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Objective Tree Analysis - CSNM

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Home Learning Project Cycle Management (PCM) Objective
Project Tree
Formulation/Preparation Objective Tree Analysis

Module 3 Project Formulation/Preparation

Catch and income of
fishing families is stabilised
or increased

3. Objective Tree Analysis Threat to the riverine

ecosystem is reduced, and
Incidence of water borne
diseases and illness is reduced,
particularly among poor families
fish stocks are increased and under 5$
3.1 What is an Objective Tree Analysis? Training Manual (971 KB)
An Objective Tree is a Problem Tree
River water that is transformed into a set of
is improved
future solutions to the problems. Each negative problem is converted into Exercise
an objective by rewriting it as a positive future statement (see Johns Downloads
1. Scoping the Project Hopkins
The quantity University
of solid water ( ),No.
of households and ( )). Wastewater treatment meets
dumped into the river is reduced factories discharging wastewater environmental standards Handouts and (4.2 MB)
and Explore the directly into the river is reduced
Exercises (.pdf)
Possibilities As the Objective Tree is transformed from the Problem Tree, the analysis
of problems in the Problem Tree from Problem/Project Identi cation (PPI)
Polluters are phase
2. Risk Assessmenteffectively
and controlled
is themore
Population basis
awareand starting
of the danger of
New legalpoint for the Objective
regulations Increased Tree analysis.
% of households Other Resources
are effective in preventing and business are concnected
Management waste dumping direct discharge of wateswater to sewerage network
Overview (.pptx) (370 KB)

3. Objective Tree Environment

Analysis Protection Agency is Problem Statements
Public Pollution management is given
Objective Statements
Increased capital
Project Scoping
Improved business planning within
(422 KB)
effective and more information/ education a higher political priority investment Local Government is(.pptx)
responsive to a board programs established including cost recovery mechanisms
range of stakeholder Low agricultural production High agricultural production
4. Project Strategy andinterests Risk Analysis (325 KB)
Goal Lack of medical staff in rural areas The number of medical staff in rural areas (.pptx)
has increased
Objective Tree (1.6 MB)
5. Logframe Analysis (.pptx)

6. Communication Plan The positive statements are in fact objective statements that can be Project Strategy (1.5 MB)
presented in a diagram showing a means – ends hierarchy, the objective
7. Formulation of tree. The analysis of objective tree aims (EC, ): Logframe (.pptx) (1.1 MB)
Monitoring and
Evaluation Plan Provide a clear overview of the desired future situation once problems Communication (333 KB)
Plan (.pptx)
have been identi ed and reformulate into objectives;
8. Work Plan and Budget Verify the hierarchy of objectives; Formulation of (314 KB)
Plan Monitoring and
Illustrate the means-ends relationships in a diagram. Evaluation Plan
9. Elements of Project
Proposal The Problem Tree Objective Tree Work Plan and (2.5 MB)
Budget Plan

Elements of (385 KB)

Project Proposal
Effect Ends

Causes Means

Negative Statemen Positive Statements

3.2 Reformulating Problem Statements into

Objective Statements
Reformulating the problems into objectives has to be done very carefully.
If a statement makes no sense after rewording, write a replacement
objective, or delete it, or leave the problem unchanged. It is important to
review the formulated objectives and the resulting objective tree
(Groenendijk, Planning and Management Tools: a Reference Book, ).
This formulation is further elaborated in the following examples:

Problem statement: “lack of adequate rain levels” cannot be transformed

into “adequate rain levels available” because it is an unrealistic objective.
We cannot intervene into the natural phenomenon by predicting or
hoping that there will be adequate rain. This problem, however, could be
rewritten as “irrigation system established and operational” which sounds
more realistic and can be intervened (Groenendijk, Planning and
Management Tools: a Reference Book, ).
Problem statement: “river water quality is deteriorating” can be
reformulated into “quality of river water is improved”.
Problem statement: “loss of con dence in public services” can be
transformed into “people’s con dence in public services is restored”.
Problem statement: “public transportation is in bad condition” can be
reformulated into “public transportation is kept in good condition”.

Formulate the following problem statements into objective statements:

Problem Statements Objective Statements

Farmers lack know-how in organic farming

Community members are not aware of

HIV/AIDS prevention

High rate of alcohol consumption

High illiteracy rate of children from poor

family background

Youth do not participate in community


Local community do not understand

their roles and responsibilities in natural
resources management

People do not save money for use in

health care or emergency situation

Youth do not like to read

Community members do not want to buy

health insurance

3.3 Steps in Formulating an Objective Tree

There are three main steps in formulating an Objective Tree (EC, ):

Step : reformulate all negative statements of the problem analysis into

positive statements that are desirable and/or realistically achievable.
Step : check the means-ends relationships to ensure validity and
completeness of the hierarchy; cause-e ect relationships in the problem
tree are turned into means-ends linkages in the objective tree.
Step : If necessary

Revise objective statements

Add new objectives if these seem to be relevant and necessary to
achieve the objective at the next higher level
Delete objectives which are not apparently suitable or necessary

The following diagram illustrates a brief transformation of a problem tree

into an objective tree which uses “high sta turnover” as the main
problem. It will be rewritten into a positive statement as “reduced sta
turnover” in the objective tree.

Problem Tree Objective Tree

High rate of Project Low rate of

Delay in project Unstable team delivery meets recurring Stable team
delivery members the deadline recruitmen members

High staff turnover Reduceed staff turnover

Unattractive Very high Authoritarian Unattractive Very high Authoritarian

salary package workload managers salary package workload managers

Formulating of Objective Tree from Problem Tree can be summarized as:

Problem Tree Object Tree

Relationship : Problem Tree Relationship : Means-Ends

Negative statements
Branches : Effects are rewritten into Ends : Objectives
positive statements
Trunk : Purpose / Objective
Trunk : Main problem
/ Outcome

Roots : Causes Means : Objectives

Once complete, the objective tree provides a summary picture of the

desired future situation, including the indicative means by which ends
can be achieved. As with the problem tree, the objective tree should
provide a simpli ed but robust summary of reality. It is a tool to aid
analysis and presentation of ideas/objectives. Its main strength is that it
keeps the analysis of potential project objectives rmly based on
addressing a range of clearly identi ed priority problems (EC, ).

3.4 Examples of Objective Tree

The following pages look at examples that transform problem tree into
objective tree for the cases of bus accident and river pollution.

From Problem Tree to Objective Tree

An Example of Bus Accident (adapted from Norad ( ) in Groenendijk
( ))

Problem Tree

Loss of confidence Economic losses

in bus company for passengers

Passengers are
hurt or killed People arrive too late

Frequent bus accidents

Drivers are not Bad condition Bad condition

careful enough of vehicles of roads

Drivers lack Vehicles are Insufficient

driving skills too old maintenance

Objective Tree

Passengers confidence Passengers economic

is restored losses are reduced

Few passengers are

hurt or killed People arrive on time

Frequency of bus accidents

considerably reduced

Drivers drive carefully Vehicles are kept Road conditions are

and responsibly in good condition improved

Drivers are Old vehicles are Vehicles are

better trained replaced maintained regularly

From Problem Tree to Objective Tree

An Example of River Water Quality (EC, )

Problem Tree

Catch and income of

fishing families in decline

High incidence of water

Riverine ecosystem under borne diseases and illnesses,
serious threat, including particularly among poor
declining fish stocks families and under 5$

River water quality

is deteriorating

High levels of solid Most households and Wastewater treated in plants

waste dumped into river factories discharge wastewater does not meet environment
directly into the river standards

Polluters are Populations not aware Existing legal regulations 40% of households and 20%
not controlled of the danger of are inadequate to prevent of business not concnected
waste dumping direct discharge of wateswater to sewerage network

Protection Agency No public Pollution has been a Inadequate levels of capital
ineffective and closely information/ education low political priority investment and poor business
aligned with industry programs available planning within Local Government

Objective Tree

Catch and income of

fishing families is stabilised
or increased

Incidence of water borne

Threat to the riverine diseases and illness is reduced,
ecosystem is reduced, and particularly among poor families
fish stocks are increased and under 5$

River water quality

is improved

The quantity of solid water No. of households and Wastewater treatment meets
dumped into the river is reduced factories discharging wastewater environmental standards
directly into the river is reduced

Polluters are Population more aware New legal regulations Increased % of households
effectively controlled of the danger of are effective in preventing and business are concnected
waste dumping direct discharge of wateswater to sewerage network

Protection Agency is Public Pollution management is given Increased capital Improved business planning within
effective and more information/ education a higher political priority investment Local Government is established,
responsive to a board programs established including cost recovery mechanisms
range of stakeholder

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LANGUAGE: English ไทย

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