Hot Works (Welding)

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Safe Work Method Statement

Project Name: PDG MU1

Company Name: A3M Contracts India Pvt Ltd Activity/Trade: Welding

Address: : B5/60 Anupam Enclave Phase-1, IGNOU Main Road, Saidulajab, New Delhi 110030
Office Contact No: 01141809120
Engineer / Supervisor Name: Adam Ansari/Rajesh Mandal Contact No: 9838125465/8809865555

Prepared By Checked By Reviewed By Approved By




E - Extreme Risk: The hazard has the potential to kill or permanently disable a person H - High Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI ≥ 7 days
M - Medium Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI < 7 days L - Low Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that will not disable a person (i.e.: Nil LTI)
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Safe Work Method Statement

Person who
Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
will ensure
(Break the job down into steps. Each (Identify the hazards associated with each step. Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimise the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of Controls this
step should accomplish some major task Examine each to find possibilities that could (See
below as a guide happens
and be in logical sequence.) lead to an accident or potential harm arising.) below)
1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
 Site Access H  All workers should be under go EHS induction Training. Execution
 Untrained Person  Task awareness & risk assessment shall be communicated with Staff
 Sickness all manpower’s in training.
 Bullying  Job specific Training shall be conducted before work starts.
 Violent Behavior  Skilled manpower shall be used.
 Horse Play  Work shall be performed under proper work permits.
 Depression  Ensure that all workers shall be understood of Site Rules &
 Alcoholic Influences Regulation.
 Drugs  Ensure all the workers shall be undergone for the medical
 Mandatory PPE's and Identity card shall be provided to all the
 Ensure all the worker should not Indulge in consumption of any
liquor & drugs

E - Extreme Risk: The hazard has the potential to kill or permanently disable a person H - High Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI ≥ 7 days
M - Medium Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI < 7 days L - Low Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that will not disable a person (i.e.: Nil LTI)
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Safe Work Method Statement

Person who
Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
will ensure
(Break the job down into steps. Each (Identify the hazards associated with each step. Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimise the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of Controls this
step should accomplish some major task Examine each to find possibilities that could (See
below as a guide happens
and be in logical sequence.) lead to an accident or potential harm arising.) below)
1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
 Transportation of materials  Hit by vehicle due to over H  Licensed drivers to be engaged for vehicle operations. Execution
speeding, reversing  Vehicle / equipment fitness, maintenance log, reverse horn, Staff
 Fall of material rear view mirror (RVM), both outer rear-view mirror
 Fall of vehicle, toppling (ORVM), two-wheel choke, seat belt, indicators, wipers, out
 Fall of persons while climbing rigger, tread in tyres, delay start device, boom limit switch,
on to the vehicle safety latch, safe load indicator (SLI), Load chart shall be
 Blind spot, poor visibility checked.
 Contact with rotating parts,  Banksman and Helper with whistle, flag / light baton to be
sharp edges deployed for guiding the vehicle inside the site for
 Caught in between loaded maneuvering the vehicle.
materials.  Toolbox talks to be given by the vendor to drivers,
 Inadequate illumination banksman & helpers daily for the precautions to be taken
 Uneven / slippery road surfaces for vehicle movement inside the site.
 Mechanical failures  Material being shifted by the vehicle to be anchored for
 Dust prevention of fall, protrusion of material to be avoided.
 Deployment of Untrained  Access to be clear of obstructions, slippery surface for
workforce vehicle movement, wheel choke / stoppers to be provided.
 Drivers and workforce under  Access on to the vehicle to be done by using access ladders.
the influence of alcohol & drugs.  PPE’S (Safety helmet, safety shoes, safety jacket, dust mask)
 Contact with overhead services to be used while in the site.

E - Extreme Risk: The hazard has the potential to kill or permanently disable a person H - High Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI ≥ 7 days
M - Medium Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI < 7 days L - Low Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that will not disable a person (i.e.: Nil LTI)
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Safe Work Method Statement

Person who
Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
will ensure
(Break the job down into steps. Each (Identify the hazards associated with each step. Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimise the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of Controls this
step should accomplish some major task Examine each to find possibilities that could (See
below as a guide happens
and be in logical sequence.) lead to an accident or potential harm arising.) below)
1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
 Medical fitness test to be conducted for drivers
 Speed limit to be 10 KMPH inside the project site.
 Relevant legal vehicle / equipment documents to be with
valid dates (3rd party certificate, registration certificate,
pollution, insurance, driving license, etc.) shall be checked
prior to entry at site.
 Separate pedestrian and vehicle movement area with
 Breathe analyzer test to examine alcoholic / nonalcoholic
condition of the driver / operator & workforce.
 Provision of convex traffic mirror, auto glow signages,
caution tapes.
 Water sprinkling / dust suppression to be done on the
access roads.
 Lighting to be provided with clear visibility for shifting of
 Trained and experienced workforce to be deployed.

E - Extreme Risk: The hazard has the potential to kill or permanently disable a person H - High Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI ≥ 7 days
M - Medium Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI < 7 days L - Low Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that will not disable a person (i.e.: Nil LTI)
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Safe Work Method Statement

Person who
Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
will ensure
(Break the job down into steps. Each (Identify the hazards associated with each step. Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimise the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of Controls this
step should accomplish some major task Examine each to find possibilities that could (See
below as a guide happens
and be in logical sequence.) lead to an accident or potential harm arising.) below)
1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
 Gathering of tools and  Hand injury may cause due to M  Tool box talk shall be given to labours and staff prior to start Execution
tackles bare machine spare parts. of work. Staff
 Electrical shock due to open  All tools and equipment must be inspected, tagged before
bare wires. the works starts.
 Faulty machines may lead to  Dedicated Supervisor must be allotted to monitor the job.
accidents.  Visual Inspection of tools on daily basis before working on
 Permit system shall be followed.
 Trainings shall be provided to all workers on Electrical
Safety & risks involved in it.
 Faulty machines shall be red tagged and stored in store

E - Extreme Risk: The hazard has the potential to kill or permanently disable a person H - High Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI ≥ 7 days
M - Medium Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI < 7 days L - Low Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that will not disable a person (i.e.: Nil LTI)
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Safe Work Method Statement

Person who
Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
will ensure
(Break the job down into steps. Each (Identify the hazards associated with each step. Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimise the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of Controls this
step should accomplish some major task Examine each to find possibilities that could (See
below as a guide happens
and be in logical sequence.) lead to an accident or potential harm arising.) below)
1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
 Preparation H  Set the switch on the OFF position. Execution
Checking the welding machine  Electric Shock  Do not connect the welding machine from any electrical Staff
before working with it. (Cables,  Strucked down by the workpiece supply. Give more isolation if you found that there’s a
Ground Clamp, Electrode Holder,  Backache injury damage cable on your tools that you want to use it.
Welding table)  Strucked down by the  Make sure that you can lift and take the material then bring
material/tools it to the place that you want to. If you can’t do it, you must
 Fire and explosion ask for help or use a forklift.
 Lifting the material using a technique with the right position
and using your foot as the pedestal. Don’t use your back.
 Use gloves when you take or lift any material or tools. If
you take it too many, then you must use push cart to carry
 Keep away the explosive and flammable material from your

E - Extreme Risk: The hazard has the potential to kill or permanently disable a person H - High Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI ≥ 7 days
M - Medium Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI < 7 days L - Low Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that will not disable a person (i.e.: Nil LTI)
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Safe Work Method Statement

Person who
Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
will ensure
(Break the job down into steps. Each (Identify the hazards associated with each step. Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimise the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of Controls this
step should accomplish some major task Examine each to find possibilities that could (See
below as a guide happens
and be in logical sequence.) lead to an accident or potential harm arising.) below)
1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
 Welding Activity  Hot Material E  Pick the material using welding plier Execution
 Hazardous gas that produced  Use welding gloves Staff
from welding activity  Turn on the exhaust fan, so the circulation of the air is
 Burned wound good.
 UV lights and sparks that hurt  Use right PPE for welding (welding helmet, welding apron,
your eyes while it produced when welding gloves, safety shoes, welding mask)
welding  Use welding mask properly
 Electric Shock  Don’t try to look the light from welding activity
 Smoke Inhalation  Avoid the positive cable got directly contact with the
ground/negative cable
 Smoke extraction need to be done
 Fire extinguishers need to be placed at work site

 Cleaning the work places  Electric Shock H  Turn off the welding machine and disconnect it from the Execution
 Burned wound supply Staff
 Strucked down by the  Don’t try to pick the hot material with bare hands, use
material/tools welding plier
 Tidy up your tools and workpiece carefully
 Use push cart if the tools or the materials is too many.
 Turn off the welding machine and disconnect it from the
 Don’t try to pick the hot material with bare hands, use
welding plier
 Tidy up your tools and workpiece carefully
 Use push cart if the tools or the materials is too many

E - Extreme Risk: The hazard has the potential to kill or permanently disable a person H - High Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI ≥ 7 days
M - Medium Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI < 7 days L - Low Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that will not disable a person (i.e.: Nil LTI)
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Safe Work Method Statement

Person who
Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
will ensure
(Break the job down into steps. Each (Identify the hazards associated with each step. Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimise the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of Controls this
step should accomplish some major task Examine each to find possibilities that could (See
below as a guide happens
and be in logical sequence.) lead to an accident or potential harm arising.) below)
1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE

 Dark Hour  Sleep Loss H  Training on the hazards and control measures related to Execution
 Fatigue equipment's & related works to be conducted by the vendor Staff
 Lowered Performance (weekly, fortnightly, monthly)
 Toolbox talks shall be given to the work force daily for the
 Accidents/ Incident
precautions to be taken in the activity.
 Stress
 No work to be carried out other than permitted (described in
 Headache work permit).
 Lack of motivation  Site supervisor to be available during the night work and the
 Poor Illumination continuous supervision to be in place.
 Slip, trip, fall  First Aider to be available, Emergency Vehicle must be in place
or hospital ambulance tie up to be in place.
 Lighting to be provided for clear visibility, Emergency lights to
be available at the stair cases and lift lobbies.
 Sleeping in the work premises must be avoided and such
workmen must not be allowed to work at night.
 Frisking at the gate entrance and at work premises shall be
 Breathe analyzer test to examine alcoholic / nonalcoholic
condition of the driver, operator & workforce.
 Night works to be as per the location sunset and sunrise timings,
(preferably from 18:00HRS to 6:00AM)

E - Extreme Risk: The hazard has the potential to kill or permanently disable a person H - High Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI ≥ 7 days
M - Medium Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI < 7 days L - Low Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that will not disable a person (i.e.: Nil LTI)
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Safe Work Method Statement

Person who
Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
will ensure
(Break the job down into steps. Each (Identify the hazards associated with each step. Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimise the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of Controls this
step should accomplish some major task Examine each to find possibilities that could (See
below as a guide happens
and be in logical sequence.) lead to an accident or potential harm arising.) below)
1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
 Work at Height  Usage of damaged scaffolds or E  Trained, experienced & medically fit workforce shall be Execution
ladders deployed. Staff
 Overreaching  Trained, experienced & authorized operator to be deployed for
 Entanglement with overhead the equipment.
electric cable, Overhead services  Training on the hazards and control measures related to
 Poor design / missing members equipment's & related works to be conducted.
 Slip and Trip  Toolbox talks shall be given to the work force daily for the
 Fall of person precautions to be taken in the activity.
 Fall of materials  All hand tools, power tools shall be inspected and damaged /
 Poor Illumination defective tools to be rectified / removed.
 Structure not firm  PPE'S (Safety helmet, safety shoes, full body harness, cut
 Water spillage / leakage resistance hand gloves, goggles) to be used.
 Nervousness from height  Access to be clear from obstructions and overhead lines /
services to be avoided, overhead utilities to be protected.
 Fresh air circulation & lighting to be provided.
 Mobile scaffold to be equipped with full boarded working
platform, guard rails, mid rail, toe board, access & egress, wheel
brakes, tested and certified scaffold material to be used.
Inspection tags to be displayed on the scaffolds for identification
of 'safe to use' / 'unsafe to use'.
 Locking of wheels to be done before using the scaffold.
 Vertigo test should be done at prior.
 Tag system need to be followed strictly
 Barrication & anchoring point, Lanyard need to be implemented

E - Extreme Risk: The hazard has the potential to kill or permanently disable a person H - High Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI ≥ 7 days
M - Medium Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI < 7 days L - Low Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that will not disable a person (i.e.: Nil LTI)
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Safe Work Method Statement

Person who
Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
will ensure
(Break the job down into steps. Each (Identify the hazards associated with each step. Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimise the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of Controls this
step should accomplish some major task Examine each to find possibilities that could (See
below as a guide happens
and be in logical sequence.) lead to an accident or potential harm arising.) below)
1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
 Covid 19  Person can affect from covid-19 by H  Medical Fitness certificate & Covid Negative Report will be done Execution
contact with sick person or touching before entering at site. Staff
with person or any object  Thermal screening will be done before enter the site
 Ensure social distancing of at least 2mtr shall always be
maintained all the time.
 Wearing of face cover all the time shall be ensured. Hand gloves
will be used as long as possible.
 TBT induction, Induction training others sessions, social
distancing guidelines should be followed along with provisions
of no-touch attendance
 Sanitizer material like alcohol sanitizer, hand wash, soap should
be available at site & labor colony.
 Hand sanitation shall used in regular intervals
 Disinfection of Material & Work location shall be ensured on
daily basis.
 Entire work site including site office, toilet, food area, should be
sanitizing on daily basis.
 Exchange of PPEs, water bottles, food utensils & tools & tackles
shall be avoided.
 Good housekeeping & Hygienic work conditions & proper waste
management shall be ensured as per govt. guidelines.

E - Extreme Risk: The hazard has the potential to kill or permanently disable a person H - High Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI ≥ 7 days
M - Medium Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI < 7 days L - Low Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that will not disable a person (i.e.: Nil LTI)
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Safe Work Method Statement

Person who
Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
will ensure
(Break the job down into steps. Each (Identify the hazards associated with each step. Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimise the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of Controls this
step should accomplish some major task Examine each to find possibilities that could (See
below as a guide happens
and be in logical sequence.) lead to an accident or potential harm arising.) below)
1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
 In case of Emergency  Confusion and Panic H  Workmen should be aware about company emergency Execution
 Improper Access procedure Staff
 Proper first aid and Emergency facilities like Ambulance, first
aider should be available
 Emergency contact number should be displayed
 Emergency Pathway and Assembly point shall be clean and clear
 Ensure emergency preparedness before start of activity

E - Extreme Risk: The hazard has the potential to kill or permanently disable a person H - High Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI ≥ 7 days
M - Medium Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI < 7 days L - Low Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that will not disable a person (i.e.: Nil LTI)
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Safe Work Method Statement

Personnel Summary
Supervisors Name & Qualifications: Name: Rajesh Kumar Mandal
Experience: 3+ Years
Qualifications: Bachelor In Arts
Supervisor’s Responsibilities: 1. Supervisor will be present throughout the activity.
2. He will ensure work activity to be carried out without compromising with safety norms.
In addition to the above, the supervisor is to provide training in the use of this WMS, issue PPE and provide training in the same, supervise the work, ensure
conformity with this WMS, amend the WMS when additional hazards are found (and if applicable, ensure all workers receive a tool-box talk to discuss the
control measures for the additional hazards).


H&S GENERAL INDUCTION: All workers must have successfully completed industry induction training

WORK ACTIVITY TRAINING: All workers need to have been trained in the activities outlined in this safe work method statement.

SITE INDUCTION: All workers are to be site inducted by the Principal Contractor, prior to commencing work on site.

OTHER: (List other training undertaken by workers): (eg: Confined Space, Manual Handling, Traffic Control etc)

TICKETS, PERMITS or LICENCES REQUIRED to undertake this work (ie. Certificates of Competency, Confined Spaces etc):

N.B. - Copies of the above must be shown to the Principal Contractor during site induction.


All work to comply with the <insert location> H&S Acts and Regulations and amendments, Workplace Injury Management & Workers Compensation Acts

Additional Codes and Standards applicable to this trade:

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Safe Work Method Statement

Equipment & Material Summary


Serial Plant/Equipment Contractor Government Plant Hazards Maintenance/service records and log books sighted by
Registration No. identified and Principle Contractor prior to equipment being used on
controlled within site?
(Where applicable)
Yes No Sign Date


ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT USED DURING THE WORKS (Attach Electrical Equipment Register if applicable):
Item Tag/Item Testers Name & Signature License Number Test Date Result Test Date Result
____ /____ /____ ____ /____ /____
____ /____ /____ ____ /____ /____

HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES or DANGEROUS GOODS USED IN THE WORKS and anticipated volumes (Attach MSDS if applicable):
Purpose Location & Volume Used Controls
Date on Site Date Left Site Product Name MSDS Date Attached
(ie. Application on site) on Site (& PPE to be worn)
/ / / / / /

/ / / / / /

/ / / / / /
N.B. - All workers must be trained in the safe use of all chemicals and provided with the PPE required when using and storing these chemicals. Disposal is to be as per the waste disposal methods in the MSDS.
Spillage and leaks are to be cleaned up as per the spill/leak procedures identified in the MSDS.
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Safe Work Method Statement

We agree that we have been consulted in the hazards and control measures and agree to complete the work in accordance with our Work Method Statement
We have been provided with training in all tasks outlined in our WMS and in the Codes of Practice applicable to our work.

Employee / Worker Signature Date Employee / Worker Signature Date

1. / / 8. / /
2. / / 9. / /
3. / / 10. / /
4. / / 11. / /
5. / / 12. / /
6. / / 13. / /

Reviewed by: Signature: Date:

(Principal Contractor’s Representative)

Any changes, additions or deletions made to this WMS are to be covered with the above personnel and the Principal Contractor’s representative at a Toolbox meeting (Record
date and time of Toolbox meeting below):

Date: Time:

A copy of the Toolbox Meeting must be attached to this WMS.

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