Lab Report 3 (Agr122)
Lab Report 3 (Agr122)
Lab Report 3 (Agr122)
Next, there are have three types of transpiration which is cuticular transpiration, lenticular
transpiration and stomatal transpiration. For cuticular transpiration, it is the process of the
loss of water in the form of water vapor through the cuticle. The upper epidermis of leaves
secretes thin layer of wax (cuticle) which minimizes loss of water. Also, the cuticle prevents
evaporation of water from the leaf surface. To conclude that, thicker the cuticle, lesser the
Then, the lenticular transpiration which is the process of the loss of water in the form of water
vapor through the lenticels present in the woody stem and fruits. Lenticel is a small opening
that develop in the older stem and fruit. In these types of transpiration, water from the cell
surface evaporates and the transpiration occur. It amounts of 1% until 5% of the total water
loss by the plant.
The last one is the stomatal transpiration. Stomata is a minute pores confined to epidermis of
green shoot and leaves. The opening and closing of stomata are controlled by guard cells and
depends on the turgidity of the guard cells. When the guard cells are turgid, pores open and
close when they are flaccid and when the turgidity increases, guard cells bulge outwards
widering the stomatal opening. The maximum loss (80% until 90% of the total water loss) of
water from plant tissues takes place through the stomatal openings.
Moreover, there are have a factor affecting on the transpiration which is internal factors and
external factors. In the internal factors, they were affected a number of leaves, a number of
the stomata, the size of the leaf and the presence of plant cuticle. Where in the external
factors, transpiration affected the wind and air movement, the soil moisture availability, the
type of plant, the temperature and the relative humidity.
After an hour, we can see that the drops appear inside the polythene bag ‘A’ where in the
polythene bag ‘B’ does not show any water droplets in it. From this, we can conclude that the
leaves give out water in the form of water vapour through a process called transpiration. Due
to condensation of the water vapors tiny drops of water get collected inside the polythene bag
‘A’. With this experiment, we can see that the plants give out water to the atmosphere
through transpiration. This evaporation through the leaves is how plants lose water. Last but
not least, transpiration is important as it produces a cooling effect and saves plant from the
hot sun.
So here we can see that the results from transpiration colour changing flower experiments .
We can see a clear difference between the colour pink flower and green flower . There are
parts of the flower with a food colour as being paricularly strongly uptake . With this
experiment , we already shown that water flows through a bond and we also show a direction
that it goes bottom of the stem to the top . The underneath of the flower , we also can see a
clear pink lines show the tubes of which the food colouring water flows through .
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