List of Amendments of The Constitution of India - Wikipedia
List of Amendments of The Constitution of India - Wikipedia
List of Amendments of The Constitution of India - Wikipedia
As of August 2023, there have been 106[1] amendments of the Constitution of India since it was
first enacted in 1950.[2]
There are three types of amendments to the Constitution of India of which second and third type
of amendments are governed by Article 368.
The first type of amendments includes that can be passed by "simple majority" in each house
of the Parliament of India.
The second type of amendments includes that can be effected by the parliament by a
prescribed "special majority" in each house; and
The third type of amendments includes those that require, in addition to such "special
majority" in each house of the parliament, ratification by at least one half of the State
The third type amendments that are made to the constitution are amendments No. 3, 6, 7, 8, 13,
14, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 51, 54, 61, 62, 70, 73, 74,
75, 79, 84, 88, 95, 99 and 101.[3]
Although constitutional amendments require the support of a two-thirds majority in both houses
of Parliament (with some amendments requiring ratification by a majority of state legislatures),
the Indian Constitution is the most amended national constitution in the world.[4] The
Constitution spells out governmental powers with so much detail that many matters addressed
by statute in other democracies must be addressed via constitutional amendment in India. As a
result, the Constitution is amended roughly twice a year.
List of Amendments
Enforced Prime
No. Amendments Objectives President
since Minister
Re-enacted entry 33 of
the Concurrent List in the
Seventh Schedule with
relation to include trade
and commerce in, and the
production, supply and
distribution of four
classes of essential
Amend schedule 22 February
3rd commodities, viz.,
7.[9] 1955
foodstuffs, including
edible oil seeds and oils;
cattle fodder, including
oilcakes and other
concentrates; raw cotton
whether ginned or
unginned, and cotton
seeds; and raw jute.
Amend articles
11 Amend the Union List and
269 and 286.
6th September State List with respect to
Amend schedule
1956 raising of taxes.
Amend articles 1,
3, 49, 80, 81, 82,
131, 153, 158, 168,
170, 171, 216, 217,
220, 222, 224, 230, Reorganisation of states
231 and 232. 1 on linguistic lines,
7th Insert articles November abolition of Class A, B, C,
258A, 290A, 298, 1956 D states and introduction
350A, 350B, 371, of Union territories.
372A and 378A.
Amend part 8.
Amend schedules
1, 2, 4 and 7.[13]
Incorporation of Dadra
Amend article 240. and Nagar Haveli as a
11 August
10th Amend schedule Union Territory,
1.[16] consequent to acquisition
from Portugal.
Incorporation of Goa,
Amend article 240. 20 Daman and Diu as a
12th Amend schedule December Union Territory,
1.[18] 1961 consequent to acquisition
from Portugal.
Enforced Prime
No. Amendments Objectives President
since Minister
Incorporation of
Amend articles 81
Pondicherry into the
and 240.
28 Union of India and
Insert article
14th December creation of Legislative
1962 Assemblies for Himachal
Amend schedules
Pradesh, Tripura, Manipur
1 and 4.[20]
and Goa.
Amend articles
Raise retirement age of
124, 128, 217, 222,
High Court judges from
224, 226, 297, 311
60 to 62 and other minor
and 316. 5 October
15th amendments for
Insert article 1963
interpretation of rules
Amend schedule
regarding judges etc.
To secure the
Amend article constitutional validity of
31A. 20 June acquisition of Estates and
Amend schedule 1964 place land acquisition
9.[23] laws in Schedule 9 of the
Enforced Prime
No. Amendments Objectives President
since Minister
Technical Amendment to
include Union Territories
Amend article 27 August
18th in Article 3 and hence
3.[24] 1966
permit reorganisation of
Union Territories.
Discontinued reservation
of seats for the
Scheduled Tribes in
Nagaland, both in the Lok
Sabha and the State
Legislative Assembly and
stipulated that not more
Amend articles than one Anglo-Indian
23 January
23rd 330, 332, 333 and could be nominated by
334. the Governor to any State
Legislative Assembly.
Extend reservation for
SCs and STs and Anglo
Indian members in the
Lok Sabha and State
Assemblies for another
ten years, i.e. up to 1980.
Enable parliament to
Amend articles 13 dilute fundamental rights
24th [30]
and 368. through amendments to
the constitution.
Amend articles Reorganisation of
239A and 240. Mizoram into a Union
27th 1971 & (ii)
Insert articles Territory with a legislature
15 February
239B and 371C.[33] and council of ministers.
adjustment consequent
to 1971 Delimitation
Protection of regional
rights in Telangana and
Andhra regions of State
of Andhra Pradesh.
Supreme Court in P.
Sambamurthy v. State of
Andhra Pradesh (https://m
Amend articles 80
Terms and Conditions for
and 81.
1 March the Incorporation of
35th Insert article 2A.
1975 Sikkim into the Union of
Insert schedule
Amend articles 80
and 81.
Insert article 371F.
Formation of Sikkim as a
Remove article 2A. 26 April
36th State within the Indian
Amend schedules 1975
1 and 4.
Remove schedule
Formation of Arunachal
Amend articles
37th 3 May 1975 Pradesh legislative
239A and 240.[44]
Amend articles
Enhances the powers of
123, 213, 239B, 1 August
38th President and Governors
352, 356, 359 and 1975
to pass ordinances.
Enable Parliament to
make laws with respect to
Exclusive Economic Zone
and vest the mineral
Amend article 297. wealth with Union of
27 May
40th Amend schedule India.
Place land reform & other
acts and amendments to
these act under Schedule
9 of the constitution.
Recognise Tripura as a
Amend article 244. 11 tribal state and enable the
49th Amend schedules September creation of a Tripura
5 and 6.[57] 1984 Tribal Areas Autonomous
District Council.
Technical Amendment to
curtailment of
Fundamental Rights as
11 per Part III as prescribed
Amend article
50th September in Article 33 to cover
1984 Security Personnel
protecting property and
Provide reservation to
Scheduled Tribes in
Nagaland, Meghalaya,
Amend articles 16 June Mizoram and Arunachal
330 and 332.[59] 1986 Pradesh in Loksabha,
similarly for Meghalaya
and Arunachal in their
Legislative Assemblies.
Enforced Prime
No. Amendments Objectives President
since Minister
Special powers to
Insert article 20 February Governor consequent to
371H.[63] 1987 formation of state of
Arunachal Pradesh.
Transition provision to
Insert article 30 May
56th enable formation of state
371I.[64] 1987
of Goa.
Enforced Prime
No. Amendments Objectives President
since Minister
Provide reservation to R.
Scheduled Tribes in Venkataraman
Amend article Nagaland, Meghalaya,
57th September
332.[65] Mizoram and Arunachal
Pradesh Legislative
Enforced Prime
No. Amendments Objectives President
since Minister
Enforced Prime
No. Amendments Objectives President
since Minister
Provision to publish
authentic Hindi
Insert article translation of constitution
9 December
58th 394A. as on date and provision
Amend part 22.[66] to publish authentic Hindi
translation of future
Emergency powers
Amend article 356. applicable to State of
6 January
63rd Remove article Punjab, accorded in
359A.[71] Article 359A as per
amendment 59 repealed.
To provide for a P. V.
legislative assembly and Narasimha
Insert articles
1 February council of ministers for Rao
69th 239AA and
1992[6] National Capital Territory
of Delhi. Delhi continues
to be a Union Territory.
Enforced Prime
No. Amendments Objectives President
since Minister
Provide reservation to
Amend article 5 December Scheduled Tribes in
332.[80] 1992 Tripura State Legislative
Enable continuance of
69% reservation in Tamil
Amend schedule 31 August Nadu by including the
9.[84] 1994 relevant Tamil Nadu Act
under 9th Schedule of the
A technical amendment
Amend article 17 June to protect reservation to
16.[85] 1995 SCs and STs Employees
in promotions.
Permit relaxation of
qualifying marks and
Amend article other criteria in
82nd September
335.[90] reservation in promotion
for SCs and STs
Exempt Arunachal
8 Pradesh from reservation
Amend article
83rd September for Scheduled Castes in
2000 Panchayati Raj
A technical amendment
to protect Consequential
Amend article 4 January
85th seniority in case of
16.[93] 2002
promotions of SCs and
STs Employees.
Enforced Prime
No. Amendments Objectives President
since Minister
28 Reservation in Assam
Amend article
90th September Assembly relating to
2003 Bodoland Territory Area.
Amend schedule Substituted "Odia" in the
96th [104]
8. place of "Oriya".
Exchange of certain
enclave territories with
Bangladesh and
conferment of citizenship
Amendment of
31 July rights to residents of
100th First Schedule to
2015 enclaves consequent to
signing of Land Boundary
Agreement (LBA) Treaty
between India and
Addition of articles
246A, 269A, 279A.
Deletion of Article
Amendment of
Introduced the Goods and
101st articles 248, 249, 1 July 2017
Services Tax.
250, 268, 269, 270,
271, 286, 366, 368,
Sixth Schedule,
Enforced Prime
No. Amendments Objectives President
since Minister
A maximum of 10%
Reservation for
Economically Weaker
Sections (EWSs) of
citizens of classes other
Amendment to than the classes
Article 15, added mentioned in clauses (4)
Clause [6], and (5) of Article 15, i.e.
12 January
103rd Classes other than
Amendment to 2019
socially and educationally
Article 16, added
backward classes of
Clause [6].[115]
citizens or the Scheduled
Castes and the Scheduled
Tribes. Inserted Clause [6]
under Article 15 as well
as Inserted Clause [6]
under Article 16.
judgement of 11 May
2021, which had
empowered only the
Central government for
such identification.[119]
To reserve one-third of
the seats in the Lok
Amended article Sabha(330A), state
239AA. legislative
assemblies(332A) and Droupadi
106th Insertion of September
Delhi Legislative Murmu
articles 330A, 2023[120]
Assembly(239AA) for
332A, 334A.
women for a period for 15
years after coming effect.
See also
3. "Constitution Amendment: Nature and Scope of the Amending Process, (page 10)" (https://web.archiv (PDF). Lok Sabha
Secretariat. Archived from the original ( (PDF) on 3
December 2013. Retrieved 1 December 2013.
4. Krishnamurthi, Vivek (2009). "Colonial Cousins: Explaining India and Canada's Unwritten Constitutional
Principles" (
Krishnamurthy.pdf) (PDF). Yale Journal of International Law. 34 (1): 219. Archived from the original (h
ttp:// (PDF) on 4 March 2016.
5. "First Amendment" (
end/amend1.htm) . Archived from the original (
d/amend1.htm) on 22 April 2008. Retrieved 19 November 2011.
7. "THE CONSTITUTION (FIRST AMENDMENT) ACT, 1951|Legislative Department | Ministry of Law and
Justice | GoI" ( .
n/jonew/judis/8854.pdf) (PDF). Supreme Court of India.
111. "16 States ratified National Judicial Appointments Commission Bill, 2014" (
1) . 29 December 2014. Archived (
n-bill-2014-1419859039-1) from the original on 18 June 2018. Retrieved 2 January 2019.
117. "Anglo Indian Representation To Lok Sabha, State Assemblies Done Away; SC-ST Reservation
Extended For 10 Years: Constitution (104th Amendment) Act To Come Into Force On 25th Jan" (http
s:// . 23 January 2020. Retrieved 25 January 2020.
118. "The Constitution (One Hundred and fifth amendment) Act 2021" (
2C%202021_1.pdf) (PDF). Ministry of Law and Justice. Retrieved 29 May 2022.
119. "Lok Sabha clears Bill restoring States' rights to specify OBC groups" (
e) . The Hindu. 11 August 2021. Retrieved 29 May 2022.
120. "Women's reservation Bill gets President's assent, becomes law" (
dia/womens-reservation-bill-gets-presidents-assent-8962038/) . The Indian Express. 29 September
2023. Retrieved 30 September 2023.
External links