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At the end of the course the learner should be able to:
 Use Microsoft word, word processing system to create, format, save retrieve and
print documents with confidence.
 Use the manual and/course notes to practice the additional functions of the system
without the aid of a tutor.
 Adapt themselves to other word processing systems and transfer data to other
office applications.

Microsoft word turns your computer into a ‘super typewriter’ but it is much more
versatile than typewriter.. It stores data in the computer’s memory and hence correcting
mistakes, moving sentences and erasing whole paragraphs is easy without repetitive

The program stores a document like a along scroll unwinds only a small portion of the
text is visible on the screen. The screen is the window into the document which you can
position anywhere on the text.

Ms-Word commands on the menu bar and the toolbars help you to edit documents, store
and retrieve information, move text from one document to another, and much more.

Ms-word is so easy to learn that you can use it effectively almost immediately. As you
can well imagine, once the initial fear of computers has been overcome, operators very
soon realize the benefits of working on a word processing package.


Start your computer which automatically loads Windows 95/98/xp [or any other], start
Ms-Word by any of the following methods:

Select the START button, point to Programs, Point to Ms-Office or Microsoft office
application, click on Microsoft Word. [This depends on the way programs are organized
in your machine]


On the desktop, look for a Microsoft word Icon and double click on it to open.

Chapter one Create a new document

Enter and edit data in a document
Bold and underline headings
Changing size of text
Centering the headings
Spell checking
Saving the document
Chapter two Aligning the text
Bolding and underlining text
Changing line spacing
Print previewing the document
Modifying text in a document
Using Save As command
Chapter three Applying heading styles
Changing the size & font color of text
Changing case
Adding shading to the text
Justifying document
Print previewing the document
Spellchecking and saving the document
Chapter four Moving text from one place to another
Copying text from one place to another
Deleting text from the document
Adding shading to the document
Using Find & Replace features
Indenting lines & paragraphs
Changing line spacing of the whole
Spell checking & saving the document
Chapter five Creating tables
Merging & splitting cells in a table
Increasing the size of a row
Using Table Auto format
Spell checking & saving the document
Chapter six Changing the font size, color, etc
Using columns
Changing case & drop cap
Inserting table and adding shadings
Inserting date and time
Spell checking and saving the document
Chapter seven Setting Tabs
Chapter eight Bullets and Numbering
Chapter nine Outlined Numbering
Chapter ten Mail Merge wizard
Chapter eleven Using Help
Using Thesaurus (Computer Dictionary)
Chapter twelve Drawing basic shapes
Using Word Art
Using Clip Art
Key in the following exercise correcting all the mistakes

Dealing with stress

Experts advice that you should anticipate stress in your life and therefore, develop a
battery of coping strategies to help you cope with unavoidable stress. Take pregnancy as
an example. Though motherhood is held up as the highest achievement a woman can
reach it is also downgraded into the status stakes.

Anticipating stress

Anticipating stress can mean writing down all your fears and worries about becoming a
mother, however trivial, and using your list as a basis for discussion and action. If you
are worried about birth for instance, you can make it your business to find out about the
experience of birth and what you can do to make it easier for you as well as get
information on how to help yourself throughout the nine months.

The physical surrounding

Make a point of paying attention to what is going on around you. Concentrate on your
physical surroundings and the process of doing whatever you are engaged in at the
moment. Basically what this all boils down to is looking after yourself – something
women often find hard to do.

Most of the instructions in this chapter will be using the format menu or the formatting
toolbar for the shortcuts.

One can use any of the given methods for every instruction but use the first method
in each for now.

 Bold and underline all the headings

 Highlight the heading, click on format, font, under font style, select Bold,
under underline style select the underline of your choice and finally click OK.
 Highlight the heading, on the formatting bar click on icon for Bold, click
also on the icon for Underline.
 Highlight the heading, press Ctrl + B and Ctrl + U
 Change the size of text to 14

 Highlight the whole document, click on Format – Font, under font size box,
scroll to select 14, click on it and click Ok.
 Highlight the whole document, click on the font size box on the formatting
bar. Use the arrow to view more.
 Highlight the whole document and using the keyboard press Ctrl + Shift + >
keys together. This increases the font size by one point.
 Justify the whole document

 Highlight the whole document, click on Format – Paragraph, Under alignment
box select Justified, click OK
 Highlight the whole document, click on the justify icon on the formatting bar

 Highlight the whole document and using the keyboard press Ctrl + J keys
 Centre all the headings

 Highlight the heading, click on Format – Paragraph, Under alignment box
select Centered, Then click OK
 Highlight the heading, click on the Centre icon on the formatting bar
 Highlight the heading and using the keyboard press Ctrl + E keys together.
 Spell check the document

 Click on the Tools menu, Select Spelling & Grammar, a dialogue box appears.
Use the Ignore Button tab to skip the correct words and use the Change button
tab to replace the wrong words with the correct ones. Check on the list of
suggestions for the correct words.
 Click on the icon on the standard tool bar
 Press F7 key on the keyboard
 Save the document

 Click on File menu, select save. A dialogue box appears. Under the Save in
box, select My documents, Under the file Name box type the name of the
document eg Chapter one and finally click Save.
 Click on the Save icon on the standard tool bar
 Press Ctrl + S keys on the keyboard

NB You can use Save As command when saving for the second time with a different
Key in the following exercise correcting all the mistakes

Mary kamande Mildred

P.O Box 1096

4th JANUARY 2007

Sarah Johnson Ng’etich

P.O Box 4189
Santa Ana

Dear Marie

Re: Birthday invitation

Hallo and how have you been for so long? I’m inviting you to my son’s birthday. She
will be turning four on 10th March 2007. Since you really have taken so long coming to
Kenya I think it will be a good idea to take a break from work and everything and to have
a peace of mind.

We promise you that you won’t regret the time you’ll be here. Please put this in your
diary incase you forget.

Thank you so much and we’ll be looking forward to seeing you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Mary kamande

Most of the instructions in this chapter will be using the format menu or the formatting
toolbar for the shortcuts.
One can use any of the given methods for every instruction but use the first method
in each for now.

 Save the document [As you did in chapter one]

 Align the first address to the right

 Highlight the whole address and the date, click on Format – Paragraph, Under
alignment box select Right, Then click OK
 Highlight the whole address and the date, click on the Right icon on the
formatting bar
 Highlight the whole address and the date and using the keyboard press Ctrl +
R keys together.

 Change the line spacing of the paragraphs from single to Double

Line spacing determines the amount of vertical space between lines of text.

 Highlight the paragraphs in which you want to change line spacing. On the
Format Menu, click paragraph, then click on indents and Spacing Tab. Under
the line spacing box, select the options you want in the line spacing box i.e.
 Using the keyboard shortcuts you may press:
Ctrl + 1 Single space lines
Ctrl + 2 Double Space lines
Ctrl + 5 Set 1.5 line spacing
 Print preview the document
Print preview displays each page as it will look when printed on paper.

 On the File menu, click print preview. To exit print preview and return to the
previous view of your document, click on the close Tab
 On the standard toolbar click on the print preview icon

 Save the changes by using the Save as command

 On the File menu, click save as, a dialogue box appears choose the name you
had used earlier and click on Save. You can also change the name here.

 Bold and underline as it is in the document [As you did in chapter one]
Key in the following exercise correcting all the mistakes


The education sector is threatened by the Aids pandemic, the Teachers Service
Commission (TSC) says

TSC Secretary James Ongwae and assistant minister for education Peter Odoyo said on
Friday the spread of Aids was a threat to the survival of the commission.
Quote of the day

They said the commission was losing many teachers to HIV/Aids. The two were
speaking at Rae Girls Secondary School where they officially opened a dormitory and a
computer laboratory. Odoyo said in Nyando District 100 teachers and every 450 students
die every year from Aids.

He also said that the death rate among teachers is high. Ikirinya the Nyanza Provincial
officer said staff balancing had become difficult in the region because many teachers are
ailing and bedridden.

Ikirinya also said that some teachers are bed-ridden and incapable of delivering services.
Ongwawer said TSC was recently upgraded to a full-fledged Aids control Unit capable of
sourcing for funds.

Most of the instructions in this chapter will be using the format menu or the formatting
toolbar for the shortcuts.

One can use any of the given methods for every instruction but use the first method
in each for now.

 Apply a style on the main heading

Make the main heading bigger i.e. to size 18. Underline it. Choose a font color for it
and any other formatting feature you might have learnt in the previous chapters.

 Change the font size of paragraphs 2 & 5 to 13 and different font color for each.
 Highlight the text, Click on format, font. Under font size box, type 13 then go
to the font color box, click on the arrow pointing down and select the color of
your choice, then click OK.
 Click on the font color icon on the formatting tool bar.

 Change the title ‘Quote of the day’ to capital letters.

 Highlight the text, Click on format, Change Case, Select upper case, then click
 Highlight the text, click on Format, font click on the checkbox for All caps
and click OK

 Put a boarder & a light shading on the 2 nd and the 3rd paragraphs under the
heading ‘Quotes…….”

 Highlight the paragraph, Click on format, Boarders & shading, Under the
boarders Tab, click on the line style of your choice & click on Box. Still on
the boarders and shading dialogue box, click on the shading Tab and select a
light color that you would like for the paragraph, then click OK.

 Justify the whole document

 Print preview the document

 Spell check your document and finally save it with an appropriate name.
[As you did in the previous chapters].
Key in the following exercise correcting all the mistakes

Laughter ……. the best medicine!!

Little Leroy came into the kitchen where his mother was making dinner and said “Mom I
want a bike for my birthday.” He was abit of a trouble maker. He had gotten into trouble
at school and at home. Leroy’s mother asked him if he thought he deserved to get a bike
for his birthday. Little Leroy of course thought he did.

Then write a letter to God tell him why you deserve a bike for your birthday. Leroy’s
mother being a Christian woman, wanted Leroy to reflect on his behavior over his last
year. “Go to your room, Leroy and think about how you have behaved this year.

Little Leroy stomped up the steps of his room and sat down to write God a letter. He
wrote one, two, three, four letters and since he could not be pleased by any of them. He
knew that the letters were not going to get him a bike. By now Leroy was very upset. He
went downstairs and told his mom that he wanted to go to church. Leroy’s mother
thought her plan had worked as Leroy looked very sad. “Just be home in time for
dinner.” Leroy’s mother told him.

Little Leroy went into the church and up to the alter. He looked around to see if anyone
was there. Leroy bent down and picked up a statue of the Virgin Mary. He slipped it
under his shirt and ran out of the church, down the street, into the house and up to his
room and sat down with a piece of paper and a pen. Leroy began to write his letter to

Letter 5:


Most of the instructions in this chapter will be using the Edit menu or the formatting
toolbar for the shortcuts.
 Move the first sentence of the second paragraph to the end of the same
 Highlight the sentence, Click on Edit, Cut. Take the cursor to where you are
moving the sentence to. Put two spaces, click on Edit, Paste.
 Highlight the sentence, click on the Cut icon on the formatting bar, and
Take the cursor to where you are moving the sentence to. Put two spaces,
click on the Paste icon
 Copy the first sentence of the fourth paragraph to the end of the same
paragraph and then delete the sentence from the beginning of the paragraph.

 Highlight the sentence, Click on Edit, Copy. Take the cursor to where you are
moving the sentence to. Put two spaces, click on Edit, Paste.
 Highlight the sentence, click on the Copy icon on the formatting bar, Take
the cursor to where you are moving the sentence to. Put two spaces, click on
the Paste icon
 Replace the word little with small every time it occurs in the document

 Click on Edit, Replace, Under find What box, type the word Little, Under
Replace with box type the word you are replacing with i.e. Small, then click
on Replace all.

 Make the word Leroy bold Italics, capitals and color blue every time it occurs in
the document.


 Click on Edit, Replace, Under find What box, type the word Leroy, Under
Replace with box type the same word i.e. Leroy, then click on the more
button. Make sure your cursor is under the replace with box. Click on
Format, Font change to the above and click OK. Then click on Replace All
 Indent the first line of paragraph one 1 inch.

 You can either highlight the sentence or opt not to. Click on Format the
paragraph, Under Special select First Line and under by type 1, click OK.

 Indent the whole of paragraph two 1 inch from the left margin.

 Click anywhere on the paragraph, click on Format, paragraph, under
alignment Left type 1 click OK.
 Indent paragraph four ½ inch from left and right margins

 Click anywhere on the paragraph click on Format, paragraph, under alignment
Left type 0.5 do the same to right click OK.

 Change the line spacing of the whole document to 1.4

 Highlight the whole document, click on format, paragraph under the line
spacing box select Multiple, in the At box type 1.4 then click OK.
Tables are made up of rows and columns. Columns run vertically, rows run horizontally.

To insert a table click on the Table command on the menu bar, point to Insert, and then
click on Table. Specify the number of columns and rows you have in your table. Click




To remove the divisions on the first row click highlight the first row click on Table
command on the menu bar, select merge cells.



Document Centre Worldwide 3 Years 30,000
Archive Centre Worldwide 3 Years 5,500
Web Centre USA(Until 2006) 1 Year 700
IR Board XR Europe & Asia 2 Years 800
IR Board XT Europe & Asia 2 Years 950

 Shade the first row by using the boarders & shading command as you have done
in the previous chapters.

 Make the table to have a row height of 0.3

 Highlight the table, click on Table, Table properties, click on the row tab,
click on the specify height checkbox and type 0.3.



letters in word

Nancy Njoki 2345 West Indy 23


Monicah Bayer 7800 Bellevue 27


James Gibso 342 California 45

Daniel Lewinn 4656 Villemelle 30
Henrie Melody 737 NewYork 25

Guideline for coming up with the above table

For the first column – Highlight it and merge and for the text in it click on Format, Text
direction. Select the direction that goes with it and click OK.

 Put a double line for the outside boarder and a single line for the inside
boarders. [Use boarders & shading command as in the previous chapters]


Name Installment 1 Course Installment 2 Total Paid

Jenniffer 7,000 Accounts 2,000
Jenerosa 7,500 Secretarial & 500
Victor 6,000 Pharmacy 2,600
Ambrose 6,100 Accounts & 1,200
Kennedy 7,000 Pharmacy 2,000
Melvis 10,000 Pharmacy 2,200
Christian 6,000 Secretarial 1,300

To give the table the above look:

After specifying the number of rows & columns click on Auto format tab. Under the
formats scroll down to select Web 3 and finally click OK.

To get figures for the total paid column.

Make sure the cursor is in the cell, click on Table, formula, Under the formula box delete
whatever is there leaving only the equal sign. Type B2 + D2 [i.e. to get the total for
7,000 + 9000]. Under the number format select a format with a dot and two decimal
places [0.00] then click OK.
NB to calculate for the next cell i.e. 7500 + 500 you change to B3 + D3 and so on until
you get the totals for all of them.


The table below has five columns and three rows.

 Merge the first row
 For the second row, highlight, Merge cells, then click on table, split cells choose two
then OK.
 Use a colored shading for the first row [as you’ve done previously]




Human Resources IT Marketing Finance Recruiting
Department Department Department Department Department
Key in the following exercise and spell check, save the document


‘Insert today’s Date’

Summer is upon us and we are ready to make this a most enjoyable for all. We’ve
planned a number of new activities.

Teen Socials

A request last year for more social activities for teens has been answered with a
weekly social at the Club House and several excursions to the points of interests.
The Teen committee hopes all teens will enjoy the new program.

Child Care

C hildcare will now be available from 9 a. m . to 6 p. m. Monday through Friday for

those home owners taking part in activities at the Club House. Calls to reserve a
place one day in advance.

Salad Luncheons

B ack by popular demand, the weekly salad luncheons will be held on Wednesday at
11.30 a. m. Please bring your own table service and a salad to pass. Beverages will
be provided. Call the Club House for reservations by Tuesday noon.

Pool Hours

P ool hours have extended to include Sunday mornings. The pool will be open for
adults only from 9 to 10 p. m. each evening. We shall remain open during the

If you have any questions or suggestions concerning the summer’s activities, please
contact the appropriate persons listed below:

Club House Joan Winston 555-9990

Tennis Courts/POOL John Miller 555-2345
Child Care Rosemary 555-6789
“Hot line” for all Fred Roberts 555-7890
Association Mary 555-5858
President Bridgeman


 Change the main heading to a large size and put any formatting features that
you have learnt in the previous chapters.

 Split the four paragraphs (from teen socials to pool hours) into two columns

 Highlight the paragraphs, click on format, columns, click on two click on the
check box for Line between then click OK

 Highlight the paragraphs, click on format, columns, click on two click on the check
box for Line Drop cap the drop caped letters

 Highlight the letter click on format, Drop cap. Under lines to drop type two
then click OK

 Change the subtitles into capitals [Using change case command as you have done
in the previous chapters]
Key in the following exercise and spell check, save the document [When you get to the
statistics section perform the procedure that follows then type the section]


FROM: David Watson

TO: All staff ‘Insert today’s date’.


To maintain our success we must attract and retain staff of the right quality and provide
rewards that will encourage them to live with us. Your director believes that a vital factor
in doing this is to give staff an opportunity to participate in the success of the company.
Employee’s share schemes are an affective way of achieving this and indeed have already
contributed to the position where today over forty five percent of our staffs have a stake
in the company as share holders.

These are the statistics:

CATEGORY........................2001 2002 2003 2004

1st scheme...............................5000 5500 6000 6200

2nd scheme..............................3500 4300 5200 6100
Shares.....................................$4m $6m $7m $8m


David Watson

NB – Before you type the statistics section perform the following procedure. [This is
to help you set exact distances for the statistics section]

Click on Format, tabs, click on left, at the tab stop position box type 2. Under Leader
click on the dotted line then click on set. Again type 3 at the tab stop position box, set,
type 4 set, type 4 set, type 5 set and click OK

 Centre and bold the heading [MEMORANDUM] and apply any appropriate
style. {As you’ve done in the previous chapters}

 Use 1.5 line spacing for the paragraph {As you’ve done in the previous

 Insert page number at the top right of the document

 Click on Insert menu, select page numbers, under position select Top, under
alignment select Right, click OK
Key in the following exercise and spell check, save the document


1. We long for a life that is real and full of happiness, and we can make this life
happen, for our responsibility to love detriments in large measure.

2. Our experiences of joy and our sense of intactness.

3. When we love something good develops in us and we feel clean, rich and whole
even better we become. Less concerned with how we feel and more concerned
with the life of each other.

4. We love because we are perfectly and fully loved by God and our love for each
other matters.

5. It gives our lives power and value in his plan, it brings Glory to His name and we
falteringly learn to love without self.

 Lets remain open to Challenges, Disappointments and Convictions

 And may we honor our commitment and face life honestly, fight against
defensiveness and denial.

 When life overwhelms us we need to know the truth of God, be open to

the spirit of God and probe support of the family of God, for the growth in
faith, hope and love.

 We need to work our relationship with God by renewing your

commitment and reflecting on His word.

 Use the formatting features that you have learnt to enhance the look of your text.

 Use Numbering for the numbered section.


 Highlight click on the format menu, select Bullets and Numbering. Click on
the Numbered Tab, Select the type of numbers you want from the Number
section. Click OK
 Use Bullets for the Bulleted section


 Highlight click on the format menu, select Bullets and Numbering. Click on
the Bulleted Tab, Select the type of bullets you want from the bullet section.
Click OK

Key in the following exercise and spell check, save the document



a) The word processing employee must have a keen sense of concentration, with
word processing printers producing output, people taking and explaining work
flow, all these will be happening while one is trying to keyboard.

Needless to say, concentration has to be foremost in an employee.

b) When questioning the applicant, listen for grammatical errors and sentence
English language skills are important.

c) Professional and co-operative attitude is extremely important. There must also be

loyalties to the company and to the word processing concept.

d) Flexibility is the key to a successful employee. Word processing operators need

to be able to jump from the keyboarding job to revision, then to machine dictation
and probably deciphering long hand.

Remember word processing employees have to be willing to accept change and

challenge in the new environment.

e) Look for a person who enjoys hobbies which require only one person, such as:

i) Knitting
ii) Piano
iii) Jogging


a) Inform all applicants that procedures have been written concerning all workflow.
These must be adhered to in order to accomplish a finished product.


a) Enjoying typing is just as important as accuracy. Explain to all new applicants

that 80% of their job will be involved in keyboarding.


 For the numbering


 Highlight the document from the title Basics to the end. Click on format,
Bullets and numbering. Click on the outlined numbered Tab and select the
first style. Click OK.

The document will only be numbered as 1,2,3…… so don’t be surprised. On

the formatting bar there are two icons to use in order to move the text to the
next level:

1) The Decrease Indent Icon

2) The Increase Indent Icon

Wherever you have the second level i.e. a) b) c) d) …… etc. You will use the
increase indent icon that will change from numbers to alphabets. Then increase
again to change to roman numbers.

 For the paragraphs that do not have the numbering you will use the numbering
icon to remove the number. Click on the paragraph you want to remove
the number and click on that icon.

 Use the Find and Replace features to format the word ‘and’ to Bold Italics, color
Red and a double underline. [As you did in the previous chapters]

Please start with the instructions. Use the mail merge feature to create the letters that
follow. [For Computers with office XP)

1. Click on Tools then Letters and Mailing then the Mail merge wizard
2. On your right, a different window appears beside the document window
like the one below

3. Under select document type

4. Click on letters, then move down and click on the (Next starting
5. Then move down to Next select recipients and click
6. This moves you to another step where you click on Type a new list and
below that click create
7. The dialog box below appears

8. You are now supposed to remove all fields by clicking on delete button.
When the dialog box below appears click on Yes for every field you delete

9. Then click on add and type your own field names by clicking on add each
time you want to insert a new field.
 Name
 Address
 Town
 Salutation
 Date

 Venue
10. Click OK then close, type the filename (Merge 1) and click save

11. Now you come to the form letter and insert the fields where appropriate.
You will use the mail merge tool bar; the insert Merge Field to insert the

 Type the letter that follows in the next page, remember to click on insert Merge
field on the Mail merge tool bar to insert the words with signs << >>

STEPS [For those with office 98]

 Click on the tools menu, select mail merge. The mail merge Helper appears

 Under the Main Document Box click Create tab

 Select Form letters, click on New Main Document

 Under Get Data tab select create Data source

 Remove all fields by clicking on Remove field name button until they are all

 Type the fields given under the data file in the data file below pressing the Enter
key after each i.e. Name, Address, Town….. etc

 Click OK

 Type the file name with your name and click save.

 A dialogue box appears click on EDIT DATA SOURCE tab

 Type the records or the addresses of the clients given below entering after each

Record 1 Record 2 Record 3
Name Mary Smith Melvin Jones Silvia Dyne
Address P.O box1096 P.O box1496 P.O box1076
Salutation Miss. Smith Mr. Jones Mrs. Dyne
Date Friday 22nd Jan Tuesday 13the Feb Sunday 18th Feb
Venue December Hotel Sahara Hotel Food Palace Hotel

 After typing the three records click OK

 Type the letter that follows in the next page, remember to click on insert Merge
field on the Mail merge tool bar to insert the words with signs << >>


“Type today’s date”


Dear <<Salutation>>

I would like to take this opportunity to kindly request you to attend th forth coming
seminar whose name is “COMPUTER AND HEALTH” which will be held on <<date>>
at <<Venue>>.

Please call me before that time to confirm your attendance.

Your’s faithfully

Triza E.

 Merge the letters by clicking on <<ABC>> on the merge tool bar

 Add four addresses of your own by editing the data source. Click on Edit Data
source icon on the Mail Merge tool bar.

 Save your document as Chapter ten

Use the mail merge procedure again to produce the letter below


Field Names
Ref, Date, Name, House, Street, location, Town, Code, Salutation, Date2, Type,

Record 1 Record 2
1139/B PPF/GB/44
Today’s Date Today’s Date
Mr. B Fletcher Miss G.H Maitland
16 High Street 183 Northern Street
Swanston New Bridge
Loamshire Wessex
Mr. Fletcher Miss Maitland
Yesterday’s Date Yesterday’s Date
The Cortage Ways Avenue 2nd Floor, Central House, main street
L.A Symes S.A Stanford Harris


Ref <<Ref>>



Dear <<Salutation>>

Thank you for your letter of <<Date>> enclosing your client’s draft contract for
the purchase of the property known as <<Type>>.

My secretary will telephone you in the next few days to arrange a date for the
exchange of contacts.

Yours sincerely


Key in the following letter. You will use it in the rest of the chapters remaining. Spell
check and save the document as Revision 1.

27th February 2007

Mr. Evans Rogers

CITC Corporation
P.O Box 1234 Main Street
Thika, Kenya

Dear Mr. Evans

Thankyou for your interest in Supiriour Widgets.

As you will recall from our discussion yesterday, Supiriour Widgets are designed and
guaranteed to last eleven years without maintenance of any kind.

I will be calling you next week to see if you have any questions about the brochure that I
have enclosed.


Triza Johnson


 Save as the above letter using a password of your own [This is to avoid
unauthorized access from your document]


 Click on File command and select Save As. The Save As dialogue box
appears. On the left hand corner click on Tools then click on General Options
OR Just choose options {This depends on the Ms word version that you are
using. Under the Password to open box type your secret word, click OK
Under Re-enter or type the password again to confirm, click Ok then click on
 Close the document and try to open it with the password.

Open the letter Revision 1

In this lesson we will learn how to add headers and footers in your document. Headers
and footers are primarily used in printed documents


 Select View, Header and Footer. The header and footer toolbar will be
displayed as below:

 To swap between header and Footer click on the Icon displaying Switch
Between header and footer button on the header and footer tool bar. The
insertion point will move to the footer window.

 Type Your Name. Press the Tab key two times to move to the end of the

 Select the Date Button to include the date displayed on your machine.

 Select the Time Button to include the Time displayed on your machine
press the space bar

 Type the word ‘page’ and press the Space bar one more time. Select the page
numbers button

When you are done click on the close button on the header and Footer tool bar.


Scroll to the bottom of the first page of your document to view your footer. You
can also display your footer by print previewing your document. [As Done

Open the letter you saved as Revision 1. Move to the bottom of the letter. Enter
twice [Making sure the cursor is to the left] and create the table below.

2005 2006 2007

Widget A 100 125 150
Widget B 70 90 135
Widget C 85 100 110


 Click any cell in the table. Click on Table command on the Menu bar Move
to select then Table. Click on Insert then Object, Under the object type select
Microsoft Graph 2000/97 [depending on your Ms word version]. A chart and
a data sheet will appear. Click anywhere on the document window to view
the chart.
 Highlight the whole table. Click on Insert then Chart button on the standard
toolbar, A chart appears together with the data sheet. Close the data sheet.

This chapter makes use of the Page set up dialogue box which is important when
producing print outs. This will deal with changing margins, paper size & orientation.
{Use Revision one document}

 Changing Margins


 On the File menu, select page set up, Select margins tab. Under the Top
margin Box Type 2, Left type 1.5, Right type 1 and bottom type 0.5 then click
the OK button and see the effect on the document by using the print preview
 Paper size and Orientation

 When the paper is like this it is in Portrait format

 When the paper is like this it is in Landscape format

It depends on the document you are creating

To change the paper size and orientation

Select the file menu click on page set up, select the paper size button by clicking
on it. On the paper size box select A4 or any other. On the orientation choose
whether landscape or portrait then click OK. Print preview your document to see
the change of look in your document.

Select File then close. Do not Save the changes when asked to.

From the HELP menu Select Microsoft Word help. Type a topic that you would
like to learn e.g. page numbers than click search. A list of topics will appear
choose any topic you would like to learn. Then follow the instructions given.
You can get any information from the Help menu related to ms Word.


Many word processors include Thesaurus that lets you replace a word in a
document with one that is more suitable. Like the normal English dictionary you
can get the meaning of a word.

Highlight the word you want to know the meaning, select Tools, Thesaurus or
Tools, language, Thesaurus.






All Caps Ctrl + Shift + A
App Maximize Alt + F10
App Restore Alt + F5
Apply list bullet C + Shift + L
Auto Format Ctrl + K
Bold Ctrl + Shift + B
Bold Ctrl + B
Browse Next Ctrl + Page down
Browse Prev Ctrl + Page up
Browse Sel Alt + Ctrl + Home
Cancel Esc
Center para Ctrl + E
Change case Shift + F3
Char left Left
Char left extend Shift + Right
Char right Right
Char right extend Shift + Right
Clear Alt + Del
Close or Exit Alt + F4
Close pane Alt + shift + C
Column break Ctrl + shift + Return
Column select Ctrl + shift + F8
Copy Ctrl + C
Copy Ctrl + F2
Copy format Ctrl + shift + F3
Copy text Shift + X
Create Auto text Alt + Del

Cut Ctrl + F7
Cut Shift + W
Delete backward Ctrl + Backspace
Delete word Ctrl + Del
Dictionary Alt + shift + F7
Doc close Ctrl + W
Doc close Ctrl + F4
Doc maximize Ctrl + F10
Doc move Ctrl + F7
Doc restore Ctrl + F5
Doc size Ctrl + F8
Doc sort Alt + Ctrl + S
Double underline Ctrl + shift + D
End of column Alt + Page down
End of column Alt + shift + Page down
End of Doc extend Ctrl + shift + End
End of document Ctrl + End
End of line End
End of line extend shift + End
End of row Alt + End
End of row Alt + shift + End
End of window Alt + Ctrl + Page down
End of window extend Alt + Ctrl + Shift + Page down
Find Ctrl + F
Font Ctrl + D
Font Ctrl + Shift + F
Font size select Ctrl + Shift + P
Go back Shift + F5
Go back Alt + Ctrl + Z
Go to Ctrl + G
Grow font Ctrl + Shift +
Grow font one point Ctrl +
Hanging indent Ctrl +
Help F1
Indent Ctrl + M
Italic Ctrl + I


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