Introduction To Tourism in Sri Lanka
Introduction To Tourism in Sri Lanka
Introduction To Tourism in Sri Lanka
Socio-cultural benefits
➤ Strengthening the communities - peace between the local community and tourist
community. It also creates peace between the cultures of hosts and guests. Culture is also
used to promote tourism.
➤ Benefits for residents - Tourism would result in higher living standards in destinations
with many facilities like upgraded infrastructure, health, transport, better-quality
commodities, etc.
➤ Civic involvement and pride - creates a local awareness of natural resources and
awakens a sense of pride which would result in a local contribution to tourism
➤ Revitalization of poor
Environmental Benefits
➤ Financial contributions - certain fees paid at the entrance of the destination are
contributed to environmental conservation
➤ Improved environmental mng - hotel env mng done for tourists also benefits our nature.
Planning environmental mng can prevent damages and avoid deterioration of natural
assets (ex: green building - energy-efficient raw materials used, sewage system )
➤ Protection and preservation - because of the beauty of nature it's very well protected as
it attracts tourists. Because of this preservation strict rules has be imposed and as a result,
many endangered species of animals have started to thrive again.
Economic Benefits
➤ direct, indirect, and induced effects - the direct effect is the changes in the economic
activity during the first round of spending (ex: the hotel owner gets the direct effects from
tourists when he stays at the hostel)
The indirect effect is the changes in income in the region in backward-lined industries
such as suppliers (ex: supplier and the employee gets the indirect effects from tourists)
The induced effect is the changes within the region from household spending to the
income earned. (ex: supplier spends his earning for his family)
➤ Balance of payments - income earned from tourism industry can assist on national
payments for the rest of the world
➤ Income generations and distribution - the income price elasticity has a huge impact on
the tourist income generation on the country. Government earn revenue by taxing the
➤ Employment - tourisms also creates new job opportunities. In 2021, 1 in 11 of all jobs are
of tourisms related employment (direct, indirect and induced employment)
➤ Opportunity cost - when certain destination areas are invested for a certain purpose it is
rarely considered for another activity then creates opportunity cost
Political benefits
➤ Tourism as a rights - UNWTO defines tourism and travelling as a right and also supports
the liberty of tourists movements. Travelling is a basic human rights that augments quality
of life.
➤ As a political phenomenon - first and second world countries ensures safety in order to
develop their tourism industry
➤ Political stability - good law and order encourages tourists for their arrival. Good stability
of the system creates a good environment for developing tourism. Beautification of site ans
destination as a result of stability of government has a great impact on tourist inflow.
Technological benefits
➤ Facilitated globalization - through internet and social media people are well connected
and also information exchange rate and speed has become higher with the development of
technology which has a greater impact on a country’s tourism