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Automation for a Changing World

Delta DIAView SCADA System

w w w. d e l t a w w. c o m
Delta DIAView SCADA System
Your Best Choice for Data Collection, Factory Visualization,
Real-Time Monitoring and Management
To succeed in a highly competitive marketplace, your plants, machines, systems and facilities all
require more efficient management to collect, analyze, and monitor real-time factory and production
data, achieving high-efficiency factory production and management.

Delta's DIAView SCADA System is an industrial data visualization software designed for smart
management of factory equipment and production precesses. The system empolys automated
management function including real-time system monitoring, data acquisition and analytics, to assist
users to collect data of whole plant, as well as constructing a management interface for production
line visualization, achieving remote monitoring, system management, digitalization of whole plant, and
increasing overall factory production efficiency. The DIAView SCADA System is suitable for machinery,
metallurgy, water treatment, HVAC, packaging, central heating control, environmental monitoring,
textiles, energy management, transportation, smart builidngs, and more.

The DIAView SCADA System is easily compatible with Delta's industrial automation products to help
customers in a variety of industries establish a complete automation solution for high-efficiency
monitoring and managing their factories and every subsystem situation. The DIAView can also
optimize production distribution by enhancing data traceability. Delta's DIAView SCADA System,
realizing digitalization, visualization, and real-time monitoring, is the best choice for meeting your
industry demands and "Automation for a Changing World" !

■ Stable industrial communication, seamless integration with Delta PLC and I/O products
■ WPF technology for intuitive displays and easy-to-navigate interfaces for data and I/O
products visualization
■ Flexible variables dictionary and batch editing parameters
■ A variety of data visualization tools: reports, alarms, charts and trend graphs
■ Robust and efficient alarm management
■ VBScript language for easy programming
■ Easy-to-use and flexible management program
■ Reliable user authority management
■ Highly real-time database for data visualization and analytics
■ Fufills the needs of various industrial enviroment when matched with fanless industrial PCs

Preface 1
Delta DIAView SCADA System 2
• DIAView SCADA System for 3
Efficient Facility Monitoring and

Stable Industrial Communication 5
Excellent Graphical Demo Platform 6
Flexible Variables Dictionary 7
Flexible User Interface 8
Efficient Recipe Management 8
Data Visualization Tools 9
Robust and Efficient Alarm Management 11
Supports Third-Party Database 11
Reliable User Authority Management 12
Open Software Structure 12

Applications 13
System Requirements 15
Software Licensing 15
(Stand-alone & C/S version)
Ordering Information 16
Model Information 16
Global Operations 17

DI AV ie w S CA D A S y s te m f o r E f f i c i e n t F a c i l i ty M

SCADA System SCADA System
Stand-alone version Server

Equipment IoT Platform


Managed 10-Port
Ethernet Switch
DVS-110W02-3SFP Fiber Ring

Hot Swappable
Hot Swappable
Mid-range PLC Mid-range PLC
AH500 AH500

Controller HMI Analog I/O Advanced
96mm x 96mm x
95.4mm Multifunction
Power Meter
(W x H x D)

Multifunction Fan/Pump Vector Fan/Pump Vector
Control Drive
Power Meter Control Drive
DPM-C530 CP2000
96mm x 96mm x
(W x H x D)

Air Compression System Water Treatment

Inflow Station Sedimentation Aeration Tank

96mm x 96mm x
(W x H x D)

96mm x 96mm x
(W x H x D)


96mm x 96mm x

(W x H x D)

on i toring a nd M a na g e m e n t

SCADA System

Equipment IoT Platform



Managed Industrial
Ethernet Switch

Hot Swappable Hot Swappable
Mid-range PLC Mid-range PLC
AH500 AH500

Network Type Temperature
Controller HMI
Advanced Slim PLC

Fan/Pump Vector DT3 Multifunction Fan/Pump Vector
Power Meter Control Drive
Control Drive
DPM-C530 CP2000
CP2000 Advanced
96mm x 96mm x
95.4mm Multifunction 96mm x 96mm x
(W x H x D)
Power Meter
(W x H x D)


HVAC System Production Line & Workshop Environment

Cooling Tower

96mm x 96mm x
(W x H x D)

Power Lighting
System System

Air Handling Unit

96mm x 96mm x
(W x H x D)

Chiller Chilled Water Pump

Cooling Water Pump

96mm x 96mm x
(W x H x D)

Feature s
Stabl e and R e l i a b l e I n d u s tria l Co mmu n ic a t io n
► Supports Modbus and OPC Server / OPC Client communication
► Seamless integration with Delta and third-party PLCs
► Built-in communication gateways
► Data simulation function
► Equipment auto turn on/off, sampling and data acquisition optimization, and communication retry

OPC Modbus

C/ S cl i ent/ s e r v e r s t r u c t u r e
► C/S client/server structure, it is usually built on a dedicated network, providing connections and data
exchange services through servers between the local networks
► DIAView Server can support 10 clients to access at the same time. The DIAView Server as both a
server and a client for local monitoring

and Management

Ethernet Ethernet OPC

Hot Swappable Mid-range PLC Hot Swappable Mid-range PLC

OPC Server
RS-485 Ethernet

PLC Servo Power Meter Inverter PLC (Third Party) Hot Swappable Mid-range PLC

Excel l ent G r a p h i c a l D e m o Pla t f o rm
Graphical interface development is a critical factor for the SCADA system. DIAView provides an
intelligent graphical symbol library that allows users to quickly create graphical elements and true
color objects. It is easy to design an intuitive and easy-to-navigate operator interface for system
configuration, and is suitable for facility/production monitoring and management.
► Industrial graphical symbol database for abundant animations and control interfaces
► Supports extension attributes and event functions for users to self-define symbols
► Supports rich and complex animated effects
► Adopts WPF and XAML technologies to create professional image quality, as well as complex and
delicate user interfaces
► Image compression technology to automatically adjust symbol size

I n t ellig e n t Gra p h ic a l Sy mb o l L ib ra ry

Script Engine
Customized Engineering


Simple drag-and-drop access

to build your own special
engineering components

Feature s
F l exi bl e Va r i a b l e s D i c t i o n a ry
The variables dictionary is a collection of variables in a project, and the variable group is an unit for
grouping and managing variables.
► Easy to add, delete and modify variables
► Supports variables managing and sorting to
classify different variables group
► Quick and easy variables input/output and batch
parameter editing management
► Variables branching and management via tree
► Batch parameter editing to improve development
► Supports smart variables searching/substitution,
quotation browsing, usage statistics, and error

Variable Group

workshop 1

Machine 1 Machine 2

Temperature Starting Time Temperature Starting Time

Batch editing parameters

Variable Group

workshop 1 workshop 1

Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 1 Machine 2

Temperature Starting Time Temperature Starting Time Temperature Starting Time Temperature Starting Time

Fle xi bl e Us e r I n t e r f a c e
Allows users to manage backstage via script, achieving comprehensive logic control

► Easy, flexible script editing

► Trigger function allows users to self-define trigger conditions according to system operation
► Timer trigger function allows automatic system operation based on a schedule defined by users


Effi ci ent Re c i p e M a n a g e m e n t
► Provides variables browser for fast setting and recipe maintenance
Supports VBScript interface for editing

{ {

► Recipe parameter input / output Recipe
Recipe Items
Recipe Group Food Recipe
Recipe N
Bre a d R e c ip e
Recipe Configuration
Ingredients Variable Sweet Salty Coffee Flavor
Sugar Variable1 85 10 30
Cream Variable2 10 10 10
Salt Variable3 5 80 10
Coffee Powder Variable4 0 0 50

Feature s
Data Vi sua l i z a t i o n To o l s
► Microsoft Office Excel editing interface
► Provides various sampling templates for users to self-define report formats
► Batch parameter editing function to enhance development efficiency
► Reports import and export functions for information print-out and timely analysis
► Supports VBScript for database editing
► Provides CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) editing function

Variables and parameters


Monitoring Center

Reports Import and


► Provides real-time data curve, history data curve, and X-Y curve to show various data information
► Supports 2D / 3D statistical data, including pie charts, bar charts, and more
► Supports database connection and data exchange
► Supports data export / import in Microsoft Office Excel format
► Provides real-time trend graph updates, printing, saving and image zoom in/out

Tre nd G raphs

Real-time Data

Historical Data

Reports and trend graph data exchange

in relational databases
1 0 0/ 0

Data Exchange SQL Server

1 Oracle

Pie Chart XY Chart Bar Chart

Feature s
Robust an d E f f i c i e n t A l a r m M a n a g e me n t
The DIAView provides real-time alarms and early warning for faster response to critical situations. This
prevents damage to equipment, ensures a safer working environment, and meets other operational
Alarm Filtering:
Different Areas, Different Levels Users can easily see the alarm status of the connected
Filtering capabilities to manage equipment, display alarm records and define the alarm
levels simply by checking the boxes of different options
multiple alarm messages Alarm Sources
in the alarm filtering window
E-mail alarm notifications
Alarm Filtering
Audio alarm notifications Window

SMS alarm notifications Alarm

Filtering Window

Alarm Record Alarm

Type Type Level

Start time + End time + Alert query = Alarm record

► Alarm levels
► Smart alarm filtering
► Various alarm notifications Alarm records
include alarm
► Real-time alarm records and history tags, trigger
logs time, contents,
levels and more

Su ppor ts T h i r d - p a r t y D a t ab a s e
Easy to expand data types
► Easy data exchange among different software/systems
► Supports SQL Server, SQL Compact, MySQL, Oracle Database
► Integrates with 3rd Party Databases


DIAView SCADA Compact

SQL Server
3rd Third-Party
Database Integration

MES ERP WMS - - - -
Database Exchange

Rel i abl e Us e r A u t h o r i t y M a n a g e me n t
User authority management includes: login, logout, password change , and user adding / delete
► System administrators can operate in all security sections and manage all user accounts
► Allows administrating authority to add and delete users, and modify user information
► Operators can specify the security sections and perform tasks in these sections

U s e r Aut hor it y Table S e c u r i ty Ar e a

Users Authorities Remarks
Add and
remove users, Editing Acquiring the
security area (Modify / View) same security
System default is
management, area
Administrator for a one system User Verification
associated (Variables / Graphs)
security areas
and operator's
authority Linked Security Linked

Login, logout, Objects can Area

and edit relevant only be edited in
screens and relevant security
variables areas

Op en S oftw a r e S t r u c t u r e

Graphical Graphical Graphical

User Development Files Operating
Interface Environment Environment

OPC Server
Dictionary Dictionary


Database Data Server

System Historical
Configuration Database

IO Server
Field Facilities OPC Server

Applica t ion s
Wastew ate r Tr e a t m e n t M o nit o rin g & Co n t ro l Sy s t e m
■ With DIAView, control and process monitoring of wastewater plants can be easily managed from the central
control room. All process data and historical alarms / events can also be viewed and recorded for enhanced

■ DIAView offers analysis and calculation functions, enabling various aspects of flow analysis and
sophisticated water quality analysis and calculation. This helps to properly control chemical feed systems and
automatically adjusts the chemical feed pump or valve, reducing associated risks and operation costs

Wastewater Treatment Plants Control and Process Monitoring of

Wastewater Treatment Plants

H VAC E ne r g y - S a v i n g M o n it o rin g & Co n t ro l Sy s t e m

■ Integrates DIAView, PLC and AC motor drives to fulfill requirements for constructing an intelligent HVAC
monitoring and control system, providing energy savings of 20% ~ 60%

■ DIAView helps to automatically adjust fan frequency and chiller load according to the indoor temperature and
monitor the status of the air conditioning system in real-time for excellent HVAC control and monitoring

■ Automatically adjusts fan frequency and the chiller unit according to indoor temperature, and monitors the
density of indoor CO2; and then lets in fresh outdoor air to reduce reliance on the air conditioning system,
saving more energy and creating comfortable indoor environment for users

Coolling Tower

AHU (Air Handing Unit)

Cool Water Chilled Water

Circulation Pump Circulation Pump


HVAC System Structure HVAC System Intelligent

Monitoring and Control

El ectr oni c E q u i p m e n t I n s p e c t io n & M o n it o rin g
■ Coordinates PLCs, schedules the equipment to perform inspection, and provides group control functions
■ Records daily production conditions, identify yield / defect rate, and provides data acquisition and inquiry

Electronic Inspection Equipment Inspection and Monitoring of

Electronic Equipment

R em ote Co n t r o l & M o n i t o r i ng o f 4 - Co lo r Prin t in g M a c h in e s

■ Provides remote and real-time monitoring for printing processes in the entire operation
■ Suppliers can use the remote lock function to lock machines remotely for easier management

Actual Printing Machine Remote Control & Monitoring of

4-Color Printing Machine

Sys tem R e q u ir e me n ts o f DI AV iew
Hardware / Software System Requirements

CPU Pentium 2.0GHz and above (Intel Core i3 and above is recommended)

Memory 2GB RAM and above is recommended

Hard Disk Capacity: 20GB and above

Display Supports resolution: 1024 x 768 or higher full-color display

Windows 7 Professional / Ultimate (32-bit & 64-bit)
Windows 8 Professional / Ultimate (32-bit & 64-bit)
Operating System
Windows 10 Professional / Ultimate (32-bit & 64-bit)
Windows Server 2008 / 2012 (32-bit & 64-bit)
Web Installer Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

Software Licensing (Stand-alone & C/S version)

► DIAView licensing is calculated based on the I/O tags in customer's
connected devices, and the software itself is free of charge
► When licensing is authorized, users can use a USB dongle key to carry
out all authorizations. If unauthorized, trial session can be operated for
2 hours

I/O Tags
► Eight standard options: 64, 128, 256, 512, 1000, 1500, 3000 and unlimited

► C/S version: 5, 10 clients

Cost of I/O Tags

► The DIAView SCADA System is charged by I/O tags
(Please refer to ordering information)

Orderin g I nf or ma ti on
Product type Model Name Descriptions

DIAV-010640000A DIAView SCADA standalone version, 64 tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-011280000A DIAView SCADA standalone version, 128 tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-012560000A DIAView SCADA standalone version, 256 tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-015120000A DIAView SCADA standalone version, 512 tags, USB dongle key
DIAV-0101K0000A DIAView SCADA standalone version, 1000 tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-011K50000A DIAView SCADA standalone version, 1500 tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-0103K0000A DIAView SCADA standalone version, 3000 tags, USB dongle key
DIAV-0199K0000A DIAView SCADA standalone version, unlimited tags, USB dongle key
DIAV-0012800UPC DIAView SCADA standalone version, 64 upgraded to 128 tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-0025600UPC DIAView SCADA standalone version, 128 upgraded to 256 tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-0051200UPC DIAView SCADA standalone version, 256 upgraded to 512 tags, USB dongle key
DIAV-0001K00UPC DIAView SCADA standalone version, 128 upgraded to 1000 tags, USB dongle key
DIAV-001K500UPC DIAView SCADA standalone version, 1000 upgraded to 1500 tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-0003K00UPC DIAView SCADA standalone version, 1500 upgraded to 3000 tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-0099K00UPC DIAView SCADA standalone version, 3000 upgraded to unlimited tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-020640500C DIAView SCADA C/S version (English), 5 clients, 64 tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-021280500C DIAView SCADA C/S version (English), 5 clients, 128 tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-022560500C DIAView SCADA C/S version (English), 5 clients, 256 tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-025120500C DIAView SCADA C/S version (English), 5 clients, 512 tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-0201K0500C DIAView SCADA C/S version (English), 5 clients, 1,000 tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-021K50500C DIAView SCADA C/S version (English), 5 clients, 1,500 tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-0203K0500C DIAView SCADA C/S version (English), 5 clients, 3,000 tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-0299K0500C DIAView SCADA C/S version (English), 5 clients, unlimited tags, USB dongle key
DIAV-020641000C DIAView SCADA C/S version (English), 10 clients, 64 tags, USB dongle key
DIAV-021281000C DIAView SCADA C/S version (English), 10 clients, 128 tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-022561000C DIAView SCADA C/S version (English), 10 clients, 256 tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-025121000C DIAView SCADA C/S version (English), 10 clients, 512 tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-0201K1000C DIAView SCADA C/S version (English), 10 clients, 1,000 tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-021K51000C DIAView SCADA C/S version (English), 10 clients, 1,500 tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-0203K1000C DIAView SCADA C/S version (English), 10 clients, 3,000 tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-0299K1000C DIAView SCADA C/S version (English), 5 clients, unlimited tags, USB dongle key

DIAV-0000005UPC DIAView SCADA C/S version, upgraded to 5 clients, USB dongle key
DIAV-0000010UPC DIAView SCADA C/S version, upgraded to 10 clients, USB dongle key

Model Inf or ma t ion

DIAV - 01 064 00 00 A

Product Name Versions

Delta Industry 00 = 00 version
Automation View 01 = 01 version
xx = xx version
UP = Upgraded version
Product Type
00 = Upgraded Version
01 = Standalone Version
02 = C/S version
Amount of C / S Licenses
05 = 5 Clients
I / O Tags 10 = 10 Clients
000 = no licensed tags 01K = 1000 licensed tags
064 = 64 licensed tags 1K5 = 1500 licensed tags
128 =128 licensed tags 03K = 3000 licensed tags
256 = 256 licensed tags ......
512 = 512 licensed tags 99K = unlimited licensed tags

Industrial Automation Headquarters
Delta Electronics, Inc.
Taoyuan Technology Center
No.18, Xinglong Rd., Taoyuan District,
Taoyuan City 33068, Taiwan
TEL: 886-3-362-6301 / FAX: 886-3-371-6301

Delta Electronics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Headquarters: Delta Electronics (Netherlands) B.V.
No.182 Minyu Rd., Pudong Shanghai, P.R.C. Sales: Sales.IA.EMEA@deltaww.com
Post code : 201209 Marketing: Marketing.IA.EMEA@deltaww.com
TEL: 86-21-6872-3988 / FAX: 86-21-6872-3996 Technical Support: iatechnicalsupport@deltaww.com
Customer Service: 400-820-9595 Customer Support: Customer-Support@deltaww.com
Service: Service.IA.emea@deltaww.com
Delta Electronics (Japan), Inc. TEL: +31(0)40 800 3900
Tokyo Office
Industrial Automation Sales Department BENELUX: Delta Electronics (Netherlands) B.V.
2-1-14 Shibadaimon, Minato-ku De Witbogt 20, 5652 AG Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Tokyo, Japan 105-0012 Mail: Sales.IA.Benelux@deltaww.com
TEL: 81-3-5733-1155 / FAX: 81-3-5733-1255 TEL: +31(0)40 800 3900

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Seoul Office
Mail: Sales.IA.DACH@deltaww.com
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TEL: +49(0)2921 987 0
Seoul, 08501 South Korea
TEL: 82-2-515-5305 / FAX: 82-2-515-5302 France: Delta Electronics (France) S.A.
ZI du bois Challand 2, 15 rue des Pyrénées,
Delta Energy Systems (Singapore) Pte Ltd. Lisses, 91090 Evry Cedex, France
4 Kaki Bukit Avenue 1, #05-04, Singapore 417939 Mail: Sales.IA.FR@deltaww.com
TEL: 65-6747-5155 / FAX: 65-6744-9228 TEL: +33(0)1 69 77 82 60
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TEL: 91-124-4874900 / FAX : 91-124-4874945 TEL: +34(0)91 223 74 20
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Mail: Sales.IA.Italy@deltaww.com
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TEL: 52-55-3603-9200 Mail: Sales.IA.MEA@deltaww.com

*We reserve the right to change the information in this catalogue without prior notice. DELTA_ IA-OMS_DIAView_C_EN_20200306

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