Sem Practice Test 02 04 22
Sem Practice Test 02 04 22
Sem Practice Test 02 04 22
I. Mark (√) each of the following sentences true (T) or false (F).
5. And has sense in the same way that cat has sense.
10. If two expressions have the same referent, they always have
the same sense.
III. Arrange the words in each group so that every word is a hyponym of the word
immediately before it.
Example: husband, human, man> human, man, husband
1. creature, living things, dog, animal >………………………………..……………….
2. entity, student, freshman, person >………..……………………………….………….
3. product, tool, thing, garden tool >………..……………….…………………….…….
4. plant, pine, living things, tree >…………………………..……………….…………
5. coffee mug, mug, drinking vessel >…….….…………………………………………
6. carrot, plant, living things, vegetable >……………….………………………………
7. cook, sauté, fry>………………….…….……………………………………………..
8. green vegetable, cabbage, vegetable >…………………………………………………
9. product, saw, hacksaw, tool >……….…………………………………………………
10. thing, building, structure, house >……….………………………….………………….
IV. Classify the following pairs as gradable antonyms (G), binary antonyms (B),
relational/converse antonyms (R/C), homonyms (H), hyponyms (HY), or synonyms (S).
2 long-short 12 obey-disobey
3 long-extended 13 rye-wry
4 employer-employee 14 yang-yin
5 meat-beef 15 go down-descend
6 lend- borrow
7 husband-wife
8 arms-alms
10 slow-fast
V. Tick (√) each of the following sentences (A) for analytic, (S) for synthetic or (E) for
equative, as appropriate.
5 This is my father.
6 My watch is slow.
7 If it breaks, it breaks.
VI. Which of the semantic relations (paraphrase (P), entailment (E), contradiction (C) is
exemplified in each of the following sentences?
Example: That man is a woman. > C (contradiction)
1. My brother is jealous of me because I am an only child. >
2. Nobody goes to the restaurant because it’s too crowded. >
3. Alan lives in Hanoi. Alan lives in Vietnam. >
4. He has tons of stuff to throw away. He needs to get rid of a lot of junk. > parapharase
5. Giraffes like Acacia leaves and hay, and they can consume 75 pounds of food a day. A
giraffe can eat up to 75 pounds of Acacia leaves and hay daily.>
6. Elisa plays the guitar. Someone plays a musical instrument. >
7. Jack put off the meeting. Jack postponed the meeting. > paraphrase
8. Jack swims beautifully. Jack swims. > entailment
9. Let me say again: I never repeat myself. > paraphrase
10. Children may feed animals. Children have permission to feed animals. >
VII.Explain by paraphrasing two meanings of each of the following sentences.
Example: I’m selling five day old chicks.
a) I’m selling five day-old chicks.
b) I’m selling five-day-old chicks.
1. The people who saw the movie frequently praised it.
2. The hostess greeted the girl with a smile.
3. The architect gave the secretary a rise after she typed the report.
4. He stood watching the fireworks in the backyard.
5. We were late but the coach was late too.
VIII. Briefly explain the following questions.
The End