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Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educator

The Effective Teacher as a person…

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Core Values (TIU3)

Inspiration Responsibility

Additional Notes:
Psychology 101 Review (TIU5)
Behaviorism Cognitivism Constructivists Humanism

Learning is a Belief that the Laerners bring Focuses on human

change in behavior learner is like a their own past freedom, dignity,
caused by an computer. A experiences and and potential
external stimulus. change in cultural factors
Brief Rewarding and knowledge is into every situation
Description: punishing certain stored in memory
behavior will cause not just a behavior.
that behavior to Focus more on
either be repeated mental process
or not.

Ivan Pavlov Jean Piaget Lev Vygotsky Abraham Harold

BF Skinner John Dewey Maslow
Albert Bandura Erik Erikson
Benjamin Bloom
Howard Gardner
Jerome Bruner

3. 6. 9.

2. 5. 8.
1. the Brain for Learning – 4.
The Neuro Nine (TIU6) 7.

Stages of Development (TIU7) Routing Rehearsing
Social Emotional Physical Mental Characteristics /
Rigor Re-exposing Recognizing
Relevance Retaining Retrieval
Management of Become stronger, Think and reason, Self sufficient, ask
2 -4 yr olds questions, tell
feelings, friends thin out use letters, numbers,
colors stories, imitate,
write name, hand

5- 8 yr olds Attachment to
friends, adult Slower growth rate, Logical thinking, Physical activity
attention, muscle coordination learn to write letters teaches best,
competitive, and control uneven, and numbers, begin wrapped up in self,
physical activity, small motor skill to read, value money thinking is concrete,
realistic fears, develop sensitive to criticism
success=positive self
concept Abstract thinking Active learning
9-11 yr olds begins, sense of because boundless
Peer groups Range of height and moral, attention span energy,
important, loud and weight, coordinated can go for hours independence by
rude, independent, as adults, disobedience give
attitude, overstimulated attention, don’t like
disobedience comparisons with
Sense of humor others so compare
Comfortable Rapid growth Abstract, cognitive Change at different
interacting with activities rates so need varied
peers, both sexes, experiences, sex
12-14 yr olds
interaction in groups

Detach from parents, Question uncertainty, Want a strong voice

feel mature but don’t Full motor capacity, sarcasm, reason, provide suggestions,
want responsibilities, deep voice body hypotheticals status, encouragment
15-18 yr olds peer approval hair, sweaty

Hattie’s most effective influences on instruction (throughout SS)

What is Academic Language? (SS1)

Oral, written, or visual language students need to understand, communicate, and perform.

Strategies to teach the Vocabulary (SS1)

2. 4.

1. 3.

Tomlinson’s Strategies for Differentiation (note at least 4) (SS2)

Word wall Frayer model

Tiered instruction- changes level of complexity or readiness of key concepts

Anchoring activities- Wheel
activities students may do when they have free time afterofthey
have completed an
Flexible grouping- allows students to be appropriately challenged and avoids labeling
Compacting curriculum- can assess a students knowledge and skills
Cues & Questions

Summarizing & Notetaking

Similarities / Differences

Advanced Organizers

Graphic Organizers

Cooperative Grouping
Marzano’s Strategies for Success (SS4 – SS9) – Provide 2 examples of each
Example 1 Example 2

Think, pair, share

Bloom’s Verbs and Technology Apps (SS9 and SS11) Jigsaw learning model

Create This is questioning where you use your best judgement based on the criteria. Words like
generate,Anchor chart
conclude, Fishbone
produce, decide, defend, justify, organizer
and support .
KWL Chart
Slideshow creator; animation drawVenn diagram
Evaluating is putting elements together to create a new concept. Uses verbs like
critique, categorize, is similarcombine, contrast, formulate,
collaborate, Size of groups are different
integrate, reorganize,
and revise.
APPS: google video, twitter 5 step method Cornell notes
Analyze is the breakdown of information so that the individual parts and
Analyze relationships are made clear. Verbs like diagram, differentiate, illustrate, infer,
prioritize, and correlate.
APPS: Microsoft xcel, popplet
Apply is the use of abstractions and a transfer into a new situation. Uses verbs
Apply like chart, collect, predict, produce, provide, report, solve, and use.
APPS: google docs, iRig recorder
Using questions like “what could have happened next?” or “what
differences exist between these topics?”
APPS: air table; annotate
Using questions like “remember when…?”

APPS: google; quizlet

Components of a social emotional learning program (SS12)
1. Social and emotional learning
2. Self awareness
3. Self management
4. Decision making
5. relationships

Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Teachers (SS13)

The Effective Teacher implements instruction that……

I communicate clearly to engage students

I can grow in integrating technology in the
i respond to student needs and situations My lesson plans can be more learner centered

Create a welcoming space (CBM3)

1. 1. 1. Low lighting
2. 2. Soft music
3. 3. Scentsy
2. 4. 4. Comfortable seating
5. 5. Visible pictures of me with pets, family, and friends
6. 6. Personality posters on the wall



Lemov’s techniques to “Teach like a Champion” (CBM4)
1. Technique 7: no opt out

2. Technique 8: post it

3. Technique 17: ratio part 2

4. Technique 22: cold calls

Technique 30: tight transitions


Technique 36: 100 Percent


Technique 45: warm and strict


Four Questions to redirect behavior (CBM7)

1. What are you doing?

2. What are you supposed to be doing?

3. Are you doing it?

4. What are you going to do about it?

Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educators (CBM10)

The Effective Teacher establishes classroom management and organization that…

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

1. Maintains a clean and orderly classroom Displays student work/projects
2. Maintains daily routines and procedures Has material for substitutes readily available
Categories of Disabilities in SPED (E4)
Characteristics Impact on Classroom
Autism Neuroligcal disorder, gifted or Perseverate on a topic, struggle to
delayed cognitive, id’d before pay attention, difficulty
age 3, 4:1 male to female sharing/taking turns, difficulty with
Vision/hearing loss, complete noise or visuals, cant understand big
Deaf/Blindness or incomplete picture, fidgety
Require info to be introduced
deliberately and systematically,
Difficulty w speech reading utilize ssp
Deafness and writing, use speech, lip- Special seating, in view of teacher,
reading, ASL may be first written supplements, eye contact
language prior to speaking
Hyoeractive, aggression or Inappropriate behavior, cant
Emotional Disturbance self-injury, withdrawal, maintain relationships

Hearing Impairment Language delays, easily Hearing aids, ASL, quiet

frustrated, difficulty oral environment w many visuals

Intellectual Disability Struggle w overall academics, Not working on grade level, cant
attention, memory, understand social norms, struggle to
generalizations problem solve
Multiple Disabilities Hampered speech and Require multiple services, use
communication skills, mobility alternate communication methods
challenged, assistance w
everyday tasks
Orthopedic Impairment Hard to generalize, case to No cognitive concern, integrated
case into gen ed at all time

Other Health Impairment Limited strength, vitality or

alertness, or heightened
alterness to environment

Specific Learning Disability Reading, writing, oral Slower reading rate, spelling errors,
language, math, study skills difficulty copying, memorizing,
describing, interpreting
Speech or Language Impairment Difficulty articulating, Emerge at young age, difficulty
abnormal voice, fluency and comprehending, understanding,
language disorder expressing, social interactions

Memory and attention, social Struggle to process visuals, follow

skills, emotional regulation, multi-step info, communicate,
physical grade-level work, logic
Traumatic Brain Injury

Visual Impairment Inc Blindness: spatial positioning, short attention span, sensitive to bright light

ARD Timeline Activity (E5)


#6 reevaluation



#1 30
Initial referral

Within 60
#2 Calendar
Modifications and Accommodations (E6) Days
Notice and consent for evaluation

Full individualized evaluation

Quantity- adapt the number Time Level of Support-
of items the learner is adapt the time allotted and Increase the amount of personal
expected to learn prior to allowed for learning, testing, or assistance to keep the student on
assessment for mastery task completion task, to reinforce or prompt the
use of specific skills.
Example- Reduce the Example- allowing students extra Example- periodically check on a
number of s.s. terms a learner time on a mapping assignment student while working and
must learn at any one time. increase the amount of visits to
ensure student completion

Input- Adapt the way Difficulty- adapt the skill level, Output- Adapt how the student
instruction is delivered problem type, or the rules on how can respond to instruction
the learner may approach the work
Example- instead of a Example- Allow students to
powerpoint for geography Example- Giving students a submit answers electronically
lesson, create a gallery walk partially completed mapping
of region’s geography assignment

Participation- Adapt the

extent to which a learner is
actively involved in the task

Example- Have on student

hold a globe, and their partner
points to various locations on
the assignment.
Venn Diagram of 504 and IDEA (E9)

K, L, G, I, H , D C, F, A, E, J, P,

Use the letters below and type them in the appropriate box above.

A) Requires written consent.

B) Must provide impartial hearings for parents who disagree with the identification, evaluation, or
placement of the student.
C) Enforced by U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education.
D) Requires that parents have an opportunity to participate and be represented by legal counsel –
other details are left to the discretion of the school.
E) An impartial appointee selects a hearing officer.
F) Describes specific procedures.
G) A hearing officer is usually appointed by the school.
H) No "stay-put" provisions.
I) Does not require that parents are notified prior to the student's change of placement, but they still
must be notified.
J) Provides "stay-put" provision (the student's current IEP and placement continues to be
implemented until all proceedings are resolved.
K) Enforced by U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights
L) Does not require parental consent.
P) Parents must receive ten days' notice prior to any change in placement.
3. 6.

2. 5.

1. for working with Students in Poverty
4. (E12)

Guthrie andaccess
Provide Humenick Strategies
to computers to increase
and books so studentsreadingBe
motivation (R4)
cautious of the supplies you expect the
can see material students to buy
1. 1. Provide content goals for reading
Keep high expectations2. Support student autonomy Have a shared supply box
3. Provide interesting texts
2. 4. Increase social
Don’t make comments about studentsinteractions
clothes among studentsDo relating to reading
not require costly activities





Reading Strategies to Strengthen Literacy
Strategy name
Skills (R8)
When / how to use it Define it

Comprehension. Concept sort; best used before reading—the concept compares and contrasts new
information if they know it. “concept sorts asks students to think about what they know as they
compare and contrast new information. They are lively interactive way to introduce and review
vocabulary and concepts across disciplines.” I could get students to compare and contrast using prior
knowledge of historical facts
Phonics. Matching Books to Phonics Features; gives students a chance to apply what they are learning
about letters and sounds. “Careful pairing of reading with phonics study gives children a chance to
apply what they are learning about letters and sounds to the reading of words and stories.” Sometimes
in history words can be hard to pronounce, especially foreign locations, so apply learning to letters
and sounds of cities and leaders in other countries
Writing.Semantic Gradients, a way to broaden and deepen students understanding related words;
“Semantic gradients are a way to broaden and deepen students’ understanding of related words.
Students consider a continuum of words by order of degree. Semantic gradients often begin with
antonyms, or opposites, at each end of the continuum. This strategy helps students distinguish
Echevarria et al.’s -Making content comprehensible for ELL students (R9)
Write at least 3 strategies / techniques that you could easily implement in your classroom for your content

1. Prepare the lesson Graphic organizer, jigsaw text reading, marginal notes

2. Build background Contextualizing key vocabulary, personal dictionaries, content word wall,

3. Make verbal communication understandable Appropriate speech, explanation of academic tasks,

sentence strips
4. Learning strategies (this one should be easy!) Mnemonics, “I wonder” GIST summarizing

5. Opportunities for interaction Encouraging more elaborate responses, roundtable, 3 step interview

6. Practice and application Hands-on, meaningful; writing in diary, discussing and doing

7. Lesson delivery Orally stated objective, written content objective, activities taught strong that will be
8. Review and assess Paraphrasing, authentic assessment, review of vocabulary

Reflections on the Reading STAAR (TL4)

1. #4 because students can get confused on whether or not importance of responsibility or loyal customers is
more important because at times they both seemed important

Sometimes in the story it seemed as if a change would be a good thing because he did say that they could
change sandwiches if they wanted to.

3. On 6 he seems conflicted with many things so I can see how it could be any of these answers
Reflections on the Math STAAR (TL4)
1 when the + and – are simultaneous it can be confusing and cause students to not add correctly.

On 5 if fractions is difficulty then this number line can be very confusing

3. On 3 if interquartile is not familiar to them then they will miss it because this word shows up on all 4
answer choices

Jimmy’s Report Card (TL6)

(Complete the calculations in all the colored boxes)

Mathematics NAME: Jimmy

Teacher Grades
Unit Test scores Benchmark
9 wks 1 grading Period Standards Percent Absences
average Grade

Unit 1 8.2 76 75 62 0
unit 2 8.3 86 83 75 1
Unit 3a 8.4 92 94 95 0
Unit 3b 8.5 68 71 55 4

Average Percent 81 81 72
Weighted Average
30% = 0.3
Value 40%= 0.4 30%= 0.3

Weighted Percent 76 68 78
Final Percent 78

Final Letter Grade C C10 + D10 + E10

Three professional goals for my classroom (TL8)

1. I will develop and execute world history lessons that are student-centered and include activities students
can monitor their own learning through strategies that I can model for understanding.

2. I will have a classroom that is professional, respectful, and student-centered.

3. I will continuously build my ability to develop formative and summative assessments for world history
that directly measure student’s knowledge and skills for each specific unit, as each varies.

Vision of an Educator (TL11)

Reflect on the 5 elements posted in the assignment to create your Vision statement:

In my classroom some research based strategies will be cooperative learning, identification of similarities and
differences, summarizing. Technology seen in my room will be student chromebooks, iPads, so that students may
work collaboratively as well as independently. In my lesson plans some important elements will be the use of
student-centered activities so that my lessons are not filled with lecture but rather active learning and
collaboration. Non-negotiables in my classroom is the use of the words “shut up” “stupid” and put downs because
I am big on respect and that goes for everyone at all times. To ensure all students have an equal opportunity to
master learning I will make myself aware of any needed accommodations and be sure to incorporate those into
every lesson whether it is extra time on assighnments, condensed notes, visual or auditory aids.

Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educators (TL12)

The Effective Teacher as a professional…..

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Maintains a positive attitude in difficult situations Im available for tutoring before and after school

Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educators (TL12)

The Effective Teacher monitors student progress and potential by…

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Displays consistencies in grading, no extremes Implementing formal and informal assessments



A. List 14 approved CTE Programs of Study (also known as Career Clusters) from the TEA CTE page.
B. List a CTSO for each Career Cluster from the Texas CTE page.

1. A. 2. A. 3. A.

B. B. B.

4. A. 5. A. 6. A.

B. B. B.
7. A. 8. A. 9. A.

B. B. B.

10. A. 11. A. 12. A.

B. B. B.

13. A. 14. A.

B. B.

15. Who is the state contact for your specific career cluster? Include career cluster, Name and email:

16. List at least three Industry based certifications that students could achieve in your specific career cluster.

17. While on the Texas CTE website, in the Career Cluster pages for your specific cluster, list at least three resources that
are housed here for teachers.

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