LESSON-PLAN-organization and Management Week 5

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I..OBJECTIVES: At the end of the discussion, the students are expected to:
1. Define economic development
2. Differentiate the phases of economic development and its impact to
business environment
3. Appreciate the importance of studying economic development
II. TOPIC : Phases /Stages of Economic Development
Reference : Department of Education, Philippines. (Year). Senior High School Self
Learning Kit for Organization and Management.
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zOCUdyQF-s&list=PPSV
: https://youtu.be/d5-HeMABuR4?si=AMDtiPZ766DdC76-

Materials : 3D visual aids, Colored paper, laptop, pictures, worksheets,

cut-out pictures
Strategies Used : Comparing and inferring
Values Integration : Awareness of societal welfare, and responsibility towards
sustainable economic practices.


Preliminary Activities:

Everybody stand and let us pray.
Jemimah, please lead the prayer. Classmates, let us pray. In the name of the father
and of the son and of the holy spirit. Our Father,
Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy
Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, On earth as it
is in Heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread,
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those
who trespass against us. And lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Checking of the Attendance
Anybody who is absent today? No one Ma’am.
Review of the Lesson
No past lesson.

Development of the Lesson

Today, we have new lesson.
Are you ready to listen? Yes, we’re ready!
Picture Puzzle (Game)
Today, we will have a game. This game is called
picture puzzle game in which you are going to
assemble the cut out pictures to see the whole

Now, I will group the whole class into two

groups. The first group who can finish assembling
the pictures will be declared as first and so on.

Start counting Myrine.

Find your members and we will start in a count of
five. 1, 2,3,4,5 start!

1 2

3 4
Superb group one. Good teamwork!
Done ma’am.
Now based on the picture you’ve assembled, who
want to share his/her idea about the assembled
picture? What have you observed to the
assembled picture? What have you seen?

Yes, Jenipe?

I’ve seen money and building ma’am so I believe

That’s right, good idea Jenipe! this Picture Puzzle shows about the economic
How about the others? Any idea?

Yes Jomyca.

Regarding to what Jemimah said, it may concern

Excellent idea jomyca! Thank you. about the increase in the given amount of goods
Presentation of the Lesson and services produced by the country’s economy.

 Activity
So now, I know you’ve already got the idea
about what will be our lesson for today, and it
is all about “The Phases Of Economic

Now we will explore the lesson through an

activity. This time, you have to identify which
among the picture shows; an economic growth or
economic development.

Who wants to try?

Okay since everyone wants to participate, lets
have Christian for no.1, Daniel no.2, Renchille (Students raise their hands)
no.3 and Jennerose for no.4.

1 2

3 4

Students raise their hands.

Good job students, you answer it all correctly.

 Analysis
Now, since you all easily identify the differences
between economic growth and economic
development through a picture. Now, let’s have
another activity. Instead of using a picture this
time, we'll use a descriptive approach.

Your task is to identify the differences between

economic growth and economic development
through a written description.

So, I have here a 2 box. Inside this box is a folded

paper with a description of it. Now please read the
instruction on the board.

1. Each group selects a representative to draw a
paper from the box.
2. After a group member draw a paper from the
box, discuss it for 10 seconds with the group,
then places it under "economic growth" or
"economic development" on the board.
Now, is the instruction clear? 3. Analyze the paper's meaning, focusing on
Are you ready? characteristics and indicators that distinguish
economic growth from economic
Okay, group 1 will start and next will be group 2. development.

Yes ma’am.

okay ma’am.

Economic growth means change in value of

goods and services over time normally for a
period of one year.
Economic development means changes in the
socio-economic structure of country that
relates to growth to human development
indexes (HDIs), decrease in equality, changes
in standard of living of public.
Economic growth is measured through gross
domestic product (GDP), GDP per capita,
gross national product (GNP), and net
national product (NNP).
Economic development is measured through
human development index (HDI), gender-
related index (GDI), human poverty index
(HPS), literacy rate, infant mortality, socio-
economic development.
Economic growth brings only quantitative
changes in the economy
economy development brings both qualitative
and quantitative changes in the economy.
economic growth is used as a parameter to
measure the performance of two countries

economic development is only used to

measure the progress of developing countries
or nations.
Economic growth deals with the change in the
country’s economy output
economic development deals with the structural
changes in the economy.
Great job, everyone. Give yourselves a BAGTIK
clap. 123.. 123.. BAGTIK!

 Abstraction

At this juncture, To identify whether you answer

it all correctly, let me present to you a 6 minutes
video presentation about the key difference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zOCUdyQF-
between economic growth and economic s&list=PPSV

Now, lets check how many correct answer did

group 1 and 2 have.
Economic growth Economic
 change in value  means changes in
of goods and the socio-economic
services over structure of country
time normally for that relates to
a period of one growth to human
year development
indexes (HDIs),
decrease in
equality, changes in
standard of living
of public.
 is measured  is measured
through gross through human
domestic product development index
(GDP), GDP per (HDI), gender-
capita, gross related index
national product (GDI), human
(GNP), and net poverty index
national product (HPS), literacy rate,
(NNP). infant mortality,

 brings only  brings both

quantitative qualitative and
changes in the quantitative
Now, let’s move forward to our focus which is the economy changes in the
phases/stages of economic development. economy.

Everybody read!  is used as a  is only used to

parameter to measure the
measure the progress of
performance of developing
(After reading each stage, the teacher engages in two countries countries
discussion with the students.)

 deals with the  deals with the

change in the structural changes
country’s in the economy.
economy output

 Simplest and most primitive forms
 High proportion of workforce in
 No centralized or political system
 Industrial growth limited
 Capital stock limited
 Investment is below 5%
 NO scientific perspective on the world and
 Progressive elements creep into the society
 Economic progress takes place
 Investment rises to reach between 5-10%
 Agriculture becomes more merchandized
and more output is traded
 Development of infrastructures
 Decline of birth rate
 External funding is required
 Entry of credit institution
 STAGE OF “Dynamic Economic Growth”
or “short period of intensive growth”
 Manufacturing industry assumes greater
importance, although the number of
industries remain small.
 Agriculture assumes lesser importance
although the majority of people remain
employed in the farming sector
 Technological breakthroughs happen
 Political and social institution start to
develop – external finance may still be
 Urbanization and industrialization increase
 Dual economy

 Industry becomes more diverse
 Industrial sector Dominates + primary
sector diminished
 Growth spreads to different parts of the
country as technology improves
 Investment should be between 10-20%
 It takes 40 to 60 years to reach this stage
 Dependence on other economies are
reduced (moves from being dependent on
factor inputs for growth towards making
better use of innovation)
 Standard of living has greatly improved
 A country’s economy flourishes in a
capitalist system, characterized by mass
production and consumerism
 Output levels grow, enabling increased
 People have lots to spend on luxurious
 There is a shift towards tertiary sector
activity and the growth is sustained by the
expansion of a middle-class consumers
 National income has improved greatly
 Application
 Investment is 20%
This time to assess your learning,

Instruction: Answer the question below.


Based on the discussion tackled, what do you

think are the adverse effects when sustainable
economic development practices in a country are
not implemented? Answer it briefly and concise.

Generalization (Students give different answers)

Direction: Read each question carefully and
choose the best answer from the options given.

True or False:

1. Sustainable economic development prioritizes

the present needs of a generation over the
future ones.

2. Economic growth is solely concerned with

increasing the production of goods and

3. The Age of Mass Consumption is

characterized by a decline in the quality of
products and services.

4. The Philippines' National Economic and

Development Authority (NEDA) focuses
solely on economic goals in its Philippine
Development Plan (PDP).

5. Economic forces such as government

influence and international transactions have True or False:
no impact on modern business markets.
1. False
Values Integration 2. True
3. False
It is important to realize that our responsibility 4. False
towards sustainable economic practices isn't just a 5. False
duty; it's a heartfelt commitment to preserving the
beauty of our planet for future generations, to
safeguarding the livelihoods of those yet unborn,
and to leaving behind a legacy of hope, resilience,
and enduring love for our shared home. In
embracing these values, we don't just change our
mindset; we transform our very essence,
becoming stewards of a brighter, more sustainable
future, where every action is imbued with purpose
and every choice resonates with the echoes of
generations past and the dreams of generations
yet to come.

 Assessment
Now to assess your learning please get ¼ cross
wise and answer the correct letter to your paper.

1. Which of the following is the primary

focus of economic development?
a) Accumulating material wealth
b) Enhancing the quality of people's lives
c) Expanding trade networks Multiple Choice:
d) Increasing industrial output
1. b) Enhancing the quality of people's lives
2. What does economic growth primarily 2. a) Increase in real GDP
measure? 3. d) Establishment of educational institutions
a) Increase in real GDP 4. c)Take-Off
b) Improvement in social institutions 5. d) Economic growth deals with structural
c) Expansion of international trade changes, while economic development deals
d) Rise in literacy rates with changes in the economy's output.

3. According to Rostow's model, what marks

the "Take-Off" stage of economic
a) Increased agricultural production
b) Emergence of a wealthy class
c) Transition to a service-based economy
d) Establishment of educational institutions
4. Which phase of economic development
involves a shift from agriculture to
a) Traditional Society
b) Preconditions for Take-Off
c) Take-Off
d) Drive to Maturity

5. What is a key difference between

economic growth and economic
a) Economic growth focuses on qualitative
changes, while economic development focuses on
quantitative changes.
b) Economic growth measures changes in human
development indexes, while economic
development measures changes in GDP.
c) Economic growth brings both qualitative and
quantitative changes, while economic
development brings only quantitative changes.
d) Economic growth deals with structural
changes, while economic development deals with
changes in the economy's output.
That’s it, pass your paper.

No assignment.

Prepared by:

Ma. Jessibel C. Minguita

Submitted to: Student-Teacher


Cooperating Teacher

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