Rtu Ai - 560air01

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Remote Terminal Units - Data sheet

Analog input 560AIR01

RTU560 product line

Analog input, 8 channels

• AD converter resolution: 16 bit
• Measuring ranges: +/-2 mA; +/-5 mA; +/-10
mA; +/-20 mA; +/-40 mA; +/-2 V DC; +/-20 V

Application communication unit. The module transmits relevant

The 560AIR01 is a module of the RTU560 product line changes as event via the RTU I/O bus.
and records up to 8 analog measured values.
The 8 differential inputs are not galvanic isolated against
The module 560AIR01 is able to process the following the power supply.
types of signals:
• Analog measured values (AMI) The differential inputs are protected against static and
• Measured floating point information (MFI) dynamic over-voltages by a protection circuit. A low-pass
filter suppresses unwanted frequency components.
Following measurement ranges can be configured:
• ± 2 mA
The internal high resolution of the AD converter allows to
• ± 5 mA scan all measuring ranges with the same resolution. An
• ± 10 mA additional measurement channel is used for automatic
• ± 20 mA zero calibration. This compensates the longterm drift of
• ± 40 mA the components.
• ± 2 V DC
• ± 20 V DC
Other input ranges and live zero values are generated
from these values by conversion on the communication
unit (CMU).


Analog inputs
Basic signal checks and cyclic processing functions
are already be done locally in order to unburden the
During initialization and operation the module carries
AD converter out a number of tests. If a fault occurs it is reported to
the communication unit. All fault conditions impairing the
Multiplexer Connection function of the module are displayed as common fault
+ signal by a red LED. A failure of the module is detected by
EA11 the communication unit.


Input circuit

A EA81
Input circuit -

Figure 1: Block diagram Analog input board 560AIR01

For elimination of tolerances a calibration is done during

The synchronization of the scan cycle with the line

frequency is used to increase the line frequency
interference suppression of the DC input signal.

Frequency Conversion time Scan cycle time

per channel (same for all
60 Hz 54 ms 486 ms
50 Hz 54 ms 486 ms
16.7 Hz 155 ms 1395 ms

Power supply input

The required power for the module is supplied via the
RTU560 backplane.

I/O controller (IOC)

The micro-controller on the module processes all time
critical tasks of the parameterized processing functions.
Moreover it carries out the interactive communication with
the RTU I/O bus. All configuration data and processing
parameters are loaded by the communication unit via the
RTU I/O bus.

The module is equipped with a serial interface to the

RTU560 I/O bus on the backplane.

The analog input unit can execute the following processing

functions on the measured values:
• Scan cycle and line frequency interference
• Zero value supervision and switching detection
• Smoothing
• Threshold value monitoring on absolute value or with
• Periodic transmission and background cycles
Technical data Mechanical layout
In addition to the RTU500 series general technical data,
Dimensions 160 mm x 100 mm, 3HE
the following applies: euro card format
4R (20 mm) front panel
Housing type Printed circuit board
Analog input channels 560AIR01
Mounting for mounting in RTU560
Inputs 8 differential inputs
Configurable measuring • ± 2 mA
Weight 0.3 kg
range • ± 5 mA
• ± 10 mA
• ± 20 mA Connection type
• ± 40 mA
RTU560 backplane 48 pole type F DIN 41612
• ± 2 V DC
• ± 20 V DC
Input impedance 150 Ω @ ±2 mA and 5 mA
Immunity test
50 Ω @ ±10 to ±40 mA
Electrostatic discharge 8 kV air / 6 kV contact (level
110 kΩ @ ±2 and ±20 V DC IEC 61000-4-2 3)
Max. load 80 mA continuous @ ±10 to Performance criteria A
±40 mA
Radiated Radio-Frequency 10 V/m (level 3)
40 mA continuous @ ±2 and Electromagnetic Field
±5 mA IEC 61000-4-3 Performance criteria A
Electrical Fast Transient / 2 kV (level 3)
38 V/ 0.5 mA @ ±2 and ±20 Burst
V DC IEC 61000-4-4 Performance criteria A
Resolution 12 bit + sign Surge 2 kV (level 3)
IEC 61000-4-5
11 bit + sign @ ±2 V DC Performance criteria A
AD converter resolution 16 bit Conducted Disturbances, 10 V (level 3)
Accuracy at 25 °C ≤ 0.1 % induced by Radio-
Frequency Fields Performance criteria A
≤ 0.2 % @ ±2 V DC IEC 61000-4-6
Linearity error at 25 °C ≤ 0.1 %
Temperature drift ≤ 100 ppm/K (0... 70 °C)
Environmental conditions - climatic
Max. common mode input ±150 V DC (electrical limit)
voltage Operating temperature -25 °C ... 70 °C
±8 V DC (functional limit) EN 60068-2-14
Max. differential input ± 4 V DC (current input) Start up -40 °C
voltage EN 60068-2-1
± 38 V DC (voltage input) Max. operating temperature, +85 °C
Common mode rejection > 70 dB @ 25 °C max. 96h
EN 60068-2-2
> 60 dB @ 0… 25 °C Relative humidity 5 ... 95 %
Configurable line frequency • 16.7 Hz EN 60068-2-30 (non condensing)
fN • 50 Hz
• 60 Hz
Line frequency interference > 100 dB @ fN ±2 % Ordering information
suppression 560AIR01 R0001 1KGT036500R0001
> 45 dB @ fN ±10 %

Current consumption for power supplied via RTU560

5 V DC 75 mA
24 V DC --

Signaling by LEDs
ERR (red) Common fault information
for the module
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