Eapp Reviewer
Eapp Reviewer
Eapp Reviewer
Guiyab, Nicole Jade M.
Guiyab, Nicole Jade M.
-A controlling idea about the topic that the -A good thesis statement is unified and
writer is attempting to prove. It is usually found expresses one main idea.
at the beginning of the text or at the end of it. -A good thesis statement does not simply state a
-The central idea of a multiple-paragraph fact but sets the stage for analysis of a topic.
composition. A one-sentence summary that -A strong thesis statement is unified, and
guides, controls, and unifies ideas when writing expresses one main idea.
a paper. In simple terms, all other ideas present a. Although some people believe that George
in a text revolve around the thesis statement. Washington was the best president,
-The thesis statement may be expressed or Abraham Lincoln was much better.
implied. b. Abraham Lincoln was the best president
because he fought to keep the country
Why do we have to write a thesis statement? together and fought for the elimination of
-to summarize your ideas by narrowing them slavery.
into a sentence or two A strong thesis statement does not simply state a
-to better organize and develop argument fact, but sets the stage for analysis of a topic.
-to provide the reader with “guide” to the a. The Civil War took place between 1861-
argument 1865.
b. The Civil War, which took place between
What are the characteristics of a good thesis 1861-1865, was the most devastating war
statement? in United States history.
-A good thesis statement takes a stand on the
prompt. How to write an effective thesis statement:
-A good thesis statement is specific. 1. IT SHOULD BE WRITTEN IN A COMPLETE
-A strong thesis statement takes a stand on the SENTENCE WITH CLEARLY STATED SUBJECT.
a. There are some negative and positive
aspects to industrialization.
b. Because industrialization damaged the
environment and exploited workers, its
effects were more negative than positive.
A strong thesis statement is specific.
a. The Crusades were fought because of 2. IT SHOULD NOT BE TOO NARROW NOR
b. b. The Crusades were fought due to LEAST TWO DETAILS. If the details you
religious fanaticism and a struggle for generate are already definite examples, then
power in the Holy Land. your thesis statement is too specific. If you can
only write general statements because there are
Guiyab, Nicole Jade M.
too many details, then it should be broad. You Supporting Details to develop a Thesis
can also try to list ideas to check the scope of Statement:
your topic. If you cannot list at least two details, -These details are pieces of information
it is too narrow; if you list too many information necessary to better understand the main idea.
to be able to discuss it well your topic is too -They can be facts, reasons, testimonies,
broad. statistics, and experiments that support the
WHICH STATES THE OBVIOUS. These -Major Details directly support the topic
statements usually start with the phrase “I will sentence
tell you…” or “I will talk about…” -Minor Details directly support the major details
How to Summarize?
4. ENUMERATED DETAILS SHOULD HAVE 1. Read and annotate the text.
THE SAME LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE. If one of 2. Locate the thesis statement.
the details can be classified under another (A thesis statement is a sentence that states the topic
detail, you can just omit it. and purpose of your paper.)
3. Prepare a reading outline.
Guiyab, Nicole Jade M.
SOMEBODY WANTED BUT SO THEN- Each word 2. Take note of the keywords and check if they can be
represents a key question related to a text’s expressed using a different word or phrase.
essential elements: 3. Make sure that you understand the content or what
the material means. On a scratch paper, write some
notes to show the relationship of ideas among the
thought groups.
4. Once you have confirmed that your reduced version
of ideas agrees with the original material, set aside the
original passage and use only your notes to come up
with a paraphrase. Avoid the same grammatical
structures used in the thought groups to avoid
5W’s, 1 H- This technique relies on six crucial following the writer’s line of thinking.
questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why, How.
5. Check if the paraphrased version carries the same
These questions make it easy to identify the main
idea as the original source. You may change words or
character, important details and main idea. Your
phrases that do not capture the essence of the
summary may not necessarily follow this order as
keywords, or completely revise if you deem it
long as it contains all of these information.
FIRST THEN FINALLY- This technique helps
summarize events or steps in chronological order or
The Strategy for Effective Paraphrasing
in sequence.
How to Paraphrase?
1. Break down the selected materials into thought
groups, or simply, phrases or clauses that are
formed when speakers naturally pause at specific
points in the sentence.
Guiyab, Nicole Jade M.
What is an outline?
-It is a tool we use in the writing process to help
organize our ideas, visualize our paper’s
potential structure, and to further flesh out and
develop points.
Guiyab, Nicole Jade M.