D61PXI 23 Dozer Specification

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Crawler Dozer

126 kW / 169 HP @ 2.200 rpm
D61EXi-23: 17.890 kg
D61PXi-23: 18.770 kg
The Komatsu D61EXi/PXi-23 Intelligent Machine Control dozer offers an outstanding improve-
ment in productivity with its innovative and fully automatic blade control function that performs
both rough dozing and finish grade in automatic mode. All machine control components are
integrated into the dozer at the factory, and work together with other Komatsu machine parts
to deliver optimal production levels. With a super-slant nose and rear mounted cooler, the
D61EXi/PXi-23 dozer is reliable and versatile and offers the best value for your money.
In fact, it is unique on the market today.

Intelligent Machine Control

• 3D GNSS system
• Integrated & standard factory installed
• Automated operation from rough dozing to finish grade
• Highly increased efficiency

Unmatched visibility and safety

• Unique super-slant nose
• Cab-forward design
• Integrated ROPS/FOPS
• Rear view camera system

High productivity & low fuel consumption

• Low consumption EU Stage IIIB/EPA Tier 4 interim engine
• Highly efficient hydrostatic drive line
• Straight Power Angle Tilt blade with adjustable pitch
• Electronically-controlled, hydraulically-driven fan

126 kW / 169 HP @ 2.200 rpm
First-class operator comfort OPERATING WEIGHT
• Outstanding 360° visibility D61EXi-23: 17.890 kg
• Large and quiet pressurized cab D61PXi-23: 18.770 kg
• Easy control with Palm Command Control System
joysticks (PCCS)
• Air-suspended driver seat positioned close to
centre of gravity

Easy maintenance
• Rear-mount radiator with swing-up hydraulic fan
• Monitor with self-diagnostic function
• Simple and convenient access to service points

Complimentary maintenance
program for customers

Komatsu Wireless
Monitoring System

High reliability and durability

• Komatsu PLUS undercarriage standard
• Modular power train design
• Heavy-plate steel used throughout
• Main frame made with welded and cast parts

Intelligent Machine Control
Innovative Intelligent Machine
The D61EXi/PXi-23 comes with
a fully factory installed 3D Global
Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
Machine Control system. Add-on
components for machine control
typically mounted on the blade are
now replaced with a factory in-
stalled cab top GNSS antenna, an
enhanced inertial measuring unit
(IMU+), and with stroke sensing
hydraulic cylinders. This integrated
sensor package is robust and accu-
rate. It eliminates the daily hassles
of installing and removing antennas
and cables from the blade, and the
wear associated with it.

Automatic dozing from start

to finish
While high-precision finish grading
can be achieved by dozers with a
conventional control system, the
D61EXi/PXi-23 can also perform
rough dozing in automatic mode.
When rough dozing, the fully auto-
matic blade control monitors blade
load and adjusts blade elevation,
to minimize track slip and perform
high-efficiency dozing. Blade con-
trol adjusts to provide finish grade
performance with high-level preci-

Intelligent Machine Control

Factory integrated Cab top GNSS antenna Enhanced inertial measuring

All components for machine control No more worries about blade unit (IMU+)
are installed during assembly at mounted antennas or cables. The Chassis mounted enhanced inertial
the Komatsu manufacturing facility, cab top GNSS antenna on your measuring unit (IMU+) and intel-
ensuring a reliable and high qual- D61EXi/PXi-23 reduces risk of dam- ligent logic provides for finish grade
ity installation. Komatsu customer age and theft. accuracy without blade mounted
support is extended to the machine sensors. Positional updates up to
control system itself. 100 times/second, for high speed
automatic operations.

Dozing modes

Load modes

Stroke sensing hydraulic Standard touch screen control Intuitive selectable load
cylinders box settings
Robust stroke sensing hydraulic Factory installed and features sim- Machine control load settings can
cylinders employ proven Komatsu ple, easy to use operator interface. be adjusted between presets to
sensor technologies for accurate Mounted high for excellent visibil- tailor response to material condi-
finish grade performance. Stroke ity, viewing angle is adjustable per tions. From dry loose sandy soils
sensing angle cylinder allows ma- operator preference. to wet heavy clay materials, system
chine control system to know the performance can be targeted ac-
angle of the blade. cordingly.

Improved efficiency
The fully automatic modes drasti-
cally improve efficiency of dozer
operations. Intelligent machine
control technology helps even less
experienced operators perform top
quality work.

As-built surface track mapping

Cab top GNSS antenna provides
for accurate as-built surface data
collection by measuring actual
elevations as machine continu-
ously tracks in operation. Progress
can be measured in real time with
operator selectable settings.

Unmatched Visibility and Safety
The best view
A super slant nose gives the
D61EXi/PXi-23 the best visibil-
ity of any dozers on the market.
This unique feature dramatically
increases efficiency and jobsite
safety, with operators now always
having full view of both the blade
and the ripper and of objects close
to them. The new cab-forward de-
sign, with integrated ROPS/FOPS
and large glass windows, provides
more room and places the operator
closer to the blade, further improv-
ing visibility and comfort.

Safe and easy access

For a safer entry and exit - and
maximum operator protection, the
D61EXi/PXi-23 includes numer-
ous hand-rails and access steps
both inside and outside the cabin.
It is also easier to refuel or clean
windows, or to reach most service

Rear view camera system

High Productivity & Low Fuel Consumption
New Komatsu engine Highly efficient hydrostatic
technology drive line
The powerful and fuel-efficient The hydrostatic drive line is a key
Komatsu SAA6D107E-2 engine in factor in the performance of the
the D61EXi/PXi-23 delivers 126 kW/ D61EXi/PXi-233 dozer. It supplies
169 HP and is EU Stage IIIB/EPA high drawbar pull when needed and
Tier 4 interim certified. To maximise a highly fuel efficient drive line for
power, fuel efficiency and emission grading and precision work. With
compliance, it is turbo charged and a choice between two operating
features direct fuel injection, air-to- modes, the operator can select
air after cooling and cooled EGR. either “quick-shift” or “variable
speed” to match a complete range
of applications in the most eco-
nomic and easy way.

Komatsu Diesel Particulate Filter (KDPF)

Komatsu’s high efficiency DPF captures
more than 90% of particulate matter. It
includes a special oxidation catalyst with fuel
injection system that can incinerate trapped
particulates by either active or passive re-
generation with no need to interrupt machine
Soot filter

Oxidation catalyst
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)
Cooled EGR is a technology well-proven KVGT
EGR valve
in current Komatsu engines. The increased
capacity of the EGR cooler now ensures
very low NOx emissions and a better engine

EGR cooler
Komatsu Variable Geometry Turbo (KVGT)
The KVGT provides optimal air flow to the
engine combustion chamber under all speed
and load conditions. Exhaust gas is cleaner,
Hydrostatic transmission
fuel economy is improved while machine (HST) control system
power and performance are maintained. KVGT KCCV
The unique, Komatsu-designed
hydrostatic transmission control-
Komatsu Closed Crankcase Ventilation ler monitors the engine output and
Crankcase emissions (blow-by gas) are working equipment or travel load.
passed through a CCV filter. The oil mist It controls the HST pumps and
trapped in the filter is returned back to the Variable nozzle
crankcase while the filtered gas is returned motors displacement to deliver
to the air intake. optimum speed and drawbar pull.
In addition, the controller provides
High-Pressure Common Rail (HPCR) ample power to both tracks when
To achieve complete fuel burn and lower turning, enabling counter rotation
exhaust emissions, the heavy duty High-
Pressure Common Rail fuel injection system at very low speeds and making the
Common rail
is computer controlled to deliver a pre- Electronic D61EXi/PXi-23 extremely manoeu-
cise quantity of pressurised fuel into the Control Unit
redesigned engine combustion chamber by vrable.
multiple injections. Supply pump

Automatic speed change Efficient hydrostatic engine For extra efficiency, the fan also has
Komatsu HST controller always cooling fan a large air outlet surface, and the
changes the travel speed automati- The cooling fan always runs at the complete inlet area is protected by
cally, depending on load or ground lowest convenient speed. Rota- a fine grid, to prevent small parti-
conditions, and efficient opera- tion and velocity are electronically cles from entering the fan area.
tions are facilitated – with no shift adjusted based on the temperature
shocks. The dozer can work at the of the engine coolant and hydraulic
optimal speed and drawbar pull oil. This reduces fuel consumption
point, increasing productivity and and operating noise levels, and
fuel efficiency. requires less horsepower than a
belt-driven fan.

First-Class Operator Comfort
A smooth ride and lower noise Easy operation control
levels The ergonomic Palm Command
The cab on the D61EXi/PXi-23 was Control System (PCCS) provides
moved forward, and operators now efficient and comfortable steer-
sit closer to the centre of gravity of ing of the machine, and the blade
the machine. With the ripper still control joystick utilizes Propor-
easily within eyeshot, they enjoy the tional Pressure Control (PPC) for
best view of the blade, the low- precise operations, excellent and
est vibration levels and the highest easy grading jobs - and improved
stability of any dozer on the market. productivity. Large TFT colour multi monitor
Silicon oil filled cab damper mounts
isolate the operator compartment
from the machine body and sup- Fully-adjustable, heated air
press vibrations, providing a quiet, suspension seat
comfortable operating environ- The driver’s seat and console
ment. A new unique location for the are amongst the most important
radiator - at the rear of the machine components of the driver’s equip-
- and the low speed of the hydrau- ment. The comfortable, heavy-duty,
lically driven cooling fan further air suspension seat, complete with
reduce noise levels. headrest, gives the operator a se-
cure and comfortable work environ-
Palm Command Control System (PCCS) with
ment. automatic/manual blade control button
Large TFT colour multi
A large user-friendly colour monitor Pressurised cab
enables safe, accurate and smooth The integrated ROPS/FOPS cab’s
work. It provides on-hand data to new design and large, tinted win-
continuously improve productivity dows ensure excellent visibility in
and fuel consumption. Multilingual all directions. Superior cab seal-
and with all essential information ing, air filters and raised internal air
available at a glance, it features pressure prevent dust from getting
simple and easy to operate switch- into the cab. In addition, the high-
es and multifunction keys that quality interior is lined with sound- Combined decelerator/brake pedal
provide the operator with fingertip absorbent material.
access to a wide range of functions
and operating information.

Auxiliary input (MP3 jack)

High Reliability and Durability
Low-drive “PLUS” Modular design
undercarriage D61EXi/PXi-23 was designed and
Komatsu’s new low-drive Parallel manufactured to have low main-
Link Undercarriage System (PLUS) tenance costs and a long lifetime.
is extraordinarily tough, with an This was achieved mainly by reduc-
excellent grading performance ing component complexity and with
and stability. It features PLUS link a strong modular design.
assemblies, a new highly reliable
floating bushing concept, sub-
stantial track link height, superior Improved rigidity and
oil seals and newly designed track durability
guards to maximise undercarriage Komatsu’s monocoque track frame
durability. For easier servicing, the uses thicker box section material,
equalizer bar’s centre pin can be and the machine’s main frame is a
remotely greased. The segmented highly-rigid simple hull with thick
sprockets can be changed individu- plates and steel casting. Both
ally and by hand, so a single me- frames have fewer welded com-
chanic can carry out replacements ponents and combine to provide
at the jobsite. increased strength, rigidity and
durability to the D61EXi/PXi-23.

EX undercarriage
The EX undercarriage has been Self-adjusting idler support
specially designed for working on The self-adjusting idler support pro-
hard ground. The small to medium- vides constant and even tension on
width shoes and PLUS link as- idler guide plates. It reduces noise
sembly ensure a large contact levels and vibrations and increases
area between the machine and the undercarriage life.
ground for maximum stability, grad-
ing performance and undercarriage

PX undercarriage
The PX undercarriage is ideal for
working on soft surfaces. The wide
shoes and PLUS link assembly en-
sure a large contact area between
the machine and the ground for
maximum stability, grading perfor-
mance and undercarriage lifetime.

Self-adjusting idler support High-rigidity simple hull frame structure

The new Komatsu PLUS undercarriage:
When conventional undercarriages are
long gone, the PLUS undercarriage
keeps going strong.

Easy Maintenance
Simple and convenient service Self-diagnostic monitor Engine protection
Well located service doors allow The multi-function monitor panel A large, double air filter ensures
convenient and safer ground ac- displays the running time, engine maximum engine protection. Fuel
cess to daily service points. With revs, fuel level and water coolant passes through a pre-filter with a
the radiator located at the rear temperature in real time. It also water separator and a special final
of the machine, engine fuel and provides the operator with main- filter, maximising the engine’s life-
oil filters can be easily accessed tenance and service information, time and minimising maintenance
from the front of the engine com- if oil filters need replacing or any costs. The engine cooling fan posi-
partment. Remote grease points abnormality occurs. In addition, it tion at the back of the machine sig-
facilitate lubrication of the C-frame supplies Komatsu mechanics with nificantly reduces dust levels at the
pivots and angle cylinder bearing. detailed information, with no need engine air intake. This intake has a
for external service tools. rain cap as standard and a turbo
type pre cleaner in option for very
dusty environments and to lengthen
the intervals between the cleaning
of the air filters.

Komatsu CARE is a complimentary

maintenance program for Komatsu Unique front-side access
customers that comes as standard
with every new Komatsu EU Stage
IIIB construction machine. For the
first 3 years or 2.000 hours it covers
factory-scheduled maintenance,
performed by Komatsu-trained
technicians with Komatsu Genuine
parts. It also offers up to a maxi-
mum of 2 complimentary Komatsu
Diesel Particulate Filter (KDPF) ex-
change units and a KDPF warranty
for the first 5 years or 9.000 hours. Segmented sprocket

Reversible swing-up fan
The D61EXi/PXi-23 includes a
swing-up fan with a gas strut-as-
sisted lift locking system to provide
easy access to the radiator, oil
cooler, and charge air cooler. The
operator can switch the hydraulic
fan to “cleaning” mode so that it
rotates in reverse at full speed to
clean the radiators, reducing main-
tenance costs and improving fuel

Komatsu Wireless Monitoring System
The easy way to higher Knowledge Convenience
productivity You get quick answers to basic and KOMTRAX™ helps to conveniently
KOMTRAX™ is the latest in wireless critical questions about your ma- manage your fleet on the web,
monitoring technology. It delivers chines - what they’re doing, when wherever you are. Data is analysed
insightful and cost saving informa- they did it, where they’re located, and packaged specifically for easy
tion about your fleet and equipment how they can be used more ef- and intuitive viewing in maps,
and offers you a wealth of infor- ficiently, and when they need to lists, graphs and charts. You can
mation to facilitate peak machine be serviced. Performance data is anticipate the type of service and
performance. By creating a tightly relayed by satellite from your ma- parts your machines could require,
integrated web of support it allows chine to your computer and to your or troubleshoot problems before
pro active and preventive mainte- local Komatsu distributor - who’s Komatsu technicians arrive on site.
nance and helps you to efficiently readily available for expert analysis
run a business. and feedback.

The detailed information that KOMTRAX™ puts at your fingertips 24 hours a day, 7 days a week gives you the
power to make better daily and long-term strategic decisions. You can anticipate problems, customize mainte-
nance schedules, minimize downtime and keep your machines where they belong – working on the job site.

Through the web application, a

variety of search parameters are
available to quickly find information
about specific machines based on
key factors such as utilization rates,
age, various notification messages,
and more.

A simple chart shows the machine’s

fuel consumption and helps you to
calculate total costs for a job site
and conveniently schedule fuel

Work Equipment
Komatsu blades Komatsu rippers
Komatsu uses a box blade design, Komatsu rippers were designed to
offering the highest resistance for combine the highest productivity
a low weight blade. This increases with a long lifetime. The shank is
total blade manoeuvrability and fitted with special wear parts that
machine balance. High-tensile- increase longevity, and offer the
strength steel was incorporated best penetration in various types of
into the front and sides of the blade materials.
for increased durability. The blade
shape design makes it easy to
handle a wide range of materials,
Multishank parallelogram
offering good blade penetration
ripper (EX) (option)
combined with a low blade rolling
The multishank parallelogram ripper
resistance. Komatsu blades help to
has 3 ripper shanks as standard,
deliver excellent fuel efficiency.
but can be easily converted to a
giant or two-shank ripper, depend-
Straight Power Angle Tilt ing on job conditions. The strong
blade with adjustable pitch parallelogram design offers straight
shank movement, adapted for dif-
The straight Power Angle Tilt blade
ferent jobsite applications.
(PAT), offers a wide range of work-
ing modes. The new centreball
design, with a large ball diameter,
offers a strong and durable solu-
tion for the blade attachment to the
Inpat frame reducing maintenance
costs. A fold-up version of the
blade for the PX machines guaran-
tees a transport width of 3 metres
and easy transportation between


Model .......................................................... Komatsu SAA6D107E-2 Type ............................................ Hydrostatic Steering System (HST)
Common rail direct injection, water-cooled, Steering control ............................................................... PCCS-lever
emissionised, turbocharged, after-cooled diesel Minimum turning radius (counter-rotation)
Engine power D61EXi-23 ..............................................................................2,1 m
at rated engine speed .................................................... 2.200 rpm D61PXi-23 ..............................................................................2,3 m
ISO 14396 ..............................................................126 kW/169 HP As measured by track marks on the ground.
ISO 9249 (net engine power) .................................125 kW/168 HP
No. of cylinders ................................................................................6
Bore × stroke ....................................................... 107 mm × 124 mm
Displacement...........................................................................6,69 ltr UNDERCARRIAGE
Governor ........................................................... All-speed, electronic
Fan drive type ......................................................................Hydraulic Suspension ......................... Oscillating equaliser bar and pivot shaft
Lubrication system Track roller frame ..................................... Monocoque, large section,
Method..............................................Gear pump, force lubrication durable construction
Filter ...................................................................................Full flow Tracks .................................................................PLUS link assembly
Track tension .............................Combined spring and hydraulic unit
Number of shoes (each side)..........................................................46
Grouser height (single grouser) ...............................................58 mm
HYDROSTATIC TRANSMISSION Track rollers (each side) ....................................................................8
Carrier rollers (each side)..................................................................2
Dual-path, hydrostatic transmission provides infinite speed changes
Shoe width (standard)
up to 9,0 km/h. The variable capacity travel motors allow the
D61EXi-23 ..........................................................................600 mm
operator to select the optimum speed to match specific jobs. Travel
D61PXi-23 ..........................................................................860 mm
control lock lever and neutral switch.
Ground contact area
D61EXi-23 .....................................................................37.980 cm²
D61PXi-23 .....................................................................54.440 cm²
Ground pressure
Quick shift mode Forward Reverse D61EXi-23 ....................................................................0,47 kg/cm²
1st 0 - 3,4 km/h 0 - 4,1 km/h D61PXi-23 ....................................................................0,34 kg/cm²
2nd 0 - 5,6 km/h 0 - 6,5 km/h
3rd 0 - 9,0 km/h 0 - 9,0 km/h

Variable speed mode Forward Reverse Including PAT blade, steel cab, operator, rated capacity of
0 - 9,0 km/h 0 - 9,0 km/h lubricant, coolant, and full fuel tank.
D61EXi-23 ....................................................................... 17.890 kg
D61PXi-23 ....................................................................... 18.770 kg



AND WEIGHT OF TRACTOR Fuel tank ...................................................................................372 ltr
Drawbar pull

INCLUDING MOUNTED Radiator ......................................................................................45 ltr

EQUIPMENT Engine oil ....................................................................................27 ltr
Final drive (each side) ................................................................8,1 ltr
Hydraulic tank ..........................................................................101 ltr


Engine emissions ...................Fully complies with EU Stage IIIB and

EPA Tier 4 interim exhaust emission regulations
Noise levels
Travel speed
LwA external ................................107 dB(A) (2000/14/EC Stage II)
LpA operator ear ........................78 dB(A) (ISO 6396 dynamic test)
FINAL DRIVE Vibration levels (EN 12096:1997)*
Hand/arm .............................. ≤ 2,5 m/s² (uncertainty K = 0,8 m/s²)
Type ............................................... Planetary gear, double-reduction Body ..................................... ≤ 0,5 m/s² (uncertainty K = 0,2 m/s²)
Sprocket .................................................. Segmented sprocket teeth * for the purpose of risk assessment under directive 2002/44/EC,
are bolt-on for easy replacement please refer to ISO/TR 25398:2006.


D61EXi-23 D61PXi-23
A 3.250 mm 3.860 mm
B 435 mm 515 mm
C 1.195 mm 1.155 mm
D 1.025 mm 1.025 mm
E 580 mm 580 mm
F 3.165 mm 3.165 mm
G 5.480 mm 5.480 mm N

H 3.340 mm 3.340 mm
I 57,5 mm 57,5 mm
J 1.900 mm 2.130 mm
K 600 mm 860 mm H

L 2.500 mm 2.990 mm
M 2.980 mm 3.530 mm C D
N 6.100 mm 6.220 mm G,L,


Ground clearance: 390 mm (+ 58 mm grouser height)


Type ................................CLSS (closed-centre load sensing system) Multishank ripper

All spool valves externally mounted beside the hydraulic tank. Type ............................. Hydraulically controlled parallelogram ripper
Maximum pump flow .........................................................171 ltr/min No. of shanks ...................................................................................3
Relief valve setting ...........................................................280 kg/cm² Weight (including hydraulic control unit) .............................. 1.780 kg
Spool control valve positions Beam length .......................................................................2.170 mm
Blade lift ..............................................Raise, hold, lower, and float Maximum lift above ground...................................................565 mm
Blade tilt .......................................................... Right, hold, and left Maximum digging depth .......................................................665 mm
Additional control valve positions for ripper
Ripper lift .................................................... Raise, hold, and lower
Hydraulic cylinders .......................................... Double-acting, piston
No. of cylinders × bore
Blade lift .......................................................................2 × 100 mm
Blade tilt .......................................................................1 × 120 mm
Blade angle ..................................................................2 × 110 mm

Overall length Blade width × height Maximum lift Maximum drop Maximum tilt Additional
with dozer above ground below ground adjustment weight

3,4 m³ PAT blade (EX) 5.480 mm 3.250 mm × 1.195 mm 1.025 mm 580 mm 435 mm 0 kg
3,8 m³ PAT blade (PX) 5.480 mm 3.860 mm × 1.155 mm 1.025 mm 580 mm 515 mm 0 kg
3.860 mm × 1.155 mm
3,8 m³ foldable PAT blade (PX)* 5.480 mm 1.025 mm 580 mm 515 mm + 240 kg
Folding width: 2.960 mm
Blade capacities are based on the SAE recommended practice J1265.
* Applicable only to light duty jobs.

Crawler Dozer

Standard and Optional Equipment

Komatsu SAA6D107E-2 turbocharged common rail Swing-out hydrostat-driven radiator fan with Steel cab, meets ISO 3471 and SAE J1040, APR88
 
direct injection diesel engine reversing function ROPS standards, as well as ISO 3449 FOPS 
EU Stage IIIB/EPA Tier 4 interim compliant  Dry type air cleaner, double element with dust standards

Fuel pre-filter (10 micron) and fuel filter (2 micron)  indicator and evacuator Horn 
Exhaust pipe with elbow  Water separator  Locks, filter caps and covers 
Intake pipe with rain cap  Multi-function video compatible colour monitor Back-up alarm 
with Equipment Management and Monitoring  Rear view camera system 
Alternator 24 V/60 A 
System (EMMS) and efficiency guidance
Starter motor 5,5 kW/24 V  Fire extinguisher 
KOMTRAX™ - Komatsu wireless monitoring
Batteries 170 Ah/2 × 12 V  
Cooling fan, hydrostatic driven  Komatsu CARE 
Fuel tank inlet strainer  ATTACHMENTS
Tool kit 
Intake pipe with air pre-cleaner  Front pull hook 
Hitch (not with ripper) 
Rigid drawbar 
Electronically controlled HST  Air suspension seat: fabric, reclining, heated, high

Palm lever steering control (PCCS)  backrest DOZER EQUIPMENT
Quick shift selection system  Seat belt with visible alert  3,4 m³ PAT blade (EXi) 

Variable speed mode  High mount footrest  3,8 m³ PAT blade (PXi) 

Reverse speed presets  Air conditioner  3,8 m³ PAT blade foldable (PXi) 

Combined decelerator/brake pedal  Radio  Multishank parallelogram ripper (EXi) 

Auxiliary input (MP3 jack) 
2 × 12 Volt power supply (120 W) 
Komatsu PLUS link assembly  Viscous cab mounts  Standard factory installed integrated 3D GNSS

Single grouser heavy-duty shoes Rear-view mirror (inside cab)  intelligent machine control system

(EXi: 600 mm; PXi: 860 mm) Wiper front window  Automatic blade load control 
Segmented sprockets  Wiper rear window  Topcon Sitelink ready 
Idler cushions  Wipers doors 
Track roller guard, centre and end section  Heated rear window  Further equipment on request
Full length track roller guard  Cup holder 
Lunch box holder   standard equipment
 optional equipment
Hydraulics for dozing blades 
Mono lever blade control  LIGHTING SYSTEM
Hydraulics for ripper  Working lights, 3 cab roof front, 2 cab roof rear 

Your Komatsu partner:

Komatsu Europe
International NV
Mechelsesteenweg 586
Tel. +32-2-255 24 11
Fax +32-2-252 19 81

EENSS20070 09/2013 Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.
is a trademark of Komatsu Ltd. Japan.

Printed in Europe – This specification sheet may contain attachments and optional equipment that are not available in your area.
Please consult your local Komatsu distributor for those items you may require. Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.

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