala:may "During the war when cold weather
set in, we used to use blankets made from sugar sacks." "V~* ha:bul
"blanket" (as T base; "use as a blanket")
9.10.22 ga-

dijliq ku pabalayan nisya qang qa:ku ng yu:taq "I will not

allow him to build a house on my land." V"~ pabalay i?have some-
one build a house"

9.10.23 Other derivatives

nagsilihay qang duha ka mananagat "The two fishermen were

hurling sharp words at each other." V silihay "hurl. sharp
words at each other"
makifftisnis ku nismu ru ng ha:pun "I would like to play tennis
with you this afternoon." V pakigtirnis "play tennis with

Chapter Teng Affixes with Nouns (Summary)

10*0 Bases to ?*hich nouns are formed

10.1 Affixes forming names of persons
10*2 Nouns similar to the passives

10.21 Direct passives - action completed

10.22 Direct passives -faction to be done"

10.23 Local passives -^action completed w

10.24 Nouns parallel to unreal local passives

10.25 Nouns similar to instrumental passives

10.26 -an to nominal bases

10.3 "Group or collection of V~~ "

10.4 Names of places

10.5 Nouns formed from transients and adjectives

10.6 %anner of action"

10'.7 Instrument formers

10.8 Doubling and jCulu- forms

10*9 Abstract noun formers

10*#10 Time (of a repeated event)


Outline of Chapter Ten; Nouns

10.0 Bases to which nouns are formed

10.1 Affixes forming names of persons

10.11 ** Person from^to nominal bases)

10.111 taga- "one from" (productive)

10.112 tagi- "resident of" (dead)

10,12 ^Person who does T~ oy nature or occupation*

10.121 maN- -r- (productive)

10.1211 To bases with paN- (paN- dropped) (—£••)

10.1212 To underived base

10.12121 (^-)

10.1213 dead)

10.122 mag- -r- to transient base) (productive)

10.1231 mag- -r- —->) (to transient base)

10.1232 mag- -r- * - )

10.124 mag- -r- ) (to noun base)

10.1241 mag- -r- •) (to noun base) specialized meaning
10.125 mag- -1- productive)
10.126 mag- -1- )

10.128 r- -urn- "one who V "

10.129 Dead types

10,1291 maki- -r- (^—)


10.1293 -iru (<—)

10.1294 ^dur (—^)

10.13 "Person who does V~* often"


10*131 tiff- (productive)

10.1311 tiff- (~*~)

10.132 tag- (dead)

10.133 tig- -r- "one who does an action repeatedly"

10.1331 tiff- -r~ (*«—)

10.1332 tiff- -r- (-->)

10.1333 tiff- -r- (specialized meaning )

10.134 tiff- -1- "one who does an action repeatedly"

10• 1341 tig- -1- (-^)

10.1342 tiff- -1- («—)

10.1343 .tiff- -1- (*£-—)( specialized meaning- )

10.14 "Person doing a particular action"

10.141 r- -urn- (productive)

10.1411 r- -um-

10# 1412 r- -urn- C^~)

10.1413 r- -urn- (~-^~)

10.142 maN- -r- (restricted)

10.1421 maN- -r-

10.1422 maN- -r- (—»

10.1425 maN- -r- (-<—)

IO.I424 maN- -r ay (dead)

10.143 tafl- (restricted)

10.1431 tag-

10.1432 tag- (-*—)

10.1433 tag- to aoatransient baseJ

10.15 "One about to T? "

10.151 r- -um-

10.1511 -um- to nominal base "about to be V " (dead)


10.152 r- -urn- ( « — )

10.153 r- -urn- (—>-)

10.154 -urn- - 1 - ( < — ) (restricted)

10.155 r- -urn- extended to impersonal phenomena (restricted)

10,1551 r- -um> (-<—) (restricted)

10.156 Cumjj- "about to V (productive)

10.1561 Cumu~

10.1562 Cumu~ (<—)

10;i563 Camu- (-^)

10.157 ka- -un (—**•) "one who is on the verge of T~" "

10.1571 ka- -un (—*-)

10.1572 ka- -un ( > ) to derived base
10.1573 ka- -un (—>*) extended to impersonal phenomena (dead)

10.158 ka unun (->-) (restricted)

10,1581 ka-unun (—>*) to derived base

10.159 tali- "one about to" (dead)

10.1591 tali- (<r~)

10.1592 tali- (—*»)
10", 1593 tali- extended to impersonal phenomena (to nominal
base) (dead)
10.16 Name formers (restricted)
10.161 -ay (used in storytelling)

10.162 qqK- -r- (-8*) "one who"

10.17 Persons miscellaneous (dead types)
10.171 -an (-*-)
10.172 ma^ (-£-)

10.173 Doubling of base with specialized meaning of "one who

10,1731 Doubling to nonnominal base


10.174 y&ll- "agent"

10.18 "Persons who are r e l a t e d (restricted)

10.181 gift- (^—)
10.182 mag- (-<—)

10.185 manag- (?*-)

10.184 -un (<—) "god-" (dead)

10.185 -in- "god-" (dead)

10.19 ^Person who or thing which is one of a pair"(restricted)

10,191 ka- to noun base

10.1912 ka- to transient base


10.1913 ka^ to derived base

10.19131 ka- to base with tagi-

10.1914 ka- to qualifier base

10.1915 ka- with specialized meaning

10.19151 ka_ (^—)

10.1916 ka- plus base qualified by qirsig "fellow V
10.19161 qi:sig ka*.
10.191611 qitsig ka*» to derived base
10.191612 qissig ka- (to object not person:base meaning
"both ")

10.192 masiff ka~ (noun) (restricted) "each one of the V

in a group"

10.2 Nouns similar to the passives

10.21 Direct passives - action completed (productive)

10,211 -in- "thing that has been V - Ted"
10.2111 -in- to derived ba,se

10.2112 »in- used in specialized meaning


10.2113 -in- (-«—*)"something caused to be V~~M(specialized


10.212 -in- "person who was V ~ed"

10.2121 -in- specialized meaning

10*213 -in- to noun base

10.22 "Action to be done"

10.2211 -un (—**) (restricted)

10.22111 -un (*s~—) (dead)

10.2212 -un ( — > ) to noun base
10.22121 -un («£--*-) tsrith no meaning (dead)
10.2213 -un ( —=>) specialized meaning
10.222 -1- -un (productive)
10.2221 -1- -un
10.22211 -1 un to derived? base
10.2222 -1- -un (-*>)

10.2223 -1- -tin specialized meaning

10.223 -unun (productive)

10.2231 -unun

10.2232 -unun (-«r~)

10.2233 -unun (—**-)

10.22331 -unun (~*5r) to derived base

10.224 -1- -unun (restricted)

10.2241 -1 unun

10.2242 -1 unun (—**) (dead)

10.225 Dead types

10.2251 gim un (—>)

10.2252 p a n g g i - mxrn ( ~ ^ )

10.2253 -anun

10.226 Nouns similar to direct passives in meaning "reason

for which"
10.2261 -unun
10.227 paN- -un (dead) specialized meaning
10.23 Local passives Action completed"
10.231 -in- -an "thing V~1ed" (restricted)
10.2311 -in- -an to derived base (restricted)
10.2312 -in- -an specialized meaning
10.232 -in- -an "person on whom "V devolved" (restricted)
10.2321 -in- -an to derived base

10.2322 -in- -an specialized meanings

10.233 ~in- -an "place at which V""~was done" (restricted)
10,.2331 -in- -an "place" to nontransient base (restricted)
10,.2332 -in- -an "reason on account of which11 (restricted)
10;.2333 j^i.n- -an specialized meaning
10,.234 -in- -anan (dead)
10,,2341 *in- -anan (*-*•)
10,.235 gin- ««an or ging- -an (dead)
10,.24 Nouns parallel to unreal local passives
10,•241 ^fiS. (productive) "place where activity isjto be I
held" (restricted)
10,,2411 -an
10,2412 rSS (—>)
10.24121 -an (—V) to derived base
10,24122 -an (no shift) to derived base
10,24123 .^an (-«—)
10.2413 -an with specialized meaning
10.24131 -an (—*-) 1

10.24132 -^n (no shift)

IO.24I4 r- -an (various meanings) (dead)

10#2415 -an to nominal base

10#242 -anan "Jplace where activityJis to be \heldlM
I [is usually)
person on whom action devolves
10.2421 No shift

10.24211 *Place*(productive)

10#24212 ^Person on whom action devolves^restricted)

10.24215 To nominal base

10.2422 -anan (—*~) (restricted)

10.24221 ^Place^

10.24222 Person*

10.2423 -anan "place" (*£—) (restricted)

10.24231 -anan to derived base

10.24232 -anan (no shift) specialized meaning

10.24233 -anan («<—) specialized meaning

10.24234 -in- -anan (*^—) meaning the same as -anan (dead)

10.243 -1- -an

10.2431 To transient base "place where action isJto be L

held" (productive)
10.24511 No shift
10.24312 -1- -an (—>)
10.24313 -1- -an (^~)
10.2432 -1- -an with other meanings (productive)
10.24321 "thing to be "V—Ted"
ff or 1
10.24322 " t h i n g |fromJwhich something i s "V led"
10.24323 "Person for whom"

10.24324 -pag- -1- -an (dead)

10.244 -1- -anan C*"^*) (restricted)

10.2441 To transient base

10.2442 -1- -anan (—>-) meaning "thing to be V~"*-ed" (dead)

10;25 Nouns similar to instrumental passives

10.251 -in- nouns similar to instrumental (dead)

10.252 Instrumental "thing with which to V "

10.2521 gig- -r- (restricted)

10.25211 qig- -r- (—>)

10.25212 q i g - - r - (-«=•—)

10.2522 qig- -1- (productive)

10.25221 dig- -1- (-*-)

10.25222 qiff- - I T (**—)
10.253 Similar to instrumental passive in ablative meaning
"thing/to be \ V—red"

IO.253I qig- -r-

10.25311 qig- - r , (—>-)

10.25312 qig- -r- (•<—)

10.2532 qiff- -1- (-*-)
lo;2532i qig- -1- (—>-) to derived base

10-.254 Similar to instrumental passive in meaning "time to

10.2541 qig- -r- (restricted)

10.2542 qig- -1-

10,25421 qjg- -1- (~v)

10.25422 qig- -1- (-*r--)

10;2543 q i g - - r - or q i g - - 1 - extension of temporal meaning

to "one desirous of

10.26 -an to nominal base


10#26l -an "place where activity is held11

10#26ll -an (no shift) specialised meaning

10.2612 -an (—>) (productive)

10#26l3 -an (-*•>*) specialised meaning (instrumental)

10*262 Place where TT~is found, grown, kept or made * (productive)
10*2621 -an (-^)
10#26211 Specialized meaning
10.2622 -an (^_)

10.2623 -anan "plaoe where V is found" (dead)

10.26231 -an (<r~) specialized meaning
10.263 -an (*-$*) "place where V" is sold"
10.2631 -an (<2 ) "place where TT^is sold"
10.264 "Part of the body where V ' '"*is located" (restricted)
10.2641 -an (~>^)
10f 2642 -an (**~- ) .
10*265 .'{Direction or v i c i n i t y of V "(restricted)
10.2651 z*& (->)
10.2652 -an (-*-) (dead)
10*266 -an (—>-) "relation (older generation)" (dead)

10*27 -an "group of V "

10*28 -anan (dead)

10.3 "Group or collection of "V " (to nominal base)

10.31 ka- -an (productive)

10.311 ka- -an "place where V~~ is found"

10*312 ka- -an to transient base

10.313 ka- -an to other bases (dead)

10.314 Specialized meaning

10.32 ka- -an meaning "all of V " (restricted)

10*321 ka- -an "V as a whole"

IO.322 ka- -an (no shift) to transient base specialized

10.33 ka- -anan (-*—) (dead) nall of V "

10.331 ka- -anan "7 as a whole"

10.34 ka- -r~ -an (dead)

10.35 Dead affixes meaning "collection of V ~

10.351 gin- -an

10.352 ^an

10.3521 ^an (-**-)

10.4 Names of places

10.41 pa- (restricted)

10.42 ka- -an (restricted)

10.43 ka- -an "place where a collection of V ~ is found11


10.431 ka- -anan

10*432 ±un (dead) j

10.5 Nouns formed from transients and adjectives

10.51 Transient bases used as nouns

10.511 Meaning "thing V -ed"

10.5111 To derived bases

10.51111 To bases with ka-

10.5H2 With specialized meanings

10.512 Meaning "action of Y~~ "

10.5121 "Action of V— to derived base

10.5122 Base of transient with doubling or Culu- after walaq £

10.513 Meaning "instrument for doing V ~ »»

10.5131 To derived b$se

10 #52 Transient base plus (H>-)
10.521 Meaning Mthing which has been V ~edM
10.522 With siative base

10^523 Meaning "instrument for doing V "

10.5231 With specialized meaning

10*53 Adjective base used as a noun (dead)

10.531 (-*-)
10.532 gi- («*-)

10#54 Qualifier forming noun (dead)

10.541 (•«*-)

10.6 "Manner of action"(productive)

10.61 -in- -a,n

10.62 -in- *»an ( — ^ ) (productive)

10.63 paN- (restricted)

10.7 Instrument formers

10.71 pa- (dead)

10.72 paN-

10.721 paN- to transient base (dead)

10.722 paN- to transient base "sense of V " (dead)

10#723 paK- "means of obtaining T ~ " to noun base (dead)

10#73 hiff- "instrument" (dead)

10.731 hi^N- (*£—) "instrument" specialized meaning

10.8 Doubling and Culu- forms (productive)

10.81 Doubling meaning "something like V"~ "

10.811 No shift

10.812 Doubling with '(•<—)

10.813 Doubling with specialized meaning of "something like

y — it

10.8131 No shift
10.8132 (<*-)

10.8133 Doubling with meaning "one who"


10*82 Culu- "something like 1 " (productive)

10*821 Specialized meaning^something like V* ")

10*822 Doubling and Culu- after walaq £

10*83 Empty doubling

10**831 Bases that do not occur without doubling

10*8311 Names of plants and animals

10*832 To bases that occur without doubling in a different

10"»9 Abstract noun formers

10*91 Nouns expressing quantity or quality

10*911 gi- -un (~-*0 "degree of V~vness" (restricted)

10.912 ka- >un (—**-) to adjective base "degree of V^^ness 11


10*913 paN- "way in which "V is" (to noun base )

10*9131 paN- to derived noun base

10 # 914 taga- (~>) "up to the Y~~ " (productive)

10**92 State of being V—'

10*921 ka- (to adjective base) (productive)

10*9211 ka- to phrases

10.9212 ka- to transient base

10*92121 ka- plus base » base alone (dead)

10.92122 ka^ (^-) (dead)

10.9213 ka- to derived transient base

10t9214 ka- to derived adjective base

10*922 pagka- (productive)

10.9221 pagka- to adjective base (*= ka«y )

10*92211 pagka- to derived adjective base

10.9222 pagka- to noun base (productive)

10.92221 pagka- to derived noun base


10.923 panag- "state of being V " with someone else" (dead)

10*924 ka- -an (<*$—) "quality of 1— (to adjective base)

10#9241 ka- -an (*«£•—) to derived adjective base

10#9242 ka- -an (*^r0 to adjective base specialized meaning

10,9243 ka- -an ( «<?-) to transient base

10#925 kina- -an "superlative" (productive)

10*9251 To adjective base

10*9252 To nonadjective base

10*9253 ka- -an superlative (dead)

10*93 pag~ (productive) (to transient base)

10*94 Dead formations of abstract nouns

10*941 ka- -anan (-«—)

10*942 ka- -1- -an

10*943 -1- -an

10*944 -in an

10*945 paN- -an

10*946 gim- -an

10*947 paN un

10*948 hiN an 1

10.949 ting an
10*94.10 ka- -un "state of" (dead)

10.94.101 ka- -r- -un

10*94•102 ka- -1- -un

10*94.11 PaniN-

10*95 Other miscellaneous dead formations

10.951 tig un (-*—)

10.952 tig-

10*953 paN-
10".954 Isolated forms of transients used as nouns
10.9541 E&z
10.9542 pag-
10.9543 ka an
10•9544 -um-/mu-
10.955 -in-
10.956 kina- -an
10.10 Time (for something which occurs regularly)1*

10.10*1 ka- -un (restricted)

10.10.2 ka- -an (dead)

10.10.21 ka- -an (-**) ka anan (-H*-)
10". 10.22 ^an "time of T ~ " (dead)
10.10.3 tali- (dead)
lo;10.4 ting- (producti^d)
lO.lO.4i ting- (—V) (restricted)
10.10*42 ting- (*£r~) (restricted)
10.10.43 ting- to transient base (restricted)
10.10.5 paN- "harvest of the year" (dead)
10.10.6 tali- "season" (dead)

Chapter Ten; Affixes with jfouns

10.0 Bases to which nouns are formed

Nouns are formed to derived and underived nominal and

adjectival bases and to transient bases underived or derived with

affixes paH-» ka- or doubling, Nouns are not formed to transient

bases with other affixes . In the case of bases with paffU when

the jgaN- is "dropped" (Sec, 9»244)> the criterion as to whether

the affix is to the base alone or to the base with paN- is semantic.

Thus manumunud "heir" is to a base panunud "inherit" whereas

magsulusnud "follower" is to a base sjjgtnud "follow",

10.1 Affixes forming names of persons

10.11 "Person from"(to nominal t>ases)

10.111 taga- "one from" (productive)

daghan na qang/^>aqa:gi qang gihismuq sa tagabala:ngay
qarun pagsi:kup sa mabangis nga mananap "The barrio people had
already tried many ways of capturing the ferocious animal*"
V bala:ngay "barrio" (57«5)
dinha y tagaqadwasna nga nangista ng du:dung ganisha "There was
a man from the customs who was looking for Dodong a while ago,"
V qadwa:na "customs bureau"

10.112 jbagi- "resident of" (dead)

qang manga ta&ilungsud nagpunduk didtu s pla:sa "The

townspeople gathered at the plaza," V lungsud "town"

10.12 "Person who does V~ by nature or occupation"

10ol21 maN~ «-r- (productive)

10,1211 To bases with patf- (palf- dropped) (—> )

This affix is productive only with bases with paN-, On the

*For the criteria for determining the bases of# Setc, 9#0,1*
**There are a few exceptions, but these are dead formations*

other handj bases with paff- do not occur with the other affixes
forming names of persons. It usually occurs with/short penult if

the penult is not closed. This maN- -r- occurs to all bases which

occur with a prefix paN- "occupation" (Sec. 9#22).

manginginhas qang manga baba:yi sa pulambatu kay qang balaxngay
nahimutang sa daplin sa da;gat diqin daghan kaqa:yu ng kinhasun
"The women of Pulambato are shell gatherers because the village
is located by the sea where there are very many sea shells*11
1 panginhas "gather shells for a living"
tawga qang mananabang kay manganak na si silya "Call the mid**
wife because Celia is going to deliver." V"~~ panarbang "help a
woman deliver"
10.1212 To underived base
nakabasa ka na ba ba:hin sa manininta^ nga si salumi "Have
you read about Salome, the temptress?" !r^~ tintal "tempt"

10.12121 (<s~)

qang buqatya sa sa:lug qusa ka manunuikub "The crocodile

in the river is a predatory animal." V tukub "eat predatorily"

10.1213 matP» ~+2r ('&**&)

miqadtu sila sa manala&naq qarun pagtisnuq qug kinsa y

nanga:wat sa kalabaw "They went to the seer to find out who
stole the carabao." "V tagnaq "foretell"

10.122 mag- -r~ (to transient base) (productive)

nakagustu qang manga tinunqan sa bagqu ng magtutudluq

The students liked the new teacher." "7 tudluq "teach"

10.1231 mag- -r~ (—>) (to transient base)

nagqabli qug bagqu ng tinda:han qang magpapatigayun "The

merchant opened 51 new store." V patigaiyun "eng&ge in business"
10.1232 mag- ~r~ (<—)
11' ' • ' '" ' • ' •' "' •" • •<'»

qaku qunta y maghaha;tud sa balasahun ngadtu s cjiskuylahan

qap$ji giqili:san na ku ng kadyu "I was the one who used to
bring the reading materials to school, but now Kadyo has replaced
me," V Eatud "bring"

10.124 mag- -r~ (—>-) (to noun base)

" " '" " •• • ••iMii.Tl m 1,111 p 1 • • • 1 .1 1 11 . — i „.r.y 1 »•„ ., i. 1 1,1. ..

qang magbabalaqud kinahangla ng musunud sa bala:qud nga


qi:ya ng gimugnaq "The lawmaker should obey the law which he

has created." T~ bala:qud "law"
nindut qang manga ku:lu ng hinismu sa maffkukulun nga tagatali:say
"The pots made hy the pot jaateer from Talisay are pretty." V ~
ku:lun "pot"

10#1241 HSLS- -£- (—^-)C*° noxm base specialized meaning

si badung qusa ka daku ng magyuyutaq sa mindanaw "Badung

is a big landowner in Mindanao." V yu:taq "land"

10.125 J2&g~ -i- (productive)

gipatay sa tulisan qang magbalantay sa budi:ga "The

robber killed the warehouse guard." "V bantay "watch"

10.126 mag- -l- (-»»)

qang magbuluhat sa maqa:yu ng saput qatusqa sa mani:laq

"The good dressmakers W £ in Manila." 1/ bus hat "make"

10.128 T~> ~um~"one who V—"

qubayqubay na ng manga lumulupyuq qang namalhin sa

pinuyqasnan tungud sa kahadluk "Quite a number of the inhabitants
moved away now because of fear." V"~ *lupyuq (57«13)

10.129 Dead types

10.1291 maki- -r- (^—)

qang makilili:mus sisgi ng qanhaq sa qasmuq mabirnis kay

qaskuq ma ng pagahataga g tagdyis "The beggar always comes
to my place on Fridays because I give him ten cents each time*11
V pakilimus "beg"

10.1292 tig-

si manang maqu y tigqalisma sa bastaq "Big Sister is the

one who takes care of the child." Tr~qalisma "take care"

si santus na karun qang tigduma:la sa tinda:han "Santos is the

store manager now." V ~ dumasla "manage"

si bituy qang tigalam sa manga manuk "Bitoy is the one who

takes care of tne chickens." V~" galam "take care"

10.1293 -iru (*~)

Note that with this affix the base has an alternant without

final vowel or vowel + /&/•

gihatud mi sa bangkisru ngadtu s tabuk sa sa:lug "The boatman

took us to the other side of the river*" Y*~ bangkaq "boat"

nyaq qang manga kusinisru nagdala g bunal "Then the cooks were
carrying clubs." V kusi:na "kitchen" (42,9)

10.1294 -£ux (-»)

dinhi magkampu qang manga trabahadur sa gubyirnu "Govern-

ment workers camped in this place," Y~~ traba:hu "work" (51*8)

10,15 "Person who does V**"" often"

10.131 ti^f- (productive)

qang tigqinum dinhi s qa:tu ng tinda:han namatay "The one

who often comes to drink here in our store died." V*" qinum "drink51
(to derived base)
sukad mahilayuq qang hinigugma ni li:na di:liq na siya
tigkaqunka?qun "Since her beloved went away^ Lena does not
WHially eat between meals any more." V kaqunkarqun "eat
between meals"

(to base with -an (—>•) )

tigqanhiqan siya s syudad qug maduminggu kay muhapit siya g

panyanggi huma g simba "She usually comes to the city Sundays
because she drops by the market alter going to church." 1/
qanhiqan "oome to a place habitually"

(to nominal baseJ

tigpamaslanan si pidru duqul s daku ng batu daplin sa pangpang
matag sabadu "Pedro usually fishes near the big rock beside
the cliff every Saturday," V pamaslanan "fish somewhere
10.1311 tig- (-»»)

qadtu ku tigkaqun sa ka wasna "I always eat at Juanafs

place," V ka:qun "eat"

10.152 tag- (dead)

muqabut na karun qang taghangyuq sa basi:yu ng la:ta "The

one who usually asks for the enroty tin cans will come now*" Y*~
hangyuq "ask a favor"
10.133 tiff- -r- "one who does an action repeatedly"

qaku y tifflulungqag sa kanqun qug kamu na la y hi:kay sa

quban "I usually cook the rice,and you prepare the r*st," "V

lungqag "cook"

10.1551 ***^-£- te-)

qang qasku ng manghud babasyi maqu y tiglala:ba sa qa:ku ng

sini:naq "My younger sister i£ the one who usually washes my
clothes." "V laba "wash clothes"

10.1552 tig- -r- (-»}

karu ng simanahu:na si qa-Liks maqu y tiglalabay g sagbut

"This week Alex is the one who will throw away the trash."
V ~ la:bay "throw"

10.1555 ti^«» -r- (specialized meaning)

siya y tigdudumbul ni pa:pa sa pagpalit qug dulsi sa manga

ba:taq "She is the one who * always talks daddy into buying
candy for the children." T"~ dumbul "poke with a large stick"

10.154 tig- -J.- "one who does an action repeatedly"

qikaw ba y tigbuluqbuq sa tanum qug maha:pun "Are you the

one who waters the plant every afternoon?" V buqbuq "pour
water on"

10.1541 tig- -1- (-».)

qaha qikaw diqay tigbulunal sa qasku ng qiruq "AhaJ So you

are the one who alv/ays beats my dogi" T~~ busnal "beat"

10.1542 tip:- -1- U - )

qadtujja s ma:nuy mu kay siya ma y tigbalasnig kun mangatu:lug

na mu "Go ask your elder brother because he is the one who
usually spreads the mat out when you all go to sleep." "V banig
"spread a mat"

10.1545 .tig^ -1- (**—) (specialized meaning)

ting kinsa ma y tigsala:ka s qinyu ng lubi "Tingf who

usually gathers your coconuts?" V - saka "climb"

10.14 "Person doing a particular action"

10.141 r- -urn- (productive)

10.1411 £•» -um-

qug qang taswu kansa ng kalawassan nabunqug sa pinuspus
sa manga tumatabang waq na lasmang magtingug "And the manf VfhoBe
entire body was bruised by the blows given him by his attackers^
did not say a word." TT" tabang "to gang up on a person" (25#o)

nalingaw gayud kaqa:yu qang manga tumatanqaw sa sa:yaw sa manga

ba:taq "The spectators were really entertained by the dancing
of the children." "V tanqaw "see"

10.1412 r- -urn- (<—)

pitu ka sumasaskay qang nasa:mad sa paghibanggaq sa trak

nga qi:la ng gisakyan sa qusa ka dyip "Seven passengers were
injured when the bus they were riding collided with a jeep*"
V sakay "ride11

10,1415 r- ~um~ (-»)

nagdumi:liq qang pumipiliq sa pagbaligyaq sa qisya ng bu:tu

"The voter refused to sell his vote." T"~~ pi;liq "elect, choose"

10.142 malfc* -r- (restricted)

10.1421 majfe- - r -

qang manga maninimba nagdala qug kandislaq sa simbahan "The

churchgoers were taking candles to church." "V simba "go to

10.1422 maljE. -r- (—»)

daghan qang mananayaw karu ng gabhiqu;na "There are many

dancers tonight." V - sasyaw "dance"

10.1425 maF- -r- (^—)

qug labaw pa niqasnaq mahismu ng manunu:nud sa qisya ng

ffLnharisoan "And furthermore* he would become the heir to
his kingdom." V ~ panunud "inherit" (55*8)

10.1424 main -r ag (dead)

qang quba ng maninimba:hay namaqusliq na lang tungud kay

taqas kaqa:yu qang sirmun sa pa:riq "Some of the churchgoers
just went home because the priest's sermon was so long." T~*
8imba " go to church11
10.145 taft- (restricted)

10.1451 tag-

qang tagsalfrq maqu y magba:yad sa nangabu:qak nga manga

pinggan qug bassu didtu sa kanqanan "The guilty party is the
one who should pay for the broken plates and glasses at the
restaurant." V*- salaq "guilt"

si risal maqu y tagsuslat sa duha ka libru nga nakapalargut


sa manga pa:ri ng katsi:laq "Rizal is the author of the two

books which angered the Spanish priests." V sulat "write"

10.1453 tag~ to nontransient base

ii i «i i • m in • .rnWWgTW I,,, — — — i n i • m m . , i. n ii

paghiqagi nasmuq sa qusa ka balay gipasaka mi sa ta^ba:lay

qarun makapahu:way "When we passed by a certain house, we were
invited in by the owner in order to rest." F"~ balay "house"

du:na y dagha ng dala nga papil qang duha ka ta:wu papi:lis

kunu kadtu sa yustaq timaqilhan nga qang tagqi:ya maqu qang
yagpisun "The two men had many papers with them, documents,
they said, which were proof that the thin man was the owner
of the land." 7 — qi:ya "his" (53*4)

10.15 "One about to V — "

10.151 r~ ~um~

kumakana:qu^ na quntaq ku sa diha ng miqabut qang qa:ku ng

qigsu:qun nga dusgay na ng walaq ku qigki:taq "I was about to
go out when my brother whom I had not seen for a long timet
arrived." V kana:qug "go out of a house"

10.1511 ~um- to nominal base "about to be V*~ " (dead)

Cf• £ec. 8*11322 .

sa manga pisuq nga giqalisma ni listu duha na qang dumala:ga.

"Of the chicks Lito takes care of, two are already pulletst,!
"V dalasga "mature female"

10.152 r- -urn- (<&-)

naghiskay siya g pagka:qun qa:lang sa manga qumaqasbut

"She is preparing food for those who are about to arrive."
"V qabut "arrive"

10.153 r- -urn- (~*0

This type with (—>-) is the most productive.

qang manga tumatapus naghiskay na qa:lang sa pasu:lit ''The

graduating students were already getting things ready for
the exams." "V taspus "end, finish"

10.154 -um- -1- (^—) (restricted)

This has the same meaning as r~ ~um-.

kami qang pumulu;yuq niqasna ng balay ng bagqu "We shall be the
residents of that new house." V puyuq "reside"

10.155 r- -urn- extended to impersonal phenomena (restricted)

m u r a g bumabagyu kini ng hasngin "The wind seems as though

we are going to have a typhoon." "V bagyu "storm"

10.1551 £~ ~um- ( < — ) (restricted)

qumnq,u:lan kini ng qadla:wa kay dagqum qang la:ngit "Today

is liko^to be rainy because the skies are dark." T qulan

10.156 Oujag* "about to F~ ff (productive)

The meaning of this is the same as r- -urn".

10.1561 CuffiS**

lumulangyaw kadtu si pidru qapan gipugngan siya sa qisya ng

qinahan "Pedro was about to go abroad, but his mother stopped
him." V~~ langyaw "go to other places"

10.1562 cmm* (^-~)

si qinting nga sumusa:kay na quntaq sa trak miba:lik sa

qisla kay dusna ma y nabyaqan "Inting, who was about to get on
the bus, went home because there was something he left behind."
V sakay "ride"

10.1565 Cfflau- (—**)

si ginang russis maqu y humuhatag sa midalya qapan waq

siya makaqanhi kay nasakit man "1/irs. Eoces would have been the
one to give the medal, but she could not come because she was
sick." IT" ha:tag "give"

10.157 ka~ ~un ( — > ) "one who is o& the verge of T~ "


This form differs from the r- -um- and Guam- in that

the action occurs because of something outside of the agent or

against his will, whereas for r- -urn- or CUBMJL** the aotion is

neutral as to the will of the agent.

10.1571 ka~ >-un (*&>)

kahilakun si lisna nga nagdumisliq sa pagqaswit "Lena was

on the verge of tears as she refused to sing." T~~ hi$lak

kasyagritun na qixntaq siya s pagpangasyu g pakita:bang sa diha ng

miqabut qang qisya ng ba*na "She was on the verge of shouting
for help when her husband arrived." 7 sya:git "shout"

10.1572 ka~ -un (—>) to derived base

pagulqa qang qituy kay kaqihiqun na tinga:li kini "Let the

puppy out because it probably has to urinate now." T~~ pangithiq
"urinate" (With the derived base occurring without paBU»)
kapangayuqun na quntaq ku sa qi:ya ng rilu qapan qi:ya na ng
naha:tag sa lasqi ng ta:wu "I was about to ask for his watchf
but he had already given it to someone else." V"~ panga:yuq
"ask for something"

naghilakhi:lak si maring kay katulgun na man siya kaqaxyu

"Maring is crying because she is very sleepy." Y"~ katu:lug
(with the derived base occurring without ka- ) "sleep"

10.1573 ka~ -un (~^ ) eartendadto impersonal phenomena (dead)

pagdaliq kay kaqulanun na "Hurry* f®& it is about to rain*"

"V qulan "rain"

10*158 ka~ ~unun (~-^») (restricted)

This type is rare with underived bases.

katawqunun kaqa:yu ku gani:ha didtu s simbahan "I was at the

verge of laughing a while ago in church." V~" kataswa "laugh"
(The ka- of the base is dropped.^

10.1581 ka~ ~unun (—£*) to derived base

This type tends to occur more with derived bases than that

of .See. 10.1572.
qi.tu ng panahuma kapangasawqunun na quntaq tu siya qapan si
marisya wala y gustu qug milakaw "At that time he was on the
verge of getting married, but Maria did not want to and went
away." Y~~~ pangasajwa "take a wife"

10.159 tali- "one about to" (dead)

bagqu pa ng mibagting qang qalas du:si qug si pa:pa nijmu

taliqabut na ru ng qura:sa "Twelve ofclock has just rungf and
your father is about to arrive at this hour." V qabut "arrive"

10.1591 tali- (^—)

kanu:nay s i y a ng naglantaw sa layuo daw nagqanimaw kun

du:na ba y ta;wu nga t a l i q a : b u t "He kept l o o k i n g in t h e d i s t a n c e

as though looking for someone about to arrive." Y*~*qabut

"arrive" (62.6)

10.1592 tali-* («—>)

naqabut hinusqun si mistir qunraw sa diha ng talikaqun na

quntaq ku sa qasku ng qusa ka buquk mangga "Mr. Unrau arrived
just as I was about to eat my one mangot" V~ka:qun "eat"

10.1593 tali- extended to impersonal phenomena (to nominal

base) (dead)
taliqudtu na siya ng paqusliq sa basy f He will come]
4 He comes I home
\Jle came j
just a little before noon." 1/ qudtu "noon" *

10.16 Name formers (restricted)

10.161 -a^r (<•—) (used in storytelling)

gikuptan ni d^a^asw^y sa qiskug si baqushay qug ginitsa s

dasgat "Mr. Dangaw took hold of Mr. Turtle1 s tail and tossed
him into the se^u" "V— baq^ "turtle" T"~~ dasngaw "measurement
(span from thumb tip to tip of middle finger)"

This type frequently occurs with doublings dangawdangasway;


10.162 .gag- -r- (^») "one who" (dead)

This affix is used to form names of animals, mythological

beings^etc. which do the "V .

qang manga tinunqan nanakup qug manga qananaklaw qug qanimuA'ba
qarun qisla ng tunqan sa klassi "The students are catching spi-
ders and moths to be studied in their class." V^^ saklaw "grab"
T~*~ sugba "burn in fire"

10.17 Persons miscellaneous (dead types)

10.171 -an (—>)

Adjective forms with -an in the same meaning are productive*

Cf. Sec. 11.331.

qang diwatahan disliq makatambal kun walaq qang qugis "The
medicine man cannot cure you unless he has a white rooster*"
T~"~ diwasta "a type of rite"

10.172 ma- (-.». )

lisud qang pagbya:hi nga magdala g masusu "It is difficult

to travel with an infant.1' V sussu "suckle"
10*175 Doubling of base with specialized meanings of "one who
y— »eft
Oft Sec. 10.8133#
gipatay qang pulis sa bataqba:taq ni kadyu ng matun •VThe police-
man was killed by the bodyguard of Cadiof the* ruffian V bastaq

nangistaq kami qug basta ng mahi:mu ng tabangta:bang sa panimalay

"We are looking for a child who can help around the house ."
"V tasbang "help"

qusa'si linda sa manga quluqu:lu sa manga kapunu:ngan sa qiskuy-

lahan "Linda is one of the leaders of school organizations."
Tr~ qu:lu "head"

10.1751 Doubling to mmnominal bases

si tisnu na karun qang dakuqda:kuq sa qi:la ng buhatan

"Tino is the boss in their office now." V dakuq "big"

10.174 vaSm "agent"

Cf. Sec. 10.72 .

qunyaq mikataswa lang quruy qang panway nga qalug
"Then the devil Alog just up and laughed." 1 sway "tempt"
10.18 ^Persons who are related*(restricted)
*>«»^Tl 9 " •" * '•• ' ••»> »» > • * • < • » • « - • 1 mi 1 11 *«i • • « • »•••

10.181 qig~ (^^)

nga:nu ng makigminyuq ka man kang li:na nga di:liq man naq siya
na:tuq qiglasc^in "Why do you want to marry Lina when she is
still a relative of ours?" Y~~ lasqin "different"

qang qaiku ng qigqa:gaw nga si li:ta miqabut na "Litaj my cousin,

has already arrived." V qagaw "cousin"

10.182 mag- Q«~)

These are dead transient formations of the type described in

Sec. 9.921.
namisista sa pa:riq qang duha ka magqa:gaw "The two cousins
visited the priest." V qagaw "cousin"

may qusa ka magtiqazyun du:gay na ng katuqi:gan nga nangaigi nga

may qusa ka qanak nga lalarki. ^ "There was once a couple many
years ago who had a son," T~~ tiqa:yun (l#l)

10.183 mana^ (-*—)

This is the type mag- (§££• 10,182) with -an- plural infix

(2fifi. 9-93).
nan napugus gayud kay managqami:gu si;la "So he was forced
(to go) because they were friends," V"— qami:gu "friend"
10.184 -un (<g—) "god-" (dead)

This is for qamasqun "godfather" and qina:qun "godmother?

gihatasgan ku g dagha ng pinasku:han sa qasku ng % ina:qun niqadtu

ng miqaxgi ng pasku "I was given many toys by my godmother last
Christmas," V qina "mother"

10,183 -in- "god-" (dead)

This is confined to qinanak "godchild".

pasku na pud qug kadtu ng qa:ku ng qinanak diq gyud tu maliimut

narkuq "It is Christmas again, and that godson of mine will be
sure not to forget me," V~ qanak '.won \M
10,19 " Person who or thing which is one of a pair "(restricted)

10,191 ka- to noun base

pagbaslik pa ni:ya sa lungsud waq na siya hiqilhi sa qijya ng

manga kanhi ng kabaztaq "When he returned to town, his former
childhood contemporaries did not recognize him any more."
7~~ ba:taq "child"

10+1912 ka- to transient base

Note that most of the bases that go with the pag- prefixes

(Sec, 9*92) go with this ka-,

gipangi:taq da:yun ni:ya qang kaqa;way qarun qikapanimalus qang
qisya ng pinalangga ng qanak, "He at once looked for the enemy
so that he could avenge his beloved child," V~*~~ qa:way "fight"

\ -i : P^ 1 912^ 'fca-'fr*^
kasa:kay narkuq si liita sa tartanilya "Lata was my copassen-
ger in the rig," T eafcay "ride"

10.1913 ka- to derived base

10.19131 ka~ to base with tagi-

maqu kini si linda qang qa:ku ng katagilungsud "This is

Linda, my fellow townsman," T~ t&gilungsud "resident of the teim"
10.1914 ka- to qualifier base

walaq siya mahadluk sa qi:ya ng kaqatbang "He was not

afraid of his opponent." V qatbang "side facing"

10»1915 ka- with specialized meaning'

gimahal ni:ya qang qi:ya kapi:kas sa kinabu:hiq "He

cherished his spouse ." 1 pi:kas "half of a whole"
giqina:nay pagbira sa qita:qas samtang nagagunit qang kaputu! sa
baksan sa daku ng ka:huy "It was pulled up gradually to the top
while half of the python held on to the huge tree," Y~ putul

10,19151 ka~ («£-)

ha:qin man qang qismu ng kalu:ha "Where is your twin broth-

er? »•- •• y— duha "two"

kita ng manga kadus&uq ni lapula:pu mahigugma:qun qusab sa

kagawa:san "We, who are Lapulapu's kinsmen, are also lovers of
liberty." V~~ duguq "blood"
10.1916 ka- plus base qualified by qissig "fellow V*" "

Cf. JSec. 6 f 5H-

Many bases with ka- do not occur except when qualified by qi;s i#

10.19161 qi:sig ka-

malusquy ka sa qissig nitmu kataswu "You should sympathize

with your fellow menT11 V ^ ta:wiT ^man"
IO.I9I6II qissig ka- to derived base

malumus quntaq siya kung waq pa siya tab&ngi sa qi:ya ng

qissig kamananagat "He would have drowned had his fellow
fisherman not case to his ai3L" "V mananagat "fisherman11

10,191612 qis siff ka- (to object not personjbase meaning

"both Js»)

qang qitsig kaligid nga luyu sa trak pulus bagqu "Both

rear tires of the truck "are new,11 V""~ ligid "wheel, tire"

10,192 mas iff ka~ (noun) (restricted) "each one of the Y~~

in a group"

tungud sa qi;la ng pangahu:lug nangaba:liq qang qisla ng

masiff kalisquff "Because of their fall both of their necks were
broken." T~~ li:qug "neck"

maqikasgun kaqasyu sila ng nama:tiq sa matag sibyaq nga himu:qun

sa magtutudluq pagtasliq sa manga bu:tus nga maku:haq sa masig
kakandida-stu "They listened with great concern to every broad-
cast which the teacher made counting the votes obtained by each
of the candidates." "V kandidartu "candidate"

10*2 Nouns similar to the passives

In this group are nouns similar in meaning to the transients

which mean the names of things or persons to which an action is,

will be, or has been done or which are indirectly affected by an

action. The meanings of these nouns are parallel to those of the

passives (^ec. 8 C 12). The following table presents a summary of

these noun formers:

{to b be U a l l y >" done
-unun /( —** T\

Direct .1- -anNf-i )

- 1 - ununQ(~->-])
panggi un
gim- -un
Parallel -anun
to -m- -an -an (—>~)T^
Local -anan /( — ^ n
.1- -Jf «~X 1)
Passives -1- -anan(—$•
Instru- qig- -r- [C-^)\
mental -in-
dig- -1- A ^ j \

10,21 Direct passives - action completed (productive)

10.211 -in- "thing that hae "oeen V " -ed"

dagha ng nakakitaq qug nanumpaq gayud nga may hikut nga

lina:maq sa li:qug qang mananap "Many saw and swore that the
animal wore a dyed thread around its neck*" T~* la:maq "to dye"
10#2111 ~in~ to derived base
, ..r-rt.-n,,.. „,

disliq maqatyu qang qasku ng kinatuslug kagabi:qi "I did

not have a good sleep last night•" V*~ katuslug "sleep"

10, 2112 -J&- used in specialized meaning

qadusna kami qlnasal kay qadlaw man na:kuq "We have a roasted
pig because it is my birthday," T~~ qasal "roast"

10,2113 -in- (**—)*something caused to be "V ^specialized


taqudtaqud na ng sinamqid ni qinting sa qi:ya ng pinu:tiq

"Inting had been sharpening his bolo for a long time."
(!&£•• "one" made white") V~~ putiq "white"

10*212 -in*- "person who was 1 -ed"

This affix is the same as that of See* 10,211 ,

nakigkistaq qang sinuxabung sa qisya ng hinigugma sa walaq pa siya

qisulud sa karsil "The accused person went to see his beloved
before he was put in jail," V sumbung "tell ont report"
"V higugma "love"

10,2121 ->in«- specialized meaning

hinumdumi la:mang nga qadusna y qusa ka binu:hat nga

kanu:nay naghandum kanismu "Just remember that there is a
creature who always remembers you." T"~ bu:hat "make11

10,213 -in- to noun base

These are parallel to the transients formed to noun basest

(Cf, Sec, 9.10^

gitagasqan siya ni na:nay g qinasin nga karni "Mother gave him

some salted meat*" "V qasin "salt"
sila ng tanan gipapasqan sa manga butang nga walaq nisla hibalqi g
qunsa manga kinahun qug quban pa ng karga "All of them were made

to carry things they did not know whatj crated, and other materials!'
TT~ kahun "box"
In this last meaning this type is extended to nouns which

do not occur as bases to transients meaning "things put in TT~~ "

mipalit siya g linata "He bought canned goods*" V lasta "can"

10»22 "Action to be done*

10.2211 -un (~H>Q (restricted)

qinigba:lik ni:mu nganhi dadqi ku g basahun "When you come

back, bring me some reading materials," "V ba:sa "read"

10.22111 -un (<—) (dead)

qug qubayqubay na qusab sa manga buhi:qun ni:la ni qinting

qang nasubad. sa buqa:ya "And quite a number of Inting*s animals
had been devoured by the crocodile." V buhiq "to raise"
10.2212 -un (—•>•) to noun base

These are parallel to the transients formed to noun bases

(Sec. 9.10.1).
palitan naskuq qang qasku ng ba:na qug karsunisun "I will buy
my husband some cloth to make into a pair of pants." Y~'~
fearsutnis" "a pair of pants"
tambung karu ng gabisqi sa salusajlu qarun maqilaqisla ni:mu qang
qastu ng qumagarun " Ifou come to the get-together tonight so that you
will become acquainted with our future son-in-law." 1/ $uma:gad

disliq najkuq qihatwun kana ng bayi kay qa:kuq na ng qanayun

"I will not slaughter that female , because I will make it into
a sow." V qanay "sow"

10.22121 -un (*«*»*») with no meaning (dead)

tulu ka buquk qanaiyun ni karya naqa:nud sa bahaq gabijqi

"Three of Karya1s sows were swept away by the flood last night»"
7 qanay "sow"

10.2213 -un (—r>0 specialized meaning

qayaw kali smut niqadtu ng matahum nga pulungun nga miqingun

qang matasrung maqissug "Do not forget that beautiful proverb
which saysf 'The righteous are brave.1" V pamuslung "speak"

10/222 ~JL~ -un ( p r o d u c t i v e )

10.2221 -1- -un

sa plassa karun dagha ng manga talanqaswun qug maqasyu ng

kalanqun qug qilimnun "At the park today there are lots of things
to watch and good food and drinks." V~ tanqaw "see"
T"-"* qinum "drink" V~~ kasqun "eat"

10.22211 ~1~ w>,^n t o derived base

maqu na y la:na ng panulundun gi:kan sa qi;la ng ginikasnan

"That is an oil handed down from their parents." "V panunud

10.2222 -1- ~jyn (~^)

qaku qang mangasku sa buluhatun sa qus$i ka qinahan "I will

assume the duties of a mother." "V bu:hat "work"

10.2223 -l~ ~un specialized meaning

qutuskan qusab nga hayuspa kay sa diha ng gikugishe.ii sa qusa

ka platun nga pis si sa pagbantay waleq qusab patimqaw hangtud nga
gipulqan na qang manga sulyigusqun sa balasqud "It was a clever
animal, for one time when a platoon of the P«C. patiently watohed
for it, it did not show up until the servants of the law got
tired." "V susguq "command" (57* 3)

10*223 -unun (productive)

10.2231 -unun

tabasngi si tastay s pagdala sa qisya ng dadqunun "You help

Father carry his baggage." V dala "bring"

10.2232 -unun (<—)

dagha ng palitusniin didtu s magalyasnis "There are many

things to buy on Magallanes." "V palit "buy"

10.2233 -unun (—*)

qang qastu ng kanqunu ng pan gitangag sa qituy "The puppy

snatched away the bread we v/ere going to eat." V ~ kasqun "eat"
10.22331 wqnun (_.>.) to derived base

maqanyag qang pan^a sawqunun ni kardu "Gardofs bridawto**t>e

is beautiful." "V 'pangasaswa "to take a wife"

qi:ya ng naki:taq qang qaslunun nga nagkisikisi qug nagpiliqik

dihaq sa baqbaq sa buqa:ya nHe saw the pig of roasting
else wriggling and squealing in the crocodile's mouth*11 V
qasal "to roast" (55.16)
10.224 -1.- ~unun (restricted)

10,2241 -1. unun

kana ng manga bulingun dihaq balasqunun pa naq kay waq ma y

tusbig ganisha "Those soiled clothes there are still to be
wetted because there was no water before• " V~~ basaq "wet"

10.2242 ~1~ ~unun (-*-») (dead)

dakuq ni ng balayrunun kay nahurut ma g kabuqak qang tana ng

plattu "This is a big thing to be paid off because all the
plates are broken." V ~ ba:yad "pay"

10.225 - Dead types

10.2251 £im~ -an (~-*Q

qinigkahuruan ni:la s qi:la ng gimbuhatun magduslaq sila g

bu:la "After they are through with their chores, they play ball
together." V bushat "work"

10.2252 pan^i~ -un (->-)

qussaq mususgud sa pagtrabashu qang bagqu ng binatunan

gipasabut siya bashin sa manga panggibuhatun "Before the new
maid started to work, she was made to understand about her duties."
V~~ bushat "work"

10.2253 -anun

qiqassuy ku qang sugila:nun mahitungud kang karangkal H I

will relate the story about Karangkal•" V"~ su:gid Hto tell11

10.226 Nouns similar to direct passives in meaning J feeason

for which"

Bases which take this suffix also occur with the direct
passive in this same meaning (Sec. 8.2113). The nominals are used
to refer to habitual actions, whereas the transient forms are
usually used to refer to actions which are not habitual*

10*2261 -unun
may suftlimun ka sa simbahan qunsa man diqay qismu. ng
sudlun qug diiliq mangadyiq Do you have business in church?
\7hat do you go to church for if not to pray?" V sulud "enter"

10,227 jjgJT- -un (dead) specialized meaning

ligqun kaqasyu ni ng panaptun "This cloth is very durable/1

"V saput "clothes"

1CU23 Local passives^action completed**

10»231 ~in^ -an "thing V -ed" (restricted)

These are to bases v/hich have local passives in the direct

meaning (Sec* 8*221l)*

nakahibaswu na ku kung qunsa y qismu ng tinagusqan "I already
know what your secret is." *V tasguq "be hidden"

10.2311 -in* -an to derived base (restricted)

qang sa:piq nga qastu ng pinaningkamu:tan disliq madaliq-

da:liq qug gastu "The money we earnLJUti* "which is the result
of our effort"] is not easily spent*" 1/ paningkasmut "exert

gitagatqan si lisna ni nasnay qug pinasku:han "Lena was given

a Christmas present by Mother*" "V pamasku "ask for Christmas
10.2312 ~in~ -an specialized meaning

^JcSiiSS.},SL3ik r a Q/usab ni:ya qang qitya ng pagdaqut "Her

being sick is her own fault-,11 V tusyuq "on purpose"

10,232 -in- »»an "person on whom T~ devolved" (restricted)

This meaning is to bases for which the local passives ha,ve

similar meanings (Sec* 8*2213)*
si tibuq maqu y pinyalan sa balay ni lawra "Tibo is the one
trusted in Laura's house*" "V piyal "trust"

gipapatay ni dumisyasnu qang manga binunyaigan "Domitian ordered

the Christians (baptized persons) to be killed." T~~ bunyag

10*2321 -in- -an to derived base


gisujgat sa masi:pa ng pakpak qang pinasidungga ng dinaipit

"The guest of honor was met with thunderous applause." V
pasidungug "honor"

10.2322 -in- -an specialized meanings

qang manga tinunqan sa sankarlus nangadtu s bugu The
students of San Carlos went to Bogo." V~ tuqun "study"

10.233 -in- -an "place at which IT" was done" (restricted)

qang pagbawgbaiv/ug sa sanga maqu y sinugdan s pagka>asliq

"The constant bending of the branch was the beginning of its being
broken." V""""" su:gud "start"

10.2331 -in- -an "place" to »»transient base (restricted)

kana ng kahu*ya ng qi:mu ng nakistaq maqu y kinututban sa

qa:ku ng yu:taq "That tree which you see is at the boundary of
my land." T~ ku:tub "limit"

10.2332 -la** -an "reason oft account of which" (restricted)

kaqu:sik sa qi:mu ng lujhaq maqu ra na y qi:mu ng hinilaskan

qusa ka buquk ra ng dulsi "What a waste of tearsI Is that all
you are crying about - a piece of candy?" V hi:lak "cry"

10.2333 -in- -an specialized meaning

iinwi 1 1 i l l • miijii r * n . n . •ii.rSrS • aum imn • mll iw II ~m. > >m» •

labi na kung waq. dihaq qang qi:ya ng manga ginikatnaji

magpu:nay la:mang siya g lingkud "Especially when his parents
were not there, he would just sit around all the time." V~"~
gi:kan "from" (it13)

10*234 -in- -anan (dead)

qang hagwaqhagwaq maqu y kasaga:ra ng sinugdatnan sa qatway

"Horseplay is usually the beginning of a quarrel." "V su:gud

10.2341 -in- -anan (**—-)

qusa ka bula:wa ng singsing maqu y kinupta:nan sa qiila ng

panaghinigugmaqay "A gold ring was the token of their love for
each other." TT~~ kuput "possess"

10.235 gin- -an or ging- -an (dead)

diha y pahibalu nga may qusa ka dakuq kaqa:yu ng qisdaq nga

midagsaq ngadtu sa qusa ka lungsud sa qusa ka % ginharisqan
"There was an announcement that a very big fish was washed ashore
at a certain town of a certain kingdom." V~~ ha:riq "king"

10.24 Nouns - p a r a l l e l to u n r e a l l o c a l p a s s i v e s
f 1
ito be >*
10.241 -an f "place where activity is! _-,-.,_!
held" (restricted) . .... Bft°^?AJ8iE *

10.2411 -an

tu:qud man gidatwat sa qinahan qang salapiq qug lakaw siya

ngadtu sa tinda:han "And so,the mother accepted the moneyt and she
went to the store*** V~*"~tinda "goods to be sold" (8#ll)

10.2412 -an (-** )

• Mil fill "gig. •!•—!!!•!.•

gisabli:gan ni:ya g tu:big qang baqiran "He sprinkled

water on the whetstone. " V — ba:qid "sharpen" (48*9)

qusa niqa:naq ka duminggu didtu si ba:kir sa bulangan "One Sun-

day, Baker went to the cockpit." V bu:lang "cockfight"
10.24121 -an (—>• ) to derived base

qang manga plastu tu:qa pa s panghugasan qug waq pa kapang-

huga:si "The plates are still in the sink and have not been
washed yet." V~~panghu:gas "wash"

qadtu ku s pangiadaqan kay tu:qa si tastay mangisdaq ^1 will go

to the fishing place because Daddy is there non^ fishing*" V"~"~
pangisdaq "to fish"

maqa:yu ng pahayahayan dinhi kay kusugkusug qang hajngin "This is

a good place to refresh oneself, for the wind is a bit stronger
here." V pahaya:hay "refresh oneself"

10.24122 -an (no shift) to derived base

qang qastu ng .gamay ng yu:taq maqu ra gayud qang qa:tu ng

kabuhi:qan "Our small parcel of land is our only source of
livelihood." "V kabu:hiq "live"

10.24125 -flfl fe—)

buqbusqi qang kalibasngan kay bahuq kaqa;yu "Flush the

toilet, because it smells very much." V kalibang "defecate"

10.2413 -an with specialized meaning

10.24131 -an (~^> )


mupalit ku g qusa ka parisa ng qi:tik s ka husi pajra qarku ng

pasanajyun "I will buy a pair of ducks at Joe's for breeding*11
V pa:ris "to pair" V parisan fta pair11

naglasqin qang qasku ng ginhawaqan pagkakitaq na:kuq sa duguqu ng

la:was sa duha ka ta;wu ng patay tfI felt sick inside when I saw
the bloody bodies of the two dead persons." V~~ginha:wa "to
breathe" T 'ginhawaqan "insides"
10#24152 -an (no shift)

tagajqi qang ba:taq qug dagha ng dulaiqan "Give the child

many toys," T du:laq "play"

qang kadi:na qug qang pissiq naghadyunghadyung sa:ma sa harsya sa

sakayan nga giqabutan sa subasku "The chain and the rope whizzed
like the guy rope of a boat overtaken by a tempest," TT sakay
"to ride" (67.8)

10,2414 r- -an (various meanings) (dead)

manga duguq qang miqasgas sa baqbaq duguq sa ba:buy nga didtu

sa tutunlan sasgul sa kaqugali:ngun ni:ya ng duguq "Blood rolled
from his mouth - the pigfs blood in his throat mixed with his own#"
' tulun " swallow" (66 ,14)

tanqa:wun na:tuq kung qunsa y dadanga; tan sa qi:mu ng binu:qa,ng.

"We shall see what your foolishness will oome to," IT"-datngat

10,2415 -an to nominal base

-an is a productive suffix to nominal bases in meanings

closely akin to the -an parallel to the local passive and is

treated in Sec* 10*27•

"J place where activity lis to be \ 1
10.242 -ananvl«S |is usuallyf held?"
(person on v/hom action devolves J


10,2421 No shift

10,24211 "Place^productive)

sa daplin sa subaq nga maqu y qagiqa:nan sa qi:la ng tu:yuq

sila padulung "They went towards the eige of the river where
the one they were looking for usually went by," v qatgi
"go by" (60.1C)

qinigquwan mana:gan da:yun sila ngadtu sa qakasya nga qi:la ng

silungasnan "When it rained they would quickly run to the aoacia
tree where they would take shelter." V pasi:lung (with an
alternant of the base without pa-) "take shelter"

10.24212 vNPerson on whom action devolves^frestricted)

qang manga sanlahun sa manda;wi maqu y hataga:nan sa manga

siminarista g pinasku:han "The lepers of Mandawe are usually
the ones given Christmas gifts by the seminarians." T ~ hastag

10.24215 To nominal base

qiqanhi qang qagiwa:nan kay manaba:kuq ku "Bring me the
ashtray for I am going to smoke." V qa*giw "ash from
cigarettes or cigars "

10.2422 ~anan (->) (restricted)

10,24221 *Place*

qang qi:la ng pilar maqu y qasmu ng sakqanan didtu s sibu

"Pilarfs place is where we usually lodge in Cebu." V^** saka

gilanit ni qinting qang qi:ya ng pinu:tiq nga dihaq qisya ng

gibi:tay sa hali:gi duqul sa qisla ng kanqanan "Inting quickly
pulled out his bolo which he hung on a post near their eating
place." V — ka:qun "eat" (55.14)

10«.24g22 ^Person*
karun nga walaq na qang qi:ya ng qinahan walaq na sab qang
qijya ng paray&anan "Now that his mother is gone, fone from
[the object
whom he gets hie affection! is also gone*" V~~ para:yig Mcaress"
of his affection [
10.2423 -anan "place" (•<—) (restricted)

layuq ba giskan dinhi qang kawsa:nan "Is the place where

you get water far from here?" T~ kalus "fetch water"

10.24231 ~anan to derived base

• m H in .iiii.i.» • iililii"*^*rii»li»T.4iiw i» .I.I • 1 II-I •

gidu:qaw sa manga ba:taq qang qitlugaxnan sa manuk qapan

walaq na didtu qang uianuk qug qang qi:ya ng manga qitlug uTh&
children visited the place where the chicken lays her eggsr but
the chicken, together with her eggs, was already gone." V
pangitlug "lay eggs" (base with alternant without £a|p)

10.24232 -anan (no shift) specialized meaning


di:liq maqu qang sukdanan nga qismu ng giga:mit "You used

the wrong measuring instrument." Y sukud "measure11
kanusnay si marijya mahi:mu ng sanfflita:nan sa kaku:gi "Mary
is always made an example of diligence." V p$i*$aglit "example1*
10.24233 ~anan (^—) specialized meaning

kini qang dukumintu nga maqu y barugaman sa qa:ku ng sumbung

"This is the document which is the basis of my complaint«" "V
barug "to stand"

10 ,24234 -in- ~anan (*g—) meaning the same as -aaaft (dead)

qang bala:ngay sa la:naw sa qi:la ng pagqabut maqu pa qang

•pinuyqasnan sa manga ha;yup nga lasangnun "Lanao at the time of
their arrival was still the home of junglft animals." Y~~ puyuq
"dwell" (51.6)

10.243 -1- -an

10.2431 To transient base "place where action isV„, ... r

held (productive)

10.24311 No shift
sakit sa balatisqan sa qusa nga kuha:qan sa qi:ya ng manga
butang nga wa y pananghid "It hurts one*s feelings if his things
are taken from him without asking permission." V ba:tiq "to

10.24312 -i-«an («-»)

disliq ku muqadtu karun sa tulunghaqan kay sakit qang qasku ng

qu:lu "I will not go to school today because I have a headache."
V tunghaq "attend school"

^10.24313 -1—an (*+-) / I

ttinqaw kaqa:yu sa qisya ng salabuJ*tan qang buqut qipasabut sa

tiguslang \ "It was very clear in hie mind what the old man meant*"
7""~ sabut "understand"

10,2432 -1- ~an with other meanings (productive)

10.24321 "Thing to be V—-ed"

daghan pa qang qa:tu ng tulunqan ba:hin sa kinabu:hiq "We

still have much to learn about life." V"""""" tuqun "learn"

J from i
10,24522 "Thingjfor J which something is V ~ed"
dakuq siya g galastuhan sa pagqiskuyla s qi:ya ng manga battaq
"He has big expenses for the schooling of his children/* V~~
gastu "spend"

10,24525 "Person for whom"

halabulan pa qang ba:taq kay diritsu ra ma ng natuslug nga
walaq hitagdi "We still have to put a blanket on the child
because he went to sleep unnoticed," V habul "wear a blanket"

Note that this base is a 33? from a nominal b®se (Sec. ^.10 ) #

10>24324 pag~ -1 5S (<*ead)

qang nahitabuq nagha:tag qug maqa:yu ng pagtulunqan sa qisya ng

qigsusqun "What happened gave her sister a good lesson#"
V tuqun "study"

10,244 -1- ~anan (—>») (restricted)

10+2441 To transient base

waq kami makapamaqu:liq dajyun kay waq ma y salakyanan "We
could not come home early because there was no transportation*"
V~~ sakay "ride"

human nisla g pamalit misulud sila sa qusa ka kalanqanan "After

shopping, they went into an eating place," V*" ka:qun eatw

10#2442 -].- ~anan (—&») meaning "thing to be V -eel" (dead)

daghan qang balayranan sa qusa ka tumatapus nga tinunqan

A graduating student has many things to pay for*" V~" baiyad

10,25 Nouns similar to instrumental passives

10,251 -in- nouns similar to instrumental (dead)

qang pagtahiq ni ng qasku ng karsusnis kinamut lang Icay walaq

mi makina "The sewing of my pants was done by hand because we do
not have a sewing machine," V kamut "hand"
10,252 Instrumental "thing with which to F"~tf

The instrumental noun has two shapes (besides shifts):

£ig«- -r- and gig- ~JL~* For some bases both affixes occur, and it

is a matter of style which is used, -l.~ is predominant in some


areas, whereas -.r- is more predominant in others* Other bases occur

only with -r- or only with ~jU.

10.2521 gig- ~r«» (restricted)

karangkal pagqijlis sa qi:mu ng sinisnaq nga qigtatrabashu

quban kana:kuq "Karangkal, change into your working clothes•
Come along with me # " (27.IO)

10.25211 gig* -r- (~r»»)

qambi ra gud na ng qigkukutaw sa qarmirul "Please hand me

that thing to stir starch with." TT~ kurtaw "stir liquid"

10.25212frig*.-r- ( « ~ )
kini ng trapurha qigbabassaq qug magtraspu s lamissa This
rag is used to make the table wet in wiping." V~~ basaq "wet"

10.2522 qig~ -2.- (productive)

kini maqu y qigtulusluk sa qisdaq qug magtapqan ku "I use

this as a spit when I roast fish over a fire.11 T~ tusluk "pierce"

10.25221 q j ^ — 2 l (-»)

hasqin man tu ng kawa:yan ng qigtuluhug sa karni "Where is

the bamboo used for skewering the meat?" "V tushug "to pierce

10.25222 qig- ->!- (^-)

paghwam kang qawring qug qigbala:til sa qitlug "Borrow

Aurora's eggbeater from her." V batil "beat (eggs or batter)"

10.253 Similar to instrumental passive in ablative meaniaig

Jto be \
"thing jhabitually/ T^-ed."
10.2531 qig- -r-

maqu na y qisya ng qigsusulti basta mangi:sug siya "That is

what he says if he gets mad." Y~*~ sulti "say something"

10.25311 qi*- ~r- (~>Q

kini ng libru:ha qaku ng qigtutunul ni prid qapan milarga

dajyun qang dyip "This is the book I was to hand * to ]?red#
but the jeep left right away." V tusnul "handM

10,25312 qi.g- ~r- (««-)

kini ng kuprassa qigsususlud pa ni sa:ku kay qipatimbang ni

ru ng ha:pun "This copra has to be placed in sacks yet because
it is to be weighed this afternoon*11 "V sulud "put into"

10.2532 ,^-j-jL- (-»)

maqu ba na ng libru:ha qang qi:mu ng qighalatag naskuq "Is

that the book you are going to give me?" V ~ ha:tag "give"

10,25321 gig- ~1- («~»») to derived base

du:na taq ku y qigpalangutana qapan natubag na man sa qi:mu ng

sulat "I had something to ask you, but it was already answered
by your letter/1 'V"~"panguta:na "ask (a question)"

10.254 Similar ^to^instrumental passive in meaning JLtjLme

to V~*- "

10t2541 qiff- ~r- (restricted)

wala y giqila ng taknaq qang magtiqasyun nga qigpapahmlay

"The couple knew no time for rest*" T*~ pahuslay "rest" f52«8)

10.2542 qig- -JL-

disliq pa run huatu ng qigqaladtu sini kay mudtu pa "It is

not yet time to go to the show because it is still noon." V""""
qadtu "go (to place far from speaker)"

10.25421 qig- -1- (—*)

karu ng qurassa maqu y qigtalarbahu sa manga tagapantalan

"This hour is the time the people at the pier go to work*" Y~~
traba:hu "work"

10.25422 qig- -1- (««—)

karu ng panahu:na maqasyu ng qigtulutbag sa manga dajqa ng

sulat "This is a good time to answer old letters." V ~ tubag

10.2543 qig- ~r~ or qig- -,1- extension of temporal meaning

"one desirous of Y~~_.Jl

This is used only with ginhaswa "breathe" ge subject*

qigqaladtu gyud ni ng qa:ku ng ginhaswa sa karnabal kay waq pa
ku kasulud bissa g kasqa "I ?;ant very much to go to the

carnival because I was never able to go, even once." V~~ qadtu
to go there"

10,26 -an to nominal base

The affixes -an in this section are closely akin in meaning

to the nouns similar to local passives* However, these are with
noun bases and do not have temporal meanings.

10.261 -an "place where activity is held" (for nouns which

are names of activity)

10.2611 -an (no shift) specialized meaning

sa panahun sa hapun dagha ng manga la:ki qang nangadtu sa

bulunta,ryushan qarun sa pagsilbi sa qisla ng yusta ng natawiian
"During the Japanese time, many men went to the place where
volunteers presented themselves in order to serve their native
land." V*~« buluntaryu "volunteer"

10o2612 -an (—>) (productive)

didtu sila magki:taq> sa baylihan "They met at the dance

hall." V — bayli "dance"
human sila mananqaw sa duslaq didtu sa baskitbulan nangadtu sila
sa sinihan "After seeing the games at the basketball court, they
went to the movies." T~ baskitbul "basketball" V sini

10.2613 -an (—y) specialized meaning (instrumental)

manga sya:quk sa manga kaslaw nga maqu y qurasan sa

tagaburkid maqu kanusnay qang masaswud sa qi:la ng dalunggan
"The cries of the hornbill which are the mountaineers1 timepiece
always filled their ears." V qu:ras "hour" (51#13)
(Specialization of place)
qi:ya ng gipadayun qang manga dumudusqung ngadtu sa hawanan MShe
bade the visitors to enter the sala." V haswan "clear space"

kana ng wa y susd nga kinhasun himusqu ng balayan sa qu:mang

"Those empty sea shells will be used as a shell by snails•"
V~ balay "house"

(Smpty -an (dead) )

qang bastaq naglingkud didtu sa hagdanan "The child was sitting
on the stairs." "V hagdan "stairs"

•pthing from which V~ is gotten*)

gang ba:ka ng gatasan ni kadyu gidala sa manga kawatan kagabi:qi
Kadyufs mileh cow was taken last night by thieves." V*~ ga:tas
10.262 *Place where V~ is found, .grown* kept or made"

10.2621 -an (-»» )

gipamatay nix la qang manga qilagaq didtu sa humayan "They

killed the mice in the ricefield.11 V~ humay "rice"

qug pagqabut ni:ya sa palasyu miqa:gi siya sa pultahan gipahu:nung

siya sa gwardya "And when she arrived at the palace, she passed
through the gate. She was stopped by the guard." V~ pulta
"door" V ~ pultahan "doorway" (11.3)

10.26211 Specialized meaning

-an (-^) is extended to mean "business of raising T~ "•

nagsulay sila g manukan qapan napakyas "They tried chicken

raising, but it failed." V~~ manuk "chicken" V~ manukan
"iSalaing chickens"
10.2622 -an (««r- )

qang buga % san wanqa y su:d "The rice container is already

empty." T~ bugas "rice (husked)"

10.2623 -anan "place where T~ is found" (dead)

waq mi magdahum nga dinhaq sa wala ma y naglukluk nga sawa s

balilinhan "We did not expect that there to the left of us would
be a snake in the balili grass." IT balili "a kind of grass"

10*26231 -an (<<--) specialized meaning

wa y kala:yu qang qabu:han "There is no fire in the stove«,f

Y~~ qabu "ash" x
10.263 -an (-»•*•») "place where V*** is sold"

sayu siya ng miqadtu sa qisdaqan qarun pagpalit qug bangus

"She went to the fish market early in order to buy milk fish#^
T ~ qisdaq "fish"
10#2631 -an («*~) "place where Y ~ is sold"
qang manga lalaski qadtu magpunduk sa tuba ? q an ni nisna
"The boys gather at Nenafs tuba store." V tubaq "palm todd?/"

10*264 "Part of the body where V is located ' (restricted )r

10,2641 -an (~»)

kinahangla ng garnistu ng qutukan sa bi:san qunsa ng traba;hu

"It is necessary to use the brain in any kind of work." Y*~*~
qu:tuk "brain11

10>2642 -an (4-»~)

nanakit qang luta:han sa tigu:lang kay bugnaw qang panahun

"The old manfs joints ached because it was cool." V~~luta

10.265 "Direction or vicinity of T? "(restricted)

10,2651 -an (—>-)

didtu sila matu:lug sa tiqilan sa qusa ka bu:kid "They

slept at the foot of a mountain." 1 tiqil "foot"
mili:ngiq siya sa likud milimgiq siya sa qi:ya ng kiliran
mitanqaw siya sa quna;han qapan walaq man siya y naki:taq "He
turned his head in back of himj he turned to his sidesj he looked
ahead of him,but he saw no one," V kixlid "side" (4#14)

sa habagatan maki:taq na:tuq qang qusa ka gamay ng puluq nga may

pangpang "To the south we can see a small island with cliffs#"
7 habatgat "southwest wind"

10f2652 -an («—) (dead)

dusna y gamay ng balay sa qatuba:ngan sa simbahan "There is

a small house across from the church,"(Lit*Jfon the place facing")
IT" qatubang "to face"

10.266 -ah (—>) "relation (older generation)" (dead)

qapan niqingun qang qinahan hwan qunsa gud na ng qi:mu ng

gisulti "But the mother said, 'John what is it that you are
saying?*11 V qina "mother** (8*2)

10*2? -an "group of 1/ ""

This affix is treated in Sec* 10,322*

10,28 -anan (dead)

sa pagkasal sa qasku ng manang waq mi hasguq kay

ta^ababayinqan man mi "At the wedding of my elder sister we had
no trouble, for we were members of the bjride!s family*" V~~"
ba:yi "female"

10,3 "Group or quaft&act&oft of'„' V*** (ffeiainal baa e)

10.31 ka^ -an (productive)

qang manga basbuy ha spit na lang musaka sa kabalayan "The

pigs would almost go into the houses," V balay "house"
10.311 ka- -an "place where V is found"
• n mil MI. mim£^T7n»mlu.m.l„mmTT, „ 1. n i« m i 1 •,. .„ » n,,, n . m m . n.n m 11 < 1 . ^. 1 mi I

With bases meaning plants or other objects found in nature the

ka- -an affix also has a meaning of "place where V~* is found" •

(Cf. Sec. 10.43.)

10.312 ka- -ajt| to transient base

mabassa mu qang kasaysa?yan sa pilipisnas didtu s libru ng

griguryu "You can read the history of the Philippines in
Gregory's book." V ~ saysay "narrate in detail"

10.313 ka- man to other bases (dead)

(to adjective base)

kini ng humasya didtu ni matanum sa kamadqein kay qispisyal nga

mas tang man ni "This rice was planted on dry land because it is
a special type." 1/ mala "dry"

(to nominal base)

gikarga qang qisla ng kabtasngan sa dakuqdafcu ng trak "Their

possessions were loaded on a large-sized truck." F~ butang

10.314 Specialized meaning

karun maqu na y katapussan niqisni ng sawasha miqingun si

sibyu "fNow this snake has met its end,f said Sebio." V
taspus "end"

10.32 ka- -an meaning "all of V " (restricted)

qang qisya ng pulueirt nga kulur kapi walaq na makaqatu sa

pagsinusyup sa maqasgad nisya ng singut nga midahisliq sa qi:ya ng
kalawatsan "His coffee-colored polo shirt could no longer absorb
all of the salty perspiration which rolled down his body*" 7
laswas "body" " (48*4)
nanakit qang qisya ng kaqunuran human sa tibuquk qadlaw nisya ng
trabashu "His muscles ached after a day*s work." IT qunud

10• 321 ka- -an V as a whole"

dagha ng balay sa kahilasyan sa rirlis "There are many dens

of vice at the railroad tracks." T~ hi:lay "vice"

10.522 ka- -an (no shift) to transient base specialized


human qatat m&kxzutm g k a t a h u s r a n sa h i i p i q i : y a da:yun qaku ng

g i s u l t i : h a n "After I g r e e t e d t h e c h i e f , he t o l d me immediately*#••"
TT~ tashud "respect" (63.8)

10.33 lea- -anan (**—) (dead) " a l l of T~ "

tinga:li nakasabut qusab sila sa kaguqul sa magtiqa:yun bu:saq

midu:yug sa qisla ng kasubqasnan "Maybe they also understood the
sorrow of the couple. Therefore, they joined them in their
sadness." V subuq "sad" (63#2)

10.331 ka- -anan " T ~ as a whole"

kini ng qi:mu ng bulpin disliq magpulus qisulat kay bagtuk qug

tintaq pisru may kapuslasnan pa ni kay mamaqasyu pa "Your
ballpoint pen cannot be used for writing because the ink has
coagulated, but it still is good (Lit..'has usefulness) because it
can be repaired." V pulus "use"

10.34 ka- -r- -an (dead)

sa kapunudqan sa pilipisnas qang mindusru ra qang may tamaraw

In the Philippine archipelago only Mindoro has wild carabao #tf
V ~ pusl&q "island"
10.35 Dead affixes meaning "collection of Y~~ "

10.351 gin- -an

qang manga ginsakuspan sa kapunusngan mipi:liq sa qijla ng

pangu:lu "The members of the organization elected their
chairman." "V saskup "member"

10.352 -an

wala y kukahadluk nga manungkab sa manga hayu:pan sa manga

taswu kanang batisqun na sa kagustum ^It had no fear at all to
steal the people1s domestic animals whenever it felt hungry*"
1 hasyup "animal" (56.16)

10.3521 -an (->)

may manga sundaslu ng hapun pa sa bukiran sa piulxjq Be, JuTaaBLg


"There still are Japanese soldiers in the mountain of Lubang

Island,tf V bu:kid "mountain11

10.4 Names of places

Most names of places are formed like nouns similar to local

passives unreal and are v/ith -an. (Cf. Sec s. 10.24 and 10#26 and

their 9MAiaftotioaa«)

10.41 £&- (restricted)

sa palixbut nakistaq nisya qang dagha ng buslak "Ee saw-

many flowers in the surroundings," Y~~ lisbut f,be around11

10.42 ka- -an (restricted)

hina:qut quntaq nga tusqa na siya sa kahitasqan "I hope she

is already in heaven•" V hitaqas "be high up"

10*43 ka- -an "place where a collection of "V is found"


qug midanguynguy sa hilabihan kakusug hangtud nga napuskaw qanf

tibuquk kasilinga:nan "And she wailed very loudly until the entire
neighborhood was awakened." V sili:ngan "neighbor" (19*14)

maqu nga gisuqutsu:qut ni:la qang manga kasapaqan qug manga

kanipa:qan "Therefore,they wound back and forth through the
creeks and the nipa groves*" V ni:paq "nipa palm" V*~~
sapaq "creek" (20.12)
10.451 ka- ^anan

gisuqutsusqut ni:la ng kalubihhan sa pagpamunit ni:Ja qug

pulak "They crisscrossed the coconut grove picking up' the fallen
nuts*" 1 lubi "coconut tree"

10.432 -un (dead)

didtu sa bayba;yun naghwat qang manga ta:wu "The people

waited on the beach*" V ~ baybay "beach"
10.5 Nouns formed from transients and adjectives

Nouns formed from transients with prefix ka- are described

in .Sec. 10.92.

10»51 Transient bases used as nouns

Cf. the discussion in Sec. 8.01.

10.511 Meaning "thing T ~~ed"

qilujguhna qusab qang qa:tu ng yu:taq mamaha:yu ng tubag
ni qinting nl0ur land will be taken from us agaixy Inting
answered regretfully"* V tubag "answer" (49*15)
tiqaw mu ba y mangi:taq qug dagha ng qipaka:qun qaslang sa qi*la ng
qanak nga dakuq au^l^iQun "Imagine looking for so much to feed
their child who had such a big appetite*" 1 ka:qun "eat"
10*5111 To derived bases
nasqa ba y qi:mu ng panguta:na ba:hin s pagbaihin s qa.tu ng
kayuta:qan "Do you have a question regarding the division ©Jf our
land?" V pangutama "ask"

midagsang qang manga huhungi:hung labi na gayud sa matuhuqtuhiiqun

nga kunu qang buqa:ya buhiq sa disliq qingun na:tuq "The rumors
multiplied especially among the gullible, that the crocodile was
a pet of one who is not like us." V huhungi:hung "whisper
about" (57*18)

10.51111 To bases with ka~

With stative bases when the meaning is "thing which has become
1 " f the base occurs without ka-,
qang yu:taq nalukup s dala& "The earth was coverer. with fallen
leaves." M "kadalag "become yellow"
10.5112 With specialized meanings

du:na y sulat nga miqabut giskan sa sasmar "A letter

arrived from Samar." IT sulat "write"

qusashay qang -pandasnud mu ra g hitsusra g ta:wu qusashay mu ra g

langgam "Sometimes the clouds resemble a man, sometimes a bird#M
Y~~ panga:nud "be driven along by wind or water"

10.512 Meaning "action of V "

labiha ng kata:wa sa hasriq "How the king laughed."

1/ kata:wa "laugh" CN "laughter" (12.7)

10.5121 "Action of V~-—" to derived base

milarlin sila ng magtiqa:yun nganhi sa yu:taq sa manga sa:qad

gumiskan sa hataqas nisla ng panganduy qug paglantaw sa
kaqugma:qun sa qisla ng kabatasqan "The couple migrated to the
land of promise because of their big yearnings and foresight for
the future of their children." "V panganduy "longer"

With stative bases (i. e.„ ka-) this meaning is very frequent.
Cf. Sec. 10.92 and its Bisections for examples.

10.5122 Base of transient with doubling or Culu-after

walaa x

This type has a specialized meaning "without any 1 at all1'*

&$• Sefi. 10.822 for examples.

10.513 Meaning "instrument for doing "V "

This type of formation is not so common as the other two

types; however, it is widespread enough to be considered

manga bushuq jiangaba:liq kanang mawiktan sa daw gabas nga qi:kug
"Bamboos broke as they were lashed at with his saw-like tail."
V~—gabas "saw11 (67 #4)

10.5151 To derived base

qusa na ka simasna ng tibawti:baw ni qinting sa qisya ng
panasgat "For one week now Inting had been visiting his fish
trap." V panaigat "fish" (62.1)

10.52 Transient base plus (—»)

10.521 Meaning "thing which has been V ~ed"

qadtu ku sa subaq run qarun manga:tang ku g qanud nga lubi

"I am going to the river'tarn to wait for tfe© drifted coconuts to pass
by to pick them up." V qa:nud "drift"

10.522 With stative base

karu ng tingqinit da^iang pulak sa kalubibfean "This coming

hot season there will be many fallen nuts in the coconut groves."
V" puslak "fall down"

10.525 Meaning "instrument for doing y—-*"

diq walaq muba:tiq sa bunal "So, he did not feel the clubs."
•V busnal "to club" (42.13)

10•5251 With specialized meaning

nanasqug qang vaananaggut kay natasgak qang qi:ya ng hurras
"The tuba gatherer came down because his cleaning stick ha,d
fallen." V hu:gas "clean"

10*55 Adjective base used as a noun (dead)

10.551 (**~)
miqabut sa ta:qas qang bathuq sa pat ay ng taliga:tus "The
dead mouse could be smelled upstairs*11 "(Lit,: "The smell of the
dead mouse reached upstairs *") V~"~taqas "high" V~~~ bahuq

10.552 a±- (-*-)

ngitngit kaqa;yu sa qila;lum sa daku ng ka:huy "It is very

dark underneath the big tree." 1 lalum "deep"

10*54 Qualifier forming noun (dead)

10*541 (-*-)
tu:qa si paspa s qibasbaw "Dad is j up/in the hillsLw
I | upstream r
1 qibabaw* "above" * J

10*6 ** Manner of action7'(productive)

10.61 -in- -an

katawqanan kaqa;yu qang qisya ng kinatawqan "His way of

laughing is very funny." V kata:wa "laugh"

maqu na y qi:ya ng tinanqan s qi:ya ng bu:buq qsnhaqra sigi s mabaar

kay hadluk siya g maqamud "That is his way of setting his fish
trap - always at the shallows because he is afraid it will be
swept away." V taqun "set a trap"

10*62 -in- -an ( —**) (productive)

makahulugasnun kaqa:yu kadtu ng qisya ng tinanqawan kaniimu

The way she looked at you was very meaningful." F ~ tanqaw

10*63 paff- (restricted)

mabinagqu:hun kaqa:yu ng qijya ng panaput "Her mode of

dressing is truly modern*" V saput "dress (clothes)"

nindut tanqa:wun qang panghayun ni lidya "Lydiafs way of

swinging her arms when she walks is nice to look at." V
h&ytstn "swing one's arms"

10*7 Instrument formers

Most instrumental-too nouns are formed, similarly to the

instrumental passives*, so that most of them are treated as nouns

similar to the passives, (Of . Sec. 10.25,) Those treated in this

paragraph are the irregular forms.

10+71 fia- (dead)

These are bases with pa- "cause "V to oneself" (Seq. 9*13

and subsections) used by themselves in an instrumental meaning

(Sec. 10.513 and 10.523).

gidalirtan siya g pabugnaw "She was served some refreshments.1*
V~~ bugnaw "cool"

10.72 paN-

Forms with this paN- are bases of transients used as nouns

meaning "instrument" ( Sees.10>513 and 10.523) for which the

other forms of the transient are not in use. (Cf. also in JSecu

10.721 paJU to transient base (dead)

qang sabu ng pirla maqatyu sa panglaba "Perla soap is good

for washing." Y~ laba "wash"
10.722 paff- to transient base "sense of V~ " (dead)

dakuqdakuqa qang qi:niu ng ti:ngug kay ditliq na maqaiyu

ftang qa:ku ng pandungug "Raise your voice a bit, for my sense of
hearing is not so good." V dungug "hear" (Note the irregw
ular alternant of paff-.)

daw mangalimyun qang duguq sa qa:ku ng panimhut "Blood seems to

give off a fragrance to my sense of smell." "V simhut "smell"
10.723 paN- "means of obtaining V~~ " to noun base (dead)

qiya:wat na lang nga may dusgang panalapiq qang panudlanan sa

baryu "It will be useful so that the barrio treasury might have
an additional source of revenue." V ~ salapiq "money"

10.75 hiN- "instrument" (dead)

midahi:liq qang maqasgad ni:ya ng singut sa qi:ya ng
kalawa:san bissan pa sa hina:bang sa hapu:nu ng hutu:hut gi*kan sa
nabantug nga muntiqapu "His sour sweat rolled down his body
despite the aid of the afternoon breeze from the famous Mi. Apo«M
1/— tasbang "help" (48*6)

10.731 hill- (-*—} "instrument" specialized meaning

n mi ii i i i ••HI. imi i i II»HIIII in, M I I i ii iiiniiiin • . • . • mM »i iiinmw • •iiniim • i ••• i inn •• i nim«

dala la g kuk pa:ra s hingu:haw "Bring along some coke to

to quench (your) thirst," V~~quhaw "thirsty11

10.8 Doubling and Culu-forms (productive)

10.81 Doubling meaning"something like F***ft

10.811 No shift
nagdu:waq qang ba:taq sa bagqu n i : y a ng tyaktrask "The
ohild i s playing with h i s new toy t r u c k / 1 V~ tra*k "truck 11
10.812 Doubling with (**~-)

nagbu:hat qang manga bastaq qug qusa ka balayba: lay nga

du:na y lawakla;wak "The boys made a playhouse which had small
rooms." V balay "house" V lawak "room"

10,815* Doubling with specialized meaning of "something like

10,8131 No shift
diq gud naq sila kinasal qug banaba:na lang naq si tiryu
"They are not really married^ and Tiryu is just her common*-iaw
husband," T~~ ba:na. "husband"
10,8152 (^~Q

bula:han si ni:na kay buqustan qang qi:ya ng qinaqisna

Nena is lucky, for her stepmother is kind#" V qina "mother"

10,8135 Doubling with meaning "one who"

(Cf. Sec. 10,173 for example.)
10.82 Culu- "something like V " (productive)

Some nouns occur with doubling, some with Culu- and some with

either. Nouns of three or more syllables occur with Culu»»»

Doubling and Culu- have the same meanings•

naghi:mu si ma:nuy g lulami;sa qa:lang kang ti:ta "Big Brother
is making a toy table for Tita." V~*~ lami:sa "table"

10.821 Specialized meaning >fsomething like V '"

nagkistaq si gi:nang bashaw qug qang quluqasaswa sa qisya ng

ba:na "Krs, Bajao met her husband1 s mistress." V qasasra

10.822 Doubling and Gulu- after walaq. j[

Extension of the meaning "similar to V ~ is used after

walaq plus y meaning "there frasl no V at all11* This is

used with nouns derived from transients meaning "action of V "

(Sec. 10.5122).
ginasmit qang tana ng kusug gihapak ni:ya qang kaqa,:way sa qi:ya ng
was say sa wala y kukalu:quy. "Using all his strength^ he beat his
enemy mercilessly with an ax." V kalu:quy "pity" (68*2)

10.85 Empty doubling

10.851 Bases that do not occur without doubling

daku g kasingka:sing si garni:lu "Gamelo has an enlarged
heart." V""7"* kasingkassing "heart"

10.8511 Names of plants and animals

qang tanganta;ngan maqa:yu ng tanum kay magasmit sa panambal
"Castor plants are good plants because they have medicinal value*1*
tanganta:ngan "castor plant"

pagkakitaq ni:ya sa daku ng tapaytapay sa banyu nahikurat siya

"She was startled upon seeing the large spider in the bathroom* "
V ~ tapaytapay "house spider"

10.852 To bases that occur without doubling in a different


mingtubag qang tungaq tu:ngaq qay manang qayaw pagsa:baq "The

middle sister answered, f Ay* Big Sister, stop fussing,1 " V"
tungaq "half"

10.9 Abstract noun formers

•I w 1 1 1 m 1 111 i i in 11 11 in mi 11 a

10.91 Nouns expressing quantity or quality

10.911 gi- -un (—»*) "degree of "V ~ness" (restricted)

With gi«» +&& • (—>•) occurs when possible.

nagpasalsal si q in ting sa ka saryu qug qingun kadakuq sa kumagkuq
sa kamut nga qasisru nga duha ka tiqil qang gitasqun "Inting.had
a piece of steel forged at Saryu1 s, which was as big as a thumb
and two feet in length*" 7 "* taqas "long" (59*9 )
10.912 ka- -un (*->*) to adjective base "degree of F~-ness"


ka~ *un (—*•) has the same meaning as gi* *un and is used

with nearly the same bases*

pari:hu g kagulan&un qang qa:ku ng qamahan qug qang qinahan ni husi

My fatherfs age is the Same as that of Josefs mother," V
gu:lang "old"
10.913 paN- "way in which V*""" is" (to noun base )
This usage is restricted/with noun bases, but is produotive

with transient bases used as nouns (Sec. 10*512).

dalaygunqang pamasnit ni qinday "Inday's complexion is adm±~

rable." T pasnit "skin"

di:liq larmang maqasyu qang pangu:tuk ni linda kun diq nindut pa

gayud qang qi:ya ng panitngug "Linda not only has intelligence,
but she also has a nice voice." V qu:tuk "brain" V~
ti:ngug "voice"

10.9151 paN- to derived noun base

gitudlusqan siya sa qisya ng ginikasnan sa maqatyu ng

pamatassan "His parents taught him good manners," V ~ bataisan

qang pangutukan ni risal disliq mala:lis "Riza^s intelligence

oannot be disputed." V qutukan "brains"
10.914 tapa- (~^»Q "up to the V " (productive)

tagatuhud qang tu:big sa karsa:da "The water in the streets

was up to the knees." *V tu:hud "knee11

10,92 "State of being TT~ "

This is the base of transients with an affix ka- (Sec." 9#3)

used as a common noun meaning "state of being V~~ ". (Cf# dis-

cussion of Sec, 8.012t)

10.921 ka- (to adjective base) (productive)

Bases with this prefix enter the stative conjugationt 3603 0

9#3 and 8.33.
gitanqaw niya qaxig s m b qang kaha:qit qug kahasmis niqirni

miqasmag "He looked at the blade; its sharpness and smoothness M

gleamed/1 V""~ hasqit "sh&rp!i Y~~ hatmis "smooth" (48*12)

10,9211 k&- to phrases

tungud sa qisya ng ka wala y hinungda ng pagkata:wu wa y

nalusquy kanisya "Because of his being a good-for-nothing
person, no one took pity on him." T~~ wala y hinungdan "there
is no usefulness"

10*9212 ka- to transient base

haspit mabusqang si qinting sa kaguqul "Inting almost went

crazy with sorrow." "V kaguqul "be sad" (55»10)

10.92121 ka- plus base « base alone (dead)

With certain frequent bases the base alone is used in the same

meaning and construction as ka- + base.

walay kukahadluk nga manungkab sa manga hayuspan sa manga taswu

kanang batisqun na sa fkagustum? maqadlaw kun magabi:qi "It had
I ^ru s turn j
no fear to steal the peopled domestic animals whenever it fft&t
hungry day or night." V gustum "hungry" (56.16)

10.92122 ka- (^*-) (dead)

sa qu:na ng kama:tay namatudqan nga kulira y nakaqingun

"In the first wave of deaths it was confirmed that cholera was the
cause." T~~ matay "die"

10.9213 ka- to derived transient base

(ka- to base with hi*-)

mikasgiw siya tungud sa daku ng kahiqubus "She ran away because

of her deeply hurt feelings," V~~~qubus "down"

(ka- to base with empty hi!?-)

waq man siya y mahismu qarun siya makapangistaq qug makatasbang

sa qastu ng kahimtang "There is nothing he can do in order to
earn something that can help us in our situation." F~~himutang
"place" (30.4)

(ka- to base with -in-)

disliq matuskib qang ka,hinangup nga qisya ng gibastiq "The joy


she f e l t was unknowable* 11 V hinangup !,

be overjoyed 11

10,9214 ka- to derived adjective base

(ka~ to base with ~anun)

pahimusli karun qang qi:mu ng kabatanqun "Make use of your

youthfulness now," V~~ batanqun "young11

(ka- to base with -jL- -un)

qang kabililhun sa qi«ya ng dtingug di:liq kabayluqa g salaptq
The priceiessness of her virtue carmat be exchanged for money**"
V bililhun "having value"

(ka- to base with ma- -un)

qang kamabinagqu:hun sa qa:tu ng kababayinqan nakapaquswag sa
qa:tu ng na:sud "The modernism of our women has improved the
country." V mabinagqu:hun "fond of new things"

(fca- to base with -an)

bantug sa tibuquk na:sud qang kakusgan ni tisnu "Tino's strength
was known throughout the nation*" V kusgan "strong"
10.922 pagfca- (productive)

10. 9221 pagka- to adjective base *» (fca-)

This is the abstract to potentials formed to adjective bases

(jtec. 8.33).
may pagkatabunuk ni ng yuta:qa "This land is somewhat fertile."
T~ tabunuk "fertile"

10.92211 pagka- to derived adjective base

(to base with -un)

kali:guq dihaq quy makaququslaw ng qi:mu ng pagkabulingun "Take

a bath! Your dirtiness is shameful!" Y*~ bulingun "dirty11
may pagkabaqba:qun qang qasku ng qasa:wa "My wife is somewhat
talkative." "V baqba:qun "talkative"

10.9222 pagka- to noun base (productive)

This is the abstract to potentials formed to noun base

(Sec. 8.333) with the meaning shifted to "being *V ".


qang qi:ya ng pagkaha:ra maqu y nakapagarbu kani:ya "What made

her stuck-up was being chosen queen." Y~~ ha:ra "queen11
10„Q2221 pagka- to derived noun base

(to base with -iru)

waq siya makuntintu sa qi:ya ng pagkakahisru la:mang "He was not
contented with being nothing more than a cashier." Y*~~ kahitru

(to base with ~JL- *-u*$

gilaqa:yan na siya sa pagkasulugu:gun sa qi:ya ng kaqugali:ngu ng
balay "She was tired of being a servant in her own home*11 V~~
sulugu:qun "servant"

10*925 panag- "state of being V with someone else" (dead)

These are abstracts corresponding to the type of Seos» 10#182

and 10•183*
mata:pus gyud qang qa:tu ng panaghiga:la kung di:liq mu bakwi:qun
tu ng qiimu ng gisulti ng mari:yaM0ur friendship will sure 3y end ifjDU
do not take back what you told Maria." V*~ higasla "friend"

10,924 ka- -ajx ( < — ) "quality of V " (to adjective base)


qang qi:ya ng kadali ng masukuq maqu y qusa ka kasukwahiioan

sa qisya ng pamata:san "His irritability was not in harmony with
his manner." V ~ sukwahiq "contrary"

10.9241 ka- -an (<—) to derived adjective base

(to base with -an )

qangayan ka ng magpasalaimat sa kabulahatnan nga mida:ngat
kani:mu "You should give thanks for the fortune that has oome
to you." V bula:han "fortunate "

10.9242 ka- -an (<—) to adjective base specialized meaning

maqa:yu kunu qaku ng muqimbintu qug katarumgan "He said I

was very good at making up explanations." V~~ tasrung
"straight" (65*8)

10*9243 ka- »an (<—) to transient base

nagkalaqinla:qi ng katalagman qang mipulipu:li pagbaibag sa

qi:la ng kalampu:san "Various calamities one after another barred
their success," "V lampus "succeed11 (54»4)
10,925 kina- «»an "superlative" (productive)

10.9251 To adjective base

qug didtu sa kinatasqa ng ka:huy gidala qang pisuq sa banug
"And the hawk brought the chick to the highest tree." V ~ taqas
10.9252 To nonad.iective base

miqabut na ta sa kinatungqan sa qa:tu ng pa:naw "We have

arrived at the halfway point of our journey," V tungaq
"middle" (Lit,; "middlemost?)

10.9253 ka- -an superlative (dead)

siya y kama&ula:ngan sa qi:la ng ba:nay qug kani:ya nasandig

qang pagqatiman sa qi:ya ng manga manghud "He is the eldest in
the family, and on him rests the care of his younger brothers and
sisters," V~~ magulang "person older than someone"

10.93 pag- (productive) (to transient base)

binuhiq qu di:liq walaq gayud makatibhang sa pagdumut ni

qinting "Enchanted or not, it could not lessen Inting1s hatred#n
M— dumut "hate" (58.13)
10.94 Bead formations of abstract nouns
10.941 ka- -anan (<<--)

(This form has n e a r l y the same meaning a s k a - -anan of Seo«

tungud kay walaq na ma y lunaq sa yu:taq nga qipangha:tag sa
kagamha:nan maqu y nakapugus ni:la ni qinting sa pag$*mtf" sa
dyu:tay ni:la ng baslun qarun qikaba:yad sa qusa ka lunaq nga
yu:taq nga qisla ng napalit "Because there were no more lots
which the government could give, Inting and his family were forced
to use the little money they had brought, in order to pay for a
piece of land which they bought," V gahum "power (52#2)

10.942 ka 1- - a n
• M—J—Utmrnm lift • — — J —

nagkalaqinla:qi ng katalagman qang mipulipu:li pagba:bag sa

qi:la ng kalampu:san "Various calamities took turns in barring

their success." V tagam "learn from bitter experience*

10.945 -1- -an l

walaq mutu:gy.t qang q i : y a ng galamhan nga magbu:hat sijfa g

daqutan His cor%cience d i d n<|t permit him to do something bad*'1
V gahum "power*. ^
10•944 - i n - -an
i TTT i i ii —TiffiT

qang kinaqadman gahum "Knowledge is power/1 V kaqailam


10.945 paN- -an

'Mm u ' mil' II in ii»• m i .

qang qi:mu ng hulagway gitanum ku na sa qa:ku ng panumduiman

I implanted your image- in my memory/ 1 V ~ dumdum "recall'1
10*946 gim- - a n
"•ni'ih.i in , i|> inrWBTWIiiini 11 HI i f T f * V ,

disllq ku masu:pak kana ng suguxqa kay maqu na y gimbutqan

sa qa:tu ng ha:riq "I cannot go against that order because that
is the will of our king." *W buqut "will"

10.947 paN- -un

pila na man qang panuqi;gun niqadtu ng bayha:na "How old

do you think that woman was?" V tu:qig "year"

10.948 hiN -an

qang makalulu:quy nga kamunggay napu:kan nga walaq qintaiwun

inasa:yud sa hinungdan "The pitiful kamunggay tree fell, poor
thing, without knowing the cause." V *~tungud "reason of"
10*949 tingf- -an
wala y kala:ki ng tarbahu:qa naq kay walaq ta y
tingqusba:wa ng mahimuq "That job is no good because we can
make no progress." "V qusbaw "increase"

10.94.10 ka- -un "state of" (dead)

tungud sa manga pangiliyu:puq qug luhudlurhud ni dwardu ng

miriku naluwas siya sa hinana;ling~kamata:yun "Because of the
implorations and kneelings of Duarduf the folk doctor, he was
saved from sudden death#" V matay "to die" (58*9)

10.94.101 ka- -r- -un

qang kabubutqun s ta:wu mu ra g kadunggaxnan mahal qapan


di:liq mapalit "A manfs good ?;ill is like honor- dearf but
oannot be bought." 1 buqut "will"

10.94»102 ka- -^- -un

maqu nga walaq madu:gay qang manga ginika:nan maqu ra g

miba:tiq sa kahapdus tungud sa kawaladqun "Therefore, it was not
long before the parents seemed to feel the sting of poverty'*"
T^-walaq "none" (26.f)

10.94*11 T>aniN~

nali:pay qusab qang qi:ya ng ginikajnan quban qang pagtuiqu

nga qadu:na na sila y qikatasbang sa panimalay "His parents were
also happy with the thought that now they had a helper in the
household." V balay "house" (l»4)

10.95 Other miscellaneous dead formations

10.931 -tig- -us (^-)

qang kang disduy ng tigbalaiyun gipalit ni qisyung qug mil

syiti "Isiong bought Didoyls • house frame for a thousand! seven
hundred." V balay "house"

10.952 tig-

qang tigka:huy nga qi:mu ng gihi:pus gipanga:wat sa manga

luqug "The savages stole the logs you have gathered." V*"""""
ka:huy "wood"

10*953 paff-

qang pami:tay sa sunuy kasaga:ran pula "The wattles of a cook

are usually red." V ~ bi:tay "hang"

10*954 Isolated forms of transients used as nouns

Note that §&£§• 10.182 and 10.183 are also isolated forms

of transients.
10.9541 ma-

pagpalit ngadtu g maka:qun bi:san cunsa y qi:mu ng gustu hala

palita "Go buy something to eat. Whatever you want, go aheadj
buy it." V~~ kasqun "eat,f (7#14)
10*9542 jpa^-

may manga pagka.qun sa tyanggi nga bare*tu maduminggu kay

ta;buq raan "There is food for sale cheap at the market on

Sundays because it is market day." 1 ka:qun "eat"

10.9543 ka -an (dead)

dirliq siya musulud niqa:na ng trabahujqa kay gamay ra na g

kasapi:qan f,He will not take that job because he can get little
money out of it.M T~~ sa.jpiq "money"

10.9544 -um-/mu- (dead)

nanginabushiq sa d a : g a t qang mangaJl.umuuyuqt sa tapyahan

"The people who live on the seashore make a living by the sea#"
T~ *[lupyuq] "1 ive"

10*955 -l£-

kuhasqa qang dina:gum sa ba:taq kay malamuy nyaq naq "Get

the pin from the child because he might swallow it."' V*"~ da:gum
qisla ng giqi:haw qang manuk qug gi$usi:sa qang tinasqi pagtanqaw g
qunsa y nakaqingun sa qixya ng dinaga:qang "They killed the
ohicken and examined the intestines to see what was the cause of
his fever." V ta:qi "feces"

10•956 kina- -an

naghulat sila sa qusa ka qawa:qaw ng ba:hin sa kinasangqan sa

manga da:Ian qurbima qug pati:nu "They were waiting in a
deserted spot at the intersection of Urbina and Patino streets*"
V sanga "branch of a road"

.10#10 "Time (for something which occurs regularly)"

10.10.1 ka- -un (restricted)

qug sa pagqabut gayud sa may manga qalas tris qang taknaq sa

kahapusnun sa sunud nga qadlaw dihaq na y daghan kaqa:yu ng salapiq
And by the time three o'clock in the afternoon of the following
day had arrived,there was already very much money*" F"" haspun
"afternoon" (15-13)

10.10,2 ka- -an (dead)

sabadu qang kahulu:&a.n sa qa:tu ng kasal "Our wedding falls

on a Saturday." 1— hu:lug "fall"

10.10.21 ka- -an (-~>0 ka- -anan (—>•)

qunyaq sa-/ Lsa pangi:lin ni sanbisinti hailus


tana ng balay magqishaw g ba:buy "Then on the day of the feast

of Saint Vincent almost all households will slaughter a pig#ft
TT~ qadlaw f,dayff

10,10.22 -an "time of V— " (dead)

This is a specialized usage of the adjectives of the types

described in Sec. 11V52 and its subsections'*

<?&dla:wan na maqu pa y pagpaqu:liq ni qisyut sa dalipugaq

"Esyot did not return to Dalipuga until it was already daylight;11
TT~ qadlaw "sun11

10.10.3 Jbali- (dead)

This is an extension of tali- See, 10*159 "about to TT*" " #

talicmdtu na*sa qa:mu ng pagqabut sa lungsud "It was already just

a little before noon when we arrived in town." V~~ qudtu "noon"

- !' regular time! *

10.10.4 ting-1 season J of (productive)
qug daghan qang manga ginika:nan nga magpahimulus niqisni ng
kahadluk qarun sa pagpasulud sa qi:la ng manga kabata:qan sa baiy
sa panahun nga tingsawmsum na "And many parents make use of this
fear to make their children come into the house at the time when
twilight sets in." Y*~ salumsum "twilight" (24.5)

sa tingadlaw qang gri:pu dyuttay ra g tu:big bu:saq qa:ngay ng

magdagi:nut ta s tu:big "During lie hot season the faucet has little
water, so we should use as little water as possible." V qadlaw
"sun" (Note alternant of qadlaw without "£" •)

10.10.41 ting~ (-«**> ) (restricted)

tingbunga na karun sa mangga "It is the mango eea&6u*riow#"

"V bu: nga " frui t"
10.10.42 ting- («r—) (restricted)

di:liq maqa:yu ng qipangali:guq sa tingba;lud "It is not

good to bathe during the season of big waves." V balud "waves"

10.10.45 ting- to transient base (restricted)

human qug panghispus sa qinahan misu:d siya qarun sa

pagpasussu sa bastaq kay panahun na ni:ya ng tingkaqun "After
the mother had cleared away the things, she went in in order to
feed the baby because it was feeding time now." "V kasqun
eat" (19.7)

10.10.5 paR- "harvost of thc^yoar" (dead)

daghan ta g masa&ggiq kay panilsqig run "We will harvest

much corn because it is the time of Ithe first harvest of the year*"
V"* tujqig "year" *

Cf. also pan^uli slang: "second harvest", paninyur "third harvest11,

10.10.6 tali" "season of" (dead)

taliquslan karun "This is a rainy time of the year."

V"~"" qulan "rain"

Summary Outline of Chapter Eleven t Affixes with Adjectives

11# 0 Introduction
11*1 Descriptive adjectives

11.2 Adjectives meaning "fond of V— "

11*3 Adjectives meaning ^characterized byl V*~ "
1having J
11*4 Adjectives meaning "manner of"

11•5 Doubling and Culu-

11.6 maka- •£- "causing r to a great extent"

11#7 Dead adjective formations

11#8 Affixes to numeral base

11#9 Derivative affixes forming qualifiers


Outline of Chapter Eleven : Affixes with Adjectives

11.0 Introduction

11*1 Descriptive adjectives

11.11 ma- to adjective base (productive)

11.111 ma- to bas&s which do not occur without prefix

when used as an adjective (dead)
11.112 With specialized meaning (restricted)

11.12 ma- (-*0 "fond of r * "to T base

11.13 ha- "V~ to strong degree"

11.14 -£- plural former (to adjective base) (restricted)

11•141 , -g- "several things T~ from each other" (adjective
base) (restricted)

11.142 -g- used for singular or plural

11.143 -g- used only in derivatives

11.15 (-*•)
11.151 (—>-) plus T base forming adjectives

11.1511 (-">") specialized meaning

11.152 ( ~*pr) noun base

11.2 Adjectives meaning "fond of V ~ " (productive)

11.21 Shape hiN- "fond of doing V— "

11.211 hiN- to transient base (restricted)

11.212 hiN- with optional (*-^) to transient from noun
base "fond of doing V~~ " (restricted)

11.2121 hiN- to noun base meaning "fond of V~ " (dead)

11.213 hiN- ( - > ) (dead)

11.214 hiN- H ? ~ ) (dead)

11.215 hiN- -un "fond of doing V~ " (dead)

11.2151 hiN- -un

11.2152 hiN- *un (-*-)


XI.22 -iru (-*-)

11.221 -iru (•*- ) specialized meaning
11.23 pala- "usually V~~-ing as a habit" (restricted)
11.251 pala- (no shift)
11.232 pala- (~*~)
11.233 pala- (-^-)
11.24 maki- "fond of V— "
11.241 maki- to noun base (productive)
11.25 ma- (->-) to T base "always doing V ~ " (restricted)
11«3 Adjectives meaning ^characterized by
Shaving '}
11.31 -anun to noun base meaning
" /"person or object from \ T~~ "
j like person or object firomf
11»32 "person or thing having IT* " (to noun base)
11.321 -an (productive)
11.3211 -an specialized meaning
11.3212 -an (-^~) specialized meaning
11.322 -anan (productive)
11#323 -un "having T~ " (productive)
11.3231 -un (no shift)
11.3232 -un (-*»)
11.33 "having the quality of T/—
11.331 -an (->-) (productive)
11.3311 To adjective base
11.3312 To transient base "characterized by doing Y*~ "
11.332 -an to adjective base (to greater degree than
expected or desired) (dead)
llt3321 -an to adjective (no meaning) (dead)

11.3322 -an (->-*) shifted meaning

11.333 -un "having the quality of V -ness" (productive)

11•3331 -un to adjective;base

11.3332 -un (-^)

11•3333 -un to noun base

ll.33331 -un to noun base specialized meaning

11.3334 -un (—^) to noun base

11.33341 -un (->•) "something gathered in the V"*

11.3335 -un (->-) to numeral base "worth Y*~ apiece"


11.33351 iaaN- -un (-*-) (dead)

11.3336 -un "cock colored like V~" ff (dead)

11.34 -anun (*•£--) to noun base (productive)

11.341 "having the quality of TT~ "

11.342 -anun (*~* ) "with specialized meaning

11.35 ma- -un "having the quality of V " (productive)

11.351 ma*- -un to adjective base

11.3511 To derived adjective base

11.35111 To base with -in-

11.35112 To doubled base

11.3512 ma- -un (->-) (dead)

11.3513 ma- -un («*e-) (dead)

11.352 ma- -un to transient base

11.3521 ma- -un to derived T base

11.3522 ma- -un (-^) to T base

11.3523 Specialized meaning

11.353 ma- -un noun base

11.354 ma- -lrv~un to transient bases (restricted)


11•355 Dead type with ma- -un

11 #3551 ma- -1- -un

11.3552 ma- -cr- -un

11.356 ma- -anun (-*-) (restricted)

11.3561 Specialized meaning

11.3562 ma- -in- -anun (dead)

11.35621 ma- -in- -anun (*«*-)

11.3563 ma- -in- -unun (<^~)

11.357 mangel- -un (to T base) (restricted)

11.3571 manggim- -un (to T base) (dead)

11.3572 * manggl«« -an (to T base) (dead)

11.358 maki- ~un "V -minded" (dead)

11.3581 maki- -un specialized meaning

11.5582 maki- -anun "TT* -minded" (dead)

11.4 Adjectives meaning "manner of"

11.41 -in- "in a V"~ way (productive)

11.411 To adjective base

II.4III -in- to derived base

11.412 To* noun base

11.415 Specialized meaning

11.4131 "way of speaking"

11.4132 Other specialized meanings

11.414 -in- (-*0

11.4141 To adjective base

11.4142 To noun base

11.4143 -in- (->*) specialized meaning

11.42 **in- -an to adjective base only


11.5 Doubling and Culu-

11*51 '^somewhat \ V " (productive)

seems } tf
11 *511 Culu-in meaning of "somewhat V

11.512 Doubling (—+»)

11.52 "more V " (productive)

11.521 Doubling (-5**)

11.522 To nonadjective base

11.5221 Specialized meaning with (->*)

11*53 Specialized meaning

11.54 Empty doubling

11.6 maka- «r~ "causing T ~ to a great extent" (restricted)

11.61 maka- -r- (no shift)

11.62 maka- -r- (-«s~)

11.63 maka- -a?- («**•*-) to nonstative T base (dead)

11.7 Dead adjective formations

11.71 Affixes similar to passives used to form adjectives

11.711 -1- -un

11.712 ~1- -unun specialized meaning

11.713 hi- -A- -SB

11.72 Affixes forming agent nouns used to form adjectives

11.721 maN- -r- (-*«-)

11.73 «**&& (^awu^ (*—)

11.741 -ay (**-) (no meaning) A o adjective base)

11.742 -aj to Q base

11.8 Affixes to numeral base

11.81 t a g - (forms numerals) "each, apiece"


11.811 tag- to adjective base

11.8111 tag- ( ->•) to adjective base

11.812 tagi- (dead)

11.82 ka- -an (->-) V"*"~-ty" (numeral formers)

11.83 qika- "ordinal former"

11.84 -an (dead)

11.85 ka- (maka-)

11.86 -unC"to take V~

- a 7*make i t TT
11.87 Affixes for amount of money

11.871 -un ( * ^ ) 1) " V ~ p i e c e , b i l l "

2) , f T ^ apiece 1 1

ff n
11.872 JmaN- - u n | V j j t V^
maN- -un|VT| b i l l 1 1 (dead)
maN-T ^ » ) y
,f ,f
11.873 dya- b i l l worth V~ (dead)

11.9 D e r i v a t i v e a f f i x e s forming q u a l i f i e r s

11.91 - i n - (-~^) "by t h e , i n groups of "

11.911 To nominal base

11.912 To a d j e c t i v e base ( a d j e c t i v e s meaning " q u a n t i t y " )

11.913 To numerals

11.9131 S p e c i a l i z e d meaning
11.92 Doubling and Culu-<*forms"
s"[every T
Iby thej
11.921 Doubling
11.922 Culu-

1 1 *93 q i n i g - . q i g - . pag-
"lilliiiii (11I1111I1111 n ' I'JiJili 1 1 in TiyTTWni.

11.94 maka-/ka- ( t o numerals)


Chapter Eleven? Affixts with Adjectives

11,0 Introduction
Adjectives are formed to underived transient, nominal and
adjectival bases. Adjectives are also formed to derived transient
b$ses with pa- and paN-« A form is considered an adjective if it
occurs preceded by ka- in exclamatory sentences (Sec* 3«6l) ai*C
occurs in the predicate. Cf• the discussion Sec.8*Oil"«' For the
criteria for determining the base cf# Sec* 9*0*1*
11*1 Descriptive adjectives

11*11 ma- to aajective base (productive)

Note that bases in this section do not occur with ha-

(Sec* 11*13) except luqag* The bases with ma- mean

"to ? — to a strong degree11 (This prefix is formal.)

qusa ka nga pahiyum qang mikiwlq sa qi:ya ng manga ngaibil

"His lips twisted into a bitter smile*" V"~ paqit "bitter11
11*111 ma- to base which do not occur without prefix when

used as an adjective (dead)

sa:ma sa wala y nahitabuq qang buhuk wajaq mana:ngit

maflaryu ng pagkaputul "As though nothing had happened his hair did
not catch* It was well cut*" V~~~ maqasyu "good" (48i*17)

11*112 With specialised meanjjjig (restricted)

maga:hiq ku ng tugtan qikaw sa qi:mu ng gihangyuq "I am

reluctant to grant you your request*" V" ga:hiq "hard"
11*12 ma- («~»») "fond of I T to T base

Cf. Sec,. 11.25.

11*13 ha- "V to strong degree"

Note that bases in this group do not occur with ma-

(Sec * 11*11) except luqag* Adjectives of this group are those

meaning measurements* "far, near* deep, wide" and the lil?e#

mlla:lin sila ng magtiqasyun ngannx sa yustaq sa/sa:qad gumixkan sa
hataqas ni:la ng panganduy qug paglantaw sa kaqugma:qun sa qitla ng
kabatasqan "The couple migrated to the land of promise because of
their high yearnings and foresight for the future of their chil~
dren#" V ~ taqas "high" (§1*3)
11*14 -g- plural former,(to adjective base ) (restricted)

Adjectives of this group use those meaning size, measurements,

distances and the like*

sa diha ng ha spit na nisla mahurut pagpamislay qang manga dagfcu ng

ka:huy qug haspit na malukup qug tanum. sa qabaka qang qisla ng
yustaq mibuthuq si mistir qalug "When they had cut almost all of
the trees and when most of their land had been planted with abaoa,
Mr, Alog appeared." V dakuq "big" (52.12)

H.141 -g- "several things V~~~ from each other" (adjective

base; (restricted)
kini ng qismu ng manga lubi dugqul kaqasyu ng pagkatanum
"Your coconut trees are planted very near each other." V*""~
duqul "near"

11.142 -g;- used for singular or plural

kinixjg kalyisha pigqut kaqasyu qug disliq maqasyu ng

pagkaqispaitu "This street is very narrow and not well paved*11
V pisqut "narrow"

11.143 -£- used only in derivatives

jralaq siya kapugung sa qisya ng gibastiq qug nanibugquk qang

lushaq sa qisya*ng manga mata "He was not able to control his
feelings and tears welled up in his eyes." V tibuquk "whole"

11.151 (**&«) plus T base forming adjectives

tulug na kaqasyu si listu "Lito is very sleepy now." 1

tuslug "cause to sleep"

11.1511 (—^) specialized meaning

kadaqut niqasna ng bataqasna quy "How thin that child isJ"
V dasqut "ruin"

11.152 (***»;) noun base

I t i s c o n s i d e r e d t h a t nouns aro formed t o adjective bases* (OfV

Seq. 10.534

11 .2 •Pond of V — " (productive)

11 ,21 Shape MS- ''fond q£ doing y — it

11 .211 hiN- (to transient base) (restricted)

qiquban nganhi qang hinasyaw mu ng higa:la "Bring along your

friend who is fond of dancing.11 V 7 sa:yaw "dance"

11.212 hiN- with optional (—-$•) to transient from noun base

"fond of doing "V " (restricted)

Cf. Sec. 9#10.1 for the meanings of nouns used as bases to


eus/hinapiq t kaqa:yu na s dyasni bi:sa g qami:gu mu kaqa:yu

hina :piQj
pangwarta:hun ka gyud kay diq man ka muyawyaw "My, how money**
minded Johnny ist Even though he is a good friend, he will be
sure to charge you more than usual because he knows you will not
make a fuss." (Lit.: hina;piq "fond of obtaining money") 1
sa:piq "money" (used as base to transient base) "obtain money"
11.2121 hiN- to noun base meaning "fond of V — " (dead)

nagla:gut siya sa hina:bung nit^a ng ba:na "She was angry

with her husband who was fond of cockfighting." V ~ sa:bung
sugut ra na ng batqa:na g wa y sudqansudqan kay hingluttuq naq siya
"That child makes do without any side dishes because he is fond of
cooked rice." Y~~ lu:tuq "cooked rice or cooked corn grits11

(to derived noun base)

nahiba:wu sila nga disliq sila maglissnd pagsulud sa balay kay qang
magtiqa:yun hingatulgun "They knew that they would have no
difficulty getting into the house because the couple was fond of
sleeping." *V katulgun "one who is sleepy"

11.21? hiN- (->»») (dead)

qang qa:mu ng magtutudluq himasa g libru ba:hin sa

panglantu:giq "Our teacher is fond of reading books about
debating." M ba:sa "read"

11.214 hiN- (^-) (dead)

kana ng tawha:na pirmi ng musulti g bakak hima:kak siya

"That man always tells lies. He is a liar#" V""~ pamakak
"tell lies"

11.215 hiN- -un "fond of doing V— " (dead)

11.2151 hiH- -un

kini ng batqa:na himantatyun kaqa:yu s li:huk sa qi:ya ng

manga magulang "This child is fond of watching the actions of his
elders ." T~" bantay "watch"

11.21^2 hiN- -un («6»~)

du:na ku y sili:ngan nga hinawa:yun kaqatyu "I have a

neighbor who is very fond of criticizing." V~~ saway "criticize"
11.22 -iru («*r~)

magla:gut gyud ku sa ta:wu ng hambugiiru "I really dislike

braggar t s•" Y* hambug "brag"
11.221 «»iru (•<—) specialized meaning

nga:nu nga sa tana ng ta:wu butangisru ma y qismu ng napi*liq

"Why of all people did you choose a ruffian?" V~~ butang "hit"
11.2? pala- "usually V^^ing as a habit" (restricted)

11.231 pala- (no shift)

gipahi:lak qang ba:taq sa palasu:ngug ni:ya ng qigsu:qun

"The child was made to cry by his brother who always teases'*'"
V - * su:ngug "tease"
11.232 pala- (~s~)

magulqa:nun si linda kay palahu:bug man qang qi:ya ng b a m a
Linda is sad, for her husband is a drunkard." V hubug "drunk"
11.233 pala- (-»»)

qayaw pakigduslaq sa ba:ta ng palaqaway "Do not play with a

quarrelsome child." V~~ qa:way "quarrel"
11.24 maki- "fond of V — "

11.241 maki- to noun base (productive)

nga:nu ng di:liq gud naq siya maguqul nga qang qisya ng ba*na
makibaba:yi man "Why should she not be sad when her husband is
fond of women?" V~ baba:yi "woman"
11.25 ma- (~^) to T base " always doing V ~ " (restricted)

di:liq ku gustu g ba:ta ng mahilak "I do not like a child

who is always Qrying." V hislak "cry"

Note that for bases beginning with ka- the base has an alternant
without the ka-.

matawa = ^always laughing'*'V kata:wa

matulug « ^always sleeping'5'V katu:lug

/characterized by s •-— fl
11.5 Adjectives meaning

IjfpejpBon or object frcm LL

11»51 -anun to noun base meaning [like person or obect from]
fromf ^

qang bala:ngay sa la:naw sa qi:la ng pagqabut maqu pa qang
pinuyqaxnan sa manga ha:yup nga lasangnun "The barrio of Lanao
at the time of their arrival was still the home of jungle animals*"
T~ lasang "forest" (51.6)
11 + 52 "Person or thing having V*"" (to noun base)
11.321 -an (productive)

qutuskan qusab nga,hayu:pa "That animal was also brainyi"

T^ quHuK "brainy" (57#3)
11+5211 -an specialized meaning

buqustan si lisna nga ba:td$ "Lena is a good child." V*~

buqut "consciousness, will"
11 + 5212 *an (-*e~) specialized meaning

qug qang duguq sa ba:taq maqu gayu y qa:ku ng pangitajqun kay

lamitqan qang duguq sa ba:taq "And I always look for the blood
of a child because the blood of a child is delicious*" V** lamiq
"taste" (22.1$)
11.332 -anan (productive)

si dun manwil qusa sa manga ta:wu ng gamha;nan sa qa:tu ng

na:sud "Don Manuel is one of the powerful persons in our
country F ~ gahum "power"
11.323 -un "having V ~ " (productive)

11.5251 -un (no shift)

miquntul lang qang qi:ya ng pinu:tiq walaq magpulus sa
mabagaq qug himbissu ng pa:nit "His bolo just bounced off| it was
useless against the thick and scaly skin*" V"** himbis "scales"

nahadluk si kulas sa pagkakitaq. ni:ya sa duguqun ni:ya ng kamut

"Kulas was frightened when he saw his bloody hand." V duguq

11.3232 -un
I I I • I — " !• !• I* I I

di:liq maqitsip qang manga gabi:qi ng bulanun nga makijtaq

qang magtiqa:yun nga nagtambaya:yung qug qu:ngad sa qi:la ng
la:was 0n countless moonlit nights the couple could be seen
laboring together.11 "V bu:lafc "moon11 (52.8)
11.55 "Having quality of ] V— "
11.531 -an (~g»») (productive)
11.5511 To adjective base
di:liq maqa:yu ng qikutyug sa sini ni ng batasqa kay sabaqan
kaqa:yu qug di:liq ra ba siya gustu ng pabuyag "This child is not
ood for a companion in the show 11
because he is very %noisy>and he
foes not like to be told to stop. V~~ sa:baq "noise"
11.5312 To transient base "characterized by doing V** *'
qang tikasan waq pa gyud matagbaw pagpanijkas kana:tuq "The
cheatI Has he not cheated us enough yet?" V*~ ti:kas "to
cheat" (50.10)
dakuq na si hwan qapan maqu gihaspun tapulan "John was grown up
now, butfas always, he was lazy." V ~ taspul "to laze" (3*12)
11.332 -an to adjective base *to greater degree than

expected or desired* (dead)

dakuq an na quyaimut qang qu:tang ni tasnu kang pilar "Tamo
owes Pilar quite a large amount already." V"~ dakuq "big"
11.3321 -an to adjective (no meaning) (dead)
dagha:nan nga manga tusqig qang milabay qapan walaq giha|pun
si ti:nu "Many years passed, but still Tino did not come." V""***
daghan "much, many"

11.3522 -an (-£»»») shifted meaning

kun di:liq ka pa gahiqan qug quslu di:liq ka quntaq maqunsa

"If you had not had such a stubborn head$ nothing would have
happened to you." V-"" ga:hiq "hard"
11.355 -un "having the quality of V ~ -ness" (productive)

11.5351 -un to adjective base

mibuthuq si mistir qalug quban niqadtu ng taswu nga yagpisun

qang la:was "Mr. Alog appeared together with that thinnish man#"

TT" yagpis "thin" (52.14)

qang makahahasu:lu ng pagyu:bit musangkil kanu:nay kani:ya
pagha:gic sa qi:ya ng katakus "The bothersome disparagement
always goaded him into questioning his ability." F - makahaha*sul

11.3532 -un (~~*»)

namalit siya g baratuhu ng sini:naq "She bought afdress \

1 shirtj
of cheap quality." V~" bara:tu "cheap*1

11*3335 -un to noun base

qang qi:ya ng singut midahi:liq sa qi:ya ng kalawa:san bi:san

pa sa hina:bang sa hapu:nu ng hutu:hut gi:kan sa nabantug nga
muntiqapu "His perspiration rolled down his body despite the help
of the afternoon breeze from the famous Mt* Apo." F*~ haipun
"afternoon" . (48.6)

11*33351 -un to noun base specialized meaning

sa katapursan qi*ya ng gibayran gang kalibuta:nun ni:ya ng

manga salaq "In the end, she paid for her worldly sins." Y**~"
kalibu:tan "world"
qadu:na giha:pu y manga ta:wu nga bu!|Lawa:nu g kasingka:sing nga
maqanti:gu ng malu:quy kani;ya "There are still people with
golden hearts who know how to sympathise with him." F ~ bula;wan
"gold" (69.13)

11 • 3534 -un •(—*-) to noun base

gidasyig qang oabugaduhu ng pangataru:ngan sa ba:taq "The
lawyer-like reasoning of the child was praised." V ~ qabugatdu

11.55541 -un (~^) "something gathered in the V~~"

This is with nouns meaning time of day#

kana ng tubaq ni pisyung tamqis kay buntagun man naq "Pioio1©

tuba is sweet because it is the type gathered in the morning**
V buntag "morning"

11*5555 -un (-*»«) to numeral base "worth V ~ apiece"


taga:qi ku g bayntihun "Let me have the twenty^cent size."

T baynti "twenty"

11.33351 maH un (-»•) (dead)

taga:qi ku g mamieusun "Give me the one peso size." "V

pi:sus "one peso bill"
11.3336 -un "cook colored like T—" (dead)

The affix -un has a specialized meaning with certain bases

meaning "fighting cock colored like V*"~ ". These are extensions of

the meanings in $ecs» 11.3331 - 11.3334*

qang tubaqun maqu y giqila ng ha:wud sa manga qigtatariq ,fThe
fighting cock colored like yalm toddy is known as the champion
fighter." TT~~ tubaq "palm toddy" (colored red)

With some of these forms the base does not occur by itself*

gibaligyaq ni tatyung qang qi:ya ng talisagyun qug singkwinta kang

pablu "Tatyong sold his multicolored cock for fifty pesos to
Paul." V ~ [talissay]

11 + 34 -anun (•*£—) to noun base (productive)

11.341 "Having the quality of IT" "

bataqqun pa sxya "He was still young#" Y~~ ba:taq "ohild"
11.342 -anun (^~) with specialized meaning

di:liq siya malipa:yun didtu sa hariqa:nu ng balay sa qi;ya ng

ba*na "She was unhappy in her husband's regal mansion." Y~~
hatriq "king"

11.35 ma--un "having the quality of V ~ " (productive)

The ma- -un affix is most productive v/ith bases which occur

with ka- staters (Sec9V3)* hut it occurs ?fith large number of bases
of otTTer types as well.
11.351 J2&—un to adjective base

qunsa man gyu y nahitabuq ninyu sa qupisi:na sa hi:pi ting

gibuqak ni qangkay qang kahirlum sa maluyashu ng ti:ngug "*What
really happened to you at the chief1s office, Ting?1 Ankay broke
the silence with a weak voice." V * lu:ya "weak" (63i4)
11.3511 To derived adjective base

11«351H To base with -in-

qang panaput sa manga kababayinqan karun mabinagquthun na

kaqa:yu "Women dress in a very modern way now." V~~ bagqu

11,35112 To doubled base

diliq maqa:yu qang madaliqdali:ctun sa paghukum "It is not
good to be hasty in onefs judgement*" V ~ daliqdaliq "hurry"

11+3512 ma un (-»&») (dead)

maluyahun pa kaqa:yu qang qa:ku ng laswas "My body still

ifeels weak," V lu:ya "weak"

11*3513 na- ~un (<r~) (dead)

sa kalangi:tan naki:taq ni:ya qang masana:gu ng bitu;qun "In

the skies she ©aw the brilliant star." F - - sanag "bright"

11.352 ma- -un to transient base

qilu:gun na sab qang qaitu ng yu:taq mamaha:yu ng tubag ni

minting f,|Our land will be taken from us again,f Inting ruefully
replied," V mashay "regret" (49.15)
11.3521 ma- -un to derived T base

(to base with -in*.)

gisu;gat siya sa qi:ya ng qanak quban sa qtfsa ka mahinangpu ng
haluk sa qa:ping "Her daughter met her with a fond kiss on the
oheeks." T*~ hinangup "overjoyed"

(to base with pa~)

iqa-pasali:gun qang balitaq ganisha ba:hin sa nawasla ng qayruplainu

The news about the lost plane a while ago was reassuring*" -y—•
pasaslig "inspire confidence"

(to base with paNy)

miba:lik qang qi:ya ng qanak nga mapangilyupu:qun na "His son
returned, humbled now." T*~ pangilyu:puq "implore"

11.3522 ma- -un (•—»») to T base

midagsang qang manga huhungi:hung labi na gayud sa

B|atuhuqtuhuqun nga kunu qang buqa:ya buhiq sa di:liq qingun
nastuq "The rumors multiplied,especially among the gullible^
that this crocodile was the pet of one unlike us«" V tuqututqu
"believe without reason" ( 57*18)

11.5525 Specialized meaning

si tattay mahigugmasqun kaqasyu sa panrasil "Dad is very
fond of shooting." "V higugma "love,f

11•355 ma- -un noun base

pagba:sa kanu:nay sa manga matulunctamu ng sugila:nun

"Always read stories that give moral lessons*" V tulunqan

11.354 ma~ -»in«» »>un to transient base (restricted)

qang qistranyu nakasugat qug ba:ta ng matinaba:ngun nga maqu y

nagtudluq kani:ya sa hustu ng da:Ian "The foreigner met a
helpful boy who told him which road was the right one." V
taibang "help"

11.355 Dead types with ma- -un

11.5551 ma- -1«* -un

misaka sila sa qiila ng balay midyu masulubqun kay qanak man

lagi ni:la "They went into their house rather sad, for he wast
after all, their son." V— kasubuq ,fbe sad" (29.7)

11•5552 ma- ~r- -un

maqu gyud ni ng wala y qanak maluluyqup sa manga ba:taq

"That is the case of childless people. They are sympathetic with
children." V kalu:quy "have pity"

11.356 ma- -anun (-<—) (restricted)

ngasnu ngraasukqaxnunman si li:na karu ng manga qadlaswa

"Why is Lena irritable these days?" F~ kasukuq "get mad,f

11#556i Specialized meaning

walaq makasu:pak si li:na sa mahugta:nu ng pagdiliq sa qi:ya ng

qamahan nga siya magminyuq "Lena could not go against her
fatherfs firm prohibition against getting married*" V ~ hugut

11 • 3562 ma- -in*, -anun (dead)

11.35621 ma- -in~ «»anun («*r~-)

masinabtasnun si pa spa sa pagsulti na:kuq ni:ya nga gustu na

ku~ ng. -magminyuq "Daddy was under standing when I told him I wanted
to get married." "V sabut "understand"

Note that with derived bases there are two alternants of the word:

the «»in- infix occurs following the first phoneme of the root as

well as following the first phoneme of the base:

map inaq ub sa:nun]
mapaqinubsatnunf kaqa:yu qang pangu:lu sa kapunu:ngan "The
president of the organization is very humble." V paqubus be
fcamble" .
11.3563 ma- -in- -unun (^g—)

mapasalama:tun qaku nga qaku qaduxna y manga ginika:nan nga

masinabtu:nun kaqa:yu "I am grateful that I have very understand-
ing parents." V sabut "understand11

11.357 manggi- -tin to T base (restricted)

These bases occur also with ma- -un. With manggi- -un they

are very forjnal style*

manggiqula:wun qang manga dala:ga sa bu:kid "The mountain maidens

are very shy." T~ qu:law "shame"

11.3571 manggim- -un to T base (dead)

nangi:taq kami qug manga manggimbuha: tu ng trabahadur nga

makatasbang kana:muq "Vvre are looking for industrious workers who
can help us." V bu;hat "work"
manggi- -an to T base (dead)
" » » i " 1 1 I'I' ' l '" 'li'iti inTTWHi 1 • jlSWiuBiM. 1 11 • 111 11 f 1.1. • '

si qi:da y patamna kay manggibuhi:qan man naq siya "Have

Ida do the planting for she is good at raising things." V*"~
buMq "raise"

11.358 maki- -un "V—~minded" (dead)

maqu na y taswu ng maqa:yu ng qisilisngan kay makiqangatyun

kaqa:yu siya "He is a good person to have a,a a neighbor because
he is very fair." Y*~~~ qa:ngay "proper"

11.3582 maki- ~uj|-specialized meaning

makiqanga:yun si li:na maqu nga daghan siya g higasla "Lena

is sociable (in an indiscriminating way); that is why she has
many friends." T~~ qa:ngay "proper"

11,3582 maki- -anun "1 -minded" (dead)

qang pagdagisnut sa tu:big maqu y qusa ka makilungsudnu ng

liihuk "The sparing use of water is a civic-minded act." V""
lungsud "town"

11.4 wManner of"

11.41 -in- "in a V way" (productive)

11.411 To adjective base

nga;nu gu ng qi:mu man qaku ng gisu:guq niqa:na ng daku ng
binusqang "Why did you send me on that foolish errand?" Y~~
buiqang "fool" (I4i4)

11.4111 -in- to derived base

di:liq ka gyud mulampus niqa:na ng dinaqutan mu ng paqajgi

"You will never succeed in your evil ways." V"*~ daqutan "bad"

11.412 To noun base

nalu:quy siya sa babaxyi ng qala:qut qug qijya ng gitagaiqan
sa qi:ya ng qinigsu:qu ng tambag "She pitied the unfortunate
woman and gave her some sisterly advice." V qigsu:qun "brother

11.415 Specialized meaning

11.4131 "Way of speaking"

na qunyaq ni ng ta:wu ng qamirika:nu ku*mu walaq kaqi:la bitsan
siya maqa:lam mubinisayaq:^agalingkud lang dihaq sa daplin ,fThen$
this American having no friends, though he spoke Visayan well, just
sat in the corner." V"~ bisayaq "Visayan" (38#10)

11.4132 Other specialized meanings

dawa:ta kini ng qasku ng kinasingka;sing nga pahali:pay kanismu
"Aocept my sincere congratulations to you." V ~ kasingka:sing

11.414 -in- (-»»)

11.4141 To adjective base
qayaw kabala:ka kay makasapiq lang giha:pun ta sa minaqajiru ng
paqa:gi "Do not worry for we shall still make mcaaey in a nice
way#" V maqasyu "good"

11.4142 To noun base

lami:qan kaqasyu qang tinagalug nga linutuqan "The tagalog

way of cooking is very delicious." V taga:lug "Tagalog
(tffchnic group in Luzon)"

11.4143 -ifi- (~^) specialized meaning

glpakigsuitishan ku sa mieyunaryu sa. binieaya ng j^gyabiyg. K33ie


missionary spoke to me in pidgin Visayan." TT~ bayasbas "guava fl

11.42 -in- -an to adjective base only

(Of.See&» 10.61 and 10*62 -in- -an to T bases "manner of TT~?)

pagsakay g taksi kay dinaliqan kini ng susguq "Take a cab,for this

is a rush order." "V daliq "fast"

11.5 Doubling and Culu-

Jsomewhatl —
11.51 iSeems J (productive)

lami:qan qang duguq sa ba:taq tamqistamqis "Children1s

blood is tasty, somewhat sweet." F~ tamqis "sweet" (23»l)

11.511 Culu- in meaning of "somewhat V~~ "

nangi:taq mi g bulubantuk nga qaimu ng qagiqan qarun difliq

mabi:lin qang qa:mu ng tu:nub "We looked for somewhat firm places
to walk on so that we would not leave footprints." V""~ bantuk

11.512 Doubling (~*^)

waq mi makahiba:wu g ha:qin siya kay dugaydugay na man tu

siya ng milakaw "V7e do not know where he is, for it seems a long
time since he left." V du:gay "long time"

jjUj2 "More V " (productive)

kusu^kusug pa si kardu muda:gan kay kang kulas "Cardo runs
faster than Kulas.:i V kusug "fast"

11.521 Doubling (~*~)

hanginhangin karun kay sa gaha:pun "Today is windier than

yesterday." Y~*~ he sngin "wind"

lie522 To 0xmad.iective base

maqumaou hinu:qun qang bu:ha+. sa ba:taq "The child's work,

on the other hand* is more nearly correct*" V~~ maqu "the one,
the correct oncM
11.5221 Specialized meaning with (—»»•)

nga:nu ka ma ng disliq magta:ru g sulti mu ra ka man

hinu:qu g kr.langkulang "Why do you not speak properly? You
sound moronic instead" ^ kurlang "lack"

11#55 Specialised meaning


nakadungug sila sa laqinlasqin nga qajwit sa manga bansa

3?hey heard the various songs of the nations," V lasqin

11,54 Empty doubling

qLubaycubay na ng manga lumulupyuq qang namalhin sa

pinuyqasnan tungud sa kahadluk "Quite a number of the inhabitants
ohanged their residence now because of fear," V ~ qubayqubay
"quite a number" (57•13)
11.6 maka- -r- (to stative base) "causing Y~~~ to a great

extent" (restricted)

11,61 maka- -r- (no shift)

qug qang makalulu:quy nga kamunggay nga qingu g bati:qis

kadakuq nga dihaq sa qisya ng duqul napu:kan nga walaq qintatwun
masa:yud sa hinungdan "And the pitiful •kalamunggay1 tree near
him which was as big around as a leg, fell without knowing the
reason, poor thing," V~*~ lusquy "pity11 (49*3)

11,62 maka- ~r~ (-<?—)

human niqadtu ng makasusu:bu ng hitabuq walaq na gyud sila

magki:taq, "After that saddening incident, they never met again*11
V subuq "sad"

11,6? maka~ -r- (^r-) to nonstative T base (dead)

giqingun sa qa:mu ng tinuhu:qan nga qang makasasa:laq di;liq

makasulud sa lasngit "It is said in our religion that the sinful
cannot enter heaven,w T^^salaq "sin"

tinga:li gustu sa makagaga:hum sukdun kun ha:qin ku:tub qang

qi:la ng pagqantus qug pagpaqi:lub "Perhaps the Almighty wanted
to measure hoy/ far their suffering and patience could go," 1?
gahum "power" (54,5)
v 11*7 Dead adjective formations

11,71 Affixes similar to passives used to form ad.iectives


Cf, Sec^ 10,2 and its subsections,

11,711 -1- -un

buqut ku ng susi:hun qang manga tuluki:bu ng hitabuq sa

qa:mu ng lungsud. "I would like to investigate, these mysterious
events in our town," "V tuskib "know something previously


11.712 -.1- -unun specialized meaning

qadtu ng gabhiqutna naki:taq na qusab nitya qang salabtunu ng

pahi:yum sa qi:ya ng ba:na. "That night, she again saw her
husband1 s meaningful V"~ sabut "understand"

11.715 hi- -1- -un

kay waq na ma y mahi:muq gitanqaw na la:mang ni:ya qang

qi:ya ng himalatyu ng kaqusban "Because nothing else c ^d be
done, he just watched his dying companion." 1 matay ''die11

11.72 Affixes forming agent nouns used to form adjectives


Cf. Sec 10.14 and its subsections*

11.721 * maH- -r~ ( <~~)

qang kulira, qusa, ka manana:kud nga sakit. "Cholera is a

contagious disease." 1 takud "infect"

11.73 -ad<y (-awm) (<fr~)

nga:nu ng kanu:nay man ka ng qatrasarwu? "Why are you always

late?" T~ qatrasar "delay"
sukad karun hamugasway na kita kay gihatasgan qaku qug qusa ka
pita:ka nga qingkanta:du "From now on we shall be comfortable, for
I was given an enchanted purse." V"~ qingkantu "fairy"

11.741 -ay (*^~) (no meaning) to adjective base

Cf. S$c. 10.161 for nouns with ~ay.

qadu:na y manga gabisqi nga dyu:tay ra siya qug kinatulgan "There
were nights when he had but little sleep." TT" diyut "little"
hiqapsan pa niimu s paking kay baghu;qay pa lang tu ng migiskan
"You can still overtake Paking because he left just a short while
ago." V~" bagqu pa "just now"

11.742 -a£ to Q base

si butyuk kunusbay muqanhi qugma g di:liq mudayun s bilyung

qug lakaw "Butyuk says he will come tomorrow if Beliong does
not go." V*"~ kunu "he says"

sa kanhi:qay giqingun nga qang lasngit duqul ra sa yu:taq In
the olden days it was said that heaven was near the earth." "V
kanhi "former11

11«8 Affixes to numeral base

11.81 tag- (forms numerals) "each, apiece"

Note that some numerals have irregular alternants when with


maqu nga nagpadasyun qang qiila ng kasubuq kayfaangistaqno,

pud sila g pagka:qun tagsa ka sasku tagurha ka sa*ku q&run
qipaka:qun kang karangkal "Therefore,they continued to be sad,
for they were looking for food again, a sack each time, two sacks
each time in order to feed Karangkal• " V"~ qusa "one V~* duha
"two" (32.9)
The Cebuano numerals one through ten have irregular alternants

with tag-•
tagsa m "one each"
tagurha - "two each"

tagutlu - "three each"

tagupqat - "four each"

tagilma - "five each"

tagunqum - "six each"

tagpi:tu - "seven each"

tagwa:lu - "eight each"

tagsi:yam - "nine each"

tagpuluq - "ten each"

11«811 igg- ( -**•) to adjective base

kini ng gidakqu:na maqu y tagsingkuhun sa ka qalinggurya

"This size is five centavos apiece at Aling Goriafs#" V~^
singkuhun "five cent piece"
When used in a sentence having a qualifier meaning "when V*~"

occurs", the meaning of tag- V ~ is "V"~ each time"* In this

meaning it can also be added to other forms than numerals«


qa:kuq siya ng hata:ga, g tagtris pi?BUS matag qanhi ni:ya

"I give her three pesos every time she comes here*" V tris
(tag- + qalas)

si danyil mahiquliq sa balay tagqalas qunsi na sa gabi:qi

"When Daniel comes home,it is already eleven ofclock at night*"

11.8111 tag- (->•) to adjective base

di:liq na lang ku muhwat kang ti:nuy kay tagdugay ra ba naq

siya mulakaw maqatrasaswu qtmyaq ku sa kla:si "I will
not wait for Tinoy any longer because he usually stays long
when he goes out, and I might be late for school." V dtUgay
"long time" Cf# also tagpuluq V pu:luq "ten"

11.812 tagi- (dead)

da:wuq%kaqasyu si li:tu kay qang qiJya ng gipangha:tag

nga surbi:ti tagidyut lang "Lito is very selfish because
the ice cream he gave was in very small amounts." V~~ diyut

ka- -an f-^) "IT^-ty11 (numeral formers)
' "•" ' «* "' ••••'"•in in I*I Mwii »»• •• 'IIMI •»•• n ii i w w ^ i w — — w « — • — — • — • • « • — — — — — • — — • — — —

Cf. &£&. 10.312 "collection of"

lcapqatan ka manga taswu qang nangama:tay sa bagyu "Forty
people died in the typhoon." V~" qupat "four11

Humeral bases with irregular alternants with this affix are:

kaluhaqan - "twenty"

kaluwaqan - "twenty11
katluqan - "thirty1
kapqatan "forty"
kalimqan - "fifty"
kanquman "sixty11
(These forms could be taken to be dead forms of transients

potential local passives. Cf. kaduhaqan "Thing which can

be done with two at a time".

kaduhaq an ba na:kuq pagi&iit qang bugsay "Can the paddle be

held with both hands?" )

H»83 qika- "ordinal former"

qika-occurs with a,ny numeral not with prefix tag-except

qusa. The ordinal is either a CN or numeral (i.e., linked

either with ka~ or nga)•

si ru:has qang qikaduha nn pangu:lu sa qa:tu ng »a*sud flRoxas
was the second president of our country."

11.84 «-an (dead)

qang qitya ng hunaqhu:naq giku:taw sa gatusan ka pangutasna

"His mind was stirred by hundreds of questions." v gatus

11.8$ ka- (maka- )

This prefix occurs with numerals / qualifiers(Sec. 6#2125)»

lmaja-i v±ia k a na:kuq sultishi ng diq naq ni:mu hilabt&n

"How many times did I tell you that you were not to touch that*"
pila "how many"

,34.86 f-un pfto take_ V~;^

f I
( -a L"make it
These are forms of transients but used only with these
two affixes and/110 subject in this meaning. These affixes are

used with the Cebuano numerals, one through tenfand Spanish

numbers above that* Also they are used with ga^us "one hundred"

and lisbu "one thousand"

tulu qi:mu qa:kuq lang qupatun ha "You want three? I will just
make it four, all right?" T qupat "four"

libu:ha lang qarun waq na y ki:da "Just make it a thousand to

round it off." V li:bu "thousand"

11.87 Affixes for amount of money

11.871 ^un (~^) 1) " V — -piece bill"

2) " worth T apiece**

l) qiqi:lis ku qa:ri ng singkuhun "Change me this fiver."

V singku "five"

In the second meaning -un (~^) is the same affix as that

described in Sec. 11.333•

2) taga:qi ku g bayntihun "Let me have the twenty- cent size*"
V baynti "twenty"

i maN- (**~) \
maN- -un (-*-)/ "V
d i : q a y qasku n^ I mamisusun i
bill" (dead)
. . , . „TT
H c j ^a. ^u. u 5 juaiu*D WO uu i s i n s x y u : h i qu "Here*
^mamisus j u * *
Here i s a peso* Give me the change." V""" p i s s u s "one peso
(For maN- -un in t h e meaning "worth V~ a p i e c e " cf. S e c .
11.873 dya-"bill worth Ymimm " (dead)

hingkitqan na:kuq si pasyu nga naglukluk sa qi:ya ng bulsa

qug liniskit nga manga dffifcaynti lfJ happened to see Pacio stuffing
his pocket with rolls of twenty peso bills." V baynti

11*9 Derivative affixes forming qualifiers

These affixes form qualifiers of the type described in

Sec. 6.2125.

11.91 -in* (—»-) "by the, in groups of"

11.911 To nominal base

giswilduqah sila g binulan "They are paid by the month!??

V— bus Ian "month"

11.912 Tp adjective base (adjectives meaning "quantity")

gika:qun ;-gti;ya g ginapmay qang qi:ya ng bukha*yuq "He ate

his coconut candy little at a time." V gagmay "little

11.913 To numerals

nanggu:waq sila g tinagsa qarun di:liq sila himatikdan

"They went out one at a time in order not to be noticed."
IT"""* tagsa "one apiece"

11.9131 Specialized meaning

gipi:siq nisya qang qisya ng lugway g tinulu "He made

his tether using three strands." V*^ tulu "three"

11.92 Doubling and Culu- forms £by t h e s M T "

This affix occurs with words meaning "recurring period of

time11 (dead). If the action is a different action each timef

matag is used.

11.921 Doubling

This is with words of two syllables.

giswildu:han siya g qadlawqadlaw "He is paid by the day."

V~~~ qadlaw "day"

11.922 Culu-

This is used for words of more than two syllables.

magtagbuq kami dinhi duluduminggu "We meet here on Sundays#"

T duminggu "Sunday"

11.93 qinig-, qigf gag-

These form qualifiers of the type described in Sec. 6*2122

and are abstracts (Sec. 8.3)•

11.94 maka- / ka- (to numerals)

These prefixes are described in Sec. 11,85-


Chapter Twelve: Paradigms

12.0 Introduction

The following paragraphs give the basic types of paradigms of

the Cebuano transient bases in terms of the inflectional affixes

and some of the derivative affixes with which they occur. These

relationships cannot be said to be either "one-way" or n*;v;o-v.~y

transformational" (Sec» 1.312) because not all bases in a given

paradigm have all members of the paradigm. Hot all derivative

affixes have been taken into account in analyzing the para-

digmatic types, because for those affixes which have not been taken

into account, their occurrence or acmoccurence does not seem to be

correlated with the occurrence or nonoccurrence of other affixes.

12.01 Summary of which inflectional affixes occur with which

derivational affixes

The following tabids describe which inflectional affi::es oocur

with bases having certain derivative affixes. (Qaly the unreal

forms are listed, but the real and abstract forms are implied*}

Examples of these are given in Chapter iHight. (-in- and -ay are

not listed in the chart*as the bases with the latter do not occur

with inflectional affixes; and bases with -in- occur with in-

flectional affixes only in isolated cases.)

*Bases with *»ay always have a derivative affix jag- (5ec.9*92l)

or pakig- (Sec% 9*7)«

Occurs with most bases having the derivative affix

Inflectional: > s : ;Culu* spani-
Affix sf g a - s p a N - i j k a - j rtii- i h i N - . j p a k i ^ : - t n a k a - : n a « Doubling

mu- 1/ -:y i} !:(X; ( 1

/ ;Vi ( i

tei: J
mag- ;
y J y y ! y y
: :: \: : : ! : :
» •
maka- j ! ( 2 ) ! ( 2 ) ; ! ( 2 ) '! ( 2 ) ; 1/ ! y
• > > !

-un j! / !
\ J y ;/ ; y
: : : :

-an ;| / !; / 1 / ;; / ;| / !/ ;;
- /
' /
• i


4 •
! ! (3) ; !/ !
: y
1) Note the morphophonemic alternations which these prefixes
undergo when occurring together with mi-/mu- (Sec. 8.1182 ff"*) •

2) The potentials occur only with a few bases with this affix*

3) The instrumental passive is used with a few bases having

this affix.

12.02 Distribution of derivative affixes with respect to each


Only some of the derivative affixes occur with derived tran-

sient bases and only with bases having certain affixes. The fol-

lowing chart shows the distribution of derivative affixes with

derived transient bases. (There are a few exceptions, but these

are dead formations.) Cf. Chapter Nine for examples.


* Oc;curs w i t !i banses having an a f f i x : J

Affix having j(doubling)
shape • i £ r t^aN-:ska- i h i - shiff-: - a y ; p a k i g - spaka- J?Culu-

£§- , / ,y » • ! /
£aN- j .•.; / :! / ! /

ka- j ; / ' ; / :

pakig- J : / !• / ! ! / ! I /
doubling 1
Culu- J
y j: / |; / ; ;/ ; ; •
&ag- J : / ; •
rSZ LzJ !/ !

12.1 Derivative and active paradigms

12.11 Class I

This class includes bases which do not occur with pa%~ "do Y*~

to each other" (Sec. 9.921)*

mi-/mu- 'fvolitional 1 " (Sec. 8.111)

£begin actionJ (Sec« 8.112)

nag-/mag- <fnonvolitionaJ I " (Sec. 8.1211)

^continuing action J
naka-/maka- "potential" (Sec. 8#13)
For derived bases which do not occur with mi-/mu- cf. Srec»
8.1141* For derived bases which do not occur with nag-/niaff~ cf#
Sec. 8.1213.
12.111 Class IA
This class contains those that follow Class I with no excep-
tions .

mipalit siya g fcadisna "He bought a chain." (59*13)

kinsa y nagpalit qasna ng qi:mu ng rilu "Who bought that watch of

^Footnotes are placed at the end of the sections to which they apply

walaq. siya makapalit qug bisiklista kay mahal "He was not able
to buy a bicycle because they were expensive."
These forms occur to nominal base, e.g. V ~ karsumis "wear

pants". (Cf. the examples in Sec. 9«10#11.)

Some transients of this type are also used with affixes of the

type in Class IB.

1) V da:gan "run" and others have (-«***) with na^/ma^** #

2) V ~ hirlak "cry" and others have (H**) with nag~/maffl» and
optional («•%*) for imperative pag- .
3) V*"~~ ka:qun "eat" and others have optional (-**0 with
nag-/mag- and £ag- imperative •
4) V"*""""* hunaqhu:naq "think" and others have (—»~) with
naka-/maka- .
5) V~""* kujhaq "get" and others have optional (-^) with
naka-/maka- •
/ have
6) V kata:wa "laugh" and others optional3y7"~a base without
ka- and (-^») with naka-/maka- .
7) V~" balitaq "report" and others have a meaning of "action
devolving on 9&nV% with naka-/maka-» (Cf# Sec. 8.134*)
12.112 Class IB

The transients in this class differ from those in IA above in

that the active has the meaning "action happened to v^ " •

mi-/mu- "action happened" (Sec, 8,1131)

nag-Zmag- "is V — (-ing)" (£ec« 8.1211)

naka-/maka- "has V—^ed" (Sec, 8#134l)

mibagting qang linggasnay sa paghurus sa ha:ngin "The bell

rang when the wind blew hard."

lurdis naffbagtin^ na qang kampa:na "Lourdes, the bell is already


nakabagting na ba diqay qang kampa:na "Has the bell rung already?"

Bases in the paradigms of Class IB may also occur in Class IIA

or IA. They are in Class IIA if they occur with ka- stative, (Sec.

9»3 ), and they are in Class IA if they do not.


1) V"*ba:tiq "feel" and others have no n$%~/m^Lf~t' iM^ff^/mflk%-

mibaitiq siya g daku ng gugma kang li:na "He felt a great love for
2) V"*" dakuq "he big" and others do not occur with
naka-/maka- "has V*~^ed" *
3) V~~ ku:rug "tremble" and others have (~*s*) with naq»»/mag- #

12.115 Class IC

This class includes those with no mi-/mu- or nag«/ma(B^» or with

mi-/mu-, nag-/majg- with the base in a different meaning from those

of the base with naka-/maka- •

qug nakadungug si karangkal niqitni "And Karangkal heard this*"
makasalaq man ga:niq qang manga dagkuq qang manga ba:taq pa ba "If
adults commit wrong?how much more likely are small children to do

l) IT*" qasajwa "take wife" and other bases have (-*••) xirith
naka-/maka- #
siya y nakaqasawa sa qanak sa mayur "He married the mayor*s

12.114 Class ID

This subclass contains those which have bases occurring

only with mi-/mu- and naka-/maka.*

miki:taq siya qug dyis pi:sus gaha:pun "He earned ten pesos

nakakiftaq qang draybir qug traynta pi;sus sa miqa:gi ng pyista

"The driver earned thirty pesos last fiesta*"

l) V su3.ud "enter" and others occur with nag-/maff~ in a

causative meaning •
kinsa y nagsulud sa tu:big qa:ni ng butilya "Who put the water in
this bottle?"
misulud siya sa tangkal qug misignit qug qusa ka qaslunun "He
went into the pigpen and caught a pig*" (60#l)

12.115 Class IE

This subclass contains those which occur only with nag~/ma^~•

Transient V~"~" pusnay "always"

maCT>u:nay lang siya qug lingkud "He kept on sitting down*#" (l#14)

12,12 Class II

This class contains bases which have a causative meaning

without pa- (Sec, 8*14) and occur with ka~ stative.

mi-/mu- "cause x"

naka-/maka- "cause x"

ka- "fbe 1 "

*Abecome 7*x (Sec, 9#3)

12,121 Class IIA

This subclass * consists of bases for which nag-/mag~ means

"be F~ "t
sagdi lang kay qaku la y muhislum sa ba:taq "Never mind"#* Let me
be the one to make the child quiet,"

maghi;lum ta kay natuslug si parpa "Let us be quiet because

Daddy is asleep,"

qikaw galam sa ba;taq kay qikaw ra ma y makahi;lum ni:ya "You take

care of the baby because only you can make him quiet,"

hata:gi na ng basta g dulsi qarun mahi:lum "Give the child oandy

so that it will be quiet,"

1) V*~ dakuq "be big" and others do not occur with lai^/mu^
"make Y~- " ,
2) V*~ lisud "cause to be difficult" and others have op-
tional (*<r-) with n a ^ / m a ^ #
qa:kuq na la:mang patyun kini si karangkal kayjmaglissud\ kita
Tmaglisud J
niqi:ni "I will just kill Karangkal for we are having a hard time
now." (26.13)

12.122 Class IIB

This contains those bases which occur with nag-/mag~ "do

x to oneself"** #

qaku la y muli:gid sa baril qug lakat lang "I will roll the
barrel along, and you just*walk."

nakitqan ku si maryu ng naglisgid sa saiwug "I saw Mario

tollinglon the floor."

di:liq ku makaliegid sa baril kay dakuq ra kaqasyu "I cannot

roll the barrel because it is too big."

qug di:liq ga:niq magbantay qang draybir sigu:ru gayu ng

malisgid qang trak ngadtu sa qubus "If the driver is not
careful, the truck will surely roll to the bottom."

Adjective base V*~" hubug "be drunk"

qaku y muhubug sa qamahan qug qikaw mangulitaswu sa qanak
"I will make the father drunk, and you court the daughter**"

human siya bulagi naghubug siya "After he was jilted, he made

himself drunk."
maqu y n£*kahubug qang ram nga gisasgul sa kuk "The rum in
coke was what made me drunk."

qahubug kaqa:yu ganisha si tiryu "Terio was very drunk a

while ago."

* 1) T^ ta:guq "be hidden" and others have a meaning

with mi-/mu- "do x to oneself" as well as the causative meaning*
muta:guq ku sa lasang "I will hide in the forest."

2) V tajguq "hidden" and others have a meaning fldo

x to oneself" with na,ka-/maka-»
walaq siya makatasguq qug nadakpan siya "He was not able to
hide, and he was caught."

3) TT~~ pi:lay "cause to bend over" and others have

nag-/mag- ( — ^ ) for reflexive meanings*

nakitqan ku qang manga kawa:yan nga nanagpilay "I saw the

bamboos bending over#"

12.123 Class IIP

This subclass contains those bases which occur with

nag-/mag- meaning "cause x" *•


kinsa y mutus lug sa ba:taq run "Who will put the child to
sleep now?"
nagtu:lug si qiyay sa ba:taq di:liq makaqanhi Byay is putting
the child to sleep; she cannot come."

makatu;lug ka ba sa ba:taq "Can you put the child to sleep?11

mangi:taq siya hinujqu g landung qug didtu matu:lug "He would

look for shade instead, and there he would sleep." (3*2)

* 1) IT*1 katuilug "sleep" and others occur with naka-/

maka- to the base without lea-
la) naka-/maka- has (-5**) with katu:lug and optional
dropping of ka-^

12.124 Class IIP

This class consists of forms occurring with £§- with a

meaning similar to base without pa-*« (Cf# the discussion Seo^»

9.1131 and 9.122.)

kinsa ba y Jmupamala
J mupamalaII sa tinisan "Who will dry the tennis court?"
J mumala j

kinsa y fnagpamalai_
fnagpamalai sa suyming pul "Who dried the swimming
jnagmala j
pool up?1

kini ng qadla:wa disliq j makapamalay sa yu:taq "This sun

y makamala
cannot dry the ground*" v
si:gi siya ng qinum piru waq giha:pun mamala qang subaq "He
kept on drinking, but the river still did not dry up."

*1) V bu:hiq "live" and others occur only with naka*/

maka- when with pa- ,
i n u : q u rra
qang ginu:qu a y/makapabuihi
yjmakapabuihi II g patay "Only the Lord can bring
[makabuihi f
a dead man to lif^;" J
2) V bislin and others have meaning "action devolving
on agent" with pa- .
qang nahitabuq nagpabislin nga ginasulti:han sa manga ta:wu
"The event remained a subject of conversation for the people**"

12.125 Class H E

This class contains those occurring with paka- with a mean-

ing similar to the base without paka- *# (Cf. Sec. 9«121«)

qaku y J mupakatuslug y sa ba:taq ru ng gabi:qi I will be the
|mutu:lug J
one to put the child to sleep tonight."
kinsa y j nagpakatu:lug isa ba:taq waq man papanihapu:na "Who
j^nagtuxlug J
put the child to sleep? He was not given his supper,"

waq pa ku ^ makapakatu;lug Lni bi:bi diq siya gustu na:kuq

makatu:lug j
"I have not put Baby to sleep yet. He does not like me # M

*l) 7~" bu:hiq and others have a meaning of ".action

devolving on agent*with paka- «# They occur only with najg-/mag- .
nagpakabu:hiq qang qinahan qa:lang la:mang sa kaqayu:han sa
qisya, ng manga qanak "The mother lived only for the welfare of
her children."
12.126 Class IIF

The bases in this class do not occur with mi-/mu- or gag^/mag.

X, <qunsa ma y nakabalarka ni:mu "What makes you worry?"

nabala;ka qang qinahan pagkabatiq sa gisulti sa ha:riq The
mother was worried upon hearing what the king said."

12.127 Class IIG

This subclass contains those which do not occur with

other active affixes other than the statives (JStaas with ka~ 9•3^

gulanggulang na siya kay nata;wu siya s waq pa y gu:bat "He is

rather old now because he was born before the war."

*l) qunsa and others occur with paN-(Class V C) for the

oausative meaning#
qayaw g kahadluk diq naq mangunsa ni:mu "Do not be afraid*
That will do you no harm."

12.15 Class III

This class contains those with bases which have the prefix

pa- "causative"* (Sec. 9»H)#


ndl—/mu— + ^ a - ^cdo IT" > t o o n e s e l f "

[cause Vj
nag-/maff- + pa* ^Tdo "V i t o o n e s e l f
y.aka,~/maka- + -pa* ffdo V - " i t o o n e s e l f ,f

si qi:da disliq mupakistaq samtang basaq pa qang qi:ya ng buhuk
"Ida won*t show herself while her hair is wot."

qaku y mupaki: tag ni:ya sa qitya ng manga sayup ,fI will point
out his faults to him.11

si qi:da disliq magpaki:taq samtang basaq pa qang qi:ya ng

buhuk "Ida won't show herself while her hair is wet."

qapan si karangkal birsan sa ba:taq pa nagpakistaq qug

talagsaqu ng qabilidad "But Karangkal? even as a childf showed
•unusual abilities*" (25.8)
sukad siya mahagbung sa bar waq na makapaki:taq si qupilya
kana:muq "After she failed the bar exam^Ophelia did not show
herself any more."

qaku y nakapaki:tag ni:ya sa qi:ya ng manga sayup "I was the

one who showed him his errors."

*lj \ qnlahi "be late" and others have no causative

meaning with mi«-/mu~ plus pa-f but just have the reflexive

12.14 Class IV
This includes bases occurring with the prefix pag-/naff-/

mag- (^^-) meaning "do V ~ ~ to each other" (Sec. 9»92l) and

pakig- (<*~) .

12.141 Class I7A

This class includes bases which have pag- and pakig~ and

which have the affixes of Class IA *,

musakay lang ku s dyip miqingun si guryu " f I will ^ust take the
jeep,fsaid Gregorio."
kay layuq man na ng qastu ng qadtuxqan magsakay ta g dyip "Let
us take a jeep, "because the place we are going to is far*"
nag?sa:kay mi s tusni ganisha ng buntag sa pagpaqingun naku s
kapitulyu "Tony and I rode together this morning when I went

to the Capitol/1
naqatrasa:wu qaku sa qupisi:na karun kay walaq da:yun qaku
makasakay ,!I am late to work "because I could not get a bus
right away/1
diq ku gustu ng makigsa:kay ni;mu I do not want to ride with

*l) V ~ ki:taq "see" and others occur only with na^/mag^

"do to each other" and naka-»/maka- (-***) in the active with
meaning "Y^-ed".
2) V ~ kujyugand others have (-***) with naka-/maka~ .
3) V ~ qabut has no n0jg-/niag- meaning durative action.
4) V*~~ qi:lis has a meaning "do Y**~ to oneself" with
nag-/mag- and naka-/maka«» #
12.142 Class IV B

This subclass contains those without the affixes of Class

IA# The majority in this class are those which have affix -ay

/Sec. 9.6 and its subsection^.

magsula:tay mu s maring qug qadtu na ka s mani;laq "You and
Maring write to each other when you are in Manila."

gustu ka ng makigsulastay qug pinpal sa qamirika "Do you want

to correspond with a pen pal from America?"-

12.15 Class Y

This class contains those bases which have a yaJS- prefix*

12.151 Class YA

This class contains those with nalWrnaNy, na&paff-( —** ) /

magpaN-(«-*»») and with nakapaN»»/makapaN- ,

nanguta:na ku sa qa:mu ng m&qistra qug nga:nu ng waq siya
magminyuq "I asked our teacher why she has not gotten married."

nagpangutana qang tigu:wang bashin sa qisya ng qanak "The old

man kept asking about his daughter."

walaq pa ku makapan^rutasna sa qa?mu ng maqistra "I have not

yet asked my teacher."

(Note that with nag-/mag- bases with paH«» have a plural meaning*
Of. Sec. 8.12112,)

12,152 Class VB

This 'subclass contains those bases which do not occur

with nag-Zmag- but occur with naka-/maka- and naff-/maN-.

human sa qi:la ng pamasi:yu nanglingkud sila sa parki "After
having strolled around, they sat down in the park."

pagqabut sa dinajpit nga mamumulung nakapanglingkud na qang

manga nanambung "When the guest speaker arrived,the audienoe
had already sat down#"

12.155 Class VC

This subclass contains bases with paff-» which do not oocur

with nag^/mag- and naka-/maka-.

qang qi:ya ng manga mata namula daw mata sa qiring kumagat

"His eyes were red like the eyes of a vicious cat." (48.2)

12.16 Class VI

This type comprises those which occur with the hi/h£u»f

nahi- ha-/mahi- ha«»»

1T2J51 Clflea VM
This subclass coaataind bases which have the prefix naka-/

maka- to base with hi- .

nahibalu si pa;pa nga si minti walaq muqiskuyla "Daddy knew

that Mente had not gone to school."

nakahibalu na si ma?ma pagsulti ku s balitaq "Mother already

knew when I told her the news."

12.162 Class VIB

This group contama bases with hi- not occurring with\naka-/

maka-. (This group contains the majority of bases with hi-»)

mastud pa ni puru nahigugma" siya ni mi:na pagqa:yu "According

to Poro, he is in love with Mina very much."
12.17 Class VII

This group contains bases with the prefix hlN-.


12.171 Class VIIA

This group consists of those which occur with na-»/ma«»»

human ni:ya g diga:mu sa qi:la ng pama:haw gidu:qul ni:ya qang

qi:ya ng nahina;nuk pa ng ba:na "After she had fixed breakfast
she moved toward her husband who was still sleeping soundly"i*11

12.172 Class VIIB

This group occurs only with nag-/mag- *%

nakitqan ku si pilar naghinasbiq samtang si qisang nanglaba

1 saw Pilar talking while Isang was washing clothes*ff

*l) hinagbuq and other3 occur only with £ag- lfdo V'""' to
each other" (Sec* 9#92),

12.2 Passive paradigms

12.21 Class I

This class includes those forms which have direct passives

with direct meaning, local passives with local meaning (*local/

or^person for whom1), and instrumental passives* with instrumental


direct "thing T~~ *ed" (See. 8.211 and ' subsections)

local Jplace where 1 r is done11 (See, 8;2212,

]person for whomj 8.2213 and subsections)
instrumental I"thing with which" (Sec# 8.312 and subsections
|"person for whom" (Sec. 8.2313)
I (imperative only)
12.211 Class la

misa:qad si karlus nga palitun ni:ya kadtu ng qawtu

"Charles promised that he would buy that automobile."

muba:lik ku ngadtu sa tinda:han nga qa:ku ng gipalitan qug sinimaq

"I will go back to the store where I bought a dressi"11

malipa:yun si nasnay kay gipalitan siya ni ta:tay qug makina

"Mother is happy because Dad bought a sewing machine for her»ir
instrumental (temporal meaning)

maqa:yu ru ng qipalit qug libru kay bubaratu na "It is good to

buy books because they are cheaper now."

Instrumental (instrumental meaning)

taga:qi ku g kwarta ng qipalit qug karni "Give me money to buy

meat with."

Instrumental ^person for whom'''(in imperative only))*

qipalit ra gud si lima qug qaspirin kay gilabda g qu:lu Please
buy aspirin for Lena because she has a headache•"

*l) 3?he instrumental meaning "person for whom" is also used

other than imperative (cf. 8.2313) for some bases e.g, V"*"
ku:haq "get" qiku:haq ku siya qug tambal "I will get some medi-
cine for him."

12+212 Class lb

This subclass contains those bases which have only direct

passives and no other passives. The words in this class belong

to the types described in Sees, 8.211225 and 8.211&2 - 4V*

mangi:taq ku qug panaptun nga maqa:yu ng karsuni:sun "I will

look for cloth that will be good to make into pants#"

*l) Y**~ hunaqhu:naq "think" and others are also used in the
instrumental*qihunaqhusnaq ra ku g maqa:yu ng pasasngil qikahaitag
sa qaiku ng qasamra "Think of a good excuse to give my wife*11
2) T*~* ka:las "waste" and others have a local meaning
"person who considers something as V"~fc " #
magdagi:nut ta s papil kay kala:san nyaq si hwan "Let us
economize on paper because John will consider it a waste*11

12.213 Class 1c
This subclass includes bases which mean motion. The
direct passive of these bases means"place to which"; the local
passive means "place on which". The instrumental has an instru-
mental meaning*

layuq kaqa:yu qang qa:ku ng lakwun qugmaq "The place I am going

tomorrow is very far*"

disliq maqa:yu ng lakwan ni ng kalsa:da kay lapu:kun "This road

is not good to walk on because it is muddy."

kini ng da:qa ng sapa:tus maqatyu ng qilakaw "These old shoes

are good to walk in#"

12.214 Class Id

This subclass includes those with only potential forms

in the passives.* Bases of this type are described in Seo«


qang qa:mu ng panagsulti maba:tiq ni ta*tay f,Dad will hear our


*1) Some havenonpotentials in other meanings: kitatqun

"person met with" Cf. <Sec. 8.21151.

12.215 Class le

This subclass includes those with local passives mBWX&ng

"affected by". The direct passive has the meaning "thing caused

to be TmmFmm ". The local passive of words in this class are

described in Sec. 8#2215 and its subsections.

direct passive

nga:nu ng saki;tun pa man ni:mu qang qi:mu ng kaqugalisngun sa

paghandum sa nanga:gi "Why inflict pain upon yourself by thinks
ing of the past?"

local passive

ffisakitan si lulti sa qu:lu "Lulu has a headache."

12.216 Class If
This subclass includes those with direct meaning "thing

caused to be V~~ "# The local means "person nrho considered scamlkdxg

as V~~~ "• Instrumental if used at all is used in the impera-

tive and temporal meanings (Sees. 8.2313, 8.2314)•

gwa-pu:hun ku ni ng parul kay qa:ku ng qiqintra sa banggaq "I

will make this lantern beautiful because I will enter it in the

- ^ifflyQ>Pu:han gayud ku ni ruhilyu "I really thinkfiogeliois


12.217 Class lg

This subclass contains bases for which the direct passive


means "person affected by".

wala y kukahadluk nga manungkab sa manga hayu:pan sa manga taswu

kanang bati:qun na se kagustuia maqadlaw kun magabi:qi ,fHe had
no fear at all to steal the people1 s animals whenever he felt
hungry, day or night ." (56#16)

12.22 Class 2

This ciass includes those which have no direct passives,

have local passives with direct meaning and have instrumental

passives >witk instrumental meaning.

12.221 Class 2a

Thi* class includes bases that follow the above type

(Sec. 12.22),

local with direct meaning*

gibayran na:kuq qang qa:ku ng qu:tang "I paid my debt."

Instrumental passive with instrumental meaning

ni:qa qang kwarta ng qa:ku ng <^iba:yad sa qa:ku ng qu:tang

Here is the money that I will pay my debt with.11

*1) V"~~ maqu "know11 occurs only with local potential in

direct meaning.
waq ku y kamaquhan bashin sa manga makina "I know nothing about
2) V~~ ti:plg "set aside" and others have local in the
direct meaning and no instrumental.

12.222 Class 2b

This subclass includes those forms with direct passives in

the same meaning as the local passive. The local passives of

bases of this type are described in Sec. 8.2112J. The instrumental

of these has an instrumental meaning.*

direct and local passive
kupti ni ng qa:ku ng bag kavfqabli:hani ku ni ng pultahan
"Hold my bag because I. will open the door."

instrumental passive
kini ng yawi:ha maqu y qiqabli sa pultahan "This is the key to
open the door."
*1) V"*^ et <wand others do not have an insiru-
tuTqu *•] believeuL
mental passive in the instrumental meaning*

12,225 Class 2c

This subclass includes those bases with a local passive

meaning "reason for which T**~ is done" and with an instrumen-

tal-ablative meaning "action done while agent is in a certain

emotion". The local and instrumental of bases of this type aro

described in, Sees. 8.2214 and 8.23143 respectively.*

qunsa ma y qi:mu ng gihilakan "What are you crying about?"

gihi:lak ku na lang qang qa:ku ng kahiqubus kay di:liq man ku

makasu:kul "I just cried along with my hurt feelings because I
oould not fight back."

*l) V ~ hislak "cry" and other bases have optional (*-£••)

with the local passive,
2) T"~ kusrug "tremble11 and others have no instrumental
except in the temporal meaning.

12.224 C l a s s 2d

^his ..subclass includes those with local passives to de-

rived bases with direct meanings. These are bases with hx«»/hinff«»

(Sec. 9»4) and pakiff- (Sec. 9^7) • Local passives of bases of the

type with hi-/hing- are described in Sec. 8.22115.

hingkitqan na:muq si du:dung nga natu:g sa sinihan "We saw

Dodong sleeping in the movie house."

pakigkita:qan naskuq si gulyas qugmaq "I will see Gullas


12.225 Class 2e

This class includes those with only a local passive in a

local meaning,*

nga:nu ng qi:mu ng ^ibilakaqan qang katri Why are you sitting
on the bed?"

*l) V"""*" lingkud "sit" and others have an instrumental

passive*qayaw g qilingkud kana ng qi:mu ng bagqu ng karsumis
Do not sit in your new trousers,"
2) V"~ tagingting "jingle" and others have local passives
only in meaning "thing affected by".
kana ng tawha:na laqug kaqaiyu g kwarta tagin^tisngan lang niimu g
sinsilyu da:yu g du:qul "That man is very greedy for moneyi If
he hears the tingling of coins, he immediately comes hear youi"

12,25 Class 5

This class includes those forms with instrumental passives

with ablative (direct) meaning and local passives with the mean-

ing "person for whom", "place at which" <•

12.251 Class 3a

This subclass includes those which have no direct passive*

The instrumental means "thing F*"** -ed* and the local means'Tpersonl
Iplaoe T
to whom 1 *ed". Instrumental passives of this type are de-

scribed in Sec, 802J111#

local passive
kun di:liq mupaha:waq maprissu pa sila qug di:liq pa sila hatasgan
ni mistir qalug qug yustaq "If they would not clear out, not only
would they be put into jaix, but also they would not be given any
land by Mr. Alog." $5?) i n s t r u m e n t a l
maqu kanaq qang <ja:ku ng qihattag kani:mu "That is what I am
going to give you." (7*5;

12,232 Class 5b

This subclass includes those which have direct passive

with direct meaning and instrumental with ablative-causative

meaning,* Bases of this type are described in See* 8,23112 ff#*

direct passive
sudlun ku qang kwartu nisya karun nga waq siya dinhi "I will
enter his room now that he is not here,"
qisulud ku ni ng kwarta sa qa:ku ng pita:ka "I will put this
money in my purse."

*l) V ~ susguq "command11 and others have a direct meaning

for both the direct and the instrumental with no extra causative
meaning in the instrumental where the instrument means "thing
"V -ed" and the direct "person "V -ed" .
si hwan kun sugusqun ni:mu di:liq ni:ya buhaxtun qang jglgiuguq
"If you told John to do something, he would not do what he was
told." (1.12)
la) "V qingun "say" and others of this type have a local
passive in the meaning "person V ~ -ed"» foingna"! si hwan "Tell
John." Uingnif

2) Y*** qandam "prepare" and others have the same meaning

for the instrumental and direct.
fqandasma \ n± ng kahu:ya pa:ra sa panday "Make this wood ready
jqiqandam J
for the carpenter*"
3) 1 % ku:qut "reach in" and others have a direct meaning
in the direct and ablative (motion away from speaker) in the
walaq kuqu:ta ni hwan qang pitarka "John did not reach for the
qiku:qut kana ng qi:mu ng kamut kay qadu*na ku y qiha:tag kanismu
"Put in your hand, for I have something to give you.11 (5#ll)
4) V~" sulud "go in" and others have a causative meaning
in the local passive.
qang manga karabaw nagaguyud sa kurmasta ng gisudlan sa salapiq
"The carabaos pulled the carts which were filled with gold.11
(Lit.: "place gold was put in") (16.10)

12,255 Class 3o

This group includes those with direct passives in meanings

other than direct^instrumental with an ablative causative mean-

ing, and local in the local meaning.

direct with meaning of "purpose" (Sec. 8.2113)

qunsa pa ma y qi:mu ng qubanun ngadtu sa lilu:qan nga nangalitguq

na man mu didtu gaha:pun "What are you going along to Lilo«*an
for when you already went swimming there yesterday?"

local in the local meaning

giqubanan pa man ga;niq qaku sa tininti sa bala:ngay "The barrio

lieutenant had even gone along with me.,! (65*5)

instrumental with ablative-causative meaning

pusta ni ng libru kay qa:kuq ni ng qiquban qug ha:tag kang
li:na "Wrap this book up because I will have it go with those
I am giving to Lina#"

12.24 Class 4
This c l a s s i n c l u d e s t h o s e b a s e s w i t h p a - " c a u s a t i v e 1 ^ Instseu-

mentals t o b a s e s of fctets t y p e a r e dfesc#ibed %n Sec* 8*2311221«

p a - -un ''person caused t o T~""~ "

qipa- "thing caused to be V*""*" -ed"

12,241 Class 4a

This class includes those with local passive meaning

"place at which one caused TT""" " or "person for whom one caused

papalitun ku qug mangga si pilar "I will have Pilar buy some

ffipapalitan na:kuq qang manga ba:taq qug pan "I had some bread
bought for the children."

qipapalit ku kana ng sapa:tus kang tartay "I will have Dad buy
those shoes."
12.2A2 Class 4b

This subclass contains those with local meaning nearly the

same as instrumental. The locals of bases of this type ere de-*

SS*ibed. in ^g fc 8#221521*

pasugusqun ku si mari:ya kang li:na pagpanglaba "I will have
Mary command Lina to do the laundry."
pasugusqan lang na:tuq si maryu qug bastacg "Let us just have a
boy sent for Mario#"
qipasusffuq ku lang naq si lisna sa qa:mu ng kasisra ng si lurna
"I will just allow Lorna, our boarderf to dwmaafcd H n a # "

12.245 Class 4c
This Subclass has local passives with the same meaning as

direct or instrumental. Bases of this type are described in

Sec. 8. 221113.

fpahinatyun "{
lpahinasyan % nitya qang qawtu kay dagha ng ta:wu sa kalsasda "He
Iqipahisnay J
will slow down his car because there are many people in the
12.25 Class 5

This class contains those passives to bases with the affix

lea- (Sec. 9«3)»

12.251 < Class 5a
This subclass contains those with local passives in direct

meaning and those with qi- instrumental* The localsfar this type

are described in 3ec. 8.22113*

qang pagba:lik sa qanak nga maqusi:kun maqqy gikalipasyan sa
qamahan "The return of the prodigal son was the cause of the
father's joy."

qikali;pay ku qang qismu ng kalampu:san "Your success will make
me happy."

12.252 Class 5b

This class includes those bases with ka- that have no in*

sfcrumental passive. The locals to these are described in Sec»

8#22113 and mean "reason on account of which one Y~ »sfi •

mikalit qug buthuq qang gikalisasnga ng buqa:ya sa subaq sa marbil

"Suddenly the fearful crocodile appeared in the fiver at Marbel*.'"

*1) IP* katuslug "sleep" and others also have a local meaning
in the local passive*
gikatulgan ni ni:niq qang bagqu ng katri "Nene slept on the new

2) T ~ kabu:hiq "live" andothers have a meaning "thing from

which one V~~ ,f in the local pa&sive,
qunsa y qi:mu ng gikabuhisqan "What is your means of livelihood?11
3) V ~ kata:gak "fall" and others have a local meaning
"person on whom something Tmmmt s11
n%taga:kan si qustu g lubi "A coconut fell on Osto,"

12,26 Class 6

This class contains those passives with prefix pag- meaning

"do with" (Sec» 9 # 2l), Bases of this type are described in Sec»

12.261 Glass 6a

This <Bubclass includes those passives with pag- used in the

direct and local passives. Words of this type may have zero

alternants of pag-» They are described in Sec, 9»921. ^ e direct

passive of these, "person with whom one T**1led" , is described in

Sec, 8,2115 ff*

gpLki:tag na:kuq si padri dama:su gahaspun "I went to see Pr#
Damasu yesterday,"

local passive "place where people "\r~^ed with each other"

kana ng punu:qan sa qakasya maqu y gikita;qan sa managtrattu

"That place under the acacia tree is where the lovers met*"

*l) Some forms have direct passives with a different meaning*

minyusqun "persons caused to V with each other"
minyu:qun na lang nastuq si ti:ta qug guryu "Let us just marry
Tita and~Gorio off,"
2) Other forms have direct meaning "thing people V~~ with
each other",
Cftili:sun na:tuq qang qa:tu ng la:pis "Let us exchange pencils**"

12.262 Class 6b

This subclass includes those with pag- used with instrumental

and local passives* Bases of this type are described in Sec* 9*21.

local passive "place people V~Ted with each other**1


maqu ni dinhi qangffipanagqawa:yah sa manga sundaslu ng

pilipi:nu qug hapun "This is where the Filipino and Japanese
soldiers fought each other."

instrumental'j>assive "person with whom one T*~~-ed"

tu:qa ra si pisyang qang babasyi ng qa:ku ng gikaqa:way kaniqadtu

"There goes Pisyang, the woman with whom I fought one timei"

*l) V qa:way "fight" and others have alternants gpLka- »an

for local passives#
maqu ni ng dapirta qang qisla ng gikaqawasyan "This is where they
2) V~""~ qasway and others have alternants £i- -an for the
local passives*
nagtindug qang manga sibuwarnu qug bantayug sa da:pit nga
ffiqawasyan ni lapula;pu qug magalya:nis "The Cebuanos put up a
monument at the place where Lapulapu and Magellan fought'*11
3) V ~ kistaq "meet" and others have alternants qi^in the
instrumental (Sec. 8.2315)
bissan kinsa y qisya ng qigkistaq| qi:ya ng lamanu:hun "He shook
hands with whomever he met,"
4) V~" pusyuq "live together" and others have alternants
£i-/ai- •
si nurma gipu:yuq ni birtu niqadtu ng tinggusbat "Berto had
Norma live with him as his mistress during the past war*"
5) V~~ tagbuq "meet" and others have gipanag- for the
qasmu ng jSripanagtagbucL sa lahug qang pangu:lu qug manga magbabalaqud
"We met the president and the congressmen at lahug. . * ' '

12*?63 Class 60

This subclass includes forms of local passives of bases with

pag- having xuoalccal meaning.*

local meaning "reason on account of which"

qang pagpi:liq qug bagqu ng pangu:lu nga maqu y gipana^kitatqan

sa manga saskup walaq mahismu kay naglalisay man sila "The
aloctsMm of a new president which was the reason for their
meeting could not be carried out because the members argued too

l) v~- sulti "say" and others have a local passive in direct


^ipanagsulti:qan nit la si bu:buy "They talked about Boboyi*11

12.27 Class 7

This class contains those bases with a direct meaning in all

three passives.

•padayutna ^
padayu:ni > qang qinyu rig gikasabu:tan "Continue what you have
agreed to**

12.28 Class 8

This class contains bases which have no passives e#g* V***~

tangaq *stare into space"

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