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Ijerlas Journal Tujuh Orang

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Panji Adam Agus Putra1, Yuda Dharma Putra2, Maman Surahman3, Heru Pratikno4,
M Zidan Al Insyani5, Intan Nurapriliani6, Nurbani Syifa7
Universitas Islam Bandung
Youth for Education Bandung
Corresponding Email :1)panjiadam@unisba.ac.id


Collaboration programs with international organizations develop all aspects, especially in the field
of education that the university has carried out. The activity was educating the elementary school
teachers because it has a significant component in the educational process. The university
education system has a substantial role in preparing competitive human resources. This study result
findings in the form of language and cultural differences is the main issues in the implementation
of the international collaboration programs.The method was used group discussions between
Indonesian and Thai teachers through an innovative approach to digital learning media in a more
structured and in-depth way. Group discussion case studies successfully provided practical and
interactive experiences to the participants. It was concluded that mutual understanding of culture
between teachers and students was fundamental and needs to be considered so that learning can be
done effectively and comfortably. Educators can jointly build awareness of the effectiveness of
using technology in the classroom. Technology was not only used but has a significant impact on
learning processes and outcomes. The implementation of this international collaboration program
aims to solve the problems faced and enhance cooperation between the two countries further.

Keywords : Collaboration, Education, Innovation, Digital Learning

The role of higher education institutions in the world of education is essential in preparing
human resources who are capable of competing in improving their competence in their field. One
of the roles of higher education institutions is providing education to elementary school teachers.
Teachers are the most important component of education. Other components of education such as
curriculum, facilities, and infrastructure will not mean anything if there are no teachers who
implement them. Because of the importance of a teacher, it has been agreed that a teacher is a
professional who requires various requirements that ensure their profession can be carried out well.
Especially in elementary schools as the foundation and cornerstone for producing intelligent,
characterful and competitive generations (https://ditpsd.kemdikbud.go.id/). A cooperation program
with international organizations is a development in all aspects, especially in the field of education,
carried out by universities. The form of the activity is educating elementary school teachers
because they have the main component in the education process. The university education system
has a significant role in preparing competitive human resources.
Realize the activity process, universities must establish cooperation activities between
countries. There are activities offered, such as exchanging information on teaching methods
through language and culture mentoring based on information technology. The goal is to improve
the competence of internal and external human resources in improving good cooperation between
countries. Together with a youth four education organization in Indonesia, which focuses on
empowering teaching for teachers, collaborating with the same organization in Thailand,

International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences |IJERLAS 1504
E-ISSN: 2808-487X |https://radjapublika.com/index.php/IJERLAS
Volumes 3 No. 5 (2023)



Panji Adam Agus Putra, Yuda Dharma Putra, Maman Surahman, Heru Pratikno, M Zidan Al Insyani, Intan
Nurapriliani, Nurbani Syifa

SleepngBag Teacher Organization. Based on the interview result, cultural and language differences
in foreign teaching are the main factors that become a problem. Hence, it is essential for human
resources to obtain soft skills and hard skills that support the teaching approach through language
and culture. Developing foreign language competence, understanding Indonesian and foreign
cultures, and exchanging information through Islam-based information technology approaches are
one way to improve teaching for teachers. A case study was conducted at an elementary school in
Thailand called Wat Santi Watanaram School.Learning is an activity that involves teaching,
guiding, training, giving examples, organizing, and facilitating various things to learners to enable
them to learn comfortably and to achieve educational goals. Learning is an interactive process that
educators do with learners to stimulate learning desire and achieve predetermined goals through
media, environment, and others. The English-language learning method plays a crucial role in
learning English. Many students are able to achieve good results because they are taught using an
appropriate English language learning method (M. Yamin, 2017:82-97).

Picture 1. Volunteer Muslim Indonesia in a primary school in Thailand.

Source: Youth four Education Social Media

Previous research related to the title of this article has been discussed by Ismun Ali, who
stated that cooperative learning is a learning method that is carried out by students working
together, so that students do not only achieve success individually or compete against each other.
They can also help their classmates who have abilities below the minimum standard, thus fostering
social skills in students (Ismun Ali, 2021:247-264). The next literature review discusses learning
using foreign languages, according to Imam Santoso (2012). Foreign language learning currently
holds a significant position in the education landscape in Indonesia. Through foreign language
learning, it is hoped that Indonesians will be able to communicate in foreign languages with people
from different nations in the world. The mastery of foreign languages is also important, as it will
open doors for Indonesians to absorb knowledge developments from other countries (Imam
Santoso, 2012: 96-105). In essence, the success of English language learning is determined by at
least three main factors: 1) a qualified teacher who has the competence to teach English well; 2)
resources and facilities that support the learning process; and 3) a good curriculum that outlines
clear learning objectives for English language learning. Furthermore, a teacher needs to understand
the characteristics of language learning in children, which differ from adults (Fatihaturosyidah, Tri
Ilma Septiana,2019:63-74).
Another literature review is conducted by Taufiq Nur Azis in 2019, who argued that the
presence of information technology has an impact on the changes in all aspects of Indonesian
society, particularly in the learning process. Learning is an interaction between educators and
learners in a learning environment. In the current digital era, the interaction in the learning process

1505 International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences |IJERLAS
E-ISSN: 2808-487X |https://radjapublika.com/index.php/IJERLAS
has shifted to digital learning interaction. Therefore, strategies for learning that are appropriate with
the development of information technology are needed, such as developing models, innovating, and
evaluating learning with digital media, which can be done by teachers/lecturers in the digital era
(Taufiq Nur Aziz, 2019:308-318).


The method used in the Foreign Collaboration activity is exchanging information to

address problems between the two countries (Indonesia and Thailand) in assisting teacher training
through language and culture approach based on Islamic values. The implementation of the activity
is divided into several stages, including the preparation and needs analysis stage, the field
implementation stage, and the activity evaluation stage.

3.1.Preparation and Needs Analysis Stage

This stage involves preparing for the joint program activities, selecting Indonesian teachers
(volunteers) for information exchange program with teachers in Thailand, socializing the volunteer
teachers about the information exchange program through the cultural and language approach
based on information technology, and discussing with partners regarding strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats that will be faced during the implementation of this activity.

3.2.Field Implementation Stage

This stage involves the implementation of the program jointly made with partners, which
includes socializing the volunteer Indonesian teachers. The activities are in the form of foreign
language assistance, assistance in Indonesian culture, assistance in information technology, and
assistance in teaching based on Islamic values conducted by the team. Socializing Thai teacher
assistance activities are in the form of foreign language assistance, assistance in Indonesian culture,
assistance in information technology, and assistance in teaching based on Islamic values, conducted
by the team. The activities are carried out in schools with a majority non-Muslim religion.
Conducting international seminars on the topic of empowering teachers and children in elementary

3.3.Activity Evaluation Stage

This stage involves evaluating the activities that have been carried out. The analysis is
conducted to determine strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the implementation.
Evaluating strengths and weaknesses aims to find out how much potential this assistance has on the
predominantly non-Muslim country in Thailand. This effort is carried out to identify opportunities
for cooperation with the next country, starting with Thailand, and hopes to produce a comparison
of teacher training through a language and culture approach based on Islamic values using
information technology. This is done to minimize threats to foreign collaboration if conducted in
other countries.


Implementing the Community Service activities for the international collaboration program
has been carried out by using two methods of implementation, including the implementation of

International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences |IJERLAS 1504
E-ISSN: 2808-487X |https://radjapublika.com/index.php/IJERLAS
Volumes 3 No. 5 (2023)



Panji Adam Agus Putra, Yuda Dharma Putra, Maman Surahman, Heru Pratikno, M Zidan Al Insyani, Intan
Nurapriliani, Nurbani Syifa

Training of Trainers (ToT) and the implementation of virtual International Conferences. Below is a
table of the stages of implementing community service for the Overseas Collaboration program.

Table 4.1 Stages of Implementation of Community Service Activities (PKM) in Foreign


No The Date Themes

Training of 12-13 February Designing Meaningfull Learning With
Trainers (ToT) 2023 Technology Based on Islamic Values
17 February 2023 Innovation and Digital Learning Media
24 February 2023 Culture and Managerial Classroom
2. Planning, Teaching Materials, and
5 March 2023 Evaluation in Online and Offline

4.1.Training of Trainers (ToT)

The Training of Trainers (ToT) was intended for prospective Indonesian speakers at the
conference by the theme "The First International Teachers Conference in Innovation and
Technology" with the intention that the speakers could adequately convey the material and values
intended by the community service team. In practice, the service team assisted according to the
field of knowledge, including presenting material on Islam and the introduction of Universitas
Islam Bandung. The material aims to introduce UNISBA to speakers and participants at the
international conference activities from various countries. Furthermore, the community service
team provided material on "Decent Cultural and Language Character Education" and "Islamic
Values for Education." This activity was closed with the implementation of a Forum Group
Discussion with the theme of information technology in learning which was carried out by a team
of volunteers, an Indonesian NGO team (Youth for Education).

Picture 4.1. Implementation of Training of Trainers (ToT) Activities

4.2.International Conference

The International Conference activity is a continuation of the implementation of

community service international collaboration with Non-Government Organization (NGO) partners
from Thailand. This activity has the theme "The First International Teachers Conference in
Innovation and Technology" was carried out through the Zoom online application, and all

1505 International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences |IJERLAS
E-ISSN: 2808-487X |https://radjapublika.com/index.php/IJERLAS

participants came from various countries who had registered. The speakers came from two
countries, Indonesia and Thailand. Indonesian speakers were volunteers who had participated in
assistance at the Training of Trainers (ToT), while the speakers from Thailand come from
Sleepingbag Teacher as the NGO partner in Thailand.

Picture 4.2. International Conference Opening Ceremony via Zoom

The implementation of this activity was divided into 3 meetings, including:

a.International conference with the theme “Innovation and Digital Learning Media.”
This activity was held on February 17, 2023, via the Zoom application. Participants came
from various countries, the highest being 53.1% or 26 people from the host country, Indonesia.
Followed by the second most country at 18.4% or nine people from the Philippines. Pakistan and
Thailand have the same number of participants, 10.2% or as many as five people. Neighboring
countries occupied the lowest number, only 2% or one person who joined this first material.
Moving on to the percentage of subjects or majors attended by material one webinar participants,
English teachers or students were majoring in English Education with the highest percentage of
28.6%, of language teachers or students majoring in language as much as 20.4%, and the others
were teachers or students elementary school majors.

Figure 3. Percentage of Conference Participants at the 1st meeting

Training and mentoring divided into initial material mentoring and distribution of
discussion groups through Breakout rooms. The speaker uses several applications to provide
examples of innovation regarding the technology used in learning. First, the speaker uses slide.com
with cloud features to determine the percentage of several applications often used by participants to

International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences |IJERLAS 1504
E-ISSN: 2808-487X |https://radjapublika.com/index.php/IJERLAS

Volumes 3 No. 5 (2023)



Panji Adam Agus Putra, Yuda Dharma Putra, Maman Surahman, Heru Pratikno, M Zidan Al Insyani, Intan
Nurapriliani, Nurbani Syifa

teach. It could be seen clearly in the first picture that most of the 49 participants who attended the
webinar used Canva, then YouTube was in second place, and some used ZOOM in the post-
pandemic period. The innovation given by presenter 1 is Prezi, which for some participants this
application is still unfamiliar to use. Prezi is a presentation software tool to explore various ideas
on a virtual screen. This software has a great feature of using the Zooming User Interface (ZUI),
which allows the user to zoom in and out on the presentation media. One of the learning media that
teachers could use as an alternative is Prezi. Prezi was done intentionally to "make sharing ideas
more interesting." Become a tool to develop and share ideas visually and story. The material
presented in this session is more about introducing, in general, how technological innovation from
Prezi such as types of media and their functions, examples of media and how to practice them, and
steps to choose digital media suitable for learning.
Furthermore, the Breakout room Activity was accompanied by a facilitator who assisted
and directed the course of the discussion. Participants were asked to conduct a SWOT (Strength,
Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) analysis of the media used in each school and each country.
After analyzing the deficiencies in each group, internet connection and paid accounts are the
biggest obstacles to using technological innovations for learning. However, from these constraints,
the participants could find an excellent opportunity for its use, such as during learning, which was
more interaction between teachers and students by using the collaborative Learning method and
Direct feedback to students. Participants also expressed the opportunity to gain new and exciting
experiences and information in the 21st century, such as learning materials, and even create new
abilities to help students get a job opportunity in the creative world. In the Breakout room activity,
the two participants are divided according to the subjects they teach or study. Before teaching
practice in the big room, participants were asked to discuss in advance what media would be used,
the uses of the media, and the steps in the teaching practice process. Some selected media are
YouTube, Padlet, Canva, Quizziz, Google Docs, and Wordwall.

Picture 4.2. The first meeting in learning assistance at an international conference

b.International conference with the theme "Culture and Managerial Classroom"

This activity is the second follow-up meeting which will be held on February 17, 2023, via
the Zoom application. The countries participating the most were 63.9%, namely Indonesia, 13.9%
from the Philippines and Thailand, and 2.8% from India and Malaysia. The percentage of English
education departments or teachers was still the highest, namely 27.8% of all participants who
attended. Not far from that, 25% of language teachers attended this second meeting, then 16.7% of
language teachers or students majoring in elementary schools, followed by general participants at

1505 International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences |IJERLAS
E-ISSN: 2808-487X |https://radjapublika.com/index.php/IJERLAS
Picture 4.3. The Percentage of Participants in the second meeting of the Conference

This lesson aims to raise awareness among teachers and students that cultural differences
are vulnerable to being a source or trigger of ineffectiveness in the classroom. Thus the presenter
conveys two primary materials, namely regarding culture and management in the classroom, which
are closely related to interactions between students and teachers. At this stage, the presenter checks
the mood of the participants with a blob tree which is then answered using the answer garden. After
checking the mood, the presenter explained culture, its definition and dimensions, and the
relationship between culture and classroom management. In this material, presenters focus on the
interaction of teachers and students as part of classroom management, which is influenced by
culture. Especially in the issue of communicating in the classroom. The cultural dimension, which
consisted of several ways, was explained by the speakers with the help of power points. There were
around 30-40 people who listened. Furthermore, the speaker played a video as case study material
to be discussed in the first breakout room.
Participants were shown a video about the misunderstanding between the Americans and
the Chinese. Then, the participants were asked to discuss and analyze the cultural differences that
occurred, which led to misunderstandings between the two countries. Afterward, the participants
were divided into several groups and discussed with their friends. Participants had discussions that
focused on classroom management, how teachers usually convey information, and how teachers
correct students with distinct cultural differences. Sometimes this becomes an obstacle or source of

Picture 4.4. The 2nd meeting in learning assistance at an international conference

International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences |IJERLAS 1504
E-ISSN: 2808-487X |https://radjapublika.com/index.php/IJERLAS
Volumes 3 No. 5 (2023)



Panji Adam Agus Putra, Yuda Dharma Putra, Maman Surahman, Heru Pratikno, M Zidan Al Insyani, Intan
Nurapriliani, Nurbani Syifa

c.International conference with the theme “Planning, Teaching Materials, and Evaluation in Online
and Offline Learning”
This activity was carried out on 17 February 2023 via the Zoom application. At this
meeting, 31 participants took part in the action. The country that participated the most was 61.3%,
namely Indonesia. 16.1% of participants came from the Philippines. 12.9% of participants came
from Thailand, and 3.2% came from Malaysia.

Picture 4.5. Percentage of Participants at the third Meeting of the Conference

In the initial material activity, the presenter introduced one of the theories that the teacher
can use as a reference to reflect on his performance in technology-based classes. This theory
contains stages of teaching and competencies that can guide teachers, hoping that we, as educators,
can jointly build awareness of the effectiveness of using technology in the classroom. So,
technology is not only used but also has a significant impact on learning processes and outcomes.
Furthermore, the discussion material presented is related to how the teacher has a perspective in
designing learning. The speaker offers two perspectives, namely, bold design and backward design.
After the teacher has views on developing understanding, the next step is that the teacher can
choose teaching materials online or offline. The selection of online teaching materials can use high-
technology-based applications, and here the speakers present the Google art and culture platform,
whereby utilizing this platform is hoped that learning will be more exciting and creative. At the last
point of the discussion, the speaker delivered an evaluation and assessment. At this assessment
stage, several applications and online platforms are displayed that can be recommendations for
conducting reviews, hoping that they will become a reference for teachers in teaching and learning
Before the participants were divided into several Breakout room groups. Participants were
asked to fill out a link survey which consisted of several statements about the use of ICT in the
classroom. After that, the participants, accompanied by a facilitator in each room, were asked to
discuss the average answer regarding the survey. The results of the participants' responses
according to the study can be said that they like teaching using technology and are very confident
in their ability to apply technology in class. Most participants rated their performance positively. In
the Breakout room activity, the two participants discussed several questions. This question
continues the survey used for the first breakout room. However, in this activity, participants were
asked to identify their performance based on the framework explained in the material session.

1511 International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences |IJERLAS
E-ISSN: 2808-487X |https://radjapublika.com/index.php/IJERLAS
Picture 4.6. The 3rd meeting in learning assistance at an international conference


Based on the results of this international collaboration, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The activity was hindered by teaching based on Islamic values, therefore, a specific delivery
method is needed where the majority religion in Thailand is based on Hinduism. The activity
was conducted by introducing oneself as a Muslim, such as saying greetings.
2. Innovation in digital learning media became the theme of this international collaboration.
Participants from various countries such as Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Pakistan, and
America successfully participated in the activity. Participants actively contributed ideas and
experiences regarding the use of digital media in learning.
3. This activity increased awareness of cultural differences with the hope of mutual respect
between both teachers and students. With a hope that educators can work together to promote
the effective use of technology in the classroom, as technology is not only used but has a
significant impact on the learning process and outcomes.


M.Yamin.2017.Metode Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Di Tingkat Dasar.Jurnal Pesona

am. Jurnal Mubtadiin .7(1),Pp.247-264.
Imamsantoso.2012.Pendidikan Karakter Dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Asingberwawasan
Interkulturaljurnal Pendidikan Karakter.3(1),Pp96-106
Fatihaturosyidah,Tri Ilma Septiana.2019. Learning English As A Foreign Language For Early
Childhood Learners. Aṣ-Ṣibyān Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini.4(1),Pp63-74.
Taufiqnur Azis.2019. Strategi Pembelajaran Era Digital. Annual Conference On Islamic Education
And Social Sains(Aciedss 2019).1(2).Pp.308-318.


Dra. Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Pd.2021."Guru Sekolah Dasar Harus Beradaptasi dengan Pembelajaran
beradaptasi-dengan-pembelajaran-digital.diakses pada 21 Juni 2023 Pukul. 14.00 WIB.
International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences |IJERLAS 1504
E-ISSN: 2808-487X |https://radjapublika.com/index.php/IJERLAS

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