044 SD 03
044 SD 03
044 SD 03
1. This report provides a Climate Risk Assessment (CRA) for the proposed ‘India:
Uttarakhand Integrated and Resilient Urban Development Project’ that will enhance the quality of
water supply and sanitation services in Dehradun and Nainital whilst being resilient to regional
hazards including heatwaves, floods, and droughts. Uttarakhand is located in the central
Himalayas and is highly vulnerable to natural hazards and future climate change. Rates of
warming in the Himalayas are greater than the global average and the impacts of climate change
are anticipated earlier in this region than in other parts of India. These impacts include a decline
in snowfall and extent, more intense rainfall, landslides, floods, and droughts. The recent large
rock and ice landslide and associated floods in Chamoli, Uttarakhand, which killed dozens of
people and destroyed homes and hydropower infrastructure, highlighted the potential risks of ice
melt accelerated by warmer conditions.
3. The ADB Climate Risk Management Framework requires a CRA for all projects that are
screened as ‘medium’ or ‘high’ climate risk including an assessment of adaptation options and
monitoring and reporting of risks and proposed ‘climate proofing’ measures. The Project Concept
Paper (PCP) classifies the project at “medium” risk to future climate change and aims to tackle
community vulnerabilities to climate change through the provision of sustainable water supplies
and drainage systems. The scope of the CRA is to assess climate risks in project towns, identify
adaptation included in the project and further recommendations to improve climate resilience. It
also estimates the amount of project finances eligible as Climate Action. Climate change
information is collated for the whole of the state, but the risk assessment focuses on several sub-
projects, for which information is available. The CRA uses historical observed data and climate
reanalysis data to understand baseline risks as well as using climate models to assess the risks
of future climate change. It provides climate change scenarios (including associated uncertainties)
and assesses climate impacts on the proposed project activities.
(iii) Section III provides an adaptation assessment that links the climate risks with
project activities and proposed adaptation measures that are included in the
concept design documents.
(iv) Section IV consists of a climate finance assessment, identifying the project costs
that can be attributed to climate adaptations
6. The Uttarakhand Integrated and Resilient Urban Development Project aims to enhance
the reliability and efficiency of water supply and sanitation services in the cities of Dehradun
(western Uttarakhand) and Nainital (southeast Uttarakhand). The project aims to maintain a
reliable piped water supply to about 30,000 people, reduce Non-Revenue Water to less than 25%
in metered areas of Dehradun and provide improved sanitation for 62,000 people. Current water
supply systems are insufficient to supply the growing population and drainage systems are
inadequately sized to handle sewerage causing overflows and poor water quality. Some project
areas have no sanitation or sewerage services. There are 4 project outputs proposed for
Dehradun and Nainital, which are summarized in Figure I-1 and described below.
7. Dehradun is the winter capital of Uttarakhand and the most populous city in Uttarakhand
experiencing unprecedent speed of urban sprawl. Between 2018 and 2011, Dehradun has
expanded to 300% in area (196.48 km2) and increased by 141% in population (803,983 in
2018). 1,2. Untreated wastewater and faecal sludge are directly disposed to Rispana, Bindal, and
Suswa rivers causing severe environmental and health risks. 3 This can be aggravated during
rainy season when wastewater is mixed with stormwater. Insufficient drainage systems and heavy
encroachment of human settlement on the riverbeds constrain these rivers from properly
performing their natural draining function.
8. Nainital, the judicial capital of Uttarakhand, is set in a valley of steep mountains around
Nainital Lake. Estimated population of Nainital in 2020 is about 60,000. Compared to the 2011
census data of 41,377, the urban population is increased by 50%. 4 As Nainital is a highly popular
hill station, 5 the average number of daily visitors to Nainital is around 72,650 with 90% staying
overnight. 6 Constantly increasing urban residents and a high-reaching floating population that is
120% higher than the residents has led to severe water stress. With the observed depletion of
ground water that has been a major drinking water source, and deterioration of surface water
quality, the water authority in Nainital has restricted the duration of water withdrawal from tube
wells. The service hours of tap water have been reduced 7 despite the sufficient water supply
infrastructure developed by ADB-financed project. The aging sewerage networks with leaks and
insufficient sewerage treatment capacity has caused water pollution making it difficult to tap into
surface water as an alternative drinking water source. Upgrading of the aging sewer networks
built around 1940 and the necessary expansion of sewerage treatment capacity in Nainital are
urgent tasks for the system sustainability of both WSS.
Hydrology-Roorkee. 2019. Preparation of Strategic Land and Water Management Plan for Rejuvernation of Rispana
River System. Jal Vigyan Bhawan, Roorkee (Uttarakhand) – 247667 (draft report submitted to Irrigation Department
of Government of Uttarakhand).
4 Census of India 2011. District census handbook-Nainital.
5 The hill stations are high-altitude towns for recreation, enjoyment and used as a place of refuge to escape the blistering
heat in India during summertime, most of the hill stations in India were developed by the British.
6 UUSDA. 2020. Detailed Project Report in Nainital Sewerage System Improvement. Uttarakhand.
7 The Nainital administration restricted the water intake to 8–9 MLD only, compared to the water supply system
requirement of 20 MLD.
(iii) Sewerage and stormwater drainage systems at Kargi, Yamuna colony and Patel
Nagar (east) in Dehradun. This sub-project will install 40.35 km sewerage network,
have 4,518 house connections, and install 39.1 km stormwater drain network.
(iv) Sewerage and storm water system in Raipur and other wards in Dehradun.
(v) Sewerage treatment plant and truck sewers in Nainital. This sub-project will
construct a STP with a treatment capacity of 18 Ml/d adjacent to existing STP at
Russi village, install new 2.1 km trunk and 2.2 outfall sewers, and have 600 house
(vi) SCADA-based automation system in Nainital. This will include (i) hydraulic
improvement & district meter area (DMA) formation, (ii) house service connection,
(iii) maintenance of old usable rising mains, and (iv) SCADA, instrumentation, and
automation at five pump houses: Sukhtal, Children Park, New water works, old
water works, and Phansi Gadhera pump houses.
10. Uttarakhand is exposed to a wide range of hazards including drought, flash floods,
landslides, cloudbursts, and forest fires. Increases in deforestation and soil erosion in the
mountainous regions of Uttarakhand have increased surface runoff whilst reducing groundwater
recharge, which may contribute to flooding downstream in the plains. Deforestation and
glacial/snow/ice melt also increase the risk of landslides across the state. The Uttarakhand State
Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) described the state’s high risk to climate change.
Mountainous regions are particularly vulnerable to climate change and have shown above
average warming in the 20th century. Impacts are expected to range from reduced genetic
diversity of species to erratic rainfall as well as flash floods from glacial melt in the Himalayas
leading to increased flooding that will affect water resources within the next few decades. 8. The
SAPCC considered the adaptation actions required in 11 sectors including urban development
and water resources, highlighting the need for greater water metering and reduction in NRW,
monitoring of water quality, improved drainage systems and improved rainwater harvesting.
12. Table I-2 shows the climate sensitivity of project components to climate variables and
climate-related hazards, based on a review of the available literature and supporting project
documentation, as well as expert opinion. Water supply infrastructure is highly sensitive to the
water balance and seasonal availability of groundwater, springs, and river flows; both water
supply and sewerage systems can be impacted heavily by floods or landslides, which can damage
treatment plants or pipe networks and biological and chemical processes are influenced by
temperature. Table I-3 combines sensitivity score with exposure to describe the relative climate
risk of each project component. In general terms, the sites and project components are most
vulnerable to (i) water scarcity and drought (ii) landslides where piped networks traverse steeper
terrain (iii) flood risk, particularly close to the rivers in Dehradun and (iv) extreme heat, again in
the lower elevation locations. This risk assessment in Section II focuses on these climate impacts
and provides further details on potential project risks.
13. In this context, the project feasibility studies, and project implementation plans can
consider the impacts of climate change through a range of climate adaptation measures related
to the choice of site locations for treatment works and careful routing of piped networks, the
adoption of appropriate design standards or design guidelines, implementation of operational
guidelines and monitoring of climate risks. The level of adaptation included in the project and
recommendations for further measures are discussed in Section III Adaptation Assessment.
Dehradun Nainital
Context Dehradun is located at the foothills of the Nainital is located in a mountainous, hilly
Doon valley; it lies on both flat and hilly region. It lies at an altitude of 2084m and is
terrain. Two large rivers to the East (Asan) situated next to Nainital Lake.
and West (Song) and two smaller rivers, the Surrounded by mountains covered in large
Bindal and the Rispana run through swaths of trees, some hillsides are bare, with
Dehradun. small shrubs.
The rivers have poor water quality. Limited groundwater availability due to
There is little greenspace within the city but poorer aquifers in mountainous regions and
larger areas of trees in the surroundings. a high water demand
Sources: PREP (https://www.prepdata.org/explore), ThinkHazard, Google Earth, IMD (2020), Uttarakhand SAPCC
Note: A detailed assessment of the project wards in Dehradun using Google Earth and topographic data indicates that
all project wards are located in areas of flat and relatively lower-lying topography. This puts them at higher risk of
surface water flooding especially those which have either the Bindal River and or Rispana River flowing through or
along the ward boundary. The wards at higher risk of flooding are Banjarawala, Mothrowala, Ladpur, Harrawala and
Nethrugram, with significant flooding in these wards observed as recent as August 2020. There are also areas of
steeper, higher topography to the south of Dehradun that may impact surface water runoff into the wards exacerbating
flooding, specifically in Banjarawala, Mothrowala and Harrawala.
Table I-2 - Climate Sensitivity of Water Supply, Stormwater and Sewerage Project Components 9
Component River catchment Extreme rainfall event High temperatures Drought Storm and high
flooding** (Flooding) winds
Raw water Water quality deterioration High sediment and nutrient Raw water Reduced water Operational failure
intake Associated operational runoff into rivers reducing temperature rises availability ** due to storm damage
equipment failure water quality* results in low Reduced quality of
Intake system flooded Potential contamination of Dissolved Oxygen surface water sources
Bank erosion and scour at local surface waters* (DO) available
intake Abstraction system adversely Water quality more Reduced water levels at
affected likely to be affected by abstraction point
upstream STW effluent adversely affect
abstraction rate
Water Flooding of essential unit Local flooding causes short Lower DO adversely Influent deterioration Operational failure
treatment process term water treatment plant affects bio-water causes product quality due to storm damage
plant Process performance failure or failure of electricity treatment systems reduction
adversely affected by poor systems Associated operational Reduced throughput
raw water quality* equipment failure affects performance
Clean water Potential pollution Lower quality water due to ~ Lower quality water due Operational failure
reservoir reducing water quality* increase pollutants from to reduced dilution of due to storm damage
runoff* pollutants
Distribution Pumping stations flooded Associated operational Operational problems Pressure reductions Operational failure
Network Flooded taps and float problems resulting from local resulting from increase infiltration risk due to storm damage
valves allow flooding temperature effects Quality reduction from
contamination Physiochemical and bio- Increased water low flow long residence
Potential flood damage to systems both affected by temperatures time in mains
pipes at river crossings influent quality variation adversely affect bio-
Landslide risk for piped water treatment
Usage Increased demand for Potential impact on local Potential increase in Increase in demand for Impact on local
emergency supplies usage patterns demand public water supply and usage patterns
Stormwater Outfall invert levels may Heavy rainfall may exceed ~ Dry periods may Potential damage to
drains be affected by high river the drainage design contribute to sediment telecommunications
flows or lake water levels High sediment loads may accumulation systems
block drains
9 Adapted from WHO, Guidance on water supply and sanitation in extreme weather events, 2011; additional information added from Uttarakhand SAPCC, 2014
Component River catchment Extreme rainfall event High temperatures Drought Storm and high
flooding** (Flooding) winds
Lack of flushing by
storms could lead to
Sewerage As above, with potential Increase in combined sewer High temperatures ~ ~
system for sewer flooding overflows (CSOs) may affect odour
Landslide risk for piped
Sewerage Flood damage inc. Surface water flooding on High temperatures Lower flows in receiving Operational failure
treatment essential unit processes site may affect biological waters impact on water due to storm damage
plants an electrical system. treatment processes quality and may
Water pollution, and odour influence discharge
contamination of flood consents
Access Potential flood damage Potential flooding Impacts on asphalt ~ ~
Roads Erosion and scour at Landslide risks
Notes: Discussed in feasibility studies - Changing glacial and snowmelt as well reduced groundwater recharge is particularly relevant for Uttarakhand
Table I- Table I-3 - Climate risk assessment based on sensitivity x exposure for (a)
Dehradun and (b) Nainital
(a) Dehradun
Project Drought/Water Extreme Heat Cyclones River Urban Landslides
Components scarcity /storms flood flood
(b) Nainital
Project Drought/Water Extreme Heat Cyclones River Urban Landslides
Components scarcity /storms flood flood
A. Baseline Climate
14. The climatic conditions of Uttarakhand vary greatly due to variations in altitude and
proximity towards the Himalayas. Average temperatures based on records between 1990-2014
are primarily related to elevation, with the highest temperatures in the plains and low mountains
and relatively warmer conditions in the valleys (Figure II-1). The average precipitation in the state
based on records between 1990-2014 varies from 920 mm, in Srinagar, to 2500 mm in Nainital.
However, spatial distribution of the precipitation varies, depending upon the geographical location
and slope and aspect. The amount of precipitation is generally high in low mountainous regions
such as Nainital and Dehradun and it gradually decreases with increasing height. About three
quarters of the total rainfall is confined to the monsoon season and the remaining quarter occurs
in other seasons due to the western disturbances and local orographic effects
15. Dehradun is located within the Doon valley, a montane region within the sub-Himalayan
physiographic zone. It has an altitude of 640 m. Dehradun has an average maximum temperature
of 31.6°C and an average minimum of 10.7°C. It receives on average 2091mm of rainfall per year.
Nainital is located within the hilly region at an altitude of 2084m and as such experience’s cooler
temperatures and higher rainfall. The average temperature reaches 30°C in May and 7.2°C
degrees in January (based on whole district data). It receives on average 2507mm of rainfall per
year. Both towns receive most of their annual rainfall from the southwest monsoon in July to
September (JJAS) months with the observed data indicating more than 80% of annual rainfall for
the towns is contributed during JJAS. The highest temperatures are observed in May to June in
the pre-monsoon months. Baseline climate data for Dehradun and Nainital is summarized in
Figures II-2 and II-3.
Figure II-2 – Observed Baseline Precipitation and Temperature for Dehradun and Nainital
Source: KNMI Climate Explorer – Dehradun observed station data; CatchX for Nainital with variables estimated from
global reanalysis data sets
Figure II-3 - Modelled Mean Runoff (Mm/Month) (Blue Line) Evaporation (Light Blue Line)
and Rainfall (Bars) for Dehradun and Nainital
Dehradun Nainital
10 These water balance estimates provided for Dehradun and Nainital from the Catch X tool are averages for large
catchment areas. Local data are required for engineering design purposes.
Figure II-4 - Modelled Runoff Time Series for Dehradun (Top) and Nainital (Bottom)
16. The concentration of rainfall in the Southwest monsoon period (JJAS) means that both
areas have long periods with low rainfall and therefore rely on groundwater and glacial meltwater
for much of the year. Rainfall can be very heavy during the monsoon and enhanced by the
mountainous environment; based on the available data and extreme value analysis of maximum
daily rainfall is shown in Figure II-4. The daily maxima are high, particularly in Nainital with 1 in
50-year rainfall depths of greater than 400 mm. Combined with steep topography, the area will be
vulnerable to both flash floods and rainfall-triggered landslides.
Sources: KNMI climate explorer, observed station data for Dehradun (1901-2020) and Nainital (1953-1970).
Figure II-6 - Extreme Value Analysis for Baseline Precipitation for Dehradun And Nainital
(Uncertainty Bands As Dashed Lines)
Source: KNMI climate explorer, observed station data for Dehradun (1901-2020) and Nainital (1953-1970).
Table II-1 - Extreme Value Analysis (EVA) Return Periods Calculated Using Gumbel
Distribution Method
Return period Dehradun Nainital (mm/day)
152 186
196 260
226 309
263 371
291 417
319 462
C. Climate Trends
17. Rates of warming in Uttarakhand are generally greater than the global average. Climate
model reanalysis data for Dehradun shows that almost every year since 2004 has been warmer
than the 1981-2010 average. The warmest years have been 2010 and 2016 that were both 1
degree warmer than the baseline period. The region is likely to have already exceeded 1.5
degrees above late pre-industrial temperatures (1891-1900) and be facing related temperature
impacts of an increase in tropical conditions and higher rates of snow and ice melt. Trends in
precipitation are not evident and the time series is characterized by high year to year variability
with very high precipitation in 2010 and several years in the record showing very low or high
precipitation (-/+40%).
Figure II-7 – “Climate Stripes” for Dehradun Showing Increased Warming Between 1979
and 2019 Based on Climate Model Reanalysis
Notes: Derived from ERA 5 data and the Copernicus Climate Service. Warming stripes provide an at-a-glance view of
yearly temperature trends in 30.00°N, 78.00°E for the period 1979-2019. The colour of each stripe represents the
temperature anomaly for a given year, or how much warmer (red) or colder (blue) that year was relative to the long-
term reference period of 1981-2010.
Figure II-8 – Annual Precipitation Anomalies Between 1979 and 2019 Based on Climate
Model Reanalysis
Notes: Derived from ERA 5 data and the Copernicus Climate Service. Annual precipitation anomaly for 30.00°N,
78.00°E (1979-2019)
18. This section develops future climate projections based on analysis of statistically
downscaled climate projections from the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA). Figure II-5 summarizes rates of warming and estimated increase in heavy daily rainfall
for 26 climate models under Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5 (RCP4.5) and RCP8.5
for the mid-century and end of century. The headlines below are based on 10th and 90th
percentiles of the 26 models (after removing several outliers), but changes could be higher or
lower than stated. It is notable that the rates of warming are higher than the global average, which
aligns with the observed trends:
(i) Mid-century headlines
(a) Under scenario RCP4.5 temperature rises are 1.4 to 2.8 degrees, with a 0%
to 22% increase in heavy daily rainfall.
(b) Under scenario RCP8.5 temperature rises are 1.8 to 3.5 degrees with a
change in heavy daily rainfall from 2% to 28%.
(ii) End of century headlines
(a) Under scenario RCP4.5, temperature rises are 2.0. to 3.6 degrees with a -2%
to +31 % increase in heavy daily rainfall.
(b) Under scenario RCP8.5, temperature rises are 3.2 to 6.3 degrees with 7% to
43% increase in heavy daily rainfall.
E. Rainfall
19. Average monthly change factors from the NASA NEX-GDDP projections were applied to
the baseline rainfall data from Dehradun and Nainital to investigate how future rainfall is likely to
change (Figure II-6 and Figure II-7). The future climate projections suggest that precipitation for
the rainy season months, June through to September, is likely to increase significantly. Figures
II-10 and II-11 indicate the 90th percentile of monthly rainfall in August for Dehradun could be
above 1200mm and above 1400mm in Nainital in July by 2066-2095 under RCP8.5. Monthly
change factors applied to the baseline can be found in Appendix A.
Figure II-10 - Uplifted Observed Rainfall for Dehradun for 2066-2095 under (a) RCP4.5 and
(b) RCP8.5
(a) (b)
Source: NASA.2021.
Figure II-11 - Uplifted observed rainfall for Nainital for 2066-2095 under (a) RCP4.5 and (b)
(a) (b)
F. Temperature
20. Figure II-12 plots future average temperatures according to the climate models; the full
data set is included in Appendix A. The winter and pre-monsoon seasons are projected to have
the greatest increases in temperature with a median warming of over 5 degrees projected for
January and March and May 2066-2095 under RCP8.5.
Figure II-12 - Monthly absolute temperature for 2066-2095 under (a) RCP4.5 and
(b) RCP8.5
G. Climate Risks
21. The Uttarakhand State Disaster Management Plan describes the state’s risks to severe
landslides as well as flash floods, drought, and dam bursts. According to the plan:
(i) Deforestation, dams and reservoirs and water intensive agriculture practices on
steep slopes have increased the frequency and intensity of landslides. Dehradun
and Nainital are both considered at moderate risk of landslides.
(ii) Deforestation has increased the severity of floods during the rainy season (JJAS)
whilst reducing stream flows and dried up springs in the dry season. Soil erosion
has reduced the carrying capacity of rivers causing floods downstream in the
(iii) Excessive groundwater use and deforestation have contributed to drought as well
as changing climates altering rainfall patterns.
(iv) Other hazards include cloudbursts and flash floods caused by intense heavy
rainfall over a short period exceeding drainage capacities and causing damaging
22. The Uttarakhand SAPCC highlighted the high variability and increasing uncertainty in
rainfall patterns, characterized by severe droughts in 2007/08 and 2008/09 and excess
monsoonal rainfall in 2010, which triggered landslides, flash floods and river flooding. In addition,
it identified reductions in snow cover and its implications for water resources, which may include
reductions in seasonal river flows and groundwater recharge.
H. Project Risks
23. The climate risk assessment in Section I highlighted risks related to heavy rainfall, floods,
landslides (particularly Nainital), water scarcity and drought and extreme temperatures
(Dehradun). A summary of the main risks is provided in Table II-3 with a risk rating based on the
information available on the designs at the feasibility stage. This section includes a supporting
narrative with a specific focus on sub-project descriptions provided in the engineering studies.
Adaptation options and residual risks are discussed further in Section III.
24. Dehradun THDC and Yamuna stormwater systems A total of 35 km drains will be
constructed alongside the roads in THDC area to facilitate smooth draining of storm water from
the roads. These drains will be on both sides of the roads. The drainage design has taken into
account a storm frequency of once in 2 years and the ease of cleaning and maintenance. Around
12 km of reinforced concrete cement (RCC) drains and 23 km brick drains with the range between
250 mm x 250 mm and 800 mm x 800 mm in drain size will be installed. In order to reduce velocity
and prevent erosion, drain outfall structures will be constructed at the end of storm water drains
that discharge to major drains and river. A total of 38 such outfalls have been proposed in the
subproject area, out of which 5 are located on the bank of Bindal river whereas 19 on Ganda
water stream (nala), 10 on Kargi nala and remaining 4 on Northwest nala are proposed. These
nalas are ultimately flowing into the Bindal river. Stormwater management will be greatly improved
by this sub-project and the main climate risks are related to heavy rainfall exceeding the design
and the robustness of the outfall structures.
25. Dehradun THDC and Yamuna sewerage systems. The subproject will install a total of
around 25 km sewer pipes, of which 24 km will be high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe with
diameter ranging from 225 to 355mm and 1 km will be DI-K7 pipe of diameter 350 mm. The
wastewater collection system will mainly rely on gravity pipes and will discharge into the existing
manholes of existing trunk sewer. The network will be of the conventional gravity collection type,
starting from service connections to gravity sewers conveying the sewage to discharge into the
existing trunk sewer, which is ultimately connected to the existing Kargi STP with treatment
capacity of 68 MLD. The sewer system will be designed as a separate system that carries only
the domestic/municipal wastewater and will not mix with storm water drainage systems. No
industrial wastewater will be allowed into the sewers. Sewers will be laid underground in the roads
and streets. While water pipes are/will be located on one or either side of the roads, the sewers
will be laid in the middle of the road to avoid any disruption of water pipes. In the areas of water
body crossings, the sewers will be laid by trenchless method. The risks of climate change on this
sub-project is low, as a separate sewerage network is proposed with no direct exposure to heavy
rainfall or landslide risks; any river crossings will need to be at a sufficient depth to avoid erosion
and scour.
J. Dehradun Raipur
26. Dehradun Raipur sanitation and drainage system. The sub-project is located in Zone
8 which currently has no sewerage system in place. The sub-project includes the installation of
Nakraunda STP with 16 MLD capacity and ability to co-treat additional 40 KLD of septage,
installation of 110km of sewer pipes and 10,000 sewer household connections as well as 15km
of stormwater drainage. The facility will treat sewage using sequencing batch reactor (SBR) and
resulting sludge will either be sent to landfill or be used as fertiliser. Treated effluent from the STP
will be re-used for non-domestic purposes on-site and will be stored in a tank by gravity. Around
0.1545 MLD of treated effluent will be used to flush 103 manholes per day to remove debris and
sediment accumulations. The re-use of water will have benefits on the overall supply-demand
balance. The main climate risks are for flooding at Nakraunda STP (see below).
27. Dehradun Raipur sewer network. The network will consist of 110km of sewer pipes
including 98km of HDPE pipe diameters from 225 to 355mm and 12km of DI-K7 pipe of diameter
varying between 350mm to 1000mm. The system will rely on gravity and will not mix sewerage
with stormwater drains. As previously stated, this type of network is relatively low risk from climate
28. Dehradun Raipur stormwater drainage. This sub-project includes 15km of new kerb
channel drains will be constructed along roads to facilitate the drainage of stormwater into drains
during heavy rainfall. The drainage outfalls will be situated at the nearest nala. The drains will be
as per IS: 5758-1984, which is the Indian Standards on Specification for precast concrete kerbs,
channels, edgings, quadrants, and gutter aprons. Type B channels in IS:5758-1984 will be
constructed on minor roads having width less than 3m to transfer storm runoff into main drains.
As previously stated for stormwater systems, the primary risk is an increase in the magnitude and
frequency of heavy rainfall, which may mean the drains do not meet the design 1 in 2-year
K. Nainital
29. Nainital sewage system. For Nainital sewage treatment sub-project, the proposed STP
location is near Russi village where the old STPs (2 x 5 MLD) already exists. There is no need for
a terminal sewage pumping station for the STP due to the huge level difference (300 m difference
between Russi village and town), the raw sewage will be received by gravity through a trunk
sewer. The existing STPs were constructed at two levels, and it is planned to demolish the plant
units (sedimentation tanks) at the lower level and to construct the new STP on that part and
adjoining land. Connecting the town and surrounding areas to the works will be achieved by using
800 mm ductile iron (trunk sewer) and 800 mm mild steel for connections into the trunk sewer.
The landscape is very steep, with clear evidence of past landslides and therefore the primary risk
for the works and pipe network is landslides. The works will be located at the lower level of the
current treatment works where an existing settlement tank will be removed. The sewer network
connecting the town to the STP will start on level ground around Naini Lake and then follow the
road across more difficult terrain to Hanuman Garhi and then drop steeply (50-60% slope in
places) to the works near Russi village.
30. Stormwater drainage design: The proposed storm water drainage systems are separate
systems which shall be designed based as per CPHEEO Manual. 11 Ministry Urban Development,
Government of India. According to the national consultants: “As the project area is primarily urban
area comprising residential areas, a storm frequency of once in 2 years shall be considered for
the design. Taking ease of cleaning and maintenance into consideration, 250 mm x 250 mm shall
be considered as the minimum drain size for design. RCC drains as well as Brick drains shall be
proposed. For storm water drains up to 800mm depth brick masonry drains are proposed and for
depth more than 800mm depth RCC drains are proposed. Minimum freeboard depends on size
of the drain shall be as per IRC SP: 50. The minimum design velocity shall be considered to 0.6
m/s to avoid siltation and the maximum design velocity limited to 3.0 m/s to avoid erosion/
scouring. The primary and secondary channels shall be designed for a storm frequency of once
in 5 years. Outfall structures shall be constructed at the end of storm water drains that discharge
to nallah/river and major water body to reduce the velocity and prevent erosion. Silt trap and trash
screen shall be proposed at outfall structure to prevent floating matters and silt discharging to
rivers/water body. It shall be ensured that outfall structure invert level shall be above “high flood
level” (HFL) of the receiving water body. Rainwater harvesting structures for ground water
recharge shall be proposed along secondary drains for recharge of ground water. Major drains
having width of drain more than 1 m width shall be fenced to prevent dumping of solid waste into
drains and for safety purpose. All the roadside drains shall be covered with precast RCC covers”.
31. Stormwater systems | Heavy rainfall. The 1 in 2-year rainfall in Dehradun is high, at
around 150 mm in one day, so these drains will remove a large volume of water that would
otherwise cause flooding; the 100-year rainfall is just over 300 mm and therefore the drains may
remove around half the floodwater in larger events. Any secondary channels will be designed for
1 in 5-year rainfall. Photographs of the existing situation show significant waste disposal in
channels, which will need to kept clear of debris and blockage to convey additional stormwater;
fencing is proposed to prevent solid waste dumping in drainage channels. Climate change is very
likely to increase the volume of heavy rainfall events by around 16% (2% and 28%) under the
RCP8.5 scenarios for the 2050s. The drainage capacity is designed using standard design
methods but do not include an allowance for climate change. The GOI design manuals do not
promote the use of climate change allowances to upsize channels and instead focus on the use
of Best Management Practices (BMPs) such as Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS).
The project does include some recharge pits but is primarily a standard traditional drainage
32. Dehradun Banjarawala stormwater drainage system | Heavy Rainfall and River
Levels. For this sub-project, 7km of stormwater drains will be constructed alongside roads to
convey surface water from roads during the rainy season. The drains will discharge stormwater
through 6 outfalls to the Bindal River, the nearest water body. As outlined for other stormwater
drainage systems in Dehradun the primary climate risk relates to an increase in heavy rainfall
magnitude and frequency. In addition, for this system, which discharges into the Bindal River,
outfall invert levels will be designed to ensure that they are above the High Flow Level (HFL) of
the Bindal River. Future river levels are likely to be higher than previously observed, so where
11 Governmentof India. Central Public Health & Environmental Engineering Organisation (CPHEEO). 1999. Manual
on Water Supply and Treatment.
possible, invert levels should be raised to HFL plus a suitable freeboard to make an allowance for
higher river levels.
33. Nainital sewage system | landslide risks. An increase in monsoon rains by the mid-
century alongside increases in maximum daily rainfall is very likely to increase the risks of shallow
landslides on the steep slopes around Hanuman Garhi and Russi village. Any works to construct
trenches will need to avoid removal of trees and undercutting hillslopes in a way that would affect
stability. With suitable routing and construction methods the risks of landslides can be managed
but can’t be ruled out. Contingency plans should be in place to manage repairs to the network in
the event of landslides occurring.
Figure II-13 – Site of Nainital 18 MLD STP at Lower Level of Existing 10 MLD STP Site
34. Dehradun Banjarawala sewerage systems. The sub-project area currently has no
sewerage system provided. The sub-project will install a new sewage treatment plant at
Daudwala, in Mothrowala ward to a treatment capacity of 11 MLD. The sub-project included 11km
of sewer pipes including 10km of HDPE pipes of diameter 225mm and 1km of DI-K7 pipes of
diameter 700mm. The sewer network will rely on conventional gravity collection type to convey
sewage to the wet well at the Terminal Sewage Pumping Station (TSPS). The sewers will only
carry domestic/municipal wastewater and pipes will be laid underground in the roads. In the areas
of water body crossing, main road crossings or deep cuttings (greater than 6-7 m depth), the
sewers (around 1 km) will be laid by trenchless method. 900 sewer connections will be installed,
including 650 connected to the sewer system and 250 connected to community septic tanks. Low-
lying or low-density areas will be serviced by a Faecal Sludge and Septage Management (FSSM)
system. The location of septic tanks part of the FSSM will be determined by local topography.
The climate risks to this sub-project are primarily related to the location of main new sewage
treatment plant and appropriate location for septic tanks for local systems.
35. Daudwala/New Basti STP | Flood risk. The originally proposed location of the Daudwala
STP is located 15 m from the current path of the Bindal River and was at high flood risk. However,
an alternative site was secured at New Basti, which is set back around 63 m from the river with
the STP equipment in a better location for flood risk as shown in Figure II-14. The STP will
discharge treated effluent into the Bindal, a significant watercourse that flows through Dehradun.
An increase in monsoon rains by the mid-century alongside increases in maximum daily rainfall
is very likely to increase the risks of fluvial flooding caused by the Bindal. Historic Google Earth
imagery indicates the Bindal River is very mobile with the proposed location of the STP on the
edge of formally active functional floodplain. The STP cannot be set back further due to noise and
odor concerns of residents and therefore the detailed design must provide adequate flood
protection as well as diversion of a smaller river channel around the site.
Figure II-14 – (a) Location of the New Basti STP and Historic Imagery of the Same Site
(a) Proposed STP location and current satellite imagery
36. Nakraunda STP | Flood risk. Similar to the originally proposed location of Daudwala STP,
the Nakraunda STP is located close to a river channel, that has been fairly mobile in the last 10
years. The design for the STP includes the proposal to channelise the nala by 300m and to widen
it to 12m around the STP location. The channel will require strengthening on the right bank to
train the river along the desired course and avoid bank erosion and flooding of the STP during
seasonal flood events. The land on left bank will be the remaining functioning floodplain and,
subject to the topography 12, could be used to provide some compensation flood storage to mitigate
the downstream risks of increasing flood levels. The channelisation could marginally reduce flood
risk for properties on the left bank that have already encroached the floodplain. The STP will
include an electrical sub-station and other sensitive infrastructure and electrical components that
should be protected by setting out above flood levels or providing flood resilience measures within
the STP. The box culvert and bridge should be set well above flood levels to always allow access
to the site. The location is bordered by forest to the south, so there is no opportunity to set back
further unless the trees are cleared, which is not desirable.
Figure II-15 - Location of Nakraunda STP, Historical River Movements and Proposed
Site location on 08/05/2020 Site location on 10/05/2010
(a) Retain this area free from development for flood storage
(b) Provide strengthened bank to protect from flooding and erosion
(c) Ensure site or sensitive components are raised above flood levels and/or retaining walls, flood gates are
12Google Earth elevation model suggests that the STP location is higher than the area on left bank including the urban
area, but detailed site confirmation is needed.
37. Dehradun Banjarawala water supply systems. The existing water supply system is
over 25 years old and can only supply 110 lpcd for 4-6 hours per day. The subproject includes a
new tube well installation and construction of a 1000 k litre overhead service tank in Nai Basti,
28km of DI-K7 pipes with 950 customer water connections along the pipe network. In general
terms water supply systems are affected by changes in seasonal rainfall and overall water
balance, the impacts of increases in temperatures on water demand and the impacts of flooding
on exposed water supply infrastructure.
38. Water supply systems | drought. During drought conditions, existing water supplies may
be less reliable and at the same time, water demand will increase. To mitigate against drought
conditions, the system incorporates groundwater recharge pits (GWRP) and rainwater harvesting
(RWH) throughout the project area to capture and store stormwater as well as allowing
groundwater sources to be recharged within the area. GWRPs will be constructed along primary
and secondary existing natural drainage channels and RWH will be located in Government
offices/ schools, parks and community open spaces.
39. Dehradun Raipur groundwater recharge and rainwater harvesting: This sub-project
includes construction of 45 GWRPs and RHW structures along existing natural drainage channels
and in offices, parks and other open spaces to mitigate against drought and water scarcity in the
region. These measures provide some additional water supply to protect against moderate
drought conditions.
40. Water supply systems | increases in temperature. With average annual temperature
projected to rise by an average of 2°C by 2050 under RCP4.5 and 2.5°C under RCP8.5, water
demand is likely to increase, and the daily pattern water use may also change, with peak demands
during the hottest months of the year. Periods of high demand may lead to low pressure in
distribution systems with disruption to supply for some households. The inclusion large water
service tanks will help to balance systems but other measures such as pressure management,
leakage detection and demand management will contribute to maintaining supplies during periods
of high demand.
41. Nainital sewage system | Receiving water quality. The STP treated effluent will be
discharged into a small rivulet that drains a small area of the hillside and then joins a main river
some 3km downstream. The treated STP flow is likely to be the major flow component of the
rivulet outside of the monsoon season. With the new larger works its anticipated that water quality
of the final effluent will be greatly improved, compared to the existing situation, and meet
appropriate discharge consent standards. For this and other STPs the overall impact of the sub-
projects will be to improve river water quality as a greater proportion of sewerage will be properly
42. This section reviews the available information for the Uttarakhand Urban Development
project to assess the planned adaptation activities and any opportunities for enhanced adaptation.
The key adaptation activities are the inclusion of groundwater recharge pits; rainwater harvesting
structures; water metering and water effluent re-use; sludge re-use; flood protection works and
robust outfall structures. For the non-structural measures: strengthened knowledge of green and
resilient urban planning; raising community awareness, participation and behavior change and
use of digital tools for managing urban water systems. The climate adaptation components are
summarized in Table III-1. According to MDB guidelines of Climate Finance, only the incremental
costs, or conservative proportional costs can be assigned a Climate Finance (Adaptation)
(Section IV).
43. The project also has some climate mitigation benefits through introduction of efficient
treatment technology and prevention of dumping of solid waste in drainage systems. The
proposed STP processes in the form of SBR can achieve 60% of the greenhouse gas emissions
of the typical treatment process in India 13. However, mitigation benefits are not developed in detail
in this report.
Table III-1 - Climate Adaptations Proposed and Opportunities for Further Adaptation.
13 Vijayan, G., Saravanane, R. and Sundararajan, T. 2017. Carbon Footprint Analyses of Wastewater Treatment
Systems in Puducherry. Computational Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering, 6, 281-303.
doi: 10.4236/cweee.2017.63019.
44. Although the project does not include clear climate change allowances, e.g., for
stormwater drainage systems, it will have positive impacts on local flooding by removing a
significant volume of water compared to the current situation. Water supply systems will
significantly increase water efficiency and sewerage systems will provide some effluent re-use
and water quality benefits. These urban services have clear health benefits and can reduce the
climate risks of communities who do not have good access to basic services.
45. The total project cost is USD $156.25 million of which ADB will finance $125 million and
he Government of Uttarakhand will finance $31.25 million. An outline assessment of the climate
finance is summarized in Table IV-1.
Resilient sewer pipe with sewer gas 3,192 43.47 Sewer pipes to expand
leak control and household sewer sewerage systems in
connections Dehradun and sewer
networks replacement to
control sewer gas leaks in
Dehradun and Nainital.
Included pipe and
household connector
costs. Using IPCC
reference, total organics in
wastewater is calculated.
(Noted that the calculation
using fugitive gases
emission factor indicated
in Tanmay Ram
Kate (2019) shows 3,184
tCO2e per year, which is
quite similar to the result
using IPCC approach.)
Efficient STP processes 9,370 12.12 Included 40% of costs based
using Sequencing Batch Reactor on estimated reduction in off-
(SBR). site and fugitive GHG
Total STP
capacity 46.66 Ml/d
= 10,585,000 m3/yr
Typical STP emissions in
India referred in Tanmay
Ram Kate (2019):
Off-site 1.188411
Fugitive 0.187019
Assumed 40% reduction on
above through use of
SBR process (Vijayan et al,
Energy efficient motors, pumps, 1,054 0.23 Additional costs to procure
and other equipment at STPs energy efficient machinery
and equipment for energy
saving and reduction of
greenhouse gases
Treated water reuse 6,668 0.27 Costs of storage tanks for
treated wastewater for
reuse, which avoid
additional energy that
requires processing raw
water at water treatment
Intelligent water supply and 1,186 4.81 Costs related to smart
sanitation CMMS training and
system (CMMS+SCADA+smart lea capacity
k detection and energy building activities and
audit) operation and asset community awareness,
management for significant participation and behavior
46. Greenhouse gases reduction calculation. The following are the methodologies,
assumptions and approaches are provided in detail.
A. Baseline Climate
1. Temperatures
2. Rainfall
Table A-5 – Monthly Median Change Factors for Precipitation for 2 Time Periods under
RCP4.5 and 8.5
Time Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
RCP period
RCP 2065 -13% -10% -9% -12% 11% -11% 5% 9% 31% 24% 29% -4%
4.5 2066-
2095 -5% -11% -1% 1% 9% 9% 12% 22% 27% 6% 52% 6%
RCP 2065 -5% -7% -6% -13% -4% 3% 15% 12% 28% 18% 82% 0%
8.5 2066-
2095 2% -22% -18% 1% 9% 2% 22% 25% 40% 30% 126% 2%
Figure A-1 - Monthly Temperature Change Factors for (A) 2066-2095 under RCP4.5 and
(B) 2066-2095 Under RCP8.5
44 Appendix 1
Table A-6 – Monthly Median Temperature Change Factors for 2 Time Periods under
RCP4.5 and 8.5
RCP Time Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
RCP4.5 2036- +2.3 +2.2 +2.2 +2.2 +2.0 +2.0 +1.8 +1.5 +1.7 +1.8 +2.0 +2.1
2066- +3.0 +2.5 +2.7 +2.7 +2.8 +2.3 +2.2 +2.2 +2.0 +2.3 +2.4 +2.7
RCP8.5 2036- +2.7 +2.7 +2.5 +2.9 +2.8 +2.5 +2.3 +2.0 +2.2 +2.4 +2.7 +2.6
2066- +5.1 +4.8 +5.2 +4.7 +5.2 +4.7 +3.8 +3.4 +4.2 +4.5 +4.6 +4.6