Painting Work

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Work Method Statement

Project Name: Google Connect Services India Private Limited.

Address: Hyderabad
Company Name: Narsi & Associates Activity/Trade: Painting
Address: UNIT NO.522, LAXMI MALL, BLDG. 5, LAXMI IND. EST., Link Rd,
Laxmi Industrial Estate, Suresh Nagar, Andheri West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400053

Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
who will
(Break the job down into steps. Each (Identify the hazards associated with each Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimise the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of ensure this
step should accomplish some major step. Examine each to find possibilities that (See
Controls below as a guide happens
task and be in logical sequence.) could lead to an accident or potential harm below)
arising.) 1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
 Inward of Painting materials.  Material can fall on feet L  Use Mandatory PPE- Safety Shoes/Gum boot with steel toe, PM/site
Safety Helmet. supervisor
 We Ensure to Wear Bright Colored Clothes.
 Keep Site Clean

 Preparatory Works & Manual  Slippery surface & tripping hazard M/L  Clean up Water, grease, oil or other similar substances to PM/site
handling of material prevent slippery surface. supervisor
 Proper access to work location. Access should be free of
tripping materials.
 Use Mandatory PPE- Safety Shoes/Gum boot with steel toe,
Safety Helmet.
 Sharp edges / surfaces L  Keep hands away from sharp edges / surfaces. PM/site
 Use safety gloves. supervisor

E - Extreme Risk: The hazard has the potential to kill or permanently disable a person H - High Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI ≥ 7 days
M - Medium Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI < 7 days L - Low Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that will not disable a person (ie: Nil LTI)
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Work Method Statement

Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
who will
(Break the job down into steps. Each (Identify the hazards associated with each Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimise the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of ensure this
step should accomplish some major step. Examine each to find possibilities that (See
Controls below as a guide happens
task and be in logical sequence.) could lead to an accident or potential harm below)
arising.) 1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
 Loose Grip, Slippery surface of L  Clean up Water, grease, oil or other similar substances of PM/site
material, throwing of material slippery surface of material. supervisor
 Hold the material firmly while handling.
 Material should not be thrown from top on ground / other
 Secure the material while shifting on vehicle or trolley.
 Use of safety gloves.
 Wrong Posture M/L  Follow Safe Manual Handling techniques. PM/site
 Use mechanical equipment if load is too heavy to handle. supervisor
 Train all concerns in manual materials handling techniques.
 Handling solvent/ chemicals  Inhalation, ingestion or contact with M/L  Take required work permit(s). PM/site
paints solvent/ chemicals paints  Handle all chemicals carefully following safety instructions as supervisor
per MSDS.
 Wear Proper PPE following MSDS - Safety Goggle, Chemical
cartridge mask, PVC apron, and Chemical hand gloves.
 We Ensure adequate natural / mechanical ventilation to
prevent accumulation of chemical vapors in work area.
 Persons handling chemicals shall be trained for Safe Handling
Of Chemicals & closely supervised.
 Eye wash bottles/fountain shall be provided.
 Display safety warning signage, MSDS near storage & handling
area. Restrict unauthorized handling & entry.

E - Extreme Risk: The hazard has the potential to kill or permanently disable a person H - High Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI ≥ 7 days
M - Medium Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI < 7 days L - Low Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that will not disable a person (ie: Nil LTI)
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Work Method Statement

Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
who will
(Break the job down into steps. Each (Identify the hazards associated with each Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimise the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of ensure this
step should accomplish some major step. Examine each to find possibilities that (See
Controls below as a guide happens
task and be in logical sequence.) could lead to an accident or potential harm below)
arising.) 1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
 Storing paints  Storing paints and other M/L  Take required work permit(s). PM/site
miscellaneous chemicals together  Paints shall not be stored in general stores. supervisor
 They shall be stored in a separate place & stored in accordance
with MSDS.
 Fire extinguishers shall be provided.
 MSDS shall be display at conspicuous locations in the Pain
storage room.
 Leaking paint containers M/L  Only properly sealed paint /solvent containers shall be kept in PM/site
the stores. supervisor
 Secondary containment PCC floor/ dyke/ trays shall be
provided for paint.
 Proper PPE as per MSDS - Safety Goggle, Chemical cartridge
mask, PVC apron, Chemical hand gloves shall be used while
handling leakages.
 Regular inspection shall be carried for storage. In case any
container leaking; content to be transferred in other suitable
container with proper identification.

E - Extreme Risk: The hazard has the potential to kill or permanently disable a person H - High Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI ≥ 7 days
M - Medium Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI < 7 days L - Low Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that will not disable a person (ie: Nil LTI)
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Work Method Statement

Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
who will
(Break the job down into steps. Each (Identify the hazards associated with each Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimise the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of ensure this
step should accomplish some major step. Examine each to find possibilities that (See
Controls below as a guide happens
task and be in logical sequence.) could lead to an accident or potential harm below)
arising.) 1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
 Sanding of wall & Ceiling  Dust inhalation ,Contact with M/L  Ventilation provided by opening doors or windows in PM/site
skin, Ventilation problem the work area, if available otherwise use fan supervisor
 job rotation to be done at regular intervals in enclosed
 Use of appropriate PPEs such as nose mask, safety
goggles, hand gloves. Etc.

 Painting  Hot work nearby paint storage/ H/M/L  Take required work permit(s). PM/site
painting work area  No hot work shall be permitted near the paint storage or supervisor
painting work area.
 Ensure that paint drums are kept away from flying sparks.
 Fire extinguisher shall be provided.
 Construction waste  Environment hazard H/M/L  All construction waste will be dispose as per government PM/site
management  Effects of Env. Pollution guidelines & records will be maintained supervisor
 Working at Night  adequate Illumination M/L  Night Work Permit Should be taken PM/site
 Proper area Inspection Should be done before start the supervisor
activity as per Checklist.
 Provide adequate Illumination

E - Extreme Risk: The hazard has the potential to kill or permanently disable a person H - High Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI ≥ 7 days
M - Medium Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI < 7 days L - Low Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that will not disable a person (ie: Nil LTI)
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Work Method Statement

Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
who will
(Break the job down into steps. Each (Identify the hazards associated with each Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimise the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of ensure this
step should accomplish some major step. Examine each to find possibilities that (See
Controls below as a guide happens
task and be in logical sequence.) could lead to an accident or potential harm below)
arising.) 1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
 Slip and Trip, Fall (Men) M/H/L  PTW system will be followed. PM/site
 Provide proper and Adequate Illumination supervisor
 Maintain good house keeping
 Work should be carried out Under continuous supervision
 Safe& clear access Provided to Work location

 In case of Emergency  Confusion and Panic H/E  Workmen should be aware about company emergency PM/site
procedure supervisor
 Proper first aid and Emergency facilities like Ambulance, /Safety
first aider should be available Officer
 Emergency contact number should be displayed
 Emergency Pathway and Assembly point shall be clean and
 Ensure emergency preparedness before start of activity

E - Extreme Risk: The hazard has the potential to kill or permanently disable a person H - High Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI ≥ 7 days
M - Medium Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI < 7 days L - Low Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that will not disable a person (ie: Nil LTI)
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Work Method Statement

Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
who will
(Break the job down into steps. Each (Identify the hazards associated with each Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimise the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of ensure this
step should accomplish some major step. Examine each to find possibilities that (See
Controls below as a guide happens
task and be in logical sequence.) could lead to an accident or potential harm below)
arising.) 1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
 Covid-19  Person can affect from covid-19 by H/E  Medical fitness certificate will be done before entering at site. PM/site
contact with sick person or touching  Thermal screening will be done before enter the site supervisor
with person or any object.  Ensure social distancing of at least 6 feet shall always be /Safety
maintained all the time. Officer
 Wearing of face cover all the time shall be ensured. Hand
gloves will be used as long as possible.
 TBT induction, Induction training others sessions, social
distancing guidelines should be followed along with provisions
of no-touch attendance.
 Housekeeping & Disinfection should be done on daily basis at
site and labour colony.
 Sanitizer material like alcohol sanitizer should be available at
 Hand sanitation will be ensuring for every 1 hour.
 Disinfection of Material & Work location shall be ensured on
daily basis.

E - Extreme Risk: The hazard has the potential to kill or permanently disable a person H - High Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI ≥ 7 days
M - Medium Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI < 7 days L - Low Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that will not disable a person (ie: Nil LTI)
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Work Method Statement

Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
who will
(Break the job down into steps. Each (Identify the hazards associated with each Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimise the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of ensure this
step should accomplish some major step. Examine each to find possibilities that (See
Controls below as a guide happens
task and be in logical sequence.) could lead to an accident or potential harm below)
arising.) 1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
   Provision for sanitizer (touch free recommended) shall be
made at all entry and exit point s. Everyone will be required to
wash & sanitize his/ her hands before entering the site and
using PPE s. Same procedure to be followed after removing
PPEs and exiting the premise.
 Entire work site including site office, toilet, food area, should
be sanitizing on daily basis.
 Workers should wash or sanitize hands immediately before
starting and after completing the work.
 Maintain 6-feet distance between each other while attending
meeting, TBT training etc.
 All material shall be sanitized be enter the site.
 All hand tools and power tools shall be sanitized before use.
 Exchange of PPEs, water bottles, food utensils & tools & tackles
shall be avoided.
 Good housekeeping & Hygienic work conditions & proper
waste management shall be ensured as per govt. guidelines

E - Extreme Risk: The hazard has the potential to kill or permanently disable a person H - High Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI ≥ 7 days
M - Medium Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI < 7 days L - Low Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that will not disable a person (ie: Nil LTI)
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Work Method Statement

Supervisor’s Responsibilities

 Organize sites so that work is carried out to the required standard with the minimum risk to men, machinery &

 Make sure that suitable protective clothing is available, where appropriate and that is used.

 Give all workmen / technicians precise instructions on their responsibilities for correct working method; see that
they do not require taking unnecessary risk.
In addition to the above, the supervisor is to provide training in the use of this WMS, issue PPE and provide training in the same, supervise the
work, ensure conformity with this WMS, amend the WMS when additional hazards are found (and if applicable, ensure all workers receive a tool-
box talk to discuss the control measures for the additional hazards).

E - Extreme Risk: The hazard has the potential to kill or permanently disable a person H - High Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI ≥ 7 days
M - Medium Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a LTI < 7 days L - Low Risk: The hazard has the potential to cause a minor injury that will not disable a person (ie: Nil LTI)
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