RBSC Cookbook Photoplays-Cook-Book TX715P4861927
RBSC Cookbook Photoplays-Cook-Book TX715P4861927
RBSC Cookbook Photoplays-Cook-Book TX715P4861927
MEAT RECIPES Beverly Hills Salad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
PAGE Chicken Salad Cabaret. . . . . . . . . . . 27
Baked Lamb Chops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Cole Slaw Salad ................. 28
Broiled Fillet of Beef.. . . . . . . . . . . 8 Gucumber and Celery Salad. . . . . . . 25
Casserole of Lamb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Egg Salad ...................... 25
Chicken a la King. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 French Banana Salad.. . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Chicken Chartreuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 French Dressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Chicken Paprika . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Fresh Vegetable Salad.. . . . . . . . . . . 26
Chili Con Carne................. 5 Lettuce Salad with Garlic ........ 29
Corned Beef and Cabbage........ 9 Lentil Salad .................... 29
Curry of Mutton................ 8 Pineapple Fruit Salad. . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Epicurean Bouchee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Salad a la Philippine.. . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Hungarian Goulash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Swedish Salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Kidney Stew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Vegetable Salad ................ 27
Pot Roast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 RECIPES FOR HOT BREADS
Sweetbreads a la Windsor......... 4 AND FIXINGS
Toad in the Hole. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Apple Puff ..................... 33
Virginia Ham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Boston Brown Bread. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
FISH RECIPES Brown Ben Biscuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Baked Clam in Shell. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Canadian Oatmeal Sticks ......... 31
Clam Chowder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Cheese Straws ................... 34
French Fish Roe Croquettes. . . . . . . 13 Huckleberry Cake ............... 34
Fresh Salmon en Casserole. . . . . . . . 11 Kartoffel Kloese (Potato Dump-
Finnan Haddie au Gratin ........ 13 lings) ........................ 32
Gyster Saute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Matzos Kloese (Dumplings) . . . . . . 33
Salmon Loaf ................... 12 Old Fashioned Coffee Cake.. . . . . . . 34
Shrimp Wiggle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 One Egg Muffins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Popovers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
EGG AND CHEESE RECIPES Potato Biscuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Baked Rice with Cheese. . . . . . . . . . . 14 Rye Griddle Cakes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Cheese Fondue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Virginia 'Boo. ten Biscuit ......... 30
Cheese Patties .................. 18 Waffies ......................... 31
Cheese Souffle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Egg Foo Yung.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 RECIPES FOR DESSERTS AND
Eggs Benedict . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 CANDY
Eggs Dolores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Baked Apples with Honey ........ 43
Eggs Suzette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Banana Trifle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Eggs with Pate de Foie Gras. . . . . 15 Brown Betty .................... 36
Pepper Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Brownie Cakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Poached Eggs a la Goudal. . . . . . . 16 Cream Fudge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Spanish Omelette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Cream Pie ..................... 38
Date Torte ..................... 40
RECIPES FOR SOUPS AND Divinity Fudge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
VEGETABLES Frozen Orange Parfait. . . . . . . . . . . 41
:Beef and Tomato Soup.. . . . . . . . . . 22 Grape Nut Pudding .............. 43
Chicken and Tomato Soup. . . . . . . . 23 Hungarian Honey Cakes. . . . . . . . . . 42
creamed Celery ................. 22 Ice Box Cake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Creole Tomatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Jenny Lind Pudding.. . . . . . . . . . . . 42
French Peas with Butter ......... 20 Lemon Pie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Gumbo Soup a la St. Louis. . . . . . . . 19 Montmarte Non-fattening Peach
Lentil Soup with Frankfurters. . . 20 Ice Cream .................... 38
Onion Soup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Orange Ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Spanish Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Peach Sherbet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Stuffed Summer Squash. . . . . . . . . . 21 Pineapple Charlotte ............. 40
Tomatoes with French GarHc Dress- Pineapple Trifle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
ing .......................... 21 Southern Gingerbread . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Twice Baked Potatoes. . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Super Angel Food Cake .......... 37
Vegetable Soufil.e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Walnut Cream Sauce ............. 38
Sweetbreads a la Windsor
2 tablespoons butter lh cup cream
llh tablespoons flour 2 sweetbreads
1 cup milk 1 cup French peas
Melt butter, add flour and stir until smooth. Add milk and cream
slowly, stirring constantly until boiling. The sweetbreads should be
previously cooked and cut into cubes. Add seasoning, peas and sweet-
breads to sauce. Heat thoroughly and serve hot.
To Prepare Sweetbreads
Put sweetbreads in cool water with a little salt for one hour. Drain,
put into saucepan, cover with boiling water and boil very slowly 25
minutes; drain and when cool separate and remove all membrane. Cut
into small pieces.
Virginia Ham
1 ham 2 sticks of cinnamon
1 cup molasses Whole cloves
1 cup sweet cider Brown sugar
1 tablespoon ground cloves Paprika
Let ham soak overnight in cold water. Place in fresh cold water and
add cider, molasses, ground cloves, cinnamon a.nd paprika. Boil slowly
for five to seven hours, depending on the size of the ham. Allow to cool
in water in which it was -cooked. Remove skin, cover with brown sugar
and stick thickly with the whole cloves. Bake for about an hour.
Mr. Haines comes from Virginia, so he speaks with authority. Tkis
recipe is a great improvement in flavor over plebeian ham that is merely
boiled in plain water.
Hungarian Goulash
2 lbs. stewing meat 1 bay leaf
2 tablespoons flour lh teaspoon paprika
4 tablespoons fat 2 onions
2 cups cooked tomatoes 1 blade mace
2 stalks celery 4 whole cloves
8 chili peppers
Have meat cut into rather small pieces, dredge with flour and put in
sauce pan into which you have placed the fat. Add salt and pepper to
taste. Cook slowly for forty minutes, stirring occasionally. Cover with
boiling water, and let simmer until meat is tender. Cook other ingre-
dients for twenty minutes, adding one cup boiling water. Rub through
sieve, season with salt and pepper, thicken with flour. The broth in
which meat is cooked should be used for sauce. Place meat on platter,
cover with sauce. Cooked carrots, potatoes, and sliced bell pepper should
be placed on and around the meat, and rice may be arranged for a border.
Straight from Hungary and Vilma Banky's real beauty secret. It's
a meal in itself and fine for the family dinner.
Chili Con Carne
2 lbs. ground round steak 3 Bermuda onions
1 cup flour 1 small bean of garlic
Piece of butter twice the size of 1 teaspoon chili powder
walnut 2 cups boiling water
Mix round steak thoroughly with one cup of flour and salt and pepper
to taste. When the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, brown in a skillet
with the butter, and the onions, chopped fine. After it begins to brown
add garlic cut up and chili powder and boiling water. Cook slowly for
one hour, stirring often. When it is cooked serve over plain boiled rice.
The real chili pepper may be used instead of powder if one desires a very
hot dish.
A Spanish recipe, furnished by an Engltishrnarn. Hot stuff.
Pot Roast
5 lbs. chuck Finely cut onions to :fill 1 cup
Finely cut carrots to :fill 2 cups Finely cut celery to :fill 1 cup
Pat uses a "dutch oven" to cook the pot roast. It has a finely ma-
chined lid which fits so tightly that no steam can escape or air get in.
Get the oven or pan very hot. Put in the roast and sear it on all
sides. Put in about three or four cups of carrots, onions and celery, all
finely chopped. Cook over a very slow fire, for six hours or so.
By this time there is a quart or so of liquid in the oven-juice from
the meat and vegetables. Stir in four tablespoonfuls of flour to make
thick gravy. Add horse-radish and serve.
If you use the right sort of "dtutch oven"· y()U wibl find that the meat
won'·t get dry. It is an all-in-one meal.
Cut the steak into dice. Beat the egg very light; add milk to it and
then half a teaspoonful of salt. Pour upon the flour, gradually, beating
very light and smooth. Butter a two-quart dish, and in it put the meat.
Season well, and pour over it the batter. Bake an hour in a moderate
oven. Serve hot.
J'his is an English dish and a good one, yum, yu.m, despite its name.
It can be made with lamb or mu'tton instead of steak.
Casserole of Lamb
2 lbs. breast or shoulder of lamb 1 small onion, chopped
2 cups diced potatoes 1 cup canned tomatoes
2 cups diced carrots Seasoning to taste
Cut lamb into small pieces, roll in flour, and brown well in hot fat
with the onion. Then put this into a well-greased casserole with the
tomatoes and 1 cup of hot water. Bake this two hours, replenishing
the water from time to time. Add potatoes and carrots and bake
for % of an hour longer. Thicken the gravy with a few tablespoons of
flour and serve very hot.
Try serving th;is elaborate version of lamb stew with hot baking tp{JW'-
der biscuits.
Chicken Paprika
1 chicken 1 teaspoon paprika
3 tablespoons flour Chicken li ve:r
1 pint thick sour cream Salt
Epicurean Bouchee
lh lb. mushroom caps lh teaspoon paprika
lh lb. crabmeat lh cup Sherry wine
1 doz. frogs' leg!! 1lh cup cream
2 tablespoons melted butter 1 tablespoon cornstarch
2 teaspoons salt 1 tablespoon cold water
1 egg yolk
Chicken a la King
1 tablespoon butter 1% cups chopped chicken
% cup chopped mushrooms 1 tablespoon minced pimentos
2 cups thin white sauce 1 tablespoon lemon juice
Melt butter in a pan with mushrooms. Fry five minutes. Add 2 cups
thin white sauce. Add the boneless chicken and pimento. Season, serve
on toast.
Perhaps the most popular of all luncheon or supper dishes. If it is
to be prepared; in a hurry, use carnned chicken. The add!ition of a Uttle
sherry wine ftavoring ( non-alcohoUc) helps a lot.
Curry of Mutton
2 lbl!l. mutton from the forequarter 1 teaspoon vinegar
1 t9nion 1 teaspoon curry powder
2 tablespoons flour
Fry the meat in a little of the fat until it is a delicate brown. Add the
onions and pour over all enough boiling water barely to cover. Cook
until the meat is tender. Add the curry powder, vinegar and salt.
Remove the meat, reduce the broth to one cup, and thicken it with two
tablespoons of flour blended with one tablespoon of melted fat. Add the
meat to the gravy and reheat. Serve with rice.
A serious attempt from a comic. It's an East IndJian preparation 'tha,t
wiLl give a plea,satnt variety 'to your menu.
Kidney Stew
Beef or lamb kidney Garlic salt
6 slices bacon Worcestershire sauce
Mustard seed Cayenne
2 tablespoons flour
Cut kidney in small pieces and soak in water for thirty minutes. Dice
bacon and fry until light brown, then put in kidney and fry until water
is cooked out. Add about two tablespoons mustard seed, garlic salt,
half a teaspoon Worcestershire sauce and a sprinkle of cayenne. When
all is smooth, add water and simmer for an hour, keeping plenty of
water on so that consistency is that of thick gravy. Care must be taken
not to let the flour stick to the pan. Serve this with toast points or bak-
ing powder biscuits.
A recipe that smacks of joUy old Lofltdon whet·e a dish of this sort is
considered just the right thing for breakfast.
Clam Chowder
11h doz. clams 2 tablespoons butter
1 cup water 2 tablespoons flour
3 large potatoes 1 teaspoon parsley
2 slices bacon 1 teaspoon salt
1 onion Crackers
1 quart milk Pepper
Fry diced bacon and chopped onion together. Add clam llquor,
water and diced potatoes. Cook until tender. Add clams and milk.
Thicken with butter and flour creamed together. Pour chowder over
crackers and sprinkle with chopped parsley.
Sponsored by Mr. Gilbert, clam chowder ·is due for a big revival
in popularity. And it's good, too.
Fresh Salmon en Casserole
1 can salmon 4 small onions
4 small potatoes
Remove all the skin and bones from the pieces, which should be
about three inches square; put on fire in cold water and let simmer.
Peel onions, simmer in cold water, drain after ten minutes, and then
return to boil until tender. Do likewise with potatoes, quartered.
Put the pieces of fish into the casserole, and the potatoes and onions.
Season and strain the fish broth over the whole. Cover and put in oven
for half an hour.
Any fish frorn whdch large pieces may be c1d may be 'Used for this
Salmon Loaf
1 large can salmon Juice of small lemon
1 cup brown bread crumbs Salt
2 tablespoons melted butter Pepper
Shrimp Wiggle
1 cup shrimps 3 tablespoons flour
1 cup canned peas 1lh cups milk
4 tablespoons butter Salt and pepper
Melt butter, and add the flour mixed with one-half teaspoon salt
and one-eighth teaspoon pepper. Pour the milk on gradually. As soon
as sauce thickens, add shrimps, broken in pieces, and the peas, drained
from their liquor and thoroughly rinsed.
A good supper dish and an easy-to-prepare recipe for luncheon.
The cream sauce and peas make it filVing.
Oyster Saute
2 doz. large oysters 2 tablespoons butter
or 4 tablespoons cracker crumbs
3 doz. small ones Salt and pepper
Mash fish roe with a fork, add one unbeaten egg, cream and season-
ing. Shape into balls or croquettes. Roll in beaten egg. Then roll
in cracker crumbs. Fry in deep fat. Garnish with parsley and cream
sauce. Serve hot.
A French recipe. It is also excellent if served with drawn butter
sauce and garnished with lemon.
Mince clam fine. Add unbeaten egg and finely chopped bread crumbs.
Add melted butter. Salt and pepper to taste. Stir mixture with fork.
Place in clam shells and bake in hot oven until brown. Serve hot with
tartar sauce.
Another supper recipe, which will be useful to those who live where
sea food is plentiful.
Separate the whites and yolks of the eggs. Beat the yolks and stir
into them the cheese, rice, milk and butter. Lastly fold in the beaten
whites. Make into patties and bake 20 minutes.
Substantial enough to serve for luncheon, without meat, and with a
green salad.
Cut the toast in rounds, large enough to hold a poached egg. Bntter
and spread with pate de foie gras. Poach the eggs--using either a
poacher or by dropping into hot water-and place eggs on toa~t. l.f
you like, you may serve them with a thin cream sauce.
Sounds a bit extravagant, .as pate de foie gras is a l~t:rury. II owever,
it gives a pa1·ty touch to a pla,i n ltmcheon.
Pepper Eggs
2 tablespoons butter 6 eggs
1 green pepper :14 cup cream
1 tablespoon tomato catsup 2 tablespoons grated cheese
Chop pepper finely. Cook pepper, butter, catsup and cheese for three
minutes. Beat eggs and milk together. Add this to mixture and cook,
stirring until thick. Serve on toast.
A fancy dress costume for our old friendr-scrambled eggs. All such
egg dishes are eminently proper to serve at l~mcheon.
Cheese Fondue
1 cup milk 1 cup bread crumbs
:14 lb. grated American cheese Salt
2 tablespoons butter Pepper
3 eggs Paprika
Bring milk to the scalding point in double boiler and add cheese and
stir well until the cheese melts. Add salt, pepper and paprika to taste,
butter and the beaten yolks of three eggs. Stir this until it is mixed
thoroughly and then fold in the whites of three eggs beaten stiff-re-
move from the fire and pour in a buttered baking dish, and sprinkle
cup of bread crumbs over the top before putting in the oven. Put in
medium hot oven and bake for 20 minutes and serve with crisp toast
and a green salad.
An attractive S1tbstit1de for a meat wish. As an added attraction, all
the ingredients are staples in yo'ur kitchen.
Eggs Suzette
6 potatoes Grated cheese
6 eggs Salt, pepper and paprika to taste
Select six good-sized potatoes and bake them. \Vhen they are done,
break a hole in the top, being careful not to use a steel knife. Scoop
out the potatoes, without breaking the skin. Drop an egg into each
potato. Mash the potato which has been removed from skin, seasoning
with salt, pepper and paprika. Cover the eggs with the mixture, sprinkle
grated cheese over the top and return to the oven long enough to cook
the egg.
This dish rnus·t be carefully prepared) as it takes a deft cook to scoop
the meat out of the potato and fill with egg. But it is exceptionally goq_d
W'hen served piping hot.
Squeeze seeds from tomato, season tomato, butter and bake 5 minutes.
Then fill with spinach mixed with minced bacon. Drop egg into boiling
salt water for two minutes, place on top of filled tomato, sprinkle with
cheese and bake 3 minutes. Remove and cover with cream sauce made
of flour and milk heated and mixed thoroughly, add dash of paprika and
An attractive dish for a party luncheon.
Slice onions, water chestnuts and pork in fine lengthwise pieces. Mix
in beaten eggs and season to taste. Fry like pancakes.
The simP'lest Chrinese recipe of them. all. It's a delicious luncheon
Spanish Omelette
3 eggs Salt, pepper and paprika
lh cup milk Pinch of baking powder
Beat eggs thoroughly, add milk, salt, pepper and baking powder.
Pour in skillet generously buttered and hot. When partially cooked
turn in pan without breaking and cook until delicately brown. Do not
cook too long as this will toughen omelette. Sprinkle with paprika.
If desired, thin strips of bacon that have previously been fried very
crisp may be laid across top of omelette. Pour hot Spanish sauce around
edge of omelette.
The Sauce
1 large can tomatoes (or several 2 large onions
ripe fresh tomatoes) 1 large green pepper
Salt, pepper and sugar to taste
Put tomatoes in deep pan to prevent boiling over, add onions and
green pepper, finely chopped, and salt, pepper and sugar. Cook over
slow fire for one hour. It is now ready to serve.
This sauce may be kept on ice and reheated for other occasions.
It takes a real artist to make a good omelette. If you can't get good
results beating the whole eggs, separate the yolks and whites, beat and
then fold together. If you use fresh tomatoes, add more sugar to
the sauce. A 1j2 teaspoon of grmtnd cloves also gives the sauce a spicy
taste. And, if yrn~t want a de l1f-Xe orn.elette, add mushroon'lrS and sliced
Cheese Souffle
2 tablespoons butter Cayenne pepper
3 tablespoons flour :14 cup grated Old English or Young
lh cup scalded milk American cheese
lh teaspoon salt 3 eggs
Melt butter, add flour, and when well mixed, add gradually scalded
milk. Then add salt, cayenne and cheese. Remove from fire; add yolks
of eggs beaten until lemon colored. Cool mixture and cut and fold in
whites of eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Pour into a buttered baking
dish and bake twenty minutes in slow oven. Serve at once.
A handy recipe from England that may be served at l'ltncheon or
supper, or at breakfast, if you, are a hearty eater.
Cheese Patties
Pie crust ~ cup grated cheese
2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon baking powder
2 eggs % cup milk
~ cup bread crumbs Seasoning
Line small tins with crust that has been rol1ed thin. Beat butter
until creamy. Add slightly beaten eggs, bread crumbs, cheese, baking
powder and seasoning. Add milk. Place a teaspoonful in each tin.
Bake fifteen minutes in hot oven.
Pie Crust
1lh cups flour 6 tablespoons shortening
lh teaspoon salt :Y3 cup cold water
Eggs Dolores
1 can tomatoes lh teaspoon salt
2 cups grated American cheese 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
6 eggs Cayenne
Eggs Benedict
6 eggs Virginia ham
3 English muffins Hollandaise sauce
Split, toast and butter the English muffins. Cut the ham in rounds,
to fit the muffins. Poach the eggs and place them on the ham and pour
over the Hollandaise sauce. If you like, garnish with asparagus tips.
The mos't popular egg dish in the New York resta1.trants, .for luncheon.
You may buy the English muffins at any good bakery.
Cut the beef into small pieces and put them into a hot skillet with
enough suet to prevent the meat from sticking. Brown well.
Put the okra into a granite, agate or aluminum pan with the water,
and place it on a hot fire. Slice the tomatoes and herbs into the water
with the okra and while the meat is still hot, add it to the whole mixture.
Let all come to a boil and with a wooden spoon remove the dark sticky
substance which arises from the okra. After cooking for a few minutes
and removing this scum constantly, the soup becomes clear. Then place
it on a slow fire and let cook for at least three hours. Before serving
add salt and any other seasoning desired.
If desired, serve with boiled rice and stewed tomatoes, cooked sepa-
rately, and placed in the bottom of the soup dishes.
Laura La Plante brought this d!ish frorn her native city. Okra is a
vegetable that deserves to be more widely used.
Onion Soup
6 onions ~ lb. grated Parmesan cheese
1 can beef bouillon 4 slices bread
Salt and pepper
Slice the onions and fry them slowly in butter in an iron skillet until
they are soft and brown. Add the beef bouillon and allow to simmer
for about ten minutes. Place squares of dry toast, sprinkled with Par-
mesan cheese in the bottom of each soup plate.
This is "French medicine." It is a nerve tonic, a cure for fatigue
and excellent for colds. Moreover, it is easy to make and del·icious to
Creole Tomatoes
4 large tomatoes 4 tablespoons butter
1 large onion 1 tablespoon flour
2 chopped green peppers 1 cup milk and cream
Cut tomatoes in halves crosswise. Lay cut side up in baking pan and
sprinkle with finely chopped onions and also peppers, from which seeds
and veins have been removed. Season highly. Place a small piece of
butter on each tomato. Pour half cup of water into pan and bake in
quick oven until tomatoes are tender.
Melt two tablespoons of butter and brown flour in this. Add milk,
cream and liquor from the baking pan. Stir until boiling and cook
three minutes longer. Serve tomatoes on squares of toast and pour
sauce around them.
A new way of serving tomatoes. If the tomatoes are not thoroughly
ripe, you may want to add a little sugar.
Bake potatoes until done. Cut in half lengthwise and remove the
potatoes from the skin which is u£ed as a shell for serving. Put potato
through ricer, add butter, salt to taste and beat in cream or milk until
light and fluffy. Stir in lj2 cup chopped onion; fill six potato skins
with mixture and sprinkle grated cheese and paprika over the top. Bake
until brown.
Select good-sized pota.toes of even size. Don't cut therm with .a steel
knife. Delicious with roast meats.
Creamed Celery
1 cup celery ~ teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons butter 1 cup milk
2 tablespoons flour 2 slices toast
~ teaspoon salt Boiling salted water
Cook juice of can of tomatoes and sliced onion together for about a
half hour. Strain and add the beef stock and shredded lettuce. Allow
to boil slowly for ten or fifteen minutes. Serve with croutons.
You may use beef bouillon instead of the beef stock. This is a good
'th!in soup to serve before a heavy dinner.
Spanish Rice
1 cup rice Salt
1 can tomatoes Pepper
2 onions Chill powder
2 green peppers Olive oil
Take one cup of uncooked rice and put it in a frying pan with enough
olive oil to cover the pan a half inch thick. Stir it until the grains are
separated and brown. Add tomatoes, chopped onions, chopped peppers
and seasoning to taste. Add enough water to make the mixture well
moist. Cover with a top and do not stir or remove the top. Allow this
to simmer for half an hour. Serve hot.
Novarro brought this recipe from his Mexican birthplace. The trick
is to boil 't he rice without breaking the kernels. And also to season it
Vegetable Souffie
6 eggs 1 cup cooked carrots
1 cup cooked new peas lh teaspoon salt
1 cup cooked spinach Dash of pepper
lh cup milk
Beat the yolks of eggs and fold them into the stiffiy beaten whites of
eggs. Add peas, spinach, which had been put through a sieve, and car-
rots, cut up the size of a pea. Season with salt and pepper and last
of all add a scant half cup of good rich milk. Pour into a buttered
baking dish and put in a moderately slow oven. This should bake from
15 to 25 minutes, depending upon the time when the crust is nicely
browned. It should be eaten immediately. This serves six portions.
Blanche Sweet's granfl»rwther invented thris diish. As you cam see it
is both nourishing and healthfu.l, besides being del!icious to taste.
- - -·•+:lt:+•·---
Salad a la Philippine
1 head endive A narrow strip of green pepper
1h grapefruit A narrow strip of red pepper
lf2 orange 2 tablespoons olive oil
2 halves fresh or canned pears The fruit's juice
Salt and paprika
Remove the pulp from the grapefruit and orange without breaking
the membrane. Cut the pear in lengthwise slices. Cut the endive in
halves, discard the outer leaves, and wash with care. Dispose the endive
halves on plates, set the pear fan shape over these. Back of the pears
place a section of orange pulp, and a section of grapefruit just above
the tips of the leaves. To the fruit juice add the olive oil and salt;
beat vigorously, and pour over the salad. This is a recipe for two, of
Irene Rich picked up this recipe while she was living in Hawalii. The
combination of fruits is a gTeat one for youT Gomplexion.
Egg Salad
6 hard boiled eggs 1 slice toasted bread
Several slices of beets 1 teaspoon chopped parsley
1 tablespoon capers 1 tablespoon mayonnais e
2 tablespoon s cream
Cut eggs in rather thick slices. Whip cream and add to mayonnaise
and parsley. Place the toast in a salad bowl. Over this place a layer
of lettuce, a layer of mayonna ise and a layer of egg. Then another
layer of lettuce, mayonna ise and egg. Garnish with beets and paprika.
An ornamen tal salad that may be made richer by the use of rn0rre
French Dressing
1 tablespoon lemon juice lh teaspoon pepper
lh teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons olive oil
Rub mixing bowl with garlic bean. 1\Ex lemon juice, salt, pepper
together; add oil, beating constantly. Serve cold.
A salad that is beautiful looking and better than any 'tonic. Please
notice that all the vegetables are uncooked and therefore rich in vita-
Drain cherries and pineapple. With knife pit cherries and re-fill with
a filbert. Cut up the pineapple into small pieces. Cut grapes in half
and remove seeds. Place all the above in a large mixing bowl and fold
in a mayonnaise dressing that is made as follows :
6 egg yolks 3 tablespoons sugar
lh cup butter 1 teaspoon mustard
1 cup vinegar 1 teaspoon salt
% cup whipped cream
Beat eggs until light, add butter, sugar, salt, mustard, then add vine-
gar diluted to taste, cook until thick in double boiler; when done add
generous pinch of cayenne pepper. When cold, beat in lj2 cup of
whipped cream, beaten until almost stiff. Serve on lettuce leaf. Th]s
will serve 6 portions.
A lovely blend!ing of fruits and nuts. Try it on your b'i'idge club.
Vegetable Salad
1 cup finely cut red cabbage 1 cup finely cut celery
1 cup cold boiled red beets 1h cup pimentos
1 cup cold boiled carrots 1 head lettuce
1 cup cold boiled potatoes 1 cup French dressing
Soak cabbage in cold water 1 hour; drain and add beets, carrots, pota-
toes and celery. Mix well together, season with salt and pepper, and
serve on lettuce leaves. On top put strips of pimento and serve with
French dressing on which may be added one teaspoon onion juice.
Or you may mix it with mayonnaise. Here is a dish that is a meal in
itself. P1d this salad on your d-iet list, if yo1t want a nice, clear com-
Chop the white meat of the chicken very fine. Put in bowl, rub with
the back of a spoon, and add the blanched almonds which have been
chopped very fine. Then add the salt, pepper, onion juice, lemon juice
and mayonnaise. Into a measuring cup place a tablespoonful of granu-
lated gelatin and add two tablespoonfuls of cold water. Stir it and
allow it to stand for five minutes.
Add a half cup of hot stock or water, and a quarter teaspoonful of
beef extract. Stir for a moment and strain into the chicken mixture.
When this is cool, stir in the cream that has been whipped to a froth.
Put this in a large border mold and stand on the ice for at least two
hours. When ready to serve, cover a fiat dish with crisp lettuce leaves.
Dip the mould quickly into a pan of hot water; loosen the salad from
the edge and turn it out on the lettuce leaves. Have the celery cut
and fringed. Mix it with a half pint of mayonnaise dressing and heap
in the center of the mould.
A. delightful way of serving this salad, particularly for party occa-
sions, is to place the chicken mixture, when slightly cool, into a pastry
bag with a star cube. Press out the mixture into great rosettes in the
center of a nest of lettuce leaves. Serve with mayonnaise dressing.
Contribu't ed by a star who cooks as well as she dances. It's a concoc-
tion that will make any party a gala affair. It can be prepared in ad-
vance and the finishing touches put on at the last minute.
French Dressing
6 tablespoons Italian olive oil 1 teaspoon sugar
4 tablespoons cider· or grape 1 teaspoon salt
vinegar ~ teaspoon dry mustard
:14 teaspoon paprika
Put ingredients together in a jar and shake well until the dressing
has a creamy froth on it and is completely mixed. Use the above pro-
portions in any sized lots. However, three can be served with the
amount given above.
A teaspoonful of orvion juice may be added, if you like onion fiarvor.
By adding to the recipe, you can make enough dressing to Ttast for a
Put the cabbage through a mincer. Beat egg slightly, add vinegar
and mustard. Melt butter, add flour and milk and mix thoroughly
over fire. Then pour in eggs, vinegar and mustard, and whip until of
a creamy consistency. Place sliced cabbage on a red cabbage leaf and
add dressing, and a dash of paprika.
M-t. De MiUe glorifies the lowly oabbage. Do you know thdt, eaten
raw, ~·t is one of the most healthf~tl of all vegetables?
Swedish Salad
4 oz. cold roast bee£ 1 tablespoon tarragon vinegar
4 oz. boiled potatoes 1 tablespoon chervil
4 oz. apples 1 hard boiled egg
4 oz. pickled herring 24 olives
3 anchovies 12 oysters
1 tablespoon chopped gherkin Oil
Chop beef, potatoes, apples and herring into small cubes. Chop an-
chovies. Mix all the ingredients together except the oysters. Pour over
the mixture oil and vinegar to taste. Place oysters over the top.
A salad with sex appeal. Try it at your next eve'YIIing party. It may
be prepared ahead.
Wa~h the lettuce carefully in cold water, put in lettuce bag and let
drain on ice. Then mix the French dressing, placing mixing bowl in
cracked ice. When you are ready to mix the salad-it should be done
at the last minute-slice a clove of garlic and rub it thoroughly on
small squares of the dry crust of bread. Mix the salad and dressing
and the crusts of bread in a large bowl, using a wooden fork and spoon.
If you like, remove the crusts after the garlic flavor has been thoroughly
mixed in the salad.
This is the real French way of fixing lettuce sa~ad. It is the best way
of imparting the aromatic garlic fiavor to the lettuce and you will run
no danger of having the fiavor too strong. French dressing never should
be merely pottred over lett1tce ). it shmtld be thoroughly mixed in. a large
Lentil Salad
1 pint cooked lentils 1 tablespoon grated onion
~ pint chopped lettuce French dressing
Lettuce leaves
1\Iix all the ingredients together and serve in a large salad bowl lined
with lettuce leaves.
The combination of lentils and onions ·is a particularly attractive one.
This is an excellent salad to serve with ham.
Sift dry ingredients together. Add milk. Add well beaten eggs.
Beat thoroughly and cook immediately on a hot greased griddle.
A good varia.t ion of a reliable stand-by.
2 cups flour 3 eggs beaten separately
1 teaspoon baking powder 1 tablespoon butter
1¥.! cups milk lh teaspoon salt
Mix 114 cups flour and % teaspoon salt. Gently rub in 4 table-
yolks with milk; then the melted butter, the flour, and lastly the beaten
whites. Have waffle iron very clean and let it be thoroughly heated on
both sides. Rub it over with a piece of salt pork or butter. Close the
iron, and turn it so the grease will cover every part. Put enough batter
into each section of iron to fill it two-thirds full. Shut the iron and
cook waffles a minute or longer on each side. Serve hot, with maple
syrup and powdered sugar mixed with ground cinnamon.
There is no better dish than 'this for serving at the leisurely Swnday
Boil potatoes, peel and grate. Add to this the three eggs slightly
beaten. Stir in flour and salt. Mix thoroughly. Mold into small balls.
Boil 15 minutes in left-over meat or chicken gravy or in water, keeping
cover on kettle.
If you don't keep the cover on, the kettle w"kile the dumplings are cook-
ing they will fall. And then you'll do some heavy emotional acting. A
good Germa;n recipe, excellent to serve with pot roast.
1 scant cup flour :14 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk 2 eggs
1 tablespoon melted butter
Sift together flour and salt and mix with milk. Add the two eggs, well
beaten and the melted butter. Then beat with egg beater for five min-
utes. Pour into hot, greased popover pans-the heavy iron sort. Bake
for twenty or twenty-five minutes in a very hot oven. Do not open
door for the first fifteen minutes of baking. After that reduce the heat
in the oven.
Perfectly delicious for breakfast and easy to make, if you follow Wirec-
tions. The trick is to get the batter light, thin and full of little bubbles.
When Miss Mack{J)ill tells· you to beat them c()IYtstantly for five minutes,
she means fi ve minutes a;nd no cheating.
Apple Puff
1 cup flour 1 egg
~ cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder
3 apples 1 cup milk
Sift flour, salt and baking powder together. Add sugar and apples
which have been peeled, cored and chopped. Mix to stiff batter with
eggs and milk. Drop by spoonfuls in swimming fat and cook until
brown. Serve hot with sauce.
These may be served as a dessert with ha;rd sauce (ff as fritters with
roast pork or p(Yf'k chops.
Sift flour, baking powder, sugar and salt twice and place in a bowl
with two heaping teaspoonfuls of butter. Mix thoroughly and add milk
gradually. Roll dough slightly to thickness of about half an inch and
cut with an inch and a half cutter. Bake until brown.
A reliable standrby for breakfast, luncheon (ff tea. Simple and easy
to prepare.
Cheese Straws
1 cup flour % teaspoon salt
% cup grated Parmesan cheese Yolk of one egg
Dash of cayenne
Mix together flour, cheese, salt, cayenne and the yolk of one egg, then
add enough water to make paste sufficiently consistent to roll. Place
it on a board and roll to 1;4 inch thickness. Cut it into narrow strips
and roll so each piece will be the size and length of a lead pencil. Place
them in a baking tin and press each end on the pan. Bake to a light
brown in a moderate oven. These straws are very nice with salad and
will keep for several days. It is well to heat them before serving.
A valuable recipe for the hostess. The cheese straws are a delectable
tea-time da!inty and may be served with an appetizer before Winner.
Huckleberry Cake
% cup butter 1 egg well beaten
2% cups sifted flour 1 cup milk
1 cup granulated sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder
1 quart huckleberries
Rub the butter and sugar into a cream. Add next beaten egg, then
stir in milk. Gradually add flour, having baking powder thoroughly
mixed in the last half cup of flour. Beat all together thoroughly, and
last stir in lightly the huckleberries, cleaned and dry. Bake in a cake
pan in good oven.
It is better to put the pan on the bottom of the oven first so that the
cake will rise to its required height, then change to a higher shelf so
that it may get done on the top, otherwise the top gets hard before the
baking powder has done its work. Serve hot. Eat with butter.
Str·aight from New England, where huckleberries grow' wild.
Old Fashioned Coffee Cake
2 cups bread sponge 1 tablespoon butter
1 egg 1 cup tepid water
lh cup sugar Blanched almonds
Take the bread sponge, add the eggs well beaten, sugar, butter and
water. Mix well together, then add enough flour to make a thin dough.
Let it rise until double in size. Turn it on a board and roll it out an
inch thick. Place it in a baking tin, cutting it to fit the tin, and let it
rise again until light.
Just before placing it in the oven, spread over the top with egg beaten
with a teaspoonful of sugar. Sprinkle over this some granulated sugar,
and a few split blanched almonds. If preferred, the dough may be
twisted and shaped into rings instead of being baked in sheets.
Prepare it when you bake your bread, ana surprise the family.
Potato Biscuit
2 large potatoes lh teaspoon salt
3 cups flour 14 cup lard
3 teaspoons baking powder 1 egg
1 cup milk
Boil and mash potatoes. Sift flour, salt and baking powder together.
Add potatoes and cream in the lard. Mix to a light dough with egg
and milk. Roll out rather thin and bake in hot oven until brown. Serve
Baking powder biscu,its, slightly disguised with potatoes. An uncom-
plicated recipe frorn the complicated Mr. Chaney.
Brown Betty
2 cups bread crumbs %, cup sugar
4 apples 2 teaspoons cinnamon
A little butter
Grease a baking dish and line with a layer of sliced apples, sprinkle
with cinnamon and sugar mixed. Then a layer of bread crumbs, with
more cinnamon and sugar. Alternate apples and bread crumbs until
the pan is filled, covering finally with bread crumbs. Small flakes of
butter will make the pudding richer and, if you like, you may flavor
with a little lemon juice. Bake in a moderate oven for forty-five
minutes, keeping the dish covered until the last ten minutes of baking.
Serve with hard sauce.
A good winter desse-r't that makes fine u.se of the populatr and inex-
pensive apple. Ohi'ldtren love it.
Lemon Pie
1 cup sugar Grated rind of one lemon
3 level teaspoons cornstarch Juice of 1lh lemons
% teaspoon salt 3 egg yolks
1lh cups boiling water lh level tablespoon of butter
Pastry crust
Mix sugar, cornstarch and salt in top of double boiler, add boiling
water slowly and stir. Cook over the fire until boiling point is reached.
Place over hot water and cook 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Mix
grated rind and juice of lemon and egg yolks, slightly beaten. Add
butter and stir. Cook two minutes. Cool and turn into a cooked pastry
crust. Spread meringue and bake 8 minutes in moderate oven.
Pie Crust
Mix 11,4 cups of flour and ¥2 teaspoon salt. Gently rub in 4 table-
spoons of butter with the tips of the fingers. Add lJs cup cold water
to make dough. Turn on floured cloth and knead two minutes. Pat
with rolling pin. Lift to prevent sticking and roll out to a long
rectangular piece. Spread two-thirds of it with about 3 tablespoons of
butter, which has been washed in cold water to free it from butter-
milk. Fold over in three layers, turn it one-quarter of the way
around, pat, lift, roll, fold and turn (do this three times). Roll to fit
pie plate and bake.
Mr. Fairbanks does not eat this pie before perfetrmting any strenuous
athletic stunts. It is a fine happy ending for a Sunday dinner.
Cream Pie
3 eggs 1 pint hot milk
1 cup sugar 1 lump butter size of walnut
2 tablespoons cornstarch Pinch of salt
Beat the yolks of three eggs with the cup of sugar and the 2 table-
spoons of cornstarch and when thoroughly mixed add to pint of milk
that has been brought to the boiling point. Add a pinch of salt and
butter the size of a walnut. Boil the ingredients for about five min-
utes and then fold in the beaten whites of eggs to the custard and pour
into a baked pie shell and let the contents cool. Before serving whip
one-half pint of cream and spread over the top.
1% cups flour
lh teaspoon salt
The Pie Crust
6 tablespoons shortening
% cup cold water
Sift dry ingredients together-rub in shortening very lightly with
fingertips; add water slowly, just enough to make stiff dough; roll out
very thin on floured board and line pan, being very careful to make
pastry come well over edge of pan.
This makes a good dish for a home Winner party. Use ice water-
and very Uttle of it--in mixing the crust. All ingredients for pa.stry
shou.ld be very cold.
Orange Ice
1 pint water 2 egg whites
1 cup sugar 2 oranges
2 teaspoons gel a tine 1 lemon
Boil water and sugar together ten minutes. Add gelatine which has
been softened with two tablespoons of cold water. Allow mixture to
cool on ice. Add beaten whites of eggs, the grated orange rind, the
juice of the orange and the juice of the lemon. Freeze in ice cream
A reliable stand-by and populAir with women, beca.use it isn't as jat-
tening as ice-cream.
Southern Gingerbread
1 cup molasses % teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 cup sugar 1 cup hot water
lh cup melted butter 4 cups :flour
1 teaspoon ground ginger lh teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon soda
Stir molasses, sugar and butter together. Add hot water. Add flour,
salt, soda and spices sifted together. Beat well. Bake in well greased
pan in moderate oven for half an hour.
Miss Sebastian is a southern girl and she knmvs what she is talking
abmtt when she recommends this gingerbread.
Pineapple, Charlotte
2 teaspoons granulated gelatine 2 tablespoons sugar
% cup cold water Juice of % an orange
% cup boiling water 1 cup shredded pineapple
% pint whipped cream
Soak gelatine in cold water ten minutes. Add boiling water and
sugar. Stir this until ingredients are thoroughly dissolved, then add
juice of % an orange and shredded pineapple. Mix well and put in
ice box to cool. Before the mixture quite hardens, beat lh pint of cream
in it and replace it in the ice box to harden. Garnish with shredded
cocoanut or cherries and serve.
A fruit dessert for summer O'r winter. Y mt- may, of course, use canned
Date Torte
2 eggs % teaspoon baking powder
1h cup sugar 1h package dates
3 tablespoons bread crumbs 1 cup nut meats
Beat eggs slightly, add sugar, bread crumbs and baking powder. Mix
well. Add dates, which have been stoned. Add nut meats. Stir to an
even consistency. Place in greased muffin tins and bake in a slow oven
for thirty minutes. Test to see if done. Serve with whipped cream.
A variat·ion of a popular Hungarian cake. It is very rich and sho-uld
go big with the yo-unger set.
Brownie Cakes
2 cups sugar 2 squares melted chocolate
% cup butter % cup flour
2 eggs % cup walnuts
% teaspoon vanilla
Cream sugar, butter and eggs together; add melted chocolate, flour,
walnuts and vanilla. Beat well. Pour into large flat greased pan
and bake in slow oven for 25 minutes. When cool cut in medium sized
A hurry-up dessert for the 1t-ne-xpected guest. Brownie cakes are
good to serve with canned fruit.
Cream Fudge
1lh lbs. old fashioned brown sugar ¥2 pint of cream
Boil together until a soft ball forms when tried in cold water, take
from fire and beat well with a wooden spoon until creamy looking and
thick-pour on to a buttered dish. Just before it is cold mark into
squares and when it is quite cold break into pieces.
This candy can be made in a few minutes. If you like, you can add
pecan mea'ts.
Banana Trifle
lh cup milk ¥2 teaspoon salt
lh cup water 2 bananas
1 heaping teaspoon cornstarch 6 lady fingers
1 even teaspoon sugar ¥2 pint cream or whipped white of
one egg
Slice bananas and lay them in glass dish in alternate layers with
four ladyfingers split in two. Put the milk and water in a saucepan;
add the sugar, salt and the cornstarch diluted in a little cold water.
When it has thickened pour it over the bananas, and let it stand until
cold and ready to serve, then cover the top with whipped cream, or
if that is not convenient use the whipped white of one egg sweetened
with one tablespoonful of sugar. Split and break in two the remaining
ladyfingers, and place them upright around the edge.
Miss Negri laughs at calories when she eats this. Not for those who
are overweight.
Peach Sherbet
2 cups water %, cup peach pulp
1 cup sugar Juice of one orange
Juice of one-half lemon
Boil the sugar and water twenty minutes; let cool, add the fruit
juice and freeze. Serve with slices of fruit.
Try this refreshing dessert some hot summer even·ing. You'll thank
Miss Mc.Avoy.
Pour boiling water over grapenuts. Set aside to cool. Beat yolks of
eggs with sugar, spices and butter. Then add nut meats, raisins and
dates. Mix all with grapenuts. Lastly fold in the beaten whites of
eggs to which salt has been added. Bake in moderate oven twenty-five
minutes. Serve with whipped cream.
A rich and tasty pudding tha't may b~ prepared from the ingrecUents
in your kitchen cabinet. A good dessert far a 'Winter night.
Cook pineapple juice, sugar and eggs in double boiler until mixture
thickens. Set aside to chill. Just before serving, whip cream and add.
Cut fruit in small pieces-you may use oranges, pineapple, strawberries
or any fruits and berries in season. Chill fruit and mix with trifle.
One of the best of the frwit desserts. You may use the juice of canned
pineapples. As you see, by a choice of fruits, the dessert is practical
at any season of the year.
Peel and core the apples and fill centers with honey. Bake for an
hour in a moderate oven. Place a little water in the bottom of the pan
to keep them from burning. Sprinkle with chopped nut meats.
A wonderful variation of a wholesome and popular dessert. The
honey gives the apples a deUciaus flavor.
Divinity Fudge
* eup of water
¥.1 cup of Karo corn syrup
2 cups of sugar
Whites of 2 eggs
%, cup of nut meats
Cook sugar, water and corn syrup together until the candy just crys-
tallizes when tried in cold water. Pour slowly on the well-beaten egg
whites, beating constantly. Add the nut meats and pour into buttered
dish or pan.
Like all carndy recipes, you must be careful, to retmove frmn the fire
at just the right moment. Once you get the trick of it, it is easy 't o make.