Q4 IA EIM 9 Week4
Q4 IA EIM 9 Week4
Q4 IA EIM 9 Week4
Safety is always the priority in the workplace. In this lesson, you will learn the safety procedures in in installing telephone terminal
cabinet. Specific safety measures have to follow as applicable, and all the safety measures are covered separately in the
project safety plan.
A. Directions: Below are list of tools and materials we use when installing telephone terminal cabinet. Write at least one (1)
safety precaution you already know for each tool below.
1. Multimeter
2. Metal wires
3. Wire strippers
5. Power drills
B. Directions: List down at least five (5) personal protective equipment you know and write its function.
D. Development (Time Frame: Day 2 (40-60 mins)
For your protection observe the following safety requirements:
1. Observe proper use of PPE.
2. The workplace must be free from obstruction.
3. Follow all cautions, warnings and instructions marked on the equipment
4. The installed telephone terminal cabinet should conform to the drawing plan details and standard.
When installing any telephone equipment, strictly adhere to the following guidelines to ensure safety:
• Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.
• Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specifically designed for wet locations.
• Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line has been disconnected at the network
• Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.
• Treat every electrical device like it is energized, even if it does not look like it is plugged in or operational.
• Unplug appliances before performing any service or repairs on them.
• When working on electrical devices, only use tools that have official “non-conducting” handles.
• Try to limit the use of electrical equipment in rooms that are very cold or have a lot of condensation.
• When handling electrical equipment, make sure your hands are dry.
• If you spill any kind of liquid on electrical equipment, first immediately shut off power to the equipment via the main
switch or circuit breaker and then unplug the equipment itself.
• Keep all electrical circuit contact points enclosed.
• Finally, if you are able to, work on electrical equipment with one hand while the other hand is out of the way at your
side or in your pocket. This minimizes the chance of a current passing through your chest should a spark/accidental
charge occur
On the next activity, you will create your own quotation of safety precautions related to the proper ways of using tools to avoid
accidents and injuries.
B. Directions: On the 1st column draw at least five (5) personal protective equipment we use when working with computers and
write the importance of using or wearing it on the 2nd column.
3. What are the Common Occupational Health and Safety Standards? Give at least (5) five.
B. Directions: Write safety precautions for your protection especially that our country is in the midst of a COVID – 19 pandemic.
Write it inside box below. Do this activity on a separate sheet.
V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: Day 5 40-60 mins)
(Learning Activity Sheets for Enrichment, Remediation, or Assessment to be given on Weeks 3 and 6)
A. Direction: Write True if the underlined word is correct if it is False change the underlined word to make the statement
____________ 1. Always wear personal protective equipment (PPE) in accordance with the organization's OHS procedures and
____________ 2. Don’t touch active electrical circuits.
____________ 3. Sometimes we need to follow instructions marked on the equipment or materials.
____________ 4. Try to limit the use of electrical equipment in rooms that are very cold or have a lot of condensation.
____________ 5. Make sure you understand and dis-obey both legislative and personal safety protocols while conducting the
following activities.
____________ 6. PPE can also be used to protect the working environment from pesticide application, pollution, or infection
from the worker.
____________ 7. Treat every electrical device like it is not operational
____________ 8. Always wear metal of any sort if you are working on electrical equipment.
____________ 9. Apron is a garment worn over the front of the body as a protection for one’s cloth.
____________ 10. When working on electrical devices, only use tools that have official “non-conducting” handles.
DepEd. (n.d.). CBLM TLE EIM (11th-29. ed. ed.) [E-book]. https://lrmds.deped.gov.ph/
The Do’s & Don’ts of Electrical Safety. (2017). CREATION WORLD SAFETY.
Prepared by: Darren Joy A. Laloon Checked by: Dr. Edwina C. Nabo
SDO-Santa Rosa City Diosdado D. Villeta
Christian M. Niebres