AE Forum
AE Forum
AE Forum
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online Science 00 (2017) 000–000
Procedia Computer Science 00 (2017) 000–000
Procedia Computer Science 121 (2017) 80–88
In the last decade, Enterprise Architecture (EA) has been proposed to have the potential to improve and support strategic alignment
In the lastbusiness and IT. This
decade, Enterprise paper presents
Architecture (EA) ahas
new model,
been usingtoahave
proposed newthemodelling
to improvebased on two strategic
and support leading modelling
between to depict
business andstrategic
IT. Thisalignment between
paper presents business
a new model,andusing
IT through
a new the lens of technique
modelling an Enterprise Architecture
based framework,
on two leading The
Open GrouptoArchitecture
techniques, Framework
depict strategic alignment (TOGAF).
between The contribution
business of this paper
and IT through is two-fold.
the lens Firstly,Architecture
of an Enterprise it augmentedframework,
the Archimate
Open Groupnotation with the
Architecture constructs(TOGAF).
Framework of the Business Motivation Model
The contribution of this (BMM)
paper is to present Firstly,
two-fold. a more comprehensive
it augmented the technique of
modelling strategic
notation alignment of business
with the constructs ofand
the IT. Secondly,
Business the paperModel
Motivation also presents
(BMM)ato new modela that
present moreaims to explain thetechnique
comprehensive mechanism
through which
modelling an Enterprise
strategic alignmentArchitecture
of business andcan IT.
enable strategic
Secondly, thealignment
paper alsobetween
presents business
a new modeland that
IT. aims to explain the mechanism
through which an Enterprise Architecture can enable strategic alignment between business and IT.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
© 2017 The Authors.
Peer-review Published by Elsevier B.V.
© 2017 The under responsibility
Authors. Published by of Elsevier
the scientific
B.V. committee of the CENTERIS - International Conference on ENTERprise
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the CENTERIS - International Conference on ENTERprise
Information Systems
Peer-review / ProjMAN of - International
scientificConference on Project MANagement / HCist -Conference
InternationalonConference on
Information under responsibility
Systems / ProjMAN -the International committee
Conferenceof the
on CENTERIS - International
Project MANagement ENTERprise
/ HCist - International Conference on
Health and
Information Social Care
Systems / Information
ProjMAN - Systems and
International Technologies.
Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies. on Project MANagement / HCist - International Conference on
Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies.
Keywords: Enterprise Systems, ERP, Enterprise Architecture, Strategic Alignment, Enterprise Modelling
Keywords: Enterprise Systems, ERP, Enterprise Architecture, Strategic Alignment, Enterprise Modelling
* Prithvi Bhattacharya. Tel.: +9712 206 6338; fax: +9712 206 6339.
* E-mail
Prithvi address:
Bhattacharya. Tel.: +9712 206 6338; fax: +9712 206 6339.
E-mail address:
1877-0509 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
1877-0509 2017responsibility
The Authors. of the scientific
Published committee
by Elsevier B.V.of the CENTERIS - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems /
Peer-review- International Conference
under responsibility onscientific
of the Project MANagement / HCist
committee of the - International
CENTERIS Conference
- International on Health
Conference onand Social CareInformation
ENTERprise InformationSystems
and Technologies.
ProjMAN - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems
and Technologies.
1. Introduction
In recent times, Enterprise architecture (EA) has been proposed as a guiding solution framework to realise the
much-desired business-IT strategic alignment (Wegmann 2002; Chen et al. 2005, Pereira and Sousa 2005; Gregor,
Hart and Martin 2007; Saat, Franke, Lagerström and Ekstedt 2010; Cuenca, Boza, and Ortiz 2011; Seigerroth 2011;
Zarvic and Wieringa 2014). Enterprise Architecture Body of Knowledge defines the term Enterprise Architecture as
‘a practice, which analyzes areas of common activity within or between organizations, where information and other
resources are exchanged to guide future states from an integrated viewpoint of strategy, business and technology’.
Enterprise architecture, more specifically, is defined as a coherent whole of principles, methods, and models that are
used in the design and realisation of an enterprise organisational structure, business processes, information systems,
and infrastructure. Architecture models, views, presentations, and analyses all help to bridge the communication gap
between architects and stakeholders (Lankhorst 2013).
Enterprise Architecture is implemented using several widely accepted standards and frameworks. The most
common frameworks are the Zachman’s Framework, The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF), Four
Domain Architecture, Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP), OMG’s Model Driven
Architecture (MDA), Department of Defence Architecture Framework (DoDAF), Generic Architecture Reference and
Methodology (GERAM), Nolan Nortan Framework and others (Lankhorst 2013). Furthermore, to keep the scope of
the research realistic and feasible, two decisions are made: (a) one is about the Enterprise Architecture Framework to
study Strategic Alignment of Business and IT (b) the other is about the kind of Information Technology to study such
alignment. For the first decision, TOGAF is chosen as the EA framework that will be used to study the phenomenon,
as it is one of the key and widely accepted frameworks of Enterprise Architecture. For the second decision, Enterprise
Systems are used as the chosen type of IT. Enterprise Systems (ES) can be defined as widely- used, large-scale,
packaged, application software systems that can be used to streamline and integrate the business processes of an
organization, and considerably improve information levels (Davenport 2000; Davenport et al. 2004).
While the literature is replete with studies on strategic alignment as well as on Enterprise Architecture, there is a
lack of studies that synthesize the two themes with an aim to explain the mechanism of how strategic alignment can
be achieved between business and IT through Enterprise Architecture. The discovery of the above-mentioned research
gap paved way for the research question:
How can we model Strategic Alignment of Business and IT through Enterprise Architecture?
After making the above-mentioned two choices to study strategic alignment of business and IT, a review of the
literature was done in this narrowed scope: to explore the best that is known in explaining the mechanism of how such
alignment can be achieved with Enterprise Architecture (TOGAF) in the context of Enterprise Systems.
In recent times, Enterprise architecture (EA) has been proposed as a guiding solution framework to realize the
much-desired business-IT strategic alignment. Several studies have explored how different EA frameworks (including
TOGAF) can be used to achieve strategic alignment (Wegmann 2002; Chen et al. 2005, Pereira and Sousa 2005;
Gregor, Hart and Martin 2007; Saat, Franke, Lagerström and Ekstedt 2010; Cuenca, Boza, and Ortiz 2011; Seigerroth
2011; Zarvic and Wieringa 2014). However, these studies do not provide prescriptive guidelines to achieve this
alignment in real life settings.
Some studies lately (like those by Bleistein et al. (2006), Derzsi and Gordijn (2006), Fritscher and Pigneur (2011))
have attempted to explain the mechanism of how strategic alignment can be achieved using Enterprise Architecture
(including TOGAF) using techniques like Business Model Canvas (BMC), the ‘SEAM’ paradigm, Business IT
Alignment Method (BITAM) and others. These studies have presented traceability models, tracing business strategic
objectives to IT capabilities. A very small number of studies, like those by Grant (2003) and Lance & Muretta (2013),
has been done on exploring strategic alignments in the context of Enterprise Systems in particular.
However, these studies suffer from one or more of the three major limitations. Firstly, these models are developed
for specific organizations (case studies); there is no generic model presented that can fit other organizations. Secondly,
these frameworks show uni-directional traceability, from business strategic objectives to implementing them using IT
capabilities; traceability is not shown in the opposite direction. Thirdly, limited research (with the exception of the
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Prithvi Bhattacharya/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2017) 000–000 3
studies by Grant 2003 and Lance & Muretta 2013) has been done on exploring strategic alignments in the context of
Enterprise Systems in particular, creating a research gap for further exploration of strategic alignment in the context
of Enterprise Systems. So, a research gap was found for a generic model to explain strategic alignment by showing
traceability between business strategic objectives and IT capabilities.
3. A New Modelling Technique to Explain Strategic Alignment With Enterprise Systems Through TOGAF
In attempt to answer the research question, a new model is being proposed that intends to explain how strategic
alignment can be achieved using Enterprise Systems (as a dominant form of IT) through the lens of an Enterprise
Architecture Framework: TOGAF. The chosen modelling language/framework used for this purpose is a combination
of (a) Archimate from the Open Group, and (b) the Business Motivation Model (BMM) from the Object Management
Fig 1. A modelling technique to model Strategic Alignment of Business and IT through Enterprise Architecture
ArchiMate is a modelling language, founded by the Open Group (also the founder of TOGAF), which is used to
design Enterprise Architecture. Also, Archimate is arguably the most comprehensive and widely used modelling
language for Enterprise Architecture, with full support for the TOGAF framework (Fritscher and Pigneur 2011; Clark,
Barn, Oussena 2012). However, several researchers, who suggested combining Enterprise Architecture modelling
techniques (like Archimate) with other business strategy modelling techniques like the i* Model or the Business Model
Canvas (Yu, Strohmaier, and Deng, 2006; Quartel, Engelsman, Jonkers, & Van Sinderen, 2009; Iacob, Meertens and
Jonkers 2011). So there seems to be a need to augment Archimate with techniques for better modelling business
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strategy. The Business Motivation Model (BMM) from the Object Management Group is a modelling framework
which has been purpose-built for modelling business strategy. Increasingly, the BMM Model is being used in
conjunction with other techniques and architectures like Role Activity Diagrams and Service Oriented Architecture
and even Archimate (Beistein et al 2006; Feglar 2006; Quartel, Engelsman, Jonkers, & Van Sinderen, 2009). Thus, a
carefully combined approach of Archimate and BMM components is used as a technique to develop a model for
achieving alignment with Enterprise Systems.
A key thing to be noted here is that this new model does not intend to depict the entire Enterprise Architecture of
all, or even any single organization(s). Instead, it attempts to depict a visual and high level model explaining alignment
between business strategy and IT (and specifically Enterprise Systems) through the lens of an Enterprise Architecture
framework namely TOGAF. So, while there could be different types and components of IT in an organization, this
model only depicts the kind of IT for demonstrating strategic alignment of business and it which is in question for this
research - Enterprise Systems.This proposed model is built around several layers, based on the TOGAF framework:
technology layer, applications layer, business layer and motivation layer, corresponding to the TOGAF phases of
technology, information systems, business, and architecture vision respectively. The model intends to show how
strategic alignment of business and it can be achieved by traversing through these different layers.
The model is explained by breaking it down into its constituent layers namely technology layer, applications layer,
business layer and motivation layer.
Ib. Optimised and Standardized Processes: Enterprise Systems provides the standardization of processes using best
practices embodied in the software, and shape processes to fit the unique or strategic needs of the business (Davenport
2000; Al-Mashari 2003; Siau and Messersmith 2003; Botta-Genoulaz and Millet 2005; Chand et al. 2005;
Rikhardsson and Krammergaard 2006).
Ic. Information and Analytics: Enterprise Systems also provides information in real-time and transforms data into
context-rich knowledge that supports the unique business analysis and decision-making needs of multiple work forces
(Davenport 2000; Spathis and Constantinides 2003; Botta-Genoulaz and Millet 2005; Rikhardsson and Krammergaard
2006; Harley and Wright 2006).
Id. Multi-Country Support: Enterprise systems have built-in support for multiple currencies, multiple languages,
and multiple global locations of business. (Chand et al 2005 ; Utecht and Hayes 2004).
Ie. Organizational Structures: Enterprise Systems support the setting up of organizational hierarchies and structures
in a uniform and standardized way across the entire organization. This ranges from the corporate level (headquarters
and branches) to business unit levels, and also include multi- entity organizations (holding and subsidiaries).
generates with the money shareholders have invested. This measure which is calculated as pre-tax income divided by
equity. Thus ‘Maximising Return on Net Worth’ is shown at the topmost level (ML0) of the motivation layer in the
model; this can be taken to be the ultimate ‘end’ for any business organization.
The next level (ML1) shows that to achieve this ultimate ‘end’, different organizations employ different ‘means’.
These different means can be well and comprehensively depicted by a widely cited framework called the Strategic
Orientation of Business Enterprises (STROBE) by Venkatraman (1989). This framework suggests that business
organizations choose one or more of the six ‘strategic orientations’ to achieve their end goal. These six strategic
orientations are: Aggressiveness, Proactiveness, Defensiveness, Analysis, Futurity and Riskiness. However, stated by
Venkatraman, the riskiness orientation has more to do with individual traits and less with the orientation of the
organization as a whole, this orientation is being excluded from the model. Also, the essence of riskiness is captured
in pieces in the other orientations the futurity orientation. Therefore, at the next level of hierarchy in the model, we
have five strategic orientations (based on STROBE) as the ‘means’ to achieve the end goal: ‘Aggressiveness’,
‘Proactiveness’, ‘Defensiveness’, ‘Futurity’ ‘Analysis’. Each of these concepts are defined below as per Venkatraman
• 1a. Aggressiveness: It is the strategic orientation in which the organization aims to improve its existing market
share and outperform competitors.
• 1b. Proactiveness: It is the strategic orientation in which organization searches for new market opportunities and
business ventures as well as new products and services that can be offered.
• 1c. Defensiveness: It is the strategic orientation in which an organization engages in activities to improve its
efficiency and reducing the costs of business operations in an effort to preserve its prospective domain.
• 1d. Futurity/Riskiness: It is the strategic orientation in which an organization’s decisions or activities reflect
long-term considerations. These often tend to be venturing into new high risk areas based on future predictions.
• 1e. Analysis: It is the strategic orientation in which an organization takes actions based on factual,
comprehensive information for decision-making through detailed root-cause analyses and potential solutions.
The next level (ML2) shows how the different strategic orientations mentioned in the above level can be translated
in the form of different high level ‘goals’. These are based on the explanations given by Venkatraman (1989) for each
of the above strategic orientations. These explanations are used in combination with the terms used in Ansoff’s (1957)
widely used Product-Market strategy.
The next level (ML3) shows how the different goals mentioned in the above level can be realized through more
specific, achievable, measurable ‘objectives’. These are based on the different indicators given by Venkatraman (1989)
for each of the above strategic orientations. These indicators are again used in combination with the terms used in
Ansoff’s (1957) widely used Product-Market strategy.
• Market Penetration can be realized through: 3a. Price Reduction; 3b. Increase in promotion and distribution,
3c.Increase in Customer Satisfaction
• Product Development can be realized through: 3d.Offering new products
• Market Development can be realized through: 3e.Selling to different customer segments 3f.Local and Global
• Inorganic Growth can be realized through: 3g. Mergers and Acquisitions
• Operational Efficiency can be realized through: 3h. Decrease in Operational/Direct Costs, 3i.Decrease in
Admin/Indirect (including IT) Costs, 3j.Organizational Learning, 3k.Adherence to Legislations
• Diversification can be realized through: 3l. Offering new products to new markets
• Astute Strategic Decisions can be realized through 3m. Internal and External Assessments
3.4. Going Further: Linking The Business Layer To The Motivation Layer
This section presents new knowledge claims about the key purpose of proposing the model: how can SABIT be
achieved through Enterprise Systems. This is done by linking the (a) Business Capabilities provided by Enterprise
Systems (shown in the Business layer) and (b) the Objectives of the organizations, as derived from its goals, strategies
and ultimately mission (shown in the Motivation Layer). This section lists the proposed relationships of the model, as
shown by the arrows in the figure.
• ES-enabled Campaign Management facilitates Product Promotion
• ES- enabled Business Analytics facilitates Price Reduction
• ES-enabled Better Fulfilment of Orders facilitates Customer Satisfaction
• Business Analytics enables New Products
• Automation of Supply Chain enables New Products
• Multi-Region Operations enables Local and Global Expansion
• Integration of External Systems enables Mergers and Acquisitions
• Comprehensive Reporting enables New Products in New Markets
• Automation of Supply Chain enables New Products in New Markets
• Lean Production enables Lower Operational Costs
• Consolidated IT infrastructure enables Lower Operational Costs
• Improved Productivity enables Lower Operational Costs
• Organizational Communication enables Organizational Learning
• Adherence to legislation enables Compliance
The relationships suggested above are based on logic and the authors experience with Enterprise Systems. As
further research, a study can be to explain the above mentioned hypotheses and test those using empirical data from
case studies to arrive at valid hypotheses about strategic alignment of business and IT.
4. Conclusion
This paper presented a new model, using a new modelling technique, to depict strategic alignment between business
and IT through the lens of an Enterprise Architecture framework. The contribution of this paper is two-fold. Firstly, it
augmented the Archimate modelling notation with the constructs of the Business Motivation Model (BMM) to present
a more comprehensive technique of modelling strategic alignment between business and IT. Secondly, the paper also
presents a new model that aims to explain the mechanism through which an Enterprise Architecture can enable
strategic alignment between business and IT. However, this paper aims to pave way for further research to elaborate
and empirically tests the knowledge claims that link the ‘business layer’ to the ‘motivation layer’ of the model to
establish evidence of its validity. Such research can be used as a prescriptive framework to (a) model, and (b)achieve
strategic alignment between business and IT in a wide range of organizations.
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