Cebuano Morphology (Wolff)
Cebuano Morphology (Wolff)
Cebuano Morphology (Wolff)
Copyright 1962
John U. Wolff
Contents of Part III
inflectional forms
8 • 12 nag-/mag-
8.2 Passives
8.221 £ i - «-an/-anA»i
8.3 Abstracts
8.4 Imperatives
8.0 Introduction
8.01 Definitions
8.045 Zero
8.046 (—2*-) and (-^r-) as part of the affix
8.05 Inflectional affixes listed
8.051 Active
8.052 Passive
8.1 Actives
8.12 nag-/mag-
8.121111 No shift
8.121112 (-*-)
8.12112 To derived bases
8.12U3 To nominal bases (—^-)
8.1212 nas*»/mag- action not necessarily volitional
8.12211 No shift
8.122511 No shift
8.12441 (-3*-)
[should j
8.129 Meanings p e c u l i a r to n a g -
8»13913 To bases with a dead jgag- prefix
8.22 Local'passives
8.221 gi~^n/~^/-i
8.22141 ( —&~)
} affected by"
To adjective bases
To transient bases
8.221521 Local meaning "Jpersonl affected" causative to
{thing J
transient bases compared with direot and ±nstru~
mental passive
8.2321 qjga-
8.3 Abstracts
8.4 Imperatives
8*4212 Local
8.4213 Instrumental
8.4221 Direot
8.4222 Local
8.4223 Instrumental
8.0 Introduction
and qualifiers
Chapter 12 Paradigms
8.01 Definitions
itself as a predicate*
examples of forms meeting these two criteria which are not adjec-
three meanings:
1) thing V -ed
because the meaning of the common noun is l) "thing V~" *ed"* Sim-
10*51 - 10*52 and their subsections and in Sec. 10*92 and its
sient base (from which the adjective is formed with (—>j># Cf%
fulfills the conditions of Sec, 8,011, and the meaning of the base
which has taken place or is taking place* (There are some excep-
meaning !,action v/hich was done in the past" the second to last may
be unreal.
The meaningsrof two forms are called Mthe same" if the only
is symbolized by "«".
borrowed into Cebuano from other languages may occur with these #
form . Two affixes are the same if they have the same meaning
and the same form * Otherwise they are different. Bases are
the words less the affix . If two affixes have the same meaning aa$
distribution or differ in distribution only with respect to forms
with which they occur in award, they are called MalternantsH of each
other• Thus pag-
/ aa&tet- in gipagqawasyan "reason on account of winch two people
quarreled" and gikasabustan "thing on which two people agreed11
are considered to be alternants of each other because their W&9&*
inxg is the same*, and the only difference in their distribution is
the forms with which they occur in a word. (Some words have paff-
in this meaning} some have ka-j and some have both}
8*045 Zero
A form ab is considered to have an affix zero, alternant of
affix £• when /abc/ occurs with the same meanings as /ab/ (o£ the
"* Sec» 8*042) t
difference in meaning is one of specialization mf The affix zero,
however^ is not analyzed unless it is an alternant of another affix*
(Cf* Sec* 8*044.) E*g*, giqawa:yan "thing fought together about11
(with a zero alternant of pag«») and gipagqawa:yan "thing fought
together about" (with a pag- affix, the alternant of zero)#
8*046 (~>) and (<—) as part of the affix
As is explained in Sec* 2*23 the symbol (->-* ) means that the
base has an alternant with a short penult and (4***-) means the "base
of the affix* Thus for -a (#*-) exclamatory (Sep* 3#64) the (^*~)
as li:pay + -a (f—-)• even though the base already has a long pe-
curs only in words with a short or closed penult. Thus for -an
(~^) "place of V~~ " (Sec. 10*2621), the (r**) is considered part
Sec* 2*225 and Sec* 8*1182 and its subsections* These affixes
are used both with the bases consisting of one morpheme (roots)
son singular and plural* The usage of the -urn- infix in this
8.051 Active
; : : :
S p e c i f i c a l l y du- : Jnaga-^ : maga- : :
rative : 1 ga-F t * :
, ; i : m am m ii .i in
mi mm • ••• III— i • • •• < ii m m urn m
Potential ; fnaka-1 s: jmaka-1 : Jka- I :
t t ka-r" : jpagka~| :
; 1 ka-J , _ . . . . • . • •
x- Form is prefixed.
8,052 Passive
Some bases occur only with active affixes, others only with
passive affixes# Most bases occur with both.
* *•« **
[Direct t Progres- pag- -uni pag- -a paga~ -a
sive >.
i t e r a t i v e ! : gina- paga—uns paga- -a
1 mmMmmmmmmm
w w w mmm km m'4n> • • • ' • • ! » nmmmmmmmmm » w mmmm w i w
8,1 Active
nag-/ mag- and naka-/ maka- (except those of ^ecs. 8,135 a*i<l
mi- and ni- are used with every base in the following
sections, ming- and ning- are not used with every base, qina-
muginum ka ba Do you want to drink?" V qinum "drink"
kita kunu saqup risya qug walaq muha:tag sa ba:hin "He says
we are his tenants and would not give him his share." "V
ha:tag "give" (5O.6)
8.112 mi-/mu«» "begin action"
Sec. 8.114*)
8.113ffi,~/j*S&~neutral as to volition
happens to something"
Note that mi-Am- of Sec. 8,111 above does not have voli-
"hi" mipula qang na swung ni dyu human siya makaqinum qug tulu
ka butilya ng bir "Joe's face became red after he drank three
bottles of beer." V pula "red"
\T it
muduha na siya ka buslan dinhi sugbu "He has been here in Cebu
for almost two months." V duha "two"
naff-/mag- except some of those with ka- and those with £aN- in
of inflectional affixes
9#io ff.)
8#1152 To nouns that occur with paW- transient deriva~
qunyaq miluksu qang ba:taq qug mihi:lak "Then the child jumps
up and down and bursts out crying.!t V luksu "jump"
V— hi: lak f,cryfl
Note that for some of those with ka-* there are forms which
qayaw g banhaq dihaq kay matusg na ku "Do not make any noise
there because I want to sleep now*"
This occurs with a few bases which occur also with nag-*/
mag- "action devolving on agent" (Sec. 8«123 and its sub-
sections) and naka-/maka- (Sec. 8.1541)• However, nag-/maff-
occurs with more bases in this meaning than mi-/mu-.
The difference in meaning is parallel to the other differences
between mi-/mu- and nag-/maff.*
(intentional meaning)
8.12 nag-/mag-
may not have this meaning* (Cf. the cha,rt £&£. 8.114 for
"continuing action".
8.121111 Ho shift
samtang qang qinahan naghitpus sa manga pinggan qug
nanghinluq sa kusisna qang bastaq la:mang qang qusa ra didtu
sa su:d sa kwartu "While the mother was putting away the
plates and was cleaning up the kitchen, just the child was
alone in the room." "V hi:pus "put things in their pro$*»
er place"- (19.5)
1 su:gud "start"
8.1213 na^/ma^i to derived bases which do not occur
8.12211 No shift
8.12212 (~*—)
8.12221 Underived
8.122511 Wo shift
qug dihaq qang kahumayan ni qiyuq qisyut nga sa qi:ya ng
pananqaw naglatwud sa kaha:yag sa kabunta:gun "And there lyo
Esyut beheld his rice field, a sea in the morning light."
V~ la:wud "sea"
state or condition)
those that
These are the same bases as/occur with the mi-/rau-
Sec. 8.1342.
nagqabri qang pultahan kay nalimta g sira ni lu:ling "The
door is open because Loling forgot to close it." V qabri
8.12241 nag- "become V " (dead)
• 8.12311 n a ^ / m a ^ («*»Q
t*ach other"
Waited a^ove
8.1241 To noun basesffiig-hoccur with a number of in«»
flectional affixes
8.1242 nag-Zma^- to do something on Y~~ f s M
(Sec, 4*68).
8.12421 To underived bases
magduminggu siya g qanhi sa syudad kay maqu ra ma y qadlaw
ng waq siya y traba:hu nHe comes here on Sundays because that
is the only day he does not have work," F^duminggu "Sunday"
(Cf. example c. Sec. 8#11321 for the difference between this and
dislaq "Pedro spoke Yisayan well before his tongue was cut out # "
T/ binisayaq "Visayan language11
aasa4 ,
j£a-j /maga*
£ £g- /* /maga- is used with the same bases as nag--/mag«-
/ *!foaa ]*
8.131 naka^/naka*» lable foj
8.131111 No shift
The unreal maka- is also used in past time meanings in the meaning
of "was able to Y~~ "a (naka- has the nuance of "succeeded in V"*"~ "J
with bases with ka-) except those of Sec» 9*321 ("action performed
by agent").
waq man siya y mahismu qarun siya makapangi; tag qug makatasbang
sa qa:tu ng kahimtang "He cannot do anything in order to earn
something to help our situation." V*~ pangi:taq "earn" V*"""
ki:taq "earn" (30.4)
makapakataswa ka nisya nga raurha:nun man naq siya "Can you make
him laugh? For he is a sourpuss." Y~~ pakata:wa "cause to
kun waq pa lang qang hispi nakapatay na qaku qug taswu "If
the chief had not been there,I would already be a murderer*"
(Lit*; "I would have already killed someone*") T""" patay "kill"
8*1322 To noun bases
(Note that these also have the other meanings of the naka-/maka«Q
These bases also occur with nag-/mag- of Sec, 8,123 and its
(action completed)
(potential meaning)
These are the bases which occur with mi-/mu- of Sec. 8#1131
This usage occurs with bases which for the most part have
is used instead,
qang tagduma:la maqu ra y makagdiliq sa matag qusa kanaituq
"The manager is the only one who can forbid all of us," V**""
diliq "forbid"
well* (Cf. Sees. 8,119, 8.123 [and its subsections] and 8#134l#)
ifiers* The meaning of the forms with mi-/mu- and of the base
(meaning "become/became")
pada* ku g gassa sa qa:ku ng manghud "I will send a gift to
my younger brother." (» mupada:)
pakiluquy lagi siya na:kuq sa diha ng giki:ha ku siya He asked
me for sympathy when I filed a complaint against him,"
( m mipakiluquy)
With jja- meaning "go in the direction of V (Sec, 9*15)
zero for mu- occurs after walaq, di:liq and gustu,
Most bases with pa** "causative" (Sec, 9«3JL) are not used in
paN- or ka- \
The base alone for the base with mag- is not used after di;liq«
walaq and gustu except for the types described in Sec, 8,1623 and
its subsections,
dala nyaq ku g sa:ging qugmaq kay qastu ng qisugba "I will bring
bananas tomorrow because we will roast them over the fire,*
( m magdala " durative meaning" Sec, 8,l22&)
qach other"
(Sec, 9*13)
waq siya pakiluquy kay taqas man siya garbu "He did not
ask for pity, for he was very proud," (« magpakiluquy)
bases hupan. ta:pusf dala, nunut and some others, this usage is
With many bases having pa- causative the base alone is used
8,2 Passive
A given base may occur with one, twof or all three of the
8.21ffi-/-un/«»adirect passive
The various meanings for the direct passive are the same
from the Cebuano point of view with the exception of the meanings
The direct passive occurs less with derived bases than the
ative ka- (Sec. 9»3)t pakig- (See. 9*6)9 paki- (Sec. 9*91) and
qang qi:ya ng qasapra pud gipalakaw "He had even had his wife go
away*" V~ palakaw "cause to go out" (46*5)
papahawa;qun kunu kita kay "He says we will be kicked off* Kay*"
V ~ papaha;wa$ "cause to clear out" (5Q#6)
pangasawqun ku qang qijya ng qanak "I will marry his daughter*"
W^"''gangas«wa "take a wife'1 (10*4) (For bases with paff- of*
Sec. 8.2115)
motion in a direction*
[£i-/-unAa (—^) ]
qayaw ku g darlingdarli:nga dihaq bakyaqun t ikaw run
"Don't you darling mel I will hit you wj^th this wooden slipper
Jreason on account of L _ _, , M
8.2115 Direct passive meaning turpose
jpurpose for J***
without pa-
"cause to be 7 "
This direct passive occurs only with a feiv of the bases with
These forms are used only in fancy style except with a few
action continuing).
8.2122 To derived b a s e s
prefix panag- is used for the direct passive with most bases
8.215 gi~/-un/-a "affected [ by j*
8.21511 Underived
8.215111 No shift
"plural" which occurs only with these prefixes. (Cf# Sec. 9*2171*)
8.213211 No shift
or sa (Sec. 4*63).
and its subsections* However, for bases with the prefix pa-» the
used as well.
qang manga 3inya:,gii nga mahu:g ku sa kagwang maqu kanunay qang msatwUd
sa q i : l a ng dalunggan "The shouts of fmaho~og ko f of the
f l y i n g lemurs i s what f i l l e d t h e i r e a r s # " Tmmm saswud " c a t c h "
(These are the same bases that do not occur with mif»/mu»»
nakl:taq ba ni:iau qang ta*wu ng nagdala g bukag "Did you see the
man bringing a basket?" V kistaq "see"
The various local passives are the same affix with the excep-
the context.
There are also other bases of this type* (Cf, Sec, 8,21123't)
Thatse are bases meaning "wipe, sweep" and the likef The
direct passive means "the thing wiped off11 whereas the local
means "the thing wiped". This type is treated undor Sec# 8***22122
For most of these bases the direct passive has the meaning
number 1 and 3*
which have the meaning "do things to the body (kiss, wash,
Also many bases meaning "touch, lake hold of, let go of"i* and
direct meaning*
with hi- often have direct meaning even for bases for which the
zero (Sec. 9»40l)f then it looks as though the local passive has
naki:tag ni:ya qang qusa ka daku ng kaJhuy nga may buhuq "He
saw a large tree with a hole." V"~ ki:taq "see" (4»4)
8.22116 Local passive direct meaning to noun bases
(various meanings)
direct in English
These are bases meaning "wipe, sweep and the like . The
local passive means "thing wiped" (i.e., place where the wiping
V~ <*ed on".
qadtu has a special meaning where the direct passive means "pur-
tali:say qang qila ng qadtu:qan "Talisay was where they went
Cf. qunsa y qinyu ng qadtu:qun s tali:say "What will you go to
Talisay for?" V~~ qadtu "go to"
qang pagpugung s qa:tu ng sa:piq maqu y gibarugan ni qanhi ng
magsaysay "The late Magsaysay stood for currency control*"
y barug "stand"
With most bases meaning "speak" and the like and bases
tudlu:qi siya g dajma "Teach him now how to play checkers**11 T7~
tudluq "teach"
8.22132 Local passive meaning "person to whom" with (,-»•».).
^Jpersonl "
8.2215 Ithing J affected by
8.22151 To adjective bases
banhasqan ka ba s manga ba:ta ng nagdu:laq "Will you be
disturbed by the children playing?" V~" banhaq "noisy"
8.221521 Local meaning* jthing J affected11 causative
With this type the local meaning is person who was affected
means "person who was caused to IT* ". The instrumental passive
means "person who was caused to be V *edfl (i.e., nearly the same
di:liq gyud na:kuq siya pasuguxqun sa mutsatsa "I will not let
him command the servant."
diq ku qipasu:guq si marixya sa mutsatsa "I will not let Maria
be commanded by the servant."
8.2216 gi- ~an/~an/~i "one who considers \ a person j
as TT" "
inflectional affixes
/fma-> //ma^|
8.223 Potential local passives na
speech in context which would call for them. (Cf. Sec. 8*13~#)
has the form gika- -an« ka~ -an (with a zero alternant of pag-)»
Cf# na- -an for gika- "-an with stative bases Sec* 8.22113*
in one of the meanings may or may not occur in the other meanings•
qang pasa:yan qug karni sagu:lun paglu:tuq "The shrimp and the
meat are to be cooked together,"
8•2311221 With bases having pa- "causative" prefix
sudlun ku qang laingub "I will enter the cave." (direct passive)
qambir kun qunsa y qi:la ng qitawag kana:kuq tutal waq man sab
ku makagustu kani:la "Let us see what they call me. Anyway^I
do not like them either."
(For these bases the direct passives have the meaning "fpersonl
[thing J
V~-ed M .
gitawaff kini qug kampu "It was called •Campo1." V~ tawag
"call" (51.8)
not have the meaning "allow", (Cf, Sec# 8,231123 for further
ti:qaw mu ba y walaq man siya sukad qiku:yug sa qi:ya ng qamahan
sa lasang qarun mami:lay qug kashuy "Imagine-he had never be-
fore been taken along by his father to the forest to fell trees#"
TT~ ku:yug "go together with someone" (27#13)
si marisya maqu y qipu:yuq ni tasyu "Tasio will have Maria
live with him," V*" pagpu:yuq "live together as man and wife"
(qipu?yuq has a zero alternant of p a ^ , Cf, Sec, 9«921«) -
qikana:qug qang qiruq kay malibang nyaq sa tasqas "Put the dog
out because it might make a mess inside," V"~ kana:qug "go out"
8.2312 ffi-/meaning "thing used as"
tional affixes
9#10 ff.)
For transients used this way the instrument can also be used
waq nisya qipunit si pidru sa papil "He did not pick the paper
up for Pedro."
The meaning "person for whom" is used with a few bases with the
dead body of his beloved child that he would avenge it*" T"~
panimalus "avenge11 (53*14)
8*23131 To adjective bases
8*2314 g^.- "time to (time onelmay j ) Y~- "
The meaning "time to" with qi- occurs with most transient
haspun qasku ng qigiskan kay disliq qisnit "I will start in the
afternoon because it will not be hot," T~ gi:kan "leave for"
is used with the same meaning as qi-»* (qi- may also be used with
these bases*) The bases which occur with qig- are those of Sec*
tive •
la:qay qunta ng qiqadtu sa ka lu:lu ni:ya sanglit musaka pa man
siya niqadtu ng bakilid qug qinighimungtud ni:ya sa tagaytay
maqu pa y qisya ng qigqabut sa ka lu:lu ni:ya "It was tiresome
to go to his grandfathers because he still had to go up the
slopef and he would not reach his grandfather^ place until he had
reached the crest of the ridge*"
With these qig- or qi- is used with ' the same meaning* *
qi:mu ng qigkistaq ba ru ng ha:pun si guryu sa parki "Will you
and Gorio meet in the park this afternoon?" V~ ki:taq "see"
^iterative L
8.232 ^ina-/qiga-taction continuing; instrumental
*The meaning is the same as the passive c^L- and pag«* "V**
each other" (Sec. 9.921) and occurs to basfcs which also oolite
With pag~ •
In very high style they are used with a large number of bases*
hinu:qun nahibalu qaku nga birsar: karun qang tanan nga qijmu ng
pangayusqun sa dyLis kini qtgaha s tag kani:mu sa dyus "But I know
that even now, whatever you ask of God, God will give you**1'
V~ ha stag "give11
8.2321 qigg,- (dead)
walaq ku siya q ikaq uban sa qa:muq kay walaq man musugut qang qisya
ng ginikasnan "I was not able to take him along to our place
because his parents did not agree to it." "V quban "go along"
(mftquban would not be used in this context*)
and temporal meanings (Sec. 8.2314). The potential does not occurJn
the meaning "person for whom" {Sep* 8*2313)«'-'fthat the potential
is not always used in contexts which would call for it in col-
9 # 4), those with pakig- (Sec* 9»7) and paka«» (Sec. 9»74 )•
: more productive than with the local and direct passive* (Cf* Sees
This usage is very high style. The meanings are the same as
for qika-*
8.3 Abstracts
alone. The two have the same meaning. The abstract is used in
of"« qinig-/qig- occurs with the same bases^ as pag- except hi-*
su:gud siya g qiylis da:yun miqadtu sini f!He began to get dressed
and then at once went to the show.11 nagqi:lis "dressed11 (Cf#
Sec» 8#123„)
derived or not.
The stative with noun bases means "become Y*~ "#(Cf# SeoV
"being V"* " and is more widely used than the other forms of the
qang sugila:nun sa qa:ku ng pagkahi:pi qang mahitungud niqadtu
ng qamirika:nu ng si ba;kir sa bulhuqun "The story about the
time I was chief is the one about that American Baker from
Boljo-on." V ~ hi:pi "chief" (37*1) (Cf# other examples Sec.
8.4 Imperatives
Por some bases occurring with nag-/mag- (—*•) pag«* also has
the subjunctive.
8.4212 Local
8.4215 Instrumental
qiku:gut kana ng qi:mu ng kamut kay qadmna ku y qiha:tag
kani:mu "Reach your hand in because I have something to give
you." V * kusqut "reach hand into" (5«ll)
"do not". This usage is fancy style, but otherwise the meaning is
the same as without pag-. (pag- does not occur before pa^a-0
8.4221 Direct
8.4223 Instrumental
9#0 Introduction
9 # 11 pa- causative
$•12 Causative to stative bases with lea-
9 #13 £a- "agent cause V ^ to himself11
9»14 pa- f,cause oneself to be at f " "
9»*5 J2.§~ "going in the direction of11
9.3 ka-
9.4 ha7hi Jhing- (—>)
9.41 ha-/M-
9*42 Local passives with hi-/hing- (r~-^)
9.5 MI-
9#6 Derivatives with -as:, -in ayg-anayt -,111- -anay
9.7 pakig- "V with someone else (action initiated by
9.74 paka-
9.741 paka- "take form/act like/ pretend to be T**—*H
(passive "considered V M )
9«742 paka- potential meanings
9#91 paki-
9.92 £ag-
9#93 -an- "plural agents"
"9»° * Introduction
9»0#1 Determination of the base
9.1 £§~
9»H pa- causative
9.111 pa- ^causative'' to transient bases
/make into T
Jdo \
9,1341 Meaning "(becomeJ V~~"~on purpose" whereas the s t a t i v e
/do 1
1 jbecomei
9*1342 Meaning the same as the s t a t i v e
9.-1343 (->)
9*14 pa- "oausfe oneself to be at Y~~~" (noun bases)
9*15 pa- "go in the direction of" (to noun and adjective
9#2 paN-
^ Jactors\ ;/
9.2112 (*—)
9*212 Several actors only
9.31 To adjective bases {becomeJ V-*""""
9.32 To transient bases
9*321 ka-"action performed by agent11
9*322 ka- "action which happened to agent"
9.33 ka- "become V
9.41 ha~/hi-
9.4151 No shift
9.4152 («S-)
9*6131 No shift
9#6l32 -anay (—*)
9*614 -in- -anay
9 #7424 k a - p o t e n t i a l a l t e r n a n t of paka-
9.811 No shift
9.841 No shift
9.8431 («-)
9.8452 With Culu-
9.85 Doubling "continuous action"
9.861 Culu-
9.91 £fiki-
9.911 paki- "ask for"
9.92 pag-
9.9211 No shift'
9.971 pasi-
9.972 sing-/sijT-
9.9721 jiing-
9.9722 .siN-
9.973 pani-
9.974 ti|-
9.976 panig»
9.9761 To noun bases (with (—^) )
9.977 .panggi-
9.9771 manggi-
9.978 paha-
9.10.22 jrn-
9.Q Introduction
*n a form xya* where £,y* and z are morphemes. there are three pos**
a. x j yz
b.' xy t z
oV x | y | z
The choice of which cut to make depends on the occurrence and
xyz then a is the correct cut. (in such oases xyz will usually
If jz are the same morphemes as the jr& of jyg then the mean-
ing £5 is the same (for morphemes are classes of forms With $be
same meaning in complementary distribution).
& no* ]g, then £ is the right exit* (There are no cases in Cebuano
a b o d e
E. g. pagka manggi hunaq hunafo_un "thoughtfulness"
b c d e - i •
Similarly for manggi hunaq hunaifl un we have a cutfcla£i«§ks~
by itself ij^does
cause cde* does not occur/in the same meaning as/in bode: nor do
i?.rl;i .li2> j|£f M > or CJD* However, jed does ocour in the same moan-
ing as in bode. This form is in paradigm with other forms manggi-.
~un with parallel immediate constituent structure (Sec. 11.357)•
For forms with the inflectional affixes the first cut is
made between the inflectional affixes and the base on the basis
of the above criterion
9-1 jaa-
9*11 £a- *causative*( productive)
The causative has either the meaning "allow" or "make (have)
soneone V " depending on the context. (Cf . examples of See*
9.1111.) Bases with pa»"causative" and active affixes (Sec» 8.1 and
subsections) may occur with "second goals" (Sec. 4»63l)»
9*111 pja- "causative" to transient** bases
With some transient bases in conjunction with instrumental
p&s&ivss there is a causative meaning without £g-. Also the bases
have a causative meaning without pa-. These are the
bases which also occur with the affix ka- (Sec. 9^3) •
palutusqun ku si marirya g paniqudtu I will have Mary oook
dinner.11 T~ lu:tuq "cook"
(With paff-)
(With ka-)
affixes. tmti&$g A&T%im& bases* (Cf. discussion Sec. 9.32.) Yet with
bases of the type which occur only with potential prefixes (Sec*
Similar usage is with the bases which occur only with the
These bases are adjective bases and transient bases which also
i n W **
With bases having a causative meaning '^have If soma one \
jallowi jsomething]
When the base has no inflectional affix the pa- means "cause
With other stative bases and adjective bases the active pa-
similar meaning the base is used with pa- in the same meaning
Some stative bases do not occur without ka- when with causa-
tives. (i.e., they occur only with paka- if there is a pa- oaiifr**
aiive.) Some do not occur with ka- at all (i.e., occur with pa-
V/ith these bases the meaning of the base alone or with pa-
is the same (although the pa- does not tend to occur with certain
The meaning of these differs from those of Sec, 9*11 i** that
for the pa- of Seo» 9*11 the action need not be done to the causer ).
di:liq siya magpakistaq ffHe will not show himself*" V*"* ki:taq
"see" (Here the base has the pa«» of this section,)
of Sec, 9.H.
for nag-/mag-,) (The meaning "act like V~ " for noun bases is
nagpadiliqdi:liq quruy siya ng gitaga:qan sa mansasnas piru
gustu bayaq "He said he did not want any when he was given the
apples, but really he wanted them." V~ di:liq "no"
"(do I
[become J Y~
9*1341 Meaning [become/ on purpose whereas the stative
-/do I
means j become j V**" "
ffipakamatyan ni risal qang qi:ya ng paghigugma sa qi:ya ng
yu:ta ng natawhan "Hi&al gave his life on account of his love for
his fatherland." (Lit.s"The love of his fatherland was the thing
on account of which (local passive Sec. 8#2214) Rizal made himself
die.1*) F"~ pakamatay "die for a cause" F~" kamatay "die"
(pakamatay is also used in the same meaning as kamatay.)
9#15 pa* "go in the direction of" (to noun and adjective
bases )
nagpaduqul siya qapan gabi:qi "He went near, but it was nighti"
V ~ duqul "near" (45.10)
Many roots which take this pa- also occur without pa- in the
same meaning.
9.2 jmN-
• M i l l ipijl >l I I I !
^ Jactorsi '
9.211 Several {goals f
9.2111 Without shift \
jgag- occurs with some bases with ka- and to bases with
In a very fancy style paN- is used with bases with hi-/h&* whi$fe are
great extent",
human siya muqinum sa qi:nit k-apiffipaningutsiya pagqa:yu
"After he drank the hot coffee, he sweated profusely." T"~
singut "sweat" V~" gisingut "person who sweated"
In other cases with the passive the paN- has the meaning
This paN- has two meanings: l) "the agent does F~ " and
2) "the agent does V for a living". These are with nominal bases,
Note that paN- in other than plural uses, has a plural mean-
ing if with na^/ma^ t naga-/maga-. (Cf# Sec. 8.12112.)
9,25112 (««-)
miqingun qang bartaq nga di:liq siya kahiba:wu ng mangi;lu
"The child said he did not know how to wipe himself."
qilu ftoilet paper -i
[something used for toilet paper)
9.23115 "Get the T~ out"
dijliq maqasyu ng mangiqkiq kung na:qa pa sa lamitsa "It is
not good to pick your teeth while still at the table." Y~ kiqkiq
"particles of food stuck in teeth after eating"
9*241 Underived
tion" Sec. 9.22 and Sees. 9.24 ff. also occur without paN- in the
same meaning or nearly the same meaning, (in some cases the form
gtipanganakan (* giqanakan)
With some affixes paN- does not occur. These are affixes of
as bases
"He now can be used as help in the house because he can already be
made to run errands#" V~ panimbang "help" V~ timbang "weigh"
may nanga panahun nga manganduy qaku qug duguq "There are
times when I long for blood," Y~~ panganduy "to long for" (22#ll)
in meaning
di:liq siya gustu qasna ng qamigu:ha kay kayuqan kaqa:yu "He does
not like that friend because he always asks for things,"
of those described for the statives (Sec* 9#31) and does not occur
Here we have a genitive meaning agent (njLtya)j and the meaning for
The bases without ka- usually have a meaning "cause IT*" "•
u J be
9.31 To ad.jeotive bases IIbecome
become J F~
(With (-<*-))
wala y kukahadluk nga manungkab sa manga hayu:pan sa manga ta:wu
kanang bati:qun na sa kagu:tum maqadlaw kun magabi:qi "He had
no fear at all to steal the people1s livestock whenever he felt
hungry, day or night• " V"~ qadlaw "day11 V gabi:qi "night"
(Translated as "accidental")
(Sec, 8.138)
These have the shape nagka-/magka«» but are not the same as
the stativesu
nagkaki:taq mu s binansyu gahaspun s ha:pun didtu s tindaihan
"Did you happen to meet Venancio yesterday afternoon at the
store?" V ki.taq "see"
9#36 Empty ka-
In most cases forms with the prefix have a short penult (if
it is open). Exceptions will be marked separately.
agent) ha-, iii~* hing-« hig-, hag-, are all of similar meanings
In most cases words with ha-# hi->»hing~# have the same meanings
as the same words without ha-» hi- * hing»»« (Cf* Sees* 9«417 &&<*
9*4131 No shift
For these bases the potential also has the meaning "action
pagqabut na:kuq waq pa makalakaw si prid (same meaning)
with hi- have pagka- without hi- for the accidental meaning, but
For some bases with hi- the abstract is formed with
* /
I.e. forms without ha-/hi-have the same meaning as forms
with ha-/hi- (See, 9.417).
Most base forms with ma-/na~ plus ha-/hi- have the same
meaning as forms with ma«-/na-, except that the former (the forms
potential or otherwise* Forms with hi- occur with hing~ and vice
forms) does not occur with hi-/hing-, Ratherf local passives with
hi-/hing- are neutral with respect to the meaning real vs* unreal*
mally different from the local passives with hi-/hing- (-^0 that
has been "dropped?1 if the local passive to the underived base has
a long penult, E.g# banha:qan vs. banhaqan (Also the form with
unreal meaning.)
(.a any case nahi- -an/mahi- -an is more frequent than naha* wan/
maha- -an.)
accidental" (dead)
This form is parallel to the gina- **an and paga- -an of the
qayaw g banhaq kay mahigmata qang bastaq "Do not make noise
because the child might wake up*" "V mata "wake up"
9*3 hiN-
u J about to I „
9*51 hiS- (-3**) (about to become jf V ~ (restricted)
•••<•II.II »II i • 'i " i m i i in ii fi i • • in mi n OH
v /intense I ,
9.52 hiN- [continuous/ Y* (to transient bases) (restrioted)
9.521 "TT intently"
9.5241 No shift
sa diha ng nahibawqan s tiguslang nga si girli ng nagpadala
nisya g gassa nahimuqut siya kaqasyu "When the old man knew
that it was Girlie who sent him the present*he was very pleased,"
"V™ buqut "mood, will"
For these bases, forms with panghiN- and paN- have meanings
Cf• namakak si pidru kay siya man gyud "Pedro was lying because
he was the one."
the potential for forms with a prefix pag~ # [Cf* Sec. 8»138j)"**
9.6151 No shift
si:gi lang mu ng nagsultiqa:nay qug walaq mu y nabu:hat
"Yea are always talking with each other, and you have not done
on,"'thing." T~ sulti " /speak! "
(/talk J
-ay (dead)
ba:taq "There are a lot/fixings at Pedro's place now beoause it
is the baptism of his child/1 V*~ hi:kay "give a banquet"
9 #62 5 ~Q^ay
qug du:na y patyanay dinhi qaku y mupatay "If there is
going to be any killing around here, I will be the one who is
going to do it," T ^ patay "kill"
9.631 -ag
9.632 -anay
Bases with pakig- and active affixes (Sec* 8,1 and suba^ir*
He likes to play with me at the fountain on Sundays." V~
du:laq "play"
f kigla:kaw 1
J tiglatkaw s lang siya sa qa:mu ng pagpamaqu:liq gahajpun
"He just wanted to walk along on our way home yesterday• " T~~
lakaw "walk"
9,74 paka«»
9*74.1 ffaka- "take form :/act like Y~~ " (passive "oonsidU
8 # 13).
This usage is dead in the speech of the younger generation
continuing action*
were hungry and because they had not had a bite to eat that
morning lost their strength and could hardly take a step«tf V"-**
la:kang "take a step" "V timuq "eat a bite"
Some bases with ka- stative prefix (Sec. 9.3) also oocur with
With this type ka- is used as well as paka- with the prefix
sa qitya ng pagpangaiyam makadaghan na siya makadungug qug
tuktugasquk sa manuk qihaslas qapan waq lang siya f magpakabanaql
5 magkabanaq j
"While hunting he had heard the crowing of wild cocks many
times, but he paid no attention." V~ *banaq
base* Bases of more than two syllables take Culu-, Bases with
less than two syllables take doubling. Some occur with Culu*. as
action)* (productive)
9.811 No shift
du:gay na siya ng tindugtindug sa qiski:na g hinulat ni
tista "He has been standing around on the corner waiting for
Tita for a long time#ff V*~ tindug "stand"
9.812 With shift (^-)
di:l^q maqasyu ng maglakawla:kaw g magabi:qi kay dagha ng
manga daquta ng taswu ng magsuruysu:ruy "It is no good to go
around at night because there are many bad people going around*"
V~ lakaw "walk"
that that was not the land they had bought." V pasumbisngay
"hint" (52.15)
9.84 Repetitive action (productive)
9#861 Culu~
qunyaq qang ha:riq naghunag hu: nag nga kini qusa ka daku ng
ti:qaw "And the king thought that this was a great joke*" V
hunaqhu:naq "think" (12.14 )
9*92 joag-
Sec. 8.2236.)
live together (as man and wife) before the war." V**~ pagputyuq
"live together as man and wife"
Also the alternant zero occurs in constructions of the type
9.211 No shift
di:liq mu magki s tag si baldu s qiskuylahan karun kay wala y
kla:si siya "Ycu will not meet Baldo in school now because he has
no classes." V-"* ki:taq "see"
This infix ooours with some forms having affixes of the shape
8.1253, 8.126 and 9.92. The -an- with the abstract and infini-
tive occurs with the pag-f s corresponding to the nag-/mag«» of
the above section (Sec. 8»31l). The -an- is a hallmark of fanoy
style except in certain set expressions (the form without ~an-
being the one usually used).
(Sec. 8.1213)
(Sec. 8.123)
and 8.1244
[nag- plus -an- Sec« 9»93l] and panag- -un is the passive cor-
-H -AB /-fnfty1 ^—») " t o ^ habitually 1 ! (productive)
This i s only used i n / a c t i v e and with prefixes flag**/iaag-/paff»
and with tog- (Sep; 10.131)*
samtang ni:qa pa qikaw dinhi sa huspital magqanhiQah ku dinhi
matag buntag "While you are still here in the ho6f*it;aif I will
come here every morning." V qanhi "come"
£ plus base also ocoors with the same meaning and is less fancy
9.971 pasi-
9.972 sinp-ZsiN-
9*9721 sing-
" ' ' " ' IIWLIIII ^
9.9722 siN-
9.973 pemi-
becomes nani-/mani- T
kaqusa walaq makatiwaa si qinting sa qisya ng paniqudtu "Qua time
Inting could not finish eating his lunch*" "V qudtu "noon11
9.974 tiff-
9*976 panig-
pan iff- does not occur with nag^/pag.. mi^/mu- + panig- becomes
9.9771 manggi-
9.973 £aha-
The -urn- infix is used with the active• This infix occurs
as nouns and if the meaning is not "thing that has been V -ed"f
action of V ~ing" or^means of V '|(Cf• the discussion Secs»
which have a number .of inflectional affixes with the. meaning of the
base remaining the same. Those which occur with passive affixes
may also occur as bases to which the nouns similar to the passives
(Sec. 10.2) are formed. (Cf. the example"7l0.24323.) Those types
which occur with only one affix are not considered here but are
kini ng sapatussa qa:ku ng qititnis kay da:qan "I will play ten-
nis in these shoes because they are old."
These bases occur with n&g-/jaaK-> with' the direct, local and
instrumental passives,
walaq sila makakumbira kay sila naglu:tu "They were not able to
hold the banquet because they were in mourning."
instrumental passives.
maqu ni ng yutarqa qi:mu ng balayan "Is this the land you will
build on?"
10.12121 (^-)
10.1213 dead)
10.1411 r- -um-
10.1431 tag-
10.151 r- -um-
10.152 r- -urn- ( « — )
10.1561 Cumu~
10.2231 -unun
10.2252 p a n g g i - mxrn ( ~ ^ )
10.2253 -anun
10.24211 *Place*(productive)
10.24221 ^Place^
10.24222 Person*
10.25212 q i g - - r - (-«=•—)
10.541 (•«*-)
10.72 paN-
10.811 No shift
10.8131 No shift
10.8132 (<*-)
10*947 paN un
10*948 hiN an 1
10.949 ting an
10*94.10 ka- -un "state of" (dead)
10*94.11 PaniN-
10*953 paN-
10".954 Isolated forms of transients used as nouns
10.9541 E&z
10.9542 pag-
10.9543 ka an
10•9544 -um-/mu-
10.955 -in-
10.956 kina- -an
10.10 Time (for something which occurs regularly)1*
bases with other affixes . In the case of bases with paffU when
the affix is to the base alone or to the base with paN- is semantic.
other handj bases with paff- do not occur with the other affixes
forming names of persons. It usually occurs with/short penult if
the penult is not closed. This maN- -r- occurs to all bases which
10.12121 (<s~)
10.1292 tig-
Note that with this affix the base has an alternant without
nyaq qang manga kusinisru nagdala g bunal "Then the cooks were
carrying clubs." V kusi:na "kitchen" (42,9)
lungqag "cook"
10.1421 majfe- - r -
10.1451 tag-
10.151 r~ ~um~
10.1561 CuffiS**
10.157 ka~ ~un ( — > ) "one who is o& the verge of T~ "
This type tends to occur more with derived bases than that
of .See. 10.1572.
qi.tu ng panahuma kapangasawqunun na quntaq tu siya qapan si
marisya wala y gustu qug milakaw "At that time he was on the
verge of getting married, but Maria did not want to and went
away." Y~~~ pangasajwa "take a wife"
base) (dead)
taliqudtu na siya ng paqusliq sa basy f He will come]
4 He comes I home
\Jle came j
just a little before noon." 1/ qudtu "noon" *
nga:nu ng makigminyuq ka man kang li:na nga di:liq man naq siya
na:tuq qiglasc^in "Why do you want to marry Lina when she is
still a relative of ours?" Y~~ lasqin "different"
Sec. 9.921.
namisista sa pa:riq qang duha ka magqa:gaw "The two cousins
visited the priest." V qagaw "cousin"
This is the type mag- (§££• 10,182) with -an- plural infix
(2fifi. 9-93).
nan napugus gayud kay managqami:gu si;la "So he was forced
(to go) because they were friends," V"— qami:gu "friend"
10.184 -un (<g—) "god-" (dead)
Note that most of the bases that go with the pag- prefixes
\ -i : P^ 1 912^ 'fca-'fr*^
kasa:kay narkuq si liita sa tartanilya "Lata was my copassen-
ger in the rig," T eafcay "ride"
Many bases with ka- do not occur except when qualified by qi;s i#
"both Js»)
10,192 mas iff ka~ (noun) (restricted) "each one of the Y~~
in a group"
qadusna kami qlnasal kay qadlaw man na:kuq "We have a roasted
pig because it is my birthday," T~~ qasal "roast"
to carry things they did not know whatj crated, and other materials!'
TT~ kahun "box"
In this last meaning this type is extended to nouns which
(Sec. 9.10.1).
palitan naskuq qang qasku ng ba:na qug karsunisun "I will buy
my husband some cloth to make into a pair of pants." Y~'~
fearsutnis" "a pair of pants"
tambung karu ng gabisqi sa salusajlu qarun maqilaqisla ni:mu qang
qastu ng qumagarun " Ifou come to the get-together tonight so that you
will become acquainted with our future son-in-law." 1/ $uma:gad
10.2231 -unun
10.2253 -anun
Bases which take this suffix also occur with the direct
passive in this same meaning (Sec. 8.2113). The nominals are used
to refer to habitual actions, whereas the transient forms are
usually used to refer to actions which are not habitual*
10*2261 -unun
may suftlimun ka sa simbahan qunsa man diqay qismu. ng
sudlun qug diiliq mangadyiq Do you have business in church?
\7hat do you go to church for if not to pray?" V sulud "enter"
10.24 Nouns - p a r a l l e l to u n r e a l l o c a l p a s s i v e s
f 1
ito be >*
10.241 -an f "place where activity is! _-,-.,_!
held" (restricted) . .... Bft°^?AJ8iE *
10.2411 -an
10,2421 No shift
10,24211 "Place^productive)
10,24221 *Place*
10«.24g22 ^Person*
karun nga walaq na qang qi:ya ng qinahan walaq na sab qang
qijya ng paray&anan "Now that his mother is gone, fone from
[the object
whom he gets hie affection! is also gone*" V~~ para:yig Mcaress"
of his affection [
10.2423 -anan "place" (•<—) (restricted)
held (productive)
10.24311 No shift
sakit sa balatisqan sa qusa nga kuha:qan sa qi:ya ng manga
butang nga wa y pananghid "It hurts one*s feelings if his things
are taken from him without asking permission." V ba:tiq "to
J from i
10,24522 "Thingjfor J which something is V ~ed"
dakuq siya g galastuhan sa pagqiskuyla s qi:ya ng manga battaq
"He has big expenses for the schooling of his children/* V~~
gastu "spend"
Note that this base is a 33? from a nominal b®se (Sec. ^.10 ) #
£ig«- -r- and gig- ~JL~* For some bases both affixes occur, and it
10.25212frig*.-r- ( « ~ )
kini ng trapurha qigbabassaq qug magtraspu s lamissa This
rag is used to make the table wet in wiping." V~~ basaq "wet"
10.25221 q j ^ — 2 l (-»)
to V~*- "
carnival because I was never able to go, even once." V~~ qadtu
to go there"
10.2621 -an (-»» )
ka- -an affix also has a meaning of "place where V~* is found" •
10• 321 ka- -an V as a whole"
10.352 -an
passives unreal and are v/ith -an. (Cf. Sec s. 10.24 and 10#26 and
their 9MAiaftotioaa«)
in .Sec. 10.92.
With stative bases when the meaning is "thing which has become
1 " f the base occurs without ka-,
qang yu:taq nalukup s dala& "The earth was coverer. with fallen
leaves." M "kadalag "become yellow"
10.5112 With specialized meanings
With stative bases (i. e.„ ka-) this meaning is very frequent.
Cf. Sec. 10.92 and its Bisections for examples.
walaa x
manga bushuq jiangaba:liq kanang mawiktan sa daw gabas nga qi:kug
"Bamboos broke as they were lashed at with his saw-like tail."
V~—gabas "saw11 (67 #4)
diq walaq muba:tiq sa bunal "So, he did not feel the clubs."
•V busnal "to club" (42.13)
10.551 (**~)
miqabut sa ta:qas qang bathuq sa pat ay ng taliga:tus "The
dead mouse could be smelled upstairs*11 "(Lit,: "The smell of the
dead mouse reached upstairs *") V~"~taqas "high" V~~~ bahuq
10*541 (-*-)
tu:qa si paspa s qibasbaw "Dad is j up/in the hillsLw
I | upstream r
1 qibabaw* "above" * J
These are bases with pa- "cause "V to oneself" (Seq. 9*13
10.72 paN-
other forms of the transient are not in use. (Cf. also in JSecu
10.721 paJU to transient base (dead)
10.811 No shift
nagdu:waq qang ba:taq sa bagqu n i : y a ng tyaktrask "The
ohild i s playing with h i s new toy t r u c k / 1 V~ tra*k "truck 11
10.812 Doubling with (**~-)
10,8131 No shift
diq gud naq sila kinasal qug banaba:na lang naq si tiryu
"They are not really married^ and Tiryu is just her common*-iaw
husband," T~~ ba:na. "husband"
10,8152 (^~Q
Some nouns occur with doubling, some with Culu- and some with
(Sec. 10.5122).
ginasmit qang tana ng kusug gihapak ni:ya qang kaqa,:way sa qi:ya ng
was say sa wala y kukalu:quy. "Using all his strength^ he beat his
enemy mercilessly with an ax." V kalu:quy "pity" (68*2)
ka~ *un (—*•) has the same meaning as gi* *un and is used
used as a common noun meaning "state of being V~~ ". (Cf# dis-
With certain frequent bases the base alone is used in the same
(jtec. 8.33).
may pagkatabunuk ni ng yuta:qa "This land is somewhat fertile."
T~ tabunuk "fertile"
and 10•183*
mata:pus gyud qang qa:tu ng panaghiga:la kung di:liq mu bakwi:qun
tu ng qiimu ng gisulti ng mari:yaM0ur friendship will sure 3y end ifjDU
do not take back what you told Maria." V*~ higasla "friend"
tungud kay walaq na ma y lunaq sa yu:taq nga qipangha:tag sa
kagamha:nan maqu y nakapugus ni:la ni qinting sa pag$*mtf" sa
dyu:tay ni:la ng baslun qarun qikaba:yad sa qusa ka lunaq nga
yu:taq nga qisla ng napalit "Because there were no more lots
which the government could give, Inting and his family were forced
to use the little money they had brought, in order to pay for a
piece of land which they bought," V gahum "power (52#2)
10.942 ka 1- - a n
• M—J—Utmrnm lift • — — J —
di:liq mapalit "A manfs good ?;ill is like honor- dearf but
oannot be bought." 1 buqut "will"
10.94*11 T>aniN~
10.952 tig-
10*953 paff-
of transients.
10.9541 ma-
10*955 -l£-
11.0 Introduction
11.15 (-*•)
11.151 (—>-) plus T base forming adjectives
ff n
11.872 JmaN- - u n | V j j t V^
maN- -un|VT| b i l l 1 1 (dead)
maN-T ^ » ) y
,f ,f
11.873 dya- b i l l worth V~ (dead)
11.9 D e r i v a t i v e a f f i x e s forming q u a l i f i e r s
11.913 To numerals
11.9131 S p e c i a l i z e d meaning
11.92 Doubling and Culu-<*forms"
s"[every T
Iby thej
11.921 Doubling
11.922 Culu-
1 1 *93 q i n i g - . q i g - . pag-
"lilliiiii (11I1111I1111 n ' I'JiJili 1 1 in TiyTTWni.
11,0 Introduction
Adjectives are formed to underived transient, nominal and
adjectival bases. Adjectives are also formed to derived transient
b$ses with pa- and paN-« A form is considered an adjective if it
occurs preceded by ka- in exclamatory sentences (Sec* 3«6l) ai*C
occurs in the predicate. Cf• the discussion Sec.8*Oil"«' For the
criteria for determining the base cf# Sec* 9*0*1*
11*1 Descriptive adjectives
base; (restricted)
kini ng qismu ng manga lubi dugqul kaqasyu ng pagkatanum
"Your coconut trees are planted very near each other." V*""~
duqul "near"
Seq. 10.534
nahiba:wu sila nga disliq sila maglissnd pagsulud sa balay kay qang
magtiqa:yun hingatulgun "They knew that they would have no
difficulty getting into the house because the couple was fond of
sleeping." *V katulgun "one who is sleepy"
magulqa:nun si linda kay palahu:bug man qang qi:ya ng b a m a
Linda is sad, for her husband is a drunkard." V hubug "drunk"
11.233 pala- (-»»)
nga:nu ng di:liq gud naq siya maguqul nga qang qisya ng ba*na
makibaba:yi man "Why should she not be sad when her husband is
fond of women?" V~ baba:yi "woman"
11.25 ma- (~^) to T base " always doing V ~ " (restricted)
Note that for bases beginning with ka- the base has an alternant
without the ka-.
/characterized by s •-— fl
11.5 Adjectives meaning
qang bala:ngay sa la:naw sa qi:la ng pagqabut maqu pa qang
pinuyqaxnan sa manga ha:yup nga lasangnun "The barrio of Lanao
at the time of their arrival was still the home of jungle animals*"
T~ lasang "forest" (51.6)
11 + 52 "Person or thing having V*"" (to noun base)
11.321 -an (productive)
11.3232 -un
I I I • I — " !• !• I* I I
With some of these forms the base does not occur by itself*
The ma- -un affix is most productive v/ith bases which occur
with ka- staters (Sec9V3)* hut it occurs ?fith large number of bases
of otTTer types as well.
11.351 J2&—un to adjective base
Note that with derived bases there are two alternants of the word:
the «»in- infix occurs following the first phoneme of the root as
These bases occur also with ma- -un. With manggi- -un they
Jsomewhatl —
11.51 iSeems J (productive)
extent" (restricted)
sa kanhi:qay giqingun nga qang lasngit duqul ra sa yu:taq In
the olden days it was said that heaven was near the earth." "V
kanhi "former11
with tag-•
tagsa m "one each"
tagurha - "two each"
ka- -an f-^) "IT^-ty11 (numeral formers)
' "•" ' «* "' ••••'"•in in I*I Mwii »»• •• 'IIMI •»•• n ii i w w ^ i w — — w « — • — — • — • • « • — — — — — • — — • — — —
kaluhaqan - "twenty"
kaluwaqan - "twenty11
katluqan - "thirty1
kapqatan "forty"
kalimqan - "fifty"
kanquman "sixty11
(These forms could be taken to be dead forms of transients
numbers above that* Also they are used with ga^us "one hundred"
i maN- (**~) \
maN- -un (-*-)/ "V
d i : q a y qasku n^ I mamisusun i
bill" (dead)
. . , . „TT
H c j ^a. ^u. u 5 juaiu*D WO uu i s i n s x y u : h i qu "Here*
^mamisus j u * *
Here i s a peso* Give me the change." V""" p i s s u s "one peso
(For maN- -un in t h e meaning "worth V~ a p i e c e " cf. S e c .
11.873 dya-"bill worth Ymimm " (dead)
Sec. 6.2125.
11.913 To numerals
matag is used.
11.921 Doubling
11.922 Culu-
12.0 Introduction
and some of the derivative affixes with which they occur. These
digmatic types, because for those affixes which have not been taken
derivational affixes
forms are listed, but the real and abstract forms are implied*}
Examples of these are given in Chapter iHight. (-in- and -ay are
not listed in the chart*as the bases with the latter do not occur
with inflectional affixes; and bases with -in- occur with in-
tei: J
mag- ;
y J y y ! y y
: :: \: : : ! : :
» •
maka- j ! ( 2 ) ! ( 2 ) ; ! ( 2 ) '! ( 2 ) ; 1/ ! y
• > > !
-un j! / !
\ J y ;/ ; y
: : : :
-an ;| / !; / 1 / ;; / ;| / !/ ;;
- /
' /
• i
4 •
! ! (3) ; !/ !
: y
1) Note the morphophonemic alternations which these prefixes
undergo when occurring together with mi-/mu- (Sec. 8.1182 ff"*) •
2) The potentials occur only with a few bases with this affix*
sient bases and only with bases having certain affixes. The fol-
£§- , / ,y » • ! /
£aN- j .•.; / :! / ! /
ka- j ; / ' ; / :
pakig- J : / !• / ! ! / ! I /
doubling 1
Culu- J
y j: / |; / ; ;/ ; ; •
&ag- J : / ; •
rSZ LzJ !/ !
12.11 Class I
This class includes bases which do not occur with pa%~ "do Y*~
walaq. siya makapalit qug bisiklista kay mahal "He was not able
to buy a bicycle because they were expensive."
These forms occur to nominal base, e.g. V ~ karsumis "wear
Some transients of this type are also used with affixes of the
or IA. They are in Class IIA if they occur with ka- stative, (Sec.
12.115 Class IC
l) IT*" qasajwa "take wife" and other bases have (-*••) xirith
naka-/maka- #
siya y nakaqasawa sa qanak sa mayur "He married the mayor*s
12.114 Class ID
miki:taq siya qug dyis pi:sus gaha:pun "He earned ten pesos
12.115 Class IE
maCT>u:nay lang siya qug lingkud "He kept on sitting down*#" (l#14)
12,12 Class II
1) V*~ dakuq "be big" and others do not occur with lai^/mu^
"make Y~- " ,
2) V*~ lisud "cause to be difficult" and others have op-
tional (*<r-) with n a ^ / m a ^ #
qa:kuq na la:mang patyun kini si karangkal kayjmaglissud\ kita
Tmaglisud J
niqi:ni "I will just kill Karangkal for we are having a hard time
now." (26.13)
x to oneself"** #
qaku la y muli:gid sa baril qug lakat lang "I will roll the
barrel along, and you just*walk."
kinsa y mutus lug sa ba:taq run "Who will put the child to
sleep now?"
nagtu:lug si qiyay sa ba:taq di:liq makaqanhi Byay is putting
the child to sleep; she cannot come."
kinsa ba y Jmupamala
J mupamalaII sa tinisan "Who will dry the tennis court?"
J mumala j
kinsa y fnagpamalai_
fnagpamalai sa suyming pul "Who dried the swimming
jnagmala j
pool up?1
12.125 Class H E
other active affixes other than the statives (JStaas with ka~ 9•3^
This class contains those with bases which have the prefix
si qi:da disliq mupakistaq samtang basaq pa qang qi:ya ng buhuk
"Ida won*t show herself while her hair is wot."
qaku y mupaki: tag ni:ya sa qitya ng manga sayup ,fI will point
out his faults to him.11
12.14 Class IV
This includes bases occurring with the prefix pag-/naff-/
pakig- (<*~) .
This class includes bases which have pag- and pakig~ and
to the Capitol/1
naqatrasa:wu qaku sa qupisi:na karun kay walaq da:yun qaku
makasakay ,!I am late to work "because I could not get a bus
right away/1
diq ku gustu ng makigsa:kay ni;mu I do not want to ride with
IA# The majority in this class are those which have affix -ay
12.15 Class Y
12.151 Class YA
(Note that with nag-/mag- bases with paH«» have a plural meaning*
Of. Sec. 8.12112,)
12,152 Class VB
12.155 Class VC
12.16 Class VI
1T2J51 Clflea VM
This subclass coaataind bases which have the prefix naka-/
*l) hinagbuq and other3 occur only with £ag- lfdo V'""' to
each other" (Sec* 9#92),
12.21 Class I
12+212 Class lb
*l) Y**~ hunaqhu:naq "think" and others are also used in the
instrumental*qihunaqhusnaq ra ku g maqa:yu ng pasasngil qikahaitag
sa qaiku ng qasamra "Think of a good excuse to give my wife*11
2) T*~* ka:las "waste" and others have a local meaning
"person who considers something as V"~fc " #
magdagi:nut ta s papil kay kala:san nyaq si hwan "Let us
economize on paper because John will consider it a waste*11
12.213 Class 1c
This subclass includes bases which mean motion. The
direct passive of these bases means"place to which"; the local
passive means "place on which". The instrumental has an instru-
mental meaning*
12.214 Class Id
12.215 Class le
"affected by". The direct passive has the meaning "thing caused
direct passive
local passive
12.216 Class If
This subclass includes those with direct meaning "thing
caused to be V~~ "# The local means "person nrho considered scamlkdxg
12.217 Class lg
12.22 Class 2
12.221 Class 2a
(Sec. 12.22),
12.222 Class 2b
instrumental passive
kini ng yawi:ha maqu y qiqabli sa pultahan "This is the key to
open the door."
*1) V"*^ et <wand others do not have an insiru-
tuTqu *•] believeuL
mental passive in the instrumental meaning*
12,225 Class 2c
12.224 C l a s s 2d
rived bases with direct meanings. These are bases with hx«»/hinff«»
(Sec. 9»4) and pakiff- (Sec. 9^7) • Local passives of bases of the
12.225 Class 2e
nga:nu ng qi:mu ng ^ibilakaqan qang katri Why are you sitting
on the bed?"
12,25 Class 5
with ablative (direct) meaning and local passives with the mean-
12.251 Class 3a
The instrumental means "thing F*"** -ed* and the local means'Tpersonl
Iplaoe T
to whom 1 *ed". Instrumental passives of this type are de-
12,232 Class 5b
direct passive
sudlun ku qang kwartu nisya karun nga waq siya dinhi "I will
enter his room now that he is not here,"
qisulud ku ni ng kwarta sa qa:ku ng pita:ka "I will put this
money in my purse."
12,255 Class 3o
12.24 Class 4
This c l a s s i n c l u d e s t h o s e b a s e s w i t h p a - " c a u s a t i v e 1 ^ Instseu-
12,241 Class 4a
"place at which one caused TT""" " or "person for whom one caused
papalitun ku qug mangga si pilar "I will have Pilar buy some
ffipapalitan na:kuq qang manga ba:taq qug pan "I had some bread
bought for the children."
qipapalit ku kana ng sapa:tus kang tartay "I will have Dad buy
those shoes."
12.2A2 Class 4b
SS*ibed. in ^g fc 8#221521*
pasugusqun ku si mari:ya kang li:na pagpanglaba "I will have
Mary command Lina to do the laundry."
pasugusqan lang na:tuq si maryu qug bastacg "Let us just have a
boy sent for Mario#"
qipasusffuq ku lang naq si lisna sa qa:mu ng kasisra ng si lurna
"I will just allow Lorna, our boarderf to dwmaafcd H n a # "
12.245 Class 4c
This Subclass has local passives with the same meaning as
Sec. 8. 221113.
fpahinatyun "{
lpahinasyan % nitya qang qawtu kay dagha ng ta:wu sa kalsasda "He
Iqipahisnay J
will slow down his car because there are many people in the
12.25 Class 5
meaning and those with qi- instrumental* The localsfar this type
qikali;pay ku qang qismu ng kalampu:san "Your success will make
me happy."
12.252 Class 5b
This class includes those bases with ka- that have no in*
*1) IP* katuslug "sleep" and others also have a local meaning
in the local passive*
gikatulgan ni ni:niq qang bagqu ng katri "Nene slept on the new
12,26 Class 6
"do with" (Sec» 9 # 2l), Bases of this type are described in Sec»
12.261 Glass 6a
direct and local passives. Words of this type may have zero
12.262 Class 6b
and local passives* Bases of this type are described in Sec* 9*21.
12*?63 Class 60
^ipanagsulti:qan nit la si bu:buy "They talked about Boboyi*11
12.27 Class 7
three passives.
•padayutna ^
padayu:ni > qang qinyu rig gikasabu:tan "Continue what you have
agreed to**
12.28 Class 8