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Transformer Protection and Control

Modbus Point List Manual
Document ID: 1MRS757662
Issued: 2019-06-19
Revision: C
Product version: 2.0 FP1

© Copyright 2019 ABB. All rights reserved

This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written
permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party,
nor used for any unauthorized purpose.

The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and
may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.

ABB and Relion are registered trademarks of the ABB Group. All other brand or
product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective holders.

Please inquire about the terms of warranty from your nearest ABB representative.

The data, examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for the concept or
product description and are not to be deemed as a statement of guaranteed properties.
All persons responsible for applying the equipment addressed in this manual must
satisfy themselves that each intended application is suitable and acceptable, including
that any applicable safety or other operational requirements are complied with. In
particular, any risks in applications where a system failure and/or product failure
would create a risk for harm to property or persons (including but not limited to
personal injuries or death) shall be the sole responsibility of the person or entity
applying the equipment, and those so responsible are hereby requested to ensure that
all measures are taken to exclude or mitigate such risks.

This product has been designed to be connected and communicate data and
information via a network interface which should be connected to a secure network.
It is the sole responsibility of the person or entity responsible for network
administration to ensure a secure connection to the network and to take the necessary
measures (such as, but not limited to, installation of firewalls, application of
authentication measures, encryption of data, installation of anti virus programs, etc.)
to protect the product and the network, its system and interface included, against any
kind of security breaches, unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or
theft of data or information. ABB is not liable for any such damages and/or losses.

This document has been carefully checked by ABB but deviations cannot be
completely ruled out. In case any errors are detected, the reader is kindly requested to
notify the manufacturer. Other than under explicit contractual commitments, in no
event shall ABB be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use
of this manual or the application of the equipment.
This product complies with the directive of the Council of the European Communities
on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC Directive 2014/30/EU) and concerning electrical equipment for
use within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive 2014/35/EU). This
conformity is the result of tests conducted by ABB in accordance with the product
standard EN 60255-26 for the EMC directive, and with the product standards EN
60255-1 and EN 60255-27 for the low voltage directive. The product is designed in
accordance with the international standards of the IEC 60255 series.
Table of contents

Table of contents

Section 1 Introduction.......................................................................9
This manual........................................................................................ 9
Intended audience.............................................................................. 9
Product documentation.....................................................................10
Product documentation set..........................................................10
Document revision history........................................................... 10
Related documentation................................................................11
Symbols and conventions.................................................................11
Document conventions................................................................ 11
Functions, codes and symbols.................................................... 12

Section 2 Modbus data mappings.................................................. 19

Supported functions in RET620........................................................19
Indications........................................................................................ 23
Premapped indications................................................................ 23
Common data 1......................................................................23
CTRL.CBCILO1 Circuit breaker enable signals (1)................23
CTRL.CBCSWI1 Circuit breaker (1) mom. position............... 24
CTRL.CBCSWI1 Circuit breaker (1) mom+mcd position........24
CTRL.CBXCBR1 Circuit-breaker control (1).......................... 24
CTRL.DCSXSWI1 Disconnector position indication (1) ........ 25
CTRL.DCSXSWI2 Disconnector position indication (2)......... 25
CTRL.DCSXSWI3 Disconnector position indication (3)......... 25
CTRL.DCXSWI1 Disconnector control (1) ............................ 25
CTRL.DCXSWI2 Disconnector control (2)............................. 26
CTRL.ESSXSWI1 Earthing switch indication (1)....................26
CTRL.ESSXSWI2 Earthing switch indication (2)....................27
CTRL.ESXSWI1 Earthing switch control (1).......................... 27
LD0.ARCSARC1 Arc protection (1)........................................27
LD0.ARCSARC2 Arc protection (2)........................................28
LD0.ARCSARC3 Arc protection (3)........................................28
LD0.CCBRBRF1 Circuit breaker failure protection (1)........... 28
LD0.CCBRBRF2 Circuit breaker failure protection (2)........... 29
LD0.CCSPVC1 Current circuit supervision (1).......................29
LD0.CCSPVC2 Current circuit supervision (2).......................29
LD0.CMMXU1 Three-phase current measurement (1).......... 29
LD0.CMMXU2 Three-phase current measurement (2).......... 30

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LD0.DEFHPDEF1 Directional earth-fault protection, high

stage (1)................................................................................. 30
LD0.DEFLPDEF1 Directional earth-fault protection, low
stage (1)................................................................................. 30
LD0.DEFLPDEF2 Directional earth-fault protection, low
stage (2)................................................................................. 31
LD0.DPHHPDOC1 Three-phase directional overcurrent
protection, high stage (1)........................................................31
LD0.DPHLPDOC1 Three-phase directional overcurrent
protection, low stage (1)......................................................... 31
LD0.EFHPTOC1 Non-directional earth-fault protection,
high stage (1)......................................................................... 32
LD0.EFHPTOC2 Non-directional earth-fault protection,
high stage (2)......................................................................... 32
LD0.EFLPTOC1 Non-directional earth-fault protection,
low stage (1)...........................................................................32
LD0.EFLPTOC2 Non-directional earth-fault protection,
low stage (2)...........................................................................33
LD0.FKEYGGIO1 Programmable buttons (16 buttons) (1).... 33
LD0.FRPFRQ1 Frequency protection (1)...............................33
LD0.FRPFRQ2 Frequency protection (2)...............................34
LD0.FRPFRQ3 Frequency protection (3)...............................34
LD0.HREFPDIF1 High-impedance based restricted
earth-fault protection (1)......................................................... 35
LD0.HREFPDIF2 High-impedance based restricted
earth-fault protection (2)......................................................... 35
LD0.INRPHAR1 Three-phase inrush detector (1).................. 35
LD0.LEDGGIO1 Indication LED states Color1/Color2........... 36
LD0.LEDGGIO1 Indication LED states OFF/ColorX.............. 37
LD0.LEDPTRC1 Global conditioning (1)................................ 38
LD0.LEDPTRC1 Global conditioning - phase information
(1)........................................................................................... 38
LD0.LREFPNDF1 Numerically stabilized low-impedance
restricted earth-fault protection (1)......................................... 38
LD0.LREFPNDF2 Numerically stabilized low-impedance
restricted earth-fault protection (2)......................................... 39
LD0.LSHDPFRQ1 Load-shedding and restoration (1)........... 39
LD0.LSHDPFRQ2 Load-shedding and restoration (2)........... 39
LD0.LSHDPFRQ3 Load-shedding and restoration (3)........... 40
LD0.LSHDPFRQ4 Load-shedding and restoration (4)........... 40
LD0.LSHDPFRQ5 Load-shedding and restoration (5)........... 40
LD0.LSHDPFRQ6 Load-shedding and restoration (6)........... 41
LD0.MAPGAPC1 Multipurpose protection (1)........................ 41
LD0.MAPGAPC2 Multipurpose protection (2)........................ 41
LD0.MAPGAPC3 Multipurpose protection (3)........................ 42

2 RET620
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LD0.MAPGAPC4 Multipurpose protection (4)........................ 42

LD0.MAPGAPC5 Multipurpose protection (5)........................ 42
LD0.MAPGAPC6 Multipurpose protection (6)........................ 42
LD0.MAPGAPC7 Multipurpose protection (7)........................ 43
LD0.MAPGAPC8 Multipurpose protection (8)........................ 43
LD0.MAPGAPC9 Multipurpose protection (9)........................ 43
LD0.MAPGAPC10 Multipurpose protection (10).................... 43
LD0.MAPGAPC11 Multipurpose protection (11).................... 44
LD0.MAPGAPC12 Multipurpose protection (12).................... 44
LD0.MVGAPC1 Move (8 pcs) (1)........................................... 44
LD0.MVGAPC2 Move (8 pcs) (2)........................................... 45
LD0.NSPTOC1 Negative-sequence overcurrent
protection (1).......................................................................... 45
LD0.NSPTOC2 Negative-sequence overcurrent
protection (2).......................................................................... 45
LD0.NSPTOV1 Negative-sequence overvoltage
protection (1).......................................................................... 46
LD0.NSPTOV2 Negative-sequence overvoltage
protection (2).......................................................................... 46
LD0.OEPVPH1 Overexcitation protection (1).........................46
LD0.OEPVPH2 Overexcitation protection (2).........................46
LD0.OLATCC1 Tap changer control with voltage
regulator (1)............................................................................47
LD0.PHHPTOC1 Three-phase non-directional
overcurrent protection, high stage (1).................................... 47
LD0.PHHPTOC2 Three-phase non-directional
overcurrent protection, high stage (2).................................... 48
LD0.PHIPTOC1 Three-phase non-directional overcurrent
protection, instantaneous stage (1)........................................ 48
LD0.PHIPTOC2 Three-phase non-directional overcurrent
protection, instantaneous stage (2)........................................ 49
LD0.PHLPTOC1 Three-phase non-directional
overcurrent protection, low stage (1)......................................49
LD0.PHLPTOC2 Three-phase non-directional
overcurrent protection, low stage (2)......................................50
LD0.PHPTOV1 Three-phase overvoltage protection (1)........50
LD0.PHPTOV2 Three-phase overvoltage protection (2)........50
LD0.PHPTOV3 Three-phase overvoltage protection (3)........51
LD0.PHPTUV1 Three-phase undervoltage protection (1)......51
LD0.PHPTUV2 Three-phase undervoltage protection (2)......52
LD0.PHPTUV3 Three-phase undervoltage protection (3)......52
LD0.PSPTUV1 Positive-sequence undervoltage
protection (1).......................................................................... 52
LD0.PSPTUV2 Positive-sequence undervoltage
protection (2).......................................................................... 53

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LD0.RESCMMXU1 Residual current measurement (1)......... 53

LD0.RESCMMXU2 Residual current measurement (2)......... 53
LD0.RESVMMXU1 Residual voltage measurement (1)......... 53
LD0.ROVPTOV1 Residual overvoltage protection (1)........... 54
LD0.ROVPTOV2 Residual overvoltage protection (2)........... 54
LD0.ROVPTOV3 Residual overvoltage protection (3)........... 54
LD0.SECRSYN1 Synchronism and energizing check (1)...... 54
LD0.SEQSPVC1 Fuse failure supervision (1)........................ 55
LD0.SPCGAPC2 Generic control point (16 pcs) (2)...............55
LD0.SPCRGAPC1 Remote generic control points (1)........... 56
LD0.SSCBR1 Circuit-breaker condition monitoring (1) ......... 57
LD0.T2PTTR1 Three-phase thermal overload protection,
two time constants (1)............................................................ 57
LD0.TCSSCBR1 Trip circuit supervision (1).......................... 58
LD0.TCSSCBR2 Trip circuit supervision (2).......................... 58
LD0.TR2PTDF1 Stabilized and instantaneous differential
protection for two-winding transformers (1)............................58
LD0.TRPPTRC1 Master trip (1)............................................. 59
LD0.TRPPTRC2 Master trip (2)............................................. 59
LD0.VMMXU1 Three-phase voltage measurement (1).......... 59
LD0.XBRGGIO130 Alarm/Warning and states.......................60
LD0.XGGIO100 Physical I/O states (PSM card X100)...........60
LD0.XGGIO105 Physical I/O states (BIO card X105)............ 61
LD0.XGGIO110 Physical I/O states (BIO card X110)............ 61
LD0.XHBGGIO105 Physical I/O states (BIO card XHB105).. 62
LD0.XRGGIO105 Alarm/warning........................................... 63
Unmapped indications................................................................. 63
All premapped three-phase protection function stages,
operate/phase-dependent objects added...............................64
Common data 2......................................................................64
CTRL.CBXCBR2 Circuit-breaker control (2) ......................... 65
CTRL.CBXCBR3 Circuit-breaker control (3) ......................... 65
CTRL.DCSXSWI4 Disconnector position indication (4) ........ 65
CTRL.DCXSWI3 Disconnector control (3) ............................ 65
CTRL.DCXSWI4 Disconnector control (4) ............................ 66
CTRL.ESSXSWI3 Earthing switch indication (3) ...................67
CTRL.ESXSWI2 Earthing switch control (2).......................... 67
CTRL.ESXSWI3 Earthing switch control (3).......................... 67
LD0.CCBRBRF3 Circuit breaker failure protection (3)........... 68
LD0.CMHAI1 Current total demand distortion (1).................. 68
LD0.CTSRCTF1 Advanced current circuit supervision for
transformers (1)......................................................................69
LD0.CVPSOF1 Automatic switch-onto-fault logic (SOF) (1).. 69
LD0.DIAGLCCH1 Ethernet supervision (1)............................ 69

4 RET620
Point List Manual
Table of contents

LD0.DOPPDPR1 Reverse power/directional overpower

protection (1).......................................................................... 69
LD0.DOPPDPR2 Reverse power/directional overpower
protection (2).......................................................................... 70
LD0.DOPPDPR3 Reverse power/directional overpower
protection (3).......................................................................... 70
LD0.DUPPDPR1 Underpower protection (1)......................... 70
LD0.DUPPDPR2 Underpower protection (2)......................... 70
LD0.IL1TCTR1 Three-phase CT supervision (1)................... 71
LD0.IL1TCTR2 Three-phase CT supervision (2)................... 71
LD0.LDPRLRC1 Load profile record (1).................................71
LD0.MAPGAPC13 Multipurpose protection (13).................... 71
LD0.MAPGAPC14 Multipurpose protection (14).................... 72
LD0.MAPGAPC15 Multipurpose protection (15).................... 72
LD0.MAPGAPC16 Multipurpose protection (16).................... 72
LD0.MAPGAPC17 Multipurpose protection (17).................... 72
LD0.MAPGAPC18 Multipurpose protection (18).................... 73
LD0.MDSOPT1 Runtime counter for machines and
devices (1)..............................................................................73
LD0.MDSOPT2 Runtime counter for machines and
devices (2)..............................................................................73
LD0.MVGAPC3 Move (8 pcs) (3)........................................... 73
LD0.MVGAPC4 Move (8 pcs) (4)........................................... 74
LD0.PHPTUC1 Loss of phase (undercurrent) (1).................. 75
LD0.PHPTUC2 Loss of phase (undercurrent) (2).................. 75
LD0.PHPTUV4 Three-phase undervoltage protection (4)......76
LD0.PHQVVR1 Voltage variation (1)..................................... 76
LD0.RESTCTR1 Io CT supervision (1).................................. 77
LD0.RESTCTR2 Io CT supervision (2).................................. 77
LD0.RESTVTR1 Uo VT supervision (1)................................. 77
LD0.SPCGAPC1 Generic control point (16 pcs) (1)...............77
LD0.SPCGAPC3 Generic control point (16 pcs) (3)...............78
LD0.SPCLGAPC1 Local generic control points (1)................ 79
LD0.SSCBR2 Circuit-breaker condition monitoring (2) ......... 80
LD0.SSCBR3 Circuit-breaker condition monitoring (3) ......... 81
LD0.TRPPTRC3 Master trip (3)............................................. 81
LD0.TRPPTRC4 Master trip (4)............................................. 82
LD0.UL1TVTR1 Three-phase VT supervision (1).................. 82
LD0.VAMMXU2 Single-phase voltage measurement (2)....... 82
LD0.VAMMXU3 Single-phase voltage measurement (3)....... 83
LD0.VMHAI1 Voltage total harmonic distortion (1).................83
LD0.VSQVUB1 Voltage unbalance (1)...................................83
Registers.......................................................................................... 84
Premapped registers................................................................... 84

RET620 5
Point List Manual
Table of contents

Active parameter setting group - read and write.................... 84

Control structure 1..................................................................84
Control structure 2..................................................................85
Control structure 3..................................................................85
Control structure 4..................................................................85
Control structure 5..................................................................85
Control structure 6..................................................................86
Control structure 7..................................................................86
Control structure 8..................................................................86
Device ID string...................................................................... 86
Event record structure............................................................ 87
Fault record structure header................................................. 91
Fault record data.................................................................... 91
Protection relay's real-time clock (in local time mode) -
read and write (synchronize).................................................. 92
Protection relay's real-time clock (in UTC time mode) -
read and write (synchronize).................................................. 93
Indication bits mirrored in registers........................................ 93
SSR1 System status register (1) device health......................93
SSR2 System status register (2) protection relay's mode
and state.................................................................................94
SSR3 System status register (3) data available 1 (client-
dependent)............................................................................. 95
SSR4 System status register (4) data available 2 (client-
dependent, user-definable).................................................... 95
SSR5 System status register (5) device alive register........... 96
SSR6 System status register (6) control command status
(client-dependent).................................................................. 96
System diagnostic values.......................................................96
Time and reason for latest protection relay reset................... 97
User-definable bits [Alt.2], visible on 0x,1x,3x and 4x............ 97
User-definable registers [Alt.1], visible on 3x and 4x............. 98
CTRL.CBCSWI1 Circuit breaker operation counter (1) ......... 98
LD0.ARCSARC1 Arc protection (1)........................................98
LD0.ARCSARC2 Arc protection (2)........................................98
LD0.ARCSARC3 Arc protection (3)........................................99
LD0.CMMXU1 Phase current demand values (1).................. 99
LD0.CMMXU1 Three-phase current measurement (1) ....... 100
LD0.CMMXU2 Phase current demand values (2) ............... 100
LD0.CMMXU2 Three-phase current measurement (2) ....... 101
LD0.CSMSQI1 Sequence current measurement (1) ...........102
LD0.FMMXU1 Frequency measurement (1)........................ 102
LD0.PEMMTR1 Three-phase energy measurements.......... 102

6 RET620
Point List Manual
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LD0.PEMMXU1 Three-phase power and energy

measurement (1).................................................................. 103
LD0.RESCMMXU1 Residual current demand value (1).......103
LD0.RESCMMXU1 Residual current measurement (1)....... 104
LD0.RESCMMXU2 Residual current demand value (2) ......104
LD0.RESCMMXU2 Residual current measurement (2) ...... 104
LD0.RESVMMXU1 Residual voltage demand value (1) ..... 105
LD0.RESVMMXU1 Residual voltage measurement (1) ...... 105
LD0.SSCBR1 Circuit-breaker condition monitoring (1)........ 105
LD0.T2PTTR1 Three-phase thermal overload protection,
two time constants (2) ......................................................... 106
LD0.TPOSYLTC1 Tap changer position indication (1).........106
LD0.TR2PTDF1 Stabilized and instantaneous differential
protection for two-winding transformers (1)..........................106
LD0.VMMXU1 Three-phase voltage measurement (1) ....... 107
LD0.VMMXU1 Voltage demand values (1).......................... 107
LD0.VSMSQI1 Sequence voltage measurement (1)............108
LD0.XBRGGIO130 RTD input values.................................. 108
LD0.XRGGIO105 RTD input values.....................................108
Unmapped registers.................................................................. 108
CTRL.LLN0 Local, Remote, Station, Off and Combinations 109
LD0.CMHAI1 Current total demand distortion (1)................ 109
LD0.CSMSQI2 Sequence current measurement (2) ...........109
LD0.MDSOPT1 Runtime counter for machines and
devices (1)............................................................................110
LD0.MDSOPT2 Runtime counter for machines and
devices (2)............................................................................110
LD0.MVI4GAPC1 Integer value move (1)............................ 110
LD0.MVI4GAPC2 Integer value move (2)............................ 110
LD0.MVI4GAPC3 Integer value move (3)............................ 111
LD0.MVI4GAPC4 Integer value move (4)............................ 111
LD0.PHQVVR1 Voltage variation (1)................................... 112
LD0.SCA4GAPC1 Analog value scaling (1).........................112
LD0.SCA4GAPC2 Analog value scaling (2).........................113
LD0.SCA4GAPC3 Analog value scaling (3).........................113
LD0.SCA4GAPC4 Analog value scaling (4).........................113
LD0.SSCBR2 Circuit-breaker condition monitoring (2)........ 113
LD0.SSCBR3 Circuit-breaker condition monitoring (3)........ 114
LD0.VAMMXU2 Single-phase voltage measurement (2)..... 115
LD0.VAMMXU3 Single-phase voltage measurement (3)..... 115
LD0.VMHAI1 Voltage total harmonic distortion (1)...............115
Controls.......................................................................................... 116
Reset, acknowledge and trigger points..................................... 116
CTRL.CBCSWI1 Circuit breaker control (1).............................. 117

RET620 7
Point List Manual
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CTRL.DCXSWI1 Disconnector control (1) ................................117

CTRL.DCXSWI2 Disconnector control (2).................................118
CTRL.DCXSWI3 Disconnector control (3) ................................118
CTRL.DCXSWI4 Disconnector control (4) ................................118
CTRL.ESXSWI1 Earthing switch control (1) .............................119
CTRL.ESXSWI2 Earthing switch control (2) .............................119
CTRL.ESXSWI3 Earthing switch control (3) .............................119
LD0.LDEV1 Protection relay's warm reset (1)........................... 120
LD0.LSHDPFRQ1 Load-shedding and restoration (1) ............. 120
LD0.LSHDPFRQ2 Load-shedding and restoration (2) ............. 120
LD0.LSHDPFRQ3 Load-shedding and restoration (3) ............. 120
LD0.LSHDPFRQ4 Load-shedding and restoration (4) ............. 120
LD0.LSHDPFRQ5 Load-shedding and restoration (5) ............. 121
LD0.LSHDPFRQ6 Load-shedding and restoration (6) ............. 121
LD0.SPCGAPC1 Generic control point (16 pcs) (1) .................121
LD0.SPCGAPC2 Generic control point (16 pcs) (2)..................122
LD0.SPCGAPC3 Generic control point (16 pcs) (3)..................122
LD0.SPCRGAPC1 Remote generic control points (1)...............123
LD0.SRGAPC1 Set-reset (8 pcs) (1).........................................124
LD0.SRGAPC2 Set-reset (8 pcs) (2).........................................124
LD0.SRGAPC3 Set-reset (8 pcs) (3).........................................124
LD0.SRGAPC4 Set-reset (8 pcs) (4).........................................125
Unmapped control points...........................................................125

Section 3 Glossary....................................................................... 127

8 RET620
Point List Manual
1MRS757662 C Section 1

Section 1 Introduction

1.1 This manual

The point list manual describes the outlook and properties of the data points specific
to the protection relay. The manual should be used in conjunction with the
corresponding communication protocol manual.

1.2 Intended audience

This manual addresses the communication system engineer or system integrator

responsible for pre-engineering and engineering for communication setup in a
substation from an protection relay perspective.

The system engineer or system integrator must have a basic knowledge of

communication in protection and control systems and thorough knowledge of the
specific communication protocol.

RET620 9
Point List Manual
Section 1 1MRS757662 C

1.3 Product documentation

1.3.1 Product documentation set

deinstallation & disposal


Planning &


Quick start guide
Quick installation guide
Product guide
Operation manual
Installation manual
Connection diagram
Engineering manual
Technical manual
Application manual
Communication protocol manual
IEC 61850 engineering guide
Point list manual
Cyber security deployment guideline

Figure 1: The intended use of documents during the product life cycle

Product series- and product-specific manuals can be downloaded

from the ABB Web site http://www.abb.com/relion.

1.3.2 Document revision history

Document revision/date Product version History
A/2013-05-07 2.0 First release
B/2015-12-11 2.0 FP1 Content updated to correspond to the
product version
C/2019-06-19 2.0 FP1 Content updated

Download the latest documents from the ABB Web site


10 RET620
Point List Manual
1MRS757662 C Section 1

1.3.3 Related documentation

Name of the document Document ID
Modbus Communication Protocol Manual 1MRS757645

1.4 Symbols and conventions

1.4.1 Symbols

The caution icon indicates important information or warning related

to the concept discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence of
a hazard which could result in corruption of software or damage to
equipment or property.

The information icon alerts the reader of important facts and


The tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your
project or how to use a certain function.

Although warning hazards are related to personal injury, it is necessary to understand

that under certain operational conditions, operation of damaged equipment may result
in degraded process performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore,
comply fully with all warning and caution notices.

1.4.2 Document conventions

A particular convention may not be used in this manual.

• Abbreviations and acronyms are spelled out in the glossary. The glossary also
contains definitions of important terms.
• Push button navigation in the LHMI menu structure is presented by using the
push button icons.
To navigate between the options, use and .
• Menu paths are presented in bold.
Select Main menu/Settings.
• LHMI messages are shown in Courier font.
To save the changes in nonvolatile memory, select Yes and press .
• Parameter names are shown in italics.
The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting.
• Parameter values are indicated with quotation marks.

RET620 11
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Section 1 1MRS757662 C

The corresponding parameter values are "On" and "Off".

• Input/output messages and monitored data names are shown in Courier font.
When the function starts, the START output is set to TRUE.
• This document assumes that the parameter setting visibility is "Advanced".

1.4.3 Functions, codes and symbols

Table 1: Functions included in the relay
Function IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI
Three-phase non-directional PHLPTOC1 3I> (1) 51P-1 (1)
overcurrent protection, low stage
PHLPTOC2 3I> (2) 51P-1 (2)
Three-phase non-directional PHHPTOC1 3I>> (1) 51P-2 (1)
overcurrent protection, high stage
PHHPTOC2 3I>> (2) 51P-2 (2)
Three-phase non-directional PHIPTOC1 3I>>> (1) 50P/51P (1)
overcurrent protection, instantaneous
stage PHIPTOC2 3I>>> (2) 50P/51P (2)

Three-phase directional overcurrent

DPHLPDOC1 3I> -> (1) 67-1 (1)
protection, low stage
Three-phase directional overcurrent
DPHHPDOC1 3I>> -> (1) 67-2 (1)
protection, high stage
Non-directional earth-fault protection, EFLPTOC1 Io> (1) 51N-1 (1)
low stage
EFLPTOC2 Io> (2) 51N-1 (2)
Non-directional earth-fault protection, EFHPTOC1 Io>> (1) 51N-2 (1)
high stage
EFHPTOC2 Io>> (2) 51N-2 (2)
Directional earth-fault protection, low DEFLPDEF1 Io> -> (1) 67N-1 (1)
DEFLPDEF2 Io> -> (2) 67N-1 (2)
Directional earth-fault protection, high
DEFHPDEF1 Io>> -> (1) 67N-2 (1)
Negative-sequence overcurrent NSPTOC1 I2> (1) 46 (1)
NSPTOC2 I2> (2) 46 (2)
Residual overvoltage protection ROVPTOV1 Uo> (1) 59G (1)
ROVPTOV2 Uo> (2) 59G (2)
ROVPTOV3 Uo> (3) 59G (3)
Three-phase undervoltage protection PHPTUV1 3U< (1) 27 (1)
PHPTUV2 3U< (2) 27 (2)
PHPTUV3 3U< (3) 27 (3)
PHPTUV4 3U< (4) 27 (4)
Three-phase overvoltage protection PHPTOV1 3U> (1) 59 (1)
PHPTOV2 3U> (2) 59 (2)
PHPTOV3 3U> (3) 59 (3)
Table continues on next page

12 RET620
Point List Manual
1MRS757662 C Section 1

Function IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI

Positive-sequence undervoltage PSPTUV1 U1< (1) 47U+ (1)
PSPTUV2 U1< (2) 47U+ (2)
Negative-sequence overvoltage NSPTOV1 U2> (1) 47O- (1)
NSPTOV2 U2> (2) 47O- (2)
Frequency protection FRPFRQ1 f>/f<,df/dt (1) 81 (1)
FRPFRQ2 f>/f<,df/dt (2) 81 (2)
FRPFRQ3 f>/f<,df/dt (3) 81 (3)
Overexcitation protection OEPVPH1 U/f> (1) 24 (1)
OEPVPH2 U/f> (2) 24 (2)
Three-phase thermal overload
T2PTTR1 3Ith>T/G/C (1) 49T/G/C (1)
protection, two time constants
Loss of phase (undercurrent) PHPTUC1 3I< (1) 37 (1)
PHPTUC2 3I< (2) 37 (2)
Stabilized and instantaneous
differential protection for two-winding TR2PTDF1 3dI>T (1) 87T (1)
Numerical stabilized low-impedance LREFPNDF1 dIoLo> (1) 87NL (1)
restricted earth-fault protection
LREFPNDF2 dIoLo> (2) 87NL (2)
High-impedance based restricted HREFPDIF1 dIoHi> (1) 87NH (1)
earth-fault protection
HREFPDIF2 dIoHi> (2) 87NH (2)
Circuit breaker failure protection CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF (1) 51BF/51NBF (1)
CCBRBRF2 3I>/Io>BF (2) 51BF/51NBF (2)
CCBRBRF3 3I>/Io>BF (3) 51BF/51NBF (3)
Three-phase inrush detector INRPHAR1 3I2f> (1) 68 (1)
Master trip TRPPTRC1 Master Trip (1) 94/86 (1)
TRPPTRC2 Master Trip (2) 94/86 (2)
TRPPTRC3 Master Trip (3) 94/86 (3)
TRPPTRC4 Master Trip (4) 94/86 (4)
Arc protection ARCSARC1 ARC (1) 50L/50NL (1)
ARCSARC2 ARC (2) 50L/50NL (2)
ARCSARC3 ARC (3) 50L/50NL (3)
Load-shedding and restoration LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R (1) 81LSH (1)
Table continues on next page

RET620 13
Point List Manual
Section 1 1MRS757662 C

Function IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI

Multipurpose protection MAPGAPC1 MAP (1) MAP (1)
MAPGAPC10 MAP (10) MAP (10)
MAPGAPC11 MAP (11) MAP (11)
MAPGAPC12 MAP (12) MAP (12)
MAPGAPC13 MAP (13) MAP (13)
MAPGAPC14 MAP (14) MAP (14)
MAPGAPC15 MAP (15) MAP (15)
MAPGAPC16 MAP (16) MAP (16)
MAPGAPC17 MAP (17) MAP (17)
MAPGAPC18 MAP (18) MAP (18)
Automatic switch-onto-fault logic
CVPSOF1 CVPSOF (1) SOFT/21/50 (1)
Underpower protection DUPPDPR1 P< (1) 32U (1)
DUPPDPR2 P< (2) 32U (2)
Reverse power/directional overpower DOPPDPR1 P>/Q> (1) 32R/32O (1)
DOPPDPR2 P>/Q> (2) 32R/32O (2)
DOPPDPR3 P>/Q> (3) 32R/32O (3)
Circuit-breaker control CBXCBR1 I <-> O CB (1) I <-> O CB (1)
CBXCBR2 I <-> O CB (2) I <-> O CB (2)
CBXCBR3 I <-> O CB (3) I <-> O CB (3)
Disconnector control DCXSWI1 I <-> O DCC (1) I <-> O DCC (1)
DCXSWI2 I <-> O DCC (2) I <-> O DCC (2)
DCXSWI3 I <-> O DCC (3) I <-> O DCC (3)
DCXSWI4 I <-> O DCC (4) I <-> O DCC (4)
Earthing switch control ESXSWI1 I <-> O ESC (1) I <-> O ESC (1)
ESXSWI2 I <-> O ESC (2) I <-> O ESC (2)
ESXSWI3 I <-> O ESC (3) I <-> O ESC (3)
Disconnector position indication DCSXSWI1 I <-> O DC (1) I <-> O DC (1)
DCSXSWI2 I <-> O DC (2) I <-> O DC (2)
DCSXSWI3 I <-> O DC (3) I <-> O DC (3)
DCSXSWI4 I <-> O DC (4) I <-> O DC (4)
Table continues on next page

14 RET620
Point List Manual
1MRS757662 C Section 1

Function IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI

Earthing switch indication ESSXSWI1 I <-> O ES (1) I <-> O ES (1)
ESSXSWI2 I <-> O ES (2) I <-> O ES (2)
ESSXSWI3 I <-> O ES (3) I <-> O ES (3)
Synchronism and energizing check SECRSYN1 SYNC (1) 25 (1)
Tap changer position indication TPOSYLTC1 TPOSM (1) 84M (1)
Tap changer control with voltage
OLATCC1 COLTC (1) 90V (1)
Condition monitoring and supervision
Circuit-breaker condition monitoring SSCBR1 CBCM (1) CBCM (1)
Trip circuit supervision TCSSCBR1 TCS (1) TCM (1)
Current circuit supervision CCSPVC1 MCS 3I (1) MCS 3I (1)
CCSPVC2 MCS 3I (2) MCS 3I (2)
Advanced current circuit supervision
CTSRCTF1 MCS 3I,I2 (1) MCS 3I,I2 (1)
for transformers
Fuse failure supervision SEQSPVC1 FUSEF (1) 60 (1)
Runtime counter for machines and MDSOPT1 OPTS (1) OPTM (1)
Three-phase current measurement CMMXU1 3I (1) 3I (1)
CMMXU2 3I (2) 3I (2)
Sequence current measurement CSMSQI1 I1, I2, I0 (1) I1, I2, I0 (1)
CSMSQI2 I1, I2, I0 (B) (1) I1, I2, I0 (B) (1)
Residual current measurement RESCMMXU1 Io (1) In (1)
RESCMMXU2 Io (2) In (2)
Three-phase voltage measurement VMMXU1 3U (1) 3V (1)
Single-phase voltage measurement VAMMXU2 U_A (2) V_A (2)
VAMMXU3 U_A (3) V_A (3)
Residual voltage measurement RESVMMXU1 Uo (1) Vn (1)
Sequence voltage measurement VSMSQI1 U1, U2, U0 (1) V1, V2, V0 (1)
Three-phase power and energy
PEMMXU1 P, E (1) P, E (1)
Load profile record LDPRLRC1 LOADPROF (1) LOADPROF (1)
Frequency measurement FMMXU1 f (1) f (1)
Power quality
Current total demand distortion CMHAI1 PQM3I (1) PQM3I (1)
Voltage total harmonic distortion VMHAI1 PQM3U (1) PQM3V (1)
Voltage variation PHQVVR1 PQMU (1) PQMV (1)
Voltage unbalance VSQVUB1 PQUUB (1) PQVUB (1)
Table continues on next page

RET620 15
Point List Manual
Section 1 1MRS757662 C

Function IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI

Minimum pulse timer (2 pcs) TPGAPC1 TP (1) TP (1)
TPGAPC2 TP (2) TP (2)
TPGAPC3 TP (3) TP (3)
TPGAPC4 TP (4) TP (4)
Minimum pulse timer (2 pcs, second TPSGAPC1 TPS (1) TPS (1)
Minimum pulse timer (2 pcs, minute TPMGAPC1 TPM (1) TPM (1)
Pulse timer (8 pcs) PTGAPC1 PT (1) PT (1)
PTGAPC2 PT (2) PT (2)
Time delay off (8 pcs) TOFGAPC1 TOF (1) TOF (1)
Time delay on (8 pcs) TONGAPC1 TON (1) TON (1)
Set-reset (8 pcs) SRGAPC1 SR (1) SR (1)
SRGAPC2 SR (2) SR (2)
SRGAPC3 SR (3) SR (3)
SRGAPC4 SR (4) SR (4)
Move (8 pcs) MVGAPC1 MV (1) MV (1)
MVGAPC2 MV (2) MV (2)
MVGAPC3 MV (3) MV (3)
MVGAPC4 MV (4) MV (4)
Integer value move MVI4GAPC1 MVI4 (1) MVI4 (1)
MVI4GAPC2 MVI4 (2) MVI4 (2)
MVI4GAPC3 MVI4 (3) MVI4 (3)
MVI4GAPC4 MVI4 (4) MVI4 (4)
Analog value scaling SCA4GAPC1 SCA4 (1) SCA4 (1)
SCA4GAPC2 SCA4 (2) SCA4 (2)
SCA4GAPC3 SCA4 (3) SCA4 (3)
SCA4GAPC4 SCA4 (4) SCA4 (4)
Generic control point (16 pcs) SPCGAPC1 SPC (1) SPC (1)
Remote generic control points SPCRGAPC1 SPCR (1) SPCR (1)
Table continues on next page

16 RET620
Point List Manual
1MRS757662 C Section 1

Function IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI

Local generic control points SPCLGAPC1 SPCL (1) SPCL (1)
Generic up-down counters UDFCNT1 UDCNT (1) UDCNT (1)
Programmable buttons (16 buttons) FKEYGGIO1 FKEY (1) FKEY (1)
Logging functions
Disturbance recorder RDRE1 DR (1) DFR (1)
Fault recorder FLTRFRC1 FAULTREC (1) FAULTREC (1)
Sequence event recorder SER1 SER (1) SER (1)

RET620 17
Point List Manual
1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings

Section 2 Modbus data mappings

2.1 Overview

This document describes the Modbus data points and structures available in the
protection relay. The point lists describe a superset of all data available through the
standard configuration/s including the optional functionalities.

The majority of the Modbus data points are valid for all standard configurations. Some
data points are standard configuration-dependent or optional application-dependent
and thus not available in each protection relay. The unavailable, that means, unused,
data points always return value 0 when they are read. The configuration-dependent
and optional data do not overlap.

2.2 Supported functions in RET620

Table 2: Supported functions

Function A
IEC 61850
Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, low stage PHLPTOC1 1 HV

Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, high stage PHHPTOC1 1 HV

Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, instantaneous PHIPTOC1 1 HV
Three-phase directional overcurrent protection, low stage DPHLPDOC 1 HV
Three-phase directional overcurrent protection, high stage DPHHPDOC 1 HV
Non-directional earth-fault protection, low stage EFLPTOC1 1 HV1)

Non-directional earth-fault protection, high stage EFHPTOC1 1 HV1)

Directional earth-fault protection, low stage DEFLPDEF 2 HV1)
Directional earth-fault protection, high stage DEFHPDEF 1 HV1)
Negative-sequence overcurrent protection NSPTOC1 1 HV

Table continues on next page

RET620 19
Point List Manual
Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings

Function A
IEC 61850
Residual overvoltage protection ROVPTOV 3 HV
Three-phase undervoltage protection PHPTUV 4 HV
Three-phase overvoltage protection PHPTOV 3 HV
Positive-sequence undervoltage protection PSPTUV 2 HV
Negative-sequence overvoltage protection NSPTOV 2 HV
Frequency protection FRPFRQ 3 HV
Overexcitation protection OEPVPH 2 HV
Three-phase thermal overload protection, two time constants T2PTTR 1 HV
Loss of phase (undercurrent) PHPTUC1 1 HV

Stabilized and instantaneous differential protection for two-winding
Numerical stabilized low-impedance restricted earth-fault protection LREFPNDF1 1 HV

High-impedance based restricted earth-fault protection HREFPDIF1 1 HV

Circuit breaker failure protection CCBRBRF1 1 HV


Three-phase inrush detector INRPHAR 1 HV
Master trip TRPPTRC 4
Arc protection ARCSARC (3)2)
Load-shedding and restoration LSHDPFRQ 6 HV
Multipurpose protection MAPGAPC 18
Automatic switch-onto-fault logic (SOF) CVPSOF 1 HV
Underpower protection DUPPDPR 2 HV
Reverse power/directional overpower protection DOPPDPR 3 HV
Circuit-breaker control CBXCBR1 1 HV


Disconnector control DCXSWI1 1 HV



Table continues on next page

20 RET620
Point List Manual
1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings

Function A
IEC 61850
Earthing switch control ESXSWI1 1 HV


Disconnector position indication DCSXSWI1 1 HV



Earthing switch indication ESSXSWI1 1 HV


Synchronism and energizing check SECRSYN 1 HV
Tap changer position indication TPOSYLTC 1
Tap changer control with voltage regulator OLATCC (1) LV
Condition monitoring and supervision
Circuit-breaker condition monitoring SSCBR1 1 HV


Trip circuit supervision TCSSCBR1 1 HV

Current circuit supervision CCSPVC1 1 HV

Advanced current circuit supervision for transformers CTSRCTF 1
Fuse failure supervision SEQSPVC 1 HV
Runtime counter for machines and devices MDSOPT 2
Three-phase current measurement CMMXU1 1 HV

Sequence current measurement CSMSQI1 1 HV

Residual current measurement RESCMMXU1 1 HV

Three-phase voltage measurement VMMXU 1 HV
Single-phase voltage measurement VAMMXU2 1 LV

Residual voltage measurement RESVMMXU 1 HV
Sequence voltage measurement VSMSQI 1 HV
Table continues on next page

RET620 21
Point List Manual
Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings

Function A
IEC 61850
Three-phase power and energy measurement PEMMXU 1 HV
Load profile record LDPRLRC 1 HV
Frequency measurement FMMXU 1 HV
Power quality
Current total demand distortion CMHAI 1 HV
Voltage total harmonic distortion VMHAI 1 HV
Voltage variation PHQVVR 1 HV
Voltage unbalance VSQVUB 1 HV
Minimum pulse timer (2 pcs) TPGAPC 4
Minimum pulse timer (2 pcs, second resolution) TPSGAPC 2
Minimum pulse timer (2 pcs, minute resolution) TPMGAPC 2
Pulse timer (8 pcs) PTGAPC 2
Time delay off (8 pcs) TOFGAPC 4
Time delay on (8 pcs) TONGAPC 4
Set-reset (8 pcs) SRGAPC 4
Move (8 pcs) MVGAPC 4
Integer value move MVI4GAPC 4
Analog value scaling SCA4GAPC 4
Generic control point (16 pcs) SPCGAPC 3
Remote generic control points SPCRGAPC 1
Local generic control points SPCLGAPC 1
Generic up-down counters UDFCNT 12
Programmable buttons (16 buttons) FKEYGGIO 1
Logging functions
Disturbance recorder RDRE 1
Fault recorder FLTRFRC 1
Sequence event recorder SER 1
1, 2, ... = Number of included instances. The instances of a protection function represent the number of
identical protection function blocks available in the standard configuration.
() = optional
HV = The function block is to be used on the high-voltage side in the application.
LV = The function block is to be used on the low-voltage side in the application.

1) Function uses calculated value when the high-impedance based restricted earth-fault protection is
2) Io is calculated from the measured phase currents

22 RET620
Point List Manual
1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings

2.3 Indications

Table 3: Explanations of the indications table columns

Column name Description
BitA Default 0X and 1X bit address for the data.
RegA Default 3X and 4X register.bit (00-15) address for the data.
IEC 61850 Original IED data object identification. Described in the IEC 61850 format as Logical
name Device.Logical Node and thereafter .Data Object.Data Attribute. Logical Node is the
same as the application function block name.
SA name The signal may have a defined label that is visible, for example, in the Application
Configuration tool in PCM600.
Description Short description of the signal. See the technical manual for more information.
Value Meaning of the value states.

2.3.1 Premapped indications Common data 1

Table 4: Common data 1
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2720 170.00 .Loc.stVal - Remote/Local state 0/1=Rem/Loc
2721 170.01 .LocKeyHMI.stVal.Statio - Station state 1=Station
2722 170.02 .RcdMade.stVal - DR recording made 1=Made
2723 170.03 .mcd CTRL.CBCILO1 Circuit breaker enable signals (1)

Table 5: CTRL.CBCILO1 Circuit breaker enable signals (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2824 176.08 .EnaOpn.stVal ENA_OPEN Open enabled 1=Enabled
2825 176.09 .EnaCls.stVal ENA_CLOSE Close enabled 1=Enabled

RET620 23
Point List Manual
Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings CTRL.CBCSWI1 Circuit breaker (1) mom. position

Table 6: CTRL.CBCSWI1 Circuit breaker (1) mom. position
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2804 175.04 .Pos.stVal.Close - Close bit 1=Close
2805 175.05 .Pos.stVal.Open - Open bit 1=Open
2806 175.06 .Pos.stVal.Fault - Fault bit 1=Pos(00/11)
2834 177.02 .SynItlByps.stVal ITL_BYPASS Interlock bypass 1=Bypass
2835 177.03 .mcd CTRL.CBCSWI1 Circuit breaker (1) mom+mcd position

Table 7: CTRL.CBCSWI1 Circuit breaker (1) mom+mcd position
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2816 176.00 .Pos.stVal.Close Close bit 1=Close
2817 176.01 .mcd
2818 176.02 .Pos.stVal.Open Open bit 1=Open
2819 176.03 .mcd
2820 176.04 < reserved >
2821 176.05 < reserved >
2822 176.06 .Pos.stSeld SELECTED CB selected for control 1=Selected
2823 176.07 .mcd CTRL.CBXCBR1 Circuit-breaker control (1)

Table 8: CTRL.CBXCBR1 Circuit-breaker control (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2836 177.04 .BlkOpn.stVal BLK_OPEN Open blocked 1=Blocked
2837 177.05 .mcd
2838 177.06 .BlkCls.stVal BLK_CLOSE Close blocked 1=Blocked
2839 177.07 .mcd
2840 177.08 .ItlByPss.stVal ITL_BYPASS Interlock bypass 1=Bypass
2841 177.09 .mcd

24 RET620
Point List Manual
1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings CTRL.DCSXSWI1 Disconnector position indication (1)

Table 9: CTRL.DCSXSWI1 Disconnector position indication (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2792 174.08 .Pos.stVal.Close - Close bit 1=Close
2793 174.09 .Pos.stVal.Open - Open bit 1=Open
2794 174.10 .Pos.stVal.Fault - Fault bit 1=Pos(00/11) CTRL.DCSXSWI2 Disconnector position indication (2)

Table 10: CTRL.DCSXSWI2 Disconnector position indication (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2795 174.11 .Pos.stVal.Close - Close bit 1=Close
2796 174.12 .Pos.stVal.Open - Open bit 1=Open
2797 174.13 .Pos.stVal.Fault - Fault bit 1=Pos(00/11) CTRL.DCSXSWI3 Disconnector position indication (3)

Table 11: CTRL.DCSXSWI3 Disconnector position indication (3)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2798 174.14 .Pos.stVal.Close - Close bit 1=Close
2799 174.15 .Pos.stVal.Open - Open bit 1=Open
2800 175.00 .Pos.stVal.Fault - Fault bit 1=Pos(00/11) CTRL.DCXSWI1 Disconnector control (1)

Table 12: CTRL.DCXSWI1 Disconnector control (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3472 217.00 .Pos.stVal.Close - Close bit 1=Close
3473 217.01 .Pos.stVal.Open - Open bit 1=Open
3474 217.02 .Pos.stVal.Fault - Fault bit 1=Pos(00/11)
3475 217.03 .Pos.stSeld - Control selected 1=Selected
3476 217.04 .EnaOpn.stVal ENA_OPEN Open enabled 1=Enabled
3477 217.05 .EnaCls.stVal ENA_CLOSE Close enabled 1=Enabled
Table continues on next page

RET620 25
Point List Manual
Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings

BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

3478 217.06 .BlkOpn.stVal BLK_OPEN Open blocked 1=Blocked
3479 217.07 .mcd
3480 217.08 .BlkCls.stVal BLK_CLOSE Close blocked 1=Blocked
3481 217.09 .mcd
3482 217.10 .ItlByps.stVal ITL_BYPASS Interlock bypass 1=Bypass
3483 217.11 .mcd CTRL.DCXSWI2 Disconnector control (2)

Table 13: CTRL.DCXSWI2 Disconnector control (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3484 217.12 .Pos.stVal.Close - Close bit 1=Close
3485 217.13 .Pos.stVal.Open - Open bit 1=Open
3486 217.14 .Pos.stVal.Fault - Fault bit 1=Pos(00/11)
3487 217.15 .Pos.stSeld - Control selected 1=Selected
3488 218.00 .EnaOpn.stVal ENA_OPEN Open enabled 1=Enabled
3489 218.01 .EnaCls.stVal ENA_CLOSE Close enabled 1=Enabled
3490 218.02 .BlkOpn.stVal BLK_OPEN Open blocked 1=Blocked
3491 218.03 .mcd
3492 218.04 .BlkCls.stVal BLK_CLOSE Close blocked 1=Blocked
3493 218.05 .mcd
3494 218.06 .ItlByps.stVal ITL_BYPASS Interlock bypass 1=Bypass
3495 218.07 .mcd CTRL.ESSXSWI1 Earthing switch indication (1)

Table 14: CTRL.ESSXSWI1 Earthing switch indication (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2801 175.01 .Pos.stVal.Close - Close bit 1=Close
2802 175.02 .Pos.stVal.Open - Open bit 1=Open
2803 175.03 .Pos.stVal.Fault - Fault bit 1=Pos(00/11)

26 RET620
Point List Manual
1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings CTRL.ESSXSWI2 Earthing switch indication (2)

Table 15: CTRL.ESSXSWI2 Earthing switch indication (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2807 175.07 .Pos.stVal.Close - Close bit 1=Close
2808 175.08 .Pos.stVal.Open - Open bit 1=Open
2809 175.09 .Pos.stVal.Fault - Fault bit 1=Pos(00/11) CTRL.ESXSWI1 Earthing switch control (1)

Table 16: CTRL.ESXSWI1 Earthing switch control (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3496 218.08 .Pos.stVal.Close - Close bit 1=Close
3497 218.09 .Pos.stVal.Open - Open bit 1=Open
3498 218.10 .Pos.stVal.Fault - Fault bit 1=Pos(00/11)
3499 218.11 .Pos.stSeld - Control selected 1=Selected
3500 218.12 .EnaOpn.stVal ENA_OPEN Open enabled 1=Enabled
3501 218.13 .EnaCls.stVal ENA_CLOSE Close enabled 1=Enabled
3502 218.14 .BlkOpn.stVal BLK_OPEN Open blocked 1=Blocked
3503 218.15 .mcd
3504 219.00 .BlkCls.stVal BLK_CLOSE Close blocked 1=Blocked
3505 219.01 .mcd
3506 219.02 .ItlByps.stVal ITL_BYPASS Interlock bypass 1=Bypass
3507 219.03 .mcd LD0.ARCSARC1 Arc protection (1)

Table 17: LD0.ARCSARC1 Arc protection (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2978 186.02 .FADet.stVal ARC_FLT_DET Arc detected 1=Detected
2979 186.03 .mcd
2982 186.06 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
2983 186.07 .mcd

RET620 27
Point List Manual
Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings LD0.ARCSARC2 Arc protection (2)

Table 18: LD0.ARCSARC2 Arc protection (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2984 186.08 .FADet.stVal ARC_FLT_DET Arc detected 1=Detected
2985 186.09 .mcd
2988 186.12 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
2989 186.13 .mcd LD0.ARCSARC3 Arc protection (3)

Table 19: LD0.ARCSARC3 Arc protection (3)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2990 186.14 .FADet.stVal ARC_FLT_DET Arc detected 1=Detected
2991 186.15 .mcd
2994 187.02 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
2995 187.03 .mcd LD0.CCBRBRF1 Circuit breaker failure protection (1)

Table 20: LD0.CCBRBRF1 Circuit breaker failure protection (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2828 176.12 .Str.general CB_FAULT_AL Timer running 1=Running
2829 176.13 .mcd
2830 176.14 .OpEx.general TRBU Fail, external trip 1=Ext.trip
2831 176.15 .mcd
2832 177.00 .OpIn.general TRRET Internal re-trip 1=Re-trip
2833 177.01 .mcd

28 RET620
Point List Manual
1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings LD0.CCBRBRF2 Circuit breaker failure protection (2)

Table 21: LD0.CCBRBRF2 Circuit breaker failure protection (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
4428 276.12 .Str.general CB_FAULT_AL Timer running 1=Running
4429 276.13 .mcd
4430 276.14 .OpEx.general TRBU Fail, external trip 1=Ext.trip
4431 276.15 .mcd
4432 277.00 .OpIn.general TRRET Internal re-trip 1=Re-trip
4433 277.01 .mcd LD0.CCSPVC1 Current circuit supervision (1)

Table 22: LD0.CCSPVC1 Current circuit supervision (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
4048 253.00 .SigFailAlm.stVal ALARM Alarm 1=Alarm
4049 253.01 .mcd
4050 253.02 .FailACirc.general FAIL Failure operate 1=Operate
4051 253.03 .mcd LD0.CCSPVC2 Current circuit supervision (2)

Table 23: LD0.CCSPVC2 Current circuit supervision (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
4052 253.04 .SigFailAlm.stVal ALARM Alarm 1=Alarm
4053 253.05 .mcd
4054 253.06 .FailACirc.general FAIL Failure operate 1=Operate
4055 253.07 .mcd LD0.CMMXU1 Three-phase current measurement (1)

Table 24: LD0.CMMXU1 Three-phase current measurement (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2752 172.00 .HiAlm.stVal HIGH_ALARM High alarm 1=Alarm
2753 172.01 .mcd
2754 172.02 .HiWrn.stVal HIGH_WARN High warning 1=Warning
Table continues on next page

RET620 29
Point List Manual
Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings

BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

2755 172.03 .mcd
2756 172.04 .LoWrn.stVal LOW_WARN Low warning 1=Warning
2757 172.05 .mcd
2758 172.06 .LoAlm.stVal LOW_ALARM Low alarm 1=Alarm
2759 172.07 .mcd LD0.CMMXU2 Three-phase current measurement (2)

Table 25: LD0.CMMXU2 Three-phase current measurement (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2784 174.00 .HiAlm.stVal HIGH_ALARM High alarm 1=Alarm
2785 174.01 .mcd
2786 174.02 .HiWrn.stVal HIGH_WARN High warning 1=Warning
2787 174.03 .mcd
2788 174.04 .LoWrn.stVal LOW_WARN Low warning 1=Warning
2789 174.05 .mcd
2790 174.06 .LoAlm.stVal LOW_ALARM Low alarm 1=Alarm
2791 174.07 .mcd LD0.DEFHPDEF1 Directional earth-fault protection, high stage (1)

Table 26: LD0.DEFHPDEF1 Directional earth-fault protection, high stage (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3868 241.12 .Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
3869 241.13 .mcd
3870 241.14 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
3871 241.15 .mcd LD0.DEFLPDEF1 Directional earth-fault protection, low stage (1)

Table 27: LD0.DEFLPDEF1 Directional earth-fault protection, low stage (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3860 241.04 .Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
3861 241.05 .mcd
3862 241.06 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
3863 241.07 .mcd

30 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings LD0.DEFLPDEF2 Directional earth-fault protection, low stage (2)

Table 28: LD0.DEFLPDEF2 Directional earth-fault protection, low stage (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3864 241.08 .Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
3865 241.09 .mcd
3866 241.10 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
3867 241.11 .mcd LD0.DPHHPDOC1 Three-phase directional overcurrent protection,

high stage (1)
Table 29: LD0.DPHHPDOC1 Three-phase directional overcurrent protection, high stage (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3850 240.10 .Str.general START General start 1=Start
3851 240.11 .mcd
3852 240.12 .Str.phsA Phs A start 1=Start
3853 240.13 .mcd
3854 240.14 .Str.phsB Phs B start 1=Start
3855 240.15 .mcd
3856 241.00 .Str.phsC Phs C start 1=Start
3857 241.01 .mcd
3858 241.02 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
3859 241.03 .mcd LD0.DPHLPDOC1 Three-phase directional overcurrent protection, low

stage (1)
Table 30: LD0.DPHLPDOC1 Three-phase directional overcurrent protection, low stage (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3840 240.00 .Str.general START General start 1=Start
3841 240.01 .mcd
3842 240.02 .Str.phsA Phs A start 1=Start
3843 240.03 .mcd
3844 240.04 .Str.phsB Phs B start 1=Start
3845 240.05 .mcd
3846 240.06 .Str.phsC Phs C start 1=Start
Table continues on next page

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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings

BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

3847 240.07 .mcd
3848 240.08 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
3849 240.09 .mcd LD0.EFHPTOC1 Non-directional earth-fault protection, high stage (1)

Table 31: LD0.EFHPTOC1 Non-directional earth-fault protection, high stage (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2944 184.00 .Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
2945 184.01 .mcd
2946 184.02 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
2947 184.03 .mcd LD0.EFHPTOC2 Non-directional earth-fault protection, high stage (2)

Table 32: LD0.EFHPTOC2 Non-directional earth-fault protection, high stage (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2952 184.08 .Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
2953 184.09 .mcd
2954 184.10 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
2955 184.11 .mcd LD0.EFLPTOC1 Non-directional earth-fault protection, low stage (1)

Table 33: LD0.EFLPTOC1 Non-directional earth-fault protection, low stage (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2940 183.12 .Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
2941 183.13 .mcd
2942 183.14 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
2943 183.15 .mcd

32 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings LD0.EFLPTOC2 Non-directional earth-fault protection, low stage (2)

Table 34: LD0.EFLPTOC2 Non-directional earth-fault protection, low stage (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2948 184.04 .Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
2949 184.05 .mcd
2950 184.06 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
2951 184.07 .mcd LD0.FKEYGGIO1 Programmable buttons (16 buttons) (1)

Table 35: LD0.FKEYGGIO1 Programmable buttons (16 buttons) (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3744 243.00 .SPCSO1.stVal LED state 1 0/1=Off/On
3745 243.01 .SPCSO2.stVal LED state 2 0/1=Off/On
3746 243.02 .SPCSO3.stVal LED state 3 0/1=Off/On
3747 243.03 .SPCSO4.stVal LED state 4 0/1=Off/On
3748 243.04 .SPCSO5.stVal LED state 5 0/1=Off/On
3749 243.05 .SPCSO6.stVal LED state 6 0/1=Off/On
3750 243.06 .SPCSO7.stVal LED state 7 0/1=Off/On
3751 243.07 .SPCSO8.stVal LED state 8 0/1=Off/On
3752 243.08 .SPCSO9.stVal LED state 9 0/1=Off/On
3753 243.09 .SPCSO10.stVal LED state 10 0/1=Off/On
3754 243.10 .SPCSO11.stVal LED state 11 0/1=Off/On
3755 243.11 .SPCSO12.stVal LED state 12 0/1=Off/On
3756 243.12 .SPCSO13.stVal LED state 13 0/1=Off/On
3757 243.13 .SPCSO14.stVal LED state 14 0/1=Off/On
3758 243.14 .SPCSO15.stVal LED state 15 0/1=Off/On
3759 243.15 .SPCSO16.stVal LED state 16 0/1=Off/On LD0.FRPFRQ1 Frequency protection (1)

Table 36: LD0.FRPFRQ1 Frequency protection (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3936 246.00 .Str.general START Stage 1 start 1=Start
3937 246.01 .mcd
LD0.FRPTOF1 Overfrequency
Table continues on next page

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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings

BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

3938 246.02 .Op.general OPR_OFRQ Operate 1=Operate
3939 246.03 .mcd
LD0.FRPTUF1 Underfrequency
3940 246.04 .Op.general OPR_UFRQ Operate 1=Operate
3941 246.05 .mcd
LD0.FRPFRC1 Frequency gradient
3942 246.06 .Op.general OPR_FRG Operate 1=Operate
3943 246.07 .mcd LD0.FRPFRQ2 Frequency protection (2)

Table 37: LD0.FRPFRQ2 Frequency protection (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3944 246.08 .Str.general START Stage 1 start 1=Start
3945 246.09 .mcd
LD0.FRPTOF2 Overfrequency
3946 246.10 .Op.general OPR_OFRQ Operate 1=Operate
3947 246.11 .mcd
LD0.FRPTUF2 Underfrequency
3948 246.12 .Op.general OPR_UFRQ Operate 1=Operate
3949 246.13 .mcd
LD0.FRPFRC2 Frequency gradient
3950 246.14 .Op.general OPR_FRG Operate 1=Operate
3951 246.15 .mcd LD0.FRPFRQ3 Frequency protection (3)

Table 38: LD0.FRPFRQ3 Frequency protection (3)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3952 247.00 .Str.general START Stage 1 start 1=Start
3953 247.01 .mcd
LD0.FRPTOF3 Overfrequency
3954 247.02 .Op.general OPR_OFRQ Operate 1=Operate
3955 247.03 .mcd
LD0.FRPTUF3 Underfrequency
3956 247.04 .Op.general OPR_UFRQ Operate 1=Operate
3957 247.05 .mcd
Table continues on next page

34 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings

BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

LD0.FRPFRC3 Frequency gradient
3958 247.06 .Op.general OPR_FRG Operate 1=Operate
3959 247.07 .mcd LD0.HREFPDIF1 High-impedance based restricted earth-fault

protection (1)
Table 39: LD0.HREFPDIF1 High-impedance based restricted earth-fault protection (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2968 185.08 .Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
2969 185.09 .mcd
2970 185.10 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
2971 185.11 .mcd LD0.HREFPDIF2 High-impedance based restricted earth-fault

protection (2)
Table 40: LD0.HREFPDIF2 High-impedance based restricted earth-fault protection (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3980 248.12 .Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
3981 248.13 .mcd
3982 248.14 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
3983 248.15 .mcd LD0.INRPHAR1 Three-phase inrush detector (1)

Table 41: LD0.INRPHAR1 Three-phase inrush detector (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3984 249.00 .Str.general BLK2H General start 1=Start
3985 249.01 .mcd
3986 249.02 .Str.phsA Phs A start 1=Start
3987 249.03 .mcd
3988 249.04 .Str.phsB Phs B start 1=Start
3989 249.05 .mcd
3990 249.06 .Str.phsC Phs C start 1=Start
3991 249.07 .mcd

RET620 35
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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings LD0.LEDGGIO1 Indication LED states Color1/Color2

These LED indication points interpret the case when a signal is wired to both the OK
and ALARM inputs, but inverted to the other. This means that the LED toggles
between red and green colors. The default color for ALARM is red and green for OK.
Colors can, however, be reconfigured with a setting parameter.

GUID-2AE4D47A-2BBD-4422-A81C-CF2EB7473379 V1 EN

Figure 2: Signal wired to both OK and ALARM inputs – inverted to the other

If the OK and ALARM inputs are wired to separate indication signals,

the LED will have three legal states and cannot be expressed with one
bit only. In this case, it is possible to combine this LED bit
interpretation with the corresponding value from the other LED state

Signal 1
Signal 2
GUID-051741E8-4D66-412C-BA0A-0B849B5E58F2 V1 EN

Figure 3: Separate signals wired to OK and ALARM inputs

Table 42: LD0.LEDGGIO1 Indication LED states Color1/Color2

BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3520 220.00 .LEDSt1.stVal - LED 1 state 0/1=Color1/2
3521 220.01 .LEDSt2.stVal - LED 2 state 0/1=Color1/2
3522 220.02 .LEDSt3.stVal - LED 3 state 0/1=Color1/2
3523 220.03 .LEDSt4.stVal - LED 4 state 0/1=Color1/2
3524 220.04 .LEDSt5.stVal - LED 5 state 0/1=Color1/2
3525 220.05 .LEDSt6.stVal - LED 6 state 0/1=Color1/2
3526 220.06 .LEDSt7.stVal - LED 7 state 0/1=Color1/2
3527 220.07 .LEDSt8.stVal - LED 8 state 0/1=Color1/2
3528 220.08 .LEDSt9.stVal - LED 9 state 0/1=Color1/2
Table continues on next page

36 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings

BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

3529 220.09 .LEDSt10.stVal - LED 10 state 0/1=Color1/2
3530 220.10 .LEDSt11.stVal - LED 11 state 0/1=Color1/2
3531 220.11 <reserved> 0 LD0.LEDGGIO1 Indication LED states OFF/ColorX

These LED indication points interpret the case when an indication signal is wired to
either the OK or ALARM input of the LED function block. The default color for
ALARM is red and green for OK. Colors can, however, be reconfigured with a setting



GUID-775477F8-C2DE-4138-B2C0-6B7C2774D4D2 V1 EN

Figure 4: Signal wired to either OK or Alarm input

Table 43: LD0.LEDGGIO1 Indication LED states OFF/ColorX

BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2768 173.00 .LEDSt1.stVal - LED 1 state 0/1=Off/Color
2769 173.01 .LEDSt2.stVal - LED 2 state 0/1=Off/Color
2770 173.02 .LEDSt3.stVal - LED 3 state 0/1=Off/Color
2771 173.03 .LEDSt4.stVal - LED 4 state 0/1=Off/Color
2772 173.04 .LEDSt5.stVal - LED 5 state 0/1=Off/Color
2773 173.05 .LEDSt6.stVal - LED 6 state 0/1=Off/Color
2774 173.06 .LEDSt7.stVal - LED 7 state 0/1=Off/Color
2775 173.07 .LEDSt8.stVal - LED 8 state 0/1=Off/Color
2776 173.08 .LEDSt9.stVal - LED 9 state 0/1=Off/Color
2777 173.09 .LEDSt10.stVal - LED 10 state 0/1=Off/Color
2778 173.10 .LEDSt11.stVal - LED 11 state 0/1=Off/Color
2779 173.11 <reserved> 0

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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings LD0.LEDPTRC1 Global conditioning (1)

Table 44: LD0.LEDPTRC1 Global conditioning (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2736 171.00 .Str.general - Global start 1=Start
2737 171.01 .mcd
2738 171.02 .Op.general - Global operate 1=Operate
2739 171.03 .mcd LD0.LEDPTRC1 Global conditioning - phase information (1)

Table 45: LD0.LEDPTRC1 Global conditioning - phase information (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2864 179.00 .Str.phsA Start phsA 1=Start
2865 179.01 .mcd
2866 179.02 .Str.phsB Start phsB 1=Start
2867 179.03 .mcd
2868 179.04 .Str.phsC Start phsC 1=Start
2869 179.05 .mcd
2870 179.06 .Op.phsA Operate phsA 1=Operate
2871 179.07 .mcd
2872 179.08 .Op.phsB Operate phsB 1=Operate
2873 179.09 .mcd
2874 179.10 .Op.phsC Operate phsC 1=Operate
2875 179.11 .mcd LD0.LREFPNDF1 Numerically stabilized low-impedance restricted

earth-fault protection (1)
Table 46: LD0.LREFPNDF1 Numerically stabilized low-impedance restricted earth-fault protection (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2964 185.04 .Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
2965 185.05 .mcd
2966 185.06 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
2967 185.07 .mcd

38 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings LD0.LREFPNDF2 Numerically stabilized low-impedance restricted

earth-fault protection (2)
Table 47: LD0.LREFPNDF2 Numerically stabilized low-impedance restricted earth-fault protection (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3976 248.08 .Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
3977 248.09 .mcd
3978 248.10 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
3979 248.11 .mcd LD0.LSHDPFRQ1 Load-shedding and restoration (1)

Table 48: LD0.LSHDPFRQ1 Load-shedding and restoration (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
4000 250.00 .Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
4001 250.01 .mcd
4002 250.02 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
4003 250.03 .mcd
4004 250.04 .Str.general ST_REST Start of restore 1=Start
4005 250.05 .mcd
4006 250.06 .Op.general RESTORE Restore the load 1=Restore
4007 250.07 .mcd LD0.LSHDPFRQ2 Load-shedding and restoration (2)

Table 49: LD0.LSHDPFRQ2 Load-shedding and restoration (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
4008 250.08 .Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
4009 250.09 .mcd
4010 250.10 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
4011 250.11 .mcd
4012 250.12 .Str.general ST_REST Start of restore 1=Start
4013 250.13 .mcd
4014 250.14 .Op.general RESTORE Restore the load 1=Restore
4015 250.15 .mcd

RET620 39
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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings LD0.LSHDPFRQ3 Load-shedding and restoration (3)

Table 50: LD0.LSHDPFRQ3 Load-shedding and restoration (3)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
4016 251.00 .Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
4017 251.01 .mcd
4018 251.02 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
4019 251.03 .mcd
4020 251.04 .Str.general ST_REST Start of restore 1=Start
4021 251.05 .mcd
4022 251.06 .Op.general RESTORE Restore the load 1=Restore
4023 251.07 .mcd LD0.LSHDPFRQ4 Load-shedding and restoration (4)

Table 51: LD0.LSHDPFRQ4 Load-shedding and restoration (4)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
4024 251.08 .Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
4025 251.09 .mcd
4026 251.10 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
4027 251.11 .mcd
4028 251.12 .Str.general ST_REST Start of restore 1=Start
4029 251.13 .mcd
4030 251.14 .Op.general RESTORE Restore the load 1=Restore
4031 251.15 .mcd LD0.LSHDPFRQ5 Load-shedding and restoration (5)

Table 52: LD0.LSHDPFRQ5 Load-shedding and restoration (5)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
4032 252.00 .Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
4033 252.01 .mcd
4034 252.02 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
4035 252.03 .mcd
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings

BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

4036 252.04 .Str.general ST_REST Start of restore 1=Start
4037 252.05 .mcd
4038 252.06 .Op.general RESTORE Restore the load 1=Restore
4039 252.07 .mcd LD0.LSHDPFRQ6 Load-shedding and restoration (6)

Table 53: LD0.LSHDPFRQ6 Load-shedding and restoration (6)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
4040 252.08 .Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
4041 252.09 .mcd
4042 252.10 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
4043 252.11 .mcd
4044 252.12 .Str.general ST_REST Start of restore 1=Start
4045 252.13 .mcd
4046 252.14 .Op.general RESTORE Restore the load 1=Restore
4047 252.15 .mcd LD0.MAPGAPC1 Multipurpose protection (1)

Table 54: LD0.MAPGAPC1 Multipurpose protection (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3016 188.08 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1 = Operate
3017 188.09 .mcd
3018 188.10 .Str.general START Stage start 1 = Start
3019 188.11 .mcd LD0.MAPGAPC2 Multipurpose protection (2)

Table 55: LD0.MAPGAPC2 Multipurpose protection (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3020 188.12 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1 = Operate
3021 188.13 .mcd
3022 188.14 .Str.general START Stage start 1 = Start
3023 188.15 .mcd

RET620 41
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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings LD0.MAPGAPC3 Multipurpose protection (3)

Table 56: LD0.MAPGAPC3 Multipurpose protection (3)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3024 189.00 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1 = Operate
3025 189.01 .mcd
3026 189.02 .Str.general START Stage start 1 = Start
3027 189.03 .mcd LD0.MAPGAPC4 Multipurpose protection (4)

Table 57: LD0.MAPGAPC4 Multipurpose protection (4)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3028 189.04 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1 = Operate
3029 189.05 .mcd
3030 189.06 .Str.general START Stage start 1 = Start
3031 189.07 .mcd LD0.MAPGAPC5 Multipurpose protection (5)

Table 58: LD0.MAPGAPC5 Multipurpose protection (5)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3036 189.12 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1 = Operate
3037 189.13 .mcd
3038 189.14 .Str.general START Stage start 1 = Start
3039 189.15 .mcd LD0.MAPGAPC6 Multipurpose protection (6)

Table 59: LD0.MAPGAPC6 Multipurpose protection (6)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3012 188.04 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1 = Operate
3013 188.05 .mcd
3014 188.06 .Str.general START Stage start 1 = Start
3015 188.07 .mcd

42 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings LD0.MAPGAPC7 Multipurpose protection (7)

Table 60: LD0.MAPGAPC7 Multipurpose protection (7)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3720 232.08 .Str.general START Stage start 1 = Start
3721 232.09 .mcd
3722 232.10 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1 = Operate
3723 232.11 .mcd LD0.MAPGAPC8 Multipurpose protection (8)

Table 61: LD0.MAPGAPC8 Multipurpose protection (8)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3724 232.12 .Str.general START Stage start 1 = Start
3725 232.13 .mcd
3726 232.14 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1 = Operate
3727 232.15 .mcd LD0.MAPGAPC9 Multipurpose protection (9)

Table 62: LD0.MAPGAPC9 Multipurpose protection (9)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3728 233.00 .Str.general START Stage start 1 = Start
3729 233.01 .mcd
3730 233.02 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1 = Operate
3731 233.03 .mcd LD0.MAPGAPC10 Multipurpose protection (10)

Table 63: LD0.MAPGAPC10 Multipurpose protection (10)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3732 233.04 .Str.general START Stage start 1 = Start
3733 233.05 .mcd
3734 233.06 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1 = Operate
3735 233.07 .mcd

RET620 43
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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings LD0.MAPGAPC11 Multipurpose protection (11)

Table 64: LD0.MAPGAPC11 Multipurpose protection (11)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3736 233.08 .Str.general START Stage start 1 = Start
3737 233.09 .mcd
3738 233.10 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1 = Operate
3739 233.11 .mcd LD0.MAPGAPC12 Multipurpose protection (12)

Table 65: LD0.MAPGAPC12 Multipurpose protection (12)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3740 233.12 .Str.general START Stage start 1 = Start
3741 233.13 .mcd
3742 233.14 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1 = Operate
3743 233.15 .mcd LD0.MVGAPC1 Move (8 pcs) (1)

Table 66: LD0.MVGAPC1 Move (8 pcs) (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3536 221.00 .SPCSO1.stVal Input 1 0/1=Off/On
3537 221.01 .mcd
3538 221.02 .SPCSO2.stVal Input 2 0/1=Off/On
3539 221.03 .mcd
3540 221.04 .SPCSO3.stVal Input 3 0/1=Off/On
3541 221.05 .mcd
3542 221.06 .SPCSO4.stVal Input 4 0/1=Off/On
3543 221.07 .mcd
3544 221.08 .SPCSO5.stVal Input 5 0/1=Off/On
3545 221.09 .mcd
3546 221.10 .SPCSO6.stVal Input 6 0/1=Off/On
3547 221.11 .mcd
3548 221.12 .SPCSO7.stVal Input 7 0/1=Off/On
3549 221.13 .mcd
3550 221.14 .SPCSO8.stVal Input 8 0/1=Off/On
3551 221.15 .mcd

44 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings LD0.MVGAPC2 Move (8 pcs) (2)

Table 67: LD0.MVGAPC2 Move (8 pcs) (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3552 222.00 .SPCSO1.stVal Input 1 0/1=Off/On
3553 222.01 .mcd
3554 222.02 .SPCSO2.stVal Input 2 0/1=Off/On
3555 222.03 .mcd
3556 222.04 .SPCSO3.stVal Input 3 0/1=Off/On
3557 222.05 .mcd
3558 222.06 .SPCSO4.stVal Input 4 0/1=Off/On
3559 222.07 .mcd
3560 222.08 .SPCSO5.stVal Input 5 0/1=Off/On
3561 222.09 .mcd
3562 222.10 .SPCSO6.stVal Input 6 0/1=Off/On
3563 222.11 .mcd
3564 222.12 .SPCSO7.stVal Input 7 0/1=Off/On
3565 222.13 .mcd
3566 222.14 .SPCSO8.stVal Input 8 0/1=Off/On
3567 222.15 .mcd LD0.NSPTOC1 Negative-sequence overcurrent protection (1)

Table 68: LD0.NSPTOC1 Negative-sequence overcurrent protection (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2956 184.12 .Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
2957 184.13 .mcd
2958 184.14 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
2959 184.15 .mcd LD0.NSPTOC2 Negative-sequence overcurrent protection (2)

Table 69: LD0.NSPTOC2 Negative-sequence overcurrent protection (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2960 185.00 .Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
2961 185.01 .mcd
2962 185.02 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
2963 185.03 .mcd

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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings LD0.NSPTOV1 Negative-sequence overvoltage protection (1)

Table 70: LD0.NSPTOV1 Negative-sequence overvoltage protection (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3916 244.12 .Str.general START General start 1=Start
3917 244.13 .mcd
3924 245.04 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
3925 245.05 .mcd LD0.NSPTOV2 Negative-sequence overvoltage protection (2)

Table 71: LD0.NSPTOV2 Negative-sequence overvoltage protection (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3926 245.06 .Str.general START General start 1=Start
3927 245.07 .mcd
3934 245.14 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
3935 245.15 .mcd LD0.OEPVPH1 Overexcitation protection (1)

Table 72: LD0.OEPVPH1 Overexcitation protection (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3960 247.08 .Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
3961 247.09 .mcd
3962 247.10 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
3963 247.11 .mcd LD0.OEPVPH2 Overexcitation protection (2)

Table 73: LD0.OEPVPH2 Overexcitation protection (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3964 247.12 .Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
3965 247.13 .mcd
3966 247.14 .Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
3967 247.15 .mcd

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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings LD0.OLATCC1 Tap changer control with voltage regulator (1)

Table 74: LD0.OLATCC1 Tap changer control with voltage regulator (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3808 238.00 .TapOpR.stVal RAISE_OWN Raise command 1=Raise
3809 238.01 .mcd
3810 238.02 .TapOpL.stVal LOWER_OWN Lower command 1=Lower
3811 238.03 .mcd
3812 238.04 .TapOpErr.stVal ALARM Alarm 1=Alarm
3813 238.05 .mcd
3814 238.06 .EndPosR.stVal - Block raise 1=Raise
3815 238.07 .mcd
3816 238.08 .EndPosL.stVal - Block lower 1=Lower
3817 238.09 .mcd
3818 238.10 .LTCBlkAHi.stVal BLKD_I_LOD Over current blocking 1=Block
3819 238.11 .mcd
3820 238.12 .LTCBlkVLo.stVal BLKD_U_UN Under voltage blocking 1=Block
3821 238.13 .mcd
3822 238.14 .LTCRnbk.stVal RNBK_U_OV Raise volt.runback block 1=Block
3823 238.15 .mcd
3824 239.00 .LTCBlkCirA.stVal BLKD_I_CIR High circ.current block 1=Block
3825 239.01 .mcd
3826 239.02 .LTCBlkSt.stVal BLKD_LTCBLK External blocking 1=Block
3827 239.03 .mcd
3828 239.04 .ErrParTra.stVal PAR_FAIL Parallel failure detected 1=Failure
3829 239.05 .mcd
3830 239.06 .ParOp.stVal PARALLEL Parallel or single op. 1=Parallel
3831 239.07 .mcd
3832 239.08 .Auto.stVal AUTO Auto or manual op. 1=Auto
3833 239.09 .mcd LD0.PHHPTOC1 Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection,

high stage (1)
Table 75: LD0.PHHPTOC1 Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, high stage (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2890 180.10 .Str.general START General start 1=Start
2891 180.11 .mcd
2892 180.12 .Str.phsA Phs A start 1=Start
Table continues on next page

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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings

BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

2893 180.13 .mcd
2894 180.14 .Str.phsB Phs B start 1=Start
2895 180.15 .mcd
2896 181.00 .Str.phsC Phs C start 1=Start
2897 181.01 .mcd
2898 181.02 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
2899 181.03 .mcd LD0.PHHPTOC2 Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection,

high stage (2)
Table 76: Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, high stage (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2920 182.08 .Str.general START General start 1=Start
2921 182.09 .mcd
2922 182.10 .Str.phsA phsA start 1=Start
2923 182.11 .mcd
2924 182.12 .Str.phsB phsB start 1=Start
2925 182.13 .mcd
2926 182.14 .Str.phsC phsC start 1=Start
2927 182.15 .mcd
2928 183.00 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
2929 183.01 .mcd LD0.PHIPTOC1 Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection,

instantaneous stage (1)
Table 77: LD0.PHIPTOC1 Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, instantaneous stage (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2900 181.04 .Str.general START General start 1=Start
2901 181.05 .mcd
2902 181.06 .Str.phsA phsA start 1=Start
2903 181.07 .mcd
2904 181.08 .Str.phsB phsB start 1=Start
2905 181.09 .mcd
2906 181.10 .Str.phsC phsC start 1=Start
Table continues on next page

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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings

BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

2907 181.11 .mcd
2908 181.12 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
2909 181.13 .mcd LD0.PHIPTOC2 Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection,

instantaneous stage (2)
Table 78: LD0.PHIPTOC2 Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, instantaneous stage (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2930 183.02 .Str.general START General start 1=Start
2931 183.03 .mcd
2932 183.04 .Str.phsA phsA start 1=Start
2933 183.05 .mcd
2934 183.06 .Str.phsB phsB start 1=Start
2935 183.07 .mcd
2936 183.08 .Str.phsC phsC start 1=Start
2937 183.09 .mcd
2938 183.10 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
2939 183.11 .mcd LD0.PHLPTOC1 Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection,

low stage (1)
Table 79: LD0.PHLPTOC1 Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, low stage (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2880 180.00 .Str.general START General start 1=Start
2881 180.01 .mcd
2882 180.02 .Str.phsA Phs A start 1=Start
2883 180.03 .mcd
2884 180.04 .Str.phsB Phs B start 1=Start
2885 180.05 .mcd
2886 180.06 .Str.phsC Phs C start 1=Start
2887 180.07 .mcd
2888 180.08 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
2889 180.09 .mcd

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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings LD0.PHLPTOC2 Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection,

low stage (2)
Table 80: LD0.PHLPTOC2 Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, low stage (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2910 181.14 .Str.general START General start 1=Start
2911 181.15 .mcd
2912 182.00 .Str.phsA phsA start 1=Start
2913 182.01 .mcd
2914 182.02 .Str.phsB phsB start 1=Start
2915 182.03 .mcd
2916 182.04 .Str.phsC phsC start 1=Start
2917 182.05 .mcd
2918 182.06 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
2919 182.07 .mcd LD0.PHPTOV1 Three-phase overvoltage protection (1)

Table 81: LD0.PHPTOV1 Three-phase overvoltage protection (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3088 193.00 .Str.general START General start 1=Start
3089 193.01 .mcd
3090 193.02 .Str.phsA Phs A start 1=Start
3091 193.03 .mcd
3092 193.04 .Str.phsB Phs B start 1=Start
3093 193.05 .mcd
3094 193.06 .Str.phsC Phs C start 1=Start
3095 193.07 .mcd
3096 193.08 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
3097 193.09 .mcd LD0.PHPTOV2 Three-phase overvoltage protection (2)

Table 82: LD0.PHPTOV2 Three-phase overvoltage protection (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3098 193.10 .Str.general START General start 1=Start
3099 193.11 .mcd
Table continues on next page

50 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings

BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

3100 193.12 .Str.phsA Phs A start 1=Start
3101 193.13 .mcd
3102 193.14 .Str.phsB Phs B start 1=Start
3103 193.15 .mcd
3104 194.00 .Str.phsC Phs C start 1=Start
3105 194.01 .mcd
3106 194.02 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
3107 194.03 .mcd LD0.PHPTOV3 Three-phase overvoltage protection (3)

Table 83: LD0.PHPTOV3 Three-phase overvoltage protection (3)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3886 242.14 .Str.general START General start 1=Start
3887 242.15 .mcd
3888 243.00 .Str.phsA Phs A start 1=Start
3889 243.01 .mcd
3890 243.02 .Str.phsB Phs B start 1=Start
3891 243.03 .mcd
3892 243.04 .Str.phsC Phs C start 1=Start
3893 243.05 .mcd
3894 243.06 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
3895 243.07 .mcd LD0.PHPTUV1 Three-phase undervoltage protection (1)

Table 84: LD0.PHPTUV1 Three-phase undervoltage protection (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3138 196.02 .Str.general START General start 1=Start
3139 196.03 .mcd
3140 196.04 .Str.phsA Phs A start 1=Start
3141 196.05 .mcd
3142 196.06 .Str.phsB Phs B start 1=Start
3143 196.07 .mcd
3144 196.08 .Str.phsC Phs C start 1=Start
3145 196.09 .mcd
3146 196.10 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
3147 196.11 .mcd

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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings LD0.PHPTUV2 Three-phase undervoltage protection (2)

Table 85: LD0.PHPTUV2 Three-phase undervoltage protection (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3148 196.12 .Str.general START General start 1=Start
3149 196.13 .mcd
3150 196.14 .Str.phsA Phs A start 1=Start
3151 196.15 .mcd
3152 197.00 .Str.phsB Phs B start 1=Start
3153 197.01 .mcd
3154 197.02 .Str.phsC Phs C start 1=Start
3155 197.03 .mcd
3156 197.04 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
3157 197.05 .mcd LD0.PHPTUV3 Three-phase undervoltage protection (3)

Table 86: LD0.PHPTUV3 Three-phase undervoltage protection (3)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3876 242.04 .Str.general START General start 1=Start
3877 242.05 .mcd
3878 242.06 .Str.phsA Phs A start 1=Start
3879 242.07 .mcd
3880 242.08 .Str.phsB Phs B start 1=Start
3881 242.09 .mcd
3882 242.10 .Str.phsC Phs C start 1=Start
3883 242.11 .mcd
3884 242.12 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
3885 242.13 .mcd LD0.PSPTUV1 Positive-sequence undervoltage protection (1)

Table 87: LD0.PSPTUV1 Positive-sequence undervoltage protection (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3896 243.08 .Str.general START General start 1=Start
3897 243.09 .mcd
3904 244.00 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
3905 244.01 .mcd

52 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings LD0.PSPTUV2 Positive-sequence undervoltage protection (2)

Table 88: LD0.PSPTUV2 Positive-sequence undervoltage protection (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3906 244.02 .Str.general START General start 1=Start
3907 244.03 .mcd
3914 244.10 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
3915 244.11 .mcd LD0.RESCMMXU1 Residual current measurement (1)

Table 89: LD0.RESCMMXU1 Residual current measurement (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2760 172.08 .HiAlm.stVal HIGH_ALARM High alarm 1=Alarm
2761 172.09 .mcd
2762 172.10 .HiWrn.stVal HIGH_WARN High warning 1=Warning
2763 172.11 .mcd LD0.RESCMMXU2 Residual current measurement (2)

Table 90: LD0.RESCMMXU2 Residual current measurement (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2764 172.12 .HiAlm.stVal HIGH_ALARM High alarm 1=Alarm
2765 172.13 .mcd
2766 172.14 .HiWrn.stVal HIGH_WARN High warning 1=Warning
2767 172.15 .mcd LD0.RESVMMXU1 Residual voltage measurement (1)

Table 91: LD0.RESVMMXU1 Residual voltage measurement (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3048 190.08 .HiAlm.stVal HIGH_ALARM High alarm 1=Alarm
3049 190.09 .mcd
3050 190.10 .HiWrn.stVal HIGH_WARN High warning 1=Warning
3051 190.11 .mcd

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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings LD0.ROVPTOV1 Residual overvoltage protection (1)

Table 92: LD0.ROVPTOV1 Residual overvoltage protection (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3168 198.00 .Str.general START General start 1=Start
3169 198.01 .mcd
3170 198.02 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
3171 198.03 .mcd LD0.ROVPTOV2 Residual overvoltage protection (2)

Table 93: LD0.ROVPTOV2 Residual overvoltage protection (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3172 198.04 .Str.general START General start 1=Start
3173 198.05 .mcd
3174 198.06 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
3175 198.07 .mcd LD0.ROVPTOV3 Residual overvoltage protection (3)

Table 94: LD0.ROVPTOV3 Residual overvoltage protection (3)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3872 242.00 .Str.general START General start 1=Start
3873 242.01 .mcd
3874 242.02 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
3875 242.03 .mcd LD0.SECRSYN1 Synchronism and energizing check (1)

Table 95: LD0.SECRSYN1 Synchronism and energizing check (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3992 249.08 .SynPrg SYNC_INPRO Synch. in progress 1=In progress
3993 249.09 .mcd
3994 249.10 .FailCmd CMD_FAIL_AL Close request fail 1=Failed
3995 249.11 .mcd
3996 249.12 .FailSyn CL_FAIL_AL Close cmd fail 1=Failed
3997 249.13 .mcd

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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings LD0.SEQSPVC1 Fuse failure supervision (1)

Table 96: LD0.SEQSPVC1 Fuse failure supervision (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2996 187.04 .Str.general FUSEF_U Start 1=Start
2997 187.05 .mcd
2998 187.06 .Str3Ph.general FUSEF_3PH 3-phase start 1=Start
2999 187.07 .mcd LD0.SPCGAPC2 Generic control point (16 pcs) (2)

Table 97: LD0.SPCGAPC2 Generic control point (16 pcs) (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3632 227.00 .SPCS01.stVal Ouput state 1 0/1=Off/On
3633 227.01 .mcd
3634 227.02 .SPCS02.stVal Ouput state 2 0/1=Off/On
3635 227.03 .mcd
3636 227.04 .SPCS03.stVal Ouput state 3 0/1=Off/On
3637 227.05 .mcd
3638 227.06 .SPCS04.stVal Ouput state 4 0/1=Off/On
3639 227.07 .mcd
3640 227.08 .SPCS05.stVal Ouput state 5 0/1=Off/On
3641 227.09 .mcd
3642 227.10 .SPCS06.stVal Ouput state 6 0/1=Off/On
3643 227.11 .mcd
3644 227.12 .SPCS07.stVal Ouput state 7 0/1=Off/On
3645 227.13 .mcd
3646 227.14 .SPCS08.stVal Ouput state 8 0/1=Off/On
3647 227.15 .mcd
3648 228.00 .SPCS09.stVal Ouput state 9 0/1=Off/On
3649 228.01 .mcd
3650 228.02 .SPCS10.stVal Ouput state 10 0/1=Off/On
3651 228.03 .mcd
3652 228.04 .SPCS11.stVal Ouput state 11 0/1=Off/On
3653 228.05 .mcd
3654 228.06 .SPCS12.stVal Ouput state 12 0/1=Off/On
3655 228.07 .mcd
3656 228.08 .SPCS13.stVal Ouput state 13 0/1=Off/On
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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings

BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

3657 228.09 .mcd
3658 228.10 .SPCS14.stVal Ouput state 14 0/1=Off/On
3659 228.11 .mcd
3660 228.12 .SPCS15.stVal Ouput state 15 0/1=Off/On
3661 228.13 .mcd
3662 228.14 .SPCS16.stVal Ouput state 16 0/1=Off/On
3663 228.15 .mcd LD0.SPCRGAPC1 Remote generic control points (1)

Table 98: LD0.SPCRGAPC1 Remote generic control points (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
4080 255.00 .SPCSO1.stVal Output state 1 0/1=Off/On
4081 255.01 .mcd
4082 255.02 .SPCSO2.stVal Output state 2 0/1=Off/On
4083 255.03 .mcd
4084 255.04 .SPCSO3.stVal Output state 3 0/1=Off/On
4085 255.05 .mcd
4086 255.06 .SPCSO4.stVal Output state 4 0/1=Off/On
4087 255.07 .mcd
4088 255.08 .SPCSO5.stVal Output state 5 0/1=Off/On
4089 255.09 .mcd
4090 255.10 .SPCSO6.stVal Output state 6 0/1=Off/On
4091 255.11 .mcd
4092 255.12 .SPCSO7.stVal Output state 7 0/1=Off/On
4093 255.13 .mcd
4094 255.14 .SPCSO8.stVal Output state 8 0/1=Off/On
4095 255.15 .mcd
4096 256.00 .SPCSO9.stVal Output state 9 0/1=Off/On
4097 256.01 .mcd
4098 256.02 .SPCSO10.stVal Output state 10 0/1=Off/On
4099 256.03 .mcd
4100 256.04 .SPCSO11.stVal Output state 11 0/1=Off/On
4101 256.05 .mcd
4102 256.06 .SPCSO12.stVal Output state 12 0/1=Off/On
4103 256.07 .mcd
4104 256.08 .SPCSO13.stVal Output state 13 0/1=Off/On
4105 256.09 .mcd
Table continues on next page

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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings

BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

4106 256.10 .SPCSO14.stVal Output state 14 0/1=Off/On
4107 256.11 .mcd
4108 256.12 .SPCSO15.stVal Output state 15 0/1=Off/On
4109 256.13 .mcd
4110 256.14 .SPCSO16.stVal Output state 16 0/1=Off/On
4111 256.15 .mcd LD0.SSCBR1 Circuit-breaker condition monitoring (1)

Table 99: LD0.SSCBR1 Circuit-breaker condition monitoring (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2848 178.00 .OpnAlm.stVal TRV_T_OP_ALM Opn travel time alarm 1=Alarm
2849 178.01 .ClsAlm.stVal TRV_T_CL_ALM Cls travel time alarm 1=Alarm
2850 178.02 .SprChaAlm.stVal SPR_CHR_ALM Spring charge alarm 1=Alarm
2851 178.03 .OpCntAlm.stVal OPR_ALM CB operations alarm 1=Alarm
2852 178.04 .OpCntLO.stVal OPR_LO CB operations lockout 1=Lockout
2853 178.05 .LonTmAlm.stVal MON_ALM CB inactive alarm 1=Alarm
2854 178.06 .InsAlm.stVal PRES_ALM Low pressure alarm 1=Alarm
2855 178.07 .InsBlk.stVal PRES_LO Low pressure lockout 1=Lockout
2856 178.08 .APwrAlm.stVal IPOW_ALM Lyt alarm 1=Alarm
2857 178.09 .APwrLO.stVal IPOW_LO Lyt lockout 1=Lockout
2858 178.10 .RmnNumOpAlm.stVal CB_LIFE_ALM CB lifetime alarm 1=Alarm LD0.T2PTTR1 Three-phase thermal overload protection, two time

constants (1)
Table 100: LD0.T2PTTR1 Three-phase thermal overload protection, two time constants (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2972 185.12 .Str.general START General start 1=Start
2973 185.13 .mcd
2974 185.14 .AlmThm.general ALARM Thermal alarm 1=Alarm
2975 185.15 .mcd
2976 186.00 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
2977 186.01 .mcd

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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings LD0.TCSSCBR1 Trip circuit supervision (1)

Table 101: LD0.TCSSCBR1 Trip circuit supervision (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2780 173.12 .CircAlm.stVal ALARM Supervision alarm 1=Alarm
2781 173.13 .mcd LD0.TCSSCBR2 Trip circuit supervision (2)

Table 102: LD0.TCSSCBR2 Trip circuit supervision (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2782 173.14 .CircAlm.stVal ALARM Supervision alarm 1=Alarm
2783 173.15 .mcd LD0.TR2PTDF1 Stabilized and instantaneous differential protection for

two-winding transformers (1)
Table 103: LD0.TR2PTDF1 Stabilized and instantaneous differential protection for two-winding transformers (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3000 187.08 .Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
3001 187.09 .mcd
3002 187.10 .Op.phsA phsA operate 1=Operate
3003 187.11 .mcd
3004 187.12 .Op.phsB phsB operate 1=Operate
3005 187.13 .mcd
3006 187.14 .Op.phsC phsC operate 1=Operate
3007 187.15 .mcd
3008 188.00 .Blk2HSt.general BLKD2H 2nd harmonic res block. 1=Blocking
3009 188.01 .mcd

58 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings LD0.TRPPTRC1 Master trip (1)

Table 104: LD0.TRPPTRC1 Master trip (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2740 171.04 .Op.general - Op. input signal 1=Operate
2741 171.05 .mcd
2742 171.06 .Tr.general - Trip output signal 1=Trip
2743 171.07 .mcd LD0.TRPPTRC2 Master trip (2)

Table 105: LD0.TRPPTRC2 Master trip (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2744 171.08 .Op.general - Op. input signal 1=Operate
2745 171.09 .mcd
2746 171.10 .Tr.general - Trip output signal 1=Trip
2747 171.11 .mcd LD0.VMMXU1 Three-phase voltage measurement (1)

Table 106: LD0.VMMXU1 Three-phase voltage measurement (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3040 190.00 .HiAlm.stVal HIGH_ALARM High alarm 1=Alarm
3041 190.01 .mcd
3042 190.02 .HiWrn.stVal HIGH_WARN High warning 1=Warning
3043 190.03 .mcd
3044 190.04 .LoWrn.stVal LOW_WARN Low warning 1=Warning
3045 190.05 .mcd
3046 190.06 .LoAlm.stVal LOW_ALARM Low alarm 1=Alarm
3047 190.07 .mcd

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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings LD0.XBRGGIO130 Alarm/Warning and states

Table 107: LD0.XBRGGIO130 Alarm/Warning and states
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3032 189.08 .Alm1.stVal - XBRGGIO130 Alarm 1=Alarm
3033 189.09 .mcd
3034 189.10 .Wrn1.stVal - XBRGGIO130 Warning 1=Warning
3035 189.11 .mcd
3200 200.00 .SPCSO1.stVal XBR130-Output 1 State 0/1=Off/On
3201 200.01 .mcd
3202 200.02 .SPCSO2.stVal XBR130-Output 2 State 0/1=Off/On
3203 200.03 .mcd
3204 200.04 .SPCSO3.stVal XBR130-Output 3 State 0/1=Off/On
3205 200.05 .mcd LD0.XGGIO100 Physical I/O states (PSM card X100)

Table 108: LD0.XGGIO100 Physical I/O states (PSM card X100)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3248 203.00 .SPCSO1.stVal X100-Output 1 State 0/1=Off/On
3249 203.01 .mcd
.mom-only Mom only alternative
3250 203.02 .SPCSO2.stVal X100-Output 2 State 0/1=Off/On
3251 203.03 .mcd
.mom-only Mom only alternative
3252 203.04 .SPCSO3.stVal X100-Output 3 State 0/1=Off/On
3253 203.05 .mcd
.mom-only Mom only alternative
3254 203.06 .SPCSO4.stVal X100-Output 4 State 0/1=Off/On
3255 203.07 .mcd
.mom-only Mom only alternative
3256 203.08 .SPCSO5.stVal X100-Output 5 State 0/1=Off/On
3257 203.09 .mcd
.mom-only Mom only alternative
3258 203.10 .SPCSO6.stVal X100-Output 6 State 0/1=Off/On
3259 203.11 .mcd
.mom-only Mom only alternative

60 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings LD0.XGGIO105 Physical I/O states (BIO card X105)

Table 109: LD0.XGGIO105 Physical I/O states (BIO card X105)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3264 204.00 .Ind1.stVal X105-Input 1 State 0/1=Off/On
3265 204.01 .mcd
3266 204.02 .Ind2.stVal X105-Input 2 State 0/1=Off/On
3267 204.03 .mcd
3268 204.04 .Ind3.stVal X105-Input 3 State 0/1=Off/On
3269 204.05 .mcd
3270 204.06 .Ind4.stVal X105-Input 4 State 0/1=Off/On
3271 204.07 .mcd
3272 204.08 .Ind5.stVal X105-Input 5 State 0/1=Off/On
3273 204.09 .mcd
3274 204.10 .Ind6.stVal X105-Input 6 State 0/1=Off/On
3275 204.11 .mcd
3276 204.12 .Ind7.stVal X105-Input 7 State 0/1=Off/On
3277 204.13 .mcd
3278 204.14 .Ind8.stVal X105-Input 8 State 0/1=Off/On
3279 204.15 .mcd
3240 202.08 .SPCSO1.stVal X105-Output 1 State 0/1=Off/On
3241 202.09 .mcd
3242 202.10 .SPCSO2.stVal X105-Output 2 State 0/1=Off/On
3243 202.11 .mcd
3244 202.12 .SPCSO3.stVal X105-Output 3 State 0/1=Off/On
3245 202.13 .mcd
3246 202.14 .SPCSO4.stVal X105-Output 4 State 0/1=Off/On
3247 202.15 .mcd LD0.XGGIO110 Physical I/O states (BIO card X110)

Table 110: LD0.XGGIO110 Physical I/O states (BIO card X110)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3216 201.00 .Ind1.stVal X110-Input 1 State 0/1=Off/On
3217 201.01 .mcd
.mom-only Mom only alternative
3218 201.02 .Ind2.stVal X110-Input 2 State 0/1=Off/On
3219 201.03 .mcd
Table continues on next page

RET620 61
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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings

BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

.mom-only Mom only alternative
3220 201.04 .Ind3.stVal X110-Input 3 State 0/1=Off/On
3221 201.05 .mcd
.mom-only Mom only alternative
3222 201.06 .Ind4.stVal X110-Input 4 State 0/1=Off/On
3223 201.07 .mcd
.mom-only Mom only alternative
3224 201.08 .Ind5.stVal X110-Input 5 State 0/1=Off/On
3225 201.09 .mcd
.mom-only Mom only alternative
3226 201.10 .Ind6.stVal X110-Input 6 State 0/1=Off/On
3227 201.11 .mcd
.mom-only Mom only alternative
3228 201.12 .Ind7.stVal X110-Input 7 State 0/1=Off/On
3229 201.13 .mcd
.mom-only Mom only alternative
3230 201.14 .Ind8.stVal X110-Input 8 State 0/1=Off/On
3231 201.15 .mcd
.mom-only Mom only alternative
3232 202.00 .SPCSO1.stVal X110-Output 1 State 0/1=Off/On
3233 202.01 .mcd
.mom-only Mom only alternative
3234 202.02 .SPCSO2.stVal X110-Output 2 State 0/1=Off/On
3235 202.03 .mcd
.mom-only Mom only alternative
3236 202.04 .SPCSO3.stVal X110-Output 3 State 0/1=Off/On
3237 202.05 .mcd
.mom-only Mom only alternative
3238 202.06 .SPCSO4.stVal X110-Output 4 State 0/1=Off/On
3239 202.07 .mcd
.mom-only Mom only alternative LD0.XHBGGIO105 Physical I/O states (BIO card XHB105)

Table 111: LD0.XHBGGIO105 Physical I/O states (BIO card XHB105)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3344 209.00 .Ind1.stVal XHB105-Input 1 State 0/1=Off/On
3345 209.01 .mcd
Table continues on next page

62 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings

BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

3346 209.02 .Ind2.stVal XHB105-Input 2 State 0/1=Off/On
3347 209.03 .mcd
3348 209.04 .Ind3.stVal XHB105-Input 3 State 0/1=Off/On
3349 209.05 .mcd
3350 209.06 .Ind4.stVal XHB105-Input 4 State 0/1=Off/On
3351 209.07 .mcd
3352 209.08 .Ind5.stVal XHB105-Input 5 State 0/1=Off/On
3353 209.09 .mcd
3354 209.10 .Ind6.stVal XHB105-Input 6 State 0/1=Off/On
3355 209.11 .mcd
3356 209.12 .Ind7.stVal XHB105-Input 7 State 0/1=Off/On
3357 209.13 .mcd
3358 209.14 .Ind8.stVal XHB105-Input 8 State 0/1=Off/On
3359 209.15 .mcd
3288 205.08 .SPCSO1.stVal XHB105-Output 1 State 0/1=Off/On
3289 205.09 .mcd
3290 205.10 .SPCSO2.stVal XHB105-Output 2 State 0/1=Off/On
3291 205.11 .mcd
3292 205.12 .SPCSO3.stVal XHB105-Output 3 State 0/1=Off/On
3293 205.13 .mcd LD0.XRGGIO105 Alarm/warning

Table 112: LD0.XRGGIO105 Alarm/warning
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
3206 200.06 .Alm1.stVal - XRGGIO105 Alarm 1=Alarm
3207 200.07 .mcd
3208 200.08 .Wrn1.stVal - XRGGIO105 Warning 1=Warning
3209 200.09 .mcd

2.3.2 Unmapped indications

Unmapped indications are indication data that have no initial Modbus mapping
locations, but can be added to the user-definable Modbus area using the
Communication Management tool in PCM600. If Modbus events are enabled for
these indication signals, the event identification is the user-definable area address.

RET620 63
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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings All premapped three-phase protection function stages, operate/phase-

dependent objects added
Table 113: All premapped three-phase protection function stages, operate/phase-dependent objects added
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
LD0.xxxxxxxx (various)
.Op.phsA Phs A operate 1 = Operate
.Op.phsB Phs B operate 1 = Operate
.Op.phsC Phs C operate 1 = Operate
.mcd Common data 2

Table 114: Common data 2
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.StLstOv.stVal Internal ind. overflow 1=Overflow
.MeasLstOv.stVal Internal meas. overflow 1=Overflow
.ChgFlg.stVal Configuration changed 1=Changed
.FacSet.stVal Factory settings in use 1=In use
.TmChSt1.stVal Time synch. status 0/1=Down/Up
.ChLiv.stVal CH1LIV Ethernet channel 1 live 1=Live
.ChLiv.stVal CH2LIV Ethernet channel 2 live 1=Live
.ChLiv.stVal CH3LIV Ethernet channel 3 live 1=Live

64 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings CTRL.CBXCBR2 Circuit-breaker control (2)

Table 115: CTRL.CBXCBR2 Circuit-breaker control (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.BlkOpn.stVal BLK_OPEN Open blocked 1=Blocked
.BlkCls.stVal BLK_CLOSE Close blocked 1=Blocked
.ItlByPss.stVal ITL_BYPASS Interlock bypass 1=Bypass
.mcd CTRL.CBXCBR3 Circuit-breaker control (3)

Table 116: CTRL.CBXCBR3 Circuit-breaker control (3)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.BlkOpn.stVal BLK_OPEN Open blocked 1=Blocked
.BlkCls.stVal BLK_CLOSE Close blocked 1=Blocked
.ItlByPss.stVal ITL_BYPASS Interlock bypass 1=Bypass
.mcd CTRL.DCSXSWI4 Disconnector position indication (4)

Table 117: CTRL.DCSXSWI4 Disconnector position indication (4)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Pos.stVal.Close - Close bit 1=Close
.Pos.stVal.Open - Open bit 1=Open
.Pos.stVal.Fault - Fault bit 1=Pos(00/11) CTRL.DCXSWI3 Disconnector control (3)

Table 118: CTRL.DCXSWI3 Disconnector control (3)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Pos.stVal.Close - Close bit 1=Close
.Pos.stVal.Open - Open bit 1=Open
Table continues on next page

RET620 65
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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings

BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

.Pos.stVal.Fault - Fault bit 1=Pos(00/11)
.Pos.stSeld - Control selected 1=Selected
.EnaOpn.stVal ENA_OPEN Open enabled 1=Enabled
.EnaCls.stVal ENA_CLOSE Close enabled 1=Enabled
.BlkOpn.stVal BLK_OPEN Open blocked 1=Blocked
.BlkCls.stVal BLK_CLOSE Close blocked 1=Blocked
.ItlByps.stVal ITL_BYPASS Interlock bypass 1=Bypass
.mcd CTRL.DCXSWI4 Disconnector control (4)

Table 119: CTRL.DCXSWI4 Disconnector control (4)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Pos.stVal.Close - Close bit 1=Close
.Pos.stVal.Open - Open bit 1=Open
.Pos.stVal.Fault - Fault bit 1=Pos(00/11)
.Pos.stSeld - Control selected 1=Selected
.EnaOpn.stVal ENA_OPEN Open enabled 1=Enabled
.EnaCls.stVal ENA_CLOSE Close enabled 1=Enabled
.BlkOpn.stVal BLK_OPEN Open blocked 1=Blocked
.BlkCls.stVal BLK_CLOSE Close blocked 1=Blocked
.ItlByps.stVal ITL_BYPASS Interlock bypass 1=Bypass

66 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings CTRL.ESSXSWI3 Earthing switch indication (3)

Table 120: CTRL.ESSXSWI3 Earthing switch indication (3)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Pos.stVal.Close - Close bit 1=Close
.Pos.stVal.Open - Open bit 1=Open
.Pos.stVal.Fault - Fault bit 1=Pos(00/11) CTRL.ESXSWI2 Earthing switch control (2)

Table 121: CTRL.ESXSWI2 Earthing switch control (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Pos.stVal.Close - Close bit 1=Close
.Pos.stVal.Open - Open bit 1=Open
.Pos.stVal.Fault - Fault bit 1=Pos(00/11)
.Pos.stSeld - Control selected 1=Selected
.EnaOpn.stVal ENA_OPEN Open enabled 1=Enabled
.EnaCls.stVal ENA_CLOSE Close enabled 1=Enabled
.BlkOpn.stVal BLK_OPEN Open blocked 1=Blocked
.BlkCls.stVal BLK_CLOSE Close blocked 1=Blocked
.ItlByps.stVal ITL_BYPASS Interlock bypass 1=Bypass
.mcd CTRL.ESXSWI3 Earthing switch control (3)

Table 122: CTRL.ESXSWI3 Earthing switch control (3)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Pos.stVal.Close - Close bit 1=Close
.Pos.stVal.Open - Open bit 1=Open
.Pos.stVal.Fault - Fault bit 1=Pos(00/11)
.Pos.stSeld - Control selected 1=Selected
Table continues on next page

RET620 67
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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings

BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

.EnaOpn.stVal ENA_OPEN Open enabled 1=Enabled
.EnaCls.stVal ENA_CLOSE Close enabled 1=Enabled
.BlkOpn.stVal BLK_OPEN Open blocked 1=Blocked
.BlkCls.stVal BLK_CLOSE Close blocked 1=Blocked
.ItlByps.stVal ITL_BYPASS Interlock bypass 1=Bypass
.mcd LD0.CCBRBRF3 Circuit breaker failure protection (3)

Table 123: LD0.CCBRBRF3 Circuit breaker failure protection (3)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Str.general CB_FAULT_AL Timer running 1=Running
.OpEx.general TRBU Fail, external trip 1=Ext.trip
.OpIn.general TRRET Internal re-trip 1=Re-trip
.mcd LD0.CMHAI1 Current total demand distortion (1)

Table 124: LD0.CMHAI1 Current total demand distortion (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Alm.stVal ALARM 1=Alarm

68 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings LD0.CTSRCTF1 Advanced current circuit supervision for transformers

Table 125: LD0.CTSRCTF1 Advanced current circuit supervision for transformers (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Alm.stVal ALARM Alarm 1=Start
.Op.general FAIL CT secondary failure 1=Fail
.mcd LD0.CVPSOF1 Automatic switch-onto-fault logic (SOF) (1)

Table 126: LD0.CVPSOF1 Automatic switch-onto-fault logic (SOF) (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.TrFltSt.stVal OPERATE Operate 1=Operate
.mcd LD0.DIAGLCCH1 Ethernet supervision (1)

Table 127: LD0.DIAGLCCH1 Ethernet supervision (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.ChLiv.stVal CHLIV Ethernet channel live 1=Live
.RedChLiv.stVal REDCHLIV Red. Ethernet channel live 1=Live
.mcd LD0.DOPPDPR1 Reverse power/directional overpower protection (1)

Table 128: LD0.DOPPDPR1 Reverse power/directional overpower protection (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Value
.Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
.Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate

RET620 69
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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings LD0.DOPPDPR2 Reverse power/directional overpower protection (2)

Table 129: LD0.DOPPDPR2 Reverse power/directional overpower protection (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Value
.Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
.Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
.mcd LD0.DOPPDPR3 Reverse power/directional overpower protection (3)

Table 130: LD0.DOPPDPR3 Reverse power/directional overpower protection (3)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Value
.Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
.Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
.mcd LD0.DUPPDPR1 Underpower protection (1)

Table 131: LD0.DUPPDPR1 Underpower protection (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Value
.Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
.Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate
.mcd LD0.DUPPDPR2 Underpower protection (2)

Table 132: LD0.DUPPDPR2 Underpower protection (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Value
.Str.general START Stage start 1=Start
.Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1=Operate

70 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings LD0.IL1TCTR1 Three-phase CT supervision (1)

Table 133: LD0.IL1TCTR1 Three-phase CT supervision (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Alm.stVal ALARM Alarm 1=Alarm
.Wrn.stVal WARNING Warning 1=Warning
.mcd LD0.IL1TCTR2 Three-phase CT supervision (2)

Table 134: LD0.IL1TCTR2 Three-phase CT supervision (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Alm.stVal ALARM Alarm 1=Alarm
.Wrn.stVal WARNING Warning 1=Warning
.mcd LD0.LDPRLRC1 Load profile record (1)

Table 135: LD0.LDPRLRC1 Load profile record (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Value
.MemWrn.stVal Recording memory warning 1=Warning
.MemAlm.stVal Recording memory alarm 1=Alarm
.mcd LD0.MAPGAPC13 Multipurpose protection (13)

Table 136: LD0.MAPGAPC13 Multipurpose protection (13)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Str.general START Stage start 1 = Start
.Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1 = Operate

RET620 71
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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings LD0.MAPGAPC14 Multipurpose protection (14)

Table 137: LD0.MAPGAPC14 Multipurpose protection (14)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Str.general START Stage start 1 = Start
.Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1 = Operate
.mcd LD0.MAPGAPC15 Multipurpose protection (15)

Table 138: LD0.MAPGAPC15 Multipurpose protection (15)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Str.general START Stage start 1 = Start
.Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1 = Operate
.mcd LD0.MAPGAPC16 Multipurpose protection (16)

Table 139: LD0.MAPGAPC16 Multipurpose protection (16)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Str.general START Stage start 1 = Start
.Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1 = Operate
.mcd LD0.MAPGAPC17 Multipurpose protection (17)

Table 140: LD0.MAPGAPC17 Multipurpose protection (17)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Str.general START Stage start 1 = Start
.Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1 = Operate

72 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings LD0.MAPGAPC18 Multipurpose protection (18)

Table 141: LD0.MAPGAPC18 Multipurpose protection (18)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Str.general START Stage start 1 = Start
.Op.general OPERATE Stage operate 1 = Operate
.mcd LD0.MDSOPT1 Runtime counter for machines and devices (1)

Table 142: LD0.MDSOPT1 Runtime counter for machines and devices (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.OpTmWrn.stVal Accum.op.time Warn. 1=Warning
.OpTmAlm.stVal Accum.op.time Alarm 1=Alarm
.mcd LD0.MDSOPT2 Runtime counter for machines and devices (2)

Table 143: LD0.MDSOPT2 Runtime counter for machines and devices (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
OpTmWrn.stVal START Accum.op.time Warn. 1 = Warning
OpTmAlm.stVal OPERATE Accum.op.time Alarm 1 = Alarm
.mcd LD0.MVGAPC3 Move (8 pcs) (3)

Table 144: LD0.MVGAPC3 Move (8 pcs) (3)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.SPCSO1.stVal Input 1 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO2.stVal Input 2 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO3.stVal Input 3 0/1=Off/On
Table continues on next page

RET620 73
Point List Manual
Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings

BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

.SPCSO4.stVal Input 4 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO5.stVal Input 5 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO6.stVal Input 6 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO7.stVal Input 7 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO8.stVal Input 8 0/1=Off/On
.mcd LD0.MVGAPC4 Move (8 pcs) (4)

Table 145: LD0.MVGAPC4 Move (8 pcs) (4)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.SPCSO1.stVal Input 1 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO2.stVal Input 2 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO3.stVal Input 3 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO4.stVal Input 4 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO5.stVal Input 5 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO6.stVal Input 6 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO7.stVal Input 7 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO8.stVal Input 8 0/1=Off/On

74 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings LD0.PHPTUC1 Loss of phase (undercurrent) (1)

Table 146: LD0.PHPTUC1 Loss of phase (undercurrent) (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Str.general START General start 1=Start
.Str.phsA Phs A start 1=Start
.Str.phsB Phs B start 1=Start
.Str.phsC Phs C start 1=Start
.Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
.Op.phsA Phs A operate 1=Operate
.Op.phsB Phs B operate 1=Operate
.Op.phsC Phs C operate 1=Operate
.mcd LD0.PHPTUC2 Loss of phase (undercurrent) (2)

Table 147: LD0.PHPTUC2 Loss of phase (undercurrent) (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Str.general START General start 1=Start
.Str.phsA Phs A start 1=Start
.Str.phsB Phs B start 1=Start
.Str.phsC Phs Cstart 1=Start
.Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
.Op.phsA Phs A operate 1=Operate
.Op.phsB Phs B operate 1=Operate
Table continues on next page

RET620 75
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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings

BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

.Op.phsC Phs C operate 1=Operate
.mcd LD0.PHPTUV4 Three-phase undervoltage protection (4)

Table 148: LD0.PHPTUV4 Three-phase undervoltage protection (4)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Str.general START General start 1=Start
.Str.phsA Phs A start 1=Start
.Str.phsB Phs B start 1=Start
.Str.phsC Phs C start 1=Start
.Op.general OPERATE General operate 1=Operate
.mcd LD0.PHQVVR1 Voltage variation (1)

Table 149: LD0.PHQVVR1 Voltage variation (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.VarStrGen.stVal - Variation event detected 1=Detected
.VarEnd.stVal - Variation event ended 1=Ended
.SwlOp.stVal - Swell event detected 1=Detected
.DipOp.stVal - Dip event detected 1=Detected
.IntrOp.stVal - Interruption event detected 1=Detected

76 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings LD0.RESTCTR1 Io CT supervision (1)

Table 150: LD0.RESTCTR1 Io CT supervision (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Alm.stVal ALARM Alarm 1=Alarm
.Wrn.stVal WARNING Warning 1=Warning
.mcd LD0.RESTCTR2 Io CT supervision (2)

Table 151: LD0.RESTCTR2 Io CT supervision (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Alm.stVal ALARM Alarm 1=Alarm
.Wrn.stVal WARNING Warning 1=Warning
.mcd LD0.RESTVTR1 Uo VT supervision (1)

Table 152: LD0.RESTVTR1 Uo VT supervision (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Alm.stVal ALARM Alarm 1=Alarm
.Wrn.stVal WARNING Warning 1=Warning
.mcd LD0.SPCGAPC1 Generic control point (16 pcs) (1)

Table 153: LD0.SPCGAPC1 Generic control point (16 pcs) (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.SPCSO1.stVal Ouput state 1 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO2.stVal Ouput state 2 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO3.stVal Ouput state 3 0/1=Off/On
Table continues on next page

RET620 77
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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings

BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

.SPCSO4.stVal Ouput state 4 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO5.stVal Ouput state 5 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO6.stVal Ouput state 6 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO7.stVal Ouput state 7 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO8.stVal Ouput state 8 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO9.stVal Ouput state 9 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO10.stVal Ouput state 10 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO11.stVal Ouput state 11 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO12.stVal Ouput state 12 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO13.stVal Ouput state 13 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO14.stVal Ouput state 14 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO15.stVal Ouput state 15 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO16.stVal Ouput state 16 0/1=Off/On
.mcd LD0.SPCGAPC3 Generic control point (16 pcs) (3)

Table 154: LD0.SPCGAPC3 Generic control point (16 pcs) (3)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.SPCSO1.stVal Ouput state 1 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO2.stVal Ouput state 2 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO3.stVal Ouput state 3 0/1=Off/On
Table continues on next page

78 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings

BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

.SPCSO4.stVal Ouput state 4 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO5.stVal Ouput state 5 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO6.stVal Ouput state 6 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO7.stVal Ouput state 7 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO8.stVal Ouput state 8 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO9.stVal Ouput state 9 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO10.stVal Ouput state 10 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO11.stVal Ouput state 11 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO12.stVal Ouput state 12 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO13.stVal Ouput state 13 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO14.stVal Ouput state 14 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO15.stVal Ouput state 15 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO16.stVal Ouput state 16 0/1=Off/On
.mcd LD0.SPCLGAPC1 Local generic control points (1)

Table 155: LD0.SPCLGAPC1 Local generic control points (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 SA name Description Values
.SPCSO1.stVal Output state 1 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO2.stVal Output state 2 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO3.stVal Output state 3 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO4.stVal Output state 4 0/1=Off/On
Table continues on next page

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BitA RegA IEC 61850 SA name Description Values

.SPCSO5.stVal Output state 5 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO6.stVal Output state 6 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO7.stVal Output state 7 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO8.stVal Output state 8 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO9.stVal Output state 9 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO10.stVal Output state 10 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO11.stVal Output state 11 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO12.stVal Output state 12 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO13.stVal Output state 13 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO14.stVal Output state 14 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO15.stVal Output state 15 0/1=Off/On
.SPCSO16.stVal Output state 16 0/1=Off/On
.mcd LD0.SSCBR2 Circuit-breaker condition monitoring (2)

Table 156: LD0.SSCBR2 Circuit-breaker condition monitoring (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.OpnAlm.stVal TRV_T_OP_ALM Opn travel time alarm 1=Alarm
.ClsAlm.stVal TRV_T_CL_ALM Cls travel time alarm 1=Alarm
.SprChaAlm.stVal SPR_CHR_ALM Spring charge alarm 1=Alarm
.OpCntAlm.stVal OPR_ALM CB operations alarm 1=Alarm
.OpCntLO.stVal OPR_LO CB operations lockout 1=Lockout
.LonTmAlm.stVal MON_ALM CB inactive alarm 1=Alarm
Table continues on next page

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BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

.InsAlm.stVal PRES_ALM Low pressure alarm 1=Alarm
.InsBlk.stVal PRES_LO Low pressure lockout 1=Lockout
.APwrAlm.stVal IPOW_ALM Lyt alarm 1=Alarm
.APwrLO.stVal IPOW_LO Lyt lockout 1=Lockout
.RmnNumOpAlm.stVal CB_LIFE_ALM CB lifetime alarm 1=Alarm LD0.SSCBR3 Circuit-breaker condition monitoring (3)

Table 157: LD0.SSCBR3 Circuit-breaker condition monitoring (3)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.OpnAlm.stVal TRV_T_OP_ALM Opn travel time alarm 1=Alarm
.ClsAlm.stVal TRV_T_CL_ALM Cls travel time alarm 1=Alarm
.SprChaAlm.stVal SPR_CHR_ALM Spring charge alarm 1=Alarm
.OpCntAlm.stVal OPR_ALM CB operations alarm 1=Alarm
.OpCntLO.stVal OPR_LO CB operations lockout 1=Lockout
.LonTmAlm.stVal MON_ALM CB inactive alarm 1=Alarm
.InsAlm.stVal PRES_ALM Low pressure alarm 1=Alarm
.InsBlk.stVal PRES_LO Low pressure lockout 1=Lockout
.APwrAlm.stVal IPOW_ALM Lyt alarm 1=Alarm
.APwrLO.stVal IPOW_LO Lyt lockout 1=Lockout
.RmnNumOpAlm.stVal CB_LIFE_ALM CB lifetime alarm 1=Alarm LD0.TRPPTRC3 Master trip (3)

Table 158: LD0.TRPPTRC3 Master trip (3)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Op.general Op. input signal 1 = Operate
.Tr.general Trip output signal 1 = Trip

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Table 159: LD0.TRPPTRC4 Master trip (4)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Op.general Op. input signal 1 = Operate
.Tr.general Trip output signal 1 = Trip
.mcd LD0.UL1TVTR1 Three-phase VT supervision (1)

Table 160: LD0.UL1TVTR1 Three-phase VT supervision (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Alm.stVal ALARM Alarm 1=Alarm
.Wrn.stVal WARNING Warning 1=Warning
.mcd LD0.VAMMXU2 Single-phase voltage measurement (2)

Table 161: LD0.VAMMXU2 Single-phase voltage measurement (2)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.HiAlm.stVal HIGH_ALARM High alarm 1=Alarm
.HiWrn.stVal HIGH_WARN High warning 1=Warning
.LoWrn.stVal LOW_WARN Low warning 1=Warning
.LoAlm.stVal LOW_ALARM Low alarm 1=Alarm

82 RET620
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Modbus data mappings LD0.VAMMXU3 Single-phase voltage measurement (3)

Table 162: LD0.VAMMXU3 Single-phase voltage measurement (3)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.HiAlm.stVal HIGH_ALARM High alarm 1=Alarm
.HiWrn.stVal HIGH_WARN High warning 1=Warning
.LoWrn.stVal LOW_WARN Low warning 1=Warning
.LoAlm.stVal LOW_ALARM Low alarm 1=Alarm
.mcd LD0.VMHAI1 Voltage total harmonic distortion (1)

Table 163: LD0.VMHAI1 Voltage total harmonic distortion (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Alm.stVal ALARM 1=Alarm
.mcd LD0.VSQVUB1 Voltage unbalance (1)

Table 164: LD0.VSQVUB1 Voltage unbalance (1)
BitA RegA IEC 61850 name SA name Description Value
.VarStr.stVal Unbalance alarm 1=Alarm
.HiPctVUnb.stVal Percentile Unbalance alarm 1=Alarm

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2.4 Registers

Table 165: Explanations of columns in register tables

Column name Description
RegA Default 3X and 4X register address for the data.
Type Type of the register. The alternatives are u16, u32 (unsigned 16 and 32 bits integer)
or i16, i32 (signed 16 and 32 bit integer).
Scale Scale factor as default. Also, an adjustable offset value exists that is set to 0 by
IEC 61850 Original IED data object identification. Described in the IEC 61850 format as Logical
name Device.Logical Node and thereafter .Data Object.Data Attribute. Logical Node is the
same as the application function block name.
SA name The signal may have a defined label that is visible, for example, in the Application
Configuration tool in PCM600.
Description Short description of the signal. See the technical manual for more information. Also,
if a register is writable, it is stated here.
Values The value range of the original IEC 61850 value, that is, before scaling.

2.4.1 Premapped registers Active parameter setting group - read and write

Table 166: Active parameter setting group - read and write
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
9231 u16 1 Active setting group 1...6 Control structure 1

Table 167: Control structure 1
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
8001 Execute register 1
8002 Password reg 1 acc to setting
8003 Password reg 2 acc to setting
8004 Control register < single bit >
8005 Confirm register < single bit >

84 RET620
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Modbus data mappings Control structure 2

Table 168: Control structure 2
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
8006 Execute register 1
8007 Password reg 1 acc to setting
8008 Password reg 2 acc to setting
8009 Control register < single bit >
8010 Confirm register < single bit > Control structure 3

Table 169: Control structure 3
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
8011 Execute register 1
8012 Password reg 1 acc to setting
8013 Password reg 2 acc to setting
8014 Control register < single bit >
8015 Confirm register < single bit > Control structure 4

Table 170: Control structure 4
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
8016 Execute register 1
8017 Password reg 1 acc to setting
8018 Password reg 2 acc to setting
8019 Control register < single bit >
8020 Confirm register < single bit > Control structure 5

Table 171: Control structure 5
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
8021 Execute register 1
8022 Password reg 1 acc to setting
8023 Password reg 2 acc to setting
8024 Control register < single bit >
8025 Confirm register < single bit >

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Modbus data mappings Control structure 6

Table 172: Control structure 6
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
8026 Execute register 1
8027 Password reg 1 acc to setting
8028 Password reg 2 acc to setting
8029 Control register < single bit >
8030 Confirm register < single bit > Control structure 7

Table 173: Control structure 7
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
8031 Execute register 1
8032 Password reg 1 acc to setting
8033 Password reg 2 acc to setting
8034 Control register < single bit >
8035 Confirm register < single bit > Control structure 8

Table 174: Control structure 8
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
8036 Execute register 1
8037 Password reg 1 acc to setting
8038 Password reg 2 acc to setting
8039 Control register < single bit >
8040 Confirm register < single bit > Device ID string

Table 175: Device ID string
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
9000 u16 ASCII coded string 1)

9120 u16

1) See the technical manual.

86 RET620
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Modbus data mappings Event record structure

Table 176: Event record structure
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
Selection write:
9250 u16 1 - Num of multiple records 1...10
9251 i16 1 - Read selection -499…3

Record 1 data to read:

9252 u16 1 - Record sequence num 1...9999
9253 u16 1 - Unread records left 0...499
Timestamp of record
9254 u16 1 - Year, Month Year/Month
9255 u16 1 - Day, Hour Day/Hour
9256 u16 1 - Minute, Second Min/Sec
9257 u16 1 - Millisecond Millisecond

9258 u16 1 Event identification 1)

9259 u16 1 Data object ID1 1)

9260 u16 1 Data object ID2 1)

9261 u16 1 Event data value 1 1)

9262 u16 1 Event data value 2 1)

Record 2 data to read: If selected

9263 u16 1 - Record sequence num 1..9999
9264 u16 1 - Unread records left 0..499
Timestamp of record
9265 u16 1 - Year, Month Year/Month
9266 u16 1 - Day, Hour Day/Hour
9267 u16 1 - Minute, Second Min/Sec
9268 u16 1 - Millisecond Millisecond

9269 u16 1 Event identification 1)

9270 u16 1 Data object ID1 1)

9271 u16 1 Data object ID2 1)

9272 u16 1 Event data value 1 1)

9273 u16 1 Event data value 2 1)

Record 3 data to read: If selected

9274 u16 1 - Record sequence num 1...9999
9275 u16 1 - Unread records left 0...499
Timestamp of record
Table continues on next page

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RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

9276 u16 1 - Year, Month Year/Month
9277 u16 1 - Day, Hour Day/Hour
9278 u16 1 - Minute, Second Min/Sec
9279 u16 1 - Millisecond Millisecond

9280 u16 1 Event identification 1)

9281 u16 1 Data object ID1 1)

9282 u16 1 Data object ID2 1)

9283 u16 1 Event data value 1 1)

9284 u16 1 Event data value 2 1)

Record 4 data to read: If selected

9285 u16 1 - Record sequence num 1...9999
9286 u16 1 - Unread records left 0...499
Timestamp of record
9287 u16 1 - Year, Month Year/Month
9288 u16 1 - Day, Hour Day/Hour
9289 u16 1 - Minute, Second Min/Sec
9290 u16 1 - Millisecond Millisecond

9291 u16 1 Event identification 1)

9292 u16 1 Data object ID1 1)

9293 u16 1 Data object ID2 1)

9294 u16 1 Event data value 1 1)

9295 u16 1 Event data value 2 1)

Record 5 data to read: If selected

9296 u16 1 - Record sequence num 1...9999
9297 u16 1 - Unread records left 0...499
Timestamp of record
9298 u16 1 - Year, Month Year/Month
9299 u16 1 - Day, Hour Day/Hour
9300 u16 1 - Minute, Second Min/Sec
9301 u16 1 - Millisecond Millisecond

9302 u16 1 Event identification 1)

9303 u16 1 Data object ID1 1)

9304 u16 1 Data object ID2 1)

9305 u16 1 Event data value 1 1)

9306 u16 1 Event data value 2 1)

Table continues on next page

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RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

Record 6 data to read: If selected
9307 u16 1 - Record sequence num 1...9999
9308 u16 1 - Unread records left 0...499
Timestamp of record
9309 u16 1 - Year, Month Year/Month
9310 u16 1 - Day, Hour Day/Hour
9311 u16 1 - Minute, Second Min/Sec
9312 u16 1 - Millisecond Millisecond

9313 u16 1 Event identification 1)

9314 u16 1 Data object ID1 1)

9315 u16 1 Data object ID2 1)

9316 u16 1 Event data value 1 1)

9317 u16 1 Event data value 2 1)

Record 7 data to read: If selected

9318 u16 1 - Record sequence num 1...9999
9319 u16 1 - Unread records left 0...499
Timestamp of record
9320 u16 1 - Year, Month Year/Month
9321 u16 1 - Day, Hour Day/Hour
9322 u16 1 - Minute, Second Min/Sec
9323 u16 1 - Millisecond Millisecond

9324 u16 1 Event identification 1)

9325 u16 1 Data object ID1 1)

9326 u16 1 Data object ID2 1)

9327 u16 1 Event data value 1 1)

9328 u16 1 Event data value 2 1)

Record 8 data to read: If selected

9329 u16 1 - Record sequence num 1...9999
9330 u16 1 - Unread records left 0...499
Timestamp of record
9331 u16 1 - Year, Month Year/Month
9332 u16 1 - Day, Hour Day/Hour
9333 u16 1 - Minute, Second Min/Sec
9334 u16 1 - Millisecond Millisecond

9335 u16 1 Event identification 1)

9336 u16 1 Data object ID1 1)

Table continues on next page

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RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

9337 u16 1 Data object ID2 1)

9338 u16 1 Event data value 1 1)

9339 u16 1 Event data value 2 1)

Record 9 data to read: If selected

9340 u16 1 - Record sequence num 1...9999
9341 u16 1 - Unread records left 0...499
Timestamp of record
9342 u16 1 - Year, Month Year/Month
9343 u16 1 - Day, Hour Day/Hour
9344 u16 1 - Minute, Second Min/Sec
9345 u16 1 - Millisecond Millisecond

9346 u16 1 Event identification 1)

9347 u16 1 Data object ID1 1)

9348 u16 1 Data object ID2 1)

9349 u16 1 Event data value 1 1)

9350 u16 1 Event data value 2 1)

Record 10 data to read: If selected

9351 u16 1 - Record sequence num 1...9999
9352 u16 1 - Unread records left 0...499
Timestamp of record
9353 u16 1 - Year, Month Year/Month
9354 u16 1 - Day, Hour Day/Hour
9355 u16 1 - Minute, Second Min/Sec
9356 u16 1 - Millisecond Millisecond

9357 u16 1 Event identification 1)

9358 u16 1 Data object ID1 1)

9359 u16 1 Data object ID2 1)

9360 u16 1 Event data value 1 1)

9361 u16 1 Event data value 2 1)

1) See the technical manual.

90 RET620
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Modbus data mappings Fault record structure header

Table 177: Fault record structure header
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
Selection write
9401 i16 1 Read selection -99…3

Record data header

9402 u16 1 Record sequence num 0...65535
9403 u16 1 Unread records left 0...99
Timestamp of record
9404 u16 1 Year, month Year/Month
9405 u16 1 Day, hour Day/Hour
9406 u16 1 Minute, second Min/Sec
9407 u16 1 Millisecond Millisecond
9408 u16 1 Timestamp quality Fault record data

Table 178: Fault record data

RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
9422 u16 1000 .MaxAmpsA.mag Max phsA current 0...50.0 [xIn]
9423 u16 1000 .MaxAmpsB.mag Max phsB current 0...50.0 [xIn]
9424 u16 1000 .MaxAmpsC.mag Max phsC current 0...50.0 [xIn]
9425 u16 1000 .MaxAmpsN.mag Max residual current 0...50.0 [xIn]
9426 u16 1000 .AmpsA.mag PhsA current 0...50.0 [xIn]
9427 u16 1000 .AmpsB.mag PhsB current 0...50.0 [xIn]
9428 u16 1000 .AmpsC.mag PhsC current 0...50.0 [xIn]
9429 u16 1000 .AmpsN.mag Residual current 0...50.0 [xIn]
9430 u16 1000 .AmpsNClc.mag Residual current (calc) 0...50.0 [xIn]
9431 u16 1000 .AmpsPsSeq.mag Positive seq. current 0...50.0 [xIn]
9432 u16 1000 .AmpsNgSeq.mag Negative seq. current 0...50.0 [xIn]
9433 u16 1000 .VoltsA.mag PhsA voltage 0...4.00 [xUn]
9434 u16 1000 .VoltsB.mag PhsB voltage 0...4.00 [xUn]
9435 u16 1000 .VoltsC.mag PhsC voltage 0...4.00 [xUn]
9436 u16 1000 .VoltsAB.mag PhsAB voltage 0...4.00 [xUn]
9437 u16 1000 .VoltsBC.mag PhsBC voltage 0...4.00 [xUn]
9438 u16 1000 .VoltsCA.mag PhsCA voltage 0...4.00 [xUn]
9439 u16 1000 .VoltsN.mag Residual voltage 0...4.00 [xUn]
Table continues on next page

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RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

9440 u16 1000 .VZroSeq.mag Zero seq. voltage 0...4.00 [xUn]
9441 u16 1000 .VPsSeq.mag Positive seq. voltage 0...4.00 [xUn]
9442 u16 1000 .VNgSeq.mag Negative seq. voltage 0...4.00 [xUn]
9443 u16 1000 .VoltsAb.mag PhsAb voltage 0...4.00 [xUn]
9444 u16 1000 .VoltsABb.mag PhsABb voltage 0...4.00 [xUn]
9445 i16 10 .DifNAngN.mag Uo-Io angle -/+ 180.0
9446 i16 10 .DifAAngBC.mag PhsB-C angle -/+ 180.0
9447 i16 10 .DifBAngCA.mag PhsC-A angle -/+ 180.0
9448 i16 10 .DifCAngAB.mag PhsA-B angle -/+ 180.0
9449 u16 100 .Hz.mag Frequency 30...80.00
9450 i16 100 .HzS.mag Frequency gradient -/+10.00
9451 u16 100 .PDNS1MxRat.mag PDNSPTOC1 ratio I2/I1 0...999.99 [%]
9452 u16 100 .MaxTmpRl.mag Relative temperature 0...99.99 Protection relay's real-time clock (in local time mode) - read and write
Table 179: Protection relay's real-time clock (in local time mode) - read and write (synchronize)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
9201 Control register 0...21)
9202 Year 2000...2999
9203 Month 1...12
9204 Day 1...31
9205 Hour 0...23
9206 Minute 0...59
9207 Second 0...59
9208 Millisecond 0…999

1) See the technical manual.

92 RET620
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Modbus data mappings Protection relay's real-time clock (in UTC time mode) - read and write
Table 180: Protection relay's real-time clock (in UTC time mode) - read and write (synchronize)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
9211 Control register 0...21)
9212 Year 2000...2999
9213 Month 1...12
9214 Day 1...31
9215 Hour 0...23
9216 Minute 0...59
9217 Second 0...59
9218 Millisecond 0…999

1) See the technical manual. Indication bits mirrored in registers

The pre-mapped indication bit data has been mapped from indication bit address 2720
onwards. The bit data is mirrored in registers starting from register address 170
Table 181: Indication bits mirrored in registers
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
170.00 Bit Indication bit 2720 (0x1700)
170.01 Bit Indication bit 2721 (0x1701)
: : :
170.14 Bit Indication bit 2734 (0x170E)
170.15 Bit Indication bit 2735 (0x170F)
171.00 Bit Indication bit 2736 (0x1710)
: : : SSR1 System status register (1) device health

Table 182: SSR1 System status register (1) device health
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
128.00 Bit Device global error 1=Error
128.01 Bit Device global warning 1=Warning
128.02 Bit < reserved > 0
128.03 Bit < reserved > 0
128.04 Bit < reserved > 0
128.05 Bit < reserved > 0
Table continues on next page

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RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

128.06 Bit < reserved > 0
128.07 Bit < reserved > 0
128.08 Bit < reserved > 0
128.09 Bit < reserved > 0
128.10 Bit < reserved > 0
128.11 Bit < reserved > 0
128.12 Bit < reserved > 0
128.13 Bit < reserved > 0
128.14 Bit < reserved > 0
128.15 Bit < reserved > 0 SSR2 System status register (2) protection relay's mode and state
Table 183: SSR2 System status register (2) protection relay's mode and state
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
129.00 Bit Device test mode 1=Test mode
129.01 Bit < reserved > 0
129.02 Bit Remote/Local state 0/1=Rem/Loc
Active setting group SG=1...6
129.03 Bit - bit 0
129.04 Bit - bit 1
129.05 Bit - bit 2
Protection relay's timesynch
129.06 Bit failure 1=Failure
129.07 Bit < reserved > 0
129.08 Bit Last reset cause a 1=Cold start
129.09 Bit Last reset cause b 1=Watchdog
129.10 Bit Last reset cause c 1=Warm start
129.11 Bit < reserved > 0
129.12 Bit < reserved > 0
129.13 Bit < reserved > 0
129.14 Bit < reserved > 0
129.15 Bit < reserved > 0

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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings SSR3 System status register (3) data available 1 (client-dependent)

Table 184: SSR3 System status register (3) data available 1 (client-dependent)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
130.00 Bit Unread event records available 1=Available
130.01 Bit Unread fault records available 1=Available
130.02 Bit < reserved > 0
130.03 Bit < reserved > 0
130.04 Bit Any momentary bit updated 1=Updated
130.05 Bit Any mcd bit set 1=Set
130.06 Bit Device restart bit 1=IED restart
130.07 Bit < reserved > 0
130.08 Bit Event record selected 1=Selected
130.09 Bit Fault record selected 1=Selected
130.10 Bit < reserved > 0
130.11 Bit < reserved > 0
130.12 Bit < reserved > 0
130.13 Bit < reserved > 0
130.14 Bit < reserved > 0
130.15 Bit < reserved > 0 SSR4 System status register (4) data available 2 (client-dependent,

Table 185: SSR4 System status register (4) data available 2 (client-dependent, user-definable)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
131.00 Bit Data category 1 has changed 1=Changed
131.01 Bit Data category 2 has changed 1=Changed
131.02 Bit Data category 3 has changed 1=Changed
131.03 Bit Data category 4 has changed 1=Changed
131.04 Bit Data category 5 has changed 1=Changed
131.05 Bit Data category 6 has changed 1=Changed
131.06 Bit Data category 7 has changed 1=Changed
131.07 Bit Data category 8 has changed 1=Changed
131.08 Bit Data category 9 has changed 1=Changed
131.09 Bit Data category 10 has changed 1=Changed
131.10 Bit Data category 11 has changed 1=Changed
131.11 Bit Data category 12 has changed 1=Changed
131.12 Bit Data category 13 has changed 1=Changed
131.13 Bit Data category 14 has changed 1=Changed
131.14 Bit Data category 15 has changed 1=Changed
131.15 Bit Data category 16 has changed 1=Changed

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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings SSR5 System status register (5) device alive register

Table 186: SSR5 System status register (5) device alive register
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
132 u16 1 Device alive counter 0...65535 SSR6 System status register (6) control command status (client-
Table 187: SSR6 System status register (6) control command status (client-dependent)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
Last cmd result code 1)

133.00 Bit - bit 0

133.01 Bit - bit 1
133.02 Bit - bit 2
133.03 Bit - bit 3
133.04 Bit - bit 4
133.05 Bit - bit 5
133.06 Bit - bit 6
133.07 Bit - bit 7

Response Type 1)

133.08 Bit - bit 0

133.09 Bit - bit 1

Command state 1)

133.10 Bit - bit 0

133.11 Bit - bit 1
Cmd sequence number 0...15
133.12 Bit - bit 0
133.13 Bit - bit 1
133.14 Bit - bit 2
133.15 Bit - bit 3

1) See the technical manual. System diagnostic values

Table 188: System diagnostic values
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

2060 u16 1 .PhyHealth1.stVal Warning Last warning code 1)

2061 u16 1 .PhyHealth2.stVal Internal fault Last internal fault code 1)

Table continues on next page

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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings

RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

2062 u16 1 .FltNum.stVal Num. of DR recordings 0...N
2063 u16 1 .MemUsed.stVal DR memory used 0...100 [%]
2064 u16 1 .NumPwrUp.stVal Num. of cold starts 0...65535
2065 u16 1 .WrmStr.stVal Num. of warm starts 0...65535
2066 u16 1 .WacTrg.stVal Num. of watchdog resets 0...65535
2067 u16 1 .NumCmpChg.stVal Num. of conf. changes 0...65535
u16 1 .ParChgCnt.stVal Num. of setting changes 0…65535

1) See the technical manual. Time and reason for latest protection relay reset

Table 189: Time and reason for latest protection relay reset
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
9221 u16 1 Year 2000...2999
9222 u16 1 Month 1...12
9223 u16 1 Day 1...31
9224 u16 1 Hour 0...23
9225 u16 1 Minute 0...59
9226 u16 1 Second 0...59
9227 u16 1 Millisecond 0…999
9228 u16 1 Reset reason
9228.0 Bit - bit 0 1=Cold start
9228.1 Bit - bit 1 1=Watchdog
9228.2 Bit - bit 2 1=Warm start User-definable bits [Alt.2], visible on 0x,1x,3x and 4x

Table 190: User-definable bits [Alt.2], visible on 0x,1x,3x and 4x
BitA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
(0) Bit < not mappable - not visible >
1 Bit Usr reg 1.Bit 01
2 Bit Usr reg 1.Bit 02
3 Bit Usr reg 1.Bit 03
: : :
: : :
15 Bit Usr reg 1.Bit 15
Table continues on next page

RET620 97
Point List Manual
Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings

BitA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

16 Bit Usr reg 2.Bit 00
17 Bit Usr reg 2.Bit 01
: : :
: : :
2046 Bit Usr reg 127.Bit 14
2047 Bit Usr reg 127.Bit 15 User-definable registers [Alt.1], visible on 3x and 4x

Table 191: User-definable registers [Alt.1], visible on 3x and 4x
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
(0) Reg < not mappable - not visible >
1 Reg User register 1
2 Reg User register 2
3 : :
: : :
: : :
127 Reg User register 127 CTRL.CBCSWI1 Circuit breaker operation counter (1)

Table 192: CTRL.CBCSWI1 Circuit breaker operation counter (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2053 u16 1 .OpCntRs.stVal Operation counter Operation counter 0…65535 LD0.ARCSARC1 Arc protection (1)

Table 193: LD0.ARCSARC1 Arc protection (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2028 u16 1 .FACntRs.stVal Fault arc 1 counter 0…65535 LD0.ARCSARC2 Arc protection (2)

Table 194: LD0.ARCSARC2 Arc protection (2)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2029 u16 1 .FACntRs.stVal Fault arc 2 counter 0…65535

98 RET620
Point List Manual
1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings LD0.ARCSARC3 Arc protection (3)

Table 195: LD0.ARCSARC3 Arc protection (3)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2030 u16 1 .FACntRs.stVal Fault arc 3 counter 0…65535 LD0.CMMXU1 Phase current demand values (1)

Table 196: LD0.CMMXU1 Phase current demand values (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
LD0.CAVMMXU1 Demand value
2001 u16 1000 .A.phsA.cVal.mag I_DMD_A Phs A amplitude 0.00…50.0
2002 u16 1000 .A.phsB.cVal.mag I_DMD_B Phs B amplitude 0.00…50.0
2003 u16 1000 .A.phsB.cVal.mag I_DMD_C Phs C amplitude 0.00…50.0
2004 Year - month
2005 Day - hour
2006 Minute - second
2007 Milliseconds
2008 Time quality
LD0.CMAMMXU1 Max demand values
2009 u16 1000 .A.phsA.cVal.mag Max demand IL1 Phs A amplitude 0.00…50.0
2010 Year - month
2011 Day - hour
2012 Minute - second
2013 Milliseconds
2014 Time quality
2015 u16 1000 .A.phsB.cVal.mag Max demand IL2 Phs B amplitude 0.00…50.0
2016 Year - month
2017 Day - hour
2018 Minute - second
2019 Milliseconds
2020 Time quality
2021 u16 1000 .A.phsC.cVal.mag Max demand IL2 Phs C amplitude 0.00…50.0
2022 Year - month
2023 Day - hour
2024 Minute - second
Table continues on next page

RET620 99
Point List Manual
Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings

RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

2025 Milliseconds
2026 Time quality
LD0.CMIMMXU1 Min demand values
u16 1000 .A.phsA.cVal.mag Max demand IL1 Phs A amplitude 0.00…50.0
u16 1000 .A.phsB.cVal.mag Max demand IL2 Phs B amplitude 0.00…50.0
u16 1000 .A.phsC.cVal.mag Max demand IL3 Phs C amplitude 0.00…50.0
[xIn] LD0.CMMXU1 Three-phase current measurement (1)

Table 197: LD0.CMMXU1 Three-phase current measurement (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
LD0.CMMXU1 Phase current (1)
138 u16 1000 .A.phsA.instCVal.mag I_INST_A Phs A amplitude [xIn]
139 u16 1000 .A.phsB.instCVal.mag I_INST_B Phs B amplitude [xIn]
140 u16 1000 .A.phsC.instCVal.mag I_INST_C Phs C amplitude [xIn] LD0.CMMXU2 Phase current demand values (2)

Table 198: LD0.CMMXU2 Phase current demand values (2)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
LD0.CMMXU2 Demand value
2027 u16 1000 .AvAmpsA.mag I_DMD_A Phs A amplitude [xIn]
2028 u16 1000 .AvAmpsB.mag I_DMD_B Phs B amplitude [xIn]
2029 u16 1000 .AvAmpsC.mag I_DMD_C Phs C amplitude [xIn]
Update time stamp See doc.
2030 u16 - Year - month
2031 u16 - Day - hour
2032 u16 - Minute - second
2033 u16 - Milliseconds
2034 u16 - Time quality

2035 u16 1000 .MaxAmpsA.mag Max demand IL1 Max. phs A demand [xIn]
Update time stamp See doc.
Table continues on next page

100 RET620
Point List Manual
1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings

RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

2036 u16 - Year - month
2037 u16 - Day - hour
2038 u16 - Minute - second
2039 u16 - Milliseconds
2040 u16 - Time quality

2041 u16 1000 .MaxAmpsB.mag Max demand IL2 Max. phs B demand [xIn]
Update time stamp See doc.
2042 u16 - Year - month
2043 u16 - Day - hour
2044 u16 - Minute - second
2045 u16 - Milliseconds
2046 u16 - Time quality

2047 u16 1000 .MaxAmpsC.mag Max demand IL3 Max. phsC demand [xIn]
Update time stamp see doc.
2048 u16 - Year - month
2049 u16 - Day - hour
2050 u16 - Minute - second
2051 u16 - Milliseconds
2052 u16 - Time quality LD0.CMMXU2 Three-phase current measurement (2)

Table 199: LD0.CMMXU2 Three-phase current measurement (2)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
LD0.CMMXU2 Phase current (2)
152 u16 1000 .A.phsA.instCVal.mag I_INST_A Phs A amplitude [xIn]
153 u16 1000 .A.phsB.instCVal.mag I_INST_B Phs B amplitude [xIn]
154 u16 1000 .A.phsC.instCVal.mag I_INST_C Phs C amplitude [xIn]

RET620 101
Point List Manual
Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings LD0.CSMSQI1 Sequence current measurement (1)

Table 200: LD0.CSMSQI1 Sequence current measurement (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
LD0.CSMSQI1 Sequence of currents
142 u16 1000 .SeqA.c1.instCVal.mag I1_INST Positive amplitude [xIn]
143 u16 1000 .SeqA.c2.instCVal.mag I2_INST Negative amplitude [xIn]
144 u16 1000 .SeqA.c2.instCVal.mag I3_INST Zero amplitude [xIn] LD0.FMMXU1 Frequency measurement (1)

Table 201: LD0.FMMXU1 Frequency measurement (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
145 u16 100 .Hz.mag F_DB Frequency [Hz] LD0.PEMMTR1 Three-phase energy measurements

Table 202: LD0.PEMMTR1 Three-phase energy measurements
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2100 u32 1 .SupWh.actVal Reverse active energy (high) [kWh]
2101 .SupWh.actVal (low word)
2102 u32 1 .SupVArh.actVal Reverse reactive energy (high) [kVArh]
2103 .SupVArh.actVal (low word)
2104 u32 1 .DemWh.actVal Forward active energy (high) [kWh]
2105 .DemWh.actVal (low word)
2106 u32 1 .DemVArh.actVal Forward reactive energy (high) [kVArh]
2107 .DemVArh.actVal (low word)

102 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings LD0.PEMMXU1 Three-phase power and energy measurement (1)

Table 203: LD0.PEMMXU1 Three-phase power and energy measurement (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
163 i32 1 .TotW.instMag P_INST Total active power P (high) -/+ 999,999
164 .TotW.instMag (Low word)
165 i32 1 .TotVAr.instMag Q_INST Total reactive power Q (high) -/+ 999,999
166 .TotVAr.instMag (Low word)
167 i32 1 .TotVA.instMag S_INST Total apparent power S (high) -/+ 999,999
168 .TotVA.instMag (Low word)
169 i16 1000 .TotPF.instMag PF_INST Average power factor -1...1 LD0.RESCMMXU1 Residual current demand value (1)

Table 204: LD0.RESCMMXU1 Residual current demand value (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
LD0.RCAVMMXU1 Demand value
1989 u16 1000 .A.res.cVal.mag I_DMD_RES Residual amplitude 0.00…50.0
1990 Year - month
1991 Day - hour
1992 Minute - second
1993 Milliseconds
1994 Time quality
LD0.RCMAMMXU1 Max. demand value
1995 u16 1000 .A.res.cVal.mag Max demand Io Residual amplitude 0.00…50.0
1996 Year - month
1997 Day - hour
1998 Minute - second
1999 Milliseconds
2000 Time quality
LD0.RCMIMMXU1 Min. demand value
u16 1000 .A.res.cVal.mag Min demand Io Residual amplitude 0.00…50.0

RET620 103
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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings LD0.RESCMMXU1 Residual current measurement (1)

Table 205: LD0.RESCMMXU1 Residual current measurement (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
LD0.RESCMMXU1 Residual current (1)
141 u16 1000 .A.res.instCVal.mag I0_INST - amplitude [xIn] LD0.RESCMMXU2 Residual current demand value (2)

Table 206: LD0.RESCMMXU2 Residual current demand value (2)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
LD0.RESCMMXU2 Demand value
1965 u16 1000 .AvAmps.mag I_DMD_RES Residual amplitude [xIn]

Update time stamp 1)

1966 u16 - - Year - month

1967 u16 - Day - hour
1968 u16 - Minute - second
1969 u16 - Milliseconds
1970 u16 - - Time quality

1971 u16 1000 .MaxAmps.mag Max demand Io Max Io demand [xIn]

Update time stamp 1)

1972 u16 - Year - month

1973 u16 - Day - hour
1974 u16 - Minute - second
1975 u16 - Milliseconds
1976 u16 - Time quality

1) See the technical manual. LD0.RESCMMXU2 Residual current measurement (2)

Table 207: LD0.RESCMMXU2 Residual current measurement (2)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
LD0.RESCMMXU2 Residual current (2)
155 u16 1000 .A.res.instCVal.mag I0_INST Amplitude [xIn]

104 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings LD0.RESVMMXU1 Residual voltage demand value (1)

Table 208: LD0.RESVMMXU1 Residual voltage demand value (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
LD0.RVAVMMXU1 Demand value
1977 u16 1000 .PhV.res.cVal.mag U_DMD_RES Residual amplitude 0.00…4.0
1978 Year - month
1979 Day - hour
1980 Minute - second
1981 Milliseconds
1982 Time quality
LD0.RVMAMMXU1 Max. demand value
1983 u16 1000 .PhV.res.cVal.mag Max demand Uo Residual amplitude 0.00…4.0
1984 Year - month
1985 Day - hour
1986 Minute - second
1987 Milliseconds
1988 Time quality
LD0.RVMIMMXU1 Min. demand value
u16 1000 .PhV.res.cVal.mag Min demand Io Residual amplitude 0.00…4.0
[xUn] LD0.RESVMMXU1 Residual voltage measurement (1)

Table 209: LD0.RESVMMXU1 Residual voltage measurement (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
LD0.RESVMMXU1 Residual voltage (1)
137 u16 1000 .A.res.instCVal.mag U0_INST - amplitude [xUn] LD0.SSCBR1 Circuit-breaker condition monitoring (1)

Table 210: LD0.SSCBR1 Circuit-breaker condition monitoring (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2070 u16 1 .InaTmdCnt.stVal INA_DAYS CB inactive days 0..65535
2071 u16 1 .TmmsOpn.mag T_TRV_OP Open travel time 0..60000 [ms]
2072 u16 1 .TmmsCls.mag T_TRV_CL Close travel time 0..60000 [ms]
2073 u16 100 .TmsSprCha.mag T_SPR_CHR Spring charge time [s]
Table continues on next page

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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings

RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

2074 i16 1 .RmnLifPhA.stVal CB_LIFE_A Remain.life phs A -/+ 9999
2075 i16 1 .RmnLifPhB.stVal CB_LIFE_B Remain.life phs B -/+ 9999
2076 i16 1 .RmnLifPhC.stVal CB_LIFE_C Remain.life phs C -/+ 9999
2077 u16 1 .AccAPwrPhA.mag IPOW_A Iyt phs A 0..1E6
2078 u16 1 .AccAPwrPhB.mag IPOW_B Iyt phs B 0..1E6
2079 u16 1 .AccAPwrPhC.mag IPOW_C Iyt phs C 0..1E6 LD0.T2PTTR1 Three-phase thermal overload protection, two time

constants (2)
Table 211: LD0.T2PTTR1 Three-phase thermal overload protection, two time constants (2)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
146 i16 1 .Tmp.mag TEMP Object temperature 9999.9 [C]
147 u16 1 .TmpRl.mag TEMP_RL Relative temperature [C]
2068 u16 1 .TmsOp.stVal THERMLEV_ST Est. time to operate 0...60000 [s]
2069 u16 1 .TmsRecEna.stVal THERMLEV_END Est. time to deactivate block 0...60000 [s] LD0.TPOSYLTC1 Tap changer position indication (1)

Table 212: LD0.TPOSYLTC1 Tap changer position indication (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
151 i16 1 .TapPos.valWTr.posVal TAP_POS Tap changer position -64...63 LD0.TR2PTDF1 Stabilized and instantaneous differential protection for

two-winding transformers (1)
Table 213: LD0.TR2PTDF1 Stabilized and instantaneous differential protection for two-winding transformers (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
LD0.TR2PTDF1 Differential current
2080 u16 1000 .DifAClc.phsA.mag Phs A magnitude 0...40.00 [xIn]
2081 u16 1000 .DifAClc.phsB.mag -Phs B magnitude 0...40.00 [xIn]
2082 u16 1000 .DifAClc.phsC.mag Phs C magnitude 0...40.00 [xIn]
LD0.TR2PTDF1 Bias current
2083 u16 1000 .RstA.phsA.mag Phs A magnitude 0...40.00 [xIn]
2084 u16 1000 .RstA.phsB.mag Phs B magnitude 0...40.00 [xIn]
2085 u16 1000 .RstA.phsC.mag Phs C magnitude 0...40.00 [xIn]

106 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings LD0.VMMXU1 Three-phase voltage measurement (1)

Table 214: LD0.VMMXU1 Three-phase voltage measurement (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
LD0.VMMXU1 Phase-ground voltage (1)
134 u16 1000 .phV.phsA.cVal.mag U_DB_A Phs A amplitude [xUn]
135 u16 1000 .phV.phsB.cVal.mag U_DB_B Phs B amplitude [xUn]
136 u16 1000 .phV.phsC.cVal.mag U_DB_C Phs C amplitude [xUn]
: LD0.VMMXU1 Phase-phase voltage (1)
160 u16 1000 .PPV.phsAB.cVal.mag U_DB_AB Phs AB amplitude [xUn]
161 u16 1000 .PPV.phsBC.cVal.mag U_DB_BC Phs BC amplitude [xUn]
162 u16 1000 .PPV.phsCA.cVal.mag U_DB_CA Phs CA amplitude [xUn] LD0.VMMXU1 Voltage demand values (1)

Table 215: LD0.VMMXU1 Voltage demand values (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
LD0.VAVMMXU1 Demand value
1954 u16 1000 .PhV.phsA.cVal.mag U_DMD_A Phs A amplitude 0.00…4.0
1955 u16 1000 .PhV.phsB.cVal.mag U_DMD_B Phs B amplitude 0.00…4.0
1956 u16 1000 .PhV.phsC.cVal.mag U_DMD_C Phs C amplitude 0.00…4.0
1957 u16 1000 .PPV.phsAB.cVal.mag U_DMD_AB Phs AB amplitude 0.00…4.0
1958 u16 1000 .PPV.phsBC.cVal.mag U_DMD_BC Phs BC amplitude 0.00…4.0
1959 u16 1000 .PPV.phsCA.cVal.mag U_DMD_CA Phs CA amplitude 0.00…4.0

RET620 107
Point List Manual
Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings LD0.VSMSQI1 Sequence voltage measurement (1)

Table 216: LD0.VSMSQI1 Sequence voltage measurement (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
LD0.VSMSQI1 Sequence of voltages
148 u16 1000 .SeqA.c1.instCVal.mag U1_INST Positive amplitude [xUn]
149 u16 1000 .SeqA.c2.instCVal.mag U2_INST Negative amplitude [xUn]
150 u16 1000 .SeqA.c2.instCVal.mag U3_INST Zero amplitude [xUn] LD0.XBRGGIO130 RTD input values

Table 217: LD0.XBRGGIO130 RTD input values
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2131 i16 1 .AnIn1.mag AI_VAL1 RTD input 1 in ohms -/+ 10000.00
2132 i16 1 .AnIn2.mag AI_VAL2 RTD input 2 in ohms -/+ 10000.00
2133 i16 1 .AnIn3.mag AI_VAL3 RTD input 3 in ohms -/+ 10000.00 LD0.XRGGIO105 RTD input values

Table 218: LD0.XRGGIO105 RTD input values
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2091 i16 1 .AnIn1.mag AI_VAL1 RTD input 1 in ohms -/+ 10000.00
2092 i16 1 .AnIn2.mag AI_VAL2 RTD input 2 in ohms -/+ 10000.00
2093 i16 1 .AnIn3.mag AI_VAL3 RTD input 3 in ohms -/+ 10000.00
2094 i16 1 .AnIn4.mag AI_VAL4 RTD input 4 in ohms -/+ 10000.00
2095 i16 1 .AnIn5.mag AI_VAL5 RTD input 5 in ohms -/+ 10000.00
2096 i16 1 .AnIn6.mag AI_VAL6 RTD input 6 in ohms -/+ 10000.00
2097 i16 1 .AnIn7.mag AI_VAL7 RTD input 7 in ohms -/+ 10000.00
2098 i16 1 .AnIn8.mag AI_VAL8 RTD input 8 in ohms -/+ 10000.00

2.4.2 Unmapped registers

Unmapped registers are register data that have no initial Modbus mapping locations,
but can be added to the user-definable Modbus area using the Communication
Management tool in PCM600. The initial register type settings of these objects have
little meaning, since it is always possible to redefine the settings completely for the
user-definable register.

108 RET620
Point List Manual
1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings CTRL.LLN0 Local, Remote, Station, Off and Combinations

Table 219: CTRL.LLN0 Local, Remote, Station, Off and Combinations
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
0=Off; 1=Loc; 2=Rem; 3=Stat;
4=L+R; 5=L+S; 6=L+S+R; 7=S
u16 1 .LocKeyHMI.stVal +R 0…7 LD0.CMHAI1 Current total demand distortion (1)

Table 220: LD0.CMHAI1 Current total demand distortion (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
LD0.CMHAI1 3-second mean value:
u16 100 .TddA.phsA.cVal.mag 3SMHTDD_A - phsA 0...500.00 [%]
u16 100 .TddA.phsB.cVal.mag 3SMHTDD_B - phsB 0...500.00 [%]
u16 100 .TddA.phsC.cVal.mag 3SMHTDD_C - phsC 0...500.00 [%]
Demand value:
u16 100 ag DMD_TDD_A - phsA 0...500.00 [%]
u16 100 ag DMD_TDD_B - phsB 0...500.00 [%]
u16 100 ag DMD_TDD_C - phsC 0...500.00 [%]
Max demand value:
u16 100 al.mag - - phsA 0...500.00 [%]
u16 100 al.mag - - phsB 0...500.00 [%]
u16 100 al.mag - - phsC 0...500.00 [%] LD0.CSMSQI2 Sequence current measurement (2)

Table 221: LD0.CSMSQI2 Sequence current measurement (2)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
LD0.CSMSQI2 Sequence of currents
u16 1000 .SeqA.c1.instCVal.mag I1_INST Positive amplitude [xIn]
u16 1000 .SeqA.c2.instCVal.mag I2_INST Negative amplitude [xIn]
u16 1000 .SeqA.c2.instCVal.mag I3_INST Zero amplitude [xIn]

RET620 109
Point List Manual
Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings LD0.MDSOPT1 Runtime counter for machines and devices (1)

Table 222: LD0.MDSOPT1 Runtime counter for machines and devices (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
u16 1 .OpTmh.stVal OPR_TIME Total operation hours 0…299999 LD0.MDSOPT2 Runtime counter for machines and devices (2)

Table 223: LD0.MDSOPT2 Runtime counter for machines and devices (2)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
u16 1 .OpTmh.stVal OPR_TIME Total operation hours 0…299999 LD0.MVI4GAPC1 Integer value move (1)

Table 224: LD0.MVI4GAPC1 Integer value move (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
i32 1 .ISCS01.stVal OUT1 - Integer value 1 (high) +2147483647
- Low word
i32 1 .ISCS02.stVal OUT2 - Integer value 2 (high) +2147483647
- Low word
i32 1 .ISCS03.stVal OUT3 - Integer value 3 (high) +2147483647
- Low word
i32 1 .ISCS04.stVal OUT4 - Integer value 4 (high) +2147483647
- Low word LD0.MVI4GAPC2 Integer value move (2)

Table 225: LD0.MVI4GAPC2 Integer value move (2)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
i32 1 .ISCS01.stVal OUT1 - Integer value 1 (high) +2147483647
- Low word
i32 1 .ISCS02.stVal OUT2 - Integer value 2 (high) +2147483647
Table continues on next page

110 RET620
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1MRS757662 C Section 2
Modbus data mappings

RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

- Low word
i32 1 .ISCS03.stVal OUT3 - Integer value 3 (high) +2147483647
- Low word
i32 1 .ISCS04.stVal OUT4 - Integer value 4 (high) +2147483647
- Low word LD0.MVI4GAPC3 Integer value move (3)

Table 226: LD0.MVI4GAPC3 Integer value move (3)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
i32 1 .ISCS01.stVal OUT1 - Integer value 1 (high) +2147483647
- Low word
i32 1 .ISCS02.stVal OUT2 - Integer value 2 (high) +2147483647
- Low word
i32 1 .ISCS03.stVal OUT3 - Integer value 3 (high) +2147483647
- Low word
i32 1 .ISCS04.stVal OUT4 - Integer value 4 (high) +2147483647
- Low word LD0.MVI4GAPC4 Integer value move (4)

Table 227: LD0.MVI4GAPC4 Integer value move (4)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
i32 1 .ISCS01.stVal OUT1 - Integer value 1 (high) +2147483647
- Low word
i32 1 .ISCS02.stVal OUT2 - Integer value 2 (high) +2147483647
- Low word
i32 1 .ISCS03.stVal OUT3 - Integer value 3 (high) +2147483647
- Low word
i32 1 .ISCS04.stVal OUT4 - Integer value 4 (high) +2147483647
- Low word

RET620 111
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Section 2 1MRS757662 C
Modbus data mappings LD0.PHQVVR1 Voltage variation (1)

Table 228: LD0.PHQVVR1 Voltage variation (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
LD0.PH1QVVR1 Voltage swell
u32 1 .SwlInstCnt.stVal INSTSWELLCNT - Inst counter (high) 0…
- (Low word) 2147483647
u32 1 .SwlMomCnt.stVal MOMSWELLCNT - Mom counter (high) 0…
- (Low word) 2147483647
u32 1 .SwlTmpCnt.stVal TEMPSWELLCNT - Temp counter (high) 0…
- (Low word) 2147483647
u32 1 .SwlMaxCnt.stVal NT - Max. duration.counter (high) 0…
- (Low word) 2147483647
Voltage dip
u32 1 .DipInstCnt.stVal INSTDIPCNT - Inst counter (high) 0…
- (Low word) 2147483647
u32 1 .DipMomCnt.stVal MOMDIPCNT - Mom counter (high) 0…
- (Low word) 2147483647
u32 1 .DipTmpCnt.stVal TEMPDIPCNT - Temp counter (high) 0…
- (Low word) 2147483647
u32 1 .DipMaxCnt.stVal MAXDURDIPCNT - Max. duration counter (high) 0…
- (Low word) 2147483647
Voltage interrupts
u32 1 .IntrMomCnt.stVal MOMINTCNT - Mom counter (high) 0…
- (Low word) 2147483647
u32 1 .IntrTmpCnt.stVal TEMPINTCNT - Temp counter (high) 0…
- (Low word) 2147483647
u32 1 .IntrSstCnt.stVal SUSTINTCNT - Sustain counter (high) 0…
- (Low word) 2147483647
u32 1 .IntrMaxCnt.stVal MAXDURINTCNT - Max. duration counter (high) 0… LD0.SCA4GAPC1 Analog value scaling (1)

Table 229: LD0.SCA4GAPC1 Analog value scaling (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
i16 1000 .AnValOut1.mag AO1_VALUE Analog value 1 after scaling 0...N
i16 1000 .AnValOut2.mag AO2_VALUE Analog value 2 after scaling 0...N
i16 1000 .AnValOut3.mag AO3_VALUE Analog value 3 after scaling 0...N
i16 1000 .AnValOut4.mag AO4_VALUE Analog value 4 after scaling 0...N

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Modbus data mappings LD0.SCA4GAPC2 Analog value scaling (2)

Table 230: LD0.SCA4GAPC2 Analog value scaling (2)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
i16 1000 .AnValOut1.mag AO1_VALUE Analog value 1 after scaling 0…N
i16 1000 .AnValOut2.mag AO2_VALUE Analog value 2 after scaling 0…N
i16 1000 .AnValOut3.mag AO3_VALUE Analog value 3 after scaling 0…N
i16 1000 .AnValOut4.mag AO4_VALUE Analog value 4 after scaling 0…N LD0.SCA4GAPC3 Analog value scaling (3)

Table 231: LD0.SCA4GAPC3 Analog value scaling (3)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
i16 1000 .AnValOut1.mag AO1_VALUE Analog value 1 after scaling 0…N
i16 1000 .AnValOut2.mag AO2_VALUE Analog value 2 after scaling 0…N
i16 1000 .AnValOut3.mag AO3_VALUE Analog value 3 after scaling 0…N
i16 1000 .AnValOut4.mag AO4_VALUE Analog value 4 after scaling 0…N LD0.SCA4GAPC4 Analog value scaling (4)

Table 232: LD0.SCA4GAPC4 Analog value scaling (4)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
i16 1000 .AnValOut1.mag AO1_VALUE Analog value 1 after scaling 0…N
i16 1000 .AnValOut2.mag AO2_VALUE Analog value 2 after scaling 0…N
i16 1000 .AnValOut3.mag AO3_VALUE Analog value 3 after scaling 0…N
i16 1000 .AnValOut4.mag AO4_VALUE Analog value 4 after scaling 0…N LD0.SSCBR2 Circuit-breaker condition monitoring (2)

Table 233: LD0.SSCBR2 Circuit-breaker condition monitoring (2)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
u16 1 .InaTmdCnt.stVal INA_DAYS CB inactive days 0...65535
u16 1 .OpTmOpn.mag T_TRV_OP Open travel time [ms]
u16 1 .OpTmCls.mag T_TRV_CL Close travel time [ms]
Table continues on next page

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RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

u16 100 .TmsSprCha.mag T_SPR_CHR Spring charge time [s]
i16 1 .RmnNumOp.stVal CB_LIFE_A Remain.life phs A -/+ 9999
i16 1 .RmnNumOp.stVal CB_LIFE_B Remain.life phs B -/+ 9999
i16 1 .RmnNumOp.stVal CB_LIFE_C Remain.life phs C -/+ 9999
u16 1 .AccmAPwr.mag IPOW_A Iyt phs A 0...1E6
u16 1 .AccmAPwr.mag IPOW_B Iyt phs B 0...1E6
u16 1 .AccmAPwr.mag IPOW_C Iyt phs C 0...1E6 LD0.SSCBR3 Circuit-breaker condition monitoring (3)

Table 234: LD0.SSCBR3 Circuit-breaker condition monitoring (3)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
u16 1 .InaTmdCnt.stVal INA_DAYS CB inactive days 0...65535
u16 1 .OpTmOpn.mag T_TRV_OP Open travel time [ms]
u16 1 .OpTmCls.mag T_TRV_CL Close travel time [ms]
u16 100 .TmsSprCha.mag T_SPR_CHR Spring charge time [s]
i16 1 .RmnNumOp.stVal CB_LIFE_A Remain.life phs A -/+ 9999
i16 1 .RmnNumOp.stVal CB_LIFE_B Remain.life phs B -/+ 9999
i16 1 .RmnNumOp.stVal CB_LIFE_C Remain.life phs C -/+ 9999
u16 1 .AccmAPwr.mag IPOW_A Iyt phs A 0...1E6
u16 1 .AccmAPwr.mag IPOW_B Iyt phs B 0...1E6
u16 1 .AccmAPwr.mag IPOW_C Iyt phs C 0...1E6

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Modbus data mappings LD0.VAMMXU2 Single-phase voltage measurement (2)

Table 235: LD0.VAMMXU2 Single-phase voltage measurement (2)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.PhV.phsA.cVal.mag U_DB_A Phs A amplitude 0.00…4.00
.PPV.phsAB.cVal.mag U_DB_AB Phs AB amplitude 0.00…4.00
.PhV.phsA.cVal.mag U_DMD_A Phs A demand amplitude 0.00…4.00
.phsAB.cVal.mag U_DMD_AB Phs AB demand amplitude 0.00…4.00
[xUn] LD0.VAMMXU3 Single-phase voltage measurement (3)

Table 236: LD0.VAMMXU3 Single-phase voltage measurement (3)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.PhV.phsA.cVal.mag U_DB_A Phs A amplitude 0.00…4.00
.PPV.phsAB.cVal.mag U_DB_AB Phs AB amplitude 0.00…4.00
.PhV.phsA.cVal.mag U_DMD_A Phs A demand amplitude 0.00…4.00
.phsAB.cVal.mag U_DMD_AB Phs AB demand amplitude 0.00…4.00
[xUn] LD0.VMHAI1 Voltage total harmonic distortion (1)

Table 237: LD0.VMHAI1 Voltage total harmonic distortion (1)
RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
LD0.VMHAI1 3-second mean value
u16 100 .ThdPhV.phsA.cVal.mag 3SMHTHD_A - Phs A 0...500.00 [%]
u16 100 .ThdPhV.phsB.cVal.mag 3SMHTDD_B - Phs B 0...500.00 [%]
u16 100 .ThdPhV.phsC.cVal.mag 3SMHTDD_C - Phs C 0...500.00 [%]
Demand value:
u16 100 mag DMD_TDD_A - Phs A 0...500.00 [%]
u16 100 mag DMD_TDD_B - Phs B 0...500.00 [%]
u16 100 mag DMD_TDD_C - Phs C 0...500.00 [%]
Table continues on next page

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RegA Type Scale IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

Max demand value
u16 100 al.mag - - Phs A 0...500.00 [%]
u16 100 al.mag - - Phs B 0...500.00 [%]
u16 100 al.mag - - Phs C 0...500.00 [%]

2.5 Controls

Table 238: Explanations of the controls table columns

Column name Description
0xA Coil (0X) address for control value.
CS Control structure and bit within the structure for control value.
IEC 61850 Original IED data object identification. Described in the IEC 61850 format as Logical
name Device.Logical Node and thereafter .Data Object.Data Attribute. Logical Node is the
same as the application function block name.
SA name The signal may have a defined label that is visible, for example, in the Application
Configuration tool in PCM600.
Description Short description of the signal. See the technical manual for more information.
Value Meaning of the written value.

2.5.1 Reset, acknowledge and trigger points

Table 239: Reset, acknowledge and trigger points
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2060 2.00 .LEDRs1.Oper.ctlVal Reset indications and LEDs 1=Reset
2061 2.01 .LEDRs2.Oper.ctlVal Reset alarm LEDs 1=Reset
2062 2.02 .RecRs.Oper.ctlVal Reset power max demands 1=Reset
2063 2.03 < reserved >
2064 2.04 < reserved >
2065 2.05 .RsAccAPwr.Oper.ctlVal Reset CB accum. energy 1=Reset
2066 2.06 .RsCBWear.Oper.ctlVal Reset CB wear data 1=Reset
2067 2.07 .RcdTrg.Oper.ctlVal Trig DR recording 1=Trig
2068 2.08 .MemClr.Oper.ctlVal Clear DR memory 1=Clear
Table continues on next page

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0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

2069 2.09 .RecRs.Oper.ctlVal Reset max current1 demands 1=Reset
2070 2.10 .SupDmdRs.Oper.ctlVal Reset energy values 1=Reset
2071 2.11 .RsTrvTm.Oper.ctlVal Reset CB travel time 1=Reset
2072 2.12 .RsSprChaTm.Oper.ctlV Reset CB spring charge time 1=Reset
2073 2.13 .RecRs.Oper.ctlVal Reset Io (1) max demands 1=Reset
2074 2.14 .RecRs.Oper.ctlVal Reset Uo (1) max demands 1=Reset
2075 2.15 .RecRs.Oper.ctlVal Reset max current2 demands 1=Reset
2076 3.14 .RecRs.Oper.ctlVal Reset Io (2) max demands 1=Reset

2.5.2 CTRL.CBCSWI1 Circuit breaker control (1)

Table 240: CTRL.CBCSWI1 Circuit breaker control (1)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2048 1.00 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Select open 1=Select
2049 1.01 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Select close 1=Select
2050 1.02 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Cancel selection 1=Cancel
2051 1.03 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Execute selection 1=Execute
2052 1.04 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Direct open 1=Open
2053 1.05 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Direct close 1=Close

2.5.3 CTRL.DCXSWI1 Disconnector control (1)

Table 241: CTRL.DCXSWI1 Disconnector control (1)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2144 7.00 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Select open 1=Select
2145 7.01 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Select close 1=Select
2146 7.02 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Cancel selection 1=Cancel
2147 7.03 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Execute selection 1=Execute
2148 7.04 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Direct open 1=Open
2149 7.05 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Direct close 1=Close

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2.5.4 CTRL.DCXSWI2 Disconnector control (2)

Table 242: CTRL.DCXSWI2 Disconnector control (2)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2150 7.06 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Select open 1=Select
2151 7.07 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Select close 1=Select
2152 7.08 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Cancel selection 1=Cancel
2153 7.09 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Execute selection 1=Execute
2154 7.10 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Direct open 1=Open
2155 7.11 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Direct close 1=Close

2.5.5 CTRL.DCXSWI3 Disconnector control (3)

Table 243: CTRL.DCXSWI3 Disconnector control (3)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Select open 1=Select
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Select close 1=Select
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Cancel selection 1=Cancel
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Execute selection 1=Execute
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Direct open 1=Open
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Direct close 1=Close

2.5.6 CTRL.DCXSWI4 Disconnector control (4)

Table 244: CTRL.DCXSWI4 Disconnector control (4)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Select open 1=Select
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Select close 1=Select
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Cancel selection 1=Cancel
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Execute selection 1=Execute
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Direct open 1=Open
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Direct close 1=Close

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2.5.7 CTRL.ESXSWI1 Earthing switch control (1)

Table 245: CTRL.ESXSWI1 Earthing switch control (1)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2054 1.06 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Select open 1=Select
2055 1.07 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Select close 1=Select
2056 1.08 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Cancel selection 1=Cancel
2057 1.09 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Execute selection 1=Execute
2058 1.10 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Direct open 1=Open
2059 1.11 .Pos.Oper.ctlVal Direct close 1=Close

2.5.8 CTRL.ESXSWI2 Earthing switch control (2)

Table 246: CTRL.ESXSWI2 Earthing switch control (2)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Select open 1=Select
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Select close 1=Select
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Cancel selection 1=Cancel
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Execute selection 1=Execute
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Direct open 1=Open
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Direct close 1=Close

2.5.9 CTRL.ESXSWI3 Earthing switch control (3)

Table 247: CTRL.ESXSWI3 Earthing switch control (3)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Select open 1=Select
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Select close 1=Select
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Cancel selection 1=Cancel
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Execute selection 1=Execute
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Direct open 1=Open
.Pos.Oper.ctlVal Direct close 1=Close

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2.5.10 LD0.LDEV1 Protection relay's warm reset (1)

Table 248: LD0.LDEV1 Protection relay's warm reset (1)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2080 3.00 .WrmStrCmd.Oper.ctlVal Warm reboot of protection relay 1=Reboot

2.5.11 LD0.LSHDPFRQ1 Load-shedding and restoration (1)

Table 249: LD0.LSHDPFRQ1 Load-shedding and restoration (1)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2084 3.04 .ManRest.Oper.ctlVal Manual restore 1=Restore
2085 3.05 .BlkRest.Oper.ctlVal Cancel restore 1=Cancel

2.5.12 LD0.LSHDPFRQ2 Load-shedding and restoration (2)

Table 250: LD0.LSHDPFRQ2 Load-shedding and restoration (2)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2086 3.06 .ManRest.Oper.ctlVal Manual restore 1=Restore
2087 3.07 .BlkRest.Oper.ctlVal Cancel restore 1=Cancel

2.5.13 LD0.LSHDPFRQ3 Load-shedding and restoration (3)

Table 251: LD0.LSHDPFRQ3 Load-shedding and restoration (3)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2088 3.08 .ManRest.Oper.ctlVal Manual restore 1=Restore
2089 3.09 .BlkRest.Oper.ctlVal Cancel restore 1=Cancel

2.5.14 LD0.LSHDPFRQ4 Load-shedding and restoration (4)

Table 252: LD0.LSHDPFRQ4 Load-shedding and restoration (4)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2090 3.10 .ManRest.Oper.ctlVal Manual restore 1=Restore
2091 3.11 .BlkRest.Oper.ctlVal Cancel restore 1=Cancel

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2.5.15 LD0.LSHDPFRQ5 Load-shedding and restoration (5)

Table 253: LD0.LSHDPFRQ5 Load-shedding and restoration (5)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2092 3.12 .ManRest.Oper.ctlVal Manual restore 1=Restore
2093 3.13 .BlkRest.Oper.ctlVal Cancel restore 1=Cancel

2.5.16 LD0.LSHDPFRQ6 Load-shedding and restoration (6)

Table 254: LD0.LSHDPFRQ6 Load-shedding and restoration (6)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2094 3.14 .ManRest.Oper.ctlVal Manual restore 1=Restore
2095 3.15 .BlkRest.Oper.ctlVal Cancel restore 1=Cancel

2.5.17 LD0.SPCGAPC1 Generic control point (16 pcs) (1)

The binary outputs can be configured either as pulse- or persistent-type outputs. Pulse-
type outputs are triggered with the write value "1". Persistent-type outputs can be
written with both values "1" and "0". The setting mode "toggled" for local operation
corresponds to "persistent" for remote operation.
Table 255: LD0.SPCGAPC1 Generic control point (16 pcs) (1)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2112 5.00 .SPCS01.ctlVal Output 1 control 0/1=Off/On
2113 5.01 .SPCS02.ctlVal Output 2 control 0/1=Off/On
2114 5.02 .SPCS03.ctlVal Output 3 control 0/1=Off/On
2115 5.03 .SPCS04.ctlVal Output 4 control 0/1=Off/On
2116 5.04 .SPCS05.ctlVal Output 5 control 0/1=Off/On
2117 5.05 .SPCS06.ctlVal Output 6 control 0/1=Off/On
2118 5.06 .SPCS07.ctlVal Output 7 control 0/1=Off/On
2119 5.07 .SPCS08.ctlVal Output 8 control 0/1=Off/On
2120 5.08 .SPCS09.ctlVal Output 9 control 0/1=Off/On
2121 5.09 .SPCS10.ctlVal Output 10 control 0/1=Off/On
2122 5.10 .SPCS11.ctlVal Output 11 control 0/1=Off/On
2123 5.11 .SPCS12.ctlVal Output 12 control 0/1=Off/On
2124 5.12 .SPCS13.ctlVal Output 13 control 0/1=Off/On
2125 5.13 .SPCS14.ctlVal Output 14 control 0/1=Off/On
2126 5.14 .SPCS15.ctlVal Output 15 control 0/1=Off/On
2127 5.15 .SPCS16.ctlVal Output 16 control 0/1=Off/On

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2.5.18 LD0.SPCGAPC2 Generic control point (16 pcs) (2)

The binary outputs can be configured either as pulse- or persistent-type outputs. Pulse-
type outputs are triggered with the write value "1". Persistent-type outputs can be
written with both values "1" and "0". The setting mode "toggled" for local operation
corresponds to "persistent" for remote operation.
Table 256: LD0.SPCGAPC2 Generic control point (16 pcs) (2)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2128 6.00 .SPCS01.ctlVal Output 1 control 0/1=Off/On
2129 6.01 .SPCS02.ctlVal Output 2 control 0/1=Off/On
2130 6.02 .SPCS03.ctlVal Output 3 control 0/1=Off/On
2131 6.03 .SPCS04.ctlVal Output 4 control 0/1=Off/On
2132 6.04 .SPCS05.ctlVal Output 5 control 0/1=Off/On
2133 6.05 .SPCS06.ctlVal Output 6 control 0/1=Off/On
2134 6.06 .SPCS07.ctlVal Output 7 control 0/1=Off/On
2135 6.07 .SPCS08.ctlVal Output 8 control 0/1=Off/On
2136 6.08 .SPCS09.ctlVal Output 9 control 0/1=Off/On
2137 6.09 .SPCS10.ctlVal Output 10 control 0/1=Off/On
2138 6.10 .SPCS11.ctlVal Output 11 control 0/1=Off/On
2139 6.11 .SPCS12.ctlVal Output 12 control 0/1=Off/On
2140 6.12 .SPCS13.ctlVal Output 13 control 0/1=Off/On
2141 6.13 .SPCS14.ctlVal Output 14 control 0/1=Off/On
2142 6.14 .SPCS15.ctlVal Output 15 control 0/1=Off/On
2143 6.15 .SPCS16.ctlVal Output 16 control 0/1=Off/On

2.5.19 LD0.SPCGAPC3 Generic control point (16 pcs) (3)

The binary outputs can be configured either as pulse- or persistent-type outputs. Pulse-
type outputs are triggered with the write value "1". Persistent-type outputs can be
written with both values "1" and "0". The setting mode "toggled" for local operation
corresponds to "persistent" for remote operation.
Table 257: LD0.SPCGAPC3 Generic control point (16 pcs) (3)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2400 .SPCS01.ctlVal Output 1 control 0/1=Off/On
2401 .SPCS02.ctlVal Output 2 control 0/1=Off/On
2402 .SPCS03.ctlVal Output 3 control 0/1=Off/On
2403 .SPCS04.ctlVal Output 4 control 0/1=Off/On
2404 .SPCS05.ctlVal Output 5 control 0/1=Off/On
Table continues on next page

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0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values

2405 .SPCS06.ctlVal Output 6 control 0/1=Off/On
2406 .SPCS07.ctlVal Output 7 control 0/1=Off/On
2407 .SPCS08.ctlVal Output 8 control 0/1=Off/On
2408 .SPCS09.ctlVal Output 9 control 0/1=Off/On
2409 .SPCS10.ctlVal Output 10 control 0/1=Off/On
2410 .SPCS11.ctlVal Output 11 control 0/1=Off/On
2411 .SPCS12.ctlVal Output 12 control 0/1=Off/On
2412 .SPCS13.ctlVal Output 13 control 0/1=Off/On
2413 .SPCS14.ctlVal Output 14 control 0/1=Off/On
2414 .SPCS15.ctlVal Output 15 control 0/1=Off/On
2415 .SPCS16.ctlVal Output 16 control 0/1=Off/On

2.5.20 LD0.SPCRGAPC1 Remote generic control points (1)

Table 258: LD0.SPCRGAPC1 Remote generic control points (1)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2416 .SPCSO1.Oper.ctlVal Output 1 control 0/1=Off/On
2417 .SPCSO2.Oper.ctlVal Output 2 control 0/1=Off/On
2418 .SPCSO3.Oper.ctlVal Output 3 control 0/1=Off/On
2419 .SPCSO4.Oper.ctlVal Output 4 control 0/1=Off/On
2420 .SPCSO5.Oper.ctlVal Output 5 control 0/1=Off/On
2421 .SPCSO6.Oper.ctlVal Output 6 control 0/1=Off/On
2422 .SPCSO7.Oper.ctlVal Output 7 control 0/1=Off/On
2423 .SPCSO8.Oper.ctlVal Output 8 control 0/1=Off/On
2424 .SPCSO9.Oper.ctlVal Output 9 control 0/1=Off/On
2425 .SPCSO10.Oper.ctlVal Output 10 control 0/1=Off/On
2426 .SPCSO11.Oper.ctlVal Output 11 control 0/1=Off/On
2427 .SPCSO12.Oper.ctlVal Output 12 control 0/1=Off/On
2428 .SPCSO13.Oper.ctlVal Output 13 control 0/1=Off/On
2429 .SPCSO14.Oper.ctlVal Output 14 control 0/1=Off/On
2430 .SPCSO15.Oper.ctlVal Output 15 control 0/1=Off/On
2431 .SPCSO16.Oper.ctlVal Output 16 control 0/1=Off/On

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2.5.21 LD0.SRGAPC1 Set-reset (8 pcs) (1)

Table 259: LD0.SRGAPC1 Set-reset (8 pcs) (1)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2096 4.00 .Rs1.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 1 1=Reset
2097 4.01 .Rs2.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 2 1=Reset
2098 4.02 .Rs3.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 3 1=Reset
2099 4.03 .Rs4.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 4 1=Reset
2100 4.04 .Rs5.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 5 1=Reset
2101 4.05 .Rs6.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 6 1=Reset
2102 4.06 .Rs7.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 7 1=Reset
2103 4.07 .Rs8.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 8 1=Reset

2.5.22 LD0.SRGAPC2 Set-reset (8 pcs) (2)

Table 260: LD0.SRGAPC2 Set-reset (8 pcs) (2)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2104 4.08 .Rs1.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 1 1=Reset
2105 4.09 .Rs2.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 2 1=Reset
2106 4.10 .Rs3.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 3 1=Reset
2107 4.11 .Rs4.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 4 1=Reset
2108 4.12 .Rs5.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 5 1=Reset
2109 4.13 .Rs6.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 6 1=Reset
2110 4.14 .Rs7.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 7 1=Reset
2111 4.15 .Rs8.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 8 1=Reset

2.5.23 LD0.SRGAPC3 Set-reset (8 pcs) (3)

Table 261: LD0.SRGAPC3 Set-reset (8 pcs) (3)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2432 - .Rs1.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 1 1=Reset
2433 - .Rs2.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 2 1=Reset
2434 - .Rs3.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 3 1=Reset
2435 - .Rs4.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 4 1=Reset
2436 - .Rs5.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 5 1=Reset
2437 - .Rs6.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 6 1=Reset
2438 - .Rs7.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 7 1=Reset
2439 - .Rs8.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 8 1=Reset

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2.5.24 LD0.SRGAPC4 Set-reset (8 pcs) (4)

Table 262: LD0.SRGAPC4 Set-reset (8 pcs) (4)
0xA CS IEC 61850 name SA name Description Values
2440 - .Rs1.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 1 1=Reset
2441 - .Rs2.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 2 1=Reset
2442 - .Rs3.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 3 1=Reset
2443 - .Rs4.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 4 1=Reset
2444 - .Rs5.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 5 1=Reset
2445 - .Rs6.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 6 1=Reset
2446 - .Rs7.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 7 1=Reset
2447 - .Rs8.Oper.ctlVal Reset flip-flop 8 1=Reset

2.5.25 Unmapped control points

Table 263: Unmapped control points
IEC 61850 name Description Value

LD0.LLN0.MeasStatRs.Oper.ctlVal Reset all min. and max. demands 1=Reset

LD0.LLN0.PQRs.Oper.ctlVal Reset all power quality data 1=Reset
LD0.FLTRFRC1.RcdRs.Oper.ctlVal Reset fault record data 1=Reset

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Section 3 Glossary

EMC Electromagnetic compatibility

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEC 61850 International standard for substation communication and
IED Intelligent electronic device
LED Light-emitting diode
LHMI Local human-machine interface
Modbus A serial communication protocol developed by the Modicon
company in 1979. Originally used for communication in PLCs
and RTU devices.
PCM600 Protection and Control IED Manager

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ABB Distribution Solutions
Distribution Automation
P.O. Box 699
FI-65101 VAASA, Finland
Phone +358 10 22 11

Nanjing SAC Power Grid Automation Co.,
No.39 Shuige Road, Jiangning District
211153 Nanjing, China
Phone +86 25 69832000
Fax +86 25 69833000

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