21ST Century Lit Reviewer

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21ST CENTURY LIT REVIEWER Cenaculo, Panunuluyan,

Salubong and Zarzuela.

1. Pre-Spanish Period - In 19th Century, Filipino intellectuals
2. Spanish Period educated in Europe called Ilustrados
3. Period of Enlightenment began to write about the hitch of
4. The American Regime colonization.
5. The Japanese Period
The Propaganda Movement (1872-1896)
6. Philippine Literature in English
7. Period of Activism - This movement was spearheaded
8. Period of New Society mostly by the intellectual middle-
9. Period of Third Republic class like Jose Rizal, Marcelo del
10. Post EDSA 1 Revolution Pilar; Graciano Lopez Jaena,
11. 21st Century Period Antonio Luna, Mariano Ponce, Jose
Ma. Panganiban, and Pedro Paterno
- Literature was primarily oral in as
much as writing was not yet invented - Rizal – Dimos Alang and Laong
and more of the works were concise Laan
- CHANT (BULONG) – This was used Some of Rizal’s writings: Noli Me
in witchcraft especially in remote Tangere, Mi Ultimo Adios, Sobre La
places in Visayas IndolenciaDelos Filipinos and
- PRE-SPANSIH LITERATURE: Filipinas Dentro De Cien Aňos
1. Folk – Tales - DEL PILAR – Plaridel
2. The Epic Age
3. Folk Songs Some of Del Pilar’s writings:
- The oral works were able to be Pagibig sa Tinubuang Lupa (Love of
translated into written work through Country), Kaingat Kayo (Be Careful),
the use of Alibata and Dasalan at Tocsohan (Prayers
SPANISH PERIOD (1521-1871) and Jokes)

- Ferdinand Magellan is the one who

discovered The Philippines - JAENA – Diego Laura
- The mission of Spanish trains is to
spread the Christianity Some of Jaena’s writings: Ang
- SPANISH INFLUENCES ON Fray Botod, La Hija Del Fraile (The
PHILIPPINE LITERATURE: Child of the Friar). and Everything Is
1. The first Filipino alphabet, called Hambug (Everything is mere show),
ALIBATA, was replaced by the Sa Mga Pilipino...1891), and
Roman alphabet. Also, the Talumpating Pagunita Kay
teaching of the Christian Kolumbus (An Oration to
Doctrine became the basis of Commemorate Columbus)
religious practices. European
legends and traditions brought - JOSE MA PANGANIBAN – Jomapa
here became assimilated in our
songs, corridos, and moro-
2. Folk Songs - It manifests the
artistic feelings of the Filipinos - Americans defeated Spaniards in
and shows their innate Spanish – American war which
appreciation for and love of resulted in treaty of parts
beauty. - It introduced a public school system
3. Recreational Plays - There are in the Philippines and the English
many recreational plays language.
performed by Filipinos during the
Spanish times. Almost all of
them were in a poetic form such
- The invaders saw to it that Filipino - The youth became vocal with their
movements be limited sentiments. They demanded a
- The writers stopped wielding pens change in the government. It was
and started wielding guns manifested in the bloody
- They introduced nippongo and their demonstrations and the sidewalk
literary arts and forms expressions but also in literature.
Filipino Poetry During This Period PERIOD OF THE NEW SOCIETY (1972-
- The common theme of most poems
during the Japanese occupation was - The period of the New Society
nationalism, country, love, and life in started on September 21, 1972. The
the barrios, faith, religion, and the Carlos Palanca Awards continued to
arts. give annual awards. Poems dealt
- Three types of poems emerged with patience, regard for native
during this period: culture, customs, and the beauties of
a. Haiku - a poem of free verse nature and surroundings.
that the Japanese like. It was Newspapers donned new forms.
made up of 17 syllables divided
into three lines and - News on economic progress,
b. Tanaga – like the Haiku, is short, discipline, culture, tourism, and the
but it had measure and rhyme. like were favored more than the
c. Karaniwang Anyo (Usual Form) sensationalized reporting of killings,
rape, and robberies. Filipinos before
were hooked in reading magazines
- Because of the strict prohibitions PERIOD OF THE THIRD REPUBLIC (1981-
imposed by the Japanese in the 1985)
writing and publishing of works in - After ten years of military rule and
English, Philippine literature in some changes in the life of the
English experienced a dark period. Filipino, which started under the
For the first twenty years, many New Society, Martial Rule was at
books were published both in last lifted on January 2, 1981. The
Filipino and in English. Philippines became a new nation,
and this; former President Marcos
- In the New Filipino Literature, called “The New Republic of the
Philippine literature in Tagalog was Philippines.” Poems during this
revived during this period. Most period of the Third Republic were
themes in the writings dealt with romantic and revolutionary. Many
Japanese brutalities, the poverty of Filipino songs dealt with themes that
life under the Japanese government, were true-to-life like those of grief,
and the brave guerilla exploits poverty, aspirations for freedom,
love of God, of country and
- According to Pociano Pineda, youth
activism in 1970-72 was due to - History took another twist. Once
domestic and worldwide causes. more, the Filipino people regained
Because of the ills of society, the their independence, which they lost
youth moved to seek reforms. twenty years ago. In four days from
February 21-25, 1986, the so-called
MARTIAL LAW BY MARCOS People Power (Lakas ng Bayan)
prevailed. In the short span of the
- September 21, 1972
existence of the real Republic of the
- The freedom of the press was
Philippines, several changes already
curtailed in much the same way as
became evident. It was noticed in
the other freedoms (speech
the new Filipino songs, newspapers,
assembly) was suppressed
speeches, and even in the television
programs. The now crony Cordillera Administrative Region, the
newspapers that enjoyed an northeast and southeast by Cagayan
overnight increase in circulation Valley and the South by Central
were THE INQUIRER, MALAYA, Luzon. Most of the inhabitants of the
and the PEOPLE’S JOURNAL. Ilocano homeland are concentrated
along a narrow coastal plain.
Because of geographical
21st CENTURY PERIOD boundaries, these people often
experience heavy rains and violent
- The new trends have been used and typhoons, especially during rainy
introduced to meet the needs=] and seasons. The region, then, takes
tastes of the new generation. 21st pride in long stretches of white sand
Century learners are demanded to and clear waters alongside its rich
be ICT inclined to compete with the cultural heritage. What you are
style and format of writing as well. about to read is a poem written by a
New codes or lingos are used to add Carlos Palanca Memorial Awardee
flavor in the literary pieces produced in Poetry in 1964, Carlos A.
nowadays. Angeles. His collection of poems
entitled, Stun of Jewels, also bagged
WEEK 2: IDENTIFYING him the Republic Cultural Heritage
REPRESENTATIVE TEXTS FROM THE Award in Literature in the same year.
- The Filipinos speak of the collective
- The award winning poem “GABU”
experiences from the people who
depicts a coastline in Ilocos that is
have gone through difficulties,
constantly experiencing the battering
triumphs, struggles, successes,
restlessness of the sea. The water
armed conflicts, bloodless
that comes back to the shore seems
revolutions, and others. It is the
furious and ruthless with its daylong
reason why these masterpieces
bashing, which havocs the
resonated loud and clear in the
wasteland. Being an archipelagic
Philippine archipelago.
country, the Philippines knows the
IMAGERY - is a poetic element that tries to importance of water and the sea.
create a picture in the mind of the reader or
a mental image through the use of figural
language. It represents objects, places, WEEK 3-4: CONVENTIONAL AND 21ST
ideas, or even actions that appeal to the CENTURY GENRES
senses of the readers.
Reading requires technological advances.
1. SIMILE – indirect comparison GENRE AND FORM
(like, as)
2. METAPHOR – Direct What is FORM?
comparison (ex: you’re the apple
- Is the blueprint for the literary
of my eyes)
structure which includes length
whether it’s fiction or non – fiction.
human characteristics to things
Form is the CAKE PAN
(ex: the bamboos are dancing to
the wind) What is GENRE?
4. HYPERBOLE – Exaggeration
(ex: I have to wash a mountain of - Is the story, content, style, theme
dishes) and the intended emotional or
5. ONOMATOPEIA – using of intellectual effect of a piece of
sounds of nature (boom, kring) writing. Genre is the CAKE.

A TASTE OF PHILIPPINE POETRY ✔ New literary works created within the

- Located in the northwest of Luzon, last decade

the Ilocos Region or Region 1 is
Imaginative writing
comprised of four provinces, namely:
Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, La Union, ✔ Deals with current themes and
and Pangasinan. It is bordered to
reflects technological culture
the west by the turbulent South
China Sea, to the east by the
Paradise Kiss)
✔ Often breaks traditional writing
- Kodomo - Children’s Manga
✔ Traces artistic representation of (Doraemon, Hello Kitty)
shared and familiar experiences
- Literary presentation where the
author incorporates doodle writing
1. ILLUSTRATED NOVEL and drawings and handwritten
- Story through text and illustrated graphics in place of the traditional
images font.
- 50% 0f the narrative is presented - Drawing enhances the story, often
without words adding humorous elements
- The reader must interpret the - Examples include The Diary of a
images to comprehend the story Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney and
completely. Timmy Failure by Stephan Pastis.
- Textual portions are presented in
traditional form. 6. TEXT-TALK NOVELS
- Some illustrated novels may contain - Blogs, email and IM format
no text at all. narratives
- Span all genres. - Stories told almost entirely in
- Examples include The Invention of dialogue simulating social network
Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick and exchanges.
The Arrival by Shaun Tan.
2. DIGI-FICTION - Is genre fiction which addresses
- Triple Media Literature issues of modern womanhood, often
- Combines three media: book, humorously and lightheartedly.
movie/video and internet website. To - Chick Lit typically features a female
get the full story, students must protagonist whose femininity is
engage in navigation, reading, heavily thermalizing in the plot.
viewing in all three forms. - Scarlet Bailey’s The night before
- Patrick Carman’s Skeleton Creek Christmas and Miranda Dickinson’s
and Anthony Zuiker’s Level 26 are It started with a Kiss are examples of
examples. this.

3. GRAPHIC NOVELS - Is a style of fictional literature of
- Narrative in comic book formats extreme brevity
- Narrative work in which the story is - There is no widely accepted
conveyed to the reader using a definition of the length and category.
comic form. It could range from word to a
- The term is employed broadly thousand.
manner, encompassing non-fiction
works and thematically linked short 9. CREATIVE NON-FICTION
stories as well as fictional stories - Also known as literary non-fiction or
across a number of genres. narrative non-fiction
- Archie Comics by John Goldwater - A genre of writing that uses literary
and illustrator, Bob Montana, is a styles and techniques to create
good example. factually accurate narratives.
- Contrasts with other non-fiction,
4. MANGA such as technical writing or
- Japanese word for comics journalism, which is also rooted in
- It is used in the English-speaking accurate fact, but is not primarily
world as a generic term for all comic written in service to its craft.
books and graphic novels originally - As a genre, creative non-fiction is
published in Japan. still relatively young and is only
- Considered as an artistic and beginning to be scrutinized with the
storytelling style. same critical analysis given to fiction
- Ameri-manga - sometimes used to and poetry.
refer to comics created by American - 1000 Gifts by Ann Voscamp and
artists in manga style. Wind, Sand, and Stars by Antoine
- Shonen - Boy’s Manga (Naruto, de Saint-Exupery are examples.
Bleach, One Piece)
- Shojo - Girl’s Manga (Sailormoon) 10. SCIENCE FICTION
- Seinen - Men’s Manga (Akira) - Is a genre of speculative fiction
- Josei - Women’s Manga (Loveless, dealing with imaginative concepts
such as futuristic science and mind-mapping tools in creating a
technology, space travel, time travel, mind map (Pasuello 2017)
faster than light travel, a parallel
universe and extraterrestrial life.
- Often explores the potential 3. MOBILE PHONE TEXT TULA
consequences of scientific and other - Is a traditional Filipino poem. An
innovations and has been called a example of this poem is a tanaga
“literature of ideas”. that consists of 4 lines with 7
- Examples include Suzanne Collins’ syllables each with the same rhyme
Mockingjay and Sarah Maas’
at the end of each line.
Kingdom of Ash.


- A Blog (shortened form of Weblog)
- Is created with the use of Microsoft
is a website containing short articles
PowerPoint. It contains a series of
called posts that are updated
regularly. pictures and pages of information
- Some blogs are written by one (slides) arranged in sequence and
person containing their own often displayed on a large screen
opinions, interests and experiences, using a video projector (Computer
while others are written by different Hope 2018).


- Digital poetry that uses links using - Is a visual stylized arrangement of
hypertext mark-up words or tags within a textual
- It can either involved set words, context such as websites articles
phrases, lines, etc. that are
speeches and databases
presented in variable order but sit on
the page much as traditional poetry (Techopedia 2020).
does, or it can contain parts of the
poem that move and mutate. 6. VIDEO
- It is usually found online, through
- Is an electronic device used to
CD-ROM and diskette versions
exist. The earliest examples date to record, copy, playback, broadcast,
no later than the mid 1980’s. and display moving media (Lexico


INTERPRETING LITERARY TEXT - Tells a variety of stories and tales
since they can be about any topic
MULTIMEDIA (MARSHALL 2001) is under the sun. It is a short story
defined as the computer-controlled about a real person or event which
integration of text, graphics, drawing, still usually intends to make the listeners
and moving images (video), animation, laugh or ponder over a topic. (Your
audio, and any other media where every Dictionary 2020)
type of information can be presented,
stored, transmitted, and processed digitally. - TO BRING CHEER
Stories pop up anywhere and these are just
sometimes making people laugh to brighten
- Or a web blog is a website their mood.
containing information and articles
about a person's own opinions, - TO REMINISCE
interests, and experiences. These In most anecdotes, people are talking about
are usually changed regularly. their experiences in the past. They try to
look back on moments in their lives and
share the joy of that time with others.
- Is a graphical technique to visualize - TO CAUTION
connections between ideas and Sometimes just giving rules to individuals is
pieces of information. This tool not effective. Sharing frightening stories of
dangers can be helpful for them to realize
structures information to better
the possible consequences of their actions.
analyze, comprehend, synthesize,
recall, and generate new ideas. You - TO PERSUADE OR INSPIRE
can use Microsoft Word or online
Sometimes people share stories and how ○ Falling action - this point
they surpass their struggles in life. This occurs after the climax as the
most of the time encourages others who problems in the story work
have been in similar situations. The themselves out. The
message usually conveys success in life as excitement becomes less
fruit or hard work. and less as the conflict is

○ Resolution - the solutions

WEEK 7-8: ELEMENTS OF A SHORT may not be what you hoped
STORY for but as long as it fits the
BASIC ELEMENTS OF A SHORT STORY: story in tone and theme, the
conflict has been resolved.
1. CHARACTERS - a person or any
entity presented in a narrative or
dramatic work. ○ Freytag’s Pyramid
○ Protagonist - principal or
lead character, commonly ○
referred to as the “hero.” 4. CONFLICT – Every story needs to
have a problem and this problem is
○ Antagonist - known as the called conflict. The main character,
villain to oppose or challenge also known as the protagonist,
the main character can be in needs to have someone or
other forms like death, something challenge him. Without
defeat, or illness. conflict, the story will not go
anywhere and will not be very
interesting to the readers. The main
2. SETTING - this element includes the character may be faced with one of
place and time of the action in a the four different types of conflict:

5. THEME - this is the central idea in a

3. PLOT refers to the flow and short story and a general truth. This
movements of events in a story that is considered the author's message
also shows the causal relationship to the readers.
between and among events.
○ Exposition - this is the
beginning of the story. This 6. POINT OF VIEW - is the way the
is where the author story is told or narrated. It is also
introduces the characters, known as the vantage point the
identifies where the story is author uses to narrate the story. The
happening and establishes following are the types of points of
the main conflict. view in a short story.

○ Rising action - the event ○ First person the narrator

occurs as you begin to move participates in and tells the
throughout the story. This is story using the pronoun ‘I.’
where the conflict starts to
build. ○ Limited Third Person the
narrator is not in the story
○ Climax is the most exciting and narrates using the
part of a short story. This is pronouns she or he. Also, the
the part in the story when narrator is unable to see into
important decisions are the minds of the characters.
made or important things are
discovered. ○ Omniscient Third Person
the narrator is not in the story
and tells the story using the
pronouns she or he. In this
point of view, the narrator
can tell the thoughts of the
character as he can see into
their minds.

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