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Aebi Terratrac

Implement carrier for steep slopes - municipal

The Company Aebi

An ASH Group company

The ASH Group has a total of 1,300 employees and manufactures its products at facilities in Germany, the Nether-
lands, Norway, Poland and Switzerland. As part of the group, the Aebi Division in Burgdorf, Switzerland, is a leading
global manufacturer of machines for the safe mechanical management and maintenance of steep slopes and parti-
cularly challenging terrain.

Heading for success with innovative technology Swiss quality – More than a promise
As traditional Swiss company, Aebi has been manufactu- Aebi offers an extensive range of vehicles and machines
ring innovative implement carriers and vehicles for for challenging green space maintenance as well as
more than 130 years. These decades of comprehensive municipal and winter service operations. Our products
experience and the employees’ technical know-how meet the highest requirements and, in this, have only one
make Aebi a reliable and competent partner for custo- goal: your satisfaction. Swiss Quality is thus more than a
mers around the world. promise – it is our conviction.

Sustainable Our service is wherever you are

Sustainable means the long service life that Aebi We want our customers to receive all-round great care
products are known for and a guaranteed supply of even after making their purchase. The efficient Aebi
spare parts over many years. For us, sustainability begins spare parts centres and the close-knit network of
in the development of our products. State-of-the-art dealers ensure prompt service in your proximity. We
technologies help to ensure that energy consumption is work hard to ensure that the Aebi service technicians
kept as low as possible during production. Saving energy receive regular and comprehensive training, and are
and thus reducing CO2 emissions, avoiding waste and thus always on the cutting edge of technology.
optimising the waste flows, as well as using renewable
energy sources, is part of our daily responsibility.

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Welcome to your new comfort zone

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Brilliant and unequalled – Aebi Terratrac

Ride comfort and ease of operation

Q Generously dimensioned driver’s cab with air-conditioning
unit (TT206/211 option)
Q Ergonomically designed cockpit
Q Operation via multifunctional control lever
Q All-wheel steering for outstanding manoeuvrability
Q Swivelling, air-cushioned comfort seat (option)
Q Vibration damping

Powerful and clean

Q Aebi TT280 turbo diesel 80 kW (109 HP) stage IIIB
Q Aebi TT240 turbo diesel 55 kW (75 HP) stage IIIA
Q Aebi TT211 turbo diesel 53 kW (72 HP) stage IIIB
Q Aebi TT206 naturally aspirated diesel 37 kW (50 HP) stage IIIA

Continuously variable
Q Optimum operating speed continuously adjustable
Q Precise manoeuvrability and easy change of direction
Q No need to clutch
Q Smooth and shock-free start
Q Hydrostatic drive with excellent brake action

Easy to maintain
Q Low-maintenance diesel engines
Q Easy access to components that require maintenance
Q Easy filling of liquid tanks
Q Folding cooling system

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Enhanced safety
Q Safety-tested driver’s cab
Q Single-handed operation of key functions
Q All-wheel drive
Q Constant positive engagement between engine and wheels

Q Multi-purpose application
Q Economical diesel engines
Q ECO drive reduces fuel consumption
Q Use of wide attachments yields high surface capacity

Q Attachment points at front and rear
Q All-year multi-purpose application
Q Easy and quick change of attachments

At home on sloping terrain

Q Designed for safe operation on extremely steep terrain
Q Low centre of gravity and optimum weight distribution
Q Low unladen weight
Q Twin tyres at front and rear (option)

Gentle on the ground

Q Low ground contact pressure protects the grass cover
Q Wide-profile tyres
Q No soil compaction

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Easy work - with intelligent technology that

This is what all Terratrac models have in store for you

Variable-speed drive, intelligent technology and generously dimensioned deluxe driver’s cab combined with vari-
ous steering modes and front lifting gears with side shift make the Terratrac a vehicle that impresses with excep-
tionally high performance. Together with a both fresh and functional design, the steep-slope implement carrier
becomes a vehicle that promises a great deal of driving pleasure.

Continuously variable Variable-speed drive

The variable-speed hydrostatic drive brings nothing
but benefits in practical application and has clearly
established itself in steep-slope implement carriers.
The continuous adjustment of the driving speed,
precise manoeuvrability, the constant positive
engagement between engine and wheels and the
excellent, wear-free brake action of the hydrostatic
drive are premium features that increase efficiency,
save fuel and offer maximum safety.

Adaptation to the ground

The front axle can be twisted in relation to the rear end,
which accommodates the engine and the driver’s cab.
As a result of this, the vehicle can precisely adapt
to the terrain. The integrated torsion damping acts
progressively up to the end position, preventing the
vehicle from tipping over in extreme situations.

Hydraulic weight transfer

Thanks to the hydraulic weight transfer system the attachment does not have to be manually adjusted to the
terrain profile - this handles the technology for you. Automatically! The combination with the lateral pendulum-
type suspension allows for precise adaptation to the terrain, ensuring clean operation.

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thinks for itself

Smart work thanks couplings

Thanks to intelligent linked technology it is possible to
automatically switch on the steering wheel when lifting
the front linkage and simultaneously raise the rear lin-
kage. This saves time and simplifies the work.

Vibration damping
The hydraulic system counterbalances vibrations
between the Terratrac and the attachments to prevent
shocks. This allows for faster shifting operations, in
addition to protecting the driver and the vehicle.

Well-balanced weight distribution

The ground pressure of the individual wheels is well
balanced in the Terratrac. This increases the vehicle’s
slope efficiency, protects the ground and reduces
wear on the tyres.

Aebi TT280 and TT240: Torsen / T-Traction

The Torsen centre differential ensures continuous distribution of the drive torque to all four wheels. This protects
drive components and wheels, while also being easy on the ground. The optionally available T-Traction prevents
front or rear wheels with no appropriate counterweight from slipping in challenging situations.

Four steering modes

In all Terratrac models, the touch of a button enables you to choose between front, all-wheel, rear or crab
steering (rear and crab steering are optionally available with the TT211/TT206). Zero-point adjustment takes place

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Best possible soil protection and optional fe

Three different tyre variants are available as part of the standard equipment. Depending on the type of
application, you can select the appropriate profile and fit twin tyres at the front or rear. This additionally reduces
the ground contact pressure, increasing the vehicle’s slope efficiency and thus also its safety.

Aebi TT280 / Aebi TT240

440/50 R17 Terra 425/55 R17 AS 440/50 R17 Terra 425/55 R17 AS 505/50 R17 turf
7.50-18/17 7.50-18/17 (only TT280)

Aebi TT211 / Aebi TT206

31x15.50-15 Terra 31x15.50-15 AS 31x15.50-15 Terra 31x15.50-15 AS

6.50-16/15.0 6.50-16/15.0

Ground contact pressure

The wide-profile low-pressure tyres and the optionally available front and rear twin tyres provide a large contact
surface and firm grip on any terrain. Together with the Terratrac’s low unladen weight, this reduces the ground
contact pressure, ensuring maximum protection of the grass cover and virtually eliminating soil compaction.

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atures for the driver’s cab, variable-speed drive

Changing gears is a thing of the past. Aebi is on the

move with variable-speed drives!
Q Simultaneous actuation of hydraulics and drive without changing hands by
using the multifunctional control lever offers unmatched ease of operation
and ride comfort. The need for clutching and changing gears is eliminated,
enabling the driver to fully concentrate on his work.
Q Continuous adjustment of driving speed to the respective operation
increases efficiency and saves fuel.
Q Various speed ranges can be selected.
Q Constant wheel traction and considerably improved brake action of the
hydrostatic drive compared to mechanical gears substantially increase
Q Precise manoeuvrability and change of direction with the greatest of ease.
In practical application, this yields a significant increase in operating

Convenient access Work lamps

The low-floor access enabled by the wide door opening The adjustable work lamps are integrated in the roof
offers a great deal of comfort. of the Aebi TT280/TT211/TT206 and are part of the
standard equipment. Optional equipment includes front
Comfort seat and swivelling mechanism work lamps in the Aebi TT240 as well as rear work
The comfort seat can be equipped with air suspension lamps in all TT models. The high position of the lamps
and/or a mechanial (TT206/TT211 with an automatical) ensures optimum illumination of both the front and the
swivelling meachanism. The air suspension absorbs rear area.
strong shocks and the swivelling mechanism enables
the driver to sit upright on sloping terrain. These Front and rear hydraulics
options noticeably increase the ride comfort. The powerful front and rear lifting gears make it possible
to operate a wide range of attachments simultaneously.
The hydraulic side shift at the front is fitted as standard.
When mounting or demounting the attachments, the
raising and lowering function can be conveniently
operated from the outside.

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Equipped with a great variety of attachments, the Terratrac models are highly versatile in application.
This multi-purpose use allows for all-year application, increases the operating time and guarantees
economical operation.

For challenging applications – at any time of the year!

Aebi TT280: Terratrac of superlatives

Powerful propulsion is provided by a clean stage-IIIB

turbo diesel engine with an output of 80 kW (109 HP).
The excellent torque increase allows for accelerating
the engine quickly and powerfully from low speeds. The
optimum operating speed can be adjusted continuously
using the electronically controlled drive lever and any
difference in torque on the wheels is automatically
balanced out by the Torsen differential, resulting in
unequalled driveability and protection of both the drive
train and the ground. The automatically acting parking
brake offers utmost safety in any situation. Even heavy
and wide attachments with high power requirements
can be operated simultaneously at the front and rear.
In terms of both technology and performance, the
Aebi TT280 is the undisputed champion among all
steep-slope implement carriers.

Aebi TT280 chassis

Encompassing sturdy axles, all-wheel
steering, a lateral, centrally arranged
engine and ideally positioned lifting
gears, the chassis provides for well-
balanced weight distribution, thus
making the vehicle eminently suitable
for use on steep slopes.

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Turbo diesel engine:
Powerful with enormous torque
The high-performance turbo diesel engine
boasts a high torque of 420 Nm and excellent
torque increase. Drivers notice this tremendous
development of power especially when working
at lower engine speeds. The best torque is
available between 1100 and 1400 1/min. Within
this speed range, the turbo diesel runs very
smoothly and economically. Even when working
with heavy attachments, the Aebi TT280 still has
power in reserve.

Torque (Nm) Output (kW)

Engine speed (1/min)

Turbo diesel VM R754IE4 / IIIB

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Aebi TT280

Cooling system
Well-protected from dust, the efficient cooling elements
are positioned above the engine and can be folded
up separately. When open, the coolers are easy to
clean and the engine compartment becomes easily

Four drive programmes Automatic Drive Control (ADC)

• Road operation: 100% of the engine output acts on The ADC automatically adjusts the maximum possible
the drive. Full torque already at 1300 1/min. driving speed to the attachment’s power requirements.
• Mowing: 30-70% of the engine output acts on the At maximum overloading, the drive power is reduced
drive. Full torque at 1400 1/min. and the engine speed is increased again as soon as the
• Snow cutting: 10-20% of the engine output acts on power requirement on the PTO shaft is reduced. The
the drive. Full torque at 2000 1/min. Terratrac’s driving speed is increased again without the
• Proportional: 30-70% of the engine output acts on driver having to intervene, enabling the engine to run
the drive. Automotive or proportional driving is economically within the optimum speed range.
selected at the touch of a button.
On-board computer
TipTronic Automatic operations can be programmed easily
The TipTronic speed levels can be programmed indivi- and individually. Detailed information about the
dually from 6 (standard setting) to 40. The TipTronic performance data, settings and the vehicle’s condition
levels can be changed at the touch of a button. is continuously shown to the driver on a large display.

ECO drive
The engine speed is reduced while the driving
speed remains constant, resulting in reduced fuel
consumption and a lower noise level.

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Multifunctional control lever and membrane keyboard
The key control element is the multifunctional control
lever featuring several buttons and two multiple
switches. Direction of travel, driving speed and
key functions are activated with the right hand. Other
settings are made by the driver via the membrane
keyboard. The combination of all these features yields
excellent, straightforward and easy operation.

The low-level access to the spacious cockpit is very convenient.
The comfort seat instantly makes the driver feel comfortable. All
control elements are arranged ergonomically with a perfect view
of the attachments. Even on hot days, the Climatronic system fitted
as standard continuously ensures pleasant temperatures in the
enclosed, dust-proof driver’s cab.
The Terratrac’s sturdy but lightweight design and high-performance engines yield an excellent
power-to-weight ratio. Moreover, the Terratrac is simply perfect on sloping terrain and, thanks to
the all-wheel steering, highly manoeuvrable.

The unrivalled champion – with guaranteed mobility

and soil protection
Aebi TT240: Perfect, tried and tested technolo

The Aebi TT240 is positioned in the mid-range of the Terratrac series. The turbo diesel engine delivers 55 kW (75 HP)
and complies with the stage-IIIA emission standard. The deluxe driver’s cab has exactly the same dimensions as
that of the Aebi TT280. With its compact outer width of less than 2 m, the Aebi TT240 is also perfectly suited for
application in confined space. The multifunctional control lever makes it possible to operate 24 functions, while
adjusting the driving speed at the same time. The automatic parking brake takes effect when the lever is in zero
position, when the ignition is switched off or when the brake switch is actuated manually. This ensures a high level
of safety. The reliable and sophisticated technology and the premium features of the TT240 meet high demands.

Multifunctional control lever and membrane keyboard On-board computer

The key control element is the multifunction control Automatic operations can be programmed easily
lever featuring several buttons. Direction of travel, and individually. Detailed information about the
driving speed and key functions, such as raising performance data, settings and the vehicle’s condition
and lowering the front and rear lifting gear, weight is continuously shown to the driver on a large display.
compensation or side shift, are activated with the right
hand. Coupling of front and rear lifting gear, differential Cooling system
locks or additional lighting can easily be programmed Well-protected from dust, the efficient cooling elements
or controlled via the membrane keyboard. are positioned above the engine and can be folded
up separately. When open, the coolers are easy to
clean and the engine compartment becomes easily

The spacious cockpit instantly makes every driver feel
comfortable. The all-round view is magnificent and all
control elements are arranged ergonomically. The
Climatronic system fitted as standard continuously
ensures pleasant temperatures in the enclosed,
dust-proof driver’s cab.
Torque (Nm) Output (kW)


Engine speed 1/min

Turbo diesel VM D754TE3 / IIIA Turbo diesel:
Powerful with enormous torque
The high-performance turbo diesel
engine boasts a high torque and
excellent torque increase. The best
torque is available at 1600 1/min.
Working within this speed range is
fuel-saving and ensures smooth
running of the turbo diesel engine.

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The cutting-edge drive technology, the extremely low centre of gravity and the
wide-profile tyres combined with the simple and straightforward operating concept and
the spacious driver’s cab offer maximum safety and spoil the driver with a great deal of

Among the best – sleek design, ultra-modern

cockpit and enormous power
Aebi TT211 and Aebi TT206: Two compact mo

These two compact Terratrac models are characterised The turbo diesel engine of the Aebi TT211
by low weight, outstanding manoeuvrability and an ama- The high-performance turbo diesel engine with integrated
zing design, clean and high-torque diesel engines and a particulate filter generates 53 kW (72 HP), exhibits
user-friendly operating concept. The deluxe driver’s cab high torque and complies with the stage-IIIB emission
offers ample space and features useful details, such as standard. The best torque is available at 1500 1/min.
mobile phone and bottle holder, document compartment
and universal box, to keep things tidy. The multifunctional The naturally aspirated diesel engine of the Aebi TT206
control lever with colour-coded buttons allows the driver The naturally aspirated diesel engine generates 37 kW
to keep everything under control. The vibration damping (50 HP), exhibits strong torque increase and complies
package fitted as standard protects both the driver and with the stage-IIIA emission standard. The best torque
the machine, enabling faster shifting operations with is available at 1600 1/min.
attachments mounted. This permits users to substantially
increase their work efficiency and makes the vehicle
even more user-friendly. As a result, even lengthy and
tough operations become an enjoyable ride.
Torque (Nm) Output (kW)

Engine speed 1/min

Turbo diesel Kubota V2607-CRT/IIIB (TT211)

Torque (Nm) Output (kW)

Engine speed 1/min

Turbo diesel Kubota V2607-DI/IIIA (T206)

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dels at their very best

Aebi TT211/TT206 chassis

Encompassing sturdy axles, all-wheel
steering, a lateral, centrally arranged
engine and ideally positioned lifting gears,
the compact chassis provide for well-
balanced weight distribution, thus making
the vehicle eminently suitable for use on
steep slopes

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Aebi TT211 and Aebi TT206

Generously dimensioned cooler

The cooler is positioned above the engine and can
be folded back easily for cleaning, making the engine
compartment easy to access for maintenance work.

External operation of front and rear hydraulics

The attachments can be changed via the front and
rear lifting gears quickly and without any tools. The
hydraulic side shift at the front makes it possible
to precisely adapt the attachments to the respective
operating conditions. The external operation for raising/
lowering the front and rear lifting gears is complemen-
ted by control buttons for activating the auxiliary
hydraulic system.

The operating concept

The multifunctional display unit featuring a colour display informs the driver about all important data. The
multifunctional control lever is equipped with coloured pushbuttons and multiple switches. The colour-coding
makes the operation very easy and safe. Many functions can be activated directly with the toggle switches
situated below the display unit. The on-board computer is operated with ease using the two buttons on both sides
of the display instrument. They make it possible to calibrate settings such as weight compensation or to adjust the
coupling between steering mode as well as front- and rear-mounted attachment. These settings are then applied
automatically to considerably facilitate practical operation and offer the driver more operational comfort.

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Practical details
Slot-type mobile phone holder, holder for bottles of up to 1.5 l, universal box and
stowage compartment help keep the driver’s cab tidy and the useful tool box is
accommodated in a holder in the engine compartment. The work lamps are

Multifunctional control lever with colour-coded buttons

The key control element is the multifunctional control lever featuring several
buttons. Direction of travel, driving speed and key functions, such as raising
and lowering the front and rear lifting gear, weight compensation or side shift,
are activated with the right hand.

The state-of-the-art cockpit impresses with its generous dimensions and
harmonious design. The all-round view is magnificent and all control elements
are arranged ergonomically. The fully glazed driver’s cab is optionally available
with heating system and dust filter as well as an air-conditioning unit. All in all,
this additional equipment greatly enhances convenience and the pleasantly
cool and dust-free working environment improves safety.
Unlimited polyvalence

The Terratrac – Performs wide-ranging special tasks

gently and with the greatest of ease
The Terratrac are not only eminently suitable for use
on sloping or challenging terrain, but are also very
gentle on the ground. This is enabled by key factors
such as low unladen weight, state-of-the-art chassis,
wide-profile low-pressure tyres and variable-speed
hydrostatic drive. The advanced chassis concept
protects the grass cover to the greatest possible
extent while ensuring firm grip on steep or snow-
covered roads with the locks switched on. A vast
selection of attachments covers a wide range of
customer requirements and makes the Terratrac
extremely polyvalent.

Summer service

Winter service

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Municipal service

Sports ground maintenance

Special tasks

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Summer service

The Terratrac is the ideal choice when it comes to mowing operations. Soil protection thanks to low unladen
weight and wide-profile low-pressure tyres, excellent slope efficiency and high-performance engines yield
an efficient, one-of-a-kind combination. These advantages and a great number of other applications make it
possible to utilise the basic vehicle to full capacity, thus enabling economical operation.

Fine lawn maintenance is done using
rotary mowers. The attached suction
container additionally collects the cut-
tings. Rotary mowers with movable
mower decks precisely adapt to the ter-
rain and reach operating widths of well
above two metres.

Equipped with a flail mower, the Ter-
ratrac mows steep motorway or road
embankments extremely quickly. Inter-
ference with the traffic flow is kept to a
minimum, since the vehicle does not
operate on the hard shoulder or the
road, but directly on the embankment.

By the way: at the TT280 the automatic

drive control automatically adjusts the
maximum possible driving speed to the
attachment’s power requirements. At
maximum overloading, the drive power
is reduced and the engine speed is in-
creased again as soon as the power
requirement on the PTO shaft is re-
duced. The Terratrac’s driving speed is
increased again without the driver hav-
ing to intervene, enabling the engine to
run economically within the optimum
speed range.

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Nature conservation
The Terratrac mows reed-grown
areas with the greatest of ease. If the
soil is too wet, even crawler tracks
can be fitted to prevent the Terratrac
from sinking in it. To protect the
fauna, gently operating portal cutter
bars are often used, which have
a large operating width but a low
unladen weight.

Dyke maintenance
The grass cover at dykes must
always be kept short to prevent
colonisation by small animals. In high
water, their tunnels and holes would
fill with water and thus be destroyed.
The Terratrac is perfectly suited for
mowing operations at dykes. The
sensitive grass cover is protected,
while the high mowing performance
ensures efficient operation at
extensive dykes. The swivelling
mechanism permits the driver to
correct his driving position,
enabling him to continue his work
on sloping terrain in a convenient
upright position.

Ski run maintenance

Snow can easily slip off flattened,
long grass. To prevent this, ski runs
need to be mulched before onset of
winter. Equipped with a mulching
mower, the Terratrac is the solution
of choice for such work on extremely
steep terrain. The cuttings are
chopped and can thus be left in
place, eliminating the need for
time-consuming collection.

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Municipal service

Municipalities have diversified tasks. The Terratrac can perform a wide range of different tasks and can be used at
any time of the year. Mowing, transporting, sweeping, collecting foliage and many other tasks are handled by
the Terratrac quickly and sustainably. Where drivers are changed quite often, ease of operation and outstanding
manoeuvrability with the variable-speed drive are of great advantage. Working in the ergonomically designed
deluxe driver’s cab equipped with an automatic air-conditioning unit is pure pleasure.

Green space maintenance Transport

Various green spaces can be maintained optimally Trailers make it possible to transport high loads. The
using flail, rotary, disc or side mowers. The combination variable-speed drive makes reversing manoeuvres
of mower and suction unit makes it possible to exceptionally smooth and accurate. Smaller transports
collect the cuttings in a single pass. can also be performed with a front shovel.

Cleaning of traffic roads Stationary power source

Roads and pathways can be cleared of foliage in Attachments, such as performance leafe blower,
autumn by means of the fan and coarse dirt is swept shredders or water pumps, can also be powered while
aside by the brush, like the Schmidt VKS 24. In addition, stationary via the PTO shaft.
professional snow clearance and de-icing in winter is
one of the Terratrac’s specialities.

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Sports ground maintenance

The Terratrac is perfectly suited for manifold maintenance tasks on challenging sports grounds. Whether it is
football grounds, training areas, large school sports grounds or polo fields: Equipped with the appropriate
attachments, the Terratrac is capable of maintaining a wide variety of grass-covered areas gently and highly

Sports ground maintenance and construction Golf course maintenance

Alongside mowing operations, lawn maintenance with The Terratrac is ideally suited for the maintenance of
aerator, cultivator, harrow, overseeder and many other fairways and roughs using various mowing systems,
attachments is also possible. When it comes to the sweepers, aerators, scarifiers, topdressers, fertiliser
construction of new grounds, the Terratrac also offers spreaders, seeders and a wide variety of other attach-
a great deal of advantages, permitting operations with ments. The Terratrac is also highly efficient during the
a rotary cultivator, rotary harrow, stone rake or seeder. development or conversion phase of golf courses.
The high PTO output, the powerful lifting gears and the
low unladen weight compared to large and heavy
machines offer true benefits, especially as regards soil

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Winter service

Snow clearance with the Terratrac is just fun. Driving at variable speed precisely adapted to the operating
conditions, changing the direction of travel by simply pulling back the multifunctional control lever, raising, lowering
and swivelling the snow plough at the touch of a button: Everything is running like clockwork, with the greatest of
ease and at an unbeatable speed. The Terratrac also comes up trumps with its snow cutter. The driver can select
the most appropriate steering mode for the specific application. The driving speed is adjusted continuously to work
within the optimum speed range. The attachable spreader can also perform de-icing work. No doubt, the Terratrac
is also a full professional when it comes to snow clearance.

Snow ploughing Snow cutting

With premium features such as all-wheel drive, easy The variable-speed drive allow for selecting the maxi-
manoeuvrability and excellent handling, and equipped mum possible operating speed with changing amounts
with a snow plough, for example a Schmidt Tarron of snow, thereby ensuring maximum efficiency.
Compact or a Schmidt KL-V, the Terratrac clears even
larger amounts of snow quickly and reliably. De-icing
Snow clearing and de-icing operations can be
performed simultaneously using the combination of
front-mounted snow plough and rear-mounted or towed

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Special tasks

Equipped with crawler tracks, the Terratrac can also be used in snow-covered areas and in wetland. The large
ground contact surface of the crawler tracks and the low weight of the Terratrac prevent the vehicle from sinking
into the ground. The crawler tracks can also be replaced by Terra tyres.

With a high torque as well as smooth acceleration and deceleration, the Terratrac is also capable of towing
airplanes or sensitive cargo safely and with great care. The Terratrac’s fields of application are nearly unlimited
and new ones are being continuously added.

Mowing in wetland Overhead winch

The large ground contact surface of the crawler tracks With the overhead winch (option) for the TT280 moun-
minimises the ground contact pressure, enabling the tainous areas or slopes, which can be processed only with
Terratrac to also perform mowing operations in wetland difficulty due to the extreme steep slopes, are no longer
or on terrains with limited bearing capacity without insurmountable hurdle.
sinking into it.
Hose installation
Slope maintenance Using the front-mounted hose reel, the Terratrac is
Equipped with crawler tracks and appropriate attach- capable of quickly installing and winding up lines, even on
ments, the Terratrac can also be used to create and difficult terrain.
maintain cross-country ski tracks and sledge runs.

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Aebi TT280

Turning circles and track widths

Single tyres Twin tyres Track widths
Aebi TT280 3300 mm 4150 mm 1682 mm
Aebi TT240 3300 mm** / 3600 mm* 4100 mm*** 1532 mm* / 1602 mm**
Aebi TT206/TT211 3000 mm 3300 mm 1520 mm

*Width TT240: 1960 mm, rim ET66

**Width TT240: 2050 mm, rim ET20
***Twin tyres only available with rim ET20

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Aebi TT240

Aebi TT211/TT206

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Technical specifications Aebi TT206
Engine and drive
Engine type / Emission standard Kubota V2607-DI / lllA
Diesel engine kW / HP / 1/min Diesel / 37 / 50 / 2700
Cylinders / Cubic capacity / cm³ 4 / 2615
Max. torque / torque increase / at rpm Nm / % / 1/min 170 / 32 / 1600
Consumption g/kWh 218
Variable-speed hydrostatic drive 
Speed slow / fast range km/h 0 – 12 / 0 – 40
PTO speed front / rear 1/min 570 / 590
Electrohydraulic PTO clutch -

Chassis and tyres

Centre differential Torsen / T-Traction -/-
Front, all-wheel, rear and crab steering  / / Option
Turning circle mm 3000
Basic tyres 31x15.50-15
Twin tyres at front and rear Option

Driver’s cab and equipment

Fully glazed driver‘s cab with heating and defrosting unit Option
Bottle holder / Universal box / Mobile phone holder / Document compartment ///
Radio preparation 
Air-conditioning unit manual / automatic Option / -
On-board computer -
Multifunctional control lever 
Parking brake manual / automatic /-

Lifting gears
Side lift adjustment mm - 200
Lifting capacity front / rear kg 1300 / 1200
Vibration damping for road operation front / rear  / Option

Dimensions and weights

Length incl. lifting gears mm 3550
Width with single tyres mm 1890
Width with twin tyres mm 2330
Height mm 2090
Unladen weight / Total weight kg 1850 / 3000
Diesel tank capacity l 70
Aebi TT211 Aebi TT240 Aebi TT280

Kubota V2607-CRT / lllB VM D754TE3 / lllA VM R754IE4 / lllB

Turbodiesel / 53 / 72 / 2700 Turbodiesel / 55 / 75 / 2600 Turbodiesel / 80 / 109 / 2600
4 / 2615 4 / 2970 4 / 2970
232 / 24 / 1500 250 / 24 / 1600 420 / 43 / 1100
210 236 217
0 – 12 / 0 – 40 0 – 20 / 0 – 40 0 – 20 / 0 - 40
570 / 590 550/1090 / 580/760 550/1090 / 580/760

-/-  / Option  / Option

 /  / Option /// ///
3000 3300 3300
31x15.50-15 440/50 R17 440/50 R17
Option Option Option

/// //- /- //- /-
Option / - -/ -/
/- -/ -/

+ + +
- 200 - 230 - 315
1300 / 1200 1400 / 1400 2000 / 1800
 / Option  / Option  / Option

3550 3940 4090

1890 1960 / 2050 2110
2330 2560 2620
2090 2130 2220
1900 / 3000 2500 / 3700 2800 / 4200
70 85 90
Aebi TT280 flail mower Aebi TT280 subsoiler

Aebi TT280 sweeping brush Aebi TT280 front loader

Aebi TT280 side flail mower Aebi TT280 snow cutter

Aebi TT240 Triplex rotary mower Aebi TT240 rotary mower

Aebi TT 211 with Schmidt Traxos spreader Aebi TT240 lawn sweeper

Aebi TT240 subsoiler Aebi TT240 overseeder

Aebi TT206 trailer Aebi TT211 snow cutter

Aebi TT211 flail mower Aebi TT240 with Schmidt snow plough
Status 11/2015 Copyright © Aebi Schmidt Holding AG. All rights reserved. Errors and amendments excepted.

Aebi Schmidt Holding AG Scan and experience the Technical specifications subject to change.
Marketing and Communication ASH Group on YouTube Photographs are not binding.


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