MS-Tech - Building-Beam&Slab Concreting-400kv - Substation

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Method of Statement for Beam&Slab-Technical Building-400kv,


Project: Design, Supply & Installa on, Commission and Handover of the Matambo 400 kV
Substa on in Mozambique and extension of the exis ng Matambo 220 kV Substa on- PKG- B


Method statement for Construction of Technical Building Beams &Slab -

400kvSubstation – Matambo.

Project Title: 400kv.SUBSTATION –MATAMBO

Contract/Order No: IV/TD B- EDM/MOMA/2021
Project Manager: Mr. Yan Baolei
Site QC Manager: Mr. Yan Yang Long
Civil Engineer: Mr. Vinay Talpada
HSE Manager: Mr. Pa sson/Lorina

REV - Date Developed by Reviewed Approved

Mr. Vinay Talpada
00 17-JAN-2024 Mr. Kang

1. Scope of work…………………………………………………………….03

2. Personnel Responsibilities………………………………………………11

3. Safety Arrangements…………………………………………………….13

4. Training……………………………………………………………………15

5. Project Specific Details………………………………………………….16

6. List of machineries……………………………………………………….18
Scope of Works

The purpose of this Method of Statement for slab is to outline the materials and labour
required to undertake the works in a safe and controlled manner, compiling with relevant
legislation, standards, and codes of practice etc.

The method statement shall be briefed to all appropriate operatives to ensure that they are
aware of the sequence of activities and any Client/Consultant project specific requirements.
A constant monitoring and supervision duty shall be undertaken by JV to ensure work
activities are carried out in accordance with the method statement. Any irregularities shall be
immediately actioned.

This method statement describes the working procedures for Concreting of Beams /slab and
all related activities. This will include form-work, steel reinforcement work, scaffolding,
propping / back propping, concreting works and removal of forms, props, scaffolding &
support for the Construction of Technical Building-400kv.Substation. Matambo.


Prior to works commencing, the Site Engineer shall ensure that the following activities have
been completed and signed-off by the Consultant:

All suspended slab must be approved by Clients/consultants/ OE prior to casting.

Drawing must be approved for construction by the Consultant.
Concrete dimension drawing must be approved by consultant.
Steel Reinforcement drawing must be approved by consultant.
MEP Drawing & MEP Clearance must be approved.
The concrete design mix has been approved by the consultant.
The trial mix report has been approved by the consultant.
The Site Engineer shall ensure that the necessary Statutory Authorities approvals have
been received.
Scaffolding / Form-work

Ensure that the scaffolding/form-work to be used is fit for purpose. Inspect the scaffolding
for damage. Any items deemed to be damages shall not be used.

Ms Pipe scaffolding should be fix on the compacted surface with providing wooden
battens/steel plates for the load resistance.
Scaffolding layout should be in Grid of 1mx1Mx1.8m in all directions with cross bracing for
proper tightening.

Should be used Vertical pipe scaffolding with Cross bracing as mentioned below in grid-

Wooden bo om
1mx1m x 1.8m
support for ver cal
distance on both
scaffolding pipes

Do not start the erection of scaffolding / form-work until approval to proceed has been
received from the clients/consultants.

Ensure that the scaffolding/form-works Supervisor has relevant experiences to allow him to
supervise and check the works.

Ensure that the formwork is sturdy, properly aligned, and adequately supported.
Back Propping.

Ensure that the back propping has been installed in accordance with all relevant drawings
of the technical building and has been undertaken correctly.

Scaffolding Supervisor

Ensuring safe access is provided for scaffolders to work.

Ensuring that all his Foremen, Team Leaders, and workers are conforming to site safety
Ensuring that all scaffolds are erected according to site scaffold procedures.

Ensuring that scaffold schedules are met and still working within the site safety

Ensuring that material and workers are available to meet the site scaffolding

Ensuring that all documentation has adhered to Tool Box Talks, Harness Inspection,
Site Request System, Scaffolding Tagging System, and Safety reports.

The scaffolding supervisor will inspect all the scaffold materials ensuring that all the
tubing and fittings are free of corrosion and in good condition.

Steel Reinforcement.

The Site Engineer shall check that the reinforcement is as per the specification.

The Site Engineer shall ensure that the cut and bent reinforcement is as per the approved
shop drawings. All concrete reinforcement shall be detailed, fabricated, labelled, supported,
and spaced in the forms and secured in place in accordance with the project procedures
requirements of the project specifications.

All reinforcement shall be free of rust.

The Site Engineer shall check the levels, fixings and bracing for the chairs to ensure that
the slab level and safe working loads for top layers is not exceeded.
MEP embedded services will be fixed and levelled/sloped as per the approved MEP
drawings (drainage pipes, floor drains, earthling rods, electrical conduit etc).

The Surveyor (JV)shall inspect the top reinforcement levels regularly during the fixing
process to ensure the slab level is correct and shall mark the locations of all vertical
structural elements (columns, walls and core walls).

One stirrup or reinforcement bar will be fixed at the exact location of the vertical member’s
location. This will be tied securely with the top reinforcement.

A comprehensive check shall be made by the Site Engineer to ensure that the
reinforcement works for the slabs are as per the approved shop drawings (number of bars,
spacing’s, lap length, reinforcement for concrete kicker of core walls, and retaining walls

Cleaning of the area shall be done regularly by air compressor and hand tools during all
working stages of the slab, in order to avoid the accumulation of excessive debris.

The Site Engineer shall ensure that MEP clearance has been received prior to submitting
the inspection for slab pouring.
Concrete Pouring: -

The Site Engineer shall ensure that all required authority approvals have been received
prior to concrete pouring.

Sufficient lighting will be provided during the night casting process.

The required number of concrete test cubes shall be taken. These shall be individually
marked and passed to the checkpoint.

Concrete temperature shall not exceed 32 degrees centigrade during concrete pouring.

Concrete trucks will be checked by the QA/QC representative prior to delivery of concrete to
ensure the mix is as per the approved design mix.

Concrete slump tests for each truck.

All surplus waste concrete shall be cleared away

Pouring concrete will be carried out using mobile pumps / concrete bucket. (Trans Aly &
Sino hydro (JV).

Concrete should be poured in sequence-first to finish all the beams up to slab bottom than
secondly pour the concrete for slab in continuations process without joints.

The concrete shall be vibrated. Spare vibrators shall be kept in case of emergency.

Fresh concrete shall not be permitted to fall from a height of greater than 1.50 meters
without the use of adjustable length pipes or elephant trunks.
The surface level of concrete shall be marked by pegs or tape over exposed reinforcement
The Site Engineer shall ensure that the top surface is level and does not exceed the
required depth.

Ensuring continuous supply of concrete by proper coordination during casting to avoid any
technical complications like cold joints, bleeding and segregation.

The concrete finishing shall be undertaken using power float machines.

The concrete will be wetted with clean water and covered with polythene sheets. Approved
materials for curing compound may be applied following the manufacturer’s
recommendation and project specification.

In case those cold joints have been observe during pouring of concrete, the use of
approved bonding agent between old and fresh concrete may applied with the approval of
the Engineer.

Frequency of Concrete Sampling and Testing

Concrete slump tests shall be checked for every delivery and/or when so directed by the

Temperature will be monitored and recorded.

Sampling and testing shall be performed using the relevant procedures in ASTM C 31/C172
and C192, ASTM C143 and ASTM C 823 or corresponding BS.

Samples for production concrete cubes shall be taken at the point of placement at the
average rate of one per 20 cu. m of concrete placed, with a minimum of one sample taken
every day that the mix is used. A sample shall consist of four 150 mm cubes moulded and
stored for laboratory-cured test specimens except when field-cured test specimens are
required. One cube is for testing at 7 days after casting, three for testing at 28 days after
casting, and one reserved for later testing if required. (For every 20 cu. meters delivered, 1
set of 5 cubes to be taken for compressive strength test, 1 cube for 7 days, 3 cubes for 28
days & 1 cube spare).

Testing of cubes will be carried out in approved laboratory.

The slump, temperature of arriving concrete and cube will be taken by concrete ready-mix
supplier technician.

The cubes will be kept in containers protected from direct atmosphere and in accordance
with ASTM or BS.

Concrete mix design & pour record to be submitted to the client’s OE/engineer.

Dismantling the scaffold and propping structure.

JV should be ensured that the program for removal of form-work is understood by all
relevant parties-

 Ensure that sufficient time has elapsed prior to the removal of form-works
 Follow the specification requirement for the timing of removal of form-works as
mentioned below-
 Vertical forms to column, walls and large beams. 24 hours
 Soffit form-works to slab. 4 days
 Props to slabs. 11 days
 Soffit form-work to beams. 8 days
 Props to beams. 15 days
 Remove forms only if shores have been arranged to permit removal of forms without
loosening or disturbing shores.
 De-nail all form-work immediately upon striking.
 Clean all form-works immediately upon de-nailing
 Store re-usable form-work in suitable dry location
 Ensure that any broken or unsuitable form-work is removed from site or used for
other purposes on site.
 Ensure that the concrete has reached its specified strength. Refer to the concrete
cube test results.
 Seek approvals from the Engineer for permission to dismantle scaffolding / propping.
 Start the dismantle process from lower floors.
 Removed from the area the dismantled props.
 Whilst removing the props, undertake a survey of the remaining propped areas to
ensure no cracks or sign of excessive loads or movement of slabs is taking place.

Personnel Responsibilities:
A full and detailed description of the roles and responsibilities of all staff is included within
the Project Quality Plan. For the works as covered by this method statement, the following
personnel have specific duties.

Construction Manager/Technical officer

Responsible for overall construction activities, ensuring quality, and safety procedures
are implemented and rresponsible for ensuring that the various submitting is timely
undertaken (materials, method statements, workshop drawings, subcontractor’s issues,
technical issues).responsible for ensuring RFI’s are timely, responsible for the
distribution of documents to site personnel.

Site Engineer(s).

Specific responsibilities include:

Ensuring that the project is managed in a safe manner and meets the requirements of the
project documentation.
Ensuring that subcontractors and suppliers achieve the on-site required standards.
Ensuring the Client is satisfied with our performance.
Ensuring performance measurable are delivered.
Shall refer to the QA/QC Department and the HSE Department for advice and guidance
when required.
Shall ensure that operatives comply with the relevant method statements, Toolbox Talks
and general site briefings.

HSE Site Representative(s).

Specific responsibilities include:

Assisting in the production of any health, safety and environmental documents.
Monitoring the implementation of health, safety and environmental requirements.
Undertaking audits and ensuring that corrective and preventive actions are taken
where required.
Liaison with the senior site staff on health, safety, and environmental related matters.

QA/QC Site Representative(s).-LEM laboratory

specific dates/programmers.
Preparation of the ITP.
Ensuring that all required tests are performed and follow appropriate specifications etc.
Reviewing and ensuring that all shop drawings and material submitting are presented to the
clients/OE with adequate supporting information.
Ensuring that materials are inspected when delivered to ensure they comply with the
various specifications.
Maintaining a record of all QA/QC activities on site.
Controlling and ensuring all measuring and test equipment on site is properly calibrated.
Controlling all non-conforming products or workmanship and implementing the required
preventive actions.
Ensuring that corrective and preventive actions are taken when required.
Ensuring that the required testing is undertaken by approved independent laboratories
(LEM), and that all test results are reviewed.
Undertake audits to ensure conformance to agreed Standards, Legislation, and project
specific requirements.
Ensuring that staffs are aware of their responsibilities in respect of quality issues.
Assisting and reporting to the QA/QC Manager as required.


Specific responsibilities include:

To ensure that all operatives and appropriate subcontractors have been briefed as to the
content of the method statement and the works.
To adequately control the works as required.
To ensure the works are undertaken in a safe manner.
To ensure all operatives are adequately training in their respective works.
Reporting any un-safe practices on site to the contractor site team.


Specific responsibilities include:

To undertake their works as specified.
To work in a safe manner.
To ensure all operatives are adequately training in their respective works.
Report any un-safe practices on site to the contractor site team.

Safety Arrangements.

The (JV) Project Safety Plan shall be strictly enforced. All works shall be regularly
monitored to ensure full compliance.

Sino hydro (JV) shall resource as appropriate the supervision of the works.

Permits - Where required, permits to work will be provided prior to commencement of

works. Permits shall be issued by suitably trained and experienced HSE personnel only.

PPE - All required PPE shall be issued. Constant monitoring and supervision of the works
shall always ensure that the appropriate PPE is worn by affected operatives.

Access and egress – Routine access and egress will always be provided for materials and
operatives. Where emergency routes are required. These shall be determined and
arranged, and instructions given prior to commencement of the works.

Contractor supervision shall ensure that all material deliveries are coordinated, and all
vehicles are parked in a position where they present no additional risk to the public or
people associated with this project. Where vehicles are offloaded from public areas, the
activity shall be supervised, and a dedicated offloading/storage area shall be provided.

Plant - All plant associated with this activity shall be inspected prior to the works
commencing and at regular periods during the works to ensure that all required certification
is current and that the plant is maintained in a safe and suitably working manner.

Lighting – At all times, appropriate and suitable lighting shall be provided to ensure the
works can be undertaken in a safe and competent manner.

Working at height – Where required, all appropriate measures shall be enforced to ensure
that operatives are afforded a safe and proper platform from which to work. Materials will be
stacked in a safe and secure manner.

Scaffolds shall be erected by competent operatives to an agreed design. Scaffolds shall be

inspected before use and at regular periods thereafter.

Housekeeping – At all times, contractor supervision shall monitor the works to reduce as far
as reasonably practical the storage of rubbish, waste materials and debris at the work face.
All waste materials shall be removed from the workplace to a suitable area.

Contractor shall identify the needs for training and/or certification of personnel to ensure
that suitable levels of proficiency are attained and maintained to meet the specified
requirements of the project.

Contractor shall:
Determine the necessary competence for personnel performing work affecting its
Provide training or take other actions as to satisfy those needs.
Evaluate the effectiveness of action taken.
Ensure that its personnel are aware of the relevance and importance of their
activities and how they contribute to the achievement of the product.

All records shall be maintained.

Prior to these works commencing, a review of the activities shall be undertaken in

association with the operatives undertaking the duties. This will identify where additional
training over, and above existing knowledge or experience is required.

This Method Statement shall be communicated to appropriate personnel connected with the
undertaking of these works. This is essential to the safe and successful completion of the

Project Specific Details.

Project: Design, Supply & Installa on, Commission and Handover of the Matambo 400 kV
Substa on in Mozambique and extension of the exis ng Matambo 220 kV Substa on- PKG- B

Project Section: Construction of Technical Building-400kv.Substation

Project Shop Drawings: MOMA-3B-KHO-5300-036-01

Concrete suppliers: Trans Aly + Sino hydro (JV)

Project specific Material Approvals: Design mix-C30, (Reinforcements, Cement,

aggregates, Sand, Water & admixture)

Project specific Manpower Task(s)/ Operation(s)/ Process(s): Rcc

concreting/Scaffolding/Formwork for Beams &slab.

Permits required for these works:

Working in heights-4mtr

Plant and equipment required for these works: as listed below.

The list of machinery that will be used are as follow:
1 Concrete Pressure-700 PSI and 1000
pump PSI

2 Concrete Concreting purpose

Crain with

3 Concrete 6-10M3 Capacity

trucks Nos, of TM-

4 Power float Concrete surface finishing


5 Level Machine Levelling &marking

6 Hand Tools for Final top surface repairing,

casting and finishing
7 Cleaning For cleaning of dust, wire
Tools etc.

8 Water and Arrangements for

electrical concreting

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