Rtu Bi - 560bir01

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Remote Terminal Units - Data sheet

Binary input 560BIR01

RTU560 product line

Binary input module with 16 channels, to be used

for single indications, double indications, digital
measurands and pulse counters
• Resolution: 1ms
• Process voltage: 24…60 V DC / 110...125 V
• LED signal for each input
• Common return per 8 inputs

Application • 560BIR01 R0002: process voltage 110 to 125 V DC.

The module 560BIR01 of the RTU560 product line LED signaling for each input, common return per 8
provides 16 galvanic isolated inputs for up to 16 binary inputs.
process signals. Scanning and processing of the inputs • 560BIR01 R0102: process voltage 110 to 125 V DC.
LED signaling for each input, common return per 8
are executed with the high time resolution of 1 ms. The
allocation of an input signal to the processing functions
pin and function compatible with R0002, only a
can be done according to the rules of configuration. alternative IO controller is used.
The module 560BIR01 is able to process the following
types of signals or a combination of them:
• 16 single point information with time stamp (SPI)
• 8 double point information with time stamp (DPI)
• 2 digital measured values each with 8 bit (DMI8)
• 1 digital measured value with 16 bit (DMI16)
• 16 integrated totals (max. 120 Hz) (ITI)
• 2 step position information each with 8 bit (STI)
• 2 bitstring input each with 8 bit (BSI8)
• 1 bitstring input with 16 bit (BSI16)
• or combinations of this signal types
The module is available infour versions (rubrics):
• 560BIR01 R0001: process voltage 24 to 60 V DC.
LED signaling for each input, common return per 8
• 560BIR01 R0101: process voltage 24 to 60 V DC.
LED signaling for each input, common return per 8
Pin and function compatible with R0001, only a
alternative IO controller is used.



controller I07

Input register
RTU I/O bus


Flash C02






Figure 1: Block diagram 560BIR01


Binary inputs
The inputs are galvanic isolated by means of optical
couplers. 8 inputs are building a group with a common
return. The input circuit is designed to keep the input
current constant by using current regulative diodes.

The binary input channels are protected against reverse

voltage installation. If the input signal is installed with
wrong polarity the input current will be zero.

The module has 16 LEDs to indicate the signal state at the

inputs. The LEDs follow direct the input signal.

The maximum frequency for counter pulses is 120 Hz.

Power supply input

The required power for the module is supplied via the
RTU560 backplane.

I/O controller (IOC)

The micro-controller on the module processes all
time critical I/O tasks of the parameterized processing
functions. Moreover it carries out the interactive
communication with the RTU560 I/O bus. All configuration
data and processing parameters are loaded by the
communication unit via the RTU560 I/O bus.

The module is equipped with a serial interface to the

RTU560 I/O bus on the backplane.

The binary input unit can execute the following processing

functions for the different types of signals:
• Digital filtering to suppress contact bounce
• Suppression of oscillating signals caused by the
• Validity check and suppression of intermediate input
states for double indications
• Consistancy check for all channels allocated to digital
measured values or step position information
• Summation of increment pulses to form integrated
totals in registers of 31 bit resolution
• Copying of integrated totals values into freezing
registers for data conservation
The module provides a data buffer for temporally storing
of up to 50 event messages including time stamps. The
events are stored in chronological order designated for
transmission to the communication unit (CMU).

During initialization and operation the module carries

out a number of tests. If a fault occurs it is reported to
the communication unit. All fault conditions impairing the
function of the module are displayed as common fault
signal by a red LED. A failure of the connected module(s)
is detected and signalized by the communication unit.
Technical data Binary inputs - immunity and insulation tests
In addition to the RTU500 series general technical data,
Impulse voltage withstand 5 kV (1.2 / 50 µs)
the following applies: test of insulation, IEC
60255-27, IEC 60870-2-1
(class VW3)
Binary input channels 560BIR01 R0001 and R0101
Inputs 16 channels,
Current consumption for power supplied via RTU560
common return for 2 groups backplane
of 8 channels,
5 V DC 100 mA
isolated by opto-couplers 24 V DC --
Nominal input voltage 24... 60 V DC (+/- 20%)
Max. input voltage 72 V DC
Signaling by LEDs
Input current 1.8... 2.2 mA constant
ERR (red) Common fault information
Logical ‘1’ definitely ≥ 18 V DC for the module
1… 16 LED displays the active
Logical ‘0’ definitely ≤ 9 V DC inputs
Reverse voltage protection yes
Max. input frequency for 120 Hz Mechanical layout
integrated totals Dimensions 160 mm x 100 mm, 3HE
euro card format
Binary input channels 560BIR01 R0002 and R0102 4R (20 mm) front panel

Inputs 16 channels, Housing type Printed circuit board

Mounting I/O voltage ≤ 60 V DC:
common return for 2 groups for mounting in all RTU560
of 8 channels, racks
I/O voltage ≥ 110 V DC:
isolated by opto-couplers for mounting only in
Nominal input voltage 110... 125 V DC (+/- 20%) 560MPR03 and 560SFR02
Max. input voltage 150 V DC
Weight 0.2 kg
Input current 1.0... 1.6 mA constant
Logical ‘1’ definitely ≥ 85 V DC
detected Connection type
Logical ‘0’ definitely ≤ 45 V DC
RTU560 backplane 48 pole type F DIN 41612
Reverse voltage protection yes
Max. input frequency for 120 Hz
integrated totals Insulation tests
Insulation classification IEC 60664-1
Binary inputs - immunity and insulation tests according to • Pollution degree 2
• Overvoltage category II
Electrical fast transient / 4 kV (level 4), criterion A
Burst, IEC 61000-4-4 • Altitude: ≤ 3,000 m

Surge 1.2/50 µs, 4 kV (level 4) Pollution degree 2

IEC 61000-4-5
Overvoltage category II
Conducted disturbances, 10 V (level 3), criterion A
induced by radio-frequency Altitude: ≤ 3,000 m
fields, IEC 61000-4-6
AC dielectric voltage 2.5 kV, 50 Hz
Ring wave, IEC 61000-4-12 2.5 kV line to earth, 1 kV test, IEC 60255-27, IEC Test duration: 1 min
line to line (level 3) 61000-4-16, IEC 60870-2-1
Conducted, common 30 V continuous distur- (class VW3)
mode disturbances in the bance/ 300 V short duration Impulse voltage withstand 5 kV (1.2 / 50 µs)
frequency range 0 Hz to 150 disturbance (level 4), test of insulation, IEC
kHz, IEC 61000-4-16 criterion A 60255-27, IEC 60870-2-1
Damped oscillatory wave, 2.5 line to earth, 1 kV line to (class VW3)
IEC 61000-4-18 line (level 3), criterion A Insulation resistance, IEC > 100 MΩ at 500 V DC
AC dielectric voltage 2.5 kV, 50 Hz, 1 min 60255-27
test, IEC 60255-27, IEC Insulation resistance to 500 V DC isolated for 1 min
61000-4-16, IEC 60870-2-1 earth at 500 V DC, IEC
(class VW3) 60255-27
Insulation tests
Inverted polarity and voltage 1 V/ min
ramp delay, IEC 60255-27

Immunity test
Electrostatic discharge 8 kV air / 6 kV contact (level
IEC 61000-4-2 3)

Performance criteria A
Electrical fast transient / 4 kV (level 4)
IEC 61000-4-4 Performance criteria A
Surge 4 kV (level 4)
IEC 61000-4-5
Performance criteria A
Damped oscillatory wave 2.5 / 1 kV (level 3)
IEC 61000-4-18
Performance criteria A

Environmental conditions - climatic

Operating temperature -25 °C ... 70 °C
EN 60068-2-14
Start up -40 °C
EN 60068-2-1
Max. operating temperature, +85 °C
max. 96h
EN 60068-2-2
Relative humidity 5 ... 95 %
EN 60068-2-30 (non condensing)

Ordering information
560BIR01 R0001 1KGT034000R0001

560BIR01 R0002 1KGT034000R0002

560BIR01 R0101 1KGT034000R0101

560BIR01 R0102 1KGT034000R0102

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