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Chapter 6:

The Why and How of

School and Community
Lesson Outline
Opportunities for School- Community

Learning from the Experiences of Schools and

Community Partners

Sociologicl Basis of School- Communiy


Legal Bases for Parents and Community

At the end of this Chapter, you
should be able to:
Explain what School and
Community Partnership
Learning means;
Outcomes Explain the Legal and
Sociological Bases of School
and Community Partnership
Cite examples of School-
Community Partnership
It implies to two
parties helping each What is
other. Partnership?
What can the community do for Schools?

Brigada Eskwela
Curriculum Development
Work experience programs
Remediation and enrichment classes
Youth Development Programs
Community Service
What can Schools do for communities in

Classroom used by community organizations for

School used as a polling place and venue for medical
mission which it may co-sponsor with the Rural Health
School used by the Rural Health Unit for mothers' class
on child care
School used as an evacuation center
School facilities used for community assemblies
What can Schools do for communities in

School basketball court used for local

celebrations and barangay sports league
Schools conduct livelihood skills-training
programs for parents and out-of-school
youths by using school resources -
Livelihood skills-training for parents and
out-of-school- youths by teachers
Learning from the
Experiences of Schools
and Community Partners
Learning from the Experiences of Schools
and Community Partners

Maintained a feeding program

supported by community donors. 1. Dumingaga
Central School,
Conducted educational classes Dumingag,
Zamboanga del
such as "Kiddie Cop" sessions and Sur:
special health and nutrition
Learning from the Experiences of Schools
and Community Partners

Implemented Pembo Angels Magic

Spot (PAMS) initiative, converting 2. Angels Magic
Spot and
dumpsites into vegetable gardens. Project REACH,
Introduced Project REACH mentorship Elementary
School, Makati:
program, leading to improved
academic performance.
Learning from the Experiences of Schools
and Community Partners

Established BOWLS initiative to

2. Angels Magic
provide nutritious meals to Spot and
Project REACH,
underweight students. Pembo
Organized "Pera sa Panapon" School, Makati:
trash market as a fundraising
Sociological Basis of
School- Community
Sociological Basis of School- Community Partnership

The functionalist theory Schools must partner

emphasizes the importance with other community
of institutions fulfilling institutions such as
their functions for societal
stability. Collaboration churches, government
between institutions is organizations, and NGOs
necessary if one institution to effectively educate
fails in its duties. children.
Sociological Basis of School- Community Partnership

The primary responsibility

for raising and educating Increasing demands on
children lies with parents, parents, such as the
The breakdown of but schools and other need for both parents
families presents social institutions support to work, contribute to
challenges for schools in families in fulfilling this the instability of
educating youth. obligation. families and affect
their ability to educate
Sociological Basis of School- Community Partnership

Uncontrolled use of
Single-parent families technology by children
face additional challenges, exposes them to potentially
with one parent bearing harmful information,
the sole burden of emphasizing the need for
providing for the family. collaboration between
families, schools, and social
institutions to protect youth.
Legal Basis for Parents
and Community
Legal Basis for Parents and Community

RA 9155, Governance of Basic Education

Act, Section E (10) explicitly states that
one of the responsibilities of school
RA 9155,
heads is "establishing school and
GOVERNANCE OF community networks and encouraging
BASIC EDUCATION the active participation of teachers
ACT organizations, nonacademic personnel of
public schools, and parents-teachers-
community associations."
Legal Basis for Parents and Community

Section 3 (f) of the same Act

encourages "local initiatives for the
RA 9155, improvement of schools and learning
GOVERNANCE OF centers and to provide the means by
BASIC EDUCATION which... improvements may be achieved
and sustained." Batas Pambansa Blg. 232,
otherwise known as the Education Act
Legal Basis for Parents and Community

Section 7 states that: Every educational

institution shall provide for the
establishment of appropriate bodies
RA 9155, through which the members of the
GOVERNANCE OF educational community may discuss
BASIC EDUCATION relevant issues and communicate
ACT information and suggestions for assistance
and support of the school and for the
promotion of their common interest.
Legal Basis for Parents and Community

RA. 8525, Adopt -A-School Program Act, also

provides for school-community partnership. It
allows "private entities to assist a public school,
RA. 8525, ADOPT - whether elementary, secondary, or tertiary,... in,
but not limited to, the following areas: staff and
A-SCHOOL faculty development for training and further
PROGRAM ACT education; construction of facilities; upgrading
of existing facilities, provision of books,
publications and other instructional materials;
and modernization of instructional technologies."
Legal Basis for Parents and Community

Philippine Education for All (EFA) 2015 Plan,

then a vision and a holistic program of
reforms that aimed to improve the quality
of basic education for every Filipino by end
PHILIPPINE 2015 likewise states: "Schools shall continue
EDUCATION FOR to harness local resources improvement
ALL process." and facilitate involvement of
every sector of the community in the
school 2015-Agenda 2030.
Agenda 2030 has 7 new educational
Legal Basis for Parents and Community

1) educational programs, projects and services take

into account the interests of all members of the
community (Sec 3, d);
RA 9155 2) the schools and learning centers reflect the values
states that partnership of the community by allowing teachers/learning
between school and facilitators and other staff to have the flexibility to
community also ensures... serve the needs of all learners (Sec 3, e);
that: 3) local initiatives for the improvement of schools and
learning centers are encouraged and the means by
which these improvements may be achieved and
sustained are provided (Sec 3, f).
We firmly believe that effective school-community partnerships
empower both institutions to address challenges, leverage
resources, and create a supportive environment for the holistic
development of learners and the community at large.
We recognize the importance of frameworks like RA 9155 and RA
8525, which acknowledge the significance of school-community
partnerships. These laws provide avenues for collaboration,
enhancing educational quality and access for all.
Initiatives like the Philippine Education for All (EFA) 2015 Plan and
Agenda 2030 set ambitious goals for educational reform. They
underscore the crucial role of community involvement in achieving
these objectives.



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