1119 P1 Cefr Reading Module
1119 P1 Cefr Reading Module
1119 P1 Cefr Reading Module
8 questions (8 marks)
❖ Do not choose an answer just because it contains a word that is in the text.
❖ TIP 2: Look out for words or expressions in the options that have a similar
meaning to ones in the text.
TIP 1:
Identify the statement.
TIP 2:
Words/ expressions in
Answer: A the options that have
B is wrong as the text does not tell consumers to identify good tea similar meaning to the
but instead how to appreciate the tea. ones in the text.
C is wrong as the text does not mention any sales of the tea.
* latest tea = new tea
TIP 1:
TIP 2:
* four teams … will
compete = final four
teams will go against
Answer: A
B is wrong as the event will be in teams not individual.
C is wrong as the winners will not be receiving any award but they
will be going to the Nobel Prize Awards ceremony.
TIP 1:
TIP 2:
* Until 31st March …
will be able to enjoy =
… pay normal fare
Answer: C
after March
A is wrong as the free rides are available only from 4 – 11pm on the
lunch day.
B is wrong as there will be no free bus rides but a 50% discount to
the passengers.
TIP 1:
TIP 2:
* … purchase of 12
tickets = … buying a
dozen tickets
Answer: C
A is wrong as the voucher is valid for Malaysians only.
B is wrong as the tickets are available at the ticket office or online.
TIP 1:
TIP 2:
Answer: B
A is wrong as the …
C is wrong as the …
TIP 1:
TIP 2:
Answer: A
B is wrong as the …
C is wrong as the …
TIP 1:
TIP 2:
Answer: C
A is wrong as the …
B is wrong as the …
TIP 1:
TIP 2:
Answer: C
A is wrong as the …
B is wrong as the …
PART 1: 3-Option Multiple Choice (Short Texts)
Warmer Activity 1:
Choose the best answers for the expressions shared below.
1. A self-catering cottage
a) A great little house with a fantastic kitchen
b) A great big house with a fantastic kitchen
2. Self-catering
a) You can cook and eat when you want and what you want
b) You can eat when you want and what you want
3. Remote, alone
a) Far away, isolated
b) Good, permanent
4. It appealed to me
a) I liked it
b) I didn’t like it
Warmer Activity 2:
Circle the two words in each sentence that are synonyms.
Warmer Activity 3:
Circle the word that has almost the same meaning as the underlined word in the
1119/1 (Reading and Use of English)
The pangolin, often referred to as TIP 2:
an anteater, is an animal usually Look for clues around each gap.
found (0) ____in_____ Asia. Language awareness tested: Preposition
Remember the Preposition Triangle!
Answer: A. in
A. If (refer to a condition)
B. Despite (with no condition)
C. Since (refer mostly to a time frame or condition)
D. Although (there will be a reason after a condition)
Some estimates TIP 2:
(11) _________ that sales of Look for clues around each gap.
pangolins now account for up to Language awareness tested: Vocabulary
20 per cent of the entire wildlife
black market. A. tell (informing)
B. suggest (conveying, expressing an idea)
C. advise (offering, recommending solution)
D. propose (recommending an idea)
* Why not ‘propose’? The answer ‘suggest’ is more
accurate because some are expressing an idea not
recommending any idea.
PART 2: 4-Option Multiple Choice (Cloze Passage)
Coordinating Conjunctions are the most common form of linking words. They are used to
join two independent clauses together, generally in the middle of a sentence. There are seven
coordinating conjunctions. They are – FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)
Good teachers work hard and they organise their lectures effectively.
The office is closed for the next two days, but you can still phone to leave a message.
I forgot my computer disc, so I will have to hand in my assignment late.
Warmer Activity 1:
Fill in the gaps with appropriate coordinators.
Subordinators are linking words that are used to join clauses together. They join a dependent
clause with an independent clause. Examples of subordinators are before, when, if, because,
although, etc.
Time after, before, as soon I'll try to finish my homework before I go to the
as, since, when, while, movies.
until, as The workers continued the strike until the
company agreed to pay the bonus.
Warmer Activity 2:
Fill in the gaps with appropriate subordinators.
Sentence connectors or transitions are used to link ideas from one sentence to the next and
to give paragraphs coherence.
Most pieces of formal writing are organised in a similar way: introduction, development of
main ideas or arguments; conclusion. Linking words and phrases join clauses, sentences and
paragraphs together.
Sentence connectors perform different functions and are placed at the beginning of a sentence.
They are used to introduce, order, contrast, sequence ideas, theory, data, and others.
and, additionally, besides, ● Both Hasan and Habib obtained the same
additional further, furthermore, grade. Either she or her brother came here
information especially, not only ….. but yesterday.
also, moreover, ● I will neither go nor ask anybody to go there.
both…..and, or, He as well as his father will come tomorrow.
either…..or, neither…..nor, ● He is a meritorious student. In addition, he is a
as well as, too, likewise, good player.
also, in addition, so on,
apart from, similarly, again
give examples such as, namely, for ● He is an expert in a number of areas such as
example, for instance, that mathematics, physics, chemistry, medicine, and
is, to illustrate, as an others.
illustration, to demonstrate ● There are a lot of benefits of early rising. For
instance, one can inhale fresh breath.
to express since, for, because, as, ● I don’t know why she is crying.
cause/effect why, so that ● I could not go to the office because my mother
was sick.
● I am not attending your party tonight as I will
be flying tonight.
to express so, therefore, hence, as a ● The electricity has gone out. So, we have to
results result, as a consequence, wait until it comes again.
thus, consequently, ● He did not attend the classes regularly.
eventually, so that, Therefore, he did not get attendance marks.
accordingly, now ● I don’t have the habit of getting up in the
morning. As a consequence, I fall sick often.
to express the as much as, as many as, so ● I keep the door open so as to let fresh air enter
purposes that, in order that, lest, so into the room.
as to ● The boy is studying hard so that/ in order that
he can do well in the examination. He ate as
many ice-creams as he could.
to put if, otherwise, unless, till, ● If you call me, I will come to help you.
condition until, provided, provided ● Study hard or/ otherwise you have to face
that, in case, as long as difficulty in the examination. Wait here until/
till I come back.
● The singer has agreed to perform in the concert
provided that a good amount of money will be
to indicate at that time, there, where, ● She is a writer. At the same time, she is a
time and place when, while, before, after, singer.
since, as soon as, ● They had arrived at the station before the rain
sometimes, at present, started.
presently, of late, now, ● She wanted to know where I come from.
then, afterward, at first, ● As soon as the singer came on the stage, the
once, no sooner had … audience applauded.
to indicate to sum up, in brief, in short, ● He is good at mathematics, English, physics,
conclusion in fine, to summarize, on and other subjects. Above all he is a brilliant
the whole, above all, in all, student.
in conclusion, to conclude ● We have three English teachers, two Bengali
teachers, and four science teachers. In total we
have nine teachers at our college.
● He helps people at the time of natural disasters.
He donates money to poor students. In brief, he
is a very kind hearted man.
to indicate at the same time, at that ● She was eating and watching television at the
events time, meanwhile, in the same time.
occurring at meantime, as ● When you called me yesterday; I was watching
the same time cricket at that time.
● I entered the meeting room at 10:45 am.
Meanwhile the issues had been settled.
relative who, which, whom, whose, ● I know the person who came here last night.
pronouns used what, whatever, whichever, This is the book which I need.
as connectors that ● I will give you whatever you want.
connectors whether …. or, rather …. ● You should rather wait than go now.
used in pairs than, though …. yet ● I am not sure whether you are coming or not.
Warmer Activity 3:
Complete the following letter with suitable linking words/ connectors from the box.
Dear Hasan,
I hope you are well. We’re very busy. Rina has finally managed to find a job. (1) ____. it’s not
a good job, (2) ____ it’s a job. (3) ____ we have decided to move to a new flat. You know
how difficult it is to shift house, (4) ____ we have no other alternative. (5) ____, Rumana got
a promotion (6) ……. She has been posted to Dhaka. (7) ____, the new assignment will be
quite challenging for her, but she has the ability to manage, as we all know. On the other hand,
she is very committed, and (8) ____ she has good managerial skills. She (9) ____ an engineer
____ an MBA. (10) ____, I’ll be looking forward to your reply.
Warmer Activity 4:
Complete the following sentences with suitable linking words/ connectors from the box.
Get Your Dictionary Out!!!
Warmer Activity 5:
Choose one of the words in brackets to fill the gap.
Warmer Activity 6:
Underline one of the words in brackets to fill the gap.
1119/1 (Reading and Use of English)
8 questions (8 marks)
❖ You will be tested on your general and detailed understanding of a longer text as well
as your understanding of the writer’s opinions and attitude.
❖ Part 3 focuses on the understanding of a long text, including detail, opinion, and also
text organisation features such as the use of examples, comparison and reference.
❖ TIP 1: Read each question FIRST.
❖ TIP 2: Find and underline the keywords. The answers to the questions will
generally follow in the same order in the text.
Example: In paragraph 2, …… In paragraph 3, …
❖ TIP 3: Quickly read the respective text as in the question and highlight the parts
where you can find the answers to questions (evidence in the text to justify your chosen
answer). Do not waste time to read the whole text.
❖ Choose the correct option.
❖ TIP 4: To answer the HOTS question, normally the last question of Part 3, a good way
to answer this task is to eliminate the wrong options. The options always include
false information so it is normally quite easy to find the wrong ones.
19. In paragraph 2, why does the writer use the TIP 1: Read each question FIRST.
phrase happily watching her in action? In paragraph 2, …
A. She enjoyed being of help to her mother. TIP 2: Find and underline the keywords.
* The writer is not helping, instead only watching TIP 3: Quickly read the respective text as
her mother in the question
20. In paragraph 3, what does the writer say TIP 1: Read each question FIRST.
about her mother’s character? In paragraph 3, …
A. She was discouraged by the economic hardship TIP 2: Find and underline the keywords.
faced by the family. TIP 3: Quickly read the respective text as
B. She was conscious of the way she looked when in the question
she was cooking.
C. She was concerned about what the future holds
for her children.
25. How does the writer feel about her parents TIP 1: … last paragraph
in the last paragraph? TIP 2: The writer’s feeling in the last
A. grateful that they can grow old together paragraph
* Only the parents are growing old together TIP 3:
26 What is the purpose of the writer writing this TIP 2: Purpose of the article
article? TIP 4: Eliminate the wrong options
A. To share precious memories of her mother. HOTS question!
B. To recall how she faced the difficulties in her
life. * From paragraph 1 till 6 the article is all
* Not only the writer but the family as well about the writer’s mother’s determination
taking care of her family.
C. To look back at how her Dad worked hard for
the family.
* Only in paragraph 1 and 5
PART 3: 4-Option Multiple Choice (Comprehension)
Warmer Activity 1: Read the passages and choose the best answers.
Critical reading is a demanding process. a. critical reading is a slow, dull, but essential process.
To read critically, you must slow down b. the best critical reading happens at critical times in a
your reading and, with pencil in hand, person’s life.
perform specific operations on the text. c. readers should get in the habit of questioning the
Mark up the text with your reactions, truth of what they read.
conclusions, and questions. When you d. critical reading requires thoughtful and careful
read, become an active participant. attention.
e. critical reading should take place at the same time
each day.
PASSAGE 3 This paragraph best supports the statement that …
Black-and-white camera film, in the old a. red filters were very popular in the old days of
days of film photography, was very photography.
sensitive to blue light but not to red b. infrared rays are invisible to the naked eye.
light. Blue skies would often show very c. black-and-white photography used to be very
little detail, because the film couldn’t popular.
record all that it was seeing. To d. red filters cut out some blue light on black and white
compensate, photographers would put a film.
red filter on the lens, darkening the sky e. blue filters cut out red light.
enough that the film could record its
fluffy clouds.
PASSAGE 5 The paragraph best supports the statement that …
The entire low-carbohydrate versus a. experts state that not all fats are equal, so we need
low-fat diet argument is so prevalent not reduce our intake of all fats; just those that contain
that one would think that these are the partially hydrogenated oils.
only two options available for losing b. important health concerns get overlooked when we
weight and staying healthy. Some focus exclusively on the low-fat versus low-carb
experts even feel that the low-carb/low- question.
fat debate distracts us from an even c. low-carbohydrate diets lead to significant and
more important issue—our culture’s sustained weight loss.
reliance on processed and manufactured d. processed foods can lead to many adverse health
foods. problems including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and
“wakes up” to find itself slim and trim
once again!
a. French pastry.
b. sauce to put over vegetables.
c. pasta dish extended with tomato paste.
d. vegetable stew.
PASSAGE 8 What is the main idea of this passage?
The city will be enforcing winter a. Cars should be parked on the street.
parking rules from December 1 through b. Snow ploughs can bury cars under snow.
March 31, according to City Street c. Winter parking regulations will be put into effect.
Manager Joseph Parks. This includes d. Winter parking regulations are good for the
alternate-side parking regulations, as environment.
well as tow-away zones and handicap
exceptions. Cars are to be parked on the When should cars be parked on the west side of the
south and east sides of streets between street?
the hours of 8 a.m. and midnight; and
on the north and west sides of streets a. between 8 a.m. and midnight
between midnight and 8 a.m. This is to b. between midnight and 8 a.m.
permit snow ploughs and emergency c. between December 1 and March 31
vehicles access to all neighbourhoods, d. not stated
as well as to keep rush-hour traffic to a
minimum. Vehicles that do not follow Which of the following is NOT a reason for these
these guidelines will be towed at the parking regulations to be followed?
owner’s expense, Parks said, with the
exception of those vehicles displaying a. They prevent excessive traffic.
handicapped parking permits. b. It’s good for the cars to be moved frequently in cold
c. It allows snow ploughs to get through.
d. They enable emergency vehicles to gain access to
all neighbourhoods.
1119/1 (Reading and Use of English)
Gapped Text
6 questions (6 marks)
❖ You will be tested on your understanding of the flow of a text as well as the attitudes
and opinions of the author. You also need to show that you understand how ideas are
logically connected.
❖ TIP 1: Read the whole text first before you attempt to answer any questions. This will
give you an idea of the overall structure.
❖ TIP 2: Try to identify what each paragraph is about. Doing this can help you a lot
when you try to match the sentences to the gaps.
❖ TIP 3: Look out for words and expressions that help link ideas. These could be
things like time phrases, contrasting linking words and expressions, pronouns or
synonyms that refer forwards or backwards in the text.
❖ Make sure any sentence you choose fits both with what comes before and after.
❖ As you work through the task, be prepared to change your opinion on an earlier choice.
To our horror, the facilitators made it TIP 2: Try to identify what each paragraph
compulsory for everyone to participate. is about.
27. ___. We had no choice but to build * The activity is a must for everyone to join
up our courage and speak up. This set
the tone for future activities. TIP 3: Look out for words and expressions
that help link ideas.
Answer: * It is either D or F
D. I was pushed out of my comfort zone. * D is more suitable as the sentence after that
explains more on what they need to do even
though they are not used to it.
PART 4: Gapped Text
Warmer Activity 1:
Read the passages and choose the best sentences to fill in the gap text.
Text 1
Text 2
Text 3
Text 4
Text 5
You need a total of about 60 minutes a. It will give you lots of ideas for staying fit and
of physical activity a day. Here is the healthy.
good news. Five or ten b. He regularly takes physical education classes
minutes sessions of physical at school.
activities throughout the day are just c. You should turn off that television and get
as good for you. These may include moving instead.
walking, jogging, running, and riding d. A program called "The Fitness Fighters" was
a bike. started.
e. This does not have to be done all at one time.
Text 6
And they are certainly a. Ultraviolet light can get rid of bacteria in eggs
right. Sunscreen protects your skin and apple and make them safer to eat.
from ultraviolet light rays. Too much b. Your parents tell you to wear sunscreen when
ultraviolet is bad for your skin. If you're outside in the summer.
you spend a long time outside c. When we are outdoors, we are exposed to
without any sunscreen on, you might pollens and dust, and other irritants.
get a sunburn because of the d. However, they can also trigger asthma attacks,
ultraviolet rays. which are more serious.
e. It seems to be the safest way to make food
safer before we buy it.
Text 7
Text 8
Text 9
Text 10
1119/1 (Reading and Use of English)
8 questions (8 marks)
❖ TIP 1: Read the instructions very carefully. For example: ‘no more than one word’
‘paragraph’ ‘person’.
❖ TIP 2: Read the questions and underline the keyword.
❖ TIP 3: Read the text and underline similar keywords as in the questions.
❖ Pay attention to Question 37 – 40. If the question is in short passage, to choose the
best answer, look for the clues from the sentence before and after the blank.
❖ All the answers must only be from the text provided. Do not write any other answer
that is not available in the text.
Question 33 TIP 2: Read the questions and underline the
I did not enjoy the work initially. keyword.
TIP 3: Read the text and underline similar keywords
Answer: as in the questions.
Paragraph B
B - JULIE, 14 years old
When I was younger, I helped out at a nearby animal
shelter. At first I didn't know many people there and
wasn't very enthusiastic. Later, as I got to know the
animals and staff members, I learned how to enjoy my
time there. Every now and then, I go over to feed the
animals and play with them. It is very beneficial and I
get new experiences doing things that I’ve never done
Question 34
I organised my work by myself. F - AIDA, 17 years old
I wanted to support my local library so I set up a Story
Answer: Corner and read to children on
Paragraph F Saturdays. Setting up community projects is very
meaningful, no matter how small it may be. Every little
step counts. I hope that one day my classmates will
join me. (without help from anyone)
Question 35
I sympathise with the A - SHAH, 16 years old
unfortunate in my area. Opportunities to volunteer are everywhere, even right in
our own backyard. I started with
Answer: something that I really believe and have an interest in –
Paragraph A joining a project that gives free tuition to the little
kids from a few poor families in my neighbourhood.
That experience taught me to be more compassionate.
Question 36
I get input to have a better C - HOCK LIM, 17 years old
understanding of the world. I go to an old folks’ home as a volunteer and spend time
with the residents there. Sometimes, my friends and I
Answer: go there after school. Listening to the stories about
Paragraph C their past experiences has taught us some useful life
lessons. Once in a while, we bring along a guitar to
entertain them.
Question 37
Those who are interested in TIP 1: Read the instructions very carefully. For
working with animals could help example: ‘no more than one word’
out at a _________ (37) or zoo. TIP 2: Read the questions and underline the
Answer: shelter TIP 3: Read the text and underline similar keyword
Question 39 E - JEREMY, 15 years old
Helping children is also about For as long as I can remember, I have always been
making them happy; celebrating involved in community service – going to
birthdays by having children's homes with my parents to organise parties
___________ (39) is one way to especially on special occasions. The joy
do this. on the children’s faces never cease to warm our hearts
and that’s what keeps us going back.
Answer: parties
Question 40 F - AIDA, 17 years old
Try not to think too big. Do I wanted to support my local library so I set up a Story
something that will make the Corner and read to children on Saturdays. Setting up
lives of the needy more ______ community projects is very meaningful, no matter
(40) and happy. how small it may be. Every little step counts. I hope
that one day my classmates will join me.
Answer: meaningful
PART 5: Matching and Information Transfer
Warmer Activity 1:
Read the passages and answer the following questions with ONE word only.
Four-bedroom farmhouse in the countryside. All of the four double bedrooms are en suite
(room together with the bathroom) with luxury shower and bath. Farm kitchen with barbecue,
tables and chairs outside. Great for groups of friends. The supermarket is 30 minutes by car
and you can take a train from the village into the city. Escape from normal life for a few days
as we have … NO INTERNET and you can only use mobile phones at the bottom of the garden!
Warmer Activity 2:
Read the passages and answer the following questions.
Statement Person
1. You want to talk about teaching and schools. Park Ji-Yeon
2. You want to do a tour.
3. You want to talk about mobile phone technology.
4. The person works with people from different countries.
5. The person works in the United Arab Emirates.
Warmer Activity 3:
Read the passages and answer the following questions.
Job Adverts
1. As a car ____________ for Motor Ground you will earn £200 a day and you need a
driving ____________.
2. As a ____________ manager for Groovy you will earn £50,000 ____________ and
you need to speak English.
3. As a French ____________ for LinguaFun you will earn £15 ____________ and you
need teaching experience.
4. As a nurse for a private ___________ you will earn £25,000 a year and you need to be
____________ to work in the UK.
Warmer Activity 4:
Read the passages and answer the following questions.
I am an architect with 20 years’ experience of designing and developing spaces. I am a partner
in the award-winning STG Architects Ltd, which is famous for its work on the Galroy Building
in London. I enjoy working with people from all over the world and have international
experience of working in Italy, Greece, Thailand, Australia and Brazil. I have a Master of
Science from Sheffield University and a BA in Architecture from Hull University. I also speak
Italian and Thai. When I am not working, I spend my time hiking, skiing and diving.
I am an experienced sales manager with 12 years’ experience of developing customer service
teams. I am skilled in negotiation, team motivation and building successful sales teams. After
ten years of working in sales and customer service at Halo Bank, I am now the sales office
manager of a team of 120 at Southern General Plastics Ltd. I have an MBA from Stanford
University and a degree in Business Studies from Cornell University. I am creative and
hardworking and enjoy working with others.
Part 1
Questions 1 to 8
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the answer A, B or C. For each question,
mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.
He said three other individuals have been C The flood was caused by
reported missing following a massive long hours of rain.
landslide at the mountain, after rain waters
surged down the slopes.
3. The notice to the students
GRAB Malaysia has announced its support to 5. Which of the following is
help senior citizens travel to and from true?
authorised vaccination centres nationwide.
A the promos can be used by
Citizens who are aged 60 and above and are all the Grab users.
Grab users, will receive Grab rides promos of
up to RM8 off to book their rides easily on the B the offer is made to give free
Grab app to any of the vaccination centres rides to the citizens aged 60
starting from June 12.
and above to get to the
The programme comes after lack of vaccination centre.
transportation was cited as one of the top
reasons why senior citizens are missing their C Not having transportation
vaccination appointments and is the latest in a was quoted as the main
series of Grab's initiatives to support the
government's Covid-19 National reason why the senior
Immunisation Programme. citizens failed to get
As part of moves to boost the country’s 7. Which of the following
tourism and provide the foreign currency statements is false?
needed to revive the economy, Egypt has
opened its first-ever restaurant and lounge A The restaurant and lounge is
in Giza’s pyramid plateau. opened to slow down the
Part 2
Questions 9 to 18
Read the text below and choose the best word for each of space. For each question, mark the
correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
Kuda Kepang or Kuda Lumping is a traditional Javanese dance originated (0) from
Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia using up a group of horsemen. Dancers, "ride" horses made
from woven bamboo and __________ (9) with colorful paints and cloth. Generally, the dance
uses groups of riding horses. When the "possessed" dancer is performing the dance in trance
conditions, he can ________ (10) unusual abilities, such as eating glass and fighting on the
effects of whipping or hot coals. Although the dance is native to Java, Indonesia, it also
performed by Javanese communities in Suriname, Malaysia and Singapore which is more
_______ (11) called as Kuda Kepang.
Kuda Kepang may be performed in ________ (12) of a special event, such as a boy's
circumcision or rite of passage. It may also be performed as entertainment, in a busker style.
It is generally performed in a cordoned-off area, with the audience_________ (13) from the
Kuda Kepang is traditionally performed by a group of men drawn from the local
community; this group can number from two to eight. The performers ride on rattan and dance
__________ (14) traditional instruments such as the angklung, gongs, and dog-dog drums are
played. This portion of the performance ends when a dancer enters a trance, which is
traditionally said to be ________ (15) by spirit possession. In Sang Hyang Jaran, the audience
may participate by forming a chorus and singing.
During their trances, the dancers may pretend to eat grass or drink water, while another
performer or shaman uses a whip to direct them. In some performances, dancers may walk on
coals or eat glass or fire, which can cause ________ (16) injuries. The dancers also interact
with the audience; in busker performances they may ask for money. In some areas the dancers
_______ (17) as oracles to deliver prophecies. Some dancers even performed trance dances
and ________ (18) such as eating glass or walk on fiery charcoal. After awakening from their
trances, performers claim not to remember anything done while performing.
0 A at B to C of D from
Part 3
You are going to read an extract from an article. For questions 19 to 26, choose the
correct answer (A, B, C or D) and mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your
answer sheet.
When Dua Lipa guest-hosted Jimmy Kimmel Live! last August, one standout skit was
extremely funny. Who-a Lipa? saw one of Britain’s most famous musicians quizzing a group
of pensioners, none of whom had any idea what a Dua Lipa was, let alone that they were talking
to one. “That’s terrible,” one woman scowls, as a giggling, disguise-free Dua holds up an image
of herself in a yellow tartan crop top. “If I had a daughter, I wouldn’t want her to go out in
that.” Well for the first hosting appearance, she handled it like a pro.
She remembered that first lockdown was a real challenge – she arrived back from an
Australian tour to a flooded flat in March 2020 meaning she had to spend isolation in an Airbnb.
While artists such as Lady Gaga and Sam Smith postponed their albums due to the pandemic,
Lipa’s most risky decision to release her second studio album was not entirely her own. After
it leaked online, she was left with little choice but to bring its launch forward. Initially, she
feared her shimmering 1970s disco meets ’80s and ’90s pop bops would come off as tone-deaf
as she had been a little bit disagreed about… whether it was the right thing to do during that
time, because lots of people are suffering because of Covid-19. In reality, it was an unexpected
remedy – a perfect mix of retro-tinged, new-era earworms to dominate bedroom listening for
months. It became the most-streamed album by a British woman in a single day, and it
cemented Lipa as an international star. It simultaneously brought four singles – “Don’t Start
Now”, “Physical”, “Break My Heart” and “Levitating”– into the top 10.
Dua was one of 2020’s rare winners. Although her UK and European tours were
postponed, November saw her deliver a “multidimensional” concert experience, called Studio
2054, shot in a warehouse and live-streamed across the globe. Five million tuned in for the
original broadcast – a record-breaking figure in live-streaming history.
Calculated in total numbers, for instance: more than two billion YouTube views for her
2017 single “New Rules” alone, Lipa’s career might seem almost successful, yet her real secret
is an emotional one - which is her ability to connect. While life in the public eye can take its
toll, Dua stated that much of her life has remained unchanged. Her home life is really normal
and the people she surrounded herself with have known her for the longest time. Her job does
not define her circle, and that makes a world of difference.
Lipa’s roots lie in Pristina, Kosovo, from where her family escaped in 1992, driven out
by forces under the direction of Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic. As refugees, her parents
came to London, where Dua was born. In Kosovo, her father was studying to be a dentist, her
mother to be a lawyer. Both worked as waiters in the UK, while retraining in business, and
travel and tourism. The family returned to Kosovo for a time in 2006, when Dua was 11. She
said that people do not leave their home country unless they have to, may be to save their
families or to try and get a better life.
At 15, Dua Lipa convinced her parents to let her move back to Britain alone, to follow
her dream of performing. They agreed, mainly because of the opportunities in the arts in the
UK – something Dua hopes to provide in her homeland, Kosovo in the future. After moving in
with a family friend in north London, she attended the Sylvia Young Theatre School at
weekends. Dua was waiting tables and constantly uploading cover songs on her YouTube
channel. Then a friend set up a meeting with an entertainment lawyer. They hit it off and he
believed in her vision. He becomes her manager until now. Dua’s perfect height and her
gorgeous looks gave her modelling stints and endorsement deals like the Pepe Jeans, Puma and
YSL Beauty. She has a striking style and most importantly, by being a megastar, modelling
agencies will certainly form a line outside her door to have her pose for them.
On Oscar night, Dua Lipa stunned audience by singing a duet with Sir Elton John. She
had turned up so well prepared and it was a joy to sing with. Her musical chops are significant
and she has so much presence- an elegant poise and sophistication that believes her youth. John
believes that Dua can go wherever she wants! So, while she has a dream of becoming global
superstar, her goals for near terms are slightly more concrete: she has two more albums and
tours over next few years. Lipa brought up that acting is one of the things that she might try
one day but emphasized that music remains her focus. She wants to set herself as an artist in
that aspect first, before anything else and for now, she just wants to make sure that her music
is good.
19 In paragraph 2, what was the biggest challenge that Dua faced?
A She moved to an Air BNB.
B People might not like her album.
C Her album was leaked and had to be released to an earlier date.
D Her flat was flooded when she arrived from a tour in Australia.
24 What made the meeting an entertainment lawyer a big break for Dua?
A She trusted her friend.
B He could be Dua’s manager.
C They were connected right away.
D The lawyer understood in her vision.
25 What is the most important quality does Dua have to pursue modelling industry?
A She is tall.
B She has the look.
C She has the style.
D She is a megastar.
26 After the duet, what made Elton John believed that Dua can go wherever she
A She stunned him.
B She brought so much fun.
C She has so much presence.
D She came well-prepared to sing.
Part 4
Questions 27 to 32
You are going to read an article about one of the Blackpink’s superstars, Lisa Manoban. Six
sentences have been removed from the article. Choose the sentences from A-H the one which
fits each gap (27-32). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Lalisa Manoban
From meatball vendors to clothes stores, small business owners in Thailand have
reported a rise in sales on the back of the success of Thai-born Blackpink member Lalisa “Lisa”
Manoban’s first solo single. 27 Dressed in a shimmery Thai silk dress while putting on
a traditional golden headgear, known as a chada, Manoban performs rapid-fire lyrics as she
dances against a backdrop featuring a Khmer-style Phanom Rung sandstone palace – the top
tourist destination in Buriram, her home which situated in northeast of the country.
Within 24 hours of its release, LALISA garnered 73 million views on YouTube,
breaking the last record for a solo artist set by US singer Taylor Swift. On the afternoon of
September 17, her YouTube music video had been viewed 160 million times. So highly-
anticipated was her single, the pre-orders for the physical album crossed 700,000 in four days.
The excitement in Thailand for Manoban’s first solo K-pop effort has been impressive.
28 Clothing vendors reported seeing more interest from customers in Thai-style silk
dresses, and tour operators said the Phanom Rung historical park in Buriram has never been
more popular with visitors.
But Buriram’s meatball vendors have arguably been the biggest winners. To promote
her single, Manoban on September 11 appeared in an exclusive interview with popular Thai
talk show host, she mentioned that she also missed the local “Yuenkin meatballs”. “It is a
popular thing to do to eat the meatballs at the Buriram train station. Meatball vendors were
reported by local media outlets as being very emotional after watching the interview. The
Covid-19 pandemic had almost wiped out their businesses, but Lisa’s influence was helping
them to survive, they said. 29
In Bangkok, one photo studio has also taken advantage on Lisa’s popularity with a
1,990-baht photo package consisting of make-up and Thai-style dress as seen in
the LALISA video. 30 The effort to replicate Lisa’s pale yellow silk dress would not
be easy. Thai designer Polpat Asavaprapha of fashion brand ASAVA hand-embroidered the
brocade golden silk and decorated it with Swarovski crystals.
The Korea Times reported earlier this week that the rapper-dancer had expressed an
interest to support the Korean Foundation for International Cultural Exchange which is to build
a 160-square-metre cultural compound at Non Suwan Phitthayakhom School in Buriram. “I
would like (children) to be able to play freely in a better educational environment and follow
their dreams without limitations.” 31 Lisa said her rise to superstardom was something
she never thought possible as a child. “I never imagined myself being where I am today,” she
told Woody. 32 “Believe in yourself. Some people would say, if you want to be a
superstar, “huh, you?”. Don’t listen to them. Believe in yourself that you can do it,” she said in
the interview.
A She was quoted as saying that she wants to encourage and support the precious
dreams of many children.
B The K-pop star last Friday released the music video for LALISA, a hip-hop track
featuring scenes from her culture and hometown, to the delight of fans in Thailand
and elsewhere.
C But now, this is just bigger than everything she dreamed of.
D The Bangkok photo studio said it was accepting bookings for only two persons a
day because there was only one dress and it could not be worn too many times.
E She really likes to focus on all the positives.
F Many reported their revenues had rocketed from 100 baht (US$3) to more than
10,000 baht a day, while there was also a rise in demand for deliveries to other
provinces in Thailand.
G He really admired Thai nationals whose success came from hard work and
H The Prime Minister thanked the 24-year-old artist for presenting Thai culture to
the world.
Part 5
Questions 33 to 40
Here are the short interviews with the Teens who shone in Tokyo Summer Olympics 2020.
Read the text below and answers the questions that follow.
Question 33 to 36
Which paragraph (A to F) describes the following experience competing in the Olympics?
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Statements Paragraphs
Questions 37 to 40
Complete the notes below using the information from the text, Choose no more than one word
from the passage for each answer. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.
• The success stories about the Olympians are really (37) ________________
• The hardship of living in the (38) _____________ area inspires us to accept the
challenge in life.
• When we receive (39) _____________ aid from the government, we can acknowledge
the recognition and prestige of the sports in particular countries.
• Being able to win in any competition and represent your country in truly an
(40)_________ feeling.
Part 1 (Questions 1-8)
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each
question, mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.
Three teams that earn the highest score after five coding challenges will compete
in the final round. The winning team will get a RM 10,000 cash prize and a laptop
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We’re hiring
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Do you have what it takes to make your own robot? How fast can your robot move?
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Certificates will be given to all participants and the top 3 will be awarded cash prizes.
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Do you need to buy a laptop but find the prices too expensive?
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Part 2 (Questions 9-18)
Read the passage below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, mark
the correct answer A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
Classroom learning is the traditional form of teaching. It takes place (0) in schools or
institution of higher learning. Online learning regarded as the (9) _______of education,
happens over the internet. (10) _______methods have pros and cons.
Online learning allows students to learn at their own pace, (11) ________they’re able to
follow a course at a comfortable speed. Once you have broadband, online learning can happen
(12) _______ and anytime so it’s convenient method of learning. Online courses are not only
less expensive but also cover a wide range of (13) ______. There are a few disadvantages too.
Students don’t have the opportunity to have face-to-face discussions with their teachers and
(14) _______The learning experience won’t be smooth either without access to high-speed
Classroom learning enables students to spend face-to-face time with their teachers and
classmates. This means students can ask (15) ________ and participate in discussion easily.
Classrooms offer a friendly and comfortable (16) ________ for students to meet new people
and make new friends. Furthermore, classroom learning proceeds as long as students attend
classes. Technology isn’t a (17) ________. On the other hand, lessons are conducted based on
the teacher or other students’ pace, not your own. Classes run on a fixed (18) ________and
students have to follow it. This means they have to spend time and effort to physically get to
the venue. If students miss a class, they have lost the chance to listen to the teacher’s class
0. A in B. at C. by D. during
9. A. fate B. goal C. future D. purpose
Part 3 (Questions 19-26)
Read the text below and answer the following questions. Choose the best answer A, B, C or
D. For each question, mark the correct answer A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
Aminah, a beginner in photographer, picked up photography as a hobby last year when her
1 parents gave her a Canon EOS 700D Rebel T5i camera for her 17th birthday. She had never
expected to get such a wonderful gift. Lily had always wanted to take pictures of the people
around her and also her beloved pet dogs. However, she never had a proper camera. Before her
birthday, she had mentioned to her parents that she had wanted to use her own savings to get her
own camera. She was so determined to get the camera that she spent many weeks searching for
it in the websites and searching every book about camera in the state library.
She even did research on what type of lens to buy. Aminah realized that it was important to
2 get a good quality lens, so that she can get a good quality picture. If she had to use her own money,
she would have a lot of big decisions to make as she was very grateful that her parents got her the
Since, Aminah and her family travel more during the school holidays, she takes the
opportunity to use her camera at that time. Her younger brother, who also shares her passion in
3 photography sometimes uses the camera too. Most people think that photography is just taking
pictures of eye-catching scenery and landscapes. However, in reality, there is so much more than
meets the eye. For example, there are fashion photography, aerial photography, documentary
photography, and the list goes on.
Aminah is a huge fan of food photography. She also enjoys photojournalism and candid
photography. In general, photojournalism conveys a strong and powerful message through the
use of a photograph. This type of photography often reminds her of parts of the world are fighting
4 for their freedom while we live comfortably in Malaysia. She also enjoys taking candid
photographs because the subjects of the photograph are unaware that they are being
photographed, thus making them appear less tense and more relaxed.
Aminah feels that photography has allowed her to see things from a different angle. For
5 example, when she photographs something at a lower level, she will get a different effect from it
is taken at the eye level. Furthermore, she has learned to express herself more creatively through
photography and make used of all resources she has. For example, she has to find substitutes to
create dramatic effects in her photographs. Along the way, Aminah has learned a lot on how to
improve her photography skills. In order to learn some inexpensive and some tricks to add some
creativity to her photographs, she often browses videos on YouTube. She also practices taking
lots of pictures as she believes that it is the best way to home one’s skills.
Although Aminah feels that she still has a long way to go really great in photography, she
knows for sure that when she takes a picture, the moment freezes in eternity. When she later looks
6 back at her photograph album, she will always be reminded of the good memories and all the
people she loves.
20. In paragraph 2, why was Aminah thankful that her parents had gifted her camera?
A. They did research on what type of lens to buy
B. She was on a tight budget and could not afford a camera
C. They knew the importance of getting a camera with good quality lens`
D. If she had used her own money, she would need to make a lot of big decisions
21. In paragraph 3, why does the writer use the writer use the phrase more than meets the
A. A photographer must take all types of photos.
B. Photography is about taking photos of fashion
C. There are many different types of photography
D. Photography is about taking pictures of landscapes
22. In paragraph 4, why does Aminah prefer taking candid shots of her subjects?
A. Her subjects will appear less tense and more relaxed
B. Her subjects will not realize that they are being photographed
C. Her photographs will show a strong and powerful message
D. Her photographs will remind others of humanitarian rights
B. She has learnt to love travelling with her family
C. She has learnt to express herself more creatively
D. She has learnt how to take photographs from lower levels
Part 4 (Questions 27-32)
You are going to read an article about online gaming.
Six sentences have been removed from the passage. Choose from the sentences (A-H) to fit
each gap (27-32). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.
Computer or Consoles Games
You want to know which is better? A computer game or a consoles game. That is a
great question! Both have their pros and cons, so let’s look at the main factors to help you
make your choice.
The first point to consider is the cost of the games. 27 And the reason for this
is that online games stores have to compete for your money so they will offer lower prices.
Meanwhile, the console game universe is a closed platform. In addition, a game publisher
often gives a big discount to older games while some give them away in order to create
interest in newer versions of the games.
Having said that, there is a wider range of games available on a computer than on a
console. Besides the large number, some games are exclusive to computers. For example,
‘League of Legends’ and ‘World of Warcraft’ are games you will never be able to play on a
console. 28
Seasoned gamers I have spoken to say that playing using a keyboard and a mouse
increases the speed, control and accuracy. 30
Playing computer games is cost effective too. In order to play a multi-player game
on a console, you have to play a yearly membership fee. The fee may be low but in the long
run, you will be spending a lot of money. 31
On the other hand, it is easy to use a console and you can sit comfortably on a sofa
to do it. 32 In addition, it is also set up for multi-player games so you can easily play
with your friends. I hope these points will help ease your decision process.
Yours sincerely,
Tech Help
Extract from Revisi Cepat SPM
A- Computer gamers spend less because they don’t need to pay to play games online
B- On the other hand, aiming is slower and inaccurate with a console joystick
F- The most amount of money you will have to spend is on the hardware
Part 5 (Questions 33-40)
A journalist interviewed six people on their view about video games. Read the text below and
answer the questions that follow. Write your answer in the space provided on your answer
Playing a video game has always been a favourite among children. Access to video games
has become easier with the intervention of smartphones. Game apps available on
smartphones enable children to play video games anywhere and anytime because most of
them own smartphones.
Playing video games release dopamine, a hormone that promotes positive feelings like
happiness, so players feel good and the brain wants them to do the activity again. According
to the games researcher, who is also doctor of behavioural and brain sciences, game designers
can control players’ behaviour by giving stimulus and rewards throughout the game. So, this
keeps the players playing.
I read that playing video games can improve reasoning and problem-solving abilities. I agree
with this observation because I have to process information quickly during the game.
Some games are violent. Student that involves studying brain scans, when someone is playing
video games, show decreased activity in the parts of the brain dedicated to self-control.
Imagine if a game requires a lot of players can win, the child may develop lack of control in
real-life situations and use aggression to solve problems or express themselves.
If children spend all their free times playing video games, they will neglect their friends or
stop participating in group activities. Children will lack the skills to socialize with their peers.
Soon they will feel awkward in social settings because they don’t have the confidence or skills
to converse in a group.
E- PUAN RASHIDAH, housewife
It can take over your life if you let it. Sleep is affected, your hygiene suffers if you’re not
taking time to groom yourself properly, your mood changes and interest in other leisure
activities decreases. Other areas of your life such as family time and school life may suffer
Some video games require several players to work together to perform specific tasks or
overcome challenges. Working together and under pressure and probably the only positive
benefits I can thank of. If you want to help your teammates, you will have to work and think
quickly. You will learn how to manage stress so you can play or work under pressure.
Question 33 to 36
Which paragraph (A-F) describes the following opinions about playing games?
Statements Paragraph
Question 37 to 40
Complete the notes below using information from the text. Choose no more than one word
from the passage for each answer.
➢ Video games are the fast paced. One way player can keep up with what is happening in
the game is to (37) ______________.
➢ Don’t spend all your free time playing video games. Take time to (38) _____________
with your friends.
➢ (39) _______________ and stimulus designed into a video game keep players hooked on
Part 1 (Questions 1-8)
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each
question, mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.
Trees in the city clean the air, provide oxygen, and make the city look more
beautiful. They also create habitat for urban wildlife – including migrating and local
song birds – not to mention a safe haven from people, dogs and cars.
3. From the conversation, we can infer that
A. blue whales are extinct due to extreme whaling.
B. blue whales are killed to reduce its population.
C. blue whales are almost exterminated due to whaling.
Dear Editor,
Yours faithfully,
Malayan tigers are classified as critically endangered species
and are found only on the Malay Peninsula and in the southern tip
of Thailand. These animals are facing threats from logging
operations and road development. The clearing of forests for
agriculture and commercial plantations causes frequent encounters
between tigers and livestock.
(Adapted from www.wordwildlife.org)
5. The Malayan tigers are on the verge of extinction due to these reasons except
A. Road construction
B. Livestock management
C. Logging activities
6. For a person with a weight problem, which tea would you suggest for him/her to
A. White tea
B. Green tea
C. Black tea
7. Based on the poster above, which of the following statements is true?
A. Raw eggs are safe to consume every day.
B. Tomatoes need to be thoroughly washed before eating.
C. Eating uncooked meat is good for maintaining good health.
Part 2
Question 9 to 18
Read the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, circle the
correct letter A, B, C or D.
Gathering (0) as many fish as possible may seem like a profitable practice, but
overfishing has affected the balance of life in the oceans. _________ (9), the social and
economic well-being of the coastal communities who _________ (10) on fish for their way of
life would also be _________ (11).
The number of overfished stocks globally has tripled in half a century and today fully
one-third of the world's assessed fisheries are currently pushed beyond their biological limits,
according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Billions of people
_________ (12) on fish for protein, and fishing is the principal livelihood for millions of people
around the world. For centuries, our seas and oceans have been considered a limitless bounty
of food. Nevertheless, increasing fishing _________ (13) over the last 50 years as well as
unsustainable fishing practices _________ (14) pushing many fish stocks to the point of
Apparently, one key aspect of the overfishing crisis is illegal, unregulated, and
unreported fishing. It _________ (15) across all types of fisheries, within national and
international waters, and small scale to large industrialised operations. Targeted fishing of top
predators, such as bill-fish, sharks and tuna, _________ (16) the long run disrupts marine
communities, causing _________ (17) abundance of smaller marine animals at the bottom of
the food chain, thus, impact the rest of the marine ecosystem, such as the increased growth of
algae and _________ (18) to coral reef health. Focusing on sustainable practices that not only
conserves ecosystems, but also sustains livelihoods and ensure food security.
0 A gathering B accumulating C collecting D grouping
16 A into B by C in D on
Part 3
You are going to read an extract from an article. For questions 19 to 26, choose the correct
answer (A, B, C or D) and mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
Imagine that you're a fly. You're just zipping around the sky, looking for a place to rest,
when you see nice pink leaf. That looks like a nice place to land. You think to yourself in your
fly head. As you rest your feet on the leaf, you notice something strange. This leaf is hairy.
You begin to make your move, but you trigger the plant's reflex. Snap! In one-tenth of a second,
you are caught in the Venus flytrap. You will be digested in five to twelve days. Welcome to
the world of carnivorous plants! There are over a quarter of a million plant species. Only 600
or so are carnivorous. We call them this because they attract, trap, and eat bugs.
Like other plants, they get energy from the sun. But unlike other plants, they get their
nutrients from their prey. Carnivorous plants live in bogs and places where the soil lacks
nutrients. Most plants get nutrients from the soil. Carnivorous plants have turned to other
The snap of the Venus flytrap is not the only way that plants to catch bugs. Of course,
that snap is from something much more treacherous. Pitcher plants trick their prey into landing
on them. They offer nectar bribes to the foolish insects that would take them. True to their
name, pitcher plants have deep chambers. Their landing surface is slippery. They have inward
pointing hairs, making it hard to escape. The fly lands on the pitcher plant to eat, but slips into
a pit filled with digestive fluids and is eaten.
Then there're sundews. We call them sundews because they sparkle in the sun as if
covered in morning dew. It is a sweet goo called mucilage that bugs can't resist. Sundews create
mucilage to attract bugs. As they fly in to eat, bugs become trapped in the very object of their
desire. They soon exhaust themselves by trying to escape the mucilage. Or the sundew's
tentacles, which respond to prey by curling around them, smother them. Bugs usually die in
about 15 minutes. Then the plant dissolves its prey in enzymes and absorbs the nutrients.
Have you ever walked into trouble and found that you couldn't get out? So has every
insect that has ever wandered into a corkscrew plant. Bugs love to investigate plants for nectar
and food. Corkscrew plants have inviting stems. Curved hairs line the inside of these stems.
These hairs allow insects to go up the stems, but not return. Going forward leads a chamber
filled with digestive fluid, the plant's stomach. Bugs who wander into the corkscrew plant find
that they are unable to escape. They must march to their own demise.
And then there are the bladderworts. They're about as nice as they sound. They live in
water and float near the surface. Their traps are like small bladders hidden beneath the water.
Only their flowers are visible from the surface. When bugs swim into the trigger hairs, the plant
reacts. A trapdoor in the bladder opens up. The bladder sucks up the prey and the water
surrounding it. A tenth of a second later, the bladder shuts again. The plant has trapped the
prey. It releases digestive fluids. The prey will be digested within hours.
Carnivorous plants might sound tough, but they are difficult to keep at home. They are
built to survive in places that other plants cannot. This specialization comes at a cost. They
have a hard time adapting to other environments. Their strengths become weaknesses in rich
soil. They depend on the harsh yet delicate environments in which they thrive. They are not so
hardy after all. Still, there's something to be said about the power of life when one finds a plant
that can survive in barren soil.
19. From paragraph 1, which statement would the author most likely agree with?
A. There are too many species of carnivorous plants.
B. There are too few plant species in the world.
C. Only a small number of plants are carnivorous.
D. A majority of plants are carnivorous.
21. From paragraph 3, the term treacherous can best be replaced with
A. delicious
B. tempting
C. dangerous
D. irresistible
22. From paragraph 4, which event happens last when a sundew eats a meal?
A. The sundew creates mucilage.
B. The sundew's tentacles curl in response to the prey.
C. The bug is attracted to the mucilage.
D. The sundew releases enzymes.
23. From paragraph 5, we know that bugs who wander into the corkscrew plant
A. will survive
B. will be lost
C. will be digested and absorbed
D. will be getting energy from the plant
26. Which statement would the author most likely disagree with?
A. Carnivorous plants cannot thrive in rich soil.
B. Bladderworts react quickly when their trigger hairs are bumped.
C. Carnivorous plants are tough and can live in any environment.
D. Bladderworts hide their traps just below the surface of the water.
Part 4
Question 27-32
You are going to read a story about the steps of how to save petrol and environment. Six
sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentence A to H the one
which fits each gap (27- 32). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.
Do you really need to take the car? 28 If the service is reliable, you'll soon get
used to using buses and trains. In fact, for shorter journeys why not take the opportunity to
get into shape and go on foot.
Why not share the journey! How often do you see cars with just one occupant with the
driver making the same journey as others living nearby? Why not car share and half the cost
of the journey? 29
30 When you must use the car plan your journey so you can go to all the places
you need to visit rather taking the car out again and again. If you get caught in a traffic jam
switch off the engine when you're stationary for a long time. Try not to brake too sharply or
accelerate too quickly as this will lead to you using up more fuel. On cold mornings don't
warm up the engine before you start your journey and when you next put fuel in your car
think about whether you really need to fill up the tank. 31
Taking care of your car is very important. 32 Also, keep your car regularly
serviced so that it runs as efficiently as possible. Steps like this will save you money and help
you do your bit to protect the environment.
A. There are websites where people can arrange to meet up.
C. Make sure you carry out basic maintenance like checking the tyre pressure regularly.
F. All that extra weight will put more pressure on the engine.
Part 5
Questions 33 to 40.
We interviewed six environmentalists who are changing the world. Read the texts below and
answer the questions that follow.
A Malaika Vaz
Twenty-one-year-old adventurer, wildlife presenter, filmmaker and conservationist. Over the
last couple of years, Vaz has been investigating the illegal trade in manta rays across
Southeast Asia—tracking the pipeline from the Indo-Burmese border to the wildlife markets
of Guangzhou, China.
B Hans Cosmas Ngoteya
Hans Cosmas Ngoteya is a Tanzanian conservationist and he always had a passion for wildlife.
His combination of research and conservation is creating awareness on the sustainable use of
natural resources, helping communities coexist with wildlife and encouraging them to engage
in sustainable environmental practices.
C Bertie Gregory
Bertie Gregory is a 25-year-old wildlife filmmaker, photographer and presenter. Wildlife
photography and filmmaking often require hours of sitting and waiting, says Gregory. But it is
not patience that keeps him there! Through his work, Gregory aims to raise awareness for the
conservation of the species he documents.
D Alyssa Adler
Over the last ten years, Alyssa Adler has been fortunate to work as an underwater
videographer in our world’s most remote corners. According to Adler, it is important for
young scientists and entrepreneurs to step up and employ their creative minds to make
conservation a priority, not just an option.
E David Lama
David Lama is a 28-year-old Austrian sport climber and mountaineer. In October 2018, he
was the first person to reach the summit of Lunag Ri which was, prior to that, the highest
unclimbed mountain in Nepal. Through his expeditions to the world’s rooftops, he
experiences the most dramatic and threatening consequences of climate change first-hand.
F Antonella Wilby
Antonella Wilby is a robotics engineer, conservationist, and passionate explorer, who builds
robots to explore extreme environments. Wilby is fascinated by the unexplored and has
decided to focus her career on ocean robotics because of the unlimited potential for scientific
discovery in uncharted waters.
Questions 33 to 36
Which paragraph (A-F) describe the following environmentalists?
Statement Paragraph
33 I believe that the work of conversation is the most important work for _________
Questions 37 to 40.
Complete the notes below using information from the text. Choose no more than one word
from the passage for each answer.
Environmentalist’ Background
Part 1 (Questions 1-8)
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each
question, mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.
Merdeka Day Voucher (1 day only)
Resort Hills Water Park
Buy 1 adult ticket get 1 FREE adult ticket.
RM60 per pax
The Resort Hills Water Park is Malaysian’s best water park.
It is built in the middle of a lush greenery.
The landscape surrounding the park makes you feel like you are in the middle of a tropical
jungle. Come and experience the highest and longest water-fun attractions here.
Dear Manager,
I would like to report to you about an unfortunate
incident at your restaurant. Three friends and I went
to your restaurant last week on the 7th of July. We
ordered our meals but to our dismay, we found a
little cockroach in the butter chicken that we ordered.
Your waiter came and when he saw that cockroach,
took the plate away and come back with what I think
is the same plate, but the cockroach removed. We
were even more annoyed when there was no proper
apology as we had to pay the full amount of the bill
DELISH CEEALS have been made for you with high quality ingredients. Our
wholegrain oats and wheat are loaded with B2 and B5 vitamins to nourish you.
Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are added to release energy throughout your day.
Enjoy the delicious taste of wholesome goodness.
Dear Sir/Madam
It has been 10 days since my order was cancelled and I have not received
my refund. My order number is AB6309. The reason for cancellation was
because the item was not in stock.
I have called in prior to this email and received no response. I hope that
you will take note and refund RM35 into my bank account.
Thank you.
Mr Lee
7. This email is
A. a demand for refund
B. an enquiry about a product
C. a complaint about a faulty product
Hi Selina
Hi Justin
Part 2
Question 9 to 18
Read the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, circle the
correct letter A, B, C or D.
It was with a brave action that Sarah Sulaiman left her job and took a step forward to
start selling cheese tart with Instagram as her teacher. She had fallen in love with cheese tart
while (9) ______________ film studies at Multimedia University, Cyberjaya.
Inspired by the different types of tarts available, Sarah promised to herself to make (10)
__________ tasting ones. Thousands of cheese tarts trials and 5 years later, she (11)
___________ to follow the call of her heart. (12) ____________, she started home-based
Happy Cheese Tart with her best friend, Juliana. “We started last January after I quit my five-
year job in the film industry and decided to turn my hobby into a business,” said Sarah.
She was initially nervous about her decision as (13) _____________ never had any
baking lessons. “Instagram was my best teacher. I viewed videos and images many times (14)
____________ the try outs to make sure I was getting it right.” Her decision to make cheese
tarts was also motivated by her disappointment with work, (15) _____________ the hours were
long and stressful. A few months after, Juliana also quit her job as a secretary to help her best
friend (16) __________ the business. “When we are not (17) ______________, we experiment
new flavours and other pastries to increase our range,” said Juliana, adding that they get four
orders a week on average. They hope to (18) __________ their already growing business and
supply cheese tarts to cafes, restaurants, and events.
Part 3
You are going to read an extract from an article. For questions 19 to 26, choose the correct
answer (A, B, C or D) and mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
Teen and tween Gen Z children, age 10-17, account for $44 billion (RM180 billion) in
discretionary spending each year. According to Forbes, they’re poised to become the largest
generation of consumers by 2020, responsible for up to $143 billion of direct spending. As
Generation Z children prioritise academics, after school and summer break jobs are
increasingly rare. Discretionary income is often very low. According to a Mintel report, more
than 8 out of 10 teenagers of Generation Z describe themselves as responsible with the money
they have, even though a majority of tweens and teens show interest in things they can’t yet
afford. It’s likely that they may become even more particular as adults, choosing quality over
quantity as they gain more buying power.
Gen Z teens are more diverse than the Millennials. Not only do they make up various
backgrounds and cultures, they’re interested in connecting with people of different shapes,
sizes and abilities, too. Predictably, most of the money teens and tweens do have are spent on
entertainment, food, and clothing. Often, they view different as not only better, but essential
and that’s also reflected in their food and beverage choices. Piper Jaffray reports that food
continues to be teens’ #1 spending category in 2018. Generation Z and teens are already
showcasing their adventurous tastes, desire for functional food and love of culinary self-
Research from Food Navigator suggests that at this early age, teenagers tend to be less
nostalgic about food than the Millennials and other adults, preferring new or unique flavour
pairings. While image is still important, (a Mintel Social Media Trends Report reveals that 54%
of teens still use Instagram), Gen Z teens are not as interested in taking the most-liked photo
for social media, something Millennials prioritized. Gen Z places greater importance on
experiences and leaning; they simply don’t always have the money to spend on the world’s
prettiest ice cream cone. Products that included experiences into their marketing, such as music
festivals or concerts, may be more reachable to this group.
Generation Z teens are interested in the trend of functional food, especially for
snacking. With limited income, they need that they eat to fill them up until the next meal, and
then some. Snacks and beverages that offer athletic stamina or focus alleviate the pressures of
being in a highly competitive and academic environment. Even more than Millennials, teens
are interested in where their money go, considering food waste, packaging, fair trade, food
production and plant-based beef alternatives. Companies with greater transparency and a real
commitment to similar values are in good shape to be noticed by these young consumers.
Teens and tweens today view the food they eat and cooking as a form of self-expression.
They enjoy preparing meals at home, eager to learn from how-to videos and shows. In contrast,
Millennials strongly rely on the convenience of pre-packaged food and meal plans. With a
propensity for creativity, Z teens are big experimenters in the kitchen, mixing and matching
ingredients to see what makes them happy.
With only a small minority of teenagers paying for any of their own groceries and
restaurant food, teenagers depend on their parents to make most of their purchases. However,
that doesn’t mean parents make all the food decisions solo. Teens and tweens are huge
influences when it comes to what’s purchased. Forbes reports that 93% of parents say their
children influence family and household purchases. According to Food Dive, parents say that
up to one third of the weekly grocery bill is influenced by what, when and how their teenagers
like to eat.
Today’s teenagers have influenced far beyond their often-limited cash on hand. Though
young, this group is showing some clear opinions and passions for the future that the food and
beverage industry would wise to take note.
19. The text is about ____________ impact on the food and beverage industry.
A. teens’
B. tweens’
C. teens’ and tweens’
D. Millennials’
21. In paragraph two, why is Gen Z more diverse than the Millennials?
A. They like to try different types of food.
B. They like to try the food during their childhood.
C. they like to try the same food.
D. They like to try food at different countries.
24. In paragraph five, the statements below are true about Gen Z EXCEPT
A. They use cooking as a way to unleash their creativity.
B. They order food on a regular basis
C. They watch cooking shows on a regular basis.
D. They prepare meals regularly.
25. In paragraph six, why are children the major influence in buying household purchase?
A. The parents allow children to make decision in buying household purchase.
B. The parents are lazy to make decision in buying household purchase.
C. The children can make better decision in buying household purchase.
D. the children make the decision solo in buying household purchase.
26. Which of the following should food and beverage industry consider in order to attract
Gen Z in buying their products?
A. Brands with real alignment.
B. Food with cultural variety
C. Limited edition flavours that create experience
D. All of the above
Part 4
Question 27-32
You are going to read a story about the steps of how to be a wise shopper. Six sentences have
been removed from the article. Choose from the sentence A to H the one which fits each gap
(27- 32). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.
Advertisements in fact can be very misleading and consumers are often tricked into
buying products. For example, to promote a certain brand of shampoo, an attractive girl with
long, shiny hair is shown on television. One is led to believe that by using that particular
brand, one will have similar beautiful hair. (27) As a wise shopper, you should
gather or make a list of necessary items you wish to buy before going shopping. (28)
Without a list, you will be tempted to buy the items on sale and then end up buying
unnecessary items. You will not only end up with unnecessary things but also spend a lot of
Furthermore, it is a good habit to compare prices in shops. By doing this, you will
know where to get what you want to buy at the cheapest price. This practice is particularly
useful for big families since they buy in large quantities. (29)
Be careful when you buy thing during a sale. Don’t be fooled! Know your prices first
before you buy anything at a sale. (30) Also, many goods during sales are old or
rejects. Make sure you check the goods carefully before buying.
(31) Ensure that tins are not dented or damaged. The expiry dates should be
well ahead of time. This will enable you to use the products for some time in the future.
Goods that can last a long time can be bought in large quantities. (32) This is
especially true if you have a big family. Buying in bulk will save your money and it will not
go to waste. By following the above steps, I hope you will be wise shoppers and spend your
money wisely.
A It is cheaper to buy in high volume.
F Another good habit is to check the quality and expiry dates of goods.
Part 5
Questions 33 to 40.
We interviewed six people about tips to become a good consumer. Read the texts below and
answer the questions that follow.
Which paragraph (A-F) mentions the following statements?
Statements Paragraph
Questions 37 to 40.
Complete the notes below using information from the text. Choose no more than one word
from the passage for each answer.
Angie: I’m thinking of buying a new television set for my home. The present one is old
and lines keep appearing.
Mary: Are you thinking of getting the biggest and the latest? Do you have a (37)
_______ to keep to?
Angie: No! No! Not the biggest, but yes, the latest. I’m thinking of a 50-inch TV, and
yes, I have a budget.
Mary: Did you ask your friends? They may tell you how good or bad their brand of
TV is.
Angie: Yes, I’ve asked several of them. But everyone is using a different brand and
they all say their TV brand is good. I’m confused. I’m also wary of (38)
_______________. These adverts always claim this and that and I’m not sure if
it’s all true.
Mary: Why don’t you go online and read (39) ________________? It may help you
Angie: Ah! That’s a good idea. I didn’t think of it.
Mary: When you are looking out for one, don’t forget to get a television set with a
long (40) ____. This will help you in the long run. If anything goes wrong and
you are within the guarantee period, the repairs will be done free of charge.
Angie: Thanks, Mary. You’ve given me a lot of ideas.
1 a 1 or
2 a 2 but
3 a 3 nor
4 a 4 or
5 and
6 but
PART 1: ACTIVITY 2 7 yet
1 shiny, bright 9 for
2 filthy, dirty 10 nor
3 leaped, jumped 11 but
4 noisy, loud 12 for
5 gang, crowd
6 listen, hear PART 2: ACTIVITY 2
7 bleak, gloomy
8 normal, regular NO. ANSWERS
9 tiny, miniature 1 after
10 speak, talking 2 because
11 hard, difficult 3 until
12 walked, strolled 4 as soon as
13 throw, toss 5 as
14 ate, devoured 6 whenever
15 way, path 7 when
16 little, small 8 while
17 sad, unhappy 9 if
18 big, large 10 even though
19 teach, tutor
20 salary, wages
1 not only … but also 1 allusions
2 as 2 Between
3 although 3 many
4 in spite of 4 too
5 because of 5 They’re
6 even though 6 effect
7 but 7 fewer
8 secondly 8 rise
9 so that 9 hung
10 unless 10 lay
11 than
12 Who
PART 2: ACTIVITY 5 13 imply
NO. ANSWERS 14 less
1 accept 15 Whose
2 except 16 lie
3 effect 17 illusion
4 affect 18 there
5 advice 19 Whose
6 advise 20 infer
7 complement 21 affected
8 compliment 22 Their
9 discreet 23 to
10 discrete 24 hanged
11 imminent 25 among
12 eminent 26 then
13 exhibition 27 raised
14 expedition 28 Whom
15 high 29 much
16 tall 30 principal
17 ingenious
18 irrelevant
19 practise
20 practice
1 d
2 d
This answer is implied by the whole paragraph. The author stresses the need to read
critically by performing operations on the text in a slow and specific manner. Choice a
is incorrect because the author never says that reading is dull. Choices b, c, and e are
not supported by the paragraph.
3 c
This answer is clearly stated in the last sentence of the paragraph. Choice a can be ruled
out because there is no support to show that studying math is dangerous. Words are not
mentioned in the passage, which rules out choice b. There is no support for choice c.
Choice d is a contradiction to the information in the passage.
4 d
The passage addresses the fact that a red filter could remove some blue light in black
and white photography, so choice d is best. No mention is made of infrared light or of
the popularity of black-and-white photography, and choice e is the exact opposite of
what the passage states.
5 b
Both sentences in this passage support the idea that the emphasis on the low-carb/low-
fat debate is misleading and might distract us from other important ideas. The other
choices are not supported by or developed in this passage.
6 d
The second paragraph states that an animal prepares for hibernation by increasing its
body weight and fat. The reader can infer from this that the animal eats more food than
The passage states that hibernation is “more than simply a deep sleep,” then lists
several ways that hibernation differs from sleep. The other choices are not addressed in
the passage.
7 b
See the second and third sentences for the steps in making ratatouille. Only choice b
reflects the correct order.
The main part of the passage describes how to cook vegetables. Only choice d indicates
that vegetables are included in the dish. The other choices are not reflected in the
8 c
The passage specifically addresses winter parking rules, while none of the other
choices is mentioned.
The second paragraph defines which side of the street should be used at specific times.
It states that cars should be parked on the west side between midnight and 8 a.m.
All of the reasons are given in the passage except choice b. No mention is made of
whether or not it’s good for the cars.
1 b
2 a
3 e
4 b
5 e
6 b
7 d
8 a
9 e
10 d
PART 5: ACTIVITY 1 1 salesperson, licence
2 marketing, a year
NO. ANSWERS 3 teacher, an hour
1 kitchen 4 hospital, registered
2 balcony
3 downstairs PART 5: ACTIVITY 4
4 Families
5 outside NO. ANSWERS
6 30 1 Emily
7 train 2 Maria
8 garden 3 Maria
4 Emily
5 Maria
PART 5: ACTIVITY 2 6 Maria
1 Park Ji-Yeon 8 free
2 Rashid Khan 9 service
3 Olivia Hoskins 10 successful
5 Olivia Hoskins
6 Rashid Khan
19 C
20 C
1 C
21 C
2 B
22 B
3 C
23 D
4 B
24 C
5 C
25 D
6 A
26 C
7 A
8 B
27 B
28 H
9 C
29 F
10 A
30 D
11 C
31 A
12 B
32 C
13 A
14 B
15 D PART 5
16 D
33 C
34 B
35 A
36 E
37 inspiring
38 remote
39 enormous
40 amazing
1 A 19 C
2 B 20 D
3 C 21 C
4 C 22 A
5 B 23 B
6 C 24 C
7 B 25 A
8 A 26 D
9 C 27 E
10 B 28 C
11 B 29 H
12 B 30 B
13 B 31 A
14 D 32 G
15 A
16 D
17 C PART 5
33 A
34 C
35 E
36 F
37 multitask
38 socialise
39 Rewards
40 violent
1 A
3 C 19 C
4 A 20 A
5 B 21 C
6 A 22 D
7 B 23 C
8 B 24 A
25 B
26 D
9 B
11 D 27 G
12 B 28 D
13 C 29 A
14 A 30 B
15 B 31 F
16 C 32 C
17 D
18 B PART 5
33 D
34 C
35 B
36 F
37 Experiences
38 Patience
39 Remote
40 Research
1 A 19 C
2 C 20 D
3 B 21 A
4 C 22 C
5 B 23 C
6 B 24 B
7 A 25 A
8 B 26 D
9 D 27 H
10 B 28 C
11 C 29 G
12 D 30 D
13 C 31 F
14 B 32 A
15 A
16 A
17 D PART 5
33 F
34 C
35 B
36 D
37 budget
38 advertisements
39 reviews
40 warranty
Part 1
Dear students,
In Part 1, you will have to choose the best answer from 3 options given after reading a short
text material. There are 8 questions that you have to answer.
Activity 1
Now, let’s try :
A The swimming pool is free to people who go to the Water Fitness Classes.
B The water fitness classes are free to people who swim ten times in a month.
C This month, you can go to Water Fitness Classes and use the swimming pool ten
times without paying
How to answer:
A The swimming pool is free for people who go to the Water Fitness Classes.
B The Water Fitness Classes are free for people who swim ten times in a month.
C This month, you can go to Water Fitness Classes and use the swimming pool ten times
without paying.
The answer is B
2. School Activity Notice Board
Please sign up for next week's afternoon activities before Friday lunch time. If you do not
do so, we will select the activities for you.
How to answer:
2. School Activity Notice Board Please
sign up for next week's afternoon activities before Friday lunch time. If you do not do so,
we will select the activities for you.
The answer is A
Activity 2 : Vocabulary related to short text materials
Proficient Fasih
Guranteed Dijamin
Opportunities Peluang
Activity 3: Now, how about you write down the meaning of these common words?
1. delayed- ditangguhkan
2. postponed- ditangguhkan
3. look forward to your reply- menantikan jawapan awak
4. advise- menasihati
Answering Guidelines
Part 2 Multiple Choice task tests your knowledge of vocabulary, but there will also be some
gaps where a grammar word may be required, such as a preposition. Here are some tips to
follow when attempting this part of the test:
● Use the title to get an idea of the theme of the text.
● Read the text first before you try to answer any questions. This will help you get an
overall idea of the topic.
● Decide if any of the options are definitely wrong and then experiment by trying the
others in the gap.
● Read the text through at the end to see if your choices make sense.
Activity 1 : Phrasal Verbs Games
Match the phrasal verbs with the meanings:
Phrasal Verbs
● Pass down ● Shut out ● Knock down
● Fall into ● Keep down ● Use up
● Bring about ● Cut off
● Pay off ● Put off
1 Fall into : start doing something by chance
2 Pass down : give knowledge or teach skills to younger people
3 Bring about : make something happen
4 Keep down :prevent something from increasing
5 Pay off :give money to somebody who will no longer work for you
6 Shut out : stop yourself from hearing, seeing or thinking about something
7 Put off : delay doing something
8 Cut off : stop the supply of something like water or electricity
9 Knock down : destroy something, by making it fall to the ground
10 Use up :finish a supply of something
Activity 2 : Choosing the correct words
Some commonly confused words:
Answer is A Sadly
Answer is D peculiar
3 The main __________ is human activity, which includes deforestation for farming
and illegal trade whereby a young tapir can easily fetch US$5500.00
A risk B threat C mistake D danger
(risiko) (ancaman) (kesilapan) (kebahayaan)
Answer is B threat
4 The tapir has been seen ___________ distances on regular trails along rivers,
muddy jungle paths and through the forest.
A drifting B wandering C walking D following
(berapung) (merayau) (berjalan) (mengikuti)
Answer is B wandering
5 In times of _________, the tapir has certain escape routes through the foliage.
A troubles B danger C risk D need
(masalah) ( bahaya) (risiko) (keperluann)
Answer is A troubles
Activity 3
Word Game: Commonly confused words
Match the words with its meanings.
1 A affect
B effect
a result of change
2 A enquiry
B inquiry
an investigation.
3 A stationary
B stationery
4 A weather
B whether
atmospheric conditions.
1 A affect
B effect
B a result of change
2 A enquiry
B inquiry
B an investigation.
3 A stationary
B stationery
4 A weather
B whether
A atmospheric conditions.
You are going to read an extract from an article. For questions 19 to 26, choose the correct
answer (A, B, C or D) and mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
STEP 2: We have to read the passage, try to understand what is being discussed in the
paragraphs. Start by finding out the keywords
(Paragraph 2 taken from a passage)
Looking back on my childhood, I remember sitting in our small kitchen watching my mother
cooking. Our kitchen was simple. Mum would start her busy daily routine in the kitchen while
I would be sitting,happily watching her in action. She would sit on
a low stool in the kitchen and chop the wood with a clumsy axe. She would place the chopped
wood under the stove and set them alight. As the wood burned, the food she cooked gave off a
delicious aroma.
19 In paragraph 2, why does the writer use the phrase happily watching her in action?
A She enjoyed being of help to her mother.
B She felt contented to be with her mother.
C She admired her mother’s cooking skills.
D She found her mother’s routine amazing.
From this paragraph, we understand that the writer liked watching his/ her mother's routine to
cook in the kitchen. “In action” indicates a series of work that the writer’s mother did, for
example, she “chopped the wood, “set them alight”, and “cooked” the food.
Now, identify the -wh question word, “why, kenapa”
19 In paragraph 2, why does the writer use the phrase happily watching her in action?
A She enjoyed being of help to her mother. X the writer did not help her mother
B She felt contented to be with her mother.
C She admired her mother’s cooking skills. X it was not about cooking skills
D She found her mother’s routine amazing.
Eliminate the answers which are not correct first, then slowly work through the options.
Finally, choose the best answer.
B She felt contented to be with her mother. -
Did the writer feel “berpuas hati sebab menjadi teman ibunya?”
D She found her mother’s routine amazing.-
Did the writer feel amazed “teruja” looking at her mother’s work in the kitchen?
The correct answer is D She found her mother’s routine amazing.
You should also know some common verbs of feelings to help you understand
the passage and the options provided.
Here is a list of Common Feeling Words:
brave astonished
amazed courageous
shocked livid
angry glad
happy In awe
Brave- courageous
Amazed- in awe
Shocked- astonished
Angry- livid
Happy- glad
Now, try this question:
Paragraph 4
By nature, she was a clean and tidy woman, but sitting by the fire at such moments her hair
would be messy, forehead beaded with sweat and her cheeks covered in grey ash. But her
large eyes shone with a beauty only a mother can have. These wonderful meals Mum laboured
so hard to prepare helped brighten our lives even as poverty and hard times weighed us down.
20. In paragraph 3, what does the writer say about her mother’s character?
A She was discouraged by the economic hardship faced by the family.
B She was conscious of the way she looked when she was cooking.
C She was concerned about what the future holds for her children.
D She was determined to put food on the table for everyone.
20 In paragraph 3, what does the writer say about her mother’s character?
A She was discouraged by the economic hardship faced by the family. -rasa kecil hati
B She was conscious of the way she looked when she was cooking. - sedar
C She was concerned about what the future holds for her children. - ambil berat
D She was determined to put food on the table for everyone. - berazam
The answer is D She was determined to put food on the table for everyone.
Let’s try the last paragraph with its question:
In the years that followed, grey hair had slowly appeared on my parents’ heads and so had a
sense of contentment with their lives. They now live in a good-sized apartment and the kitchen
is equipped with a gas stove, an oven and a microwave – all conveniences that once seemed
so impossible. Sitting on the balcony amidst the gorgeous flowers, they enjoy peace after those
difficult years
21 How does the writer feel about her parents in the last paragraph?
A grateful that they can grow old together
B relieved that their life has become easier
C envious of the possessions they now have
D disappointed that they are not as active as they once were
In the years that followed, grey hair had slowly appeared on my parents’ heads and so had a
sense of contentment with their lives. They now live in a good-sized apartment and the kitchen
is equipped with a gas stove, an oven and a microwave – all conveniences that once seemed
so impossible. Sitting on the balcony amidst the gorgeous flowers, they enjoy peace after those
difficult years. - menikmati ketenangan hidup selepas mengharungi kesusahan tahun-tahun
21 How does the writer feel about her parents in the last paragraph?
A grateful that they can grow old together - bersyukur menjadi tua bersama pasangan
B relieved that their life has become easier - syukur kehidupan menjadi lebih senang
C envious of the possessions they now have - dengki dengan benda yang dimiliki
D disappointed that they are not as active as they once were- kecewa sebab tidak aktif seperti
So, the answer is B relieved that their life has become easier
Part 4: Gapped Text
You are going to read an article . Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose
from the sentences A to H the one which fits each gap (1 to 6 ) . There are two extra sentences
which you do not need to use.
Mark your answers in the boxes.
To understand the sequence of events/ the cause and effect, you need to know the Cohesive
Device and linking words
Now, let’s list down some cohesive devices and link words according to their functions:
Now, let’s try this question:
A Terrifying Experience
It was the fourth day of our holidays in Cameron Highlands when my brother suggested that
we should go hiking. 1 Neither of us had thought that this hike would turn out to
be the most terrifying experience for us.
STEP 1: Read through the text to get an idea of what the text is about
- The idea of going hiking
- Both the writer and the brother did not know that the hiking would turn out to be a
scary experience for them
1 Neither of us had thought that this hike would turn out to be the most terrifying
experience for us.
- ‘ Neither of us’ suggested that both of them never thought this hiking would be a scary
STEP 4: Read the text again to check if the sentence fits.
It was the fourth day of our holidays in Cameron Highlands when my brother suggested that
we should go hiking. 1
Neither of us had thought that this hike would turn out to be the most terrifying experience for
D is chosen because it shows that the writer was excited. However the writer and brother did
not know that it would be a scary experience.
Let’s try:
People on Happiness
A- Phoebe
I always anticipate my children coming home for Chinese New Year reunion dinner. I love
gatherings with my family
B- Zamir
I was promoted as the president of my company last year and it was a great achievement in
my career. I am glad that my hard work paid off and I look forward to new challenges .
C- Hema
I enjoy it the most with my friends. They are fun to be with and we share a lot of things in
common. They cheer me up when I am down. They understand me better and just being with
them makes my day.
D- Kang Wen
In my opinion, wealth buys me happiness to a certain extent. I wish I had the money to buy
a house and it would be fabulous if I could change my car for a new one to enjoy the best
driving experience.
E- Ramli
I love hanging out in my garden where I plant herbs and vegetables. I plant roses, too.
Gardening gives me so much joy and satisfaction. This hobby indeed brings me happiness
that other activities cannot.
Questions 1 to 4
Which paragraph ( A-E) describes the following experiences of happiness?
Mark your answers on the blanks.
Statements Paragraph
1. It warms my heart when I see my children. ______________
2. It is a bliss to spend time doing my hobby. ______________
3. I get job satisfaction from my work. _______________
4. It puts a smile on my face when I spend time
with my best friend. _______________
How to answer:
Read the text , Read the question and identify what is required.
1. It warms my heart when I see my children.
A- Phoebe
I always anticipate my children coming home for Chinese New Year reunion dinner. I love
gatherings with my family
E- Ramli
I love hanging out in my garden where I plant herbs and vegetables. I plant roses, too.
Gardening gives me so much joy and satisfaction. This hobby indeed brings me happiness
that other activities cannot.
B- Zamir
I was promoted as the president of my company last year and it was a milestone in my career.
I am glad that my hard work paid off and I look forward to new challenges .
C- Hema
I enjoy it the most with my friends. They are fun to be with and we share a lot of things in
common. They cheer me up when I am down. They understand me better and just being with
them makes my day.
Questions 5 to 8
Complete the notes below using information from the text. Choose no more than one word from
the passage for each answer.
Mark your answers on the blanks.
Refer paragraph C
C- Hema
I enjoy it the most with my friends. They are fun to be with and we share a lot of things in
common. They cheer me up when I am down. They understand me better and just being with
them makes my day.
On the other hand, some people are happy whenever there is a festival because they can spend
time with their ___________ (6) and friends.
The key words here are “ festival” and “ spent time with”
Refer paragraph A
A- Phoebe
I always anticipate my children coming home for Chinese New Year reunion dinner. I love
gatherings with my family
Sometimes, ___________ ( 7) which are people’s hobbies bring them joy and make them feel
Refer paragraph E
E- Ramli
I love hanging out in my garden where I plant herbs and vegetables. I plant roses, too.
Gardening gives me so much joy and satisfaction. This hobby indeed brings me happiness
that other activities cannot.
Refer paragraph B
B- Zamir
I was promoted as the president of my company last year and it was a great achievement in
my career. I am glad that my hard work paid off and I look forward to new challenges .
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each question,
circle the correct answer A, B or C.
There was a fatal accident along Jalan Rawang involving a cyclist and a motorcyclist. The
motorcyclist lost control and rammed into the cyclist. The cyclist flew off his bike upon
impact and landed in a ravine.
Just up the road from my condominium, there is a pet care center. Every weekend, I will
pay a visit there. There is one kitten that is blind and looks really different from all the other
cats in the center. The kitten was taken from the streets and it’s a rare breed. The caretaker
really loves this rare kitten and named it Julan. It is placed in a special cage and even being
taught how to move around. The kitten is being trained to listen to sounds and alert with
ISKANDAR PUTERI: The youth in Johor can look forward to having activity hubs catering specifically
to their needs at all districts in the state.
The state government has planned to build youth hubs in each of its ten districts which are
dedicated to youth activities and programmes. The existing youth hub which is managed by Iskandar
Regional Development Authority at Johor Bahru Urban Jungle, is now undergoing upgrading work.
There will be facilities for youths to hold events ranging from sports meets, cultural exhibitions
to outdoor activities.
Dear housemates, Yeslina here! There 6 rules to follow. Please only enter into my room before 12am,
please knock before entering, please remove your shoes, please do not sit on the bed and lastly please
do not touch or move my things. The reasons are simple. I will be sleeping after 12am. I prefer a lot
of privacy so that’s why knock. I hate dirty shoe marks. I love to clean my bed and I hate if people
make it messy. I feel unhygienic. I love to my things in orders so that I can get it easily.
We are providing a complete two-weeks online course which aims to teach learners to write an
email. It aims to encourage learners to communicative more using emails that are short simple and
sweet with plenty of adjectives and emoticons to describe feelings with the correct use of tenses.
To join our course, visit our website, fill in the registration form and email it to us.
6. From the advertisement above who do you think can join the online course?
A. Primary school learners only.
B. Secondary school learners only.
C. All learners who are interested to learn to write emails.
Teacher : Listen carefully to my instructions before you start writing your essay.
Students: Okay teacher
Teacher : Today we are going to answer Directed Writing. Short notes will be given. You
need to read the notes and all the details provided. You must use all the points
or notes or details given in your essay. You should elaborate on the points with
examples. Do you understand?
Students: Yes teacher
Teacher : You can now start writing. You are given 45 minutes.
7. From the conversation above, what is the requirement that students should follow in
order to write?
A. They can only copy all the points.
B. They must use all the points and give further details.
C. They can choose which point they want to use in their essay.
To: azimah22@gmail.com
From: Jaya1818@hotmail.com
Subject: Exams are near…
Hi Azimah,
Exam season is starting soon and I am truly worried about how well I’ll do this year. I was
lazy during my form 1 and form 2 days. I didn’t pay attention during my classes. Now I am
getting frightened. Why did I waste my time playing around so much?
Do you have any advice for me?
Read the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, circle the
correct letter A, B, C or D.
The secretary of the club approached them, asking them to take ___9___ places on the stage.
The members of the proposition team had already started taking their places ___10___ the
desks on the right. The timekeeper for the debate was already seated with the stopwatch and
bell on the desk in front of him. Lisa Mary, the chairwoman for the debate, was out front,
adjusting the ___11___. Kenny, the president of the club, went over to help her. Larry and his
friends ___12___ to their places hurriedly.
Then the debate began. Larry listened carefully as each speaker ___13___ his or her opinion
in various ways. Some were extremely vehement, pounding on their desks or waving their
hands in the air. Some were humorous, acting out little comic sketches by themselves ___14___
the audience roared with laughter. However, Larry did not take much notice of this. He was
busy trying to jot down the weak statements of his ___15___, but his hands were shaking so
much that he ___16___ hardly write properly.
Suddenly, he heard the chairwoman introducing him. It was his turn. At that very instant, he
was no longer nervous. He knew that he could win ___17___ the hearts and minds of the judges
and the audience. He stood up and began ___18___ eloquently.
9. A. his 14. A. because
B. him B. while
C. they C. after
D. their D. but
The hairstyle... the walk... the talk... They all appeared to be more suitable for a boy
You are going to read an extract from a story. For questions 19 to 26, choose the correct
but the owner was not a boy! The owner was Samantha, also known as Sam.Sam was the
answer (A, B, C, or D) and circle the correct letter A, B, C, and D.
fiercest girl in the whole of primary six. Instead of joining any 'girly' CCA, Sam preferred
activities that were rigorous and rough! She enjoyed every second of karate and was on her
way to a black belt. That day, Sam stormed throughout the school and headed towards the
canteen. She had heard the most awful news ever. Her brother, Nickolas, was being bullied.
Sam bulldozed her way to the canteen. Once she stepped into the canteen, there immediately
was an audible hush! Every pair of eyes was on her. Sam swaggered to the furthest corner of
the canteen. There, she saw who she had been looking for. Three boys, more notoriously
known as 'The Terrible Trio', were pummeling a boy half their size. Sam saw red. Like a bull
that spotted the red cloth, she charged head-on to the nearest boy, who happened to be Benson.
"Ouch!" There was a loud cry and Benson began to bawl like a baby. Sam had just
given him a nice hard shove and sent him sprawling away. Immediately, all seats were vacated
as everyone rushed to the 'fighting ring’! There were whoops of cheers as the children egged
Sam on. They too had had enough of being constantly bullied by 'The Terrible Trio’. She
turned her attention to Michael and stomped on his foot. He held his foot and yelled in pain.
Now, it was a duel between Sam and the ringleader, Randy. Randy narrowed his eyes. Sam
cracked her knuckles. They both circled each other like hungry vultures. The children became
very excited. They were clearly rooting for Sam! “Go, Sam, go! Go, Sam, go!" the
'cheerleaders' yelled. The canteen became chaotic. Still, it did not unnerve Sam, who was very
focused on her prey. Someone gave the first punch and the duel started. The two were locked
in a battle when suddenly..."STOP THIS INSTANCE!" bellowed a shrill voice. A voice so
familiar, so shrill that it never failed to strike terror in every child's heart... The voice belonged
to Mrs Tan, their discipline mistress. The 'cheerleaders' scurried away. Mrs Tan took the both
of them to the office. After listening to both sides of their stories, she reprimanded them and
explained to them why fighting was not the solution to problems. They had to clean the canteen
for a week as punishment. Sam was remorseful and realised that she should not have resorted
to violence to help her brother. As she left the office, she saw her brother who had been waiting
19. According to paragraph 1 why did everyone call Samantha ‘Sam’?
for her. “Thanks, sis! I was afraid that this time around, I would be badly injured.
A. She projected herself as a boy
B. Her name was too hard to pronounce
C. It was the abbreviation of her name
20. What happened to Samantha as she resorted to violence?
A. she was spent for counseling
B. she was thrown out of her school.
C. she faced strict warning and punishment
25. Which line in the text showed that the other students showed support to Sam?
A. They too had enough.
B. The cheerleaders scurried away.
C. The children became very excited. They were clearly rooting for Sam!
You are going to read an anecdote about how room service came about. Six sentences have
been removed from the anecdote. Choose from the sentences A to H the one which fits each
gap (27 to 32). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.
I find that a journey by train is among the most enjoyable journeys I have experienced.
I travel long distance quite often and have travelled via different types of transport. 27._____
while each of these journeys has its benefits, I personally love train journeys.
28.____ Apart from time, a train journey is good when you have to travel across long
distances. The train is the only means of transport that allows you to sleep comfortably during
the journey. 29._____ This is because I can sleep comfortably in the train during the journey
and wake up feeling refreshed before heading off.
One of my most memorable journeys by train was when I was travelling from
Seremban to Singapore last year. 30.____ During this journey, I met a group of college
students. The group was lively, cheerful and extremely friendly. They offered me some snacks
and cold drink as I was sitting right beside them. 31._____ they narrated some of their
experiences as I shared mine. I also gave them career advice. 32.______ As we parted, we
exchanged our phone numbers and promised to keep in touch.
Train journeys have always fascinated me. I have gone on quite a few of them but this
one was special as I had made new friends. I am looking forward to more train journeys.
We interviewed teachers from the Life Skills Club about their opinions on HOUSEHOLD
CHORES. Read the opinions below and answer the questions.
F- Lilitth-52 years old
I always make sure my kids learnt household chores and now they are all grown up. Each of
them is capable of handling their own homes with or without help. Household chores teach
disciple and responsibility. Every day you do housekeeping, your house will forever remain
Question 33-36
Which paragraph (A-F) describes the following opinions of teachers about Household Chores?
Write your answers in the table
Statements Paragraph
33. I think it is all gender base
34. My family treats all of us the same
35. Everything starts from home
36. Household chores correlate with time management
Question 37-40
Complete the notes below using the information from the text. Choose no more than one word
from the passage for each answer and fill in the blank.
1. Those who wish to apply must 2. The applicant for the post must
A. send a fax A. be a female
B. apply in writing B. have a degree in Computer Studies
C. phone the office C. have 2 years of working experience
Weather Report
Weather Report Satellite pictures show storm clouds are all over the Philippines and much
of Peninsular Malaysia. Northern and East coast states are expecting for thunderstorms,
heavy rain and possible floods. Strong winds may turn into a cyclone.
4. Based on the weather report, how useful are satellite pictures of weather conditions?
A. It gives people a chance to see how storms develop.
B. It shows people bracing for the approach of a cyclone.
C. It enables people who live in high-risk areas to prepare for bad weather
Rani : It’s definitely not a good idea. They are too vulnerable at such a young age and
the danger is they will be exposed to strangers who might trick them.
6. From the dialogue above, we know that children under 13
A. are exposed to people they are familiar with
B. may be cheated by other users of the internet.
C. may be protected on the social media platform.
Just download the MyCircle app to your computers or smartphones and post events in your
community. You must register as a member to post your event. Best of all, you can see if your
event has been selected to be promoted on television. It’s simple and fun!
An electric car is a type of car that uses electric motors and motor controllers. The
electricity is usually come from battery packs in the vehicle.
Part 2 (Questions 9-18)
Read the passage below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, mark the
correct answer A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
My name is Sara, and I love shopping online. I prefer mobile phone apps,
___0___sometimes I use my computer. The phone ___9___more convenient for me, and I can
even do my shopping from bed!
I love shopping so much that I buy everything I need ___10___home. I get food,
electronics, books, and even large pieces of furniture like my sofa and bookshelves all online!
But I still prefer getting clothes from a store so I can try them on to be sure ___11___fit me
fine. Yesterday, I ___12___a birthday present for my mother, and it arrived today! That saves
me a lot of time. I am a very busy person, and I am a little ___13___too. If I think of something
I need, then it is wonderful that I can buy it at that moment.
My friends aren’t as ___14___with buying things online as I am because they think that
it can be dangerous. Of course, bad things sometimes happen, but I am very careful ___15___
all my personal details. I think the biggest fear that people have with using their credit cards
online is that someone will ___16___their number. It is important to be sure that the web page
is ___17___You can see this if the address has got an “s” in it, like https://. That “s” means it
is safe.
People should not be afraid of shopping online. I think it will be the only way we will
do our shopping in ___18___future!
Part 3 (Questions 19-26)
Read the text below and answer the following questions. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
For each question, mark the correct answer A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
"Click!" That's the sound of safety. That's the sound of survival. That's the sound of a
seat belt locking in place. Seat belts save lives and that's a fact. That's why I don't drive
anywhere until mine is on tight. Choosing to wear your seat belt is a simple as choosing
between life and death. Which one do you choose?
Think about it. When you're driving in a car, you may be going 60 miles per hour or
faster. Then somebody ahead of you locks up his or her brakes. Your driver doesn't have time
to stop. The car that you are in crashes. Your car was going 60 miles per hour. Now it has
suddenly stopped. Your body, however, is still going 60 miles per hour. What's going to stop
your body? Will it be the windshield or your seat belt? Every time that you get into a car you
make that choice. I choose the seat belt.
Some people think that seat belts are uncool. They think that seat belts make them
uncomfortable. To them I say, what's more uncomfortable? Wearing a seat belt or flying
through a car windshield? What's more uncool? Wearing a seat belt is both cooler and more
comfortable than the alternatives.
Let's just take a closer look at your choices. If you are not wearing your seat belt, you
can hop around the car and slide in and out of your seat easily. That sounds like a lot of fun.
But, you are also more likely to die or suffer serious injuries. If you are wearing a seat belt, you
have to stay in your seat. That's no fun. But, you are much more likely to walk away unharmed
from a car accident. A small pleasure for a serious pain? That's a tough choice. I think that I'll
avoid the serious pain.
How about giving money away? Do you like to give your money away? Probably not.
And when you don't wear your seat belt, you are begging to give your money away. That's
because kids are required to wear seat belts in every state in America. If you're riding in a car,
and you don't have a seat belt on, the police can give you or your driver a ticket. Then you will
have to give money to the city. I'd rather keep my money, but you can spend yours how you
Wearing a seat belt does not make you invincible. You can still get hurt or killed while
wearing your seat belt. But wearing them has proven to be safer than driving without them.
You are much less likely to be killed in a car accident if you are wearing a seat belt. You are
much less likely to get seriously injured if you are wearing one. So why not take the safer way?
Why not go the way that has been proven to result in fewer deaths? You do want to live, don't
19. In paragraph 1, which best statement explains why the author starts his essay with the word
A. He is trying to scare readers.
B. He is trying to get the reader's attention.
C. He is trying to describe what it's like to ride in a car.
D. He is trying to remind readers how seat belts sound when clasped.
21. In paragraph 4, which statement would the author most likely agree with?
A. Moving freely around a car is worth the risks.
B. Being safe is more important than having fun.
C. Seat belts will keep you safe in any car accident.
D. You should be most concerned with your comfort.
23. Which best defines the word invincible as it is used in the last paragraph?
A. Uncool
B. Glow-in-the-dark
C. Unable to be harmed
D. Difficult or impossible to see
24. Which statement would the author most likely disagree with?
A. Seat belts save lives.
B. Every state in America has seat belt laws.
C. Seat belts increase your chances of being injured in a car accident.
D. You shouldn't drive anywhere until you are wearing your seat belt.
25. Which best expresses the author's main purpose in writing this text?
A. To persuade readers to wear seat belts
B. To inform readers about seat belt laws
C. To describe what car accidents are like without seat belts
D. To entertain readers with stories and jokes about seat belts
26. Which title best expresses the main idea of this text?
A. Slow Down: Save Lives By Driving Slower
B. Why Not? Improve Your Odds with Seat Belts
C. Seat Belts: Wear Them to Survive Any Accident
D. Car Accidents: Ways That We Can Prevent The
Part 4 (Questions 27-32)
You are going to read an article about Smartphones.
Gone are the days when smartphones were considered a luxury to have. These days, it's
very hard to find a person who does not own a smartphone. The small gadget has become an
inseparable part of our daily lives.
(27) ___________. We can stay connected with our family and friends through emails, video
calls, texting, and voice calls to get new updates immediately.
In addition to that, we can surf the Internet on our smartphones whenever and wherever
we want. (28) ___________. We can download songs, watch movies, play music, download
games, read online news, carry out bank transactions and other activities.
We can also shop online via our smartphones. (29) ___________. All we have to do is
buy the item and wait for it to arrive at our doorstep. We don't even have to step out of the
comfort of our own home.
We can store important data such as files, information and details on our phones. (30)
___________ . We can get work done and communicate with people even whilst we're on the
(31) ___________ . Smartphones are one of the greatest tools we can own to protect
and equip ourselves and our family in dangerous situations or emergencies such as fires, traffic
accidents, road hazards or medical emergencies.
(32) ___________ . However, we must try not to depend on smartphones too much, as
that may lead to addiction or other negative consequences.
Part 5 (Questions 33-40)
We interviewed 6 bloggers about how they started writing blogs. Read the text below and
answer the questions that follow. Write your answer in the space provided.
A Last year I wrote for my college magazine, which I found really difficult,
but I don’t think it’s hard to write a good blog. Mine is about things from
daily life that make me laugh. I like giving advice to people who write in
asking for it – it’s good to know I’ve helped.
B I started writing my popular film blog because I love movies. I like it when
readers send me articles by email about a film they’ve seen, and I put these
on my blog for everyone to read. I’m still at college, so I can’t spend too
much time on my blog as writing takes time. I don’t think I’ll write it for
much longer.
C I began writing on a school magazine. I stopped after a few years, but I
missed it, so I started my own – I’m still writing it now! I get ideas from
friends or my sister when I can’t decide what to write about. At first,
almost nobody visited my site, but now more do, I’ve had some lovely
D It all started when my friend Sofia set up a WordPress account for me. Ten
years ago, one fine evening, Proudduck was born. I love to write. I used
to write short stories in primary school and make my friends rent it for 50
cents! Writing to me is so healing and I do it out of love, so not once did
Vivy Yusof
I imagine Proudduck to be the start of my very public career.
E I started blogging in 2004 about my daily routines and then I turned my
personal blog into now a creative agency that also sells fun accessories to
spice up your fashion outfits. My blog has been running for a total of 12
years now and remains one of the most diverse blogs in Malaysia,
Joyce Wong
touching on almost any topic you can think of.
F I love exercise. I follow all the latest trends and read about recent
discoveries in the science of physical fitness. From my reading, I began to
write about fitness on my blog. I hope to improve my readers' health by
sharing information that keeps them safe while learning a new exercise or
encourages them to make fitness a goal.
Which paragraph (A-F) suits the following statement? Write your answers in the table
Statements Paragraph
33. Studying and writing a blog at the same time can be hard.
34. I didn’t have many people reading my blog in the beginning.
35. Spreading useful information on how to have healthy lifestyle.
36. I answer questions from other people who read her blog
Complete the notes below using the information from the text. Choose no more than one word
from passage for each answer and fill in the blank.
Bloggers’ statements
Study the stimulus given and read the questions carefully. Then, circle the best answer A, B,
and C.
Dennis: Mum, I don’t feel like going to see Uncle Bob today.
Mum: Why, Dennis? What’s the matter?
Dennis: I feel tired and I have a headache.
Mum: Let me have a look at you. Your eyes are red and you seem to be under the weather.
Let me check your temperature.
Cheah Chee Moon, a 49-year-old Thai is on a mission to make people aware of global warming
by cycling all the way from Bangkok to Singapore. He cycles about 100km a day and stays at
temples or churches at night before continuing the next morning. He started his journey from
Chiang Rai, about 800 km from Bangkok.
Hello Robert,
Thanks for inviting me to dinner. I’d love to come. I don’t eat meat and can’t eat food with
milk in it because it makes me sick. I hope that’s not too much trouble!
Read the text below and choose the best answer A, B, Cor D
People snack for different reasons. Some snack on food out of habit. Others need a snack to
keep them focused. (0) so that they can concentrate on what they are doing.
Whatever the reason may be, choose (9) __________ healthy snacks as they keep you
feeling full (10) __________ boosting your nutrient intake. What you eat as snack and how
much you eat each time makes a (11) __________ to your health. It is (12)
__________important to make healthy snack choices.
Choose snacks that are wholesome and packed with nutrients. Choosing healthy snacks
can be a challenge (13) __________ fried food that are greasy and salty are sold at every corner
of the street. So, what can you do when you feel the (14) __________ to snack? Stock your
refrigerator with different kinds of fruits. Fresh fruits provide lots (15) __________nutrients.
Stock your pantry with a wide selection of nuts as they are highly nutritious.
However, nuts should not be taken with added sugar or salt. (16) __________ nuts are
said to be low in carbohydrates, it does not mean that they can (17) __________ in large
quantities. To snack or not to snack is really a personal choice. But if you decide (18)_____
snack between your meals, make sure that you choose healthy food that keep you full, happy
and satisfied.
Read the text and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D)
What Australian mammal can jump 25 feet in one hop and move for short periods at 35
miles an hour? The red kangaroo. A full grown male stands as tall as a six- foot person and
weighs 200 pounds. This is y bigger than the grey kangaroo, making it the world’s largest
marsupial. What’s a marsupial? A mammal where the mother has a pouch or pocket for
carrying, feeding and taking care of her young. While a red kangaroo may be the largest
marsupial, the newborn baby is tiny, under an inch long. After a few months of sleeping,
nursing and growing in mom’s stomach pocket the young kangaroo (joey) begins to come out.
But it hurries back to the pouch fast when frightened, hungry or cold. Eventually, the joey gets
so big it hangs out of the pouch. Then, at eight months old, it stays out. But the joey stays close
to mom until ready to live on its own. Red kangaroos are good swimmers. However, they are
very good in hopping and jumping. Their long, powerful back legs have big feet. Hopping
moves them quickly over their grassy, short woody plant and desert habitats. Meanwhile, a
thick tail helps them to move. What do red kangaroos eat? Grass, leaves and other vegetation.
And guess what - they often chew and vomit out food just like a cow. The red kangaroo’s
vegetarian diet provides much of its water.
It can also go long periods without drinking. Staying in the shade, resting, limiting most
activity to nighttime helps the red kangaroo save and stay cool. Red kangaroos travel together
in groups called mobs. Mobs include both males and females, with one male being powerful.
Males show their super strength by “boxing” with other males. They balance on their tails and
try pushing each other off -balance with their arms or by kicking their back legs. This strong
kicking power, along with their sharp claws, can also be used by kangaroos to guard and be
safe against Australia’s wild dog, the dingo.
19. Red kangaroos are...
A. omnivores
B. carnivores
C. herbivores
D. Insectivores
20. When does a baby kangaroo come out of its mother's pouch for the first time?
A. about a month after it is born
B. a few months after it is born
C. about 8 months after it is born
D. when it is a year old
24. What is special about the Marsupial?
A. All Marsupials are able to swim
B. Marsupials are carnivores who hunt for food
C. Marsupials are mammals that carries the young in their pouch
D. Marsupials are cute and strong
26. Which title best describes the main idea of this text?
A. World's Largest Marsupial
B. The grey Kangaroo
C. The fighting Kangaroos
D. Joey is the Kangaroo
You are going to read a story. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from
the sentences (A-H) to fit each gap(1-6). there are two extra sentences which you do not need
to use.
Long, long ago, in a thick forest there were thousands of tall and beautiful trees. They were
happy, but proud of themselves. (27) ___. Its roots had uneven and crooked curves. (28) ___.
“How are you, crooked hunchback?" the other trees always shouted and their laughter made the
ugly tree feel sad. But he never raised a voice against them. He was quiet. The ugly tree thought,
“I wish I were as beautiful as the other trees. Why did God do this to me? (29) __. Nobody needs
One day, a woodcutter came to the forest. He took a look at the trees and said, “These trees are
lovely. I must cut them." As soon as he picked up his axe the trees became frightened.
‘Chop, Chop, Chop’ went the woodcutter’s axe and one by one the trees started to fall. “None of
us is going to be spared and everyone is going to die," screamed one of the beautiful trees.
(30) ___.
By now, the woodcutter had come near to the ugly tree. He had just raised his axe when
suddenly he noticed how crooked the ugly tree was. “Hmm! This crooked tree seems to be useless
for me. (31) ___ And he moved towards another beautiful tree. The ugly tree was relieved and
happy. He realized that by making him ugly, God had actually given him a good fortune and
(32)___. He was happy with his crooked branches. He never forgot how he was spared from
the woodcutter’s axe, only because he was crooked and ugly.
Question 33 to 40
Read the advertisement on the Fitness Centre promotion
First Fitness Centre offers you a package that you have been waiting for to get back your ideal
There are many causes of obesity. One of the main causes is diet. Children nowadays eat more
and more ______________ (33) food in fast food restaurants. Lifestyle is another cause of
obesity. As a result, of modern technology, may people now have __________________ (34)
And do not ___________ (35) regularly. The chief cause is lack of __________________ (36)
and awareness. Obesity affects the individual and the country. Obesity can lead to
___________ (37) and diabetes. Another result is _______________ (38). Unhealthy citizen
is also _____________ (39) and their children learn ______________ (40) eating habits.
Part 1
Questions 1 to 8
For each of the questions, read the question first and then study the information given to find
the best answer. Then, circle the answer A, B, C, or D on the answer sheet provided.
3. From the extract above, we can say that
4. From the graph, we can say that the profits of the company declined from
A 2016 to 2018
B 2017 to 2019
C 2018 to 2020
5 If Paul wants to get a discount on the book, he must
A use the original coupon
B buy other promotional items
C buy the book at the Sentral Station branch
7 From the dialogue, we know that Azreen is
A tired
B stingy
C reluctant
Part 2
Questions 9 to 18
Read the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, mark the
correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
Money is very important in our lives, especially in today’s times. To have a nice home, eat
good food, treat illnesses, get a good education, and many other things, ___9___ require
money. Therefore, without money, leading a good life will be almost impossible. In this
modern times, money has ___10___ such a necessity that people can do just about anything
to be in possession of a little bit of cash. Some people will think of various ways to get it
even though those ways aren't ___11___ ethical. These ___12___ people will scam or cheat
those who are unsuspicious of their intention. It drives us to the point ___13___ we can be
forced to go against our morals and beliefs. We spend our time working hard to earn money
___14___ we can have a comfortable life. However, there are some people who prefer to
take the shortcut and take___ 15___ of others in order to get rich. Money can be the source
of happiness for some people but it can also be the cause of sadness and worries. Some say
money can't buy love, but money certainly ___16___ us to take good care of our loved ones.
Imagine not having enough of it even for the most basic necessities! In conclusion, just
like___17___ ,money has both a positive and negative side. It can take us to the path of
greatness,___18____ become the root of destruction.
Part 3
Questions 19 to 26
You are going to read an extract from an article. For questions 19 to 26, choose the correct
answer (A, B, C or D) and mark the correct letter on your answer sheet.
1 Cyberspace offers unlimited options for quick and easy ways to shop,
find investment opportunities, communicate, and much more, right from the
comfort of our homes, However, the internet is also a quick and easy channel
for scammers to trick and cheat unsuspecting people with false advertising and
false promises. They target those who do not know how to determine the
validity of online offers and sales. So, we need to be alert and protect ourselves 5
from falling victim to such scams.
2 When dealing with uninvited contacts from people, whether it is over the
phone, through email, in person or on a social networking site, always consider
the possibility that the approach may be a scam. Remember, if it looks too
good to be true, it probably is. 10
3 You also need to know who you are dealing with. If you have only ever
met someone Via social media, or are unsure of the legitimacy of a business,
take some time to do a bit more research. Do a Google image search on the
photos used or search the internet for others who may have had dealings with
them. If a message or email comes from a friend and it seems unusual or out 15
of character for them, contact your friend directly.
4 Do not open suspicious texts, pop-up windows, or click on links or
attachments in emails. Delete them straightaway. If you are unsure, verify the
identity of the contact through an independent source such as a phone book or
online search. 20
5 Hang up phone calls when asked for remote access to your computer even
if they mention a well-known company. Scammers will often ask you to turn
on your computer to fix a problem or installs free upgrade, which is actually a
virus that will give them your passwords and personal details.
6 Keep your personal details secure. Keep your passwords and pin numbers 25
in a safe place. Be very careful about how much personal information you
share on social media sites. Scammers can use your information and pictures
to create a fake identity or to target you with a scam.
7 Beware of any requests for your details or money. Never send money or 30
give credit card details, online account details or copies of personal documents
to anyone you do not know or trust. Do not agree to transfer money or goods
for someone else- money laundering is a criminal offence.
8 Be careful when shopping online. Always use an online shopping service
that you know and trust. Think twice before using virtual currencies such as 35
Bitcoin - they do not have the same protection as other transaction methods,
which means you cannot get your money back once you send it. Learn more
about online shopping scams. Be wary of unusual payment requests.
Scammers will often ask you to use an unusual payment method, including
preloaded debit cards, or gift cards. 40
9 Choose your passwords carefully and update them regularly. A strong
password should include a mix of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers and
symbols. Do not use the same password for every account or profile, and do
not share your passwords with anyone.
10 Scams target people of all backgrounds, ages and income levels. There is 45
no one group of people who are more likely to become a victim of scam – all
of us may be vulnerable to a scam at some point in time.
21. In paragraph 3, how can you determine if a business is legitimate?
A. Ask your friends.
B. Look at the social media page.
C. Do a thorough internet search.
D. Meet the business owners in person.
22. In paragraph 4 and 5, how does a scammer try to access your personal information?
A. By installing a free upgrade.
B. By sending links through email.
C. By sending a virus to your computer.
D. By sending a text message to your phone.
26. In paragraph 10, the phrase all of us may be vulnerable suggests that…
A. scammers usually target the weak.
B. scammers do not have a specific target group.
C. it is easy to take precaution against scammers.
D. all of us will become victims of a scam at some point.
Part 4
Questions 27 – 32
You are going to read a passage about potatoes, eggs and coffee beans. Six sentences have
been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A to H to fit each gap (27 to 32).
There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.
It is assumed that most teenagers don't recognise the value of money - yet. Seeing as
they don't earn it in any significant capacity, they may still think that it is an unlimited resource
that comes from nowhere.
That is why the first thing any parent needs to do is to provide them with some
responsibility and freedom . 28 . They will understand more about the basic concept of
money and what it takes to earn the financial funds.
For most teens, a set amount of their own pocket money represents their first step into
the wider world of financial responsibility and personal finances. If a teenager only gets a set,
but regular amount of money, they will know what it means to stay within a certain budget. 29
When they understand that they won't be getting additional money to make up for it,
they'll start realising the importance of personal finance management.
30 Even people who haven't been particularly money-savvy in their teens have
found themselves saving up money for one thing or another at some point. However, saving
for a new pair of sneakers or an expensive gaming console isn't likely to lead to wise money
management later on. Instead, teens must realise that saving money isn't a temporary task to
complete, it's a way of life. 31 .
In conclusion, educating teens about money and personal finances isn't something you
can just give them a crash course on. 32 .
A If teens get the freedom to independently manage their own money, they will certainly
learn a couple of valuable life lessons.
C As teenagers start approaching adulthood, it gets harder and harder to talk to them
about finances.
D But it is important to give teens some sort of financial knowledge so that they can
manage their money better when they reach adulthood.
E Instead, this needs to be a long-term effort, particularly when they reach their late
F Teens who start getting a fixed sum early on are far more aware of the intricacies of
money management later on.
G Any impulse purchase will cost no one but them, and they will know that no more
money is coming in until their next pocket money.
H That way, they'll ease into the simple principle of only buying stuff they can
realistically afford.
Part 5
Questions 33 to 40
Read the information given below and then answer the questions that follow.
Prices can vary from one shop to another so It's better to pay with cash, so you can actually
look around first before you buy. Bargain see the money that you're spending. This might
stores and hypermarkets tend to offer cheaper make it harder to overspend. Credit cards
prices and sometimes online stores give the sometimes give you the idea that you have more
best discounts. Make sure you are getting the money than you actually do. In addition, the
best deal. interest incurred is just more unnecessary
There are many pre-loved items that look Don’t remove tags or throw away the receipts
almost as good as new and cost a fraction of until you are ready to use or wear the items. Some
the retail price. So check out thrift stores, shops allow you up to a month to return your
vintage shops, used bookstores and flea purchases. Give yourself a chance to change your
markets. Buying pre-loved is better for the mind after you’ve made your purchases.
environment too.
Questions 33 to 36
Which paragraph (A – F) describes the following experiences of place of interest.
No. Description Paragraph
33 Peik Lin tends to buy more things than she actually needs.
34 Dino bought a video game from a store but later found out that another
shop sells it at a lower price.
35 Beena often buys things on impulse and later changes her mind about
36 Suzy is on a very tight budget and cannot afford to buy things at retail
Questions 37 to 40
Complete the email below using words from the text. Choose not more than two words from
the passage for each answer.
To: Mala @bmail.com
From: Suresh@bmail.com
Subject : Shop smart.
Recently you told me that you are a bit worried about your shopping habits. Well, I just read
an article and it seems that you are no different from most teenagers. According to a survey,
most teenagers today like to buy things on ____________ (37) and would rather go shopping
with their friends rather than their parents. Therefore, to avoid ____________ (38) try to set a
budget and make a list of the things you plan to buy. Also, shop at places that offer cheaper
prices such as ____________ (39) or online stores. Finally, pre-loved items are really good
options because they cost much less and are good for the ____________. (40) Hope this helps.
19 A
PART 1 20 C
1 A 23 A
2 C 24 C
3 C 25 C
4 C 26 B
5 B
6 C PART 4
27 E
PART 2 28 B
9 D 31 H
10 B 32 C
11 A
12 D PART 5
15 A 33 A
16 A 34 E
17 D 35 B
18 B 36 D
37 Gender
38 responsibility
39 care
40 housekeeping
PART 1 19 B
1 B 22 C
2 B 23 C
3 A 24 C
4 C 25 A
5 A 26 C
6 B
7 B PART 4
PART 2 27 B
9 A 30 H
10 A 31 A
11 C 32 F
12 A
13 D PART 5
16 B 33 B
17 D 34 C
18 A 35 F
36 A
37 healing
38 difficult
39 diverse
40 friends
PART 1 19 C
1 A 22 B
2 A 23 B
3 A 24 C
4 B 25 D
5 C 26 A
6 A
7 B PART 4
PART 2 27 F
9 B 30 B
10 A 31 C
11 C 32 A
12 D
13 A PART 5
16 B 33 unhealthy
17 A 34 Desk-bound job
18 D 35 exercise
36 education
37 Heart disease
38 laziness
39 unproductive
40 poor
LEVEL: A1 & A2
19 D
1 C 22 C
2 C 23 D
3 B 24 C
4 C 25 B
5 A 26 B
6 C
7 C PART 4
8 A
27 D
9 A 30 B
10 A 31 H
11 C 32 E
12 D
13 B PART 5
14 A
15 C
33 B
16 B
34 C
17 D
35 F
18 A
36 E
37 impulse
38 overspending
39 hypermarkets
40 environment