1 s2.0 0041624X85900332 Main
1 s2.0 0041624X85900332 Main
1 s2.0 0041624X85900332 Main
Probed point
Fig. 1 Thermoelastic generation of: a - diverging surface acoustic wave; where n = 0.4 A W-l is the detector efficiency. with the
b - a collimated wave; and c - a converging wave
shot noise of the photodiode”~‘?
i, = (2rqIc,B)1’Z (4)
Ax _ (2 e M9’/* x
Tp I PP z;;
Fig. 2 Experimental apparatus for the laser generation and detection of
converging surface waves. The inset shows a photo of the YAG annulus which gives AX = 0.008 nm for I,, = I,42 = 1 mW. The
on the sample plane
additional noise that we observe is attributed to laser
noise” as well as to a reduction in the Ipr,/l,, ratio
15 ns, 0.1 J pulses, is expanded by a Galilean telescope
caused by the spatial coherence loss of the reflected
and focused through a positive axicon on the surface of
the sample, where it produces a 15 mm diameter, 0.2 mm
wide annulus. The diameter of the annulus can be The annular laser pulse produces a convergent as well
varied by displacing the axicon longitudinally. The as a divergent Rayleigh wave, whose vertical displace-
the centre of the annulus by angularly scanning the
dichroic mirror shown in Fig. 2. The peak-to-peak
amplitude of the detected surface wave is plotted in
Fig. 3 as a function of the distance r to the centre. As 0
we can see, the amplitude of the detected wave is very
large in the centre, while for r > 0.5 mm the curve
shows a gradual decay in agreement with (7). The
amplitude of the wave near the border of the annulus, -I
r z 7 mm, corresponds to the amplitude of a
collimated surface wave as generated by a line-source
heating the surface to the same temperature. As such b
z O
t I I I I I
I 2 3 6
Time4 [r-s] 5
Fig. 5 Waveforms obtained tn the centre of a 1.5 cm dwneter annulus for an electroplated copper sample: a - bare sample; b - 20 pm thick Ag
coating; c - 60 pm thick Ag coating; d - 7.5 pm thick Cr coating; e - 15 pm thick Cr coating; f - 40 pm thick Cr coating
The authors wish to thank Prof. G.W. Farnell and
Drs C.K. Jen and D.A. Hutchins for helpful
0.98 White, RM. Generation of Elastic Waves by Transient
Surface Heating, J: Appl. Phys. 12 (1963) 3559
Scruby, C.B., Dewhurst, R.J., Hutchins, D.A., Palmer, S.B.
Laser Generation of Ultrasound in Metals. in Research
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Krautkramer, J. Unconventional Methods of Generating
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Coating thickness km]
plasma turbulence or the thermal expansion in the
Heated annulus
solid and in the adjacent air layer. It should also be
noted that the laser-generation efficiency of a
I mmslot
longitudinal and shear waves in the thermoelastic
regime is maximum in a direction far from the
normaP. ye-- \
Figures 8c and d show two waveforms obtained when 1’
the HeNe beam is pointed outside of the 1 mm x*
diameter disc-shaped heated area, at a distance of \ ,’
2 mm (c) and 8 mm (d) from the centre of the heating ‘A__ 0’
YAG beam. A weak plasma was produced by the YAG
pulse in such cases. The broad Rayleigh (R) wave can b
clearly be seen in the two waveforms, with a
superposed random modulation which is attributed to
the presence of ‘hot spots’ in the multimode YAG
beam. The air-propagated pressure wave is also
apparent in Fig. 8c.
As to the longitudinal (L) and shear (S) echoes from
the unbonded surface, they are more visible in Fig. Sd,
as expected from the angular distribution of the
generated bulk waves*, but they are weak and
overshadowed by the plasma- and modal structure-
produced noise. Figs 8e and f correspond to the
annular configuration previously described in this
paper. on an unbonded (e) and well-bonded (f) region
of the plate. The complete absence of plasma, as well
as the narrowness of the acoustic pulses. allow a more
consistent evaluation of the reflected longitudinal and
shear echoes. It should also be noted that a repetitive
Rayleigh pulse provides a reference for the evaluation
of the absorptivity-dependent heating energy density. d
--._ t
I I a
% 0
_--- _-I I
He-Ne \
-Qk /
z 0
%z \
--_ --_, -5
__-- _. c
Fig. 8 Pulse-echo waveforms obtained with different beam geometries on a partially-bonded 4 mm thick Al plate: a - and b - concentrated YAG beam
superposed to the probing beam. with and without plasma respectively; c - and d - concentrated YAG beam, probing beam at 2 mm and 8 mm from the
heated area, respectively; e - and f - annular YAG beam, on an unbended and well-bonded area, respectively
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