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Purlin Design - Hat-Section@170 (r0)

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DESIGN OF PURLINS AS PER IS 801-1975 (Clause 6.

3 b page-14)

Project 2X12
Wind Speed = 150 Kmph
Array 2 x 12
Revision R 0




(E)Thickness t = 0.90 mm
(A)Overall Depth = 80.00 mm
Radius of curvature = 1.35 mm
B' = 40.00 mm
C' = 20.00 mm
D' = 6.00 mm
Gamma angle = 75.00 degree (Lip angle)
A' = 80.00 mm

(2) Sectional properties: COIL WIDTH = 252.78 mm

(a) Cross Sectional Area = Ax = 227.50 mm2 Weight per meter = 1.79 Kg / m
(b) Moment of Inertia about x-axis = Ix = 2,01,309.00 mm4 = 20.13 cm4
(c) Moment of Inertia about y-axis = Iy = 2,79,071.00 mm4 = 27.91 cm4
(I) Sectional modulus Zxx = 5,032.73 mm3 = 5.03 cm3
(j) Sectional modulus Zyy = 6,976.78 mm3 = 6.98 cm3

Estimation of loads:

Roof slope = 1/ 2.70 i.e, 20 degrees.

Wind pressure = 63.00 Kg/m2
Dead load = 14.00 Kg/m2
Live load = - Kg/m2
So, DL+LL = 14.00 Kg/m2

Purlin spacing = 1.40 m no. of sagrods = -

Bay spacing = 3.00 m

Effective U.D.L on the purlin along its major axis = 0.03 t/m and ,for DL = 0.03 t/m
Effective U.D.L on the purlin along its minor axis = 0.01 t/m
Effective U.D.L due to wind load = 0.09 t/m 0.90 kn/m
Effective U.D.L due to wind + dead load = 0.06 t/m 0.60 kn/m

Maximum moment in DL+LL condition = 0.03 t-m

Maximum moment in DL+WL condition = 0.05 t-m
Maximum moment in minor axis = 0.01 t-m
Project 2X12
Wind Speed = 150 Kmph
Array 2 x 12
Revision R 0

Section Design: (As per IS:801)

Section used are all 0.9 mm thick Yield strength = 550.00 Mpa (=Fy) 5,608.46 kgf/cm2
Depth of section = 80.00 mm

Sxc = 5,032.73 mm3

d= 80.00 mm L2*Sxc = 4,057.62 0.18*π^2*E*Cb = 1,561.38
Iyc = 1,39,535.50 mm4 d*Iyc Fy
L= 3,000.00 mm
E= 2,10,000.00 Mpa and, 0.9*π^2*E*Cb = 7,806.86
Cb = 2.30 Fy

Fb(1) 2Fy - Fy2 * L2*Sxc = 271.38 Mpa

3 2.7*π^2*E*Cb d*Iyc

Fb(2) 0.3*π^2*E*Cb* d*Iyc = 352.73 Mpa


In our case we shall have the allowable bending stress as = 271.38 Mpa

Check for wind load:-

Actual bending stress in the purlin = 105.26 < 1.0x allowable bending stress, hence O.K
Deflection of the section = 7.70 mm
Allowable deflection limit = 16.67 mm Hence O.K

Check for Dead and Live load:-

Actual bending stress in the purlin = 52.63 < 1.0 x allowable bending stress, hence O.K
Deflection of the section = 5.64 mm
Allowable deflection limit = 16.67 mm Hence O.K

Check for lateral load:-

Actual bending stress in the lateral direction = 12.65 Mpa < 1.0 x allowable bending stress,
hence O.K
Actual deflection in lateral direction = 1.36 mm
Allowable deflection limit = 16.67 mm Hence O.K

As per clause 6.4.1 of IS 801,allowed maximum average shear stress Fv in kgf/sqcm is calculated as

Case 1: If h/t is less than 4590/sqrt(Fy), Fv=1275 x sqrt(Fy) / (h/t)

Case 2: If h/t is more than 4590/sqrt(Fy), Fv=5850000 / (h/t)^2
Both are subject to maximum 0.4Fy

h = 80.00
t = 0.90
h/t = 88.89

4590/sqrt(Fy) 61.29

Case 1, Fv = 679.38 kgf/cm2 66.62 Mpa

Case 2, Fv = 740.39 kgf/cm2 72.61 Mpa

Actual shear = v = WL/2 = 0.90 kn

Actual Shear Stress = v/dt = 0.012 kn/mm2 124.55 kgf/cm2 12.21
Permissible shear stress (Fv) > Actual Shear Stress, Hence O.K
Project 2X12
Wind Speed = 150 Kmph
Array 2 x 12
Revision R 0

As per clause 6.4.2 of IS 801 for the design check of allowable stress in combined shear and bending

Fbw = 36560000/(h/t)^2
Here, h/t already calculated above as = 88.89
Fbw = 4,627.13 kgf/cm2 453.76 Mpa
Basic Allowable Design Stress calculated earlier F = 0.6Fy

F = 3,365.08 kgf/cm2 330.00 Mpa

Fb actual (from bending moment calculations), Moment/ Zxx 106.91 Mpa

Actual Stress < Allowable Stress, Hence Ok Hence O.K

Combined Shear and Bending Stresses in Web

As per clause 6.4.3 of IS 801 for the design check of allowable stress in combined shear and bending

SQRT((fbw/Fbw)^2+(fv/Fv)^2) must be less than 1

In this clause, Fbw is not restricted by 0.6Fy and Fv is not restricted by 0.4Fy

Actual stresses already calculated are

fbw 106.91 Mpa
fv= 12.21 Mpa

Fb allowable bending stress = 271.38 Mpa

Fv = 66.62 Mpa

fbw/Fbw = 0.39
fv/Fv = 0.18

SQRT of sum of squares = 0.43 < 1.00

Hence O.K


Dead Load on Cantilever Purlin in Running Mtr = 19.60 Kg

Max. Wind Load on Cantilever Purlin in Running Mtr = 88.20 Kg
Maximum Cntilever Span of Purlin = 0.906 Mtr
19.60 Kg/m

0.906 m

88.20 Kg/m

Maximum Bending Moment at Support end = 28.15 Kg-m

Check in Bending Stress:-

Actual Maximun Bending Stress = Mxx

= 559.43 Kg/cm^2

Allowablel Maximun Bending Stress = 0.66 x Fy = 3,701.58 Kg/cm^2 Hence O.K

Check in Deflection :-
Project 2X12
Wind Speed = 150 Kmph
Array 2 x 12
Revision R 0

Total load in running metre over Purlin (W) = 68.60 Kg/m

or 0.69 Kg/cm

Actual Deflection = WxL^4


= 0.14 cm

Permissible Deflection = Cantilever SpanX2


= 1.01 cm Hence O.K

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